Road To Reality - Gospel For Asia


Road To Reality - Gospel For Asia - with K.P. Yohannan

Road To Reality - Gospel For Asia

Road To Reality - Gospel For Asia - with K.P. Yohannan

Welcome to Road to Reality, the radio ministry of Gospel for Asia.

Today, Brother KP Yohannan asks, when we have failed, what next?

I'm sure you've had times in your life when you thought God couldn't use you anymore.

Well, you'll be encouraged to hear what Brother KP has to say about God's plan in spite of our failures.

Let's join Brother KP Yohannan now as he shares this life-giving message.

Your greatest enemy is not the devil out there.

It is true he's out there.

But the greatest enemy is inside you, your own self-centeredness.

And Jesus came to set us free from being self-centered.

Oh, to be set free from myself, dear Lord.

That is what the poet said.

We think about some guy going and doing wicked things, getting drunk.

And adultery and stealing and murdering all the wicked, crazy people out there.


Lord, set me free from my own self.

And that's how we let Jesus manifest his glory through us.

We can serve him.

Third thing Jesus said, a deliberate choosing of the cross.

Taking up the cross and following me.

You know, I did not know any of the words in the entire Bible that speaks about,

the amazing reality of rivers, of living water flowing unhindered.

Than this one verse, Galatians 2.20.

I am crucified with Christ.

No more I that lives, but Christ lives in me.

You know, wearing the cross is not getting, you know, you're sneezing and cough and little problems you face.

No, sir.

It's not that.

Taking up the cross is a choice you make deliberately.

So that his name can be glorified and furthered.

You choose, not it is imposed upon you.

Think about those two Moravian brothers who heard about a leper colony.

Who will go and live there for the rest of their life to become lepers and die there.

They chose to do it so that they can win.

Those lepers to Jesus.

Think about those two Moravian brothers who sold themselves as slaves to the slave colony.

So that they can be there as slaves and win those slaves to Jesus Christ.

Boondi was the first place.

As a young man, I was beaten up.

I do not describe all the story to you.

It was, I was frightened like a rat that sees the cat.

Because, you know, they just beat us up without any mercy.

Burned our Bibles, tracks, the whole thing.

And said, you dogs, leave here in five minutes time.

If you don't, we'll kill you.

And of course, he ran away.

Years later, this young fellow went to Boondi.

Saying that the Lord called him to go to Boondi.

And after a few days, middle of the night when he was sleeping, a group of men came.

And a tall fellow with a turban on his head pulled up this brother young Alex by his legs.

And, you know, like you would hold up a chicken with the leg.

And this man said, I can tear you apart like you would do to a chicken.

But we will not do that tonight.

Then robbed him.

And said, but tomorrow you better leave this place.

We don't want none of your God, none of your teaching.

We are Hindus.

We know what we believe.

This is all we want.

Early morning, he ran to the mission station.

To the senior leaders.


He said, they will kill me.

They will kill me.

And the senior brother said, leader said, son, did Jesus ask you to go there?

He said, yes.

You believe Jesus said, I am with you always.

Never will leave you nor forsake you.

He said, yes, I believe all that.

You believe they will kill you?

They will kill me.

And his older brother, senior brother, who had been in the ministry.

Who bears scars on his forehead, or been beaten up many times.

And is stitched up.

Said to him, son, you are right, they will kill you.

But since the Lord told you to go there.

Since he is with you, no matter where you are.

It is good if he can choose to go back.

Oh, by the way, son.

Heaven is a much better place than Boondi.

if they kill you

don't worry

we will come later

and see you

he knelt down and they laid their hand on him

and prayed for him

and sent him back to Boondi

so the following day the same people came

we told you

we will kill you

they finished their preaching

he said that is the reason I came back

you promised to kill me

I came here so you can kill me

they got totally confused

I mean how can you kill a dead man

they said what

he said listen

I have come here because

Jesus told me to come here

I have come here because

he loves you

he died for you

and the only way he can get rid of me

is to kill me

and the sooner you do it

the better it is for me

because I can finish my work and go

they didn't kill him

he faced some problems and difficulties

some persecution

a few years went by

I got a telephone call from the senior leader

in that part of the country

and said

brother KP

we know you are very busy

you don't have much time


would it be possible

to make that extra trip to go to Boondi

I said Boondi

they said well

the story is that we got a church

to dedicate

since that is the first place

you got beaten up

we thought you would want to be the one

to dedicate that church to you

we thought you would want to be the one to dedicate that church to you

church and i said i yes i will do that and i don't want to pass that opportunity and so i went there

so many years later now i'm walking into boondi and a brand new church building over 100 people

120 130 some people sitting there worshiping the lord jesus christ of course i wept prayed preached

and afterward this young brother said this guy there he's the one who pulled me up like a chicken

this is the fellow who said he's going to kill me and he said

all these people now worship jesus here praise god

choosing inconveniences choosing


choosing the rough road because you love him because you love him

and then jesus said as the father has sent me so send i you

go into all the world and take this message freely it is given to you freely you

give you know my entire message usually when i travel in the united states or canada or anywhere

like this is on missions and to me the more i come to know jesus the more my heart is burdened

for those that do not know the lord jesus christ

his love constrains me paul said

not to become self-centered no sir think about others who do not know the lord

just last week i turned the tv on and there it was carl lindsey i mean i am not much into prophecy

and all those things um i am interested in that because jesus is coming back soon bible says but

something that kind of grabbed me because the last few months i was saying my goodness we are going so

fast and growing so much and we need to slow down somewhat and be more you know deliberate to lay

more foundations and you know cut back some travel times and you know more than you know half of my

year almost two-third i'm constantly traveling from country to country and all that i said this

is getting too much i and then right in the middle of all this wonderful counseling with me for me

i heard him say after

you know all the discussion about this that israel and gas missiles and everything he said

something that just made me look with both eyes wide open he said as early as the middle of 1998

the war may break out between the arabs and israel and i never heard that before

because i mean i i i'm glad he was not

sitting in a date about jesus coming back like 88 reasons why tomorrow he's coming back

but it intrigued me so much then i was listening to so much of what all i mean i do not know what

he's saying is true or not it's coming to pass or not but from all what i heard one thing i

realize time is very short it is later than you think and i think and then when it was over i

said to my wife i said you know i was thinking maybe we slow down a little bit and then i said

take it more easy and and all that you know i said if this man is saying is true even 50 percent of

what he says is reasonable we must double our effort to get the word out we must double our

effort to reap the harvest we must not be slothful and slow to get the job done and all the sudden my

mind was going 10 million mile per second this way that way how to get the thing done because

there's a world out there that do not know the

and you know the book of acts you read the book of acts is filled with people crazy enough to go

from place to place witnessing sharing winning those who do not know jesus people who turn the

world upside down being concerned for the lost world if only the lord can open our eyes

to the desperate agonizing condition of millions in our generation

thank you for listening to grow to reality the radio ministry of gospel for asia today's broadcast

entitled when we have failed what next is a message by kp ohanan founder and president of

gospel for asia in a moment we'll rejoin brother kp we'd like to send you a free copy of brother

kp's popular book called revolution and world missions simply visit our website gospel for or call us at

666 win asia we'd love to send you a copy and now back to brother kp i want to end this sharing with

you by reading a little story that when the first time i read it i cried i don't cry very easily

that's reason the reason i said that because this touched me very deep it's about judson

he was born in august 9 1788 that is the year when he was born in august 9 1788 and he was born in

august 9 1788 before you were born and he was the first american missionary who went out of america

i mean that is that itself is intriguing first american missionary ever left the shores of

america and just before he would go he fell in love with a girl what a trouble

her name is nancy her last name is hasseltine she was born to a rich affluent

high society man in the society and he happened to a believer nancy when she was in high school

she gave her life to christ until then all she wanted was a luxury the latest the best

but when she gave her life to christ she became a radical in modern language crazy

she really wanted to follow the lord judson knowing about her commitment wanted to marry her

but he didn't want to do that without the permission of her father this is what judson

wrote to this father mr hasseltine sir i have now to ask whether you can consent to part with

your daughter next early spring to see her no more in this world whether you can consent her

departure and your subjection to the hardships and suffering of a missionary life

whether you can consent to her exposure to the dangers of the ocean to the fatal influences of

the southern climate of india to every kind of want and distress to degradation insult persecution

and perhaps violent death can you consent to all this for the sake of him who left his heavenly home

and died for her and for you for the sake of the perishing

immortal soul

for the sake of Zion and the glory of God?

Can you consent to all this

in hope of soon meeting your daughter

in worlds of glory

with a crown of righteousness

brightened with the acclamation of praise

which shall redound to her Savior

from heathen saved

through her means

from eternal woe and despair?

And Mr. Hasseltine said to Judson,

Young man, that is not my decision.

That is her decision.

I have left that to her.

And Nancy wrote a letter to one of her friends


I have made my decision

to walk away from all the comforts,

family, friends,

to a land that I've never been to,

from where I may never return,

to die there alone, maybe,

to lose all.

But I have made my decision

as God is my witness.

I will not decline the offer

and the privilege

to give my life

to rescue the perishing.

They got married.

The Judsons labored for almost seven years

before they saw the first convert.

Several of the missionaries who came later

saw the difficulties, ran away.

Judson himself was imprisoned.

He was put in prison for 17 months

during the crackdown against all foreigners.

Barely surviving the horribly inhumane treatment.

One night, while his raw and bleeding feet

were hanging in the elevator stocks,

swarms of mosquitoes settled on his bare soles,

producing excruciating torture.

Then, not long after his release from prison,

Judson's beloved wife, Nancy, died.

Her constant life of sacrifice

and service had finally taken its toll.

Just a few weeks later,

little Maria, their third baby,

was suddenly taken from this world.

Judson was left utterly alone

in a hostile Buddhist land,

almost shattered with pain and grief.

Before him lay the prospect of a tiger-infested jungles,

bat-infested houses,

and a fever-infested climate for life.

Behind him lay an almost unimaginable trail

of hardship and loss.

But he did not leave off from his work.

He did not abandon his Bible translating

or his preaching and teaching labors.

How could he?

Eternal souls were at stake.

Who else could reach these Burmese

as well as he?

So, he remained for over 20 years

returning to America only once.

And that by necessity, not by choice.

Judson's devotion for life was not in vain.

On one occasion, during the great annual festival

held at the towering golden Buddhist pagoda in Rangoon,

I was there some time ago, by the way,

he recorded that he had distributed nearly 10,000 tracts

given to none but those who asked.

Some came for two or three months' journey

from the border of Siam and China,


Sir, we hear that there is an eternal hell.

We are afraid of it.

Do give us a writing that will tell us how to escape it.

Others came from the interior of the country

where the name of Jesus Christ was never known.

Are you Jesus Christ, man?

Give us a writing that will tell us about Jesus.

For Judson, it was worth it all.

Today, there are more than one million Burmese believers.

I was 16 when Jesus called me to serve him.

While I was sleeping in a tiny room in Bangalore,

southern part of India,

I got up and started praying.

Now I'm 47.

I've traveled millions of miles.

My entire life until this day is spent

to serve him with all my heart.

But even today,

I find myself,

my flesh longing for comfort,

and ease,




And I seek my own often.

And I want to tell you a little secret.

It's an open secret anyway.

That kind of kept me to come back to the Lord,

repent daily.

That secret is this.

I get out of my body and talk to me.

No, no, please don't misunderstand.

I am talking like a nice Indian,

but I'm talking spiritual things.

And I talk to myself.

Things like this.

You're really stupid.

100 years now, what does it matter?

They will say the best thing about you or worst thing about you.

Who cares?

You may have the best house, best clothes.

What does it matter?

And I say to myself,

a day is soon coming.

Time shall no more be.

Don't seek your own loving

more than life itself.

Pay any price.

Even death is not a big price to pay

to resist sin.

And please my Lord,

so he can take my life,

not mixed up with sin and polluted.

Something that is real and break it into a million pieces

and give it to others that don't know him.

And that is my struggle in this journey.

Where are you?

The Lord speaks to us in so many different ways.

But in all this, he does one thing.

To make us more like him.

He orchestrated all events.

Even this Indian coming here tonight.

Romans 8.28

The Lord arranged it

for me to say some feeble words

to help you think.

So you can become a little more like Jesus.

Romans 8.29

To be conformed to the image of his dear son.

Someday you will see him face to face.

Live as though now you are with him.

All be okay then.

Let us pray.


I want to thank you for my precious brothers and sisters.

The very fact they came tonight

is because they love you.

None of us are perfect.

We are disciples,


struggling through failures

and our own self-centeredness

and all kinds of mixed up problems.

Lord, in all this, how wonderful you are.

You love us

and you want us to be like you.

And you are changing us.

So Lord, tonight once again,

we gaze into your face.

Please remove the veils

that are hiding

your face

that we may not see.

Lord, the sin, the carnality, the assumption.

Lord, let all those veils we removed

help us to follow you with all our heart.

And tonight I pray

that you will help us

to become agents of reconciliation

for so many in our generation

that do not know you.

Thank you for the joy of knowing you

and for this evening and the night

that you gave it to us.


I just am so blessed this evening

to sing those words

with my brothers and sisters tonight.

We raise our hands to the skies

and people say,

what is wrong with these people?

And we will say,

we simply love our King.

Jesus, we love you so much.

You loved us with your life.

Thank you.


You're listening to Brother KP Yohannan from Gospel for Asia,

the message entitled,

When We Have Failed, What Next?

If you've been encouraged by Brother KP's message,

please visit our website at

We'd like to send you a free copy of his most popular book,

Revolution in World Missions.

Now this is the story of Brother KP

as a young evangelist in India,

and his calling to launch a worldwide organization,

Gospel for Asia.

Now in it,

you'll find stories of God's amazing work

in the lives of people here in the West

and on the Indian subcontinent.

Thousands have written to us over the years

with the same testimony,

this book changed my life.

For your free copy,

simply go to our website,

or call us at 866-WIN-ASIA

and request Brother KP's book,

Revolution in World Missions.

Thank you for listening to Gospel for Asia.

You're listening to the radio ministry of Gospel for Asia.

Bro To Reality

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