Episode 696 - Cleansing Yoga

Chaz Rough


Episode 696 - Cleansing Yoga


welcome everyone to this edition of the yoga amazing video podcast i'm chas i'm your host

and welcome back now this week's email comes in from janet and she says chas can you do a

cleansing and detox class and of course with it being spring we need to do some spring cleaning

or cleansing for our body so that's what we'll be focusing on in today's class and also my friends

at sunshinehealthdirect.com are offering some cleansing solutions for your body as well and

because you're a yoga amazing member or subscriber or fan they're giving you a the best price you can

find out there even below wholesale cost till the end of april so right below this video in itunes

there's a pdf file and if you're on youtube there is a link below the video there where you can

click to get the pdf

file as well so thank you janet for the email and if you have an idea for an upcoming class

please send it to me chas at yoga amazing.com of course you can find me on facebook youtube

and twitter and instagram under chas amazing so please check that out now remember as we go

through today's class to breathe relax and have fun in this edition of the yoga amazing video

podcast from here let's open up our knees and drop it into child's pose remember stretch your arms

out bring your forehead to the floor and just focus on your breathing big inhales big exhales

through the nose hold the throat expand the chest and lungs remember keep the breath deep and

consistent flowing think of a cascading waterfall it's consistent fluid constant stay here for a few

moments and relax to get focused

from here bring it up to your hands and knees for the cat and the cow pose make sure the shoulders

are with the rings of the wrists knees or hips width apart from here big inhale looking up

shoulder blades down spread the sits bones and as you exhale round tuck and squeeze

inhale looking up

and exhale round tuck and squeeze

exhale inhale looking up spread the sits bones shoulder blades draw them down the

back and exhale round tuck and squeeze just set your own pace

and then bring it back to the center let's dig your toes into the mat take it into a downward

facing dog remember we're going for the upside down v not an in like this remember bend your

knees push back spread your fingers root the heels they don't hit the floor no big deal

just breathe and hang out with it and your body will open

from here bring the right foot forward we're going to bring it into a twisting


lunge so bring up that arm firm up the back leg that's on the floor gaze up at the thumb

if it hurts to look up you can look down as well

you're going to slowly drop that knee to the floor then you're going to do a nice twist

even more palms together elbow up the other elbow points down squeezing that leg into

the core

and release take it back to the down dog nice one big push and let's bring the other foot forward

again hand under the shoulder firming up that back leg gazing up at the thumb or looking down

whichever one works good for you deep in the breath


and dropping that knee we're going to bring that arm up twisted around palms together fingers

pointing forward elbow up elbow down squeezing that knee into the core




inner beauty


and release. Go back to a down dog.

And then from here walk your feet forward and then bring it up. Bring the hands to

the chest. Turn slightly sideways so you can see what I'm going to be doing here. We're

going to bring it into a chair pose and then we're going to add a twist to it. So from

here you're going to bend your knees slightly. You're going to bring the arms up and hold

here and then you're going to twist it out. So you're going to take opposite arm to opposite

leg, pushing, looking up and twisting.

Release. Bring it to mountain for just a breath. And let's take it to the other side.

Get set and then rotate and twist. Gazing up.

And release. Bring it up.

Bring the hands into mountain. Take a few breaths here. Breaths. Breathe.

Hands to the hips. Feet wide. Big inhale, lift into the heart. And as you exhale, I want

you to take the palm down and then I want you to bring the other arm into this guy and

get a nice big twist.


Slowly release. Let's take it to the other side. You can either look up or look down.

Whichever one feels good to you. Deepen the breath.

And release. Bring it up. Hands to the hips. Now, on this one, we're going to bring it

up into a lunge position. And you're just going to take your arms out to the side and

just going to get a nice big twist.

And you're going to bring it up into a lunge position. And you're just going to take your arms out to the side and you're just going to get a nice big twist.

And you're going to bring it up, take it around, take it right into the other side.

Breathing, make sure you maintain your balance, deep in the breath.

And releasing from here, bringing it back to the hands to the hips, bringing it back

to mountain for a few breaths.

Stay here.


And then you're going to bring your arms up, and then you're just going to take it down

like a rag doll, and you're just going to take a nice little twist in here, you're going

to twist to your side, and rotate, twist to the other side.

And take it again to the other side, and rotate it to the other side.

Take it back to a down dog.

Stay here and breathe.


And drop it.

To your knees, you're going to lie on your floor.

Then from here, you're going to bring your forehead to the floor, arms to your side,

palms down, for locust pose.


And as you exhale, lift up, arms up, legs up, chest up.


up slowly release chin to the floor bend your knees grab your feet and if you need to you can

use a belt to hold on as well but if not grab your feet big inhale and as you exhale kick your legs

back bring the chest up thighs about the floor and rock a little bit on your stomach get that

digestion and release push it back to a child's pose stretch out your back

and slowly bring it up we are going to sit we're going to crisscross our legs just do a

nice seated twist here a few more twisting poses big inhale lengthen exhale twist and deepen


and let's rotate to the other side crisscross your legs the other way big inhale

and as you exhale twist deeper

and release now this time we're going to pull it in nice and tight another

twist as we bring the leg into the core region so we can squeeze out all the toxins and

cleanse out the body looking over the shoulder deepen the breath

and release and let's rotate to the other side

and twist squeeze and turn

and let's rotate again

we're going to levant our legs now so we are going to release point to the remove

hand release breathing into bridge pose arms to your side palms down big inhale rooms to your side palms down inhale and as you exhale lift up the legs and just keep your arms by your side you and as you exhale lift up the legs and just keep your arms by your side foot out this is a half bridge with your full bridge as well and that's how you get your must I back here and walk and let's go slowly let's grab the bar if you're � あاmankam for now this is a half bridge with your full bridge as well now let's fueled leg unit you'll be doing your

and release

take a moment

and inhale

and then as you exhale

bringing it up

interlocking your fingers

tucking the shoulders

don't allow your legs

to splay or spread

stay here and breathe

and from here

you're going to release

bring our feet together

for reclined butterfly

and then knees together

and then bring one leg

at a time

and squeezing that leg

in really tight


and rotate to the other side

and release

from here

you're just going to

take your legs

and just get a nice

little twist

look the other way

and rotate and twist

to the other side

and from here

just bring it in

give yourself a great big hug

and then stretch it out

on the floor

in shavasana

the resting pose

so arms to your side

palms up

and then you're ready to go

and you're ready to go

and leave the space

if you have any questions

or need more help

feel free to contact us at

and� thanked you so much

for this process

and we're going to be seeing you

on Saturday and I'm not sure

coming up next time

take the peace and the strength and share it namaste

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