YR1642 Everyone Should Have a Sex Change

Madge Weinstein

Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein

YR1642 Everyone Should Have a Sex Change

Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein

Thank you for watching.

So then I went on the Zoom and I was still working.

I said, can we have 15 minutes?

She said, yes.

So it's been 15 minutes and I don't know where she is.

So I think I probably fucked up some more.

I had to turn my phone off due to undisturbed because they told her to call me.

Now my phone is beeping and all this shit.

So I don't know what's happening.

I sent her a bunch of emails.

Oh, my.

I said 15 minutes.

I'm pretty sure.




15 minutes.

I hope she's okay.

I hope she didn't, you know, have a stroke or something.

But the good news is my grain is all right here.

I ordered some from the Amazon, even though I hate them.

I ordered the, what is that called, this grain?

It's called Amaranth.

I've never heard of it.


It looks kind of like the little.


Kind of like those little, I don't know what you call those things.

Customers who are traveling and unable to tap their virtual venture card should speak to a station attendant.

Oh, yeah.

That'll work.


They're always so friendly at the station.

So I went to the convention.

I was there when Kamala gave her big speech.

I was right there.

I was guarding the entrance to the penthouse.

It was something else, audience.

It was really something else.

So there was that.

I don't know what happened to this ninja.

I'm in the right chat room.

I sent a million emails saying, you know, call me.

I don't know what's going on.


Well, she sent me some recordings.

I suppose we can find them.

Let's see.

Where's my finder?

They call it the finder because that's where you find things, I suppose.

So let's see.

I don't know.

Maybe something happened.

Maybe she made a duty.

I don't know.

It's very weird.


So download.

I want to go to my iCloud drive.

Where would this be?

I downloaded them.

I suppose downloads on my iCloud.

This isn't live, by the way.

I don't do that anymore because nobody gives a shit.

I might start again, but yeah, nobody cares.

So fuck it.


Nobody gives a shit.

Nobody listens live.

Fuck that.

All right.

Let's see.


I was working.

It sucks because the software I'm using is very limited in its capabilities.

Okay, so this is, I've got some recordings here.

I might as well just play them, I suppose I could just play them.


Wait a second.

Why is it not letting me drag them into the hell there?

Oh, why won't it let me drag them?

This is very odd.

Trans beats that what's going on?

It's not, that's, I have never seen this happen before.

These are wave files and it won't let me just drag them on in.

What the fuck?

I guess I can just play it like this.

That is very strange audience.

I wonder what's going on with that.

Everything is kooky right now for me.

It's a good thing I don't really care that much.

Wait, what is this?

Damn this moi.

No, that's not right.

That's the same grub hole.

What is this one?

No, do not save changes.

I don't want to close anything.

You silly.


Diapers here, let me try the diapers move down into the holder.

Does that work?

Yeah, that works.

A lot happens at pizza expo.

What happens at pizza expo?

Yeah, we already heard that.

So why then is free Palestine up?

I guess it doesn't work in the old holder.


Let's see if it doesn't work.

Oh, wow.

That's a lot of people.

When I saw that place, I've thought, how do they keep this



I'm trying to find Ninja's phone number, but I don't...

I don't even remember her.


Uh, hello?

I don't know what happened.

Where is she?

Oh, are you there?

Oh, she's coming.

How wonderful.


Oh, this is very exciting now.

She's going to show up in a second.

I'll play her song.

Let's see.

Are you there, Ninja?

I think you're muted.

It says you're muted.

Yeah, it says you're muted.

Ask to unmute.

I'm going to press ask to unmute.

Press it.


I pressed it.

Ask to unmute.

Ask to start.


Oh, there you are.

I start my video.

Oh, Madge, I love your Yarmulke.

Thank you.

I thought I lost you because I didn't...

I think I canceled the show and I was fine.

I kind of panicked, but that's okay.

I'm glad you're there.

Yeah, I'm sorry.

What I was doing was I was trying to set up...

I was trying to set up this device.

Oh, dildo?


It's a...

Yeah, it's an audio vibrator.


No, it's to record phone calls in the olden days.

So I thought maybe I could do two channels, but so far, no.

Are you good the way you are now for the rest of the talk?

Yes, I am good.

Okay, so...

Oh, original sound for musicians.

You want me to turn that on?

Yeah, press that.

Yes, please.

On, yeah.

All right, it is on.

All right, noise suppression is disabled.

I don't even know what that means.

But it's okay.

All right, so, yeah, hi.

I'm trying to figure out if it's better with or without, because there's...

I'm so not...

I'm so mentally ill.

Would you rather just see my face than this stupid Fakakta thing?

I think it's better.

I thought it was just fine.

I was just bored, so I was making this Jewish avatar.

I don't think it's very good.

Oh, wow.

There I am.

Oh, hello.

Oh, and there's my mess.

I turned off my background.

I have to make sure and turn it back on for my meetings at work tomorrow.

They'll see my dress and my...

Yeah, so I'm getting like a very slow, like high-pitched thing, but it's going away when

you don't talk.

It's weird.

How about now?

Yeah, a little bit.

You know what?

All right.

It's your thingy.

Yeah, I got it.

I removed everything now.

So, yeah, this was what I was using.


It's better now.

Okay, good.

So, I had this connected into one of the channels.

And I thought maybe I could...

A device.

And I thought maybe I could, you know, separate the channels, but I'm going to need some more

time to play with that.

Well, look, I can send you the separated channels if you need me to, because I have a separated.

Ah, okay.

I have a separated.

And you're recording.

Which is...

I am recording.

Actually, I'm recording twice in Zoom and in my own personal holder.


So, I wanted to compliment you.

You sent me some recordings that you took at this...

Gay Lesbian Parade or something.

The recording quality, before we discussed the content, it was really good quality.

What are you using to record?

Just my audio on my Android.

You're kidding.

No, but I also do stuff with it, because I load it into Audacity, and then I play with

it, and then I convert it, and I do all kinds of things.

And that's just the phone's microphone?


It's got...

What kind of phone is it?

It's an Ultra, Samsung Ultra.


Yeah, because it records in stereo.

It records in stereo, and you can...

Yeah, actually, I was very pleased with the quality, because I usually use my Zoom, but

I didn't have my Zoom with me that day, so...

Yeah, it sounded really good.

Oh, good, good.

I've been using my Apple Watch to record, and it's mono, but it's excellent quality.

Oh, that's good.

I mean, not for the show, but like when I'm out.


And anyway, thanks for joining me.

I'm so sorry that I fucked up the time.

It doesn't matter.

I just...

Time zones are hard.


So, I don't know, when you said six, you meant six your time, which is seven my time, or

is it five my time?

It's five my time.

No, six o'clock my time.

You're on Eastern, right?


So, six my time, I meant seven your time, then.

Ah, okay.


So, you know, we just...

Okay, well, it's okay.

It's fine.


So, how have you been?

I've been not bad.

We went away.


And August was not...

I'm not going to get into it, but August was not a great month, but we were away for almost

a month in the UK, so that was a lot of fun.


Why can't you get into it?


Why it wasn't a great month?

Because I don't mind.

Unless it's too personal.

It is quite personal.

I'll tell you in an email.

But that's...

Okay, sure.

But this is good.

This is good.

This is therapeutic.

So, I'm good.

But you were in the UK?

I was also sick.

You were sick.

Yeah, I was sick.

Yeah, so we were in the UK, and we went to Windsor, and went to Windsor Castle.

We went to Oxford.

I was going to tell you something about Oxford.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I can tell you that later.

Did you see the comma?

What's the comma?

The Oxford comma, you know, when you say, when you list things, and you put a comma

before the last one, you know what I mean?

Oh, yes, I do that.

That's the Oxford comma.

Yes, that's because I'm Canadian.

So, I go, Richard, comma, I'm sorry, Madge, comma, Ninja, comma, and Reagan.


You had to use that one, huh?

The anti-Zionist.

He's an anti-Zionist.

Oh, huh.

He's an anti-Zionist Jew.

But what does that mean?

I mean, there's no such, you can't be a Jew and be anti-Zionist.

I'm sorry.

It's, it's.

To be an anti-Zionist is to believe in ethnic cleansing.

I don't see a way around it.

Why do you say that?

Because Zion is already there.

The Israel is already there, right?


So, if you're anti-Zionist, you're anti-Yen.

If you're anti-Israel, if you're anti-Israel, how are you going to get rid of those people?

It's ethnic cleansing.

Am I right?

Or am I missing something?

Well, I think that it's justified in that, no, we don't need our own homeland.

Jews don't need our own homeland.

But we have our own homeland.

Yes, we do.

We already have it.

So, what do you do with it?

How can you be an anti-Zionist and say, we don't need our own homeland, but we have our own homeland?

You're saying, then, what do we do with our existing homeland, then?

It's a nonsensical thing.

It's a nonsensical position.

It means that.

I think that anti-Zionists who are not in Israel mean, I am not going to Israel.

I am not going to declare Israel my home.

I think that's what they mean.

But that's not what Zionism means.

Zionism means home.

So, you're either a Zionist in West Hollywood or you're a Zionist in Israel.

I think I've shown you this.

Zion is what my star of David said.

Zion means home.

It literally says Zion home on my necklace, and that's all it is.

It doesn't mean we have to kill people.

It doesn't mean we have to have Bibi Netanyahu and Likud doing crazy shit.

That doesn't make sense.

It just means we deserve a homeland, and we have a homeland, and it probably shouldn't be taken away from us,

especially since it's already there.

I don't understand the point of being an anti-Zionist.

I really don't.

What is the point, do you think?

I think the point is to not allude.

You don't align yourself with the politics, but that's hopeless.

But that's not what that word means, though, is it?



Anti-Zionism means I don't believe in the state.

It means I don't believe in the state of Israel, which is insane.

Because you're right, we do have a state.

It already exists.

So, what do you mean when you say you're anti-Zionist?

Have you ever asked them that?

What it means?


Oh, okay.


See, everyone has their own definitions of these things.

That's part of the problem.


But, yeah, I guess I haven't run into anybody who says they're anti-Zionist.

Yeah, I don't think people get to define their own, make up their own words.

That's a problem that's going on today.

You have people, they change the meaning of words every day.

Like, literally used to mean literally, now it means figuratively.

And now you have that word.

What is that word?


That's all.

Oh, virtually?

No, there's another word that's been in the meme, and I already forgot it.

This fat drag queen says it a lot.


Oh, right.

So, now everything's demure.

That's the whole demure thing.

And now everybody is using it as a TikTok.


A TikTok exercise.

Anyway, I don't just want to sound like the person, which is what I am.

But I wanted to play this clip.

I had intended to just play it in the beginning before I got all discombobulated.

Can I just play this clip from your parade?

And then you can explain.

Can you explain to me what's happening here?


I'm not going to play the first one.

I already played it before you came on.

The Free Free Palestine chant.

I think that's pretty self-explanatory.

But I'd like to understand this.

Here, I'm going to play it now.

You should hear it while I play it.


If you're not a trans ally, then you're shit.

Then you're shit.

If you're not a trans ally, then you're shit.

Then you're shit.

If you're not a trans ally, not a trans ally, not a trans ally, then you're shit.

Then you're shit.

If you're gay and not an ally, then you're shit.

Then you're shit.

If you're straight and not an ally, then you're shit.

Then you're shit.

If you're still not a trans ally, then you're shit.

Then you're shit.

If you're not a trans ally, not a trans ally, not a trans ally, then you're shit.

Then you're shit.

I think there's a...

It's not done yet.

Everyone should have a sex change.

Okay, so do you think everyone should have a sex change?

Absolutely not.

I don't want one.

So that had nothing to do with Palestine.

That was just part of the queer stuff, right?

Yeah, but for me, that's what started it,

was like, why is this so hateful?

To me, it was just mean.

It's like, what are you telling the rest of the world here?

I mean, imagine there were thousands of people at this march.

It just went on and on and on for over an hour.

What was the march?

It was the Trans Parade, Trans March,

which was part of Gay Pride.

And Gay Pride had been a couple of weeks earlier,

and now this was the Trans March.

And it could have been a lot of fun,

but for us, it was not a lot of fun.

It was scary.

I mean, when you're saying,

if you're not a trans ally, then you're shite.

I mean, come on.

Like, I don't believe, that's not going to work.

It doesn't work for me.

Should I play this third clip, or was that just,

let me just play it, hang on.

The trans.

I don't know, this is just.

Trans beats.

I don't know if you can make out,

I don't know if you can make out any dialogue or chants.

Okay, that's okay.

That's music.

I can play that later.

So, do you know what this means?

Because I was at a bookstore,

seeing a play, a reading, a couple weeks ago,

and there was a sign that said,

no queer liberation without,

there can be no queer liberation without a free Palestine.

Do you know what that means?

I have no.

Because I don't understand what that means.

I have no idea what that means, but it can't be good.

I mean, there can be no,

there can be no queer,

what is that, no queer freedom?

Liberation without a free Palestine.

Well, that makes no sense.

You know, okay, there can be no queer freedom then,

or queer freedom without the Uyghurs being free,

or, you know.

You know, Tibet being free,

and all the other places, Sri Lanka being free.

I mean, why?

What about those kids that pull the cobalt out of the mines?

I don't know about them.

This is coming from, I googled it,

it comes from a, I think it comes from a socialist party.

It's from workers' world.

No queer liberation without a free Palestine.

Let's see what it says.

Solidarity with LGBTQ,

there's a million other letters, I didn't read them all.

Solidarity with anti-colonial movements,

has existed for some time in the 60s and 70s,

gay liberation front,

a group fighting for civil rights in the U.S.,

had famously borne the flags of North Vietnam

and the National Liberation Front

in demonstrations and processions,

an act done explicitly in support of the Vietnamese resistance.

The Palestine, Palestinian ASWAT,

sounds like asshat, ASWAT,

Palestinian Feminist Center for Gender and Sexual Freedoms,

expressed solidarity with the,

who the,

what is,

what is that?

Is that like a sperm?

I mean, how is that even,

Palestinian Feminist Center for Gender and Sexual Freedoms,

how much you want to bet that isn't actually in Palestine?

Expressed solidarity with the Cuban Five

during their unjust imprisonment.

Oh, this was a while ago, okay.

I don't understand.

I mean, I could read it, but it's,

I don't understand what's happening.


How did that make you feel?

I mean, it makes me feel like, you know,

people are missing the point of what liberation is.


And they're missing.

What is liberation?

That's a good question.


It's all this ideal.

I'm asking, I don't know.

Oh, what's liberation?

Well, I think it's idealistic.

I don't think,

there's no such thing as freedom as far as I'm concerned.

And maybe that's because I'm an old fart,

and I've lived too long,

and I know that idealism doesn't work.

Okay, throwing oranges at Anita Bryant did work.


But those were just oranges.


So that helped the gay liberation movement.

But, you know, what is freedom?

Freedom is,

there's no such thing as freedom.

We're all tied together.

At least that's what Judith Butler says.

Oh, I listened to her.

Yeah, I was listening to a bunch of her stuff.

Yeah, she's.

I was on an airplane somewhere.

Yeah, I got really interested.

I was listening to her,

and then I was searching for podcasts with her.


That's interesting.


Because I'd only heard about her.

I'd never actually listened to her directly.

And she doesn't sound like the evil entity

that so many men are out to be, you know?

Well, she is a true academic philosopher.

And she's, you know, she's very dense.

I mean, her head is full of, you know, really dense stuff.

So it's almost impossible to understand

what she's talking about.

But basically, she says that war is a,

it takes courage to be peaceful.


And that's her, that's one of the things that she says.

I don't know if you've heard her say that.

I didn't, she was talking about gender,

what I was listening to.

So no, I didn't.

This is old.

She, actually, she's also, she's also,

I don't know if she's anti-Zionist,

but she is, she doesn't necessarily believe

in the state of Israel the way it is today,

which is a problem for a lot of, you know,

Jews who want to align with her.


But she has a lot of interesting things

to say about war.

She says that, you know,

life is a very precarious thing

and that we all depend on each other

from cradle to grave.

I mean, there's no way of getting around it

and people just don't get it.

They don't get that we're all.


Yeah, that we're all connected

and it's like, it's, it's, yeah, I, you know,

maybe that's a trite thing to say,

but if you really understand that statement,

that we all live in a state of precarity,

then you under, then you get it.

You get that.

You just can't go up to people and be unkind

or be mean or wage war.

And I agree with that.

But at the same time, there's evolution

and there's our, you know, our survival instincts

and our, what do you call it?

You know, when you, you know, those,

those things we have that make us fight

with other people in order to, you know,

reproduce basically, I, there's a word for it.

I forgot, but you know, these, you know,

in other words, yeah, we're all one organism.

I agree with that,

but we're kind of programmed to do certain things.

And I think a lot of this tribalism comes

from the fact that we really haven't evolved

since we were, you know, hunter gatherers.

No, you know, no, we don't deserve this planet.

No, that's a very,

and we're not going to keep it because we're gone.

We're finished.

I mean,

this, the climate news lately is so incredibly profoundly bad

and it's just no, everybody ignores it completely.

I mean, the ice sheets are, you know,

we're going to have humongous sea levels

in the 2030s already, at least every prediction

just becomes more and more conservative as we go on.

And it's just like, it's here, it's here.

And the climate scientists,

there's an article in the guardian.

They're just fucking devastated.

They are just devastated.

And I keep thinking the only thing I am,

if you ask me what I'm grateful for in this world,

it's my age more than anything,

because it me,

I just feel so bad for these kids,

like my niece and nephew who are in their twenties

who are going to have to live through that.

I just, because everybody's in such denial.

And I think a lot of the anxiety, you know,

if you watch Bill Murray,

all he does is complain about kids today,

kids stay in all their anxiety and he blames it on devices.

I don't,

I blame it on the fact that everybody's going to fucking die in a


Pretty soon.

And then it's like all been pushed into the subconscious and turns into

this manifests as anxiety and all kinds of wacky shit,

you know?

And I think a lot of the kids when they're screaming about Palestine,

I, I saw a lot of them up front.

I was at the DNC last week,

you know,

and I,

afterwards there were just protesters that were screaming at me.

They're like waving money at me.

They're just screaming you murder,



And they wouldn't.

And I try to talk,

they said Kamala could stop the war.

Now I said,

did you listen to her speak?

Kamala could stop the war now.

Come on.

I said,

so could Hamas.

All they have to do is they would just have to surrender this war that

they're losing and release the hostages.


and I was being very calm and she just starts screaming again,

you know,

though there was one woman that was able to have a discussion.

That was very nice.

You know,

these other Democrats were leaving and they're like,

don't talk to them.

Don't know.

I said,

wait a minute.

I want to talk to them.

And the lady starts giving me,

I said,

this is,

we can't have a discussion.

You just want to scream.

But then another lady,

she's kind of following me and the other,

the people are like,


don't talk to her.

Don't talk.

And I said,


And she's like,

Kamala could stop the war.


I said,

did you listen to her speech tonight?

She said,


we're here.

I said,

listen to her speech.

And I said,

and to be honest,

she's actually really good for your cause.

And it makes me even a little nervous because there was the head of your


I was telling her the head of your movement,

these anti,

whatever the pro Palestine people,

they were on an interview with some,

one of those podcasts.

I listened to maybe Jacob,


the nation.

I don't remember what it was.

It was the head of their movement being interviewed.

And he said,

I like Kamala.

She's talking to our people and she's considering an embargo against Israel's



He was happy with her.

I'm like,

do you listen to your leader?

Cause like,

you know,

you should listen because you're a lot better off with her that certainly than

you are with Trump.

And you might want to do that.

And she's like,




It was totally peaceful interaction,

but that's the kind of interaction that's rare.

The rest of them are just screaming.

And the screaming,

I feel like is manifesting that crazy anxiety that comes from other places.

I just wonder,


are they really all this mad about this?


I don't know.

It's one thing that bothers me too,

is that there's so much.

And why did they give you,

why did she try to give you money?

Did you make some sense out of that?


it was a,

I have it on a picture,

a live photo.

So you can kind of see it,

but it wasn't her.

It was somebody else.



it was a Jewish thing.

I think it was just basically anti-Semitism.

She's like,

like something about tear.

You it's like,

you are just killing kids for money.

I don't understand.

You know,

how can you make sense?

That's frightening.


but it's like,

I don't know if I was going to say,

but one thing that bothers me is when they talk about statistics,

they always say,

according to the Gaza and health ministry,

they don't,

I really wish they would say the Hamas run help Gaza health ministry.

I think that's really important.

Maybe it's not a big deal.

Maybe the statistics are correct,

but it matters because they're the enemy.

They're the ones that started this and they're the ones that,

you know,

killed children who were innocently sleeping in bed.

I mean,

and then they argue about rape,



let's just assume for a minute.

There were no rapes.


they did kill us.

And in my opinion,

I'd rather get raped than killed,

which I got a lot of shit for my last show,

but it's true.

I think life is important,

but I just,

I don't know.

But at the same time,

Netanyahu is horrible.

He's terrible.

And the propaganda coming from those people are awful too,

because I see all these tick-tock bots,

you know,

acting like they're insulting people who have vote for Kamala saying,


you know,

you're stupid.

If you vote for a Democrat,

you know,

it's obviously Trump is the only one that's going to protect Israel,





I don't know.

Where are you with all this?

Where I am with all this is that Trump's not going to protect anybody,

but Trump and people are refusing to believe that he has,


he will only do what works for him.

And he's a tool of,

he's a tool of Putin and they cannot,

he's a tool of everybody who wants,

who wants to conquer America.

And that's,

you know,

they just can't wait.

They're foaming at the mouth,

waiting for him to become president because that just opens the door for,

you know,

anything the world wants to do.

They'll be able to get away with because Trump,

Trump doesn't know how to,

he has no,

he would have no judgment whatsoever.

Should he,

should he join a war or shouldn't he join a war or,

you know,

he has no intelligence,

not neither emotional intelligence,

military intelligence,

none of that.

It's just a big baby.

And the weird thing,

not weird.

The awful thing is the two people he added to his transition team this week are both such obvious Russia shills.

Robert F.

Kennedy Jr.

Who is just,

he's got the face of a cat's ass and he's so,

he's so stupid.

And then Tulsi Gabbard.

I mean,

she's just the,

both of them are just complete nonsense.

They can't even make logical arguments.

I'm not familiar with who she is.


she was both of them were progressives.

They're both horseshoes,


So they were both supposedly progressives and now they're joining Trump.

Not only did they switch to Republicans,

they're joining Trump's transition team.


you know,

she's one of those people that,

you know,

she's always defending like Assad and she met with him and she's,

you just have to Google her.

She says just dumb shit,

you know,

that it's,

they both say that,

you know,

it's NATO's fault that Ukraine was invaded because,

you know,

we provoke,


they just recite talking points from Putin.


that's really unfortunate.


Oh my goodness.


I just I fear for your country so much and it just it's causes.

I think it's causing it's caused me a lot of stress.

So he's not going to win.

Oh God,

I hope not.

What the issue is more like is he going to steal it?


I just have a fundamental logic that says,


Trump lost in 2020,


He lost in 2020.

And that was before January 6.

That was before that.

He tried to get fake electors.

That was before he tried to call on the and they have a recording of calling the,

you know,

whoever that was in Georgia saying,

I just need 50,000 votes or 5,000,

whatever it was.

That was before he sued every state to try to,

you know,

to get them to overturn the election results and they failed.

That was before he said,

he wants,

you know,

those people said to kill his vice president.

I mean,

and it was before he became a convicted felon with 34.

I think it,

you know,

counts all of that before all of that.

He's still lost.

So you mean to tell me he lost an election to Biden and then all those things that I just mentioned happen.

And now people are going to like him more.

Do you it makes no sense.

Sometimes common sense matters.

And I do believe that the media has constantly been playing him up because they know he sells.


nothing gets ratings more than Trump and says stupid shit.

Trump says,

and you look at the way,

but the New York Times has been both sizing it.

It's crazy.

People are up in arms over it,

you know,

and I just,

I think it's hype.

I think what I need to do is,

I mean,

I've been stuck in my echo chamber for too many years.

So I think what I should do is go out there and find out,

find people who are Trump or conservative aligners,

people who like him and find out why.

I mean,

you know,

they have,

they have a reason for wanting him.

I do not know what it is.

It's like,

and do you know a man of La Mancha?


Don't play that song at the end.


So there's a song where Sancho his Squire says,

you know,

why do you like him so much?

I like him.

I really like I think people just like Trump.

I think the people just like him and I think that's what it comes down to.


It's like they see him as a friend as they relate to him.

They make him laugh.

They feel that connection and especially in this world where everybody's so lonely and then the suburban people,

especially love him where they don't get to talk to people that a lot of times they don't even go to an office like I don't,

but they don't even walk down the street.

They just they're isolated.

So they feel a connection with this guy who speaks to a certain base instinct to be nasty.

Like it's in high school.


you know,

like when the kids gang,

up on other kids,

you know,

that kind of feeling like camaraderie in a nasty way,

a bully base instinct.

He's a bully.

He is a bully.


but he's but one thing I am concerned about because I do say,


I don't believe he's going to win,

but I am concerned about how he's going to try and steal it again.

And if the Supreme Court will let him,

I think that's more when I talk to the other people volunteering.

That's what I saw in this one lady and she's like I said,

I think,

you know,

basically I said,

like I told you,

I he's going to win and she's like define winning.

That's what matters.

You have to define winning.

Are you saying she's going to win an election night and we end up saying,


basically winning means she gets inaugurated to come like it's inaugurated.

That's winning,

you know,

and but there's all these other levels now,

you know,

do you win the it's it's nuts.

So what else did you did you like about the DNC?

I think you were making I like about it.

Did you like it?

Or did you just do it?


you want to support the Democratic movement or no,

I did it because it's like I just wanted to be there.


I was there when Obama won and I,

you know,

I was able to see him except,

you know,

the when he won on election night in Grand Park,

I like to be at important historic events and it was and I just thought it's going to be right here.

It's going to make me crazy if it's happening and I'm not a part of it in some way.

So I agree,

you know,

as I volunteered months ago,

the organization of it,

it was just beyond horrible.

I'm just amazed at how good it looks on TV when an incredibly dysfunctional organizations behind it,

but but it was,

you know,

I think I talked about on my last show.

They had were deleted on my all of my volunteer slots.

So I had to like get them back and it was just a fucking mess.

So like the first the first day I worked at,


the Hyatt Regency for our half,

probably half the delegates were staying and I basically loaded them up in the buses.

That was fun.

You know,

I got to meet people and you know,

it's just it was just neat and then but you know,

the people involved are so stressful and I could have been anybody and they would have just put giving me a vest.

They don't check anything and I have a like I took a scooter because you know,

the whole city is on lockdown.

So you have all these VIPs.

Kamala has one hotel Biden has another hotel and each hotel they stay at.

They put these.

Gigantic metal fences on you can't go anywhere on those streets.

And these are major thoroughfares downtown and then they block them with trucks.

So the bus was to I would have missed my shift if I took the bus or the train.

So I took a scooter and then the scooters like I had to go around.

It was just it was just crazy and then but anyway,

one one woman gave she had an extra ticket to the event as I'm loading buses.

So I she gave it to me just to attend this was on Monday and then I took the last bus.

Over it took fucking forever.

There were like 10 people on it.

The 630 bus.

There's this one influencer this kid always make fun of he was on the bus to who like he's like 21 years old and he

interviewed Biden and he just kisses his behind.

But the bus was like 45 minutes to go like two miles.

It gets there and it wouldn't move because of the motorcades.

It was just complete chaos.

So we had a walk to the Convention Center and then you have to stand on line for another 45 minutes or an hour to go

through the Secret Service.

Scanning I and then I finally get in I get a seat in the top level of the like third floor,

which is not a good seat and I think I got there right when AOC started speaking.

So as the beginning of like the a-list speakers,

but then the people so I'm at the top right the top level and above me is standing room and it's standing room.

It's like there's kind of like a desk that surrounds the top level and it's where like reporters and stuff can use their laptops,

except it's not the official.

Press area.

So the two people that were behind me,

it's probably why the seat was empty where these like these Republican,

I don't know trolls and they're just talking really loud to just you make fun of everyone as I was like,

I had to ignore them and basically I'm reading the closed captions because I couldn't hear a fucking thing.

So I got to see Hillary AOC President Biden,

but Biden was so boring that I was like,

thank God this guy didn't keep the nomination.

I mean,

all he does is yell at people.

I mean,

he just he yells at you like your grandpa and by the time he was on for like 40 minutes,

I just left took the bus back and then I took the bus back to the hotel went back and then I had some shifts in McCormick place.

But then on Thursday was my access control shift,

which is the one I really wanted.

They only give people one of those and that's when you get to be a bouncer for the you know,

you decide who gets in and who doesn't into the actual stadium.

But they the thing is they had they said we need to be when they need three sets of volunteers to work at the stairwells,

which isn't as desirable because you're not like in front of the arena and they said if we don't if nobody volunteers,

I'm going to have to pick you know somebody so I volunteered because I'm like stupid.

I'm just like,

you know what these people really want to do.

I don't give a shit.

I just because I was there on Monday and I know how awful it is anyway.

So anyway,

so I worked the stairwell,

guarding the access to the penthouse was what they call it.

It's like the top floor and there's like some I don't know what they do up there reporter people.

You have to have a special ID and then it was just pure chaos because they they gave out way too many tickets.

So they just the the arena kept loading up and loading up.

There was not enough room.

The fire marshals came because there was people were like huddled together.

They couldn't breathe.

They're calling first aid.

They couldn't get what and then if they left to get water,

we weren't supposed to let him back in.

So then people were screaming at us and then the people couldn't get seats in the regular area.

They're like,

where's the standing room?

And I said,

there's no standing room.

The fire marshals up there saying we can't let anybody in.

I've got women that were literally crying like,


what can I do?

What am I supposed to do?

I'm here.

I don't have a place to sit.

I said,

I mean go I told one of them to go home and watch it on C-SPAN.

I said,

you'll have a better time.

It probably was better on C-SPAN.

I got yelled at by so many people.

They were so nasty.

We didn't really know what the rules are.


I had to threaten and call service Secret Service on a couple people,

although they were nowhere to be found.

I mean,

they were all on the more important floors.

And then finally when it came,

I think Kissinger with a when he came on Kissinger.

I thought Kissinger.



He's a Republican convert.


Kissinger's dead,

I think.

So when he came on,

I'm just like me and my,

I had a partner growing the same stairwell and we're just like this sucks.

And I was like,

you know what?

They can't fire us.

If we don't do the job,

you know that like,


so we went over to like different,

you know,

to the actual entrance to the thing.

And she went somewhere and I went somewhere and I became friendly with this lady named

Amy who actually reminds me of you.

She could have been you.

She's just like this Jewish lesbian type.

I should I don't know if she's lesbian.

She looked like you so I thought she's a lesbian and I start chatting with her.

She's from New York.

She came from New York just for this.

I'm chatting with her.

So she lets me in and then I got a spot,

you know,

and I'm sitting on the stairs,

but I had a nice a nice view.

And then,

you know,

I watched him and then camel and she's like,


why aren't you?

She said,

why aren't you at your post?

I said,

because I don't she said,

I said,

because I don't care.




come on in and I so I said,



this is probably just like Ninja.

Maybe it's your cousin.

I gave her the I gave her the the address of my podcast too.

So Amy,

if you're listening,

I don't know if you're a lesbian,

but that's not an insult.

It's just,

you reminded me of my your doppelganger who I'm speaking with now,

but it was just,

you know,

it was and Kamala speech was,

I mean,

it wasn't the greatest speech,

but it was so normal in a way that it was comforting.

I don't know.

Did you watch it?

Did you want to speak?

I haven't.



It was just a normal,

you know,

I expected theatrics.

I expected zingers.

It was none of that.

It was just like,

here's what I'm going to do.

And this is that and she was she played the Israel-Palestine about as both sides as you can.

She did a good job.

She's like,

Israel will always,

you know,

we will always protect Israel and I will make sure that Palestinians have a,

you know,

have a right to whatever that is when you call it the right to stay self-determination or whatever.

And that got the biggest applause in the whole place.

The self-determination thing.


So yeah,

I mean they were standing for that one.

And so so but and then they did the balloons.

It was it felt she felt like a normal person talking to normal people.

It was not like Hillary.

Where it's just like out-of-touch person.

I really think she's going to win,

you know,

and she's just she's nothing amazing.

She's just she's just somebody who can run the country.

She saw me maybe like a she's young and energetic.


Well young is older than me,

which is hilarious.

But oh,

is she how old is she?

She's 60 almost.

I thought she was your running mate is one year old running mate is 60.

She's 59 her running mate looks 20 years older than her,

but she kind of reminds me of like the Democratic version of George Bush,

George W.




not George W.


He's awful.

Her his father George H.


Bush different just like kind of like I almost like a technocrat just like she's

just a competent person who happens to be the will be the first whatever woman

who of color and all that but that doesn't really matter.

If you're not,

you know a sexist,

you know what I mean?

I mean it matters because it's important for the glass ceiling.

I'm not saying that what I'm saying is it's in terms of like people are all the same as

I'm saying,

you know,

I mean a woman or a man runs the country.

They're just people and you know what I mean?

I think what matters here in this situation is is if she has really good advisors that

she listens to absolutely that I mean,

that's what makes a leader.

Can she do that?

I hope so because I'm not really sure.


she wanted this.

I think that she felt that she had to do this.

She didn't really know who will I think she wants it.


I think anybody in that position wants it.


nobody's going to be a vice president and not want the power.

Didn't you see?

Did you watch Veep?

I did.



It's hard not to imagine that because someone's there so many similarities similarities and you know,

and they do say that she swears like a sailor.

I would love to be in her inner circle.


you know,

I just think she's like,

I know she's like any I mean,

she played it well in the thing,

you know,

they introduce her family.

She's just like she feel like she could be your aunt or your sister or a co-worker.

She's very she's extremely relatable.


my understanding does have go ahead.



just that she has a humble beginnings,

I guess.


she does,

but I have heard that she alienated a lot of her staff.

I mean,

I have no idea if that's true statement or not,

but that's,

that's what I heard that's what I understood.


but you know,

one thing that Trump said about Biden that I agreed with in that whole stupid debate.

One point he made is you never fired anybody.

You need to fire people.

If you're gonna be a leader and he Biden doesn't fire people when they fucked up Afghanistan.

He didn't fire anyone in charge,

you know,

so maybe I this first I've heard about Kamala being a,

you know,

maybe difficult to work with but they always seem to that.

Accusation always gets levied at women.

Not every time.

I hear it.


I've heard so many women.

I think Amy Klobuchar so many women I get accused of that and I don't think I've ever heard a man being accused of being difficult.

You know what I mean?

Exactly because in Canadian politics that happens a lot that women are accused of being difficult and that's why that's why they're not successful.


in my experience men are much more difficult than women,

but I don't think it fucking matters.

I in this case.

I hope it doesn't matter at all.

I hope that I hope that you know,

Americans get what they need this year.

All that matters to me is SCOTUS like it's very simple decision.

I don't think it has to be complicated.

I wish the messaging would be clearer from the Democrats,

which is like I don't care what her position is.

I don't care if she was mean to this person that I don't care what she thinks about trans people.

I don't even care about what she thinks about Israel Palestine to be honest.

I care about the Supreme Court.

And I know she's going to pick decent justices.

If not liberal than at least middle of the road people,

but she's not going to turn this country or continue to turn this country into a theocracy,

which is what the Conservatives do and certainly what Trump does and that's the most dangerous fucking thing.

If you look at what happened in Iran in the 80s or in the in late 70s,

whenever that the Iranian Revolution that's what's happening.

That's what this is about.

It's about theocracy.

It's about completely turning a country.

Over to a single religion Christianity.

That's what the battle is.

All this other shit is bullshit.

It's not about trans and all this dumb shit.

That's like,

you know,

half of a percent.

Nobody cares.

They're creating this issue so that they can seize power.

It's a long-running coup.

Trump is a long-running coup that started in 2020 and it's just continuing and that's the thing.

I didn't get until I was reading like a post from Dave Weiner where he was referring to.

He's been bitching about the New York Times constantly.

Ignoring the New York Times ignoring there every time there's a headline ignoring ignore NPR ignore Washington Post and like why are you keep saying this?

What is and I realized his perspective after he posted a link to an article that basically that Trump is a it's a coup and they're not reporting it as a coup.

They're reporting it as a you know,

just another choice in a presidential election,

but that's not what it is.

It's not it's a it's one.

It's a candidate on one side and a coup on the other side.

And that's not fair because it sounds like you're being unbalanced,

but that's the reality.

We have one candidate who plays by the rules and we have a coup on the other side.

Who's trying to seize who is continuing to attempt to seize power.

He never stopped.

He never conceded the election.

He never believed he lost the election.

He dismisses from his circle.

Anybody who doesn't think he won which means Tulsi Gabbard and RFK jr.

Have had to go to that lie or he'll they'll dismiss.

Him and it's terrifying.

It is that's I mean,

that's what we're up against.

We're talking about when when the Iranian when the I read a wonderful book called unveiled.

You have to read it by the way.

It's a story of a woman who was who is a Muslim

and she was horribly abused and it's all about the anti-semitism

and misogyny in the in the Islam religion and what she experienced personally

and how especially in Canada because she lived in Canada

and how the the left wing enables this.

This sort of stuff like she was actually physically abused

but her husband was turns out to be a member of Al Qaeda

who knew a son of a lot and this is all a true story

and she tried to get she went to a teacher

and the teacher tried to have her removed from the home.

This was when she was in high school.

They've sent her back to the home where she was being abused to continue being abused.

They said because because she's Islam because she's Muslim.

They have different rules.

And so we had you know,

that kind of violence is acceptable because it's part of their culture.

You know that sort of thing

and that's what she exposes in her book.

It's fantastic.

But yet was she the one that went to the teacher

and said I need to be removed.

Yes, absolutely.

And you will love this book.

It's very in fact the whole book.

She couldn't even get it published for a long time.

She was self-published until October 7th

and then finally people were able to and she has a big she's she's very good friends

with that.

What's that dude?

You love the podcaster you always talk about just blanking,

you know that guy.

Oh, I don't you've mentioned him to it.

Yeah, he's up.

Wait a minute.

Timothy Snyder.

No, he's not.

No bigger.

I don't know who it is.

I just have to tip of my tongue,

you know, one of the Harris Sam Harris Sam Harris.


Yeah, she's been on his show many times and she I think that's how she he originally helped her get a platform.

So yes, good for that.

He is good for that.

If he believes in your cause,

he'll go he'll he'll you know,

run miles for you.

Yeah, but I can't remember the point I was getting to with with all that.

Do you we were talking about just that Trump wants no talk autocracy

and it's going to Republicans because it means they can create their Christian nation,

which is not what the what your I was going to say fathers of Confederation,

which is not what your fathers of democracy.

Absolutely not what she and and the reason I met mentioned her is

because was in her book.

I believe where she described how that happened.

It wasn't just like one day,

you know, the the fundamentalist took over this free country.

It was a process.

It was people saying,

oh no vote for us because we're the good guys.

The Shah he was installed by the nasty United States.

The CIA, you know,

he's terrible watch us.

We're going to free you.

You're going to have freedom and then he enslaved them and now they have to wear,

you know,

the black stuff that can't show themselves and they get.

Thrown people off buildings bad people.

It's a fucking mess forever because they let that happen.

But the people got convinced of it the same.

I mean, that's really the danger here is that we will turn into the equivalent of that,

you know, so I don't give a shit about Kamala.

I don't care what race she is.

I don't care if she's a good leader or badly.

The only thing I care is I know she'll pick people that aren't like that.

I find for sure.

No, she's not going to pick religious zealots for SCOTUS.

And that's why everybody should vote for and none of that other shit fucking matters

because even that's more important than the whole Israel Palestine thing because we can't become around.

We can't sacrifice our whole country.

We can't well,


can't I don't know.

That was one thing I was raised to but I'm sorry.

I'm not no,


go ahead.

You were raised by my mother always.

She always well,

that was our prime.

If there's one thing my mother always said her theme you net when we were a kids in school.

Never let them.

You know,

we have separation of church and state.

Never let them impose their religion on you because we were in public schools.

If they ever come and ask you what your religion is,

you come home and tell me if they ever make you sing.


Chorus stand up for a court.

Make it come here.

If they make you do a Christmas ornament.

Tell me if they,

you know,

anything that did,

you know,

that goes against church and state,

let me know and this has been,

you know,

that's become one of my primary values for this country is,

we are not a Christian country.

We never were.

We are a,

you know,

we are about,

we were created for religious freedom.

You're a secular country.


I guess that's easier.

So you never had to recite the Lord's Prayer.

In a I did,

but never in school.


absolutely not,

but we did.

I grew up having to recite the Lord's Prayer,

which I can say verbatim in public school in public school.

I had to,

I had to recite the Lord's Prayer.

No kidding.


So I guess you're not a secular country because you're part of England.

Is that right?


We're not,

we're not strictly speaking a secular country.

I did not know that.

The other thing that's,

I think is I,

I'm just gonna change the subject a bit.


So in Canada,

you can't,

we have us,

we have the parliament and we have the Senate.

So people get appointed to the Senate,

which is the last place that rule that laws get,


get read.

So you can do three readings in parliament.

You do three readings in the Senate.

If it gets passed in the Senate,

then it gets signed by the King or the King's representative.

The King doesn't really sign it anymore.

Sign our laws anymore.


and if you are 75,

you have to leave the Senate.

And I think,

don't quote me on this.

I have to ask Special K cause she's the expert,

but I think,



she knows.

Oh my God.

She's just knows everything.


I think it's the same with the Supreme court that you can't stay for life in the Supreme court,

or maybe that's going to be changing.

And you guys need that.

You can't have these people living on and on and on.

And like Ruth Bader Ginsburg,


she should have given it up so that Obama could do the right thing.

So who appoints your senators if they're appointed?

I believe,

I'm not sure I'd have to,

I'd have to check.

I'll check that.


it's probably the best special.



I have to ask special.


But it,

it could be the prime minister who or a committee,

a prime,


a ministerial committee might do it.

How many senators are there?

I know you don't know how many,

but is it like us where it's the,

how many?


it's not like that at all.


I think there's,

I think there's at least one for each.


there may be one for each jurisdiction.

And they're appointed.

So you only vote for parliament.

We only vote for,

for parliament.

You don't vote for the prime minister.

We're doing,

we vote for the party.

So we're stuck with Trudeau.

We can't,

there's nothing we can do about that.

And a lot of people would like him to resign.

And the tradition is he's been in power now for seven years.


So the tradition is,

is that once you've been in for eight years,

you're kind of obligated to step down because,

you know,

that's the democratic way.

You don't try to keep power forever.



he's prepared,

but that's not a law or it's not a law.

It's tradition.


so if you had Trump,

he wouldn't leave.


He'd never leave.


And one of the things that frightens Canadians is that if we get a

conservative government that aligns with,


Republicans in the United States,

you know,

they may,

they know that leader may decide I'm never leaving.

If I can keep getting a mandate,

I will stay.


You know what I love about what's happened since Kamala is people are,

Democrats are fighting.

Now they have a fighting spirit and this is what bothered me when even in


nobody protested Trump until he lost.

Then everybody's out with the pussy hats.

I went to a bunch of protests.

It's like everybody's wearing the pussy hats and they're complaining about


Like you're supposed to do this before the election,

not after.

And now,

I mean,

there's not huge protests.

Except for the Palestine thing,


but people are fighting,

you know,


they have the spirit.

They have the spirit.

And I see that.

I see it.


you know,

you have a few very interesting months coming up ahead.


I think people are very excited to see how she fares against Trump in a debate.

I mean,

I'm not worried about it.

What did you hear that?

Did you?


What was that?

That is battery.


that's my ring,


my message.


so I better turn off my messages.

It's okay.

You know,

my show,

it's wouldn't,

it's nothing without technical difficulties.


I have no males going to show up now.


go ahead.

I think like,

I'm sure she's worried about the debate because she's not the best extemporaneous speaker.

But when you saw,

you saw,

you saw the debate with Biden and Trump,


I couldn't bear it.

I couldn't,

I will watch pieces.

And it's like his,

he's a broker.

Trump is a broken record.

Everything he said was factually inaccurate,

just stupid.

And like,

and that's what was so,

that's what made Biden look so bad.

It's like anybody who could breathe that wasn't Biden could have defeated Trump.

And that,

because I have to say is that's false.

That's false.

You're lying.

All you do is lie.

It's the same lie,

you know,

and be more specific than I am,


but you know,

everything is just such a blatant lie.

Like when he said,


everybody wanted Roe V Wade to be overturned.

Where the fuck?

Are you getting that from?

Nobody wanted to do this.


Then why is everybody protesting?

If everybody wanted,

that's just insane nonsense.

You just call it out.

I mean,


I wonder how she'll react when he starts his nonsense.

The problem is,

is that he,

you know,

he he's,

he's a big bully who won't let anyone else have a word in edgewise.

And he'll probably do what he did to Hillary.

He'll just walk around the stage.


but they have,

they're going to have rules about that.


I don't think I'll be able to do that.

They learned,

they learned a lot of lessons from Hillary that none of that was in vain.

All you know,

they know how to push his buttons.

Now that there's this Twitter account,

Kamala HQ,

where they just troll him.

It's it's his,

the fifth,

the official from their,

her campaign and they just troll him.

Usually it's with his own words.

You know what I mean?

Usually this,

I mean,

he's just post this garbage.

Like the other day when he was,

taking it,

doing a thumbs up at Arlington cemetery on fresh graves,

freshly fresh graves.

And he's just thumbs up because everything's a photo off.

I mean,

but again,

I don't even want to make it about the personalities at all.

Just make it simple.



That's it.

Do you want to be a ran or do you want to continue to be America?

That's all because that's the choice.

It's either,

you know,

it's either,

you know,


What do you call it?

Theocracy or it's democracy.

That's it.

Is this is a,

this is the turning point.

This is where we get to decide whether,

which direction this is 1980 for Iran right now.

It's it is.

I mean,

that's where we're at.

So it's a simple message that you can get across very simply.

I wish that they would do that,

but it's not.


they make it complicated.



what is Kamala's opinion in this?

How come the economy?

How's the economy?


who cares about the stupid economy?

It's fine.


If the economy is so bad,

how come people spend $3,000 on Taylor Swift tickets?

How come every bar in my neighborhood is more crowded than it's ever been?

How come everybody's buying recreational weed?

How come there's four manicurist on every fucking block?

If the economy is so fucking bad because you have inflation is high,

but disposable income according to many people is where is getting is growing faster.


They never talk about that.



people aren't fucking poor here.

That's bullshit.


I can see that.

I can see that argument very clear.

I'm in Chicago where we have the highest inflation rate of any big city in Chicago or in the country.

I see and still people are spending money because they miss things like the minimum wage is 515 50 an hour right in Chicago and a lot of big cities.

It's higher.

I think in Florida,

they may not.

So when you your minimum wage goes up,

you're going to have inflation because you know,

people have more money.

So yeah,

so yeah,

and prices are up.

But guess what?

You've got a you've got millions of teenagers making $15 an hour instead of seven.

You know,

you've got a lot of you've got people.


you got to look at the big picture.


And the reporting has been horrible.

And what's the horrible?


the reporting on,

you know,

the understanding the big picture is because it's about it's about making money.

It's so it's not about reporting.

Absolutely news and see this is also.

So why I'm sure how Kamala is going to win because the narrative is wrong.

The narrative.

It's the economy stupid that Bill Clinton did in the 90s is not right.

It's just that's what the media is saying,

but it's wrong.

The economy is not bad at all.

That's just a false reporting from these people that don't do any reporting.

All they do is analyze and put question marks at the end of headlines because it's not a headline.

It's just bullshit and people aren't educated enough about the economy to even know the difference now.


and when you give people money,

you know,

it's supply and demand,

you know,

you can blame it on corporate price gouging all you want.

But if people don't have the money,

they're not going to pay the high price.


That's right.

And when you give people a bunch of money as Trump and Biden both did,

you're going to cause inflation.

It's both of their faults deal with.

You know?



we got big problems.

The world has been.

Big problems.

The world has huge problems,

mainly climate change.

I mean,

to me,

that is,

you know,

that's the elephant in the room 24-7.

It is.

People talk about it like it's,


this is an anomaly.

All the strange weather we're having,

not an anomaly.


it's runaway climate change.

It just shows us how human we are.


And really,

I think it shows us.

What animals we are,

just the fact that we're unable to see anything except the here and now.

It's just so.

That's a good point.

It's what we're engineered to be.

I think,

I don't understand like how shit works,

but like humans have been a menace to this planet since the day we became humans.

You know,

I mean,

you read that book,


I think it was Species that.




I'm sorry.


It's like the second we became humans,

we differentiated from other group.

I think the Neanderthals,

I mean,

sounds like we killed off the Neanderthals because we're assholes and all the large,

the humongous mammals.

We killed the second we got to Australia and every other country.

We just killed them.

They didn't just fucking die over millions of years.

We humans killed all those humongous rats or whatever they're called.

And we've just been destroying species ever since.

And we are a strange species because we became these humans who killed the Neanderthals.

And then we decided,

that it was our job to subdue the Earth.


We're separate from the Earth.

We're going to subdue the Earth and we are going to destroy everything for our own personal gain.

So what's the purpose of us?

I mean,

if you're assuming that evolution happens for a reason,

what's the purpose of humans?

I think we're,

if I think we're a failed species.

I mean,

the cock.


I do.

I think we're,


you know,


the jury,

we're still out on that,

but I think that we cannot,

only pockets of us will survive in the coming climate disaster.

And we will either start.

What's this purpose of us in,

in terms of life in general,

I guess is what I'm saying.


what is our purpose?

I think we're as a failed species.



As a failed,

doesn't it do something?

I don't think so.

I think,

you know,

evolution created us to see,

you know,

and we can see that we are not succeeding.

I think history will show that we don't succeed,

even though we won't be around to prove it and other species will take over.

I mean,

it's quite possible that fungus and plant life are superior to us.

It was to say,

we're just a blip because an evolution in terms of evolution,

in terms of the time frame of evolution,

which is millions of years where we're just a poof.

We're just,


we became humans.

We had our variant or whatever you call it,


you know,


what do you call it?

When you,

you know,

you have the genetic mutation that made humans and it failed and we're dead.

We're dead.



We'll wipe ourselves out.


It's also possible that we do have a purpose,

which is to create,

you know,

artificial intelligence.

And then that's what takes over for us.

I think that's possible.


I don't know.


It doesn't exist yet in my opinion,


it could soon.

I don't know.

It could.

That is a possible future.


But I don't think,

I don't think we'll survive to that point.

I don't really either.

There's something I was about to read about that,

that the threat of nuclear war is looming again.


and what,

in what particular,

I mean,

in the Middle East or is this something new or what?

I don't think it's something new.


I'm not really sure.

I think it was Timothy Snyder.

Talking about it saying that nuclear war is a,

we have to pay attention to that one as well.

And I'm not really sure it's,

it's a threat because,

you know,

if somebody let it,

you know,

somebody drops a bomb,

like that's the end of civilization,

you know,

the winds will just carry.

If Iran gets a bomb,

I do think the stakes are totally.


Because I mean,

you have a,

if you have a bunch of people that are willing to die,

basically sacrifice,

a whole city,

a whole country,

really Gaza,

if you consider that a country just,

just to kill,

you know,


as cannon fodder,

which is what they're doing.

They don't care about any of those fucking people or they would have surrendered.



You know,

if they're willing to do that,

they're willing,


this is the bottom line.


I'm sorry,

but I keep hinting around on Twitter,

but this is my show.

I can say it,

but there was a recent,

I think Terry gross did a show about how World War II ended with 1945.


you know,

Hirohito would not surrender.

People were dying and it was costing thousands.

It would have cost thousands and hundreds of thousands,

possibly American lives to keep sending going over there,

but they had kamikazes,


They would not give up.

They lost the war,

but they would not stop fighting and killing humans.

And all we could do is feeding them more bodies of our men.

So we nuked him.

That's how it ended.

And it's sorry,

but history rhymes.

And I,

I just think that's where we're going with it.

And maybe that's what your person was saying,

but that's the real danger is that that's the danger.

And I don't know,

even know which side,

but it's almost like their ass.

It's almost like they're,

they're inviting it.

It's very weird because you have a,

and this is why part of why that unveiled book is good,

because you have a bunch of people that are indoctrinated to believe that they're,

that that their purpose in life is to die for a greater cause and that there will be these virgins in heaven and all that nonsense that they actually believe in.


you know,

it's not the same calculus when you're talking about mutual assured destruction because you have will be destroyed because we're the infidels.

They'll be in heaven with their virgins,


It's not the same.

It's not the Cold War anymore.

It's totally different and we can't let them have that fucking bomb.

And that's where Obama fucked up.



but I think in the end,

you may be right actually that that they will win this that those that want destruction and terror and war,

they will win because they have much less to lose than we do in their minds.

They have much less to lose.


I don't know.

I we don't understand.

I don't understand.

The thinking of it at all.

I mean,

I guess I don't either but I just refuse to believe that the bad guys will win.

I don't think that's how it works.

I don't want to I don't think so.

And I think then to know who's a bad guy too.

That's the problem,

you know?


but that's the problem.

If he's a Jew,

you're a Jew.

You're both bad.

That's what I don't like about antisemitism.


I see.



no room for nuance,


No room.

Because people can't hand people aren't smart enough.

But I am reading listening to another hang on.

I'm listening to a book called where is it?

It's on my phone and it is called the devil never dies and it's about the history of antisemitism.

So I'll send you the title name.

The devil never dies.


I'm reading a lot of sort of I was reading a lot of books about

that and I just gets to the point where I just like get too depressed.

You know,

it's it is kind of depressing but all you can do.

I mean,

you know,

I'm encouraged by your optimism.

And I tried you are more optimistic than I am.

I think we're all I think I think we're all doomed but I'm better.

I'm better.

I mean,

I agree with you.

It's very it's very schizophrenic really is like on one hand.

We're dying.

As a species and you know,

2030 is going to mean like this that just read something issue like something like 30 or 40 percent of all species will be gone in like 20 years or something like that.

So why do I even care about nuclear war?

It doesn't even make sense in a way,

you know,

it's also psychotic.

I think we're all a little cuckoo.


I think human beings are pretty cuckoo.

I do.

I think you know,

we're all so individual.

And yet,

we try very hard to work as a unit

and that gets us in trouble too

because we destroy cities and we destroy each other.

A unit.


So how's your retirement going though?


You know,

there's pickleball.

There's traveling.

There's Tai Chi karate,

which I do as well.

So do that.




I'm you.

And Lex Friedman.


he does jujitsu.



And so does Sam.

I don't know anything about so there they have they have this heterosexual boys jujitsu club.

So yeah,

it's kind of something I can't relate to.

It's all very testosterone driven.

Did it scare you when you retired?


what were you doing before you return it?

I did it computer stuff.

Did you retire early?

Are you retired on time?


I retired early.


I had to I was going I was going crazy.

We did we special K and I did some planning for a few years and we did nothing and we did nothing but work and we weren't even sure that we were going to do it.

But then we decided,


we're going to do it and so far so good has been a couple of setbacks,

but we're managing it.

And you know,

like I said,

do you like,

I could still go back to work.

If I really if we really had to do that,

I could probably go back to work.

But you like have to live on less money than when you were working.


the advantage of being retired is that you're not paying as much taxes.

I don't know if your condo is paid for or not.

It is it is so you don't pay you don't have to worry about about mortgages.

You just have to worry about your property taxes your food and their maintenance fees.

And maintenance fees and you know,

so it could be doable depending on how you plan it.

So we did a lot of planning.



so that's how we did it.

But we probably could just at the end.

Are you I just well,

that's like work is just I'm just feel like I'm too old for you.

You know,

like it's just exhausting and like oh the everybody,

you know in my business,

you know,

everybody does nothing in August the people I work for.

I'm basically it also in a different knowledge worker.

I don't want to talk to specific but it's like everybody's back on now.

Now that the September their kids are in school.

Now they now they're ready to work.



but I don't I don't have your schedule.

You know what I mean?

It's very in other words.

Everything's an emergency again.

And then I have to deal with this,

you know,

and they want they have certain needs.

And then I go and I realize the software we have doesn't meet their needs and I want different software and that means,

you know,

when my boss doesn't want that software,

so I have to figure out a way to get it without getting him upset.

You know,

it's just it's the same shit.

Everybody goes through but it's just the hundredth year of it and I'm fucking sick of it and you know,

maybe I'll just stop.

Maybe I'll just go to this do maybe I'll just go to the CIO and just say look,

I want this software boss doesn't want.

It can we just get it.

I'm too old for this shit.

You know,

if you want to fire me for good if you want to,

you know,

get mad at me because I went over your head.

I just fuck it.

Do you have health care?

I need to just with this job.

You have to work.


of course.


this is America.

We only get you.

I'd have to pay for it out of pocket.

So if I were to retire,

that's until Medicare kicks in.

So that's probably the biggest expense.

Of course.


because Americans are so goddamn dumb.

We don't do this for ourselves.

It's so fucking stupid.


you know,

you have a lot of people.

It's very expensive.

We only have 40 million people in Canada.

You have 340 million.

So I can sort of used to wonder like why isn't that?

Why doesn't America have universal health care?

But I get it because you're your whole political system is different.

China has it doesn't it?

Does China have it?

They're huge.

I think it they do.


but they're all communists.

I mean,

you got so we have different states.

So we have so do it by state who care.

You know what I mean?

Like Europe has it by state who gives a shit.

There's a way to do it.

The reason we don't have it is because you know,

we suck and people have told us it's socialist and don't have to believe it.

It's socialism is about Jewish plot,

but Obamacare was a huge huge help.

But it gives it's also a humongous freebie to all those insurance companies.

There's just it's we give.

So much of our money are hard-earned money to insurance companies and drug companies.

It's ridiculous.

You should have like,


we need the stock market to be high.

So we're just going to give our money to them.

Give our money to the stock market so they can be in our 401k.

But most of that money will go to the really rich people.

So fuck us because we can't have pensions.


I'm getting dizzy.

Don't get a pension.


there's no pinch only public very few people's teachers get pensions police,

fire department people that work for the government get pensions.

So we have to pay for other people's pensions,

but we don't get pensions.


you should have joined the army match.



you should have become a lieutenant colonel.

Lieutenant lesbian Lieutenant lesbian Colonel.


sorry about that.

That's special K coming in.

I'm going to have to close the door.

We've been talking for an hour and an hour.

I guess we've been talking for an hour now.

I guess we should be done,





I guess if you want to do the rest of you,

are you do you're doing your what's it called?

Pride radio.

Is this going on?


I'm not even live.

And I was talking about it before you came on.

I just stopped because nobody cares.

I mean,

it's just like,

does anybody listen live?

I don't even know.

Nobody's ever said,


I'm excited to listen to you.


you know what I mean?


I'm just tired of doing shit for fucking no reason.

You know,


there's a very good chance that once I hit 20 years,

which is in November in two months,

this will be 20 years.

I might stop because it's just,

you know,

but then again,

if I do retire,

then this could be,

I could do it.

If it's just,

it sucks that I have to work for free.

And so many podcasters get lots of money just for being assholes,

but I'm not willing to.

I'm not willing to market myself.

I'm not willing to put a YouTube,

you know,

the biggest podcast thing is now with Spotify.

And YouTube and YouTube isn't even a podcast.

It's videos.

I know I'm not going to do a fucking video.

Fuck that.

I want,

you know,

I listen to,

I know you like that.

I used to,


I experimented with that shit,

but I am,

that was mostly when I was getting paid to do it anyway.


you know,

I listened to old time radio.

I love old time radio.

And I'm thinking,

you know,

I'm like that.

I'm the,

I'm the original format of podcast and I won't let it die.

Cause that's just what it's,

you know,

I'm very stubborn.

This is what it should be.

It should be ordinary people talking to themselves and maybe somebody else in a way.

That's not like normal radio.

This is what,

and it's not supposed to be video is theory of the mind.

This is what it's supposed to be.

And I don't care if the world's changing around me.

I won't do it.


And I was like,


but look at Reagan,

but look at old time radio.

It's gone.

You know,

there's no more of that.

I listened to the re repeats of theater,

which was,

I think the last show that was on in the seventies.

He's with EG Marshall.

Did you ever hear that?

CBS radio mystery theater.

Oh yes.

And there's like a 13.

It's great.

And yeah,

that's me.

I just,

I refuse.

I like the,


you know,

I think like my current favorite podcast is somebody who ideologically,

I disagree with a lot,

which is Michael Moore's podcast because he's very,


he's totally like pro Palestine in a cuckoo way.


but I love his podcast because of his format and because he just talks,

he just talks on a microphone by himself.

It's an audio blog and I wrote him and he actually responds to people's emails,

but I run on like your podcast is authentic and I appreciate it.

You know what I consider authentic.

I just wish that there was a sustained way to sustain it.

It's a thankless creative endeavor.

I'm like mystery theater.

I'm like the last audio blog,

but maybe people will listen to me in 20 years.



they will,

unless we're all gone and your computers are nothing but dust.


But maybe there'll be some other,

who cares?

Does it even matter?




my word of the year is ephemera.

So yes,

in one sense,

it doesn't matter,

but in another sense,

it's what sustains you.

So what does that mean?


Ephemera is things that don't last.

They're wispy,

feathery clouds,

Joni Mitchell,

bows and flows of angel hair.

That's it.

That's what ephemera is.


And why is that the word of the year for you?

Because I used to be at,


I still am strictly speaking a hoarder.

So I've had to learn how to not hoard.

And I've also had to learn.

I am learning how to let go of things.

This is very difficult.

You know,

so I'm actually letting go of things.

I think to myself,

do I really not?

Does it give me joy because hoarding doesn't give anybody joy,

but is this something that I really need to hang on?

Do I really need to hang on to ace a bowl that has Snoopy character,

around the edge that we used to be for my cat,

my cat who died almost 30 years ago.

I still have it in a box downstairs.

After 20 years,

special case said to me,


we're getting rid of the cat cage because your cat no longer exists.

But your reason was,

what if we get another cat,


Am I right?

Or that wasn't even an option.

I would get a new cat cage.

I just wanted to keep his DNA.

DNA around.

That's a little nuts.

It is.

It's crazy.

It is.


I have a solution to that hoarding problem.

Move move across country.

I have moved.


If I'm going to know I've moved and I schlep everything with me.

Oh my God.



that's a good word for you.

Then I don't have that problem.

I used to I used to be a slob,

not a hoarder.

It might my issue is just not being able to keep house.


but a hoarder.


I throw things out.

I used to have try and keep pictures,

but thank God for all the digital stuff.

Because like I when I was able to get a Kindle,

I just I got rid of all the books that I had that I could get on


Like I don't even have books.

That is something I have some I have art books.

I have art books.

But my spouse,

he has a business of CDs.

She I means selling collage.

So our house is full.

Of CDs and vinyl.

But for myself,



Special K wants me to have some ice cream with her.

But wait,

I'm just gonna I'll let you know.

I was just going to tell you one more thing about




So one of my prize possessions are books.

So we have books in every room.


we even have books in this room,

even though this is the ostensibly the spare office.

And I just had this idea that books define who you are.

So if you have books,

if someone comes into your house,

and they look at the books on your shelf,

then they go,

this is who Ninja.


This is who Ninja is.

But that's true.

But it's it doesn't mean anything.

I mean,


So let me just tell you some know who I am.

Let me tell you something that's going to contradict everything.

I just said because have you read this book called filter world?



That's a book for you to read for sure.

And it's all about the algorithms and how they control our life.

But and I won't go into it.

But he won.

One of the points he makes is that people don't collect anymore.

And collecting is how people create their personality.

And that's how they express themselves.

So like streamers people,

most people don't have CD collections.

They just have an algorithm.

Tell them what to listen to.

And it collecting creates personality.

Curating is personality.

It's life.

It's culture.

And we're losing that.

So what you say makes a lot of sense,


but those things can't be moved because they were hundreds and hundreds of



they must not be of books.

You know,

you want to know how many copies of 12th night?

I have you don't want to know.

Why do you have who knows who knows because I like,

I don't know.

I went through a Shakespeare phase.


I've got like 50 different copies of the ring cycle.


that is so it doesn't matter.


but you see that's that's different because you know,

it's the same digital.

It's okay.

It's digital.


but yeah,

that's interesting.

I have I have a ring cycle manga and what's a manga?

A manga is a cartoon book.

What is it called?

It's what are they coming book?


it's a comic.


it's like a graphic novel graphic novel.

Thank you.



I'm so old now.

Oh my God.

That sounds cool.

I haven't seen that.

I have the ring cycle as a graphic novel.


maybe I'll put in my will that you can have it.

You think you're going to last longer than me?

That's hilarious.

Let me how would I what do I Google on Amazon?

What do I look up?


I don't cycle graphic novel graphic.

I can't wait that long.




No way.



I used to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on books that I don't spend


If you get a chance,

can you like give me more information because I'm not seeing it.

It's probably out of print.

And I searched for


I don't see it.

That's something that would be very cool.

I can ask that it is my mother to get me.

It is.

There's no music but there's you know,

the graphic novels.

I know the music.


All right.


thank you so much.

Thank you were able to I'm sorry about the my time mess up.

No worries.

I will you know,

I will I will certainly check with you next time and make sure we get it.

I think it won't help my brain.

This is the mess.

So okay.



I will talk to you soon.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.



Have a great evening.

You too.


Recording stopped.

Is it over?

I'm still here.




That was really lovely.

Wasn't it?


Isn't it?

Rich send in the clowns.

Do I can I still do my ground holder?

Do I have my my my wife isn't home yet.

So I could just plug in the old iPad with the thing holder,

but I can't find the wire for her right now.

There it is.

I don't know if this is going to work.

Oh yeasty for John John Goodson's.


which one is it?

910 loop X 7 8 iPhone.

Let's try this one.

You don't mean to tell me that a woman who's been married to a man for 35 years and he runs off with a 19 year old.

She's going to go have a nice day.


I'm going to try Finch to try to do this because last time I did this I deleted it because it came out so bad.

Like normally I really don't care.

But for some reason I care.

So let me just see if I can figure out something to turd play.

Let's see here.


not that.

Let me see.

So give me a moment.

Lottie die.

And la la la la Christmas Christmas cheer.

Doodle Gary don't know.

Girdle Girdle Girdle Barn.

Girdle Barn.

May help you.


not that one.

Do I want that one?


Oh here.

How about this?

Let's see.


let's see.

I'm just going to try audience.

I'm going to try something different because that's all you can do is try.

Willow low.

Where's willow low?


it should be in my list.





Isn't great that the world is ending everyone.

Don't you love that?

Is it?

Is it on?

Why don't I hear nothing?


I didn't turn on the holder.

Hold on.

Here's the holder.

So it's going to be better than.












We'll be right back.

It becomes necessary for one people

to dissolve the political bands

which have connected them with another

and to assume among the powers of the earth

the separate and equal station

to which the laws of nature

and of nature's God entitles them.

A decent respect to the opinions of mankind

requires that they should declare

the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths

to be self-evident

that all men are created equal

that they are endowed by their creator

with certain unalienable rights

that among these are life, liberty

and the pursuit of happiness.

That to secure these rights

governments are instituted among men

deriving their just powers

from the consent

of the people.

That whenever any form of government

becomes destructive of these ends

it is the right of the people

to alter or to abolish it

and to institute new government.

Laying its foundation on such principles

and organizing its powers in such form

as to them shall seem most likely

to affect their safety and happiness.

Prudence indeed will dictate

that governments long established

should not be changed

for light and transient causes.

And accordingly all experience

has shown

that mankind are more disposed

to suffer

while evils are sufferable

than to right themselves

by abolishing the forms

to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses

and usurpations of power

and abuses and usurpations of power

pursuing invariably the same object

evinces a design to reduce them

under absolute despotism

it is their right

it is their duty

to throw off such government

and to provide new guards

for their future security.

Such has been the patient sufferance

of these colonies

and such is now the necessity

which constrains them

to all the things

that alter their former

systems of government.

The history of the present

king of Great Britain

is a history of repeated injuries

and usurpations

all having in direct object

the establishment of an absolute

tyranny over these states.

To prove this

let facts be submitted

to a candid world.

He has refused his assent

to laws

the most wholesome and necessary

for the public good.

He has forbidden his governors

to pass laws

of immediate and pressing importance

unless suspended in their operation

till his assent should be obtained

and when so suspended

he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other laws

for the accommodation of large districts of people

unless these people would relinquish

the right of representation in the legislature.

A right inestimable to them

and formidable to tyrants.

Tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies

at places unusual, uncomfortable

and distant from the depository

of their public records

for the sole purpose of fatiguing them

into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly

for opposing with manly firmness

his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time

after such dissolutions to cause others to believe

that they have the right to vote for him.

He has refused for a long time

after such dissensions to cause others to be elected

whereby the legislative powers

incapable of annihilation

have returned to the people at large for their exercise.

The state remaining in the meantime exposed

to all the dangers of invasion

from without and convulsions within.

He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states

for that purpose

obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners,

for the purpose of the


He has obstructed the administration of justice

by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.

He has made judges dependent on his will alone

for the tenure of their offices

and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of new offices

and eat out their substance.

He has kept among us in times of peace

standing armies without the consent of our legislature.

He has affected to render the military

independent of and superior to the civil power.

He has combined with others to subject us

to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution

and unacknowledged by our loss

giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation.

He has

more than halted our

expectation of continuing the law for all time.

He has

never moved at all

a step away

from this


It has been

no longer ungoverned.

He has not yet been formed again.

laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government and enlarging

its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing

the same absolute rule into these colonies, for taking away our charters, abolishing our

most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments, for suspending

our own legislatures and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in

all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated government here by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against


He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of

our people.

He is at this time transparent.

He is sporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation,

and tyranny already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled

in the most barbarous ages and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation.

He has constrained our fellow citizens taken captive on the high seas to bear arms against

their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall

themselves by their hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants

of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished

destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions.

In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for redress in the most humble


Our repeated petitions have been answered only by the people.

We have been ordered to be held accountable for the crimes committed against us.

These crimes have been committed by repeated injury.

A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit

to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have we been wanting inattentions to our British brethren.

We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable

jurisdiction over us.


of our immigration and settlement here.

We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity,

and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred

to disavow these usurpations,

which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence.

They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity.

We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation,

and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind,

enemies in war, in peace, friends.

We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America,

in General Congress, assembled,

appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world

for the rectitude of justice,

for the rectitude of our intentions,

do in the name and by the authority of the good people of these colonies

solemnly publish and declare

that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be,

free and independent states,

that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown,

and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain

is and ought to be totally dissolved,

and that as free and independent states,

they have full power to levy war,

conclude peace,

contract alliances,

establish commerce,

and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do.

And for the support of this declaration,

with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence,

we mutually pledge to each other

our lives,

our fortunes,

and our sacred honor.


You ugly as fuck!

Two ATMs?

You stepping a what?


Who you think they talk about?

Talk about us!


Who you think they carry out?

Carry out for us!

The war in the clinic,

the women it's standing,

the men on the run,

the profits abandoned,

the law take advantage,

the market is crashing,

the industry won.

Niggas and bitches to sleeping in a box

while they making a mockery following us.

This ain't Monopoly,

watch it for love.

This ain't Monopoly,

Monogamy, y'all gettin' fucked

Jumpin' on what the hell is that?

I gotta relax when I feel

All my descendants, they come in my sleep

And say I am too real

I'm done with the sensitive, takin' it personal

Done with the black and the white

The wrong and the right, you hopin' for change

And miracles, I know the feelings, they came

With burials, cries

Bitch, uh, you ugly as fuck

You out of pocket

Two ATMs, you steppin' to what?

You out of pocket

Who you think they talk about?

Talk about us

You out of pocket

Who you think they carry out?

Carry out for us

Servin' up for love

Dancin' in a job

Hello to the big stuff

We'll never lose a count

Pinchin' in the safe house

Pinchin' in the safe

Can I fit up my truth?

I got nothin' to lose

I got problems and poos

I can swim with my fate

Camera's movin'

Whenever I'm movin'

The family


Whatever I make

Murder is stackin'

The president actin'

The government taxin'

My funds in the bank

Homies attractin'

The past when I ain't breakin'

Look at my reaction

My pupils don't scape

Holla, holla

Let's think about this for a second

Tell me what you would do for a standing

When you show your shoulder on credit

When you show your growth for leverage

Where the hypocrites at?

What community feel that the only one's relevant?

Where the hypocrites at?

What community feel that the only one's relevant?

You out of pocket

Can't you out of pocket?

You entertain the mediocre niggas by day

You entertainin' old friends when they toxic

What's your life like?

Bullshit and toxic

What the fuck is council culture, dawg?

Say what I want about you niggas

I'm like Oprah, dawg

I treat you crackers like I'm Jigga

Watch out, own it, dawg

Oh, you were a body critic?

Only faddened proto-colon

Before Im گו translated to English by Have contarolt mosfe


Jigga , how we know its Red Rum?

Red Rum


Red Rum

Jigga, how we know it's Red Rum?

Red Rum

Rhyme in the back, it's a may 32 shots in the cage

Marathon, I really run the A Say you touch me, house way

Ray, y'all, that's what I'll say I'm hypnotized, they do what I say

21, niggas don't play Bob, Jen, I say hey

Take my chopper, everybody at bay Put your ass out the car, you keep it straight

We been spinning through that hood all day Niggas say they outside, okay, okay

Y'all can't let a bitch play me, no way You a duck if you believe a ho say

She got way more baddies than my O.K. My lil' brother beatin' by the O.J.

Niggas talkin' bout they lit on the flame That lil' boy Max got, he ain't game

Watch out, half a million dollars in his plane I don't go through TSA to get on planes

You get pussy with our head, then you lame She knew I was leavin' before I even came

Two Robobas on my waist, John Wayne Smack niggas, then I get on live insane

Want it all, I won't leave a breadcrumb Bitch, when I thought a nigga said somethin'

Thought a nigga said somethin' G-Bop, all we know is Red Run

Red Run, Red Run, Red Run, Red Run, Red Run G-Bop, all we know is Red Run

Red Run, Red Run, Red Run, Red Run, Red Run Nigga, all we know is

How many niggas got the bell? A lot Catch him at the light, he gettin' L

9-1-1, somebody help Sir, tween bad for your health, pussy

I'm a gangster, I ain't takin' shit back, pussy I never do no song with no rap, pussy

Put a Lego in a stick, it rat attack, pussy I don't wanna talk, go and catch a hat, pussy

Bitch, Draco come up out that scat, pussy He stood on business, now he layin' on his back, pussy

Rappin' up a fast, pussy We the reason all these niggas runnin' track, pussy

He ain't never stuck, can't tell me a thing I got big kahunas and I'm lettin' them hang

Keep my mouth closed and that's never gon' change You get in the jam and go to point and to blame

I ain't let it slide, I was sharp in the aim Smokin' on my brothers, got his ass left slain

You know it's smoke, cause they ain't even take off his chain

Say it's up with me, your ass must do cocaine Want it all, I won't leave a breadcrumb

Bitch, when I thought a nigga said somethin' Thought a nigga said somethin'

G-Bop, all we know is Red Run Red Run, Red Run, Red Run, Red Run, Red Run

Diggah, all we know is

Lil' picks, lil' picks Let me come in

I'm gonna dump my D-head on your chinny-chin-chin That'll huff, that'll puff And I'll blow your ass

Now that's a story

ôtys daughters don't need no names

And we shoot thewiht gunfights

He in love with Glo, never got the cookie, but got my name tag

The killer word, don't know who he killed, I hurt that man's head

He never full, when it's time to eat, I be his main platter

NYC, New York Fashion Week, Tommy Hill, Jackie

Tell these hoes to stay down, you can never know they niggas safe

My niggas say he faithful, I still got it through, hoes just in case

I can't lie, I used to simp so hard, but them I always

It's 300, 65 days in the trip, come play with me on none of them days

Fuckin' ass, freakin' nigga, don't even wear no cunt

Don't know how to treat a lady, I oughta smack your mama

Pussy wet, good ass neck, so I talk how I want

Save a nigga, who be, do I look like fuckin' Superwoman?

He don't wanna be saved, don't save him, that is not my nigga, don't claim him

By 20, Miss Clouse, he's a bitch, he's a bitch, he's a bitch

He faded, white boy wasted, Channing Tatum

He don't wanna be kept, don't keep him

He don't want the paper, then bitch, don't keep him

Ho, I don't get left, I'm leaving

Ho for me like Justin Bieber

I'm the B-A-D-B-E-S-T

Same hoes hatin' used to wanna be besties

You can get your wig turned like Effie

I don't need insurance cause a bitch can't wreck me

Brady, on out, I'm comin' like Freddie

I'm mother, hangin' on my chick, it's your daddy

Clock that T, bitch catch it

You look like a bitch, count me on X

I'm the female titan, I'm steppin' on bitches

I'm showin' my titties, I tore up the city

A P-I-N-P, I be hoin' these niggas

He run back to me cause you born a nigga

Fuck is a layover, I ain't waitin'

I get the bag, then I change destination

These niggas be crazy, I don't blame him

I'm a dog too, I don't wanna change him

He don't wanna be saved, don't save him

That is not my nigga, don't claim him

By 20, Miss Clouse, he faded

White boy wasted, Channing Tatum

I don't wanna be saved, don't save me

You feel everybody, nigga, don't claim me

Hate a nigga tryna tell me what to do

You ain't my daddy, I'm not your baby

He don't wanna be saved, don't save him

That is not my nigga, don't claim him

By 20, Miss Clouse, he faded

White boy wasted, Channing Tatum

He don't wanna be kept, don't keep him

He don't want to pay, but that bitch don't keep him

Ho, I don't get left, I'ma leave him

Hoes love me like Justin Bieber

Go me, go me, go me, go me, go me, go me, go me

Get him close, get him close, get him close, get him close

Fuck you mean, y'all know what the fuck going on

Who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who's saved, who

yeah yeah okay okay okay yeah yeah yeah look me versus you and you know they pick it cheap

and expensive you know the difference you know that it's here you know what it's giving hair

nails put them bare i can survive in the coldest conditions hoes very low they tone when they

spin bitches is wild smoking the dishes i plot pressure like ball constrictors one bitch two

bitch old bitch new bitch none of y'all bitches not gonna do shit i'm in miami i pull up on

cruise ship you in miami for also room shit when i step in stampede foot on neck can't breathe

lucky charm van cleve diamond song i see my eyes linking up i'm like what in the fuck if you scared

then just say that hoe enough is enough there was just in my dm say no trust in these sluts i'm about

to call up diamond bitch no if you i i i i i just link it up i'm like what in the fuck


if you scared then just say that hoe enough is enough there was just in my dm say no trust

in these sluts i'm about to call up diamond bitch no if you up i'm like ooh child cool down

too hot too wild mood glare new style how you fucking with me girl give me one shot and i'm

raising the glass give me two shots and i'm shaking this ass give me three shots and i'm

ready to fuck five more shots i'll be ready to splash give it to me so i gotta pop it i'm

standing on business i'm ready to body bitch be talking i'll be big and they pop it

girl tell me about it i'm literally i'm pretty i'm running this city i'm shitting on bitches in

every department this ass is heavy i think like peanut butter and bitches jelly about it a lot

of winning a lot of score yeah cardi bryant cardi jordan yeah these bitches all losers

they can't do it's not important look hey i'm getting better and better i do not see no

competitors you know the gang hit that pussy said it was regular fighting can see me in fashion can

see me with money these bitches is bugging either these bitches blind no i'm invisible bitch can't

see me at night when i hop on the floor i'm invisible bitch can't see me at night when i hop

i was stampede foot on neck can't breathe lucky charm van cleve diamonds on i see my eyes linking

up i'm like what in the fuck if you scared then just say that hoe enough is enough they was just

in my dms ain't no trust in these lusts i'm about to call up diamond bitch no if you i i i i i

was linking up i'm like what in the fuck if you scared then just say that hoe enough is enough

they was just in my dms ain't no trust in these lusts

i'm about to call up diamond bitch no if you bug









We'll be right back.

Haasen's case was noly prose I'd have drawn a nickel, Haasen said, if I hadn't met a decent cop

Haasen met a decent cop every time he took a fall

His dossier contains three pages of monikers indicating his proclivity for cooperating with the law

Playing ball, the cops call it, others call it something else

Abe the fuzz lover, Finky Marv, the crooning he, Bally the stool, wrong old Sal, the wailing spick

The sheeny soprano, the Bronx opera house, the coppers gin, the answering service, the squeaking Syrian, the cooing cocksucker, the musical fruit, the wrong asshole, the fairy fink

Leary the fink, Leary the narc, the lilting leprechaun, Rasty Gert

He opened a sex shop in Yokohama, pushed junk in Beirut, pimped in Panama

During World War II, he shivved into high, took over a dairy in Holland and cut the butter with used axle grease

Cornered the KYY market in North Africa and finally hit the jackpot with slugs

He prospered and proliferated, flooding the world with cut medicines and cheap counterfeit goods of every variety

Adulterated shark repellent, cut antibiotics, condemned parachutes, stale anti-venom, inactive serums and vaccines, speaking like

Brilliant help bro

Thank you.

I'm in love again, never wanted to.

What am I to do?

I can't help it.

Love the way it's been my game.

Play it, how I'm made.

I was made that way.

I can't help it.

Men cluster to me, like moths around a flame.

And if they're weak,

then I know I'm not to blame.

Falling in love again,

never wanted to.

What am I to do?

I can't help it.

Men cluster to me,

like a moth around a flame.

Around the flame

And if the wind burns

I know I'm not to blame

Falling in love again

Never wondered

What am I to do

I can't help it

Falling in love again

I know I'm not to blame

Falling in love again

They tell me Chubb's the only one

That get your hand-me-downs

And party at the party

Playing with his nose now

And Baca got a will

My name is Takrola Williams

And my baby's name is Sincere Person

Know these heroes

Thank for all their hard work

Thank you so much

These people of the glory

At your feet

Always the contar

Always the star

Thank you so much

Thank you

Ladies and gentlemen, Kenny Garrett.

Did we end the night right?

Did you have a good time tonight?

One of those stuff.

We got more music for you here tomorrow, starting at 11 a.m.

The Jazz Fest keeps going.

Thank you all so very much.

Come in.


I'm E.G. Marshall.

Welcome to the terrifying world of the imagination.

I am a man normally filled with the milk of human kindness,

but prepared, I'm afraid,

to curtail the world of the imagination.

I am a man normally filled with the milk of human kindness,

but prepared, I'm afraid,

to curtail your blood with a tale not of life and death,

but rather death and life.

I offer you one small comfort.

It could hardly happen today.

But in the last century,

on the old Montgomery estate in Maryland,

in the great dark rambling house called Westerly,

it was easier to be marked for death than in this one.

Yes, mother.

Hey, you look at home.

And your coffin.

Sleep fast.

It's taken many years.

But you've made your son a very happy man.

It's all mine at last.


my money,

the jewels,

and my own man.

How I've hated you the way you kept me on a leash

like some old hound dog.

Well, now,

the money's mine.

And you'll hardly need those rings

they've let you wear to your grave.

I'll take them so I can buy...

You'll hang on to them even if I...

But you're alive.

You're not dead.

And help me up.

I should have known you'd come back to haunt me

even before we got you to the grave.

Our mystery drama,

Cold Storage,

was written especially for the Mystery Theater

by Ian Martin

and stars Ruby Dee and John Baragrae.

It is sponsored in part by the Kellogg Company,

makers of Kellogg's Special K cereal.

Some ghouls

Robbing a grave.

Many years before Buford Montgomery

found himself engaged in essentially the same activity

were every bit as shocked

when the corpse whose rings they were tearing off

suddenly sat up, alive.

An epileptic seizure in other times

could counterfeit death.

The ghouls, of course, had a recourse.

They ran away.

Buford Montgomery has to stay

and face his problem.


Will you put me down?

When I'm ready.

I am quite able to walk.

I want to make sure you don't run.

What are you talking about?

What are you doing?

Locking me in?

No, no, no.

Keep away from me.

It's all right, Mother.

I'm not going to harm you.

I heard you

standing over me in that coffin.

I want the...

I need Dr. Wayne.

That doddering old numbskull.

He almost had you buried


You know he signed your death certificate.

But how could he?

I am alive.

Oh, yes.

I'm quite satisfied you are no ghost.

But what...

What happened?

Another of your epileptic seizures.

We were all convinced this one was fatal

at last.

Only it wasn't.

Quite a disappointment

to my beloved son.


at least I know now where we stand.

We stand.


you open that door

and send Hannah up to me.

Not yet, Mother.


Because, you see,

we don't really know

just quite how we stand, do we?

Don't you look at me like that.

How was I looking, Mama dear?

You want me dead

back in that coffin.

I want all the things

I thought were finally mine.

The house,

the estate,

the money,

and most,

oh, most of all,

the freedom to be a man.

Look at me, Mama.

Listen to me call you that, Mama.

A grown man,

38 years old,

tied to his mother's apron strings

like some sniveling little boy.

I never meant to keep you tied down.

Oh, yes, you did.

You even did it with the judge.

Father's life wasn't his own either.

You killed him.


You are mad.

Keep away.

You want to kill me.

I'm not going to kill you, Mama.

You know I haven't got

the strength of will for that.

Oh, of course you won't, son.

But you can have anything you want.

Now we've had this little talk.

Now, please get Hannah like a good boy.

Oh, no, Mama.

I don't need you anymore.

You left me everything in your will.

But I'm not dead.

To all the world except me, you are.

And you're going to stay that way.


You come one step closer, I'll scream.

No one will hear you.

Not in this big old house.

Westerly thick walls have no ears.

What are you going to do to me?

You'll see, Mother.

You'll see.

Look, you...


You're going to put these eggs in that coffin and...


bury me alive.


I haven't any choice.

I haven't any choice now.

Please, please, please.

Don't worry.

You'll be quite comfortable.

I'm going to bury you alive.

But not in the coffin.


Yes, Master Buford?

I want you here, in the hall.

What is it, sir?

Where's William?

He's in the stable, Master.

Grooming the horses for the funeral.


You want I should fetch him?


No, not yet.

Sit down.

I want to talk to you.

Yes, sir.

Now, where to begin?

Hannah, you were mighty beholden to my father, weren't you?

Judge Montgomery was a fine man.

Was very kind to you and your son.

The judge was powerful good to me and William.

And my mother?

Mrs. Montgomery is a fine lady.

It's been a privilege to have...

Served as housekeeper.

And will you consider it a privilege to serve me in the same capacity?

If you want me, sir.

And William?

Where I go, William goes.

You know, he's just a...

A great big overgrown baby.

Has to be cared for like one.

Or they'd shut him away somewhere, isn't?

I wouldn't ever let them do that to my boy.

He couldn't stand being shut in.

And he'd...

Why, he'd...

You wouldn't let them do that to him, would you, Master?

Master Buford.

Not if I can count on you to help me.

You can, sir.

You can.

Well, what about William?

He does what I tell him.

He's old as you are, but he has the mind of a child.

I'd want to be absolutely sure of both of you.

I don't understand you, Master Buford.

Then I'll make myself plainer.

I think you must have always hated my mother.

Why did you stay on after father died?

I stayed because I...

Where else could I go?

You're sure it wasn't because you were afraid?

Afraid of what?

Not of, Hannah.


For William.


Oh, don't look so terrified and trapped.

I know it all, Hannah. I know it all.

Master Buford, I...

How you must really hate us all.

Even father at the end.

Not the judge.

Never the judge.

Even after what he made you sign?

What would the judge ever have wanted me to sign?

A confession that you saw your son, William, commit a murder ten years ago.


How did you know?

It's one of the advantages of my dear mother's unexpected death.

It was among the papers the lawyer turned over to me.

So she did know.

All these years.


How could Randolph have done that to me?

You know why.

You were an eyewitness.

And you know that William wasn't alone.

It was an accident.

And you were only boys.

Pretty old for boys, Hannah.

We were both going on 19.

And the Copley kid was only 15.

It was only my father being a judge that saved us all.

Any jury in horse country like this could have told that boy's neck wasn't broken by any fall from a horse.

The finger marks were gouged into the flesh.

The rope burns were raw on his wrists.

Why did you do it, Master Buford?

Not I, Hannah.


William was the culprit.

William didn't know what he was doing.

You egged him on.

If I did, I didn't mean it to go so far.

William didn't...

doesn't know his own strength.

What does it matter?

It's nearly 20 years ago.

Why do you rake up old ashes?

There are certain things I have to be sure of.


In spite of everything,

your complete loyalty to me.

I have little choice.

If you have any confession...

I have it.

And your own handwriting.

And William's squall, too.

I'm going to ask you to stretch your conscience further.

Come with me.

No, no, Master Buford.

Don't bring me to the coffin.

I don't want to look at her.

Stop battling.

I don't want to.

Stop battling.



Open your eyes.


It's empty.

She's gone.

What have you done with her?

She's in her bedroom.


But she...


I'm afraid that blind old boggler, Dr. Wayne,

slightly exaggerated my mother's untimely end.

You mean she's alive?

And, unfortunately, quite well.

I see the news isn't disappointing to you,

is it?

It was to me.

Oh, don't try to hide it, Hannah.

You know you hated her quite as much as I.

I won't deny it.

The humiliation.

The day-by-day degradations your mother has put me through all these years since your father died.

I can never forgive her for them.

I'm glad to hear it.

When she was dead, I was glad.

God forgiven me.

It was one of the happiest days of my life.

And mine.

That's why she's going to stay dead, Hannah.

You're mad.

You can't murder your own mother.

Nothing is further from my mind.


Dear Mama will come to no physical harm.

You and William will see to it that her bodily needs are well taken care of.

And I, as complete master of Westerly at last,

will see to it in turn that you and William are taken care of.

What are you going to do with her?

First of all, Hannah, you're going to explain to William.

Then bring him here so we can nail up this coffin

and the very old services can be completed tomorrow.

Master Buford, no, you can't.

Better tell William to bring a sack of meal or corn.

Won't do to have the coffin too light.

How on earth can you hide your mother from everyone?

On earth.

That's very apt.

I'll tell you what we're going to do with her, Hannah.

Just what we do with the roots and the preserves.

We're going to put Mama in cold storage.


Make sure to drive them home, William.

Do see my shame burying a whole good sack of feed.

I picked up the worthiest one I could find.

That's enough now.

Finish up.

Finish now.

Got the lantern, Hannah?

Yes, sir.

All right.

Did you strip the bed in the springtime?

Yes, sir, I did.

William, you go on up there and bring that bed

and all the furniture downstairs to the old hidey-hole, right?

Sure will.

Where's this hidey-hole?

William could tell you as good as me.

Or better.

He's the one who found it.

Must be, oh, 15 years ago.

16, Master Buford.

That was the year Miss Prudence dropped her first foal.

That's when old Mr. Todd Hunter, the vet man,

told me all about his daddy and your grandfather

and how they dug out the hidey-hole

and made it our big room like a station on the Underground Railroad.

William, go see to the furniture.

Yes, sir.

Take me a while to get the bed apart.

Take your time.

The Underground Railroad?

You mean this was a slave station?

To hide out escaped slaves being passers-by and all?

What it was.

But you can't put your mother in a place like that.

Why not?

She spent her lifetime trying to turn the clock back.

Make a slave of everyone else.

Why shouldn't it be her turn?

For a change.

How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is

to have a thankless child,

as King Lear had occasion to remark.

Still, on the record,

Mama is not much of a prize either.

Let's leave her in cold storage

until we find her.

Until we return shortly with Act Two.

In the weeks that pass,

Mrs. Randolph Price Montgomery

is finding her quarters somewhat less elegant than she liked.

But at least they are less confining than a coffin.

Buford, her son and now heir,

has been living as high as he promised himself.

Cutting a swath

as the county's most sought-after bachelor.

I declare, Buford,

I thought I'd never be able to coax you away

from all the other ladies.

Nancy Lee,

they may have had my arms,

but my heart was with you.

Well, I'd have felt a lot truer of that

if I'd had your name a little more often in my car.

I just don't want us to get talked about too much.

Why ever not?

Would you be ashamed to have your name

linked with my name?

Why not?

Why, Nancy Lee, you know better than that.

Aren't you gonna sit with me, sugar?

Oh, why, why, sure, honey.

Hold my hand.

Just lies in mine like a little bird.

Now that's more like my Buford.

Kiss me.


Still the same old thrill.

Gives me goosebumps all over.

Oh, that's nice.

I wouldn't want to think I'd...

lost the power to get you going.

Why would you think that?

Well, I'll tell you, Buford.

I thought when your mother died,

it would give us a chance to be closer than ever.

I mean, since we could come right out in the open.

I didn't think it would start you chasing

after every pretty girl in sight.

I wouldn't take a one of them

or exchange any of them for you.

Now, I'm right glad to hear you say that, sugar,

because I'm afraid

you're not going to be a bachelor anymore.


I got something to tell you.

You're going to have to go back

to being a family man again, I'm afraid.


What are you saying?

That you're going to be a daddy.

Aren't you proud?

Good Lord.

Are you sure?

That I'm in a family way?

Well, it's very easy for a girl to be sure of that.

Well, what are we going to do?

Well, would Mama go?

There's no problem at all.

You're just going to have to make an honest woman of me.

My parents surely won't object.

And you wouldn't want the colonel

to come after you with a gun

knowing that my daddy is the best shot in South Carolina.

Now, wait a minute, Nancy Lee.

Oh, sugar, you know I'm only funny.

And I know you're going to be every bit as happy as I am

once you get used to it.

Oh, honey,

aren't you just thrilled to death?

We're going to get married.

Come in.

Excuse me, Master Beauty.

What is it, Hannah?

It's about Mrs. Montgomery.

She isn't that yet.

I meant your mother, sir.


Oh, what about her?

She keeps asking for you.

Well, tell her I'm...

Just don't tell her anything.

You haven't said anything about the wedding tomorrow.

No, sir, but...

But what?

About your mother.


She wants to talk to you.

And it does seem so inhumane

to keep her locked up alone.

She sees you or William every day, doesn't she?


Her quarters are comfortable and clean, aren't they?


She's in perfectly good health?

Oh, yes, never better.

More's the pity.

Well, then?


She's lonely.

So was I all those years she had me under her thumb.

And I'm not going back to that.

By tomorrow, I'm going to have my own woman.


And a beauty at that.

Mother's not going to spoil that for me.

Yes, sir.

I'm sorry, sir.


Now, get out of here.

And take the whiskey carafe with you and fill it up.

It's almost empty again.

Yes, sir, Master Buford.



Yes, Mama?

Take this carafe and fill it with Master Buford's bourbon

and bring it back to him in his study.

Yes, ma'am.

A rich and old master.

Master Buford's getting himself licked up for the bachelor party.

I reckon he's trying to build himself some Dutch courage.

What do you mean, Ma?

I mean, I don't think he exactly figured on getting tied up again

when he cut his mama's apron string.


Oh, look at that.

It started into rain.

Such a pretty night, too.

Let's go on up to bed.

My husband.

All he ever seems to think of.

Now he's made me his little goods and chattels.

Nancy Lee, all I mean was I'm tired.

Tired of me after two short weeks?

You know I didn't mean that.

Oh, come here.

Don't lay your head on Mama's breast.

Don't say that.

Well, heaven, don't be so sensitive.

Your mama's dead and gone.


Although sometimes, I swear to goodness,

I get the feeling in this rickety old house

she's still sort of around.


What makes you think that?

Well, don't jump so, darling.

It's just a spooky feeling.

Maybe you and me should have gotten rid of Westerly

and gone back on to South Carolina with Mom and Papa.


We can't leave here.

Well, all right, sugar.

Don't take on so.

I didn't mean to jump at you.

Oh, of course you didn't.

You just said...

You were so kind to little old me

and you were so generous to lend the colonel all that money

to go back south with Mama

to build up our old, lovely old plantation again.

It must be the size of half the state

what it's costing to restore it.

Well, it had gotten run down, sort of,

but you've nothing to worry about, Buford.

You'll get the money back.

Of course, of course, Nancy Lee.

What is it?

Oh, this old porch.

It's starting to leak like a sieve.

I'll have William look at it in the morning.

That big old lame brain.

Buford, if we're going to stay here at Westerly,

I want some changes made.

I'd like to do some rebuilding.

We can discuss that in the morning.

And I want some new servants.

I don't want that silly old William and Hannah around.

They've got to go.


But, Buford...

Whatever happens, William and Hannah stay.

And we stay.

That's final.

My, Buford, you are so masterful when you get mad.

I could just swoon.

Come on.

Let's go on up to bed.

And I'll show you just how wonderful it is to be married.

I came out with your mother's train, Master Buford.

And she nearly caught me.

What the Sam Hill was Nancy Lee doing in the cellar?

I don't know.

She didn't say anything.

I'm sure not.

Does she suspect anything?

I don't think I...

Damn that woman.

That's her now.

Get out, Hannah.

I'll handle this.

Yes, sir.

Nancy Lee.

What the devil were you doing down in the cellar?

No need to take on.

I was just making up my mind

where to put the wine cellar.

What wine cellar?

The one we're going to build in the back there.

What for?

Well, I intend to start entertaining,

having guests to stay.

Well, bring this house alive.


No wine cellar and no guests.

And you stay out of that downstairs.

Don't you order me around.

I'll do what I want in my own house.

What did you mean by locking me out of our bedroom last night?

I don't allow anyone who can't behave

like a gentleman in my room.

If you think just by withholding your favor,

for me, you can get your own way.

You listen to me, Buford.

One way or another, I always get my own way,

and don't you forget it.

Master Buford, Master Buford,

you can't sleep here on the floor, sir.


Oh, yes.

I've got to, Hannah.

My own wife won't let me in the bedroom.

Come on, sir.

You've been drinking.

I've made you up a bed in one of the guest rooms.

I want to sleep on the bedroom.

Not guests.

Ironic, isn't it, Hannah?

Don't have much luck with the ladies, huh?

Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

She's got to go.

Except can't.

Because of baby.

Got a child to think of.

Can't figure that one out.

Oh, that's...


Is my horse ready?

Morning, Nancy Lee.

My, ain't you the prettiest thing?

I asked about my horse.

Oh, yes, Miss Nancy.

I combed and curled and shined that old horse.

Will you bring him around to the front?

Yes, sir, Miss Nancy.

And the name is Mrs. Montgomery.

Yes, Mrs. Montgomery.

Oh, get out of my sight.

When you bring him around, let me know.

I'll be in the parlor.



Hannah said you wanted to see me.

I want to talk to you.

I'm afraid I don't have time.

I'm going riding.

That's what I want to talk to you about.

Do you think it's wise?


All this riding.

In your condition.

In my condition?

Oh, man.

I'd near forgotten.


How could you forget the baby you're carrying?

I'm sure I wouldn't if I were.

Only I'm not.

I never had one.


Oh, beautiful.

Buford, don't splutter.

So, if you had half a brain in your head,

you'd have realized that long ago.

It was all a trick to get me to marry you.

At the time, you seemed such a catch.

And the competition was a little heavy.

So, I thought I'd just make sure of you.

And it worked.

I'm really sorry to have disappointed you about the child.


You don't know how relieved I am.

Now there's no problem.

What do you mean, no problem?

To end this marriage.

To get a divorce.

You think that's no problem?

It shouldn't be.

I'm prepared to make a reasonable settlement.

And just what would you consider reasonable, Mr. Montgomery?

We can waive the money I loaned your father and call it a day.

The money you loaned my father?

That wasn't a loan.

That was a little payoff for a nice background of southern gentility to trap me a man.

The colonel and his wife are just as phony as I am, dear heart.

And they are long gone.

I'm where I want to be with a name I like.

And I'm not giving it up for anyone.

You are never going to get rid of little Nancy Lee.

No how, no way at all.

Now if you'll excuse me, dear husband.

Why, Hannah.


Did you get a nice earful?

The door was open, Mrs. Montgomery.

And William asked me to come in here and tell you that he's waiting outside with your horse.

He could have told me himself.

And I hope that damn beast throws her and breaks her neck.

All right, Hannah.

What are you waiting for?

It's your mother, sir.

She's in a state.

She insists on seeing you.


I've had enough of Montgomery women for one day.

Tell her I...


Forget that, Hannah.

I've changed my mind.

I think I will pay Mama a visit.

I have a little surprise for her.

But you can't be so cruel, Buford.

Keeping me here locked up like a...

Like an...

Like an animal.


You've got to let me go.

You know I can't do that, Mother.

I've explained again and again why you can't suddenly turn up alive.

Oh, but I can't stand it anymore.

It's like being buried alive.

Oh, Buford.

It's so...

So lonely.

I know that, Mama.

And I know it's just plain isn't fair.

So I thought of a solution.

What, dear?

How would you like to have a nice permanent companion?

Did I make an unguarded statement that Buford was no match for the ladies?

Perhaps in one sense that's true.

But in another...

Well, it seems that Nancy Lee is going to have cause to regret her match with Buford.

We'll find that out shortly when we return with Act Three.

Now, it's one thing to get away with disposing of someone already legally certified as dead

and supposedly suitably interred.

Nancy Lee is another problem.

She can't have a convenient epileptic seizure.

Can Buford get away with it?

Nancy Lee, I've been thinking about us.

Don't waste your time.

Nothing's going to change.

I've got nobody but you and nowhere in the whole wide world to go.

I'm a permanent sick to Buford.

Oh, I know that, honey.

And I was wrong to think anything else.

Don't you know I really want you here with all my heart?

On my terms.

Don't you try to fancy talk me.

Won't you please let me tell you what I was thinking about?

If you'll make it short...

And sweet.

What I was going to suggest, just to clear the air sort of

and give us both a chance to get a new perspective,

was a trip.

I don't want to go anywheres with you.

Oh, I didn't mean together.

I meant just you alone, sugar.

Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia.

You could buy yourself a whole new wardrobe.

Like it was the trousseau you never really had.

Oh, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia.

Even Paris, France, if you want.

Paris, France. Oh, Buford.

Do you mean it?

Anything's worth trying just to work things out for us.

And to prove I mean it,

you just go tell all your friends and everyone around that you're on your way.

Oh, won't I make them squirm with envy.

Washington, Philadelphia, Paris, France.

Then you'll go?

What woman will pass up the chance?

Well, I'll ride everywhere this weekend and let everyone know.

Just one thing, Buford, you ought to understand.

Well, what's that, sugar?

This doesn't change anything.

I'm still going to spend the rest of my life right here in this house.

Oh, I know that, Nancy Lee.

I know that for sure.

Master Buford, you just can't get away with it.

Now, you hush up, Hannah.

I'm going to.

But what will other people say?

There's nothing for them to say.

Nancy Lee went off on a little trip and she never came back.

Master Buford, you're flying in the face of God.

Hannah, to the devil with it.

Now, you do as I say, hear?

Yes, sir.

Now, you and William have already got the extra bed set up downstairs

and the chest of drawers and so on?

Yes, sir.


Then get busy and take all Ms. Montgomery's clothes downstairs.

Shouldn't take you too long.

Most of her wardrobe is already packed.

What am I going to tell your mother?

Ever since we moved the extra furniture in,

she's been like to drive me out of my mind asking questions.

You haven't told her who to expect.

You said not to.

That's quite right, Hannah.

We have to preserve the proprieties.

I think it's my place to introduce my mother to my bride.

Oh, Ms. Montgomery?

What is it, Hannah?

Uh, Master Buford asked me to have you go right downstairs

as soon as you got back from riding.

But I want a bath and change.

He said right away, the moment you got here.


He said he had a little surprise for you.

Oh, very well.



Yes, what do you want me for?

Come on down.

I'll show you.

Oh, for goodness sake.

Hold that lantern a little higher.

I can't see.

Uh, how's that?


Right over here by the back wall.

Thank you.

Hannah said you had a surprise.

Why, Buford, you're going to do it.

Do what?

Put in my wine cellar while I'm gone.

Something like that.

Of course, we'll have to build regular bins

instead of these old rickety shelves.

You know what I thought when I was looking about down here before?

Oh, what was that?

If we tore down these shelves,

well, what I mean is,

I was sort of stepping off the house upstairs,

and it's some longer than this cellar.

Is it?

Yes, I walked off the cellar, too.

You suppose there might be any room behind there

we could sort of scoop out to make it bigger?

Now, why don't you and me just try and find out?

Why don't we?

Of course, I reckon you'll need help.

Oh, I don't think so.

It might be quite easy.

Like, um, like this, for example.

It's a secret door.

And a room.


Someone in there.

A room you're going to be sharing for a long time.


No, I won't go in there.

Oh, yes, you will.

I'll scream.

You'll do as you're told.

You bit my hand.

You can't.

Get in there.

You can't keep me in here.

I'll scratch your eyes out.

Oh, no, you won't.

You'll keep your mouth shut for once and do as you're told.

Oh, no, I won't.

You wouldn't dare shoot me.

Don't tempt me.

Buford, put that pistol down.



It can't be.

Who are you?

Don't you remember the first Mrs. Montgomery?

But she's your mother.

Your mother's dead.

A popular misconception.

Let's just keep this private, shall we?


You really judged Montgomery's wife?


Buford, what is this slut doing here?

Now, Mama, that's not nice.

Isn't this that Nancy Lee person I warned you to stay away from?

Yes, sir.

Maybe about the one time you were right, Mama.

Well, get her out of here.

I don't want her.

And I demand you release me, too.

You know I can't do that.

The best I can do is provide you with Nancy Lee.

You're not going to lock me up with this horrid old woman.

Now, that's no way to talk to your mother-in-law.

Her... her what?

Oh, I'm sorry, Mama.

In all the excitement, I forgot to tell you.

Nancy Lee's my bride.

We got married.

That makes you both Mrs. Montgomery.

That's how come I thought it would work out real nice to have you roommates.

Sort of keep it all in the family.


Take the lab, William.

You startled me so.

I almost burnt my...

I almost burnt my hand on the stone.

Ma, what are we going to do?

What is it, son?


Here, sit down.

It's shaking all over.

You know that big old stone you wanted down in the preserve cellar to make a table of?

For making cornmeal and such?


Well, a while ago I took it to bring it on down for you.

You lifted that heavy stone by yourself?

It's what happened when I was down there.


Well, I... I didn't have...

I didn't have no light.

And I didn't hear Master Buford come on down there.

But all of a sudden, I see him light a lantern.

And as far as I can say anything, Mrs. Montgomery come on down there to join him.

I know.

I sent her down there.


You knew what he was going to do to her?

Son, you got to understand.

I can't help myself.

You knew he was going to throw her in that...

Hide a hole.

With old Mrs. Montgomery?

I knew.

But she's so pretty.

And he hurt her, Ma.

Master Buford hurt her.

He took that little girl that's like a...

Like a little chickadee bird.

And he's going to shut her up in there.

Don't think about it now, son.

I... I got to think on it.

I couldn't be shut up, Ma.

I couldn't be shut up nowhere.

I know that, son.

I'll just take my own throat...

My hands like I've done with...

With someone a long time ago.

Don't, William.

Don't do that to yourself.


Not to me.

To Master Buford.

Unless he lets her go.

That's who I got to.

No, William.


Listen to me.

Let me explain.

Let me go, Ma.

Let go.


You've got to understand.

You've got to understand that I...


Ma, are you all right?

I hope I...

I didn't hurt you.



You all right.

Just sleeping.

I'll wake you, Ma.

I'll wake you just as soon as I set...

that poor little bird free.

I spent my life trying to get free of you, Mama.

And I did.

Then I got myself trapped again.

Now I've got to get free of Nancy Lee, too.


You'll never see me again.

You can't leave me here with this old woman.

I can't be shut up anymore.

You've been drinking again.

You look drunk.

I feel drunk.

Drunk with relief.

Hannah and William are all you'll ever see.

All you'll ever see from now on.

As far as I care, you could both rot.

What's that funny smell?

My head.

I need a drink.

Who's that?

It's me, Master Buford.

I'm sorry for...

for what I got to do.

Master Buford.

I didn't mean to do nothing, Master.

I didn't mean to do nothing.

It was just...

A bird has to fly free.

You can't keep it locked up.



Are you down there?

I'm here, Ma.

What are you doing?

What's happened?

Where's Master Buford?

I'm glad you woke up, Ma.

Something's happened to Master Buford.

Oh, my God.

Move aside.

Let me see.

I didn't mean him no harm.

It was just Miss Nancy.

I didn't want to hurt him, Ma.


He's dead.

Oh, William.

William, you killed him.

I never even touched him, Ma.

How would you know?

Poor, twisted mind.

How would you know?

Heaven help me.

What are we going to do now?

I've got to think.

Well, I'm all packed.

And William is taking my things down to the carriage now.

What about you, Mother?

I suppose you have to call me that.

We might as well get used to it.

Just as you'll have to try to sound a little funnier...

I wonder when you talk to your daughter, Nancy Lee.

Very well, Nancy Lee.

And I not only am all packed,

but my trunks have already been taken to the railroad station.

All ready for our new life.


Oh, come on now.

This was all worked out before the funeral.

And you've had a lovely time of it, haven't you?

Playing the bereaved widow.

Being wined and dined and said farewell.

Well, I had to stay hidden at home.

Well, you could see.

I think I'm popping out of...

of a grave without creating a legal flogging.

I know, I know.

It's better this way.

I hope we can smuggle me out successfully.

At night, in Hannah's cape, there'll be no question.

Nothing left to be done.

I don't think so.

Hannah and William will stay with the house until the estate is sold.

And the lawyer will forward us the money wherever we settle.

Wherever we settle.

You and I.

Not much of a life to look forward to.

It's the best your son left us.

Your husband.


I wonder about his death.


The doctor certified it as a heart attack.

You don't think William...

Oh, no.

William is so simple-minded that if he says he never touched him, he never did.

No, it was something else.


That was the same doctor who wrote out my death certificate.

You don't suppose Buford by any chance could have had epilepsy?

It's a disease that does run in the family, you know.

If Sarah Montgomery should have been right,

then poor Buford went to far more than his just reward.

After all, the coffin was already in the garage.

He was down for over a week.

But that's really too horrible a prospect to dwell on.

Isn't it?

I'll return shortly.

Before I go,

I really do owe you an apology for that quite dreadful picture of poor Buford Montgomery

awaking to far more confined,

than he condemned his mother to.

But as a storyteller, you have to agree,

the irony is perfect.

And then, of course, also,

I did promise to curdle your blood.

Our cast included John Barragray, Ruby Dee,

Bryna Rayburn, Roxy Roker, and Todd Davis.

The entire production was under the direction of Hyman Brown.

Radio Mystery Theater was sponsored in part by

Anheuser-Busch Incorporated,

Brewers of Budweiser.

This is EGP.

This is EG Marshall inviting you to return to our Mystery Theater

for another adventure in the macabre.

Until next time,

pleasant dreams.














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