Basic Combustion Analysis w/Jason Esteves

HVAC Know It All

HVAC Know It All Podcast

Basic Combustion Analysis w/Jason Esteves

HVAC Know It All Podcast

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AC SmartSeal the professional's choice all right it's that time again for those of you that do

heating we are upon heating season and our prelim checks you've probably done all your tear downs

and stuff during the summer hopefully and you're not doing them now I mean maybe you are still

you're rushing you're putting it up against the wall but hey listen what comes with heating season

combustion analysis during testing. Now we have a three-part series for you.

This is part one. This is the basic part.

the series, right? Basic, Intermediate, Advanced. And we're talking to Jason Estevez from Citron,

and they've got a really cool combustion analyzer that's out. It's called the Novo,

and I'll be posting a little bit about it on social media coming in the near future.

But we're going to start this three-part series with him. This is basic combustion analysis.

Look for the intermediate episode coming in maybe a few weeks time. But let's get to it,

guys. This is the HVAC Not All podcast. I'm your host, Gary McCready. This podcast is sponsored

by Master. And if you guys are looking to switch it up and become a dealer of a different brand

that you're currently using, Master carries York, they carry Fujitsu, and they carry Muver. So

check out those brands, guys, and check out This podcast is sponsored by Cintas.

And if you're looking for blue collar uniforms, or anything that's an accessory to a blue collar

uniform, check out forward slash HVAC. Know it all for your blue collar uniform needs.

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