Underground Edition.

Celtica Radio

Celtica Radio

Underground Edition.

Celtica Radio

The Underground Edition with Bill Everett

Turn to the Movement by Les Fradkin,

a prolific singer-songwriter and virtuoso of the Star Labs Zitar,

the Mellotron and the electric 12-string guitar.

He also captured headlines in the original cast as George Harrison

in the mega-hit Broadway show Beatlemania in the 1970s,

and amongst others,

Les has played with the Ventures.

Hello again, thanks very much for tuning in.

This is Bill Everett here with the Celtica Radio Underground Edition,

online, on your mobile, tablet and smart speaker.

And in this update, as well as hearing some great new music

and information about the artists,

we also have the urban legend of the Time Traveller.

And in our Who Said This?, I'd like to know who said this.

Our nations have together experienced all the tragedies in recent history.

So who do you think said that?

I'll give it to you again.

Our nations have together...

Our nations have together experienced all the tragedies in recent history.

So, any idea?

I'll give you the answer at the end of the show.

And music-wise, we have tracks from Lost Transmission,

Freud's Couch,


Zeros to Heroes,

a new release from Marianne Stefanik,

and in a moment, Thrill Killer.

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Celtic Radio

Let's go

She's got me in her eyes

Another innocent lie

And it's all familiar

I'm familiar

I lie awake alone at night

I feel a void that I despise

On me

She plays a game that no one wins

Taking a toll beneath the skin


This only happens when I'm alone

A curse that blinks the dark

This only curse she's given up

Can you see?

Deadly pride in disguise

Realize all that I've got to move

Got to move

It's a stain to the base

It's insane to relate

Got to move

She's got me in her eyes

Another innocent lie

And it's all familiar

I lie awake alone at night

It's a factually

A place

Another curious space

And it's all familiar

I check the phone and no one's there

A lonely glow to that I stare onto me

The dreams become my greatest fear

I'm troubled love that once had been unseen

I run the risk, I'm giving up

I run the risk, I'm not enough

Can you see?

Deadly pride in disguise

Realize all that I've got to move

Got to move

It's a stain to the base

It's insane to relate

Got to move

She's got me in her eyes

Another innocent lie

And it's all familiar

I lie awake alone

It's a factually

A place

Another curious space

And it's all familiar

I lie awake alone

She's got me in her eyes

Another innocent lie

And it's all familiar

I lie awake alone

It's a factually

A place

Another curious space

And it's all familiar

She's got me in her eyes

Another innocent lie

And it's all familiar

I lie awake alone

It's a factually

A place

Another curious space

And it's all familiar

I lie awake alone

It's a factually

A place

Another curious face

And it's all familiar

I lie awake alone

She's got a wicked rhythm, she's got a wicked rhythm, she's got a wicked rhythm that she's given me.

She's got me in her eyes

Another innocent lie

And it's all familiar

It's a peculiar place

Another curious space

And it's all familiar

She's got me in her eyes

Another innocent lie

And it's all familiar

It's a peculiar place

Another curious space

And it's all familiar

On demand, on the internet, 24 hours a day

There's a fervent zeal

And a mass appeal

I see the crowd awaken

As a thunderpeal

Rings in the winds of change

And we rearrange

The world

And determined eyes

Seek to ostracize

Those who quell the storm

With their empty lies

Then just turn away

On election day


And I owe you

To know

That it's up to you

And I want you

To know

That it's up to you

My friends

That tell me

That I'm wasting my time

And I know

That I won't make a dime

It's no crime

That I want to believe

In him

Could it be

I'm so naive

So naive

It takes so many hearts

From so many parts

To force the

Vendor last in the moral life

To the lock of the universe

When it seems the worst is here

And while the streets alive

On a justice drive

To the days before

This darkened tide

We will soon return

In November we learn to cheer

And I'm on my way to the moon

And I want us all to learn

How to take a knee

And I want us all to learn

What it means to be free

At last it appears

That in spite of this dream

It's one bended knee

We cannot redeem

A better angel

They struggle to breathe

Could it be

I'm so naive

So naive

The poisoned air

There's a common prayer

And in all our pain

We as one will share

And we shall overcome

As we have always done

Through time

The crowd that gathers round

It hears a raging sound

They'll never disappear

And will always be found

When the call goes out

They'll never disappear

You needn't have any doubt in mind

And I want the world to know

It's right to be naive

And the world will be a better place

When we're all naive

And brothers

We keep the peace

And keep up the good work

We keep the peace

And sisters

The love we feel

Won't fade overnight

What a beautiful tale

We all will weep

If we let ourselves be so naive

So naive

Let yourself be so naive

Sean Kiyotay with So Naive

Sean has been in music for much of his life

But only recently placed music at the centre of his universe

Born and raised in Los Angeles

Sean was an academic and athletic standout

Whose path, laid before him, was directed to a world of study

This path he diligently followed for much of his life

Until the draw of his constant musical yearnings

And after nearly succumbing to advanced cancer

Gave him the impetus to pursue his passion for music

He has played in bands

Though for much of this time

And also playing in the Roxy in 1995

And a variety of clubs

Ranging from Los Angeles to Chicago

And he can be reached at


And we also heard Wicked Rhythm

From Thrill Killer

A band created by

Rob Bradley

Alongside Maxim Sobchenko

They mix elements of rock, metal, funk and pop

Into a viciously unique style of music

The members of the band have toured from Virginia

To Connecticut

To Ohio

And shared the stage with Sebastian Bach

The Proto Men

Dio Disciples

Featuring Tim Owen

And Symphony X

And played festivals such as

Mag Shock

The Exposed Music Fest

And furthermore

You can find them

At ThrillKiller.net

And on all social media platforms

And on all social media

Okay then

Time for another go to

Who said this

So who do you think said this

Our nations have experienced together

All the tragedies in recent history

Now who do you think said that

I'll give it to you once again

Our nations have together experienced

All the tragedies in recent history

You'll get the answer at the end of the show

This is the Underground Edition with Bill Everett

And shortly


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We'll be right back.

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Bill Everett, Bill Everett from Celtica

With you

Bill Everett, Bill Everett from Celtica

Bill Everett from Celtica

happy now

The light of the

moon makes us feel alive

I never thought

I would get the prize

But some of my days

are here to stay

As long as you never

go away

That's how I'm feeling


For once I'm happy


For once I'm happy


For once I'm happy now

Oh what a feeling


Cause I'm so happy


Yeah I'm so happy


Yeah I'm so happy now

That's how I'm feeling


For once I'm happy


For once I'm happy


For once I'm happy now

The light of the moon

makes us feel alive

I never thought

I would get the prize

But some of my days

are here to stay

As long as you never

go away

That's Summer Days by Zeros to Heroes

who also call themselves

They Drove Me To It

and couldn't quite make up their mind

which name of the band they wanted

So you take a female former porn

magazine writer on lead vocals

a male music producer on guitar

and their combined obsession

with 1990s alternative rock

Then you add a heavy metal

and wrestling obsessed

male guitar talent

a tall male punk bass player

a music obsessive male drummer

and their diverse record collections

and the result is

Zeros to Heroes

or They Drove Me To It

or whatever they want to call themselves

at the time


Time for another go at our

Who Said This?

So who do you think said this?

Our nations have together

experienced all the tragedies

in recent history

I'll give that to you

again, shall I?

Our nations have experienced

all the tragedies

in recent history

Still no idea?

I'll tell you at the end of the show

But now it's time

for our urban legend

which is called

The Time Traveller

The strange case of John Titor

is for some worldly wise

internet users

nothing new

But there are still many people

who have yet to come across

this online curiosity

The story of John Titor

has spawned a book

a theatre performance

and rumours of a movie

as well as plenty of webpages

attempting to prove or disprove

his claims

which began on the 2nd of November 2000

and continued for a period

of about 5 months

John Titor stated that

he was a time traveller

visiting us from the year 2036

At the threshold of the 21st century

someone calling themselves

Time Travel underscore Zero

began posting to a

number of online

time travel related messaging boards

claiming to be a time traveller

from the year 2036

The first website

Time Travel underscore Zero

posted to included

the Art Bell Site 1

and the Time Travel Institute site

In these posts

Titor made numerous predictions

about future events

some vague and some quite specific

starting with events

occurring around 2004

In them he described

a drastically changed

future in which the United States

had broken up into 5 smaller regions

The environment and infrastructure

had been destroyed by a nuclear attack

and most other world powers

had also been destroyed

However he didn't give a name

until January 2001

where he claimed to be

an American soldier from 2036

assigned to a governmental

time travel project

Titor had been sent back to 1975

to retrieve an IBM 50001

100 computer

which he said was needed to debug

various legacy computer programs in 2036

a possible reference to a problem that

some systems may encounter

in the year 2038

On his return from 1975

Titor claimed to have stopped over

in the year 2000

for personal reasons

During that time he had been

trying to alert everyone that would listen

about the threat of

Kreuzfeldt-Jakob or mad cow disease

about the threat of Kreuzfeldt-Jakob or mad cow disease

and about the possibility of civil war

within the United States

He also suggested that UFOs

and extraterrestrials might be time travellers

from much further into the future

than his own time

with superior time machines

The time machine itself was spoken about

on several occasions

and initially installed in the rear

of a 1967 Chevrolet Corvette convertible

It was then moved to a 1987 truck

having a four-wheel drive

Titor shared several stories about it

Titor took several scans of the manual

of the C204 time displacement unit

with diagrams and schematics

and posted some photographs

of the device installed in the car

Titor claimed that the

Everett-Wheeler model of quantum physics

better known as the many worlds interpretation

was correct

Of course this means that the details

that he presented were also unfalsifiable

But although invoking the many worlds interpretation

of quantum mechanics

Titor also explained assurances

that the differences were minimal

and as such his descriptions have been interpreted

as predictions when compared with historical events

since 2001

The most immediate of Titor's predictions

was an upcoming civil war in the United States

having to do with order and rights

He described it as beginning in the year 2004

in his time with civil unrest

surrounding the presidential election of that year

He described it as beginning in the year 2004 in his time with civil unrest surrounding the presidential election of that year

This civil war, according to Titor

would have ended in 2015

with a brief but intense World War III

One of Titor's earliest assertions

was that CERN would discover the basis for time travel around 2001

with the creation of miniature black holes

about six months after his departure from our time frame

This of course did not occur

Civil war did not break out after the 2000 war

nor did World War Three happen in 2015

Nor did World War Three happen in 2015

Numerous commentators have pointed out the extensive similarities

between the Titor story

and Pat Frank's classic post-apocalyptic science fiction novel

Alas Babylon

and the use of an automobile as a time machine

had been a plot device in popular pieces of fiction

prior to Titor's postings

especially in the 1985 movie, Back to the Future

Especially in the 1985 movie, Back to the Future

An Italian TV program aired an investigation of the John Titor story on May 19th, 2008.

Mike Lynch, the private detective hired to investigate, found that there were no registry traces, even far in the past, of any John Titor or Titor family.

But he did discover that there was a for-profit company called the John Titor Foundation.

It had no office and it only had a rented postbox in Kissimmee, Florida.

No evidence of John Titor was found and only Larry Harbour, an entertainment lawyer and the CEO of the John Titor Foundation based in Celebration, Florida, confirmed his existence.

So, is Lynch's conclusion that John Titor may allegedly be a clever hoax correct?

Or is the John Titor Foundation simply a businessman taking commercial advantage of a genuine mystery?

One thing is for certain.

In the light of President Donald Trump's election in 2016, the COVID-19 pandemic, the protests following the murder of George Floyd and the 2020 U.S. presidential election,

the story has many people thinking that perhaps he really has been visited by people from the future.

What have you learned so far that you haven't heard of the story of John Titor?

Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

And if you haven't already, be sure to hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe to our channel.

Thank you so much for watching.

Have a great day.


You're a ghost now, so you can lose yourself.

Climbing the total down, climbing on.

You're a ghost now, so you can lose yourself.

Climbing the total down, climbing on.

You're a ghost now, so you can lose yourself.

Climbing the total down, climbing on.

You're a ghost now, so you can lose yourself.

Climbing the total down, climbing on.

It might feel lonely, it might feel a little frightening.

So let go and you'll be part of everything.

Realize quick, you don't need anything, come stay with me.

You want me cool, close, hot girls and money.

Cool, close, hot girls and money.

You want me cool, close, hot girls and money.

You're a ghost now, so you can lose yourself.

Climbing the total down, climbing on.

You're a ghost now, so you can lose yourself.

Close heart girls standing by The Dome of Townsend

Climbing on

Close heart girls standing by The Indigo

Close heart girls standing by The Dome of Townsend

Climbing on

Close heart girls standing by The Indigo

The gun is my time, the wrist my when

If there is no tongue, there is no aligning on the tongue.

If there is no tongue, there is no aligning on.

Alarms with time.

So, ALARMS, which stands for Almost Like a Religious Movement,

takes inspiration from the singer-songwriter Daniel Kuntz's favourite childhood bands,

Depeche Mode, The Beatles and Talking Heads.

Now then, I asked this question a little earlier, who said this?

Our nations have together experienced all the tragedies in recent history.

So, who do you think said that? I'll give that to you one more time.

Our nations have experienced together all the tragedies in recent history.

Still haven't got it?

Then I'll tell you after we've heard from Freud's couch.



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We'll be right back.

Keep trying to stand up and keep trying.

That's Stand Up by Freud's Couch,

who originated in 1992, recording and touring through to 2003 before splitting.

Then in late 2016, the band reunited to record.

They're on all social media and come from Sudbury in Canada.

Now, I asked this question at the beginning of the show.

Who said this?

Our nations have together experienced all the tragedies in recent history.

So, who do you think said that?

I'll give that to you one more time.

Our nations have together experienced all the tragedies in recent history.

Still no idea?

Well, it was by Vladimir Zelensky, the president of the Ukraine,

talking about the suffering that both his country and Israel have endured.

We're going to play out now with Lost Transmission and Circles.

This is a four-piece rock band heralding from London and Oxford.

They claim influences as diverse as Muse, Led Zeppelin, and A Perfect Circle.

They're a unique blend of Eastern-influenced rock,

combines equal amounts of intricacy and energy,

a combination that works well live as it does in the studio.

You can find them at myspace.com slash transmission4, and 4 is the number 4.

Before I go offline, I'd like to thank you very much,

and if you like any of the music you've heard in this show,

or on any of the other programs here on the station,

please check the artists out on their various websites and go and buy their music.

But that is a lot from me, and don't forget,

if you'd like to contact us about anything you've heard in this program,

then please do.

My address is bill at celticaradio.com.

So, that's bill at celticaradio.com.

And for the moment from me, Bill Everett,

wherever you're listening in the world,

good night, good morning, good evening.

Good evening.

Your voice is calling me

Another face before me

And that it brings

Something desirable

Is this what you saw?

Is this what you were?

Something never there

Is this what you saw?

Is this what you were?

Something never there

I see faces history

Smiling into my fear

And that it brings

Something desirable

I hear voices calling me

Another face before me

And that it brings

Something desirable

Is this what you saw?

Is this what you were?

Something never there

Is this what you saw?

Is this what you were?

Something never there

And that is who you are

Doesn't matter what they think of me

It matters who you are

Doesn't matter what you think

What you think

Doesn't matter what you think

What you think

Doesn't matter what you think

Is this what you were?

Is this what you saw?

Something never there

Is this what you saw?

Is this what you were?

Something never there

Is this what you saw?

Is this what you were?

Something never there

Is this what you saw?

Is this what you were?

Something never ends

guitar solo

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