10 Mysteries Scientists Pin on God

Atheist Community of Austin

The Non-Prophets

10 Mysteries Scientists Pin on God

The Non-Prophets

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the virginia lottery app today and let the fun shine on hi were you just surfing around the

internet looking for something interesting to watch i'm sorry you got us the non-profits but

we do have a really funny article we want to discuss today and the great eli slack is going

to lead us to the end of the show so if you're interested in learning more about chumba casino

lean us into it so tell us eli what you got for us well this article is less of an article and more

of like a powerpoint presentation of 10 things the author just doesn't understand uh james doorman

makes several obviously false claims throughout his you know little book report here such as

sentimentality is far better explained by spirituality and that science can't explain

why humans share moral values and i could go on

but it would take more time to explain all of the bad ideas that he has than it takes to tear

each of them apart uh this story is from savvy dime by james doorman on august 19th 2024

pretty much some some of it all up there um there are what like 10 segments here what was the name

of the article again i got to remember it's 10 mysteries that 10 things scientists can't explain

and attribute to god and i thought you know that's a really misleading title in and of its

self because i did not see any one scientist mentioned throughout this article attributing

any of this bullshit to god so i john you hunted what did you think what was your um

oh man this craziness it was pretty stupid actually i mean uh i i'm kind of a little bit

of a science nerd but uh this was pretty hilarious i i recommend it for a late night i need to laugh

the day was really hard

kind of reading you know uh either that or you know you can watch saturday night live or something

but um i just think that it's it's it's really hilarious and i i i'm going to go through just

the first few of them here and see if uh i will attempt to be regimented and reserved in my

treatment of this uh statement so let's see how it goes i'm not hopeful um the origin of the

universe uh science can't explain the origin of the universe huh um we know pretty much all we

can ever know about the up to a plank time or two after the inflation started which means that it

was before there was uh pretty much time so since you can't test examine or even really prove

anything that is outside of time and space time there's nothing to prove it's an it's a ridiculous

uh um proposition and so it's not that we don't

know what happened before because we can't but we do know what happened all the way to a couple

billionths of a second afterwards so and how it evolved from that so i'm just saying that that's

you know i suggest explanations by i'm not a cosmologist so i i suggest that you read

explanations by cosmologists or sean carroll or not the biologist sean carroll but sean carroll

the physicist uh stephen hawking

actually has a couple of books out that aren't bad uh carl sagan perhaps neil degrasse tyson

um you know there are a lot of people who are really good at this however you can also watch

podcasts that will teach you an awful lot about it um you know uh so you know i can recommend some

if you want to email me i'll send you my favorite list um so anybody else have comments on this one

oh my i thought it was you know they don't never they don't never actually talk about any of the

you know like oh a science can't explain the origin of the universe and yet we have like 20

different explanations for it and and their explanation god did it i mean go ahead and

prove that one you know because we can't prove plank time say but they are but they're in this

well god did it so well prove that to me right it always seems like these people are in the same

place we are but they just don't even realize it so anybody else got anything you want to talk

about that you know one thing that i wanted to the the point out is one of the ones that

they pointed out was the meaning of life how science can't explain that and i i i thought

yeah you know and the truth is is that when it comes down to it i love that question because

it gives me an opportunity to remind people that yes okay so you have a definition that

you think you got from a book that god told you of what life means and you're trying to

muddle through this and you think that these pre-applied values mean something well for me

getting out of religion and recognizing that it wasn't true allowed me to throw away that

really terrible manual that's beaten into you potentially as a child and and to be able to

apply your own values and so rather than this is a negative yes it's great i don't have to listen

to what some book says everything should be because i can apply those myself to the life

around me so when i look at this i'm like yeah you're what you're talking about is a win no

i don't have a universal price code that everything applies to everyone but that's a freedom that's

not being bondage being bondage is being tied into a book that tells you what you have to think

and one other one i found very interesting is the human connection one you know they talked about it

and what they're talking about very poorly is essentially empathy and altruistic behavior you

know we we see this type of behavior in many animals you know rats we even have rats demonstrating

putting themselves a

risk to help other rats in danger so this is not something exclusive and this is not something just

exclusive to primates this is something we find throughout the animal kingdom so to treat this

as if this is a human connection no this is a social connection that they're talking yeah but

you can't prove why people are nice man i'm sorry it must be god you know and yeah we have

biological it is we've got actual tons of biological evidence

about why that developed and uh you know but it's it's way too long and involved a discussion

to get into in this show at the moment yeah yeah i don't i think i'd rather talk about um how this

how this article is um representing science rather than try to refute some of the idiocy within it

and like like half of the the subjects that they met they touch on that science can't answer are

philosophical ones they're not anything science could even do experiments on like like the meaning

miracles was one of them well first you gotta prove miracles actually happen before we can

start deciding whether they're real or not because we haven't proved the miracle yet so i mean it was

just like this whole list of things that it was obviously a slanted article from the beginning

and i thought that what it was doing badly was representing science in a very very bad light

what do you think about that eli well i'll say i was about to give him some credit because he does

say and it says the the slide called when science meets fate

he does say science is fundamentally the pursuit of answers just because science cannot explain

something yet and this is where he starts to go off the rails that doesn't mean that scientists

relent and accept something as inexplicable as inexplicable now that is true but he goes on to

the next sentence yeah by the time by the same token the fact that science cannot explain something

cannot be taken or no sorry can be taken as proof that the explanation lies beyond the realm of

and exists in the spiritual and that is bullshit because that's not proof of anything other than

we don't have the answer yet not having the answer is proof that we don't have the answer and that's

it and it's really just evidence that we don't have the answer it's not even proof if you want

to get technical about it um yeah let me give an example of that right in 1746 you couldn't say

there wasn't there there had to be a god because we hadn't invented light yet right

man-made light and that's exactly what this is saying right science hasn't done something yet so

obviously god so that's proof that it can't right is what he says and so um the other one and as you

mentioned a lot of these are philosophical questions not scientific ones and we did talk

about like human connection and apathy and one of them was morality and that's really not even all

that long of an explanation to get into we learned that if we cooperate with other people we have a

better chance of surviving and if we act like a dick people don't want to cooperate with us

we don't have as good a chance of surviving that's what social animals are and we don't just

see morality in humans and like you said earlier infidel and not just in rats ants that get

infected with like a disease or a poison or something that will spread to the other rest

of the colonies they will volunteer themselves for euthanasia so they don't infect the rest of

the colony that's moral behavior in insects or i don't know do ants count as insects i'm pretty

sure but yes yeah so some of the

some bugs surprise me sometimes but the point being these there are perfectly logical scientific

explanations for it as we've already established and they really don't take very much time at all

for like anybody who who starts to learn about these things these are some of the first things

you learn yeah it was it was a it it kind of surprised me when i started looking at all of the

uh the 10 things right and one of them was the teleological argument everything fits perfect

we have this perfectly designed world science can't explain that you know yeah we can yeah well

yeah we can prove it by you know showing it's not a perfectly designed world if it was then

the pit of the avocado wouldn't be so big right right but i i have another argument for that

which i like to i like to tell people about the goldilocks universe it's a form of the

watchmaker argument but it's a little different um the rub is that uh the chances of

all that coming together has a probability of one in other words it's a certainty after all it

happened we know that right therefore it's not improbable at all because it actually happened

that means it's not only probable it happened so any combination of those forces maybe could

have had intelligent life appear as the rules would be different and we don't understand how

they would be different it's very complex but uh we only have one example so we have one

sample our universe right and that tells us nothing about what it would be like to have

any one of the the four major forces uh well actually i call three forces and a gravity isn't

a force so anyway um but yeah so anyway that's it you know i just you know it's just the probability

is one get over it you're in the one universe if you want to think about it that way i would say

that it's not quite one but i because as you said we only have one

example we don't know how many times a universe has attempted to or successfully begun or ended

existing so we don't we would need to know the full amount to know what sample size we have

the point of the matter is that it doesn't matter because it did happen just like you said

so if it happened any other way we don't know whether that life couldn't have existed in any

other instantiation of the universe or that it could have and we may never have answers like

that because that may not even make sense we don't really know that i don't think

the question makes sense actually exactly yeah we we don't even have to point where we know if that

question does make sense so the probability of the universe happening is kind of uh a point to

even i think discuss because here it is let's just talk about how it did yeah exactly i know

in fact i could see infidel infidel down there chomping wanting to uh talk about another one of

these 10 things what do you got for us well actually i i wanted to build a little bit on

that odds you know we talked about what are the odds of something happening because oftentimes

we'll hear that when christians are talking about the universe and they're talking about the

universe and they're talking about something that has to be a miracle because what are the

odds of this happening and and i was reminded of a book that i read as a teenager and i i picked it

up almost off-handedly and it was about nine people who survived hiroshima and then nagasaki

these people survived the nuclear bomb atomic bomb went to nagasaki and then survived another

one now your odds are pretty bad all about and you know and i and i went to started to break

down how do you would even break down those odds you know you have logistics you have

where are you well enough to make the trip you know all these other things because you're

surviving in an atomic you know situation that nobody knows what's going on and when you start

thinking about things like this the odds are pretty long but once again just like our universe

it did happen and so one in a million things one in 10 million things happen every day so

just because something's a long shot to give it a veneer of a miracle is just so odd to me

because also you mentioned the goldilocks universe you know i'm sure that more than a few of us are

familiar with douglas adams with the the puddle and everything just seems so finally this hole

is just perfectly tuned for for me this to exist inside this puddle and it it completely ignores

that everything around it is bred for this world so yes they they tried to tie in god to pretty

much everything on here and the truth is the way they did it was saying oh

science doesn't have an exclamation so therefore god did it and besides science is not a thing so

you can't talk about it like it's a thing it's a method you know so they need to educate themselves

a little bit it's also the body of work that's been discovered through that method too so it's

not just the method but it's also what we've been able to discover from it from that method so

i think that's important to remember but to add

your point infidel kind of like you said one in a million things happen so often and kelly

this was something that you and i talked about during the back crews if a thing happens to you

once every second a million seconds is like 11 and a half days so i just did the math i just did i

just looked at it no actually it was what it was it was 34 days if you're awake and alert for eight

hours a day okay yeah so if you're awake for being awake for a million seconds is being awake is 34

days worth of

time one in a million thing happens every 34 days yeah yeah i mean that people will bring in um

perfectly round balls into rocks into my store all the time and i think they found a cannonball and

i have to explain to them that we don't never have rocks been used as cannonballs in north america

ever you know and they always want to know how it got so perfectly round and that's what i always

say well what do you think the chances of that happening one in a million yeah probably about

that okay now think of how many rocks are in a 20 mile radius of the store probably 10 million

there's still nine more out there go look for it i like that that's a good one make a wish yeah

yeah that would be something so again like one of the things that really bothered me was the choice

of topics that this person decided science couldn't explain because he picked so many

topics that yeah science there's no way science can explain them because they aren't topics of

anything physical it was mostly like i said philosophical things that we have that we've

been arguing about for millennia and still haven't found the answer to so yeah and they

they strawman a lot and they even made they made a lot of errors in this you know just uh the whole

the whole idea that um because you know uh science states that everything in

existence is a matter of time and i think that's a very important thing to think about

and i think that's a very important thing to think about and i think that's a very important thing to think about

so our souls did you see that one life after death i'm like i just like i science doesn't say

that at all nowhere does science say we're talking about energy you know you can't you can't just you

can't destroy energy or information i do hear that from t.s a lot that though well your soul

has to go somewhere because the energy can't be destroyed now it's like no but you know there

are batteries and the earth is a battery big battery too so when you die the energy that's

once was used to move your body around is now disappointed dissipated through the soil where

it's picked up by the plants for more energy see our energy isn't destroyed it just moves on and

people don't you can you can transform energy into other things and matter itself is just a

different form of energy and it doesn't have to go somewhere right away like i said like

the earth is a giant battery our energy is stored within the earth until the plants need it and then

stored within the plants until the animals that eat the plants need it and then stored

in those animals and until it feeds them so i've got to say that i i found the article quite

interesting and the fact that they were able to write so much and say so little because at the end

of the day you know they made all these claims and all these grandiose gestures but truthfully

at the end of the day it was like yeah i don't understand something so god did it and that

really boiled down to because as

kelly said a lot of these issues aren't things that there's a way to a for them to be addressed

through science science has no methodology to address some of these because they're well

frankly just pretty much pulled out of somebody's ass so when you have something like that yeah

science can't answer it you know science can't answer a lot of things because that you're not

asking a question that science is designed to answer and the truth is that science is more

about as as we kelly you mentioned the

gathering of knowledge and that process in which knowledge is gathered and but it's not about making

true claims the the the i don't think science is ever going to say the absolute way that this is

and throw something out there because if science makes a claim it's going to be had to be pretty

certain of it that's why we call it the theory of gravity you know we don't call it the rule

but let's go and see on the top of a building and let's see how consistent that this is and

that's pretty much what they're doing here just just smoking smoking ashes just smoking smoking

ashes trying to distract it's smoking mirrors i i would say add one thing though the a few of

these questions can be answered by science it's just not uh the the typical three sciences uh

there are a couple of these questions that can be answered by sociology um maybe three or four

and um there's psychology answers to a lot of these sorts of you know uh questions like

why and also why you ask these questions so you know sociology

anthropology can also explain how we get to that position to where we need to know

what is consciousness well there's a lot of ways to approach that consciousness is a emergent

property of very complex organic systems at the moment eventually we'll see if we can make a

machine but um but that that's all that is and any organism with a sufficiently complex brain

is going to have a consciousness so we know that we

and we can show that in the history and development of intelligence throughout

the human species as well as uh great apes and then going to other species as well

pigs are are known to be extremely intelligent they're more intelligent than dogs dogs are way

more intelligent than a lot of other animals so you all these things consciousness intelligence

they've all been pretty much sussed out for the basics so uh read a book take a class you know

i wonder if

if this is one of those things where like you know how if you want to get the right answer

to something all you got to do is post the wrong answer online and somebody will correct you faster

than if you ask the question but what drives algorithms and gets views is comments so what

this guy is doing is like i'm gonna say a bunch of wrong shit all at once and i'm gonna get so

many fucking comments man good point good point maybe that's what this is me it could be it could

be you know we just had the back cruise all four of us were at the aca back cruise it's an annual

event we had a lot of fun and the aca does a lot of other cool events besides the back cruise and

you can find out what some of those events are by going to atheist-community.org visit the website

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