The Gospel Commands and Provides Godliness - Titus 2:1-15 - Pierre-Yves Koenig

Charlotte Chapel

Charlotte Chapel

The Gospel Commands and Provides Godliness - Titus 2:1-15 - Pierre-Yves Koenig

Charlotte Chapel

Let me add my welcomes to Nathan's, especially if you're just new in town for studying or

for work, we'd love to get to know you, so as Nathan said, just make your way to the

connect corner after the service, we'd love to get to know you and welcome you properly.

We're going to continue our sermon series through the book of Titus, so if you have

a Bible, please turn again to Titus chapter 2, it's on page 1199 in the church Bibles,

but as you turn there, let's pray to ask for God's help.

Our Heavenly Father, we humbly confess before you that we have this tendency to not really

want to listen to what you have to say to us.

We have this tendency to resist your word, but we pray that by your grace and in the

power of your spirit, you would give us hearts that are desirous to hear your word, hearts

that are teachable tonight, to receive what you have to say to us, so that we would delight

in you together, in Jesus' name, amen.


How do you reach a godless city with the gospel?

How is the gospel going to be received and believed by more and more people?

Let me remind you, if you're a member here or if you're new here, let me tell you our

church's vision, it's to see lives transformed through the gospel of Jesus Christ to the

glory of God.

But how are we going to see this vision?

come into reality well there was a similar question that titus was facing as paul

had left him in crete to finish setting up the churches that they have planted together

into a trajectory for lasting growth and in the past weeks we saw that paul wanted

first that titus continues to follow paul's pattern of true gospel proclamation that was in

verses 1 to 4 next titus was to appoint god the elders in every church that would follow

and multiply that same pattern of gospel teaching and silence false teachers in order to have

healthy churches that was in chapter 1 verses 5 to 16 and in in our chapter tonight chapter 2

paul expands

on the contents of the true gospel teaching and he explains more um in more clarity and more

clearly how it is going to help the church to reach godless crete with the gospel and this

will be super helpful to us as we seek to reach a godless city with the gospel of jesus christ

well so this is paul's strategy in two points

first teach gospel godliness teach gospel godliness in verses 1 to 10 and second teach grace

leading to godliness verses 11 to 15 so first teach gospel godliness teach gospel godliness

verses 1 to 9 the church in crete was a very young church that had a lot of growing to do

and paul's exaltation to titus in verse 1

is set against the teachers of chapter 1 who were producing ungodliness false teachers and so paul

tells him you however you however don't do as they do titus but rather teach what is appropriate

to sound doctrine verse 1 we've encountered the expression a sound doctrine before in chapter 1

verse 9 it's the truth of god's word which leads to godliness

chapter 1 verse now verse 1 it is sound the greek word implies health it's good for you it

leads to to life to flourishing it produces the good fruits of godliness that's what the

elders are to teach in chapter 1 verse 9 and it will be helpful as we go through this chapter to

keep in mind that elders are set up by titus by titus in order to continue his ministry

after him and paul here in this chapter gives specific instruction to titus and so these

commands will apply in a special way to church elders and so titus is uh told in verse 1 to

teach what is appropriate with sound doctrine and in the next few verses paul goes on to explain

what he to explain what he means by that and he commands titus to teach specific groups of people

within the church what they're doing in the church and this in a very specific way we give specific

and he commands titus to teach specific groups of people within the church what they're doing in the

church and in a very specific way we give specific Safe really easyenkujki taught byसu ben kund measures

godliness looks like for them in their specific life situations. And the godliness that is

commanded for all these different groups of people can be broadly summarized as an orderly,

self-controlled life, an orderly, self-controlled life. But before we work our way through the

different groups that Titus must address, it's essential to keep in mind that Paul is not

addressing directly the different groups by telling them how they should live. Rather, he's

telling Titus what he must teach them to be like. And so that means that we go through these things,

that the primary application is here for people who are involved in teaching the Bible and growing

disciples in an official capacity, like elders, small group leaders, trainees, but also those

doing this work. And so, as we go through these things, we go through these things, we go through

these things, we go through these things, we go through these things, we go through these things,

in an informal capacity, in one-to-ones, in personal discipleship, which should be the most

of us in this room. This text here clearly tells us what we should be teaching to those we teach,

depending on their life situation. So, pay close attention. But since this letter was also meant

to be read in public to the churches, it also addresses those who are on the receiving end

of the teaching.

That's all of us. And the big application for us is, well, am I being teachable when I am being taught

godly living, godliness, as applied to my life circumstances? Do I let others teach me these

things? Or do I disregard those who teach me these things, thinking that I'm above that? Maybe as some

people might have done to Titus in chapter 2.

Verse 15. But secondarily, this text also tells us what we should be aspiring to, striving towards

in the different stages of our lives, depending on which category we find ourselves into.

So, let's just recap the applications that we need to keep in mind as we go through this text.

First, does it match what I am teaching to the people in that life situation, in that life stage?

Second, am I being teachable?

When people teach me these things to me in my own life?

And thirdly, is that what I am aspiring to? Is that what I am striving for in my life?

So, let's work through the list. First, older men, verse 2.

They are to be taught to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled and sound in faith,

in love and in endurance. Old age carries its own unique temptation,

it's the age where many stop caring about what people think of them. They've lived, they've worked hard.

And so, some can get pretty loose with their tongue or with their actions in a way that is

undignified. The gospel lays out another path for older men. Men who show faith, love,

steadfastness in hard trials of old age and decaying physical health. Old men who can be

relied upon for wisdom and guidance, exemplified in their own life, showing an example to younger

men so that they can think when they look at them, I want to be like this when I'm this age.

And even though Titus is younger than these men, they must let themselves be taught these things

by him. And next, older women, verses 3 and 4, read down with me in verse 3.

Older women likewise,

are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. I can picture the older

women in Cretan society coming together on their villa by the sea, drinking rosé, catching up,

by which I mean really gossiping and slandering away. But that's not the way for older women who

know the gospel of Jesus Christ. They must show reverence to God in the way that they behave by

being reverent to God. They must show reverence to God in the way that they behave by being reverent to God.

And to evil is idealistic, to people who have以上 writing, not but self-control.

Self-control with their tongue, self-control with their drinking. Instead of slandering,

look at the text, they should join Titus in teaching what is good. Especially teaching to

younger women in verse 4. That's really interesting, because Titus must teach

specifics of godliness to all categories except to younger women. That's a job for older women.

because Paul recognizes here that older women are in a unique position

to help and guide younger women in the things they have gone through themselves.

They will be able to disciple them in a way that Titus will just not be able to.

So Titus must teach the older women so that they can be in a good position to teach the younger women.

The church needs older women here to do that special teaching of godliness to younger women.

And so if you are an older woman here, is that something you do?

Which of the younger women of a church could you come alongside to help her in her godliness

in our specific stage of life and the things she goes through?

We have many females.

We have young adults who would love to get to know older Christian women,

who would love to get wisdom from them and help from them as they seek to navigate

the confusing waters of being 18, 20, 25 by someone who has gone through these things.

So think about it. Pray about it. Ask someone.

If you're not sure where to go, you can ask Rachel or come chat to me.

I'd love to put you in touch with a young woman.

If you're not sure where to go, you can ask Rachel or come chat to me.

And it's been wonderful to see many women from our church actually doing this already

through the Time Out Bible Studies on Tuesday and also at Cafe Nero throughout the week on Sundays.

It's always a joy to see that.

So young women now in verses 4 and 6, what must the older women,

what are they to teach the younger women?

Well, first to be godly in their family.

Verse 4, then they can urge the younger women to love.

To love their husbands and children.

For women who are married and who have children,

their primary responsibility is for their husbands and children.

To love them, to show affection to them, to care for them.

This should take priority over other pursuits, whether it be careers or hobbies.

And later in verse 5, Paul says that they are to be taught to be kind and subject

to their husbands.

Now, that's not about the wife always doing what the husband wants without discussion.

Husbands should be seeking their wife's counsel.

They should consider their needs and desires and love them as Christ loves the church.

But the wives must recognize the authority of their husband and be willing to follow

their lead, as long as he doesn't lead them into sin or causes them harm or to disobey


Ephesians 5 talks more about that.

You could go there if you have questions about that.

But if you are married, is that your posture towards your husband, supporting him, following

his lead, encouraging him in it, providing him with wise counsel, showing him love and

affection to him and to your children, if you have any?

Second, they are to be taught to be godly in character, all the younger women, not to

be benedict.

Not to be binge watching TV, not to be binge drinking or binge spending their money.

But verse 5, to be self-controlled.

Not mastered by their impulses.

And next, verse 5, to be pure.

To be sexually faithful in their marriage or faithfully abstinent if they are not married


Being careful of what you look at.

Not letting sinful desires rule over you.

and finally to be godly in business verse 5 says to be busy at home at the time the home was often

the center of of industry and business with sometimes servants slaves to manage it was also

the place of hospitality which was absolutely crucial in that place and so the emphasis is

really on being busy working not being idle being idle is not good so whether your your work is at

home or not whether it is paid or unpaid be diligent in it be busy fulfilling the responsibilities

god has given to you whether they are in the home or outside the home although women are to remind

younger women of all these things and help them to grow in these things next


verse 6 and this is much shorter he only gives them one instruction in fact he talks about only this self

control that's probably the biggest challenge for younger men don't be ruled by your impulses don't let

yourself be controlled by your desires be self-controlled with your sexuality be controlled with your strength be

controlled with your strength be controlled with your desires be self-controlled with your sexuality be

with your tongue. Be controlled with what you say, the kind of drugs that you make, with your

wallet, with your drinking, with your thumb, as you use your smartphone and go on the internet,

and how long you spend on it, how long you spend watching TV, what you watch on TV. So much,

so much to work on. If you're a young man, a young man, Paul wants you to work on self-control.

Why do you like it? Pray about it and ask for someone to get alongside you, to help you

in it. Then Paul moves on straight to Titus, urging him to be an example. Young men will be

the first ones to look at Titus for an example on how a Christian should behave, Titus or any

church leader. And as he and church leaders give instructions to people, they must

lead them.

They must lead the way by example in what they do. Paul talks about doing good. And also in

their teaching, showing an example by integrity, seriousness, soundness of speech that cannot be

condemned. That's the exact opposite of the false teachers we encountered two weeks ago in chapter

1, verse 11 and 16. Good works and good teaching together must be exemplified in Titus or the

church elder.

Finally, Paul moves to slaves in verses 9 and 10. Paul is not promoting slavery here, but his

concern is simply for them to be taught to be godly in the situations they are in. So what does

godliness look like for them? He says, verse 9, they are to be subject to their masters in

everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them, not to steal from them,

but to show that they can be fully trusted. In other words, they are to be good and trusted

workers, not lacking on the first opportunity, not argumentative when asked to do something,

not constantly grumbling, but be godly. What's your reputation in your workplace? Are you the

trusted colleague that people can rely on? Do people know that when they give you a task,

they know that you will do it, and that you will do it well without complaining? You see,

your behavior in the office matters to God. It's about godliness. And so for all kinds of people

within the church, the gospel commands godliness in all areas of life. A godliness that is seen in

an orderly, self-controlled life.

What has godliness, gospel godliness, to do with reaching a godless city with the gospel?

What has this to do, what have all these instructions to do with seeing more people

saved by the gospel? Well, look again at verse 5, the end of verse 5,

so that no one will malign the word of God. Or later on in verse 8,

so that those who are not saved by the gospel will be saved by the gospel.

So that no one will malign the word of God. Or later on in verse 8, so that those who are

who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. And look at verse 10

at the end, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God, our Savior, attractive.

See, the way we live is not just about us. It's about the gospel and its reputation.

People might not believe the gospel, but if they see it, they will believe it.

If they see us live this way, they won't be able to revile it. More than that,

the godly life is the good life. It's the kind of life that people respect,

even desire, though they might not agree with what we believe. And this kind of life makes the gospel

attractive. I had a Christian friend's stag do two weekends ago, and he's waiting last week

through these events. I'm glad he's here. I'm glad he's here. I'm glad he's here. I'm glad he's here.

I'm glad he's here. I'm glad he's here. I'm glad he's here. I'm glad he's here. I'm glad he's here.

I got to know some of his non-Christian friends, and I was chatting to some of them

at the wedding just this past Monday, and they were sharing to me how attractive and compelling

they found the way that we lived, the way that we interacted with each other, and this really

gave them the desire to actually know more about what we believe. And they were really listening

quite carefully during the address.

The wedding, and one of them is actually really keen to go to church now, which is amazing. Praise

God. But this is such an encouragement to live a godly life. As we do so, we make the gospel

beautiful and attractive to those outside. They will desire what we have. You see, godliness is

key to Paul's evangelistic strategy. When people see your life, do they envy you?

Not because of the stuff that you have, but because of the kind of person that you are.

When they see you, when they see your family, if you have one, when they see you interact

with others, the way you work, do they see something different to what they see anywhere

else in the world? Your godliness makes the gospel attractive. And if you're not a Christian

tonight, I wonder.

Do you see something different in the Christians you know, in the people around you here that

you might know, in their demeanor, in their way of life, something that is attractive,

something that you would like for yourself?

Well, listen carefully as we see how you can actually get this for yourself. Well, that's

the question. How do you get that kind of godliness that makes the gospel desirable?

It's really not easy. And maybe as we've looked through these verses, you were convicted

of your own lack of godliness. How could you possibly live this way? How could you possibly

live in such a way that people are like, wow, I want to know what this guy believes? How

can you grow in godliness? Well, Paul gives us the answer in verses 11 to 15. And that's

our second point. Teach grace leading to godliness. Teach grace leading to godliness. Teach grace

leading to godliness. Verses 11 to 15. The godly life is the good life. But how do you

get it? Well, you could hire a life coach. I quote from a life coach's website, help

you break out of the prison, of your prison, and unlock your full potential. Sorry, the

prison of your mind. And unlock your full potential.

His method combines using deep and powerful questions, positive psychology, psychodynamics,

NLP, hypnosis, hypnosis, hypnosis, sometimes a bit of common sense. This sort of self-help

therapy is often the place where people look today for change in their life, towards the

good life, a better life. Whether it's with professionals or with people who are in the

community, or just by reading books or articles online. And once I am sure that these things

can make improvements to one's life, it will remain very short of the picture of the good

life of godliness that's Paul gives to us. It will fail to help us break out of the prison

not of our minds, but of our sinful desires. What we need is an altogether different kind

of coach. A coach that can help us truly face our problems, and the challenges that we face.

Who do we work with? Who are we familiar with? Who are we talking to? Who are you talking

to? What are you talking about? Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? What are you

called grace. And so in verses 11 to 13, we see that grace teaches, grace teaches. At

the heart of the gospel is grace, the good news of the undeserved gift of free salvation

for all people. And so he says, verse 11, the grace of God has appeared. In history,

it has been seen, touched, heard in the Lord Jesus Christ. He has come to offer the free

gift of forgiveness of sins, salvation from the judgment to come through his own death

on the cross. And so grace saves, it brings salvation. But note how Paul doesn't stop

at salvation. In fact, verse 12 says, it teaches us.

It trains, it disciplines, it educates like a coach, like a teacher. And it trains us

for two things. He says, look down with me, teaching us to say no to ungodliness and worldly

passions. Grace saves us from our destructive way of life. It saves us from the ungodly

life lived without any reference to God that leads to destruction, to wrath and condemnation.

It saves us from worldly passions to which we were enslaved. Desires that led us to hurt

others and hurt ourselves, like consuming ambition, pride, unchecked sexual desires,

love of money, these things that dictated our lives. Grace saves us from these things

and gives us the power day by day to renounce these things.

But the school of grace is not ultimately about saying no, it's about saying yes. Look

down with me. Yes to a self-controlled, upright and godly life. The kind of life that is good

and pleasing to God. The life described in verses 1 to 10. It is the grace of God that

produces this kind of life in us. We are not to seek our hidden potential within us. We

are to seek grace outside ourselves, in God, to be transformed by this grace, to be taught

by this grace, to live a new life. Only the power of God's gift through Jesus Christ can

give us, can provide us with godliness. God's grace gives us what we really need, what the

world desires. The three words that Paul uses here, self-controlled, upright and self-controlled,

self-control, upright, uprightness, godliness, these were three of the four cardinal virtues

that people prized and desired in the ancient world. Paul for sure gives them a definite

Christian content in relation to Jesus Christ. But he shows here that only the grace of God

in the gospel can offer what the world aspires to.

. . .

Godliness is a compelling witness to the world. Only by grace is it possible to live

this kind of lives. Even in the present age, Paul says in verse 12, present age that is

characterized by so much godliness, so much ungodliness. So grace revealed in the past

teaches us. And it also gives us the hope of God. And it also gives us the hope of God.

The hope of glory that is to be revealed in the future, which motivates us to grow in

godliness. That's what we see in verse 13. It says, waiting for our blessed hope, the

appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. And that's important

because the godly life is not your best life now in a way that you might think of it. Because

it's a life that is still. . . .

full of challenges. Suffering is still very much there. But the grace

of God that leads to godliness also gives us hope. And in the harvest of time, we can

look back to the coming of grace in Jesus. And we can look forward to the future coming

of glory at Jesus' return. This is what we long for and it's a joyful hope that motivates

the life of godliness because finally we will see his glory finally we will see him who loved us

who gave himself for us finally we will share in his glory finally we will be set free from all the

ungodliness and all the worldly desires that plague us from suffering and death it will be glory all

around us and in this hope we live godly lives today knowing what is to come so great grace

teachers grace teachers and in verse 14 paul talks about kind of the same realities but from a

different angle he tells us that grace transforms grace transforms verse 14 says that jesus jesus


is the grace that was that has been revealed this jesus gave himself for us and this sacrifice has

two purpose paul says first to redeem us from all wickedness redeem redemption it's the idea of

buying back from slavery jesus paid the price on the cross by his life to set us free from

wickedness from the sin that ruled over us and second to purify us from all wickedness

purify for himself a people that are his very own purification purification is about washing

a cleansing from the stain of sin he has given us a new identity he has made us new people

his own very precious and loved people and people he says who are eager to do what is good

see this is the miracle of grace grace has moved us from from the slavery of wickedness

to a life in an eagerness to do good works

yet how often we fail to be godly we fail to be eager to do good works

but this grace keeps reaching out to us it's purifying us and it's purifying us and it's

purifying us from our sins it comes and and takes us by the hand and tells us

let me teach you the way of godliness let me transform you in the depths of your heart

transform your desires to make you eager for good works yes you will fall yes you will fail

many times but i will not leave you i will keep teaching you i will keep transforming you

take it

taking your sins away and making you into the godliness that god wants and desires from you

how amazing this is the work of grace grace saves us and godliness flows out of this saving grace

grace makes us the purified people of jesus and good works flow out

of this transforming grace that's how we can be godly

and if you are not

a christian to see how amazing god's grace is that jesus would die to save you and transform you

and so it's not about you and what you can do to impress god or earn anything from god or

work hard to change yourself to make yourself acceptable no it's about what god has has done

through his son in grace so that you could be saved so that you could have new life

so that you could have a new life and that you could have a new life and that you could have a

new life and that you could have this good life with him and the hope of glory

come and chat to me if you've got questions about that sign up to the life course coming next week

if you've got questions about that there'll be a great place to explore these things and ask

your questions so grace teaches grace transforms and here comes the big application in verse 15

teach grace teach grace

read down with me verse 15 these then are the things that you should teach

encourage and rebuke with all authority do not let anyone decide to despise you

to produce godliness don't count on legalism don't count on manipulation don't count on

psychology or therapy but teach and apply grace the gospel

of grace teach that the grace of god has appeared teach that jesus died to make us his purified

people teach that we are saved for good works teach the godly life that flows out of salvation

by grace to all people to all the men to all the women to younger women to younger men

to workers and employees this is how people will grow

in godliness rebuke people when they turn away from grace or when they don't believe according

to who they are as jesus's purified people don't be afraid about what people say or think of you

this is the command to elders pastors bible teachers

that's how christians will be godly because to reach a godliness

city with the gospel the way we live our godliness is going to be absolutely key

we don't need just to be trained in knowing how to communicate the gospel to others that is

very important and crucial but we need to be trained as well in godliness by being taught

grace and by being taught by grace that's how god our savior will become

the savior of even more people so teach grace because grace teaches teach grace that leads to

godliness which makes the gospel attractive how do you reach a godless city for the gospel

only one answer teach the gospel of grace leading to godliness let's pray together

heavenly father how we praise you and thank you with all our heart and soul for your grace

the whole of our hearts for this grace that has appeared in the lord jesus christ

we confess and acknowledge again before you tonight how hopeless we would be without this

grace that we would still be enslaved to our desires to our wickedness

but in love you saved us and we praise you for this and our father we long to be taught more

and more by grace we know that we still have a long way to go

and so we pray for you and we pray for you and we pray for you and we pray for you and we pray for you

we pray forgive our sins and teach us to live godly upright self-controlled life

so that the gospel would be adorned and made beautiful to the eyes of the world

so that we would be able to reach by your grace and for your grace the city of edinburgh and beyond

in jesus name amen

amen let's respond

to our gods by singing our closing song let's stand and sing

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