Canmore Radio

Justin Azevedo

Justin's podcast

Canmore Radio

Justin's podcast

Hey there, I'm Justin Azevedo, and this is the newest podcast on iTunes, and actually

the only podcast on iTunes about Canberra, Alberta, maybe it's in Canberra, I don't

know, but in case you don't know where it is, it's in Canada, Canada is north of the

United States, which is north of Mexico, so yeah, my podcast is pretty much talking about

random crap, homework, hockey, whatever, in case you people don't know, hockey's pretty

much Canada's passion, that's pretty much who I think we're really good at, other than

the cross, that's my baby sister.

Right there, pretty loud scream, but yeah, so I love hockey with all my heart, that's

my, it's probably what I live, that's probably the only reason I'm living, well, it's actually

not true, I got a lot of things to live for, but hockey's a really, really big passion

of mine, it's not as only a hobby, it's something I'm good at, and I'm playing on the Bantam

A team, for the Canberra Icecats, yeah, no, you're laughing right now, the Icecats, ha

ha ha ha ha, but yeah, so, anyways, I'm a good hockey fan, I'm a good hockey fan, I'm

a defenseman, and last year I played A for the Bantam A team too, but I end up breaking

my leg, pretty bad fracture between, well, it's actually a separation between my tibia

and fibula, and the lower part, just right above the ankle, just right above the grip

point, they said that I might have to do surgery, but it's not, it wasn't that bad, but now

I have a little bit of calcium buildup, or maybe it's still a little bit, I'm not exactly


Because it didn't really heal as proper as they would have liked it to, but, yeah, I

think it's a little bit of calcium buildup on the front of my leg.

So, uh, yeah, I go to grade 10 here, at our latest non-Catholic academy, probably the

class for D in our school division, it's okay, I guess, it could be better, we could have

a, maybe we could have a couple more choices of options, but, uh, we don't, so, there's

not much choice of options, we've got pretty much French, band, art, and, uh, I don't know,

French, band, art, and wildlife, but, because I talked to my vice-counselor, vice-principal

dude, yeah, I'm actually in legal studies, it's a pretty good course, uh, I really like

the law, I want to become a lawyer when I grow up, not only because I like the criminal

law stuff, and finding out about that, but also because I'm a really good, uh, arguer,

uh, if you tell me, like, a topic I know, not even, I know, like, maybe a couple sentences

about, I'll argue it to, like, the dry bone.

I will, I'll go as long as I possibly can, but that's not the main reason my school's,

uh, not very good, the main reason my school's not very good is because of my vice-principal,

and because of the amount of homework we get, homework, homework, homework, I know we're

in grade 10, now everybody said, oh, grade 10, you're supposed to get this much homework,

you're supposed to get half an hour of homework every grade, but, I think that's actually

crap, because we get so much homework in, like, every, almost every subject, except

for science, it's not even funny.

Like, there's so much homework that we don't have time to do pretty much any extracurricular


We could, like, with me, I play hockey, right?

I'm still a pretty good student.

I got 92 in, uh, science and 85 in English.

The only reason I did that is because I missed about half my practices by, like, committing

my time to my homework.

It's actually kind of hard.

Over here, uh, that entire time that I've been talking, my little sister's been doing

the jolly job.

Her name's Lily.

She's very, very cute.

If, uh, she'll probably be the background or the picture describing my podcast.

I, uh, also have one mom, one dad, like most people do.

I have a dog named Cooper and a brother named Curtis.

He plays goalie on my team.

My dad's also my coach.

Uh, my family, we live in a house in Eagle Terrace, which is in the northern part of


Canmore is about 15,000 people, 11,000 people, full-time residents.

About 5,000 people.

Uh, that are part-time residents, excuse me.

We are really close to Banff.

Most of you probably know where Banff is.

Banff's a really big resort town.

Ryan Smith grew up there.

We're about 15 minutes away from the national park.

It's pretty sweet there.

And, uh, yeah.

So, that's pretty much all I gotta say.

Unless you have something else to say.

In which case, you can email me at

That's S-E-A-M-O-N-K-E-Y.



As in 9-0.


But, yeah.

So, if you've got anything to say, any music, anything, anything at all, you can email me

and I'll be glad to put it on the show.

Thanks for taking the time to listen in and hope you have a good one.

See ya.

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