4 25 06 Playoffs Lightning v.s. Senators Game 3

Joel Nowacki

Tampa Bay Lightning Strike

4 25 06 Playoffs Lightning v.s. Senators Game 3

Tampa Bay Lightning Strike

this is the lightning strike hello welcome once again this is April 25th 2005 and I am 2005 2006

and hi hello I'm actually out of town I went up into the mountains and there's all these these

chainsaws around I think you probably hear one going by they're cutting down all these trees in

the area it's crazy because I can't breathe I need these trees to survive that they're helping

me but yeah I went and I escaped into the mountains after the game last night it was uh

it was crazy um but basically I went to the game I'm gonna make this short uh because I'm out of

town I'm using someone else's computer so he said about five minutes of audio and I'm using a

different recorder as everybody could tell here comes the chainsaw man here


but anyways man I got a ticket for the game last night uh they saw like 200 tickets the day of the

game and uh I went to the website man I was waiting I was waiting and they weren't popping

up and I was like I hope they still have them because I just remember from the last playoff run

here comes the chainsaw man watch out they're outside they're trying to cut

like cutting trees down but anyways yeah I got a ticket the day of the game for for 23 bucks man


and they weren't like it was a top row but you know our stadium really isn't super large

but I could fit a lot of people in there it's angled pretty well but um I ended up moving

after the first period anyway I scoped out some seats further down it was awesome man I got in

there and no one said anything and there's all these drunk chicks like a little not too far

away from me but this one girl was there with her boyfriend she was like I don't know he's all

over protective of her and shit but anyways um I go to the game man I get there nice and early I'm

I get there nice and early, I had my beers, and they stopped selling Labatt, man, which

is crazy, dude, and I usually drink Labatt at the game, and I was like, oh, man, it's

ridiculous, but it looked really cool, everyone had their little glowy necklaces on, and like

when the lights went out, it was like total strobe light, the place was going off, and

the guy that was singing the Canadian National Anthem, man, they were doing it live with

the guitar, and they actually like messed up like the first bar of it, they forgot to

start singing, and everyone started laughing, man, it was weird, it was really uncomfortable,

but it was awesome that they did that, but anyways, on to the game, man, right off the

jump, right off the drop, we had some jump, and we were hitting people, man, and it was

good to see, but right away, man, they got a goal probably within the first four or five

minutes of the game, and it was kind of sad, it was so deflating, man, everyone was pumped

up, man, we had the Let's Go Lightning thing going like crazy, when they had a couple rushes,

and man, we get scored on early, and what makes it worse, there was a penalty, like

a little pileup on our own end, and hopefully everybody was watching the game, and they

saw that, but it was a little pileup in front of Graham, and everyone was kind of pairing

off, they were jousting, jostling around, and Artuken comes in, and he just tries to

like peel someone back, but you know how he is, he doesn't know his own strength, he like

rips like two guys, and they fall on the ice, and they call him with the extra penalty,

man, so Otto was on the power play, like right after they scored.

And it was, I'm sad to say, they ended up scoring, so it was 2-0 right quick, and then

they scored another goal right after that, man, we called a timeout, I was like, oh my

god, dude, 3-0 in the first, man, and then toward the end of the first period, we had

a 5-on-3, we actually got a little break there, but I'm still pissed at Kerry Frazier for

that call, man, because that's the turning point in the game.

We got a goal, so it was 3-1, I think it was 3 or 4-1 going into the second.

And they scored right away on Graham again, they pulled Graham out, man, we bring in Burke,

and Burke did good for the most part for what he could do, but we were just having a lot

of breakdowns, and it just seemed like Otto was so much faster than us last night, man,

they were beating us down the ice like all the time.

It's like they just played in that Excel level, or maybe they come down here and it's warmer

and they can like get loose easier or something, man, that's fucking scary.

But anyways, it ended up just being kind of like a war the rest of the game, there's all

these fights.

Man, Lecavier took on Chara, and Chara looked like he wanted to kill him when he like flung

him on the ice, he had like his hand back, but he stopped, and I'm like, dude, like he's

going to hit him when he's down like that.

And that was kind of fucked up, but I'm glad Lecavier fought him.

Fedotenko was all over the place last night, man.

Neil, man, I hate Neil, everyone that's listening from Otto or whoever, wherever, I know there's

only about 55 of you, but it's cool, man, I'm getting a bigger audience, man, I got

just random downloads all the time, like sometimes up to like 100.

Just scrolling through like the podcast sites on the internet, like, I don't know, whatever,

whatever they are, I can't think of any right now, but anyways, like basically they ended

up losing 8-4, there was a goal late that they called back, it could have been 8-5, it

should have been, it was off Artuken's leg, but of course they don't want to give him

the goal.

But after the game I went to my buddy Yatsik's house, and that's where I'm at right now,

and we're at about 5 minutes.

And all I got to say, man, it's only one game, it's a seven game series, we still play

at home, so if we can have a big win tomorrow, which is Thursday, I think we'll be able to

turn this thing around.

We have to win, though, it's almost a must-win game, because if we go back to Ottawa down

3-1, you know, that'd be scary.

But even then, we could get a run going, you know, who knows.

But I think we should start Graham back, I think we should bring him back to redeem himself,

even though he did give up five goals.

But, you know, Burke gave up five goals.

He gave up three goals, so, in half a game, so that's ridiculous.

And actually, Graham was off the hook for the loss, he didn't get the loss, because

they scored five, they scored four, no, they scored four, so that's why.

Alright, but anyways, that's it, man, I'm wrapping it up.

Man, I'm going to go back home in about an hour or so, it's early, it's like 10 a.m.

But go Lightning, and we'll do it on Thursday.

So long.

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