CAGcast #802: Tis Better to Have Launched and Lost than Never to Have Launched at All. Maybe.

CheapyD, Wombat, Shipwreck


CAGcast #802: Tis Better to Have Launched and Lost than Never to Have Launched at All. Maybe.


All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to CatCast, episode number 802.

I'm your host, GVD, here in Long Island, New York.

And as always, we're joined by a man who wishes that Russian spies would just give him some money.


They owe it to me.

What games would Russian spies want you to promote?

Is it Stalker? Isn't that the game?

Does that have Putin propaganda in it?

I think probably.

And what was that game, Atomic Heart? Isn't that also Russian propaganda?

Atomic Hearts or something, with the robots.

Yeah, with the robots.

I don't know, that was pretty good, though.

Was it? Was it, though?

Or, maybe I'm getting a little...

I'm not cutting you guys in.

Oh, I see. I understand now. Yes.

Comrade. You know what I'm saying, comrade?

Da. Da. Game's good.

Anyway, welcome to the show, everybody. Sorry to get so political this quick, Shipwreck.

That's all right.

I see Shipwreck's already turned off.

Yeah, yeah.

In Russia, Atomics heart you.

All right, just put on some Bruce Springsteen in the background.

Bruce Springsteen.

In your headphones.


What are you listening to right now?

I'm listening to the Manic Street Preachers, doing a cover of Been a Son.

Those are all made up words. What is that? Men at who? Men at work?

The Manic Street Preachers.

Manic Street Preachers, and what's the song?

It's the cover of Nirvana's song, Been a Son.

Oh. All right. Men at work? Is that what you said? I'm going to go with Men at Work.

Men at work, fine.

I'm going to go with Men at Work.

That's fine. They might play it sometime during the episode as well.

Nice. All right. What have you guys been up to? It's been a week, I think.

I know. I was off of work last week, but I didn't do much of anything.


We staycationed the kids. It was their week between camp and school. We're like, oh, we'll

do stuff with the kids all week. It'll be great. They made plans every day without us.

Of course. They don't want to hang out with you.

Yeah. Well, my daughter got work. She got a babysitting gig because it was the week between

camp and school, and she got a six-hour-a-day babysitting gig.


Three days. She made a couple of hundred bucks. She was like, yeah, no, I'm going to make

some cash.

So now you pay her rent?


You pay the rent right to her?


That's cool.

Charge her rent.

Right. That's smart. That's smart. I mean, look, it takes a village. She's not making

that money without your housing.


And your proximity to the other kid's house.

And my son's on that marathon bike kick thing. So he would meet up with this same little group

of friends, and they would ride like 27 miles a day. I don't understand that, but I'm glad

that they're-

So what they're doing is they ride like four miles to the park. They smoke a big doink

in the park, and they have this thing on the bike that makes the pedals go. So you think

that the app makes you think that, you know-

Well, we could see where he's going.

Well, what they do is they have this service now where they bring you the weed.

Like an RC car that's driving-

A drone. A drone.


It would blow all of them back into the backside of a U-Haul.

Mm-hmm. Exactly.

And then they just slowly drag the U-Haul.

I don't know. I don't think I could do it. I don't know.

What, ride 26 miles on a bicycle?

Yeah, ride 26 miles on a bike.


I think you could. Over the course of how long? A day?

He does. I mean, he'll do it. It's like six hours, because they-

I think you could do that.

They'll stop to get lunch, and then they hang out for a little bit. But it's still 26 miles

of bike riding in a day, which is a lot.

They stop to watch Foxy Boxing in Picksville.

Yeah, they stop at the strip club. Yeah, all those things. All those things that kids that

like to go marathon bike riding are definitely into.

It's a front. It's a front.

It's a front. They're delivering drugs.

There you go. No, because then you wouldn't ask me for money.

That would motivate you.

What's that? They still ask you for money?

You would stop asking me for money, and then I'd-


Then you would know.

Yeah. That's when I'll be suspicious.

Right. Smart.



That's cool. It hurts my balls when I ride a bike for any length of time.

I find it very uncomfortable.

He did join cross-country track, though, because he wants to be just like Uncle Shipwreck.


So that's his goal.

It's a fine sport.



Only for the hardiest of men and women.

I still remember the advice that Shipwreck told me. Every time I'm on the treadmill at Orange Theory, he says,

swing your hands through your pockets. It's the only thing that I know how to do.

I mean, that's the only advice I've ever been given, running on a treadmill.

So that's what I focus on. And breathing.

Yeah. It's good not to have too much going through your head at the same time.

Right. Breathing. Every three steps, I try to breathe in and then breathe out.


And swing the hands.


What do you do on the treadmill? What do you think, Wombat?

I think don't die. Don't die.

What do you do with your hands, though?

It depends. Sometimes I do the pump. I do the pump.

You're power walking, though, right?

I'm power walking. I'm at a good four miles per hour now. So it's considered the lowest of run, but it's also considered the top of walking.

So I don't know.

But wait, wait. You know whether you're walking or running.


I know that the machine doesn't know.

It's a brisk walk.

Yeah. It's a brisk walk.

You're walking, right?



If you're short.

I set the incline to between six and eight.

Right. That's a lot of incline.

Yeah. I do steep incline at low speed. So it's the arm movement. And sometimes if the incline gets a little too much, I do have to hold on so I don't fall down because incline.

Because it's steep.

Yeah. Because it's steep.

When do you think you're going to switch to running?

I don't know. It's not like I'm not getting results.

It's not about liking it. It's about torturing yourself.

Exactly. Exactly.

Doesn't the coach try to get you to hurt yourself?

My coach just wants me to use heavier weights more than anything else.

Okay. Yeah.

Basically, he asked me how much more weight I want to lose.

And I gave him the number. And he said, well, when you do that, then we're going to switch up the weights you use so you can start gaining some more muscle.

Oh, okay.

So we're not quite there yet. I haven't hit my goal weight yet. Although I did buy a pair of 36 waisted jeans and I felt like the greatest guy in the world.


Yeah. A year ago at this time, I was a size 40. So, you know.

That's a lot more.

Yeah. That's four inches.

Four inches, right? Isn't it an inch?

Good math.

Each thing's an inch. Isn't that how that works?



So, there you go.


It's the first time you want a man to lose four inches.

Bull's collar.

I have big news from the courthouse of Nassau County.

I fought my stupid parking ticket that I got from the Passport Parking app.

So, fuck you, Passport Parking.

And your stupid app that when you buy it, you pay for your parking, you can still get a ticket anyway somehow.

But I wasted, like, over two hours of my life to fucking, so I didn't have to pay the ticket.

And there's no other way to do it.

That's some bullshit.

I feel like, I feel like I should sue somebody.

Who can I sue about that?

Passport Parking.

Small claims court?

Yeah. For the time.

But I have to prove that I—

All you have to do is you have to figure out how much money you would normally make in an hour.

Double that, obviously.

Zero dollars.

With zero times two.

That, I believe, is 56.

And then, yeah.

It's not fair that the onus is on me, the person who actually paid the fucking parking, to have to go now and spend two hours of my life.

And as soon as I got to the prosecutor window, you know, they call you up.

It's just like a bank record.

It's just like a bank, right, with tellers, except it's prosecutors across instead of bank tellers.

So they're like, David Abrams, prosecutor four.

And you go up there and like, what happened?

I paid my, I paid for the parking with a passport up and I got a ticket anyway.

She looks at it and I hand it out, the printout of the receipt and everything.

She looks at it.

She goes, I'll have you out of here soon.

And then, you know, that's, I've waited like 45 minutes already.

Have you out of here soon?

Wait for another 45 minutes.

And then, you know, drive home 25 minutes.

All that shit.

The prosecutor lost another case.

I mean, it's more like, oh, this again, like, let me sign this.

And then you're going to have to wait for this to be processed.

And then you can leave eventually.

It's just annoying.

And I don't like it.

And I wonder if any of our listeners have received a ticket when paying for an app, parking through an app and got a ticket anyway.

Or it's just the fine folks at Passport.

Passport managed to do this.

I want to see the leaderboards behind the desk there of all the prosecutor tellers.

In terms of what?

Like how many cases there went in here?

Like versus versus losing.

Like, I think that's got to be going on back there.

I don't know what's going on.

I feel like they decide at the window.

They're deciding whether or not there's going to be a case.


Like you can tell the person like, look, when you show them, obviously you have the receipt that you paid for.

But when you show them the parking, they're like, case this, they're going to dismiss the case.

But if they're like, no, you, this is bullshit or whatever.

You don't have a good reason.

We're going to have a case or, you know, then, then you have to actually go somewhere besides the bank teller.

You know, I don't think they do the case at the, at the teller window.

That's what I'm saying.

Anyway, the whole, not only that it was that annoying, the whole scene, the whole thing seemed very racist in that, like the racial makeup of the people in the paying, you know, there to like fight their tickets.

Was not the right thing.

Was not the racial makeup of the town.

So that seems like some, some extra bullshit added bullshit there.

So fuck you, everybody.

Uh, what else is going on?

What else do you guys have to anything else or anything?

I went to a green day concert.

You're at a green day.

I do know them.

That's a made real band on like, well, you know, men at work, I guess it's real.

Was it a holiday?


they, they played that.


So it was, it was green day with smashing pumpkins, rancid and the Linda Linda's.

Ah, this is me smiling politely.

Um, and so green day, like it's the 30th anniversary of Dookie and the 20th anniversary of American idiot, which I don't know which one makes you feel older.

And when you learn those things.

Oh, 30.

Those things make me feel very old.

I felt older when I knew like American idiot was like 20 years old.

So that's like their new stuff.



I mean, that's, that's, that's second wave green day.


And so they played both of those albums like front to back as part of the set, like a couple

other hits, like sure thrown in.

So they're, they're really good still.

No, but it's funny to watch the crowd because like.

You can tell like the age of everyone there and it's two different waves, right?

Like is they played through Dookie in its entirety and everybody like my age is like singing along to all the Dookie songs.

You're biting your lip.

You're closing your eyes.


Like the entire album, right?

Like front to back, like that was on just like repeat play there.

Um, and then it gets to the like American idiot stuff.

And I'm like, I don't remember.

I don't remember like most of these songs I've heard this album several times, but everybody

like the people next to us, which were like, I don't know, 10 years younger or so are like,

who weren't singing all the Dookie songs are now suddenly singing all these American idiot

songs that I do not know, but I know like the hits from that American idiot, like American



It's familiar with that one.

Um, but it was a good show.

It was at, uh, the red stadium.

And so there was a lot of people there.


Were people well behaved?

They were.


I mean, so does Green Day close or is it Green Day then Smashing Pumpkin?

Oh no, it's definitely Green Day.

The Green Day plays for like two hours and Smashing Pumpkin plays like for 45 minutes

or something.

Oh, okay.

So it's Smashing Pumpkins.

They, they just play the hits and they just play the hits.

And then a couple of the, like the newer songs that you're like, no, no Billy.

I did have to pee.

Thanks Billy.



Come on.

Come on Billy.

Like, yeah, like they played all the hits.

They did not play their cover of landslide.

That was like the only one I'm like, oh, okay.

That was their one radio song that they didn't play, but you got your care of rock and they,

you know, they have to pay Stevie Nicks whenever they play landslide in concert.

So they're probably like, screw that.


But I don't know, Billy, Billy Corgan, he, he seemed like he wanted, wanted to be there.

He dedicated a song to Joey Votto.

So he knew where he was at.

He was singing on the lyrics.

Didn't seem angry.

He has some funny Tik Toks.

I'll give him that.


I enjoyed it.

Hey, he's got a medical condition.

Yes, he does.

He also has some funny Tik Toks.


And then Rancid played like, like five songs.

He does.

He has a, he has like a rosacea or something like that.

So the skin condition.


The Rancid played like five or six songs cause their songs are only like two minutes

each and those are very clear.

Like they had their hits as well.


Like they're Ruby Soho.

Is that Rancid?

That's Rancid.

Ruby Soho.

Um, and, uh, time bomb.

No, that's real big fish, right?

So it's real big fish, real big fish.



Uh, they had time bomb, Ruby Soho, um, and one other one that I'm forgetting where they

could clearly like write like hit songs and I knew how to hit right hit songs, but then

the rest of their stuff is just like the music they like to play.

That's like not got real strong, like chorus or anything to it.

And I'm like, oh, I respect that.

They like, they, they made their living on like these three songs.

They sold a million copies or whatever of outcome, the wolves and that, that was them.

And they're still like goring to this day.

Why not?


They're still wolves.


Wombat, have you heard of bath house?

The new bath house in the flat iron district?

No, but I don't go into the city, so.

But you could, this could be an opportunity for you and your wife to have a nice experience.

Click on that link there and look at the pictures.

I'm afraid.

What do you mean?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

They opened this nice bath house in the, like the middle of the city.

That is like really modern inside.

It reminds me of like something you'd see in Asia.

Like we can pay like 50 bucks and you can hang out there all day and you know, they

have like the hot, the cold plunge, the hot, the hot pool, the super hot pool, the sea


You can get massages, shit like that.

Mrs. Chibi likes that stuff.

So she wanted to do it and I was kind of coming to the city for something, so we went there

and we're hanging out in the...

in the look did you look at the pictures i did see here's my problem with something like this go on

um so it seems like i would get have a nice relaxing afternoon if i were to do that

but i don't want to travel an hour on the long island railroad get relaxed and then have to

travel another hour on the long island railroad because then all the relaxation goes away no but

you the key is you don't do it during rush hour if it's like you have a day off or something you

can come in you know you can't take the train back at like two o'clock three o'clock in the

afternoon still it's very relaxing nobody's like sitting next to you all that shit anyway did you

see the pictures of it yes it looks very nice it looks very nice so i went there with mrs chibi

and we're sitting in like the uh the hot the hot pool and i say to mrs chibi we should you know

let's sit on this side of the tub of a pool because we can do some good people watching

be very interesting

to see the people coming it's like the middle of the day on like a friday or something

and like literally like 10 seconds after i say say that this woman walks in with like the most

insane body of young woman it looks like and then you look at all the pictures and they see like the

lighting in there how it's like it looks like you could film a movie in there like it's like

you know spotlighting dark this woman walks in and she's wearing like the teeniest bikini like

a long bikini right and literally it's right after i said we should go sit we should sit here so we

can we can people watch and i'm like oh my god this is so funny she the woman walks over to like

a bench to put her phone down or some shit as she's doing it she drops whatever she has in her

hand like you can't i don't know what you can't really quite see but she drops it underneath like

the fucking chair and so now she's completely bent over she's wearing like a long bikini and she's

like literally like floss the lighting it's like jessica alba in like a i don't know a jessica alba

movie blue something what was the surfing movie sure blue crush right blue crush right i'm like

this is all happening like just in the place is pretty empty and i'm like thinking like this is

fucking crazy that this is happening right now and i'm like looking at mrs chibi she's looking

back at me and smiling and i thought like this is just like some crazy thing that just wild happened

so i've been thinking about this like of course like since it happened and thought it was like a

really big deal right before we went on the show i said went to mrs chibi like do you remember when

we saw the girl in the thong at the the bathhouse and everything and like how crazy it was when she

bent over right in front of us and she's like what i was like what do you mean like we looked at each

other and like we you know you saw like a smiling she's like oh yeah like i didn't even like really

about it i saw that you liked it but like i really didn't you know think anything of it i was like oh

man anyway you should go to bathhouse that's the point and sit where you can see people you never

but you know there's a lot of like people like me too who you know you don't want to look at

so you don't have to feel like self-conscious you know okay i'm very hairy like i don't want people

the lighting is low there so if you don't want to be seen you know you're more of the look

than the looky yeah i'm just trying to help people out like right you know like i'm not

shaving my back people there at a at a place like that to be the lookers correct part of the

ambiance there's people who paid good money to have their backs shaved or waxed or whatever

and it wasn't me so you want to show that it was worth their money of course i have that done and

i'll keep my back to the wall and i will look at their hairless backs and bodies

and i'll stay in the dark part they had the best shower that i've ever taken in my life though

have you ever been in a shower that has a touch screen to control the shower where you can set

the exact temperature and then also choose which fault which um faucet not faucets fixtures the

water is coming out they have like the rain one is the standard one but they also have them built

into the wall okay what is this they have them built into the wall

i'm not jerking off people standing next to me no they're actually on the same side and you can

just you choose them on the touch screen and uh yeah that was a good shower i think like even if

you just want to spend 50 to take the best shower you ever took in your life you can have that

option at this place by the way like i'm not getting paid for this at all i paid it's a

reverse sponsorship again where i've paid them money that's fair yeah um so yeah that's bathhouse

you want to see some like one hot chick

um let's do some show feedback that's enough talking all right yeah so this is because we

did two shows we dropped two shows at the same time uh this is from our live show 800

uh md polaris had to say that the kids cameo was awesome no question that they are our kids

in a good way so you know it's nice to get a complimented on our progeny i guess they're

saying they like the kids they like the kids they like the kids they like the kids

they like us and the kids our kids yes so we did a good job with kids maybe i don't know i agree

with everything positive um yeah maybe they'll do a show together at some point they threatened to

do that yeah maybe it would be fun yeah yeah i think you know hi's busy applying to colleges

and annoying me yeah i know i know because

i've been doing this for a long time now and again my daughter will tell me that

ty gets back to her it's it'll be like five days and there'll be some random response to something

that she sent him like five days prior i think how long it takes him to get back to me i know

and i know he likes her so you know yeah he's he's a lot more popular than i was that's for

sure it's fair it's fair um he likes interacting with people it's interesting to see i hate it i hit

in my room

i still do and at the table tennis club my daughter plays a varsity sport and my my son

just joined track i don't know whose kids they are because i didn't do any of those

uh what's the other show feedback sure uh oh my mic just got all weird did you hear that

yep got all staticky puberty

uh joe one nine nine one two has to say watching gpd's patio fall

was just the encouragement i needed to install another app so worth it i don't know what that

means as far as what app oh i said i said i posted it on threads it was a threads exclusive

oh it was a little joke but i just wanted to see how you were feeling

oh fine i had a my leg turned like a really cool shade of yellow and purple and blue

um and the other one was just scraped up but it didn't stop me from any of my physical activities


excellent good to hear that's all just checking in on your health injuries yeah that was it um

speaking of the fall guy i heard you watched the movie wombat that's a good segue i can't even i

can't even fault you on that one i like the fall guy we watched it elliot and i watched it together

uh it's a it's a fun popcorn movie there's some really good stunts in it a lot of practical like

the you know one of the things that i like about the fall guy is that it's a fun popcorn movie

about it because it's about stuntmen is that they do all the stunts are practical stunts in the movie

yes i remember the marketing for that movie revolved around like people beating each other

up in public like at events and things yes so you know there's like no cg they make do a lot

of making fun of cgi special effects so it's good yeah i really enjoyed it i don't know i think

actually it did well on rotten tomatoes too i know that's your big money it didn't it was a big box

bomb which is kind of a surprise i guess and i i'm you know it's hard to get people to go to the

movies right now and i don't think like we had i mean what do you call it rebooting a fucking tv

show from the 80s is the way to go yeah does it have a song it okay so at during the end credits

they have the song it's sung by um oh with the guy blake shelton

sounds right and sings it okay and i mean look this is something that only i'm gonna pick up

on but i had to check it to make sure i wasn't crazy they changed the lyrics oh doesn't talk

about fair faucet anymore it doesn't talk about fair faucet anymore it does not okay it it it

takes out all the names it takes out all the names just name drops i know they take out all

the names well the song is about redford the song is about the women that the stuntman fucked right

yeah right well yeah yeah

isn't it well lee majors was married to farrah faucet yeah okay so it's like a it's supposed

to be like a wink to the audience that i'm an asshole yeah but i'm the unknown stuntman

but i fucked all these hot chicks yeah but they dropped all the right that's fine all the all the

all the name drops are out and they change the lyrics and the lyrics aren't as good

also to be honest it just doesn't sound right coming out of blake shelton then it

i don't know why lee major's voice against that song just works better for some reason

but i don't know yeah that was to me a bummer i know we're talking about the end credits

which is kind of silly but that's the movie itself the movie itself is really good ryan

gosling i don't know if you know this he's very charming and charismatic did you know that about

ryan gosling i did yeah except in drive except in jazz he's charismatic

for a little while and then you're like what am i even watching here

weirdo you know he's he's got uh screen screen juice you know he shows up you're like

you can't look away i enjoyed him in the movie with steve carell the um yeah

yes crazy love crazy stupid love crazy stupid love that's it yes

yes i i like the nice guys a lot i'm a huge fan of that movie

and this is the movie that's the movie that's the movie that's the movie that's the movie that's the

movie this is reminiscent of the nice guys like the way that he acts and oh god what's the guy's

name the guy from black panther who plays the the king of the the gorilla king nobody knows that

is he the guy from the other is winston duke winston duke is in it too he's like his friend

his buddy and i know the guy but yeah they're not gonna pull winston duke out of anywhere

they they uh they act well together in that in this movie as well good they have their job

but anyway yeah watch that or watch the nice guys if you haven't seen that that's that's a great movie

okay i'll watch fall guy yeah you'll like it you'll yeah i'll like that is that free somewhere

yet it's on um peacock oh it is on that shit yep it's on peacock i watched something on there as

well what'd you watch on peacock well we were sitting down

and i was like hey let's watch borderlands because it's available to like you gotta pay for it

digitally and then that was the problem yeah mrs shipwreck said we're not paying twenty dollars

for this i'm not giving randy pitchford for three dollars right and so i went well let's see what's

on peacock so we watched the incredible weight of massive talent the nicholas cage pedro pascal

yep i watched that on an airplane

it's did you like i can't remember did you like it good airplane movie it's i think it's yeah it's

it's a solid movie i enjoyed watching it at home as well sure um yeah it's it's a it's a comedy but

it's a i'm not it leans towards the darker side of comedy like throughout but it's a it's well

written nicholas cage is fun in it um it's like a comedy thriller

i would say yeah yeah it's got all your favorite uh actors from the after party

they're in there um it comes to set yep you got a discount yep um but yeah that's a good movie i i

it's a like pedro pascal like pretty much carries the movie yes yeah yeah he's doing a lot of heavy

lifting in that yeah he's an obscene amount of heavy lift like nicholas cage is good and it is

well but he can't be too crazy because he's got to be the real nicholas cage and right so you can

only be you have to be sort of realistic and right so pedro's got the subdued nicholas cage

yes in this movie yes until he probably has i think he pops off at some point probably

but i don't know i don't know who remembers that's cool yeah um i've watched a lot of good

stuff on tv that i can recommend even to you guys a lot of stuff a lot of stuff i we watched

the entire series of wyatt erp and the cowboy war which is on netflix i was gonna watch that

is it any good is it worth my time let me well first of all the answer is yes it's excellent

have you seen the 1990s movie tombstone tombstone starring kurt russell and val kilmer as legendary

yes i'm your huckleberry okay so so if you've seen tombstone and enjoyed it you're gonna like

this even more

because what make the the true story of wyatt erp and the shootout of the okay

k corral and i clanton and and the cowboys the true story is way more interesting than what

they show you in tombstone because tombstone they have two hours you can't make it too complicated

there's all these characters and they got a lot of good lines but the actual story is like

complex politically it involves like

big business

north versus south is wyatt erp like a criminal all kinds of like fake news it's really interesting

and the way they do this documentary it's a documentary but there's they have actors saying

lines throughout it so it switches between talking heads and dramatization but the actors that they

use during the dramatization very good convincing it's um ed harris is the narrator very good


than the cowboy war i don't want to spoil anything because there's actually a lot of surprises in

there and like i said if you watch tombstone you're going to be like why did they not put

this in tombstone this is way fucking more interesting um no i wanted to watch it and

then i got sidetracked yeah and then you know it's on netflix by the way yeah that's on i know

my wife's not going to watch that so it's like a thing i have to watch on my own which is fine

mrs chibi was really into it somehow and she does not like western shit at all so i'm not going to

somehow not even young guns i don't i'm not sure i did get her to watch some of the quick and the

dead the other day she's stuck in there movie i know i love that i don't i don't really like

westerns all that much either except the ones that are that i find really good right like i'm

not just gonna watch what does that even mean i don't know which ones do you find really there's

a lot of bad westerns like they just there are a lot of bad there's so many bad ones there's a lot

of good ones too

i feel like they just happen to be set in the west like i'm not looking for a western it's just

like happens to be there and it's a good movie unforgiven you've seen unforgiven that's a good

one all right but that's a western that's like so western it's not just a movie that takes place

in the west there's like lore you see you see true grit either version no the old one looks

good the old one i have i actually like the newer one a little bit better i think it

ages better maybe could be biased all right we'll watch wider up wombat so we can talk about it

because it's interesting shipwreck you're probably not gonna watch it but you might i like i like

tombstone yeah yeah yeah if you like tombstone you're gonna be like what the fuck like what

what were they doing um we also started watching lord of the rings because season two started

wombat why are you not watching lord of the rings you're a big nerd i don't know i started the i

remember starting the first season and then i just was like and then i just got it's pretty good like

the second see i'm

it's just more lord of the rings and if you liked lord of the rings you're gonna like this like

they it looks like original stories it takes place long before the lord of the rings

movies or books rather um so it takes place before hobbit and all that stuff so it's the rings

of power from the beginning i don't know it's interesting and it's not that hard to follow

which i can appreciate um and this second season seems

i don't know it's just like the same story but with different you get to see like sauron from

the beginning and stuff like that that's good i don't know you like lord of the rings you're gonna

like it uh we also started watching the new terminator zero anime that's on netflix do you

like terminator the robot some some of it okay how about in short bursts of like 22 minutes or so

in japanese i'm probably not gonna watch this it's good though to be honest we will we only watch the

first episode and it was solid we're gonna probably watch we'll watch more of it um but it's you know

they've netflix has been putting out these anime versions of popular franchises and they've been

pretty good they've been pretty good not just not just netflix you know they got the suicide squad

one that's good all right uh we also finished watching the entire first season of sunny which

just finished up this week which is on apple tv big recommend on that i've talked about it a lot

also the second episode of chimp crazy came out on netflix and now i can give that my full

throated recommendation as good or better never gonna happen why because i can't i chimps chimps

freak me out i'm not wait what chimps freak you wait a minute wait with humans i know what happens

when chimps get where i get around humans no no no no no i'm not watching that well wait a minute

hold on hold on hold on it's not about that well it is okay it is about that

we already discussed this last week it's never gonna happen but it's not it's it's more about

you know how like tiger king was about these people who are just so weird with animals they

can't not keep tigers they can't not keep chimps even though it's causing them so much trouble and

legal action they just can't someone's gonna lose a face i'm that happened already yeah i'm not

watching that that happened we know in the news that that happened already remember yeah yeah

so that's that's mentioned i'm not watching it there's a oh there's no way i'm gonna watch that

you just cover your eyes on that they talk no no no no no not gonna happen well it's really good

it's very well put together and you didn't you haven't watched only mergers in the building you

didn't yes have you ever yes yes we watched the first episode of that that's very that was very

good that first episode was a really good first episode they're all good i know they're all good

but as you know getting your hooks in for the season

that was they did a really good job with that episode but where's kumail where's kumail coming

up i guess isn't it i know all right that's all i've been watching there's a lot and i watched

the minecraft trailer or teaser did you watch it that looks so bad who's the is that aquaman

yes okay why is he wearing like a dress or something people keep asking that question

i don't know i don't work for jason momoa okay

is that a woke outfit it's because he's woke

christian wrote it and he says can you envision a good version of the minecraft movie

not really i mean not after watching that it just has to get the kids in the theater right

well good he's thinking i don't think he says make a version that makes money i think

a version where you watch that trailer and go oh that looks good right i think they're making a

a movie to make money it's my guess yes of course of course but i'm just answering christian's

question and the answer is no i can't envision a good one i mean the minecraft has no story right

there's zombies uh there's they've they've got different versions of it that have stories

but yeah very very loose lore i would say and when jack black appears in the trailer

oh no i haven't seen the trailer yet oh oh you have to watch it it's a teaser it's not a trailer

teaser it's a teaser to a trailer but it's there's enough there where you're like really

where you're like i don't want to see anymore but you know like i mean jack black is that why jack

so is that why jack black had to break up tenacious d because this movie was coming out

he's got a punch out right what's the one which is the one that he's got kung fu he's got kung

fu panda four coming okay that's the bigger one is that a disney one that's dreamworks but that

is that is a big one

okay so do you think and he had a borderlands as well

ever you think he cares about that he's not like the star of that one he's just like

he's claptrap who else is the star of that movie um kevin hart and i don't know i feel like they

but that you know they don't care it's right you know that's uh randy pitchford's career they're

wild and crazy they don't care if you're like no no it was it was most likely because of kung fu

panda right

makes sense do you think like i mean for sure they get the tenacious deal get back together

there'll be a reunion tour yes of course right once like as soon as that movie gets to the uh

video right out of the theaters yeah all right should we do some new releases

yes because there's a you know the obviously big one we need to talk about oh yes i forgot about

that yeah so our good friends at ubisoft provided uh review codes for

star wars outlaws yep my former former good friends no sorry to myself and and my good

friendship wreck i'm not sure how far along you got into outlaws i think we're probably about

seven hours in okay i might be like at the 10 ish range myself uh so you know put in a pretty

good amount of time i've never been more conflicted on my thoughts and feelings in a

video game in a very long time where it's like for everything this game does really right for

a star wars game then they do something and i'm like why did they do that and it's like and it's

this weird balancing act where it's like if they if they lean like there's a world the star wars

world that they build here that you live in in this game


really good and it's engaging and i want to learn more about it and there's a wookie right there

yeah it's like as soon as i start talking that's when that's the decision to let them out

um it's it's really good really interesting world building really interesting stuff going on

in this game that you know you're playing as a girl who

has a big


jen solo jen solo what is her name martin you made me forget as you said that yeah

i'm positive of it you don't not jen solo but it might as well be you're like a

the name and you're 10 hours in no i did and then shipwreck said the other name and it went

right out of my head because she so she has the exact outfit too isn't it like something that's

solo no stop it vest driving me nuts

i think it is

blastella stop it anyway the combat looks bad is the combat that's that's the big problem with the

game that's a big problem the big problem with the game is that the combat is terrible because

there's barely any combat it's all stealth and i don't like that this stuff is not good

no and the stealth gets k vest thank you dizzy death and and no that's not that that is her name

is k vest yes but i get something vest so i'm glad i was half right the uh yeah she she earned that

name because she wears a vest yeah exactly checkpoint early in the game yes she didn't

have a last name she had a last name last name where's your id what's your name and then the and

then the imperial officer goes a vest yep

and then let her let her through get a lisp you know right exactly but uh well that's also the

you all you mentioned the square head that's another weird thing it's straight like there's

such a weird like thing to be looking at the art styles are clashing or something the art style of

the main character is different than the art style the rest of the game and i said this to you in a

chat it's if you've watched star wars rebels the star wars animated shows the dave filoni

star wars animated stuff k vest is animated in that style but no one else is with more but with

more like i don't know it it looks more realistic more details there are details a little bit more

details but everyone else in the game is like just in a video game they don't have like an art style

to them right like here's a stormtrooper it looks exactly like a stormtrooper yeah they didn't she's

stylized but nobody else is no one else is

it's it's weird like and there's some like weird filters you can turn them on and off it's got like

kind of like the mass effect graininess setting that you can have on there but she stands but

her face stands out it does it stands out and it only stands out because it's that because of the

juxtaposition against everyone else where if everyone else was that like not only that but

i think if they did go for that kind of rebels art style it might it might have worked i think

it could have been cool for this game if they did it for everybody


you know it would be something a little different but i also understand why they wouldn't want to do

that because this is ubi's first big attempt at a star wars game and they don't want to be like and

look it's a different art style we're doing whatever we want i get it but it also being

character they like we'll just do it for the it's like maybe they wanted to do it and they changed

it late but they didn't have enough time to change i don't know they could fix that with a patch they

could round her head out something they kind of because it is a little distracting but again

it's a lot of good in this game in the sense you know with like oh i want to finish fixing my ship

and see and fly more into outer space and find the imperials and you know uh get to the top of

this faction and get all the perks i get for being at the top of this faction and you know i want to

take down the huts and i want to you know all of these things that you can do that are very star

warsy they put it at a really good spot in the timeline and they're not going to be able to do it

in the timeline of star wars between a new hope and empire so there's space combat there is space

combat is it good it's okay i've only done it like once twice maybe so yeah again it's mostly

the stealth thing where it's like okay thanks for getting this thing for me all right now we need

you to go back to that same spot again and sneak around and you're driving you're like space

around a lot you have a space motorcycle that you could drive around in a big open in the big

open they look kind of like i watched the video on youtube of somebody the controls of driving it

the controls of driving is not so great didn't look fun just driving it through a desert like

you're just driving a rickety space bike that's a lot of the game is it's it's not all that fun but

it is a good universe and there's stuff to do and you kill jawas i haven't i don't think i've

encountered any jawas what

i so we're seven hours in or so but i mean dash is the one doing the majority of the playing

got it so i i have not seen all seven hours that we've played so there might have been

jawas at some point i haven't seen any jawas yeah i have not seen any you're not on tattooing

so right oh but you do have a space axolotl as a pet you can just say like go steal that stuff

or distract

that person which is helpful

well yeah because that's the gameplay that is literally that is literally the gameplay it's

i don't want space axolotl and distract that guard so i can hide in these this tall grass

that is somehow grown inside this industrial complex yes you'll be inside the like a base

sneak around and there'll be grass in there so they didn't have to make desks old desks or


yeah so we had to bump it down to easy due to the stealth because it just wasn't fun like we were

just playing the same thing over and over again and you have to you have to kind of like feel your

way out of where you're supposed to go because there's not a lot of like cues and early in the

game you don't have that many uh gadgets or anything to like really work through so anytime

somebody sees you you're pretty much dead so yeah so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

much caught unless you bump it down on easy and then you get through the stealth and you're fine

and the stealth would be okay if it was like every fifth mission or or something like that like it

was if it wasn't everything it would be fine but the problem is is that it's everything so it

you know it's like oh you finally fixed your spaceship good job now we need you to fly into

outer space and go to this imperial base i'm like all right now shit's about to get real i'm going

to fight some imperials i'm gonna all right don't let anyone see you in there oh man but i have a

blaster like and there are there are like areas where like you shoot people for a little while

particularly like it might be


it's okay i mean you're worse than uncharted worse than uncharted shooting oh yeah yeah yeah

yeah it's it but i mean it's when it's compared to the the stealth stuff you're pretty happy to

be shooting i get that i get that sure and i think part of it was they didn't want this to

be a game where it's like okay and now you're gonna just go and it takes place in the star

wars universe where you're this person who kills 120 people

i hope

you're like murdering 120 people because that's what this game is because in star wars it doesn't

really work like it would in a you know in other video games kind of so i get what's a video game

though like at the end of the day it's a video game but at the end of the day it's a video game

so it's like they've just made everyone robots i don't know what would have been better in star

wars too yeah somebody's murdering people when you're up against imperials it it works but when

it's like okay you gotta

sneak into you know these that guy's apartment yeah i don't know if i kill them yeah well it's

surprising to me that the star wars such a big franchise and like this is such a big game i'm

sure it cost quite a lot to make it and they put so much market research into these right

it's like they don't leave much up to chance these especially with a big project like this

like stealth was what the feedback was telling them the the gamers want more stealth in their

games like

that seems like a very weird move to me i don't understand like where they got that information

from that that stealth is what we were looking for in 2020 i know everything's cyclical and all

that shit but like that's that's the most confounding thing is where did that who made

that decision because it had to have been early on this idea of we're gonna have the first open

world real star wars game where you're playing as a character and you're playing as a character and

you're playing as a character with with interesting decisions and a really top-notch storyline and

it's mostly stealth that's mostly stuff it's gonna be stuff it's gonna be the the least popular type

of combat in video games and we're gonna put it in star wars it's weird very weird right it's

very weird do we get some like space combat escort missions too right i don't know like it's

it's not bad it's not bad it's not bad it's not bad it's not bad it's not bad it's not bad it's not bad

though like that's but that's it it's not bad it's not it's just not what you want and that's

sort of the problem it's like this isn't bad it's not what i want it's not bad it's like what i want

you tell me open world star wars i think they didn't want you to play this game be like oh

this is like assassin's creed odyssey or assassin's creed valhalla this is assassin's creed star wars

and they wanted it to not be that but by making it not that

made it worse where if they had just made it assassin's creed star wars where you went around

and you had a stick and you beat the crap out of people that would have worked i'm sure there's

plenty of outlaws in the star wars universe that are murdering people and you could be one of those

people yeah i feel like we're the the outlaw with a heart yeah it feels like don't put asses in

seats though that's that's that's the whole thing it's like they want you to be this sort of good

guy yeah

that works in 1977 right why they named her jan solo that's why they named her jan solo it's not

1977 anymore there's a lot of assholes on tiktok that are making millions of dollars

so at least we're going to be a murdering star wars person yeah i think they had they may have

had to like try to differentiate it between the uh the other star wars games that i'm forgetting

the name of with jayden yeah is that yeah those games like the more action yeah yeah the ea ones

because those are but they're not open

world and they're not open world sort of the kind of kind of are but not not but that's all

lightsaber and force combat they could have made this all blaster and gadgets like they could have

done that and that would have made it mass effect they could have basically they should have just

not that far off from like i'm playing it going like this feels a little mass effecty like they

could have leaned into the rpg elements

further than what they have because you're having all these like interesting conversations and like

you have all the different factions you're trying to do stuff with and i don't know it it's almost

there it almost did it imagine if the reviews came out and said it was star wars mass effect

like it's gonna sell a lot of copies right you know finally a successor to mass effect

and it's star wars that's a headline people would go nuts for that

they blew it it's almost like these gaming executives don't know what they're doing

yeah again and again these big getting in their own way someone they're people they're just getting

in their own way this one i can't even figure it out because you can see how like they make

the mistakes with you know okay we need a games of service whatever's trendy now but like like

what was true right like they thought it was

coming back and like you know what and if it's one thing if like their stealth system was so

somehow innovative like splinter cell came out and you know the the shadows and all those little

meters yeah you don't have thermal goggles or anything like that in this is no there's no

innovation to it it's grass right yeah it's it's ducking ducking it's ducking behind things and

then waiting for the guy to walk past you and then walking in the other direction right if there's

two guys you're like

oh i guess i have to figure out how to split up these two guys and then you send out your axolotl

and be like make one of them come over to you you knock him out and then the other guy's like

huh yeah i wonder what happened and then you figure out how to get around that guy

which star wars movie did that happen in none right that's episode one it's not like there's

a lot of stealth in star wars either there's no stuff there's some stealth in episode i mean i

guess when they go into the uh the star that's not the part again that's not the part that's not

the part that's putting asses in seats yeah all right what else we got where are we here we had

wombat's fortnightly news yeah yes i mean i'm playing something else but it's not technically

a new release this week so but i think i could talk about it you can do it i only played like

an hour of warhammer 40 000 space marine 2 what is that okay that's the new warhammer game that

came out that everyone seems to be raving about like i said i'm still i'm only like an hour in

because i got a game is it a game is it a game is it a game is it a game is it a game is it a game is it

okay it is a third person shooter in the warhammer universe i believe it is co-op as well

and you're okay so you're an oversized space marine with a chainsaw sword

and some guns and you gotta kill a lot of bugs

right so far that's what that's the new hell divers i was gonna say it's it's more like

it's more like it's more like it's more like it's more like it's more like it's more like

gears of war but yeah sure so yeah but it's still it's it's pretty good so far actually it's it's

all right i posted a screenshot of it for you gp on the holy shit it's gears of war

is it are they using unreal engine i think so i'm not sure it looks pretty good is this like

it's it's out uh in like five days okay yeah they sent me good but people seem to be really

liking it and like i said i'm still in the i just started the first mission because i got a lot of

rolling right before the show you do have to do a lot of dodging and so and the running what do

they call the running there was a name for that running yeah no it's not it's not quite the same

thing what was that so far i'm just saying so far so good this is a teaser for when i've played more

next week so it's bothering me now i can't come up with the running the running right yeah

oh well

what's the running called in gears of war

roadie run remember that good old roadie run

star war should have had that star should have had a lot of curb stomp curb stomping those

stormtroopers that would be good better than stealth all right let's do you scratch one

trooper let's do fortnightly news okay still the marvel season going on fortnight not much

fortnight not much fortnight not much fortnight not much fortnight not much fortnight not much

fortnight news to be honest it's just the thing that's happening i have a confession to make

sure i just farted nice okay go on i'm sorry yeah no just fortnight marvel it's a decent season

talk to doom was unlockable as of today uh yeah do you have him i i got him this yeah i got him

this morning did you wake up early to get him kind of did you set the alarm no doom o'clock

i haven't slept i honestly haven't slept in like three days what but not because of this though

oh yeah sorry i know i don't want to be a downer um but uh uh yeah it's it's it's good it's a good

season i actually like it's very fortnighty this season even with all the weird marvel weapons

it's not as unusual as last season was it's a little more straightforward they're also very

generous with xp this season

so right you like that i do like that i do like my xp i like finishing out that battle pass

um the big news i guess this week is that sony launched and unlaunched concord their

team-based shooter that was released for playstation and for pc that's basically like

it looked like overwatch no it was pretty much overwatch look it's supposed to be good but nobody

was playing it and i played the beta well i didn't mean literally nobody was playing i know i'm just

saying i played it was pretty close it was pretty close um yeah they did they really nobody basically

nobody on steam was playing it and they sold i think 20 000 copies on playstation estimated

um so they're doing a multiverses and they're taking it back they're giving refunds and taking

it offline and they're gonna apparently

relaunch it or maybe not i mean they say they are but can you come back from that like you're

gonna come back the only way is to come back is free to play obviously i mean can you come back

from that i think it is possible yes we've actually seen it more than once um so yes it's

you know they they can no man's sky it and have you know a comeback for the ages it is a very much

a possible thing

as much as we all want to be you know say oh let's shit on everything i don't want to do that

is it possible for them to come back it is 100 possible for them to come back is it likely

that's a different question but it is i i do think it's possible i don't ask me what they

need to do i don't personally don't like these types of games the overwatch style of game it's

not for me um so i don't know make it a completely different type of game i don't know i don't know

but then again that's that's the fortnight thing that's what they did they came back and said oh

yeah this game that we released a month ago that no one's playing anymore now it's a completely

different thing it's now battle royale and they that changed video games forever so you're saying

concord is going to come back as like battle chess i maybe there's just something that we just don't

know what it could be and it comes back and says okay we still got this there the thing that it

was originally but now we're going to come back and say oh yeah this game that we released a month

ago now we also got this thing in there i don't know what the other thing is maybe it's also in

something i don't know when they took multiverse back that was a that was the game that you were

supposed to pay for and then they they took it back and they relaunched it as free to play is

that what happened i don't think it was a beta yeah it was it was always and then they they

moved back to launch day they said okay we're gonna we're gonna take the beta down

and not launch and we will be back it was like a year or so it was like a year yeah yeah yeah

but they they had that beta for a really long time then again fortnite was in beta for three years

so i feel like this game like concord is a more expensive endeavor than multiverses

yes probably it looked like it looked expensive and they had all this

like story content planned for it with with weekly videos like cg videos

which probably like expensive

to put together i wonder like if it even comes back at all i mean the other well that's the

other option is like what's the tax write-off right like what can you what can you get in

your taxes that'll that'll balance it out is it more profitable to bat girl it i just think it's

so hard to put out a game like that like this is a team-based shooter now that you're gonna steal

people away from well that's my other question is there is there a team-based shooter that people

are still playing in numbers that are significant well i think you know the ones that are like

rainbow six that probably still play that overwatch still has an audience although it's

not as big as it used to be um valorant is probably pretty big now no that's right that

one's pretty good um i just don't know how i don't think like gaming can support too many of those

like there's just a certain like you said like wombat wombat is not gonna play that game

no matter what it looks like no matter what they call it no matter you know what universe it takes

place in even the fucking marvel one wombat was like i'm not fucking playing this so there's

gonna be a lot of gamers like that just not interested in a competitive team-based shooter

no matter what it is right and just like battle royale like those just well just only a certain

number of people are interested in that type of game and they're already playing

games that that are of that genre so it's really tough to get those people to switch

and there are a limited amount of them especially because you're so we're so deep into that type of

game you know i don't know how if you release a battle royale game now how do you how what could

you do that would drive people away from a fortnite or a war zone like i don't know right

i don't know if anything exists because those are the the only two you know

for good or bad those are the only two you need apex still makes money i'm sure in apex i guess

yeah well they sort of but that's not what it once was i think war zone sort of took away a lot of

that call of duty is call of duty and yeah call duty is call duty but you know there's a there's

basically it's a do you like your first person or your third person there's a better do you like

your realistic do you like your cartoonish there's something for everybody although those two lines

are realistic and cartoony both ways because there are some crazy skins and in call of duty and

right i saw some of the beta actually i was playing the beta the call of duty 6 beta is out

now well it was out over the weekend and it's coming back i think tomorrow i played a bunch of

it it's more call of duty they have this new running now it's called omni movement you can

sprint sideways now ship did you know about the sprinting sideways technology

i i have uh i have heard of it yeah you can dive you can

now do like john woo moves where you like run off a ledge dive and like spin in the air

and shoot people like while you're falling i've seen some some clips of that yes right

i'm not too good at that or anything okay i'm finishing in the you know the bottom half

pretty much on the leaderboard um i don't know it's on it's on game pass i'm gonna play it

because it's free or it's included in my plan so i don't know we play a lot of halo

yeah but that's what we've been playing yes the original no no we've been playing all the infinite

really the not the multiplayer oh the single just the co-op co-op single player it's fun for the

family or co-op i guess campaign yeah we're good we're we're gonna finish that pretty quickly though

i think so short is it did they ever do anything with that single player or is it still the same

as it was when it launched still the same i believe i never got all the way through it to

begin with because you get to that mission where it's like oh and now we've got these four towers

we need you to go do and they are all over the map right like so they're you're you've pretty

much been going like your way around the map like pretty like systematically and then it gets to this

and you're like wait like you want me to just like go to every corner here there's

to waste time right to just like hit a switch basically at these four towers right so the

reviewers say the game is eight hours long instead of six and a half so i i mean dash and i are

enjoying playing it but at the same time he's like why why'd they do this i remember when the

reviews came out for that and i played and then i played it and i was like what are these guys

playing a different game like this is like really a bare-bones single-player experience even for

like this is just same old halo like well it was and it's different than same old halo because

you're it's not as scripted and the levels aren't as like well designed right so they've given you

this goosey halo yeah it's loosey goosey halo that's supposed to be like this larger world

but then like as you're playing through it you're like oh this really isn't that big of a world and

then like every time you get on like one of those uh those bases that you capture the

forward operating bases it's like hey do you want a vehicle and i'm like ah not really because

the terrain is pretty much all up and down you give me a grappling hook

so driving around this warthog it's not really gonna right too much for me yeah so but i don't

know i'm still we've talked about it a lot but i'm still don't know what they're doing over there

with halo like the only redemption still pretty fun to play sure it's halo

i mean it's great but when the next xbox comes out they need to put out halo forever that's they

need to call it and we can all be excited that it might be good right and master chief can have

nipples okay okay uh now i'm on board yeah thank you thank you by the way a couple of other games

uh because you we were talking about this i would say ghost recon ghost recon wildlands is a game

revamped itself because it became a much different game than it was when it launched and when it

fixed itself it became a great game and destiny was another one that had a big overhaul

during yeah but it was a success right out of the gate too that was out of the gate yes

and then it and then it died off a little bit and then they came back

again yes but then it died off again yeah but i'm saying that that it is possible

for a game to come out of the gate and then it died off again and then it died off again

completely reinvent itself after the game has come out i just wonder invent this is kill zone

is that a possibility it's because i mean it was pretty good i remember kill zone those were good

games sure they don't make those anymore they don't because battlefield they're competing with

battlefield and maybe it's going to cost a lot of money maybe they don't want to do that yeah i mean

they had some i guess some interesting characters

in concord i i just don't know i saw your your thread about the trans character oh my god so much

you can't don't write trans in your thread otherwise i know i had no first of all i thought

i was just being funny like it was literally supposed to be just like a joke like i thought

it was a funny joke you have to realize people just search trans so they can find you know yell

at you or for those who don't know concord had a character in the game that was

mo-capped and voiced by a trans actor and the character in the game was also supposed to be

trans and it's one of the first games to ever do that and it was done by a sony first party game

so it's kind of a big deal for the you know the lgbtq plus community um which is great why not

uh you know it's always good to be inclusive and i thought it was funny that the day that

they announced that they were pulling this game was also the same day that they announced that

quidditch was the free game of the month knowing how the creator of quidditch feels about trans

people so i made a just saying like maybe you should have waited a day to pull concord instead

of doing it on the same day that you announced the jk rowling game right i thought it was funny

i posted it on threads where i've never had anything viewed by more than a hundred people

the last time i looked at it it was like 25

000 people had looked at my thread sick people who just are searching for terms so they can

and there was like 300 comments and no one read what i wrote it's all like you know cry more oh

you're looking for politics and this thing i'm like no i'm not saying they shouldn't have pulled

the game i'm just saying maybe they should have waited a day from a pr perspective i agree you

cry more

oh my goodness i it's like oh there we go let's see you're shitting yourself

no i want to see how uh how many uh what the activity is on this because it's crazy

uh 37 546 views did mark zuckerberg call you up and thank you for participating jesus it's like

the fourth thing i ever posted on threads too all right well


more trans content it seems to work i mean 261 comments you should start posting stuff

about transformers but just put a space yeah maybe it was concord maybe it's just you're

posting about concord that's through all the crowds that's more people more people saw that

thread than than bought concord the game and no one understood it that's the my favorite thing

because i posted it and no one understood it

wow but whatever too bad you can't get paid for that type of engagement i know right it was i mean

it's crazy should we move on to the keg bag or any other of these topics that you want to uh

must talk about no i think i'm good okay um rajago from the chat right here wants to know

if when or if the long island retro video is coming out i don't know i'm waiting to

find out about that myself

when i get it we will send it we will put it up we're not it's not like i have it and i'm sitting

i'm keeping it from you because i'm doing other stuff i just don't have it yet uh adam writes in

and he asks what kind of game do you think would get delisted or deleted by a company

faster than concord i don't have an answer for this but i just thought it was interesting that

sue the suicide squad game is still hanging in there like

i don't

even think it's had a sale yet and if you look at like the steam steam database thing there's 73

people playing it right now on steam that's more than i would have thought 73 months more than i

would have thought it's all i think it had a i think it had a pretty big sale on xbox oh did it

okay yeah it's still full price on steam i remember seeing it i don't know if it got down to 20 it

might have been no it did it got down to 20 okay it did then yeah it got down to 20 it got down to 20

i'm like still still good i'm surprised like when is that going to come down that obviously has lost

a lot of money there's no chance of ever making it back i think the problem is because it's already

been released for some for like a wonder brothers i don't think they can pull it and at this point

i don't think they could pull it and recoup the costs on well they'd have to give refunds for

everyone right yeah they'd have to issue refunds for everybody and at this point it's probably too

late and i think it's not stop making new content for it i think they have oh i don't know i mean

you're the you're the expert you uh finished it i never even got the joker the what the biggest

problem one of the biggest mistakes they made with that game wasn't just the the game itself

which it the game itself wasn't terrible right i think you're right on the money i wouldn't

i think you're right on the money yeah it's that then they then they were like and we're

going to release free characters and then they released the joker and the hoops you had to go

through to unlock the joker it would take like another 20 hours to get the joker and no one's

going to do that no one did it they should have been like thank you thank you thank you for even

considering like trying to unlock the joker how about you just do this fun quick little thing and

then you can get it and then maybe you'll even play the game more and maybe exactly but they


literally did the opposite and they were like we're going to make it incredibly difficult to

unlock the joker but if you want the joker now twenty dollars right yeah they got they got greedy

in a way that was laughably stupid which is a big problem for all these companies in fact blooper in

the chat asks why do companies continue to make the same games nintendo hasn't made any of these

types of games and they're more successful than everyone else i think what happens is

these companies they just they seem dollar signs hold on a second why do all of these companies

continue to make the same games nintendo doesn't do that i think what nintendo does is make the

same games right they just make the same nintendo games so they don't have to make other people same

games correct that's why nintendo is so successful because nintendo has their games and they'll just

continue to make the

same games well but gaming companies have been other gaming companies have been doing the same

thing for a while too right they're just sort of remaking the same stuff but now they're trying to

go after these games that can have like these crazy returns right like that was the point of

the suicide squad game it's like oh we can make this a games of service and maybe really make

you know because they don't have they don't have a

warner brothers wants to do that because warner brothers doesn't have a console they don't have

a console they don't have a console they don't have a console they don't have a console they don't

corner they don't they're not nintendo they're not nintendo they think nintendo doesn't need to

do that because nintendo is nintendo you can grind it out by just putting out their character games

that cost like them relative to these other games nothing to make and toys and all the other stuff

merchandise and they yeah they don't need to do that they don't they could do it in other ways

they can sell you they can sell amiibos and action figures and and but even these even these

other companies are not looking for like the traditional dollar right they're not normally

be like oh we'll sell if we can sell five million copies of the game 10 million copies of the game

that's gonna be amazing we're gonna make so much money but that's not good enough anymore now it's

like we need people to play this game forever yeah right that's the difference we need to play

it they're gonna be playing it forever and also give us 10 to 20 a month while they're playing

it forever because the problem is is that there's


the people that are going to play a game forever are already playing their game forever

and it's really hard to get someone away from the game they've been playing for

but it's not as hard to get someone who's been playing the same game forever to

take a break and play something else that has a start and a finish that has

i think nintendo has the they they've they switched that though and they have it people

are going to buy this game forever right right yeah every iteration of the game

every iteration of the game everybody that buys a console here's your mario kart right like yep

everybody's gonna buy this for like 10 years and you're gonna take a break from fortnite to play

mario kart when your friends come over right but at the same time like they they don't over saturate

that right like they make their games but it's like okay you know like every three years you're

gonna get like a mario game or like the other companies like we've had one halo game this entire

entire generation right like which is bananas it we haven't had a gears of war this generation

bananas there hasn't even been a fable there's not a fable like and it's the same on the sony

side too like we've had one god of war of this generation right like one god of war uncharted's

gone we've we've had like what two horizons it just takes too long to make those games now if

it's if it's going to take five years to make that game you can really only get one per cycle

but can't you down scope it to like only be like that game that needs to be alive for

until the next one comes out sure like that's that's where they get the greediness comes in

of like hey if you put out a new halo that is just like meant to be halo for two years


you're gonna get everybody to buy it right they might not stick with it for that like

free eternity but you're gonna get everybody they may play it for a good month and then go

back to fortnite but you got your month get your month that's that should be the motto at these

get your month even that you know as you know hogwarts legacy was the best-selling game of that

year it outsold everything and that's that was a year where you know that was peak


fortnite peak warzone and peak you know all of the apex they and peak destiny though all those

games were firing on all cylinders but there was still room for you know elden ring these games

that are you know that are good these single-player games these elden rings will find a way if the

games are good and if they're made and if they're not chasing something that already exists it's not

chasing the tail it's not like oh we're going to release the new fortnite and we're going to release

the new fortnite when no one wants a new fortnite because there's already there already is a

fortnite that's just fine don't make the new version of something that's already you know

fortnite on an average week night a school night has 700 to a million concurrent players 700,000

to a million concurrent players people aren't looking to learn a new competitive shooter

it has like 30 different characters those numbers are those numbers are insane numbers and i i'm

i'm not you know i'm aware of that when i turn that game on i'm like that a lot of people playing

this right now is not normal it's a lot of people right and that's unfortunately these executives

think that like oh well if fortnite can do it then we can have at least like a fraction of that

success like probably not not likely just probably just make a regular game and

have like a normal success if you're lucky sell 10 million copies and be really happy

yeah it's

i mean and it's the same thing i mean it's not just video games i mean it's the same

argument with the streaming wars and and as well you know there's it's not this isn't the only

industry where that's happening you look at something like streaming and everyone is chasing

the youtube dragon they think youtube they think they're gonna they're gonna get the viewership

because youtube is considered a streamer when you look at streaming revenue and streaming

numbers and it's like oh streaming is 75 percent of what people are watching and it's like oh

people are watching but what they don't tell you is that of that 75 percent 65 percent of those

viewers are youtube viewers only and they're not paying anything they're watching 60 second clips

about and they're watching yeah and apple is spending you know billions and their viewership

is less than one percent or something crazy like that and the crazy thing is those shows that

apple is putting out are really good and i don't think people are why i mean people are watching the

one but i feel like all these other shows like you don't even know about them like there's like

foundation silo like these shows look like they cost a fucking billion dollars to make

and nobody's watching them and it's like they can't stop making them obviously yeah exactly and

then in in games it's the it's the game these legacy games and people are keep keep playing

them whether it be zog tree mentions minecraft

he also meant in roblox minecraft roblox fortnite warzone these games just

keep even you know destiny uh people just keep playing them well we got the assassin's creed

samurai game coming out right this fall isn't that a tradition it's a traditional game

i will ask for that i hope they send it i hope but we'll see how that goes for me too

okay tell them that my wife is japanese

my issue with with that is and i've said this before and this is a me thing this is not you

don't believe that there was ever a black samurai i know you told me that like this is not my

not commentary on the genre as a whole it's just my personal beliefs i find samurais boring oh

she should watch shogun on hulu it wasn't boring i find them boring there's just something about

samurais that i'm like i don't get it you don't like disembowelment come on that's so cool

i maybe it's the

silly costumes i don't know silly those are cool and the sword and it goes

you know i don't know and i know that it's probably offensive to call them silly so i

apologize i don't know about that but you said that yeah suke is a slave and not a samurai

no i just saying i just don't find samurais all that and maybe this is the thing that turns me

around maybe i'll play this isn't there a ninja is a ninja side

to this one or not there is a ninja there is a ninja side too i do i like ninjas i don't love

ninjas it's just not my usual i like vikings more than samurais that's just me and you like

but you like ninjas more than samurais too right yes it's definitely but i would say it might be

samurais ninjas vikings samurai ninjas vikings okay well you already played the viking one

yeah i'm saying i don't really like the viking yeah

i don't know move over try this one

see how you like it i may put native americans though above vikings did they make that game yet

they made that game right or no no yes they did but yes that was the american revolution one

they should do it again is that a psp game or something no that was the full that was

that was assassin's creed three and you play a native american in that i don't think the whole

time yeah

you start you do that again you start as you start like as a kid right like a native american kid

i remember i accidentally uh killed like george washington

nice they should do like uh they should do assassin's creed uh like django unchained

version of assassin's creed where you're like a freed slave going to the south oh my god

and post post civil war

that would that would be cool

just freeing slaves and burning down plantations i would play the crap out of that game

our russian sponsored media is not gonna like that

that would be that would be awesome there you go if you're listening you can have that one

free of charge i just want a copy of that game yep just make the protagonist's face

completely square it's a big square everybody else looks normal he's just a square liar

he's just a square liar he's just a square liar he's just a square liar he's just a square liar

with eyes all right that's enough show so much show um that's it i think i don't want to say

anything else let's say uh goodbye and see you next week is that sure i do that bread's done

the world is about to become a smaller place

soon you'll be able to travel a mile every three seconds

well over 20 miles in just one minute

the phenomenal concord from british airways


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