Change Your State, Change Your Story

Abiola Abrams

Goddess Temple Podcast - Motivation, Inspiration, Spirituality

Change Your State, Change Your Story

Goddess Temple Podcast  - Motivation, Inspiration, Spirituality

Hello, everybody. Just stand by for a second. Let's see. I think I can bring Instagram back

into the fold today. Boom! Yay! We are live! Okay, wait. I feel a sneeze coming on. I just

spray a lot of bug spray to come out here this morning. I'm feeling a sneeze coming

on. All right. It's not coming yet. Good morning and happy Monday. We are on the other

side of the incredible Lionsgate portal. Thank you so much for joining me. I know, you know,

the top of the week is hard sometimes for people, but I promise you we're going to give

you the inspiration, motivation, transformation. You need to set your week off right. Yes. Yes.

Are y'all missing Goddess Temple Sunday? I am too.

I think what...

What I am going to do is start doing Goddess Temple Mondays. The reason I'm not doing Goddess

Temple Sundays is because I want to spend that time with my daughter, and she is not

going to, at this moment in time, play quietly while I am on, you know, doing Goddess Temple

Sundays. So that's why that's not happening, but maybe we'll do Goddess Temple Mondays.

Let's see how today goes. All right? So hit the share button. Put some positivity on your


Let's see if we can get some folks into the room, and then I can make a case for myself

about doing a regular Goddess Temple Monday.

Goddess Temple Monday. Hello, Goddess Marie Nadine. I saw you in the room before we even

started. She was here, and she was waiting early. So Goddess Marie Nadine, actually,

give me a number between 1 and 11. Let me do a card poll, and let's see what the goddesses and

ancestors want.

What do you want us to know for this coming week? Okay? All right. Good. Hello, Jamaican

Dougla. Glad that you are here. Hello, Goddess Ashley B. And actually, Jamaican Dougla, I'm

glad you're here, too. Let's kill two birds with one stone. While you are here, I think

that it would be very powerful for us to just give people a little bit of, you know, forgive

my American family, my American sisters.

And brothers, some people are having challenges with the fact that you can be Indian, and

you can be Black, all at the same time. Multiracial and biracial people do exist. So Jamaican

Dougla is here, and I know her, I guess, her family mixture, ethnicity, because she has

in her title, Jamaican Dougla. In the Caribbean, we have Dougla people as a designation of

folks who are Black.

And Indian. It's a thing. It's an ethnicity. It is a background. It is not a weird, strange

thing. So being that Jamaican Dougla is here, I'm going to ask her if you could give us

a couple of sentences about your family background, just so that I could share it, and it might

be helpful for people as they are trying to understand this. All right? We are all in

this together. All right. So meanwhile, hello, hello, hello to everybody. Let's see. Okay.

Hello, Goddess.

Oh, yay. Today, it's your birthday. It's her born day, my Leo Goddess. Goddess Andrea

Hayes. Today makes 41 trips around the sun. Hello, Goddess Andrea. Okay. So we're going

to have to do something for you, too. All right. We're going to have to do something

for you, too. That is magnificent. That is magnificent. Okay. So Goddess Marina Dean

has given me a number, which is a very powerful number. That's one of my favorite numbers

too. I feel like every number we say is my favorite number. But I have certain numbers

that just, ah, that's a good number. Nine months create a magical human being. Nine

months for me usually to create and birth a deck or a book.

This past year, I did, I created actually two books and two decks, but it was only because

they had been cooking. And they were cooking. And they were cooking. And they were cooking.

And they were cooking. And they were cooking. And they were cooking. And they were cooking.

They were marinated. And they were there. They were gestated already. And so I was able

to just then bring them forward. But nine months, still took the same nine months. All

right. Yes. Everybody is wishing you a happy birthday, Goddess. Happy solar return. Happy

born day. Yes. Okay. So number nine, love potion number nine, Goddess Marina Dean. So

let us see what we are needing to know right now.

All right. Okay, good. So birthday girl, actually, let us know whether we should pull

from Secrets of Ancestors or African Goddess Rising. Will our birthday goddess please let

us know that? And today we are going to be learning from here about the power of state,

shifting your state. Okay. How to shift your state. So that is chapter section. Let me

see. They took out the chapter numbers.

They felt like it was cleaner without it. So all right. So section, so page 104. You

do not say how when you are there. You are there. Now walk as though you are there, says

Abdullah. All right. This is from Imagination to Reality, Secret Manifestation Lessons and

the Law of Assumption from Abdullah, Master Alchemist. So that is what we are going to

be getting into in a bit today. Okay. So let us see.

Goddess Marina Dean, tell us which deck.

Maybe she did and I missed it. Let us see. Okay. So I will select, and I am feeling Secrets

of the Ancestors. Okay. So birthday girl. Oh, it is birthday girl who is telling us

and she is feeling Secrets of the Ancestors too. Okay, good. We are in alignment. Okay.

Yay. It is your birthday. It is your birthday, girl. It is your birthday. All right. Here

we go. Let us see.

Okay. I feel like I am zoning in on goddess

and energy, but this is for all of us. So goddess Andrea, hold on to your energy. Hold

on. Hold on. I want to read for all of us and then we are going to come back to you.

Well, we will see. We will see. Tell me if this is just for you and we shall see what

will be. Okay. All right. Okay. A little clearing there. Okay. All right. All right.

All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right.

Okay. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine. Okay. So our key

message. Ooh, this is definitely a birthday message. Ah, this is a beautiful message for

all of us. And this is a Leo message, the star, the star, the star, the star, the message

of spiritual rebirth, spiritual rebirth. I think that we are all in that. So it is a


It is a message for goddess Andrea, definitely with this Leo star energy, but for all of

us stepping into our spiritual rebirth. And if you look at, you know, one of the things

I want to do as I'm sharing with you all is just teach you, um, you know, um, Oracle literacy,

how to read a card. So if we look at the image itself, right, nothing you see is by accident.

It all came out of my consciousness combined with the consciousness of goddess destiny

Powell, who interpreted.

Um, the things that were all going on in my mind, body, spirit, soul, um, and the ancestors

to bring forward these images. So as you can see, they, because this is a non, I wanted

a non-binary person, um, that everyone could access the energy. So they are pouring the

energy. They're pouring abundance. You see, they're pouring my cup runneth over that energy

that I wanted, the energy that I felt. It is the energy of abundance. It is the energy

of rebirth is the energy of your cup overflow blessings in the overflow type into the comments

bless overflow. Okay. This is a time of, um, for all of us, if you're choosing to reap

the harvest of spiritual rebirth blessings in the overflow. Okay. That is a beautiful

message for us. And that's a beautiful message for your next year of life. Goddess Andrea

embracing the overflow.

Embracing the energy of the feminine divine, because even though it's a, it's a, uh, this

is a, um, message of, of, of, of being a star being of stepping into your star self of embodying

main character energy. That's it. That's what I was searching for. Main type into the comments.

I am the main character, main character energy.

So I know that all of you.

You are supportive and loving and have the backs of everybody and hold together

your family and your friends, and people come to you for advice and don't know even

your secret suffering or troubles that you are having. But right now this next year of

life for all of us, my Leo sister goddess, Andrea, and all of us, it is about main character


You are the operant powers. We were talking about the other day. You are the main character.

You are the star.

Yeah. Yes. It is. Yes. Yeah. we were talking about the other day, you are the main character.

stepping into and embodying the feminine divine, the masculine divine, the divine divine, whatever

is in alignment for you in this next stage of your life. You know, you know, whatever it is,

okay? But you are operating also in a state of abundance, a state of overflow, a state of

prosperity, a state of wealth, okay? Wealth of health, right? Wealth of happiness and joy,

wealth of passion and pleasure, wealth of fun and good times, wealth of money and prosperity,

wealth, wealth, abundance, harvest, overflow. Yes. Oh, that is juicy. And we didn't even get

into our main thing today yet. That is juicy. Yes. I'm feeling that. I'm feeling that. Yes,

main characters. I see you. God is a fool. Baby, I'm a star. Yes, you are. Yes. Okay, good. So

here's just a little bit of a recap of what we're going to be doing today. We're going to be

Jamaican Dougla for us with a little 101 on how somebody can say I'm Black and then the next

five minutes or day or right then I'm Indian. And it's all true. Hello. All right. Jamaican

Dougla says, my Indian family members came to Jamaica to escape racial for being of darker

complexion and linked up with my African Jamaican family members. Yes. See, so we will get into that

more at another date and time. But that is just helpful for people who may have had questions.

Thank you, Jamaican Dougla for sharing your story with us. And we will get deeper into this

in another conversation. So she also shares three out of four of my grandparents are Douglas,

making both of my parents being racist. And she also shares three out of four of my grandparents

in an Afro-Indian Jamaican culture. Very interesting. That is very interesting,

even to me, because a lot of my Dougla family members are, I would say, first generation

Dougla. Yeah, not multi-generational Dougla. So that's pretty cool. Okay, being proud of my skin

is something that was ingrained in me. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

Everybody, thank our beautiful goddess. We can call her JD for,

for simplicity's sake, goddess JD for sharing. We are a community. We are all in this together.

Yes, yes, yes. Thank you, goddess. Thank you, goddess. So goddess Marie Nadine is declaring,

I want my harvest to overflow. That is a beautiful entry-level affirmation. So if you ever have

challenges where when you're doing an affirmation, where you're declaring an I am affirmation,

and you feel that little voice up inside of you say, no, you're not,

that's not true. You can just ease your way into it. You can just align yourself with it by,

you know, saying something that's a little bit easier. And so this is a little bit easier.

And she's got all of our beautiful hearts, you know, giving us wonderful energy. I want my

harvest to overflow. But then when you can, you want to shift your state. That's what we're

talking about today. We're going to be talking about state. I'm going to define it in a second.

You want to shift your state into my harvest is overflowing.

Or I am the overflowing. I am the overflower. I am the harvest. Or my harvest overflows easily

and effortlessly. You want to shift into the energy, the vibration, the frequency of it

already is, of it's already done. Okay? Yes, it already is. So I want my harvest to overflow

is a powerful place to start. And the next level of that is my harvest,

overflows. My harvest overflows easily and effortlessly. Jamaican Douglas says,

I like the name Goddess JD. Okay. Goddess JD, you are. Yes. My, okay. So that's a,

that's a beautiful way. Yes. And Goddess Marie Nadine is leveling up her affirmation to my

harvest overflows easily and effortlessly. Easily and effortlessly. My harvest overflows.

I'm experiencing joy in the overflow. So the energy and the vibration of overflow is very different

from the energy of make a dollar out of 15 cents, the energy of hand to mouth, right? The energy of

you got it and you got to spend it. You, as soon as it comes in, it goes out, come, you know,

comes, there's never enough to go around. Very different energy. That's constricted energy.

Overflow is, ah, there's enough to go around. Ah, there's so much, there's more than enough to go

around. We are in the bounty. We are in prosperity. We are in the overflow. Okay.

Which brings me to the energy of state, which is what we just did just now. We just did a mini

exercise on our state, shifting our state. So it says here, this chick, Abiola Abrams wrote,

your state is your emotional and mental environment at any given time. And it reflects

beliefs, feelings, and attitudes about yourself and the world around you. Pay attention to your

state because your predominant state creates your world. Your predominant state creates your world.

So if you have, you know, because perception is also reality. So aside from even manifesting,

perception is reality. So if your state is one of everything sucks, everybody sucks,

this is doggy dog world, get or be gotten.

That is the world you will have. If your state is hustle, hustle, hustle, nobody gives you

anything. You know, people are out for self. That is the world you have. If your state is,

okay, I am in gratitude for this moment. Things are, you know, every day in every way,

things are working out for me. Yes, I experienced challenges, but things are getting better and

better. I'm walking and living in a state of gratitude. I am looking for the helpers,

as Mr. Rogers used to say, you know, I am attracting wonderful people and circumstances

everywhere I go. Guess what? That becomes your reality. So the way that Neville Goddard,

who was Abdullah's star pupil, put it is pick out a lovely state, right? Pick out a lovely state,

go right into it and dwell there. So what was he talking about? He was talking about,

you can call it state of mind, state of emotions,

way that you see the world.

Your lens that you see the world through. What is your state? What is your state?

So I used to go to, before the pandemic, I used to go to Tony Robbins,

a big convention that he has every year and do fire walking. And you literally are

walking on hot coals, lit fire as a means to shift your state.

Now, why did I do that? Why did I do that? Why did I do that? Why did I do that?

Why did I do that? Why did I do that? Why did I do that? Why did I do that? Why did I do that?

do that. I did that because there were big things that I wanted to create in my life.

And I wanted to shock myself, shock my own, you know, what's, what was the expression? You know,

surprise myself, change. I'm looking for the expression we used a few weeks ago.

Blow my own damn mind. That was the expression. I wanted to blow my own mind to out of the life

that I was in, which was a pretty cool life, but it wasn't the life that was my life, right? I

wanted to blow my mind, blow my own damn mind, shift everything and go to the point of no return

and immersive experiences like retreats. You're going to come hang out with me in January,, Immersive experiences are powerful for helping

us to shift our state. Okay.

Powerful, powerful for us to shift our state. The next best thing is using a combination of

visualization, of gratitude, of doing exactly what you're doing here, feeding your positive

mental diet, you know, moving out of where you have been. The same state of mind, okay,

that brought you to wherever you are now, no matter how accomplished you are, no matter how

amazing you are, which I think you are. If you're watching this,

but the same stuff that brought you here is not going to get you there. Where's there? There is

wherever you want to be, the world that you are manifesting and creating around you. So I'm going

to say that again, the stuff, the state of mind, the state of vision, the point of view, rose-colored

glasses or victim-colored glasses that brought you here, what got you here won't get you there.

What got you here won't get you there. And so what is required is for you,

to shift your consciousness, to align with the frequency, the vibration, the emotions,

the experience, a lot of different ways to describe the same thing of there for you. Okay.

Whatever that is, whatever that is. So there are a lot of means to be able to do that.

I'm going to refer you to the exercises here in the chapter, in the section on page 11,

I have a number of different processes.

I have mindful observation, journaling, the I am exercise, visualization, and the pillow method,

just for starters, to shift your state. It's exactly what we are doing now because the you

who is, I'm going to just pick somebody and make up some stuff about them.

I see my sister, Goddess Molly. Okay. I can make up some stuff about her safely and she won't sue

me. All right. So the, the you that got me here, I'm going to refer you to the exercise, visualization,

goddess. The Molly is manifesting and the Molly, my beautiful sister is a successful

world-class artist whose work is global. She's a global artist. Her work, her life is already

pretty amazing. Whatever she is further creating the, the you, the, the goddess, the Molly wants

to create, believes different things about herself, thinks differently about herself,

her world is perhaps maybe aligned with some different people that she doesn't have in her

life now. Okay. So it could be a tiny shift. It could be a micro shift, whatever that shift is.

That's what you are being called to step into. That is what you are being called to step forward

in. Okay. There's a you who is you, who is watching this. There's a you, you of tomorrow,

who has already accomplished this. There's a you, you of tomorrow, who has already accomplished this.

Achieved birth, created the things that you are wanting to create. And that is the you who I am

speaking to now. Okay. So here is what I'm wanting you to do. I'm going to give you some homework

from here. Write a series of I am statements that align with your desired state. So if your state is

abundance, you can write, I am abundance. I'm deserving of wealth. I am always creating

prosperity. Let's do it right now. Everyone who is in the room, if you are in the room,

you're being called to create three I am statements for what it is that you are manifesting. Good,

good, Marie Nandina. I love that goddess. Three I am statements. Come on, everybody. Three I am

statements each. Okay. Three I am statements for what you are calling in, for what you are calling

in. Now, here are some common misconceptions about mastering your state.

Misconception number one, it's about denying reality. Okay. Well, nothing's wrong with being

a little delusional. I say, if your reality is not the reality you want to live in. Okay. But

changing your state is not about ignoring or denying your current reality. It's about

acknowledging your present circumstances and consciously choosing to shift your perspective

to that desired reality. Okay. Misconception number two, that positive thinking is enough.

Okay. So positive thinking,

is very helpful and awesome, but real change requires shift energy. Okay. All right. Quantum

shift energy. So you can do that with shadow work. You can do that with hypnosis. You can do that

with deep visualization. You can do that by working with a trauma-informed counselor, all kinds of

ways of doing that. Another misconception, that your reality will instantly change. Right now,

there is instant manifestation, but a lot of folks, most of us human beings in earth school do

not have access to instant manifestation because our beliefs are still in who we are, who we were,

who we have been. Okay. So that is okay. Because in the moment that you want it, what you're seeking

is seeking you. You then need to just level up, shift your energy, shift your frequency

into the you that you are walking into, the you that you are walking into. Embody her. What does

she eat? What does she desire? Who does she spend time with? What does she, how does she work out?

How does she walk? How does she talk? How does she dress? Embody her and you cannot help but step

into that truth and reality. Okay. Misconception number two, it's number two. Challenge number,

wait, misconception one, misconception two, misconception three. Challenge number one,

to believe my new state. Shifting to a significantly different state can seem

unrealistic, but you start small, start tiny. Okay. These are beautiful. Okay. So these are

great I am statements. Okay, good. You've been doing I am statements every night. That is

awesome. Okay. So let's look at some of these I am statements. Yes, I am abundant. I am blessed.

I am compassionate. Ashe, that is beautiful. I am a sought after guide.

And transmuter. Oh, I love that. I am reunited with my beloved children. I am housed in a

beautiful apartment. Ashe, we love that. I am a great receiver of clients. Oh, that is wonderful.

I am allowing abundant prosperity. Now, I am a manifester of joyful abundance. We love that.

I am healthy. I am wealthy. I am financially independent. Yes.

I am prosperous. I am worthy of prosperity. I am grateful for my abundant, prosperous life.

And so what we are, you feel that? Like there is a shift in state right now. We are feeling it.

I am feeling it. We have shifted our state. We're already in a different state than we were

previously. You can do things like gratitude. You can do things like just even working out,

they say endorphins. You can do things like changing your physiology changes your state.

So they say,

the Wonder Woman pose changes your state, shifts your vibration, shifts your energy,

many different ways to say the same thing. Yes, I am abundant. I am wealthy. I am healthy.

And by shifting our state, by reminding yourself several times during the day,

you're recalibrating your life. You're walking forward into your truth and into your life.

So let me read your declaration, your decree for today. That's another way to,

change your state, reading these decrees regularly. Today, I embrace the truth that

I am the creator of my reality. I acknowledge that my current circumstances are simply reflections

of my internal state, a state comprising my beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes.

I accept this truth, not with judgment, but with the wisdom and understanding that I have the power

to transform my world by changing.

this state. I consciously choose to align my thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes with

my desires. Love, prosperity, health, success, and harmony are now my natural state. Type that in the

comments. It's now my natural state. Everything you just said, type in the comments. It's now my

natural state. It's your natural state. It's the next logical step, right? I revel in this state.

Yes, I carry this state with me, knowing it shapes my world. Even if I don't see immediate results,

I persist, grounded in the faith of my understanding. I am patient, for I trust in infinite wisdom and

its perfect timing. I surrender my desires to the divine, confident that it conspires in my favor.

The world is conspiring in your favor. Today and every day, henceforth, I embody my chosen state.

This is my promise. Type in the comments, I promise myself. I am the master of my state,

the creator of my reality, and the artist of my life. Are you believing that today, my beauties?

It's your natural state. You are the artist of your life. You are the creator of your life.

So are you going to create a masterpiece that you enjoy, that you,

you feel passionate about, that moves you, or something that you're bored with

and over, and is not who you were really born to be? Are you receiving that?

Today, we are receiving, we receive, we receive, we receive, we receive. Yay.

Okay, so this is going to be a magnificent week. Why? Because it already is. All right,

if you would love to invite you to head over to It is the finally day of the

Lions Gate sale. See what is there, and what is in alignment for you, tools, processes,

if nothing else, definitely get The Millionaire's Mind Shift®, which is guided,

guided works that you can listen to while you sleep to be able to shift you. As we talked about,

visualization, hypnosis, all of these are transformational processes, so I would love to

processes. There's also the VIP for the retreat is also there. Get in there and get into it. All

right. And here is our message. Thank you, Goddess Andrea, for helping us with your birth, share your

birthday blessings with all of us. And thank you, Goddess Marie Nadine. Bye, Goddesses. See you in

the next video. Yay. Received, received, received. Blessings, Goddesses.

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