Waxing Deep--November 8, 2008

Dan Zacks

Waxing Deep Radio

Waxing Deep--November 8, 2008

Waxing Deep Radio

I'm Dan Zaks, and the show is Waxing Deep.

Waxing Deep

You're listening to Waxing Deep, back after the longest, most insufferable break in our history.

Nine years ago, we started in Montreal, took the show to Fred to New Brunswick,

and then, over the past five months, moved to lovely Toronto, Ontario,

where we will now bring good music to good people from King and Parliament

with a view, more or less, of the Toronto skyline.

Friends, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of you

and an opportunity to thank each and every one of you who sent an email over these past months

asking where the show was, wanting us to update the archives, wanting more music.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

It is validating to know how many people out there enjoy what we do.

And you know what? We're going to continue doing it.

The only difference being a shift, I think, to a one-hour format.

We'll try and do that for a while, see how it goes, but now let us get right to the music.

We began the show with a fantastic cut.

Out of Colombia, from Climaco Sarmiento on the Fuentes label.

Awesome to think that this track from the late 50s is still a dance floor killer in 2008.

This track right now, from Venezuela, Jerry Whale from an LP called The Message.

This is a beautiful piece of mortal jazz, titled Little Man.

And many thanks to Adrian Leach, whose fantastic show, Happy Jazz, introduced me.

To this, it's going out to you, friend. I hope you're doing well.

It's waxing deep.


Thank you.

It was a long journey

you had to go through

without being able to find you.

Hoy tal vez la dicha no llegue a mí

Ya sin ti cesó la felicidad

La agilidad no regresará

Todo llegó al final

Con la fe de verte a mi lado al fin


Queriendo lograr tu amor

Pero fracasé

Al final perdí

Nada de ti


Y hoy ya que más da

La soledad

Me volverá


Al costrecho buscando la luz

Que me diera noticias de ti

Que me hablara de tu situación

Y nada más encontré solución

Nunca pude alcanzar la verdad

Ese engaño total que me dan

Es saber que no te vuelvo a ver


Al costrecho buscando la luz

Que me diera noticias de ti

Que me hablara de tu situación

Y nada más encontré solución

Nunca pude alcanzar la verdad

Ese engaño total que me dan

Es saber que no te vuelvo a ver


Thank you.

It's over

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

It's time for us to know

The truth our hearts have found so hard to show


We'll be right back.

Toronto's Catalyst, heavy music, really well done.

I've been enjoying this a lot in the Waxing Deep home.

That's going to bring us to the end of the show.

We'll be with you next week, friends.

Thanks so much for sticking with Waxing Deep over a long, frustrating absence.

We've got tons of great music to share.

The playlist will be up next, entirely.

It's Waxing Deep and Dan Sachs.

Revisit that magic stomach doing backflips.

Energy between the two of us.

You could feel like static.

Stung from a scorpion, unaware she's heavy-handed.

Branded empathetic, so everything's romantically tragic.

She's no drama queen, but it's a facet.

Aspect of what she brings to this exquisite madness.

Used to smile, now she's overcast with sadness.

Only see it when you're flying low and still.

She's at her baddest.

Fascinating carnival, traveling her fastest.

Sprung you off the carousel thinking you had this.


It's her editor's little secret, that's for sure.

I've got her somewhere, I've got a hard-on for her.

All that has been a landing on her eyes.

Now she's all I see, that's so much more than I can see.

It's me, Combatant.

Another life of their own.

people next to me.

The fact that I'm standing here, I can only than I can see.

My dear friends, I've got all kinds of things to say and to do.

I can't even call people names.

And I'm so maybe it's not too far from red, maybe it's just too far from blue.

But I don't know.

I don't know.

Thank you.

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