The Show 2-21-21

Kieran & Rock

The Show

The Show 2-21-21

The Show

Comedy talk at its worst. It's the Lunatic Radio Show.

What up, everybody?

LR Radio Show.

Lunatic Radio Show, show, whatever the fuck you want to call it.

Very grumpy coming in. Hi. Hi, cool teacher in the chat room.

Yeah, welcome to the radio program, everybody.

I'm Kieran, that's Chris Italia over there in the beautiful city of New York,

which everybody is leaving, apparently.

Is that right?

I don't even know if Chris' microphone is working.

Is it right?

Everybody's leaving?

It was packed this weekend. I'll say that.

It's packed this week?


A lot of people are walking around.

I took a drive around Manhattan just to see what was going on.

It seems like, you know, I mean, we were packed pretty much all weekend,

and brunch was packed both days.

So, you know, there's definitely people around.

I don't think it's empty.


I think more people are coming back.


I'm leaving.

Anybody listening to the live show, please let me know if you can hear Chris now,

because I don't know if I can hear him or not.

My headphones in my studio are so off of what the people are hearing the show at back home.

I have no idea what the sound audio sounds like.

Can you hear me?

No, I can hear you, but I don't know if the people can.

And you sounded muffled.

And when, like, your voice was coming over the audio that I was playing,

I was like, I don't know if I can hear him.

I'm like, I fucking don't care.

Chris sounds good.


Chris sounds low coming in.

So now you got to turn up your microphone.

Jesus Christ.

See, you can't shut me down.

I know.

I can't.

I can't fucking.

I don't understand.

How about now?

I don't know.

I don't know, because I'm sitting in my studio,

which apparently is the flagship where all this fucking noise is coming from.

Yet, I don't know.

Can you tell me how it's worse?

Yet, I don't know what the fucking show sounds like.

I sound super loud in my headphones, but I'm like,

I guess I got to deal with it because I'm sound super low to the people

that are listening to the show.

This is all fucking behind the scenes bullshit,

but it's driving me fucking bonkers, dude.

I can't.

What's the thing you got going?

I need some fucking 17-year-old or 18-year-old mother whiz kid

to come in here and go,

this is all your fucking shit's out of whack, old man.

This is how we fix it.

I think you just need an audio engineer.

I do.

I need something.

I need a fucking gun pulled trigger.

That's what I need.

You guys see this, by the way?


We see your dog.

I know.

We see your dog.

I have fucking lost it with this show.

I have lost it with the show.

I'm done.

I think I'm done.

I did a radio call-in on Reckless Radio.

You weren't acknowledging it, so I wanted to make sure that.

I was just like, I'm going to.

Chris sounds good now.

All right.

Coming in from Cool Teacher, Chris sounds good now.

So there we go.

All right.

So we're all set.

We're all ready to go and do radio shows.

If you want to follow this mess of a radio,

the program that's been on for two decades,

follow us at Lunatic Radio across the board.

If you have a random question,,,

If you want to do that and send in some fucking shit.


There you go.

Even my monitor level on my board that cost me $2,000

does not fucking work.

Mine cost $80.


I should have just fucking.

What's that thing?

What's that going on?

Everybody else is spinning.

Why is that spinning?

What is spinning?

I don't know what's spinning, Chris.

In your mug.

What is that?

What is, what is spinning?

What's that thing in your mug that's spinning?

In my mug?


I don't know.


What are you talking about?

Looks like it's spinning.

I don't know what you're saying right now.

I have no idea what you're saying.

I have no idea.

It looks like the liquid inside is spinning.

It's coffee.

I have coffee.

I'm drinking coffee.

I drank alpha.

It's alpha brain.

I got some caffeine running through me.

I'm going to be fucking drunk.

Is it a mug that makes coffee by itself?

It's a mug.


It looks like one of those mugs that makes coffee by itself.

Like it brews coffee.

I don't know what fucking cheapa you were smoking this weekend, but I don't know what

coffee that makes it sound like that.

I don't know of a mug that makes coffee by itself.

I do.


His mic needs to be up, not pointed down.

Oh, so people can't see.

Oh, come on.


See, there you go.

Cool teacher's trying to teach you how to do radio.

I can barely reach.

I don't have the right chair to adjust.

Well, if you're on the radio, Chris, talking into the microphone is probably the first


We need the cover.

You know, it's the first.

Why wouldn't a mic, a mic this size, why wouldn't I be able to go like this and talk to it?

Why do I have to have it right here?

Yeah, because it's one of those Joe Rogan type microphones.

You got to talk right into that motherfucker.

You know, that's the way it's got to be.

If you want to call into the radio program, 716-325-0299.

If you want to use that number, 716-325-0299 to leave drunk calls, instead of barishing

yourself in front of your mom's, dad's, husband's, boyfriend's, whatever, and you don't want

to leave a drunk call message, you can call the radio program, 716-325-0299, and we'll

replay your message on the show and make fun of you.

So it'd be kind of fun.

Oh, that sounds like an incentive.

Yeah, it's an incentive.

Me of all people.

People used to do it for many years.

They love doing it.

So yeah, go ahead and do that if you want to do that.

All right.

So it is the Lunatic Radio Show.

A lot has happened.

I watched the Patrice O'Neill fucking documentary last night.

I didn't get to it yet.

You didn't see it yet?

No, I was going to watch this definitely this weekend, so I'll probably watch it tonight.

But, you know, I know a lot about it because I set up a lot of the things on it, and I

helped out with some archival footage.


And Bill Burr's interview was done at the stand, I believe.

I think one or two others that are present for the documentary.

Yeah, it's a bunch of comedians talking about how much they love Patrice and blah, blah,

blah over the years and stuff.

Yeah, it was great, man.

I loved it.

It was, it really, it didn't.

Did you feel like you learned something new that you didn't really already know about


What's that?

Did you feel like you learned something new that you didn't know about him?

Me, no, but I would imagine, like, somebody who's just doesn't know, didn't follow Patrice

that well would learn something new, you know?

I mean, I obsessed about Patrice.

I think a lot of people, you know, they viewed him as, like, this guy who was, like, kind

of unapproachable, like he was too intimidating for some reason.

But he really wasn't.

It was just his way of, like, making it, you know, like, he didn't want to make it seem

so easy.

Like, you had to earn his, like, trust and friendship and all that stuff, which is fine.

A lot of people do that.

But he, it was almost like a test for him.

Like, if you can, if you can get through, like, me abusing you for a day, you know,

then I'm your best friend because, you know, it means that you're not, you're not so, like,

you're not buttoned up.

You're, you know, you let your guard down or whatever.

And I can be myself because this is what I do.

And if you're, if you're able to take it, then, you know, I'm going to talk to, you

know, like a normal person.

You know what I mean?

And that's what he would do.

I mean, he would kind of give people a hard time when he first met them.

And then eventually just warm up to you.

So, like, so we were filming, like, we were, I'll give an example.

We were filming a pilot for AIM.

And this was in 2006, I believe.

And he, he, he, like, for some reason, he loved the crew that we had.

Like, he thought they were just, like, the perfect amount of people and different kinds

of people that he can buzz balls on.

You know, like, he loved diversity in so many groups.

Like, so if you, if you were a white guy.

If you were a Spanish guy and a Polish guy in a group of friends, like, that was, like,

his shit.

He just, but if it was all three Italians, that was boring to him.

So, we had, like, this Israeli film crew, but we also had, like, you know, a mixture

of, like, sound, sound guy, you know, key grip, all that stuff.

So, he was just going in on them all day long.


Hold on.

You got a dog.

You got to get rid of the dog.

Because you.

Dogs are bothering your story as you're doing the radio show.



By the way, the documentary.

Which, by the way.

It's a documentary.

Which, by the way, he loved dogs.

I mean.

Great comedian.

One of the, one of the things he loved the most was dogs.


Oh, Patrice.



Yeah, I love dogs.

Like, that was, I'm herding a dog, someone, learning about, learning that someone herded

a dog versus learning that someone herded another human.

To him.

To him, the dog abuser was the worst person.


So, he was, you know, so he, so he went in on this crew.

We were filming him all day, right?

From morning, morning till, till night.

And so, it was about a 15-hour shoot all together.

And it was a long day for him because, you know, that's just, it just was done on a low


We had to, we had to get everything in one day.

And we had to set up different shots in one day.


Versus spreading it out over two or three days because we just didn't have the budget

for it.

And we told him about it.

We'd said, you know, if he was going to be okay with that, he was totally cool with it.

And we, you know, we went in, you know, we started, we started working on it.

And we arrived at his house that morning.

And from the drop, he just started in on, on everybody and just shit on everybody all

day long.


Especially the sound guy.

And the sound guy was like, literally by the time, by the time dinner came out there

late, we had a late lunch.

It was like four o'clock by the time we had lunch, late lunch, the sound guy was ready

to walk off the, the, the taping.

He was just like, I can't do this anymore.

This guy's just, I was like, I'm telling you, it's okay.

I'll give him a talking to or whatever.

And we'll, we'll be all right for the rest of the night.

And he was like, I'm going to go to the next day.

And the next thing he says, I'm, I didn't have to say anything.

We're sitting at lunch and Patrice chooses that guy to sit next to.

And all of a sudden he just starts endearing himself to him.

You know, like, Hey man, you know, tell me your situation, where you're from, your wife,

you know, this, that, and they're like, they just got into it, you know?

And all of a sudden Patrice has got a thousand questions for this guy.

That's not, has nothing to do with ball busting.

And by the end of, by the end of eating that meal, which was like about,

about an hour, they were best friends.

And just to see the way he turned it on for that guy and made that guy like

kind of fall in love with him.

It was incredible.

It was just, but like, that's what he did.

And I, he was charming in that way.

And like, you know, every time he felt like you were going to hate him,

you fell in love with him.

And that's, that's, that was his thing.

He just knew how to turn everybody to his side.

Even like, you know, like he says a lot of,

misogynistic things, you know,

in his standup and his just way of life and all that stuff.

And you might be offended if you're a woman,

but if you spent any time one-on-one with him,

by the time you were done, he would have had you.

Like he would have turned you,

even if you still didn't agree with what he said,

you still would have said, oh, he's like a really nice guy.

He made me laugh.

So like, it was hard to hate him.

He was just so good at what he did, you know,

at making people like him.

He made people connect with him that it was, it was hard.

It was hard to like say, yeah, I don't agree with anything he says,

but I, but yeah, he's fucking hilarious.

And I still love him, you know?

So like it would, that was the way it was.

And he kind of like, you know, when he first started comedy,

he was just going up there and kind of writing jokes on stage,

you know, and not really having like a typical act,

you know what I mean?

And then like the switch went off at some point where he just,

you know, worked the audience, worked the audience,

worked the audience until they became his playground.

And eventually like he can go, I was on,

I've watched shows with him where he'd be two or three hours sets.

And the entire time people are fucking rolling, you know,

like I've seen other comics do that, like Chappelle and,

and it's not the same.

He fucking has you rolling the entire time.

And it's, if you can,

if you can catch,

if you can catch it,

it's one of the best things ever.


you and I saw him in Parsippany,

New Jersey at a holiday inn or something like that.

Sorry about the dog.

He did.


As soon as I start talking,

the dog goes,

dog doesn't like my voice.

She doesn't like your voice.

There goes the dog.


You saw him in,


I don't even know where I was.


you saw Patrice.


In Parsippany,

New Jersey.

And he did a,




And yeah,


he's just great.

It was good to watch the documentary.

Think about it.

Think about that show that you went to in Parsippany,

New Jersey is like a catering hall within a hotel.


It was just some,


you know,

it was just some show in the middle of nowhere.

It really was.


and you know,

where they just threw a stage up in a hotel somewhere.

And you can probably,

you can probably say that the majority of that audience was like white,



like husbands,

husband and wife,





you know,

whether they were there to see him or they weren't,

it was 200 and changed the people in there.

And he had them the entire fucking time.

Like he had them in the palm of his hands.

And it's like,

you would expect like this crowd might be my turn on him.

And maybe it was a different time,

you know,

than it is now.

And I always wonder,

I mean,

like you'll hear it over and over.

What would Patrice be doing now?

And you know,

how would things go now?

And you know,

this is,

he would have loved this time.


He would have loved this time because he would have been able to challenge it.

And he would have been like the,

his most favorite thing to do because he was always challenging audiences.

He was always trying to get them to,

you know,

not agree with him.

And then he can turn you and would agree with them.

It's fucking amazing how you work.

He probably would have thrived in the,

in this time,

because of the crazier the world.

I mean,

that's what Patrice was.

He would take simple things and make them sound crazy.

So with the world in turn becoming crazy and things being outrageous,

just in everyday society,

it would have been something special for him to comment on because he would have,

he would have a different angle than any,

because we live,

we certainly do live in a,

in a time where everybody has a fucking opinion,

but Patrice's opinion on imagine in this time would have been unique.

You know,

but yeah,

he used to go on those like news shows and,


and debate political pundits because it was just fun.

You know what I mean?

I'm like,

I really had no fear.

He had zero.

He has no idea.

He has no idea what he's talking about.

There's zero idea.

He has no idea about politics,

but he wouldn't figure it out along the way as he's talking.

He would figure it out.

He would get,

he would just sit there and listen to what they said and then just be the adversary.

In any way,

you'd pick one or two words that they used.

And he would just sit there and listen to what they said and then just be the adversary.

And just throw it right back in their face.


Like it was fantastic.

It was like a boxer.

It was jibbing and jabbing.


And then there was that one famous one where he like went after that woman.


But she's like a right wing.


She's like this right wing,

like political.

Like she,

she was all about censorship or whatever,

you know?

And he just like went in on her and like,

she kept saying like,

you know,

you don't think it's wrong for people to say the N word.

He's like,


you should say it.

Say it right now.


you know,

I know you want to say,

you know,

and he was like,

he was like saying like borderline racist stuff to her.


So you can try and get it out of her.

And this is,

this is live on fucking Fox news.

You know,

it's amazing.

I've never seen somebody.

I never seen a comic that made me pay attention more than Patrice O'Meal.

I mean,


Oh yeah.

You had to watch the entire set.

Fire was before my time.

Obviously I listened to Dave Chappelle.

You know,

when he talks,

you just have to listen.

Some reason he brings him,

but Patrice was one of those guys.

And obviously maybe I'm a little partial to him because I saw him live a bunch of times,

but man,

he just,

I don't care what the fuck he was talking about.


I wanted to listen to him.

I wanted to hear him figure it out or whatever the hell he was talking about.

I wanted to hear his thought process and the way he thought.

And he was,

he used to do that just on stage.

He wasn't one of these guys that got on stage was just like,

you know,

how did the chicken get across the road?

He didn't do punchlines.

He told stories.

He figured shit out.

It was very interesting to watch.

He had a philosophy with the way he lived and he,

whether you liked it or not,

or whether you thought it was appropriate or not,

he stuck to it.

And so it rubbed a lot of people the wrong way when they first heard it or,

you know,


you know,

you just like listening to it and just like,

why is this guy saying this?

And it's like,


you got to listen to the whole thing.

If you listen to the whole thing,

it'll all start to make sense.


you know,

some people just wouldn't do it cause they didn't want to like them,

but they,

they would wind up fucking loving them.

And that,

you know,

that's so hard to do.

Now there's not,

there's not enough people that do it.

I think the only one that's really kind of captured some of that is Bill

because he's from that school and Bill's been able to like kind of take a

little bit of that essence that retreats had and put it into his own,

his own,

his own standup.

It is fun to think about where Patrice would have been,

you know,

cause Bill Burr was kind of like his,

you know,

his crony going up,

you know what I mean?

And Bill turned into like a legend.

He's like a name.

And you wonder where Patrice would have been at this point,

you know,


in 2021,

you know,

had he,

you know,

lived and continue to do standup and stuff,

you know,

what do you have been,

you know,

like a Chappelle type,

you know,

all these guys say the Mount Rushmore of comics.

What have you been up to?


let's put it,

put it this way.

When he,

when he first,


this last album,

elephant in the room,

there was so much,


there were so many expectations for that album to be great.

And so many people had anticipated it for so long.

They wanted it for such a long time.

So just on that alone,

you realized how huge he had been,

had been,

you know,

he had started to become this huge,

really big fucking comic.

And that would have been the start of like his superstardom.


Would have been elephant in the room.

And then by now he probably would have been,

you know,


you know,

they would have tried to have canceled him more than,

more than once,

but he may be able to have survived that.


you know,

no one,

see the thing is the whole cancel culture thing is interesting because,


most people don't want,

are afraid of being taken down.

You know,

they have a lot of people around them that say,


you do this,

the money goes away.

You know,

the offers go away and all that stuff.

And so they would normally not press the envelope.

You know what I mean?

But he didn't give a shit about that.

He didn't want to be famous.

He would say it all the time.

He was like,

I don't want to be too famous to where I can't say what I want.

I want to just be right under the radar.

And I was,

there was a fear.

It was the only thing he really ever feared was being pressed with having to

be Kevin Hart,

having to be cat Williams,

because look,

I mean,

eventually cat Williams went away because why he wasn't PC.

And like,

you know,

he was a little bit fucking crazy and he would say crazy things and he

didn't want to be that guy,

but he also didn't want to be Kevin Hart either.


You know?


you know,

and that's,

you know,

Kevin Hart is,

I'm sure I've told you the story.

Now that I bring up Kevin Hart,

it was,


he's the torture.

Kevin Hart torture.

There is video.

Obviously in a,

in the documentary,

you see a little bit of the video of giant six foot six Patrice.


Kevin Hart on the,

on the city streets of New York and having that little pow out outside the

comedy club,

you can see a little bit of Patrice torturing Kevin Hart.




and so like one story that's like kind of legendary now was,


that was so you,


most comedy fans know that there was,

there's a comedy seller,

obviously on McDougal street,

Manhattan and right around the corner for a long time was a place called

the Boston comedy club.

And really the Boston comedy club was like this,

you know,

shit room that you would just always try new material in.

And then you would go do your a material at the cellar.



and you were doing spots.


back and forth all night long,

you know?



so Kev,

you know,

basically Kevin Patrice,

they would rotate from both clubs.

And when a lot of times what happened was you would do a spot at the

cellar and then you would run over to the Boston comedy club and have to

wait for the person to get over on stage.

And then you go on stage and do your spot.

So a lot,

so a lot of times Patrice would be trailing Kevin,


So Kevin was now on stage at the Boston comedy club.

And since there was no,

where to go in Boston and the Boston comedy club,

either you were sitting as a comic,

there was no green room.

So either you were standing outside or you were,

you know,

we watching the comic inside.

So sometimes Patrice would stand and like,

he loved to heckle.

He loved to heckle comics,

especially his friends like Jim Norton,

Colin Quinn and Bill Burr and stuff.

He loved to fuck around.

But there's one time where he's,

he's standing there at the Boston comedy club and Kev's,

you know,

burning the light a little bit.

And he's,

and he,

he's got to get back to the cellar to do another spot.


So fucking,


he picks up a fucking phone book and he just flings it at stage.

And like from the corner of his eye,


Kev sees the phone book fucking coming.

He just dodges it.

It was,

and he just starts flipping out.

Like what the fuck are you doing?

You're fucking crazy.

He goes,

step on the phone book.

No one can see you.


And it was just the most,

I don't think at one moment even saying like,


this guy's crazy.

Just threw a phone book at Kevin Hart.


But the second is like,

that is the most hilarious thing ever.


He just threw a phone book and told the guy to stand.


And that's for truth.

And that's like,

that's it.

He would do.


I'd be in the crowd to sell her a bunch of times where he would totally


it would just be a back and forth between him.

And the comic on stage,

the entire,

the entire set would be that,

you know,


he would go back and forth with bill.

He would go back and forth with Colin and Bobby Kelly and,


and retreat.

And like,

I don't know,



Jamorn and like,

you know,

like with Bobby,

he would always like Bobby Kelly.

If anybody knows Bobby Kelly,



one of Patrice's best friends.

And with Bobby Kelly,

he always knew like this,

there's this angry guy from,

from Boston that was molested as a kid.

And he's pretending to be somebody else.

Cause Bobby's thing is like,

he talked about women a lot.

He talked about food,

you know?

And so like Patrice would always say,


talk about your anger and how much you hate people.

That's what you should be talking about.

That's what you should be joking about.

And so he would watch Bobby a person just aggravate him.

Anytime he would see him do like what,

what he deemed a surface or soft jokes.

He would fucking go in on Bobby on stage.

It's like,

I mean,

it's insane.

Like you're going in on your best friend in front of like,

you know,

a full packed house at the cellar or whatever it was.

Because he didn't think Bobby was being,

because he's like,

I'm not going to let you get through this easy.


I'm calling you out.

And so he would fucking incite them to like,

do the other shit that they talked about.

Maybe a week earlier that,

you know,

we were on the phone talking about this job.

How come you're not doing that joke?

And he would just fucking do it.

Like go in on you and you couldn't get through your set until you did what he



So like,

it was insane.

Like the fact that he,

not that he was like the police of it,

but he was,

he was sort of saying like,

I'm not going to let you be a mediocre comic.

Like I'm going to,

I'm going to push you to be better.

And that's why everybody loved him.


you know,

that he was the guy that was,

wouldn't let you get away with it.

He would do the same thing to Dane.

A lot.

It got to the point where Dane Cook couldn't perform in small clubs because

Patrice would always be there shitting on them.

And they were best,

they were best friends too.


that was the thing.

It came in,

it came in as a click,


It was Bobby,



and like maybe another handful of comedians all came in Boston around the

same time.

Bill Burr,

obviously is the other one.



you know,

they all kind of knew each other and they all kind of held each other to


There was a certain standard.

And if you didn't,

if you didn't follow that standard,

he was the one that,

that inflicted the pain.

And it was,

as a,

as a comedy fan,

if you were there on those nights,

it was fantastic to watch.


The one thing that came across in a documentary about Patrice is that he

was always,

he always wanted to be people to be truthful and he was truthful on stage.

That's what,

like what came across.

And I guess,

you know,

to his friends that were close to him,

he didn't want to see them be phony either.

So that's maybe the reason,

why he would heckle them.


And then offstage,

he was fantastic.

I mean,

he was,

you know,

I mean,


you know,

whether he rubbed certain people the wrong way or not,

you know,

maybe there was a few cases,

but for me,

for example,


you know,

he was always looking out for us.

He was always like trying,

you know,

cause we had,

we were just doing like produce shows and stuff like that.

You were clubs and,

you know,

shitty rooms and things.

And he,


he just kept pressing us,


keep doing this,

keep doing this.

You know,

you got to do more of these.

You can't just stop here.

You can't do that.

Even though you're not getting,

you're not even getting shit.

Like if it was a bad night,

like we would have a bad night audience wise every once in a while.

And he would be like,

you know,

give me half of what you told me you were going to give me.

You know,

I don't want,

I don't want your money because,

you know,

we obviously,


you obviously didn't do well audience wise.

And I'm not,

I don't want to take that money from you.

And it's like,


it's fine.

Like we were like,


you know,

we wanted you.

We wanted you on the show.

We're going to pay you what you're worth or pay you what we agreed to.

And he was just one of those guys is like always looking out for other


Cause he didn't want them to feel discouraged to not do it because we

were part of like helping him.


I mean,

we were always,

you know,

helping his brand and all that stuff and getting him a lot of stage

time on our shows,

giving him as much time as he wanted on any of the shows.

So like,

you know,

why should he discourage those,

those people from doing,

these shows,

even if they don't do well.


so he was constantly helping us in that regard.

Like he,

he really encouraged us and like,

you know,

he loved Patrick and,

you know,

sometimes like,

for example,

like Patrick booked that show,


that you went to in Jersey.

And you know,

when he didn't see Patrick,

he would always like worry about him.


is he,


what happened?

Is he all right?

You know,

why is he not here?

Cause Patrick would never miss like a set or anything like that.

So like,

you know,

he was always thinking about everybody else.

And like,

even that show,

he fucking crushed.

You saw it.

He calls me like an hour later and asked me if,

if I thought it was okay.

Like if I,

he had done good enough.


And I'm like,


you're fucking my first of all,

don't care about my opinion.


I mean like,



that's the last thing you should be worrying about.

But second,



you didn't hear that.

Like you crushed like,


you know,

I just want to make sure that getting their money's worth.

That's what he said.

And then it's like,



I mean,

you gave them an hour and a half of,

of comedy that was,

you know,


you know,

and never,

and never stopped fucking being amazing.


it's a,

it's a good documentary.

It really is a good,

it's a good documentary.

Patrice was a great comic.

He's certainly something that should be remembered for years to come.

You know,

he's not,

he's a,


he's an original really.

He really is.

So it's,

I mean,

if you're going to have comedy central,

you want to watch on a comedy,


it's a Patrice O'Neill killing is,


you go to the app now and they're,

they're running the full one.

I don't know if you realize on Friday night,

it was a cut,

it was a cut down version of it.


I saw it on the app.

I guess I got the full one because it was like an hour.


The app was,

there's no ads obviously.

And it's uncut.


It was,

it was,

it was great.

It was great.

It was cool to see everybody talk about them and the folks that knew him and,

and he was nice enough,


enough to do our show.


when we actually had Patrick Miller.


And that was a great,

and that was a great interview,



It was about,

it really wasn't an interview.

We were like,



welcome to the show.

And Patrice just went on and I was like,

that's good.

I'm good with that.

Just fucking,

you know,

he killed it.


he's a great gift to gab.

He has really,


well thought out,


points about relationships and all sorts of things in,

in life.

And it was,

it was great.


I miss him.



you know,

you gotta give credit to his,

you know,



who really never stopped working on that documentary.

She got kind of fucked over with the first production company she started working with.


you know,

she kept going,

you know,

and then she teamed up with bill,

which is the right move and,


got it right.

But she's been like,

she's done an incredible job of putting stuff out,


of his,

like consistently,


so you don't forget them.


you know,

she spaces it out and she produces that show every year.


they do the Patrice O'Neill annual memorial show,


in Manhattan.

And they do a great job of booking it.

And they,

and they make sure he's not forgotten.

And it's great because you don't want to ever forget a guy like that.

You know,

he just gave back so much.

And obviously,

you know,


you know,


you know,

just listening to his material,


it's just,



you know,

you don't ever stop playing it.

Like you'll,

you know,

if you start listening to his album,

you're not going to stop to the end.


And after I watched the documentary last night,

I went on the YouTube and I went on a fucking binge watch of,


tough crowd,

which was the old show.

What was it about?

That might as well have been called the Patrice O'Neill show.


And Patrice was on it a lot.

And it was,

you know,

like a,


a man paddle of comics and talking about the day's events.

And it was just,

it's great to watch Patrice on there.




when Colin sold that show to comic central in his mind,

he already knew what the show was going to be.


And it was,

it was all about putting a guy like Patrice on and having people see his



And he was,

he was,

he was fantastic on that show.

And that show should still be around it.

It's unfortunate.

It's that.


What are you going to do?

I mean,

at this point he's,

he's had offers.

I mean,


you know,

to come back,

he doesn't want to do it anymore.


You know,

it's something,

you know,

sometimes it's just,


it's good enough to let what happened,

happened in letter.



But also it's probably because it's a different time and you can't say

the same things you were doing when he did it.


It sucks.

You can't be honest anymore.



It's fucking fun.

Isn't it?




So go,


check out the Patrice O'Neill thing on comedy central.

You'll enjoy it.






he's a good person to remember.


let's do a break.

And so I can like,


by the way,

before I forget,

I mentioned his fiance.

Her name is Vaughn,


the color Brown,

go on her Instagram.

And she has tons of stuff,

Patrice stuff.


you know,

she's always updating.

So she's a great follow.

And she's started doing comedy like about three or four years ago.

And she's getting,

she's getting better and better all the time.

She's got her own voice too.

It's not like,

you know,

she's not like trying to do Patrice or anything like that.

So she's,

she's a good person just to follow on social media,

just for the stuff she puts out.

And then obviously,

you know,

things she talks about with Patrice,

say her name again,


Carlo Brown,


Carlo Brown.


I think Vonda Carlos on everything.

She mostly everything on her social media.

All right.



take a quick break.

30 seconds back.

I'm sure if it is,

you know,

a really big hit of window,



What up everybody?

LR radio program.

No rock anymore.

Rock's not on the show.

I'm too lazy to change the bed.

Are you going to do K dog and Chris bumpers?



Everyone's one.

I'm on.

I got to find the guy that did the voiceovers for this.

I'll do it.

I don't know.


I don't know.

I mean,

talking at the worst.

I'm good.

Now that Chris is on.

I'm completely on.

I'm on.

I got to find the guy that did the voiceovers for this.

I'll do it.

I don't know.


I'm on.

I'm completely behind you.

Not doing it.


LR radio program,


lunatic radio show.




that's us fucking a bro.


social media is at lunatic radio.

If you want to get this camera,


It's really frustrating.


You got the camera going.

Chris has got the camera.

He's got his background.

He's got a sheet rock.

He's got all that stuff going on.

Sheet rock.

Is this sheet rock?

I don't know.


it's brick.

Covered bricks.


I love when,


like I was just complaining to Chris before the show,


because we were having a lot of problems and I was fucking getting annoyed.

And I was like,


whoever decided to put these goddamn podcast on a goddamn video,

I'm going to fuck the string.

Cause it's my nightmare is the video portion of it.

It's such a pain in the ass.

It adds my head.

That's my nightmare.

Just because of my,

my face is on it.

It adds fucking hours into my prep to do the visual hours.

Got a fucking,

get graphics for everything I fucking talk about.


I want to strangle the motherfucker.

It was like,

let's put a podcast on the video.

Now I'm like,

now I'm like fucking CNN over here.

I gotta be able to editor,


fucking everything.

I'm like,

it's annoying.

I gotta be the host.

Trust me.

Fucking crazy.

Cool teacher.

Check it out.

That's what you are.

The host.

I just want to be the host.

I don't want to do the fucking cut,

the cut,

the shot to cut the fucking,

I gotta do all this shit.

As I'm doing,

what's the closest university to you?


Arizona state university.

If I did,

I guarantee you get an intern to come in.

She's gotta be blonde.




that's no,

you don't want that.

I know.

Cause I wouldn't do that.

I wouldn't care,

but can't have,

can't have.


I would do it.

I can't have,

I wouldn't get out.



I can't.



young enough to be my daughter.


it's all right.

Nothing wrong with that.





speaking of getting canceled,



everybody trying to cancel Patrice,

I guess,


Chris Italia is still being canceled.

Is that,

is that the case?



it's heartbreaking.

This one,

this one was heartbreaking.

What's I don't know.

I have no idea.

You have to fully explain this because I have zero clue what you're talking about.


you know,



I want to say about seven years ago,

I met this girl named Louisa Diaz.

Louisa Diaz.

Who's Louisa Diaz?

She was,

she was assisting,


she was assisting like the just for last festival.


you know,

she was doing,

she was doing scouting with them,

but she was like their New York scout all slash.


you know,

she would go travel the country with them,

finding other people.

But she was sort of like this guy,

Jeff singer,



who books the festival.


he was sort of like her assistant.

So she was a kind of like a learning experience,

kind of thing.


you know,


I hit it off with her because she's from Brooklyn.

You know,

she has like,


you know,

she has this fucking amazing story.

She was,

her dad was,


Pablo Escobar as accountant.


you know,

like did his books basically.

Is this the girl you said a couple of weeks ago on the radio show that you really liked?


That's the girl.


You like just talk nothing but nice about her for like a half hour.

I feel like


I mean,

I didn't,

I didn't say anything bad about it because I,



like she's always up until now,

like I've always had a great relationship with her.

It's like,

I didn't care.

You know what I mean?




even that from what happened with that,

I was sort of just going,

I'm going to let it go.

And at some point when I see her,

I'm sure I'll,

you know,

I'll just,

you know,


it'll be fixed.

You know what I mean?

Like it would too good of friends for it to not be fixed.



you know,

it's just,

it's just got stranger because like she has this,

I guess she has this podcast with this fucking,

you know,

what's now this guy's become a douche bag.

I mean,

it's like been fucking with me on,

on line and whatever.

And he was this comedian that it's like,

he's like a hipster comic from Brooklyn who like really got close to her.

And like,

he's brainwashing her because the things that she's saying don't make any


And so basically what is the gripe?

What is the gripe?

I mean,


it all started like,

so she's,

so through the years I've helped her,

she's helped me.


you know,

always been very cordial to each other and,

you know,

very friendly.


you know,

we've talked about,

you know,

family stuff and whatever.

And so we were always like friends.

I mean,

we would regularly meet for like,

you know,

dinner or brunch or whatever,

just to discuss like what was going on in her life.

And if she needed like help in business or whatever.


you know,

there was always an exchange of ideas and openness.

And like,

I enjoyed,

I enjoyed talking to her.

She was great.

So when we opened up the new,

we always looking like for a role for her because we liked her.

Like we were always looking for a way to like,


maybe you could do this at the stand.

You can do that at the stand,

you know,

like trying to figure out a way.

So like her thing is like,

she was booking comedy and she,

she's booked throughout her time.

She's booked,

a lot of stuff in Brooklyn.

And she was like booking the knitting factory for a long time.

And then she was booking a show,

a couple of shows in Manhattan.

And then I said to her right around when we opened,

she had lost the show she was doing downtown and Laurie Stein.

And we said,


you know,

it sucks.

This is a great show.


you were putting together a great show,


So I think it's called too many cooks or something like that.

It was the name of the show she was doing.

And I said,

just come,

you know,

just come and do it.

You know,

like you need a home,

you need a permanent home for that show and a place.

It's not going to fuck with you.

And it's not going to go away.

You know,

I'm not gonna,

you know,

tell you how to do your job or anything like that.

Just do whatever you want to me.

I thought it was like,

you know,

me extending like this,

you know,

all of like this branch to her saying,



let this,

let this be your new home forever.

You know,

like I don't fucking,

you know,

I don't want you to be out there.

Looking for what piece of shit bar dive that you're going to go to next.

Let's do it here.

You know,

and I don't know,


like apparently there was some animosity or resentment.

She was starting to build over time.


so she was doing the show there.

It was going well.


I never interceded and it's not,

I don't even handle that.

Patrick handles that more than I do.


you know,

I see her all the time.

You know,

we were dang out,




It was great time.

I sent you these photos of her,

like having a great time.


I got them at the stand,


you know,

and yeah,

she would post about being at the stand and like having a great time,


It's like,

to me,


how do I know anything's wrong?

You know what I mean?

But you know,

it all goes back to like that story.

I was telling you a couple of weeks ago where this,

where Louis Gomez,


you know,


she loved the mirror,

but she always like,

you know,

post her photos.


And then she even like posted like a photo from our first night that said day one.

So excited.

You know what I mean?


that's fucking,

that's who I remember.

You know what I mean?

That's who I,

who I think about.

And like that person right there is being,

is being very like playful,

you know,

with the mirror shots,

you know,

she's being,

she's saying like,

this is the best mirror.

It makes me look better than I am.

And like,

it would be,

it would be funny posts about,

you know,

always taking photos in that mirror.


and that's the women's bathroom,

by the way.


so it always goes back to this thing with Louis Gomez,



you know,


this guy,

Jake Flores has a problem with Louis,

doesn't agree with him,

doesn't like him.

So for a long time,

he egged them on,

on Twitter,



he's like a mother comic type guy.


He's like this hipster comic from Brooklyn or whatever.

You know,


he's like alt left.

And he thinks like,

you know,

he thinks every comedy club was owned by some alt right Nazi that deserves to die.

He's in the,

in the past week,

he says,

we should all,

all our clubs should burn down.


you know,

and that we're,

we're taking advantage of the government with the PPP loans and all that stuff.


you know,

we shouldn't be getting any money just,

just ragging on the entire comedy club industry.


the guy never plays a comic club.

So obviously what does he care?

You know,


he goes on to say things like,

you know,

no real comic makes,

makes a living doing,

doing their job at those clubs.

And I'm like,

you're out of your mind.

The amount of money we pay,

you can totally make a living.

There's some comics that between two clubs on a Friday and Saturday night,

they can make over a thousand,

over a thousand dollars,


just on one night,

you know,

sometimes a couple thousand over the weekend.

You know what I mean?

So talk about any younger doing,

and you still get paid doing spots throughout the week and traveling and wherever else you


So on a down week,

if you're not on the road and you're,

you're back home,

living in New York,

you're still working and you're still making money.

And if you're good,

you'll make the most money.

Just the way,

the way anything is.

He views things from the bottom,

because he is at the bottom,

you know,

he's always,

and no one pays him and he doesn't ask to get paid because his comedy is awful.

Nobody would pay him for that.

So like,

that's the thing.

Like he's,

he's complaining because where he comes from in Brooklyn and where he's kind of grown up as a comic,

if he makes $20 per spot,

it's a shock.

You know what I mean?

Like that's a shock to a system.

But if you're getting,

if you're working weekends and you're making,

you know,

between 80 to a hundred dollars a spot,

a hundred dollars for 15 minutes of work,

sometimes 12 minutes of work,


And then you can add four or five spots in one night.

You know,

for some comics,

even the up and coming ones who we always work weekends too,

especially with two stages,

you know,

they're extremely grateful and it's,

it is a living.

It is a living.

How is it not a living?

Think about it.

I mean,

some people wish to make,

you know,

a couple hundred dollars a day.


But these guys are making it in a,

in a,

you know,

within an hour,

you know,

like that's a living and he doesn't even realize like what that means to be a

working comic in New York.

You can absolutely survive and you can absolutely make a living.

You actually,

you know,

eventually live comfortable just doing that stuff.


you know,

he goes on whatever and he's like brainwashed her to think the way he


you know what I mean?

So anyways,


he's egging on this thing.

He's like,

I don't know what happened.

I don't know what happened with him and Lewis.

And like,

I don't know what happened leading up to this.

And I don't know if Lewis knows that the guy was going to be there.

Maybe she posted the lineup and he was on the show and like,

he like set his sights on it.

You know,

I don't know.

And maybe he did.

Maybe there was some malicious intent there.

I don't know.

And it's none of my business because that's their shit.

So they brought their bullshit to my venue.



you know,

I guess Lewis walks in,

sees this guy sitting there and walks over to him and says,

are you fucking Jake Flores or whatever?

And like,

Jake's like,

you know,

like cowering because he sees like this animal in front of him.

That's ready to fucking murder him.

You know,

this is the first time they seen each other.

This is Gomez from the legion of skanks guest.


This is the first time Lewis has seen Jake.

Never met him personally.


I mean,

never met in person.

All he knows,

that this guy is all the bullshit that he's been seeing about him online.

Getting people to docks and getting people to,

you know,

fuck with him or whatever.

And back and forth,

by the way,


they go back and forth online.

And so this is the first time we we've seen them.


no one tells us,


watch out for this.

No one.

No one says,

Hey guys,

this is the thing that's been going on between Lewis and people think I'm like,

people think I'm like,

I'm like,

I'm – myself or Patrick or my brother or Dave at the time think that we know what's going on with all the fucking internet beefs and we're supposed to fucking understand that this may go down tonight.

We had no clue.


No clue at all.

And why should you?

Because if I – yeah, why should I?

It's none of my business.

I don't give a fuck.

So at some point, you have to realize that if you think something is going to happen, then tell us it's going to happen.

And so apparently she's saying that Lewis had kind of like announced that he was going to do something to him.

And I – again, I have no idea.

If you thought anyone was at danger, then tell me that someone's in danger.

Open your mouth.

Say something.

So anyway, this confrontation happens.

Lewis never lays a hand on him, but the guy is cowering and backing up, and Lewis keeps moving forward and at some point spits on him.


Seeing this, staff members kind of jump in and like pull – start pulling them apart and all that stuff.

Because we didn't know what the fuck was going on and what we didn't know is that Lewis is there often, we told Jake to leave.

And again, I wasn't even there that night.

So I'm just telling you from what I saw on tape and from what staff told me.

They just told Jake.

They told Jake to leave because if he stayed, he would have just gotten like, hey, go outside and cool off.

Like go outside.

You can leave or just go outside and cool off and let this cool off.

Because if you stay in his face, he's just going to keep doing this.

And we had to sit Lewis down basically to tell him, you know, you can't do this, whatever.

He apologized.

We sent him home.


And Jake didn't come back.

Now, I'm finding out every time.

I'm finding out to the fact, you know, like I don't, I don't hear this immediately.

I hear like maybe a day later or whatever, you know?

And so finally I go, oh, fuck, man.

And because it was like all of a sudden it was this huge like Twitter feud between us and this guy, Jake.

And he was attacking us online.

And so Patrick, because he didn't want to like deal with all the feedback, just blocked everybody, including the guy.


And he didn't realize, you know, he just started like block, block, block, block.

He didn't even know he was blocking Jake or whatever.

But like, so Jake goes like, I get blocked from the, from the stand Twitter.

But Lewis continues to operate with that, without him, you know, with impunity or whatever.

And I'm like, all right, you know, like this has to get settled.

This is bullshit.

You know, we, we sat Lewis down.

We told him, you know, this doesn't fly for us.

You know, here's what we're going to do.

You know, here's your punishment.

If, if, you know, if we, if we get deeper in, down the line in this thing and it looks and feels worse, we're probably going to be done with you here.

So he said, I totally understand whatever.

I said, you should probably go around and figure out a way to fucking squash this thing.

That'll be good for optics for yourself, for us, for everybody involved.

And like, you know, I guess he invited him to come on, on the, on the podcast or whatever.

And that wasn't going to work.

This guy is seething.

He's pissed off.

So Louisa reaches out to me, you know, because they're friends and they do a podcast together called, uh, why are you mad?



Uh, or is that what it's called?

Oh, why?


Why are you mad pod?


You met.

And so like, this is our friend and I get it.

And I'm like, Louisa, if you want me to sit down with him a hundred percent, I'll sit down with him.

Like, you know, figure out, you know, what, what's best for everybody.

You know what I mean?

And, you know, we, like, we invited him, he writes an email saying like, he's really, he writes an email to us, basically threatening us.

And we saw that as like, Hey dude, like, you know, you got the wrong people here.

You know, we're, you know, we, we can talk this out.

We can figure it out, you know?

And, uh, we're always about dialogue.

We're always about trying to, you know, to keep an open mind.

And, and figure out what, you know, you know, what the best solution is for everything, you know?

And if you stop talking, if you stop the dialogue, it's over, it's fucked up.

You know, you're never, you're never going to really have a solution to anything unless you, you talk about it.

And so I invited this guy down and like, you know, him and her, they, they sat down with me.

And immediately this guy smelled like fucking, he, he jumped into a barrel, a barrel of beer.

You know what I mean?

Like he just stunk.

He was, and he, he's, he was drunk.

You could tell he was slurring his words.

He wasn't doing, you know, he had no eye contact with me at all.

Every time I looked at him and like, you know, he was just kind of like all over the place.

And I'm like, I can't even take this guy serious, but I'm sitting here.

So, and I kept turning to her, asking her to explain because he just seemed like all he cared about was us unblocking him on Twitter.

You know what I mean?

Like that was really what was pissing him off more than anything.

He kept saying that over and over.

I don't understand why I got blocked.

You know, like this is why you got, you got blocked because you're annoying and you don't really get to the point.

So, you know, they were both like consumed with how the hell, how the hell can we go on if you're not going to do something to this guy?

You know, they felt like what Lewis did was an act of violence and an act of intrusion and like took something away from them.

You know what I mean?

And I, and I didn't.

I didn't disagree with them.

I just said, okay, in your minds, what would you want?

Well, you should be banned from the club.

I was like, okay, Leo, that's what you want.

I'll talk it over with everybody and we'll figure it out.

That's if that's what's going to happen because they didn't tell me anything in that meeting.


That wasn't what I already heard.

And then I, I point, I point blank said to the guy, do you feel like you're in danger?

Do you, do you, would you, would you threat?

Are you physically harmed?

Do you want to press charges?

Cause if you want to press charges, I'll walk with you to the precinct right now and I'll cooperate 100%.

I'll give you guys tapes, videotapes.

I'll have staff witnesses come forward.

Whatever you need.

We'll cooperate 100% fully.

So like, what do you do with that?


Like, what, what do you do?

What's the next step?

What if you, if someone says they got spit on?

In a club, if you got spit on the club, right?


What's your next move?

If I get spit on, on a club?


What are you going to do?

I, well, I don't know.

I would imagine I'd fight.

I mean, I'd be mad.

This guy didn't fight, which I'm actually okay.

I'm, I'm, I'm happy with.

I'm happy.

He didn't, it didn't come to blows and I'm happy that it didn't get violent because that

fucking would really suck for us and would obviously stuck for them, you know, because

no one would have gotten hurt.


So I was happy that it hadn't escalated to that point, but I can't offer you.

He's like, he's looking for justice.

You know what I mean?

He's looking for like me to lay down some kind of law.

And the reality is, dude, I own a fucking restaurant.

You know what I mean?


Like, that's it.

That's all this is.


I don't even know why they made a podcast out of it.

Like, it's fucking retarded.

Like, I'm, I'm, I'm looking at the thing you sent me and they even have like a description.


It says, Jake and Louisa discussed Seth Simmons' newest expose on the scene.

On me.

And I was the, cause then he shit on me because of that thing that came out a few weeks ago.


All right.

Underbelly of the New York city comedy scene and how he's caused.

Like, what is, what is this?

What is this shit?

I don't even know what this is.

This is like.

The fact that he started in on me is like after this thing is crazy.

Cause he's had, he's had it out for me since this incident.

Talk about niche upon niche.




I mean, this is, this is a podcast for fucking four people who are in a disagreement.

I mean, it's unreal.

It really is.

It, that's what it is.

So I walked away from that meeting and what they wanted more than anything else was one

to be unblocked on, on the Twitter.

And I did it right in front of them too, for us to make an announcement on how we were

handling Lewis.

And three.

To make sure he was like invited back and all that stuff.

And I said, and I said to him, look, I'll unblock you on Twitter.

I can promise you that nothing that happened with this incident will impede you from being


If you, if you were worthy of being here just on performance only and, you know, being a

great comic, you will be here.

There's nothing that's stopping you from that.


But I'm not making an announcement and here's why I'm not making announcement because fucking

fucking John and Jane Doe that are making a brunch reservation for fucking Sunday brunch.

Don't give a fuck that these two idiots fucking got into it at our place.


You understand?

What does that have to do with, with a guy who's looking to make a brunch reservation?

What does that have to do with a guy who's following us because their favorite comic

performs here?

They don't know who the fuck Lewis is.

They don't know who the fuck Jake are.

Jake is or Louise is.

They don't give a shit about that.

I feel like about that beef is what I'm saying.

So like, what's the big deal?

Like, what do you, what do you really want from us?

What do you want us to do?

I feel like this guy, Jake has zero clue of what is interesting to people.

I'm reading this description.

It's unreal.

I'm like, who cares?

So he wants us to make a spectacle out of this thing so you can get more bullshit, you

know, attention online and I'm just not feeding into it.

I'm not doing it.

Is that like a thing?

Like get attention.

I guess it is.

I guess.

I guess so.

Look, he's got like fucking 30,000 followers of just people that are exactly the same as

he is.

They're all fucking crybabies.

They're all fucking millennials.

They're all fucking, you know, just the biggest whiners ever.

You know what I mean?

And that's fine.

And they attack me all the time.

And, uh, so this thing happened, you know, in that magazine or whatever.

I'm not mentioning magazine.

I'm not mentioning that guy's name.

Um, again, that's for attorneys to handle and I'm not talking about that.

So he, he takes that thing and this goes, he goes in on, he goes in on me.

I'm like, man, like I treated you like fairly and I treated you like a fucking person.

And you obviously have all this hatred and resentment towards me and that's fucking stupid.

And I basically said, look, you guys, you were willing to perform at our club and you,

and yet I'm the Nazi alt-right fucking comedy club owner.

Like that's insane.

You know, like how are you carrying this out?

You're siding.

You're siding with this guy because of this incident that happened all like a year and

a half ago.

And you know, as angry as it was at him, I was even angrier, even more upset at the fact

that she jumped in and defended the guy and like went in on me and I'm like, shit, right.

You know, I'm not arguing with her.

That's the last thing I'm going to do.

I enjoy her.

So the last thing I'm going to do is fucking get into it with her.

I'm going to do it with her.

I'm going to do it with her online and make a public spectacle of this fucking thing.

So I texted her and I called her.

She didn't answer either.

I told her in the text, hey, this doesn't have to be this way.

Don't get involved.

You know, you and I can talk this out.

She didn't respond.

Called her.

She didn't respond.

And basically at some point she told Jake to shut up on Twitter and he stopped.

And he and I, and I thought it was over.

And then I see this podcast.

Now the, why you mad podcast from a host by Jake and Louise.


And that, and the thing is, I don't, I don't have, I guess you have to pay for it.

I don't know.

I haven't used Patreon to this day, so I don't know how it works.

I don't see why you would want to listen to this based on the description.


The fact is the thing is behind the paywall.

We discussed an argument between two people that happened three or two years ago.

The thing is behind the thing is behind the paywall.

I'm not willing to pay to listen to someone shit on me.

So I'm not going to do it.

But someone sent me the, the, the preview.


And I listened to it.

And like towards the end of it, like the last two minutes, she's going on and on about how she felt duped and tricked into being brought into the stand.

Not because she was, you know, we cared about her brand or her comedy, you know, her thoughts on comedy or anything, but to cleanse our image.

Cleanse your image.

As a comedy club.

The vice guy.

You know what I mean?

I didn't really understand.

Do you want me to play it?

I think it's the last two minutes.

So if you want to play the last 30 seconds of it is really when she goes in on me.

I'll just, I'll just play it.

This is the five minute clip of the why you mad pod hosted by Jake and Louisa discussing the system is newest.

I mean, I really want to read the description because it makes you just want to get a cup of coffee.

Yeah, I'm really this horrible person.

That's why I am a long time listeners of the show.

Remember this guy, Chris Italia, as one of who protected Louis Gomez after he attacked Jake and shoved Louisa at the stand in December 2019.

Says peace, says peace exposes Italia as an alt-right message board user, an alt-right.

What is, is that even a thing?

It's another made up fucking like I'm going to get on the internet tonight and be an alt-right message board user.

Like who is, who are these people in their world?

It's a real thing in my world.

I have no idea what that is.

You understand the world.

I have no idea.

Like they think I know what that is and I have no idea.

And they've, because their world uses terminology like that.

Damn it.

My world doesn't.

And they don't get that.

My world doesn't.

So the fact that they think I'm that guy is hilarious to me.

It's fucking really hilarious.

But the thing is, they want to keep dragging my name through the mud and they're connecting me.

To this guy.

And that's what the, you know, the future lawsuit and all that stuff is about.

But hopefully you guys can hear here.

Either way, it's fucking retarded.

The whole thing is retarded.

You know, the fact that I got to go through this, it's probably some of it is my doing for sure.

I should have never fucking got into it with this guy.

Now it's going to cost me money.

I got to fucking do it because I got to clear, you know, I got to make sure I clear Dave's name, which the guy drags through the fucking mud.

And I got to, and I got to fucking, you know.

Answer people who think that maybe there's a fucking smidgen of truth to this, which there isn't.

There's zero.

There's nothing about that whole thing.

That's real.


It was completely made up.


Out of fucking midair.

It's amazing.

I never read something that's more fiction than that.

And anyway, so that's the clip.

I don't know.

I'll play it.

I'm just the last two minutes of this preview of the why you mad pod.

The episode is called the last stand.


Oh, it's called the last.

Hold on a second.

Where's my.

No, not that one.


I'm looking for the wacky whack.

I don't even know.

All right.

I have mine.

If you want me to go.



Go get it.

Cause I really want to.

You know, that deep into what he was even doing at vice, which if you look at it back then, all of the, all the writings on the wall, you know, he was making this really specific, weird, uh, cultural, you know, reactionary argument when he was at vice.

Which is why I got kicked out, but, uh, but I didn't fucking, I was doing comedy.

I couldn't put it together, you know?

And so like part, part of the reason I'm making this argument is because it includes me, but like, you can't really give shit to the individuals in this because what you're doing here is a structural critique.

And like, I think my main criticism of Seth's article is that he misses that a little bit and he should really be wary of the fact that when he just drops names like that.


A few of them were our fucking friends.

I mean, he mentioned like Lori Kilmartin had a special produced through one of these.

Stop right there.

She's not a Nazi.

She's cool.

She's our friend.

Stop right there.

Go ahead.

Lori Kilmartin is a great friend of mine.

I love her to pieces.

She's fantastic.

She was doing this one man show after her dad passed away called 45 jokes about my dead dad.

And they're all based on a Twitter, on a, on these tweets that went viral at some point.


She was, she was, uh, doing.

She was writing jokes, uh, on Twitter as she was in hospice with her father.

And she was, it was just like one firing at one after the other.


And so then I saw her doing this one woman show.

Uh, that was amazing.

I mean, like the amount that you, you can't stop laughing, but you also like fucking see the, you know what I mean?

And, uh, yeah.


Here's mine too.


We do.

Here, here, here's this for Jake.

Last stand.

Oh, I'm going to tell you, like cancel culture is, uh, I really, I hate his voice too.


Oh yeah, for sure.

So like, oh my God, ironically, they're all right.

I'm going to fuck off.

I don't know what it is.

He's the guy who's got a wine drinking voice.

Oh, I don't know.

So at that point I had produced, like I had produced a few specials and I, and like, you

know, I had put together.

You know, production company, you know, I'm partners with and doing, you know, we do a

lot of stuff together and comics, but it was one of them.

So I told, uh, I told her, Hey, look, I, if no one's talking to you about this, I'd really

love to help you because I really feel like this could be amazing.

And it was amazing.

And we put out a great piece of fucking, you know, material.

It was, if you watch that special, um,

It's fantastic.

I mean, there's not only you getting her special, but then we put together like a, a doc, but

around it, we just like, we, we like fucking did interviews with Conan O'Brien, Patton

Oswalt, you know, her mom, her sister, like other people in her life.

And it came out great.

And critically it wasn't, it was well-received.

She's got, you know, fucking New York times, the great piece on it, you know?

So for us, it was all feel good.

To try and drag that and say anything negative about the experience because we produce it

and it's fucking tainted.

Like, fuck you.

Fuck you.

Here's more.

Watch it.

Go watch it and see how fucking good it is.

You morons.



She just happened to work with them.

And that's, that's why this is so fucking dangerous is because people can work with

these people without even fucking knowing it.

And ended up, you know, inadvertently being part of the whole situation.

I had a conversation with my friend.

with a comic today actually

where we were basically talking

about the fact that we regret working with the

stand you know what I mean and like we

were both and it's something I've heard

from other women or

non-binary or non-white


Jesus Christ

what did you just say


non-white comics

like what the fuck is that

who talks like that

they do that world

this is the shelter

we have to be taught it

maybe someone should do it

nobody in the United States or around

the world talks like these cocksuckers

you guys are insane

get out of your own mind

fucktards you're stupid

you are

fucking stupid all

you Jesus Christ

do you think anybody

within a five mile radius of where you're

doing your fucking podcast gives

the shit about binary people

what the fuck are you talking about

what are they talking about



there's too many you know what it is I'll say

something controversial right here

not everybody should have an opinion

and also not everybody should be

put in a category

what is

we're creating categories every day

and it's getting out of hand

like the regret working with the

what are you working you're not working with the


the stand is its own entity

you're coming there to provide a service

right as a producer

yeah which by the way

which by the way was she

really never on the seams on the stand

we didn't need her to produce a show

there we have fucking

people banging on the door

to produce show there a mile long

right it's a comedy club in New York

we wanted her to do it because

we like her right that's it

that's the only reason we wanted to do it

to get the

gig to work at the stand

it's not a 50-50 deal



what are you saying there Chris


in that case I think it was a 50-50

something I've heard from other women

or non-binary or non-white


not just in reference to the stand but to other

like more traditional more closed off venues

this like

feeling of like

we now


in retrospect

we realize that we thought

that we were being trailblazers

by like putting our foot in the door

and bringing people in with us

and like changing things incrementally

in spaces we weren't wanted in before

but then when you look at it again

in retrospect

we actually were pawns

that were being used to clean

these people's reputations

does that make sense

oh my god

like why is I don't

this is so like this whole

oh my god

let me explain

it's hard to explain

how retarded these people

this is this is how crazy that quote is


can we can we play it again

if you want to

but then when you look at it again

in retrospect

we actually were pawns

they were being used to clean

these people's reputations

does that make sense

so I mean the reputations of the stand

so they're bringing in liberal type people

so that the

performances that happen at the stand

don't look so

right wing

this weekend our great governor

allowed 35% capacity


our amazing fucking governor Cuomo


bestowed upon us 35% capacity

let me explain

to everyone that needs to

that wants to know whether we need cleansing

or not

every seat available was taken




do you think

John and Jane fucking dough

who are ordering fucking

red velvet pancakes

and fucking avocado toast

really give a fuck

about where I stand politically

or what some fuckhead

said in some rag magazine

about me

they do not

they don't give a shit

we have bottomless drinks

and they love every second of it

that's why they're there

I'm not a fool to think that


is the reason why anybody would come

or not come

to a place



the fact that you think

because you were there

and you were cleansing me

and we were using you as a fucking pawn


that's what you think of our fucking relationship

our relationship

that we fucking had

for fucking seven years

where we helped each other out

where we


we encouraged each other

where we pushed each other

where we gave each other advice

you're willing to throw that all out

to basically say

I made you a pawn

we made you a pawn

and by the way

like Patrick

sweetest fucking person to her


always supportive of her as well


I don't know

I feel like these two

I mean

like you're fucking nuts man

I didn't ask you to be there

I just wanted

you needed a

you needed a place to go

and I offered it to you

because you shouldn't be fucking doing anything

in dive bars

I said to her

I like

you deserve

I don't like

you deserve a place to do this show

that's fucking fantastic

the stand is fantastic

you see it

you love it

you're there all the time

just do it here

and do it any way you want


without any interruption from us


and that's exactly what she got

she was able to book

her show the way she wanted it

promote it the way she wanted it

we never got involved

well there you go

it's fucking hurtful

it's hurtful that

a person I call a friend

a person I've helped out over the years

would not only sign with a fuck

side with a maniac

who's obviously obsessed with me

the guy

the guy this weekend tweeted

does anyone follow me

because I blocked him

on Twitter

and he's asking people

he's asking people

does anyone follow me

so they can report back to him

if I've said anything about him

like you're

think about that shit

this guy's insane

he's obviously trolling me

like that's the kind of guy

you're going to side with

and then this guy Jake

you're going to side with him

and she's really pissed off

about this thing that happened with Louis

she really wanted fucking Louis

to be banned for life

she really wanted us to make an announcement

he probably just doesn't like Louis Gomez

because he's very

he's very you know

rough around the edges

with Louis

listen I yell at Louis

I have a love-hate relationship with Louis

I've known Louis for 15 plus years


and through arguments

through ups and downs

through whatever

you know

we've always come out of it

saying okay

you know you got your point of view

I got my point of view


you know what I mean

I'm not

I'm not trying to defend his actions

but what I am saying is

you had an opportunity

I gave you an opportunity

to press charges

I gave you a time period

on how long I would be willing to do that

you decided that you didn't want justice

you just wanted us to feel

this Twitter fucking feud

and I wasn't going to be any part of that

because you guys brought that shit to my house

you guys brought that fucking feud here

I didn't

I had nothing to do with it

and I gave you every single opportunity

to make it right

the way you wanted it

and I gave you every single opportunity

to make it right

and I gave you every single opportunity

but you didn't

and I still punished the fucking guy by the way

when I walked out of that meeting

the guy was drunk

she was like you know

pissed off

and I said look

I'm going to move forward

with the punishment we've had

and you know

it'll be handled internally

and that's just the way it is

we don't make announcements

on people we discipline here



that's how it ended

and she's obviously held all this resentment towards me

the entire time

and I said

that she was still doing shows there

she was holding resentment towards me

and by the way

if you're my friend

just fucking tell me

just take me aside

and say you know what

I haven't gotten over this

I'm really pissed off at you

like we need to fucking handle that

otherwise I'm just going to go

but she didn't go

she stayed

she fucking stayed

she didn't go

she still took pictures in the bathroom

she still posted photos

about how much fun she was having at the stand

she still came there with her friends

and drank

and ate

and did all that shit

and all the fucking things

anybody who had a good time would do

and you know what

I noticed

when I would see her there

I was like

oh this is great

this is great

she's calling this place a home

she finally feels comfortable

you know

she's bringing her friends here


you know

this is what I wanted for her

I wanted for her to be prideful

about the shit she was doing

because I've been in her position

when we were doing Cringe Humor shows

we were

we wished someone had extended this offer to us

we wish

we were doing fucking dive bars

and fucking

we were the

same thing she said about

you know being trailblazers and all that stuff

yeah we wanted that too

when we were in her position

you know what I mean

but guess what

we are trailblazers

because we fucking opened up the club

we put our fucking money in

we fucking put our money where our mouths are

we took the fucking risks


we did all that shit

and our reputation

what's our reputation

what is it

because I'm still fucking waiting to hear

a real fucking side to any of this

everyone gets an opportunity there

there's not one person

who should fucking ever complain

about being mistreated there

because they get treated like fucking kings and queens

they get food thrown at them

they get drinks thrown at them

they get paid

they have a fucking

awesome fucking green room to hang out in

smoke weed


whatever you want to call it

you know

whatever the fuck they want

and drink to their heart's content


they got

a fucking awesome bar upstairs

we got two stages

they never have to leave

they can do shows up and down


we built a fucking place for them

I don't think you need


to be honest with you

I don't think you need to give these two any more fucking

I am not

I just like

you know

here's what I'm going to say about


you run a very successful business

in the center of the world

pretty much New York City

I mean

I know people are leaving

because of the pandemic and stuff

but it's a comedy club in New York City

it's something that people want to be a part of

you know

if anybody says they're my friend

or considers themselves a friend

or we have a friendship

and they have a problem

with anything I've said or done or whatever

or they believe the trash

that this guy wrote

they should absolutely fucking talk to me about it

because I'm not going to be this guy

who runs away from me and I'm not going to be this guy

who runs away from bullshit

talk to me

fucking come to my face

and let's talk it out

I'm not an asshole

you know I'm not an asshole

and I'm going to treat you with respect

just the way I've always treated her with respect

so the fact that she turned on me

because this guy is definitely brainwashing her

without a doubt

to me it's like heartbreaking

because it's like

I didn't give a fuck about anything else

the friendship was really what I cared about

yeah I think these two need

a new perspective or something

I don't know anything about these people

but just the way they

I mean they word their description for their

why you mad the last stand pod

is just like

I mean it's way too descriptive for something that is nothing

it really is nothing

and by the way like a while back

I had done this podcast


Skeptic Tank with Ari Shafir

where the whole thing was dedicated

to my time as an EMT

and a journalist

and talked about

September 11th and all that stuff

and like

it was my only account

that I've ever done

and I never do it again

of what happened that day

leading up

and the aftermath

it's not a story I like to talk about

or tell

or write about

or any of that

you know I just

it's just you know

ingrained in my mind

that I just don't need to go over and over

all the time

but you know

Ari really

pestered me to do it

and like you know

a therapist I was seeing at the time

on and off

said it's a good idea

you should probably just do it

and get it out

and have your accounting out there

I said okay fine

I'm gonna try it

and I did it

I didn't regret it

at first I did a little bit

because it's just like

you know it's

it's not me to talk about that type of stuff

like I don't really do that

and you know

so there was a part of me

that was like still trying to hold on to it

or whatever

anyway she listened to it


she came forward and told me

hey I got

you know this tragic thing

that happened to me as a kid

and you know

all the stuff with Pablo Escobar

and everything

and I said

Luisa I was like

you know

the one thing I'll say is

you persevered

you know you're here

you're fucking

you know you're doing good things

you're not that person

you're not your dad

you're not

you know

and she basically said

Ari's asking me

if I would tell that story

and I said yeah

you know you should probably do that

you know you should probably just get it out

get it out there

say it


and then never

you know if anyone wants to know about it

they can just point to that

you know

and you never say it again

and that's the way I do it

if anyone ever asks

I'll say hey

go listen to the podcast

what do you want from me

like I don't want to talk to him


we had this whole long fucking discussion about it

but now Ari's the type of comedian

she's complaining about

because he takes a position

and he

you know has something to say about it


she's fighting the very people that she

like fucking helped all these years

or they helped her

and it's like what are you doing

so you're telling me

because Ari has a different opinion on things

or if I have a different opinion on things

we're horrible people

because we don't see it the way you see it

I mean

and I don't even

I think I have more in common with her than most people

so like I don't even think that way

but just the fact

that it's either

it's either that


or us

it's either us

or it's us versus them

and that

that whole mentality

it's starting to really

take over

it's always an us versus them thing

it doesn't have to be

you can fucking disagree on things

and still fucking

love each other

or be friends

or whatever the fuck


you don't have to see everything eye to eye

that's not the way this world works

you have to work with people

that you don't like sometimes

or you don't agree with sometimes

this fucking generation

and what you just heard her say

non-binary or whatever

it's because she's afraid to offend any single person

so she has to use those words

and I get it

that's the way it is now

I get it

but like

don't hate somebody who doesn't know

they have to say that

listen to the description

can I read the description

it just drives me nuts

I mean this is a nothing situation

I mean it really

it's something that happened in December 2019

Jake and Louisa discussed Seth Simmons' newest expose

on the steamy alt-right underbelly

of the New York City

comedy scene

and how it caused

one of its owners

of the Stan Comedy Club

to go and have a meltdown

in Jake's mentions

Jake's mentions


Jake's mention

mentioned me

that's why I was on his fucking

why I was on his mentions

I didn't have a meltdown

I addressed him

I addressed all his critiques of me

because I'm not going to run

because I'm not going to run away from anybody

if you have something fucking to say

I'll fucking talk to you about it

I wouldn't know what

just how it's written


they automatically assume

that everybody knows

what mentions are

no one knows what a


well because

because they're

the people that listen to them

or the people that follow them


those aren't the people that we know

I mean

I mean long times

it's just fucking

I mean

these people are so sheltered

like get

like get out

go outside

go to middle

middle America

go to

no one can

realize no one's like you

no one is like this

I realized that

from like I'm

I'm actually

there's one thing I do

I'm glad about

moving away from New York City

six years ago

is that I realized

how fucking sheltered it was

living there

it's been people

in other parts of the country

think totally different

than people in New York City

so you gotta get out

and live a little folks

Jesus Christ

Jake and Louisa

you got

you're going

you're on a slippery

flip the unfuckable

I've only ever had

good times

good things to say about her

I know

but she was a

she was a fantastic human being

to me

I felt like I

I gave that back


it's not about betrayal

because you know


you know

there's a shit about this anyway


it does


it does

fuck it

it is heartbreaking that

binary non-white

I didn't

you can't get over that

well I can't get out of my head

I'm like

who the what

what is a binary non-white

I'm gonna ask somebody that tomorrow

hey you want to ask somebody that tomorrow

a binary non-white

what is that

can I get a binary non-white

with a hint of


I think I'm gonna call my girlfriend

a binary non-white

I'm gonna fuck the shit out of your

binary non-white ass

you should probably give me a dirty look

if I said it to her



I can picture Jake and Louisa

listening to me talk about that

I just heard her say

I don't know what that means

no one should know

and she's like much younger than me

and like she just yelled out

I don't know what that means

gender non-conforming non-binary

binary non-white

it's binary

I wrote in binary non-white

nothing comes up

so I think maybe Louisa used that wrong

yeah see she made that mistake


I'm just realizing that now

she must have offended somebody

there has to be


I can't believe she said that

and Jake's gotta get rid of the

you know TV talker voice guy

I don't

I can't believe the

shut up

everybody has an alt-right

obviously if you own a comedy club

you must be an alt-right Nazi

I mean come on

Chris owns a place where

other human beings go up on a stage

and they describe their art

whatever they say on stage

is not a reflection of their art

it's not a reflection on Chris

it's fucking retarded

you guys are dumb

stop it

this guy

went after another comedy club owner

this past week

this guy

Donnie Zaldin

from the state of New York

I'm sure he did

so Donnie launched this program

through like one of these

Jewish healthcare providers

you know he's very

you know he's Jewish

he's like very involved

in the

in the community and everything


he made a deal with

with them to

kind of

allow comedians

during the pandemic

to be able to get free healthcare

for like you know

minor stuff

you know like checkups

you know

having a fever


whatever you would see a primary doctor for

he's saying

we got you covered

I'm doing this for all comedians

you can apply on our website

and you can do that


this guy found the problem with that

he found the problem with it


and he shit

all over him

and he shit

he's like dude

if you don't like the fact

that the guy launched

this thing

you know do you really need

to talk about it

or comment on it

he's trying to fucking help

he's trying to do something

yeah I'm sorry

I just don't

I don't deal with like

he claimed the guy

was just doing this

for write-offs

or some shit like that

and it's like

you can't write that off

you know who could write that off

the insurance company

can write that off

not him

who owns a fucking

comedy club

yeah no

he's just a complainer man

I don't know anything

about this Jake guy

but he

he's the one

like the worst

like just

worst kind of person

who just complains about everything

Jake I'm sorry man

we just did a whole

goddamn podcast on you

and you sucked the life out of me

and I've never even met you

I've heard

just on that one clip

I've heard you speak


25 seconds


and you've sucked

the life out of me

I can't

I don't even care

I like I'm

yeah I'm done


I don't know



there you go

I mean look



we live in a time


you know

you do have to watch

what you say

and there are people

that have

committed to these


and I said hey

if you don't

use that

terminology of the word

the verbiage properly

then you are

being inconsiderate

and you know

and I get it

and it's like well then

you know what

you definitely need to

fucking teach me

what that is

and you need to remind me

this is how you say this

this is how you say that

yeah but

don't expect me to go

out and just

fucking constantly

update myself


on every new

fucking term


because there's new

shit every

every week

I know

and they need to

lighten up

it's not


fuck that

we don't need to

learn the verbiage

or pronounce it

the right way

in the right tone

they need to

fucking lighten up

that's what they need to do


and I

there's a

personal experience

to me

that I had

I had a

I have a cousin


that was




I'm gonna say


because that's


want to be called

she was


they wanted

they were


and her dad

his dad

they dad

their dad


see what I'm saying

you can't get

maybe you really

need to go on




the dad is very


old school


like fucking

off the boat

you know

doesn't really

know any of this


has paid

for everything

including the operation



this person

supported my cousin

said to my cousin

I'll take care

of everything

and you can live

rent free

in the house

I buy

and you can

you know

hide out there

until you're ready

to come out

after all this is

you know

whenever you're ready

you know

preps everything

for my cousin

preps everything


you couldn't find

a more supportive


but through the process

he would make mistakes

he wouldn't call her

by her

new name

because he just

made a mistake

like it would slip

out of his mouth



throughout my cousin's

entire life

this was

her name

you know

but now it's

this name

and so it took

some time for him

to get used to

so he would slip

once in a while

no I have the same

thing in my life

my first


went from

a daughter

to a dude

you know

it went from

Taylor to Evan

which by the way


that's the same

type of relationship

I have with her

my transition was

hey Ted

I was her godfather

that's it




now I have no

I never slip

when I

when I say

his name

I say it all the time

and I say it


I never

because it took

some time

to get used to

I try


you know

I talk to

them or

anyone in their

family to use

the right terminology

but look

it fucking

happens sometimes

you know

you have to

have the patience

with everyone

around you

just like

we're having

the patience

you know


what you're

going through

we don't know

this is all

new to us too

so you know

I think people

just need to


that just


things are being

said or

things are not

being said


it doesn't mean

that person's

a bad person

or that person

wishes you harm

in some way

both mentally

and emotionally

it's just

it takes time

to figure out

what all those

things are

whenever I hear

new categories

I make a mental

note of it

and I do the best

I can to like

fucking say it



you know

we're doing a

fucking podcast


you know

that person

she was talking

about on the


that she said

she spoke to a


comic who regrets

when she describes

her that way

it's almost worse

yeah it is terrible

it's stupid


I don't know

I mean it's just

down to the point

like you can see

the terminology

the whole terminology


it's like

did somebody

say something wrong

to that person

that they feel like

she feels

that they regret

working with us

is that the case

because if that's the case

that person should

come forward

and send to us

hey I don't like

the way you spoke

about this

we're also living

in a


like this

Gen X

and Millennials

Gen Z


and Millennials

they don't vocalize


I lived in like

if I got a problem

with you

I'm going to tell you

like Kieran

you're fucking up

you know

hey I don't like

the way you fucking

that joke you said

about me

hey Kieran

I don't like

the way you handle


and back and forth

that's what we live in

I don't really understand

this generation

they do not talk

about anything

that's bothering them

to the person

that bothered them

so how the fuck

am I supposed to know

you know

if you

if you're somebody

I consider a friend

or whatever

just fucking say


I don't like

the way that came out

did you mean that


what the fuck

are you doing

say something

if you've got a problem

with somebody

say it

it's the way

things are resolved



if she's talking

about a person

who had a problem

with us at the stand

I don't know about it

because we haven't

heard about it

so if you did have

a problem

bring it to our

fucking attention

let's figure it out

and find a solution

find a middle ground

a good friend of mine

is this guy

Alexis Guerrero

which is a comedian


great guy

we're both huge soccer fans

we talk about a bunch of shit

he loves pizza

I love food

we talk about food

all the time


we get along

I always reach out

to him

because I


enjoy his



you know

I'm very comfortable

around him

he was producing

a show at the stand


one night

like something

got really fucked up

and I

expressed my


I was dissatisfied

with the way

things went down

and I may have said

something that offended him

for almost

a year and a half

or more

I don't even know

how much it was

he held that shit in

and then I would

finally one night

we were at this

fucking party

and I said to him


like is something wrong

what the fuck

and he's looking at me

like I'm crazy

you know like

I'm confronting him

and he's like

you know

we still got that thing

that went down

I'm like what thing

it's like that thing

that happened with the show

and the way you spoke to me

I was like

I don't know

how did I speak to you

like tell me what I said

I don't even remember

and he's like

you called me a piece of shit

you know

like if you would make a mistake

and like here

and you're a piece of shit

that's what happened that night

and he didn't realize

that's just the way I talk

or the way I say things

or whatever

but by the way

I was wrong

because it was a tense situation

and I said something

that might sound offensive

you know

that might be offensive

we never cleared the air

until that fucking night

and even after that

he was still like skeptical

so it took like another

four or five times

talking about it

for him to finally go

you know what

you're right

I'm holding on to this thing

too long

it's pointless

like I don't know

why I'm doing this

I get it man

you really do give a shit

you really want

you know

you want to really help me out

you want to like do this

or that

you want to hang out

like we have

we're hanging out

like we make time

to hang out now

you know what I mean

like that's

that's what I

that's how I'm expressing it to him

I was like

I don't fucking dislike you

I think you're a fucking awesome guy

and I think your wife's amazing

and all this other stuff

like I

we had one night

where we were fucking

we got pissed off at each other

that's what friends do

that's what brothers and sisters do

you fight

you call each other shit

you say fucking

fucked up shit to each other

but then you fucking make up

that's the way it works


I think this

generation's losing their minds

because if you say

one back thing

it's over

if you're

at all

if you're critical

at all

it's like stabbing them

in the heart

yeah it's

because they're

yeah it's

the younger generation

is going to be doomed

because their faces

are buried

in their own little worlds

that you know

exist on their fucking phones

and they don't have to


it's getting out

it's getting out of hand

all they have to do

is just get adulation


no problems

they can just click away

from their problems

on their phone

and I'm starting

to realize

that it's

you know

I don't go on this

like if I didn't do the show

I would never be

on the fucking internet

I don't even like

promoting the show

on the internet

there's more of a connection

from me

to my parents generation

there's more of a connection


I don't know why


there is no connection

between my generation

and this

this generation



and that's

and that's probably

because of technology

it's probably because

no one's communicating anymore

they're just getting offended

and they're taking it

to everywhere else

but you

they never face you

do you have any connection

with me?


now I'm gonna get offended

because I said

I'm gonna wrap this up Chris

no it's different

I'm gonna wrap this up

yeah go ahead

thank you for checking out

the Woonstick Radio show

it was a little different

show tonight

but next week

we'll be back

to all the other

rocky hijinks

and stuff like that

and other stuff

fun stuff

Jake if you're out there

doing your podcast


why you mad bro

I think you should

I think that's a projection man

I think

that's you

why you mad bro

because we don't understand

none of us understand

why you mad bro

and I don't even know

who you are

so I hope you go on

live a great life

because I don't care


that's it

follow us

at the Woonstick Radio show

on Twitter

and Instagram

and if you have

a random question


fucking do that

Wacky Hijinks

is returning

to the Woonstick Radio show

we'll do what we can

I can't transition

into it today

we did a

you know

we did a half hour

on somebody who died

and then

we talked about

oh that was fun

going down that lane

what are you talking about

I think some people

would enjoy

an inside story

into Patrice

yeah no I like that

that's what I'm saying

I liked it

I liked Patrice

it was a remembrance thing

it wasn't a

Wacky Hijinks thing

it was a remembrance thing

alright everybody

we'll see you later


bye Chris

say bye

see you later buddy



see you later everyone

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