Amazon Live Stream - Super Anti Aging Skin Care for Beautiful Makeup

Victoria Johnson

Victoria's Body Shoppe

Amazon Live Stream - Super Anti Aging Skin Care for Beautiful Makeup

Victoria's Body Shoppe

hi welcome to Victoria's body shop I'm Victoria Johnson your founder of skintight naturals and

your host today thanks for stopping in you know I have so many fun things to

share with you and I hope you remember to took to that today I'm going to give

away a prize because we've had so many requests for samples unfortunately a

company our size doesn't really have samples because I it's too much plastic

to throw away it's too much waste it doesn't do enough so I wanted to offer

those of you watching an opportunity to to answer a question

I'm going to give it the answer but you have to be listening so you can get it

so you can you can try to win the prize today and I'm going to give away one of

our products today I'm going to give away a affirming face neck and chin

cream and the reason why I'm giving it away is because it is so popular we've

only got a few left I was even hesitant to talk about it today because we have

so few left but anyway I wanted to to offer that to you today and I wanted to

thank everyone for following and if you're not

following yet please follow Victoria's Body Shop because there's so many great

things I'm going to be sharing with you and there's always good tips and good

lessons and there's always good information and it's always fun that's

what I want for you I want you to have fun because life is so short that before

you know when it's over right so we want to have as much fun look as great as we

can and do as many things as we would like to do and really work on fulfilling

our dreams because that's what I was able to do I was able to fulfill my

dream of being able to travel around the world and have fun and have fun with my

world, work with great companies and do photo shoots. If you can imagine, the last time I kept

count, I had done 20,000 photo shoots. Now that's how many times I had to put on makeup,

find the right outfit, have a script, set in front of a camera, do some sort of either exercise

routine, dance routine, dance choreography, professional speaking, commercials. So I've

done so many things that I feel like I have like five lifetimes I've been so blessed.

But what's interesting about my destiny is the thing that was the most difficult for me

became my dream. And what I want to tell you about is these are my genes. I used to be size 16.

And when I was overweight, I needed to lose weight because I was becoming borderline diabetic

and I was hypoglycemic. I had severe anxiety.

I had suicidal episodes and I needed to get healthy. So in order to get healthy,

I had to get on the right diet, maybe remove some people from my life that wasn't necessarily

healthy. I had to do a lot of changing. And in that process of wanting to lose weight,

I saw people that had lost weight, but they had all this extra skin. So that's why I really started

to focus on skin. I thought I was focusing on losing weight. And what happened was I focused

on finding elements that makes your skin tight, keeps it tight.

And to the point where by the time I had lost weight, I looked 10 years younger because my skin

had improved that much. And I want to share with you the elements that makes your skin able to

rejuvenate, regenerate, and to actually reverse the aging process and you have a more youthful,

vibrant, vital look and it takes time, energy, effort, but really it takes the perfect ingredients.

And as I was traveling and doing photo shoots, I would always have to have a facial artist that did

the makeup and the makeup.

the makeup but i also had to have a person to take care of my skin and through that process

i met with some of the best dermatologists the best doctors i bet was met with some of the

greatest estheticians to find out what works what didn't work what was what was superficial what was

just on the surface how much did i need how much was it how much what was it was i able to to put

on my skin to make my skin change and what i also learned was everyone sitting in that room at that

photo shoot that was in the photo shoot had different skin but there were certain things

that were universal and that's what i have learned over my experience of being in the skin in the

chair and being in front of the camera being in the studio and then being in the doctor's office

because i would break out sometimes i had so much acne from the studio makeup that my skin looked

like there's bubbles on it and you know you look at it now and it's actually i have no acne i was

able to get rid of the dark spots i was getting dark spots because we take pictures in the sun

and i was starting to get sun damage

and i needed to find a way to get rid of sun damage so today i want to share with you some of

the some of the ingredients that helps make your skin tight makes it soft supple reverses aging

we even have one element that works at a dna level to change your body's ability to reverse the aging

renew the cells and give you better skin and the reason i started to make a skincare company

is when i was doing my my professional

photography career you know it's difficult to get people to understand something your health affects

your skin your skin is the largest organ in your body your skin is showing you what's going on

inside so if you want to have great skin you want to have great health because not only will you

have a longer life you'll have less disease less heart disease you'll have less less less of the

things that people get as they age you can you can you can eliminate it because you took care of your

body and by taking care of your health you have beautiful skin do you want beautiful skin it's

under your makeup you don't want to have to cover your skin with a lot of makeup like i had to do

because i had i was getting premature aging i was starting to get these deep full wrinkles on the

outside of my eyes they call them crow's feet i thought i'm too young for this but i was dehydrating

my skin with all these alcohol products thinking i'm getting rid of acne and all i was doing was

drying out the outer layer of my skin

once i did that then i started to get pigmentation all these things started to happen it's like wait

i'm just trying to look good in front of the camera so i can share fitness and passion and

dance and movement and and my goals and teaching people how to reach their goals because that's

what i do i'm a professional trainer i work with entertainers athletes moms dads aspiring athletes

that are trying to make a career out of athletics so because of all my experience and background and

professional training i'm a professional trainer i'm a professional trainer i'm a professional

trainer i'm a professional trainer i'm a professional trainer i'm taking that turned it into a career

and now i'm turning the next page which is offering skin tight natural products in the

skincare industry i had such a hard time losing fat if i would have known that there were certain

elements i could put on my skin to help the fatty acids break down and then i just drink water

go for a walk flush it out i'm actually losing weight without starving did you

you know you could do that yes there's things you can put on your skin to break down fatty acids

so that they are able to be released from the cells goes through your digestive system and

then flushed out now if nobody ever told you that you wouldn't know well no one had taught me that

until i met this this scientist who was working with olympic athletes so he invited me in he let

me watch he let me see he taught me about every element he used he said you know we don't want

our athletes to be weak but they carry fat in certain areas that inhibits their abilities and

their performance so he taught me here's what you do here's what you take here's how you put it on

here's how you exercise and the next thing you know they're down two to three inches in their

waist but they didn't lose performance they didn't starve they didn't have to be on some crazy

whack diet they just knew because of the professional training and the professional

advice they were able to take a lot of the energy that they needed to take the right took a lot of

money to do that they didn't have to be on the right track but they were able to take a lot of progress

to get their body where they needed it to be

to perform at an Olympic level.

That was one of the most exciting times of my life.

Working with Olympic athletes, there's nothing like it.

But also, there's nothing like the information they get.

Wouldn't you love to have a secret ingredient

you could put on your body, exercise a little bit?

You don't have to kill yourself, but go for a walk,

do some stairs, do your bike at home,

do your treadmill at home, maybe go to the gym

and do a round of weights, maybe play some tennis,

do some golf.

The key is moving with this element on your body

so that the fatty acids will break down.

You drink water and it flushes it out.

You know what it's called?

It's called L-carnitine.

But you have to have a certain kind of L-carnitine.

And that L-carnitine we put in our slimming tone

for breaking down fat.

And the reason I'm showing you this first

is because if you have a double chin

or you've got fatty,

jowls and you want to put on makeup

and you want to blend it all together,

but you have lumps and bumps and you have uneven areas

and uneven surfaces on your body,

then you can use slimming tone,

which has the L-carnitine in it.

You can rub it on, leave it on all day.

You can rub it on before you work out.

You can rub it on and leave it on under your makeup,

especially if you have the area here,

or maybe you have a little extra fat

around the sides of your bra strap.

You just put it on,

do whatever you're going to do.

You rub it all the way in.

And let me show you, it's a glaze.

It's so you have to rub it all the way in

because it has collagen, has green tea.

It has so many elements that are natural

and they're good for your skin.

They're good for your body.

They're good for your digestion.

They help you drop the stored fat, which is the lipids.

You want to see some fat?

Just so you understand, because I'm a teacher.

I have to teach.

I can't just get up here and slather on cream.

And that's just not me.

I'm a teacher.

And I'm even to the point where I teach others,

I teach other instructors, I teach other trainers

how to train themselves and their bodies

for whatever their performance is.

So this is fat.

Fat is gooey.

It's thick.

There's very few pores in it, right?

So there's acids in here that release

and get into your bloodstream.

And that's what could cause things in your heart,

things in your arteries to clog is the fatty acids,

the extra lipids.

Well, those lipids are dangerous.

If you don't get them out of the extra stored body fat.

And it's really important because people say,

well, you need body fat.

You do need body fat.

You need about 10% if you're a woman.

But if your body fat, if you've ever had it tested, is 34%,

you are carrying too much extra body fat.

And that extra body fat is a part

of what creates all the stress in your body, creates the stress.

And then you have stress hormones like cortisol.

And cortisol actually builds fat.

So you're actually trying to lose weight,

but you're not.

You're stressing out, building more hormones,

which is cortisol.

And if you're not using the cortisol,

then you store as lipids inside the fat cell.

So we made Slimitone so that it penetrates the fat cell

and it goes inside.

Let me show it to you.

Put it on your skin, put it on your chin,

put it on your jowls, put it on wherever you have extra fat,

hips, abs, butt, legs, and then it penetrates the fat cell.

It releases the lipids and the lipids

can be flushed out when you drink, what?


Now here's the question to the answer,

and the answer to the question.

I drink 64 ounces of water a day.

64 ounces.


Because I train every day.

I live in a humid environment.

My skin gets dry, even though it's humid outside.

It gets dry because it's not hydrated from the inside out.

You hydrate from the inside out.

And then, I use Lent.

I use lemon water.

And the reason I use lemon water is because lemon

is a good detoxing agent for your body.

It has antioxidants for your skin.

And if you have any kind of like breakout,

you want to drink lemon water to cleanse and detoxify

the liver, because that's where your body gets

a lot of its toxins.

So you want to cleanse the liver,

you want to detox the skin, you want to detox your body.

It also, water helps to generate metabolic processes.

You know what that means?

Your metabolism goes up.


You imagine just drinking water can help you burn more calories

because your metabolic rate is, it goes higher.

And your metabolic system is clean.

And your liver's getting cleaned of the gook.

Your liver's where you store and burn fat.

That's your factory.

That's your fat factory.

You want to keep that cleansed.

And the liver's also where you get toxins.

Those toxins can also end up in your skin,

which can make your makeup, you look all blotchy,

because your skin's not clean.

Your skin's not pure.

Your skin is not healthy.

You want healthy skin.

So your makeup's beautiful underneath.

That's the whole message today, is getting that skin to the point

where it's toned, it's tight, it's firm, and it's healthy.

And you have this vibrant glow.

So see what we've covered so far?

So far we've covered you need L-carnitine

to break down the fat.

You want to have water to stimulate the metabolic system

and to cleanse the cells.

You have vitamin C in your water,

which is awesome for your skin, right?

Everybody uses vitamin T for their skin.

So you want to use it

for your body, too.

And now, one of the things I want to help you with today

is understanding that your skin has collagen, elastin.

It's what makes it tight, right?

And as we age, or as our diet is poor, we don't exercise,

we have stress, we have anxiety, the collagen breaks down.

And you want to replenish that collagen.

And if you can't replenish it,

then you want to give your body the core elements it needs

to create the collagen.

That's a part of what our Firming Face Night Lotion is about.

We made it so that it's made with...

If you have extra wrinkles, first of all,

and you want to put on makeup,

and you find yourself squinting

and you've got these lines here and here,

you have lines around your mouth,

well this particular element that is in here,

Acetylhexapeptide-8, is what we use to relax the muscles.

So when you go to squint, there's a signal to your brain,

not to flex, so it becomes relaxed.

So you can relax the wrinkles around the eyes,

outer edges, right?

And around your mouth.

That's what this particular product is designed for.

So if you have a really deep inset wrinkles,

deep wrinkles around your eyes,

you want to use the Firming Face Neck and Chin Lotion.

And the same thing happens when you have,

you find yourself talking and your bands come out,

well you can help relax those bands.

And let's say you have the double chin

and you put on your slimming ton for the chin,

and we need to relax those muscles

so that those muscles can go back into a natural state.

Here's what's really important too.

If you have a double chin

or you find yourself staring at your phone,

you're using gravity to create wrinkles.

Yeah. Gravity is natural.

you find yourself looking down and squinting, you're drawing all the muscles

downward. One of the things we were really always always paying attention to

in our photo shoots and when our communication processes was keeping our

head up. If you have to the point where you're starting to get that dull

white horse hump, you're starting to get that hump in the middle of your back and

it you can be you can be 22 and have that. It's not even about you're just

getting osteoporosis and your bones are deteriorating. A part of that is lack of

strength, lack of flexibility around the shoulders, and also lack of flexibility

in a chest because you've tightened those muscles so much that they're

pulling you forward. Those muscles pulling you forward creates that that

length of the neck in the back which makes it short in the front as opposed

to having a tall neck in the front. You have to have extra muscle out so you

have a long neck in the back and a short neck in the front that's the opposite

you want to have a lifted chin a tall neck shoulders back back muscles

contracted chest torso lifted that's the first way to start getting rid of

wrinkles is getting the right posture you can put all the skin cream on and

still be looking down and frowning and still have wrinkles you've wasted your

money you can change your physique your face your structure you can change your

bone structure just by standing sitting moving exercising correctly because the

connective tissue moves the bone that's why you have to get a professional

trainer if you're wanting to change your body change your face and really



look the best you can how about looking ageless how about not even nobody knows

how old you are because you look so amazing and you feel so amazing and then

that comes out in everything you do you have more confidence you have more

strength you have more power you're able to create more more depth into your life

we're able to get more things accomplished because you have more

energy when you drop your chin you're cutting off your oxygen supply when you

cut off your oxygen supply you are

basically shutting down your metabolic process you want as much oxygen as you

can taking into your body so that it oxygenates the blood that so that you're

healthy you're vibrant your metabolic system's active so that's really truly

important is to make sure you have good posture so I squeeze my shoulder blades

backwards right it's like doing it's like doing the Cobra pose in yoga it's

one of the best poses for lengthening the torso strengthening the diesem

robin back spinae in yoga is one of the best poses for lengthening the torso toilet

muscles strengthening the triceps opening up your chest that's what you

want to do number one to get your body into the proper alignment so that

everything else you do will have a better effect so alignment is first and

then we look at how do we relax these muscles we talked about it we talked

about acetyl hexapeptide 8 and that's one of the number one ingredients in our

firming face and chin another ingredient that we like is that I really like the

sunflower oil sunflower oil they used to use back in the day and the reason

they used it is because it's so rich it's so firm it has so many good

ingredients in it it has fatty acids it has lipids it has vitamin A it has

vitamin D so we try to get vitamin A through taking by doing retinoids which

is great but sunflower oil has a natural vitamin A and so when you put it on so

as we massage it this particular

cream you want to relax so I'm gonna put it on right so I want to relax those

bands in my neck I want to relax those rings in my neck I want to relax all

those muscles right in through my jawline and not only does it have

sunflower oil it also has aloe vera and aloe vera is great for conditioning the

skin tightening the skin working through their skin and healing it and when you

look at people that have maybe you have two thousand friends who have had your

day and maybe you will too but you are going through a couple of immigrations

that have a lot of extra skin here lack of oxygen lack of activity so we want to massage

in that sunflower oil the aloe vera you want to and it has arnica oil arnica oil is a natural

homeopathic healing agent so as we as we rub all these in together wonderful things happen to your

skin it starts to plump up it starts to feel tighter it starts to hydrate it starts to recover

recuperate and it starts to regenerate itself it's such an amazing thing so once i put on my

chin lotion and remember i'm putting it around my mouth where i get those deep incest wrinkles here

and around my eyes and i'm doing that to what to relax those muscles because those muscles

squinting those muscles contracting and then contract release contract release that wears

out the skin to the point where little grooves are made into the skin

here and here and even here but predominantly outside the eyes up around the eyes eyelids

and then underneath the chin and if you've got extra wrinkles that come into your chest you can

take it you can put it in your chest absolutely works works amazing so if again if i have a double

chin i'm going to use slimming tone on my chin so that that fatty acids the extra fat that's there

can burn away and then it also has collagen to tighten and firm green tea antioxidant for

healing the skin because what you're doing is you're wanting to repair the skin so that the

new skin that comes forward is healthy it's healed it's vibrant it has a different glow to it before

you even put any of this on though you need to make sure that you're well cleansed and used

exfoliated especially

here i want you to exfoliate upward in your neck okay don't pull that skin do not pull with

gravity against gravity always even in our exercises gravity is what creates the resistance

for making the muscle firmer but that's because we added weight so you're going to work upwards

with all of the things that we do and everything that we add to our skin upwards in the neck

outward now slimming tone if you have a double

chin firming neck chin lotion now those of you that are that are already clicking through

we have a coupon for you for those of you that want to buy today we have a coupon for you

so make sure you get the coupon on the chat so you can use that right away get the coupon click

through it has an expiration date on it try it just try it just try it and see what you think

okay now we talked about chin posture shoulders

neck right keeping the muscles relaxed so that the wrinkles diminish that's really what this is

about and i know there's a lot of different elements that you can also use so what i want

to show you right now this is my favorite thing to do every show i love it so i'm going to take

tighten up because once you've got the muscles relaxed around the eyes now let's make that skin

go let's tighten it let's tighten it let's tighten it let's tighten it let's tighten it

let's tighten it like a balloon right like when a balloon is full of air it's tight and then when

the air starts to fall out of the balloon it gets loose well we can relax those muscles relax the

wrinkles now we want to look 10 years younger right yeah we want to look 10 years younger how

do we do it with tight neck tighten up is our skin tightening cream and we used it we put it together

i'm going to use that or you can take that and tap it Ensure the muscles of the metals are nicely ASHLEY together to prevent extra ganst moments of stretch kontag tiun

it i said we use i'm going to use it you want to use it yeah you use it i'm going to use it

i'm going to put it in my arms because this is the most visible now what happens with tighten

up is there's over 20 ingredients that nourish shrink regenerate smooth the skin there's over

20 ingredients and the main ingredient that we use is organic shea butter that is the softest

silkiest smoothest shea butter i've ever used that's why we're using it

in our skin tight naturals tighten up line is to tighten soften regenerate and there's fatty

acids you know what's that's what i talked about earlier is that some fats are good

while shea butter fat for your skin does wonders so i'm putting it on and now what starts to happen

is we have a eco cert which is a which is a green certified clean element it's an ingredient we had

it researched because we wanted to find something that instantly tightens the skin that wasn't

synthetic it it wasn't it didn't have any of the ingredients that were in it it didn't have any of

the ingredients that were in it it didn't have any of the ingredients that were in it it didn't have

it didn't have any of the ingredients that were in it it didn't have petroleum didn't have wax didn't have

petroleum didn't have wax didn't have gmo elements in it we wanted something that was pure natural

and you know what we found i have found them through traveling

and talking to so many other cultures i have found there are so many rich ingredients that we don't

necessarily use here in the united states we don't necessarily even know that they even exist because

we pretty much all use the same thing and kind of get the same habit of following the same

thing well what i found was there are and there are beautiful luxury just i can't even say there

are exquisite ingredients that you can find it's just like lemon oil lemon oil is rare in america

yet it is so rich in fatty acids it's so good for your skin it's so good for your body it's

it's so healthy we used that we used it in our firming face and neck and chin

and that's why i call my line the luxury line because we have luxury ingredients

but yet it's at an affordable price because we're a small batch company we make everything in the

united states we do everything ourselves we don't have a big budget we don't have a big company we

don't have a big advertising budget which is usually what most people have to buy

the big companies that's why sometimes you're paying for the advertising of the brand

more than the product so we did it so that i just want to share what i use

to get my skin flawless while i was losing weight how was i able to get my to lose 60 pounds

wearing a size 16 jeans lose 60 pounds and not have massive stretch marks here we go all right

we're starting to tighten up so as i stand here and talk to you my skin is shrinking

around the muscles they're shrinking around the joint everything is shrinking on the outside

so that what happens is the muscle i have underneath is what's creating this shape it's

creating the form if you don't you don't work out you don't have a form if you you can put

tight you can put tighten up all day long on long saggy skin and it will firm up the skin somewhat

but it's what's underneath that skin is what's going to give it the shape

if you have fat around your knees then you wanted to use lemon tone around your kneecaps so and

around the inside of your knees get the fat out of the inside of your knees start walking up and

down walk out into your knees go to the gym go to the gym go to the gym if you're not doing that

right now you're coming out at night in the morning go for a walk go on the treadmill

go to the gym go to a yoga class go to a sculpting class go to a pilates class

right start playing tennis do something to make the muscle active and then that will shape and

tone the muscle so the skin goes it shrinks around the muscle and that's the secret because so many

people don't understand and i get letters i victoria how's your skin now your skin is stones

I tried this I tried that and I asked them send me a photo and they send me a photo and I say so

send me your workout program um I don't have one well that's exactly why your muscles and are flat

and your and your skin is flat but it's not shaped it goes well how do I make it so that I have a

nice round butt or around how do I have good quadriceps good thighs how do I get my so my

thighs aren't all wiggly ladies gentlemen it's the muscles it's we are a fit skincare company

because to have great skin and then have a stroke what good is that having wonderful skin

going and putting on all this beautiful makeup and you look you look amazing but you're borderline

diabetic that is not healthy that is not right that is not living I was like that that's why I

have the right to say it

I was wearing makeup I was putting on hours makeup I have a makeup center that is beyond belief

because of my photo shoots but I find myself not even going in it as much anymore because I'm

putting more time on my body because as all the things that are happening with health around the

world I want to be healthy I want to get rid of the fatty acids that could possibly give me a

stroke later in life I want to make sure that I could walk up a flight of stairs and open my car

door and get in and get out fast and carry my groceries and and remodel my house I want to do

physical activity and look great and feel great and have a long healthy life so that's why you

want to work on your body as you work on your skin so right now here we go everything is starting to

tighten up I can see it triceps coming out deltoids starting to lift so as I use tighten up and the

more I put on the tighter it gets so if you've got a little bit of weight on your body and you're

trying to keep it on you're just starting to tighten up like this if you've got a loose area

if you have a loose area that you just want to tighten up he's like I am tired of this you need

to start thinking about what kind of exercise am I gonna do and I'm gonna start using kind of

because I need to start tightening now right so can you use your products with a absolutely you

can use you can use any products with a roller with any equipment you can use it even on the

cleansing you can use your cleansing beauty cleansing equipment if you're putting on tighten up

think there's all these little enhancers that infuse product into your skin absolutely absolutely

when i'm getting ready for a shoot and i'm doing i have an enzyme mask that we have and it clears

all breakout clears my skin tightens my pores makes me feel like i'm just a porcelain doll i

use my skin brush and i just do all over with my enzyme mask and you're supposed to rub it on and

leave it i cleanse it and i leave it and my skin feels like silk it's amazing and then if i'm

starting to break out i use it breakout goes away because of the enzymes i love enzymes and and and

that's the thing again we're looking at natural fruits natural elements in tighten up one of the

natural elements is watermelon because watermelon extract is nature's miracle does so many wonderful

things for your skin hydrates

cleanses exfoliates regenerates rejuvenates it's awesome it's amazing so we use natural elements

that work with our biology it works with nature it works with our biochemistry it's not making us

have hormonal breakouts it's not making us disruptive within our hormone system because

we have to really watch that that's i think right now that's going to be the next breakthrough

hopefully in our medicine is how we can regulate our

hormones better because so many things in our food water pollution all affects our hormones

and we we almost gain weight without like breathing sometimes you're like how did i gain

five pounds i turned around i'm five pounds heavier or all of a sudden i wake up and i'm

going how did i get two more wrinkles i where do they come from because everything's breaking down

so we have to put things in our body that builds it back up we want to build up our body build up

our metabolism we want to build up the structure of your skin it's not only that we want to make

our body stronger we want to build up the structure of your skin it's not like we want to achieve all

of those things and you created these things we want to do it on the body you have to build up your

not just putting on cream. It's rebuilding, repairing, regenerating, restructuring. And on

that note, we're going to go to my favorite peptide. Our collagen peptide is one of the

fastest selling peptides we've ever had. And the reason why is because we all are obsessed,

right, with collagen. We're eating it. We're drinking it. We're making shakes out of it.

We're smoothing it. We're putting it in our milk. We're drinking it with water. We're doing

everything. Okay, now, that's great. You just repaired the collagen inside your body. Now,

let's give it a boost and let's work on the collagen outside. And the reason I want to,

I'm going to get my notes because there's so much that happens with collagen. First of all,

this particular blend that I made that I love,

I'll show it to you. It's made with several different peptides, hyaluronic acid,

super fruit extracts, because we have to have, again, nature. We want to work with nature.

That's why we eat fruits and plants and vegetables, right? Because fruits, plants,

and vegetables are the core of our nutritional system. Plants, awesome for us, right?

Now, the extracts work directly on the cell. And that's probably the greatest thing I love

about peptides is, let me show you. So when I take these peptides and I actually apply them

to the skin, it's very smooth, very pure, pure, organic, clean, no additives, no junk, no garbage.

And it's still rubbing. It's not even like, it's not even rubbed in yet.

Because it has hyaluronic acid and I was sweating, which is awesome. So hyaluronic acid

attaches to water. It's a humectant, right? Water attaches to it. And then it takes the water and

it plumps the cell. So the more I rub, the more water that goes into the cell, the more hydrated,

the tighter, firmer. And really, hyaluronic acid for firming is great. Now, there's a difference

between tightening and firming. Aha! Bet you didn't know that. Yeah, it goes like this.

Tightening, as I spoke of earlier, shrinks the skin. And hyaluronic acid firms the skin.

So you can have skin, your skin can be tight, but it's not necessarily firm.

Firm is the thickness, that little bounciness, the elastin that feels like your skin's

bouncing back. Hyaluronic acid helps that feel better. Helps it adhere better. Gives you firmer,

more volume. That's hyaluronic acid. Gives you more volume. So if you've got an area where it's

really, really loose and you need to tighten that up, well, tighten up has hyaluronic acid in it.

So after I can, and if I don't, maybe not have enough for you,

you can try it. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't

know. I don't know. So if you try it out and if you need more hyaluronic acid,

then you want to choose hydroplam, right? Which is our hyaluronic acid complex.

So now I added TiteNEO on top of the collagen and my veins started to

pop out. You know why my veins popped out? Because the skin got so tight and so firm

that the veins started popping out because the veins sit underneath the skin

so nobody has a problem when I give blood they can see it just fine.

area now this used to be covered in fat all this i had fat everywhere and i didn't know i even had

veins until i lost the weight and started the training so tighten up tightens the skin shrinks

shrink the skin around your waist shrink the skin around your delts so if you want to go with

shoulders shrink the skin around your face neck right here and when you put on tighten up and you

put on the firming neck and chin cream make sure after you do your roll forward that you're pulling

aside you're lifting and giving yourself a facelift and then you just hold it five seconds

let it go hold it clench your teeth five seconds let it go hold it let it go you are reshaping your

neck you're reshaping your chin all right you can do the same thing with your cheeks you can put it

on lift

get some volume in here with the hyaluronic acid let it go but it's all a system i know it's one

of those things where you are retraining your face how to be sculpted how to be formed and

the difference in aging and fatigue this is this is really good because i didn't know this

i thought that people were aging because they were getting wrinkles necessarily

aging is bone loss that's when the bone structure starts

to change that's when you don't have enough calcium and all of a sudden your bones start

deteriorating so your bones start to change its shape in your face fatigue is like you're tired

of extra wrinkles if you're tired with extra wrinkles tighten up and affirming face and neck

chin is great and then the collagen peptide is your nighttime program as your nighttime product

and with this with this collagen it is the fruit acids

which rebuild and regenerate cells you have extra collagen for tightening the skin and for rebuilding

the collagen matrix underneath the matrix of underneath your skin the connective tissue the

matrix that's what pulls your skin against the muscle so that it's able to have volume shape and

size so you want that for real because that's how you you get your body back to looking youthful

again is all of a sudden you start training

you start getting more bone mass you start increasing in calcium production in your body

your bones get thicker denser your structure gets stronger your muscle sizes start to become

optically shaped good the optics look good and then the collagen is pressed and straight and and

tightened against the connective tissue this is perfect i mean that's science right there that's

real that's not put this on and everything

looks great that's i'm rebuilding my body on the outside and i'm training on the inside and i'm

drinking my water i'm rehydrating i'm constantly doing everything it takes to make my body perfect

and that's what i really want for you i want you to have the best body that you can have for you

i'm not asking you to look like a bikini model a bodybuilder or a professional athlete

i'm saying a better version of you a healthier version of you we're a fit skincare company

we have we make everything ourselves we believe in in natural and pure and clean we're cruelty

free we use recyclable containers we're we're earth conscious and we're also people conscious

we love we love helping you we didn't have so many answers ourselves that we went out and found it

just like we found the natural ingredient that shrinks your skin that's only used in certain

parts of the world that no one's ever even visited mostly they don't even have tourists

so as i use my tighten up i'm going to put more on now because everything's tighter now

so once it's tight it starts to become even tighter tighter tighter under your neck chin

decollete shoulders and remember

when you put on your tight nut you lift you take it to the outer edges you lift your chin

you you control your posture strong tall posture being a dancer it's just natural to me now

it wasn't before even when i danced as a young girl i i was the heaviest one in the class you

know the teacher kept saying stick your butt in and i was going uh it is in it so it's it's been

a part of my life trying to find the right way for me and i want you to find the right way for you

that's why you have to experiment with all of our products and see which one works best for you

now the collagen this is great i love this because one of the things that was really

popular that i just clung to and i couldn't get enough of it was stoag why because i love products

from switzerland i always have i've always just i've oh i always have they they do something

there with with natural elements with with sheep and things like that that i've never seen before

in skincare so one of the things they did is they found that snow algae let me just talk it's like

it is a skin dna revitalizer hydrates oxygenates and protects skin against further damage

it comes from a special algae look at that i just want you to see it it's just it's it's there's so

much in here that i don't even know how my formulator put it all in the same bottle but

it says it says it swiss found that their snow algae has a unique ability to survive

in severe temperature changes so if your skin is damaged and you need to repair it and you want it

to look good under your makeup and you want it to be smooth

you want it to be even toned you want to have firm cheeks and firm neckline you want to have

a firm firm chin she says this algae snow algae is able to revitalize your skin they found that

when applied to living cells like your skin cells it activates the longevity gene did you hear that

the longevity gene clotho and the enzyme ampk which enhances dna repair you guys

that right there that is it that is phenomenal dna repair from the cellular level so that means

you're not stuck forever with the skin you have you can actually change your skin with this

collagen regenerating peptide complex you can change your skin starting tomorrow 24-hour

delivery from amazon you can do it you can do it right away it says and it enhances the point where

you have a clear cellular residue that creates chronic inflammation and impairs the cell is

removed and you get improved cellular cellular reactions which not only slow down aging but

repairs and regenerates skin that is in this collagen complex i mean that alone is worth the

price of the bottle but not just that we also have the multi-action peptides it's a hyaluronic acid

the super fruit extracts so this entire process together you're looking at

elasticity coming back firmness tightness appearance texture texture is important that's

why your makeup goes on smooth if you have lumpy uneven textured skin your makeup doesn't go on

smooth you have to you'll end up having to put so much foundation on trying to cover and make it

it's just not natural you want to look natural and so the snow algae in our collagen peptide

serum is the answer and we didn't do just that though we added the fruit extracts we added the

other peptides we added hyaluronic acid this is all in one formulation how do you use it

well you start after you wash cleanse and and you don't have to exfoliate every day with this

but after you wash and cleanse and if you choose to exfoliate that's great

then you slowly rub and moisten and you usually leave your skin a little bit down because it does

have hyaluronic acid so you want to rub it in all the way in around the eyes around the lips

especially your lips work on your lips i love natural lips there's something about a woman's

face that is like that's who you are if you want to change that that's up to you but make sure even

if you do something to your lips make sure the texture is soft lines here go away around the

mouth now that's why this is perfect these two together are great they're great because we both

we both products really work on the lines in your face and both products helps the texture

around the eyes

eyes around the mouth around the lips chin neck yeah you can use the collagen peptide on your neck

it's great you can use it on your decollete you can use it on your hands so wherever you have

problem skin that you just need help with and you want to change it and you want to improve it

and that you and it actually with the collagen peptide regen it actually changes your skin

at a cellular level to improve the dna that is fantastic you'll have what you need in your

bathroom to change your skin you just use it every single day until you see the results you want

now it usually takes more in the beginning to kind of we call like front load your skin to

get everything rolling and get it all going you may end up with four products at once but it all

works together and then once you get the skin you'll

like then it takes about half as much work it's like losing weight it takes so much work to lose

weight but once you get to your goal weight it only takes half as much to maintain it so you

want to get started on that all right let's see how are we going to figure out who's winning this

contest today we got some questions yeah okay i'm just i'm just reading through to see what's here

be patient with me

okay i got some questions so one of the questions is

when you use tight note do you use it by itself or do you use it in combination with other things

it depends on your goal if you use tight up by itself it'll be great but tighten up by itself

is made for people that have just a little bit of work to do on their skin let's say they're starting

to get a little bit of muscle around the butt area their skin's a little loose and they want to

tighten it up or maybe you're a little loose around the under the arms maybe the triceps maybe you want

to tighten up the triceps right so that's really hot that's for the body for the body and you don't

have to do a lot but you have to cleanse exfoliate and do something to increase circulation massage

using your rollers using things that bring energy into the cell into the area stimulating the muscles

that's by itself and if you want to really have like amazing results like i've got bodybuilders

and bikini competitors i've got i've got people that do pageants and i've got women that just

want to look good and men that just want to look even better those those circumstances

i would say go with the hydroplump or the collagen peptide as a pre-treatment

so that means you would wash and cleanse exfoliate pre-treat with the collagen peptide or the

pump. That's if I have one here. Or a hydro pump. You can pre-treat. Let it dry. Wait about 15 minutes

and then put your Tighten Up on top. And then you go do whatever you're going to do. But let it,

let the Tighten Up, massage it all the way in. Make this a ritual. Make it, do some affirmations

while you do it. Do something fun so that it becomes a positive experience. Because how you

see things is how you be things. If you see it as positive, it'll be positive in your life. If you

see it as work and it's, and it takes a ton of time and pretty soon you're not going to want to

do it. You've talked yourself out of it. Talk yourself into it. Speak yourself into it. Move

yourself forward into something positive. We are just starting to open everything up and we're

just starting to get back into life. That's great. Let's look great. Feel great. Move great. Let's

keep everything going so that we can express even more energy.

Energy creates energy. Emotion and motion creates emotion. So if you're tired, get up,

get moving, drink your water, get, get a glass of water. First thing in the morning,

hydrate yourselves. Eight hours of sleep, eight hours at night is for repairing.

That's really important because if you have deep, deep inset wrinkles and you're like,

I am done with these things, then you want to use the collagen peptide at night before you go to


But put it on early enough that it soaks all the way in. Then you take Tighten Up. Then you put

your Tighten Up all the way around those places where you have deep inset wrinkles or folds or

creepy skin. You put it on. Again, let it dry all the way before you put on your pajamas and go to

bed. And just let yourself be calm. Your body repairs at night.

That's what sleep is. It's regeneration, rejuvenation, repairing. There is nothing

permanent. You cannot change. Nothing. Because every cell turns over. Every cell in your body

will be new again. So what about making the new cell better than the cell that was there before?

That's why a year from now, you can have better skin. You can have, be in better shape.

You can have better energy. There's nothing you cannot do if you'll move towards it and start

taking steps. It's like a puzzle. You put one piece in, you put another piece in, another piece in

pretty soon. You start seeing a landscape or you start seeing the picture come into view. You put

the energy in. You get the result out. It's really important. But you have to start. You have to make

it a program. You have to make it a process. And you have to do it consistently.

Right? That's the word consistently. Now, if you haven't followed yet, please follow

because it's important for you to stay connected with us. We want to keep bringing you

fun information and fun tips. And, you know, just learning about water can change your life today.

Just learning about water, learning that lemon and water can rehydrate, regenerate,

improve your whole metabolic system, improve your digestive system, improve your skin. That's one

thing. One thing. One thing. One thing. One thing. One thing. One thing. One thing. One thing. One thing.

One tip. Just today. How about learning that fatty acids comes from fat cells? This is a fat cell.

This is a whole big bunch of fat. If you're carrying extra fat, your body does not need.

Do you want a fact? A fact is for every extra pound of body fat, there's an extra mile of

blood vessels. Mile. You have 20 extra pounds of fat, you have 20 extra miles that your blood

is being pumped through your heart. That's 20 extra miles of pressure on your heart.

That's why we have to move. That's why we have to drink water. That's how we have to cleanse

our body. That's why we have to get to a place where we want to be the best we can be and have

the best version of ourself come forward. Yes. Okay. Another question. Oh, okay. Somebody came

later. How much water do you drink? I drink 64 ounces of water a day because I exercise.

And it's one of the things when I was training at an Olympic training camp with athletes,

one of the things they had was this water truck. Now this is hilarious. They didn't have,

they did not have a water cooler. They had a water truck and you could go over, take your

gallon jug.

Take your water bottle, which very few people had because we drank too much of it. Put it under

the spout and fresh distilled water would come out. And then I learned that early on that some

tap water has bacteria. Some tap water has sediment. I don't know where you live, where I

live. I prefer to drink bottled water or at least water. I get it delivered to my home. So I don't

waste bottles and waste plastic, but I get it delivered because even with your skin,

I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,

I use distilled water on my face. I wash it. I put it in a spray bottle and I also have filtered

water in my sink. Just one sink because where I wash my face, I don't want my skin covered in

bacteria. I don't, I don't know what's in the water. I know what they tell me, but I don't know.

I'm just one of those people that I'm going to be better safe than sorry. And I want to protect

myself. And that's why too, with, when I talk about protecting yourself, we look at slimming

tone. Now all day long, we're running around, we're touching people, talking to people,

getting in and out of cars, getting in and out of Ubers, you know, sitting on toy seats.

You want to detox your skin. That's what slimming tone does. It's a detox. And with all the things

happening in our, with our health today, you want to put on slimming tone once or twice a week,

three times, four times, whatever you need to put it all over your body. Just,

just real slide it all over. And then just hang out for the day or hang out for a couple hours,

wherever you feel comfortable with, because once you put it on, it's working. If you have fat and

you want to lose fat, that's different than just plain out detoxing. And you want to detox your

skin, just jump in the shower, shower it all off, put on some tight nut, put on some collagen

peptide, go on, put your makeup on and go on about your day. All right. Cause you want to detox.

We have over a thousand different bacteria on our skin. Not all of it's perfect. We want to get that

off of our skin, cleanse our skin. Cause we detox our bodies.

We'll go and do a tea detox or we'll do a lemon water detox, or we'll do a cucumber, vegetable

water detox. Well, this is a skin detox. This is a skin detox. And you want to put that on at least

once a week to detox your skin so that you're able to get those toxins out of the skin, out of the

fatty acid, out of your body so that you're able to stay healthy. Cause that's our goal now. Our

goal is, is much bigger. Yes. We want to look great in our makeup. Yes. We want to look great in

our clothes.

We want to look great when we're doing what we're doing, but we also want to be healthy and feel good

while we're doing it. Okay. Let me see what other questions that is. All right. How long does it take

to see a difference? Okay. You can see a difference with tight nut within 10 minutes of putting it on

because it's an instant tightener. Yeah. It's an instant tightener. So you can see instant results

with tight nut.

With a lemon tone, you'll see instant tightening results as well because it has the same ingredient in it that

tight nut has that brings instant tightening. Now with losing fat, that will be up to you. If you change your

diet, get rid of the salts and the sugars and the simple carbohydrates, and you start getting on a good solid

program and you're walking, you're doing cardio because you have to do cardio. Cardio affects your heart,

affects all your organs, restores your metabolic system, and you want to do some light weightlifting or some

structured weightlifting or some CrossFit weightlifting, whatever it is you do. Yes. You want to lift weights as well,

but you need cardio. I'm a cardio queen, I believe in cardio three to five times a week to keep the skin vibrant

because you need circulation to regenerate and replenish your skin. You have to have circulation to do that.


okay and you need muscles to hold up your frame how does the average woman get hurt after a certain

age by falling their bones break from lack of strength lack of because the bone gets so poor

so porous the bones lost its density and they trip and fall they get a hip fracture

they get an infection that to me you can change that if you can exercise

so yes some form of weight training some form of cardio a good healthy diet drinking your water

getting rid of excess body fat excess body fat it's really important and keeping a good

attitude looking at what's good instead of what's bad looking at what's right

instead of what's wrong looking at what can i do to make this better and what can i do to make life

better it's looking at the good releasing everything else and doing the things you can do

just start with one thing start with a collagen peptide start with a tight note start with

something start with something to help yourself improve and get better and be the best you can be

okay i'm going to ask a question the question is

how many ounces of water do i drink a day and whoever answers it correctly

and leave your leave a way to contact you and we will get you your prize we're going to give

away that prize we're going to get to you and let you know what you want and so we can send it to

you we'll send it to you from my amazon store and i thank you for stopping by my question was

how many how much water do i drink a day answer correctly and i will get you that prize i thank

you for joining me today i'm victoria johnson from victoria's body shop and you make it a great day

yay you did it you made it all the way to the end thank you so much for listening today to

the podcast i value you and i hope you value yourself because you are not only a good listener

you are a great friend i love sharing my passion of vibrant health fun success and especially my

body detailing strategies i mean i study i work with other great professionals so that i can bring

you the most informative useful practical cutting edge information available to help you succeed

and achieve your goals whatever they are you want to stay informed right and you

want to continue to grow just like me well to keep you fired up to keep you sexy i have a

newsletter that goes into more details about what i shared with you today and to order any of my

products as i mentioned in the podcast today i set up a special vip red carpet discount code just for

you to purchase any and all of my products or books on my body shop products are

discounted already but i'm offering you an additional vip discount that's right awesome

yeah yeah you want to get your vip coupon for you to use whenever you order go to my website v-i-c-t-o-r-i-a and sign up for the free weekly health and

fitness and skin care newsletter there is so much information there's tons of hints helpful tips

that i use with my professional athletes celebrity clients entertainers and yes things that you should

be doing because you're a vip too you know that's right i'm opening my shoe bag of tricks just for

you you are the rock star in your life and you deserve it

to look feel and perform like it every day i'm giving you the secrets and the tools to do it

but you have to stand up you have to raise your hands and you have to say yes

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and i want to achieve all that i can so go there right now don't wait another minute sign up

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