Where Have I Been? Special

Jennifer "The Girl on Tech"

The Girl on Tech

Where Have I Been? Special

The Girl on Tech

Some people say, if I could only care for you

Some people say, we will never love again

We will never love again

Some people say, you can see it in his eyes

He keeps it all inside him

Some people say, in time

We all teach ourselves to live this way

And for a thousand days

I was lost

But never, never

Never to be found


And don't you think I'm ready now

So please send me someone to love

Please send me someone

Someone to love

As much as I loved you

Please, please send me someone

Someone to love

So please send me someone

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Any time of the day


Someone to love

Any time of the day


Please, please send me someone

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Someone to love

Now that you're gone

Can you put the remote in here?

That's it.

We're kind of starting out small, right?

We're starting out small, right?

We're kind of starting out small, right?

It's not small here on the return cast.

That's doggie poop.

That's all the animal poop.


Damn it.

Gotta turn the camera off.

We've got time to shoot.

Get out of there.

What kind of a nice time it was for you, isn't it?


See, boys, this is where Mom and Daddy...

Keep forgetting to get the mail.

Forget the mail and across the street.

That's where we got our reception after we got married.

Yep, right there.

Well, our good friend Annie McCaskey over at Slashdot

told us that we were going to be

starting off small on this return cast.

So I've got the Yaldai River going

and I've got the camera going, too.

And hubby and I got the Chloe girl.

See, there's Chloe right there.

Nope, need to sniff every tree.

So we've had quite a year, haven't we, honey?


So far, we're doing okay.

Some days are good, some days aren't so good.

During the whole time we've been away,

we bought a new house, didn't we, honey?


We're better.


We bought a house in Knightsville,

which is about five, ten minutes away

from the old place.

We're driving all the debt now.


When we were expecting Kira,

we started looking for a new place anyway.


Oh, the camera off accidentally.


When we were expecting Kira,

we, um, like I said, we, um,

we're starting to look for a new place anyway.

And then after Kira left us,

we kind of put it into overdrive because,

you know, the place did what it was meant to do for us,

and we needed a fresh start.

So we came across,

it was one of those dumb luck deals

where the previous owner,

the house was empty for about five years.

The previous owner of the place had several offers on the house,

but he wanted a young family to have it,

and it was a steal.

It was one of those offers that you just could not pass up.

So, uh...

We need work.


We put some money into it,

but it'll be a nice beautiful place when we're done.


I guess, you know,

plus we had, um,

we went to a wonderful, um,

genetics counselor.

We were advised to do that by my, um, OBGYN

to see, you know,

if Wade or I could have carried

the condition that, um,

that took care of from us.

And let me explain a little bit what that condition is,

because as soon as we got the diagnosis,

uh, Wade and I did a lot of research.

I spent a lot of time down in the library at Riley Hospital

doing what research we could about it,

and, um,

the condition's called biliary atresia.

It's a liver disorder.

It's a very rare liver disorder.


about 1 in 20,000 live births get it every year.

And, uh, it favors girls.


the only weird part about it is they don't know what causes it.

They don't know what factors

in utero contribute to it.

And there's only two known treatments for it.

Um, a surgical procedure called the Kasai procedure,

as I mentioned on the blog,

where they take a piece of the intestine

and loop it up to a working bile duct in the liver,

because biliary atresia is,

is just a,

where, um, the bile ducts

in the liver don't form up properly.



And that, uh, causes a,

a backup of bile in the liver.

And, um,

got a lot of dogs.

And, um,

Over here.

So what they do in the surgery is that they take a piece of intestine


loop it up to a working bile duct

that they find in the liver

so that the bile has a place to drain out.



And, uh,

what we found was that the earlier they can catch it,

the higher the success rate

of the treatment.

And the other known treatment

for biliary atresia is liver transplant.

Now, what Kira also had on top of that

was malrotation,

which we knew was hereditary because my brother had it.

And, um, malrotation is when

the intestines,


develop outside of the hip pocket

and they have to go in surgically


put the, uh, intestine back in the hip socket.

Yeah, let me go over here.

And, uh,

loop everything back up.

Now, what happened was this.

One day before,

Kira was set to be discharged.

Her intestines decided,

hey, I don't like the way I'm lined up here.

Let's go back the other way.

And that ripped the part of the intestine

that was hooked up to Kira's liver.

And it caused a massive infection.

And, uh,

we all know by now what happened.

So, uh,

what happened to Wade and I,

I wouldn't wish on any parent.

Because it's the hardest thing

that you will ever do.

Because you're not expected to do it.

Don't you think so, honey?


Especially when she felt this to be beforehand.


I mean, as a parent,

you are always ready to go before your child.

I mean, you expect your child to bury you

and not the other way around.


About time, too.

I mean, these kinds of events,

you know,

you have to get out of there first.

On the road.

On the road and stay there.

Uh-oh, we got a big puppy.

Good God, that's a big dog.

I saw one the other day.

It looked like the cross between a great dame

and a, uh, a mastiff.




Oops, car.

This side.


You know the laws?

I always went to the right.


I thought I saw you standing right here.



So, um...

All right, before you get warm enough,

I can put my shorts on.

I'm tired of wearing jeans.



Stretched out, that's for sure.


Just stretch out, right?



So, um...

I think it's these kind of events,

especially for waiting me as a couple,

it's these kinds of events that can either make you

or break you.

And I think it's kind of made us a lot stronger.

I mean, it's like,

I don't know if it's a bad thing,

but it's a good thing.

Yeah, it's a good thing.

I'm glad you're here.

Yeah, I'm glad you're here.

I'm glad you're here.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Thank you.

Thank you, Mary.

Thank you.

as a couple now.

I think we're leaning on each other a lot more.

What do you think, bud?

Yeah, I've got to put my foot up your ass a couple of times.

Yeah, and I've got to put my foot up your ass a couple of times.

That's all you want to go see Doc Rogers?


You going to walk her right up there?

Poke her in the butt.

So, um, we got everything checked out with the genetics counselor and, um, everything came back normal.

I mean, it still blows my mind a little bit that we...

Except the bill.

We're trying to get that appealed.

You ain't saying it.



I mean, it still blows my mind that I lost my daughter on a fluke, but...

You know, she did her purpose, I think, in the time we had her here.

She did her purpose, and when your purpose in life is done, then God calls you home.

I think that happens here.

So, uh, needless to say, we got the green light from all of our doctors and my doctors.

Um, we are working on version three.

Um, I'll let you guys know when and if that happens.

Um, I'm trying to get some weight off me here.

Kind of kickstart the old parts.


So, weight's still trucking.

I'm still teaching and working on my stuff with...

Raw Voice, and working on some great stuff for you guys in upcoming shows, because I'm back in this game, baby, and, uh, there's not a whole lot you guys can do to stop me now.

Um, let's see.

I mean, you guys out there who've been listening to the ramblings of a 32-year-old geek have been...

Totally amazing throughout this time.

I mean, you really came out and you showed love and supported us a lot.

And we really, really want to thank you guys for doing that for Wade and me.

It really meant a lot, didn't it, babe?


And there's two people we want to thank in particular.

Although, if we thank everybody, uh, we probably, I'd probably run out of space on the high river here.

Um, the two people we want to thank in particular are, of course, our show's matriarch, pod, pod, uh, mama extraordinaire, and, uh, I'm very proud to say the God, Kira's godmother, uh, Madge Weinstein.

And the, uh, artist hostess with the most...

The artist hostess from the, uh, from the artist die cast, which you can find on PCN, Holly Davidson.

Uh, they set up a fundraiser for Wade and me to help with medical expenses.

And Holly donated the wonderful portrait that she did of Trotsky as part of it.

And we raised about $1,500 for us, and we appreciate that ever so much.

I mean, we didn't...

We didn't ask for the money, but, you know, you guys...

You know, you guys wanted to help, and it's...

It still blows me away thinking about it sometimes.

Thank you so...

And there's so many other people we can thank.

Like, uh, my three drinking buddies over at the Real Happy Hour, the unemployment line, Strange Brood, uh, Michael Butler, the rock and roll geek.

Uh, the, uh, the fabulousness that is Wanda Wisdom over at Lucky Bitch Radio, uh, Fox in the City, uh, Richard Vobes, Richard Vobes Radio Show.

All of you guys just have done so much for us, and we're grateful.

We truly are.

So we're...


Anything you want to add, babe?



So there's going to be a little video addendum to this that I'll put on the feed.

Well, see if I can...

The light is really bad.

Ha ha ha!

Probably burned out the battery already.


Ha ha ha!

I think what I'm going to do also is, um, I played a little Halloween prank on a few of my students, um, and I recorded it on the little camera, so I might post that.

Ha ha ha!


We are walking through the town of Knightsville right now.

You can hear all the little dogs, and...

Ironically enough, we live almost across the street from where Wade and I had our wedding reception.

Ha ha ha!

And I'm about 100 feet away.

From where I used to work.

Which would have been really swell if I still worked there.

Ha ha ha!



Got a little Ankle Biter coming.

And a little?

Well, then I got the one right next to it.


Hey, buddy!

Whatcha doing?




Come here, sweetness.


No, you're not.

Come here, buddy.

Not a snake.

Come here.

Come here, bubba.

No, you're not.

Get to walking, Wade.

Get to walking.

Don't worry about that.

No problem.

I see people all see you like that when they watch me.


Buddy, get over here.

Yeah, we just moved to town.

And Chloe's, our old place is out in the country, and she's not used to seeing other dogs.

Yeah, that's the way we were.

We were out in the country at Fountain, and we got the run, or they got the run.

Buddy, get over here.



Come here, you.


No, you're not going to play.

Because I don't want to play.

Hey, there's your pink toy.

We had our first run in with a mini pin.


I can't close this calf down.

I'm giving you guys a little bit of tech.

I haven't lost my edge throughout this whole thing.

Okay, so.


Shut up.

I'm damn proud of it.

Thank you.

Let's talk about Windows Vista.


Okay, a lot of students have been asking me about Windows Vista.

Several of you sent emails about Windows Vista.

And asking me, you know, if I should, if you should install it.

Which version, and all that good stuff.

Oh, it works.

And there's a video out there on YouTube.

If you're a fan of XM and listen to 202, there's a video out there that's really funny.

From one of the ding-a-lings, part of Opie and Anthony, Anthony Cumia.

Tried to install Vista on his computer, and it didn't work.

But he found one machine that it did work in, and it was a Shredder.

So I may put the link to that in the show notes, but it's really funny.

So, my opinion on Windows Vista.

Don't install it completely blind.

If you're insistent about installing Windows Vista.

Buy a new computer.

Buy a new camera.

You can either A, as my husband so succinctly put it, buy a computer with Vista already installed.

Or, if you look on Microsoft.com, they have a Vista upgrade advisor tool on it.

That you can download and run.

And it will tell you exactly what version will work, if you have any program incompatibility, what it is, and what you can do, and if you have any hardware incompatibility, what it is, and what you can do to fix it.

I don't know.

Now, I ran the upgrade advisor on both the laptop and the desktop, and it worked great.

It told me exactly what I needed, and what I would need to upgrade or uninstall before I even tried to install Vista.

So you're probably asking me, okay.

Will you?

Will you use Windows Vista?

Probably, but not right now.


Because, in my personal opinion, I think Microsoft rushed the gun.

And it ain't going to work for the ship, because nobody else out there has got it.

So, you know our website, and it's going to phone it.

They should have gave it to a company first, web links first, then give it to a company.

Well, they did a lot of beta testing.

They did a lot of tests on it, and, in my opinion, the beta testers were on something, because I really think, as in before, Microsoft kind of jumped the gun.

They wanted to get it out, get it out there first, before anybody else, and they really didn't complete it.

They didn't do all the testing on it, and I really think they did.

So, will I use Vista?

I will probably buy it pre-installed on either a new desktop or a laptop.

But, right now, for what I need, Windows XP works.

And there are tools out there that can make XP look like Vista.

For example, the new Google desktop, with the sidebar.

To me, it looks exactly like Vista.

It looks exactly like Vista.

I like the tool, the sidebar on Vista.

And, for me, that's what works.

That's what I tell you guys.

You don't have to spend...


I'm getting back into it, babe.

I'm kind of winded.

Now, like I tell you guys, use what works.

You don't have to spend a whole lot of money on crap that's not going to work for you.

Use what works.

And, for right now...

Windows XP works fine for me.

So, I'm going to keep with that.

There you go.


We're back in the house.

We're on our way to Walmart next, I think.


Because we've got to get a new thermostat.

No, thermostat, I've got to go with...

Window plastic.

You know, if it's refrigerated, they're bad.



You all walked out?


You have fun?


We're doing...

You've seen the big town, haven't you?

Now, he's going to go back and find that mini-pen.


So, as far as everything, White and I are doing good.


This isn't the last you're going to hear of me, guys.

I am back in this thing.

Did you hear him?

Yeah, White loves me.

I know he does.


I'm going to probably do a couple video casts.

Showing you guys the...

Showing you guys the brand new satellite of love.

The new office that I've got in the new house.


See you in the next show.

I'm going to do a full review of Office 2007.

See, we're going to talk about some gaming stuff.

I might have my friend Charlie George from Tired Thumbs on the show.

And see what kind of fun mischief we can get into.


The worst of Elton John, baby, I am still standing.

So, until next time, folks.

Peace, love and binary.

I'm out.


Give me something that will pull me back from the blow

Send me someone like you

Someone like you

Send me someone like you

Pull me back from the blow

Please send me someone to love

Please send me someone like you

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