Episode 392: First Impressions of “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always” – NO SPOILERS!

No Pink Spandex

No Pink Spandex

Episode 392: First Impressions of “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always” – NO SPOILERS!

No Pink Spandex

hey guys hey hey what's going on hi how y'all doing um anything happened anything no they've

just been muted for a minute yeah yeah you know um hi um if you're listening to this for the first

time my name is lisa j welcome to no pink spandex a podcast about all things power rangers and uh

you know um i have two people here with me who co-host okay we have jeremy hello and brandon

hey y'all yeah you listen listen i it's yeah so i could state the obvious or we could really just

come on here and talk

about what people want to talk about but not fully talk about what people want to talk about

we just want to give you some things and stuff reactions if you will yes not of the non-spoilery

version overviews of the 30th anniversary special power rangers once and always okay

because we could talk about other stuff another time

who needs to hear

about the who's and the wise certain things that have transpired in the almost two years now um no

we don't need to talk about that right but what we can talk about before we get to all today

is first and foremost jeremy and brandon do things outside of no pink spandex and just you know

quickly let the people know where can people find you so let's start with jeremy you can find me on my website at jeremy.com

and you can find me on instagram and you can find me on twitter you can find me at captain underscore subpar you can find me there talking about power rangers and super sentai and common writer and pretty much everything you know explosion spandex related so i'm there all the time posting new stuff posting pictures posting commentaries all that good stuff so come check me out

and brandon you can find me and my podcast tribunal of the grid and i'll see you next time bye bye

at link tr.ee forward slash tribunal of the grid we talk about all these power rangers as well and we

also talk about the actors who play them so if you're into that kind of stuff you want to hear

interviews you want to get some behind the scenes stuff on projects that they did and stuff like

that come check us out and again thank you for listening to no pink spandex you can find us

everywhere at no pink spandex so youtube instagram twitter tiktok everywhere no pink spandex

okay um some house uh some house rules house rules house rules house rules okay um maybe maybe

maybe church announcements if you will oh got the bulletin so um yes i'll i'll be talking about some

of these things further in depth on another at another time because you know we won't waste

people's time but you know um certain things are changing at no pink spandex certain things um

you know certain ways in which that you guys can support us you know in terms of this podcast in

terms of our website in terms of how we cover things so certain things have will will be a

changing um don't it doesn't mean that's going to change forever right it's just temporary and i

know i'm being vague but i want to uh have a clearer conversation the next time that we speak

with each other okay so certain things are changing um

because you know uh girl gotta make a coin and just let you know okay so that's number one number

two in the church announcements um like i mentioned before this is the going to be our

reactions overview thoughts of the non-spoilery version of the 30th anniversary special right

because we want to give people the experience of just you know when when this when this

stuff comes out okay coming out on april 19th uh we want people to get their lives okay and

experience it for themselves right so we're just doing non-spoilery things and we haven't done

this since oh gosh i want to say the um the 2017 movie we haven't done non-spoilery situations

right so this is a big deal because we we spoil all the things typically i mean it's it's more fun

to talk about when you can talk about a thing so right but still this is gonna be this is gonna be

a nice uh primer and i'm over here sitting in the corner looking all sad because i wasn't there but

it's okay i did not know you yes we did not know each other yes um yes we have another black gay

friend uh yes yes yes yes yes i'm like the tanya to the replacement black gay friend yeah you know

don't do that you left tristan in africa

oh goodness gracious so um so yeah so this is gonna be the first time so you know bear with us

as we try to maneuver this review which might be really short uh

really short however what we haven't talked about um you know is there

clips after you know like you know up leading up to the the the anniversary special that we can

reference because like because all y'all have seen it whatever um so um so let's start there

i think it was like a 40 minute clip or something like that second yes yes wow here we go a 40

minute clip would be a pretty big preview of a one hour movie i know for that would be funny

they were like yes we're gonna give you a a sneak peek of 40 minutes of this special and it's like

word oh okay that's cool that's cool that's cool but it's just it's just the back half of it we're

just gonna not show you the first 20 minutes oh goodness gracious okay so yeah so 40 second clip

um this was this was of um the the the mighty morphin four um so you have billy zach uh what's

his name rocky and um and then you have the the the the the the the the the the the the the the

and cat and um and they are about to morph i believe yes they're yeah they're they're all

together and they you know it's like oh we got to get our powers and rocky and cat talk about the

fact that they don't have any dino powers so alpha's like i got you i got got some coins right

here so we can we can all morph together so and that's pretty much really all the clip is okay

yeah okay um yeah okay

so um i i just can't look listen i i have what i can't let before we get to the non-spoilery stuff

we're gonna talk about what everybody's seen and if we could talk about some of these fits that

people have um yo what's up with cat the soccer mom situation like who does is there like a thing

where all pink rangers have to wear blazers like is that a thing yeah it's very

much yeah she is uh amelia's aunt i guess because they they love their blazers i mean they go to they

must shop at the same blazer store you know you know blazers rs like i don't understand

and then sometimes it kind of feels like it's the same blazer it's like the same cut though

it's the same exact cut it's like they're gonna shop at the same place i'm just to get these


30 years later and rangers of the same color are just wearing each other's hand-me-downs still

still still still to this day like like rocky's just standing there and he's like i know your

pain cat i know it i know it well you know and then that's that's the other thing too

is you know i i remember i remember power rangers there was up to a point where

like the rangers um

rangers outfits were not just plain insert color shirt and jeans right like it was like it had some

character there was some there was some character to it like as if they're real people and and in

this clip it's just like but nah though like we are just top top of you one color bottom of you

one color if you are

we're getting a little crazy oh you might have an inside shirt oh you know what i mean like

but the inside shirt will be a neutral color yes yes it will be yeah we'll be a solid color we can't

have nothing crazy nothing you know no kind of like style you know what i'm saying so i think

i mean the most egregious out of them all is rocky like they do him dirty it's just blue jeans red


like what yeah y'all couldn't give him an accent color at all

y'all couldn't do nothing because billy look a little you know he got you know he got that little

golf swag you know i'm saying you know a little bit you know there's a little there's a little

there's a little snap there's a little snap right zach yeah oh they gave him a khaki

a khaki you know but but yo rocky they did him dirty

they did was it we were yeah i was looking at the clip of him in uh the 25th anniversary special and

they just put him in a full like red flannel but it was the same thing gotta cover your arms up gotta

just hide behind this this big bulky shirt and i don't understand why they keep doing this to this

poor man what did he do to you and then like rocky going back to rocky okay the shoes are cool

i'll give him back his shoes were fire i like his shoes i'll in fact i i want me a pair no lie right

but the jeans though what is up with the fit of the jeans though yeah it is what we what are we

doing what are we doing and i see what they're trying to do with his shirt like they're trying

to make it not look so basic but it's just like ah what what are you doing like could it have been

like a more textured shirt like could it have not been fire engine red like it's just typical

red i am red like could we have a maroon can we have a you know i mean like a day it's just like

hi i go shopping here's red shirt i don't know man but wouldn't fire engine red be appropriate for

him i'm saying because we saw yeah we saw in the in the trailer he was holding like um

like a fireman gear right there was a little clip that had him that you know a blip of fireman

that's true that's true

i mean but it's like so on the nose though it's like hi i'm fireman i fire and drug red man

i guess i mean i guess if that's your if that's like your profession and you're constantly like

putting on your fireman gear or you're just chilling at the station then maybe you probably

don't care about your fit you know so nah fam i there's there's some fireman people out there man

that are like you know they oh yeah they they could

wear a little little something oh yeah wear a little something because at this point i mean

yeah if they if if they look like first of all they look like you know they're getting their

coins and they look like they're gonna be in danger he's gonna be away for a minute he's

not gonna be like ah guys i gotta go you know i mean like you know but you know but hey we don't

know but you know what though that brings up a good point because didn't the putties go out there

and just start like wreaking like wreaking havoc and stuff like rocky was on the other side of the

line and he's like i'm gonna go and break at this time so if something caught on fire because of what

the is this in the clip is this in the clip is this in the is this in the trailer oh yeah that's

the trailer yeah we see them fighting the place you see them fighting buddies yeah you said child

listen it's been a minute like there's been so much going on yeah this is this is this is what

this is what what zach and rocky are wearing when they fight the puddies in these got you got you

got you so i'm like if they're fighting puddies and stuff like you mean to tell me the fire

department isn't missing him

yeah they know he gone they know i mean they gotta go they gotta i mean no that's you know

how firefighting works is usually you're like on shift for 24 hours straight and then you have 48

hours in a row where you just do your your your you don't have to work so maybe he's just you know

he's at the end of the shift at the end of the shift yeah and alpha does he look does does he

look any different than he's taller he's tall he is taller yeah it's true because alpha was


alpha was a was a little lady right yeah little lady yeah lady this is not a little lady right

right so alpha you know got a little growth spurt okay cool cool cool cool cool um he looks his his

his uh his blue looks more uh trash baggy to me i don't know what it is the shine

the sheen the sheen of it all you know yes yes yes he's yeah he's in a hefty bag yeah

stupid oh gosh um yeah okay cool cool cool cool cool now is it me or does the face look a little

different the face is different yeah yeah yeah it's different yeah yeah there's certain things

yeah certain things have been updated you know i'm saying i mean besides his height

certain things have his face his face makes me think of uh what's his name uh uh lavar

burton from star trek oh right right right right

yes yes yes a little bit a little bit so okay all right well um but we could actually talk about

the actual like content of the clip yes but yeah the the big thing i think for me looking at this

clip is obviously in the background you see what looks like a zordon tube that's cracked

yeah my eye immediately went to that where it's like what are we doing here why we got a zordon

tube right right right

um and then they talked about the coins where like they're like hey well you know we made it

so that any y'all could morph which makes me think how many proxy coins did they make

i mean it's it's tough because like you know you sit here and you think like this is all weird and

it doesn't really fit and blah blah blah but then i started thinking i'm like they literally made

a second set of turbo powers they did just for me

robot rangers so i i don't put anything past them

well according to zach you know it's dangerous to do things like that

and they were like shut up fool we're gonna we gotta whatever dad

too much pink energy is not dangerous for her

you know so let's just like oh we don't need to hear it

shut up that was like that was like you let me use more pink

energy or i will call your manager straight up

i'm gonna call you a flagrant file on your objection get out of here with that


like yeah her and rocky speaking is an upgrade yes yes i mean yeah when when it comes to

anniversary specials uh power rangers doesn't exactly have the best track record with

letting the older rangers have agency right and i feel like this special uh did a pretty good job of

that agree right right right yes so yes let's segue unless we anything else we want to say

about this particular clip no the one thing i will add on to it um when talking about just

the general vibe of the show is like so we have katherine she references the too much pink energy

line which you know if you're a longtime fan if you're a hardcore fan that'll that'll trigger

something in your mind you're like oh that's a reference blah blah but you know if you were

maybe more of a casual fan back in the 90s then it probably isn't going to mean much to you

and to me i feel like that's kind of like a good vibe the entire special has

where like it has these drop-ins that aren't obtrusive but they're references for older fans

um and so i think they do a really good job of striking that balance of not being like you have

to have watched everything but also being like you know here's a little nod here's a little wink

for you right right um so yeah so let's let's generally generally okay i'm gonna try and do

something it is everything within me to talk about every inch second like a mollusk like

everything in this special but we want people to experience the special when they watch it

and experience get their lives right yes um so non-spoiler alert um i thoroughly

enjoyed watching this like just as a first impression first you know just to sit back

relax enjoying myself there were times where i clutched my pearls there were times where i laughed

there were times where i was just like if you blinked you missed it so you have to rewind

you know um like at this at the time of this recording i've only watched it once

i'm gonna watch it like a couple more times because like that's

what we got to do um but like just generally i thoroughly enjoyed watching there were so many

emotions throughout this special that i had and um you know and there were there there there are

a few times where where a person may shed a tear they didn't get me though they didn't get me though

i kept it in i was just like you

didn't get me with this tearing up thing ain't happening but there are times where like there's

a lot of emotions so what did you guys think overall yeah um so i'm the type of person who

like i don't physically react when i watch things i just don't like i mean we went to the 2017 movie

i just sat there you physically reacted i just sat there and i just watched it

but lisa

was going nuts but for me sitting here watching this special like i i genuinely like the whole

time like i had my hands over my mouth i got a little tear in my eye three separate times

i have no problem admitting that i got the tear in my eye like it takes a lot to really really get

me and to really make me physically react to stuff and this special did it very very well i was

surprised like we've we've seen a lot of people do that but i'm not surprised that i got a little tear in my eye

a lot i feel like in these in the little bit of previews and the trailers and whatever we have

but even having seen that like i was not ready for the emotional journey this was going to take me on

yeah i have to agree like i'm with you with the with the three separate times um like it was a

slow build for me because as it was going i was like oh okay nah you ain't gonna get me the second

time i was like you almost got me

but that last time i was like all right screw this

and it's just like this special really took me on like an emotional roller coaster because there

were times i literally sent the group chat a meme of my exact reaction with the uh with the meme of

regina king like holding her head like in shock like it was just like some of the stuff that was

happening was just like mind-blowing regina hall there you go thank you um sorry about that but

um that meme where she's holding her head

yes yes that was my reaction because i'm like whoa like this is not real life like this is crazy

some of the stuff that was happening so i really thoroughly enjoyed it

and i think that you know the time like there are times where i'm like because i'm you know

i'm trying to not only just watch it because like i want to enjoy myself

but i'm trying to like i'm trying to like i'm trying to like i'm trying to like i'm trying to

watch it to like catch the things you know because i know they be throwing the things

so there's certain things where you know like all right i'm sitting up i know that they're

gonna be dropping a thing you know i mean because there's just certain beats in there that you

expect a thing to be dropped but then there was times where you did not do dice did not expect

seeing to be dropped i mean there are deep cuts i mean the deepest of you know saying

like i'm just there's a certain

and it's not and it wasn't they didn't beat your they didn't beat your head or you know what's the

what's the phrase child um beat you over the head with it thank you thank you listen it's been a

while since i've podcasted it's gonna take a minute um it's gonna pick me up so yeah like

they didn't beat you over the head with it and and i and i appreciated that what i also appreciated

was the way in which they had to solve

some of how this anniversary special was going to celebrate

mighty morphin and i'll put it that way

the way in which they had to solve the things i'm just like okay okay that is that is a way

to solve it and i don't envy them in in order to solve the way in which you know because we've

seen a lot of people who have been doing this for a long time and they've been doing it for a long

time and they've seen the trailer that opening shot and then i saw people online talk about this

too about how you know oh my gosh you know the mighty morphin team in hd it's in hd right like

so you know that really cool shot of them running with the explosions in the background right i mean

it's just a cool shot and it's in hd like it's really it's really awesome like the other times

we've gotten in hd were the other

what was it the last anniversary special right i want to say dimensions in danger

right dimensions in danger right that was that was the no no no no no no no no no no no the samurai

people grid grid connection right that's the oh grid connection was the most i mean that wasn't

really an anniversary special was it i mean it was more just like dino people get together

oh well yeah you got a point oh okay okay yeah all right yeah but it was a it was a special

thing happening with the special things yeah it wasn't special it was a special episode it was a

special yeah so you know so like those type of things it's really great to you know but of course

you know it's also really it's especially especially when especially when you have

not only one member of the original cast being deceased but now you have two members

right and how do you how do you solve that how you resolve that um and so i commend them for

how the way in which they had to resolve the things so man who was that was that not spoiler

enough for y'all yeah i was gonna say because yeah because realistically they have two two

cast members who have passed they have two cast members who just weren't there so you're only

working with two of the original six and i think that

despite that and we're not spoiling that because what's her nuts said so um

she wasn't part of it and given the recent state of austin saint john's current legal affairs

then he is also not in it so that is not spoiling so right right that's correct yes

so the fact that they only had two of the originals to work with i think they did as much as humanly

to still make it feel like the other four are a part of this look let me just i'm gonna just i'm

gonna just cut in here and say this right this non-spoiler review is very hard

to talk about things that we cannot talk about yet so please bear with us as we try to maneuver

and try to give you um our best first reaction

to this without having to talk too much and get in trouble with the netflix overlords i'm not trying

to get in trouble with no netflix overlords chef okay so um but so bear with us right so like there

might so if we happen to be a little too vague for y'all well y'all can wait till next week

just just letting y'all just know right now um but to kind of tack on to what

the guys were saying was that um this special seemed to really

tackle some things in kind of like a full circle moment situation and and when i say full circle

moment i think when you watch it for yourself you may know what i mean right and um and there

are some there are some there are some choices

in terms of tone and that i did not know that they were going to go you know like i didn't know

that there are certain choices in the witch because we're we're like listen you know kid

show you know the tone is going to lean a little younger or what have you but i think this special

is doing a good mixture right of hey look well this

special is for the older audience but also like you know we're trying to keep in vain with what

we've been doing for the past how many years you know i mean so i can appreciate them balancing

the tone of the special yeah yeah there were definitely a lot of moments where i definitely

felt like they were leaning more towards the more adult audience but they still

did some things that were definitely really cool for either the younger audience or for people who

were getting into it but didn't really quite know exactly what mighty morphin is kind of a thing

um they still kind of kept it fresh for like the newer people um so i really appreciated that that

was like one of the biggest things that i took away from the special in general was just how

inclusive it was well i mean part of what you were saying earlier which i do agree with i think is is

it ride you can see it in the trailer that they ride the line between this is power rangers but

also serious stuff is happening and i think that's that's one of the most difficult things is like

how do you balance those two things and i believe that they do a very good job of that of making you

like okay this is this is still my show but it's my show knowing that i'm in my 30s you know yeah

yes yes okay so um you know um so yes hi we're we're we're also back um this editing is gonna

be really fascinating um so um what we're going to do is talk about the trailer because we haven't

actually talked about the trailer um that came out prior and um and give our reactions on that

because that's available to everybody um so this trailer

you guys you guys you guys let me like to what to what you said that this special is like we is

really realizing like yo like nah these these folks are older and the audience is also older

so you know we're gonna be tackling some things um and so like literally up front

first shots you have robo rita well we have well you have billy with a whole bunch of putties

and then you have um and you have robo rita like what first of all can we talk robo rita

robo rita boy they love they love pulling you know bringing back an old situation

in various ways you know i'm saying like just in this it like just within um freaking

in what is it

dino fury dino fury yeah yeah zed but that's zed pulled from a different time

oh yeah sure okay and this is robo rita this is robo rita i i was just glad that i saw rita on my

screen and i heard barbara goodson oh my gosh barbara because they've made attempts in the past

to have not barbara goodson do a rita voice and it has not worked out well

no no

not at all like nobody can do that voice besides her and let me tell you something and she still

got it yes she still got it like she has the pipes still yeah like she don't miss

there have yeah there have been times where i have watched video games or tv shows you know

dubs or whatever yeah and i hear a voice i'm like well that's barbara goodson like there is no

question in my mind i don't need to go look at the credits i don't need to go look at the credits i

know that's barbara goodson because she is so uniquely talented yeah yeah like

barbara good i mean like there's just there's only one barbara goodson y'all like you can't

you can't come through and just replace her with anybody and think that that can happen

now there are other voices that people like i've heard um i've heard fans do voices up i'm just

like you know what that's really similar you can actually get a if you were higher

to fill in you could actually do the thing but there's only one barbara goodson you know i mean

yeah so i i challenge i challenge all you voice actors out there do a barbara goodson do a rita

and and let's see let's see what you got because you can't do it you can't do it straight up no

um yeah something that um something that jeremy mentioned before um we started recording with

the putties right yeah um are the putties with hoodies on

hey they're cold okay they are cold and yeah it's weird like why is that like why didn't they just

give them it seems as if they just did the mask as like a they didn't do a full-on head mask or

what i don't know how to do it

call it i mean you know like where you actually have to put your head inside of a whole thing

they just did a mask that is just for the face right yeah it's the the thing they had putties

like this in the um the beast morphers kind of but it was it was more pronounced here where

they really uh made sure the putties looked like the jew ranger putties which they never

really looked like in the american footage um so they're the the


thing is kind of more tight and like around you know like around it like that in the jew ranger

footage but they didn't really like tighten the hood part on these so they kind of look like you

know they're just wearing hoodies yeah they're floppy they're very floppy in here floppy putty

putty heads oh my goodness gracious listen um the little monster maker thing that finster had

rita probably didn't know how to build it quite like finster so

little defense

quite like um but yeah man but robo rita bro like i mean let me tell you something this show come up

with a lot of stuff man but hey here we are um uh but yeah okay so like you know there's some

fighting going on you know that we see um and then then you see um billy and zach they take

off their helmets they're looking they're looking down the down the cliff with the other

three who still have their helmets on because they're like hello we're not taking ours off i

wonder why um and um uh and then the next shot you see ming talking to billy and zach

talking about she killed mom i'm like what uh-oh


who in the world now

so we so this is so we are we so this is how we're oh this is oh this is oh this is the tone

this is the tone yeah because like i don't know about you but when i first heard about this

special i kind of assumed that they were just going to be like you know they weren't going to

like really like super address the training stuff like super hardcore but it feels like based on

this trailer that like it's a it's a big deal yeah they're they're they're they're

they're mentioning it and they mentioned the k word yeah and it's not like oh this happened a long

time ago it's right we're actually seeing it happen yeah so it's like wow you are you are

going for it we are we're we're here we're here um we're here um yeah and so let me see some next

shots of of what looks like a

command center but not really but also there's like some other symbols that other people have

mentioned that it's on there but like because isn't that symbol on there oh yes this there is

a symbol on the top of one of the little towers that looks you know it's hard to tell because

it's from a distance but it looks very much like the the power rangers hyperforce symbol

which for those of you who have watched you know watched listened whatever to hyperforce

you know it is very much tied to uh time force which is tied to spd

which we we've also seen in these trailer clips that we we've seen shots of adam and aisha

wearing what looks like spd stuff yeah but but with an a instead of a d

right so it's like how much of this stuff are they tying together whatever they're clearly

doing very intentional stuff to tie stuff together which is very interesting yes

so you know again i you know we gotta find out what what that means child because i don't be

knowing yeah okay yes we kind of know already because just just play along with this you guys

yes just play along um well and then they they flat out say that like right then when they're

at the man center they say that rita is creating a time portal to kill the rangers before zordon

picked them so we know we know the the actual like the evil plan based on the trailer wait

she really i think really i should have said that right there no no and no listen i was telling them

before i purposefully had not watched any trailers or anything or whatever leading up to seeing the

trailer i wanted to be fully fully on surprise so this trailer i saw like but i didn't watch it

right like i posted about it and i didn't watch it yeah it's so you see a picture of billy in the

command center and he says rita's creating a time portal and then it cuts to a shot of billy and

and zach with their helmets off facing rita and she says i'll i'll i'll kill i'll kill you before

zordon makes you rangers oh

okay so okay they were very explicit with that part of it okay yeah and this is i mean honestly

this is why i'd be avoiding these trailers like what are we doing and then you see the uh in the

command center you see the the screen says bandora protocol again for anybody who is in the know

it says bandora palace on the moon palace because in jew ranger rita is her name is bandora so

it's a little nod there for the fans and then on the screen you see it scrolls through it says

reefside astro mega ship turtle cove so it's listing all the home bases for different teams

yeah so it's like you know it's like we it's like we're acknowledging the greater universe

making sure that this like yes this is this is this is mmpr

but stuff's happened in the last 30 years other things other things have happened and we're gonna

yeah we're gonna talk yeah we don't talk about it yeah we are gonna pretend that we live in an mpr

bubble i mean that's kind of what they've been selling all this time okay yes and then the and

then the trailer literally ends with the four of them there with alpha and and zach going it's

time and then cuts uh fighting seeds including yo that zord situation that zord situation okay

okay what do y'all think about this like i i love that they recreated the scene

with the current toys i love it oh yeah again that's another thing where before we saw this

trailer i would have kind of guessed there was no megazord action same same i was thinking there

was going to be no megazord action at all i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't

know i don't know i don't know yeah so just to see them again we don't see much here we just see

them running for a hot second and then we see the megazord holding up the sword so you don't really

get to see a ton of it like in practical use but just the fact that they went for it i'm i'm already

impressed yeah yeah yeah like recreating that seat that one particular shot bro like i'm just like

i was getting my life you know like i thought that was it

was cool i thought that was cool yeah so well in the in the last shot of the megazord you know you

can see he's clearly got like space behind him and i'm like cgi does look better when you're not

doing it in the middle broad daylight so that's probably the way you want to go probably a smart

call yeah it solves a lot you know you know yeah yeah space space does solve a lot um

yeah man i just i'm just you know and then the suits you know looking all nice and hd you know i

mean it's so weird it's so weird because like you know it's it's one thing if you see like oh maybe

one of them or maybe two of them because like ah team up stuff blah blah blah blah in recent years

but to actually see like all of the suits together it's it's very weird to see it all in like

widescreen hd it's just it still is messing with my head

no no i love it i just want your opinions on this what do y'all think about the diamonds being

in like that textured thing i yeah i noticed that yeah let me see what you're talking about hold on

let me see let me let me rewind texture i'm trying to find a good shot of it to

so you can really notice it let me see it's in like a lot of the promotional stuff too

yeah like you can see that like the

diamonds on the cuffs like kind of got kind of like look like porous you know where it's like

got all the little dots all over them yeah like from a distance it looks normal but like up close

like yeah i see what you're saying yeah listen you know they gotta sell toys so any minor changes

that they can make that isn't like completely out the box they could be like ha look this is the

30th anniversary special version yeah i mean i i just i consider it a win just because they all

look like they have a nice sheen to them and they actually fit as opposed to the uh costumes in the

90s where you could tell if it was american footage because the costumes were flat and

color wise and kind of baggy so it like it looks more like it was it more like japanese footage

which is really kind of what you want to go for so right

right yeah i just found that i was like wait a minute like as soon as i saw the trailer i was

like wait a minute something's kind of off with these suits and i noticed i'm like whoa okay i

see what you did there a little little updating let's see something's off with them they're too

nice stop it now the only thing that i did not care for was the thick necks yeah those thick

necks man got them thick neck yeah i see it i see it on this close-up shot of the red ranger

especially where he's like yeah those necks naked it's like he's wearing a pool floaty around his

neck yeah i'm like that's a choice that's a choice that was the only thing that made me go

i would have not done that but okay i see what they were i feel like i see what they were trying

to go for

in a sense where it was just kind of like well that's what they kind of did back in the day

you know when they didn't know better they were just like you know thick necks

yeah i you know um maybe they just ran out of every sort of thin material because they gave

it all to the putties i don't know you know uh but yeah yeah but listen i just i just remember

back in the day when in the 90s

for some reason whenever they would have the rangers with the helmets off for whatever reason

they would take the thick necks off the off of the ladies yeah you'd see those shots and like

they'd have their helmets off and you know oh here's zach and he's got a donut around his neck

but then here's kimberly and she's just fine she's just normal what's up you know like they'd

for some reason make the have the ladies take them off when they took the helmet off

i'm so odd right don't know why they did that well now they're equal opportunity thick neck

everybody you you get a thick neck you get a thick neck y'all get a thick neck triple c's okay

oh lord have mercy um but listen i i i think that oh and then like some of the monsters hold on

um let me see that's supposed that looks like snizzard and what's the other one

minotaur i think it's mighty minotaur but minotaur whatever

yeah got you yeah so you know they bring him back some some oldies and goodies you know i mean

bring back the one that was voiced by brian cranston of course oh snap right i feel i feel

like that's intentional yeah yeah yeah we're gonna pick that one you won't pick that one though

you know what i also saw i mean we're not saying it's currently voiced by brian cranston we're

saying the because we because billy's namesake yes right yeah we're yeah yeah

i i did notice that i thought was funny in the trailers when you see the rangers fighting

in the background you see ion's ice cream cart it is the same ice cream cart that ion had in

dino fury oh okay i was just like who is he talking right dino fury yes they just grabbed

that a generic ice cream cart from ion and they were just gonna put it in the background right

hello oh man but yeah listen um

i i think we should i think we should leave it here uh before we you know again talk too much

um but but this has been a very um interesting experiment for us um and yes i feel like the one

thing i i will say that i don't think is too much is that like speaking as someone who

watched power rangers literally from day one in 1993 to now i don't think it's too much

i don't think it's too much i don't think it's too much i don't think it's too much

has not missed an episode absolutely adores everything about this series knows pretty

much everything about this series i was fully satisfied you know like you know there's there's

always gonna be you know quibbles one way or the other whatever that's just how fandoms work but

for me i i will say to anybody who is like me who is a longtime hardcore fan you will be satisfied

i agree you yeah

i want to have the hope and optimism that people who have been fans for a very long time will be

satisfied twitter might i don't know people on twitter it might go i don't know and i'm purposely

going to ask a couple of people that i know who like were fans in the 90s but then dropped off

around season two or three to watch it because i want to get their opinions on it like i don't know

like i really want to know like does this appeal to hardcore fans casual fans um new fans everybody

alike i really want to get a gauge because i personally feel like it will i i think that it

will run the gamut and and all types of fans will enjoy it but i i really want to see if that holds

true i want to see that too i want to see that too um yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna leave it there

i am um thank you guys for listening and um uh and look i i really i i mean it goes without saying

that like everybody should watch it go watch it like duh like duh duh right like that's like

that's the kind of consensus here if you haven't gotten that right um go watch it and i hope that

everybody is able to experience the anniversary and really kind of take this time to

celebrate our 30th anniversary early right because you know our um our anniversary date

is the 28th of august and they're releasing it in april so here we go um so that's all to a choice

um but i i really do want people to just go watch it enjoy experience it find every little easter

egg deep cut or whatever that you can find we all come together and we all tell each other like oh

my gosh did you see this did you see that you oh my gosh i want that to be the experience that

people have on the 19th okay um so we're gonna leave it there thank you guys um and uh we'll see

you soon

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