MyMac Podcast 987: What are the Odds?

MyMac Podcasting Network Podcast

MyMac Podcast 987: What are the Odds? Podcast

My Mac podcast 987. What are the odds?

You're listening to the G-Men on the podcast.

And welcome, everyone, to the podcast.

The wait is almost over, Gaz, for the next round of significant Apple OS updates.

And while we could spend hours talking about it, we're not going to.

Because, you know, really, by the time you hear this podcast, they would have already had the event.


We're going to play a game that I'm calling, What are the Odds?

And you'll hear that a lot.

But, you know, before you say anything else, Gaz, this is the first question I want to ask you.

Hold on.

So, the first question, number one, I have to get out of solo mode.

There we go.

The first question is, what are the odds that Guy will totally screw this up?

Oh, I think that's quite, I think that's quite low, actually.

You're expecting me to say 100%.

I was.

And you're right.

Oh, it could be a total train wreck.

You won't mess this up, Guy.

Don't worry about it.

It's fine.

I mean, your audio was perfect this week.


You know, and.

He's saying that somewhat, somewhat sarcastically.

Tongue in cheek.

I am being a bit, I'm being a bit naughty, actually.

Well, we had, we had a little bit.

And the weird thing was, it wasn't a problem with my hardware.

And it wasn't a problem with my software.

And it wasn't a problem with Gaz's hardware and software.

It was StreamYard.

And it took us a long time to get to that point where we discovered it.

Actually, no, it didn't take.

It didn't take us as long as I was thinking it might, actually.

I think, I think we were pretty, pretty quick, actually.

And that mistake won't happen again.

Actually, no, it won't.

Because that's.

No, no, it won't.

You fixed it.


So you want to tell me, tell me about your week, Gaz.

Well, yes, my week.

What a week.

Well, it's been a bit of a funny week, actually.

It's been two weeks.

It's now been two weeks.

And we had friends round.

And we've had relatives round.

And we've been to the theater.

We went out for a meal.

I've been on bike rides.

Sounds very familiar.

And also, I'm getting a little bit concerned.

Not concerned.

I've been going through updates, Guy.

Updates on not Macs, not iOS devices.

I did have a little bit of an issue with my.

Airport Extreme.

Wow, I didn't even know you were still using one of those.

I'm still using my Airport Extreme and Time Capsules.

They have been rock solid until this afternoon.

Until this afternoon.

And I've got a story about that.

But it's encompassed in a whole bigger story,

which is my solar and battery install story.

Now, I don't think we'll go through that this week.

Because what are the odds?

Oh, wait.

Hold on.

No, no, no.

Don't swear, Guy.

Come on.

I'm sorry.

You'll get a naughty voice.

I'm already screwing it up.


Mr. Cheesedoff will be very unhappy with me.

You weren't expecting me to say that.

So, you know, you didn't screw it up, really.

But basically, this week, in one day, we've only got nine panels.

Because we haven't got a large roof at the back.

Because there's a big part of the roof which juts out.

For reasons.

I can go through it in greater detail at some point.

But basically, in one day, we had the solar put on the roof.

We had a large battery and all of the peripherals which go with that.

And it's never one box.

It's never two boxes.

It's always more.

So, we've got all of that set up.

They did it all in one day.

The problem came, Guy, on installation.

When it came to updating the device.

So, we've got all of the devices over a network.

A very solid and fast network.

But they like to deal with 2.4 gigahertz.

And the story was, this afternoon, was I went into my Airport Extreme.

Because my Airport Extreme, which is the closest device to put onto the units.

Which are actually over my left shoulder, outside and back.

And it was basically...

Basically, you can't...

You can't turn off 5 gigahertz on an Airport Extreme, Guy.

Now, I think...

I didn't even know Airport Extremes did 5 gigahertz.

Oh, yes.

All right.

So, they're not that old.


No, they're not.

Well, they're pretty old.

But they've still got 5 gigahertz.

The issue is, they probably haven't got the firmware to go up to the latest...

It's not channel.

It's the radio signal, I think.


So, BNG.

A, B, all of that.

They're probably a couple behind in terms of...

And never will.

Well, never will.


But that's not a problem, because what I get is fast enough.


And there is an option, which I think I've done before, where I turn it onto one of those signals.

And, in fact, let me look for the right terminology here.

Let me open up...

Okay, I was going to say, don't start messing with your network settings in the middle of...

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I'm just going to...

Audio and video podcasts being recorded.

So, I give you...

So, I give you the right definition of what I'm actually talking about, so that people

stop shouting at their players.

The radio mode.




So, the radio mode that I can get is basically 802.11a and n, or 802.11b, g, and n, which

is the automatic option.


However, I can force it to go onto 802.11a and 802.11b, g, which I think...

Forces it more into the 2.4 range.

And I've done that before, and it seems to work in terms of devices which only like to

see a 2.4 gigahertz signal to connect to your network.

Once they're connected, you can then turn on the 5 gigahertz range again, or go back

into the full 5 gig radio signal, and they seem to be happy.


Once they've got connection with that network, they're quite happy.


What are the odds?


What are the odds?

However, there was an option which I saw in the...

Now, I used to do this on a regular basis, but I haven't touched any of my devices, other

than turn them on and off a couple of times, for about five years.

Everything's been set up, and it's rock solid.

And I thought, oh, how do I get it so I'm just really got 2.4 gigahertz, or the option

where it seems to pick up my radio signal for 2.4 gigahertz devices?

It seemed to pick it up.

And I couldn't remember.

So I did a search on the internet.

Can I basically get to a 5 gig, turn the 5 gig off?

And one person said, no, you can't.

But what you could do is rename the 5 gig network.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

The 5 gig network.

So it's basically separate.

And then it's separated.

So you've got a 5 gig network, and you've got a 2.4 gig network.

So that's what I did.



Hell froze over.

Wilf barking because he heard me swearing when hell froze over.

Would the airport...

Excellent timing, Wilf.

Way to go.

Let me see if it works for me.

No, I'm not going to do that.


So hell froze over, and the airport extreme went into meltdown.


Wouldn't restart.

Did a soft reboot on it.

Still couldn't get it to connect.

So I had to make sure that...

My Ethernet cable from the Mac was plugged into the airport extreme

because I've been pulling plugs out so that we could get the system

to try and do something because we've been hardwiring to the devices

so that they would update.

And we thought once we got them updated,

we could then get them onto the Wi-Fi signal.


Didn't work.

So basically, I then said to the guy that was installing,

who's come around, he's been really patient,

and he's got them done so far,

and we've basically hardwired the units in for now.

And that's, they're working fine.

But it took me forever,

and I had to reinstall the airport extreme.

I had to do a hard reboot on it,

get it back to factory settings,

and re-go through the process.

Now, that can be good and bad

if you haven't taken a note of all of your settings

that you had previously,

and you've forgotten them.

Ah, Gaz isn't stupid.

Well, sometimes he is.


I took a screenshot of all of the pages

to make sure that I'd remembered what all the settings were

so that I could re-put them in

once I got back to a certain stage.

So I've had a bit of a problem,

but the update issues that I've had

is these devices have been set,

and they go through update,

and then they wait for you to say,

right, is that update done?

You can move on to the next section.

Is that update done?

You can move on to the next section.

And that's all well and good,

but sitting there waiting to press a button

was frustrating this guy a little bit.

So I think that's not...

I'm like that with Gaz.

He has his tips sometimes.

Yeah, well.

So I've got the Airport Extreme back up and running.

We've now got Wi-Fi around the house again,

as it was previously,

all with the secure passwords, etc., etc.

Well, I hope they are anyway.

And we're up and running.


We are using battery power that we've got,

and we are putting power from our solar panels.

It's a bit gray out today,

so there's not an awful lot,

a generation that we're doing.

But yesterday, we had quite a lot of regeneration.

But it's going to change as we move forward

in terms of what we're producing,

how it's being pushed around the house.

And I'll go through a little bit more detail

over the next few weeks or so

as to exactly what's happening

and what I'm enjoying seeing in usage from my solar.

So at this point in time...

Do they pay you for the power

that you put back onto the grid?

They will do.

But basically, there is a whole process

in terms of the grid have to send you a,

yes, we can now see everything.

Yes, we are happy that you are not pushing too much back in.

Here's your certification.

All of that's kind of already been pre-done

with the equipment that we've got.

But they then have to go through the process of saying,

yes, we can see it all.

Yes, we're happy.

Here's your certificate.

Someone else has to give you something else

on part of documentation.

I then go to my supplier.

And the supplier then says,

right, we're now going to put you on an export tariff.

That's when I'll get paid.

Because I can export.

I can give back to the grid as it stands at the moment.

But I won't get anything for it.

So that would not be very nice.

We don't like that idea, giving them free electricity.

Like so many things in life,

the paperwork has to be done first.

It's only small, but you know.

Yeah, so I will be giving back and getting paid for it.

You know, that's nice.

The biggest saving is what I'm using in the house.

The more you use in the house, the more you save, of course,

if you get enough solar to produce on it.


Well, I guess I have to apologize about last week.

We didn't do a show.

But it was my 32nd anniversary of being married to Tracy.

And kind of at the last minute, we

decided to schedule some stuff.

So Saturday, we went to a dinner here locally, obviously.

Nice Italian place.

And right around the corner from there is our local theater.

And so we went to the premiere of what they're now producing.

And then Sunday, I don't think you have these over in the UK.

Because basically, with your history, it's like, yeah, yeah, been there, done that.

It's the Maryland Renaissance Fair.


Which is, it's always a blast.

We had a really good time.

And so, you know, I mean, that's kind of what I was doing

instead of making a podcast last week.

Sorry, but, you know, how often do you have a 32nd anniversary?

I guarantee I will never have a 32nd anniversary again.

Guaranteed guess.

True, true, in any way, shape, or form.

In any way, shape, or form.

Unless it's a 32nd month anniversary.

Okay, see, you say things like this and it confuses me.

You know why?

Because I'm Guy.

And I'm doing, what am I doing, Gaz?

What are you doing?

You're doing a quiz.


You're doing Guy things.

I am, I am.

And if you watch the video, assuming I ever get it out,

I'm still like two shows back.

You're forgetting them out on YouTube.

You'll see that the hat I'm wearing says that I'm Guy

and I'm doing Guy things.

And one of those Guy things that I do.

Go ahead.

Oh, you're such a fool.

You've now told them what it says.

So now they don't need to go and watch the video to see.

Oh, okay.

No, it says something completely different.

That you won't know unless you go watch the video.

Oh, another thing.

The other thing that I hadn't mentioned is we might be having,

we might be having some Washington referee visitors in the next month or so.

Oh, for rugby?




Because I.

I'll have to give them your name and see if they know you.

I doubt it.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, let's see.

From the Washington, D.C. area.

Oh, yeah.

We know Guy.


Everybody knows Guy.

It's like, I suppose that's a little bit like, you're English?

Do you know the quiz?



I did, but she's dead, mate.


That's sad.

One of the Guy things that I do is tell you what microphone I'm using,

which is the Shure SM7B Dynamic Microphone.

Still on the Rode Podcaster Duo, which has just been wonderful.

And two weeks, or sorry, two shows in a row where I've changed nothing.

We'll see how long that lasts.

To be fair, to be fair, because it's what I do, I'm thinking about going back to my

Heil PR-40 microphone that I used so very long ago.

But that's neither here nor there.

You should probably do that thing that you do, Gaz.


Gaz's snippets?


I didn't think there was.

Even though there was two weeks worth of snippets that I could have gone through.

Everybody's kind of holding their breath.


Everybody's kind of holding their breath, but I have got a few.

So let's go through them as quickly as we can.


Obviously, it started off with the fact that we got the It's Glow Time iPhone 16 event,

or it's the Glow Time event.

And it hints at major Apple intelligent focus.

Who'd have thunk it?

Apple stores run out of iPad mini stock.

Amid rumors of new model.

I'll come back to that.

That doesn't even make any sense.

But go ahead.

Well, well, let me go.

I'll come back to that later, because it was quite, quite funny, because I've got one,

two notes on that back to back.

Apple have announced a chief financial officer transition.

Luca Maestri will transit from his role on January 1st, 2025.

Now, this piece doesn't.

Oh, hang on a minute.

I've got another piece announcing it.

So I wonder if they've given me the name.

He's a goer.

Um, yeah.

So Luca Maestri is a going, uh, and it, and he, uh, real estate development.

Oh, I'm trying to read this now because I thought I'd got the name of the person who's,

um, who's, who's replacing him.

And it could be, um, no, it's not telling me.

It's just telling me about Peter Maestri, Luca Maestri.

Anyway, anyway, he's a going, he's a going.


Cause he's a darling.

He's got to go.

Um, he's being replaced and we'll come back to the, uh, um, who's replacing in weeks to


Um, Apple 15 watt wireless charges are to be banned from sale in China.

Chinese government says that the prohibitions are to prevent interference and maintain the

order of airwaves.


I'm sure that's it.


Apple music can now transfer playlists to and from YouTube music.

But not spot it.


Ask me how I know that.

How do you know that guy?

There's, there's a TV show called be cool.


And I know this, you know, why is guy watching a children's program?

How long have you been listening to this podcast?


Anyway, like with all Scooby-Doo shows, anytime that there's any kind of chase, they play


Bubblegum music in, in way, way, way in the past.

And now, you know, somewhat updated generic songs.

And I was looking for some of those songs because they're actually quite, some of them

are actually quite good.

And I found a playlist on Spotify called be cool Scooby-Doo.

And I tried to transfer that over and it was like, no, no, we're not going to do that.

And as it turns out, it didn't matter because none of the songs were going to do that.

None of the songs on the playlist were from the show, but I digress.

I couldn't do it.

That was the whole point of me talking now.

Can I, can I move on?

You can quickly.

Apple is, Apple is redesigning the least popular Mac, but who is actually buying it?

Following the news that update in Mac mini with M4 and M4 pro chip is in the works.

How is that?

Hang on a minute.

Let me, will you let me finish a late?

On a report, Apple's most affordable computer with Mac mini market share as low as less than

1% of total Mac size, Mac sales, the new data looks to answer the question, who buys a Mac


So they basically got into it.

I'm going to say guy, I don't care about this report because everybody I ever speak to certainly

who's become a Mac or is a half geek, even a little bit of geek has said, yeah, I don't

know, I've still got my Mac mini.

So I would say every single geekish Mac person will have at some point or still has, and

we'll continue to buy a Mac mini like us.


And not only that, Apple does not release sales figures on individual products.

So how the hell would they even know that it's only 1% of total Mac sales?

That's ridiculous.


Less, less, less, you know, I could see if they said total Apple sales for Apple, I could

almost see that, but to say that it's only 1% of total Mac sales is, is nonsense.


Well, they may have their figures from somewhere.

I, I, that doesn't bother me, but all I would say is one of us, but I, you know, everybody

I know is a half geek.

Who's a Mac user has had a Mac.

Mini and would want a Mac mini.

Now, also, if they can get that price down with the new version or a reason, get it at

a reasonable price, which they may or may not, um, it's, it's still a good entry point

to a, um, having a desktop.

So there you go.


What are the odds?

You don't, you don't have to play it every time you say the sentence.

When I say what?

You're not going to, are you?


You, you, you.

The University of Wisconsin rebuffed as Apple fends off an appeal to win in a 506 million

patent case.

The University of Wisconsin's efforts to overturn the previous court ruling in its favor against

Apple have proven to be unsuccessful.

And I am going to leave it there.

Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.

University of Wisconsin.

Um, apparently sign in with Apple was available on multiple deep fake nude sites.

That, that goes, as soon as porn gets into the mainstream of something, that's when it

becomes really mainstream.

That's when it's really mainstream.

It just made me laugh.

I mean, not that either one of us know anything.

No, since I did just telling you what I'm seeing on the report lines.

I don't know anything about this report.

Many of the biggest websites have opted out of Apple intelligence training.

Now I've got to say.

You just wanted to get Apple in your headline there because many of the biggest websites are

stopping many companies from doing, um, you know, these AI companies from doing training.

Apple intelligence is the same as other people's AI and they're doing lots of.

And it's all made up from other people's, you know, artificial intelligence stuff.


Guy is so smart.

He can't even think of the words to say for something that's been stuff.


There you go.

The new director's cut of Napoleon is now streaming on Apple TV plus with 48 minutes

longer run time.

I mean, I wouldn't watch it because it's too damn long to start with.


Go ahead.

Ridley add another 40 to 60 minutes to it.

That'll make me tune in.

I'm going to have to watch it now.

You know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know,

I'm going to have to watch the director's cut.

I'm going to get a load of food and drinks ready and sit down and watch it from start

to finish full stop.

And then I'll report back.


Just make sure that, uh, that don't drink a lot.

Don't drink a lot while you're watching it.


Well, well, I think you'll understand just how much I drunk while I was watching it as

to whether I give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down when that also depends on what you're


Well, I may use to come back and say, sorry, which film I said I'd watch which film.


That film was

Apple's digital driver's license have gone to Hawaii.


Um, Apple have announced a rare wave of job cuts.

Apple has laid off about a hundred employees in its services group.

Um, primarily affecting roles associated with the Apple books app and Apple bookstore.

The San Francisco Chronicle has reported.

There you go.

What can I say?


Has blamed Apple for the loss of iPhone volume button, um, control of connected devices.

So Spotify, Spotify has blamed Apple for the loss of the iPhone volume button control of

connected devices.

I've just thought I'd repeat that because it didn't make sense to me.

Spotify says users on iPhone will no longer be able to control the volume of connected

devices using their physical button after Apple's discontinued the technology that enables

the functionality.

The change impacts.

Spotify, uh, connect a feature that allows users to control Spotify playback, um, on various

devices like speakers, game consoles, and smart TVs.

Um, is there anything that's preventing them from adding a software volume button?


I'm waiting to see, I'm waiting to see a followup to this cause I don't think this was quite

that simple and I'm waiting to see whether there's one, either a workaround, um, or two


I think they're going to do in the software, which they haven't done and they're blaming

apple for route, which they took, which was false, not false, but easy in the first place.

And they shouldn't have used it.

Well, that's the other word stupid.

That was the other word.

Well, that's the other word.

So we'll, we'll, we'll perhaps hear a little bit more on that in, in weeks to come, um,

Algea to offer a three month trial of apple TV on select smart TV models.

Well, well done them.


Um, apple has standby.

decision to terminate an account belonging to a wwdc student winner um apple is standing by

its decision to terminate the account of app stun a mobile app company created by one of apple's own

worldwide developer conference 2021 student winners according to an announcement published

by appsons website apple moved to terminate the developer's account after multiple rejections of

his app that apple says violates its app store guidelines so where's the news i'm glad that apple

are actually rejecting if somebody is not going with the rules that they've put in place now was

it the company itself that put that out if they are yes the company has put that information out

that's like why would you why would you publicly announce that you couldn't follow


simple rules and therefore apple cancelled your developer's account i mean what do they expect

other developers to do sit there and say so sad so sad that apple wouldn't let you do what you

wanted to do yeah i think i think they've probably got first i think they've been trying to work with

apple and they've got frustrated that epic should acquire that company mls season pass drops the

price to nine dollars ninety nine for the rest of the season

and completely free for apple tv plus subscribers yay i'm gonna go and watch an mls

yeah apple tv plus releases nepal i've done that um uh these 10 apple products will likely

be discontinued next week look and i've not even read it i didn't don't don't even don't

even give us a list that's that's i just you know so i'm not going to i'm not going to because

but you know

likely give us some news please folks yeah uh huawei

huawei aims to upstage the september 9th apple event with a trifold phone debut really and this

screen there's a screen on here it's showing a screen you know like a presentation screen

and it's got three lines of chinese on it and i'm thinking



a few people even want the the single that's a that's an upstage isn't it

so we'll see we'll see what happens i've got a feeling they won't be upstaging them

um apple stock price has dropped on 12 now i just found this interesting actually okay apple stock

price has dropped on 12 of the 17 iphone launch days so expect the out of probability


price could well drop that doesn't mean to say that over the few days afterwards it doesn't then

ping back up well here's here's the thing here's the thing and people who work in finance in the

stock market and all that have heard this i don't i couldn't tell you whether it's true or not but

it's buy on rumor sell on news this is this is like not news as far as well it's on news but

this particular story is not news i'm not sure if it's true or not i'm not sure if it's true or not

yeah okay eu consumer group summarizes how apple fails to comply with the dma there are a number

of ways apple google amazon meta bite dance oh it goes on and on and on yeah um but i'm sorry

what was the company in the headline apple yeah okay um so numerous new eu consumer group

summarizes how numerous tech companies should be the headline there i'm not going to read anymore

yeah they suck sorry apple apple are to ditch japanese display suppliers after iphone iphone

se switched to oled it's been a while since apple last updated the iphone se and rumors suggest

rumors again so so here's the headline apple to ditch here's the subtext

rumors suggest yeah and i version of this iphone is coming next year with significant updates

including an oled panel if true if true this also means that apple would ditch japanese

come on folks get your headlines at least close to the detail you're putting in it doesn't matter

as long as it has apple in it fake news guys fake news

fake news that's the one thing i'll say he gets right there's lots of fake news about

microsoft says that apple's microsoft says apple's 30 fee makes xbox cloud gaming

ios app impossible i think it's impossible um apple has allowed cloud gaming apps on the app

store since earlier this year but cloud gaming services still haven't bothered

making ios apps microsoft recently explained why telling uk regulators that it didn't bring xbox

cloud gaming to apple's app store because the rules are too restrictive we will see if that

creates couldn't couldn't they just do what what epic did and just put a link to an outside source

of payment come on who said this is about payment of course it's about everything's about money guys

okay of course it's about money oh i've just said it's about money i'm not going to say it's about

money i'm not going to say it's about money i'm not going to say it's about money i'm not going to

read a paragraph further down apple's 30 commission fee makes it impossible for microsoft

to monetize its cloud gaming service so you're absolutely spot on um iphone 16 apple silicon

cases have no cut out for a new caption button what i found interesting about this was the fact

that we get lots of cases almost on release day of the new iphone yeah for the new iphones that

come out however apparently they only get a

big possibility of what the new iphone might look like and its sizes and because these cases are

obviously so cheap to make they can put out a few and if it fits roughly a lot of people will say

okay that's fine not as good a fit as i wanted but then they make the adjustments to the cases

so that as people buy them moving on they'll fit perfectly they may even take that as a hit

as a return and then you're going to be able to buy them again and again and again and again and again and

you're going to be able to buy them again and again and again and again and again and again and again and

send them a correct fitting box and some of them they just happen to hit it on the nail and it fits

perfectly but they're prepared case makers are prepared to take that risk it seems yeah well i

mean how much does one of those cases actually cost to me well there you go there you go i just

think it's a lot of waste you know it's a lot of plastic waste and you know whatever materials

they're using that's very um unless that unless they can recycle it it's just it's just the

throwaway society that we're in and it's i that i just don't like that

that's part of the reason why we use apple

a super cycle guy looms 300 million iphone users have not upgraded in over four years

apple plans to unveil its iphone 16 handsets in the and at the handsets at the company's

it's glow time uh product launch on monday some 300 million iphone users have not upgraded their

smartphone in over four years setting up a possible iphone super cycle

well we shall see yeah i'm i'm still on the 13 and it's a great phone but i am and it's not because

of apple ai um i'm just i was just thinking that okay well it's been three years i should update

my phone but you know that's just a be in the not to be in the why don't you go on reading the news

and i'll just shut up apple music introduces five new find your mood stations they are feel good

happy music with a

positive vibe energy upbeat music to get you moving relax music that helps you find peace

in the moment focus music to help you lock into the task at hand they missed an obvious one there

feeling blue well i've only given you four oh feeling blue moody music that makes you lean

into feeling down great the sixth one the sixth one is

music to listen to when you can't think of the right words to say on a podcast that thousands of

people listen to windows arm pcs struggles to see i've just moved on yeah um struggles to run games

and apple may now have an advantage so just like apple did in 2020 many other pc makers are also

trying to switch from intel processors to arm chips um however while this transition has been

smooth on apple's side things are complicated for windows users

who to funk it yeah well and when games apple actually has tools to take like direct x and

direct you know whatever whatever the standards are on the windows side for intel processors and

make for the most part a compatible version for m based series max very few have taken advantage of

it unfortunately but from the little bit that i've heard it seems like it's been

working for a while i don't know if it's been working for a while i don't know if it's been

pretty well left for dead come on steam i need left for dead on the mac on the m series mac

need it apple watch ecg feature saves a pregnant woman and her baby um so this

doesn't one kind of follow the other well they saved the pregnant woman but they they left the

fetus behind you know they'll go back and get that later oh my god okay so manalo was 18 weeks

pregnant when she felt her heart racing non-stop

pregnant when she felt her heart racing non-stop these symptoms persisted for weeks

these symptoms persisted for weeks can i just ask the question here if those sorts of symptoms were

happening and you knew you were pregnant and you're and you're pregnant why would it go on

for weeks before you anyway after weeks you know go on go on yeah precisely anyway when she decided

to use her apple watch to take an ecg um to measure her heart's electrical activity um basically the

apple watch gave her a heart attack and she was able to take a heart attack and she was able to

an inconclusive result and her heart was beating at 150 beats per minute for more more than 40

minutes i don't care what she was doing i don't want to know um so basically she's used it and

then decided to go and save a life no well it's it it it's not saved a life feature writers it's

help her actually have a brainstorm and go and see the actual doctor rather than

going yeah my heart's racing i'm pregnant maybe i should go and see a health consultant

nice work good grief i want to discuss all this behavior do you know there's probably much more

to that story and someone who knows a bit more about it saying well you're being a bit naughty

guys but i don't care and this is about me enjoying these stories apple to launch find

my network in south korea next spring great i'll wait until 2025 paypal debit

card now supports apple wallet with up to five percent cash back so paypal have now announced

that the paypal credit card can be added to the apple wallet that's cool um an apple store grand

opening in sweden has possibly hinted at an iphone 16 release date i think we'll find out monday when

the release date yeah i've got a feeling maybe i've got a feeling it won't i've got a feeling

it won't be long after the event on monday

i'm guessing thursday or friday apple may possibly apple pay is everywhere guy and it's

now 10 years old wow wow i like apple pay i saw a note which said um that apple possibly leaked

the apple watch series 10 design um and then i saw this story which says no ios 18.1 beta

didn't leak the apple watch series 10 design i just made me laugh they go backwards and forwards

this one was a bit of a commentary from me apple original film celebrates the world premiere of

wolves at the venice film festival with brad pitt george clooney and more now the reason i say that

headline is because previously and i i'd ignored it was the fact that brad pitt george clooney and

others were saying that they were disappointed

that there wasn't going to be a full film release then i saw this and the pictures of them enjoying

all the audience participation all of the photography and it suddenly struck me i now

know why these stars air quotes want to have these premiere releases it's because they get

quite a lot of adulation

dum dum dum

well hold on what are the odds what are the odds

100 100 apple approves wechat update for iphone 16 amid ongoing revenue sharing

negotiations there you go so watch out for it um now this again i don't normally do rumors

iphone 16 pro to feature a 33 smaller display bezel why couldn't you

just tell us how much yeah just tell us how much bigger that would make the actual screen rather

than going with a big 33 smaller it'll probably be a much smaller figure for the size of the screen

guy that's why sorry i just knocked my mic then shouldn't have done that apple has denied evidence

of hidden browser settings to a uk regulator um the open for iphone 6 pro to feature a 33 smaller

screen that's why you should have done that to make sure it's not a problem so let's look at the

open for iphone 6 pro to feature a 33 smaller screen and it doesn't speak to a certain data set

it's the history of the iphone 6 pro to feature a 33 smaller screen so this is all the details about

iphone 6 pro and iphone 6 pro thus far i'll go a few more details about that if you've heard anything

about it and i'll just come back uh and i'll put it in the comments and probably have a question if you've

Open Web Advocacy's allegation that Apple is misleading the Competition and Markets Authority is inaccurate.

Apple says it told the CMA that the design of the identified browser setting was changed in a recent software update.

The design was apparently never intended to discourage users from setting third-party browsers as the default.

Thunder and bluster, I'd say.

Yeah, well, there was a quote from one of the people making the accusation.

Right, I've got two headlines here.

Don't say anything until I've read the second one.

First headline in full.

German, Apple event in October will include new iPad mini.

Next headline, new iPad mini not expected to debut next week, report says.

Ladies and gentlemen, am I totally screwed or what?

So we're no closer.


The iOS 18 release date is quickly approaching, but is your phone compatible?

And I could go through the phones that are compatible.

What I may do, though, is make this a Gaz's link, even though I've already got a Gaz's link, which I've got to put in, because it basically goes through.

I'm going to read it.

I'm going to have fun reading it.


I'm not going to put it in as a link.

I'm just going to read it.

The iPhone SE, second generation or later.

So these are ones which, hang on a minute.

We have good news.

If you had an eligible phone last year when you updated to iOS 17, the device that should still be compatible with iOS 18, according to Apple, that means you won't have to buy a new phone, is as follows.

So what was that headline again?



So basically, the iPhone SE, second generation or later, and then it's the iPhone XR, XS, XS Max, 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max, 12, 12 Mini, 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max, 13, 13 Mini, 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max, 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro Max.

15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max.

Those are phones which will be compatible with iOS 18.

Did they mention the 16?

Now, that doesn't mean that you'll get.

They didn't mention the 16.

It's not going to be compatible with that one.

Now, they don't say whether you'll be able to get Apple intelligence on those, which is probably the fact that you may not.

I think the intelligence is probably.

I think it's probably on iPhone 15 Pro or 15 Pro Max.

And up.

Yeah, including the 16.

Yeah, I would hope so.

I saw the snapshot of this, and I haven't yet watched it, because this I saw just before we came online.

So this is really recent.

YouTube has built a six-foot-tall working replica of Apple's iPhone 15 Pro Max.

And it's massive.

This thing is massive.

If the YouTube clip is correct.

So I'm looking forward to watch that.

It's actually 6.7 feet tall and weighs 440 pounds.

Please, please send me a link to that.

I'll tell you what.

I really want to see that.

What we'll do, folks, is we'll probably put that in as a.

Another Gaz's link.

No, not another Gaz's link.

I'll put it in as a for pick's sake.

Oh, okay.


So I'll remind you when we come to that and put it in as a pick's sake.

But this is a link to it.

So I'll get the YouTube.

Link rather than the link to the news article.

Screw the news article.

I just want to see the video.


Apple takes direct aim at Microsoft Copilot plus PCs in a new AI focused Mac promos.

I haven't seen this yet again, because as I said in the last link, this is fairly recent.

I'd like to watch this.

And neither has the author of that article.

Wouldn't it be good?

Why, have you seen this ad?


If this ad, it would be good.

If they're going back to the, I'm a Mac, I'm a PC.

Remember those?

No, you don't.

Obviously not.

Yeah, they were.

So I hope they go back towards that.

But I need to watch that one as well after the, after we've done the show.

Apple card is now offering two new ways to earn $200 cashback bonus.


Thanks, Apple.

Can you actually bring this card to the UK, please?


That is the end of Gaz's quite long snippet.

Much longer than I thought it was going to be.

Much longer.

Well, much longer.

Now, let me go, because I've also, I've also, Guy.

Tell me.

Got a Gaz's link.

The Gaz's link goes to alleged fraudster.

I think this was really clever.

An alleged fraudster got $10 million in royalties.

Using robots to stream AI made music.

So a North Carolina man is facing fraud charges after allegedly uploading hundreds of thousands of AI generated songs to stream to streaming services and using bots.

He then played them billions of dollars.

And apparently he may well have received $10 million in royalties since 2017.

Since the scheme.

I just thought that was brilliant.



The ingenuity of some people is fabulous.

Great initiative, man.

It's a shame that you're basically defrauding companies because they don't like that sort

of thing.

I hope you move that money out of wherever the heck it is.

You said North Carolina moved it someplace safe because if it's still there, they will

get it.

Yes, they will.

That is the end of Gaz's link.



Oh, that is so funny.

So here we are at the center part of the show and in years past we would have been talking

about, well, what do you think is going to be at the next Apple event?

And you know, do you think it will do this and this and this?

And we're sort of not going to do that.

We're not going to discuss.

discuss you know the ins and outs of all the different os's because quite frankly

nobody really knows for sure until monday and i can't think of anything that we could add that

gaz and i could add to that conversation that would be all that interesting so instead we're

going to play a game show and that game show is called what are the odds and you're going to hear

that a lot very very soon now the way this game show is going to work we're going to talk about

not the operating systems we're going to talk about hardware that could be released at the

apple event but not just for the apple event we're going to look a little bit into the future

a little bit into the future

september and october is the time frame that i'm looking at so not just this event but i'm

pretty sure that there's going to be another event at least one in october where or not even

really an event they'll just say oh here's some stuff and just put it in some stuff yeah well

that's what they've done lately it's what they did with um i can't remember what it is now at

the top of some of not the ipads there was something that was normally would have been

like a big release and they were like okay well we told you about all this other stuff and oh

oh yeah two weeks later here's this and just put it right out there and those sound effects are all

guy all guy yeah all right so let's start to play what are the odds now gas tell me

what are the odds in the next two months that there will be a new apple pencil

90 you say 90 so you're recording these so you're recording these and we have we have got to then

um somehow put these percentages into scores so that at the end of october we can then score it

because we'll totally remember to do that

gas what are the odds that we'll

we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll we'll

remember to do that zero percent zero percent which is what the score that i am giving

an apple pencil in the next two months now can i can i you can you didn't tell me the rules here

can i actually use you know i don't have to go zero or 100 i can go you know sure you can you

can put you can put i mean just don't go 67.892 give me a round number is all that's all i ask

a round number around preferably up and down to a 10 to you know a zero you know what you know

what i mean you know what i mean all right next question guys what are the odds that apple

will release iphone cases 100 yeah that's uh and you know i would love to sit there and say no

they won't but i know they will hopefully they won't be as lame as the last ones that they had


moving in the same kind of vein i like i like this game isn't this fun this is a fun game

gaz no anybody who's listening to it is thinking what's a load of rubbish we're enjoying ourselves

we're having a good time with it and we talked about this before we started to record yes yes

yes yes we do this show because we enjoy doing the show i'm not taking it to the nth degree

but we enjoy doing the show because we enjoy doing the show

all right gaz what are the odds that apple will release new watch bands 100 you say 100

and again we're talking about over the next two months i'm gonna go i'm gonna go 40 um

oh dumb dumb dumb it's gonna depend on

um if the watch bands are going to be released in the next two months i'm going to go 40 percent

there's any real significant changes to the watch or if it's you know all the same sizes and all the

rest of that they may not because the third and we're talking about apple we're not talking about

all of the other companies that make watch no yeah i know i know we're talking about apple

yeah okay so i'm gonna say 40 okay so so the reason i say that is i'm pretty certain there's

going to be a new phone within that time frame a new watch within that time frame okay and i think

that they will come with new bands because they've got that new watch that's my assumption

but i've already said 40 so i'm not going to change it yeah yeah you see you see i'm not

going to give you all my little trick trick i'm not going to give you my little tricks you see

okay but i'm going to take i'm going to i'm going to take a copy of this so you can't cheat as well

i'm not going to cheat i i will not cheat i will not cheat i i and i will stick to whatever score

i say before either you or i get

an explanation as to why you gave it that score okay so next one gas what are the odds

that apple see now i'm digging the sound i'm really digging the sound

that airpods uh and that they will move to a usbc case the regular airpods or airpod pro release

september october yeah september october i'm gonna go i think it's quite likely that the next one

will have a usbc case it's whether it's going to be the next two months i'll go 45 okay and i'm

gonna go i'm gonna go 50 on that i i think that there will be new airpods tomorrow so yeah yeah

you see if there are then i think there'll be usbc but i've gone 45 because it's whether it's

you know come out and say they're they're releasing them tomorrow yep okay next one gas

what are the odds that there will be uh air a new airpods max which for people who don't know

those are the the the big airpod headphones not not the over the ear headphones i'm gonna go zero

percent zero oh and um actually

i'm going to agree with you i don't think that there's going to be new airpods over the next two

months and i don't think that apple will even barely even talk about that tomorrow or monday

all right gas what are the odds that there will be a new home pod or home pod mini over the next

two months so october's i'm gonna go

i'm gonna go 65 on that i'm gonna go a hundred percent are you yeah i think that uh i think

they're due i think that home pods are due that's been a long time since they've done any anything

with them okay now can i can i just clarify so that even includes if they release just new colors

of this of what their standard range is i'll give you that as a release yeah yes yeah um so next

gas what are the odds that there will be a new studio display over the next two months

oh ten percent ten percent gas says ten percent i'm gonna say zero zero percent i don't think that

i think it's going to be a really long time before apple does anything with a display

now this next one i think is going to be a little bit harder

gas what are the odds that there will be an updated apple tv in the next two months

so we're talking the hardware here yes

i'm going to go zero percent i'm going to go a hundred percent

i think that's a big hard yes

um again apple

you know because and because here's the reason i'll tell you the reason why

the apple tv more than almost any other product that apple makes ties into apple services

and that's where such a big part of their revenue is coming from lately that i i don't think that

they can wait too long to have a new apple tv i now i agree with what you're saying but

i just don't think they're that i i just don't think they're going to do it i think they

probably think what they've got out there is good enough for the time being they'll leave it until

you know you could be very you could be very right because the current apple tv is it's a great

it's a great device yeah okay okay now this next one this one i think is is going to be tough

gas what do you i do what are the odds


a new apple vision pro or a new less expensive one

now can we clarify again these rules are an actual physical device which is released and

not them announcing that they are going to reduce prices or something like that

yeah no it has to be and not necessary that it's going to be released in the next two months

just that they announced that there is another one coming

right so if they announced that there was one coming you're saying that's a

that's enough that's to say yeah

i'm gonna say zero percent still i'm gonna stick with it okay i think we're i think i'm gonna

go completely opposite with you again and say 100 that and i'm really hoping for a less expensive

one you know i've been wanting something yeah like like google glass but from apple

and uh i've seen some of the not yeah and you know when i say demos i'm talking about companies

that just pull information out of their ass and say oh this is what the new apple you know regular

glasses is going to look like and the funny thing is when you listen to the youtube videos that's

exactly what they sound like okay i i just i just think again a little bit like the apple tv that

they think it's probably good enough for the time being and they don't need to change their

process on putting something different out just yet i well you could be right because they haven't

even well you could be you they don't have any sales right yeah well since we're going completely

opposite here it's like someone's going to be right and someone's going to be wrong there you go

okay this one i think is going to be a little bit easier guess this one might be easier

guess what are the odds

what are the odds that there will be a new apple watch or apple watch ultra 100 yeah yeah

and to to clarify i didn't just pick items that you know it may or may not i just went across

apple's entire product line and said okay i'm putting it in here even though it's painfully

obvious um and so i'm going to put it in here and i'm going to put it in here and i'm going to put

And speaking of painfully obvious gas,

what are the odds that there'll be a new iPhone 16,

16 Plus, 16 Pro, or 16 Pro Max?


If it's any one of those, 100%.

I'm going to say 15.

No, I'm kidding, of course.

You've just put it in the wrong.

Are you not doing the next one then?

Yeah, iPhone.

Oh, okay.

Yeah, you're right.

I screwed up the order.

We'll do that next.

Do that next.

We're going to do this one next.

Yeah, this one's an easy one.

We're both saying 100%.

The one we've just done is easy.


It's like, guy, if you say anything other than 100%,

you're an idiot.

More so.

And if anybody says 110%, I say, no,

you can't get more than 100%.


Because 100% is everything.

Okay, guess.


What are the odds?

Of a new iPod Pro, iPad, sorry, iPad Pro, iPad Air,

iPad or iPad Mini in the next two months?

Oh, do you know, I was thinking straight away 100%,

but now I'm thinking about it.

It wasn't that long ago.

No, it's got to be 100%.

You're going to say 100%?

Yeah, that's right.

Well, that's what I was thinking, you see,

because I was then thinking it wasn't so long ago.

And unless that iPad Mini comes out, which is, you know,


I'm going to go 50%.

Okay, 50%.

I think it really should be, I think it really should be 100%,

but I'm going to go with 50% just to put up.

I'm going less.

I'm going 25%.

All right, blimey.

Yeah, I, you know, they'll talk about the iPad OS,

but I don't think that they're going to announce any hardware

or even in October,

because they just did the iPad Air and iPad Pro as M4s,

or was it just the Air?

I can't remember.


Well, regardless, there was an iPad event not that long ago.

All right.

Now we're getting into some hardware that you and I

are probably extremely interested in.


What are the odds?


Still digging the sound.

I really am.

We're going to play this game again.

Not, not like.

Next week, but soon,

as soon as something comes up that makes it worth playing,

we'll play.

What are the odds again?



That's a hundred percent right there.


Mac studio.

Two months.

I'm giving all of my odds before you, by the way,

which I feel a little bit, I feel a little bit unfair,

but as it's your quiz, I'll let you, I'll let you.

You want me to go first?

I'll go first on the Mac stuff.

No, no, it's fine.

It's fine.

No, no, it's fine.

It's fine.

I think this one's quite difficult, but I, I think,

Oh, this really is a difficult one from what we're hearing at the moment.

I'm going to get, I'm going to go.

I'm going to go 20%.



Mac studio.

I'm going to go 75%.



Not necessarily a release date.

Or not a release in the next two months,

but at least a, an announcement for a new.



It's going to be, it's going to be the announcement that it is coming though from Apple.


Not from Minji Kuo.

Yeah, no, no.

It's got to be from Apple and, but they don't tend to say, you know, that far ahead.


No, but we are, we are looking at the next two months.




So you do your next question and then I'll put some doubt in my mind, but carry on.


Gaz, what are the odds that there'll be, I'm still laughing, that there'll be a new Mac

Mini in the next two months?

You see, this is where I think there may well just be a Mac Mini and Wolf's just come in.

Hello, Wolf.

What do you think?

I hear him.

I hear him moving his stuff around.

Come here.

Come here, Wolf.

What does Wolf think?

Should I put Wolf in this one?

Any YouTubers?

I'll put YouTube, YouTubers on there so they can see Wolf.

I don't know Wolf.


So, Wolf.



Oh, all right.


Just calm down.

So the thing is, if they bring out a Mac Mini, they may well then bring out a Mac Studio

alternative because I'm hearing so many rumors about this possible Mac Mini.

I'm going to go 75%.


But I'm not going to change my 20% on the studio.

I'm going to live with it.

Oh, he's off now.

This one is, as compared to the Mac Studio, I don't know because the problem is, now I

don't have it on this list.

Now, there is a Mac Pro.

There's a Mac Pro out there, and that's been swapped over to the M Series, hasn't it?

The Mac Pro?




And that hasn't been updated in a long time.

And I don't have it on this list, and I should have.

And I will put it in and include it.

I said 75% for the Mac Studio.

I think that...

That if Apple is going to announce M4 Macs, and let's face it, that's exactly what we're

talking about here, that it's pretty sure that they'll do, at least announce all the

way across the board, all of them.

So, I'm also going to say 75%.





I should put this, actually.

Let's put this in a different category.

Hold on a second.

I'm going to do a quick...

So, for anybody listening, Guy is now...

Oh, he's making this really difficult, I think.


So, what are the odds, Gaz, of new iMacs over the next two months?

You see, they...

You know, you just talked about them.

I'm wanting to update to the M4 version, and I don't know what version they're on currently.


They're M2s.

I'm going to...



You see, they can easily announce that we are bringing it out.

Are they M3s?

Now I can't remember.

Ah, you see.

Well, you don't look.

Don't cheat.

No, I'm not going to look.

I'm not going to cheat.

You see, I'm dubious about it.

I'm going to go 35%.



I'm going to go...

I'm going to agree with you.

I'm going to say 35% as well, because the iMacs, more so than Mac minis, or even some of the laptops, which we will also go over in a second, are purely consumer-based machines.

That's the audience that it's intended for.

And I don't know if Apple would spend a lot of resources.

I don't know if Apple would spend a lot of resources to also update iMacs to M4s when it really wasn't necessary.

You know what I mean?


And I'm very, very quickly there.


Ooh, excuse me.

Sorry about that.

What are the odds a guy would burp during the show?


Gaz, what are the odds that Apple will introduce a new iMac?

And I have here 27-inch, but instead of saying that, let's just say larger iMac.


And I'm going to agree.

I don't think that Apple is interested in, for all the same reasons, updating the iMac to anything more than what it currently is.

And that's not to say it's not a great machine.

And it's not to say it won't get...

And that's not...

Not to say it won't get updated in the future.

We're just saying the next two months here, folks.


This is what we're concentrating on.




What are the odds of an updated MacBook Air in the next two months?

I'm going to say 0%.

And I am not going to disagree with that.

I don't think that the MacBook Air...

And it's not a purely consumer laptop.

You can do real professional work on a MacBook Air as a portable device.

But I think they're going to concentrate more on the Macs that have been somewhat neglected over time.

All right.

There's only two more.

And there's one that I don't have listed here.

Gaz, what are the odds...

That we're going to see an updated MacBook Pro?

I'm going to say 0% as well.

Because I've got a feeling that if they say...

If they're going to go yes to a MacBook Air, they would go yes to a MacBook Pro and vice versa.

Because they'll just announce that they're updating them with new things.

So because I've gone zero on the Air, I'm going to go zero on the Pro.

But if they come out with one or the other,

they'll both come out, I think.

I think they'll do an update to both if they do an update to one.

So I could have a double whammy zero there, I think.

I'm going to say 100%.

All right.

So you're splitting your odds there, aren't you, basically?

You're putting $100 on black and on red.


So that way I can't lose.

Because here's the thing.

I've put all of my $100 on one number.

And it's...

35 to 1 odds on that.


I think that the MacBook Pro being the Pro machine,

that they're going to want to update that for...

God, I hate saying this word.

Apple intelligence.

And that the MacBook Pro, I think,

will get the update.

Before the MacBook Air.

All right.

Yeah, basically.

This is the last one I have.

Now, if you think of any, we'll go ahead and throw it in.

Gaz, what are the odds that there's going to be a new Mac Pro?

You see, all of this is really dependent on

whether they just throw it out on a separate event at a later stage.

I'm going to say 0%.


Well, remember, the announcement could come in October as well.




I'm going to say 50%.

I'm going to go 0%.

I'm going to say 50%.


Again, because this is a professional machine,

and I think they're pushing out Apple intelligence,

he says with a catch in his throat,

for the professional market as much as the consumer market,

maybe even more so,

that they...

And the Mac Pro has not been updated in a long time.

Anyway, those are all of the ones I have for, what are the odds?

So, unless you have something,

we can move on to the next part of the show.

We can move on.

Oh, okay, good.

I see you nodding your head.

Hit it.

Gaz's Tips.

Most of them.

Gaz's Tips.

Most of them.

Gaz's Tips.

It's time for...

Gaz's Tips.

Okay, these are iPad keyboard tips, Guy.


If you have an Apple-orientated keyboard connected to your iPad,

then you can press the globe and a key to get back to the home screen.

Oh, the globe.

I did not know that.

And key.

Which one is it?

Oh, no.

I've been and lost it now.

Been and lost it.

It's not just the globe key.

Now, you know which is the globe key, don't you?


Now, unfortunately, I've been and messed up because I think there should be a...

There's another key there, and I think it's possibly H,

and I haven't got my keyboard here.

I should have got this much, much better sorted.

Now, on some keyboards...

Just stick with the globe key.

What I'm talking about is the...

If you try the globe and the H key, see if that takes you back.

Is that a no?

I love Gaz's tips.

Did it work?

I don't know.

I can't see it.

Oh, you've not tried it.

You see...

I don't have mine with me.

I didn't know you were going to do this.



Well, no, that's fine.

I've got mine here, but I haven't got the keyboard on it, so I can't test it for you.

But the globe key, for anybody who's not sure, is actually the function key in the bottom

left-hand corner.

Well, I was just going to put them out, and I've just realized I haven't got that particular

key, so I'm going to have to disappear and come back and tell you what that is, or I

might do it next week.

Anyway, I've still got other tips here.

That was really bad, Gary.

I've put the globe and the blank key to get back to the key.

Well, you want to start over?

No, no, no, no.


I'll go with it.

You know, just press the globe and all the keys.

You'll see which one takes you back.


What are the odds?

It takes you back to the host screen.

So the globe...

So this is a real mess, isn't it?

It is.

It's okay.

It's a bad day.

I've had a hard day.

You have.


You deserve a break today.

Just to remind everybody, that globe key is the key in the bottom left-hand corner of

the keyboard, and it's also known as the function key on some keypads.

Now, as on the Mac, you can press command and the space bar to bring up search on the

iPad as well.

Do you want to bring up the dock while you're in an app?

Sometimes you want to go to the dock because it's got your favorite apps on there.

Again, press that globe or function key, and then press the A key.

Obviously, do that combination, and again, and the dock will disappear.

So if you go globe or function and the A key, and the menu bar...

Sorry, the dock will pop up.

Press it again, and it will disappear.


I'll just refer to globe rather than globe and function.

Globe and the Q brings up a quick note.

This also works while you're in a different app.

Globe and C brings up the control.

Globe and the M key brings up all available shortcuts, so you may not...

Actually, this is the brilliant bit.

If you press the globe and the M key, it brings up all the available shortcuts, so you don't

need to remember all these great tips.

Plus, it gives you various other options as well, as well as the globe and something key

to get you back to the home screen.

Anyway, the globe and the arrow keys, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right,

arrow, scroll you through the currently open apps.

So if you go globe and then up, down, left, and right, it'll actually go through all of

the apps.

Actually, that's left and right, because the globe and up arrow takes you to the app switcher.

I think it's the globe...

Yeah, so it's just the globe and the arrow left and right takes you to all the currently

available apps, and then the globe up arrow takes you to the app switcher.

Using the globe and the down arrow combination...

will open all of the open windows you have within a single app, like Safari.

Some people open lots of Safari windows, so this will actually go through them.

And then you can use the left and right keys to scroll automatically through,

not automatically, but to let you scroll through those windows.

So if you've got a number of app windows, single app windows open,

using the globe and down arrow will bring all of those possible windows up,

and then you can scroll through them.

So like the Mac, you can use the command and tab key to scroll through the current open apps.

You can basically, when you do that, you release the keys when you land on the app that you need.

So basically you go command and tab, and then keep pressing those,

and then you'll go through all of the different applications and then release it when you're there.

And I think that's it for now.

That goes.

That's the end of many bad-started Gaz's iPad tips.

Hit it.

That's the end of Gaz's tips.

Is that the end of the tip?

Will you let me finish?

Gaz's tips.

Gaz, you are absolutely right.


Well, when you say absolutely, not completely absolutely on that one, but we'll take it as, you know.

Well, I can't.

I can't change the recording, Gaz.

It is what it is.

And have I told you that when you do those really, really long Gaz's tips,

how appreciative I am of all of the hard work that you put into them so that, actually, I'm not going to say.

You'll know if you watch the video.

Otherwise, well, you won't.

So anyway, I don't have a for pick's sake this week.

And you have your big phone.

Ooh, I can't wait to watch this.

Your big phone YouTube link.

Yes, I do.

I'm really, really looking forward to that.

And I haven't watched it either, but I'm looking forward to watching it.

So there you go.

I'm sure it's going to be great.

If you would like to contact us and say, what is Guy talking about when he says that Gaz's links can sometimes be longer for really, really good reasons?

But you'll have to watch.

The video to find out, you can, you can, and we'll talk about all those things in a while, but if it's the first time that you've done it, you will get something amazing, which is called a Wu T and that's big W, big O, big O, big T, little I, little E exclamation mark.

And that's a woody.

And I really should move saying all of that to when we talk about how to get ahold of us instead of.

I want to discuss all this behavior.


I'm sure.

I'm quite sure.

If you would like to help contribute, I'm laughing to, to this show, you can do so.

You can go to, uh, oh, darn it.

I'm just Patreon. forward slash Mac parrot coffee.

K O dash F

Forward slash Mac Bennett or pay a pal at PayPal dot M E forward slash Mac parrot.

And before we go on, and it's what I should have done before talking about any of that is that we do have some feedback this week, Gaz.

We do.

What are the odds?

Uh, first one I'm going to mention.

Is from a longtime listener.

Who likes to send me messages that make me work really, really hard.

And this time was, was particularly difficult.

Thank you, Marcus.

This is a message from Marcus and let's give that a listen.

I am so sick of Apple improving to the point where it doesn't work anymore.

Jesus Christ.

I have my activity rings for August.

Like, oh, hey, if you get all of this in August, all close, all three for 25 days, you get an award.

And I was closest and I get home.

And I have to do every single day in the rest of August, right?

Because 30, there's 31 days in August.


Well, there is, I checked.

And I looked at your shit.

You're like, well, if you do 25 days total, all your exercise rings, you get the thing for August.

And I'm an August baby.

So like, yeah, what the fuck?

I can do this.

And then I get home.

I put on my, I take off my Apple watch ultra two and put on my ultra one and go to bed.

And I had like four minutes or whatever.

So I, you know, you do this where you roll your arms in the air, blah, blah, blah.

For four minutes.

And I catalog.

Four minutes on my Apple watch ultra one.

And I go to bed and like, you know, if it doesn't do this, I don't give a crap.

Cause I went a whole year and I met every single goal I had and it didn't do.

And I'm still fat.

I didn't lose weight.

I'm not motivated for anymore at this point.

I'm just playing a game.

So I go to bed.

I wake up.

I'm driving to a thing to meet a friend.

And I open a thing and like all watches.

And then I go, I click that, unclick it.

Cause they've got more than one Apple watch.

If you have more than one Apple watch, it'll unclick and you can choose an Apple watch.

So I chose the Apple watch five because it's,

an old OS or some and like, well, no, I'm gonna ignore that.

And then I'm like, well, ultra one chose that ultra two, whatever.

I don't, I don't remember the sequence, but I had to with it just to get the old

sequence and the old activity to show up because it wasn't sinking from icon.

You know, when you, you hit the bottom button and you tap the phone thing to

ping it and it doesn't do it and it says, oh, well open, find my, and then do that.

Well, that means that your watch isn't connected to your phone for some reason.

I don't know.

Apple is improving things so much that it doesn't work like Microsoft, but it did

all that and it sank the rings and it sank the.

Rings and I, I had my, I go to sleep with my Apple watch ultra one and I saw I was

four minutes shorts of exercise.

So I exercise for four minutes, got that done, blah, blah, blah.

Yippee dee dee.

It didn't even show up today as I was driving to a destination to go to meet a

friend and I had to with this and then I didn't have to do it while I was driving,

but I did much like somebody that I know that drives and records himself for no

reason at all.

But anyway, that's beside the point.

And if you want to speed this up to two X, I would totally be okay with that.

I got this figured out and for Christ sake, and it looked, I looked at it and

looked at my rings for Wednesday and it's really you do on the watch.

You really have to.

You do it on the phone.

So I tapped on activity, went back to Wednesday.

It had previously shown like not a whole lot.

And then once I think both watches up while I was driving, which is illegally

Minnesota, it showed up and like, yeah, oh great.

So I can still do it for August.

Today's Friday.

I'm good through Thursday.

If I have Friday, Saturday and Sunday, if I meet all my goals, I will get the

August award.

And I kind of want to do that because I'm an August child.

I was 73.

But anyway, Hey, thanks for listening to the my Mac program on whatever network

this is.

And I will talk to you guys later.

I'm not apologizing for not sending anything in recently or whatever.




Thank you, Marcus.

I do, you know, I've got to say, Marcus, it was a bit waffly and I get

that completely because there are times when I'm doing the same thing.

Apple, why did you do that?

You could, and I could, all I had to do was, and you just didn't let, and I

just, I've gone beyond that.

Now I now don't care about the Apple rings.

There are one thing that I'll try and achieve on the Apple rings.

And that is standing, which I normally hit.


By the way, I've set my.

I've said, yeah, yeah, well, yeah, but it was at 12 hours and I didn't always

kind of catch 12 hours because sometimes you get up, you walk somewhere, you come

back, you sit down and it's in an hour where you were sat watching a TV, but it

didn't record it.

It doesn't pick it up because he said the way the army bit, you know, you know,

sometimes you can wave your arm a bit so you could sit down and wave your arm and

it says you've been standing.


I actually stood up, walked out to the kitchen round a bit, came back and it

still didn't register it.

So I kind of get that, but you know, the other stuff I actually set a limit so

that, you know, I have to push myself a little bit, although to be honest with

you, 30 minutes exercise each day, I can do that generally easily.

Um, yeah, but the, um, my, um, activity, sometimes that's more of a struggle.

However, I've got to the point where a few days I've missed it and I thought,

really, does it matter?

No, it doesn't.

It's nice to get a little badge, but as Marcus absolutely hits the nail.

I was on the head.

Oh, it's just become a game.

It has.

And it's a game which you can cheat.

So yeah, but the activities which they ask you to try and achieve on the

monthly basis, that is something which I try and do and try and do, you know,

correctly as it were.

Um, but there's been a few other things with Apple of itself, uh, which I've

been, but why are you doing this to me?

I, it doesn't, it's not just working.

And I, I loved, I loved that run.

I thought it was absolutely brilliant.


I was in hysterics when I heard it come through.

Cause I was just nodding my head.

Not that there's a tip there.


Thank you, Marcus.



We were both, we were, and as you listened to it or as you listened to it, I

should say, um, you probably could hear us laughing in the background because it

was, it was a, it was a worthy rant.

It certainly was.


If you could make them just a little shorter, Marcus, we would, we would appreciate it.

Not that we still won't play it.

You do what you like, Marcus.

You do what you like.

You do you, Marcus.

You do you.

Speaking of people that do themselves, we have one other comment for this week.

Mr. Cheesedoff has something to say.

Are you ready for Mr. Cheesedoff?

Yes, please.


Here he is.

Hello, Guy and Gaz.

Mr. Cheesedoff here.

Have you heard about this new no-pin rubbish?

It's like Big Brother and a tape recorder had a baby and they're flogging it as a memory


Oh, how lovely.

A wearable AI that records everything you say.


I guess that's what we desperately need is a digital snitch dangling from our mechs.

I'm sure it'll be a hit in a pub.

Nothing says trust me like wearing a bloody wiretap and it learns about you over time.


Sooner or later he'll be telling me to eat my veggies and call my mum.

Just what I've always wanted, a Maggie necklace.

I reckon it'll save us 260 hours a year.

Oh, what?

Thinking for ourselves?

Heaven forbid.

$169 for the privilege of being spied on.

I'd rather train a carrot to take notes.

At least that'll be entertaining.

Nothing too fruity, though, as I hear the Norwegian blue stums easily.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to have a private conversation with my toaster.

It's the only appliance left that's not trying to outsmart me.

I don't know.

Sometimes all this just really cheeses me off.

Thank you.


Thank you, Mr. Cheesedoff, as always.

We really appreciate your comments on the news of the day.

We hope you enjoyed it.

We'll see you next time.


Sorry, I'm still laughing.





If people wanted to get a hold of you and say, I want to send a five-minute rant, how

would they do so?

Ever so easy, Guy.

Ever so easy.

Just send an email to Gaz at

That's G-A-Z at

You can find me on the socials as Gazmaz, G-A-Z-M-A-Z.

And if you think you can't find me, I'll send you an email.

If you can't find me on the socials as Gazmaz, just send an email to Gaz, G-A-Z at

See what I do there?

I'm just repeating the Gaz at over and over and over and over.

You can also, though, contact both Guy and Gaz on the Xs.

If you go to G-Y-A-N-D-G-A-Z, and you'll find Guy and Gaz.

You can also send an email to feedback, F-W-E-D-B-A-C-K, at

I don't think I can actually say that any quicker, to be honest with you.


I do try, but I don't think I can actually say it any quicker.

It's actually not me saying it, because you don't see my lips move.

It's a ghost that's behind me.

It's a ghost.



His name was Guy.


Pay no attention to that guy behind the curtain.

He's the guy.

There he is.

Gaz, you've got a point.


Wait, hold on.

Hold on.

I screwed up constantly.



Guy's the one.


You remember Guy?

If you want.

Oh, no, no, no.

And you remember Guy.

Without no fooling you, how would they do it?

I don't think I could have gone on, unless you play that.

I think I would just, like, lock.

Lock in place.

You can send me an email on the email client of your choice to...

There we go.


Him at

G-U-Y at

You can also find me on the ex-Twitter whatevers as either Mac Parrot, words are hard, or VertShark.

I am VertShark over there on the Instagrams and the threads.

What else?

I think...

Oh, no.

I'm also Mac Parrot on CounterSocial and

If you don't hear from me there, it's because I typically don't go there very often.

But those are my names there.

Honestly, if you're on X, and I know there's a lot of people that have problems with X, and that's fine.

You don't have to like X or Elon Musk or any of the rest of that.

But that is, unfortunately, where I do spend most of my social media time.

That and Facebook.

But there's another way that you can get a hold of us, Gaz.

Do you know what that is?

There is?

Yeah, I is.

Are you going to play it?

No, you can play it.

Call 703-284-6777 for the MyMac Podcast with Guy and Gaz.

It's tech heaven.

That's 703-284-6777.

Get in touch now.

Your call is our tech trip 11.



And apparently, when you have no, what is that called?

No feedback turned on in, what system are we using?




It's been a long show.

Systems are hard.

It keeps turning down the audio in the middle of that for some reason.

I don't know why.

It is so weird.

If you do call that number outside of the U.S., you'll have to use the country code,

which is one and then the number.

And remember that you could incur charges if dialed directly.

So the best way to send us a message is in all the various ways that we talked about.

But before, we're finally near the end of this show.

I know.

What are the odds?

We are.

What are the odds?

This is going to be a long show.

This is this one.

I'm looking at our time here.

Yeah, this is going to be a very, very long show.

So if you like listening to us, especially since we didn't have a show last week, this

is your kind of show.

If you sit there and say, oh, my God, it's even longer with the two of them, then probably

not your type of show.

But we appreciate the fact that you have downloaded and listened.

Listen, damn it, to the podcast.

It is greatly, greatly appreciated.

And we're just stunned and amazed that after all these years that you're still doing it.

And Gaz, I think that we're good enough.

And what are the odds that we were smart enough and that, doggone it, we even had,

we'll find this week, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, people like us.

I only know 25 letters of the alphabet.


I don't know why.

Why didn't I see that coming?


Thanks for downloading and listening to the MyMac podcast.

You can also hear other great podcasts.

The MyMac podcasting network, like the Tech Fan podcast, Three Geeky Ladies, Geekiest Show

Ever, the Let's Talk podcast, the Essential Apple podcast, and the Club PlayStation and

Club Nintendo podcasts.

Yeah, because remember all those times I kept telling you that.

When you pressed it, it sounded like there was an extraction of gas somewhere.

It went.

Well, I did have prunes for breakfast.


I actually did not.

I did not have prunes for breakfast.

I always have prunes for breakfast.

I had.

It's a staple diet.

What do they, what do they call those, those like shredded, big shredded wheat chunks over

there in the UK?

Shredded wheat.





Have we got a delay here?

I don't know.

Do we?


One, two, three.

Oh, you want me to do it at the same time?


Let's do it.

Do it again.

One, two, three.

Not really.


It's just you ignoring me.



I think I'm now on eyeglasses.

I think continuity's finally kicked in.


Did you see my hat?

Uh, I'm guy something guy thinks I can't.

It's doing guy things.


It's the ultimate narcissistic hat.


You don't want me doing guy things.

Don't hang out with guy.

That's how it works.

Well, I'm guy.

I do guy things.


Um, we're playing a game show for the center section.

We're playing a what?

We're playing a game show.


It's, it's called.

What are the odds?


And every time, every time I ask the question, this is what you're going to hear.


Uh, right.

I'll best open that stuff.


Let's get cracking then.

So, uh, because.

The intro has me saying.

Stuff that I have to say, you'll be doing the title this week.

Hold on before you say anything, you hear that to the G man on the, my Mac.

You heard that, right?

I did.

Okay, good.

Well, so before you start, then you heard this, right?


Yes, I did.

Oh, I'm just being a dick.

Come see you.

Come to, uh, you know what it is.

Oh, my wife is asking me if I want generic or brand Tylenol, um, generic cheaper in it.


I don't really care.

It's it's ibuprofen.





So you want me to do the title?


So, um, when, when you're ready, just wait about five seconds to put some, some pause

in there and then go ahead and say the title.

I'm going to say.

And you're going to do the music and stuff.


I'm not hearing anything.

I know.

I haven't done anything yet.

Oh, right.

I was, you see, you seem to be an awful long delay.

I thought you were going to play the intro.

No, I played the intro after you say the title.

Oh, I thought we do.

And I thought we did.

Why am I thinking that we hear music?

I do the title and then there's some more music.

Because it's, that's, that was the old way we did it.



I'll wait five seconds and do it.


All right.

Jog on.

I'm sorry.

Oh, that was totally on me.

I'm very, very sorry.

Go ahead.

I'm not going to, I'm not going to look at you because that's what made me laugh the

first time.


That's good.

I thought it might be quite a long one.


What are the odds?

No, I didn't hit it.

Well, now I have to.

I know you didn't.

I did.

That was fun.

That was, that actually worked out a lot better than I thought it was going to.



And I didn't screw it up other than not having all the categories that we wanted.

No, nevermind.

I think, I think it might, I'm just doing a quick search.

I think it may well have been the H to show or hide the desktop.

So I think I'm okay on that.

I guessed on the, yeah.

No, no.

Here's the thing.

Even if it wasn't, it's still okay.

You had so much other great tips there.


There were.


That's why I wasn't too worried.

If it had been the only one, I'd have been rather frustrated with myself.

But as I've got so many others in there.


Even the one that will tell you whether it's right or not.

The worst part was, and, and that's why when I heard you, that you were continuing on with

some of the different ones, it was like, Oh, thank God.

Cause I have to pee so bad.

Oh, freaking water pills, man.

Because I have the, the, the, the links here.

I moved the page across.

So I didn't see you disappear.

So I could have quietened and you wouldn't have said anything.

I'd have moved it and you weren't there.

That would have been hilarious.


It would have been like, what happened to Guy?

He just disappeared.

It would have been hairy ass.

Hairy ass.

It would have been hairy ass.


You know, I think I've told you about these water pills, but it's to like get all the

excess water out of my body.

The problem with it is then they also tell you that you have to drink a lot of water

so that you don't get dehydrated.

It's like, can someone make up their minds on the kinds of medication that they need?

They're giving me this.

Get rid of the water.


Funny, funny, funny, funny.

I don't get it.

I, you know, I just don't.

And yeah.

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