New Mercy This Morning" - Firm Foundation inspiration Minute #134 for September 4, 2024

Bryan Hudson

Firm Foundation with Bryan Hudson

New Mercy This Morning" - Firm Foundation inspiration Minute #134 for September 4, 2024

Firm Foundation with Bryan Hudson

Greetings and welcome to another Firm Foundation Inspiration Minute.

This is talk number 134.

Our topic today is New Mercy This Morning.

Reading Lamentations chapter 3 beginning verse 22.

Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed,

because His compassions fail not.

They are new every morning.

Great is your faithfulness.

The Lord is my portion, says my soul.

Therefore, I will hope in Him.

Mercy has been described as the gift before and after faith.

The Bible tells us that the just shall live by faith.

The scripture also says that we walk by faith and not by sight.

Jesus tells us that we should always have faith and not doubt.

But what happens when our faith falls short?

What happens when our faith fails?

That's where mercy steps in.

We need to help us.

As we read, through God's mercies we are not consumed.

What consumes us is our shortcomings, our lack of faith, things that just don't go well.

Add to that circumstances we cannot control.

Waiting on people, waiting on systems, things just not working sometimes.

But because of God's mercy and because His compassions never fail, we are not consumed.

Thank God for that.

We make mistakes sometimes.

We feel bad about it.

We feel bad about our mistakes.

Sometimes people pile on when you make a mistake.

People's compassions fail.

Especially when your situation becomes difficult.

You become too much to handle for people.

And their compassion fails.

But God's compassions fail not.

The Bible says this, His mercy and compassions are new every morning.


Because great is God's faithfulness.

These are marvelous words to encourage us, to remind us how faithful God is.

The text concludes with these words which are in quotations because the soul is speaking when it says,

The Lord is my portion.

Therefore, I will hope in Him.

That's a profound text.

Lamentations is a book of laments or expressions of sorrow.

In context, a book.

is a collection of poetic laments about the destruction of Jerusalem. So it's more than

appropriate that we would draw inspiration from a book dedicated to laments and expressions of

anguish. Because of God's mercy, we're not consumed. His compassions fail not, and his mercy

and compassions are new every morning. Great is God's faithfulness to you. Say this,

the Lord is my portion. God bless, have a great day, and be encouraged.

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