Festival of Blood Radio #278

David Silver

Festival of Blood Radio - Computer and Gaming News

Festival of Blood Radio #278

Festival of Blood Radio - Computer and Gaming News


Oh yeah, so as we promised that we will always do,

whenever I run into people that I actually know in person,

for those of you who have been listening to the show forever,

you already know this, but whenever I run into people that I actually know in person

that say, hey, I listen to the show, I love it, it's kind of cool,

you're a freak, but it's kind of cool,

I like to give them a shout out on the show,

and I promise that to a couple of people,

yeah, like a whole two,

over the last couple of months.

And so here it goes.

Big shout out to John,

and big shout out to Pam.

Hopefully, you know, John,

because he hung around the freakness a little too long,

went out and bought himself an Xbox 360.


You know you love it.

So, yeah, not sure Pam's in the market for one,

but John is down with it.

And hopefully enjoying it.

And hopefully by listening to the show,

we can make him gamer forever.

Because, hey, it's the only lifestyle that's worth a damn.

Anyway, what have I been playing this last few months?

Well, it's not in the last few months,

but recently on Steam, the PlayStation 3,

and on the Xbox 360, so it's multi-platform,

a little gem came out.

And by little gem, I mean something that surprised me,

you know, a little bit.

It is Gotham City Impostors.

It is new.

It's like two weeks old that the thing's been out.

I've been enjoying this.

You know, it's at least on the Xbox.

It is an Xbox Live arcade game.

You can pick it up for 1,200 points, which equates to $15.

You can also pick it up on Steam for $15.

And this game was a little bit of a surprise to me because, well,

it's a multiplayer-only shooter.

And those have not done well on the Xbox Live Arcade.

There's been other ones that have come out.

Usually in the genre of military simulation,

kind of like a Call of Duty or something like that.

Well, this one's unique in that it is in the Gotham City world,

or the Batman world, if you will.

And, you know, when you're on your team,

because all of the modes are team-oriented,

you're either playing as the Bats or the Jokers.

And it has the traditional modes that you would expect,

like Team Deathmatch being, I guess, the one I've played the most,

at least up to this point.

Some other ones, some are like Domination Modes,

where you have to capture and hold certain points on the map.

There's another one that involves a battery,

where it's kind of like single-player Capture the Flag,

where you have to capture the battery on the level

and then take it to your generator on the level

and hold it for as long as possible to score points.

But really a neat game.

Now, first I have to say that at least on the Xbox 360,

the demo that was available was very cool,

because unlike a lot of games,

there were a lot of demos that limit you.

This one completely unlimited you,

in that you downloaded it and you had an hour to play it

and enjoy it as much as you like within that hour.

One of the things that was a little disappointing

was when you decided to buy the game,

any level advancement or anything like that

that you had achieved while playing the quote-unquote demo

did not carry over.

In fact, during that free 60 minutes of play that you have

on the Xbox 360,

none of it carries over.

So if you play for 15 minutes

and then decide to go back to it the next day,

you'll find that you're level one again,

because you almost always get level two

after your first match.

In fact, after buying the game,

I got to level three after my first match.

But the game is also available on Steam.

I wanted to actually try it out on the PC

as well as the Xbox 360,

but was disappointed to see

that there was not a demo on the PC

available for this game.

So I knew I liked it on the Xbox 360,

so that's where I bought it,

simply because they had the demo.

And as always, big kudos goes out to Microsoft.

Ever since the launch of the Xbox 360,

one of the guiding principles

or absolute laws that Microsoft has had

is that if you're going to have a game

on the Xbox Live Marketplace

as an arcade game,

you have to have a demo,

which is probably why they did the free 60 minutes


That was probably easier to code

than putting up some kind of watered-down demo,

since apparently they didn't do one.

So I don't even know how this works out.

I don't know how it works out on the PlayStation 3.

I'll have to download it on that platform

just to see if there is a time-limited demo,

which I'm assuming they worked it the same way.

But it's a neat game.

It is a shooter.

If you like shooters,

but you also like something like Team Fortress

on Steam,

which is an outstanding free-to-play shooter,

if you're not playing it and you have a PC,

yeah, you are a complete freak

because it's one of the best,

easily top five free-to-play games on the PC.

This game is in that vein

in that it's kind of comical,

but yet it's a serious shooter

at the same time with a lot of unlocks

that you can get as you play it.

So as you play the game,

you're always finding that you're getting new weapons,

you're getting new body types,

new costumes,

new costume pieces,

new gadgets,

things like that that you can download to play with it.

Always change the gaming experience as you play.

Very well done for a $15 game.

So if you have not played it,

regardless of what platform you have,

you need to check out Gotham City Imposters.

Absolutely outstanding.

Loving, loving the game.

You know, a lot.

In fact, when I finish recording the show,

I'm going to jump right back in

because, well,

like I do at the beginning of the show,

I always tell you what's paused

on the Xbox 360 as we get into it.

So what else?

Yeah, there's been a big one over the last...

I'm going to be amateur

since it's been so long since I've been doing the show.

I'm going to get some bed music started here.

And this is actually perfect.

I'm going to play this.

There we go.

You know what this is?

This is...

I'm moving up the window.

This is...

But now I've got to turn it down.

It's too loud.

Anyway, this is the Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Sons of Skyrim metal cover.

You can do a search for it on YouTube.

Let's jam it for a minute.

Let's do it.

I absolutely love it.

If you haven't guessed already, I am completely sucked in to the game Skyrim on the Xbox 360.

This game came out some time ago.

And I know a lot of you are like, Yeah, I know Skyrim is awesome.

I've been playing it for months.

But yeah, I'm one of the people who got completely sucked in.

Here's what I have to say about it.

you enjoy the other Bethesda games like Fallout, Fallout New Vegas, you're going to love this

game because even though it uses a new engine, the style of play, the menu system, the way

the game handles conversations and the questing is basically the same.

It's just an updated graphics engine with a lot of new features.

This game is easily in contention, and it's always hard for me to say what my absolute

favorite-est, favoritest game ever is, but yeah, I've sunk a lot of time into this game.

It is absolutely, well, it's outstanding.

If you enjoy a game with a good story, if you enjoy a game that has some amazing action

that is really involved that will suck you in, you know, it's an open world game, and

one of the complaints, I almost had to laugh because one of the few, maybe the only complaint

I've heard about this game is that, oh, it's too open.

I got in the game world, and I didn't know what to do, but you know what?

That is part of the fun of the game, is that after, you know, maybe the first half hour,

20 minutes, something like that of the game, you kind of get dumped into the game world,

and you almost don't know what to do, and I can tell you that this is one of those games

where I have been distracted from what the, quote, main quest is in the game so many times.

I don't even know what the main quest is anymore because there is so much to do in this game.

Um, that you, you kind of get lost in it, and it becomes its own vibrant world.

You know, this is a game where, much like the Fallout games, and even Oblivion, which

preceded it in the, uh, in the Elder Scrolls series, the game world is very much alive.

The NPCs have jobs they do.

You can find them at certain times and certain places.

Uh, they go to and from work.

They, they lock their homes most of the time, uh, when they're not there.

You know, they, they...

They actually behave in a way that you would expect.

Um, it's just the texture, I guess I would have to say, of the game world is so well done

that you begin to feel like it's a real place.

Uh, it begins to feel like a world on its own that's, you know, in your TV.

Uh, just an outstanding game.

I'm the...

I think the game has a level cap of 50.

I am at level 41 on the cusp of 42.

Uh, you know, and this is one of those games where it's even hard to gauge what's going on.

I've invested so much time into it that I keep saying I must be near the end.

And things happen in the storyline that make you think, uh, I must be getting close to where this game ends.

But you keep finding yourself like, wow, it doesn't end there.

And in addition to that, when I look at my quest log, I know there's all these other things that I need to do,

even if I were to finish whatever the quote-unquote game ending is, uh, that you just...

You just feel like it doesn't end at all.

Um, and this is a game that, despite how long it's been out, there's been no downloadable content for it at all.

And even the smallest downloadable content for this game, if it has the type of questing system

and the involvement in the world that you have, uh, while you're playing it,

even the smallest downloadable content package for this game will just breathe it new life.

It is absolutely outstanding.

If you're playing the game on the PC, by the way, and you, uh, got the game,

when it launched, one of the things you're going to want to look for is the high-resolution texture pack.

That's the high-resolution texture pack.

You can search by FilePlanet, uh, to find it.

That's over at www.fileplanet.com.

And, uh, for folks that are packing a video card with at least one gigabyte of RAM,

and, of course, the speed to handle it, and I think if I had it on the PC,

my one gigabyte, uh, 7550, or, I'm sorry, 5070...

50770, damn it, would be able to handle it.

Um, you know, it, it, it, it, it, it increases, you know, this, this is a, uh, patch for the game, if you will,

that increases the quality of the textures in the game for a game that already looks amazing.

So I can't imagine what this thing looks like.

I've seen some of the screenshots, uh, that are out there.

And I'll be honest, I'm loving this game so much that I will, I will definitely do a second playthrough,

which seems absurd because I've already invested so much time into playing it.


do that second playthrough i will most likely play it on the pc uh just to experience it there

plus you know i'll be achievement maxed on the xbox 360 and everyone knows i'm an achievement

whore i love going for those achievements and of the achievements that are available i have like

10 that are left for skyrim on the xbox 360 but be sure to get that texture pack it seems cool

i'm just waiting for the appropriate and uh undoubtedly it will happen steam sale for this

game it was on sale for 33 off uh like three or four weeks ago i'm waiting for maybe like a 50

off sale the neat thing about the pc version uh which you always get with the pc and it's the pc

strength is that they're coming out with a world editor and it's actually already out there you

can pick it up over on steam and people will be making their own content and from what i've seen

on the internet some of the user created content that is out there for this game already is uh is


so i look forward to customized quests maybe even customized uh environments and worlds in fact

for those that are playing this game on the pc so and i guess what i gotta say to sum it up if you

have any type of computing processor at all that can handle the game skyrim you need to be playing

it absolutely loving it uh you know there's there there's maybe three or four games where i can sit

and enjoy the soundtrack to the game because i enjoy the game world so much that i want to immerse

myself in it and skyrim is one of those games other ones that come to mind are like diablo

halo or even just listening to the soundtrack say to and from work uh really makes you feel

feel the environment and the texture of the world just by listening to the music from the game you

know i gotta say speaking of music and games you know it occurred to me the other day that that uh

for those that are into music some of the best music being written out there now especially

symphonic music orchestra music or even as we just heard what's on youtube available from

amateurs because they're playing a well-composed piece of music is being done in games yeah not

in movies you know the the soundtracks that i can think of that are really emotional and inspiring

and moving are from games like well skyrim or even halo they have just amazing soundtracks

and uh you know if you're even if you're into music gaming is a way to find some of the best

music that's out there today just do a search on as i said before just do a search on youtube

for skyrim cover and you will find lots of cover songs for many of the songs that are in skyrim and

i gotta tell you a good portion of them are excellent


just absolutely outstanding so be sure to check those out and uh yeah enjoy it

throw mama from the train and then put a clip in her ass you're listening to festival of blood

radio on the festival of blood radio network www.festivalofblood.com


yeah so one of the big changes uh in the computing world around my house was

i don't know lead i think i mentioned it on the very last show that i ever freaking did

whatever the hell that was and uh yeah one of the biggest changes in the computing world around

my house is that i'm playing on my phone and it's getting so loud that it's getting so loud that

has been the introduction of Apple.

Yeah, the Apple logo is like all over my house.

Not in a desktop, not in a laptop,

but man, have we gone freaking nuts.


Anyway, yeah, and join iOS.

That is the portable operating system from Apple.

Even if you're certainly aware of it.

We got an iPad 2 leading up into the new year,

and that led to all kinds of craziness in my house.

My wife and I both picked up the iPhone 4S

and picked up for our youngest son the iPhone 4.

Yeah, so he can do without Siri.

He's dealing with it.

Anyway, he's got an iPhone 4,

and the younger three kids,

because we're packing four,

were using the iPad and the phones so ridiculously much

that we said, you know what,

let's just go out and get the three of them

some iPhone 4s.

Yeah, so we're packing like, I don't know,

like seven devices in my house

that are running iOS 5.01

or whatever the hell the current version is,

and we love it.

It's great.

I'm a little late to the party.

You know, this is the first smartphone I've ever had,

so I've never had, you know, I've had crap.

I've had like a phone where, imagine this.

I've had a phone where when you dial a number,

you can talk to somebody, and that's it.

It doesn't do much else.

Well, you can browse the web.

If you like the web, beam text.

Yeah, some of them can take pictures,

if you like crappy pictures,

and they can even play MP3s,

and yeah, they did that well,

but this is really my first real smartphone

with an actual, well, the ability to run

something called applications,

or as Apple likes to call it, apps.

Really enjoying it and getting my gaming on.

The thing I noted to myself a couple of weeks ago

was since I picked up the iPhone 4S,

I haven't played my PS4,

and I haven't played the PSP at all.

In fact, it dawned on me the other day

that the PSP Vita or the Sony Vita came out,

and I like forgot because I'm enjoying gaming

on my iPhone 4S.

You know, enjoying games like Infinity Blade

and even some of the lower end.

You know, like, yeah, do some Angry Birds.

Angry Birds.

And I've played through the original Angry Birds,

now working my way through,

and I've almost finished Angry Birds Rio.

Yeah, I know everybody,

everybody in the world has that.

I think there's more of that downloaded

than there is people on the planet

or something like that.

But yeah, really enjoying the Apple world.

It does not mean for me,

and this is, I think, where Apple

maybe dropped the ball

or maybe did a good thing.

It doesn't mean for me anyway

that there is an Apple desktop

or laptop in my future

because, well, the devices are supported

so well on Windows,

and they're such computers

in and of their own self

that you don't really need a computer

to use it.

So it's not, you know,

a lot of people said

when the iPod first came out,

this goes back to, like,

the original iPod,

the one where the wheel wasn't touch.

It actually moved around

because nothing on it was touch-oriented.

A lot of people said,

hey, this is huge for Apple

because a lot of people

are going to want these devices,

and after they have them,

they're going to say,

hey, Apple is in my house.

It's easy to use.

I'm comfortable with using it.

I really want to get a Macintosh,

a computer,

because it'll make my iPod experience

a little bit better,

but that didn't really transition very well.

You know, one of Steve Jobs,

the late Steve Jobs,

things that he said was

he was asked in an interview once

why he put iTunes on Windows

because they were thinking

what I'm thinking,

and that is that the original iPod

and its popularity

would move people into Macs

essentially forever,

forcing them to use Macs

if they wanted to

because the popularity was so high,

and he basically said

that even people in hell

need a glass of water sometimes,

implying that the people

that are using the PC

are living in hell.


Anyway, it doesn't mean for me

that a Mac is in my future.

In fact, I'll say it again.

It surprises me

that Apple has stayed

in the desktop-slash-laptop business

for so long

because the popularity of iTunes

is so huge

that they're essentially

a music publisher,

at this point,

or at least a music distribution center,

and, of course,

the popularity of their iPhones,

although, again,

I have a lot of things

I criticize Apple about,

and a lot of people out there

criticize Apple about a lot of things.

Apple's evil

because they try to gain market share

through the courtrooms

rather than through making better products,

and certainly Samsung,

with a lot of their Android devices,

is scaring Apple a little bit.

It scared Steve Jobs a little bit.

He was furious

when the first Androids came out,

and certainly the Samsung phones

with their sleek designs,

beautiful screens,

larger screens,

and capabilities scared Apple,

and their response to that was,

hey, we're going to sue these people

to stop the release of their products,

not only in the United States,

but around the world.

But I've got to tell you,

to me, already,

it's the platform of choice.

Love the iPad.

It's great to just be able to

sit on the couch,

browse the web,

check email,

do those things

without having to go

all the way to the computer,

without having to

open up the laptop

and boot it up.

It's instant on.

So really enjoying

the Apple world out there.

If you don't have one of these devices,

you'll definitely want to check them out.

Again, I know I'm kind of

preaching to the choir

because I would imagine

that the folks that listen to this show

are well acquainted

with Apple.

IOS devices

and are probably

already enjoying them

and probably enjoying them

long before I did

because I'm late to the party

because I was using like

two cups and a piece of string

before the new year.


So as we get to the end of the show

and we're going to go a little bit longer

than we usually do

because the motto of the show is

for those that don't listen to it

on a regular basis

is that we try to get out

a 25 or 30 minute show.

You know, if you're a freak

who likes to get your freak on

but you got about 25 minutes

well, Festival of Blood is for you

because we do it in like 25 minutes.


Anyway, what's going on with the show?

So I haven't been here since like forever

and again, you know,

usually I talk about this

at the beginning of the show

and then I don't get back to it.

Here is the deal.

It's been very, very tough

to get the show out

with any regularity whatsoever.

So here's what I'm going to tell you.


Stay subscribed.

When there's a show,

yeah, you'll get it.

But, you know,

I really am committed

to keeping this thing going.

You know, some people ask me,

well, are you done?

Is it over?

And podcasting is one of the hardest things to do.

There's a lot of shows out there

that, you know, they do some shows.

They maybe do 20 shows,

50 shows, 75 shows

and I got to even open my own website

to figure out where the hell I'm at.

This show is going to be 277

and we've been doing it for a long time.

I enjoy doing it.

I'm committed to doing it.

And I'm going to tell you now

that right now,

as I sit here in this chair,

I am going to get the show out

at least every other week going forward.

My house is up for sale.

It's one of the, you know,

like 10 things I could say

that's an excuse, you know,

for not doing the show.

Although the house has been for sale

for like two weeks.

But, you know, a lot's been happening.

You know, my job has changed my location

that I work three times

in just the last year,

which has been good.

It's all good.

I love it.

It's great.

But yeah, there's just so many things going on

that it's crazy.

You know, I wish I could move

because when I move,

I'm going to have a house

with my own studio in it

to be able to do things like the show

and get them out on a more regular basis.

You know, I pay the money.

I do what is necessary

to keep the domain running,

which if you don't visit the site,

it's over at www.festivalofblood.com

and I'm going to say it again.

Follow me on Twitter.

You can do so, well,

simply by checking out the homepage

over on the right-hand side.

There's a little window there

that tells you what's going on.

But my Twitter account is


That's C-F-O-B-December.

And you can find me there.

You know, lately,

Gaming World on the PC,

you can find me where you've been able

to find me for about the last year.

And that is when I'm on the PC,

I'm usually playing Star Trek Online.

And for some of you,

it'll be easier to find me

because since Star Trek Online

has gone free to play,

which by the way,

if you're not playing Star Trek Online,

now is the best time to play it.

You can play for free.

I still pay the monthly subscription

because I'm a freak and I love the game.

But you can get the free version

to play as much as you like

over on Steam

or just go to StarTrekOnline.com.

You can find me there.

My main character that I play

goes by the name of Tessa.



I've been playing December,

which is another character that I play.

All Federation characters.

The final character,

which I don't play as much,

is Pia.

That's P-I-A.

That's an Andorian name.


Love it.


you can find me playing Star Trek Online.

But check out my Twitter

because Twitter's where you're going to find

where I'm at.

Mainly because,

you know what?

From my iPhone,

I can update my Twitter

and I do so on a pretty regular basis.

So, yeah,

the show's going to be there.

Don't worry.

You will always be able

to get your freak on.

This show will be here

for as long as I probably have a PC.

And my only hope is

that for those of you

that are stuck around,

you stay subscribed.

If you want to send me an email,

now, usually I say,

send me hate mail.

But, you know,

this time I'm going to say,

you know,

just send me email

to let me know that you're there,

that you love it.

And, you know,


you know what?


I've made the call before.

Sometimes I'm just looking

for help with the show.

I am totally open

to anyone out there.

And we've done it in the past.

For those of you

that have been

watching Festival of Blood

for a long time,

you know,

we've hosted many shows

on the site,

like Galactica Actual Radio.

We've also hosted

Game Rage Radio in the past.

We've had guest hosts

actually completely

produce the show themselves.

And we've posted it up.

You can find it.

Well, probably not in the archive

because they're older.

But, you know,

we've done a lot of things.

I also want to look at

getting guests on the show.

There's other people

like Dan


Rob and Dan Radio

that I'd like to have on.

I love,

would absolutely love

because I still kind of

follow her in the background.

Mainly does a lot of voiceover

work these days,

but would love to get

Candice on the show


just to see what she's doing.

You know,

some of you that listen to the show

go back that far

and want to find out

what's going on.

As always,

we continue to do

the Wallpaper of the Month

over on festivalofblood.com.

So hopefully you'll check that out

because we get the chicks out.

You know,

I've been watching,

my wife is really into

as are many chicks,

the Twilight series.

And I really enjoyed

the last movie

because the first movie,

Kristen Stewart was like

18 or 17 or something.

And she's aged.

She's like 22 now.

And in the latest movie,

she's freaking hot.


I had her on my cell phone

as my background wallpaper

and my wife pointed out

that, hey,

you're kind of a freak.

She's young enough

to be your daughter.

So I had to go back

to Kate Beckinsale.

So, yeah,

she's on my phone right now.

In fact,

I got a wallpaper

on the desktop looking good.

The latest Underworld movie,

by the way,

the latest one that's out there,

really, really freaking good.

One of the better ones

in the series.

Wish it was a little longer,

in fact.

But for those of you

that, again,

have been listening to the show,

for a long time,

you know that my favorite,

I used to say my favorite trilogy

was the Underworld series.

And now there's four of them.

Also very glad to see

there's a new Resident Evil movie

coming out.

So, looking forward to that.

Anyway, stay with the show.

Send email to


That's thehostatfestivalofblood.com

You know, we'll get your comments up.

We'll do that kind of stuff.

But you know what?

It's also nice to know

you folks are out there

listening to the show

that you,

you don't,

die from the fact

that I puke into this microphone

now and again.

So, we'll get the show out to you

on a more regular basis.

In the meantime,

that's about it.

We're well over 30 minutes now.

And I'm going to say it,

and I hope it's true,

but we'll see you next week

on Festival of Blood Radio.

We'll see you next week.

Yeah, so, uh...


Again, long-time listeners

know the good,

the good part of the show

is at the end.

And, uh...

I got this really cool

Kate Beckinsale wallpaper

on my desktop, by the way.

She's, like,

in a workout outfit.

Pretty damn sweet.

You know, check out, uh...

Again, festivalofblood.com.

There's, uh...

Yeah, there's good stuff there.

Got wallpaper.

You can go back.

I think I did some maintenance

on the site recently

and removed

some of the older goodies.

We'll get a Kate Beckinsale

out soon.

We're also going to get out...

I got a Kristen Stewart

up there now, don't I?

Let me, uh...

Let's check it out.

Let's see what we got up.

Now that you can get

because you like it.

Yeah, we got a Kristen Stewart.

Uh, we got a Lucy Hale.

Not bad.

Ooh, Sarah Underwood.

Sarah Jean Underwood

who's on G4.

We got a Kay Perry.

Uh, ooh.


Vanessa Hudgens.


She could probably be

my daughter, too, but

at least she's older

than Kristen Stewart.

Oh, Kelly Monaco.




I keep scrolling down.

Amanda McKay.


Uh, yeah.

Check those out.

Got a lot of, uh,

screenshots, too,

of my Star Trek Online.

By the way,

all the Star Trek Online shots

that you see

on festivalblood.com,

those are like

actual gameplay.


they came out,


you could download it

as premium content

using, uh,

cryptic points.

But, uh,


I got the,

the ship

that looks like

the Grissom.

Now, all my,

all my,

all my ships,

by the way,

for those that

haven't noticed,

all my ships

in Star Trek Online

are named after

hot chicks.


as I scroll down here,


you can see I've got,


I got a wallpaper of it.

It's the USS Monaco

named after

Kelly Monaco.

We've got the,


USS Winslet,

of course,

from Kate Winslet.

I have, of course,

the USS Beckinsale.


I recently made

a huge,



I unlocked,

as part of the

two-year anniversary

that they were doing

with Star Trek Online,


a very large

capital ship.


it's the USS Kardashian.

Got that going on.



you know,

my wife and I

are in somewhat

of an argument

about who is more


Is it,


Khloe Kardashian

or is it,



I can't remember her name





Of course,

everybody looks at Kim,

but it's like,

Khloe or Courtney.

Of course,

I'm in the Khloe camp.

I mean,

first of all,

she's a little more intelligent

and put together better.

I don't know.


that's what I think anyway.

I don't know.

Courtney's a little weird.

Those of you that

dig that stuff.

I don't know.

Now I'm freaking out

because we're like

way over 30 minutes.

We're like

getting up

well beyond 36

at this point.


I want to check out.

Hopefully you,


go to the site.

Check out what's there.

Hopefully you send

some of you out.

Damn it.


that's about all I got.

You thought you were

going to get away

without any 70s music,

but of course,

we're going to end it up

with Let's Groove

by Earth, Wind & Fire.

That's all I got.

We'll see you next time.


All right.

We're going to groove today.



All right.

Let's groove tonight.

All right.


it's nice and funny.

Let's groove.

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