PUNKY! - 03-09-2024

Paul B. Edwards and Tony Hearn

Punky! Radio

PUNKY! - 03-09-2024

Punky! Radio

And now, live from the heart of Sherwood Forest, here's a couple of right old bandits.

It's Punky.

This is Punky.

Gooper, Gooper.


Well done, you found Punky Radio. My name's Paulie Edwards.

My name's Tony Hearn.

And this is Rats, Rats, Rats.


And I probably won't be back.

And I'm sorry, Adrian, but I do not love you!

I'm sorry, Adrian!

I'm making a list of popular things.

And number 56 is making a list of popular things.

It's number 56.

Life is not like a box of anything.

I don't want to have what she's having.

There's no father beans in her mouth, Chianti.

I really do not need to be shown the money.

He made me an offer, but I refused it.

No, I'm not an excellent driver.

I will not say hello to your little friend.

If you build it, nothing will happen.

I don't think I can just keep swimming.

Where are we going?

We're definitely going to need roads!

Where are we going?

We're definitely going to need roads!

I'm making a list of popular things.

And number 56 is making a list of popular things.

It's number 56.

Here's Paul.

You're listening to Guanabass underneath us right now.

Thanks for doing such a great job on the bed this week, Tony.

That's okay.

That was Rats, Rats, Rats.

They are a gospel.


Not Gospork.

Gosport Punk Duo.

You don't want to go to Gospork, mate.

You try it by Portsmouth, it's full of pigs.

Gosport Punk Duo.

And I'm very, very pleased to receive that brilliant song to start the show.

Which is kind of, it's a bit of a jokey number, really, in that all of the lines in it are lines.

Well, no lines from films, but nevertheless, absolutely brilliant.

And I thought a great way to start the show.

You can find out more about Rats, Rats, Rats by going to...

I can't stop shouting.

They write it like that.

I'm going to shout it like that.

By going to their Facebook page, which is...

Facebook.com forward slash Rats, Rats, Rats.


Facebook.com forward slash P forward slash Rats hyphen Rats hyphen Rats hyphen 1-0-0-0-8-5-2-8-7-4-8-1-1-8-7.

Why is that, Tony?

I don't know.

But anyway, I know the internet sometimes struggles to get to Gospork.

So maybe that's why.

Well done anyway, Rats.

Rats, Rats, Rats.

What a great song.

Find out a lot more about them.

They got a lot more stuff going on.

And I think we might have played them before.


I can't remember when.

I'm not about to do research.

It's not going to work.

So fuck that.

I do, however, have a joke for you.


If you have a joke or poem for me, please do interview.

Oh, right.

So it's probably going to be the internet one, Tony Neal, by the way.


If you have a joke or poem for me,

please do interview me.

Please do email PaulieBee at PunkyRadio.com.

Titling your email, Comedy Suburbs if it's a joke,

and Poetry Corner if it's a poem.

In recent weeks, we've made efforts to expand our joke universe.

So much so, we even got emails from people who are traditionally in other sections of the show.


And this week, back to normal.

Absolutely fuck all except Jeff.

Thank the Lord for Jeff.

Let's hear his thing.

Extremely proud of that.


It might not be my finest work, but it's up there.

It's one of the best.

It is, yeah.

Jeff says,

When I was performing last weekend, we had a Polish sound man and a Czech one too.

Jeff, P.S.

My girlfriend calls me love machine,

but only because I'm bad at tennis.

Jeff, you could have done a lot better with that joke.


You could have done extra things with it, but nevertheless,

valid, but the Czech one too wins it for this week.

What do you reckon?

Like it?


That's because it's a band joke and you're going bands.

I understand that reference.

You do understand that reference.

And you said that with real excitement.

I understand that reference.

Anyway, let's hear his thing again.

The noise for Jeff.

So proud of that.


I should reason there.

So proud of that.

Damn it.

Because the next two tracks are coming from Dammit Records.

You know how it works, don't you?

Can you just explain it now?

We'll get this out of the way early.

You pay a subscription fee, which is either monthly or weekly.

I think it's monthly and you receive music every month.

It works out about 50 beer songs, doesn't it?

I think you get, I think there's 10 or eight or something.

And what is that?

What's Dammit's thing?

It's dammitrecords.bandcamp.com.

And it's D-A-M-M-I-T.


It is.

I'll say all that now because we're playing two tracks in a row,

staging for the Monokids.

But first, a band I don't believe I've ever heard of before with one of the

greatest band names I've seen recently.

We've heard from Rass, Rass, Rass.

Now it's time for Polar Bears in Purgatory.

Absolutely brilliant.

They are Scottish melodic punk.

Of course they are, Tony.

Come via Dammit.

What is Polar Bears in Purgatory's bandcamp?


Polar Bears in Purgatory.bandcamp.com.

Boringly, yes.

Polar Bears in Purgatory.bandcamp.com.

Tony Wong, Polar Bears in Purgatory.bandcamp.com.

Stay tuned for the Monokids.

This is Burning Bridges.

One million chances to be sat.

From waiting up standing benches, no way to be burned.

One million chances to be a decent guy.

Maybe that's beyond you.

I might be burning bridges

But I don't want to go where the bridges go

Perhaps we've got different priorities

Perhaps this comes from my unperceived inferiorities

Or maybe you and I should be the best of us

Maybe that's beyond you

I might be burning bridges

But I don't want to go where the bridges go

I might be burning bridges

But I don't want to go where the bridges go

I might be burning bridges

But I don't want to go where the bridges go

guitar solo

I don't wanna go


You're listening to The Roots Underneath

us right now. Thanks for doing such a great job

on the beds this week, Tony. That's okay.

That was The Mono Kids, and the track called

I Don't Care. They are two-headed

garish punk from the low

countries. I say that, not actually two-headed.

They were two-piece,

but I made myself laugh when I wrote it.

They are two-piece,

but I put two-headed garish punk, man.

That's what I want to see. I want to see more

two-headed garish punks. Anyway,

and I put from the low countries,

because I'm not entirely sure specifically

which bit of Holland

they're from.

But it might get

a little bit Belgian.

I don't think so. I think they are Dutch, but

I'm not absolutely sure. There's only two of them. Well, there's two-headed.

They're from

outer space, aren't they, really?

What is The Mono Kids

Bandcamp page?


It is. T-H-E-M-O-N-O-K-I-D-S


making it Tony 2, probably

being the same one. And that concludes

our latest edition of


Caused Podcast on our own.

Well done, us.

Have you got any Facebook comments for us?

No. Oh, well, that means

it's not time for anything. No.

So shall we just have a

pregnant pause and reflection?

That's a yes, isn't it?

That certainly is a yes. I was expecting you

to go for that. That was brilliant. I really

enjoyed that. I love a pregnant pause.

You really do, don't you? But as you found out

when we were on Pantsfield 1-0-Cog,

more than a second or two, and it becomes

very uncomfortable.

Well, when podcasting

is better than live radio. It is, yeah.

Get away with it. It is so much better.

Oh, it is.

Yeah, if you're on Facebook. Yeah, as much as anything

else, because you can edit it out, cunt.

Yeah, that's true. Yeah.

Or you can try and do it live

if Sting's singing, and I don't know.


Did we do that right? Who knows?

I did. I did nail that, in fact.

I did nail it. Yeah.

I did nail it, in fact.

What was that? Do you remember that song?

I know it was early police, but what was it?

Well, there's a very early one

called Dead End Job,

which is a real fast

punk number that he says

that he drops the C-bomb in.

But there's also Rehumanise

Yourself on Ghost

in the Machine,

where he sings, cunt,

a couple of times.

It was definitely the punky one then, wasn't it?

I do remember it being really fast.

Yeah, I do.

I do also know that it was

a bare-knuckle

local commercial

radio ride.

But we got

away with it. We did.

But yeah, so Facebook, if you're on it,

leave us a comment. Can't be bothered, but

it's been coming for a while. We've been scraping

through the comments. So let us know.

Or get in touch another way.

Email us. Whatever you want.

Just get in touch.

Yeah, I don't think it'll happen.

No, I don't.

I think most people listen to this when they're walking the dog,

they're in transit, or they're not

at liberty to send anything at all, and that's why

they don't. I don't think many people sit

at a laptop while they're listening

thinking, you know, I know what I'll do.

Waiting for the next song.

I'll send them messages.

It's not

something you really think you're doing, is it? And then afterwards

it's gone. You're onto something else.

Some people can have long-term relationships on the basis of a Facebook

message. It can happen. You know, you've thought,

come on, send us a message.

I don't want to.

Who are these people, Tony? I don't know, the weirdos.

Well, you're not really

encouraging them there, are you?

Dear weirdos,

please get in touch with us

with your weird spindly

writing and your nonsense.

Yeah. Get that phone. Everyone's got a phone

in their pocket. I wonder how many people listen

to podcasts. Who's got it on their phone?

Surely. They're walking the dog.

It's probably won't

happen, but if it does, we're grateful.

There you go.


Most of the bands this week have got absolutely brilliant

names, right? They've got fantastic names.

Rats, Rats, Rats, Polar Bears in

Purgatory, The Monokids, and now

Liz Borden. Although she

was formerly known as Lizzie Borden

and The Axes, she's now on her own.

Liz Borden. Now,

I forgot to put that away. Oh, I put

down Coast to Coast

Indie Rock because

she started off in Boston,

New York. I think her second ever gig

was at CBGB's with the band.

But then she settled on the West

Coast. I think she's in LA now.

What is Liz

Borden's website?



It's really, after everything

else we've got this week, all the weird stuff,

I think it's great. Easily

findable, Tony.

Locatable. Liz Borden, L-I-Z

and that's a Z. Even though

I heard a kid at the football yesterday say

Z. Oh, I nearly punched


His dad was massive, so I did it, but

I was appalled. We'll maybe

talk about that in a bit. Liz Borden, L-I-Z

B-O-R-D-E-N dot

com. Tony, three points

on the internet, one. This is a shake.

You're the fire

You're someone to


Come on and move your feet

Dance close

and feel the beat

Summer's hot and

so are you

Let me watch

you move

Come on, let's dance

Come on

and shake your pants

Ooh, shake

Shake! Come on

Come on, shake

Shake! Ooh

Shake, shake

Come on, come on


Ooh, tune

your left hand

Move to your right

and then

cool down like

a beautiful

summer night

City's hot and so

are we

Move around and be happy

Come on

and let's dance

Come on and shake

your pants

Ooh, shake

Shake! Come on,

come on and shake


Shake! Shake!

Shake! Come on, come on



One, two, three, four

Dance around a little more

Five, six, seven, eight

Dance around, I just can't wait

Take my hand and dance around

Come on, just slow it down

Move your arms and move your hips

Soft kiss on your lips

Ooh, shake, shake

Come on, come on, shake, shake

Ooh, shake, shake

Come on, come on, shake, shake

You're listening to Rich Morton Sound

on the

That was Liz Borden and Shake, a new release

out now, check her out, lizborden.com

Did you do anything last week?

There's the usual work

Nothing going on music-wise

But on Friday, I ventured to Lincolnshire


And yeah, it's further than I thought

It's a big old place, Lincolnshire

Really is

It doesn't look like

And because it's flat

And the roads are straight

You think you'll get anywhere quickly

But you just don't

You really don't

I don't really understand why not

You seem to disappear into fog

And come out 15 minutes later

200 yards down the road

It's nuts

But yeah, so two houses

One in, I don't know

Lissington, Glentham

These places are real

They really exist

Yeah, yeah, I know

It's mythical

Yeah, but it's like

The only people

It's like people exist there

People travel through

And it's normally not discussed

And there's that brilliant film

I say brilliant film

There's a film I've never seen

That I haven't mentioned before

That was Patrick Stewart's

First film after Star Trek


And it's about a

It's about a Lincolnshire


And I think he's a sheep wrangler

Or something

And he does line dancing

And he's completely the opposite character

But I've never seen it

What is it?

It's called Papa something or whatever

But I've never seen it

And I'd really like to

But it's never been streamed or anything

It was just a small budget thing

That he wanted to make after Star Trek



You don't see many films about Lincolnshire


It's mythical

It is mythical

And the way you say it

Just makes it

It's so evocative, Tony

It gives you that air of wonder, doesn't it?

That air of mystery

People are coming from all around the world

To visit the

Look at the thing

They'll be thinking

Lord of the Rings

The Shire


I think you should say


With no music behind you at all

Just so people can hear it

Exactly as it should be

After three

One, two, three



So that was Friday

That was Friday

Weekend working

I've been

I've been clearing

I've been clearing my back garden

Not a euphemism

I've been

Getting ready to

Yes it is, Tony

It is and it isn't

I can multitask

Doing the house up still

We're trying to get it done

At the end of the week

But the garden's in a state

And so is my arsehole

Don't do it

No, but it's

Yeah, so doing that

Is a usual story

It's a usual story of work



And mythical places around the UK

Probably in the flat parts

But that line is the only bit

People are going to remember

From this show, Tony

And so is my arsehole

How was your week?


I spent most of the week


All the seasons of Chuck

Right, right

And I did

And then I thought

You know, I liked it

Except I watched it from season three

Because I'd watched the first two before

And then I thought

Oh, you know what?

I enjoyed it so much

I go back to the start

I started watching the first one

That was brilliant

I absolutely love it

And then

On Saturday

I went to see

Nottingham Thigh to be wolves

And it was an alright match

It wasn't a great match

It was a great match

It was alright

It did finish 1-1

I had a good time there

But as discussed

There was a kid there

Who was sat near me

And I heard him say

And I'm

I sit in

Right, it's

Seat 58

In row ZE

And this kid

And his dad

Came and stood

Right next to me

And the kid said

It's this row

And his dad said

No, it's not

It's the row behind us

And the kid said

No, no, it's Z


After the game

I hot-footed him

To Bunkers Hill

Because I was going to

Rock in the Boneyard 4

And I'd been to

I'd been to 2 and 3

I didn't get the first

But 2 and 3

That were at Rough Trade

Didn't really like it

At Rough Trade

Good bands

But I don't really like

Rough Trade

Anyway, it's moved to

Bunkers Hill

And as you know

Absolutely brilliant venue

For a gig like that

The bands are upstairs

The bar's downstairs

There's seating out front

It isn't interfered by

Wankers walking past

Because of where it is

Or anything like that


And I think

I saw some bands

I saw the Gruffs

Who I've seen before

Who I really like actually

I think they're really, really good

And the first band I saw

When I got there

Were the Wyndham Earls

They haven't spent

Spelled Wyndham

Like in Twin Peaks

Wyndham Earls

More than carries in Twin Peaks


I think it should be spelled


But they spell it


Because a lot of bands

Spell things wrong

Don't they Tony

And the Bunkers Babies


Good at music

Not as good at spelling

Absolutely brilliant

Garage Bunker band

I've got to say

They were

Absolutely terrific

I also


Who else did I see

I saw

Surfing Wombats

Who were established

In 1987

And had been on

On bill

Psychobilly stuff

Going back

As far as the club foot

And I've managed

Over the last


37 years

To completely avoid them

It's just

One of those things

We've never been

They've never been on the bill

When I was in the room

Sort of thing

Saw them the first time

Absolutely great

Loved them


And the last band

Were the Zip Heads


And the Zip Heads

As we know were great

I apologise to Ray

The lead singer of the band

For giving me bad advice

Ten years ago

When I said

Pick a genre Ray

Otherwise you'd be

All over the place

He very sensibly

Didn't listen to me

And they gave us

Yet another

Tremendous gig

The highlight of the gig

Was not the music though


Rocking the Boneyard


There was apparently

Some goth night on

I don't know when

It was going to start

Because I didn't leave

Until about midnight

And there weren't many goths there

But a couple of goths

Had ventured upstairs

Including this goth lady

Who had decided

That the music was great

And she'd have a dance

Only problem is

There's some old fuckers there

Wanting to have a wreck


So these old boys

Down there

Having a bit of a wreck

Down the front

And they accidentally

Barged into her

She was

She was onto the band


She looked around at them

And stared

So completely


That they literally

Withered away

They just vanished

They just moved away

Stopped dancing

Moved to the back of the room

And she

Just carried on

Keep on keeping on

And I thought

Fair play to you

Goth bird


She looked around at them

So it was such a

I was standing nearer

So I saw the stare

It was amazing

It was really impressive

And these

These big old fellas

Just fucked off

It was incredible


After that

I decided

I'd walk to the bus

Got to the bus

Missed the bus

Waited for ages

There wasn't one coming

So I walked

Up Mansfield Road

And then I walked

Along Forest Road


Which as you know

Is one of the

Prostitute roads

In town

And I'm a single man

A bit drunk

Walking along

Late at night

Only saw one Tom

She was having a row


I imagine

Her pimp



I didn't stop

And ask them for directions

Or anything

I just kept walking

Got up to the tram stop

Just as the tram went by

Missed that

Walked down the forest tram stop

Missed that tram

Ended up walking

All the way home

Left the venue

At about twelve

It's about a forty five minute walk

Got in just for two


What a night

And that was my last week

So now for something

Completely different

I'd been threatened

To play Zodiac Mindwalk

And the love reactions

High pieces of love

For quite some time

I believe we did play it

Once before

A few years ago

There was a reason

For me to play it again

They never got

Around to it

But then I

Couldn't find a decent version

I've only got it on record

I've only got it on vinyl

So there was no way

To get it to you


I eventually

Found the official video

I didn't even know

There was an official video

But the official video

Is five minutes long

The song's not five minutes long

There's about a minute

And a half chat

On the start

But it's so good

Because it's Zodiac Mindwalk

Being a high piece of love

And it's fantastic

So we're going to play

The whole lot




As far as I know

Zodiac Mindwalk

And the love reaction

Are not disbanded

They're just not gigging

At the moment


I've actually written

Something down about them

That I found

Where's this here?

I've got to read it

Oh no

I've shut the

I've shut the thing

It's alright

I'm going to gas about

While I find the thing

Because I want to find the thing


Because this thing

Is worth finding

And the thing that I closed

I didn't need to close

And now I need to open it again

I know where it is

I'm getting there

And it should be


And it is

So the least thing

In Zodiac Mindwalk

Is real name

Is Mark Manning


And there's this little line

I found about him

That says

Mark Manning

Is the celebrated


Of the Bad Wisdom Trilogy

With his friend

Bill Drummond

And has had several

Other titles published

Including the infamous novella

Get Your Cock Out

Absolutely terrific

I love this band

I can't

I got this song

This song originally

I got a demo version

That was out on

I think Melody Maker

When they used to have

EPs on the front

In about 80 something

Love this song

We're going to play it now

What is Zodiac Mindwalk

And the love reaction

And I must say

I put and A and D

When actually they use

The whatever it's called


You love saying that

Don't you


Zodiac Mindwalk


A love reaction

What is their Facebook page



Forward slash

Zodiac Mindwalk


Forward slash

Zodiac Mindwalk


To Tony 3

And this is


Priest of Love


Good evening America

This is the Reverend Mindwalk

From the Electric Temple

Of the Church of the Love Reaction

And I'm here

With an important message

For you all

I'm talking about

The Holy Ghost

I'm talking about

The Holy Spirit

I'm talking about

The power of Jesus

Praise the Lord

I want to talk to you

About sin

It is the power of Satan

He's out to tempt you

With fornication


Drugs and alcohol

And I can save you

I can save your soul

For the amazing price

Of just fifty dollars a week

Now I wouldn't

I wouldn't lie to you

And I know that you

I know that you

I know

I know that you

I know that some of you

Need proof

Because you doubt my word

Gimpo come here son

Now this boy here

Look at this boy

This is a healthy Christian boy

But he used to be

In his old bad days

When the demon that had hold

And the demon sin

He was a compulsive onanist

Now you know what that is

He would spill his seed everywhere

Spill it in his house

In his bathroom

In his mother's house

In your house

He would be jagging away

Why would he be doing it

Every day and every night

He would be there bashing away

And mauling and self abusing himself

You give him the fifty dollars

You know he can't even get a heart on now

Thank you Gimpo

Praise the lord my son

Go on good Christian boy

The high priest of love will save you

Because he is rich

I ain't giving a damn

Maybe they'll take him out

I got the keys

To make you shout

Well you talk too much

But in real

Just take a trip

Behind my seat well

Come on baby

I gotta confection

You've Linux up and down

My obsessions

Come on honey

Worship me

I've got a fly

And I've gotta life

Come on brother

And I'm high, please don't love her Yeah, baby, I'm high, please don't love her

Yes, I am

Well, if love's what you want, baby, I don't stop

Look up and tell me I got more than enough

That I'm this excellent Jesus Christ

Well, what's concerned, I'm an anarchist

Come on, honey, worship me

I'm the god of fertility

You're the virgin, honey, you ain't Madonna

So surrender, let me take you from the sun

And I'm high, please don't love her

Baby, I'm high


Please don't love her


I'll tell you something, baby

You don't believe in gods, huh?

Well, let me tell you something, sister

You ain't gonna get it, girl

I'm high

Please don't love her

You ain't gonna get it, girl

Cause I'm a, I'm a free-stopper

Give me the upper hand


Yeah, you know I am a

Look into my eyes

Cause I'm a, I'm a


Yeah, I'm a



You're listening to Gnarly Wave underneath us right now.

Thanks for doing such a great job with beds this week, Tony.

That's okay.

That was Zodiac Mind Warp and the Love Reaction

and the classic High Priest of Love

from their first album.

Which is a Motorhead-y sounding album

but their second album

which I also have

which I think is called

Tattooed Beat Messiah

is much, much more American rock

it's more polished

and it's the one that Prime Movie came from.

There you go.

Also, my apologies for the previous 10-minute link.

Let's see if we can do this one a bit quicker.

Have you got a gig for us?

I do.

That means it must be time for

Tony's International Gig Guide

The Inconscientious

Yes, thanks for your gigs.

If you have a gig for me, don't forget

you can email me

tony at punkyrager.com

I want to know who's playing

where are they playing

how much is it to watch them play

Business National

does not have to be in the UK.

You haven't done

so I have found an inappropriate gig

in the desired timeline.

I thought you said then

I found an inappropriate gig.


I thought terrific.

Maybe that's my one for the future.


So this Saturday

which is Saturday, isn't it?

It is Saturday.

It's the Brum Punk's Picnic

in Birmingham, of course.

Oh, right.

Which Luke's band, The Nurks,

were involved in that, weren't they?

One point?

Yeah, probably.

I've definitely heard it.

That would make sense, though, wouldn't it?

So yeah, so there's the Castle and Falcon.

It's 20 quid

but it's got CJ Wildheart headlining

but you've got Spunkfuck

Cain and Eruptions,

Liability, Sucker Punch,

Heads and Horrors are playing.

Looks to be at least 10 bands.



That's one hell of a picnic.

It is.

I wonder...

I don't know if you can bring your own, like, blanket.

I don't know.

Safety pin sandwiches.


Well, fuck it.

But yeah.

So yeah, isn't it?

Tartan flask with a couple of Bondi straps on it.


It's early as well.

2pm start.


Of course it is.

It's a picnic.

So, yeah.

If you are in Birmingham,

it's on Saturday, 2pm.

It's going to be an all-day.

I think it finishes about midnight.

10 bands, 20 quid.

£2 a band.

It's perfect.

It's a great thing.

I like the Birmingham Punks picnic.


Maybe next year.

Yeah, but that's the gig.

So that concludes

Tony's International Gig Guide.

It's not in Lincolnshire,

but it should be.

It should be, isn't it?


Right, then.


how about some punk rock

from Liège, Belgium?


Sound good to you?


It comes in the shape,

I should say melodic punk, really,

but it comes in the shape

of a band called Fervents.


Any time I hear the word Fervents,

I think of Fovents.


And they're placed in, I think, Wiltshire,

where they have Fervent badges.

But that's another story

for another day.

This is Fervents, Tony.

What is Fervents Bandcamp page?


Simple as that.



Tony Thor pulling the internet to let go.


Tony Thor pulling the internet to let go.


Tony Thor pulling the internet to let go.


Tony Thor pulling the internet to let go.


Tony Thor pulling the internet to let go.


Tony Thor pulling the internet to let go.


Tony Thor pulling the internet to let go.


Tony Thor pulling the internet to let go.

Let go, let go, let it go while you can

And I've never noticed it was over

And all the doors were shut

It all died in the fire

Enough is never enough

Love letters on paper planes

Paper planes turning to dust

Forever grounded in the rain

At the airport in my jacket

And I was busy giving up

Busy leaving you

I was busy giving up

Busy leaving you

Let go, let go

Let it go while you can

Let go, let go

Let it go while you can

Let go, let go

Let it go while you can

Let go, let go

You're listening to 50 Foot Combo underneath us right now.

Thanks for being such a great guy on the bed this week, Tony.

That's okay.

That was Fervent's track called Let Go.

Find out more at ferventstopbandcamp.com.

Are you doing anything this week?

It will be the same thing.

It'll be house and work.

Got to get this house done.

Got to find somewhere to live.

So that's that.

And then weekend, nothing.

There was going to be a band practice, but that's been moved.

We haven't practiced in a while, so there's nothing going on.

So it's probably good.

So we can concentrate on getting the house polished.

What are you up to?

I'm sorting out a tour.

I'm doing some planning.

And I'm doing some of my own damage,

which we will now cover in reverse order.

That's quite smart.

So when I got back from the gig in the early hours of this morning,

I checked my messages and there was a text from NatWest Bank

saying that I had had some unusual transactions.

And there were two Facebook payments that had been declined

that I didn't recognize and a withdrawal of £100 cash.


Then I remembered I had earlier on in the day

withdrawn £100 cash, so I could cover that one, right?

And they give you the option then.

They send them through one text after the other

and you put Y or N as to whether you actually did it or not, right?

So I said Y, yes, to my £100 cash thing.

And the two Facebook ones, I put N, no.

And then about 20 minutes later, I thought, oh, fuck.

That's the fee for the ad for my tour at the end of the month.

And I'd completely forgotten about it

because basically, I paid for an ad.

Completely forgot about it.

They obviously tried to do it.

It didn't work.

They tried it again.

It didn't work.

And now I've declined it and made out that Facebook are trying to hack me.


So I'm going to spend the next few days.

They said they stopped the card, even though they obviously didn't need to.

So I'm going to get a new card sent to me.

But I don't use that account that much, so it's fine.

Anyway, so that I've sorted out.

I'm also starting to plan.

The mad trips I'm going to have next year.

This year, I've covered all of the Canary Islands.

I don't know whether I mentioned last week, did I, what I've got planned for next year?

I don't think so, no.

If I say it starts off on Tuesday, January the 28th with Up Helly Art in Shetland.


You have not mentioned that to me at all.

You'll know I'm in for some fun, but I will talk more as it becomes finalised.

But I am coming to a mad event near you in 2025, basically.

That's my plan.

And this Saturday, September 7th, I've already got about 15 people booked on my tour, finally.

So I'll be having people out on my tour and probably having a drink with some of them afterwards.

And that's it.

And now for the kind of musical juxtaposition that does not occur on any other music show, Tony.

Starting off with Berlin Rockers with a new album out called Horny Tears From Hell.

I talk, of course, about wax legs, female-fronted hard rock tone.


What is Wax Legs Bandcamp page?


It is waxlegs.bandcamp.com, W-A-X-L-E-G-S.bandcamp.com

Tony Five for the internet too.

Stay tuned for the sensational country blues wonders.

But first, Acid Maniac.

Acid Maniac.

Oh, the journey is gone

Let's make it

Oh, you wanna let us survive

But the sharpness is just a one fall

She'll talk to us for you

When the tears fall

She'll tell us

Let's make it

Oh, the journey is gone

Oh, let's make it


You wanna get to the rest

Just knock and knock

It's the fight for

When the tears fall

She'll talk to us for you

But the tear

She'll tell us

Let's make it

Oh, the journey is gone

Let's make it

Oh, the journey is gone


Where would we be without gravity?

Things would be in disarray.

Without the force of gravity,

everything would float away.


Where would we be without gravity?

Things would be in disarray.

Without the force of gravity,

everything would float away.


Everything would float away.


You're listening to BUNGSCRAPER.

a track by them a couple of years ago and this as you just heard is kind of whimsical

psychedelic smart lyrics country like nothing else i've heard he's brought an entire album out

to take the piss out of what was happening on mainstream radio in the late 60s in the

united states and it is absolutely brilliant i love it um all the way from jersey city which

which isn't country of course although hey once you get to noi joysy anything can happen

it's a joysy thing right what is or what yeah what is the sensational country blues wonders

bandcamp page tscbw.bandcamp.com it's the sensational country blues wonders.bandcamp.com

so i expected you to go for that there anyway don't make it short on it yeah no he's too smart

for that

he wants you to type out his fun um probably isn't that three tony five and we may play

another track from this album i have download he sent me a lovely email saying hi there

um you played something by me a couple of years ago on your really cool podcast

now normally when we get something like that it's by someone spamming us trying to get us

to play something but i do remember that he listened to it and he facebook posted about this

fantastic punk rock podcast he found himself on so i went oh yes man i do remember i had to listen

to that he was like i mean that's a really good answer i love that i love it and there it is

right have you got a twat i do sweet let's hear that thing

shiny elbows shadows indeed what you got thanks for your time nominations if you do have a title

for me don't forget to email me tony punkiradio.com i want the twat's name where they're from and

reason for the nomination or to actually thank you so much for joining us we'll see you soon

bye bye

Thanks, every time I wanted to.

Gate to action, please.

Thank you very much.

Steve's been in touch.

Heg-tollo Steve.

He says heg-tollo Tony.

An 18-month-old toddler was travelling with her grandparents

from Guiyang to Shanghai on Juniao Airlines on August 24th.

You loved saying all of that, didn't you?

I did.

And cried throughout the close to three-hour flight.

Oh, I'd have thrown you out the window.

Two passengers took the child into the bathroom to educate her.

I thought I was going to say to flush it.

Educate her about proper behaviour with her grandmother's consent,

according to CNN.

The woman went into the bathroom with the child and locked the door,

with one telling her,

we won't let you out unless you stop crying.

Whilst it seems to me like the woman had a good idea,

my nomination is for Issa Twat is for the grandmother from Guiyang, China,

who could not stop the baby from crying

and then let a couple of strangers take her to educate her.


I don't know.

I mean, look, obviously Grandma's a twat.

She's taking a baby on a plane.

There you go.

Fair enough.

I'm fine with this.

Oh, yeah, of course, yeah.

But then we're childless.

We are.

We're not joyless.


I am yet to see a single person

who genuinely has more joy brought into their life

with the addition of a child.


They make out, they have.

They pretend.

They say you don't understand.

They give it all that.

But you see that.

Deadness behind their eyes

as they change another nappy

to yet another school run.

Once again, have their own fun.

Utterly destroyed by the needs of a child.

And you just go, oh, why you fucking bother?

And we can see when that child leaves home,

the big pit of emptiness that engulfs their lives

that we've had to deal with 16 years ago.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You know, who's laughing now?

And their little skint.


Fuck off.

They got nothing.

When they say having a kid is the worst thing you can do to the planet,

they might as well just say

having a kid is the worst thing you can do for yourself.

Fuck the planet.


Yourself, your wallet, and the planet.


Yes, of course, I'm all for this.


So, the grandmother from Guiyang, China

who took her child on a plane

is a twat.


And any of you who are thinking of having children,

or have children,

yeah, I mean it.

I mean it.

Right, last track this week.

Here's a band I don't know how to say.

You can help out with this.

It's spelt texture freck.

I suspect they're texture freak,

as in texture frequency.

Do you think so?

I do, yeah.

Is it something, is it a modern phrase?

Not that I've heard of, no.

I'm not so daft then.

Hardcore punk from Minneapolis, Tony.

What a great way to end this musically curious show.

What I want to know is what is texture freck's bandcamp page?


It is t-e-x-t-u-r-e-f-r-e-q.


Tony, six Bully Beans next week.


A fabulous win.

I thought the UN, I'm lost.

I'll be back tomorrow.

See you guys tomorrow.


Don't let you break all my heart

Take me home and lock me up

Put me far in my heart

Tell me, what did you do to me?


How do I expulsion?


Don't expose me



How do I expulsion?


Don't expose me


How do I expulsion?


Don't expose me


That's about the size of it for this week.

That was Texture Freak.

I fought the UN and lost.

This show, Tony, I think,

has been a little bit like a 3D image of my naked body

in that it's rather curious at top and bottom

with a rather expanding and burgeoning midriff.


Maybe you could mention one or two.

There are a few ways people can listen to this show

that they haven't done before.

Yep, don't forget.

Visit our website, punkyradio.com.

Later shows on the front page.

Various things on there.

All the shows.

Check them out.

You can find us also on the Spotify.


If they ever move the headquarters of Spotify

to Lincolnshire,

it's going to be amazing.

It's going to take me ages to say it.


Yeah, we're in the podcast section.

Also Amazon, Amazon Music,

in their podcast bit.

And don't forget,

if you get yourself one of the Alexas,

why not pollute her with the Punky Radio skill?

Go to the skill store,

search Punky Radio.

That's what I want to do,

Alexa pollution.

Pollution by Poco.


I want to spoil her.

What a stench.

And yeah, so yeah, do that, do this.

Give her a tickle.

It's all good.


I might see one or two of you

on my tour this weekend, yeah?

Never know.

Other than that, say goodbye, Tony.

Goodbye, Tony.

Apougue, apougue.


Apougue, apougue.

Gee, that was good.

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