Container Entrainment (intentional possibility understructure) | DownloadMP3 from Aug 23, 2021

Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza

Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza

Container Entrainment (intentional possibility understructure) | DownloadMP3 from Aug 23, 2021

Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza

Hello everybody, or thanks, or you're welcome, or here is this, container entrainment, intentional

possibility, understruction.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Thank you for watching.

I think you have your headphones on.

I think you have your eye mask on.

I don't think you can see anything.

You're taking slow, deep breaths.

You're savoring what comes in.

You're not letting your memories,


You're holding on to them one more moment.

Right where you are

You can smell everything

As you breathe it out

You used to remember who you are

You don't do anything anymore

You just let it all go

You're not trying

Not anymore

It's all over

This is our last


Don't ask me anymore.

I stop knowing.

I don't know who you are.

I don't try anymore.

I let it all out.

I let you go.

You're blowing in the wind.

You don't remember anymore.

You stop trying.

You're letting it all go.

We don't remember anymore.

This week, this time,

this is called

Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza.

Coming together right now.

Hardly even a memory yet.

We're going to let it all go.

We're going to let down.

We're going to let it all go.

It's here on Monday afternoon

on the radio

on WTJU, Charlottesville, 91.1 FM.

If that's true, what I just said,

then you can call in right now.

You can call in live.

You can be here.

You can be this.

This changes.

This becomes that.

You can become bigger.

I can become smaller.

You can call 434-971-8678.

In the United States,

you can call 434-971-8678.

If you do, you'll be straight into this.

You will contribute

thoughtfully and thoughtlessly.

You won't be thinking.

You're listening to this on Wednesday


If you're in the East Coast of America,

or you're listening on Wednesday afternoon

on the West Coast

of North America,

you could be listening on

Wednesday night.

In Europe.

If you're listening to WFMU's

Give the Drummer radio

online at

slash drummer.

If what I said is true,

then you can be commenting along

on the live playlist online.

You can find the link there.

You can find the link

at the top of

You can be commenting

and emoting with buttons

and symbols

with others.

You can say hello.

It's any time

and it's any year

and we've lost track of all of it.

You're just by yourself.

If what I said is true,

then you're listening to an archive

of Ken's last ever radio extravaganza.

Possibly found at

or in a podcast

or on a DVD

or in some other system.

Please keep listening.

It's making right now.

Let's let it.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Thank you for watching.

There is a difference between what you dream and what you do.

But not for me.

It's the same thing.

There is a difference between what you dream and what you do.

But not for me.

I don't know.

I'm a radio guy.

Do I consider myself

a celebrity?

That word is so overused.


It's gonna be

whatever. Right?


My name is Peter Oldring

and I'm a professional


Growing up, did I always know

I was going to be a broadcaster?


I get a lot of attention

from my personal staff.

You would be surprised at how many times

I have been out there

and someone will come to me and say

I make a national voice.

I've listened to their stories.

They meant something to me.

This is my wife.

Can she get a picture?

Can she have a hug?

Am I a rebel?


I have to be.

Hello, Wolf.

While other people

are doing a vacation,

I'm thinking about

wire patches,

satellite dishes,

microphone technology,

and I don't know why.

Do I dream about

being on television?

Am I tempted?

I'm a radio guy.

I like to tell myself

that's so much.

That word is so overused.


Whatever. Right?


My name is Peter Oldring

and I'm a professional


Growing up, did I always know

I was going to be a broadcaster?


productioNotTV versus

faultdo notTV.

I got

bl Можно tell me

what you are saying?

we have a show

about how we quiet down

all the music

picked up.

I have stopped

with the radio doesn't

know it doesn't



I have talked a

lot today.

You start this


stop this training



I think that it

seems what it is.


Then he doesn't have

time on his business.

I don't know.

Man upstairs.


There's a baby.

You're my only friend.

Oh, that's not true.


We'll be right back.

We'll be ready for this.

Conversation, monologue, dream, input, output.

Repetition, knowledge, processing, synthesis,

conduction, isolation, resolution.

Engagement, containment, and trainment.

Durations, making spaces, making spaces, containing intention, creating spaces, creating unintentional

spaces, creating unintentional spaces, within which possibility, creating space container,

intending, intending containment.

For space.

Spaces under which possibility unhappens, containment of, in strange, combinatorial,

optional, voluntary, containing, creating, creating an attainment, unintentional, unintentional

entrainment, within which possibility, space.

Imagining, imagining outside, imagining, imagining none of, forgetting to imagine,

not having.

De-structuring, unstructuring, re-creating space within which experiences are possible,

creating structure for the container, not for the contents.

Creating under-structure around the container, creating the idea of a container within which

a container for unintended, unknown, unknowable possibility, opening up space within which

universality contains.


Unloading, forgetting, creating a possible space within which one remembers to forget.

Creating boundaries, strengths for resistance.


For resisting ambient energy, for rooting in present, creating, touching space, touching

unknowing possibility without which impossibility is uncontained.


Outside, outside of all spaces.

Being without, being without space, being without any spaces, a vacuum, a void within

which creativity is possible, creativity of an improvised, without knowing, intending to

intend without intending, semi-consciously approaching, subconsciously, but consciously,

conscious unconsciousness.

Creating safety for risk-taking, breaking and making, being ready to fall, being unafraid

of endless depths, exploring endless depths, being unafraid of the infinity of death and

depth, going to the edge of the depth.

Under depth, deepening one's relationship to death, defying one's depth, estrangement,

possibility, universe, accepting, discerning, being frustrated, being unsatisfied.

Experiencing dislike, being critical, having judgment.

Changing, having, fighting, squeezing, collapsing, crushing, opening, being critical, negativity,


Poles shifting

Pendulums swinging back and forth

Finding the edges

Creating the edges





Acceptance, acceptance, acceptance

Tracking the sound

Sounding the tracks










But we wouldn't say, oh it's a nice day today

Because that implies that we know what the day is

And we know what the weather was like yesterday

And so on

So we have to try to be careful not to

Place those demands on his memory

Because he then...

He then...

Ben does become upset, and we want him to have a calm and contented life.

Let go of all your memories today.

You don't remember any of it.

When did it start? When did it end?

It doesn't. It won't.

You don't need to know.

You can trust into it.

Be in between. Be in that space.

Be awkward. Don't know.

You don't have to know.

Call in. Seeds. Seeds are needed.

Call 434-971-8678.

It wasn't working before. It's working now.

If you call 434-971-8678,


What you think, what you say, what you know, what you make, what you sing, what you sound,

please call 434-971-8678 and be with this.

This is with you.

And you're listening to WTJU Charlottesville

on Mondays.

On Monday, close to 3pm.

You're listening to WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio.

on Wednesday, close to 6pm

Eastern Time.


You're listening to

Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza.

You're being listened to

by Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza

going on for a...

the past 24 years

and going on for another 24 minutes

times two

plus three.

And if you'd like to think it's Monday,


if you're in the Eastern Time Zone,

you can think that.

Thanks for

commenting on the online playlist.

Time travel information

available there.

Hi, Annie

and Henry

and Ken

and W.R. and Carmichael

and Rand and Paruby

and Ike, Christy

and Rella

and Michael.

Colin, Cantha.

And Kizeret.


And Rich.

And Jeff.

I'm waving at the screen.

It takes time to get acquainted.

It takes time for people to fall in love with someone else.

be able to

fall in love

with you




thanks for

listening today

on WFMU's

Give the






this is


last ever



last ever

dot org

here you





on the



it was








could you

hold on

a second


I'm gonna

hold on

I'm holding



what are

you laughing


hold on

can you

hold on

I think

I can

you're on

the phone

what do

you know

I just

put her

on hold

can you

hold on

keep holding on

hold on to


are you letting

anything go


are you letting

anything go

I'm letting

everything go

you are


well most of it

what else

I'm not

it's happening

nothing's left

what did you forget

most recently



I can't control what I do

I can't control all of this guilt and anxiety

I forgot time

And instead I felt the sun


What's the last thing you remembered?

Gravel beneath my feet

What was the last foot?

When's the last foot?

What's the last foot you held?



If you knew it was the last foot

What would you do with it?

Absolutely nothing

How would you know when you were done?


There's almost too much

What is too much?

No pink yet

Not enough

More than enough

I don't know.

George, I want you to understand something.

There is a difference between what you dream and what you do.

Are we allowed to do this?

Are we allowed?

I don't think so.

But I am.

I know.

When was the last time you performed?

Right now.

When was the last time you didn't answer?

In a moment.

I don't know.

Anything left to let go of?

I don't know what.

They are words that go beyond feeling.

I don't know.

I feel myself growing.

I feel myself taking shape.

Emerging from the soil.

I finally see myself.

Thank you for watching.

The idea that I think everyone has at some point, probably not in childhood, but some time later, that there's nothing to demonstrate that history is real, or that anything that doesn't exist is real.

Thank you so much. You can do anything. Have you ever had a dream?

Thank you.

Well, that was a live, that was a live, that was a live.

It was a live phone call. Someone called in.

Someone, someone called.

Someone called out. Someone called up.

Somebody was there.

It was a call to 434-971-8678. It was here.

It was, it was here. It was here. It's here.

Thanks for being here. This is a live, improvised sound collage.

It's static and dynamic.

It's almost over. It's almost over forever.

It's a test.

It's testing to see what is sound.

It's checking.

Checking the limits.

Finding out by doing.

Never understanding.

Continuing until stopping.

And continuing.


There'd be so much to talk about.

But we've already talked.

How else can we move?



Next time I'll call you.

Give me your phone number.

There can be no other way.

I'll call you this time, right now.

I can call you.

I can call you on the air, instead of you calling me on the air.

I can call you.

I'll give you my name, and it'll be the number.

You send me messages in all the ways that you do.

There are so many different simultaneous channels.

There's a stream of less messages than there's my number.

Some are easier to speak about than others.


Text messaging.

Text messaging goes back a long way.

Leaving little notes for people, slipping them across, sliding them under the door,

throwing them across the room, leaving them in a little slot, putting them under the pillow.

And you wondered, would they find the note?

Who would find the note?

Is someone else going to see the note?

Will they read it?

Will it be upside down?

What happens if it rains?

Will it be eaten?


They take those chances.

Sometimes we make a copy.

We use carbon paper and we copy the notes that we write to other people.

Or we photocopy or we get a stencil.

We make a stencil copy of the note before we give it away.

Maybe we give them the stencil copy because we like the original so much.

We know we like it so much.

The authentic thing to do is to make it for oneself.

A kind of recording.

People sometimes make recordings.

Today somebody made a stencil of the birds and the trees and the trucks.

And the winds.

And the tombstones.

And we're using acetate paper and we're putting layers together.

take your Carson paper.

We have afternoon coffee.

We have brand new emotionally charged objects.

These Picasso would-be nice.

Where is sự ?

Show me where.

Turn right.

What am I doing?

Not touch.

I, um... we, uh, are... also...

Copying. Copying. It's all just a copy. Nothing is here that's original.

Every... every phoneme, every utterance.

But we do it again. We go on. We reinvent the wheel.

We discover the wheel. We learn to roll.

We learned to roll before we weren't learning to roll.

We learn to swim and we worm around in our firm...

until we have infirmment and...

Well, what if I just... what if I just called?

You're not allowed to just call.

But you're not allowed to do any of it.

But you can call. You can call right now. You can call 434-971-8678.

It will make such important change if you call 434-971-8678 if you're listening here on Monday.

In the month, in the day, in the year.

If you call at some other time...

that might not be considered correct.

You can offer a correction.

You can offer a direction at 434-971-8678.

I mean...

This used to be called Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza.

I'm gonna keep trying.

I haven't given up on you yet.

I'm gonna keep trying.

Hey, but actually, if you don't call, you can send a note other ways.

I would really love it.

No matter what other ways, it also makes me feel I would love it.

You can send email, can at

You can send a note through the website,

You can send a note on the Blue Social Network site that still exists right at this moment.

And you can send a letter.

You can send it to someplace you think I might be,

or send it somewhere to someone who might be able to find me,

or someone who might cross the path,

or might leave it somewhere that I will discover it.

Send a note.

What's wrong with this place is that it's another marketplace.

And the marketplace is always the enemy of the artist.

What's wrong with this place is that it's another marketplace.

What's wrong with this place?

The human body has millions of nerve endings.

No power.

I feel. I feel.

I feel.

Roads represent a fundamental right of man

to have a human body.

To have access to the good things in life.

Each carries an electrical charge.

The mysteries of darkness and love.

I get to talk to people

who at long last know it's important.

I feel. I feel happy of myself.

Without roads,

established family,

favourites would become elitist delicacies.

The dream.


Individually very tiny,

but in combination surprisingly large.

Understand something.

The living make such meaningless distinctions.


Hi, you're on the air.

You made it here.

I can hear you.

It's okay, I'm not listening.

I'm trying to find a story

that I can read.

Somebody, somebody needs to slip you a note.


I'm sending you a blank note. I'm sending you a pen.

You can read it.

In the great green room, there was a telephone and a red balloon and a picture of a cow jumping over the moon.

What's the scariest thing you know?


Why do you do it?

Why do I be it?

Why do they do it to you?


What if they stop?


Is that what you want?



It's always possible.

What's the scariest love that ever happened?

It's the scariest love!

Oh my gosh.

I love all of you.

Step up and say it!


That is the scariest thing.

If everything loved you, everything loved you so much, it just kept coming for you,

closing in.

The tree branch was so in love with you.

The bed covers couldn't wait for you to finally fall asleep.


Who taught you how to love?

It's a disturbing thing because it's a trip beneath a beautiful surface,

but to a fairly uneasy interior.

I guess the gravel beneath my feet is what taught me to love.

And the sheets waiting for me to sleep.


















The genius of a car alarm is that you can't talk back to it.

It has a mouth, but no ears.

It makes you pay attention to it, but it pays not to you.

How does that mean we're in love?

Because it's safe.

Because you love the noise.

You hate it because you love hating it.

But you hate it because you love hating it.


Takes time for people to get


It takes time for people to fall in love with him

Every person ever booed

Takes time for people to fall in love with him

I have never understood why most people do things in the dark, they never think of doing

in the light, they never think of doing in the light, if we can buy cheap steel and kill in broad daylight, and have to wait till it's dark to make love, something's wrong somewhere, something's wrong somewhere, something's wrong somewhere.

Normally people burn it off, but in inactive people it just builds up, now because I designed Bill Burst to compress 30 seconds of advertising information into 3 seconds, it appears the brain violently stimulates these nerve endings simultaneously.

How should I cut my hair?

What kind of a car is this?

Who should I buy?

Will interest rates go up?

Potter's soup would be for the few, there'd be no more tea bags, no instant potatoes, no long life cream, there'd be no aerosols.

Detergents would vanish, so would tinned spaghetti, and baked beans with 6 frankfurters.

The right to smoke one's chosen brand would be denied, chewing gum would probably disappear, so would pork pies.

Foot deodorizers would climax without hope of replacement.

When the hydrolyzed protein and monosodium glutamate reserves ran out, food would rot in its packets.

Jesus Christ, there wouldn't be any more packets.

Packaging would vanish from the face of the earth.

Worst of all, there'd be no more cars.

More than anything, people love their cars.

They have a right to them.

They'd have to sweat all day in some stinking factory-making disposable cigarette lighters,

or everlasting Christmas trees.

By Christ, they're entitled to them.

They're entitled to any innovation technology brings, whether it's 10% more of it or 15% off of it.

They're entitled to it.

They're entitled to one of four important new ingredients.

Why should anyone have to clean their teeth without important new ingredients?

Why the hell shouldn't they have their CZT?

How dare some snotty Marxist carbuncle presume to deny them it?

They love their CZT.

They want it. They need it.

They positively adore it.

By Christ, while I've got air in my body, they're going to get it.

They're going to get it bigger and brighter and better.

I'll put CZT in their margarine if necessary.

Shove vitamins in their toilet rolls.

If happiness means the whole world standing on a double layer of foot deodorizers,

I bet they will see that they get them.

I'll give them anything and everything they want.

By God, I will.

I shall not cease till Jerusalem is builded here,

on England's green and pleasant land.

In some subjects, it causes a short circuit.

Some particularly slow, perpetual views literally explode.

As simple as that.

I've got rather good example of one on this Weaver's Cape.


Thank you.

I love the, I, to me, I grew up in the Northwest in a very, very beautiful world, and a lot of my life has been discovering this strange sickness, and it's got a fascination to me.

And I love the idea of going into something and discovering a world and being able to watch it and experience it.

There are things going on that, that are hidden, that we don't know about, but somehow we are drawn to at least wanting to see it, to wanting to watch it, maybe from a distance.

I get ideas, and I go with those ideas.

It's not that I set out to disturb someone or do something to an audience.

I set out to try to translate these ideas into film.

And to create some sort of a world for me that I can say, yes, this is what was in my mind.

So it's purely personal for you to do this, to have a vision and then make a film.

A lot of it is like going into a dream for me, yeah.

And, yes, it is.

Your dreams must be awful.

Do you ever sleep?

Well, I sleep, but these are more like waking dreams, I guess.

Do you think?

Do you think you're a genius or a really sick person?

Ralph, Valerie, I don't know.

My dreams change everything that comes before them, and nobody knows it but me.

I killed him.

George, I want you to understand something.

There is a difference between what you dream and what you do.

But not from me.

You won't get the hang of it.

I know it.

I will get the hang of it.

I know it.

If I just keep practicing.


A little breath in and a little breath out.

A little more trust.

A little more fear.

Letting it.

This really is it.

Can't go on.

We can't keep going on like this.

It's your last chance to call in.



Only on Monday.

Only at 3.58 p.m. Eastern Time.


Oh, you can almost do it.

You can still do it.

You can still just call.

You can call.

It would be here.

Add that last thing.

Everyone would remember it forever.

If they got to the end.

If they started from the end.

But it's all over.

Thanks for listening to Ken's Last Time.

It'll happen again in two Mondays.

Not exactly the same.

Maybe entirely not the same.

And maybe it won't happen at all.

It happens roughly every other Monday

in a very loose and gentle way

here on WTJU Charlottesville

and on 91.1 FM and online.

And it happens again every here Wednesday.


Give the drummer radio stream.

It's a radio station in New Jersey.

It has online components.

Your type of radio station.

It's being along in a live playlist.

Everyone is typing and typing and typing

and pasting and copying and posting and linking.

And you're doing that too.

You're doing that with them.

We're all doing that together.

The links to all the things

are at the top of

It has been there for a long time

and it will be there long beyond

all the other things that are not like it.

You can use the things that are going to be here

and that are going to disappear

like the blue site that is popular.

but it'll go away, so just go to

You can send me an email, ken at

I might occasionally let you know

when something special is happening.

I'm on every Wednesday here

at WFMU's Give the Drama Radio.

Every other something in here.

Listen to the archives and try one out

and stream this thing and listen to the other thing

and go on and give up and it's over and thank you

and it's gone and that was

all of it.


I am really glad for all the things

that you said and did and whatever

you were today, all of you who

were and who are and who are

and who have yet to be, thanks for everyone

chatting today. Thanks Annie

and Henry and everyone else.

All the others

and everyone to come and everyone who has

been, remember to

be free and be individual and

be collective and be caring

and care for yourself and care for everyone

and think


come in a network that is

not top heavy but comes

up from the bottom and the ground and


don't get hurt, and I'll be there for you.

And I'll see you next time.

I'm actually here every Monday.

Three to five p.m.

Eastern time on WFMU's Give the Drama Radio.

for schedule info.

Everything else that you might wonder

about that because it can be really

confusing. Sometimes it keeps on

going even after the ending.

I don't do it to disturb you.

I don't do it to create any particular

feelings. I don't do it to do anything.

feeling except in myself. It's just what makes sense. It's just what I have. I don't know what

I would put on my placard. I don't know if I would ever finish. Bye everybody. Thanks.

The archive of today's show is here.

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