Episode 8

Kris Adams, Rob Pizzolato, Anthony Rodriguez

All Things Media

Episode 8

All Things Media

There's rumours, dude, there's rumours.

We will talk about stuff that nobody else is talking about.

You know me, I'm a Gamecube man.

I don't know, it's gonna be good.

Primo God!

Dude, seriously, if I still had the Power Glove, I'd wear that shit.

Hey, you know, I don't know if you've read this rumour yet, but...

I think it's really gonna be able to open up some revolutionary doors, I think.

It's pretty good.

I would buy it, but then again, I'd buy everything, right?

It sucks, what can I say?

Alright everybody, this is episode 8 of ATM.

Welcome, Mike Crissin.

And Anthony turns his mic off.

And Rob.

We're all here.

You all know us by now.

We don't even need to introduce ourselves.

That is true.

Well, unless of course you're a new listener.

But this is a podcast, you can always go back to the old episodes and learn our names and voices and just...

Roll with the butter.

Roll with it.

Back on episode 8.

So we're all here.

Like Anthony said, there's myself, Anthony, Mike's over there.

Say hi, Mike.

Yo, what's up?


And we're using Skype today.

We're all on Skype.

And I gotta say, now that we're running it on like a little more powerful computer, it's running great so far.

Knock on wood.

But hopefully you don't...

Hold on, you gotta give me a second.

Hopefully we don't cut out here.

So we're using Skype.

Don't lose me again.

We're gonna be talking, like, what do you think about that, Mike?

Alright, so jumping right into it.

A little bit of news on the game front.

Let's talk about this for a second because we did a...

I don't know if you guys...

Hopefully you guys heard it.

We did a little 360 holiday special show where we just talked about the 360 and we kinda got that shit out of the way.

So we wouldn't have to do it on this show.

Even though we're about to talk about it again.

Because I want to get your guys' opinion on this.

In the news, apparently, people are crying 360.

Defective 360s.

I'm calling horse shit on that.

Me too.

Do you guys know anybody out east that has a 360?

Do you guys have any friends or know anybody that has one?

I don't actually.

Me either.



I was gonna...

But it's a West Coast thing.

I was gonna see if I could get your opinion.

Let's see if I can get your opinions on it.

Because everybody I've ever come across thus far has never had problems with their 360.

Pete did, but that was a...

What are you saying?

There's articles about people having defective Xboxes?

There are message boards being flooded.

There are news stories about how many Xbox 360s are defective.

And what is it?

Staggering numbers?


It's a lot of people coming out.

And I gotta say, it's bullshit.

It's haters.

Well, I mean, if it's true, Microsoft obviously has to own up to it.

Well, and this is the thing.

And they came out with a statement.


Microsoft came out with a statement that said, yes, they have had people call.

And there is some people with problems with their 360s.

But it's nowhere near the numbers that people have been kind of coming forward at.


And like I said in the show last time, Microsoft also said that they'll fix the problem within

five days.

So if you have a broken console, you can next day ship it to them for free, and they'll

have it back to you in five days.

That's pretty legit.

Which is pretty fair.


I mean, it's a launch.

It's a launch still.


And I've been listening to other podcasts.

Nobody else has had a problem.


I mean, you can always expect on a launch there's gonna be some problems.

Even that dude's PlayStation 360 works fine.


That one dude's PlayStation 360 works excellently, he said.

What are you talking about?

You didn't listen to the holiday special, did you?

Oh, I didn't.

I didn't even listen to my own podcast.


That's sad.

That is sad.

Apparently, Dvorak from Twit owns a PlayStation 360.

That's what he says.

That's what he called it.

It's from his mouth.

He made his own.

And I have to kind of come out and apologize just real quick, because I listened to the

last show.

I listened to the holiday special, the 360 special today, and I kind of came across as

real harsh on the guy.

And I was like, I don't know.

I don't know.

And I was like, fuck that guy.

Fuck him.

He hates Max.

Fuck him.

But I kind of want to apologize, because he did say a lot of good things about the


And I kind of feel bad for having so much hatred, and I kind of feel bad for exploiting

his PlayStation 360 speech on our show.


Sorry about that.

Don't hack us, like Anthony said in the last show.

Don't say his name.

He's going to hack us.

I was forced to do that.

No, we love Twit.

I love Twit, at least.

Do you still listen to it, Rob?

No, I never really listen to it.

I thought you listened to it a couple times.

I love the show, just to get that out there.

Anyway, what was next to talk about?

Oh, in the news also, Rob may find this interesting because actually all of us, I think, kind of like this game.

Is it because I'm black? Is that why you think I'm going to like it?


Wow, you took that step.

So you think just because I'm black, I'm going to like a certain something because of the color of my skin?

We're going to get stomped.

I don't know what to say about that.

I don't know what to say.

Anyway, TimeSplitters Studios is starting a next-gen project.

That means Free Radical and Ubisoft are teaming up.

For the next-gen project.

I love Ubisoft.

They haven't announced yet if it's going to be a TimeSplitters.

I'm kind of hoping it is.

Maybe it'll be like a Dime Shitters or something.

Wait, is it Ubisoft or Ubisoft?

I'm not sure.

I always thought it was Ubisoft.

No, Rob, Ubisoft.

It's Ubi Ubi Scooby Dooby Doo.

I don't know what the fuck it is.

It's something.

All that matters is they're working on a next-gen game.

And apparently, I don't know, I'm a big fan of the TimeSplitters games.

I think we can all agree, right?


They're pretty sweet.

They're good.

They have their moments.

They're comedic.

They're good.

They have something that no other first-person shooter has.

And it's some kind of weird, fucking crazy.

It's kind of a humor.

It's like drug-influenced characters and game types and weird.

I don't know.

It's kind of cool.

I like it.


But anyway, they're working on a next-gen project, which is cool.

I dig it.

Me like it.

Next in the news, IGN has put up their top ten reasons to buy an Xbox 360.

Oh, yeah?

What are those top three reasons?

I don't know.

Top ten.

Top ten reasons.

I don't know if you guys have read it.

I'm loading up the page right now, actually, as we speak.

You'll have to excuse my G3.

It's not as fast as it used to be.


I wonder what the system requirements are for this fucking Skype, dude.

Because if I couldn't get it to run right on my laptop.


You hear that, everybody?

System requirements for Skype is pretty demanding.

Okay, here we go.

The page loaded up here.

So, let's give everybody...

I'm going to raffle them off real quick.

Let's give everybody ten reasons why they need...

Real quick, ten reasons why they should buy.

Convince me, Chris.

Sell me.

This is David Letterman style.

And number ten.

Number ten.

First party exclusive games.

I'm not going to go into detail with describing myself here.

You should know what I'm talking about.

First party exclusive games.

What does that mean, Chris?

I don't know what that means.

That means there's a lot of good first party games being developed.

And there already is a lot of good first party games out.

Perfect Dark Zero being one of them.

First party?

What does first party mean, Chris?

What is game?

I don't even know what a game is at this point.

You know what?

Let's move on to number nine.

No, no, no.

Seriously, dude.

My jock cousin is not going to know what the fuck you're talking about.

Okay, first party games means games developed by the console developer.

So, Microsoft developed games.

So, that means Rare games.

Because Rare is a Microsoft-owned company.

I did not know that.

What a nice little tidbit of information, Chris.

Perfect Dark Zero.

I did not know that Rare was a Microsoft company.

Project Gotham Racing.


Semen Busters 2.

For example.

That game.


Did Microsoft create it?

They did.

Am I wrong?

Semen Busters?

Reason number nine.

Wireless controllers.

And very smooth wireless controllers.

Like Wave Bird style.

These are good controllers.

Yes, they are.

You know, didn't they put a two-year...

I don't want to call it patent because I don't know if I'm using the right word.

But they said that nobody else, no third party people can make wireless controllers for two years.


Or like a year and a half.

I don't know about that.


I got it in the magazine, dude.

I'll bust that shit out.

All right.

Well, let's go with that then.

That's why all the other third party controllers that you see for sale are all wired.

We need some fact checkers on our team.


I'm going to get...

Number eight.

Before I get a report back, they're going to put my shit on their intro.

Bro, listen to this dipshit.

I said PlayStation 360.

Now this guy is talking about everybody's got to have wired controllers.

So anyway, number eight.

The Xbox 360 launch lineups.

It's very true.

They have a lot of good games that launched this time.

And a lot of solid games.


Including Condemned, including Perfect Dark, including Call of Duty, which me, Anthony, and Pete love.

King Kong, Project Gotham.

A lot of good launch games.

Perfect Dark.

Here's reason number seven.

Backwards compatibility.

It comes out of the box.

Backwards compatible.

With roughly 210 games.

If you have the hard drive.

If you've got the...

Well, if you buy the core system, you're a fucking idiot.

I'm going to go on the...

What the hell's going on?

Hey, dude.

Rob, what are you doing?


You scared the shit out of me, dude.

Dude, you should have seen him freaking out over here.

He's like, what the hell?

That's Skype for you, everybody.


So here's reason number six.

Xbox Live Arcade.

Great reason to buy it.

It comes loaded with some good games.

And it comes purchasable with Smash TV, Geometry Wars, Joust, all those great games.

Like you need more stuff to play.

Oh, you don't on this 360, but it's there.

Reason number five.

Impressive graphic power and at decent prices.

It's only five.

Um, people...

I got a...

I have to respond to this real quick.

People are saying that the $400 price point for the 360 is expensive.

It has three processors in it.


And it's got a 20 gig hard drive and it's got all this crazy stuff.

You're getting that for 400 bucks.

Well, unless you didn't buy one on launch.

Now you're getting it for like 750 if you're buying it from Anthony.


But it's...

For the power it has, that's a great price.

Because let me remind...

Let me remind everybody of a little launch...

A little launch system called the Sega Saturn that launched at $400.

And that was how many years ago?

Yeah, that was...


Seven years ago, I think.

That was quick math, but...

I mean...

Dude, I was in like elementary school stuff.

Oh, you weren't in elementary school.

Yes, I was.

Dude, it was that long ago.

Oh, wait, no, no.


Never mind.

I was thinking Sega CD.

It was 96 when it launched, I think.

Anyway, let me remind everybody that everything has launched at either $300 or $400.

Not everybody can beat Nintendo and launch their shit at fucking $25 or something, you know?

That's just because Nintendo's awesome.

They are.

I admit it.

Here's reason number four.

Multimedia Hub.

It comes with three USB ports.

You can plug just about anything into it.

If your cock looks dry...

I see you beating Chris's penis.

If your cock is shaped like a USB port, your shit can plug into that, okay?

I'm serious.

It's compatible with everything.

Everything I've tried to plug into it so far, including my iPod, my external hard drive

that is Mac-formatted, flash drives, a lot of stuff, a lot of good stuff.

Number three, Xbox Live Marketplace.

You guys really haven't had a chance to check it out.

If you checked it out, you would understand what I'm talking about because Xbox Live Marketplace

is awesome.

It's pretty sweet.

You can go on there and buy arcade games.

You could buy...

I put a shirt up for sale.

Did you?



How the hell do you do that?

I don't know.

I'm just kidding.

Oh, you fucking liar.

I'm just kidding, dude.

Number two.

Number two reason why to get an Xbox 360.

Andy's a fucking liar.

Why would I put a shirt up for sale?

I don't know.

You were so serious about it.

You were just like, I put a shirt up for sale.

Chris, you're just gullible.

That's all.

I am.


Number two is gamer cards.

Gamer cards are awesome.

It has brought back the old school high scores, okay?

Now, when I get...

15 headshots in one match on Perfect Dark,

it gives me a little medal and 20 points or whatever,

and everybody in the world can see it.

It's gratitude.

Except for me, because I don't have an Xbox 360.

Well, no.

You can go on Xbox.com and look at it.


Can I?

Yes, you can.

Look up my gamer tag on Xbox.com.

And you can see all the games that I've played and...

You can see...


You can see every game that we've played

and exactly what we've done with them.

Pretty sweet.

Like, you can even see...

Condemned, Criminal Origins.

Anthony put it on his cock like a donut.

Yeah, dude.

And it registered on...

And I was spinning it?


I'm a little confused.

I hope there's no video with that.

And now, ATM with video cast.

And number one reason why you should buy...

It's the next generation now.

Everybody's talking about the new gen, blah, blah, blah.

Well, it's here, okay?

Next generation is here.

Go buy one.


Those are the top ten reasons.

If you want to check it out,

check out xbox360.igm.com.

You can look at it there.

I have another reason.


Just to say that you have one.

That's true.

That seems to be pretty hard to come by right now.

Reason number zero.

Or to sell it on eBay for double its price right now.

Well, I sold mine today about an hour ago.


For 750 bucks.

We're going to get hate email now.

Cold hard cash.

All right.

Next in the news is another little 360 tidbit.

More spandool-y.

I'd like to get Rob's opinion on this, actually.

Just because he seems like he'd have something to say about this.

Maybe it's just sketchy.

Is that because you have a crush on me?

Microsoft is taking a $126 hit per 360.

Does that shock you?

Or is that just kind of like, yeah, I expect that?

I think that's bullshit.

Everything's taking a hit.

You don't believe that?

I believe it.

But at the same time, it's like, I just feel like in the long run, they're not really going

to miss or lose that money.

That's the point.

They say that so that people are like, oh, let's pity Microsoft, the multi-billion dollar

corporation, and buy their systems.

Because God forbid they lose $100 per system.

And instead of being like a $79 billion company, they're going to be like a $69 billion company.

What I'm saying is, I'm trying to go back to the point of people complaining at a $400 launch.

No, I think it's ridiculous.

Yeah, I agree with you that I don't think $400, I don't think it's ridiculous at all for what you're getting.

I think that's a good price point for the system.

But I think for a corporation like Microsoft to come out and be like, hey, I just want everyone to let us know that we were losing $196 on every system we produced.

It's like, well, if I had like a zillion dollars.

I'd make Xboxes and give them out for free.

So, fuck you.

Hey, oh, hey, hey.

Rob, Rob.


Real quick.

That guy that bought that Xbox for me for $750.


He works for Mac.

Oh, really?

He paid me $350 more.

That's pretty funny, actually.

I'm not going to lie.

That's that evil laugh Anthony just had.

He's like, rah!

That was pretty funny.

Then again, the guy could have fabricated.

He could have fabricated that entire story just to make Mac people look like assholes.

And really, he's a Microsoft supporter that just wasn't on the list to get the Xbox the day it came out.

So, he's like, oh, man, I can't look like a fool.

Let me just tell this guy I work for Apple, and that'll be a good reason.

Every time he emailed me, it was from whatever his name is, at Mac.com.


He has a .Mac account.

Dude, he's hardcore Mac if he pays for a .Mac account.


All right.

Let's change subjects here.

I have something to talk about.

I got two more.

Two news stories, and then we'll go to what you got.

Actually, I...



In non-360 related news, it's a sad day because Nokia is putting the N-Gage to bed.

Thank God.


No shit.

Holy crap.

It's about freaking time.

Damn it, dude.

I'm surprised it lasted this long.

That kind of sucks.

Hell yeah.

N-Gage no more.

I need something to wipe my ass with.


Chris, yours is now valuable.

Yeah, mine's valuable because I have the original taco N-Gage.

Yeah, so...

Chris is probably the only person in the world that still has one and uses it.


I don't use it.

Mine hasn't been used in probably a year.

You retired?

Oh, come on.

You recorded your speech to your boss when you quit on it.

All right.


All right.

I read the scripts.

And then last in the news, I want to get everybody's opinion on this.

I don't know if you guys saw this, but the family...

I can't remember what the fucking gay ass...

Oh, Family Media Guide ranks...

Also known as FMG.


They rank the top 10 most violent games of the year.

Which is almost like FGM.

And those of you who went to social studies class know what FGM is.



Oh, did you go...

Female genital mutilation.

You guys remember that?

No, I don't.

That disgusting shit that used to happen?

I don't remember that.

You guys remember that?


I've never heard of that game.

Oh, my God.


I don't know how, like...

Chris, you need to go back to high school, Chris.

I don't know how genital mutilation got brought up when I brought up the 10 most gory games of the year.

Well, no.

FGM is what they used to call female genital mutilation.

And you said FMG.

And it just made me think of FGM, which is kind of weird because I haven't thought about FGM in quite some time.

Does anybody know?

I mean, not like I think about it on my own.

I mean, since I thought about it in school.

But F...

Never mind.

Go ahead.

The FMG.



Does anybody know what smegma is?

Oh, my God.

No, you did not.

Holy shit, Anthony.

You did not just mention smegma.

Dude, I swear to you, me and my friends at work have been making jokes about smegma for the past two days.

And it's so random that you brought it up today.

Yes, I know what smegma is.

Just for our listeners out there, what is smegma?

Smegma is...

Is it cock cheese?

Pretty much.

Cock cheese.

Those of you out there who have that a little bit more skin on your penis than the rest of the world, you probably know what smegma is.


You have to clean it.

If you don't shower regularly and you tip the inside of your skinfold.

That's just fucking right.

I know.

Thank God we have an explicit rating on iTunes.

Otherwise, we'd be in big trouble.

Dude, under our description of why we're explicit, it should just say smegma.


Oh, that's good.

That is sickening.

Good times.

So smegma leads us into our top ten most violent games of the year.

Oh, God.

What do you guys think the point is of them putting out a list like this?

Absolutely nothing.

So let's move on to my story.


Dude, I heard that shit on like two different radio shows this morning.


Let me just read out the list real quick and then you can fly away.

The top ten most gory games of the year.

And I disagree with some of this shit.

Resident Evil 4.

That's one of them.

Yeah, it's pretty gory, I guess.

Resident Evil 4.

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.

God of War.



Killer 7.

The Warriors.

Killer 7.

50 Cent Bulletproof.

Crime Life Gang Wars, which I've never heard of.


Criminal Origins.

Ooh, which is a 360 title and it made it in.


And True Crime New York City.

A couple of those games are on the top.

Top ten list of never you should buy, I think.

Starting with fucking 50 Cent Bulletproof and True Crime.

I mean, they're on that list because you just shouldn't buy that shit.

They're just bad games.

Anyway, that's their list.

Stay away from them this holiday season if you don't want fucking gore.


Yeah, they can blow me.

So what do you got for us, Rob?


I'm not going to lie.

I'm pretty excited to talk about this because, well,

it's something.

It's something that I'm passionate about.


I normally am not one of the most vocalized video game speakers on the show, but tonight

that's about to change because I have some video game stuff to talk about.

You're kidding.

Rob, I love you.

Chris, you are aware of the fact that I am highly, highly in love with a little game

series I like to call Prince of Persia.

Oh, yeah.


It's probably...

Prince of Persia 1, probably one of my favorite games for Xbox.

Prince of Persia 2, probably another one of my favorite games for Xbox.

Come on, Rob.

I love, I love the Prince of Persia games.

All right.

I'm sure you guys are probably aware of Prince of Persia 3, which is on the horizon.

It's actually out today.

And I was looking at some video footage of it yesterday, and I just about creamed my


I'm not going to lie.

And I am ecstatic, and I cannot wait for this game to come out.

It's pretty much going to be the reason for me to dust off my Xbox and unravel the controllers

and plug it in and start it back up again and become a gamer because I cannot wait for

Prince of Persia 3.

I can't wait for you to dust that thing off.

I know.

You're like dying over here.

I have some breaking news for you, actually.

Go for it.

If you've got a store that's still open, you can go buy it because it launched today.

Oh, did it?

It did.

Yeah, that's right.

It did.

December 1st.

Yeah, I mean, I think I'm going to wait to the break because I just, with school and

everything, I just don't have time right now.

But yeah, I'm definitely going to pick it up over the break.

I can't wait to hear a review from you.


Oh, dude, I can't wait, dude.

It looks so good.

It looks, I love the Prince of Persia games.

Did you guys see, like, the trailer for it or any of the videos?

I have seen one of the trailers, and it looked really good.

Dude, it looks, he, like, morphs into, like, this creature who has, like, a chain on his


Oh, it looks so nasty, dude.

I can't wait.

I'm really excited for it because I love Prince of Persia.

You're getting me excited for it.

Well, you should be.

I'm, quite frankly, I'm upset that you never completed the first game.

I mean, you are missing out on a classic Xbox title right there.

I mean, you being a huge gamer, I would think that you would.

I'm going to go out on the line and say, yeah, I've never finished any of them.

You're going to hate me, bro.

You're missing out.

You're going to hate me.


I've never even played those games.

I saw commercials, and I was like, no, sorry.

I think they're great games.

I just never got around to playing them.

Matter of fact, Rob, didn't you borrow the first one from me?

I did, yeah.

Isn't that where you got it?


Yeah, I remember.

And you were just like, dude, it's great.

It's so great.

Dude, I was raving about it.

And then Bridget bought me the second one off of eBay for, like, 15 bucks.

And I love that.

And I just can't wait for the third one.


Is the second one as good as the first one?


A lot of people are saying no.

It's, you know, it's one of those things.

It's, like, pretty much with any sequel to anything.


It's just not as good as the first one.

However, like, there was a lot of cool things they did in number two that was like, whoa,

that's cool.

But, like, you know, the first one will always be just a little bit better, you know, no

matter what.


So, uh, I'm gonna have to say no, it wasn't as good as the first one, but it still was

a great game.

It was very well made.

Would you, would you, would you say the first one is in the high nines for you, or would

you say it's just a nine?

The first one?


Cause remember, I think on one of the shows we were talking about, like, a perfect ten

game for us.


Is that a perfect ten game?

I'd have to think, like, it's been a while.


I wouldn't say perfect ten.

I would, I would go somewhere to give it a nine point eight maybe.


I would say a perfect ten, though.

I'm gonna have to play through this game, then.

It was definitely up there.

Dude, you have to.

Because you know why?

It is, it's.

It'll play on my 360.


Well, not only this, Chris, but, I mean, if you play it now, you might not be as impressed,

but you have to take into account how long ago it came out, Prince of Persia 1.

Oh, right.

And, like, it's just, it's great.

But even still, it's so unique, it's so great.

How do you.

It's one of my favorite games.

I know you gotta go, but just real quick, how do you like the way that the game series

is evolving into kind of like that dark.

Oh, well, I also want to say, another thing about Prince of Persia is, the first Prince

of Persia, the thing that really made it a great game was the story.

Like, you think you're following this crazy story through the whole game, you're like,

wow, this is a good story, this is a great game, great gameplay, great everything.

You come to the end of the story, at the very end of the game, the last cutscene, and your

mind is just blown.

I'm not even gonna go into what happens, because obviously I don't want to ruin it for anyone,

and it's too long.

But the end of the story in number one is phenomenal.

One of the best, one of the best game stories I've ever played through.

And the story in number two, maybe this is why two isn't so good, is because the story

lacks a little something.

Like, they kind of were like, let's make this game amazing, but we'll make the story our

second priority, kind of.

But it was still good, but just not as good as the first story.

And I like the way the story is going.

I think it's cool that they're kind of going in this new, like, dark direction.

The third one just looks incredible.

And I just can't wait to see what it's like.


I can't wait to play it.

Actually, maybe I'll go, actually, maybe I'll just game fly it.

How about that?

And rip it.

You should definitely, you should probably play them in sequence, though.

I would hope.

You think so?

Yeah, I would.


I mean, if you want to get number three and just check it out, see how cool it is, maybe

to get you excited to play the series.

But it's definitely the kind of series that, you know, they all connect, like, one, two,


So it might be a good idea to actually, if you have the time.


I think I will, actually.

To play through.

I want to play one or two.

As soon as I'm done here.

My 360 games.

I'm going to have a lot of time here.

But anyways, I do have to go, guys.

I'm sorry.

Robert is leaving us.

For all you viewers out there, I have to, I always do this.

I leave the show early.

I'm just, I'm a crap head.

That's all right.

You're going to make babies.

I'm sorry.

I have to make babies.

And the girls are waiting, you know.

They just called me.

They're like, we're waiting on our babies.

Oh, there's going to be girls involved this time?

You can't make babies in the book.

They're like, Rob, we need the smegma to make babies.

Just hold on to your horses.

The smegma is on its way.

Give him a smegma sandwich.

Hey, real quick.

You got any drink recommendations, Rob?

Let me think about this.

I know that I do have one.

I just have to think of what it is.

Because I've been getting a little parched while I've been playing my 360.

I need a pepper.

What was good that I had the other day?

I did have something weird that was really good.

Was it smegma?

It was a smegma milkshake is what it was.

Oh, that's sick.


Without milk, if you know what I mean.

Hey, could you imagine smegma dressing, like blue cheese dressing with smegma?

Oh, that's enough.

You just crossed the line, Chris.

He's all, oh!

I don't know.

I'll have a drink recommendation for you next week, I promise.

I got to jet and make babies.

All right, Robert.

All right, dude.

All right.

See you later, man.

Bye, everybody.


I wonder how this is going to work with him disconnecting off Skype.

It should be fine.

It'll just disconnect off of there.

You still there, Rob, or gone?

Check on there.

See what it looks like.

Oh, there he goes.

He's gone.

There he goes.

You there, Mike, still?

Yeah, I'm still here.

All right.

We still got Mike.

It's seamless.

That's awesome.

Skype is great.

I got to go out and just on the record say Skype is great.

Yeah, once you've figured it out, because it was a real bitch earlier.

That could be our online PC video game thing, too.

Yes, it could.

So, I had two more news stories real quick, and then Mike's got some news for us, too.

This isn't really news, but I just got to promote it, because I love it.

Family Guy, Volume 3, Season 4.

Out now.

Pick it up.

It's wonderful.

I watched a couple episodes last night.

We should watch Deuce Bigelow, dude.

Oh, and Deuce Bigelow.

European Gigolo.

I watched the first one again like last night.

Came out.

I picked it up.

We haven't watched it yet.

And then the other thing I just want to touch on real quick is the 360 shortage I touched

on a little bit earlier.

But I want to explain to all the haters out there, my brother, what the 360 shortage is

all about.

What's Clayton hating?

Clayton hating.

What's Clayton hating?

Oh, dude, you should hear him.

When he calls me, he's just like, fuck Microsoft.

I'm buying a PS3.

I'm never touching that shit.

You couldn't give me one of those things.

Very spoiled shit.

Let's just like, let me explain to the people out there what Microsoft is doing here.

Trust me, if they could sell 500 million units, they would.

But it's just a matter of launching the...

in three different countries on three different continents in like within two months so they can't

get enough 360s for everybody and i know my brother thinks in a perfect world that he can

just walk to kmart or wherever and or whatever the hell they have in boise and um yeah the old

country store in boise and buy a 360 store um in a perfect world yeah that'd be great but in a

perfect world um they would be a dreamcast and they would go bankrupt because they overproduce

them um i think microsoft just uh i mean yeah it is kind of tactical on their part they want

there to be hype and everything but it's just a matter of i i honestly don't think that they can

produce and i'm not backing microsoft up because i really don't care other than the consoles i

really don't care for microsoft but my point is um trust me if microsoft can sell the consoles

they will sell as many as they can because that's how they're making money they're not making money

by holding out on you they don't make the three hundred dollars extra that

they're making they're making money by holding out on you

anthony gets from selling his they don't make that so hey that guy bought a lifetime warranty

dude he did he bought it he bought yours that you bought at costco receipt with it yep yeah

so uh that's that's my little rant trust me if microsoft could sell them they would

so be patient there's more coming and like i said i'm not defending microsoft in any way

because uh i'm you know not a big fan unless it's 360 related you just want the haters to

shut up i just want them to shut up i'm so tired of people fucking whining

about it so anyway what you got for us mike oh i was actually curious first on your costco return

policy since you know it so well uh five years down the road can you still get 4.99 for taking

it back fuck yes you can jesus christ let me tell you a little costco story real quick and this is

really short i used to work at costco and i i worked in sales and when you work in sales you

have to come and check the boxes that people are selling and they're not selling the boxes that

people return and make sure everything's there so they can get their return done well i got called

up to costco to the membership desk one time somebody was returning a fan i remember the

story a fan you know the kind that blow on you in the summertime okay this was this was about a year

and a half ago because it was right before i left and this thing was still made this is one of those

fans that was made out of that blue chrome you know from like the 70s the real old ones the fan

did you not the fan was 17 years old they had their receipt i'm dead serious they had their

receipt and it was 17 years old costco gave him 125 back holy shit all 125 i gotta exploit that

well all you gotta do is bring in the the unit and the unit usually has the number on it the

model number and the receipt even if you don't have the receipt they'll look it up in the system

that was just a little story

80s early 80s and they're still making money somehow that's crazy yeah so what do you got

for us michael all right well just got some uh basically video game kind of movie news

uh since i talked about zelda last week which now that rob's gone if he actually listens to

the podcast he won't hear this he'll be heartbroken to know that the zelda movie was pretty much

bullshit i read that like a spanish news

paper or something misinterpreted what it said which i i guess i can understand that

he's a wizard whatever

i don't know it was it was somebody that didn't know what they were doing obviously

but it's a they're working on a metroid movie and that's like their main focus right now

and from what i read that is still like up in the air whether

it's going to happen or not and john woo's connected to it right yeah john woo is set

to produce it but he has the option to direct it if he wants to just as long as it's not

yeah exactly um i only thing i could find on it was a couple other people that would be like

assistant productors or you know stuff you know the main uh what do you call it jobs like that

and there was one guy uh terence chang is his name and he was associate producer

on mission impossible 2 in the movie face off so i don't know just somebody that actually had

something i knew from the other people um but we'll see if that happens or not um the other

video game movie which is doa which i saw this and i damn near got ridiculously pissed off

because i could care less i mean here's another mortal kombat movie for you yeah it's the last

game i'd pick to make a movie from him or

close to it but mortal kombat needless to say it already has a release date and

so hopefully nobody goes to see it and they suck their own shit

and don't worry anthony i'm sure that'll all work out just fine

and then i was reading uh for the horror movie fans that there's a land of dead 2 in the works

land of the dead 2

um it's going to be continued off the storyline of the first one that you know the dead reckoning

i think it was yeah the characters are all be back that survived um and it's supposed to be

based in uh what was australia so we'll get to find out what happens to that uh that gnarly

zombie that like learns how to do everything okay yeah yeah that'll be interesting hopefully

he tags along yeah maybe he'll what the hell is that maybe he'll be like uh

like bub from day of the dead

dude that was on tv the other day and i didn't realize that movie i love that i was like holy

shit this is day of the dead i didn't believe they actually put it on tv but it was the sci-fi

channel i think i think that's it for me other than the texas chainsaw prequel which i didn't

know about but i'm interested to see that when it comes out what do you mean um they're making

a prequel to the texas chainsaw movie they made before uh where they totally made a prequel to the

they totally slaughtered um the jessica alba or jessica biel and they totally slaughtered the

storyline they they made leatherface's name bubba what was his name bubba hewitt it was just i just

remember bubba they took i mean the actual movie was cool like the way they shot it and the way

it looked and everything was kind of cool but they took the original texas chainsaw masquerade family

and um just just completely like redid the story and everything and and i didn't know that

hey what do you think i still liked it

aeon flux now and flux no no don't care that's it just no just no did you like the the animated

shows though travis is calling me i could never watch that show i was like a little kid it freaked

me out okay so uh i guess we can move on to the the little reviews that i have and

that'd be the end of the show i guess

it's kind of kind of been a short one i guess right it's been about 35 minutes or so um

the i in our 360 episode um i reviewed perfect dark zero and call of duty and now i want to

review tony hawk american wasteland which i picked up and quake 4 which i've had a chance to play

through about half the campaign um tony hawk as a game as as a tony hawk game isn't the best tony

hawk game but it's still good it's still it's still solid

i would say um i would say an eight i would i would uh fuck this game um the the problem i have

with it is the graphics it's like it's real clean and crisp but the character models and everything

is still it's still pretty old school tony hawk and i was a little disappointed um a little

disappointed that on the 360 they didn't beef it up a little bit yeah i kept seeing bad stuff about

that on the 360 well you said gun was like that too right yeah guns the same way i bought gun

can get my points and uh gun it turned out the same way it looks exactly like the 360 version

there's nothing great about it and i'm playing it in high def i'm playing it in 1080 uh so i don't

know it still doesn't help yeah i don't know but it's a good tony hawk game it's solid it's got the

original uh tony hawk moda gameplay where you can just go through and do level objectives or it's

got a whole other story mode where you play through la and blah blah and it's pretty cool it's i could

get myself spending a lot of time on it i want to i want to try and sit down and get all thousand

points that you can get out of it which i'll probably end up doing and then i got a review

for quake 4 for the xbox um 360 yeah i haven't played too much of that i played i started it but

i'm still my small call of duty i like it i really really like it um it's i'm sure i'll get

into it it's got a playability to it and i know a lot of people are giving it bad scores because

the frame rate's kind of bad on it or whatever but um i like it i mean it's keeping me hooked

between that and perfect art um it's keeping me going uh i i'd give quake a solid eight i'd say

it's a fuck game as well um i'll give you more on it when i finish the campaign because i'll tell

you how the story is but so far i love the scroggs i just like quake the quake universe is just a

cool universe i've liked it since quake 2 um it's it's a neat idea that like there's this there's

other there's other race living on another planet that use human skin

and flesh as circuit boards you know like we use plastic and shit here as circuit boards that's

our circuit boards but in this other world they use human flesh as circuit boards um and so you

got all these crazy weird looking people like shooting at you that look like half machine half

human and their skin's all like some parts look like computer and some parts yeah so that's how

they like piece their computers together you know like here we piece them together with hardware and

machinery and stuff well there is with human skin which is kind of cool kind of clive barker's

version a little bit uh so i dig it quake 4 check it out on either the pc or the 360 if you have gone

got one and then next week i'll give you a review of a project gotham 3 which i picked up uh i'll

give you a full review of gun because i'll have it done by then because it's a short ass game

cameo i'll finally give you my word on cameo i haven't even opened out of the package yet

have you played project gotham yet yeah i played it and just i haven't actually gone in and started

you know what it reminds me of mike remember remember when we used to play um grand trismo 3

yeah and we were like we do those endurance lap races where there were like 100 laps 200 hours

yeah well you remember how the play was on that where it was like very realistic yeah you hate

that i have actually kind of come to like it because of all the time we spent on um on grand

trismo and that's kind of what this is like yeah except imagine like that but it looks like you're

driving a real car

yeah i saw the commercial it looked really cool it's amazing it looked really sharp yeah and then

i just want to give one little preview and that's for burnout that's coming out in uh in march

burnout what it's they're going to call it burnout revenge for the 360 but it's a completely

different game now there's this thing called the replay where uh let's say you do this crazy insane

crash you're just like oh that was so fucking sick i want people to see that

well you can you can watch it and then you can select what section of the crash you want it to

record and then you upload that crash to xbox live and it links to your gamer tag and people

anybody on the on xbox live can view that crash and then uh ea is taking the top 10 crashes

and putting them on their server so you can watch them there so you can share your crashes whether

somebody was there or not with everybody else on xbox live i like that that's one feature that

they're putting in this new one another feature is called uh live revenge and what it is is it's

it kind of goes off the whole revenge thing they got going now where if you take a computer if you

take a bot down um or if the bot takes you down it becomes your revenge opponent if you get it

then you get revenge on it okay well now on xbox live when you play with somebody if you've taken

that person down before that person gets revenge on you that's kind of cool and if you

if let's say you've you've gotten more revenge points than anybody else and you're playing on

a map with six people oh four people let's say me you rob and anthony are playing uh on xbox live

if i've got more revenge points than you guys i become all your guys's revenge opponent

automatically automatically and you guys get to see like where i'm at at all times i become like

this big red blinking light kind of like how we used to play xbox live anyways yeah like smear

the queer yeah so

whoever is the the king of the hill they're the one everybody's after that's cool so sounds pretty

cool to me i dig it i dig it real good see i got a story for you chris what when you were talking

about uh grand turismo 3 i pretty much thought you were done with racing games except for arcade

ones on that one uh thing where you're trying to get your license it was you were the corvette

going in a circle when it was yeah i hated that dude yeah

and you got even more mad because as soon as you threw the controller down i picked it up and

passed it i was so angry at that fucking thing you had to get your license and you just had to

spin a donut or whatever it was in a circle when it was wet yeah yeah i pretty much thought you

were done from that point so no actually uh i'm trying to kind of get into this i got so many

360 games now i got like every launch title now so oh yeah you need to concentrate on a couple

i only have three now but uh anyway i guess that could be the show that could be the end of the

show you guys got anything else you want to any other focal points um good no i don't think so

mike no anthony oh i got something real quick what i'm very proud of myself i don't ever ever

beat video games all right so now i'm like five missions away from beating san andreas so i'm

like all psyched to actually beat a game because i haven't since we played halo

ago how many times did we beat halo man too many oh you got to tell me how uh how how san andreas

was after like after completing the whole thing all right yeah that's what you're going for so

um cool yeah so i guess uh anthony's all about the surround sound he's he's finally going to

move into the 5.1 sector since since uh he's on my six dude since gameplay since gameplay is now

in 5.1 so anyway that's it

for episode number eight thank you for joining us um email us if you want oh yeah i haven't got

an email in a while yeah we haven't gotten emails except for like all of our loving fans but i mean

other than that we haven't got emails i got that guy trying to buy my 360 that was good old andrew

i just want to say hi to andrew and i'm sorry for thinking you were a kid dude because i don't know

why i just assumed we were like this this little guy has been emailing us he emailed me the other

day and he's like i'm 26 i'm like my bad

so uh hi andrew uh anyway um email us at chris at coderedfilms.net with a k with a k kris at

coderedfilms.net anthony at coderedfilms.net rob at coderedfilms.net and then i'll set up

mics tonight it could be mike at coderedfilms.net there you go play with us online mine is code

space red space film and mine is darth sumidor d-a-r-t-h

space s-u-m-i-d-o-r come kick my ass and call it duty or something yeah please put chris in his

place so uh we'll talk to you next week thanks for joining us and fuck you bye-bye bye later

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