Receive the Reward of Unrighteousness

David Shephard

Vacaville church of Christ - Sermons

Receive the Reward of Unrighteousness

Vacaville church of Christ - Sermons

to tell the story of how we overcome.

We ought to use that to our advantage when we proclaim the gospel,

when we are encouraging one another,

when we are giving a reason of that hope that is laid within us,

the story of how we have overcome through Christ Jesus.

I think about what Paul would write in Romans, the eighth chapter.

That beautiful scripture where he makes reference,

certainly about being led by the Spirit.

But I remember in Romans, the eighth chapter,

where Paul would make reference to what Christ has done for us.

But specifically in verse 36, when Paul is discussing he

and some of the other individuals in the first century who are finishing their course,

and going along and proclaiming the gospel,

you might remember in verse 36, it says,

As it is written, for thy sake we are killed all the day long.

We are counted as sheep for the slaughter.

Nay, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels,

principalities, nor powers, nor things present, or things to come,

nor height, depth, or any other creature,

shall be able to save us.

Or rather, separate us from the love of God,

which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We must apply this to our lives.

We must understand this.

In just a little bit of time this evening,

we're going to discuss the concluding point that I have for you

pertaining to reception.

All month long, we've been talking about our receiving.

Not in the sense of giving and receiving,

that Paul commends the church of Corinth in 2 Corinthians,

the 8th and 9th chapter,

commending those, rather, churches of Achaia and Macedonia.

Not that pertaining giving and receiving,

but our reception.

Our reception to God's word.

Our reception to his son, Christ Jesus.

Our reception to instruction,

which God has given us through his word.

Which God has set up,

in the familial dynamic.

Which God has set up,

even with our brothers and sisters in Christ,

as we are to be able to teach and admonish one another.

I remember in Romans, the 15th chapter,

that we are to be able to admonish one another.

But not only that,

we also, in our songs, hymn and spiritual songs,

according to Colossians, the 3rd chapter, verse number 16,

should be able to admonish one another.

We ought to be able to teach and admonish one another,

but we also,

ought to be able to receive correction.

When we're able to receive correction,

we realize the love of God.

Remember that wonderful scripture in Revelation,

the 3rd chapter, specifically at verse 19,

as many as the Lord loveth,

he rebukes and he chastens.

We ought to be able to receive correction,

according to Hebrews, the 12th chapter,

verses 6 and following.

We receive correction from our fathers,

according to the flesh.

How much more so should we be able to receive

correction from the father,

from the father of lights,

and be able to live?

Certainly, our fathers, according to this flesh,

want to be able to preserve our life

from a physical capacity,

want us to be able to prolong our years.

I look out and I see many people

that are at an age that I want to one day attain to be.

I suppose you have gotten to this age

because you've been able to endure

a little bit of instruction

and endure a little bit of correction

over your lifetime.

But nevertheless,

when we think about our relationship,

our perception about how we as Christians

are able to be in a best position

to be able to receive a crown,

that crown discussed by our beloved brother Paul

to his son in the gospel, Timothy,

that crown that John the Revelator would discuss

in Revelation, the second chapter,

in verse number 10.

But as we continue on,

we must be wary

of what we are receiving.

We must be cognizant of it,

but we must be wary

of what we are receiving.

We must be wary of what we do not want to receive.

Go with me really quickly

to the book of 2 Peter.

To the book of 2 Peter.

I know in times past,

we've spent time at the beginning

or we spent some of our study

at the beginning of 2 Peter

where the apostle would be discussing

some false prophets.

Some false prophets

that went in the world

and he is warning us

and he is warning the church

and warning his audience

that just as there were some false prophets,

there will also be some false teachers.

Now I'm looking out at some biblical students

that know how not to fall for the okey-doke.

If I were to stand here,

God forbid,

and speak a falsity to you,

you could just go into your own word

and be able to verify

whether it is true or false.


what Peter is explaining to his audience

is just as there were false prophets,

there will also be

false teachers.

And these false teachers

are going to bring in

damnable hearsays

and they're going to do it privately.

They're going to bring in

sex in a sense of divisions.

They're going to be speaking things

which they ought not.

But they are even going to deny

the Lord that bought them,

bringing upon themselves

swift destruction.


we're going to skip a couple of verses,

but we see the premise of Peter

discussing that there were false prophets,

there will also be false teachers.

But when we drop down a little bit

in the context,

we see that Peter is dealing

and warning the church

and explaining some very pivotable points

for the Christians to be able

to maintain.

You might remember

that Peter

spends a little bit of time

in 2 Peter,

the second chapter,

explaining a point about

Sodom and Gomorrah,

explaining a point about

Lot in verse 7,

this just man,

he was vexed

with the filthy way

and the filthy conduct of the wicked.

But as we continue to go,

we see here

in verse number 9,

the Bible would say,

the Lord knows how to deliver

the godly out of temptations,

to reserve the unjust

unto the day of judgment

to be punished.

We as Christians need to be,

worried and focused about

how we can receive a crown.

And just as we talked about this morning,

how we can receive that promise,

that promise of the Holy Spirit.


as we continue on,

it says,

but chiefly them that walk after

the flesh and the lust of uncleanness

and they despise government,

presumptuous they are,

they are self-willed

and they are not even to

or not afraid even to speak

evil of dignities.

We have to be very careful.

I know in this political climate,

sometimes we don't agree with everything

that's coming from the government.

We don't agree with everything

and every ordinance

that is being established,

but we have to be very careful

that we are not speaking evil of dignities.

In verse number 11,

it says,

whereas angels,

which are greater in power and might,

they bring not a reason,

railing accusation against them before the Lord.

But these as natural brute beasts,

remember Peter still discussing

these false teachers

that are going to come in

and enter in among them

as natural brute beasts,

they have made to be taken and destroyed.

They speak evil of the things

that they understand not

and shall utterly perish

in their own corruption.

The warning,

the admonition

by way of godly edification

that I want to bring,

and to focus this evening

is here in verse number 13.

Look at how

and what these people are to receive.

In second Peter,

the second chapter at verse 13,

it says,

they shall receive the reward of unrighteousness.

It says,

as they count that it,

excuse me,

as they count,

or they that count it pleasure

to riot in the daytime,

spots they are in blemishes,

sporting themselves,

with their own deceivings

while they feast with you.

You see that

these individuals

are going to receive a reward.

That's a tongue twister.

These individuals will receive

a reward of unrighteousness.

Why will they receive

a reward of unrighteousness?

Well, because the word of God

doesn't have the proper effect

that it needs to have.

The testimony of Jesus Christ

doesn't have an effect

on their conscience.

That blood that was shed

on Calvary's cross

has no effect on their lives.


they're coming in

and they're wanting to teach

false doctrines.

Just as there were

false prophets before

declaring things

that were not of God,

there are going to be people,

as Peter is explaining

to his audience,

that enter in among you

preaching and teaching falsely.


they're going to receive

that reward of unrighteousness.


we need not to be

among that group.

We need to make sure

that we understand

what is true

according to the word of God

through our own reading,

through our own studying,

so that when we hear something,

we don't fall for that



they'll receive

a reward of unrighteousness.

I think really quickly

all the way back

to the book of Isaiah

in Isaiah, the third chapter.

Isaiah, the third chapter.

We see something similar here

where that prophet of Isaiah


a time of sin,

a time of the divided kingdom.

I would explain this very point

in Isaiah, the third chapter.

Where the Bible would say

in verse number 10,

say ye to the righteous

that it shall be well with them

for they shall eat the fruit

of their doings.

But the Bible says

in verse 11 of Isaiah 3,

woe unto the wicked,

it shall be ill with him

for the reward of his hands

shall be given him.

We ought not to be caught up in this.

We ought not to be caught up

in what these false teachers

are proclaiming.

We ought to be steadfast

and unmovable

in the word of the Lord

so that when the various winds

of doctrines would come our way,

we do not get carried about

with them.


falling for that,

going along with that,

they have a reward.

Their reward, as Isaiah says,

is going to be the hands

or the reward of his hands

shall be given to him.

Nevertheless, going back

to 2 Peter, the second chapter,

let's get a little more context

to what Peter is saying here.

In 2 Peter, the second chapter,

these individuals are

doing these things.

These individuals are teaching

these things because they don't care

to be of the Lord.

But they care

to be of themselves.

They care about their own profit

and their own gain.

In 2 Peter, the second chapter,

at verse 14,

these same individuals

have eyes full of adultery.

They cannot cease from sin.

Imagine that.

Not being able to cease from sin

because our eyes are not

where they need to be.

Having eyes full of adultery,

beguiling unstable souls

in a heart they have exercised

with covetous practice,

they have cursed children.

Through their covetousness,

through their adultery,

through all of these works of the flesh,

these individuals,

these false teachers

entering in among Peter,

as Peter is explaining,

are going to overthrow

the faith of many.

But nevertheless,

they have their reward.

As we continue to read,

it says,

which have forsaken the right way,

they have gone astray,

falling the way of Balaam,

the son of Besor,

who loved the wages

of unrighteousness.

He was rebuked for his iniquity,

the dumb,

donkey speaking with man's voice

forbade the madness of the prophet.

These are wells without water,

clouds that are carried

with a tempest

to whom the midst of darkness

is reserved forever.

When they speak

a great swelling of words of vanity,

they allure through the lust of flesh,

through much wantedness,

those that were clean

escaped from them

who live in error.

While they promise them liberty,

they themselves are the servants

of corruption,

for of whom,

a man is overcome

of the same

if he is brought into bondage.


we need not to be brought into bondage

of these various teachings.

We need to be sure

that here in Vacaville,

we're standing on the word of God.

We need to be sure

that here in Vacaville,

we're synchronizing with one another.

We're having our touch points

where we're coming together

and reasoning through the scriptures

as Paul did with those

first century Christians

every Sabbath day,

reasoning out of the scriptures

just as we did this morning.

That through the prophets,

the Lord Jesus Christ

needed to be crucified,

needed to suffer on our behalf.

Reasoning of the true way,

not going astray,

not falling for those false doctrines.


you read here what Peter is saying

and you might remember

that biblical figure Balaam.

In 2 Peter, the second chapter,

at verse number 15,

he mentions this man Balaam.

Remember in the context,

he's saying,

these individuals

through their covetous practice

have eyes full of adultery.

Well, you might remember

that this man Balaam,

going all the way back to Numbers,

the 22nd chapter,

was this Gentile prophet.

This man Balaam,

he was besought by

the king of the Amalekites.

This man Balak.

This man Balak,

not to rehearse the entirety

of the story with you,

but if you remember in Numbers 22,

this king Balak,

would look out

and he would see the children of Israel.

He would see that they were holy.

He would see that they were consecrated

and he would see that they were separate.

Well, this man,

this king Balak,

would go on to Balaam,

who was a Gentile prophet,

and would ask him

to curse the children of Israel.

Balaam responded saying,

nay, whatever the Lord will give me,

whether blessing or curse,

that is the only thing that I can speak.

Balaam, a Gentile prophet,

understood that he had to take

the words of God Almighty

very seriously.

Many times over and over again,

Balak is just picking on the children of Israel,

wanting them to obey him,

wanting the children of Israel

to be intermixed with the people,

but Balaam could only speak

what God had given him.

Balak was trying to encourage Balaam

to teach the children of Israel the wrong way,

to curse the children of Israel,

but Balaam stood,

and he did it fast.

You might remember that this story

would transpire all the way to about Numbers,

the 24th chapter,

but when you read Balaam's response

to what Balak was requiring of him,


Balaam would go the way of the Lord.

But nevertheless,

when we look a little bit deeper

in Numbers, the 31st chapter,

something changes.

We see in Numbers, the 31st chapter,

where an issue was then taken

as vengeance was brought to the Midianites.

You might remember

that in Numbers, the 31st chapter,

at verse 16,

Moses is speaking and he says,

Behold, these cause the children of Israel,

through the counsel of Balaam,

to commit trespass against the Lord

in the matter of Peor.

And there was a plague

among the congregation of the Lord.

When you synchronize this scripture

all the way back with Numbers,

the 25th chapter,

this would have been a time

when the children of Israel

would start to commit those whoredoms

and go after those Midianitish women.

What would happen then is

by those children of Israel

going after those Midianitish

and intermixing,

they started to take on their practices.

They started to take on their vain ways.

They started to get into idolatry.

Initially, Israel was separate, set apart.

But through the counsel of Balaam

that would later come,

Israel would go entirely out of the way.

That's what Peter is describing here

in 2 Peter, the 2nd chapter.

In 2 Peter, the 2nd chapter,

this is the very point that Peter is making.

Through this counsel,

through this falsity of prophesying,

through this falsity of teaching,

the children of Israel

would ultimately stumble

because they would not continue

to seek after the Lord.


there are many winds of doctrines out there.

It is so easy at times

to grow weary in well-doing

when perhaps we're looking down the road

and a congregation has gone by the wayside.

When we're thinking about our brothers and sisters

who we used to labor with,

who we used to worship God with in the pews,

we look to the right and look to the left

and they are no longer here.

A lot of times this could make our heart

to grow weary and disheartening.

But we just need to be encouraged to hold on.

Hold on a little while longer.

Not fall victim to the falsities of teachings.

Not fall victim to going after a way

that God has not prescribed for us.

We need to continue to be encouraged.

We need to continue to be steadfast.

We need to continue to go

until we hear,

well done thou good and faithful servant.

Receiving the promise is where we started.

We see that individuals

that do not receive the promise

according to 2 Peter,

the second chapter,

at verse number 15,

or rather 14 and 15,

13 rather,

they will receive a reward of unrighteousness.

Let us not find ourselves

in that number.

Let us find ourselves

focused on what God has for us.

Focus on the true reward,

that eternal reward,

our internal inheritance in heavens above.

We can only do that

if we focus on Christ Jesus,

who would have finished the work

that he was sent to do

and how he finished it at Calvary's cross.

How he was there before many kings.

He was there before Caiaphas.

He was there before Jesus.

He was there before all of us.

before Annas. He was there before Pilate, opening up his mouth, not a word, being accused of all

these many things, but still able to endure and finish the work that God sent him to do.

That work was to happen of him suffering on Calvary's cross, where he shed his blood. Why is

the blood important? Well, according to Colossians, the first chapter, verses 19 through 21, we

understand that it is the blood that was able to make us nigh. It was the blood of his cross that

was able to make us nigh unto God. And we have peace through that blood. We only get peace through

that blood when we put on Christ in the watery grave of baptism. But why is that blood important

for us who have already put on Christ in that watery grave of baptism? Well, according to 1

John, the first chapter, in 1 John, the first chapter, it is that very blood

that we can invoke in prayer. In 1 John, the first chapter,

verse number 7, it says,

But with that being said, it is the blood of his cross that was able to remit us from all sins when

we put on Christ in the watery grave of baptism. And when we invoke God in prayer, it is that blood

that we can invoke to cleanse us from all unrighteousness even today. Certainly, we shouldn't

continue in sin that grace may abound, but we should, once we do, and if we do sin, repent of

those things and get it right with God before it's everlasting too late. Why am I mentioning blood?

Well, the song leader picked nothing but the blood as our song of invitation. And it's that blood of

Christ which we need to go. And we need to go. And we need to go. And we need to go. And we need to

continue to preach about. We need to continue to teach about that individuals in this world need

access to that blood so that they can receive the promise just as we are hastening to, just as we

are zealously waiting for that promise of eternal life. Titus, the first chapter, in verse number

2, which God before the foundation of the world promised unto us. Got to hear the gospel, Christ

Jesus. Got to believe it. Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Repent of all your sins.

And put on Christ in the watery grave of baptism. Go down in that watery grave. You come up a new

creature. You're not literally a new creature, but you're spiritually a new creature. All of the

sins that were against you are remembered no more. What a glorious blessing that we have. That

blessing that we talked about this morning. That was originally promised to Abraham all the way

back in Genesis 12. And according to Galatians 14, 15, and 16, that Christ, as he was put to death

and resurrected again.

He is able to pass to all of his brethren. As we know that just as God raised up his son, he will

raise us up in that last day. Let us consider that. Let us not be of those that will receive

that reward of unrighteousness. Let's be of those that will receive that promise at that great and

notable day. That is the gospel message. Let us together come and stand and sing a song of the

Savior's invitation.

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