ETHS 157 – Beef Passports and Shitty Dementia Movies

Fox, Weinstein, Wilkerson

Eat This Hot Show

ETHS 157 – Beef Passports and Shitty Dementia Movies

Eat This Hot Show

here we go yes oh what was that what are we doing

automatic we are out and about we are singing hallelujah with our hearts torn out no need to

feed on what you already know your place has been set

all right well that's enough of the theme song because uh the there's some editorial problems

there um so i i i have to fix it but i'm not not on today

as the

the rupaul girls say not on today um so today we are back it's eat this hot show we've had some

we've had some um challenges um we've had a little bit the problem you see is that

um our co-host uh what's her name again sharon osborne canceled us because

um she uh she um beheaded too many people or something it's a big mess we had drama

i'm not going to go into the drama


because I don't remember it.

It's been several weeks, and I already forgot.

But all I know is that Reagan Fox quit the show,

and she's never coming back because we're horrible people,

especially me and that Debbie, too.

We're horrible people, and, you know,

Debbie and I, we're going to study some critical race theory

and get back to her,

and we're going to read the Bible of how to act about,

you know, we're going to learn how to act.

Great, so can you offend me to that point

that I never want to be on the show again?

That will be very easy, apparently.

We'll just tell you you look pretty.

So speaking of guests,

so our current co-host, let's just say,

we're going to say Griselda, right?

That's who you are?

Yeah, sure.


I'm Griselda.

Griselda, the Park Avenue princess.

Oh, that's the girl.

She is a prisoner.

She's from Park Avenue.

She's in a lovely penthouse,

and she's here.

She's here with us,

and she's obese,

and she loves to talk about topics related to eating,

food, exercise, and all kinds of things.

So welcome to the program, Griselda.

Thank you.

I really like that painting behind you.

It's very interesting.


David painted that.

Remember him?

Super Smash?


Oh, yeah.

Isn't it great?

I love it.

Really nice.

Yeah, Super Smash.

Didn't you bite his skin tag off him once or something?

I mean, you mentioned the skin tag, right?

I wouldn't have.

They're going to quit the show already.

You just had a lot of them.

This could be a record, right,

of first person to quit the show, like, within the show.

Like, before it's even finished, you could already self-cancel.

No, that's not true.


You had an RNC person on one time, your normal show.

You used to radio, and he quit, I think, 15 seconds in.

I don't know.

He did some R&B.

No, it wasn't Andy.

Kate Beckinson?

No, Madge wanted to do, like, a serious interview and have him on,

but obviously it wasn't serious, because I was on it,

Sharon was on it, and he was talking about his foot art

that was pornography-related.

Oh, seven.

Yeah, we started laughing, because, I mean,

you're using really expensive cameras and lenses to, you know,

just a foot.

A foot and an ass.

Yeah, basically.

How is seven?

I don't know.

He canceled us.

I haven't talked to him since then.

That was the end.

Oh, I follow him on Twitter.

Social media.


I don't know.

I think he signed a deal with Foot Locker.

I don't know.

So what I was hoping to do...

Only fans.

So, Debra, I should, before we continue,

I'm sorry to be discontinuing.

I purposely didn't want to plan a whole lot of the show,

because after the whole Reagan debacle,

I feel like we could deal with a lot less structure today.

So I just thought, you know, let's just take it easy, relax.

But there is one structure I'd like to add,

which is I'd like to keep it down to an hour, if possible.

We'll see how that goes.

If possible, just because, you know,

I think this shit lasts too long.

Debbie, how are you?

How have you been since the last...

I'm doing wonderful, honey.


I am in the process of spending money,

so I'm very happy.

Acquiring Mac products and microphones.

Yeah, you're very rich.

I see.

I know that you're a full-time YouTuber now.

You were on the dole because you got the Biden money.

And before that, you had the Trump money.


And you're rich, and you have more money than me,

even though I work.

More money than anything.

Though I would be retired right now

if I wouldn't have took your advice on the Ethereum

a couple years ago.

Why do you blame me for that?

Well, I just...

What did I...

First of all, what was the advice?

Because I don't remember.

Oh, all these other coins, Debbie, are just BS.

You don't need the other coins.

Bitcoin's the true coin, which I have the Bitcoin,

which thanks to you, you know,

but since I have it in the Bitcoin, Stacey.

But the Ethereum,

you know, I bought in at $11,

and I got rid of it, what was it, two years ago,

when you were like,

oh, no, that's not where the magic is.

Well, wait a second.

I think, is Stacey...

I don't look at the chat room

because I generally get very upset.

Well, hopefully it's the real Stacey

because, you know, she has a lot of issues

with a few of the imposters.

I'm sure that's her.

But because she called...

She said Griselda looks fat,

so I'm pretty sure that imposter

wouldn't know how fat she is.

She says Griselda looks like

she got even more obese during lockdown.

But Stacey is...

I did.

She's only 10 pounds,

but we're not talking about that right now.

I'm wearing a white, you know, a huge shirt.

Well, you're huge.

You need a huge shirt.

If it wasn't...

White makes you look thin.

You'd look like Lizzo

if you weren't any tighter.

Oh, my God.

There's so much to talk about,

but since Stacey's here,

I mean, she knows about...

She's a severe Bitcoin maven

with her Orange Pill show

and the Kaiser Report,

but I just don't...

I don't do shit coins.

The only one I'm interested in is Bitcoin.

And what happens is

this is the same pattern

that happened in 2017.

You know, Bitcoin got high,

and then the other coins follow,

and they all blow up,

and then they all fall,

and then Bitcoin's the only one

that has resilience.

Those shit coins all fell.

So you can play games with that shit

if you want to,

but, you know...

Well, it's too late now.

I've already sold it.

Did you buy Dogecoin, too?

I don't want to...

No, I never got into

any of the crappy coins.

The only one I got into

was Ethereum,

because I liked what the guy

was preaching back in the day,

back when he was saying,

he's a little man.

Eat a dick.


Well, he's a billionaire now.

Okay, so...

But he's still ugly.

How do you become a billionaire

and get no work done?

He's a robot.

I mean, get your...

He's a robot.

That's what I'm just saying.

Get you some Accutane, honey.

Come on.

He's just so...

He's a robot.

Vitalik Buteron.

That's a robotic name, anyway.




So we're going to do topics.

We're going to rotate topics,

and I'm going to try and moderate...


This episode,

I'm going to try and moderate

to keep things going if I can,

which I'm sure I will fail at,

as usual.

So I'll let Debbie go,

since she is experienced.

I don't want Griselda to have to go,

since she's never gone.

But you'll go second,

and then I'll go third.

So what's your first topic, Debbie?

Do you have a topic for us?


Well, we overlay topics

with a certain woman,

but I'll let you save that one, okay?

Oh, no.

I'm bleeping.

I'm sorry.

I have to put myself...

on Do Not Disturb.

See, I'm getting horrible notifications

on my screen about stocks.

Oh, that's bad.


Okay, go ahead.


So I was going to lead with Caitlin,

but I'll let you have her, okay?

And we'll overlap.

You can do it.

I don't care.

I have plenty of stories.

No, no, no.

I mean, I think I'll let you lead with it,

honey, but...

But it's too late to lead

because you already are leading.

So would you like to lead?


No, you lead with whatever you want.

Okay, let's lead with her then.


And then we'll play your video, okay?

Well, actually,

your video.

So as many people know,

Caitlin is running for governor.

And she looks horrible.

She looks good.

She is wrecked.

No, no, no.

I will...


Personally, I think she looks good.

I will give her that.

It looks like somebody just...

She looks good.

Her surgeon just took a knife

and just cut everywhere.

She's 80-something years old, honey.

Oh, is she?

If I was 80 years old,

I would hope I'd look half that good

if I was eating cuder.

But anyways,

so I don't know if you watched your video.

Does it cover the hangar, honey?

Do you want to move into your video?

I don't know anything about the hangar.

It's the Sean Hannity video

that I want to show you.

Well, I think what inspired her

to run for governor, basically,

is all the homeless and peasants

out in the street.

That's what I took away

with her interview with Sean Hannity.

So let's take a look at this video real quick.

Okay, go ahead.

We'll see if it covers it.

But girls, transgender sports,

people that like joy

that say the wrong thing.

Joy that says, you know,

I mentioned a second ago,

my mom sometimes, you know,

when she gets upset, you know,

I don't have a problem with that.

Her mom?

The community has a bigger problem

with that than I do.

I stick with my statements that I made.

I think we have to make sure

that the integrity of girls' sports is there.

I think that's extremely important.

But it's,

there's more to it

than just what I said.

Because I just said biological boys in sports.

There's more to it than that.

And I think in the future,

I will explain more of that.

But for me, as a trans woman,

I think role models are extremely important

for young people.

Trans issues people struggle with big time.

Our suicide rate is nine times higher

than the general public.

And for me to be a role model for that,

to be out there,

I am running for governor

of the state of California.

Who would have ever thought that?

We've never even had a woman.

Let alone Frankenstein monster.


That's, I don't, you know,

I move on.

I want to be a role model.

And I think, and to be a leader.

And I think the most important thing

as a leader that you can do is your...

I mean, you get the point.

The point is,

is that she wants to...

Did I cut it off before the point?

Because then she says she wants to be a role model, right?

She said that.

Yeah, that's the gist of it.

So she says, she doesn't, she,

she says trans women should not,

no, I'm sorry, trans...

She's backtracking kind of.

Because the statement...

Go ahead, Annie.

She's saying trans women should not participate

in bio, with bio women or AFABs or whatever it's called.

ABFAB sports, right?

But at the same time, she's saying, but,

and this is what the Twitter person who posted it was saying,

is that it's obviously hypocrisy

because at the same time she's saying

she wants to be a role model for trans women.

So I think it's really interesting,

especially with Griselda,

because you're an athlete, obese, albeit,

but you can still be fat and be an athlete.

When I go to Athletica,

all of the mannequins are obese,

so you're fine.

But so, so...

Oh, I'm sorry.

My neighbors are loud.

We have new ones.

But she competes in the goth tournament,

you know, tournaments with women.

She's goth,

and they have tournaments for being goth?

Like, what is, like, who wears...

Goth, I'm sorry.

I'm just saying, she competes...

So I'm, this is a tricky one,

and I think it's interesting

because in some ways I don't find it a contradiction.

So I'm interested in Griselda because, like, okay,

so she's, I know a lot of people have made the argument,

and it's, and it's, it's,

and if you make this argument,

you're considered transphobic.

Which is, by the trans community,

it's been clearly established

that if you say,

if you agree with this point of view,

you're considered transphobic.

It has gotten a lot of people in trouble,

including Martina Navratilova.

But I'm interested in what,

particularly what Griselda thinks

because the one side,

it's like you're just protecting women

because, of course,

you don't want a woman to get injured

when she's doing a sport with a,

with a, you know,

someone with, I guess,

I don't know, biological male.

Well, and...

There's a lot of sports,

especially, like, track and field,

they measure testosterone levels,

and that's, like,

there have been women in the past

who have been, you know,

accused of doping or,

but they genetically have more testosterone.

And, you know,

it really does put you a head above everyone else.

So it's really hard.

But I think that if you're going through hormone therapy

as a trans person,

then that kind of evens the playing field.


I did think it was interesting,

in a race I'm doing over the summer,

there's a third category for, you know,

if you don't identify as male or female,

and then all of those people

can compete against each other.

So maybe that's the way to do it

if people are, you know, hesitant,

because it is a really difficult topic.


But, I mean, I know that if I'm, like,

up against someone, you know,

with higher testosterone and we're sprinting,

there's no way I have a chance.


But so do you,

that's what's tricky,

because, like, I know when Glenn Greenwald

wrote a big article about Martina Navratilova,

and she, at first,

she came out with the same opinion

as Caitlin has now,

which is that, you know,

they shouldn't compete together.

But then Greenwald took the position

while she needed to be educated,

because that's kind of an ignorant position.

And once, you know,

that when you're educated,

you realize that if they're on hormone replacement theory,

therapy, then it does level the playing field.

But I just find that, first of all,

hard to measure.

And is it true?

And how do you know?

Like, do you measure?

I do think it is true.

Well, I've read about running in this instance,

and when people go on estrogen or progesterone,

they start running slower.


So there are ways to measure it.

They could also be measuring, you know,

hormone levels in the body.

I mean, I guess it gets tricky then,

because most places,

wouldn't go to that, you know, extent.

But if you were in some world-class event,

I guess they can make levels

where you're defined one sex or the other,

which could then become offensive with the labeling.

But, you know,

then you could at least have

some sort of equality with the playing.

But it's got to be more than just the hormones,

because like, let's say,

let's say I'm like a huge,

a huge guy, right?

Like, let's say I look like, you know,

I don't know,

one of those people with a small dick at the beach

with the huge muscles, right?

And then you go on hormone therapy to become a woman.

So your hormones have gotten a woman,

but you still have the man's body.

So at what point,

doesn't that still give you an advantage?

You know what I mean?

I think, yes, probably at the start,

but then you would level out.

And then there's just your physique in general,

the size of your frame and all that sort of thing, right?

I mean, that doesn't change as much.

That's true.

I don't know.

My son wanted to join us.

No, you don't.

You want to watch.

Okay, you can watch.



He sent me a note.

But doesn't it also depend on the sport?

I mean,

I think each sport would have to be identified

where there's an issue,

because a lot of sports,

even with, you know,

full-fledged, you know,


it goes by weight and height

and all these other factors.

So, you know,

I just think,

you know,

in some ways,

I can understand,

you know,

I can totally relate

to like a cis woman

and reservations on some things.

But then some things,

I think it's just

making a bigger issue

than what it is.

You know what I mean?


Like golf, actually.

I mean,

maybe if you have

a little bit more muscle,

maybe you can drive

the ball further,

but it's about technique.

It's not about,

you know,

overpowering someone.



and then that goes to hypocrisy.

Like with me saying,


she's competing with golf,

but then,

you know,


it's a lot of thought

that goes into that,


Or if you get that certain,

I watch a lot of QVC,

but if you stay up late enough,

you know,

you get that certain golf club,

you win a mile.

So to conclude,

do you both,

each of you,

think that it's hypocritical

of Caitlin to say

that trans women

should not be able to compete

with ab fabs or a fabs

and at the same time,

say that she wants to be

a role model for trans women?

Do you find that hypocritical

or do you think that's okay?

She's backtracking now.

So I think her,

based on her current position,

based on her current position.


I mean,

she already got all of her medals

and stuff.

So of course she's,

she's hypocritical.


I do.

What do you think?

I was thinking

just that she comes from this place

of being so privileged from,


you know,

usually I wouldn't go there,


you know,


the performance she had athletically,

her transition,

you know,

people treat her completely different

than they would an average person

in the same spot.



I mean,

the backtracking thing is bad.

I mean,

it's just hard to even respect

anything she says.

It's sad.

It really is

because she had such a platform

in the beginning

and she's just ruined it.

For myself,

I think she's garbage.

As a candidate,

it's disgusting to me

that just because you're famous now,

you get to be governor

just like Schwarzenegger.

And Schwarzenegger wrote one

in Recall 2.

The whole thing is garbage.

But in this particular issue,


I have to say,


first of all,

I think I need to be more educated

about this thing

because I don't get it.

To me,

I have not seen the evidence,

and I would like to,

and I would love for people to share it,

that shows that an,

that a trans woman can,

is on the same level

of competition

as a biowoman,

that her male advantage

is completely gone

because she's on hormone therapy.

I would like to see evidence of that.

I have not.

I've seen people talk about it.

I would like to see evidence of that.

Given that,

assuming that there isn't evidence,

I don't,

I don't find it hypocritical.

I think,

I don't.

I think she's trying to say that,

you know,

it's not fair for,

you know,

and it can be,

in fact,


I mean,


not in track and field,

but in maybe contact sports

for a woman,

a trans woman,

to compete with a,

with a biowoman.

I know you're not supposed

to say biowoman,

but my vocabulary's fucked.

I'm old.

I just,

I'd like to see the evidence

because I think what happens

is it turns into,

you know,


the conversation turns

into something weird


and I don't know,


So anyway,



They probably don't even have

much data on it yet

because there's just

so many more people


you know,

to come out

and do these things now.

So I think it's going

to take some time.


so Griselda,

what's your topic?

My topic is,

first I'll do

Governor Pete Ricketts.


He's the governor

of Nebraska.

He is offended

that Biden allegedly said

that we had to lower

our consumption of beef.

But I didn't bring

a video or anything,

so I'm just going to talk.

So this is going to be fast.

You don't need a video.

This isn't Reagan Fox's,

you know,



So anyway,

the governor,



the whole thing about Biden

saying that there was

something in the Daily Mail

saying we could only have

one burger a month

because he wants to lower

our consumption

to four pounds of beef a year.


that's all lies.

And then Fox

went on a bunch of shows

and ran with it.

So now it's scaring everyone.

But just to pause for a second,

hold that thought.

But I do think that's interesting

because that was one of the

media things

that was bothering me this week

because they denied it

and said it's fake news

and that may be.

But the fact of the matter is

it's a big part

of the Green New Deal

that you do have to cut

beef consumption.

So to deny that

is to kind of deny

the reality of climate change.

So anyway, go ahead.

And the reason why

that number came about

is before

Biden was even elected,

there was,

I think it was in Michigan,

like University of Michigan.

They did research

and they figured out

to cut like 90% of beef.

And they did research

and they figured out

that 90% of greenhouse gases,

part of it is,

you know,

to stop the beef consumption.

So they recommended

that we decrease

our consumption by,

I don't know,

to that amount.

So Biden had nothing

to do with it.


so he created a beef passport

and unfortunately,

I ordered a beef passport

and it hasn't arrived yet.

What is a beef passport?

Oh my God.

You have to eat meat.

You have to travel on a plane.

Is that it?

Or is it?

Well, it's very stupid.

So he declared May beef month

and the beef passport

looks like a flying passport.

But there's about 40 restaurants

in Nebraska

that you can go visit.

And if you order beef,

they give you a stamp.

And then at the end of,

I don't know if it's May

or how long the promotion is,

you send in your passport

and you could win things.

So I went and looked at it.

I looked at the prices.

So I wrote it down.

There is,

if you have one stamp,

you can get one of five

grilling packages

and it looks like an apron

and some knives.

So there's five prizes

or prizes like that.

Then if you get six stamps,

so you visited six of these restaurants

and ate beef,

you might,

there's two prizes

that are $250 worth of beef.

And then if you get 11 or more stamps,

you can get 500,

you know,

dollars of beef in a cooler.

So that's his promotion.

I mean,

it's gotten so much publicity

and it's pretty lame,

not a surprise.


so yeah,

I guess we could talk about

beef consumption.


I mean,

in addition to

eating less,

being better for the environment,

it's also better for us

because there's so much

causal evidence

that it causes cancer.

What do you think about it?

I think you told me once that,


even eating meat once a month

can increase your chances

of cancer,



processed meats


I can't even remember.


but okay,

this is off topic.


I live near the turtle pond

in Central Park

and someone was feeding

this gigantic turtle

a Slim Jim.

I had no idea

they liked Slim Jims.



I got it on video.

Oh my God.

That would be perfect

to show you now.


I mean,

my thing is,

I mean,

beef passports,

they're fun,

but I don't like

the way that the spin

about the Biden hamburger

thing went

because it was basically like,

like on The View,

Debra and mine's favorite show.

They're just like laughing,


how could they say that?

That's just such fake news,

but it's really not fake news.

What it is,

is it's real,

but you can't say it

because it's not.

It's a suggestion though,


I mean,

all of this is just suggestions

on whether

ways to fix

the climate issue,


It's not a suggestion.

It's a necessary.

It is a suggestion.


It's a necessary.

None of this is fun.

Nobody's coming in your house

grabbing your beef,

maybe your husband

or something,

you know what I'm saying?


but in order to fix

climate change,

you really kind of

would have to do that.

You really would have to

do something legally.

You can't just let people

eat as much meat

as they want

and still not,

and bring the temperature down.

but do you think that's going to,

but like,

just the mind,


I couldn't imagine

being in that mindset


we could even,

we can't even get people

to get vaccinated,

much less we're going to

come in their house

and take their,

but it's not going to happen.



It's just,

it's just being,

but then we're going to

all get to die.

That was another

interesting thing.

In either case.


they have less emissions.

So really,

they should just be

supplementing their diet

with seaweed.

Oh, healthier cows.


Less methane.

Or put them on,

you know,

we got like,

we've got a backstop

of ventilators.


I was going to say

vent the cows.

You're saying we should,

you know what I'm saying,

less movement.

We should feed seaweed

to the cows

or we should eat the seaweed?

Yeah, damn.

Why don't we just eat

the seaweed ourselves

and skip the cows?

I mean,

I would do that.

I don't eat a lot of beef.

You know,

my lesbian wife

is from Peru

and they,

when they were,

you know,

maybe in the 80s

or I don't know

if it was the 80s,

they were only allowed

to eat meat once a month.

And you know what?

They're very healthy.

That was like a money thing,



it was rationing.


you had to get a stamp

to get the beef.

I believe so.

Beef passport.

I don't know.

I think it's a good idea.

You know,

I know,

I know the keto people

probably won't like it,

but I mean,

I did enjoy the keto

when I was on it.

You told me,

you know,


oh no,


you're going to die.

But I lost a lot of weight.

I did lose a lot.

I gained it all back.

Long term.

Oh no.

I mentioned it on my show.

Long term heart disease.

I mentioned it on my show

that my mother went on keto

because she has mice

and the mice were eating her fruits.

So instead of getting rid of the mice,

she got rid of the fruit

by going on keto.

And then I told my sister about it.

She's like,


I hope she enjoys

having kidney disease

because when you're old

and you do keto,

your kidneys,

you know,

you can't have,

be in ketosis.

This is what my sister told me.

You can't be in ketosis

when you're above a certain age,

like old,

because your kidney,

is that true Griselda?

I know you have a nutrition degree.

I haven't heard that about the age,

but it is extremely hard

on your kidneys

so if she has any pre-existing

kidney issues,

that could be a problem.

I don't think she does.

You know,

I guess the best way to handle it

now that I think about it,

it's like New York's,

how they're handling cigarettes,


Just outpriced the beef.


Tax the beef.

And then like what you could do is

they could just subsidize


you know,

vegetables and fish maybe.


I think that's something,

you know,

that would slowly get people into.

But then you read,

there's a whole bunch of shit

about fish being not sustainable too.



some Instagram people

like fashion slurs saying

I can't eat fish ever

because you're,

you're me.


that's from that documentary,

but didn't,

I've read something on the Apple news

that that was really like,


a lot of nonsense.

I mean,

I'm not for sure.

I think we should all just have

a mass suicide

and drink the Kool-Aid

and then we can just all

not worry about COVID

or climate change.

Just die.

Give the planet back.


you know,

we could have just ate

the COVID people,

you know,

instead of wasting,

you know,

could have just,

did like they did that time

that plane landed

in the mountains

in Brazil or something.




Mm hmm.



go to India.



So I guess it's my turn

for my topic.

My first topic

moving right along.




It's a light topic.

I have heavy topics too,

but what really bothers me



dementia movies.

I'm so sick of dementia movies.

There's so fucking many

dementia movies.

Why do they have to

have so many dementia movies?

So this,

and this year,

I mean,

it's like,

there's nothing more depressing.

Even the short films,

they had a dementia movie.


last year,

they had a dementia movie.


it was a cartoon

on the live animation shorts

that were nominated for Oscars.

And it's like some guy

and his,


he's got dementia

and his wife is disappearing

as a cartoon.

And like,

it's like,

I don't know why,

these movies are so popular.

And then the big one was,

of course,

the father,

which I didn't see

because I don't watch

dementia movies.

There was that one with,

what's her face with the red hair?

She had a dementia.

There's so many

fucking dementia movies.

And then I'm watching

the view yesterday.

This and Billy Crystal

and Tiffany Haddish

are on there.

And they're like,


we have,

we're in a starring

in a new comedy.

What's it about?


a man has dementia

and she's got a sassy

black helper.

That's not what they said,

but that's the reality.

Sassy black woman

helper for dementia

old Jewish men.


What the fuck?

This is how Hollywood does.

They're finally doing a comedy

after all these miserable films

in a miserable year.

And it's about fucking dementia

and it's a comedy.

What is going on?


I actually didn't notice.

A lot of dementia's going around.


go ahead.

That's true.

Where's Zelda?

What were you saying?

You didn't notice?


I said I didn't even notice

because I watch so little TV

and movies.


I don't know.


I mean,

I'm stuck in the YouTube world.

I'm just addicted to YouTube,

but I will say,

I mean,

I understand what you're saying,

but I feel like more people

are being affected by dementia

and apparently now

Robin Williams

had some type of

type of dementia

that made him

do what he did.

There's like all these

different versions now.

People are living longer

because they're not eating beef,

you know,

and it's just

so how does it

supposed to help somebody

to watch a movie

about dementia?

What is that?

Does that make

supposed to make feel people

people feel better?

It doesn't make me feel better.

It helps the filmmaker

and the writer,

but I think it makes

the rest of us just depressed.

Same thing with me,

my fantasy living in an RV

and then they come out

and make a movie

basically about my life

living in Nomad

or whatever it was.



everything's depressed.


Everything's depressing right now.

I mean,

I think it's just the state of


Do you work for Amazon too?


Mm hmm.

And they don't even

give me a bottle.

I have to go in the packages.


a lot of people get cat litter.

I'll just open it up.

Take it as a prize.

You can make a sculpture

out of that company.

Did you shit in a bag, Deborah?

I've never done that before.

I've Perry dog,

but I've never done it in a bag.

What is Perry dog?

It's like where it comes out

a little bit,

but it pops back in.


It's happened before.

Real bad.

When I went to get my vaccine

about a month ago,

it was horrible

and I was so terrified.

I had,

but I had,

I had to go

and it was coming out.

I had to stop at a truck.

Stop and run in.

And I had my K-95.


my N-95

at the end of that point.

But one thing good about that

is everybody's having

to blow out in the bathroom.

You can hold that to your face

and you don't smell nothing

if you got it in 95.


you know,

it works.

But yeah.

So you Perry dog

from your vaccine?


From the food.



So it just peaks out.

It's a little brown head

and then you're just like,

get back in there.

Oh, yeah.

And you're just,

you know,

trying to hold it together.

You're prying.



I just don't understand the panic.

I don't understand

what's going on in Hollywood.

I don't understand.


to me,

I feel like there's some control.

Hollywood's lost.

Like they want us.

There's got to be some reason

for all these bad movies.



so does it mean people

want to see that garbage?

Or I think,

or it's like,

and then there's this idea

of being taught a lesson.

Like I have a good friend

and he hated Nomadland

because it's like

it didn't have the right lesson.

He's like,


it wasn't,


it didn't show,

you know,

how homelessness is bad

and that,

you know,

and how terrible it is

that neoliberalism

causes homelessness.

And my attitude is like,


but it was a good movie.

It was beautiful.

It was beautiful cinematography.

It was a great story,

wonderful dialogue,

and it was just

a wonderful movie and story.

And then he loved

Promising Young Woman,

which I thought was horrible

because it's like

beating overhead.

Like you,


here's your me too hashtag movie.

Here's what you're going to think.

This is going to teach you

the lesson

that you already agree with

on Twitter,

that your friends

agree with on Twitter.

We're going to beat you

over the head with it.

You're going to agree with it

and you're going to cheer

and you're going to


claplaud this,

you know,

and it's like,

I'd much rather,

you know,

what happened to,

I prefer movies

to be where you can be subjective

and have your own

interpretation of it

where you're not given,

you know,

told what to think.

So I think your issue

is nowadays

movies are made

for certain

smaller segments.

Back in the day,

you had to make movies

for a broad audience.


you know,

you're just making a movie

for the Twitterverse.

You're just making a movie

for, you know,

people for socialism

and like living in vans,

you know,

people that are just

dealing with dementia.

And I think you're just

not following in those.

So you think that

Nomadland was actually made

for people who live in vans?

That's why Hulu

only had it on 1080p

and not 4K.

Listen, honey,

ain't no hardcore

Trump are watching

Nomadland saying,

okay, give it to me,

Judi Dench.

Okay, come on.

They're saying,

pick yourself up

by your van,

get in tires

and get the hell on,


What do you mean,

Judi Dench?

I mean, not Judi Dench.

What's their name?

Oh, Anne Hathaway.

Anne Hathaway.

Yeah, Anne Hathaway.

Yeah, they CGI'd her up.

But I'm just saying,

like, that movie

is made for a certain

smaller niche,

you know,


Same thing with

Promising Young Woman.

I had my faults

with the film.


like, just that

the Paris Hilton scene,

it's still just,

it's just,

I don't,

it's just beyond.

That one scene to me

ruined half the movie.

Her performance was good,

but it's,

that's made for

a certain audience,

you know.

What was your favorite

film of the year?



It was?


Okay, well,

that goes with your value

for helping the homeless

and socialism.


see what I'm saying?

But it wasn't about

helping the homeless

or socialism.

Well, I think it,

it gets the conversation going.

Didn't she win the award

in the movie?

Didn't she get up there

and say something about it?

No, she was like,

don't mispronounce my name, bitch.

Oh, okay.

That lady's whack.

She won an award

for best piss in the,

best piss in a jar

or whatever that was.

She pissed.

Did you see Nomadland, Griselda?

I did.

And I was just thinking,

I didn't look at it so much

as homelessness

as how people struggle

in general to get by,

especially if you're,

you know,

of a certain,

I don't know,

socioeconomic class

and are,

and it's lonely.


Like that's what I took away.

Hard and lonely.

For home.


I didn't view it really

as about homelessness to me.

And that's what my friend

was criticizing

that it should have been

about homelessness.

I don't think,

I think that that was

almost secondary to the film.

Well, and some people.

It was about the human beings

in the film.

It was about the characters.

It was character driven.

And some people choose that

as a lifestyle.

There's people

that would be offended

for you to call them homeless

that live in vans.

They choose this way

because they want to,

it's sort of like

the new hippie in a sense.



She called it houseless.



And so one of,

go ahead.

Oh, I was going to say

that in the movie,

she clearly had issues

like when she met the guy

and she had the chance

to be in a home.

So, you know,

there's some mental illness

there too.

So that,

you know,

it's bigger

than just




you know,


There's a lady,

the one that got me

into wanting to do

the RV thing

for a little bit.

Her name is Deborah also.

And Deborah,

oh God,

I'm forgetting her YouTube name.

Deborah Van.

She lived,

but she got

in like LA

or somewhere in Hollywood.

She got kicked out

and she was 60 something years old

and had to move into

a van.

And she just,

she, you know,

she had no idea

how to use a phone

or anything.

And she started blogging this

and I have to,

I have to find her YouTube

so we can talk about it.

But anyway,

so she documents it all

and now she's finally,

she finally decided to live

in an actual place

when she was able

to get the finances right.

But there was one point

where somebody offered

to give her a room and board

and she chose no.

I like my independence.

I actually like doing this

and going out to these

rubber tramp stamps

or there are these

meetup things they do

or something like that.

She enjoyed it.


what was your favorite movie?

My favorite movie this year,

I don't know.

You can just answer.

I know you like

those horrible films.

You can answer honestly.

I won't yell at you.


I probably will.

You know,

I can't even,


That was last year.


that was my,

it wasn't really.



because it just turned 2021,

didn't it?

I don't think I have a favorite.

What did I tell you

the other day?

Do you remember

what I told you

the other day?


We talked about a movie.


we talked about a movie

the other day

and I said,

I really enjoyed it.

I enjoyed it.

You know what?

Barb and Star.

Barb and Star

is one of my favorites.

I enjoyed it.

Because it was fun.

It was light.

It wasn't so serious.

It was,

I was able to escape

and I think sometimes

the movies are about,

you know.

Did you see?



I'm sorry.

I take it back.

My favorite movie of the year.

And I'm taking,

and I watched it this year.

I don't know if it's actually this year,

but we're going to call it

The Devil All the Time

with that Tom Holland.

That's my favorite movie.

Have y'all seen that?

Never heard of it.


The Netflix film,


Netflix bought the rights

because of the Corona.

Watch that movie.

What about you,


Blew me away.

I don't even know if I've,

I mean,

I don't think I've watched

anything current.

I just started watching TV again

to keep myself awake

when I'm working.

And I liked the series alone

where they stick someone out

in the woods

and they have to survive.


you know,

that's not a current movie.

Did you guys see the,

are they naked?

Did you,

did you guys?


it's not the naked one.

Did you see the obese

superheroes movie?


The fat lady.

You're not supposed

to say obese,


It's fat,

which I use fine

because I always preferred fat,

but then I thought

I was supposed to say obese,

but now they prefer fat.

Some people will get offended

by fat,

but yeah,

you're not supposed

to use obese anymore.

It's called thigh gap.

What is it called?

Thunder thighs,


thunder force,

thunder force.

Thunder force.

Did you see it?


I didn't know about it.

It's really kind of good

in a way just because I,

I mean,


I make fun of body positivity

and stuff,

but it was great to see these,


these fat ladies be a superheroes.

And then even the supporting cast

is fat too.

It was just,

it was fun.

You know,

I mean,

it wasn't really all that good,

but you know,

I watched the whole thing,

which says something,

but it's fun to just bust,


just kind of destroy the model

of that thing.

And yeah.

Oh yeah.

And you know what?

She gets the bad rap,

you know,

who duty plan.




because she lost a little weight,

even though she's still

a little bit big,

she's not big enough anymore.


and I always enjoy her movies.


I'm not going for an Oscar performance,

but I love the one she did

where she was the spy.


I mean,


I'd laugh so hard.

I cry.

She's like her,


she's not like kind of like Medea,

like anything with Melissa McCarthy


will make me laugh pretty much,

but it's almost like Medea.

Like I could watch Medea all day

for the rest of my life

and I would still have a good time.

Medea is so funny.


what is that guy?

Beverly Hills Ninja

that died too soon

from SNL.

Chris Farley.

She's got that,

I'm going where

it doesn't matter

what Chris Farley was in,

I would enjoy it.

So I saw this,

this came up on my

10 years ago stuff

on Facebook

and I want to read it

because it just made me laugh

and it's appropriate

for what we're talking about.


it's a quote from Adele

from 2011.

It says,

I love food

and hate exercise.

I don't have time to work out.

I don't want to be

on the cover of Vogue

or Playboy.

I want to be on the cover

of Rolling Stone

or Q.

I'm not trendsetter.

I'm a singer.

I'd rather weigh a ton

and make an amazing album

than look like Nicole Richie


and do a shit album.

My aim in life

is never to be skinny.


she failed.

Isn't that funny?

Her aim in life,

she gave up.

She's skinny.


Or did she get fat again yet?






She was,

I've always thought

she was pretty.

She was a pretty big girl.

Pretty or pretty big?




a beautiful big girl.


just gorgeous

in my opinion.


She is,


I don't know.

I'll put a picture up.

She is,


kid you not,


we're talking 90s.


she could be on a runway

in my opinion.


she's knockout.

Good luck.

That doesn't even look like her.


I mean,

she is,

I can't,

you know what?

I'm not gonna,

I mean,

good for you.

If she,

she said she did it for her health.

That was the reason.

So we don't know.

Maybe she had like a scare.


And the reason she lost it,

maybe she lost it

because of the roundup.

Because as we know,

you know,


her head is breath tanking.

But I would,

I would do one thing.

What was that designer?

It was like Gucci

or one of the older designer guys.

It's like he would never dress her

because she was just too fat.

So I hope she does

because now everybody's coming to her door

trying to dress her.

I hope she does that

because I definitely would not.




borderline too thin,

but gorgeous.

So what,

what the question is,

when is Lizzo going to lose weight

when she needs publicity?

What's going to happen with her?


I don't think she will.


Lizzo's beautiful on her own.

I mean,

I don't know how she would look

if she lost the weight,

you know?


it's her identity.

I think that it would be really,

I mean,

that quote from Adele

was almost rationalizing her weight.

And Lizzo doesn't talk like that.



She doesn't,

she doesn't have a problem with her weight.


You listen to her music.

She's never,


Lizzo's never let her weight

stop her from getting places,


And the way that Adele spoke,

it was like her weight stops.


So opening.

So round two,

even though the time is already slipping way,

way by as usual,


what's your second topic,


Do you have one?


So actually this is one that you,

I think you tweeted about this.


And so basically,

obviously we're just trying to find people

any way we can to get them to get vaccinated right now.


you know,

I don't know what more,

what we can say to some of these people and the messaging.

I agree with Megan McCain.

Like the messaging is really rough on the Republican side

or that mindset.

And I don't know how you get these people to do it.

Cause Trump's already came out and said,

please take your vaccine.


So in Illinois,

you remember this?

A hundred free targets at world shooting complex.

If you get the COVID vaccine.

I've been shooting since.

I was in about sixth grade.

My dad's done it.

Everyone in my family has,

we have a lot of fun.

We just come out and have fun with it.

We go hunting,

but mainly we just come out here to have fun.

It's not really a competition for us.


I'm Justin Reinhardt.

I've been shooting since I was about eighth grade.

I think,


trap shooting is when I really started getting into shooting.

And then that led to hunting and pretty much we come out here and have fun.

And we don't.

So basically,

I mean,

I just said,

I'm not going to play the whole video,

but these are people that I would not think would be getting the vaccine,

but obviously this was such a good deal.

A hundred free targets at the world shooting that they rushed out to get the

vaccine to do this.


I mean,


it's a good thing.

It's funny.

Cause somebody was posting like yesterday on Twitter,


what do we need to do to get these rednecks to,



what do we need to give away to get these rednecks,

you know,


to get vaccinated.

And somebody suggested beer and I said bullets.

And then today the same story comes out and it's like,


I don't know if it works.

Who gives a shit?

You know,

I would think the Krispy Kreme thing would work for everyone.

I go there every single day.

It didn't work for me.

I hate Chris.

I don't like,

I don't like donuts.

I know that's offensive donuts.

Give me terrible heartburn.

And I live right near that stands donuts and there's a wonderful bench there.

So I love to just sit and on the bench,

like for,

many hours and just watch everybody get their donuts and set up their lines.

And it's,





you know,

because like,


And then that's,


that's another topic I don't want to get into,

but the,

the whole partner,

like why,

why not partner with like Chick-fil-A partner with the Duggar family?

I mean,

there's what 19 and counting.

I mean,

that's 19 people that you could be injecting.

They could be working at the injection.


but Bill Bill Maher talks about this very few people do in the media,

but this disconnect,

this cognitive dissonance between like how you eat and like your health is

bizarre to me.


cause like some of this food is so bad,


like donuts and sugar,

but you know,

I mean,


you don't,


we know how dangerous obesity is for COVID outcomes.

So where,

why is,

why doesn't you ever say,


you guys can't be obese because if you're obese,

you're 60% more likely to get severe COVID and die.

Instead you have just these massive lines.

And these were kids.

These are like,

they're ever when I see the line for the donuts,

it's like parents with their little kids getting donuts for breakfast.


I mean,

I'm not a parent,

but don't you think Griselda that's a little crazy.

I mean,

you're going to raise kids.

That's an addiction.

It's just a horrible addiction to start a kid.


But that's the United States fault in a lot of ways.

I mean,


I mean,

give them ice cream if you're going to give them,

you know,

frosted flights for God's sakes.

I mean,


ice cream with frosted flakes can be delicious.


I've just had ice cream.



you know,


I don't know.


what do you just,


I think,

I think that I like what Biden is doing with this because I tweet,

I was tweeting earlier in the week,

like anybody fucking listens to my throat,

my three followers,

but like,

you know,

I think it's on him to get these people vaccinated.


I don't know.


the buck stops.

He's the president.

And even though,

you know,

you could say you could blame Trump,

you could blame Republicans,

you could blame them and otherwise them in the end,

Biden is responsible for figuring out a way to get to herd immunity,

which it doesn't look like we're going to get to.

So if that means bribing people with bullets or tax rebates or,

or making people have to have vaccine passports to travel,

I don't fucking know,

but he needs to figure this shit out.

Cause it's on him.

I know,

but those people don't travel.



it is you know maybe the they can't allow it into the donut shop without their certificate i don't

know but it's on him in my opinion i mean why not just pay people to get vaccinated

i mean we're paying people for everything else i mean 200 you know what if you free play like

pardon seriously i know this sounds insane but like hot like the hot items right now partner

with xbox and sony and say you know you get a ticket if you get the vaccine you get 350

off the current console like hit these markets that you know people are not going to get the

vaccine yeah like go like let go to the gun people and be like look honey you you want to

do this and do this okay well we want to buy 20 000 guns with these coupons and this is how you

get it i mean it's insane but i mean really i know you're going to buy the guns in in

any way i don't like to have to create these draconian measures but it might take that like

being able to say okay you can't go to a restaurant unless you have a vaccination

or get you know lobby companies chains like those horrible companies where people eat like

red lobster and olive garden all those other places where reagan fox eats but um you know and

just say okay well they're going to require a vaccine passport or something yeah but that's

not going to work vaccine passports because we know that's not going to work why not because

they're already not enforcing the only place that i have been since being vaccinated through my

shopping experience that has been 100 is costco everywhere else nobody's enforcing because

everybody's scared they're going to get shot by one of the guns by enforcing this stuff everybody's

talking about you know uh communist china and blah blah blah well like here in chicago they're

having a bunch of street fairs this this summer and they're not going to allow people in without

okay but what's going to work in these places where people are not going to

vaccinated in these rural communities is stuff that they do and things that affect their lives

you know like shooting yeah yeah like shoot or charges like why are we not i mean i hate to say

it but why are we not like partnering with some of these like what is that crazy christian guy

joel olstein i mean as sickly as it is he just cares about money anyway so i'm sure if you say

look we'll give you a donation 30 000 get on the tv honey and start peddling your man yeah

that's what that's what biden has to do is he's got to get his his team to be creative in that

way and i think like i think in a way he is and he you know i'm i don't like a lot of the stuff

he does you know especially with the health care i think it's a disaster that he's basically given

away medicare for all i i but what about the rights to the vaccines do you think they're

really going to do that now they're coming out i don't know they're thinking about waving it i hope

so but i think they're pain during i'm skeptical yeah i'm barely skeptical but yeah i mean i don't

it's but but he said this week he said oh well you know i'm going to aim for 70 vaccination by

what july or something i he had a goal yeah which to me or something the good thing is that even

though i don't know if it's attainable but in a way he's owning that i believe and saying he's

owned every goal though we've hit every goal you know exceeded well one besides the um besides the

vaccination which is great but what else what do you say a free king james version

each facts and he's saying get into that no i mean i feel like you know obviously we didn't

reach the 2000 you know we got the 1600. i mean i feel like he's i feel like he's act he's he's

put action i feel like he's working okay like i can't say for sure he's done everything right

oh he is but he's bought and paid for it by the i was able to get a vaccine way faster than what

i thought i was going to be able to get you know like i didn't think this some some of life would

be coming back this soon well he hasn't earned my second vote i'll say that he has not i mean

the health care thing i really thought and maybe he'll he'll do this but because now if you notice

that speech he had the other night he's starting to say health care is a human right well why are

we saying that if you just want to subsidize the health he said that but it wasn't in his plan

that was insulting to mine i mean it's pandering but then it's like well maybe he'll do it i don't

think in his plan it was nonsense i mean the reporting is that he has absolutely no plan to

do anything and he's basically written it off because the pharmaceutical industry has just

too much money nothing is going to happen and the insurance industry i mean if he pulls the patents

though then i think everything's going to start snowballing i think it's possible i just don't

think he'll do it i think it would have been i think bernie could have done it um who's next

me um next up we're almost to um our

hour don't worry i mean we can go a little over so don't just pick olestra oh okay so um

i was wondering where olestra went and uh now it's went out the booty might remember it

refresh people's memories um so it was um allowed in food here in 1996

and there were a bunch of snacks that came out including wow chips by lays i believe um

and they had warning labels you know saying that they may cause

animal leakage so one i was reading about um the anal leakage and it turns out you know

some people would have that the fda and some of the studies was referring to that and the oil

that was um uh evacuated as oit or oil and toilet um right i actually tried to get olestra chips it's

Olene. Um, I forget which year, but they were able to take the warning label off. So it's still

in some foods, mostly snack products. Um, but like that free Pringles, um, still have it. And

I just couldn't find any on Amazon. Um, but yeah, so now there's no warning label. So it's just in

our food as Olene. Um, I'm skipping around a lot, but the cool thing about Olestra is it can mimic

any type of fat. So it could taste like butter. It can taste like beef tallow. It could be,

you know, anything you want, but they, they're able to manipulate it. They can manipulate the

flavor. So if there's any fat that you want to eat, it can be identical. Um, and the other cool

thing is, um, most humans, if they know that they're eating the chips, they'll actually overeat.

But if they don't know, um, they tend to eat, you know, the,

the same amount that they would if it were a regular chip so you could possibly lose weight

um and then i uh i'm just gonna talk about one study um it was that they there were and there

was an eight-week study of people eating at least a can of pringles a day that had olestra and they

measured the bowels of all these people and because um you know there's all these reports

of gastrointestinal symptoms and people were reporting oh this just reminded me of something

else um that they were having diarrhea but they were measuring all of this and the water that was

being released was not actually diarrhea level so you could actually be just fine eating these

olestra products what do you mean it wasn't diarrhea level like you have to have a certain

amount of water released to be considered diarrhea so they you know actually they did


a similar study with sorbitol and the sorbitol made everyone you know really sick really fast

can you imagine being the person that has to measure with the water in the diarrhea it builds

up i know the olestra basically works the same way i'm guessing like the ally the sorbitol that's

the one that builds up that's the one that makes me allergic because i i ate that licorice once

when i was in the miami and j-lo's bathroom and it wasn't really her bathroom but it was backstage

and i just exploded from eating a bag of uh sugar


and the gum the gum will get you too i kill dogs um so there's actually a difference between ally

and um olestra the olestra you can think of like um a ball like collecting like a ball of gum going

through your intestines and it's collecting all of the fat in there as well as vitamins and minerals

and just getting bigger and bigger and bigger and then because the olestra liquefies that's why you

might have some leakage but it's basically like cleaning out your system when ally goes in it

actually um so that can be a problem because if you eat a lot of it you can have nutritional

deficiencies um ally works by not allowing the enzymes that digest and absorb fat to work so

basically any fat that you get isn't being digested it just comes out so does that make

sense it sounds like both of these both of these sound like they would cause horrible health effects

yes and they do

well i mean maybe not long term we don't know yet because it was a relatively

wouldn't you be able to lose a lot of weight just eating those nasty olestra chips i mean

that's why i wanted to get some i want to try well what about prunes because when i i've been

eating these prunes from the trader joe's i get the they have two kinds one has the preservatives

which tastes better one doesn't which i've been eating because you know to avoid the preservatives

they taste horrible but i just explode the next day and then do you think that's just natural fiber

so can you do it

can you lose weight when you shit like that from prunes no no really i mean if it was just for fun

a lot of people take laxatives it doesn't you're not burning the energy honey correct yeah i mean

you lose weight by breathing you know that right like you know every time you breathe you're

breaking well when i should it smells so bad i breathe a lot just because i kind of waft in the

stench that's like that's like the inside of a battery you've got the battery shell that you

poop out but the energy is what you're breathing so you're not burning the energy you're not burning

you're burning okay um so i learned a new word um i hope i'm saying it right statoria and that is

having a stool with a lot of fat in it and i just thought of this because um you talked about the

stench they're supposed to be really smelly um and they have to measure over five days to see how

much fat is in it for it to be called that what i didn't say the color i would imagine a fatty duty

well when i was on the ally and i was on the yoga ball it came out looking like the grease that was

on the taco bale you sat on a yoga ball oh yeah i had a picture a long time ago i told the girls

one day i was sharing i i've never been able to find it thank god but i was you know back when

leo laporte's like sit on a yoga ball it's better for you baby leo laporte working on the computer

yeah mine did explode so but yeah i just remember i was on the yoga ball doing working and all of a

sudden my stomach rumbled and i thought i had gas and next thing i know i looked down and on top of

the yoga ball it is all orange like the taco bale you know that oh you know what i'm talking about

greasy yeah you know when you get the top like that orange color and i said oh my god i said

never again like chorizo grease because i always i knew it was a possibility with the with the

elephant never happened so i would always do the the tampons i mean i mean the pads you know a pad

just in case you got panties on how long did you go on it i was on it i think about three weeks so

that's went out when the fda allowed it and i spent the 80 dollars so when you shit on the

when you shit on the yoga ball did you were you wearing panties yeah i was wearing full garb

honey it it went through the clothes it was so much i swear to god it was like somebody had

murdered a clown like i was sitting on top of trump and his skin you know like

like the team started running like if you threw water on him and he melted

it was bad it was bad so i want to go to but uh the alestra now i do remember those

champs and i remember it really hurting my stomach but the only time i had any issues

with any of those fat-free candies was the racy sugar fray and i didn't know at that time about

the sugar out to talk alcohols and i'm like well if you eat this many what you're right what you

said when you know something's dying you indulge and i ate two bags of those racy's and it oh my

god it was horrible i mean it was because every time you think it's done it is like

it's just because it's still going through your body it was horrible

it was horrible um so i have one more topic and which is um

it's more serious but in colombia there have been huge riots

and police have been killing people um at least a dozen probably i think more than that i don't

know the number and deborah why is caitlin jenner back on your screen what the fuck happened oh i

thought i had it on here go ahead go ahead um so you know i don't know how many people a lot of

people died and there is virtually zero coverage of it in american news media and it's just weird

and i don't get it

and it's been really hard like i talked to somebody a programmer in colombia

myself because it's the only way like i could find out what's going on

today um like but then everybody's talking about bill gates and melinda gates getting

divorced which who gives a shit so i want to i don't understand what's going on and

maybe we can figure out what what what is that from guardian um the i don't know

okay i don't know

um but anyway it's what seems to have happened from what this this person told me in in who lives

in bogota is that basically they had a pandemic so did we um and what happened is they because

they had to do lockdowns their their their businesses their small businesses lost a lot

of money so as a way to sort of uh and and the government had to bail them out but they don't

want to go into debt in the same way the i guess the u.s go um

they can't afford went into debt because we have the world's currency and we have bombs to kill

people if they don't give it to us is they decide they don't want to go into debt so they um they

um you know raise taxes basically on the people the working people but of course those people

don't have money either because they were also in the pandemic and lost money so they went on

the streets and protested and the police react very violently and killed them a lot of them

and it's a terrible government and it's

it's you know they're when they you talk about all these these so-called socialist governments

like venezuela and bolivia you know the u.s is always bad mouthing them pretending they're

horrible when really they're not they're just socialist what all those things they accuse those

socialist governments of colombia really is it's really a hardcore military style you know kind of

authoritarian government but it's friendly with the u.s so i'm just trying to figure out what's

going on here why does this shit not get reported and

any thoughts um well these people obviously are very wide

now maybe that's why i mean america i mean i wonder how much

how much is being censored is it like china you know how much news can that's accurate can get out

i mean it was i would think that it was on an ap it was on a reuters feed yesterday lie it was

streaming nobody picked it up though you know and then you watch and then i was watching a

american news this morning the uh the gail cane with her messy nasty wig i don't know why she

can't comb her hair or her wig whatever that is nothing it was all american the only thing they

covered that wasn't about america and our stupid politics mostly about trump and liz cheney and all

that nonsense the only thing was about india and their covid uh disaster in india but there was

nothing else about the world um they're just not picking it up well but you're complaining about

stuff that you've complained about forever i mean

i remember you talking about this 10 years ago with other things so like america just cares

about america and the topics they want to talk about i think it might be more than that it's

like because the sort of the neoliberal aspect of it you know because what you know i think in a way

i don't know maybe it's just me being paranoid you can tell me but i i think in a way these

these these maybe the news companies don't want to show people protesting

what's basically a neoliberal policy they don't want people to see

that but the idea is it might give us the idea i don't know it's just weird i mean it's a lot of

people getting killed and i've never understood why a human life isn't just a human life why is

it it only matters if it's an american human life because we're in a bubble in america honey

and they don't want that but the the the the atmosphere that is america they don't want that

to ever disappear i don't know if this is done like subconsciously you don't like if there's

people in a boardroom sitting around drinking a smoke

it and drinking cigars but you know how would you drink a cigar well you drank it and with

i don't know i've seen a you know just give it some alistair's done it yeah but i'm just saying

like i don't know how much i believe like it's just people in a boardroom but i just feel like

everybody's conditioned already in this country and they just follow the same lead well but people

do make decisions i mean there are david packman covered it if that gives you any closure yeah

david gigas that david

pack uh pacman covered it so i'm sure like tyt a lot of these newer news organizations that are

have more of a global audience cover something like this but if you think you know the duggars

are caring about this they're just not isn't that the pedophile guy uh-huh yeah but i'm or

people like them i mean saying but i don't i didn't know about this and still you started

talking about it like you know and i only knew about it because you put it on twitter

that's yeah good point twitter all right well does anybody else have anything else

otherwise i'm going to wrap up nope did you have any burning desires that you must

discuss yeah i just really want to find those illustrious chips so if anyone can find some

for me please you know comment please get illustrious chips for griselda what about you debbie

yeah just to close out you know i'm one for pop you know

your columbia stuff um i thought it was pretty interesting uh billy eyelash whatever her name is

covered vogue and you know she's always been one to cover up her body yeah she wore bigger clothes

because that just wasn't her image she wanted to not show her body but you know what she went

blonde she got a lot of backlash and she's very voluptuous i think she is just a gorgeous young

talented uh young woman and um here's some photos yeah i really like i really like that too i've

been james munfield i've been kind of following her i just find her interesting um so tired her

brother are so talented just the way they made that music in their bedroom although that documentary

was kind of unbearable yeah i didn't watch it it's really affected her ego in a way it's just kind of

weird but but this was a great way to come out as having a body that was cool but what but it goes

back to you're actually bringing back to my point because new york times posted a horrible article

that people were that it was something about i'm going to tell the story wrong i shouldn't even

mention it but basically they made this claim that she it was they somehow um showed her body

against her will in this in this article that it wasn't how she wanted to be portrayed and um and

it was all based on some random bot tweet and the new york times picked it up oh really i wish i had

that but i i didn't know well that's very like twitterversity so i mean you're just saying that i

wish i had that but i i didn't know well that's very like twitterversity so i mean you just saying

that i wish i had that but i didn't know well that's very like twitterversity so i mean you just

saying that i wish i had that but i didn't know well that's very like twitterversity so i mean you

if you wouldn't have told me that right exactly um you know i mean the machine's gonna take over

sooner or later i mean you know her whole thing was about not being a part of the machine but then

you become the machine and then the machine wins in the end anyway so it really doesn't matter

but i think she's very talented and i i would like to put it out there that i was

very correct about brittany jean spears about that those horrible documentaries when i gave my

insider revelation before about her and now she's coming out against them too because you know it's

it's just the mass media trying to capitalize on her life all over again i don't know what you're

talking about documentaries well you know they have these britney spears documentaries that

keep coming out right and i was trying to make a point no i'm not watching them because they're

just trying to build her up again and push her down and basically she spoke the other day talking

about just all bs and just the same old thing hypocrisy just the the machine taking over so

yeah well um if people have feedback they should uh go i don't know what to do i go to leave a

comment yeah leave a comment on the blog because this is ultimately a blog at eat this hot show

dot com we have a twitter which is eat this hot show i don't have an instagram yet it's too hard

but maybe we'll i don't know give us feedback because we need to figure out maybe i'll do it

for you yeah that'd be great um lie you know and one thing make sure you like the video and the

youtube share it leave a comment especially the

algorithm loves comments on the videos but please make sure you review us on itunes honey give us a

you know five star four star if you only have 12 fingers cut two off then you have 10 and just

you know type something give us feedback i'm gonna play the outro so oh my god i'm far i'm just i

have to tell you i've been so distracted this show because my name with these new neighbors

they're they're newly well they're not newlyweds yet their fiancés they're in their 20s and they're

just so loud but they're not loud like

during the day they're just loud now when i'm like in love loud or we're talking no it's like

they're just loud in the like party after work loud like the my little studio here is you know

you can see it there's basically just a brick wall it's a little tiny alley that echoes sound

so when people go in their back porches and talk it's magnified and have you been able to hear it

no it does such a good job no we can't hear it it's going to make me crazy because you know how

i am with my adhd audio stuff and i'm going to go crazy with my noise gate you need a drop mic

like um pns explosion used to have outside the window into the alley why then you could tune

in just because it's fun and you could be nosing and you never know you might luck out and get a

social i need the opposite of that i need the i need i'm not they're going to say so i could do

like a noise cancellation with it right if i could use the drop mic and like somehow noise games

all right well thanks fun thanks for being on the show and um we'll figure out when we're going to

be on next who knows and i hope you find a chance i have my neighbors bye


Okay, Ms. Edna, because I thought it was a crank call.

Can you tell her what you told me?

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