Show 160 - Beer Death March

Big Foamy Head

Beer Podcast Show – Beer Blues and Barbecue Show Podcast – Big Foamy Head

Show 160 - Beer Death March

Beer Podcast Show – Beer Blues and Barbecue Show Podcast – Big Foamy Head

i forgot how do we do this welcome to big foamy head

welcome to big foamy head the beer death march

and that's uh related to the last four or five days we've been going

at it steady marching towards every beer we see and hurling ourselves on it

taking a light grenade that's right taking many saving our compadres from having to torture

themselves so this all started on wednesday right and i landed here we're in uh rick's

uh awesome podcast studio aka kitchen and uh

got here wednesday and we just headed into town and well yeah we started with a pub crawl so we

went all the way up to uh tasty weasel which is the oscar blues uh brewery up in longmont

and that led us to the next stop which was bootstrap brewing which is a new microbrewery

and i want and then that led us to the kettle and stone where we enjoyed several um what was it


vindications yeah a very good double ipa went went back there with the preacher to look at the

brewery right the minister runs the brewery it's uh one of the three partners that owns the place

and then dave came in town so we came back and picked him up and then we went to uh

odd 13 brewing yeah and then sampled there and then we went to 12 degrees and then

was that it for night one well i think we went cbm plots but we didn't do much yeah that's right

and then by then we were so addled we couldn't order off of menus well i thought these guys were

going to eat and it was like what are we doing here so we went back home and drank some more

well first we got some uh takeout fast food but i'm impressed you remembered all of that

because the amount of dead brain cells in in this room couldn't make a little baby brain

well what did you say the next day we drank enough to uh kill a small child yeah

it was it was brutal

so that was the warm-up day right and then it got uh the this was when uh it got delicious

real fast right the uh crock world uh brewers cup for world brewers forum okay right so yeah

that's the uh annual fundraiser that my homebrew club does uh proceeds go to benefit children's

hospitals so everybody that helped contribute or donated swag or or just there thank you

for that and for buying your tickets and whatnot um i heard that we brought in about four thousand

dollars on the evening and most of our operating expenses are covered for the year so that's going

to be a pretty generous donation we're going to be able to make this year so you are are not

mentioning your triumph uh that you achieved there rick is a large blue ribbon now for winning

uh first place in his category which he dominated i dominated the category i was the best and the

worst because i had the only entry in that category it's the smoked beers so uh apparently

nobody else thought to enter anyway yeah so they said congratulations better luck next time so

um yeah i don't ever enter homebrew competitions and the only one i did is or the only reason i

did this one is because it's our local competition so that's the uh world brewers cup i think and

so what was what was your beer it was a uh sierra nevada pale ale with uh about half a pound of

smoked malts in it they cloned clone of course they smoked sierra nevada and was well received

by all i reckon yes um well i haven't got my score sheet yet so it should be interesting to

see if they even judged a beer that was the only one in its category so beer showed up it won yeah

that could be it i mean we don't know um i did get it judged in another category i don't know

so it'll be interesting to read the yeah the judge's scoring sheets uh so we had two speakers

that night um we had jeremy cohen and uh i forgot the other guy's name todd something i don't know

but by that time this is this should be rule of thumb at a beer event where there is no cover

and you can have all the beer you want at 10 o'clock at night if you're the speaker

there's only going to be so many people in the room coherent enough to understand

your discussion on water chemistry which i found captain not me i was i was zoning out

and the poor guy he spent way too much time telling us about well i thought it was 10 in

the morning and this is okay so anyway rewind to the first speaker jeremy jeremy cohen from

hebrew brewing speaking of which our our kickoff beer is one of his

uh rejuvenator uh double doppel and it's a tasty beverage it's uh it's a lager too which i'm not

a lager fan but when you do doppels and uh things like that they're real rich i like them do i read

some of the bubble to us chad sure it's a belgian style double ale and a doppelbach european lager

brewed with uh dates and figs from concentrate concentrate concentrate that's interesting

concentrated dates and pigs what could go wrong i don't know uh so i thought he was a pretty

fascinating speaker um i had actually asked him to speak for a club many years ago but that kind

of fell by the wayside but i'm glad that somebody else followed up with it and actually brought him

on board uh he had quite an interesting story about starting up his brewery brewery and uh

how he was doing self-distribution borrowing money from mom and dad losing all mom and dad's money

yeah going bankrupt

taking a couple of uh they say weeks or years in asia he said i left those months i don't know

but it but but there's the storyline was always the same don't do what i did because it's the

horrible wrong way to do it right and he made a point of saying every single person in this room

is smarter than i was when i started and much more likely to do a better job yeah it was really good

he was a very good speaker and then he uh he did a little auction

to help you guys raise some money which was cool that's right he his brewery was given a couple of

extra tickets for the grand american beer festival and he was also promoting a book

so you got a signed copy of the book and the tickets to the saturday session and he auctioned

those things up pretty high yeah 150 bucks yeah so that's good yeah that was good fundraising it

was kind of interesting to see him take over as kind of a you know caller for a drawing so

grab the next beer it's going to be a uh oak jacked imperial pumpkin aged in oak barrels from

crooked line now is this the one you picked crooked line now dick picked that one no that's

the crooked line this is from uinta uinta utah right yeah that's right salt lake city utah i

like these guys yeah i've run into them on several different shows or different venues

wrestling with the court wow

that's good audio but it's also uh something you you could get an eye put out well you take a big

risk because you could get a big huge uh explosion of a beer all over your now these are and so these

are some guys i don't know if you had this yesterday but i had it yesterday uh for the

first time chad pointed it out uh over at the great american beer festival so we we we skipped

over in a little bit and we're going to do a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a

our ways we were our try our beer travels it almost looks like a pumpkin look how dark and

ruby that is it's pretty but a huge one and of course it has a good looking label which

is how beers are judged sure on their label right if it has an ugly label it can't possibly be a good

beer so uh we we saw a lot of imperial beers on uh

on our third outing the denver rare beer festival that's right that's right we have to dust off

these brain cells it was only two days ago if you hadn't noticed we're slow

we're getting better yeah well it was the uh beer death march right i mean that's a

really appropriate title for this thing so the uh the the denver rare beer tasting put on by a

and then he slacked off and went and did this pints for prostate nonsense well i thought the

the prostate cancer first i know he did there's nothing but good stuff for for rick um so we went

there and uh it's not a good thing i mean just in case anybody's actually listening to what i'm

saying yeah we're not mocking your prostate cancer action for sure uh god you derailed my

thought process but it motivated him to start this organization pints for prostate cancer

and he's actually just doing a whiz bang job he's going all over the world he's doing a uh

a tour to germany that i would just love to join i mean it's a pints for prostate

cruise to germany it's like awesome and he does the denver rare beer tasting yeah which was really

well organized set up and we got in there and the very first beer we had was one chad had said

be on the lookout for this it was on the list and it was very first perennial perennial yeah


uh quad what something belgian or another it was just and we knew this was just going to be a

losing proposition trying to remember what we had i think our second was it our second our second was

probably the dogfish head dogfish had 120 through a randall which had garlic and cracked pepper in

it it was actually quite good served to us by sam calagione himself and sam apparently been

hitting it because so this is like my second beer and they were

a little tasters right and sam just over poured the hell

out of dogfish 120 yeah he gave me about half a glass and you're only supposed to get you

know they're supposed to pour a little blue one inch line you know right so so the very

first thing is like i'm pounded down this high alcohol beer and then uh we wandered over and got

some utopia which is what that's samuel same adams and uh that's their big ninja yeast beer

uh it's i believe it's over 20 percent now they keep amping it up it started off well it wasn't

working for the future they were building everything that's starting to come up in here

well seeing the Hillee in general he was trying a little bit to just keep up with what's going on

and what all the other beers are on California and we started up a little bit then we got a can of wild

off like an 18 90 beer and it's one of the first the biggest commercial beers you could buy and it

was going for about 150 bucks oh at least the little bottle of it yeah so i don't know what

it's going for these days i don't shop in that section of the beer store but uh yeah that was a

like drinking a liqueur that was and that was kind of the the tone for all the beers there at

the denver rare beer they were just high alcohol really good but it was funny because we had some

beers there won't name who mainly because can't remember but but we just said we're not drinking

this shit and poured it out and the fact of the matter was it would be the best beer in the room

under other circumstances right so so we got so snobby about what we were putting down our beer

holes we were

it was terrible and the food was pretty good it was a catered barbecue from breckenridge

brewery and barbecue which is locally here in denver they do a good job if you ever get out

to breckenridge it's the breckenridge downtown not the breckenridge up in the hills so you could

tell me anything all right i'm not from here so up in the hills anyway i thought it was pretty

good barbecue really good coleslaw and ribs and food like that so this is all a prelude to to the

main event gabf and we did we did we went some other places out right after this denver rare

beer tasting where we were drinking the highest octane beer possible it became a really good idea

for us to go get a beer yeah we had to go to prost so we went to prost brewing and and i'll

tell you what dave dave thank god for his tiny little stomach and not drinking as much beer as

us he became our designated driver because as he put it i am the best beer in the world and we're

most sober he didn't say sober he said i'm the most sober the least inebriated it was awesome

yeah uh well we take uh public transportation too so it's not that's true that's this was the

this was the only exception right it was that uh because because we need dave was going to be

driving around so he was he was good he took care of us and uh shepherded us around and uh

we got back here okay and then gabf morning rolls around and chad flies in from the show chad wrinkle

um gets here and early eight o'clock we were up i mean we were up ready eight o'clock in the morning

and this is after three days of drinking a lot of beer and we just we all head to the bus and

go downtown and and walk all the way around the convention center to find the end of the line

that had to be turned left


instead of right would have been 50 feet away yeah right so the lady was there with her big sign

pointing us off to the end of the line well little did we know she was pointing us all the way around

the convention center yeah so but it was uh it was good and this was the the home brewer association

members session so it was all kinds of people everybody in there knew what a good beer was

and that was demonstrated

when we went over to the shop top those idiots had um they had a booth there like it's gabf and

i can see that like on the amateur nights when people are coming up just to get a cheap drunk

but not for this session it's not a cheap drunk it's 75 dollars what about our session it takes

45 minutes to get in the joint so you're really paying for three hours and 15 minutes of beer

drinking okay so so it's like uh 20 minutes of beer drinking and then you're like oh my god

it's 23 dollars an hour worth of beer so these frat boys really need to get their beer on quickly

right if they're gonna tie one on right but but my point is they they had the nerve to have the

shop top booth open right while it was a members only session and so it was right next to these

uinta guys right yeah where i had the pumpkin thing so so they had water there and i was i

reached over and washed it and i was like oh my god i'm gonna have to go to the shop top

booth and i was like oh my god i'm gonna have to go to the shop top booth and i washed out my taster

cup and this other guy was so the line there was for the water and to rinse it out and they had to

keep running back and get more water no one was drinking the shop top and it was funny so i tell

the guy i said yeah have you had this you know we're we're pouring water so if you have this

uh it's their new shop top light and he says yeah i have it's a lot stronger than the rest of their

beers talking about the water but anyway

that's good he had a good sense of humor yeah ah yeah so this guy is a uh 10.31 that's the most

accurate i've ever seen the beer measured 0.31 versus just 10.3 it's actually probably rounded

i just drank all of mine it says cranked up and primed to celebrate jack reveals the season

pop the cork for bursts of pumpkin and spices aged in oak barrels jacked is wound and ready

to play pairs well with

flavors of the season tastes like real pumpkins good very good because you've been you've been

drinking some pumpkin beers here lately haven't you a lot of them yeah so what do you have yeah

what do you recommend um i think schlafly pumpkin is one of the best um close second maybe number

one is the cigar city good gourd uh that's we need to find out we have to find that that was

tasty i have a bottle at home but uh

couldn't couldn't bring that here on the flight so we've been having this discussion a couple times

over the uh the weekend whether we really like uh cigar city or not i know that they're hugely

popular their line's always the longest at the jabf people seem to really dig their stuff we

just had a couple bad experiences with yeah so so we're throwing them under the bus because of our

bad experiences probably had nothing at all to do with our beer our ill-informed opinion

that's right so it's money in the bank

that's funny so the gabf though this was chad's first and we've got a we have a a multi-state

contingent here with california colorado tennessee and missouri represented nice

but uh yeah it's pretty cool what'd you think about gabf it was great i just need to figure

out how to get us in quicker next time but that's right other than that a lot of big beers that's

always my complaint it's like open up a couple doors man yeah

once you get there i mean they're hurting them through pretty quick but still right you're almost

at dead run at some points in that line trying to get kept up but yeah no it was a good show and

this is i was trying to remember this was my third or fourth but uh it was great well organized the

only thing was when we went in and we're going down this this long road with hundreds and hundreds

of beers and they're all like in a 20 mile radius they were all colorado and then we said oh let's

get out of here let's get out of here let's get out of here let's get out of here let's get out of here

we'll go up the next aisle we're still in colorado there's a lot of colorado beer yes there are

holy moly i mean they were all over the place and uh and it was funny too because rick and i were

dressed uh incognito wearing our yazoo brewery shirts with fake names and i was john threw out

and i was brian and throughout the day people came up to us and said we love your beer

so i'll be sure to tell my next time i see him yeah so we were representing because not all the

breweries even though there were 3 000 beers and god knows how many breweries not everybody got in

including some really good breweries like yazoo because of the way that this thing has grown in

popularity and yeah towards the end carol and i were just hitting the end caps you know the the

brewers that bring their big exhibit and all that yeah they get stuck on the end it's almost too

much just because it's too many beers and they're not going to be able to get to the end of the

beer and they're not going to be able to get to the end of the beer and they're not going to get to the

you have to be a little discerning or you have to have some kind of a plan to get through there

yeah you know and some of the lines i don't get it some of the lines that uh were there

you know well they were usually for sour beers which everyone seems to love these days yeah

nobody's ever had a sour beer before i've had enough for a lifetime i think but we also saw

our buddy johnny max who is now on the other side of the table pouring which is awesome

that was awesome it was really good to see him and tammy and watched him on his facebook journals

on the way up here and you know he's just very prolific as far as posting so you almost feel

like you know the guy even though you only met him a couple times yeah well i mean it's not like

we have texas big beer texas big beer and i thought the blonde was exceptional the texas

he had a renaissance cowboy which i really enjoyed too well the queens what was it the czar the wheat

something queen czar it was a special beer he made for his wife and it was an imperial stout

and it was really tasty and i was i was telling man you got to put this some of this in a barrel

let it sit and and he had the the uh good startup brewers complaint i don't have time

he's too busy running his stuff everywhere just trying to meet demand yeah well when you're doing

all your own inventory

you're doing your own brewing you're doing your own distribution and sales you know and then i

assume he has a life he probably likes to take a shower and uh maybe watch a little tv once in a

while so well when he's not doing that he's doing podcasting yeah yeah he's got several podcasts

he's got the survivalist network or something like that and um brew crazy brew crazy and oh

he's got like several up i don't know what all he's still got going on because this brewery has

really taken up his time

you know let's

take a musical break

what you got for us

sounds like a wiener i don't know i'll tell you what do you hear it you'll hear it yeah when you

hear it that's what it is

out in the desert there's a soldier laying dead

vultures pecking the eyes out of his head another day that could have been me there instead

nobody loves me here nobody loves me here

that's gonna kill me





that booby


and you're

in pieces

with every


your risk


old alibaba

is a


























Hit the roadblock somehow, I never hit the mine

Dice are rolling like the luckiest time

And death's gonna kill me

I got a wife, a kid, another on the way

I might get home if I can live through today

Before I came out here I never used to pray

Nobody loves me here, nobody loves me here

And death's gonna kill me

Dad's in a bad mood, dad's got the blues

It's someone else's mess that I didn't choose

At least we're winning on the Fox evening news

Nobody loves me here, nobody loves me here

And death's gonna kill me

Don't pretend we haven't been coming back

I've been wired up real like I told you Mac

But then we shove a limb into you and to a sack

And death's gonna kill me

Who's that stranger walking in my dreams?

Who's that stranger casting a shadow across my heart?

Who's that stranger I dare speak his name?

Must be old death the walking, must be old death the walking

And death's gonna kill me

Seven muzzle monkeys standing in a row

Standing waiting for that sandbox to blow

Setting targets in the wild west show

Nobody loves me here, nobody loves me here

And death's gonna kill me

Another engine in his waist this week

Child-fooled with his own willy feet

No one's fighting to speak double-speak

And death's gonna kill me

It's going to kill me

So just sit there and listen while we pour.

Because that's what every professional podcaster does.

Dead air time.


It gets people to listen.

It's use your imagination time.

And we're trying not to bang the table too much, but we're failing.

All right, Dave.

You're up.

Well, you know I like the bourbon barrel aged beers.

And this is the Boulevard Brewery's latest entry in their Smoked Snack series.

It's the BBQ.

It runs in at like 11.8.

On an ABV.

So it takes a little bit higher commitment when you open this model.

I haven't actually tasted it yet, so I can't tell you about that.

I did.

It's good.

Yeah, it's good.

It's a little cloudy.

Really nice copper, amber color.

It's got about a two, three inch head.

And fine bubbles, a little foam.

And tastes like bourbon.

Tastes like bourbon.


And this is a Belgian quad is the base.


And they added champagne.

And cherries, and then put it in there.

A portion of it's barrel aged, and then another portion's not, I think, is what I read.

So this is a blend, then.

It starts with a Belgian ale that is aged anywhere from eight months to two years.


So that's the quad, right?

In bourbon barrels.


So 16% ale, 84% ale aged in bourbon barrels with cherries.

11.8 alcohol by volume.

It's made in Kansas City, Missouri.

So it's a big beer.

And the IPUs are in the mix.


So Dave was asking earlier about blend, you know, like you have blended whiskeys.

He says, are there beers that are blends?

And so I started going off on about, you know, the geese and the blends that they do there.

And the porter originally was a blend.

But this is a blended beer right here.

We're bringing different things together to achieve an outcome.

And this is down the road from you, Chad.

Kansas City, yeah.

You can definitely taste the cherries.

Have you been there?

To Boulevard?


I mean, I know you like Boulevard.

Yeah, no, I've not been there for a tour, though.

They do good stuff, though.

Yeah, I like their single-wide IPA.


All their big beers are just great.

The Smokes Dexter is, yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

They really do a good, good, large beer.

And I honestly can't think of any.

What's their main Kroger beers that they have there?

I don't know.

I know Tank 7, which I think is still a Smokestack series.

Oh, Tank?

Yeah, Tank 7 is awesome, too.

It's a good one.

And this was based off the Six Glass, which is another one of their Smokestack series.


It's good stuff.

11% alcohol.

And what was that?

I saw something else over on the far side.

What's that other?


Okay, 16.

What does it say?

16% ale.



That's the breakdown of the blend there.

So, it's primarily bourbon barrels with cherries.

It's good.

And it's got a cherry note on it, on the finish.

That's tasty.

Enjoy this.

I like it.

It says, store upright and serve in an appropriate glass.

Which probably means small.


So, we're drinking out of GABF taster glasses.

That's an appropriate glass.

Which is appropriate, right?

So, you go to the Saturday session, the members-only session, and you get the nice glass tasters, right?


You still get all the idiots in the hall.

They're going, ooh, every time somebody drops one.

But all the other sessions get plastic glasses.

That's why I had a death grip.

I think they're nasty.

I had a death grip on my glass.

I just knew I was going to be one of the buffoons dropping the glasses here.

I think you dropped yours twice without breaking it.

I didn't.

No, that was in the car.

But I didn't drop it at GABF.

Man, I was just hanging on to it.

Sometimes two hands.

Yeah, so those little lanyards or glass cozies that you can get.

Those little lanyards or glass cozies that you can get.

Those little lanyards or glass cozies that you can buy.

Those are actually a good deal for this thing.

Yeah, and you had your horse collar beer holder.

So the first thing I did is when I saw the Dale's Pale Ale Oscar Blues booth,

they give away these beer.

Basically what they do is cut the tops off their beer cans

and then put Mardi Gras beads to them.

And then you can put your beer cup in there.

Except it doesn't fit.

So we're just walking around like idiots.

Like, hey, look, I'm wearing an empty can.

Yeah, it makes for a nice necklace.

And you can drink out of it.

I am advertising.

And actually smash your glass safely somewhere if you have to.

Or if you broke your glass, you could use that in second resort.

I wonder if they'd let you do that.

It doesn't have a pour line.

I don't know if they're supposed to.

Okay, so we saw something.

Oh, really?

We saw something there.

And this is pretty cool in terms of beer technology.

We saw two ends of beer.

So the first end, which was clever, was the, what would they call that?


It was a growler made of packaging that deflated.

Yeah, yeah.

So it was whatever that metallic stuff is that they make the little juice boxes out of.

Right, right.

So it's food grade.

And it was pretty clever.

And he had all these add-ons for the tops.

It was cool.

Because once you...

He opened it, you know, because that's the problem with growlers is your beer goes stale really quick.

It gets oxidized.

So you have to drink it within like 12, 24 hours after opening a growler.

This guy showed us that you can just like squeeze the air out and then fill the top back up with CO2.

So he had a food grade CO2 handheld thing.

He also had a little bit of a bigger one, you know, so you can maintain CO2 on your beer.

So I thought that was very clever.

But it's five bucks.

And if you drop it, nothing happens.


It doesn't break because it's not glass.

So it's cheaper and more portable stuff.

And the whole refilling, I thought, okay, well, that's great.

But really, when you crack up in a growler, it's usually going to get drank.

Yeah, yeah.

Unless you're sitting by yourself.

I can see that.

But, you know, if you're buying a growler, that's for a party.

Well, a lot of people are going to avoid buying a growler just because, you know, they don't want to drink all that beer in one sitting.


They don't want their beer to go outside.

That's why they've got those half growlers now.

I see a lot of those more and more.

They're like 32 ounce, little, it's the equivalent of like sitting around drinking two to three beers.

Yeah, and they have those big metal growlers like you get with the water bottles.

And you have, so this thing was more like the wine in a box that you get.


Where it's actually in a little baggie and you can like squeeze a little thing, although it didn't have a squeeze thing on it.

But he had his science down.

He got all his stuff out and it was very interesting.

And then we had the other end of the spectrum.

I don't know if this is like a poorly executed joke or what, but the All About Draft or All About Beer magazine had sponsored some goons who had a bottle opener.

Oh, right.


And it was a piece of wood with a hook on it.

And people were looking at it going, what's that?

I said, it's a bottle.

And he goes, so?

I said, yeah, I know, right?

It's like, this is a bigger, bulkier, stupider looking bottle opener.

They said it's the best made bottle opener available.


And it's only one purpose in life is to open bottles.

It's like, make one thing and do it well.

And it's like, are these people, is this a joke?

Or are they actually serious thinking this is like the best bottle opener ever?

I was just thinking, how many trees did you guys kill to do this?

You know?


It was just dumb.

It was.

It's probably some byproduct from an industrial process that, you know, instead of throwing

this piece of wood away, they're doing something with them.


I don't know.

And besides that, I want my bottle opener to be multifunctional.



I mean, it should do a lot of things.

It should do several things.

Scratch back.

I have a credit card bottle opener.

It's not a credit card, but it's a credit card size.

So it's not multifunctional.

I suppose I could break into houses easier with it.

Because it is sturdier than a credit card.

Well, our current beer selection didn't need a bottle opener, by the way.

It was corked.

Well, that's right.

We haven't had.

Have we had anything that wasn't corked?


Oh, the Hebrew.

First one.

Starting off.



So we're three in and we're enjoying this bourbon barrel quad.




I think we're ready for the next.

All right.

Why don't you put us on hold and grab a beer?

All right.

The beer death.

March continues and where Dick is fading.

I have beer fade.

So we just opened the Firestone Walker, the Wookiee Jack, which is an unfiltered ale.

It's a black rye IPA from Firestone Walker.

It's part of their proprietors reserve series.

What do you guys think?

Well, I was still bathing in the gentle caresses of the barrel aged quad with cherries.

And Rick said, here, drink this.

And I went blind in one eye as soon as I tasted it.

And the Firestone, they have, you know, all the different jacks, right?

They have the, was it Union Jack is the bottom one?

Yeah, I think Union Jack.

And then they have Double Jack, which is awesome.

And so the guy in the beer store said, oh, you got to try Wookiee Jack.

So that's what we're drinking.

But man, it just jumps up and takes your money and makes you feel bad about yourself.

Well, you don't expect an IPA.

You don't expect an IPA because it's black, you know.


Unless you're focused on a black IPA.

But it's not real coffee or burnt notes either.

The rye is pretty prevalent in it, but it's got some hop, plenty of hop notes into it.

What's it, 8%?


It's very assertive.

I like it.


Oh, yeah.


So anyway, we were talking about how we're kind of dragging.

Because we've had a lot of beer over a number of days.

And it's a beer.

We don't kill most people, but we are professionals.

Amateurs don't try this at home.

That's right.

Yeah, it's been nonstop going from one beer to the other.

It was really noticeable last night.

We went, we returned to 12 degree brewing.

And this was after GABF, after running around and everything.

Well, we had gone to Mountain Sun, too.

We'd gone to Mountain Sun.

Delicious food.

Had some good beer, too.

Oh, man.

And so that's where Chad and I, so we were there.

We were there at GABF.

And we, God knows how many beers we had tried.


And we went up to, oh, there's Mountain Sun.

So we go up there and had the big boy stout that they make.

Took a drink and went, looked at each other and went, whoa, that's a good beer.


And that's amongst a lot of good beers.


It's like, you know, we were talking about some of them just rise above the rest.

And then it's like, we got to go get more of this.

And so that was the expedition to Mountain Sun.

We started off with a bourbon.

Went in a bourbon Imperial Stout.

They had, yeah, they had another one at Mountain Sun that was a bourbon Imperial Stout.

And it was awesome.

Holy moly.

I mean, we're drinking all these just rich, decadent beers.

And it was awesome.

I mean, delicious beers and great food.

And, you know.

So then we went to 12.

We went to 12 degrees and it's like everybody's looking at their beer.


By that time.

It looks nice.

The switch was flipped.

I'm not putting another thing to my lips.

But the guest tap was the perennial.


Which I tried.


That's what you had?

It was just awesome.

And so we had the, and the Saison that I had at 12 degrees, which I'd had before.

It was great.

But we had just, we had hit the wall.

I went with the zero ABV style of beer that day.

It's the one in four ingredients in the beer.



The prime indicator that, yeah, that we had, had, had peaked.

Rick was drinking water.

He had surrendered.

Rick is never the first to go down.

This took him out.

It's just time for water.

The GABF swept the leg and Rick was, he was down.

It was the pregame.

I think we did a bit too much pregame.

Four day pregame.


That, yeah.

That might have had something to do with it.

But anyway, tasty beverages.

So, uh, Wookie Jack, uh, it's departure from what we've been drinking.

Well, we're moving into IPAs next.


Cause we didn't want to go the other way, right?

No, you would erect your palate a little bit.

So it wouldn't have been that good.

Um, I think I like I'm hemorrhaging internally or something.

This one does strike the palate.

Some people actually get a hop allergy where they start to sniffle and sneeze.


Around the hops.

I don't know.


You're going to get hit with that.

Oh, I think it's just because we've been drinking for five days.

Best be safe and guzzle some Benadryl.

And enjoying all that healthy beer sleep.


Which, it's funny though, the longer I've been here, the first day I was here, I could

not get enough water during my, you know how like in your beer sleep, you wake up, oh God,

I gotta get some water.

I'm all dehydrated and stuff.

I couldn't drink enough.

Now, nothing.

I'm used to it.

He's already acclimated.

Now he's going to go back to Tennessee.

And he'll be like, I'll have all this oxygen in his blood.

God, I don't know what's going to happen when I get back to Nashville tonight, which they

were doing stuff.

We were getting updates from the Oktoberfests going on, which I'm here, so I'm not seeing


I don't feel any less deprived because I was in GABF.

But what do you got?

You've got an Oktoberfest event coming up, right?

That's right.

I've got three beers brewed.

It's a church thing.

So I've got.

I've got a Bock that I made quite a while ago.

These guys have been lagering.

I've got an Oktoberfest style and a Weiss beer.

So that'll be fun.

And then I'll make some bratwurst and we've got some elk sausage to serve, some knackwurst.

We'll do a little summer sausage and maybe some smoked kielbasa and some German, hot

German potato salad with all the bacon in it.

You're just covering all of it.

You're just covering all of the meat-filled tubes.

That's right.


So it's a good deal.

It goes to benefit a men's and organization.

But this is also one of the last obligations you have before you can actually brew something

for yourself.

Right, right.

So I've been giving away almost all my beer recently, so I've got like zero in reserve

for myself.

Should I start looking for bourbon barrels?

Because you know how I like that.

Yeah, I know you like that.

You should brew.

Just one barrel is all I need.

That'd be a lifetime supply.

Get you set up with brewing and then you could do it yourself.

Are you going to any events, Chad?

No events planned.

And say where I am, and I don't know if you've looked into this, we have a meetup group,

Music City Beer Society, and 800 members on meetup.

This is Nashville, just Nashville.

And it's like...

Every week, there's one to two to three events.

It's just insane how much stuff is going on.

And that's Nashville.

So I know it's going on.

A lot more stuff going on elsewhere in the world.

But man, it's just crazy how many things there are.

It's getting harder and harder.

So we were talking to, I forget who we were talking to, but they were talking about, well,

here's the GABF.

We've got all these brewers coming in.

There's like almost too many now.

To get in there.

Oh yeah, there was a good 300 that tried to sign up but couldn't.


And so you've got all of these.

Who are we talking to that it's like it's going to...

Even though the volume of people switching from massive...

They're talking about doing a West Coast, East Coast thing.

And maybe in Denver is that the conversation?

No, no, no.

I'm talking about where there's so many craft beers now, it might even cause dilution of

the market.

Even though the market can grow larger because more, we're told, more and more people are

leaning towards craft beers, it's still because of the explosion.

And it'll actually make it harder.


So we're not actually gaining more market share.

We still have the 5% to 6%.

But what's happening are the people like Avery, they're being put to the side for the new

up-and-coming guys.

Right, right, right.

Yeah, they got kicked off a tap.

So they're kind of cannibalizing each other.



There's only some...

There's only so much shelf space.

There's only so much volume.

And so I don't know if that's true everywhere.

So like in Nashville, this is the thing I noticed, the big difference between Nashville

and Memphis.

You go to Memphis and you got your Budweiser's and Miller's and the light versions and the

MGD's, and then there's a couple of craft beers.

In Nashville, it's the exact opposite.

And honestly, there are many restaurants, there is no Budweiser.

There's no Budweiser on tap.

Obviously, it's in the store.

And you can still go buy it all day long.

But the restaurants and stuff, they're getting away from it.

And that's where some of these guys...

And I would say this is something where in the shelf space, it's not going to change

that much because it's distributor controlled.

But I think in the restaurants, you're going to see a lot more craft beers.

Yeah, and that also leads into the whole conversation of craft versus crafty beer.


You know, the crafty beers are these guys, the imbevs and the...

Oh, yeah.

The South Africans at SAB, you know, who come out with...

Well, Shock Top is a great example.

You know, and beers like that.

Most of us who know what we're talking about aren't fooled, but Blue Moon gets a huge share.

I mean, I've got to give perks to the AC Golden Brewing.

Those are the micro brewers at Coors, but they're still...

They're not going to go broke if they stop selling their craft beer.


You know.

But they're not having...

They're like subsidized from the beginning.

No, no...

They can't fail.

Their only job is to take money out of pockets of craft brewers, you know?

And then there's the investments, too.

So, like Goose Island, which we went and hit more than once yesterday to get that Bourbon

County stout and the Bourbon County coffee.

Holy moly.

Good stuff.

I mean, those are fantastic beers.

And those are some of the beers who are like, oh, yeah, this is a good beer.

And Butterweiser, imbev, right?

Owns Goose Island.


Lock, stock, and barrel.


So, you know, I don't...

You know, they didn't...

I would call that crafty beer.

Well, okay.

So, at what point?

After they were bought?

Were they craft beer prior to being bought?

Yes, they were.

So, being owned by a mega brewer...

So, if you went to Chicago, you went to Goose Island, and you went to Pizza.


Those were the two micro brewers.

Well, I went to Uno Pizza for my pizza.

But, yeah.

So, crafty, then, according to Rick, is based on who owns you.



Not true.

I think there's some ones that are like Shock Tops, and what are those other...

What's some others?

Red Bridge, or some of these fake breweries.

Who does Red Bridge?


Do it.


I was reading an article yesterday.

It said the current craft brew market's 7%, and they project it over the next decade to

grow to 15%.



Which is a pretty significant increase over the next 10 years.

So, that means Butterweiser's still going to have 85%.

In the end of the market.


Yeah, that sucks.

So, when it comes down to it, you can take a pretty bottle and put a neat label on it,

but it's what is in the bottle that makes the difference, and a true beer connoisseur

is going to pick a true connoisseur-type beer.

And so, if you were looking at that, though, and comparing the apples...

How many of those guys that we saw yesterday, do you think were true beer connoisseurs,


Which ones?

As long as there's one good brewery...

The 50,000 or 10,000 of us that were in the convention center.

Well, I think they like a better beer.


I would have to assume that.

I mean...

How many homebrewers say their goal in life is to brew a Budweiser or a Klum?



So, they've got to have a little bit more appreciation, but I would say, you know, you

talk about people who like good beer, who like whatever.

Same thing with people who go out of their way to go to restaurants to eat, and certain

types of food or whatever.

I mean, we could all eat McDonald's if we wanted to.

Pink slime.

Yeah, but...

You know, I think it's probably proportionately people who seek a better quality of something.

So, speaking of fine handcrafted ales, we've got ourselves a Green Flash Green Bullet Triple

India Pale Ale.

And this looks like an IPA.

Smells like an IPA?

Sounds like an IPA.

Yeah, there's tons of hops in there.

It says, a full-bodied triple IPA Green Bullet combines New Zealand-grown Pacific gem and

Green Bullet hops.

Significant pining.

And citrus hoppiness hit the palate at first sip, accentuated by tropical notes of mango

and pineapple, ending with a moderately aggressive bitter finish.

All right.

So, the next one's the Crooked Stave Origins.

It's a burgundy sour ale aged in oak barrels.

It's about 6.5% ABV.

And Crooked Stave's one of those breweries locally that has just taken off.

I mean...

I don't know where you guys are at, but we're here in Denver.

Sour beers are insanely popular right now.

Everybody wants them.

Everybody's drinking them.

Huge long lines.

The Sour Beer Festival sold out in tens of seconds.



Yeah, yesterday, I know at GABF, there was a huge line for Crooked Stave.

But that's why I think you get a lot of, you know, what we were talking about, the people

who really appreciate a good beer.

Because you put this in front of someone.

And everybody who is just getting into this, it can turn them off really quick.

Because it's not what they think of as, quote, beer.




So, I've been telling everybody all weekend, this Chad guy who runs Crooked Stave, you sit

there and listen to him, and he gives a very technical presentation.

I think the guy's a PhD in chemistry.

But he'll say, okay, so you, you know, at this point to the boil, you're going to develop

this precursor.


And then he'll say, okay, then you add a little bit of oxygen here at this stage and a little

oxygen here.

And you got, you know, acetyl butyl or whatever.

And it tastes and smells like vomit.

So, you don't want to do that.

You know, but it's just kind of cool that he knows at what point during the brewing

process, different bugs that you want to accentuate kick off and bugs you don't want, you know,

you have to keep out.

So, he's schooled in the sour art.

He'd be smart.

And so, this, you said it's a burgundy sour?

Yeah, it's a burgundy sour ale.

What the hell does that mean?

I have no idea.

It must mean more sour because it's very sour.

It's a color.

Dick's always about color beers.

Give me one of them reds.




Is there, but it's not like, we aren't saying burgundy as in like a wine.

As a wine.

I don't think so because it's aged in the oak barrels.


It's a very, very sour.

It's a very tasty sour beer.

And it's not, you know, on scale, you can have some of these sours that go towards that

sweat and horse blanket and very acid-y tasting.

So, this looks to be about 12 ounce bottle.

Do you remember what you paid for it?

Yeah, it was $12.

Dollar and ounce.

Buck an ounce.

Get your face all twisted up.


It gets a lot of the vinegar taste to it.


It's good.

There were two left and they limited it to one per person.

So, figured why not.

No, it's a special purchase, no doubt.

That's very tasty.

And it's from a range of sours.

It's probably a little to the right of mid-sour.

I'm actually liking this one.

It's not too vinegary.

It's got a little bit of Britannia mysis in it.

Lactobacillus, all I could say.

It's not leaving some kind of weird nasty taste in your mouth either.

It's actually a lot better as it warms up.

When I first took a drink of it.

I think I'm getting the same note.


If you're a fan of sours, I think this would be a good one for you.

Do we say where Crooked State is?

It's right here in Denver.

They are in Denver?

I think you said here.

He used to be up in Fort Collins, and then he moved down to Denver recently.


Yeah, there's one or two breweries in Denver.

Yeah, and there are a bunch of guys in my beer club that, I mean, they just love the sours.


They're trying to brew them all the time, and it's like, well, okay, that's a really

nice bucket of nail polish remover you got there.

You know?


Thanks for the acetone.

I mean, call me when you try it again, you know?

So if your sour beer taste is off, it's still a viable paint remover and helps you with

your antiquing your furniture and stuff like that, right?



Good stuff.

Well, this is tasty.

And we went through, and I took a picture and stuck it on Facebook.

How many is, is it six beers that we've run through?


Sounds good.

And we didn't drink, I mean, well, we drank a lot of them, but.

But four people and a sheriff, so.

It was good stuff.

Any standouts in this, they were all excellent, but any particular standouts on this one?

I'm sure you're going to like the bourbon one.

Yeah, I'm a fan.

I'm a fan of the bourbon.

I thought the Wookiee Jack was good, the black IPA.

I kind of like that barrel-aged, bourbon barrel-aged quad from Boulevard.

I really like that.

Boulevard Smokestack?

Well, actually, that and the pumpkin.

Those are my top two.

Yeah, those are my two favorites.


I wasn't in a hot mood today.

I think I had too many, I think I had.

Well, you've been on the beer death march for.

I know.

All hopped out.

And, okay, so I'll survive that until next year.

Then that'll probably be the year that kills me.

Find me dead, like that chick puking up in the bus station.

I was wondering if we were going to bring that up.


Elvis and his chick.


And his chick.


They're all in costume.

Which is always a good idea.

We rode down on the bus with them.

Obviously, they were all set for a good old time and she ended up rolling around at the

bus station all day.

Laid out on the bench thing.

She was not going anywhere.

As if the costume wouldn't gain most attention.

All right.

Let's wrap it up.

We've had a lot of great beers, a lot of great times over the last four, five years.

It's like an event here in Denver

It happens every year

If you don't have any plans for next year

Plan on doing this

It's had its way with me

I'll see you next time

Drive safe

You said the moon

Was out

You said the moon

Was out

To hell with the day

The sunlight is always on

Take love away

Raise up suspicions

And alibis

But I can't see the wind

Tear blinded eyes

Lies, lies, lies

Oh, lies

I got a storm

Where my heart should be

I got a storm

Where my heart should be

And nothing I do

Will make you love me

I need you

This time

Break all my ties

Be no more use

For any disguise

Lies, lies, lies

Oh, lies

Lies, lies, lies

A lie, a lie

Lies, lies, lies


Oh, lies, lies

Lies, lies, lies

Oh, lies, lies

By no means

How do I


by You

I want to die

Without pain


I want to die

Without pain

All this deception

I just can't maintain

The sun, moon, stars in the sky

It hurts me too bad

If you say goodbye

Lie, lie, lie, oh lie

Oh why, oh why

Why, oh why

You've got me

Here again

You're gone

Girl, how dare you

Make my heart Celine

Woo, what's this going to be

What I've년


I want to die

Without pain

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