Oh My Pod! – Episode 1058 – The Impression on the Back of your Throat

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Oh My Pod! – Episode 1058 – The Impression on the Back of your Throat

oh my pod!

On MyPod Podcast, episode 1058.

Hey everyone, welcome back to the Oh My Pod Podcast, a podcast about life from a gomo

point of view.

We are those gomos, your geeky homo host, Peter, Chuti, and your tiger mom, Pinoy boy.

And we are back.

Last week was my bad.

I totally forgot that I had a colonoscopy on Monday and was doing prep at this time.

And no, that's all I'm going to say is no.

Oh, PB.


But like at this hour, what were you doing?

Last week?


Yes, very much.

We could have been like drinking with you.

PB would have a drink.

I'll have a drink.

Yeah, you could have excused yourself to go boobies.

I don't.


So you've clearly not had a colonoscopy yet because that's not how it works.

Yeah, that's not how it works, PB.

Not how it works.

There is no excusing yourself.

And it is.

I meant from the show, if we were recording last week at this time.

I don't.

What I'm saying to you is I would have probably shit on the floor in the amount of time it

took me to run.


To the bathroom.

It was.

Yes, it was not.



I'm going to say this.

Many of my friends carried on about how this is the worst thing ever.

It was not the worst thing ever.

It just was not a lot of fun.

What did make it a lot easier, though, was Tushy.

Having a bidet made it a lot easier because there wasn't constant scraping and wiping,

but more, you know, fleshing and stuff.

But six o'clock started drinking the stuff.

The stuff wasn't.

It wasn't so bad.

The only thing I noticed for me was it started lemon and finished salt.

Very salt.

Like a lot of salt taste in my mouth.

And I drank it again.

See what I.

There is many drinks in Asia.

Like the pickle plum drink and all this.

It was a little.

It was the same.

It was a little.


Sort of flavor.

So I'm used to it.

And I.

I drank those down quickly.



And I drank it fast.

Well, here's the one complaint I have.

They give you a gigantic, like one liter bottle, right?

And they show you where to.

Two liter.

It's four liters.


Four liters.

And they show you where to stop filling the water.

But they could.

They can't put a marking on the thing that tells you when it's halfway.

Like me trying to do the math of what half of the bottle was was not fun, but you drank it all.


No, I don't.

I didn't.

I did.

What I did was I just took the number.


So they told you to drink eight to 12 ounces at a time.

I had a 12 ounce glass, so I drank 12 ounces.

I drank it as quick as I could, like every 10 minutes.

I just wanted to get it in.

And, um, and, and you are on a clear liquid diet the whole day.

And I actually did like a 48 hour fast, like just because I wanted to be as least problematic as possible.

And I know, well, we do that sometimes just for dieting.

But anyway, um, I drank it all down and I was sitting on the couch and I'm just like, yeah, it's not so bad.

Not so bad.

And Sean's like, well, when it happens, you'll know.

And I was like, oh, I guess your body's like, it's time to go.

And then I was in there for like 20, 25 minutes, like nonstop.


So it could have been a 20, 25 minute pause and we could have recorded because then you ate back to the couch.

And three minutes later you were back in again.

And, and then the really bad thing was my appointment was at, um, 6 30 in the morning was my arrival time.

And you have to finish, um, four hours.

You have to start six hours before your appointment.

You have to finish within four.

So by the time I was done going from the first half, it was time to start the second half.

So I didn't even get any sleep at all.

Like at all.

Um, I finally got like 20 minutes of sleep.

I was asleep right before I had to get up and get a shower so we could go to the place.

But you had a sleep while you, they do the procedure.

That doesn't mean I wasn't exhausted by the time I got there.

And I get there and the lady, um, I've been saving this one for PB because I thought he would find it funny.

So the woman who comes over, her name was Tabitha.

Like, okay, can you magically get the thing in?

Uh, no, she did not magically get the thing in.

She literally, do you see the bruise still?

A week later.


It's like half the size it was.

So she comes over and she's looking at my hand.

Like, I'm not joking guys this close.

Like right.

My, her nose was touching my hand trying to find like, yeah.

And she's like, oh, well, where do you usually get stuck?

And I'm like, I have like nine great veins on the back of my hand.

And she's like, how about we do the inside of your arm?

So she stuck me.

And it just bled everywhere.

It hurt like hell.

So I'm like, I can do the chem strip and get your blood glucose reading.

And I'm like, ha ha ha ha.

A different nurse came over and stuck me.

But yeah, the sleep was fun because the guy walked in, the anesthesiologist.

And he's like, hey, you know, Mr. Peter.

He's like, so do you have dentures?

And I'm like, no.

And he's like, partials?

And I'm like, no.

And he's like, well, could you open your mouth and show me?

I'm like, you think I forgot?

Like, no.

And he goes, this is free surgery, everything.

Like, this is a question.


So he goes, oh, you have sleep apnea.

And I'm like, yes.

So he started wheeling me to the room.

And he's like, do you have any questions?

And I'm like, yeah, how the fuck did you know I had sleep apnea by looking at my mouth?

And he's like, oh, I looked at your chart.

But you still had to ask me about the dentures?

Like, he looked at the chart.

And he said, well, I've been doing this a long time.

And he's like, most guys your size do have sleep apnea.

And he's like, and I can tell because they have a lot of weight around their neck.

He's like, but you don't really have a lot of weight around your neck.

He's like, so I'm guessing that your sleep apnea is because you have, like, really narrow passageways.

And I'm like, yeah.

And he's like, I could have looked a little harder.

He's like, but I had your chart.

So I don't know about you guys, but I have this rule that when they're going to give me propofol for a sleep thing, I believe that you fall asleep faster if you're engaged.

So we were just chatting.

And he's like, all right, well, I'm going to start your anesthesia now.

And the next thing I know, I was in the recovery room.

And I said to the nurse, can you tell the anesthesiologist?

He did a really good job.

And she's like, sure.

And that was it.

And then I came home.

And then I laid on the bed and slept for nine hours.

Like, I don't.


I literally laid down.

And the next thing I know, it was like 738 o'clock.

I was like, holy crap.

And I got up, had something to eat, and went back to bed.

It was tough.


Oh, I went back to work the next day.

The next day.


I'm saying I slept.

And then.

You also had yours in the afternoon, correct?

Was yours at 630 in the morning?


Mine was at 630 in the morning.



But I took the day off.

Sidebar for weird tricks that professionals can do.

It is.

It has been relayed to me that hygienists and dentists know if you have been belating


By the impressions on the back of your throat.




This is not.

This will not be title of app.

Please stop typing in the show notes.

Thank you.




I will say that for not being intubated, I had a very, very sore throat when I woke up.

It was very dried.


But yeah.

It was.

But it was my fault because I totally forgot.

Had I remembered, I would have said, we'd have to do it again.

It was.

Had I remembered, I would have said we'd have to do a different night and that's where

we know.

But we're back now.

It is mostly the middle of August.

It is almost the middle of August.

I'm not sure how the fuck that happened, but here we go.

So quick.


All right.

So what is going on in your neck of the woods, gentlemen?

Well, since it's August, I've been buying stuff for the baby like crazy.

It's now 3T and Pinterest.

Live for free.

40s size.

By the time you get there,

they're going to be 60s and 80s,

like, right?

Like, isn't it a little bit early

to be buying stuff?


I'm buying ahead, so.

I kind of have to.

And then I'm buying

cosmetic stuff for my mom

and go at home buying


Why wouldn't it be legal?

Are you importing goods

across country lines?

Yeah, but we have a license for that.

Who are you?

Like, Customs Thailand, Peter?

What gifts are coming to Florida

in the next two weeks?

It doesn't matter.

Oh, nothing, I see.

But even if there were gifts,

there are no tax implications here.

Like, I don't believe that

Truthy's bringing over

more than $10,000

of any kind of product.

I do not have family

outside of the country

because between you and my buddy

who lives here in town

telling me all this crap

he has to take home

to the Caribbean.

Yeah, I would have to tell people,

no, sorry.

I'm not a mule.

I'm not schluck.

Not bringing extra suitcases

just to bring you crap.

I've already been asked,

can you buy


I said,

yes, but no.

There's a lot of types of cards.

Are we talking about playing cards,

collecting cards, baseball cards?


Like Carhartt, like jeans

and like workout wear?

Not necessarily the


I was going to say,

I don't think anybody in Thailand

needs fleece-lined work pants.

No, no, no.

Like, this is the work-in-progress

synergy that they've had

since the 90s.

So it's just the logo shit.

It's not necessarily

the coveralls.

Coveralls and a beanie.

That's what I'm saying, right?

Growing up,

Carhartt's was what my dad wore

when it was cold outside

and he had to go work somewhere.

So, yeah.

There's also like

Cole Haan



Yeah, Coach back.

There are Cole Haan socks

on sale at Costco.

I saw them yesterday.

Yeah, exactly.

So my friend's mom

ordered, wait for it,

a cast iron skillet

to his house.

On Amazon

and asked him to bring it

with him.

And he's like,

Mom, it puts my bag


And she's like,

oh, I didn't think about that.

I didn't think about that.

Oh, sure.

Isn't that like a high-carbon steel one

would have worked,

not a cast iron?

Get this.

The last time I,

I think we may have

talked about this.

My childhood friend

asked me to bring

something home for him.

And then he ordered

an aerosol,

some sort of spray.

I'm like,


you're not, no.

I mean,

that shit is like

flammable and stuff.

And you're not supposed to.

I mean,

you can't even have

aerosol stuff

delivered from Amazon


Remember we were trying

to buy plastic dip

and they wouldn't send it

in the mail.

We had to go to the fucking

Home Depot to buy that shit.



But yeah,

not doing that.

And yeah,


you know,

just getting ready now.

And that has been,

that has been

shooty getting ready

for Thailand

update for the week.

It's all you ever tell us is,

oh, I'm buying more stuff

to go home to Thailand.

I'm going,

yeah, we got it.

Did you do anything fun

that was not

buying stuff

that's been going out?


we want to hear about

your life.

Not your family.

I bought a couple of new


Maybe we would appreciate


I bought

Ted Hermes,


the process bottle is.

But what?


It's Hermes.


If he doesn't wear Hermes,

what are you wearing these days?

I mean, I enjoy

there's a there's a

gentleman friend.

Of mine who wears

here to Hermes

and that's pretty much

the extent of it.

But all of my shit

is like niche

bullshittery ones.


do you like a $300

bottle of cologne?

I mean,

I do appreciate

some of them.

has ever

informed me that he wore

were brands I had not heard

of before I met him.

Well, they're just not

necessarily brands, right?

They're not necessarily

tied to a brand.

The first time I met you,

you were wearing


I think still one of the


inventors because I'd

never heard of that.

I've never really been on

a Mori.

I had never heard it.

Well, and somehow you told

me about it because I had

never heard of that brand


Maybe it was because right

now I'm I'm I'm 50.

You know, a person who

works for Diptyque,

Billy, I would like a

bottle of

I don't know him.

I'm like that.

I just know a person who

works something.

I mean, if I'm going to

pay that kind of money,

give me something that

nobody else has that.

I'm not going to encounter

at an airport, right?

If the general public can

get it, like, what's the

point of paying this price?

Well, you know, no, but

the Tehran mass.

Oh, I I know which one

Ujibre very, I'm sorry.

I'm not trying to be picky.

But what?


What is the name of the

fragrance by Hermes?

Earth, the tear tear.


Yeah, I was just trying to

make sure I heard it right

because I've never guys.

I work at home.

I don't buy cologne anymore.

Like didn't like I wear it

even when I'm home.

I like.

Oh, no, I don't know.

It's like blue rose sent to


I have a candle like that.

I burn during the day.

That's what smells in my


Even burn a candle.

Yeah, I know.

I mean, I don't know.

It's like at at 50.

If I feel good wearing them

around the house, that's fine.

I mean, yeah, no, that is

that is like the one accessory

that nobody else has because

your chemistry changes the way

the fragrance smells and great

if it makes you feel great.


Wear it listener.

I will just say that I have

not and I'm not this is not

saying this is definitely not

a thing of like I'm doing the

right thing and people are


I have not bought cologne in

so long that when

truthy took me to look for

cologne when I was in Boston a

I was shocked at the store.

We went to because I didn't

even think of that as a place

to buy cologne and then I was

gobsmacked by how much the shit

cost like the last time I bought

a bottle of sweet like it was

like $45 like yeah, that's how

long ago like in in the 90s.

It was like 40 $50.

Well, I worked in a hospital

where you were not allowed to

wear cologne for a very long

time and then when I was working

as a consultant that went to

hospitals, I was not allowed to

wear cologne was a rule.

You were not allowed to wear


I mean, I even wear them to go

play pickleball.

Same like I wear it all the


I just use Discovery cards like

I use Discovery Sense and I just

don't necessarily want to be

beholden to a hundred.

That was the other thing the

size of the bottle that you had

to buy and then


And I said, I didn't know last

time I bought cologne.

I bought a fragrance that I

loved in the store and then I

brought it home and like the

third time I wore it.

I was like this most awful.

I hate this and it was a waste.

Yeah, it was like a way and and

you know, I kind of got into a

rabbit hole of like alone stuff.

So I listen to a whole bunch

for YouTube.

How but I don't understand.

I'm not and then how no, no, no

take someone's advice when you

don't know here.

Here's the thing.

It's like they're a whole bunch

of ass.

I know what I like it like notes

stylish and interaction or what

situation you would wear it in.


So here's my deal.

I love citrusy things, but my

body chemistry is woodsy things.

So that's my problem.

Like I could wear like back in

the day like when I was in high

school, I couldn't.

Right out of high school.

I couldn't wear like happy but I

could totally wear obsession and

I hate that I like light citrusy

smells, but they do not have my

chemistry and it may have you

tried pine salt or I just don't


I'm just saying.

I know.

No, no.

So an orange.


So here's the thing.

I know what I like.

So I found some people that kind

of like the scent.

That I like or the alone that I

like and then, you know, I would

actually Oh, we don't know what

he's actually going to do.

Try that again.

You got froze up there for a


I actually would buy find the alone


Yeah, I just I don't think I could

do that.

I know like I fuck that like this

is why I have to go in the store

and try it on because like this is

what $20 discovery set.

What else like five milliliters

each is that's a good point.

No, that's a good idea.

I never even realize you could

because when shooting I went into

the store we both smelled something

that was wonderful in the bottle

and the minute he put it on his


It didn't smell like that anymore

because your chemistry changed it

and if you had a boy that there's

a very dry down right down is

totally different.


Yeah, there's like a beginning

note and then in the middle and

it's right there.

So so far I've been.

Lucky with all the stuff and well,

the reason I mentioned Ray is the

other day at Moscow.

I wore it.

This lady came and are you wearing?

See and that's a whole nother reason

why I would I'm glad I don't wear

cologne because I don't want anybody

to ask me any questions when I'm

out and about it's okay.

And she was like, oh, I'm gonna I'm

gonna see my husband likes it.

I was like, okay, cool.

I don't necessarily want that kind

of attention from people who can smell

me walking by.

I kind of want that attention from

people that are like sitting next to

me a gentleman friend, but I just

remember when I worked at the hospital.

One of the reasons why they made

us stop wearing cologne was there

was a gentleman very nice lovely

wonderful gentleman who is also

happened to be on our team and he

and granted.

This was the late 90s.

So he wore Dracar and like you could

tell if he had been down a hallway

and heaven forfend your lab coat got

hung up next to his you would be

smelling like Dracar for and my dad

wore Dracar for a long time.

Like it was a good scent, but you

know, it's not anymore obviously.

But yeah, I don't even know but


Well, so you bought some colognes

to buy any electronics this week.

I don't think so.



Oh, I did but not for me.

You have to realize something

listener at this point in my

friendship with Judy.

If I ask if you bought some.

No, but if it's if it's if it's

not for me, then it's not that


It is that exciting.

You did a very nice thing for

someone that's very exciting.

I mean, I did because somebody

else needs an iPad.

So I replaced it.

With some something else and Glenn

actually loved it.

I guess it's just smaller and yeah,

I told you he would it's smaller.

It's lighter.

It's faster.

It's got a better screen.

It's like price like when I heard

the oh when he hold it in his hand

for the first time.

I was okay.

I bought the right one.

Debbie Reynolds is high kicking in

my head.

I'm very I'm very happy.

That was the case.

So yes, he did.

That he didn't want me to spend

the money and buy it.

I know he would use it.

But that's what that's what you

say when you're glad that someone

spent money on you.

You didn't have to do this, but



Yeah, that just buying stuff for

people and then a couple of colognes

for me.

All right, PB.

What's going on in your world?

Oh talking about holes.

I you know, I use a cotton bud in

my ear.

And I was like really like I was

giving her.

I was really scratching it up in

there and then I pull out this

cotton buds like oh shit.

I just have a stick in me that

happened to me this week.

Did you bleed?

No, I just happen to have a whole

bunch of cotton wadded into my


Oh, no, no.

I actually stuck it in and when I

scraped I started I felt like a

scratch and I pulled it out and

there was nothing on the tip.

It was a miss.

So you're you had cotton stuck in

your ear and cotton stuck in my

ear like she has a very cool

technological thing that could have

helped you with that.

Let's keep going.

How did you get it out?

Let's keep going.

Like I thought okay.

This is my life now.

I honestly that this is my life now.

I'm like, can we just fucking let

me tell this goddamn fucking story.

Jesus Christ.

Okay, so cotton in your ear.

You're an old man and like I just

hear this crunching.

It's like I could live with this.

It's a little bit muffled not too


It's fine.

I could live with this like by the


I just like I tap snap.

Hey, can you just order this from

me from Amazon because he has prime.

So I did get one of those ear

cleaning care with it for a day.

How it was that far in that you

couldn't get it with tweezers or


No, even stuff couldn't get it with



Wow, that's bad.

Even I didn't even want to ask him

because like not going to put this

word like and you really couldn't

see like the only the only benefit

of the camera and like the rubbery

nubbin that I put on the end of the


Actually removed it from my ear.

Are you returning the camera?

Are you fucking kidding me?

It only cost me $11.

Why would I return an $11 piece of

shit from Amazon?

Highly recommend it.

You can see your ear canal on iPad.

I don't necessarily need to see it

anymore, but I'm glad that I got that

piece of cotton out of mine.

I believe it.

I bought a roll of magnetic tape and

used one millimeter of it and I'm like,

what am I going to do with this much

magnetic tape?

Bridge magnets?

I guess.

Yeah, I'm good.

I don't really do for it.

You could use your laser printer and

I could label something fun for the


Well, Sean bought me a little label

maker for Christmas one year.

I could use that but yeah, I don't


I don't know what to do with it.

But we yeah, we just needed a little


So, all right.

Well, that's good.

So you bought an ear cleaner with a


You're cleaner.

Use it to clean your ear.

Do you think?

Will you continue to use it to clean

your ears?

I don't think so because like this this

kit has a whole bunch of other wax shit

in it.


Whack not why it comes in a set.

Yeah, they come on.

There's so many and they feel like at

these French tickler guys.

Oh, I love those.


I don't know.

This is what I was at.

What do you love it for?


in Thailand people use like or other

to like go in and kind of if it's

itches or something it would stick it

in and kind of coil around a little


Yeah, same thing.

Yeah, and I've got like one, two,

three, four, five, six metal tools.

One of them being this tiny like

little whisk.

Okay, which kind of looks like a Q-tip,

but like,

like a wire with this so that you can

actually grab and drag it out.

All right.

Yeah, I'm going to ask a very deal for


Do you clean your like I do my ears

every morning.

I never find anything on the end of the

Q-tip like do we really need these tools


Okay, I don't know.

It depends.

So so some people have wet ear.

And some people have dry stuff.

I have very oily still have okay.

You could still have why I can't wear

AirPods Pro because they slide out from

the the slipperiness of my earwax.

So where Sean has very dry earwax and

it doesn't have that problem.

So but okay, we're good.

So you retrieve that cotton.

I'm happy to hear that.

You're no long you haven't lost half of your

hearing because of that for me to you know,

boy with the fact that there's a piece of

cotton there.

I wasn't completely sure but then I was like

I'm fine with this.

I could live like this for me.

Retrieve really I'll be fine.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Have you ever gone to see your night like

I need a doctor.

No an ear nose and throat.

I've never been to an ENT before.

Like my GP like I've never really needed

anything more than my GP.

Like I think it was like 10 years ago.

I found that you know, one of my ears I guess

clocked up a little bit.

So I went to see one of those and oh my God

the stuff that came out was like what?



I didn't go do an ENT for that.

I went to an urgent care one day because I

had a piece of wax that got stuck in my ear.

Like I guess when I was cleaning I must have

pushed it down a little bit and it just eventually

worked its way to the point where I couldn't hear

and they took like a 60 cc syringe of warm water

and just in your ear and oh yeah, it's not fun

when you see the stuff that comes out you're

like fuck was that here's the other thing that

way I asked enough to get in that Amazon order.

It looks it's just a spray bottle with like a

long hose attached.


We have that one to go.

Yeah, we have that one.

I didn't have to open it up because I extracted this

cotton bud.


So back when I was having problems with that stuff

when I used to fly a lot for work, I would always

have problems and Sean bought me.

It's like a little cut a little thing you put under

your ear to catch it and then it's like it looks

like a spray bottle with a long tube and you see

the tube in and you just yeah.

Oh God.

Well, have you seen the one that looks like headphones?

Like this?

No, yes, you the one that looks like a car wash

for your ears.

Oh God, it's so gross.

It's crazy.

I would like one.

Oh, no, those actually a real product.

Yeah, it is a real product.

Yes, but it is a thing you need.

It's like ear candling.

It doesn't really do anything.

Oh, no, it's like like this.

Yeah, it's a huge one and it has like for the homeless

or it was water on one side.

It's like an.

Over-the-ear headphones and the bottom half of the

ear cup is clear and it shows you like the wash

water that comes out of your ear.

But the problem is if you do not have a good amount

of pressure behind it oftentimes the water itself

will just get lodged behind whatever's in your ear,

which is bad.

No, it's like it's spraying stuff into your ear.

Like it has like some sort of suction thing going.

So yeah, it's like one of those battery-powered neti pots

for your ear.


I don't want to hear any complaints the next time I buy

a mouse because that's the shit that you're talking about

buying it.

I did not buy it wants to buy exactly.

I'm just saying.

All right.

Well, there you go.

So you're all you can and now both your ears are super

clear and you can hear everything.

Yeah, perfectly fine there.

That brings us to when you were preparing for your colonoscopy

the day before like stuff and I were driving back from the

country and I honestly thought like a rock picked up from

the road and hit me in my eyebrow like oh shit that stings.

Turned out it was a bee or a hornet or a wasp and my face

ballooned up.

Oh for the for the boys.

I'm going to show them a series of photos of the hospital.

I didn't get anything else.

So there you go.

Yeah, looking good.

Oh, I your entire face swelled up.

Not just your eye because in the one picture you look like

a friend of mine.

He was a little bit heavier than you.


But yeah, so I've had a week of.

Of prednisone and histamines and who like I did not know this

pepcid is an antihistamine.


Yeah, so that was like my secondary antihistamine on top of


Benadryl was for itching pepcid was for something else.

I don't know.

Pepsid AC.


What those?

Yeah, that.




It was weird.

Like I knew.

It was administered.

Pepsid by IV in the ER.

Along with Benadryl.



Wait, so you actually allergic to the thing?

So famotidine is an antihistamine and an antacid.

It does both.

Just like just like finasteride grows your hair and also reduces

your PSH for your prostate.

So yes.


Well, I'm glad you back to normal.

I don't know.

Because like the lasting side effects is like I feel like caffeine

hits me harder now.

That's just the thing from the steroid though.

It's sure.


But like this has been days now and I feel like caffeine makes

me crazy.


Like I need to get this shit out of my system because like after

a cup of coffee, it would take you two weeks.

I think I don't know.

Right to go out of my system.

Your sis.

Reminding caffeine with prednisone can keep you awake and I don't

make you feel jittery and or anxious.

I honestly thought I was having a heart attack.


Oh, yeah, because it makes your blood pressure drop.

Oh, yeah, absolutely.

No, here's the thing is like my blood pressure went up.

Through this whole thing.

I think that's what I meant.

It affects your blood pressure.



So like just like the little like just going up and down the

stairs to get laundry is like.

Holy shit.

I'm going to have a heart attack right here right now.

Wait till you have to take it.

Wait till you have to take a medicine for your heart because now

every time I stand up, I get dizzy.

I stand up too fast.


How long to for prednisone to be out of your system?

I wonder the zone to leave your system.

15 to 20 hours.


I think you have about a week.

Or two basically.

Yeah, and you didn't did you taper off or did you just stop?

Oh, no, like this was just the prescription.

Like you just did the prescription.

You're like, hey, I have two and a half one.

Oh, yeah, that's why so whenever I've had to take steroids, you have

to do a step down for the last three days.

So that might be why you give it another week or two.

I only took it for five days.



But yeah, you've had a run then on top of that like work has been fucking


I bet I've had like without giving away like how terrible not terrible,

but a grueling this was it was it was a database full of very important

documents that cannot be free or post-rendered right like documents

where someone would put like a digital signature or a wet ink signature

and you cannot break it up.

You cannot like

extract just like the form and then stick the data on top of it once.

Okay, once the two things are together that document is a legal document.

And for two weeks, I've been trying to migrate this fucking thing and I'm

trying to minimize downtime and just this weekend I bit the bullet I had to

take a production system down for.

36 hours.


Yeah, it's it's that big of a debt.

I finally Wow finish it.

Like everybody in my office was like cheering me like we have been trying to

get this done and we've

I need to take a vacation.

Six hours.

That's that's yeah long time for production for a system that like is

typically open for everybody.


Yeah, so I do not.

It could never do this.

Have my work.

Absolutely not like this.

This is just it's unheard of or the product that we do.

It's just you just don't do that.

And then surprisingly enough like the our customer service guy who is not

necessarily our employee said.


Okay, he was just like the head of the user group.

I was like, yep, go for it.

Yeah, because sometimes it's all you can do, right?

Yeah, 36 hours.

Good Lord.

Yeah, I don't have to do that anymore.

I'm very grateful for that.

My life does not consist of things like that.

But like the last two weeks I've been testing out like how can I break this



So can I like the first step is 18 hours and then I shaved it down to 15

hours and I have to keep testing that 15 hour job to make sure that the

database doesn't crash during the migration.

It fucking sucks.

I bet.

Yeah, that's not good.

But sorry to hear PB.

I'm ready to take a couple days off and not look at at work.

Are you actually had to have some vacation time or no?

Um, my boss said you can just you could just fuck off for a couple days.

It's very nice.

It's a good thing.

It's a very good thing.



All right.

Anything else going on in your world?

No between my eye and this stupid thing at work.

Yeah, nothing good.

All right, let me think.

So I had a very weird issue this week.

That is a technological thing that I thought was kind of funny.

So did I we talked I think previous in the podcast or at least you guys

know that I bought myself a mechanical clicky clacky keyboard.

I'm very excited.

Very happy about it.

But a Logitech one didn't go crazy and buy like, you know, build your own

or anything.

Um, and recently at work.

What I've been working on is I'm writing a like a course on using git and

Visual Studio code together and it's been a lot like I wrote I wrote it

from one point of view and then I had to write it from a different point

of view and then I had to rewrite it and do all this shitty crazy stuff.

So I don't usually use a trackpad to navigate my computer at work.

Not a mouse anymore.

And should you use a mouse still right?




So I did not expect that though.


So you use a mouse pad.

I mean, I it's not a problem to use a trackpad like I like navigating the

computer with it.

But like when you have.

I have to do fine or specific work of cutting and pasting like a paragraph

or half a paragraph or you got to grab like three images in a paragraph, but

not everything a trackpad just sucks.


What do you use to use a trackpad or a mouse?

I use a trackpad.

Okay, so but you get what I'm saying that like sometimes if you're working

on little bits of text, it's a pain in the ass.

So I decided I was going to grab my mouse and I have.

So many mice.

It's not even funny.

But my favorite mouse in the world has always been this little guy right here.

It is a Logitech M720 triathlon.

I love this mouse.

I've had tons of them.

My only complaint is that this little rubber pad here gets worn down as you

can see it's kind of gross and it gets sticky.

So I don't use it on a regular basis.

So I joined it up and I'm doing my work and I use Universal Control during

the day and I keep my my slack and my.

Chats with you guys on my iPad and so move my mouse over to the iPad and

I go to reply back to I think shooty and I type.

Hey, what are you doing?

And I hit the question mark and I just get a slash.

Like kind of weird.

So I thought oh, so then I was typing iOS and it won't type the capital

O or the capital S.

And so I'm like, all right, what the fuck's going?

And of course I am at the point now.

We're like if the cat coughs.

I'm I'm I don't want to do the work.

I'm doing some easily distracted.

So I'm now trying to troubleshoot this problem and I determine it must be

the beta right?

I have the beta on here.

So fine.

So I erase the iPad and then find out like five minutes later that data

three came out for the public beta and I'm like crap.

So I rebuild the thing move the mouse over.

Guess what?

Same thing.

I cannot figure out what it is.

I think it's the keyboard.

I don't know.

I'm not thinking.

It's the mouse.

I was thinking it's the keyboard.

So I tried different keyboards.

No other keyboards also are doing this and my little Mokibo keyboard.

The trackpad won't work at all.

And I'm like, what the fuck is going on?

So I'm googling.

I'm googling.

I'm googling and somebody's like, oh if you're using a Logitech keyboard,

it doesn't work very well with Universal Control.

You've got to go on the iPad and turn on full keyboard control, which

is an accessibility setting which then puts a giant blue square.

Around where wherever you're typing or whatever you're doing.

And I'm like, Jesus Christ.

So I keep googling and I find out that it is this specific mouse model and

only this specific mouse model does not and has never worked with Universal


Wow, and it doesn't matter if you're using the mouse simply having it paired

to your computer will cause the problem even if the mouse is turned off.

I'm like, that's a very odd thing.

It must be something is a very code.

I I'm assuming it has to be first of all, it's not a new mouse.

It's an old mouse.

I mean, I've had these since I worked back in Pennsylvania before the

pandemic like I had this always been my mouse at work and but I guess it

just doesn't work with the Mac.

But yeah, so I unpaired.

The mouse everything went back to working including the Mokibo.

The keyboard came every it just this mouse and I'm stuck because like I

love this mouse and I want to use it occasionally and I got like, oh, I

just will use it whenever I you know, but again, I'm like I can't even use

it just when I need it because if it's paired to the computer then any

other mouse will cause the problem as well.

So watch it.

I cast a travel mouse very similar to that.

I think it's the next.

Well, see here's the thing is I don't trust.

Anymore like I went online and looked and I was considering buying your

mouse the mask MX Master 3s same problem.

Who has same problem.

So now I'm like well forget it like I'll just stop using it.

So I went back to using my other favorite standby mouse, which is the

Microsoft designer mouse.


They do not make this mouse anymore and I wanted to tell PB this so my

buddy was at his job and they were cleaning out the IT closet.

And he found a Microsoft Bluetooth Ark mouse.

Do you remember this mouse?

The Ark mouse?


So the one that you can bend a little bit.


I bought this back when we bought the Sony Viopi when we went to Japan.

That's how old these mice are.

That's a flat mouse that folds into an Ark and when it folds it turns it

on when you unfold it it turns it off.

So it's a great travel mouse and it has a scroll wheel that's touch


And two buttons.

I have always had one of these mice like for when I for traveling it

was for years.

I'm going to say probably eight or nine years my favorite travel mouse

and then one day that the airport and my laptop bag took a tumble and

it fell and it bent the mouse the wrong way and that was it.

It severed the connection and my buddies like oh I found this really

cool mouse and I'm like dude.

I'm sorry, but like I know that this is a new thing you just got but

like you're a Apple mouse guy.

Like if you are not going to use this mouse.

I will pay you for this mouse because Microsoft does not make it anymore.

They make a fancier one with a touchpad on it, but it's like 80 bucks.

I'm not spending that money and he's like, oh don't worry.

I'll get you one and he came over on Saturday and he handed me this

holding Universal Microsoft keyboard and I'm like dude like the mouse

and he's like no, I sent you the picture of the keyboard and I'm like

no, I very specifically said the map.

I don't know.

I'm really hoping you can find one for me.

But yeah.

Google it.

It's called the Microsoft.

It's now called the surface Ark mouse, but it's just too expensive and I

just thought now I'm just back to the trackpad, but I just thought was


It was like very very specific.

I also this week decided to restart using time machine.

Yeah, I know PB.

So I realized I have files on my computer that only get backed up on

Fridays when I do my backup and I'm like, you know what I just.

The the the Asus XT8 does you can plug a hard drive in and use time capsule.

So I set it up.

Yeah PB after the first time it never found the share again.

The Mac was like and I don't understand why the Mac is like hey, I couldn't

connect to this drive and I'm like, all right, we'll try again.

No, no, no, you don't understand.

I couldn't connect to the drive.

We can't continue but try now.

No, no, I couldn't connect to the drive.

Like that's all I kept saying.

I can't connect the drive.

I rebooted it.

I have to go out into the living room or into the loft and unplug the

hard drive and plug it back in for it to work.

So instead I just put it on to my Mac Mini.

I'm backing up once a day.

But do either of you still you don't use time machine at all.

You do.

But PB, where is your time machine hooked up to?

Is it like just like a an SMB share?

But we can't hear you anymore.

You're on mute.

I have a two terabyte USB guy that I just know.

So you see.

I want something that I don't have to plug in.

I want something that every day is.

Oh, yeah.

Because once a week I use super duper to back up the whole hard drive.

I mean, I do have something on an SMB share.

But I don't I don't bother viewing it.

This is just like a safety net that if in case something happened, I was

thinking about editing the backup.

So it just does my user folder because I don't care about anything else.

Do you know what I mean?

Like I just want my user folder to be backed up all the time.

Just in case, maybe I'll do that.

So that'll be a smaller, but I also had an extra six terabyte SSD sitting around

that I wasn't using.

So it's fast, but you don't use time machine anymore.


How do you back up?


All my stuff, sir.


Right next.

And what does he use?

Use the time machine.



All right.

Um, then the other thing this week that I just had a had enough and I

bought another pair of air.

I just they're on they were on sale for like $69 on Amazon and I just

bought a new pair of air pod twos.

I'm just I'm hoping these don't go the way all my other pair have because

we talked about this in the podcast that I've gone through like eight

pairs of these now, right?

Like I just yeah, like I don't know.

How eventually eventually the microphone just stops working on them.

Never never fails.

Sean had a pair for like three years.

Never had a problem.

Is that maybe maybe my ears are off gassing or something and there's just

melting things inside but but I was I was using my air pods the other day

because I could I can you can continue to use them to listen to stuff.

You just can't use them to talk on the phone and you'd think that wouldn't

be a problem but your brain is used to them working with a microphone and I

will answer the phone.

And then I'll be like hello and the person's like are you there and I'm

like, yeah, I'm here.

Oh crap microphones aren't working and you got to scramble to try to get

back off the phone.

So I bought a new pair and I wasn't paying attention and I sent them to


He sounds I was sending I must have sent him something recently on Amazon

and I was like, hey didn't check to see the default address and so I woke


I went downstairs because I said they were delivered at five o'clock in

the morning.

I'm like, yes, I'm going to be able to take them with me when I go out on my

day on Friday and they're not there and I look at the picture and they're

sitting on shoot.

He's friends that though.

Yay for that.

Not cool.

And then the we talked about it in the pre-show but I once again was drooling

over the ROG Ally X again and I decided as PB said that I have too many games

to play.

As I'm still currently working through the Minish cap and I started my Animal

Crossing Island over again.

I don't know why I do know why because it's fun to play at night on the bait

on the beam and the air the X-Real airs just to lay there and play.

I also broke out my 3ds and visited my old Animal Crossing town.

Be that game.


the quality of life that I was going to say like I'm shaking.

My head because like what a pain in the ass that game was just just to manage

life just to manage the shit that you had in your pocket.


Oh that is true.

So yeah, so I turned on my 3ds.

I literally I got it out.

I charged it up that was going to the doctors for an appointment.

And first of all, the 3ds is a fantastic device though, like I forgot how much

how comfortable this game is to play and

this thing is to use with the little you know, the slidey stick that wasn't a joystick.

Do you remember what I'm talking about?

Like on the on the inside this little thing here.

It's like a yeah, I never had that one.

You never had this one.

Oh my God.

It's a 3ds XL.

Yeah, you're the 3ds.

So anyway, I turned the game on and nobody was really mean to me and my town was fairly

covered in like I think I must have had the the ordinance that let's makes people clean

up after that clean up the town.

But there was still like 80.

80 weeds and you can't see behind the trees people so bad.

And yes, I was in there.

I'm like, oh look at all these letters.

I have in my pocket and I'm like all these letters and they have presents on them and

I open up the presents are just my tools and I'm like, oh that's right.

There was not enough pocket space.

So we had to attach our tools.

So I've been listening to a podcast.

I don't know if either of you have heard of this podcast called into the ether and it's

like it's a they call it a low-key podcast for video games where they just basically

they play a video game and they talk about it or like I think they I think what they

do is they record every week and then edit it all together and dump like a four-hour

podcast on you like once a season or something like that.

So they have been talking about old games like I listen to one about Breath of the Wild.

I was started to listen to one about Tears of the Kingdom, but they got to the part where

they were going to start spoiling stuff and I'm like, I don't know.

Like I probably should stop listening but they were talking about new leaf and how

because it doesn't have a really big online situation like you could visit each other's

towns and stuff like that, but it wasn't the same way as New Horizons that it was a fun

game just to play like to wind your day down or whatever and I tried for like three days

to do this and I just grab new new leaf and I just but this time PB I don't know why I'm

going to say this.

I feel like you're good.

I want you to be proud of me, but you're not going to be.

I just ended my town.

I did no prep.

I took nothing to anybody else's town.

I didn't worry about fruit or anything.

I didn't worry about my bells.

I literally just said and it has been PB's making this face like he's shocked.

What would you what would you have saved?

I don't think I would have saved anything but like I don't think I had have the emotion

where the bravery to destroy a town.

I've never destroyed the town.

Well, there's two reasons.

The first one is remember I was on I wasn't particularly enjoying my this is my third

time restarting and I didn't really enjoy what I had done in the last town.

Like I felt like I the problem was I gave a lot of shit to Shawn town and then like

within don't laugh.

But like I would say I was like a multi-billionaire like in the first 48 hours of the game and

I just realized that ruins the game because instead of having to like schlep around town

and like

Work to get the 10,000 bells.

I need to buy the thing that I need.

I just had all the money in the world and Shawn refuses to start over with me.

I really wanted him to start over with me because I thought maybe we could recapture

some of the magic is sitting around, you know playing, you know, I got on the line I or

whatever while we're watching TV and he's like no he's like I might he's tempted to

what would you call that like bulldozes town like down to the like not get.

Rid of any of his stuff but like basically like raise the town and start over and rebuild

everything but he's like, yeah, I'm not going to do that.

So I just and I so I thought well what I want is the thing to do for an hour every night,

you know, I'm saying like going in and like I would like anyway, so I started it over

on Saturday and like I'm not time traveling like I've just decided that I'm not doing

any of that stuff.

I'm not trying to catch up.

I'm not playing like I'm like, oh I should do I should go back to like a week before

my birthday because then I won't miss my birthday and I'm like, nope, I don't get to my birthday.

I don't get to my birthday and it has been so much like more fun.

But I like last night I was laying in bed and I had my glasses on and I'm playing with

my controller, you know, the big screen and Shawn's in bed next to me.

And the next thing I know I said, you know, good night to everybody and I laid in bed

like 1130 and I know it's two o'clock in the morning and I'm like my third Mystery Island

trying to collect enough.

Iron to get the store built and it's just amazing how fast you fall back into it and

how just so much fun that game is and I hate to say but it's the music like the Mystery

Island music.

I forgot how good the Mystery Island music is like I remember when the pandemic was on

and like all four of us you me and shoot the and Sean were all you know, up to like all

hours of the night visiting Mystery Islands trying to catch a tarantula.

Yeah, it's all good.

It's August.

It's tarantula time.

I'm keeping my eyes peeled because I know but I also I'm going to try like I might not


I think I might just try to build around everything.

You know what I mean?

Like I think you've suggested that before so but yeah, so I'm excited again, but I would

like a way to finish people's Islands.

I would like to take someone's abandoned Island and just make it my own.

I don't necessarily want to like start up again.

I would just like to see like where did someone leave off and I would like to pick up in.


Like reform that town.

Well, you can help me do that.

If you want to come over and visit and tell me what you want to do, but we'll see and

the thing of it is is that's one of the reasons that I was interested in the ROG Ally was

because I was listening to people talk about how they were able to using I think it was

a thing called yuzu that you could basically make a backup of your of your cart and you

do basically you would could have your own two-town situation without stealing anything,

but they discontinued yuzu and citrus.

That's true, which was the 3ds emulator.

But but the whole reason I'm back into the ROG Ally was that apparently now you can dual

boot into a into Steam Deck OS on the ROG Ally and I also saw a Kickstarter today for going

the other way that you basically have a Steam Deck and play all your Steam games.

But then when you want to play like Destiny you could slip into but you could flip back

over into Windows and actually play a Windows game, but lots of things happened at bungee

over the past week.

That have made me not really feel like I need to buy another $800 device to play a video

game, but I did also shoot you out when you get here.

I'll show I know you won't be happy with it.

But I was able to very easily for a I bought my first app off the Play Store PB and luckily

I was very nice was a six dollar and fifty cent app and Google gave me three dollars

off because it was my first purchase and I bought a Xbox streaming app called xbx play


I can wirelessly anywhere in the house with my x-reels and the beam play my my Xbox.

Are you playing Crucible?


Are you running around the pale heart or doing a strike?

Yeah, absolutely on the glasses laying in bed.

I bought I think I told you for Sean's PlayStation controller stopped working.

It was having really bad stick drift.

So I bought him a new controller and this week I took the the PlayStation controller

apart and repaired it and so now I have a DualSense controller that I can use with it

and I can do the same thing with this PlayStation as well.

So kind of cool and also can play any of the Xbox game pass games on the beam which all

have been pretty good to I just I really wish Dave the diver would come on Xbox so I could

just have played it on there.

It's still a little bit of a pain in the ass to get the switch to work because of the switches

requirements to have power to output to a television.

That's the big problem.

You have to have a way to provide a switch power or it will not output any video and

it sucks, but maybe the switch to will be better.

But if I had an ROG ally, I could do all that stuff on the ally and just plug the glasses

directly into the fucking ally and be done with it.

So another reason why I'm curious about it.

But anyway, that's where I am with all that stuff.

But you're all right PB.

I am now playing Tears of the Kingdom.

Super Mario Wonder the Minish Cap Animal Crossing and Destiny.

So I don't think I need any more devices, but don't you think it would be cool to have

everything on one handheld device?

Like if you could emulate a switch and I'm not I am in no way shape or form looking to

steal games like I would just like to use my own games, which it's very easy to do these


You can there are tools to copy to clone basically your your card and its identifier, but

I guess didn't you think would be nice to have everything on just one device?


Yeah, so an 800 bucks don't sound bad to me.

All right.

We have a shit ton of news that happened in the past few weeks.

So I don't think either of you went through and edited.

So if I talk we start talking about something you don't want to talk about just say so we got

plenty of news but Apple Vision Pro got a new environment named Lake Rock.

Prongla BB.

How would you say that are a and GLA wrong?

This is different than the one that we had two weeks ago.

Do we talk about this already?


All right.


Is there another one?

Second one?

Well, Disney and Paramount both released their own cinema environments, I believe.

Forget what the one for Disney.

Was son of a bitch.

I cannot remember now.

I do know that the that Paramount put out a bikini bottom for Spongebob Squarepants where

you can watch Paramount plus in a Spongebob Squarepants environment.

Oh Disney plus is the National Geographic one.

It's a but again, it's only for watching movies and I don't understand like why can't Apple?

Allow them to make that like an actual environment.

Like why couldn't you sit?

On Tatooine and do your work?

Like I wonder what that's about.

But you have to they have to be helping Paramount and Disney make these correct?

Sound weird.

Apple Maps is now available on the web.

But only on the web not on a phone using a web browser,

but literally on a web.

So if you're on a Windows machine, you can access it.

But if you're on a and an iPhone, you cannot go to it through Safari.

It will redirect you over to Maps, but you can now use Apple Maps on the web.

The dot six releases of all things came out.

So Mac OS iOS iPad OS and then there was a secondary round with some bug fixes that came out.

So I was a little bit surprised about that.

If in Mac OS Sonoma 14.6, you can now connect a second external display.

To the M3 14-inch MacBook Pro.

That's the cheap one.

Not the you know, the one with the base Mac chip.

You start to close the lid to do that.

But that was finally released and then we didn't talk about this,

but Apple released iOS 18.1 beta while they're doing Apple iOS 18 beta.

There are two separate betas 18.1 includes some Apple intelligence UI features.

So weirdly it's only for the developer.

It does not look like it's going to be in the public beta cycle.

And I also don't know that they're going to keep updating it like regularly.

I think it is just to get some AI features in folks hands.

Not all of the AI features are in there.

For example, there's the new Siri is not there,

but they did release the writing tools which will allow you to grammar check

and spell check and change the style of your writing.

It also has some Siri things.

Things are better.

There is a new glow around the edges of your display when you use Siri.

So instead of having the little circle that comes up at the bottom

when you hold down the Siri button,

it lights up a rainbow around the entire screen.

We saw that happens also on CarPlay.

A double tap at the bottom of the display brings up type to Siri interface.

So you can type things it will remain it can maintain context between requests.

So you can ask it a question like where is that?

You know, where does my dad live and it will say,

you know, Austin Texas and you can say what's the weather there

and it will tell you the weather in Texas.

So that's about the only Siri stuff.

If you stumble over your words and speaking to Siri

or shift what you're saying mid-sentence Siri will follow along.

It does have all of Apple's product knowledge in so you can ask it how to do something

and it will tell you how to do it.

Mail is also now doing the summarization.

So if you're in Apple Mail instead of just showing you the first two lines of your email,

it will actually show you a summary of what's in the email,

which is something I'm dying to try.

It also will surface time-sensitive messages.

So if you know like I had sent you guys an email asking you about doing a show tonight,

even if you had 10 messages before that one it would pop up first

and it also allows you to do smart replies,

which will take a guess at what you will possibly want to say

and then multiple notifications from mail can be summarized on your lock screen.

So you can see what's in an email same thing with messages smart replies now.

So like if I asked you guys, hey, do you want to do a show at 8 o'clock?

The replies might be yes or no.

I'm busy at that time and they seem to be pretty good

and then it will also summarize multiple notifications on your lock screen.

So if you know I had answered a bunch of questions back to Shuti about buying an iPad,

it could have summarized it into saying, you know,

Peter sent a bunch of messages but you should buy this.

So hopefully that will work.

They also have added some stuff with photos including a memory movie.

So like you could say I want a video of my cat in 2024

and it will show all that or you know,

you could say I want a memory video of my trip to Japan in 2010

and it would just do that and it would surface all that without you having to do any work.

You also can do the natural.

Natural language search like show me the picture of Shuti

in a white shirt with black glasses holding a cup of coffee

and it will find that picture and they don't know why I snapped my finger.

Sorry about that.

You can also search to find specific moments in video clips now,

which is kind of cool.

And then for focus modes,

you can have a new focus mode called reduce interruptions where it will decide

what is and isn't important and try to surface only things.

For example, maybe you don't get all the text messages,

but Shuti gets the one from Glenn saying hey,

my car broke down and need you to pick me up, right?

It can read through your messages and determine what might be worth bringing up to you.

You can also start recording calls

and it will try it will do a summary and transcription of the call for you

and Safari has there's in reader mode.

It will auto summarize the whole article.

Before you know things like that.

Now not all the features are there.

And once you get iOS 18.1 developer beta,

you then also have to sign up for the Apple intelligence beta,

which people have said it's been happening pretty quickly for developers.

But I think once it goes public is probably going to be a little more of a wait,

but that is available in iOS 18.1.

Thoughts interested in any of these features.

I think I want to try them out.

Emails sounds pretty good.

Also the other one that I kind of want to try it out is the password thing.

It's similar to one password that's already on the public beta.

You can try that out.

Okay, it's on it's on your iPad.

I've done a lot of looking into the password thing and it's not going to work.

For me and mine because you cannot store credit card information in there.

And I do that to share credit cards with Sean and my dad.

Also, I use secure notes a lot like information that my dad needs to remember.

I just can update it and it's not bad and it would be great if it was just me,

but because it can only do passwords and pass keys and that's it.

It isn't as you.

I'm too used to one password or bit locker or a bit warden that does those kind of things.

But yeah, I mean it'd be nice if it did a little bit more but for us,

I think I think I think the fact that we like Sean and I set up a one password a shared one password thing

because you can do all the features of the password app right now without the app.

I think it's probably my wishful thinking for people who doesn't use.

One password or anything like that because I see a lot of people who just like still writing down password and all this.

Yeah, I would agree with you there like like like snake is going to she doesn't pay for one password.

So she's just using one password on her iPhone.

And so she has no passwords on her Mac or her iPad.

So she's ideal for this right?

Like she's exactly like I told her as soon as iOS 18 comes out.

We're going to move her off of one password seven put all of her stuff in there and then it's available.

And you know, but I think for yeah for you and I way the way we use one password together.

I just I think it's not going to offer enough stuff.

And PB Bitwarden does like secure notes and credit card information and yeah,

like one-time passwords and stuff.

So yeah, okay cool.

But yeah, it's nice, but that's already on your iPad.

You can go into it on your iPad right now.

It's it's on should be on the front screen or it's just called passwords.

All right.

Apple CarPlay.

There was another study this week done that basically CarPlay contributes to higher vehicle satisfaction

and Sean and I were watching a video yesterday

with a friend who's over for dinner about the new Ferrari Puro Sangue,

which is a 400 plus thousand dollar Ferrari SUV with 715 horsepower

and basically their entire infotainment stack is just Android Auto or CarPlay.

And I just think this is going to continue to happen.

So unless you're buying a GM car and then you're screwed.

The fifth betas of iOS of 18 iOS 18 iPad OS 18 Sonoma,

which is what 15 are not Sonoma Sequoia watch OS all those things came out last week bunch of new stuff.

A big thing is there they made some more changes to the photos app.

So they're actually taking people's feedback.

And I've made.

Some changes the carousel has been updated to allow you to swipe through collections.

The main photo grid has been moved entirely making the app a little bit less confusing and repetitive.

It does look a little better.

I think they introduced something new called distraction control inside of Safari

and that basically hides distracting elements from a web page or article.

So sign in Windows cookie preference pop-ups GDPR notices newsletter sign up banners.

All of those can be hidden.

It's not taking out dynamic insertion ads or anything,

but it's just basically trying to cut down on the cruft.

If you're just trying to look at a device.

I mean I'm an ad.

A web page.

I'm looking at that it will not get rid of ads,

but you can choose to hide things like that.

That's nice.

There's now an edit pages option on the home screen.

They've added some dark mode icons.

They've turned search into.

Turn search into dark mode and they just add some more stuff to the control center.

So that's very nice though.

All that should be working its way into the public betas.

I don't think it's in public beta three,

but it should be in public beta for what else iOS 18.

You can now choose to allow audio playback to continue while you're doing video,

which wasn't a thing you could do before.

That was kind of neat and then neither of you are using the beta stuff on your phone.


No, I can't I put the beta on my phone and I will say that I my new favorite thing is the vehicle motion cues.

Did you guys remember them talking about this?

So if you're in a car and you're moving and you turn them on there will be eight dots on the left

and right side of the screen and they move in using the gyroscope in the direction that the car is moving.


if the car is just moving forward,

they move down the screen.

And if someone speeds up,

they go faster.

If they slow down,

they go slower.

If they turn left,

they move to the left.

If they turn right,

they move to the right.

And the idea is that your brain is focusing on the dots.

So it can it.

The reason you get carsick when you read is because your brain is out of sync with what's happening in your eyes and it fixes that.


Don't not get carsick in the car.

Any longer looking at my phone while Sean's driving.

It's fucking fantastic.

And it only comes on when the car is moving and then it goes right back off again.

Very cool feature.

So I think that would be kind of neat.

We don't have to talk about that.

All right, let's real quick run through the rumors and then I guess we probably can wrap things up.

iPhone SE 4 production supposedly has begun to ramp up.

That's good news.

We're still thinking.

It's going to be an iPhone 15 on the inside,

but an iPhone 10 are on the outside.

So that would be nice.

It will have face ID supposedly some should be nice.

Their rumor is that the SE 4 in addition to this new ultra thin phone.

We talked about last time.

I think we did right about how it's going to be a flip phone.

Yes, we'll be using Apple's own 5G chip.

I will see but that would be interesting.

iPhone 16 Pro models are expected to support Wi-Fi 7.

I don't believe that Apple's so far behind usually on Wi-Fi standards.

I just don't think that's going to happen.

Did you see the colors that were released?

So could you click on the icon that says iPhone 16 revealed colon iPhone 16 colors redesigned?

I really hope that this is accurate because the.

The colors on the current iPhone are so bland and so washed out that I would just love it.

So there is a white a very black a lovely blue a teal green and a pinky pink.

So compared to what we currently have,

which is literally white with a dollop of color in them.

What do we think of the colors?

I like the white black and blue green doesn't.

Hit me much in the it's not.

It's like a weird pink.

I'm not in.

Maybe I know this is not a phone you would buy.

But what do you think of the colors?

I'm not too keen on like a lack of luminosity, right?

They are like a.

They're a solid color that have an almost.

I don't know.

I wouldn't necessarily say dull but very solid you to.

My fear is that not popping to me.

My fear is this is before they put the glass on the back and they're going to be washed out again.


Yeah, I like the black.

I like the blue.

I like the green.

I do not care for the pink.

But the other thing I wanted to bring up was so what we're seeing here is that Apple has moved the cameras instead of being on a diagonal to being in on a vertical.

And that.

Seems really great because the camera bump is smaller.

But do you guys notice what the problem is going to be for a case?

The fucking flash is off the right, which means that we're either going to get what another big, you know, a big opening oval or a triangle.

Maybe like I was very sad about that.

I mean, but where else could they put the flash that it wouldn't flare the lens, I guess, right?

All right.

If you take a look off the the the story right under that, it's the story of what the pro phones are going to look like, which.

I very much like the gray and the black and the white, but there's also a rumor that there's going to be a bronze color.

That's their gold gold slash rose goldy kind of color.

So I do like the gray a lot.

I miss my purple.

Yeah, I know.

I like I was like, I was looking at my phone today.

Like, I was just using my phone today.

You know, what was great purple.

Yeah, I miss my purple phone, too.

I know.

All right.

Um, let's talk real quick about German's conversation.

So Gurman put out a news story this week or last week, some week.

I don't remember when, but talking about what's going to happen with the iPhone.


So it's going to be the M four chips this year.

And in that was a story.

That the Mac mini is going to get a full redesign for the first time in 14 years and that it's going to be a mini Mac mini.

So rumors are that it is going to be about the size of an Apple TV.

But possibly taller.

They said that if you take a look in the.

M one and M two Mac minis that there is that the logic board is literally smaller than an Apple TV now that it was redesigned and it's like a third of the size of the Intel one.

And there was just rumors that it's going to come in colors.

It's going to have a magnetic.

I don't buy any of it.

Like, I'm glad that he has these rumors, but it's not the first time we've heard these rumors and we're always disappointed.

But the bad thing is.

That the Mac mini may actually.

Increase in price, which.

I don't love.

Love that.


The new Mac mini will approach the size of an Apple TV, though it may be slightly taller, which is four, which is currently 1.4 inches.

German sources say it will continue to feature an all aluminum shell, but individual work on a device to describe it essentially as an iPad pro in a small box.

It will continue to be two versions.

Standard M four and some of the iPad pro one with an M four pro chip.

The base model said the beginning shipping from suppliers this month ahead of release later with a high end model will not be ready until October.

So we'll have to see.

So I'm very curious about that.

M four Macs are apparently going to be dripping out for the rest of the year.

Like major, major, major, major.

Like everything is getting an M four apparently.

So we'll have to see how that goes.


Do you think you would buy a new a new Mac just if it was smaller with an M four in it?


I don't have the use for it.


I think my.


My Mac mini is M one right now.


I think your Mac mini is an M two now.

Glenn has the M one.

You have an M two.

I'm pretty sure.



Then he then Glenn still rocking an Intel Mac.

I could have sworn we moved that around.

So he has an M one as well.



I thought he had the super jacked up M one with all the extra RAM in it.


Did it.

The next Apple Watch SE can be made from plastic.

Do we care?


I think it would only be good if it actually like if it actually really reduced the price.

Like if it was like $199 for an Apple Watch in plastic, I think that would be good.

All right.

Last thing from the rumors are there is rumors that the Apple that Apple intelligence is

going to not be free, but it's actually going to be.

There's going to be some features that are pay and it could cost up to $20 a month.

I am just gobsmacked about this.

So last month, Bloomberg reporter Mark Gurman said that while Apple intelligence will be

free to start the long-term plan is to launch Apple intelligence plus with extra features

that users would pay monthly fees to access similar to iCloud plus software and services,

of course, are so important that Apple just had their, their earnings released.


Their earnings report and a quarter of their earnings are from services.

And we don't have time tonight, but we, you know, the DOJ has just found that are in the

DOJ versus Google lawsuit.

They have found that Google is a monopoly and they may have to break up their search

business, which will impact Apple.

And there's whole conversations we could have about is Apple going to have to start their

own search program?

But they could be losing a significant amount of money because right now Google pays them.

I think Google pays them a quarter of the quarter of their revenue.

So a quarter of the money in services just to be on the, the, the iPhone and iPad as

the default search engine, a lot of money, like $20 billion.

They said that it would be basically on top of Apple one, not included in Apple one.

And I wonder like what feature would.

For AI and Apple AI, do you think would be worth paying for?

Well, before we go to that, chatGPT is also a subscription.


And this would be on top of it.

Well, chatGPT is only a subscription if you want to use certain features.


So I mean, but $20 a lot.

I, I agree.

And, and I have to be honest with you, like Apple intelligence does not equal chatGPT.

They're not even close to the same thing.


Apple intelligence is just a collection of software features to help you use your phone



It's not its own large language model yet.

It's not its own.


I don't, I don't know.

I mean, it's a newer thing, so they might same way they did a satellite thing where

they said, Hey, give it to you for free now, but maybe in the charge.

I don't know.

I, I, I, here's my feeling about AI.

I'm very unhappy with how much energy AI takes up and some of the what's questionable ethics

around training large language models.

Did you guys hear that, that, uh, Twitter is trading grok to you by, uh, by reading

people's tweets without letting anybody know they were doing that.

It's kind of shitty.

I mean, very, very shitty.

Uh, so I'm not in, like I said, I, I want, I like, I was really happy with what Apple

is doing and saying, we're just going to use this thing to make it a little bit better.


To make your mail a little bit better, to make your message a little bit of that to

me is useful AI.

I'm not ready for chat GPT to write paragraphs for me or to do anything more than maybe clean

up or change the tone of my, of my, uh, my email.

My writing, like either of you used AI at all during the day?


I used it at work.

For what?

Uh, images.

You generate images like through DALI or are you using like built in, um,

It's through, uh, the image house that we, we pay for it.



Again, that's business though.

You don't personally use it for anything like PB.

You're not asking.

I'm not asking you to write shell scripts for you or Python, any things or I know that

that's not the case.

While that's available to me and it's encouraged create knowledge bots for people to, I guess,

to share knowledge.

I have not done it.

I have not gotten off my ass to do so.

Well, at work we, I don't personally use it, but the editor and project manager, like copy

back of the book by feeding.


The okay.

So basically they trying to face the copywriter for us.


That's not great.

All right.

Well, I don't think I would subscribe to Apple intelligence.

I'm so sure that Apple intelligence is not going to be a big deal that I don't even think

I'm going to be worried about buying a new phone right away.

Like until Apple AI is Apple intelligence is out and it's really available on my phone.

I don't even know if I care about it.

I guess.


I don't know what to say.

All right.

Well, we've been going on for like 90 minutes trying to keep them to 90 minutes.

We've got lots of other stories that we could talk about, but we can save them for next


I don't think anything really that's going to be a problem.

So anything else you guys wanted to talk about?


Not that anybody did a lot of talking.

I was reading a lot of news.

So sorry, but it's what it is.

All right.

Well, then we should be back next week.

I don't think there will be a problem with that, but we'll see if not two weeks.

Maybe we're not realizing what we're turning into an every two week podcast, but we'll see

how it happens.

But thanks for listening and we'll talk to you guys soon.


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