GGB140 – Goodbye For Now


Gay Geek Bizarre

GGB140 – Goodbye For Now

Gay Geek Bizarre

Welcome to Gay Geek Bizarre Show Episode 140 and it's a Tuesday, May 28, 2019. I am Nard.

And this is Ray.

Yes, and welcome to the show where we talk about gay stories, geek news, and bizarre topics.

Well, we are going on a hiatus and this is the last show for now.

And we don't know when we're going to come back.

Maybe, maybe not come back. I don't know.

Hopefully after the wedding.

Maybe after the wedding, right?

After Podzilla's gone.

Yeah, that's right.

Anyway, so yeah, we're all getting busy because of the summer and everything.

And we just want to take it easy for a while.

And of course, we will keep slash Gay Geek Bizarre going.

Because these are articles we want to share.

The site will still be that way.

Just going to be sharing stories.

And we're going to be, you know.

Keep the site going.

So will still keep going.

And the podcast will still be available on all channels that we've been talking about.

And like I said, the slash Gay Geek Bizarre will still keep going.

Because we like sharing stories.

All right, Ray.

Let's do some.

We can update before we proceed to our last few stories for now.


All right.

Well, you had the bigger weekend than I did because you went out of town.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

For Memorial Day.

Yeah, so Mike came over.

But then only for me to leave the next day for Austin.

He was just here for the weekend.

And then I had to go to Austin.

He said he was so happy being at the house by himself.

Nobody bothered him.

He got so much done.

He got to watch so many episodes of his favorite TV show.

Yeah, that's right.

So I went to Austin.

I went to Austin for Texas Shootout Softball Tournament.

So it's a gay softball league.

It's a softball tournament.

And it was fun.

We won third place, which is good.

Did you go to Hippie Hollow for any splash?

No, there was no time for that.

We're playing games.

We're there for softball.

We didn't have time for that.

Oh, yeah.

There are a lot of people playing games at Hippie Hollow too, I bet.

I don't know.

I don't think so.

The biggest game is probably playing Hide the Salami.

That's right.

Well, that probably happened at Iron Bear that Friday night.

We were all tired and everything.

So we just stayed in, barbecued, and cooked some burgers,

and cooked some portobello mushrooms for me.

And it was good.

I mean, it was a good weekend to stay with the Wave.

My team, the Wave, is just one big happy family.

So we were there.

It was good.

I finally figured out what the acronym Wave stands for.



We are very elderly.

I should tell that to the team.

We are very elderly.

went back to the house and slept

because I was so old and tired

and busted. Actually, I just

did that. I just stayed in.

And we played some

Fibbage. We played some

Quiplash. That was fun.


it was a lot of fun. And then

I didn't drink much, but

we had a lot of food and everything.

So, it was just an evening

or just two weekends with

a wave.

And the games were okay.

We played in the Krieg

field, the softball field.

And then there were a lot of participants, which is good.

We were in the E division. So,

we were in the recreational

division. Anyways, after that,

I drove all the way home. I went all the way

to the pool party, Casey and Chris. Thank you,

Casey and Chris, for hosting a party.

A pool party. And

problem though, I was

supposed to meet you guys there, but

I had to leave around after lunch.

And y'all left a little bit early

because, you know,

we had other plans with Dr. Julio.

Of course, the plan was for him to come to

the pool party with us.

But then he backed out because

he had to work.

And I'm doing air quotations.

He had to work. So, he

cannot come to the pool party.

That's right. Air quotes.

Anyway, so I guess y'all had fun.

I went there and y'all

left already. But Mike was still there. So, he

was eating a burger while I came over.

So, I got to see him and hug him

before he left.

And I went to the pool.


So, what about Memorial Day? What did you do that day?

Just stayed home.

I was so sore. My body is just

aching all over because, you know,

two days of softball plus I'm getting old

and my legs and my arms.

I mean, like now, my

left wrist is really

you know,

it's really

banged up right now. It's really

I don't know.

Well, that's because when you're

in the pool, you're in the pool.

You're in the pool. You're in the pool. You're in the pool. You're in the pool. You're in the pool. You're in the pool.


And you were running from first to second

to third to home.

You were sitting there and it was just flapping in the wind

so much. That's why.

Yeah. I was frolicking on the way

each fuel.

You were skipping and your arms

were just all jab hands

and you were just like, oh my god.

It's a gays softball.

Oh my god.

It was fun though.

Well, we went to NASA

We went to NASA

Memorial Day. Uncle Julio

took us there and it was very nice. I hadn't been there in a while and that changed

everything around a good little bit. But it was actually nice

and cool Sunday morning here. There was a nice breeze coming in off the bay so

we got a nice breeze while we were riding around the trams

and we did two of the tram rides

and then we walked around and then we went to Space Shuttle

and then we checked out some of the exhibits and we watched a movie and then we

left and ate some Chinese buffet

and then we came home and Timo fell asleep on me.

I think I lost my network

the whole day because I didn't get an invite.

Oh, well see, you were in Austin at a softball

tournament all weekend and your husband was in town

so this was planned late Sunday night after we got done

watching Aladdin.

Julio was like, let's go to NASA tomorrow morning and I'm like, okay.

So it was one of those last minute deals, but he will take you

anytime you want to go. All you have to do is call him and schedule with him.

Well, he better drive.

I don't know if you want to drive with him. Julio drives crazy.

Oh, that's right. I haven't seen him drive for a while. How many tickets

has he had before? Oh, you don't really want to know.

Trust me.

Anyway. Are you going to see Aladdin the movie?

At some point I will. I guess it would be fun to watch.

I like it. It was worth going to see it at a standard movie

on a Sunday afternoon of Memorial Day weekend.

Maybe I'll watch it this weekend.

The one I want to go see is Brightburn, which is the movie

about if Superman was evil.

Okay. I better check that out.

Okay. So I guess we can go to our stories, our last stories for this episode.

And I guess, yeah, these are our last stories.

All right. Let's talk about transgender.

It's not being a mental disorder now.

So the World Health Organization will no longer classify being transgender

as a mental disorder. So the World Health Organization

has removed transgender from its list of mental disorders.


Mental disorders.

I didn't know it was, right?


Well, being gay up until the 70s was considered a mental disorder.

That's right. And I guess transgender is among the list.

And they lift it out now.

So the organization approved an update to its International Statistical Classification

of Diseases and Related Health Problems, or ICD, this past Saturday.

The manual is a global standard for mental health diagnosis.


The current version of the ICD has several entries related to gender identity.

Transsexualism is defined as a desire to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex,

usually accompanied by a sense of discomfort with or inappropriateness of one's anatomic sex

and a wish to have surgery and hormonal treatment to make one's body as congruent as possible

with one's preferred sex.

So gender identity disorder of childhood and dual-role transvestism,

the wearing of clothes on the opposite sex for part of the individual's existence

in order to enjoy the temporary experience of membership of the opposite sex,

are also part of the current version of the ICD.

But the changes approved this weekend would replace them with gender incongruence

defined as a marked and persistent incongruence.

Gender incongruence is the incongruence between an individual's experienced gender and the assigned sex.

Gender variant behavior and preferences alone are not the basis of assigning the diagnosis in the group.

Gender incongruence was removed to the section of sexual health instead of the section of mental disorders.

So the WHO's removal of gender identity disorder from its diagnostic manual will have a liberating effect

on the survival of the people with the sexual identity disorder.

But it's not the only reason that gender identity disorder is still a major issue in the world.

Transgendered people worldwide said Graeme Raid, the LGBT rights director of the Human Rights Watch,

government should swiftly reform national medical systems and laws that require this now officially outdated diagnosis.

This is good news for our transgendered members of the society.

Yeah, we will hold our breath until the Trump administration pushes this on to the U.S. mental health organizations.

Yeah, that is true.

We will hold our breath until the Trump administration pushes this on to the U.S. mental health organizations.

Yeah, that is true.

so uh right now we do have a ban on transgendered individuals on the military too right and uh it

was um uh it's not really enforced as far as i know but uh it's just really a rule but it's a it

it's more like a a uh policy right now i guess it is a policy but i think the generals or the uh

the the command the commanders right there right now are not upholding it they let their

transgendered uh um you know soldiers stay stay in i think i think that's what's happening right

now so yeah i hope this uh resonates resonates uh throughout all society and even in the middle

east or even in the here in the uh here in the u.s especially here in the u.s you know so i know

we'll see what happens but like you said ray this was this was uh like you know homosexuality was a

was a um uh disorder back

then but now back then and then when when was it not in the uh became not in the disordered list

do you do you know do you know that right well you know in the 80s 90s maybe when it when it

became uh not a disorder homosexuality i think it was the late i think 70s

okay but now but as far as as far as trans goes this is a double winner this weekend

because international mr leather crowns the first trans person of color winner jack thompson took home

the title where islands fayon scott also did amazingly coming in third place so there's a

contestant jack thompson made history by becoming the first trans person of color to take home the

international missile leather title at the competition in chicago this weekend so congratulations

jack oh yeah that's right yeah iml ray that's iml in chicago that happens alongside with the

bear pride and um i don't know if there's still a bear pride i'm not sure but i know iml happens

there international men of leather but uh i've been there a couple of times how many times twice

i think i went there twice before but mainly at the vendor fair at iml but not in the event itself

but uh well yeah i think yeah so i wish one day that you could check that out ray yeah well one

day i might so but i think it's interesting that this weekend that got released and uh

trans person of color won mr international metal international leather so yeah that's good to

hear so i think that's cool so all right speaking of rolling into pride month next week ikea releases

rainbow shopping bag for pride month home furnishings megastore ikea has announced they

will start selling their iconic confining shopping bag with a full rainbow present and

celebration of pride month at all ikea u.s stores according to their press release ikea will donate

100 of the profits from the sale of these bags to the human rights campaign foundation now you can

turn around your slinger and fartful with pride whatever that is i'm sure this that's the brand

two brands that they have yeah ikea has been a supporter of diversity for decades it was the

first company to show a same-sex couple in an advertisement in 1994 in 2018 it was on the

forbes list for blessed and best employers for diversity for the fourth year in a row it's the

leader in the industry for inclusivity

benefits for lgbt employees and their families they even cover a portion of gender confirmation

counseling and surgery are you are you reading this hobby lobby and chick-fil-a yeah because

chick-fil-a and hobby lobby then do not like you know gays hobby and hobby lobby and chick-fil-a so

i hope they're listening to this yeah to help raise funds and awareness for uh the human rights

campaign ikea will make this limited edition rainbow bag available on june 1st 43.99 additionally all

u.s ikea stores will be available on june 1st 43.99 additionally all u.s ikea stores will be available

on june 1st 43.99 additionally all u.s ikea stores will fly the proud rainbow

flag on june 1st uh the human rights campaign is the educational outreach branch of the human rights

are excuse me the human rights campaign foundation let me get them right because there's two of them

the human rights campaign foundation is the educational branch of the human rights campaign

which aims to provide innovative training and direct consultation with schools child welfare

agencies and other services later�il gdzie vaig�

service providers working to build welcoming and affirming and supportive

school and communities for LGBT plus youth and their families.

The rainbow combating shopping bag will be available in stores for only a

limited time.

Get yours while you can.

So girl,

you know,

Ikea here in Houston is going to be up with gays on Saturday.


I do want the bag.

The bag is really nice.

I saw it.

And it's a big,

is there a usual Ikea bags,

Ikea large bags,

but they're rainbow.


there's big blue bags,

but these are rainbow colors.

So I might have to get up early Saturday morning,

go sit at Ikea for the doors to open to grab my pride bags.

So I'm sure they're going to limit to limit for three for a person or


Maybe I'm just guessing.


And that's,

it's not bad to buy a couple of them.


I should,

I should check it out.


So I'm looking forward to it.

It's a pride month next month,

which is great.


Are we doing it in Houston?

Is there going to be one in Houston?

I guess there is still right.

There's always.


There's still,

downtown still hot as hell.


It's going to be June 26 or something.

And it's not going to be in the month.

Pride bingo is June 8th.

If you want to go with me.


we could probably do that.


For fundraiser.




Who wants internet?


do you like internet so much?

I like internet when the shit works.

When the shit works.


We're having an internet problem.

Sometimes Ray always has that.

When it doesn't work,

I don't like internet.

When it doesn't work.



that's right.

It's really a bread and butter for many people now.


For you and me,



you know,

Elon Musk is really trying his best to really appease the world with his projects and everything.


SpaceX wants to offer Starlink internet to consumers after just six launches.

That's amazing.


SpaceX has created a brand,

a brand-new website dedicated to its Starlink satellite constellation,

a prelude to offering internet service to consumers after as few as six launches.

Additionally, reiterated CEO Elon Musk's estimate that SpaceX will conduct two to six dedicated Starlink launches carrying at least 60 satellites each in 2019 alone.

In other words,

a best-case satellite deployment scenario,

could mean that SpaceX will be able to start offering Starlink service to consumers in the northern U.S. and Canada latitudes.


that's amazing.

It's as early as this year.

While commercial offerings would thus be all but guaranteed in 2020.

A step further,

SpaceX believe it will be able to offer coverage of the entirety of the populated world after as few as 24 launches.

That's about approximately 1,500 Starlink satellites.


this quiet announcement of SpaceX's expected Initial Operational Capability confirms that the company's plans to offer communications services to consumers are just as ambitious as its 60-satellite or 18.5-ton Starlink launch debut.


on an average of 60 Starlink satellites per launch,

SpaceX wants to begin serving customers in the U.S. and Canada as soon as approximately 360 spacecraft are in orbit,

a milestone that could occur as early as late 2019.

Sometime in the first half of 2020 is arguably far more likely,

but the fact alone that the service could be offered in 2019 illustrates just how far SpaceX is ahead of its competitors,

of which only one Webb seems to pose an actual threat.

So, assuming SpaceX aims to launch one dedicated 60-satellite Starlink mission every six to eight weeks,

the company could easily have a constellation of more than 600 satellites in orbit by the end of 2020.

Compared to one Webb,

each Starlink satellite weighs about 40% more,

about approximately 150 kilograms versus a, you know, approximately 230 kilograms,

but also offers almost double the usable throughput, 16 to 20 gigabits per second, Ray.

Wow, that's good, as opposed to OneWeb's 10 gigabits per second.

In short, SpaceX should be able to offer the same capacity of coverage and services soon,

if not far sooner, than OneWeb, while Constellation hopefuls like Telesat, Leosat,

and Amazon's Project Cooper are likely two to five years away from launching their first satellites,

let alone offering service.

So this is exciting, Ray, where we can have 17 to 20 gigabits per second internet.

So I have a question for you.

On if SpaceX is going to start selling their own phone, or offering phone service?

I don't know about that.

They are going to offer.

They are going to offer internet first, before phone service.

I don't know about phone service.

Well, I know, but it would be very easy to build an internet phone that could use the internet service,

and you could be global.

You could have a phone and go global.

Yeah, that's very conceivable, of course.

I can see it happening.

Now, on the downside of all these satellites, low-orbit satellites,

for all you astronomers out there, you're going to see a lot much more clutter.


at the stars.

And what might be a star is probably just a SpaceX satellite.

So you got to do that.

And as they launch these things, people keep, like, one that launched there, people thought

they saw UFOs as it deployed the 60 satellites into their orbit.

There's a video on the Gay Geek Bazaar page showing them tearing through the sky, looking

like alien spaceships chasing each other.

Yeah, I think, for astronomers, they would better shut down their Oke focusing today.

know that if it's experienced astronomers they would know which one's a satellite or not uh if

it's not a uh a meteor or anything but uh it's to me it's just exciting that we're gonna have

internet uh available for everyone so that's gonna be a big threat to verizon at&t to a lot of

wireless carriers and uh yeah they have to step up i wonder how soon they're gonna start

and with the same thing could they push their own uh cable platform

uh i don't know about cable because who who who would who would offer a cable platform

spacex uh it's not cable it's satellite but it's satellite yeah they could push that along right

but they could push that all right along with all with everything else they're doing

yeah so 17 to 20 gigabits per second it's not uh it's it's uh it's okay it's a pretty fast

for streaming video which is good and of course

as uh years come by this will improve and uh who knows if it reaches 50 gigabits per second or even

100 gigabits per second so if we reach that point you're you could be streaming uh 4k at that point

so what i'm saying is uh there's only uh there's no direction but up for these guys or for spacex

to offer uh good internet but uh like i said it's good for communications good enough for

facetime good enough for for

it for you know for text messages or even uh whatsapp or viber messages or even online or

even facebook it's good enough for facebooking too so this is going to be exciting and let's

see what happens and uh what i am afraid of ray is monopoly because right now he's the one who's

offering this and i hope he doesn't go evil like google does but what i'm saying is uh whenever

there is a competition it's always good to have competition so hopefully jeff bezos would do

from amazon and if he does something to to compete like uh amazon x or amazon amazon internet

services so if he has something like that it's satellite so that'd be great so let's have all

these billionaires and all these all these rich guys invest and actually install uh competitive

internet satellites so that'd be good i mean i would would you transfer ray get away go go away

right now and go to uh spacex uh internet service

uh maybe it all depends on cost and how good the speeds are and coverages

uh the speeds are as shitty as what i got right now that

yeah the speeds are 17 to 20 gigabits per second that that's the it's a lot slower yeah yeah well

they always well they also say cars get 40 miles per gallon

but when you're in a car that's a lot slower than a car that's a lot slower than a car that's a lot

you go to drive them you might be only getting 36 so i'll wait to see what happens but it might

be interesting we ought to ask patrick if he's going to check this out because this would be

good for him i don't know he's on satellite internet well he's on satellite internet right

now so this i wonder if this would be better for him oh then what he's already got so we should ask

him yeah maybe maybe by the end of the summer he can get on it we can question him about it

what he thinks about it we'll have to talk to him yeah let's see what happens anyway i'm excited

you know this is just a start it's just the start of having uh popularized internet internet uh

satellite internet so that'd be great and then uh comcast and verizon and what else um at&t and

cox cable what else time warner they'll all be threatened they'll all be threatened because of

this uh more uh more widespread internet all over and uh why

they want to have cable internet if i can just get uh the one from spacex you know so we'll see

even you know well i think for a lot of rural people this will help them oh yeah definitely

definitely for people for like people live in the mountains out where they don't have all the

cable and stuff i think this will be awesome i'll probably try it i'm sure he's going to have a uh

good good payment plan i could probably if he has like a like a bargain or like another bargain but

i'm not sure if he's doing good i don't think he's doing good all right let's see what happens

i'd like to try it i see i just want to see how it is let's see what happens

all right okay so let's go to the bizarre okay man allegedly hiding drugs in his butt

accidentally shoots himself in the nuts oh god a bungalow felon from washington's now this is

washington state north florida yep made a series of blunders when he shot himself in the testicles

and tried to hide the weapon all while storing jugs

in his anus, a report said Wednesday.

Cameron Jeffrey Wilson, 27, was carrying a pistol in his

front pocket while in his Kashmir, Washington apartment on April 5th

when the firearm accidentally discharged and pierced his

groin and thigh, according to the Wenatchee World News.

Wilson, who is a 13-time convicted felon,

told his girlfriend to dispose of the weapon before heading to the hospital, the paper said.

When the ex-con finally went into the hospital, a

balloon of marijuana slipped out of his anus while a doctor was operating

on the gunshot wound, court records show. Cops also

arrived at the hospital when the alerted of the gunshot wound and searched Wilson's car where they

discovered a bag of meth in the blood-stained jeans he was wearing

when he shot himself. The officers issued an arrest warrant for Wilson and he

turned himself in to police on April 18th. As he was being

processed at the Chilean County Regional

Justice Center, Wilson was strip searched and another balloon of

marijuana slipped from his anus, the paper said. While in jail, Wilson made a

number of calls to his girlfriend and asked her not to cooperate with

investigators working on his case. Authorities were listening in on the

calls. The convicted felon was charged with the possession of a

firearm, unlawful possession of meth, possession of a

controlled substance in a correctional facility, and four counts of

misdemeanor charges. Wilson is being held on a $110,000 bail and is due in

court on June 18th.

The picture they posted of the guy, he was a really cute guy. So it only goes to show

looks don't always give brains, because he's just a dumbass.

First of all, how could, I guess these guys are veterans already when it comes to drugs

that they can shove things up their ass. And he's got about two.

Well, there's a third time, third time's a charm.

Well, there's a third time, third time's a charm. Well, there's a third time, third time's a charm.

Well, there's a third time, third time's a charm. Well, there's a third time's a charm.

convicted felon. So I'm sure his salad has been tossed a good little bit and

has been stretched open while in prison. I bet. Because he's a pretty white boy.

Yeah. So I don't get it. You know, there's just so many things that is wrong. He

didn't think, he didn't think that, you know, drugs would come off of his ass when

he's got, he's being treated. And you know, if you get shot like that, the last

thing you want is to have anything that would obstruct your, your, your pooper.

Right? You take it all out.

Well, I have a feeling that when he was, when he turned himself in, he was trying to

smuggle drugs into the jail so he can make him a little, uh, fun money while he was in

there. But apparently his anus was too loose and did not hold it in.

Yeah. Okay. I see what your point. Anyway, so it's just, uh, it's just a comedy

of errors. Anyway, so 13 time convicted felon and he's only 27 years old. So assuming that

he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he,

he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he spent 13 years. He was like,

like that's ins谢 let's put it this way. He's a dumbass convicted felon because he even

convicted 13 times you think? After once or twice he'd learned his lessons. But apparently he's a

dumbass and can't learn a lesson. It's maybe he liked going to jail and getting it at the rear.

Yup. Anyway. So it's sad for him, but, uh, you know,

it's in New York. It's in the New York post, so I guess it's real.

Yeah. But I'm sure they'll make some, some,

make Leroy in the jail

a good house

a good jail wife

let's see what happens

to his ass

probably he can do

DP at that point

alright so

when he gets out

the next time

maybe he can

drive a Volkswagen

up there

that's right


so before we go

actually I got an email

from Jason

it's a

Facebook post


he said that

I've been enjoying

the podcasts

I'm glad you guys

are taking a break though

summer can be very busy

yes it is

I look forward to

anything you share

in the future

thanks for making

my work commutes

much more enjoyable

thank you Jason

yeah so


we're taking a break

like I said

we're gonna be on a hiatus

for a while

and we don't know

we're gonna come back

because you know

summer is in the way

and life is in the way

and there's a wedding

coming up

so Ray's gonna be

very busy



we're all busy

and we're gonna take

a break for a while

and I really

really thank everyone

yeah we really thank

everyone who supports us

who supported us


how many years now

two or three years

we've been doing this

for three years

I think Ray


all the feedback

we got from our website

yeah with the show

we went ten years

on Bear Podcast

but before

and then about three years

here on Gay Geek Bizarre

so all the feedback

we got from our websites

and our show

thank you everyone

for all the people

who commented

there's some who are

who are

you know

could comment

would make

would like our posts

and things like that

some would comment

and I don't

I don't think people

really like our


whenever we have


political Ray

but you know

it happens

we get more

likes and dislikes

whenever we get

you know

on Facebook

whenever there's a political

but other things

like the geek stuff

and the

gay stuff that we post

everybody enjoy that

I could really tell

and it's really good

it's really nice to have people

who we have an audience


who are

kind of like-minded with us

and people have their opinions

and it's great to

hear them out


like I said

Gay Geek Bizarre

and Gay Geek Bizarre

has been going on

for about

more than three years


we just thank you

everyone for supporting us

throughout the years


so I guess

for the last time Ray

yeah so

you can catch our stories

we'll keep going

with the stories


right Ray

so we're gonna keep

posting on

on Facebook

slash Gay Geek Bizarre

we will keep

posting these

gay stories

geek news

and bizarre topics

and we're gonna do that

and who knows

we could probably

record a show

once in a while

but we don't know yet when


you can also email

if you have feedback

let us know

show at

Gay Geek Bizarre

dot com


if you have a story

that you find

you can email us that

and we can post it on

Gay Geek Bizarre

if it's a good story

that's right


I guess

calling us

is not

won't be able to

play any voicemails

if anybody calls

but in any case

you can still call

you can call us right Ray

what's the phone number

that's right

you can call

and leave us a voicemail





leave us a voicemail

tell us how much

you miss us


whatever you want to do

but we'll listen to it

and then you can also

follow us on Facebook

and Twitter

we're also on


Google Play


and Stitcher Radio

and we will be back there

once we're back up

and running in a few months

after our little hiatus


so what happens here

is that

the shows will still be available

the latest shows

like will be available

for you to download

and like I said

go to the website

go to the official website


and you'll still see

all the shows

and all the posts

that we'll be putting

and like I said

we might

enhance the website

at some point

just to

deliver more news

and deliver more stories

maybe we can do that

since we won't be

podcasting for a while

so like I said

thank you everyone

for listening

and you guys

are great


looking forward

to come back again


like Ray said

it's going to be

a couple of months


thank you everyone

for listening


I guess this is

goodbye for now

see you guys later

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