Word Salad With a Side of Lies

Derek and Sharon Gilbert

P.I.D. Radio

Word Salad With a Side of Lies

P.I.D. Radio

from the crossroads of the ozarks it's pid radio welcome i'm derrick gilbert i'm sharon

gilbert and happy labor day weekend to everybody yes we are laboring on labor day weekend we are

in fact the guy that mows our lawn a wonderful man in his 80s mind you does a great job and he's

more active than i am um we're more active than you are in fact that is true he may be more active

than many of you listening are and jack is going to be out here on labor day and he'll be laboring

and we asked him are you sure you want to come out on monday he said no that's the best day for me so

that's when he's coming out so yay for jack he is awesome he's a jack of all trades he he truly is

yeah everybody around town knows him too he's one of those fellows that everybody you need to

know something about where to find something in this area you talk to jack you talk to jack exactly

he is practically the unofficial mayor yeah uptown uh the king of town

homestar runner reference uh we want to just welcome you and we're so grateful that you guys

choose to join us every week for this crazy thing that we have been doing since march of

2005 yeah yeah it's astonishing to think that we're within half a year of making this 20 years

on this podcast i mean everybody every major broadcast network now has podcasts it's almost

like a thing okay we got a tv show now we need to have a podcast to go along with it there were very

few podcasts when you and i started in fact apple itunes were begging yeah for podcasts please one

of the first ones probably the first christian one up there one of the first if not the first sure

but we've been fairly consistent over these last 20 years times we were doing it five days a week

other times we'd go a couple of months in between episodes but we're still here and we're just as

crabby as they're crabby crabbier than ever well we've got stories for you but before we get to

that we would want to remind you remind you to download our app please ios android amazon kindle

fire it's available for all of those for mobile devices so you can carry us around and listen

while you work and whistle

or when you need to drive and keep eyes front you can listen uh through your your podcast that way

through the podcasting uh that way but you can also yeah you don't have to watch right that's

the thing i mean we got video content we got audio content but uh you know it's in fact a lower

bandwidth option if you've got one of the video programs up but you've got a slow connection you

can just choose to listen and so you're not your phone or tablets not trying to download the video

if you're not watching exactly

um but i mean then the messaging function is is really an important feature on the app that we've

made use of it's so nice it is a virtual community from people all over the world

and you guys support one another you pray for one another you have praise reports that you share with

one another and it's become a very important part of that app and another reason to download the app

is because we may not always have these free platforms from which to speak mars hill may be

closed one day and when that happens and it will happen eventually because prophecy tells us it will

then we want you to have access to the content that we can still share with you uh just think

of this as an underground church we're an adjunct to a physical gathering we're not trying to replace

physical churches but we know the reason we started this whole thing back in started our

weekly bible study the gilbert house fellowship which is coming up on 10 years and we're going to

be doing that weekly bible study that's right 9 11 of 2014 that is right was because people were

coming up to us at conferences and asking us if they knew if we knew where they could find a local

church teaching verse by verse exegesis so um that's uh why we do what we do but again we're

not trying to replace a physical gathering because we we need to gather together and we're in unique

situation in that we get together and we're in a unique situation and we're in a unique situation

together with our friends and co-workers at skywatch tv on a regular basis but uh and and so

we we and we got other friends in the area like vicki joy anderson and her dad jeff uh who see

the world the way we do many people around the world and uh just don't have that that physical

connection there are a lot of people who are crazy just like we're crazy crazy like foxes

yeah yeah no no seriously we just see the world differently and we

know that many of you also want to see the the world clearly because of certain curation that

takes place on social media you can start to be steered in a particular direction that's uh david

outside our contract christ-powered construction doing some work to finish up on the repairs that

they've been doing on the house here uh he's working on that metal door that access hatch

for the uh the foundation yeah when you said that i couldn't i thought what is that

so i'm glad you said something whether or not our audience heard it i don't know you may not have

heard it but let's start with a crazy story because we're crazy people yes let's begin with

fake cows fake cows fake cows so we're not talking red heifers here we're talking cows

no we're not talking about that picture from the temple mount that alleged picture

of a not red not heifer being something no this is a story that is coming out of

and it is headlined fake cows ready for milking at u.s state fairs as bird flu threat looms looms is

one of those charged words uh h5n1 has been making its way through certain state dairy herds and it is

becoming problematic because in the past uh bird flu has been spread at state fairs usually from


in other words we would call it swine flu h1n1 that is originally an avian flu that

infected pigs pigs are able to pass things on to human beings therefore it's called swine flu i

don't know if they're going to call this one cow flu or what right now it's bird flu h5n1 is as i

say in a number of dairy herds well it's very common for farmers and and foragers to take

their cattle to state fairs right right right

also and i wasn't aware of this because honestly i would never have gone to this exhibit if it

existed when i've been to state fairs in the past apparently it's a popular thing in michigan at

least and some other states that if you've never milked a cow you get to try it out yeah well for

a real cow city dwellers that would be uh that would be a thing yeah good luck not getting

kicked yeah but i got kicked as a kid all the time got used to it watch my dad get kicked out of the

head once oh yeah well you know you're bending down suddenly bang imagine if you are a city

dweller and you just especially your children hey you know bobby sally going up here we're

going to learn how to milk a cow instead of doing this with a real cow right it is now being done

with fiberglass cows with rubber teats and water filled udders well that that i see that i see the

i do i do too i'm glad that this is something that's been done to introduce city kids to

an activity that helps them to understand a little bit about how

where that milk comes from and the labor that it takes to provide it right i growing up in

chicago had no frame of reference um visited my grandparents farm in north dakota every couple

of years but by then they were more or less retired from farming grandma was working at a

like a farm and she was working at a farm and she was working at a farm and she was working at a

five and dime in uh in the town outside which they lived grandpa spent most of his spare time

fishing so um i didn't get to see up close and personal you didn't get to milk a cow no i didn't

honey we should get one just so you can experience yeah no i'm good we we did go up there when they

were still farming but i was too little to really remember any of that i gather that my dad had the

experience as a chicago boy of uh getting to milk a cow for the first time and uh getting laughed at

you know but it's it's the same thing you you adapt to whatever environment you're in that's

just it i wouldn't have fit into a city dweller domain right when i was a child because all i knew

was the country and that's one of the reasons that my mother god bless her i have a lot of respect

for is i've gotten older and have a broader frame of reference i mean when you're a kid you're

growing up you know growing up in chicago you grow up thinking nothing happens outside that city

especially when we lived in the southern part of the state here back in uh 2011 through 2015

began to understand why rural illinois just really would just as soon chicago leave the

rest of the state alone i have to just make this comment you always refer to it as the southern

part of illinois see i'm looking at the map and thinking we lived in central illinois yeah east

central is what i know it's anything south of chicago is often called southern illinois

well i was looking at i know yeah i was looking at i-70 and we were still north of i-70 so anyway

but yeah you're you're right anything outside of cook county is downstate even rockford is

down which is hilarious but uh the folks in chicago in illinois especially south of like

i-80 south of bloomington champagne that line peoria bloomington champagne uh would just as

soon chicago go its own way and i'm sure

wish one day yeah and i and i'm sure you know californians feel the same way about uh

say in the high desert would would just as soon la san francisco san diego just leave them alone

especially the farmers and the right right the vineyards that are north of that area north of

san francisco fresno and up in that region north of there up towards redding it's like a different

state up there it really is it's a lot more like illinois i'm surprised went to yuba city a couple

years ago and thought well this is it's flat straight farmland am i back in those areas it's

hilly but it's it's lots of lush trees and oh it's great but but the point is that yeah uh urban

dwellers don't really have understanding of the people who live in rural america and have a an

inflated sense of urban areas importance we could get a fiberglass cow well we could uh i the thing

that came to my mind is we talked about the uh the practice for the red heifer ritual oh yeah yeah

in the city of david a while back and they didn't have the practice for the red heifer ritual

that sure looks like a steer to me it was a steer it was a white face red yeah so not not in any way

shape or form correct just hoping that whoever got the uh the artificial cow did a better job

of picking out the the model that the temple institute did please do it's good to know that

the real heifers are safe and real yes and so far three of them are still qualified yeah five yeah

and we're coming up on on the time when they should be eligible because it's three years and

based on when we first talked about that story a year ago july september this september like

starting tomorrow i know they should be just about ready for just about ready and well rosh

is coming up yep boy many things are gonna happen you and i are still planning on going to israel

in uh november right we will make a decision one way or the other for sure or two

postpone it pretty soon happens well let's two weeks yeah well let's shift into talking about

israel right now for a few moments because there are a couple of stories this week cows i mean how

can you possibly top that well goodbye everybody yeah there we go uh title of this week's episode

fake cows and uh stuff um last sunday morning so we would not have talked about this on last

on pid radio i think we talked about it maybe on uh

our bible study last sunday morning the idf and the iaf the israel defense forces israel air force

israeli air force took out about 6 000 hezbollah rockets and drones that were being primed for

launch that they were reportedly being readied for launch around 5 a.m israel time last sunday

morning and um israel took out almost everything that hezbollah was getting ready to throw at

israel and some of those a lot of rockets yeah and those were

rockets that they believe had the range to strike some of the heavily populated areas around

tel aviv um don't know if they would have targeted jerusalem that gets controversial for muslims we

like to think okay well they're just going to try to level well yeah but jerusalem factors into

islamic eschatology yeah big time mecca and medina not a word about them in the quran or the hadith

about uh the the role of those two cities those are supposedly the two most holy sites in islam but

they don't play any role in islamic eschatology but jerusalem does it's a big one yeah so if they

flatten jerusalem they'll have some explaining to do to the makhti when he shows up and says hey

i'm supposed to be here at uh al-aqsa and hand over you know yeah isa's supposed to point to me

and we're all supposed to get along together and it's supposed to happen at jerusalem so anyway

uh tel aviv probably would have been targeted though um so israel took that out they still

managed to launch about 300 rockets which israel took down and they're still going to be able to

most of them the ones they didn't landed in open areas this could have sparked a wider conflagration

in the area which is why we're watching this very closely i think that was the whole plan

iran from what i understand has been waiting for hezbollah to start it and once hezbollah

got going then they were going to start their rockets in other words the idf and and iron dome

would be busy right right

overwhelmed yeah it's sort of like that 1980s 90s 80s i guess 70s 80s video game uh missile

command i never played that oh yeah that was that was big for my friends and me when we were we'd go

to the arcade or whatever or bowling and you'd play missile command and just you get to a certain

level and suddenly those missiles are coming in and they're splitting off mervs multiple

independently yeah and uh yeah okay my civilization is now toast that's that's kind

of what iran through hezbollah and hamas is hoping to do just overwhelm iron dome so they

can't possibly shoot down all the incoming but israel by destroying them on the ground

knocked down basically took the air out of the balloon you know it wasn't a poppy there

was sort of like a slow deflate where you hear just the the balloon like it was really

a big fizzle i think really disappointing for hezbollah that they had put that many

weapons on hot

status ready to go and then israel suddenly comes in and boom they're gone 300 or so were

launched no damage from that attack at all uh they they're trying to claim that they hit some

israeli military sites and so that counts as sufficient retribution for taking out the number

two man in hezbollah okay well i pray that that that is true there's been a report this week from

unnamed western intelligence analysts claiming that hezbollah is ready to launch

in two or three days meanwhile sinwa is sitting there and he's dressed well that's the other

story what to do wanted wanted to talk about yaya sinwar who's taken over hamas after the

assassination of ismail hanaya is reportedly whether this is true or not or this is story

that's being put out there to make him look weak yeah and i think they're trying to embarrass him

right the story is that the sinwar is hiding in plain sight dressed as a woman

um in that culture the arabic culture um

i don't know if machismo or machismo is the is the proper title but

toxic masculinity is is a big thing you know maybe he could box for the olympics next year

for next time like the algerian guy yeah so whether that's true or not the other story about

sinwar is that um the reason hezbollah cannot release the hostages and they're still 105 not

accounted for it's believed that there are only 20 or 22

alive and uh sinwar has got them traveling with him through the tunnels of gaza he's using them

to surround him as human shields this was reported by the jewish chronicle

um thursday no wednesday this week and uh the columnist ilan perry writes that only about 20

of the hostages are being held by hamas he quotes intelligence sources he said these are being kept

in handcuffs as human shields and they're being held by human shields and they're being held by

shields around yaya sinwar

well i'm sorry but that's reprehensible it is and this is the thing when western political leaders

say too many innocent arabs and i use that term rather than palestinian because we that's sort of

been ingrained in us as a as a branding which is why around the mid mid 1960s the arabs who live

in that area were rebranded as palestinian

that's not an ethnicity it's not an ethnicity yeah it's it's a it's a it was a kgb tactic to

make it seem as though they had a legitimate claim to the land no they're arabs from arabia anyway

the there are innocents who have died in this war there's no conflict there's no question about

on all sides beginning with the 1200 who were killed in israel by hamas but hamas has deliberately

surrounded itself like sinwar has reported

doing with civilians in fact the hezbollah launch the idf reported uh early this week that of the

320 that they did manage to launch 90 of them came from uh launchers within 500 feet of schools

mosques or other public buildings hiding behind children hiding behind children and that's what

hamas has been doing so when kamala harris says as she did in the interview the cnn interview that

we'll talk about yeah

that too many arab civilians in gaza have died she's right but the blame needs to be put on

hamas exactly not on israel not on israel at all i found her and we'll talk about it after the break

all of her her interview but um i think one of the the the things we have to remember with regard to

her statement and i'll just pick that out because she said israel has a right to defend itself

we'll unpack that more later but

that statement is a little bit deceitful because she may make that statement say yeah israel has a

right to defend itself but what the quiet unspoken part is and the u.s has the right to not arm them

yeah which is exactly what's going on think about all of the um if you want to say the word

ammunition or materiel or whatever iron dome doesn't fight you take down incoming missiles

without something to throw at it that's not lasers right it requires uh arming it with

rockets or missiles or whatever they're using to shoot this down right and those are produced in

a factory um they are you know you need the raw materials you need the workers the crews and you

need the logistics chain to get those from the manufacturer to israel exactly and if the united

states says yeah i know that we signed a contract saying that we would shouldn't send you this this

and this we're gonna hold that back blackmail yeah is what it amounts to right the other aspect of

that of course is the cost it's like what did i i've heard like fifty thousand dollars per iron

dome rocket that gets fired very expensive compared to some of the incoming rockets that may be

produced for as little as five thousand yeah pop or even less yeah especially when they're using a

drone yeah yeah so israel is

um and this is the thing i i know that there's a very vocal and i would say toxic segment of

humanity many of whom are professing christians or claim to be christians saying that israel

runs the united states now that there's a small cabal of jews who are controlling everything that

we we do here in the united states it's really the other way around the tail is not wagging

the dog united states has been running israel israel wants to be the friend of the united

states because we are still the most powerful nation on earth we're now we're squandering that

yeah we are throwing that away but uh israel really needs the united states as a uh as an

ally and we have not always been there for israel over the past years this was one of the surprising

things when i was researching this uh for the presentation

i gave in ohio that united states even in 1948 when israel was fighting to survive you know

surrounded by arab neighbors who attacked the day it declared independence the united states had an

arms embargo yes yeah on israel i i would highly recommend if you have not yet watched derrick's

presentation you can watch it for free well not that one though i'm talking about this was the

one on the history of israel that one is all the one from sunday morning one from sunday morning

about our israel tour yeah but you get into some of the history a lot of the history of israel is

a little bit early on yeah a little bit it's a taste of it it's enough to make you want to read

more and and a lot of this comes from a book that you can get uh called the secret war against the

jews right and trust me it is well worth the read if you say you love the lord you love the god who

created uh all of us and you have read the bible and you believe in it then please read this because

there is a whole lot more that's taken place in the last 150 years

than we're being told right the secret war against the jews the authors are john loftus

l-o-f-t-u-s and mark aarons a-a-r-o-n-s it was published in 1994 so this is not a new book it

was a new york times bestseller 30 years ago but most of us have not been exposed to it certainly

the the media is not going to talk about it because it's not the history that we've been taught and

some of the people who they call out in that book i mean one of them's got an airport at washington

dc named for him

in that book they openly call him a traitor yes yeah yeah well now you really have to read the

book yeah and and this lie this very popular tempting lie yeah that we have been told and

many of us have fallen for i know that i very early on when you and i were first looking at

conspiracy theories um i was trending toward that thinking okay maybe there's something to this

and then i started digging into it so i

could find out myself and that is one of the reasons i'm writing the red wing saga

yeah is to clear that up right right and it's all leading to 1948 if you've read any of the

books there's a reason why i named the the clans stewart and sinclair so there you go

illuminati bloodlines well that's okay my mother's you know a smith oh i know that's one of those

little sips of the bloodlines collins you got collins you got collins you got collins you got

collins in your answer i know i do yeah yeah all kinds of yeah oh yeah barnabas

maybe that's why i'm so sensitive to light

yeah phil collins yeah that would be great uh one more story though before we get to the break and

that is going back to science ah yes yeah i wasn't quite done with my science but it was a nice thing

to go into israel and that is that the fda has now approved emergency

authorization for a nova vax updated covex good covex covid vaccine um use two words it's probably

going to get us kicked off but this is a news story that is right out there at sidrap you can

go there sidrap is a great source for uh finding out what's going on in the world with regards to

virology and bacteriology this is a protein-based

vaccine it's old school in other words the way they used to do the way they used to do it they'd

either use an attenuated version of the virus in other words they sort of clipped its its uh wings

but uh made it less virulent or a protein that would allow your immune system to see the protein

and go oops invader it's a protein made by the incoming virus we're not talking about spike

proteins we're talking about a protein itself not anything to code for it's a protein that's

the actual protein this is a very safe way of doing a vaccine but the problem is when they

use the term emergency authorization that tells me it hasn't gone through human trials

right you never know what might be in there that could have a an adverse reaction and going back

to something you were saying back four years ago when operation warp speed was announced by

president trump that this virus the m the the rna viruses mutate so quickly that trying to

keep up with the mutations with any kind of vaccine is a fool's errand it really is it's just

almost like whack-a-mole yeah it's very much like the moles are on speed yeah they're

they're like glory they're hopped up on goofballs glory's pretty darn fast so who knows maybe that's

it but this is uh this particular uh nova vax vaccine protein based is um it's based on

one of the variants of the vaccine the vl1 vaccine and it's a vaccine that's a vaseline

for speaking is a vaccine that's a vaccine that is already available for use in the United States

of the newest versions of the coronavirus and it's going to change by the time it actually

gets rolled out it starts going into arms it will probably be very ineffective or only slightly

right and and let me just say this they've got a covet outbreak at the nursing home where my

mother is a resident mom is 87 she tested positive and last week uh her friend the retired pastor

there leo he's 86 he's got comorbidities and he's got comorbidities right he's uh diabetic

which is one of the most dangerous comorbidities for people with that that virus there four years

ago they were on lockdown could not go visit my mother for quite quite a while this time around

it's like there's a sign on the front door that says uh uh covet outbreak please wear a mask so

i put on my little surgical mask which as we know from research now is like trying to keep


out of your yard with a chain-link fence but they were okay with that and they were eating

even though there are uh in the memory care unit where mom is there are 13 residents there who have

it and they're all fine and they're all fine and they were eating in their dining hall again

last week mom ate in her room because she she had it but this week they're all back in the

dining room trust me this is a place that is very careful with their residents yes the fact is that

the current iteration of the virus that is mutated to a point

where it's as with many previous coronaviruses in in history it has mutated to become just like

a cold that's some people will get a tougher version of that cold yes how many of us have

friends who've boy this cold is this cough is just lasting for weeks for weeks yep before the era of

before 2019 there were lots of colds that would come around and somebody i've got a chest cold

yeah and they're coughing

that's what leo said we used to just call this the summer cold yeah and uh and it's and i'm very

thankful that it has mutated to that point right it doesn't mean that something else won't come

along true and i will just briefly mention that mpox monkeypox it used to be called is still

infecting thousands of people and the drc right and hundreds of people have gotten very sick and

a lot of people have gotten very sick and a lot of people have gotten very sick and a lot of people

have died yeah um presently the the death rate amongst adults is about five percent that's high

very high and among children about ten percent which again is high but it's unknown what the

actual health condition of the individuals who are infected was before doesn't know we don't know how

long before they got uh any kind of medical assistance this is not like you and i derrick

we have we're both really sick and we're both really sick and we're both really sick and we're

really healthy and we have access to very good nutrition and clean water right not everybody in

in third world nations yeah and parts of the drc are very third world uh we don't really know what

condition the people were in before they got infected but the fact is that there it is a real

disease it's been around it was discovered in the 1940s it's been around for a long long time

probably a long time before western scientists ever quote-unquote discovered it uh

smallpox which is another version it's another cousin to this it's been around since probably

2000 bc or earlier because there's evidence of it in mummies from egypt so yeah these these viruses

have been around for a long long time i'm glad you mentioned the fact that it's been around for

at least 80 years because i know we got some pushback on our previous episode we talked about

mpox oh no it's makeup it's it's fake it's fake it's fake it's fake it's fake it's fake it's fake

it's made up no it's real i was following this back in 2005 right yeah this this is a real disease

now it doesn't mean because and remember we're the same people who last november thanks to sharon

watching the world health organization we're telling you about the international health

regulations and how they would try to use that as a power grab to impose a draconian global

government right on all of us so we're not saying we should all be very very afraid we're just

saying look this is a real disease but in the spirit of never letting the

crisis go to waste they will probably use it to try probably will right so something is going to

come along both those things can be true why do we know something is coming along because we read

prophecy yes amen to that so now for a break coming up oh so many things to talk about uh

the interview oh you know big news when a politician actually deigns to sit down for

an interview isn't it like part of your job yeah also uh venezuelan gangs taking over a city in


yes disturbing and uh ukraine trying to drag the u.s and uk into its war

that and more when pid radio continues

it's time for back to school and we have a special offer in september at the gilbert house store

back to school it's impossible to believe where did the year go well october is also approaching

so we have a deal for you 35 only plus shipping and handling we'll get you

two amazing books

and a cd which is interviews with dr michael heiser preparing you for all hallows eve the month of

october when we begin to think about the spirit realm our book veneration which takes a deep dive

into the cult of the nephilim around ancient israel the source of the demons that plague

the world to this day and also a wonderful book by our friend vicky joy anderson they only come

out at night this is your manual for spiritual warfare this should be in your church library

those two books plus a seven hour audio

cd with dr michael s heiser discussing the unseen realm these two books plus the cd just

thirty five dollars plus shipping and handling only at gilberthouse.org slash store

welcome back to pid radio i'm derrick gilbert oh that makes me sharon gilbert it makes me very

happy we're glad that you just uh you've come back for part two we didn't scare you off but

with part one i want to remind you that we still have a lot of work to do and we're going to be

doing a lot of work to do and we're still planning to go to israel in november so go to

gilberthouse.org slash travel and you will find all of the information there if by chance we decide

to postpone it we will put that announcement there and we'll also talk about it on this platform

and probably put it on all of our social medias yes so pay attention to that by the way derrick

and i both have telegram channels and i've got sharon's room on my channel and you've got the

view from the bunker right so we will in fact we'll talk a little bit more about that too that

one of the the question that we will answer at the end of the program this week which of course you

can ask us through the app which you'll find at gilberthouse.org slash app before we get into

the interview which is going to be very interesting um i want to mention one of the stories that i

shared this morning i think i may have shared it on telegram but definitely did share it on x

and that is there is a startup company that wants to help us see at night oh really say you're out

walking in the woods and you're just so it's so dark and you're just walking in the woods and you're

out there i just wish i could see my phone better and see my feet better and boy i really could use

a light oh hey i've got that new app on my phone i'll just tap that and i will move the space mirror

yeah you can tell where this is going the space mirror which will reflect the sun right down on me

uh-huh didn't elton john write a song about that years ago

don't let the sun go down on you

sun come down on me oh gosh i am telling you it is just the first of all with curvature of the earth

i do not know unless you've got a system of mirrors up there that you could possibly do that

you also don't know what the downside of something assuming it could be done yeah might be um

um having someone anyone control mirrors in space that can reflect


the sun uh-huh that almost sounds like a weapon kind of does maybe does but uh at the very least

it sounds like snake oil to me yeah well we need that to fight global cooling we need well i'm just

thinking here's the crazy part i'm standing in the dark if only i had some light oh hey here's

an idea use the flashlight on your phone there you go yeah which is built in as an app do not

download another app because it's stealing more than likely stealing data off your phone oh well

i know i can't think of any circumstance where you would need to have the sun give me a personal

beam of light yeah and okay you you go to do it and then you get a little message you are

user number 478 000 yeah you are in the queue yeah you'll get your request in four here's another one

oh the beam of light works oh wait a minute am i being levitated but is that a ufo is that a cow

oh values all over the place

oh yeah well well anyway there was no cow harmed in the interview with with vice president harris

vice president harris and her emotional support governor tim walls

yeah that's i wish i'd thought of that but that was not original to me if you have not seen it

you need to watch the video that derrick's going to tell you about because it will show you the

two shot and the three shots so you see walls and harris together at this table the lighting

is terrible but the positioning and the angle of the camera makes him look huge he's in the

foreground and she looks like a little girl now she's rather petite anyway i think she's only

like five oh i know but he's he's looming over her like daddy is there to take care of you a lot of

observers have asked the question because and we do this when we're when we're filming at skywatch


even here on our little rudimentary set we'll adjust the chairs so that you know carl gallops

always looks the tallest per his request but seriously when we're doing the panel at skywatch

tv you've got six guests up there and uh they will try to balance things out so that nobody looks

yeah yeah and uh you know that meant uh say carl's chair usually goes down a little lower

and your chair will come up a little bit uh katherine horn's chair will come up a little

depends on where you are on the curved desk right because of the angle of the camera

perspective yeah well whoever set that shot should have had i mean cnn did not do her any

favors first of all she was wearing a gray suit they chose to film it in what looked like an unused

employee cafeteria yeah and and some of the tables in the background you see like a coffee

cup here and there it's like did not did they want that i mean it it looks like nobody remembered to

clean up i know but yes she came across looking very small not very clean but she was wearing a

very presidential uh just from the way things were set and the way things were lit not very

flattering um and then her answers it wasn't a disaster on the order of joe biden's debate

performance against president trump but it was pretty close not it didn't do her any favors

i mean when left-leaning media outlets like politico the headline reads harris survives

first sit down interview with few missteps

that's like damning with faint praise well the missteps mind you she recorded nearly an hour's

worth and it was edited down to 18 minutes which i think is hilarious because that's about the time

of missing recording in nixon tapes so we found them turns out that it was harris who'd gone back

in time yeah and recorded something and then came back here yeah so what did they edit out what they

left in presumably was the stuff that came across the best seeing it dana bash the interviewer is no

fan of donald trump she's been very clear about that in over the past but she did not softball it

what they kept in was not softball no she asked some good questions now she could have followed

up more um assertively than she did didn't need to harris did herself in yeah with the replies

yeah the the video that derek and i are familiar with and you should watch it jesus and rica

he does royal commentary but he's also a

body language expert he teaches body language analysis and it's the body language

body language guy yeah on on youtube and he's also an ex he examined this

showed where he thought she was really reaching because she was not familiar enough with the

material or had not practiced her response enough places where she exhibited a lack of confidence

um she did not come across as self-assured she her her first response to the first question what

will you do the question was what would you do on day one and then dana bash had to ask the question

because what she got was word salad as a response from harris she pushed her two or three more times

yeah so what are you doing on day one well i want to make sure we do all we can to strengthen the

middle class okay how are you going to do that what are you going to do on day one to do that

and and she just did not have a firm policy response their website still does not have a policy response

there is no platform on platform with trump you know what you're going to get he's been running

on the same thing since 2016 close the borders drill baby drill you know energy independence

closing the borders and he's been running on that ever since that's consistent now she pushed

harris on okay you were against the wall why have you changed on that you were against fracking when

she ran for president in 2020 she said on day one she would ban fracking which is a type of oil

injection where you inject yes fluid brine into the shale to free the oil well harris said in 2020 i

made it clear that i would not ban fracking and of course dana bash says but in 2019 you said yeah

you would ban fracking and the look on harris's face was like oh yeah oh she called me out what

are how do i respond this is cnn she's not supposed to do it right so even though she

didn't push as hard as i would have liked it's like okay but what what

made you change your mind and she actually did ask that about fracking what made you change your mind

and she actually gave her like a multiple choice answer is it that you've been in the office now

you've learned more you you've got more experience you have a vendor igram of this right she was like

here multiple choice take an answer and harris still kind of fumbled and and bumbled around on

the response but but the way they edited it when she would be bumbling like that you'd get this

longer two shots so you'd see waltz just sitting there looking or like or like he's grumpy

well i've not seen confirmation of this but there have been some claims people who

citing sources familiar that waltz was not their first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh

choices he was like choice number 10 on the list and a lot of other names that were floated like

um gretchen whitmer of michigan she would have been a mark yeah yeah mark kelly senator mark

kelly of arizona

reportedly is who barack obama wanted to be the nominee but then biden crossed him up

as revenge for being pushed out biden crossed him up by endorsing harris it's like okay now

how do we push harris out she's a woman of color and biden just endorsed her

because to be honest with you i think senator mark kelly i don't know much about his policies

but the fact is he looks like a guy who's i mean he's a former astronaut okay so yeah

yeah he's he's a guy who's he's got military service he's been in space real military real

military service unlike governor waltz yeah so he would be a guy i think trump would have more

trouble beating in the election but uh and that's that was the reason obama wanted him because they

know that kamala harris is an intellectual lightweight and she doesn't come across well

when she gives these answers that are condescending and we all love a school bus don't we

it's a bus you take to school

we we don't want to be this dismissive of the people running for the highest office in our

land but i'm sorry kamala harris i i'm just surprised more democrats aren't saying we did

not vote for her we didn't vote for her in 2020 which is why she dropped out of the race yes but

imagine if you are the leader of let's say north korea or saudi arabia right or cutter or south

american country name it or whatever you want to call it you're not going to be the leader of the

many of them who is going to sit across the table from her any culture where toxic masculinity is

actually considered a feature not a bug and you're sitting across the table from her and her team

um boy no no she starts smiling and laughing and think what you will of donald trump i've got to

believe that they have more respect for trump even if they think he's crazy which which is a feature

not a bug when it comes to Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump

when it comes to dealing with other countries like like in baseball you bring in the relief

pitcher who can throw 100 miles an hour but he's not always over the plate when you're the batter

you're not digging in quite as deeply because you might have to jump out of the way i think that's

the analogy for donald trump he's a little bit wild and you might not but coming from a business

background when trump gives you an answer it may seem like it's made up like he's not really sure

what he's doing but he says it authoritatively authoritatively and he

looks you in the eye that's it harris was not looking dana bash in the eye for most of her

answers she was looking around which according to jesus enrique rosas as you say his body language

analysis pointing out okay this is what you do when you're when you're dissembling or dissembling

and and when you see the long shot it was obvious she had no paperwork in front of her so she wasn't

looking down to read from a list right right she was trying to recall or make something up she

she's she's been in the office three and a half years which is another question bash asked to say

you're saying you're going to do these things on day one but you've been in the office three and

a half years why haven't you done them already and that's a really good question and she was

asked about the economy and and we've seen her statements that she wants to have fixed prices

for groceries trying to help the middle class but first of all that would cause a nightmare

in the economy yeah i believe that some of this stuff is coming from her father

her father taught socialist economics yep it was actually called socialist economics

so she believes that somehow socialism will fix the economic woes of this country yeah it will not

and when she says well that the inflation rate in is only three percent if you look at stats for

the last hundred year the average years the average inflation rate year over year

is average is three percent and currently in the last four years it's gone up and down

and it's currently being listed at the official government sites as three percent i don't know

what shadow stats would say shadow stats i'm looking that up right now and the reason we

bring up shadow stats which you can find at shadow stats.com is that the united states

government has changed the formula by which it calculates the consumer price index day by day

yeah the it's been it's been politicized these

numbers i've been politicized

they changed the numbers during the george h w bush administration and again during the

clinton years so that the official rate now is much lower than the actual

so the official rate is running actually at four percent

so there is misspoke too bad but not too too bad but the actual rate is closer to seven

and a half

that's more like what it actually is when you take a look at over the last four years

the difference in a

pound of ground beef

now that's based on the seven and half that space on the way was

giggled in nineteen ninety

moved to go back to the way was calculate nineteen eighty which is the reagan



the actual rate the weight was calculated pride in nineteen eighty is actually closer

to twelve and a half percent that sounds more accurate and those of you who are sitting

there and thinking when i go to the grocery store

i can't buy

a whole list of things that are healthy and meitã… 

tiers from the family

i have to buy

macro uni Enfin

or ricin

whatever the the less healthy carbohydrate meals that are cheaper to provide fill your belly kind

of stuff that's the stuff that my mom made for us when i was growing up we ate a lot of beans and

rice because it was cheap it was cheap and it did fill our bellies but she would try to supplement

we had a garden most people in america don't have vegetable gardens you can almost do without a lot

of meat if you have access to some eggs if you've got chickens if you've got cows we're not talking

about fiber fiberglass cows real cows if you've got real cows and real chickens and a garden you

can sustain yourself pretty well especially if you've got access to animal fat i grew up on lard

right which is a lot healthier than crisco it is yeah it is vegetable fat is not

nearly as healthy a lot of problems with seed oils a lot of this is one of the reasons robert f

kennedy has dropped his presidential bid and is backing trump because he believes that donald

trump sees what he does which is which generations of kids in america who are growing up obese

and unhealthy because of all the ultra processed foods and the use of cheap food additives like

seed oils instead of healthier organic foods it used to be and we're probably going to go end up

trying to maintain that even though we may be a lot of idle users that we need some things we could

improve the health of the food industry taking care of we need to try to need to remove some of that

bacteria into our Jericho vegetables but all that food that's so much healthier to live on

the bottom of those lifts is everything we're building here there's a purpose here and that's

a thing that's so deeply embedded in women's lives it's not that we need super high Environmental

Security Center and people saying oh there, we don't have a law we don't have coupons for that

the world has been winning thatfire we knew people who were hungry we haven't had access to food and

when we got away from animal fats and started substituting fat with more sugar right and then

substituting cane sugar with with who knows what it is yeah well we pray that uh those policies

that robert f kennedy talked about a week ago friday are would be so implemented um yeah big

food big pharma making a lot of money off of the health epidemic caused by the poisons in our

environment the poisons in our food and in our medicines hopefully that that can be turned

around because you just can't be a productive member of society if you don't feel well which

is why sky watch tv uh joe artist horn the horn family um offering now through eden's essentials

eden's essentials.com supplements for that reason because if you don't feel well you cannot be

effective for our king and eden's just runs recently added olive oil yeah to its line

yeah i need to go i was i was supplementing with olive oil just taking olive oil um on a daily

basis and the best olive oil you and i have ever had is over in israel right right yep well a couple

of other things i do want to talk about uh the potential of world war three thanks to ukraine

um ukraine um beginning of august august 6th invaded southern russia around the city of kursk

significant because kursk is home to one of the largest nuclear reactors inside russia

uh the iaea

the international atomic energy is uh whatever association or administration administration i

guess they went to the kursk power plant and held a press conference basically summarized it in one

line don't attack nuclear power plants it seems like a no-brainer yeah you would think you would

think corporate media in the west has been reporting on the success of the ukrainians

and pushing into russia they claim something like 140 000 square kilometers or something

but when you look at the map of the changes in

who's controlled what territory since this war began a year ago february

it's like a small little bump on the northern part of ukraine extending into russia whereas

russia's got all of that area in the east of ukraine plus of course crimea and of course

this whole war which has been going on for two and a half years

uh eighteen months i think i think it began a year ago february

anyways been going on far too long right yep and probably at this rate we'll not resolve for a long time and the

all for a long long time it's costing our economy a lot because billions and billions and billions

of dollars worth of material have been sent over to ukraine to bolster and by financing that war

it's showing russia that essentially they are at war with nato they're at war with the west

this this this is costing our economy and i'm going to get into something else here in a second

i'll let you say what you want to but it's also getting to the economy and what harris actually

said okay um well there are a couple of things i wanted to add here first of all you're right it

was two and a half years ago it was february of 22 yeah it's like i know hard to believe it's

going on that long but really it was an extension of what began back in 2014 exactly which was one

of the color revolutions that we helped

you know we helped you know we helped you know we helped you know we helped you know we helped

we helped you know we helped you know we helped you know we helped you know we helped you know we helped

facilitate and we pushed out the orange revolution yeah the uh well that was the

maydan revolution the orange revolution was during george w bush back in 2004 well then it goes back

to that yeah yeah there's been a long we've been meddling in ukraine for a long time and it has

not benefited the people of ukraine this war for two and a half years now 600 000 dead ukrainian

kids about 100 000 dead russians um sir keir starmer and his defense minister even get me

yeah the this is

a bit surprising the labor government of the uk apparently wanting to show that they've got

just as much yeah um as as the previous uh yeah low testosterone i got some dangly bits yeah

exactly they are they've reportedly been discussing how much credit they want to take

for what ukraine has managed to accomplish in kursk the challenger two tanks that they've

sent over there which were purportedly indestructible

turned out not to be and the challenger twos were withdrawn from the eastern front in donetsk and

luhansk but they have been used along with british-made drones in the kursk invasion in

fact the times of london reporting that uh starmer and his defense minister wanted to talk about how

much credit the uk should take in in a sense almost portraying it as a british invasion of

ukraine it's like starmer wants to say see we're leading this war against ukraine and we're leading

this war against ukraine and we're leading this war against ukraine and we're leading this war against

us and come on biden don't you want to join in the fun trying to drag the united states into this

at the same time on thursday of this week and yesterday friday the head of the office essentially

uh zielinski's chief of staff ukraine's president zielinski's chief of staff and his defense minister

are here in the united states and the defense minister met with our secretary of defense

lloyd austin yesterday ukraine is trying to get permission to use the high mars missile system

that we provided to strike targets deep

inside russia including moscow they want to use american weapons to strike deep inside russia's

foreign minister sergey sergey lavrov basically saying this this makes united states a co-belligerent

in the war exactly world war three yes yes exactly and for whatever reason starmer i mean who again

you want to look at a low-t individual starmer wanting to i mean there's a video out there of him

hitting a like a bag a heavy bag and he's like oh my god i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so

sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry

it's like tap tap i'm 62 years old i could hit the bag harder than starmer did i could probably hit

it harder i mean not that that's any indication of his of his ability to lead but it's like look

you know you got cameras on you this is not a good look it's like michael dukakis you know as a

bobblehead on a tank showing his look see i can be i can i can support the army oh anyway the fact

is ukraine is trying to drag the west in this battle in around kursk is like their battle of

bulge it's their last throw of the dice i think starmer is trying very hard to appear strong when

in fact he has been a nightmare for the uk ever since he was sworn in just a nightmare yeah yeah

he is a bobblehead but yeah don't get me started anyway so ukraine and the economy um harris and

she said this elsewhere but she has been saying that she would like to give first-time homeowners

home buyers twenty five thousand dollars for a down payment right yeah that's just going to drive

up the price of a house well it will and i can speak to this having been a full-time realtor for

a while early on uh going back more than 30 years but still uh that plus an econ degree means i can

say with some confidence that the reason real estate values in the united states have inflated

so rapidly just in the last few years but also

we saw it back in the early 2000s um saw it also back in the uh the 90s when alan greenspan started

pushing uh federal reserves main interest rate to banks to an unnaturally low level you basically

create more debt you throw more money into the pursuit of the housing stock all right

it's it's the the law of supply and demand yeah when you've got one commodity and another and

money is just a commodity

apples and oranges if you've got 10 apples and 10 oranges the rate of exchange is roughly

one apple for one orange but if you increase the number of apples to 20 it probably take you two

apples to get one orange yep the same is true with money if you make it easier for people to

get loans or you give people free money and that's in air quotes because no money is actually free

somebody's got to pay that bill someday the taxpayer taxpayer pays it you're putting more

money into circulation chasing that particular product and the value of each individual product

goes down so when you see home prices going up if it's not because somebody struck oil or found

gold on the land it's because money more money is available in that market and that's what's going on

with the home buy look if we're if we were getting ready to sell our home and we knew

that first time buyers had an extra 25 grand to put down as a down payment we just raised our

price for 25 grand yeah the same is going to hold true in california because california is taking it

even further they want to make available

20 down payments to new arrivals yeah and understand that a lot of homes started a million

dollars yeah in california yes up to 20 percent um 20 up to a value of 150 000 so there if you

were an undocumented immigrant or what we used to call illegal alien yeah if this bill passes

in california which it probably will because democrats have captured the state illegals

we'll get down payment loans that they won't need to repay until they resell the home

and even then they only have to pay off uh 20 percent of the increase in the they pay off the

the loan plus 20 percent of the uh the the increase in value but of course that assumes that real

estate is going to continue rising forever and we saw in 2008 with the subprime mortgage right

we're getting really close and speaking of that it's communist economics it never ever ever works

it never does well i have to say one more thing that harris was asked about in the past and it's

not and that has to do with the illegal immigrants and her response was well there are fewer coming in

and one reason that there are fewer coming in is because we've got laws in this country

that if you come in illegally you will be apprehended and you will be prosecuted

i know because i prosecuted them in california and i'm the only candidate who did uh-huh i just

thought oh yeah because let's not even go there yeah let's not talk about your record

borders yeah root causes root causes i chased down the root causes and now there are a few coming

i'm sorry when you look at the actual number of encounters at the border it is still at record

high the border was essentially thrown open in some cases literally as we talked about previously

in arizona there are gates over some of the um well in in israel they call them wadis but

dry dry stream beds but that during the the rainy season they they start to flood and so they open

those gates while the water is flowing through so that

trees that have gotten washed up in the flood waters don't knock the gates down

but border patrol was ordered to go to those gates and weld them open so that people could

just walk right through yeah this happened on her watch as borders are and now vertically yeah

well and as a result that gets to the story that we teased before the break

a video that has gone viral showing armed i mean guys walking around with automatic weapons

at an apartment complex in

aurora colorado outside denver suburban denver denver which declared itself a sanctuary city

and so all of these guys come hey sanctuary they there was a story a few months ago i forgot about

this about uh a representative of the governor of colorado's office going around to some of these

newly arrived people in denver saying here you know we'll pay for you to take a bus to

chicago or new york los angeles leave please leave denver

so the progressive governments who said we're a sanctuary now finally in chicago the police

precincts are being used for migrants to camp o'hare airport they've got migrants camping at

they are overwhelmed and this gang from venezuela they are they make ms-13 look like choir boys

tren aragua they've been showing up on the radar of police across the country new york chicago

apparently denver now because this video from a

blink camera a security camera on somebody's apartment showing these guys carrying these

long weapons i maybe they're not automatic but they are certainly rifles and they apparently

have taken over this apartment complex in aurora so the mayor there mike kaufman i saw that they

took over as many as three okay so mayor mike kaufman said that the city has ruled that gang

activities are a criminal nuisance which gives the city government license to draft an emergency

court order evicting them and clearing them out but where are you going to send them first of all

secondly if these guys are better armed than the cops how are you going to do this in the national

guard right right so things like this happening in our major cities democrat run cities where

people in chicago are angry at the city government there which by the way chicago announced a one

billion dollar budget shortfall well socialist mayor there brandon socialism does not work no

no but tren aragua it's a venezuelan gang

he is from venezuela he doesn't live there anymore because he was saying things that the

government didn't like and he had to run for his life but he will tell you he's got a video where

he talks about this gang and how they originated and how dangerous they are yeah yeah they are

brutal they will go into other gangs territories and start just assassinating other gangs that are

running for example prostitution right they'll go there and start just killing the women they're

like an invasive species that takes over and replaces the native species yeah yeah so in aurora

according to the story in the new york post these guys are targeting apartment complexes owned by

out of town owners they're not present on the property right and so the people living in these

complexes are suddenly now being told they have to pay their rent money to the gangs

instead of the owners of the properties right this is the owner is like okay what what i can't

good luck taking the gang out of the apartment complex and they're not going to be able to pay the

gang to court yeah yeah it's it's almost going to require as you say national guard almost a

military response which is terrible i know but when we're living in a society now we're what we

what you sociologists would call a low trust environment where you've got to put all products

in the store behind a glass case and keep it locked i'd like to buy some toothpaste please

can i get some help to unlock the case so i can take the toothpaste to the that doesn't happen

here where we live no and there are there are wonderful pockets in flyover america yep in parts

of america that are more rural that are still like it was back in the old days yeah yeah and i think

that we need to pray for those areas that they can continue to be sort of a sanctuary for christians

now we we may need more and more of that as time goes on this story in the post is really shocking

because the mayor of this city is saying look we're going to need more and more of that as time

goes on we need to get them out here this same gang the dams tren aragua is uh members of the

gang that were accused of shooting a couple of new york police department officers uh back in june

and that georgia nursing student lake and riley reportedly killed by a member of tren aragua yeah

so this is this is a national thing but the guy the mayor mayor kaufman of aurora colorado saying

it's possible the federal government worked with non-profits to put migrants in these buildings

which then attracted the venezuelan gang members and then they were able to get them out of the

venezuelan gang members to take over those buildings but the governor of colorado jared

pullis said no no the police intelligence about the presence of the gangs there is is they call

it the purported invasion is largely made up that the locals on the ground who are dealing with this

well i want to see the governor go to that area himself and go to those buildings so yeah okay

yeah we know you've got security camera video showing these guys walking around with long guns

weapons breaking into it

but what are you going to believe us or your lion eyes yeah so and this this is what the open borders

have are bringing to our big cities okay so let's let's just sit down and calm down for a minute

because derrick does news all the time so this is what he digs into i dig into news but into a lot

of other things the bottom line here is we who follow bible prophecy have been

expecting the world to become chaotic divisive angry threatening dangerous especially for

christians when it happens we go what you gotta stop this well yeah you have to take a stand

that's what ephesians 6 is all about but we're not taking the stand necessarily against the human

beings yes they're dangerous and we need to protect our children need to protect our children

our families it's a spiritual battle it is a spiritual battle and that's what we have to

remember so much of your fighting will take place on your knees yep yep and rejoice when you see

these things yeah jesus said something about the ethnos against ethnos yeah nation against nation

ethnicity against ethnicity tribe against tribe and that is where we're going but remember the

lord told us these things in advance so that we can be a part of it and we can be a part of it

so that we wouldn't panic when it happened so that we would see this and understand he told us but

he also told us this that he was coming back and that he was going to come back for us and he would

be taking over this corrupt world and he would be the king he's the invisible king right now

because he's not visible to the world we know he's the king soon the world will know he is the king

amen yeah not all of them will be happy about the king yes

he's coming amen to that well um let's uh let's dive into a question here and then

remind you of a couple of things that are coming up uh why we won't be here next weekend yeah

and we'll i'll be here you'll you'll be here but the pid radio will not to be we will not be here

yes uh question this is from tracy in the questions for sharon oh hi tracy but i think this is probably

for both of us uh with your perspective on how much you've been harmed by media not sure what

we mean by harmed

we need to define that and your understanding of jonah if you know a definite terror attack

is upcoming where would you put that info what would you do interesting hypothetical question

because i don't think we have access to any sources where we would know about a definite

terror attack no you and i don't anybody else we would we would find out when it

broke in the media we we really would what derrick and i do is we look at trends and we

look at how things are moving when you're looking at a ray which is a starting point

and then following an arrow right you can sort of figure the arrow is about to go through this

this and this so we can sound like we know exactly what's coming but the fact is we're

just using our intelligence and logic so yeah i can kind of say this is what i see coming

and much of that's based on bible prophecy the lord has not said to us other than as our great

commission he's not said derrick sharon i want you to go to nineveh and tell them i'm about to

destroy them yeah that's the jonah moment um what he has told us to do is lift him up

crucified risen and coming again love our neighbors as we love ourselves

and love him with all our hearts souls and minds that's a daily thing that's part of our daily walk

and if someone comes along and tries to knock us off

the path if we see wolves or hear wolves howling in the distance as we're following our shepherd

we look to him because he's got a rod and a staff that's where our comfort comes from from

thy rod and staff they comfort me because i know that i've got defensive armor on and you're going

to take him down with your word so i think the bottom line is spend as much time as in the

word as you can right and love the people around you because if you're well grounded in the word


what comes in the news each day will not throw you off balance no very long i guess that's why

i don't feel like i've ever been harmed by the media you know you guys get to say what you want

to but the bottom line is our king is coming back now uh looking at some some practical things how

we share information clearly we would share information through the app here thank you for

using it we also have telegram channels which um yeah we didn't talk about that the ceo of

telegram pavel durov around the world and we're going to talk about that in a little bit but i'm

interested in paris has been because he didn't play ball he didn't play ball and uh elon musk's

x has been banned by the country of brazil because he wouldn't play ball there either no and he said

fine i'll take my toys and walk away yeah but uh we we do post information to telegram i i thought

it was encrypted even on the groups used to be yeah it uh private messages on telegram are

encrypted but the channels that we set up are not encrypted that's fine with me it's just another

avenue to share information yeah you can also follow us on x formerly twitter we've got a lot of

information there and there's a pretty pretty open forum elon musk has been really big on free

speech yeah so follow us on telegram we've got a gilbert house fellowship channel or gilbert house

ministries channel there uh sharon's room and then i've got derrick gilbert's view from the

bunker there yeah we'll put links to those yeah well there are links it uh at gilbert house.org

yeah and i'll put them in the show notes as well okay um yeah i've been putting putting them in

the follow us section but i think i need to do that in a little bit more time so i'll see you

links to all of our channels so i will i will do that in the notes below this program whether

where wherever you are consuming youtube or our app or wherever and by the way here's an

announcement that you may not have seen on facebook but amazon has released our new book

early yeah yeah the gates of hell is available now in paperback yeah it wasn't going to be until

october 15th i'm not sure if uh if defender decided that they were going to do it early

but the fact is you

can get it and it's already trending in the top 10 and in one category it's number one number one

new release yeah it's also available on audible if you want an audiobook version that's also dropped

so you can get the print and audible kindle isn't available until october 15th so that's kind of

what made me think maybe they were all going to be but i don't know but the fact is they're there

they're there there will be programs about the book coming later this year from skywatch tv we

don't know when yet i think it's part of the fourth quarter push so there will be an offer there

um fourth quarter from defender so if you want to hold off and wait for that that's fine if you want

to get the get the book at amazon and push it up in the in the rating so people have never heard of

us get uh you get exposed as a recommendation that's that would be great so it's called the

gates of hell it's written by derrick and myself so you can just type in gates of hell gilbert and

you'll find it and we got some new information in there about the uh the gates of hell and about

that valley between mount hermon and the sea of galilea and the sea of galilea and the sea of

galilea which is the valley of the shadow of death yeah so thank you for that um also we've got

t-shirts and mugs we're also working on pid radio oh i know try to get pid radio shirts and hats

yes yes need a new pid radio cap well i wear my old one all the time when i go outside so you can

find that at the front page of our store at gilberthouse.org store as well as links to

simply clean foods and boy they're vacuum-packed coffee

good good stuff good and also the armored sheep podcast will be coming soon i've just about set

up the lighting the way i like it and then i went and messed it up again yeah you did but that's

okay i fixed it again um are you you it was a combo because i replaced i anyway it's it's set

yeah you had moved my uh camera you had a camera no i you you have the front facing light turned

dim dimmer than i oh very dim i haven't turned almost all the way down i'll show you

i have i said it but anyway it doesn't matter i'm going to be doing that podcast very soon

and also want to remind you there are some places we're going to be appearing there'll be

a conference up in north dakota very quickly yes that's why derrick is gone next week you can find

all of the places we're going to be virtually or in person at our website website gilberthouse.org

also go to the calendar section and look at upcoming events on our app yeah in north dakota

next week with doug hamp the inspiring women

webinar sharing part of that the first weekend in october first weekend in november first week

in november november 6th through 13th our solidarity mission to israel obviously what

is happening there now may change those dates but we are going to go back to israel yes regardless

so uh latest information on that always at gilberthouse.org travel and first weekend in

december the 5th through the 8th the christmas and branson prophecy conference from prophecy

watchers will be there for that oh excellent

so tomorrow yeah yes get the app uh and tomorrow morning we'll be back into the bible study back

in the proverbs and tomorrow evening i i decided for this week's view from the bunker to take the

the video from the presentation i gave about our israel mission oh in the spring good because the

production values of the team at harvest revival center showing the video clips and um really the

images you you'll get a better look at that i know i did a prior prologue i did a prior prologue to the

program that was recorded for Hear the Watchmen, where I talked about what we did.

But the presentation, because of the way they were able to switch and show you the slides

and show you the images and the video that I was showing on the screen to the people

at the church, makes it a little easier to see what I was talking about than in the program

that I did previously.

Yeah, it's really, really well done.

I don't know if you can still sign up.

If you want to watch all of the GoThereForConference presentations, you might still be able to

sign up.

Go to GoThereForConference.com.

And I think Mike had extended that sign up.


And very much worth doing to get the access.

I don't know.

Carl's presentation was incredible.

By the way, Carl Gallups is going to be our very first guest on the all new and improved

Bible's Greatest Mysteries, which is returning.

That is coming back very soon.

So yes, Carl was here and we recorded a couple of programs with him.


About his presentation in Ohio, yeah.

And he was on Unraveling Revelation.


That'll be coming up.

First one of those two will be on Monday.

I did three.

We did two.

Oh, okay.


Two, and then we had to go to lunch.

Is that lunch?

Yeah, I want lunch.

I mean, come on, Carl.

Can't you go without lunch?

So anyway, keep up with us at websitegilberthouse.org or just get the app.

And until next time, I'm Derek Gilbert.

I'm Sharon Gilbert.

And for Grace and Glory who are inside, we love you.

Bye-bye, everybody.

PID Radio is produced by the U.S. Department of Education.

Produced by Gilbert House and released under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial

No Derivatives 4.0 International License.

Follow us online, Twitter, at PID Radio or the PID Radio page at Facebook.

Join us each week for our online Bible study, the Gilbert House Fellowship, online at gilberthouse.org.

We'll see you next week.

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