"The LOST Year" (Enhanced) - May 23, 2011

Ryan & Jen

LOST Podcast: The (Enhanced) Transmission

"The LOST Year" (Enhanced) - May 23, 2011

LOST Podcast: The (Enhanced) Transmission

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why are they all here now

well there is no now here

Aloha from the island lost fans you are tuned into the transmission

i am jen and i am ryan and at long last we are here with our last lost podcast

so a year has come and gone since the finale

and i am jen and i am ryan and at long last we are here with our last lost

so a year has come and gone since the finale

and i think we've moved through about all the stages of grief so

we figure this is a really good time to take one more look back at the whole

experience about the only time we could do that now when we last spoke we were

still processing that finale and looking ahead to comic-con

in some ways we haven't moved much from that point and yes we are about a year

late with this wrap-up but i'm hoping that perhaps through the

filter of time we can now look back at lost with a little bit more perspective

i have to say i miss the hell out of this show i pull out the dvds i

absolutely do um and you're not alone we all miss the show i mean we really miss the show and i

guess at this point anyone listening certainly does as well the fact that there are still lost

podcasts that are going strong they're still doing their full series rewatches i mean that's

certainly a testament to that i'm posting new episodes to the lp and the lost podcasting

network every week and they're just going they're up to most of the way through season

two at this point and it's really fun to check in on and uh you know jen and i have been a part

of that as well we've done collaborations we've been guests

on other podcasts i think we've still got one that hasn't come out yeah we did an appearance

on the u.s who cast yeah by matt murdick who used to do the keys to lost podcast so you can watch

out for that in any case we were out there we are out there still chattering away on twitter and

facebook and exchanging emails with many of you catching comments on the blog and the conversation

as we had hoped never ended the conversation that we started here on this podcast and no we did not

forget the transmission i think it just it was hard to let go it was hard to find the

way to get to this point and life has a way of kind of filling in despite the size of that

enormous gap that lost had and left in our lives it took us a while to get to this point but yes

we are finally going to indulge in some long promised much needed reminiscing some misty-eyed

nostalgia about our favorite show and we are glad that you're still here with us since we last

checked in comic-con 2010 is coming gone and we're already gearing up for comic-con 2011 last fall we

and the entire full series box set and with that came the new man in charge was an epilogue of sorts

that showed what happened after the finale so we will touch on that briefly and we'll also talk

about a few other lost developments yep then we're going to look back as promised on some of our

favorite episodes and favorite individual moments from throughout the six-year run of lost what

memories even today still bring that smile to our faces it is kind of a clip show i do admit but

in any case that's it for this episode of lost and we'll see you next time on the show

you all everybody were the ones who kept us going all these years and it was your calls and emails

that really gave us the most intelligent insight into the show so for this show we asked you to

share your own favorite episodes your favorite characters and the memories that you have about

the show absolutely and in fact it's going to be interesting it's going to be kind of a time

capsule since of course when we asked for your calls only a month had passed and we're going to

it'll be interesting to kind of hear messages from when we were all still in that aftermath of

the end of the show and we'll follow that with the last great lost song from the others lost band we

can't say goodbye without them and if you hang in there until the end we will talk a little bit

about what we've been planning and yes we've been planning that about as long as we've been planning

this podcast but it is going to happen and we hope you can be a part of it but more on that later

first we got to get to what y'all want to talk about you ready jen let's get lost

all right jen now normally at this point in our weekly podcast i would just simply ask what did

you think about that episode but there isn't a new episode there hasn't been for way too long

we've talked about the finale we talked about season six i guess the only question to ask is

how'd you like the show i mean the question that i get you might as well is was it worth it was

worth it to you yes on every level not just the way the show ended not just it's not even the show

in and of itself the whole experience to me was life-changing everything about it the fact that

we made friends the fact that i conquered my fear of public speaking the fact that it was such an

epic story and and introduced us to so many amazing wonderful things just made it all worthwhile

well definitely outside of the show lost in many ways but i think it was worth it to you

was a significant and very important part of our lives i i people will roll their eyes but it brought

you and i closer together you were a tech widow until we found a way to make podcasting something

that we could do together so certainly yes that was certainly worth it it's a priceless life

experience but i have to ask about the show i mean it we i used to call it you know stealth

sci-fi that it sort of struck everyone as a great dramatic story a melodrama but it had these

elements of sci-fi and it turned into a sci-fi show and that's what i was so happy about but

it turned back into a character melodrama again it kind of went into the whole metaphysical

exploration of existence which was quite a bit to chew and some people you know weren't particularly

happy with how it went and so in that respect was lost worth it was it worth the investment

for this show i like lost because the whole show was about reason versus faith and the

the finale really brought that home to us it showed i mean we had the whole


thing and we had the science and then at the very end the show kind of said well the science

doesn't really matter because the show is really about these people and their souls and i can

appreciate that i appreciate the story coming full circle i guess and i also would agree that

you know i can enjoy the show now and we watch when we see the reruns on sci-fi or you pull out

the dvds and we just dive into something at random we play lost roulette it's great because

we can now enjoy the show on a different level i would say even a deeper level

because we're not overthinking or analyzing we're not like did you see that reflection in

the mirror when the camera pan passed saeed in the flashback in iraq and was that a you know

you're not picking it apart anymore because to some extent we we now know that a lot of that

was just window dressing on on a much bigger picture that we were we were all looking at so i

i definitely think that that's that's a fair point i i think that it was worth it because

as they say it was the journey not the destination i liked that we were watching a show that really

turned television on its head it was right in the doldrums of uh of reality tv and someone said

not only can we still do good scripted television we cannot not not only can we just tell a good

story but it can be a serial story that goes from week to week and yes it was hard for people to

dive in in the middle you couldn't pick it up and have a story resolved in one hour but that was

definitely valuable to me as a writer definitely the creative storytelling elements changing and

messing with their expectations doing the flashbacks and then switching to flash forwards

i mean all of those things in many ways i do believe that we were

the best show on television and however it turned out i think that i still cannot help but look back

at lost and say that was fantastic and i would go for a ride like that again to me the sign of a

good show is that you still think about it after it's over and you can do that with this show in

spades there is so much you can pick apart i think that this the finale gave us just the answers that

we needed because they're to me what we come up with in our

imagination is is way better than what they could have come up with there's so many things that we

can use our imagination i mean that was definitely borne out i we we don't want to necessarily rehash

because i remember us saying a year ago that it turns out when we begged them to give us answers

we didn't like the answers they gave us the ones that we talked about was a lot more interesting

to us so there's definitely that i guess though when you come right down to it or for me at least

i have to go to where you started it was everything about the show not just what was on the screen

everything else that came with it and i guess that might be a bit of a cop-out but that's the

reality it changed our lives you know full stop it was a very important part of our lives it was

very important part of many people's lives and sharing in that was was significant i liked that

it was the first show to embrace what they're calling now transmedia storytelling it's not one

of my obsessions when i lecture about this stuff at the university of hawaii that you know television

and storytelling is not just one medium it's not a book it's not a show or a movie but it's going

to come with a lot of these other things yes games args you know clues in cereal boxes and

and facebook campaigns and twitter hashtags and that's all now part of the the package and i love

that stuff and lost gave that to us lost gave that to any tv show that came after it so lost was not

just a tv show uh not just to us but not just to the industry but as a show just a tv show it was

still worth it it's spoiled us for other tvs

it certainly has we're still looking for that next lost we're finding a lot of great stuff but

uh definitely no regrets about the last six years for sure now in our last show we were looking ahead

to the far in the distance release of the full series on dvd and the much ballyhooed epilogue

that showed what happened after the finale 12 minutes that would answer more questions it was

called the new man in charge it was leaked on the internet early we got to see it and we

are happy to own it but since we promised just quickly how did you like that story the only

thing about it that i would change is i would have put it in the finale because really it was

so satisfying it was a happy ending it was uplifting and we found out what happened to

walt which is what i really wanted well you know i'm not i'm really mixed on the on that that

epilogue on the new man in charge it because i was really trying to put my head in a space where

the way the overall show ended made sense i was really trying to put my head in a space where the

that it was this larger commentary and it was not about the little mysteries to get an epilogue that

was literally a checklist of mysteries that were left unanswered it was almost you know one for one

off any blog or podcast list of things that lost failed to answer that they touched on i kind of

felt that that might have been a bit too much a step too far i did like it i mean don't get me

wrong actually i really liked it because i'm a fan i'm a hardcore fan i was still in withdrawal i was

still suffering from anxiety and i was still struggling with my life and i was still struggling

that addiction so any little thing would have been great and uh this was perfectly engineered

it was like it was like it was like fan kibble it was dessert fan it was fan nip and i could i was

powerless to resist it yes we see what happens to walt as you mentioned we get another orientation

video we get to see hurley and ben and yeah it was absolutely absolutely great but i do think

that it was perfect where it was a little extra thing a little wink a little fourth wall you know

not really part of the show but here you go guys let's have a nice hug it was the mint after the

meal right the mint after the meal so in that respect yeah i i did like it quite a bit um that

epilogue came with the uh full series dvd the gigantic we knew it was going to be gigantic but

holy cow was a gigantic box set for the whole series of lost and we definitely put off the

podcast as we worked our way through all of that stuff and it took us a while let me tell you so

what did you think about some of the

extras that you got with that box set the extras were great um one of my favorite things was the

letting go segment the um well there was the tour of oh who given by daniel day kim on the helicopter

and there's a segment with maggie grace and naveen andrews and they had such great chemistry together

that segment is one of my favorites because it shows two of the actors who obviously like each

other and and they you know they have a really um they have a really good relationship and it

i love daniel day kim kind of taking us around and just overall all of the behind the scenes stuff

kind of showed us that people involved in making the show had as much affection for it as we did

it's not like they were just punching a time clock i don't think it ever was given how hard they

worked but it's always good to see that um there were bloopers i did i like the bloopers my only

complaint about the bloopers for any of these lost dvd sets is that it's always so short you know i

know i could minutes 10 minutes i could watch an hour of bloopers i just love bloopers well so the

ray of trips and falls and everyone making weird faces the props that don't work the one that i

still go back and watch because i can i can just feel the moment was when jack is having a serious

conversation with kate and the rooster keeps growing and i mean any neighborhood in hoy has

a rooster you might hear one here if it's not the neighbor's dog but that rooster just breaking up

the scene i could definitely feel that um there the the thing that we didn't get it as far as

deleted scene or an off scene was you know michael emerson got a blackout and he's like

fight scene in the last season and they didn't they said they got that on on tape but i guess

they decided that wasn't something that would be funny i'm not sure if i really want to watch that

i mean it sounds like it was really painful i think they'll probably save that for the 10th

anniversary edition or something um there was a music segment as well i mean that's certainly

i i loved it and it's so moving it shows on damon and carlton at the final scoring session

for the finale and they're very emotional and so

we as audience members can't help but get emotional too well i mean they had that final

lost concert in la before the finale and i know that got people just really touched and we had

our own live lost performance with an orchestra yeah under the stars at the waikiki shell still

one of my favorite moments ever so i can definitely see that um now they also had the whole muppet

thing you know now okay so it was a little ridiculous but at least it was just sort of

working around the the lot at abc and stuff but a little piece of trivia that i've never been able

to share so i can finally share here was that i was actually randomly and if they had any idea

who i was they would have immediately stopped it but i was randomly part of like a test case or i

don't know what you call it a focus group more than two years ago maybe three years ago where

they pitched muppets on lost not muppets on the actual show again sort of as a special or as an

extra but they said what if the muppets


were found themselves in the lost environment and were interacting with the stars

it was a complete pitch about this muppet visit and i was horrified i was horrified they had

mock-ups and everything you know animal on the beach and beaker here and i i couldn't believe

it and i couldn't i couldn't tell anybody um but i definitely gave them very vociferous feedback

um so it did happen but it's just an extra on the dvd so in that respect i'm kind of okay that it

happened and i'm kind of okay that it happened and i'm kind of okay that it happened and i'm kind

of okay that it happened and i'm kind of okay that it happened um they had uh clips of fans from

around the world that's always great but we had our own when they had the the the sunset on the

beach event having fans from all around the world and uh the only other one that i remember was the

prop house one where the the the prop master rob kiker rob kiker that guy is hilarious you know

what i want to see i want to see a travel show hosted by rob kiker i want to see him going into

restaurants i bet that would be a trip he's fabulous and

he's fabulous and he's a great guy and he's a great guy and he's a great guy and he's a great guy

and i want to go back and listen to when they did the the lost panels at the hawaii international

film festival his panel with the costume guy and that whole conversation was hands down the best

he was great so it was definitely good to see him well that's all the stuff that we said that

we were going to talk about that dvd box set that came out in september the the epilogue

but a lot of stuff has happened since then and i think uh for those who might be getting this

podcast by surprise that might have been maybe already moved on from lost some time ago and

uh let's check in on some of our lost friends what's been happening with them outside of the

show well i think the most visible ex-lost star right now is daniel day kim he got to stay here

in hawaii and he's on a huge hit show hawaii 50 that's right it was a big deal for him and his

family getting to stay here a big deal for cbs that the show did so well that cbs is calling it

their next billion dollar franchise the finale was just last week and for a finale it was pretty

good in fact i gotta say i mean hawaii 50 is a great show and it's a great show and it's a great

50 not a great tv show but it's it's it's a fun show it's like it's like armageddon it's like it's

like fast five it's just popcorn entertainment and it does exactly what you expect it to do and

i'm very glad that he's getting to stay here in hawaii at least i hope he does and i guess we

have to wait and see what's up with matthew fox he is doing a play in london it's neil

labutes and a forest dark and deep that's right so he's not giving up acting but he might be done

with tv it certainly sounded like it from from from the various interviews michael emerson

one of our favorite actors ever and definitely actors on lost uh he did a guest stint he doesn't

guess he's always really good as a creepy person he was on parenthood on nbc some time ago as a bug

guru with asperger's syndrome i mean if you if you couldn't write a better short description of

the perfect character for michael emerson it would probably be that jorge garcia speaking of our

favorites has done guest shots on mr sunshine and fringe and he's also slated to be in the upcoming

jj abrams show

alcatraz on fox now they they released the previews for that last week it looked pretty

good i mean it has a very deep and kind of mysterious tone to it i don't know what it is

with jj abrams and mysterious islands and jorge garcia for that matter but definitely glad that

they're all still working they all still have gigs and we're going to be too that's not till like

fall 2012 or something it's like a mid-season replacement next year i can't believe we have

to wait that long he was great on fringe though yeah i was kind of glad for that insertion two

of our two great tastes finally together josh holloway we just saw a couple of weeks ago we're

earlier this month was on community which is a show we're just starting to get into but it's pretty

funny no that was a really great episode i've only seen a couple previous to that but josh holloway

did a really great job he did he was a paintball assassin and he got someone all flushed and

flustered um speaking of assassins i guess we we it's not news at this point but we were really

excited at the prospect of that uh hitman show with odd jobs yeah yeah odd jobs with emerson and

uh uh terry o'quinn but that hasn't been picked up it should be though

especially if alcatraz does well evangeline lily you know i don't know what's up with her

except the l'oreal commercials she's still being very pretty but maybe she's given up on tv to some

well she's gonna actually be in a movie with hugh jackman called real steel i'm not sure when that

opens i think it's sometime this summer that's the robot yes oh my god she's gonna be well hey

she's got work that's good um i also don't think her acting chops will necessarily be tested there

but as long as she's got work i'm happy for her

and uh is there anything else there's one more jj abrams has several shows sort of in the in the

hopper and another one that got picked up this uh this last pilot season was person of interest and

that's also with michael emerson so he didn't get the odd jobs gig but he's got this gig persons of

interest on cbs so all in all not bad for the lost crew i would say that i'm seeing much less of them

than i thought thought i would after the show yeah i was really expecting to see a whole lot of

movies with lost crew and i'm not sure if i'm seeing a lot of movies with lost crew but i'm

not sure if i'm seeing a lot of movies with lost um alumni but maybe they're still in the works i

know michelle rodriguez was in the battle for for la or that movie that came out she's always she's

always going to have work she's because she was very busy before a loss i think maybe either

they're still recovering or maybe they did well enough with loss that they can take a little bit

of time off but we're still going to be tracking they deserve it yeah we're still gonna be tracking

them and watching them what else has happened since the last transmission comic-con right we

went to comic-con comic-con uh what what can we say about comic-con we went to comic-con we went to

comic-con that we haven't it's it's fabulous it's a great time we got to sit in on jay and

jack's panel again that's right they're so gracious to include us and just hanging out with lost fans

with real life friends people we love and care about in person that's always great um in that

time we've had many lost fans visit us here in honolulu and that's true the invitation is always

open if you've got a hawaii vacation or a lost vacation call us up give us a call give us a

just let us know drop us a line but yeah comic-con was great i think that was about oh there was a

lost conference uh david

they wanted to talk about lost as an academic exercise that conference was supposed to happen

here i was very excited i was thinking i was going to submit an abstract and everything but it didn't

happen um they had to postpone it and they now have a new place and time it'll be in october

and it'll be in new orleans louisiana provided new orleans is still there at the time and you

can look for it on the web under lost conference and i guess that's pretty much it that's our year

in review our year of lost our lost year the year we lost here

transmission and uh now i guess it is time finally to head out to our virtual porch and

sit on our virtual rocking chairs and after we complain a bit about kids these days

we'll reminisce and talk about our favorite memories from our six-year lost journey stay tuned

welcome back to the transmission you're uh listening to ryan and jen here

finally talking about our favorite episode of lost journey and we're going to talk about our

favorite moments of lost now when we proposed this project we thought it would be pretty simple

we'll do a top 10 list we'll rank them in order that was very difficult i mean especially trying

to put them in order there were just too many and how i mean picking our favorite moments from

this show is kind of like picking a favorite kid it's it's very difficult to do yeah i was about

to say it's difficult not impossible but very difficult and uh you know basically there was a

lot of overlap in our lists and how we were going to do it so what we decided to do is start at the

beginning and basically walk through the entire series picking our favorite episodes in the sense

that these are landmarks these are milestones these are definitely the episodes that stood out

the ones part of that trip that really changed the story that really um that really affected

the outcome of the rest of the show or at least got us going got us re-hooked you know maybe

after a couple of lackluster episodes it was the episode that was like wow that's why i love this

show yeah well starting at the beginning there is only one episode really to start off a favorite

episode list the pilot the huge 10 million dollar sprawled out on the beach and made all the

neighbors call the cops right pilot that i didn't even want to watch because it was so ridiculously

overhyped oh absolutely the pilot was screened at comic-con early and then there was a sunset on the

beach that we didn't go to that our friend went to and and this is in particular a friend who

when they're really excited about something we're very skeptical about it so yeah we we were very

curious because we knew it was filmed here but

we weren't sure what to expect and our minds were just blown i mean absolutely movie level

production we it's been talked to death but i mean in an era where there were three episodes of a

week i think of who wants to be a millionaire you know it was all about reality tv for this to come

on the scene like a masterpiece just unfolding in front of our eyes definitely we got to start

with the pilot and really if you had to pick only one episode of lost to watch it would have to be

the pilot and it's i mean the promise was there in a way the pilot the pilot is really

kind of self-contained yeah it tells a complete story from beginning to end so you really get an

idea of what the rest of the show is going to be like but you also get a story right well after

the pilot we're enjoying our i think it was on wednesday at that point wednesday nights and this

is not a bad show this is really great we're telling all of our friends but the episode that

i think knocked our socks off next has to be walkabout yeah well that's that contains the

scene that pretty much hooked us all for good yeah i think that was we've said that many times

was definitely that scene now i like the episode in many ways because they were talking about

burning the bodies that were rotting in the fuselage they were trying to find food going

hunting they had the boar and all of that and in many ways it was a an episode that said we are

saying that the stakes on this show are very real that this is life and death and we're not kidding

we knew that it was a possibility that someone might die and this was a very gritty episode in

that respect but it definitely comes down to that last scene i'll get you on a plane back to sydney

on our dime

it's the best i'll go no i don't want to go back to sydney look i've been preparing for this for

years just put me on the bus right now i can do this no you can't hey hey don't you walk away

from me you don't know who you're dealing with don't ever tell me what i can't do ever this is

destiny this is destiny this is my destiny this is i'm supposed to do this damn it don't tell me

what i can't do don't tell me what i can't

and then it cuts to john lock laying on the beach on his back staring at his toes and we saw that

exact shot on the pilot and it was you know clearly foreshadowing something we we connect

that dot and of course we had seen john lock laying on the beach and we saw that exact shot

up until then as such a powerful person and to see him in such a pathetic and difficult and weak

position it was such a great contrast and of course the scene was so good that it was mimicked

in other shows that have come and gone since then but we won't mention those but it was it was a

great contrast and it completely defied our expectations and that's what we loved about it

and the score yeah i mean giacchino from early on was clearly a major character in the show but

that swelling music was definitely one of the best themes what was the next mile post in our journey

do no harm this is the episode where boone dies yeah well we were just talking about life and

death stakes so and when he was cast on the show he was one of the stars right or i mean i mean he

was presented as one of the handsome leading men of this show and he was gone like that in the same

episode um the pregnant woman's baby aaron claire's baby aaron was born so definitely uh kind of

another great episode about life and death and speaking of giacchino this is the introduction

of his famous life and death show and he was cast on the show and he was cast on the show and he was

the theme the theme that appears throughout the show most definitely so good mile post in season

one we move on to season two again by episode not by moments we're skipping a lot of moments we're

going to get to those but uh season two was a great start but the one that i think got everybody

re-energized was orientation right was the episode with the orientation video of course

which kind of gave you a good backstory about what was happening on the island

welcome i'm dr marvin candle and this is the orientation film for station three

in a moment you'll be given a simple set of instructions for how you and your partner

will fulfill the responsibilities associated with the station but first a little history

it was also the episode in which we met anna lucia and got


an idea that there were other people on the island you know we saw her in the cage and you

know what i don't care what anybody says i love anna lucia i did she was still i mean you know

we had kate and and such but you need we needed a total tough take no prisoners broad and that's

what anna lucia brought to the show definitely um that was also the lock and hell it was a lock

flashback so it was the lock and helen story and how they met and how he proposed and they

were coming together but he could not give up you know talk about daddy issues it was

definitely a key daddy issues story so orientation was a fantastic launching point for the rest of that

second season next up is the other 48 days which is actually my all-time favorite last episode

really why because i mean just the beginning who can forget the beginning that the the wreckage

falling into the ocean and anna lucia gasping for air um the meeting mr echo and getting a little

taste of what he's like and anna lucia's commitment to getting the kids back to their mom and only to

have them kidnapped seeing the struggle that the other survivors went through and the scene in the

forest between anna lucia and mr echo when she finally cries right definitely a strong episode

i would say the my reason for loving it is almost technical because after we'd gotten used to the

flashbacks you know setup of the show this was a full flashback episode it was from a certain

point in time all the way forward leading up to the present and i just thought that was really

great and people were very skeptical about introducing a whole new

set of characters you know how are they going to do that how's it going to fit on the show

but it was done very well and this episode did a great job in humanizing those other survivors

after the other 48 days episode 10 of season 2 was the 23rd psalm and when you talk about mr echo

that was his episode yeah we finally know for sure what's going on with mr echo and it's one

of the most compelling character stories on tv ever we see him um in his roots in in nigeria and

becomes evil and then he's redeemed because of his brother and i thought that was beautiful right

he goes from being a warlord trying to be a fake priest to stepping into his brother's place as a

priest in part because of the guilt that he faced definitely a very compelling story i loved mr echo

and you know the the tragedy of losing his character was definitely one that was hard to

hard to swallow he in that episode he also stares down smoky smoky that's up to him so

definitely an unforgettable scene now moving on to season three a solid

but it was the broken in half season with the big hiatus in the middle and it had the

six episode cage match episodes that started which i've now grown to really love that sort

of pensive and dark mood but it was a little uneven at that point but when we got to the

second half of that season and we had episode eight flashes before your eyes again a pivotal

episode in terms of the storytelling it was the very first desmond centric messing with your head

episode it's the one that definitively

told you that things are going to get really weird but in a really great way from here on

out well i mean it was the first one to really play with time travel it was one of the it was

the first of a few flash throughs where you did have a flashback sort of sequence but they went

in order as you watch them you follow desmond's consciousness through both times so in terms of

the storytelling style in terms of the hints at the bigger you know picture of what's happening

on lost the introduction of time travel as a topic definitely a very important episode and

you know i'm no shipper but if i'm not a shipper i'm not a shipper i'm not a shipper i'm not a shipper

i had to pick a couple that i love it would be desmond and penny that's right forget all the

storytelling and mythology it was a it was a great relationship episode and you know it was a tragic

one it was well told things didn't look so good but we were really rooting for those two yeah by

the end of that episode very good one um next on the list we had a little bit of debate so what was

your next mile post in season three trisha tanaka is dead well it's a hurley episode it's a hurley

yeah well you know you see the episode

and you kind of take it at face value and you're just going along with the story about the van and

you don't we didn't realize at that point that the discovery of the skeleton in the van was

actually really important well those things we definitely like but it was the hurley back story

in terms of his his tragic background his father you know more daddy issues his father leaving him

the the issues with luck and girls and everything and things were looking pretty down for him so

you know when you got to love his character as the comic relief this one really

recognized him it really made you know that no hurley again is not just a caricature he's a he's

a fully realized character and we come to cheer for him and when he finally gets that van started

it's really happy

i die now there is no curse make your own luck

son of a bitch

i can't argue with that we were all cheering right along with them great episode i'm sorry though my

pick for that slot has to go to the episode everyone loves to hate and that's expose i like

it i really like it now i will immediately say that it is not a conventional episode of lost it

is it sticks out like a sore thumb it's a looking through or breaking down the fourth wall episode

but because of that because it was basically the writers having a good time and winking at us

directly i just cannot get over how much i really enjoyed it and i think it's a great episode and i

enjoyed that episode of course it was also this episode that exhibited the writers being

responsive to the negative reaction we all had to right to nikki and paulo nikki and paulo i can't

believe i can't remember their names again it was very it had a very hitchcockian ending the the

buried alive but you know i love the episode uh yes i even got a friend in los angeles to race

down to a shop to buy a limited edition pair of sneakers with the expose logo on it and a gold

chain and a signed script i'm an expose fan i'm not going to apologize for

all right well no disagreement on our next episode greatest hits the episode where charlie did not

die i thought i i loved that he didn't die because we were all going into this episode dreading

seeing charlie die and to have the episode go out on such a heroic note you know he's finally

responsible for somebody other than himself and and he's able to look at his life and be happy

it was very uplifting now at this point we were kind of used to the

which is a character is redeemed right before expiring so he did get a reprieve so that was

a great relief i actually like this episode for some of the other elements i mean season three

really found a lot of its strength and power in the oncoming conflict the great war that was

approaching and so in that episode uh greatest hits you had the you know we're going to war

they're planning to ambush the the underwater station that was hotly contested and made jack

happiest man on earth so a pivotal episode

on that respect as well now that was the episode where desmond was doing his flashes and he saw

claire and aaron getting on a helicopter and that was a scene that we were all waiting for and we're

kind of disappointed didn't actually happen but again a very very good episode moving ahead and

staying in season three things really pick up toward the end and our next mile post is the man

behind the curtain who can forget that ending you know i remember we were seeing we that was the

first and only time we saw it in like at a viewing party and i just

remember the sound that the crowd made when when lock got shot definitely a big twist and

unfortunately as it turns out not the only time someone gets a fatal gunshot wound and miraculously

recovers but definitely a shocking moment that was an episode where you had ben's backstory and

someone we were very curious about early on ever since ben was introduced we were very curious

about his character here's his story again more father issues with roger the curious interactions

with annie and how all of that went and well basically his acting on those scenes were very

interesting and i think that's one of the things that i really liked about this movie is that it

really did give us a lot of insight into those daddy issues by killing his father i mean that

was a very important development as well it also contains the only scene on tv ever to give me

exorcist level nightmares the scene in jacob's cabin ah do you really think there's someone there

i know there's someone there

you don't know anything

i'm sorry you feel that way john

and i'm sorry that you're too limited to see you're pathetic

help me


what did you just


i i didn't say anything oh yes you did i heard you you said

oh yeah that was uh an earlier significant paranormal episode on the show help me

well uh very soon followed by through the looking glass the season finale of season

three and probably the most epic twist in serial television um before and after for

for some time well that that last scene that will be the scene that is used in parodies

forever ad infinitum we have to go back is it's it's kind of a joke now yeah absolutely i agree

with that uh it was a fantastic episode in the sense that it was a sudden contrast in terms of

you know the hope and you know the possibility of rescue and how everybody was moving toward that

and the joy that jack feels when he makes that contact on the hill and you know it's contrasted

with how awful and despondent and lost and pathetic he was off island and you're thinking

wow this was a guy who had an awful past and it turns out that that's where he ended up after he

got off the island cannot say enough about how fantastic that episode was the jack versus lock

scene the showdown you know you're not supposed to do this what does he mean by that where did

he come from where did he go definitely liked it and this is the last scene where jack and

i ever read spoilers for right you were ruined for this i was tried to avoid it ever since then

well we jumped ahead to season four and early in the episode we liked confirmed dead i thought this

was a great episode because it wasn't centric on a character it was right the team it was the whole

team and how they all got there and they were all very different people and i i really liked how all

their stories intersected into when they they end up on the helicopter right it was

the freighter team coming together it was sort of that it was sort of that ground setting episode

in any tv series about spies or or or bank robbers or in a movie where you kind of pull together the

team the ocean's 11 moment where you find all of these folks very well done bringing of everyone

together a very nice way to you know basically get through a lot of people's backstories at once

and move ahead with the story and it gave you a lot of really big clues that you needed to try to

figure out what happened with that twist at the end of season three so there's wreckage at the

bottom of the ocean and

they hear the helicopter and then they find it uh over the hill and again another opportunity

for hope that they might get off the island next step is the constant big one they're very big one

for a for a lot of reasons this is the episode that introduced us to the idea of paradox that

you can't go back and change things in the future or you might not ever exist right it's definitely

a counterpart to the flashes before your eyes episode one of those key sort of framing the

entire picture and what might possibly be happening and how it's going to change the

how they might change destiny in a show about changing destiny or fate and it's also it's a

desmond centric episode and i've always been very attracted to desmond centric episodes i think

they have the most emotional depth and the best storytelling absolutely it was an episode where

the freighter again is kind of looming large various things happening people going crazy

some really creepy scenes on that very enclosed ship i mean i definitely felt that viscerally

but it was that i obviously the

end of that episode is the one that knocked everyone back



, penny, you answered

you answered penny

des where are you



i'm i'm on a boat um

i've been on an island

oh my god penny is that really you


oh my god penny is that really you

yes it's me

you believe me

you still care about me

i've been looking for you for the past three years

i know about the island i've been researching

and then when i spoke to your friend charlie that's when i knew

you were still alive that's what i knew i wasn't crazy


there's you still there yes yes i'm here i'm still here can you hear me yeah yeah that's better

i love you penny

i've always loved you

i'm so sorry

i love you i love you too i don't know where i am but i'll find you guys i promise no matter what

i'll come back to you i won't give up i promise

i promise

i love you

oh god i just it still gets me going

you know what really kills me about that scene is like right in the middle of the phone call

she's she's hysterical but she kind of puts her hand over her mouth to stifle oh my god that just

that it's spectacular wonderful scene and they do so much acting with their faces it's all

really close up and you know these aren't attractive shots if you're an actor to be

crying and sniffing he has a bloody nose

but they oh no question favorite episode for many people and deservedly so i mean next to the pilot

if there was one other episode it would probably have to be the constant well what can we possibly

follow that up with the shape of things to come to me this is kind of the the most jarring and

most disturbing episode to watch just simply actually because of alex's murder and we also

really get a sense of how crazy kimmy is and how ruthless these people are right i mean you know

shooting a young girl in the back of the head in front of her dad i mean you get a sense one at at

once that you know michael emerson ben the character who was so creepy and sinister and is

still a despicable human being but you see in his face the pain you feel him as a father and

absolutely a key point for ben's development as a character uh you had nadia's funeral something

that was significant in his backstory and what was going on you had ben running around like he

like like he was a secret agent you know i kind of feel like he's like a secret agent

of like that and you had that final showdown where ben sneaks into widmore's bedroom at night

it's sort of like an ebenezer scrooge sort of confrontation but they basically say it's on

we're at war i'm going after your daughter so a key episode for sure that's a great scene because

of the way that it's lit and it's very quiet that you can't you know it's it becomes very

clear to you that something very serious is about to happen now we jump to season five as we start

to wrap up our favorite episodes of lost and i go straight to jughead

now i think i've said before one of my favorite cliches or sayings about writing or storytelling

is you can't introduce a gun in act one without it going off by act three so when you see that

giant bomb on screen you know something big is going to happen this season so i love that for

sure we find out that eloise was not a very good mother true right when we're following uh desmond's

search for daniel in the flash sideways we also kind of discover the the sad truth about his

and i wish they had gone somewhere a little bit with it i mean to connect it back some way

or or integrate her into the story more because i really thought that the scenes where desmond

is talking to theresa's caretaker were intriguing and i i thought that that could be a story

fleshed out even more you know what jumps into my head and again this is with the perspective

of how we know how lost eventually ended i remember when that episode aired and we heard

theresa and everybody remembered that boone had the flashback with the bloody girls and

saying theresa falls up the stairs trees fall down they were like oh there's something going

on here there's a connection there's a connection no it was just another person named theresa yeah

there was that and of course with the the 50s flashback and the history of the island and the

army base and the military element of the history of the island and specifically meeting young ellie

you know feisty ellie and young widmore

my name is john lock

is that supposed to mean something to me

jacob sent me

put the gun down what richard you can't seriously trust him

i said put the gun down widmore

your name is widmore

charles widmore

what's it to you

nothing nice to meet you the other episode of season five that really was a highlight for us

was le fleur because well hey we know what the statue is we saw the statue briefly it actually

stood it actually existed and we saw the statue briefly it actually stood it actually existed and

so certainly in terms of one of the big mysteries we were waiting for just that glimpse i think was

satisfying for a lot of folks it was also i i remember when we were doing the flashing backward

and forward through time and they're all grabbing their head and clutching and getting nosebleeds

i'm like i'm not sure how long this is sustainable and uh the it was in this episode where they have

the one line of dialogue like i guess we're done flashing through time yeah let's go on you know

that was a little odd but definitely a key important part in terms of how the storytelling

was going but it was also of course the episode where they got stuck finally in the middle of the

in the 70s you know after all this jumping through the history of the island going way back they end

up in hippie time with the namaste hippies of of the island you know when we first started hearing

rumors about 70s episodes i was a little skeptical and and a little nervous you know lost meets that

70s show but i thought that the the settings and the costumes and everything were really good so i

was just watching the episode admiring how how well they had done and you know you had characters

like horus and and all of that you had the the eventual final

unification of everybody you know the jack and hurley and kate yeah coming back to that time as

well definitely key but hey the whole reason why we really love this floor has to be how

they completely sold us on a new relationship

come on just give me two weeks it's all nice two weeks

all right two weeks

something smells good hey there the sire juliet relationship was so

unlikely if you had told me it was going to happen before i saw it i would have been mad

yeah i would have to but you know what when in the scene where he's convincing her to

to stay on the island i mean can you say no to him that's true if he looks at you with those

smoldering eyes and says just just two more weeks then i guess you're already doomed uh again very

unlikely i guess some people weren't really happy with that they thought it was a cheat but i thought

it was so well done i was on board yeah i absolutely adored le fleur i would have fallen for the guy


absolutely well only two more slots in our list they're both in season six what's next abby turno

all right now a very controversial episode an episode that does not fit the mold of any of

the other episodes it doesn't really move anything forward it was a severe point of

frustration for some folks that it was an entire episode that didn't move anything forward why did

you or why did we love abby turno because it was richard's story how long have we been watching

this character and wondering who he was where did he come from is he immortal and finally we

have the answers of those questions well of course there was that and again a backstory we wanted to

see is as intriguing as he was just like wanting to know what michael emerson's character was up

to in the history but i really think what makes abby turno special why it's high on our list is

that it was one of the episodes where they went outside of the box they tried something different

they defied expectation i think if you go back through the list we just put together definitely

the ones where they they dare to do something a little bit different that seemed to be the

pivotal episode right so this episode was just filmed differently it was paced differently it

looked like a period movie i don't know shakespearean in love town elizabeth or something

and uh it was a love story it was basically a self-contained tragic love story and it gave

um nester carbonell a great opportunity to explore his range now he'd been sort of a cipher all of

these seasons he'd been kind of mysterious

and stoic and then eventually he suddenly became hapless and lost and almost

silly so i i think this was a very important episode for him for the character but

basically for the storytelling of the show that's why we loved ab eternal well only one other

episode of season six makes our milepost makes our favorite episodes of lost list and that is

the candidate because let's face it in one other episode do we see three major characters die well

there's that for sure i mean it it was a long time coming because we were in the last season of lost

list and at the beginning of the show we were been told the stakes are high the stakes are high

and i was actually i think i'd actually expressed being kind of disappointed that so many of the

characters had survived that long and i guess they decided to get it all out in one shot it was very

shocking it was very hard to take the jinn and sun death scene with again giacchino's score the

surprise death the sort of heroic death of saeed in the submarine and in the flash sideways the

controversial flash sideways here at this point things are really coming together our characters

are really converging and we're going to see a lot of different things and we're going to see a lot of

towards something we see jack's compulsive need to fix versus lock's stubborn pride and we really

don't know if jack is going to be able to fix lock the way that he wants to right that conversation

in the hallway at the hospital um one of my favorite interactions between those two actors

um not notwithstanding maybe the scene in the airport maybe earlier in the season so

the candidate a high point a mile post in the six years six seasons 120 plus hours of lost

there you go wow so if you only watch how many was that 18 16 episodes of lost those are the ones

we recommend uh the transmission recommends now before we close out the segment we do want to

talk about favorite moments independent of the episodes although we played a lot of them we

talked about a lot of them uh certainly the scene in walk about the travel agency scene

top of the list moving through the chronology of lost what else the raft sequence from exodus



trying to figure out which one of those was the best and which one was the most

interesting and interesting and i'll be talking a little bit more about that as we move through

this next one


oh yeah and one of the most beautiful moments in the entire show i think one that even the

creators and the actors say was a high point in in all the years of lost and it was just so full

of hope and and and the music was just swelling and overwhelming definitely that scene vincent yes

i love vincent turning the dog back uh any writer knows that if you want to get at the audience you

don't threaten a human life you threaten or you do something with a pet that gets the waterworks

going next on our list was the orientation video itself when that unspooled on screen we knew

something big was going on we're gonna have to watch that again what was our next favorite moment

in lost the last scene of season 2 episode 16 the whole truth of course if i was one of them

these people that you seem to think of your enemies what would i do

hmm there'd be no balloon

so i'd draw him out to a real secluded place like a cave or some underbrush

a good place for a trap

an ambush

and when your friends got there a bunch of my people would be waiting for

them then they'd use them to trade for me

i guess it's a good thing i'm not one of them huh

you guys got any milk

what a delicious sinister scene a great a high point for michael emerson's character that was

probably where they knew he wasn't just going to be around for three episodes did he ever actually

do a gut milk ad for the milk no but he should uh the next scene on our list i think you mentioned

right the 40 days to cry scene from the other 48 days on lucia i i'm not sure if i bought her

pain at that point but i can see it was a poetic moment for both of those characters to finally

talk now our next movie is the most problematic scene in the blink of an eye for crying dagger

next favorite moment comes uh in the lockdown also a favorite to me because it was the episode where

i was an extra although my scene was cut but lockdown from uh the middle of season two was

where the the blast doors come down you know lock is messing with the wires and we see the lockdown

procedure and you see a map now if there's anything that'll get people who are really

excited about a mythology of any show it's a map world it's a map so that was a big one we just

discovered the one hatch and now we have the possibility of several others if it's not just

the number on the orientation film but there's a bigger world a bigger complex out there moving

into season three our next favorite moment comes at the end of the glass ballerina where we find

out the world has gone on outside the island if you could leave this island why would you still

be here yes jack why would we be here you're lying you're stuck here just like we are


don't have any your flight crashed on september 22nd 2004 today is november 29th that means you've

been on our island for 69 days and yes we do have contact with the outside world jack that's how we

know that during those 69 days your fellow americans re-elected george w bush christopher

reed has passed away boston red socks won the world series

why if you uh if you

wanted me to believe this you probably should have picked somebody else besides the red sox

no they were down three games to none against the yankees in the league championship and then

they won eight straight sure sure of course they did

back to full red sox fans have longed to hear it the boston red sox are world champions

of the top 10

a big scene a big scene i mean i think up until that point we had so many theories

about where and when the island was and what was going on i apart from hearing the radio

transmission on the beach with saç–‘ and hurley we had no hints that they were anywhere in the

same time that the plane crashed so seeing something as very contemporary and as very

understandable and relatable as that baseball game and of course we the the red sox themselves

being the punch line or being the twist fantastic stuff thanks sir appreciate your time thank you

Fantastic stuff there.

Next favorite scene came in Trisha Tanaka.

We talked about that.

The triumphant starting of the Dharma van going down the hill.

Still a cheer out loud moment.

And also the score behind it that kind of goes into a symphonic version of Shambhala.

Loved it.

And speaking of ties to the outside world, we have the scene where Juliet gets a glimpse of her nephew.

Yesterday you called me a liar.

I was hurt by that.

Hello, Richard.

Can you hear me?

Notice today's date.

This is live.

Okay, Richard.

Oh, God.

Oh, my God.

A little over two years ago, to everyone's surprise, Rachel's cancer went into complete remission.

Shortly after she gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

His name is Julian.

Yeah, you picked that scene, but I agree.

It had to go in there.

I mean, Juliet's motivations have always been suspect.

I don't think we ever really knew.

We didn't know entirely what was going on inside her head.

That's what made her so fantastic.

But that scene was key to her motivations.

Yeah, it made her human.

We really started to, at least I did, really start to relate to her.

I agree.

Now, we talked about the next scene.

It was in the man behind the curtain, the Jacob's cabin scene.

But so you don't run out of the room, we'll just move on ahead.

And really, the next scene is a total gimme.

I have to go.

He's going to be wondering where I am.

We were not supposed to leave.

Yes, we were.

Come on, Jack.

We have to go back.


We have to go back.

of favorite scenes is complete without the snake in the mailbox i agree and in terms of short listed

favorite moments we already talked a lot about it and just so we don't cry again i'm not going to

play it again but that was the phone call between desmond and penny in the constant now we jump

further in season four and uh this scene was really pivotal in the sense that everything

that happened when we hear it doesn't happen in english yet we know exactly what's happening

wow she looks just like jinn

yes she does

so i guess we should like go see him

of course

you know a lot of people thought that when they split the flash sequences into a back

and a forward that it was kind of a cheat that they messed with us a little too much

yeah well those people

are dumb oh god that scene still gets to me and it's because you're waiting for the reunification

you're waiting for the daddy and baby moment and the bear and all of that and it doesn't happen

oh my god ah absolutely a favorite moment uh now of course again there's that overlap with

favorite moments and favorite episodes the next two on our list we talked quite a bit about

we're are from jughead and lefleur yeah put the gun down with more and of course

just give me two years or two weeks that turn into three years

love those a lot

now the next moment was a shock to me on so many levels it wasn't just that it was a huge plot point

but it was simply and objectively what we saw happen on prime time network television

lefleur there's jinn here come in

whoa where'd you learn to do that

come on we better go he called the floor

you were right about me what i am a killer


a grown


What's the penultimate moment on Lost?

The showdown between Richard and Jack and Dr. Linus.

I love that scene.

It's probably in the top five easily for me for the entire series.

Well, I just love it because Jack has always been so full of self-doubt and he's always second guessing.

And here he's like, he's so sure.

He's never been more sure of anything.

The acting is superb.

I mean, Matthew Fox has his moments, but this was a great moment for him.

The music, the tension.

Yes, it's a cliche to build tension with a burning fuse.

But come on, the way he says it with a little chuckle.

I just can't get over how much I love that scene.

Well, we've got one more scene.

It is from the finale.

It's got to be, we're all dead, right?



What is our favorite last moment on Lost?

Takes place on a cliff.

Oh, it's Jack's flying ninja death punch.

No, it's badass Kate.

No, no.

I want you to know, Jack.

You died for nothing.

I saved you a bullet.

Oh, yeah, I like that.

You know, in your face, evil lock.

You know, it's true.

The finale was full of fantastic moments,

but these were specifically genetically engineered,

carefully crafted, perfect moments for all of these characters.

Of course, they were going to give us those.

I like this one because it was a pleasant surprise,

and especially because we, among many,

gave Kate a hard time at times for not being a very tough girl.

So a great moment for Evangeline Lilly.

Yeah, I was cheering for her.

So those are our favorite moments throughout the six-year run of Lost.

Now, there were some runner-ups that you wanted to mention.

I really loved the montage at the beginning of LAX.

Yeah, the music from that montage is what sticks in my head.

A lot of people liked the letting go,

sort of medley on the soundtrack for season six,

but for my money, still LAX from the soundtrack.

That montage of the coffin coming out of the plane

and seeing everybody as it lands and all of that,

that is definitely a high point.

I liked the opening scene from season two

with make-your-own-kind-of-music.

I mean, after we were left hanging of the jack-and-lock,

looking down the hatch, that that's what we see,

a guy making his breakfast and playing some

mamas and the papas on a turntable.

So got to go with that for sure,

at least on the honorable mention.

Now, there was one more that you wanted to squeeze in.

The Juliet and Sawyer remembering scene from the finale.

Now, you see, again,

that was a carefully engineered scud missile to the heart.

They were going for that when they gave it to you.

Well, of course they were, but so what?

Okay, I'll give it to you.

I'll give it to you.

Our favorite moments from all of Lost.

Now, someone did call in and we did mention

one of the things we would talk about is our favorite characters.

So really quickly, as we close out this segment,

favorite characters in the whole show?

Ones that you loved more than others?

Mr. Echo.

Mr. Echo was my personal favorite.

I mean, Ben is the person that you love to hate,

but you end up loving anyway.

Definitely, for sure.

We mentioned Anna Lucia, a very unpopular choice,

but more and more people are coming out of the woodworks

that like Anna Lucia's character.

Closet Anna Lucia fans?

Yeah, I think they exist just like Closet Expose fans.

They are out there.

I liked Juliet.

Her character was, as we mentioned,

very hard to get a handle on,

but I think Elizabeth Mitchell was fantastic.

She was the best actress hands down on the show.

Female actress on the show.

Got to be her.

Anyone else?

Female actresses?

I thought Mira Furlan was pretty much fearless playing Russo.

Yeah, very good.

Yeah, I liked Russo.

Didn't like how things ended for her,

but a great character on the show.

I do want to mention probably a forgotten character

because I was very attached to him

and he was very short-lived and wasted, in my opinion.

That was Dogen.

Yes, Dogen.

He would have been so interesting.

He had the whole Zen Master warrior thing

going on and he had a son in the other life

and he just had so much potential,

just like Mr. Echo.

I know.

Thinking of the names we just listed,

none of them were on the main cast,

the original season one cast, I don't think.

What happened there?

I mean, who in season one is your favorite character?


Yeah, that's a good one.

That's probably a very popular choice as well.

Terry O'Quinn, fantastic.

And I think very fittingly,

by the end of the series,

became a pivotal character,

positioned as the counterpart,

the yin and yang with Jax.

So it's got to be Locke among those.

But yeah, interesting choices that came up

for favorite characters.

Well, now that we've shared our favorite episodes,

moments, characters,

it's time to hear yours.

And so coming up now,

a nonstop serving of The Lost Line

for you all, everybody,

and we'll see you on the other side.

Thank you.

I'm sorry.

I can't hear you.

I'm sorry.

Two great pieces of music that I wrote

when I interpreted The Lost music,

and it just keeps me still hooked,

although this series is over.

It's been an amazing journey.

And Lost, I think no other TV show has done that for me.

So, so far, I think nothing will be able to compete

with Lost in the near future.

Thank you guys so much for everything you did.

It's great to have you out there.


Hey, Ryan and Jen.

It's Robin Pearson, the TV critic,

just calling to say that if it weren't for Lost,

I wouldn't have been able to do this.

I wouldn't have become a TV critic.

And it wasn't just the quality and the depth of the show,

but it was podcasts like the transmission that made me think

maybe there was an audience for people who take television as seriously as I do.

Thanks so much for all your great work, and good luck with pop spotting.

Hey, Ryan and Jen, it's Daniel from Boston.

I am going back through the podcast, even though the show's long gone.

I'm actually enjoying my way.

I sort of lost track toward the end of the season and watched the episodes,

but sort of let them stand on their own.

But I'm listening now and just so appreciating your analysis and your comments.

And really, again, just wanted to thank you for a fantastic journey.

You all were so integral to my lost experience,

and really the gift that you've given us all has been fantastic.

I look forward to following you on the new blog and the new effort, the new podcast.


Keep up the great work, and thanks to the two of you for all you do and all you've done.

You two really are an inspiration,

and your kids are lucky to have great parents like you who are so pop savvy and so involved.

So, again, thanks for the gift that you've given all of us over these last several years,

and me particularly.

Hope you're doing well, and look forward to continuing the conversation.


Hello, Ryan and Jen.

This is Dan from London.


Long-time listener, first-time caller, and I've left it very late in the game.

I just want to really say a huge thank you to you guys.

I've been listening to your podcast for many years now, since season three, I think.

And you guys, you won't know this, but you, I've taken you on my iPod all around the world.

When I started listening to you guys, I lived in the States.

And then I have done some work in Russia, travelling out there.

And I'm now back in the UK, living here.

And my one constant, I suppose, in that time has been you guys.

And just watching Lost and hearing your thoughts and all those other Lost fans out there and their thoughts.

And it's been just, what a great ride it's been.

What a great adventure.

And a while ago, you guys asked for people to think about what Lost has meant for them.

I want to honor that.

I want to honor that, because Lost has been a big part of my life, on a bigger scale, and some of the highlights of Lost.

And what has Lost meant to me on a larger scale, in terms of impacting my life?

Well, I think that, in a funny sort of way, it's made me crave adventure more.

I mentioned earlier that I've spent some time in Russia, and that's to do with working in orphanages out there,

trying to help some of the poorest children I've ever met.

And it's made me go looking for adventures like that more, trying to make a bit of a difference.

And obviously, there's a lot more to it than just a TV show, in terms of helping me make those decisions.

But I think, in a funny sort of way, sometimes when I'm in the middle of nowhere, in Russia, getting Lost,

there's something of that adventure that does satisfy.

And it makes me think of the adventures that I've seen on Lost, and that it's made me go looking for, trying to make a difference.

I suppose, along with a lot of other things as well, I should say, not just the TV show.

But what a great show Lost has been. I don't know what I'm going to do without it.

I hope that another show will come along. It will take one heck of a show to beat Lost, won't it?

But thank you again to you guys for what fun it's been going on this journey with you two, and with so many other people.

You have created just such a great place for us all to come and share our Lost excitement.

And, yeah.

So, keep in touch, and God bless you so much. Thanks.

Yes, hello. I'm Ryan and Jen. My name is Mark. I'm from the Chicago area, Chicago, Illinois.

I'm just now finding your podcast. I found it after the show actually ended.

I'd followed some other blogs in regards to the show, and I did want to pick up the phone and say,

I've listened to the last few of your episodes. I didn't go back and hit further than that.

But I wanted to thank you for some insight.

And I thought I'd pick up the phone and say, even though the show has ended, you're finding new fans.

And you're well thought out and well organized in regards to your comments.

A quick comment. I'm not sure if you've done your final overview of the entire six years,

but I did want to say that my absolute favorite episode has to be The Walkabout.

The pure shock value of John Locke standing up.

At the very end, it sticks in my mind.

I'm actually re-watching season one right now, working my way through the five seasons

in preparation for the August release of this season six DVD,

hoping to time it out pretty well to have it ready to go when it comes out and release.

So I just watched The Walkabout episode a few days ago, and again, I'm just blown away by it.

And I actually watched the White Rabbit episode, which is probably another one of my favorite episodes as well.

Season one is my favorite.

And it was interesting to watch Jack kind of run through looking for Christian,

knowing what we know about the Black Smoke now,

to see how he was dealing with following Christian and even falling at some point.

And as you look back in the lens, knowing that the Black Smoke can't kill a candidate was extremely enjoyable to do.

So just some quick thoughts about the show, and thank you for your podcast, and enjoy it.

So have a good day, and aloha.



Hey, Jen and Ryan, it's Jonathan from Pleasanton again, California.

And I remember the episode, Through the Looking Glass, Jack's episode, with all the flash forwards after the show ended.

We discovered that a lot of people I knew that had watched Lost stopped watching Lost.

I stuck with it, had faith in the show, and then that was the show that really, the episode,

that really kind of just proved it to me that it was going to be something worth sticking with.

And I knew people who came back on after that, after I told them.

But I'd have to say that was my favorite.

And as far as characters you guys asked for, I'd have to say Desmond and Richard were actually my most favorite characters.

They didn't get much air time, as much as, obviously, our Losties.

I think they had the most interesting characters that we didn't get much of an answer to.

But, yeah, that's it.

So, you know, if this makes it on.

The podcast, great.

I just appreciate you guys listening to it and everything you've done for this podcast.

Looking forward to pop spotting.

And hope you guys are doing good.

What's up, Ryan?

This is Matt, the Hummer tour guide.

And I know it's past the deadline, but I thought I'd chime in and tell you my favorite episode and moment.

I have to say, my favorite episode is probably Abiturno Richard's episode.

I just keep going back to that.

You know, it was just so epic and very beautifully told and the music from Giacchino and everything.

My favorite moment is probably when Alana blew up because I think that moment just caught me off guard.

And I wasn't expecting it.

I actually jumped out of my chair saying, are you kidding me?

So, yeah.

Anyways, man, I hope you're doing well.

And I'll text you later.

All right.

Take it easy.

I love Lost.

Go Lost.

Aloha, Ryan and Jen.

This is Michelle from San Diego.

Lost fangirl on Twitter.

Lost has meant so much to me.

And I really think if it hadn't been filmed in Hawaii, it wouldn't have been as great as it was.

Hawaii, as you know, is such a special, magical place.

And I think that is the character of the show that really brought it all together.

I am proud to say that.

I'm one of the first people to see the first 45 minutes of the first episode of Lost at Comic-Con in July of 2004.

And I've been a fan ever since.

I've loved the show all the way through.

My favorite character on the show was Daniel Faraday.

And my favorite episode is The Variable.

I've really enjoyed the ride.

Lost has helped make me a better person.

I've had my eyes opened to all the characters.

I've had all different walks of life with people.

I've met some wonderful people on Twitter and still have some great friendships from that.

And I really appreciate your podcast and all of the Lost community.

And I plan to keep Lost part of my life for many years to come.

And I plan to keep Hawaii in my life for many years to come.

Hawaii is my favorite place in the world.

So aloha, mahalo, and stay lost.

Hi, Ryan and Jen.

This is David Gardner.

This is David Gardner from Cottonwood, Arizona.

Long-time listener, long-time emailer, first-time caller.

Thought I'd get my thoughts in on the series as a whole.

My favorite episode being Man Behind the Curtain,

which features my favorite character, Ben.

And my favorite twist would be the season three finale,

We Gotta Go Back to Kate.

All of those were Ben just being a strong character

and Man Behind the Curtain.

Man Behind the Curtain just being that beginning to peel back the layers

that we didn't understand who he is and what his motivations are.

What Lost has meant to me for the whole run of it,

I came in at the end of season two and beginning of season three.

And I was looking to get inspiration for a story that I was having trouble writing.

And my mom recommended Lost.

And so I watched it.

And after the first episode, the first pilot was done,

I was...

cheering because this was my story that I was writing.

And then I was also cheering because this was the story that I was writing.

And so it was fun to be able to compare back and forth

their creative license and my creative license,

where my story went, where their story went.

And at the end, being completely different

with the conclusion and with the arts and all of that stuff.

Yeah, similar in the tone and mystery and exotic locales.


Lost was such a great journey and such a great adventure.

And being able to learn more about myself and my own writing process

and all of this idea, to tweak this idea, to change it because this one isn't so solid.

Being able to formulate theories and to get my own mysteries and stuff in order and in line.

So it was great.

I thank you again for such a wonderful podcast, a wonderful journey.

And I look forward to podcasting.

Thank you very much.

Mahalo and mahalo mok'peh.


Hi, Brian and Jen.


I can't believe this is the last podcast.

Anyways, I'm going to try to get through this.

It'd be difficult for me to pick one favorite episode, but I did love all the season finales

because they were always written by Damon and Carton and included the whole cast.

We had epic moments like the Wrath launch, Walt's kidnapping.

And of course, we got to go back, Kate.

Lost was a show that made me think, and I laughed, I cried, and I loved the slow reveals like what put Locke in the wheelchair,

what exactly Kate did, and the importance of the numbers.

Jack was my favorite character, and Sawyer, Hurley, and Miles were the most fun to watch.

Lost took risks.

We never knew who would die next, and Lost may be the only show with its own death theme music.

Speaking of which, the music was like another character,

and I can't imagine this show without it.

One of my favorite moments was Hurley starting up the Dharma van and their pure joy at taking a drive

and cranking the radio like they were all teenagers again.

Watching Lost was like that scene, an escape from real life and a wild ride.

So here it is, the final transmission podcast, and I can't let it go by without saying that I am grateful to both of you

for all that you did to enhance my Lost experience.

I enjoyed your insights and your honesty and all the hard work you put into making this a transmission.

I started listening during season four, and I wish I found it during season one,

because I don't know how much this enhanced everything for me.

I really loved it.

I really enjoyed the board.

I don't know how I could have gone through the time travel episodes without everyone.

I've made some friends, and I've shared some theories.

I think I'll miss the board as much as the show.

The phone calls in your segments were great,

and it was funny when Holy Freaking Crap became the transmission tag.

That's a phrase.

Anyways, Ryan and Jen, whether it's a flashback or a flash sideways or a flash forward,

you always are constant, and if at some point you decide to go back,

you can be sure we'll all be here to go with you.

But until then, mahalo, and count me in as a pop-spotting listener.

Thanks a lot.

Hi, Ryan and Jen and you all, everybody.

This is Cheryl from North Delta, British Columbia, or Greenberry on the blog.

I loved season one and the flashbacks best,

which enabled all of us to get intimate glimpses into our losties.

After that, I was completely hooked on the show.

I liked the twist that Sawyer was John Locke's birth father

and that James could eliminate two monsters at once.

I have absolutely loved finding this blog,

but one disadvantage is that plot twists became less of a surprise

because you all were so good at predicting them way before they actually happened.

Such as Claire being Jack's sister or Michael being on the freighter.

For me, the thrill of Lost has been following broken people with father issues

as they found healing and redemption.

Thank you so much for this podcast and for your blog that you've provided for us.

I've really, really, really enjoyed Lost and enjoyed sharing it with all of you.

Thank you.

Hey, Ryan and Jen, this is Adam from Texas.

I just wanted to go over my favorite points.

I'm going to do the whole series because you guys are doing a wrap-up show.

My list of favorite seasons in order from 1 to 6, obviously.

I thought, going from the bottom, season 4, then season 5, season 3, I think,

then 1, 6, and 2.

2 is still my favorite. It always has been.

I think the mystery and the anticipation of 2 just can't be beat,

even though I love 6.

And as far as favorite episodes, my top 6,

in order would have to be Deus Ex Machina is number 6,

All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy's Shoes, which is my favorite title,

Man of Science, Man of Faith, all those three were just so amazing

as far as character development, I think.

Through the Looking Glass, hugest twist of all time,

the plot, sorry, the plot, the pilot is number 2, and the end is number 1.

The end just did it all for me, did everything I wanted to.

So, yeah.

He was good, too, and a couple other ones.

I know a lot of people have a dozen of ones on there, but I'm not a really big fan.

I mean, he's always drunk in all his episodes.

He doesn't have that many, but I'm not a huge fan of the dozen of ones, but oh well.

I love you, love the series, and I love your show,

and I can't wait to see what is this one from Pops.

Can't wait for the next show, guys.

See you later. Bye.

Hey, Ryan and Jen, just giving you my thoughts.

The series as a whole, I've just absolutely loved it,

and I've loved your guys' discussion of it.

My favorite character throughout the entire series

have probably been the duality of Jack Shepard and John Locke.

Those characters have just been wonderful to watch,

and to see actually the rise of Jack Shepard after John Locke had fallen

was very, very interesting to watch,

and it was a very nice dichotomy.

Anyway, I just hope you guys get this,

and I can't wait to hear your final episode of the transmission.

Thank you. Have a great day.

Hey, Ryan and Jen, this is Dara from Annapolis.

I just thought I'd leave you a message for your final podcast.

Thank you guys so much for your thoughts

and thinking about the show for all these years.

It's really been great having you guys along for the ride,

and it's made my lost experience that much better.

I wanted to...

I wanted to talk about a character that everybody hates,

but I think between the two of you and myself,

we're the only ones that love her.

That's right, Anna Lucia.

I thought Michelle Rodriguez was incredible on the show,

and even for the brief moments she came back,

she was just an incredible character,

helping point Echo in the right direction,

helping point Hurley in the right direction.

Even when she was on screen for just a couple minutes,

I thought she was so good,

and, you know,

celebrity crushes aside,

I thought she was really great on Lost,

and, you know, it's funny.

Once she died in the show,

you know, all my friends would tease me so much

that every time we'd see a movie with her,

they'd always joke around that she was going to die,

and so, you know, when we went to go see Avatar,

and, you know, she gets shot in the helicopter

while trying to save the world,

my friends just laughed it up at my expense,

but that's my Lost story.

I love Anna Lucia.

I thought she was a great character,

and I think she was redeemed at the end.

Just having her there for that brief instant

made me think that, you know,

she was ready to move on in that place with them,

just maybe not at the same time as them.

Thanks so much for the podcast, guys.

You guys are really great.

Appreciate it.

Hey, guys.

This is Walter from New Hampshire.

Just wanted to call in to share my favorite Lost moment

and what Lost meant to me in a nutshell,

and that moment,

I just wanted to say,

my favorite moment in the show and the series

was when Locke was on top of the hatch

and he was just so frustrated beating on that hatch,

and he just could not find anything.

It seemed like he was, you know, in desperation.

He was not giving up, but he was looking for more.

He was looking for meaning,

and finally, the hatch lit up,

and just his gaze in that light,

that moment will always be something special for me

that I'll always have with me when I think of the series,

that for some reason,

it's just something that actually, you know,

kind of represents, you know,

the whole entire series, really,

is looking for that meaning

and, you know, persevering and believing in magic,

and it actually comes to you if you work hard enough,

and that's actually something

that your show has been for me, your podcast,

and that I was, you know, working,

watching Lost, and the ending just completely blew me away,

and, you know, it was wonderful,

but, you know, post-traumatic stress

from not having a show,

your podcast has kind of been there for me

in that regard.

It's been therapy, you know,

and I had to listen to the podcast,

I didn't find it until the end of the series,


and listening to it was kind of like bathing in that light,

and, you know, your podcast alone

has given me deeper meaning for the entire series

just from listening to you guys speak.

I've gotten new perspectives

and understand things in new ways

and understand the entire experience,

all the seasons, all the years,

in a whole new way

just from hearing what you guys had to say

and, of course, what you all, everybody had had to say,

so thanks very much for this podcast

and for all of you, you know,

all the hard work you put into it

and the love you put into it.

I can really feel it all the way out here

on the other side of the world,

so keep up the great work with your new series

and mahalo.

Aloha, Ryan and Jen.

This is Sal from New Jersey.

I'm a first-time caller,

a previous emailer.

Sorry if it's an 11th-hour call,

but I'm glad you extended the time

in which I could call.

Really, I mean, I can't even express

how much the transmission has meant to me.

I look forward weekly to hearing your take on laws,

probably almost as much as Lost itself.

I even, you know, found myself revisiting your podcasts

from older seasons as I re-watched the show.

So I need to say I will be missing you guys quite a bit.

Okay, on to my favorite scene from Lost overall.

As much as I love the time-traveling,

dimensional stuff,

and the battle for the island,

to me, the best part of Lost

has always been the interactions

and connections between the characters.

You know, the characters,

the characters,

and as hard as it is,

if I had to pick my favorite one of those,

it would be the scene where Sawyer tells Jack

how he met his father in Australia.

Just seeing, like, the pain

and the guilt on Jack,

Matthew Fox's face,

but at the same time,

knowing that a weight was being lifted from him

by hearing those words

that he always wanted to hear from his dad,

but instead by Sawyer,

you know, of all people,

who at that time,

I think in season two,

was still a pretty bad guy.

But at that moment,

they share, like,

a common ground and understanding.

And it was, like,

so emotional and so good.

I think I'm welling up right now

thinking about it.


Anyway, so many moments like that,

but that one, I think,

was the most standout

and my favorite one of those.

So I guess this is a goodbye.

Thank you so much

for being there for us Lost fans

over the years.

I look forward to hearing

to your new podcast.

And on another note,

my wife is planning on taking me

to Oahu for my 40th birthday

next spring.

So I would love to hear

any, like, great Lost spots to visit

or maybe by then

they'll have some type of tribute

or who knows,

some kind of, like,

fan thing going on,

maybe tours.

I think there's one now,

but maybe something even more.

Anyway, thanks again

and namaste to both of you.


Hi, Ryan and Jen.

It's Rebecca from Boston.

I'm just calling

for your final Lost podcast

about what the show has meant to me.

And the one thing

I'll always take away from you is that you're a fan.

And I'll always take

away from this show

is this small moment

in Exodus.

It's when the raft takes off.

And there's so much happening

in that one moment.

There's hope and anticipation

and the characters are happy

and bittersweet.

And that beautiful music

from Michael Giacchino is playing

and their beautiful aerial shots

of the raft taking off

and Vincent's barking.

And that's the moment

that I fell in love with this show.

I'm a TV fanatic,

so I watched a lot of TV

and I just counted Lost

as one of the many shows I was following.

But in that one single moment,

it became an obsession.

It became something

I constantly thought about

and theorized about

because the artistry of that moment

was so high.

It's not something

that you see on television so often.

And for every unanswered question,

for every ridiculous romantic love triangle,

for every plot question,

for every twist and turn

that I didn't really get,

that's the moment.

The exodus moment

is what kept me going

and made me have faith

that the show was more than just

a mystery that needed to get answered.

And of course,

the one thing that we'll always remember about Lost

is sort of the internet fan community

that emerged alongside of it.

The theorizing and the constant

message boarding,

internet searching,

what does that Latin phrase mean?

Talking to people across the country,

across the globe

that I don't really know,

but I can connect with

over this one show.

That's sort of the lingering feeling

I have about Lost,

missing out on that internet connection,

missing out on the podcast

and the commenters.

And I'll follow you guys.

I'll follow you guys

to pop-potting.

I'll see you there.

Thank you. Bye.

Hi, Ryan and Jen.

This is Emily from Columbus, Ohio.

And I've been listening to you guys

since the beginning of the transmission

and the beginning of Jay and Jack.

And I'm really going to miss the transmission

and I'm really going to miss Lost.

But I'm really looking forward to pop-potting.

And as a fellow film-potting fan,

I was very excited

when Maddie and Adam

read your email on air

a couple months ago.

Well, I wish you luck with the pop-potting

and thank you for the transmission.

I really liked it. Aloha.

Hi, Ryan and Jen.

It's MB in Brooklyn.

Just a little bit.

Just calling to say

I'm going to really miss your podcast.

I really have loved, loved, loved

hearing your voices.

I think you have a great relationship

the way it comes across on the air.

And I just love listening to you

and hearing from you all, everybody.

So best of luck with your future ventures

and I hope to catch up with you

with pop-potting.


Hi, Ryan and Jen.

This is Barry calling from Wisconsin.

And in regards to Lost as a whole,

let me tell you how special Lost was.

Let me tell you how special Lost was.

As a series and especially the last episode.

I was getting ready for work this morning.

It's Monday, June 14th.

And the DVR, I had Lost on there.

So I decided to watch the last four minutes of the show.

And you know what?

It's been two to three weeks since the show was on.

I've seen it about four or five times.

And I just watched the end of it this morning

and it made me cry again.

Lost is beyond a special television show.

There will never be anything like it again.

And I said it when Lost first came on the air

six years ago, seven years ago.

Lost is a different kind of show.

It's not a show that takes you from point A to point B

to point C to the finale.

It makes you think.

It makes you discuss.

It makes you wonder.

And basically Lost has ruined television for me.

I mean, I don't know of anything that I'm going to,

especially this fall, I haven't seen anything.

But I can't see anything coming up.

That's just going to grip me like Lost did.

That's going to make me want to watch it every week.

That's going to make me care so much about the people on the show.

So I'm looking forward to your podcast of top spotting

because I'm going to need someone to tell me

what I should look at, what I should check out.

Because I just don't know what else is going to be coming up anytime soon

that's just going to make me say,

okay, I've got to watch this.

And I've got to find a podcast about it and listen to it.

And watch it and discuss it and just get obsessed about the show.

So thank you so much for your transmission podcast.

Looking forward to your new one.

But it's kind of sad that we're on the last transmission here.

So thanks again.

Have a great life.

And I will see you around.


Hi, Ryan and Jen.

This is Melanie from Ohio calling for, I guess, the final Lost podcast.

I just want to let you guys know,

I've enjoyed the show, you know, your podcast for all these years.

So thank you for doing it.

And good luck in the future.

And I'll see you guys over at Top Spotting.

But I did want to comment on the episode.

I'm sorry, the series as a whole.

Lost has been very, very important to me.

You know, it's funny because I was having this conversation with one of my friends.

It's sort of how...

I was about 20 years old when Lost premiered.

And I remember laughing because everyone was talking about how your favorite characters were

and who they felt the most, the biggest connection with.

And I thought it was funny because I actually, when I was 20 years old,

I actually kind of related to Shannon.

Not that I was, you know, some spoiled rich girl, but I did.

I remember on, in one of the early episodes,

she was sitting there giving herself a peck.

She was doing pedicure, doing her nails on the beach.

And I laughed because at 20 years old,

trying to process everything that had just happened,

that would have probably been my reaction too.

So, but, you know, as I've gotten older and I've had a baby since then,

and, you know, a career and everything going for me,

I often see myself in more Penny, Juliet, different characters,

even Claire to a certain extent,

because I always defended Claire.

If I lost, if something happened to my daughter

and I thought she was taken from me, I would become crazy too.

Even Danielle to a certain extent.

So I definitely find, think that kind of parallel is interesting,

how you see yourself growing up with these characters as they grew as well.

Hi, Ryan and Jen.

This is Eric from Oakland.

I'm going to try again to say my, what Lost means to me,

just a minute, because last time it took me four minutes.

Basically, I see Lost as a great mythology,

beyond just being a great TV show and a great piece of art.

It's a mythology alike to Lord of the Rings, to Harry Potter, to Star Wars.

And even, I would say, similar to mythologies like the Bible,

which is a Judeo-Christian mythology, or the Ramayana, or the Mahabharata.

And so...

I think it's something that I will re-watch over and over again throughout my life.

I've already re-watched so many of the episodes so many times,

and I get different things out of them each time I do.

So it's sort of like somebody going to the Bible over and over again

to read stories that are meaningful.

The biggest thing I'm taking away from it right now is

lessons about what it means to be a leader.

I think I'm a dance theater choreographer and professor of dance,

and I'm always leading big groups of people.

I've learned so much about what to do and what not to do when leading people,

and how to get people to do what I want them to do.

And also about how leaders ultimately are always, in a sense, alone.

And I really feel like that with Jack, but with the other leaders on the island,

that nobody was 100% in agreement all the time with anybody else.

So ultimately we have this trust and this larger purpose, which Jack eventually did.


That's one big piece I'm taking away.

Thank you guys so much for everything.


Hey, Ryan and Jen.

This is John in Tennessee just calling with some thoughts about the entire show of Lost.

One thing I loved about it was just the way that, of course,

the aperture kept opening every single season.

You know, the camera kept pulling back.

And one of the things I don't think has been discussed about in the end

was that when the flash highways were finally revealed to be, you know,

the world the characters had created,

they needed to meet each other after their death.

That was the lens pulling back, you know, kind of yet again.

And the doors in the church opening and then walking into the light

was just kind of going into that final pullback.

That was as far back as you can pull back.

Also, over the course of the season, my favorite thing,

and it's kind of odd to say it, was being wrong.

You know, there were theories.

Everybody had one.

You know, and I had my own.

And I just really loved being constantly wrong

because that showed that the writers were surprising us all the way through.

I think it's safe to say that at any point along the ride,

you know, each of our individual theories started to pan out perfectly.

And, you know, we kind of felt that we had the show wired.

It would be like, you know, 10 minutes into CSI

and knowing, you know, who committed the crime.

And then, you know, you may as well turn the channel at that point.

So being wrong was great.

And then some final thoughts about the resolution of the entire show.

You know, when the Flash Sideways was revealed to be, you know,

the characters in the afterlife,

it struck me very much of like the Mitch Avalon book,

The Five People You Meet in Heaven.

It was very much kind of along those lines of, you know,

the people who have influenced you most for the good or for the negative

and then finding resolution with them.

So anyway, thanks a lot for the podcast.

Sorry to see you guys go,

but glad you'll be around out there podcasting with Pops Pods and stuff.

Take care. Bye.

It was great to hear your voices again after all this time,

like old friends for sure.

Thank you to everybody who called last year, basically,

and over the past six years.

You were, and we say this a lot,

the reason that we kept doing this

and you listening now, all five, six of you left out there,

are the reason that we still love and are still proud

to be crazy about you.

We're pleased fans of a TV show

and being part of the greater Lost community.

Of course, we got so many blog comments, so many emails,

and believe me, we are truly grateful for all of those.

So if for some reason you didn't hear back from me,

which is likely, but please forgive me.

Feel free to get in touch anytime

because hearing from you guys,

it was really the best part of this whole thing.

We're still at lost at hawaiihub.com on Facebook and on Twitter.

So please don't be strange.


It's great.

Again, the conversation has never stopped

and we're grateful for that.

We're glad you're still here.

Now, according to my notes,

my notes that we started for this podcast last year,

I said, well, first I said we were going to get it to you on June 27th.

So that didn't have a year.

It's not June 27th.

We're ahead of schedule, folks.


But in any case,

I also said that you were going to hear the last song by the Others Lost band.

Now they write a song inspired by every episode of Lost

and their songs were a regular feature of the transmission

for the last few seasons.

And well, actually,

it turned out that like us,

the band, Thomas, Shannon, Blake,

they were a bit stuck too.

In fact, Thomas and I traded emails about how hard it was last summer

to put together one last piece,

one last thing,

even though we'd been doing it every week up until then.

Fortunately, they did eventually record their last Lost song,

which is titled The End.

In September, they put out their season six CD.

So finally, helping us say goodbye,

here is the Others Lost.

The band.

Sayid, it's your choice whether or not to stay,

but you'll be happy if you do.

Did being at the motel with Hurley bring back any memories for you?

He can't tell you why you're here, Sayid,

because there are rules.

He trusts you, you'll have to trust him.

He thinks that you're a good guy, dude.

You can't let people tell you what you are.

You've got to decide for yourself.

There's a pretty gnarly fight.

It looks like someone could use your help.

And Boone had a hard time bringing Shannon home.

Let's give her inside a minute before we go.

And Charlie, this concert's the most important thing you will ever do.

If you don't come,

come with me, I'm sorry.

I'll have to tranquilize you.

Your band, Dry Shaft, is playing a gig with Daniel Wittmore.

You see Claire in the audience, she's that blonde you saw before.

And she is rapturously beautiful like you told Desmond about her.

She goes into labor, Kate once again helps her give birth.

And they are back together again.

Charlie, Claire, and Aaron.

Sonya goes to war, Sonya Chen.

That's how he got away.

They say it's nice to meet you, detective.

But I think we'll be okay.

What do you do when you're Apollo Barkin?

When we're on campus, I get caught.

I unplug the machine to turn it off then turn it back on.

And Julia says it worked, and then they touch.

Let's get some coffee, we can go Dutch.

Ah, ah, ah, ah.

I'm confident this is going to work.

I'm going to get better.

I'm going to get a check.

I'm going to get a job.

But there's always a chance you'll die

Fixing you is all the peace I need

I'll see you on the other side

John wakes up and says it worked and that

He can't move his toes

Did you see that, Jack?

I guess you don't remember

Come with me, it's time to go

Cause you don't have a son to go see

Hope someone does for you

What you just did for me

Kay stole your pal on 815

But that's not how you know her

Go with her, you'll understand

When she takes you to church

Because, Jack, I missed you so

I'll meet you inside

When you're ready

When you're ready to go

And taking care of people

That's what Hurley does best

This is a place

That you made to fight

For those with whom you stand

The most important time of your life

Because nobody does it alone

You're here to move on

To remember and finally let go

This is a place

That you made to fight

For those with whom you stand

The most important time of your life

Because nobody does it alone

This is a place

That you made to fight

For those with whom you stand

The most important time of your life

Because nobody does it alone

You're here to move on

To remember and finally let go

This is a place

It's a place you made to find those with whom you spent the most important time of your life.

Cause nobody does it alone.

You're here to move on, to remember and finally let go.

This is a place.

You made to find those with whom you spent the most important time of your life.

Cause nobody does it alone.

You're here to move on, to remember and finally let go.

This is a place.

You made to find those with whom you spent the most important time of your life.

Cause nobody does it alone.

You're here to move on, to remember and finally let go.

That was The End by The Others Lost Band.

Big thanks to Thomas and the gang for allowing us to share their music here on our show

and for letting us feature their one last song here on the transmission.

You can always hear more of their great music and buy their albums at theotherslostband.com.

Oh, I'm definitely feeling it now.

That was fantastic.

I guess this is the end for us as well.

It's been a huge pleasure and privilege to do this podcast.

And we can't thank you enough for joining us on.

This journey when, when Lost started, our youngest son was just born.

Twitter didn't even exist and we had no idea what Comic-Con was.

So we've definitely learned a lot.

We've grown quite a bit and changed so much, hopefully for the better.

And you were here with us.

Thanks for listening.

And thanks for indulging us.

And for putting up with us and for waiting all this time.

We also hope, of course, that you'll stay with us as we launch and we will launch PopSpotting real soon now.

Now there's other stuff.

There's a lot of stuff out there besides Lost and we have always wanted to talk about it.

We have been doing it out there on the web and we're going to turn it into a podcast, TV, movies, books, music, other things.

For TV, we'll probably start with what we're watching, Fringe, Hawaii Five-0.

We're almost all the way through Breaking Bad.

We're still on The Sopranos, The Wire, and we've actually finally started Doctor Who.

Yeah, we're late to that.

A lot of our fellow Lost podcasters moved on to that show.

But great.

A lot of great TV to talk about besides Lost.

For movies.

We don't get out much, so I'm not sure if we'll talk about a lot of current films, but we'll talk about a lot of our favorites.

Rentals on Netflix.

I think you've said you wanted to do a whole John Cusack marathon.


And, of course, I've also been doing a lot of reading and my daughter is a glee nut, so she's making me listen to all this new music.

So there's that.

And, you know, we plan on covering a lot of stuff.

And we definitely don't know a lot about what's new and what's cool.

We're about as uncool as you can get.

We're unhip.

We're a thigh, you know.

We're so unhip, we're ankles.


And so that's where you come in.

Really, you will be a key part of Popspotting, too.

And just so you know, in addition to your calls and emails, which we have done, we want to actually have you on the show as a guest.

So if you're listening to this, if you've stuck it to the end of the last transmission and you think that you can school us on TV, movies, and other stuff, you can drop us a line.

And you can be the first people in probably a very short line of Popspotting guests.

And trivia victims.

And trivia victims, for sure.

We will.

We want to do trivia as part of the show.

So you can give us an email at feedback at popspotting.net.

And if you're not up for Pop Talk, no problem.


Beyond the transmission, we're still out there.

The blog will stay up at hawaiiup.com slash lost.

You can like us on Facebook at facebook.com slash lostcast.

On Twitter, I'm at Mrs. Hawaii.

And I'm at Hawaii.

And you can find us on Facebook as well.

Individually, I'm Facebook friends with a lot of you still.

Ha ha ha.

And we'd always love to hear from you.


And with that, for the transmission, I'm Ryan.

And I'm Jen.

Namaste and aloha.

Ha ha ha.

This podcast is a proud member of the Lost Podcasting Network.

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