Commentary #52 – 10 (1979)

Film Pigs

Film Pigs Movie Commentaries

Commentary #52 – 10 (1979)

Film Pigs Movie Commentaries

oh and we're in all right hey welcome it's a film pig's alternate dvd commentary i'm uh todd

anderson i'm here with my other film pig who's here steve skeleton hello i'm here steve falk

is not here but it doesn't matter because you know who's here is a special guest his name is

rad daily thanks everybody now now normally of course we will watch a an atrocious film

for these commentaries wow and after earth or a yeah uh retard dead yeah uh for an entire summer

of steven seagal which i still have not forgiven you this is the first commentary we've done since

then yeah yes so skeleton obviously has been very mad at me for a good year um and i'm still

honestly pretty mad he's he's he's got ptsd bo derrick but we're yeah bo derrick so we're

watching 10 which is actually a good movie is the blake edwards joint

yeah uh and introduced as skeleton just said bo derrick and the reason why rad daily's here

with us today is he's in this movie oh boy i am very exciting so we can get some uh how old were

you when you i think i was about 11 it was my very first theatrical gig and and was the audition

process grueling for i have a wonderful story about the audition would you like to hear yeah

well very quickly it was lynn stallmaster's office and at the time i was just doing commercials and

my agent sent me on an audition for that show i think it was called family or what was the one

with the christy mcnichol and all that and it was way back in the 70s and well she sent me by

mistake because the other actor was supposed to go that was represented by the agency named tim

daily sent me by mistake i got there they said you're not supposed to be here i said well

it's your fault that i'm here and i complained i was a little shit

you're already hollywood kid and lynn stallmaster said you're hilarious i go over to mgm right now i

want you to read for a movie so i went over there and i read for what was it tony edwards blake

edwards and tony what's his face and uh they said have you ever done this before i said no i've done

a ton of commercials they said your books we'll see you in a couple weeks wow that was it wow

that's like a that's like a tv movie story of an audition yeah i mean i've yeah that's

the kind of story like you see that in a movie or on tv as part of the story that's no that never

doesn't happen that's not how it works although i i personally have gotten a lot of jobs through

clerical errors most of your career is clerical it's mostly mistakes i hope for those yeah yeah

tom anderson tom sure yeah okay

uh the d's are silent and

also pronounced like an m yes what year this coming like 79 79 i remember when i was a kid

this is one of those movies you know in sixth grade where the kids are like oh you're gonna

see it bo derrick so high it's a very heavy movie it's boob heavy yeah for sure julie andrews

it doesn't wear a bra i think for the entire movie yep it's it's super booby but that's why

you want to watch it as a kid but unlike most of the other booby movies of the era your porkies

your screwballs your screwballs your hot your uh what hot dog yeah your hot dog you're gonna call

a kid yeah these these films are not as classy as 10. 10 is probably the classiest of the booby

movies i would yes absolutely it's a high watermark of booby movies yeah now so did you get

to work and hang out with julie andrews very much so she was my mother ah and she was very

good she was good and really


honestly though





human being. Oh, yeah. I love

that one. Yeah. Never

been a better acting drunk.

Excuse me, acting as a drunk.

What's up, Bill? I need to bother you

for one second. Alright, I'll be right

back, guys. That's fine.

No worries. We're not missing anything.


having a lot of work done on

his new house, and he has to attend

to that. He has a crew.

It's tough, and he's got to deal with a crew.

I mean, it's either that or he's making


Absolutely. I mean, you know, you've got to do

what you've got to do as an actor. Yeah.

How did he get this house? Clearly not for that. Yeah, that's

why I'm thinking. It's probably

some sort of

illicit activity going on. I'm sure.

What is his name?

Oh, on the right? Yeah, I know.

I can't think of his name either.


guy. There's a lot of

really famous people in this movie.


Watch it. It's hilarious.

You forget

how many people are in it. I was scrolling

through the IMDb earlier, and I was like,

oh, shit. Like

Brian Dennehy. Yeah, Dennehy's in this.

Dee Wallace is in this. Dee Wallace.

And, you know, who Todd did

a movie with. Oh, no way. Really?

Yeah, the Fuzz Track City.

Oh, great. I didn't know that. That she's in.

And she also came on our old

web show. Oh, perfect.

Sweet lady. Yeah, she's fantastic.

So, how many, how... Oh, look, he has a butler.

You know, butlers

haven't been around for a while.

In Malibu, he's got a butler. Oh, it's not his.

Is it like the clubs?

The club butler? No, I think

it's his butler. Oh,

that guy, yeah. He looks like he'd have a butler.

What is that actor's name? It's killing me.

And there's his

lover coming up from the beach. There he is.

This was when they allowed

actors to have body hair. Yeah.

Well, also,

like, body hair and some body

fat. There's a little bit, right.

Not completely chiseled. Right. And that

was the look in the series. Oh, yeah. That was

rocking. That was like, you know, the

Selleck. It was the Selleck. It was the

Selleck, just known as the Selleck. That was...

You could have a back sweater and be hot. Yeah.


Yeah, you were like, you were, you were like, in

athletic shape,

but not too athletic.

Right. Reasonable. Right.

You're not like a, like a...

That would be a great time. I'd kill it right now.

You're not like a, like a Hugh Jackman.

No. Human growth

hormone. No. Yeah.

Like, nine months of training

to get stuck

on a log at the end of the movie.

See, that was amazing. Spoiler alert.

He's a hell of a pianist.

That was the... Yeah. He was a real musician.

I didn't really realize. He died

in 2002, I think. Yeah.

I think, yeah. Ooh, acrylic chairs.

Oh, wow. Look at that. I love that.

And the old phone. Love it.


long were you on this shoot?

Okay, wait a minute. So, his lover

comes up from the beach, because it's hot out, and he's

wearing his little Speedo.

Meanwhile, Dudley Moore has a

cardigan, a sweater, and he just asked

the butler to bring him his jacket.

He's got layers. So,

how does that work? Maybe he's got

malaria. That's part of it.

Maybe it's something I missed in it. See, there's the butler

with the coat. God damn it.

Did I miss any boobs? No. No.

No. But we were just discussing

the fact that... There we go.

A little bit.

Somebody in

a scene with Dudley Moore

in their swimsuit just complained about how hot

it was, and Dudley Moore was

wearing a shirt, a sweater,

and then also asked for his jacket.

And they asked for his jacket from the butler. There's the


Eight track tape. Ooh, going down the eight

track. Yeah.

He's a

high roller with an eight track

right in the car. Absolutely. Oh, that's

cutting edge technology at the time.

Oh, my God. Oh, Julie Andrews.

Chunk, chunk.

That car still plays.

I'll tell you that.

That's Broad Beach right there.

I don't know.

What's Broad Beach? Broad Beach Road.

Handheld. This is

handheld. This is like the...

This looks like mouth. This is the

Dudley Moore is rich montage.


Yeah, exactly.

He played a lot of rich dudes.

Female joggers without

bras coming out.

Yeah, probably. Good.

Ass cap on his


Here we go. Crop top.

Oh, he's getting around now.

He's in Santa Monica?

Now he's on San Vicente, so he's clearly lost.

Yeah, he needs a little support.

No bra joggers.

79 was a good year.

Wasn't it, though?

That was when America was great.

I've been

waiting for that to come back.

So that's what he's going to try to do.

Now, considering the amount of distance he's traveled,

he's making time

like Jack Bauer next time across

Los Angeles.

Now he's on Sunset.

He's near UCLA.

Where is he going? He's clearly racing to stop


He has literally no idea where he's going.

Is that the Grey Poupon guy?

Oh, no. They're getting married.

This woman, I gotta tell you, it was

stone cold gorgeous.

The bride?

No, Bo Derek.

Oh, that's Bo Derek?

Oh, yeah.

Look at this. Look at that.

Goodness gracious.


In this movie in particular.

Holy cow, that's with no work done.

By the time Ghost Can't Do It

rolled around,

she looked a little strange.

But, you know, that movie's worth it

for the cameo by

Republican President Donald Trump

playing a version of himself,

How tough is that?

in which he puts a hit out

on Bo Derek's character.

I like it.

He's murdering people.

Which is less awful than what he's doing

right now.


That limo did not make a stop at that stop sign.

Yeah, that was not a legal stop.

That's a rolling stop.

Where the fuck is he going?

Well, now he's just chasing Bo Derek.

Now, be careful.

Where was he going to go

before he became

an instant stalker?



That's a head-on collision

with a police cruiser.

One out of twelve.

Oh, it's this guy.

Yeah, what's his name? I know that dude.

There's a lot of people in this movie. It's hilarious.

He played cops a lot.

Yeah, he sure did.

In the 70s and 80s.

Jerky cops.

So, on those special skills,

on his resume.

Jerky cop.

He had a special headshot

where he was dressed like a jerky cop.

I had a dollar for every

FBI, CIA guy I played.

Good God.

I wish I had a dollar for each time I played.

But instead,

you get residuals for a penny.


So, you do get a penny for every time.

I do get a lot of those.

When you do stuff back in 1978,

you get a lot of residuals.

That's for a penny.


Leon Russell had the best residual check, though.

It was for negative one cent.

Wait, that's...

How do you get negative one cent?

I don't know.

It's some weird algorithm.

And so you have to pay?

Oh, yeah.

That guy, yeah.

That's Benson.


He's the governor.


He's Flash Gordon.

Oh, my God.

You're right.

Holy shit.

Everybody's in this movie.

I wouldn't be surprised at this point if Brian Blessed shows up.

No, me either.

Yes, whoever.

You know, for a head-on collision with a police cruiser,

these cops are remarkably restrained and calm.

Well, wait.

They would have tased it.

They just didn't have any.

Is he in Beverly Hills?

He is.

Well, that's...

Oh, yeah.

Beverly Hills Cop.


They're cool.

So polite.

Unless they're Axel Foley.


And then what?

What's this street tough doing in our neighborhood?

When you say the phrase street tough, you sound like you're 72 years old.

And you're 72.


Because it's been 72 years since someone used the phrase street tough.

Because it's Flash Gordon.

It is Flash.


That was an awesome frame of two people having zero thoughts.


Who are gorgeous.

So basically like once...

Because she runs out on him in this...

On the wedding, right?

Or does she marry him?

I can't remember.

No, no, no, no, no.

I think they get married and then wind up...

They're together.

No, no, no, no.

the whole movie so but when does he like leave to become a football player and then get on that

rocket wait what i don't remember that i can't wait to see the rest of this film now one of the

funniest scenes in this movie is at the minister's house with his old lady that works for him

later literally some of the funniest scenes in the movie you'll see later

poor shadow and so what was uh what was blake edwards like great guy i mean one of those

really fun directors that everybody just had the best time ever and what is it you know he's like

one of these really dry people that's absolutely hilarious inside i mean look at all the movies

yeah the party to the so he's not jokey no uh on the

he's not jokey on the circle

charming very smart this is what i remember him and i met him a couple times over the years after

this my uh mother-in-law knew him she did that insert with the b was pretty love it

my mother-in-law was in the sob that that oh right

which you know at the time was considered a train wreck but i kind of like it

but it was kind of was like a big bomb at the time it was a big bomb because it was

expensive and the critics hated it i mean it does meander quite a bit but it's a fun man yeah

how did that bag of groceries not go flying

oh i just looked around yeah there's nothing in that i know it's this stuff made out of foam

and then my father-in-law was a variety television director

oh and he did the julie anders hour and he won an emmy for it

oh that's right up there on top of that hey really

yeah how about that the other one's yours

no no they won't let me anywhere near it's there i had to steal those

from my father-in-law

i think you're misrepresenting yourself here because i came in here thinking those were yours

yeah no it's a total misrepresentation and there's a reason that they're up high so you

can't actually read whose name is on it yeah i can't verify it they're

playing with me


that's the one cool thing about them is they are very heavy and i've never won anything but

plastic trophies so it's exciting to hold them i love how she has to start dinner

yeah oh look what's he been doing just sitting plays the piano

disrupting a wedding

crashing into police cars that's his that's his whole day

79 was such a good year i feel like i would have done much better

if that's all i was responsible for yeah no you're on a sitcom yeah you're you're a man out of time

that's just that's given now there's a dime a dozen of you yeah there's only some way you

could quantum leap back to 79 you'd be so happy

so i did because we're doing an actual proper three-person commentary this time as opposed to

the summer sagal which

uh-oh i still have a problem with typically generally what i've done uh since the beginning

of doing our commentaries is i would also bring themed snacks oh uh uh that have something to do

with the movie and uh in the case of last summer summer of sagal i didn't do that because it was

just really just todd and i doing the commentary and then uh also it was recent steven sagal movies

so oh that's the guy who oh who tried to get me to do the commentary and then uh also it was

too old i mean i said Robbie good stuff my dad wasight there go away

yeah with oh that just the ever so

ad lib




I'm going to get the snacks later.

I actually wasn't allowed to see this movie when I was young.

Well, your parents were correct.

Yeah, they were responsible.

My son's at the age where if I accidentally show him something with a pair of naked boobs,

he'll hit me.


He cannot stand it.


So he's going to equate nudity with violence when he gets older, or what?

Well, no, that's what I'm teaching him.

Oh, I see.

Get what you want.

I don't think it's really, he hasn't quite gotten it yet, but that's what I'm going for.

It's taking a lot of time, a lot more time than I had hoped.

Because I also lose interest in my own projects easily.

So anyway, I didn't do snacks.

The snacks.

I didn't do snacks last summer because Todd was making me watch direct-to-video Steven Seagal movies.

It felt weird eating snacks with all the fat shaming.

Right, but also because of you doing that, you didn't deserve snacks, and you didn't get them.

So, but I did bring snacks, so allow me one moment to collect them.

I will allow this.

I don't know how you're going to get out of here.

You're going to entangle the wires.

I'm going to carefully get a...

This is like a game.

I know, it's like a...

Okay, and I'm out.

Let me just check.

Oh, this is the bimbo conversation, I believe, or broad.

All right.

This is, yeah.

Talks about broads.

This is where Jennifer Aniston got the idea for her friend's character.

Oh, is that what the reference...

Okay, so those are real.


Not the plastic insert.


I see.

So, I really, I couldn't think of any snacks that were just like...


For boobs.

Oh, yeah.

So, I went with what kind of snacks were popular in the late 70s.

Oh, right.

So, it's a period.



So, I got a few things.

So, first, I got a can of classic red can original Pringles.


Those are great for the environment.


What sort of oil are they in?

Awful oil.

They're floating in oil.

And to balance the salt with the sweet, I got Hostess cupcakes.

Oh, my God.

And they make those in Mexico now.



Well, because Hostess went out of business.


And then they...

But then they had to...

Cupcake us.

Someone in Mexico bought the rights, and now they make Twinkies again.

But remember...

Remember that?

Everybody was freaking out because they were stopping Twinkie production.

And then to wash it down, I got orange Sunkist, which, according to Wikipedia, is a soda that

went on the market in 1979.



Now, that's some research.

I think I kind of remember the commercials for Sunkist.


Well, I was...

Not quite Melodue.

I was looking for Tab or Mellow Yellow, but they don't make that.


Cactus Cooler was my go-to.

Oh, Cactus Cooler.


I loved Mellow Yellow.

You know, when it would snow back east, I'd pour it in the snow and tell my sister it

was piss, and then I'd eat it.

I'm going to have a Sunkist.

Does anybody want a Sunkist?

I'll have a Sunkist.

I'll pass.

Thank you very much.

There's no requirement to consume any of these snacks.

No, no, no.

He's got to at least have a cupcake.

I'll Pringle.

I won't Cupcake.

I'll Pringle.

A single Pringle.

I will eat one Pringle.

I will Pringle.

I'm going to open these over your kitchen sink because they fell over in the corner.

That would be a great idea.

Yeah, please do.

Now, why wouldn't they reverse this so you could see his bee sting?

I don't know.

The camera should be on the other side.

This is really an exercise in simply capturing acting and the chemistry between two people

with no coverage.

Well, that was the thing with Blake Edwards, though.

If you'll notice in this movie, he does long singles.

He does long singles.


He does long singles.


He does long singles.

And he does long singles.


I like it.


This could be quite as well going back in.




I got a lot of problems with how you wired the headphones.

Sorry, man.

Well, it was really you.


It was my mistake.

What was I thinking?


I get all the ... Because we just moved, you know?

I got the subscription.

subscriptions that didn't change allure and gq excited wow it's like i'm really coming up in the

world yeah no i'm well i know how much magazines i know how much you love robert pattinson

he's having a renaissance

could he really have a renaissance

well since there aren't any boobs on the screen right now

i'm gonna open these pringles yeah crack a pringle i do love those chairs

those chairs that's kind of that's almost like your back it's almost like my relax the back

chair except it doesn't relax the back no that doesn't look ergonomically correct but it's like

the old yeah the old 70s leather yeah sorta recliner sorta office it's got like a leather

ottoman thing yeah yeah that's a chair that's basically built for one thing

and one thing only which pringles are sure adequate wow are they well done

they're really as as sawdusty as you remember i'm just amazed they always found potatoes this

shape to make these yeah it's weird yeah it's like a miracle yeah well maybe it's

where they grow them these are terrible but i still keep want to i want to eat more

yeah pringles aren't they aren't the cans or something really bad

thought i was reading something where pringles is killing all of us i think there's a lot of

work for the cans i mean this pan says it's recyclable and it's mostly like a paper can

i don't know maybe i think you're thinking of those yo play yogurt cans that squirrels get

their heads stuck in oh right and then you can't drink from straws anymore because turtles get them

in their nose

right you know yeah turtle nose straws

oh look this was before they invented side gates

people were always trying to climb through your hedges

gee that's not a prop

oh what's going on he's going back to his perving he's going back to his

perv scope who won the game

doesn't matter oh oh wow oh boy

bernie's hitman is doing all right yeah it's ivanka trump i feel good about that because he

went through so much in weekend at bernie's it was very hard for him yeah no he's stressed out

he needs to relax yeah he went bananas trying to kill bernie like you couldn't like remake this

movie today uh because it would just it would just be but also just be dudley moore's character

watching internet porn he wouldn't even get to the car

that's when america was great when you had to drive around and stalk people if you were

when you had to use a telescope to look at your neighbors having sex

it's not their wi-fi cam that you have

what if all those actors put on their resume

and they're like oh my god i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die

i'm gonna die that they were in ten

oh look stage phone

aha nice

we're on a bell

in a lot of these blake edwards movies at the same time they're show showbiz people in his movies

people a lot if it's not inspector clusso it's a well and like later the old lady

lady scene he does old lady scenes in a lot of his movies if you think back to the panthers there's

always like some old person that's yeah he cracked up yeah and i always like the blake edwards stuff

and i've never i i'm not a big like showbiz i don't like movies about showbiz yeah i know well

they're not really about yeah but he does yeah but he does you know he but he you know it's more

when he does it it's more a backdrop to the story yeah yeah look see now once again the guys coming

out it's clearly 98 degrees yeah but they have sweaters they're in layers yeah you might as well

have parkas on

he makes me happy so i let him swim and jog on the beach yeah



this is when they first invented the pvc lawn furniture

oh my god yeah yeah i forgot about that

wow dudley moore is sticking his nose in business

get your back shaved yeah i get your back shaved when it's the 90s

i'm not shaving my back until at least 1990

when it becomes fashionable

he just called him a fag you can't do that now yeah no that's not even in jest with your best

man when you watch some of those old old movies from the 70s and 80s yeah they love

calling people tigers oh my goodness well you couldn't make blazing saddles you couldn't make

you can get on the list of movies blazing saddles is so interesting but you you didn't make it

you definitely couldn't make it but i think that's kind of the reason why it's standing the test of time

yeah right now why everything why does dudley moore go here to work well he's his writing

partner okay so they're okay yeah they composed together because he's because it doesn't seem like

he's doing anything you know what he's just just like drinking while dudley moore like they drink

and smoke piddles around look at that old coke can there you go it should be sun-kissed

old tab top coke can it should be sun-kissed you're right

now who's the who's that guy that's playing his boyfriend that's like i know that actor too he

looks familiar and this guy looks yeah the psychiatrist i remember this guy you oh you uh

met this guy when you were working no no he just remembers oh yeah a million things he worked all

the time

oh see this is the thing about this movie this movie needs to should be called 11 because he

calls her an 11 he never calls her oh maybe they were gonna but then but the test audience is like

i don't know what 11 is well it's because spinal tap hadn't come out yet

spinal taps amps and beau derrick both go to 11.

why did you see the bbc came out with the top hundred funniest films of all time

no it's like two days ago it was just the worst list ever why it was not even close i mean it was

like it's a dodgeball office christmas party i noticed that i was devastated because the jerk

was like 93rd wow and then you read all the other movies and you're like oh my god i'm so sorry i'm

just like none of these movies are funnier than the jerks the jerk or the jerk's another one you

couldn't make now yeah i was gonna say about blazing saddles i think skeleton you and i have

talked about this before i don't know if it was on mic or not but the the one run in that movie

that is tone deaf enough to actually kind of be offensive is the gay jokes yeah oh sure yeah i

don't think the the race jokes are really they're i guess quote unquote politically incorrect but i

but i but i feel like they're satirizing yeah it's a satire and they're they're edgy and i mean

you know it's they're still edgy today okay right this in here there are he sings one

which is hilarious and then the old lady so okay it's the old lady oh okay and the dog

there's a i know him yeah oh yeah i know everybody in this movie

i'll bet a lot of these people work in tv all the time yeah oh yeah oh no no a lot of them are tv

people because i'm remembering them from he sings his own song he wrote this is just genius

and he's really playing

look he's really playing

his reaction shots are fantastic but could there could be a better guy playing this yeah

no i love how dedicated he is to the song

come on



I think you're funnier in the coma really it's i believe you the most when you're in a coma yeah

that's what everybody said after that doctor show that's not on the air anymore


think he was upgraded to be,


but when you're doing miracles on one of his new stuff

I would walk to the zoom right away and wake up and I'd just go like oh couldn't gone to the


that's the world

when did that happen

when did that

you gotta make this











the with


looking for a cue because they were like in the camera move they're like wait wait wait okay now

cross now cross that's hilarious this is what flake ever is also is famous for stuff going on

peripherally yeah yeah that's why there's not a lot of coverage look at this where's she going

she's walking into the fireplace she's ludicrously helpless she's afflicted with so many

aged problems and yet she's being forced to serve yeah well what makes it hilarious is just like

like the priest just clearly doesn't care

she's like doing a a hunchback bit it's like uh the frankenstein guy igor igor

oh the dog the dog runs from a fart listen to this line

like why i don't know there's no reason to do that instead of blaming the dog

coming from the past it's so weird

it's so funny priests are fucked up

people whenever she passes gas we do oh that old lady is so funny oh this sun kissed isn't bad

really yeah for sugar oh it's oh no no no no no no no it's it's sugar combined with uh bubbly sugar

61 grams of sugar orange colored sugar natural coloring yeah it's making me super happy at about

the hour and a half point of this movie i'll probably crash

you'll have it you'll have like a really severe headache i'll become despondent

yeah it has the same uh possible side effects as most antidepressants

the thing about watching good movies with these commentaries is it's it's hard not to get

completely distracted by the movie because you want to actually

listen and watch them but i don't want to be like a a chevy chase on the vacation commentary

have you ever listened no he never shut up he shouldn't be like a chevy he does it general

well that's true but he did he does it with uh the two kids anthony michael hall and uh

uh dana uh not um dana what's her name no that's not her name no uh yeah dana was the character's

name i think um but anyways he's talking with that and they're like trying to tell productions

stories like blah blah and he keeps interrupting them and going oh no wait wait wait wait we

gotta watch this is a good bit

he makes them quiet down during the commentary

missing the point i know what's coming up here is a genius stunt and the guy got hurt oh really

what did he break something yeah he broke his like clavicle or something oh jesus

did that shut down production for that i don't know i just

remember hearing about it they're all chatting about it that'll screw up your day like when i

did that episode of vegas and that lady got sleeved oh yeah that hurt the day

and we were out in the out in the middle of nowhere too so it took forever for emergency

services to show up oh this is that the hitman again it's the same yeah i think it's the same

he he hit oh oh watch this oh i think i saw where he broke his clavicle right there i remember that

was like in that bit was in the trailer too wasn't it if i remember way back do you remember

the gigantic billboard on sunset it was such a national story it was a pair of boobs and dudley

moore was swinging on like the neck oh yeah i remember i remember

yeah that was like that yeah because it was so risque and i don't remember it being on sunset

because i was in sure yeah it's right at sunset and uh crescent heights or whatever right there

no but i but i remember i remember seeing it like on the news that was like it was a big

scandalous thing yeah i feel like that was in the newspaper yeah yeah yeah it was everywhere

was it scandalous it was because it was a bit because it was like a yeah it's a giant billboard


god i just thought that was like the norm in the 80s well it was the norm like in the movies but

not necessarily for the big advertising you know there was still that distinction

so this movie really kind of paved a new way for marketing of boob movies it might have i would say

probably yeah because they were they had that full-on in the screwballs billboards i remember

that yeah that's well you know your screwballs history i i wouldn't

argue that i've seen both screwballs films

one one could even say you're a screwball scholar i i know probably know more about

the screwballs franchise than anyone else alive today that's right he goes he tracks down

beau derrick's father's he's a dentist okay to try he's trying to figure out where she is

yeah this is i mean he is a creep

he sure is a stalkery creep who's that she's hilarious i forget she looks familiar yeah she

looks really familiar too

it's kind of like madeline khan she looks like oh but i totally recognize her and it is uh

she was into some yeah

oh that's right he gets i love that she's getting off on the pain of dudley moore

they're all bad he plays a great straight arrow yeah

he was so good on benson as an airheaded governor amazing because when i would say when i saw i saw

benson before i ever saw this yeah and i remember having a hard time adjusting to him as being

someone else yeah yeah yeah and not being just a well george bush based his presidency

it's the it's the first time in history that a president has based their behavior off of


that's what he thought yeah i just i love her she's great she's just doing the miming uh the

mouth openings i love when actors have a little part just a bit like that yeah just well and

that's kind of amazing on the part of blake edwards yeah that like in so many movies this

would be a nothing part yeah but it's really given it's really like it it's really kind of

like incorporated as a vital part of the scene yeah

and it's a great bit yeah it's hilarious it's like there's no wasted uh characters

but also it's like again it's like if there's very

you know we're now we're now we're just getting a couple of new angles

right but the coverage up to that point was like three angles

i wonder if she came up with that i'd like to think she did on the day well i was wondering

if she's the one who came up with the Third Uோ because she's the one who came up with the Third Uோ

and she's the one who came up with the Third Uோ because she's the one who came up with the Third Uோ

came up with all those reactions like sort of being slightly turned on yeah

she did that on the audition anyway yeah oh I know now I know how I'm gonna do

this scene yeah does he just go back and forth the same guy all day yeah that's

all he does okay that's what we pay him for yeah just it's uh he's a he's a

background artist animatronic and he just we hired background artists to walk

around our house each year in each of your windows yeah so you see just to you

know get a little flavor oh it's the looks like the diner I don't want you to

have that now oh that's right he's so numb he can't talk wait until I go home

please why you guys don't care if I Jack it we're watching that movie you knew

what you're getting yourself into come on

you know what you're getting yourself into come on

We're all guys here.

Wait till the can's empty.

You can use it.

These Pringles chips are sticky.

Oh, jeez.

Rona Barrett.

I love it.

And I love how she's like this.

This woman is like clearly like into and turned on by Dudley Moore,

whose face is swollen after.

It's the sweater in multiple places.

Oh, here comes the spill.

I can't feel his whole face.


How long did it take him to realize he was dubbing?

It's because he's got so many layers of clothes.

Well, he's wearing four sweaters.

That's a mock turtle neck sweater, actually.

It doesn't have any arms.

It's one of those Randy Queen.

Well, you know, he wears that over a regular sweater.


That has arms.


Oh, yeah, she calls the police, right?



Hey, did you guys ever see Skin Deep, the Blake Edwards movie?

Oh, yeah.

With John Ritter?

With John Ritter, yeah.

The famous glow-in-the-dark condom.

Oh, yes.

Condom scene, yeah.

That actually is a really funny scene.

It's a great scene.

The best scene in that movie, though, and I can't even remember.

I haven't seen it since it was in the theaters, but John Ritter does the most amazing physical


He's like, gets like electrocuted.

He gets like electric shocks or something for some treatment, and then everywhere he

goes, he has these spasms, and he grabs this lady, and her packages go flying.

It was so goddamn funny.

I can't believe he just dropped dead of a heart attack.

I know.

That's fucking worse.

On the set.

Wasn't it on a stage?


There was rules for dating my daughter.

Yeah, yeah.

It was his show, yeah.

Good place to go, though.


That's smart.

That's good.

I wonder if he came up with that.

It's good.

It's smart, but wildly alcoholic.


And plus, who drinks brandy constantly?


It's like...

The amount of day drinking in this film.

And he's downing pills with brandy.

Oh, he spat out the...

He couldn't go down.

That's really funny.

He plays such a good drunk...



I haven't seen...

Somebody on screen drinking this much since Battlestar Galactica.

Oh, yeah.


The reboot show, you know?

Oh, yeah.

Edward James Olmos.

And what was the other guy?

Oh, here, look.


Oh, who's that?

Oh, hello.

Did you see those guns?

So what are you making there?

Are you making a peanut butter sandwich?

And you're putting peanut butter on two slices of bread?

Or is it separate?

What's happening?

What's happening is it's clearly he's being neglected.

I requested chunky peanut butter, first of all.

You wouldn't come out of your trailer until you got the chunky peanut butter?

No, I want chunky peanut butter coming out.

Oh, what's going on through the telescope?

I don't know.

Yeah, let's have some more pills and brandy.

I would love that.

And look through our sex scope.

Good God.

Now, I do remember in this, you know, she called the cops.

Oh, wow.

This is...

What is...

The cops come in with their guns drawn.

Whose house is this?

Oh, it's the...

It's our brandy guy, right?

Making his first part.

Oh, my God.


This film is racy.

Yeah, look at that.

This is great.

Let's just draw our guns over here.

That actor has never held a gun before.

No, look at how he's...

He's just...

He looks so nervous just because he has to hold a gun.


And he doesn't...

He doesn't want to hurt Dudley Moore.

Or drop the gun.

Why do all...

He's just...

I don't...

All four cops look exactly the same and that their hair parted on the same side.


It's authentic frontier gibberish.

Oh, God.

It's so hard to make fun of this scene because it's just stupidly hilarious.

Dudley Moore is so amazing.


I love how the cop got it with the actor.

He went like this to get his foot out of the way.


Trying not to get his costume dirty.



Like, there was no reason for that.

And now he's got his head on his dork.

It's so good.

But that's why there's no coverage in these scenes because he's just letting Dudley Moore

do stuff.


But, yeah, you don't need the cut.

You don't need it.

You don't want it.

But also, you know, this is a movie and it was on a big old screen back then, too.

So, you know.

But it's actually such a great, greatly composed shot, too.

Yeah, it's very pretty.

For his physical comedy.

Like, it really, you know.


You don't need anything else.


Oh, right through the stops.

It's incredibly simple, but it's more complicated, I imagine, to make that work.

It's all got to go right.


And there was, I mean, it was minimal, but there was camera movement happening.

A little bit, yeah.


You had to frame it up and then lock into place.

I don't, when they do that on You're the Worst, they do like, you know, a whole scene is just

one take sort of thing.

I don't like that.

You don't like having to remember that much?

Well, one, and it's incredibly stressful.

One, yes.

You don't want to screw it up everybody else.

I'm a coma guy, first and foremost.

My specialty is comas.

And even then, I don't like to go more than like a minute.

Yeah, a minute at a time being in a coma.

That's all you can do.

But when they do the one take thing, and I'm having a lot of fun, I'm like, I'm going to

have like one line somewhere in it.

If I screw up those three words or whatever, the whole thing, everybody's going to start

You've got to start all over again.

It's thanks again, Todd.


It's terrifying.

That one lady's got a lot of lipstick on her teeth.


Oh, she's going to look through the...

She's going to look through the thing.

Look through the telescope.

She's going to see Dudley Moore's at the orgy.

Now, why did he go to the orgy?

Because he's just drunk and high and doesn't realize, you know, what he's doing.

Wouldn't those glasses be strong enough already to look at him?

To see, yeah, to see across.

I mean, real boobs.

Boy, this must have been a really difficult and unpleasant shoot for Dudley.

He looks like he's having a terrible time.

Oh, no.

Now, that was a good reveal of his butt.


That was solid.

That was well...

You didn't get to see the big sock, though.

That was well done nudity.



He ran away.



And he's just crashing through the casual orgy party.



What does that mean?

What was wrong with that lady's crotch?

I don't know what that was.

It's like there was hair.

There was something on it.

She had a plant in her lap.

She was carrying around the house chia pet.

Oh, my gosh.

That was dangerous.


That was dangerous.

Is it like...

There's like the sound of squealing tires any time we see a car.

Well, maybe it's Blake Edwards' movie.

It's just always there.

Even if it's like going 10 miles an hour.

Look, those are all the same cars that were outside of the church.

They keep them on set.

That car did leave a tire mark, though.

So, it was really...

There we go.

More tires.

What are we getting?

All right.

He's going straight.

So, there are no tires there.

There it is.

It's a...

So, it's not...

I mean, it's not 100% of the time.

No, no.

Just a lot more tire squealing than you normally hear in a picture.

He's in trouble.

He really only has himself to blame.

But good.

More brandy.

Yeah, well.

And look at how much brandy there is.

Jesus Christ.

That's like eight ounces of brandy.

Oh, my God.

He's going to die.

Oh, but this is when he gets just...

Gets on the plane to Mexico and the cab ride in Mexico.

Remember all that?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, my goodness.

And then the Maharachi band wakes him up in the wall.

There's some funny stuff in this movie, though.


Oh, yeah.

There's some great talent.

I'm trying to think.

Like, what other midlife crisis comedies are there?


Pulp Fiction?


By the way, that was listed as one of the funniest movies in the 100...

Pulp Fiction?




It's a stupid list.

Look, Yellow Pages.

That's what the internet was before the internet.

That's what...

That's the internet.


He's leafing through the internet.

See, the big ad paid off.

They still bring us those things, though.

I know.

Isn't this silly?

Yeah, it would save a lot of time if they would just take those stacks directly to the

recycling bin.


Now, I've actually been to Las Hanas, this hotel.

Oh, yeah?


And is it nice?


It's, you know, it's Mazatlan.

It's got the dark beaches.

It's like the volcanic sand.

More pills.

More booze.

Now, look, he's just going to get blasted.

They didn't have brandy, so he had to have whatever that was.

I mean, he is constantly drinking.

Drinking and taking pills.

Now, so it's because of the unnecessary dental surgery.

There you are.

The unnecessary dental surgery and drinking is what...

And the pills.

And the pills is what caused him to stagger over to the orgy party.


And then run afoul of...

I can't plan that.


I mean, it's a mistake any of us could make.


No, actually, after I had my wisdom teeth out, same thing.


Oh, yeah.


My mom was pissed at me.

You come away from that orgy.

You come away from there.

I've always found it odd that there's always...

There's always a large, casual orgy happening near almost every dentist's office.

It's very strange.

It's weird.

So, Henry Mancini, didn't he do the music for every movie back in the...

Wasn't he sort of the...

I think every...

Like, Edwards, especially.


Oh, yeah.

He did the Pink Panther theme.


No, Mancini was like his John Williams to Spielberg.


Not to be confused with Harry...

Harry Manfredini, who did the score for Friday the 13th.

Oh, yeah.

No, you don't want to mix that up.



I'm glad you cleared that up for everyone.

Because it would not be appropriate to hear in the movie 10,

Shh, shh, shh.


Look, here's the cab ride.

So, his pasta...

Is he going to barf?

I wish I was so wealthy.

That I could make horrible choices like this.

Yeah, is there an actual reason why he left for Mexico?

Or is it just...

He's chasing her.

He knew she was going to be...

This is where they're honeymooning.

That is a...

Which is what he found at the dentist.

You missed that.

Flies into the front seat.

And that was him.

That's amazing.

This place is huge.

This is great, this walk-in.

He's just the physical comedy.

He's just...


It's all good.

Everything's going fine.

He's like...

He's trying to get it together.

He's just drenched in sweat.


One thing Blake Edwards was really good at...

Knowing when he had a comic genius in his hands.

Let them do it.

Just let them go.


And again, the wide shots.


He keeps going.

It was so fucking sweaty.

He goes to the bathroom.

Look at the drink.

Yeah, that's exactly what he needs is alcohol.

Now, I don't want to say anything negative about Terry Kaiser.

Because he was wonderful.

He was Bernie.


In Weekend at Bernie's.


Both parts one and two.


Oh, yeah.

But what if Dudley Moore had been Bernie?

Oh, had been Bernie?


Holy shit.

Excellent call.

Because he's exactly the right size.


And just an unparalleled physical comedy.


Oh, wow.

And he would have been way better at the dialogue.

He's just passed out on the wall.

Well, yeah.

He has to talk in the beginning before he dies in the first one.

Oh, that's true.

He did.

In the second one, he has to voodoo dance.

Dudley Moore is startled a lot in this movie.


Well, but nobody could do startled like Dudley Moore.


And he's out.

Look at that.


That's the way the rooms really look?


Nice room.

Oh, I'd stay there.

Oh, meanwhile.

Back in L.A.

This will be one of these useless scenes.

What's gone wrong?

Julie Andrews insisted on this scene for her.

She insisted?

I'm kidding.

I'm going to have one of these cupcakes.


You're all in.

I got to.

You're going to get diarrhea.

I got to set an example.

Why would a sun-kissed and a cupcake have any problems?

I'm way ahead of you, my friend.

You're just trying to maintain loose stools.

I'm afraid of what will happen if I stop having diarrhea.

He's trying to bolster it up with the cake.


I figure, I mean, host cupcakes are binding, right?


Anybody else?


They were really good, you guys.

Save some for later.

I only ... Oh, you unplugged me, man.

Oh, uh-oh.

Oh, damn it, sorry.


I unplugged everybody.

You unplugged everybody.

We can't hear Julie Andrews.


Disaster averted.

And that other guy.

Yeah, and that other guy I've seen on TV.

Yeah, the guy who looks kind of like the empty nest guy but isn't.

Oh, boy.


I just want to know what other things...

He's been in so many things.

But he's not the guy from S.O.V.

The guy from S.O.V. is the

empty nest guy.

They look like they could be


He also looks kind of like the guy from

the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers.


This is a really good cupcake.

It looks


with white goo in the middle.

I mean, it looks like this is

garbage, but...

That's actually me in my

old neighborhood.

A lot.

Oh, I love that.

The bridge.

Just everything in this movie

doesn't go very long without

a good gag.

They're making use of the environment.

The universe.

It's like the night before

Blake would walk around and go,

where can I make Dudley Moore walk?

It'll be funny.

It'll be funny there.

It'll be funny over there.

Just watching Dudley Moore go from point A to point B is funny.


The last 15 minutes of this movie has been that.

Here comes Brian Dennehy.

Oh, he's Brian Dennehy.

Star of FX

and bestseller.

A man who weathered

James Woods for an entire

three months.

Everybody's favorite internet buddy,

James Woods.

Wasn't he Cocoon?

Wasn't he the lead guy in Cocoon?

James Woods?

No, no, no.

Brian Dennehy.

Remember Cocoon?

No, it was Wolfer Brimley.

I thought Brian Dennehy was in that.

Now I gotta look it up.

Well, Dennehy, if he was in it,

he would have been a young, maybe a government guy.

No, he was the main alien.

Oh, right, you're right.

The main alien.


He organized the whole alien thing.

Yes, I think you're absolutely right.

And he also

seriously bothered

John Rambo.


Oh, yes, he did.

In First Blood.

He was one of my dad's favorite actors

when I first moved out to L.A.

There was some sitcom

with him

playing the head of a,

the patriarch of an Irish,

Boston Irish.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

He did have that sitcom at one point.

And my dad was like,


you should go be on this show.

It's got Brian Dennehy.

He's great.

And I was like,

oh, I'm glad.

Thanks for telling me, Dad.

I'm gonna run right out.

I'm gonna run over there now.

I'll just tell him

you said I should be on the show.

My dad said I should be on this

because of Brian Dennehy.

Well, get in here.

Who didn't know?

Why didn't you say so earlier?

Here's your trailer.

Oh, here we go.

Oh, no.

I thought that was my scene

coming up there.

There's a lot.

More brandy.

I mean, he's drunk

like a gallon of brandy

so far in this show.


Who drinks brandy?

Look, he just downed

like another eight ounces

of brown, of brandy.




Brandy's disgusting.

Who drinks brandy?

It is hardcore.

It's awful.

Same with like a port.

You know, something just,

you can't.

Yeah, it's super syrupy

and heavy.


It's pretty much

like a shot of tequila.

And he just poured

another eight ounces.

Like, brandy is one

of those boozes

where I'm like,

do I know anyone

who actually drinks brandy?

And if I do,

I want to stop knowing them.

Yeah, because it's weird.

I feel the same way

about gin.

I don't really know

anyone who drinks gin.

You're a gin man?

I'm a gin and tonic guy.

Oh, there you go.

Most people do

the vodka tonic

at this point.

Yeah, I mean,

I'm not a gin guy,

but at least I understand

a gin and tonic.

I don't understand brandy.

No, brandy doesn't

make any sense.

Well, brandy,

the only reason

you drink brandy

is so you can use

those glasses.



Oh, there she comes.

Oh, man.



And she's about to flash.

Now, she started

a movement

with those braids, boy.

Oh, right, yeah.


Oh, yeah, that was,

everyone got those.

She started that.

Oh, this was it.

All the rich girls

would come back

from spring break

in high school

with that.

I didn't go anywhere

on spring break.

No, but you just

got the braids.

I got the braids.

That's all I could afford.

Your spring break,

just Massachusetts

with the braids.

Yeah, with the braids.

It's a street person.

Hey, street person,

give me some braids.

Also, and I...

Like, Brian Denny

isn't tired of him yet.

Like, like a bartender

would be so tired

of this guy.

Yeah, no kidding.

But he's like,

Denny in this movie

is like Danny Aiello

in Jacob's Ladder.

So, when Dudley Moore's head

starts migrating back and forth?

I don't know.

Then he'll do some


It's Denny's fault.

Is it me,

or is it always me?

Like, have something

in his mouth like that.

Denny, have you noticed

the other...

Yeah, he's like a teeth actor.

Oh, he's doing with

a little toothpick or a thing.

He's a teeth actor.

He always likes a little bit

of toothpick business.

Seriously, yeah.

Isn't that weird?

He's so cool.

This, you can see

Blake Edwards said,


Guys, closer together.

I want you closer together.

Get close.

Super weird.

If a bartender

was that close to me...

I would be uncomfortable.


It's an awkward thing.

Yeah, I'm not tipping you.

This is...

You need to get away from me.


Is there another bar near here

where the bartenders

aren't as close?

And so far,

there's no one

of Mexican heritage

working at the hotel.

This is not

a presidential debate,

and I'm not Hillary Clinton,

so back off, Trump.

He really loves him, though.

I know.

Is Brian Denny

maybe gay?

Might be.

Is that what's...

Yeah, I can't...

I don't remember

if that's like a character thing

in the movie

or just a weird choice.

I think he's just like a...

you know,

classic bartender

with a heart of gold.


Who cares?

And no other customers.

And why is he living

in Manzanillo?

There's like eight people

on the other side of the bar

who haven't ordered.

They're all like,


excuse me.

Hello, can I...


I just wanna...


I don't even want any brandy.


you each get your own bartender.

Oh, at this resort.

So he's been assigned

to him.

When he's drinking

that many brandy...

This is a fancy hotel.


Wait, this is Manzanillo.

I said Mazatlan.

Is it Mazatlan?

What's going on in Manzanillo?

What the hell?

Oh my God,

he is...

What time shall I be there?


Gotta finish the brandy.

Well, if Brian Dennehy

pays you a compliment...

Yeah, I mean, that's...

Take it.

So nice.

Blake Edwards is also

really good at knowing

when he has an actor

who has certain attributes

but shouldn't talk much.

The weird thing about

John Gary...

is his three ladies

all look exactly the same.

Brigitte Bardot,

Beau Derrick.

Who was the other one

she was married to?

They all look the same.

Yeah, yeah.

And he always did the same thing.

He found her on the beach

in like Malibu

and went and spotted her.

Plucked her

and then dumped the old one.

Who's he?

Oh, Margot...

Because he was always

turning them in

for younger models.

Yeah, she was always

turning into the next blonde.

They look the same.

And then he...

And then he made

millions exploiting

Beau Derrick

in garbage movies.

Oh, here we go.

My high-waist scene.

Of course I was watching


Rad's just chilling

watching disco.

As kids did in the 70s.

I want to do a jokey bit

and shot for shot

recreation of that scene.

Oh, that would be rad.

With you and him.

That's a great idea.

Is it weird

seeing yourself as a kid?

Oh, yeah.

You're so detached.

It doesn't feel like it's me.

Oh, here's Dee Wallace.

Ah, Dee.

Dee Wallace.

I think she shows boob too

in this movie.

She does?


Oh, my.

Dee and I

share a lot of


on our resumes.


I was telling them earlier.

Yeah, that's right.

Post-Track City.

Just Add Magic.

Oh, right.

And as of

this season,

You're the Worst.

Oh, great.

Oh, nice.

Earl did not get to work with her

on You're the Worst,

which sucks, but...


There was yourdar тор.


It was just me and a нос bone.

That's right.

He's about to convention day.

colle reply.


Are you admits to it?


Say cheese to cheese first?

He's the oso.

I'm sorry.


You're fortunate.

To think you occur thinking


Better take care.


Oh, yeah, cool.


I don't know.

That's okay.


Oh, sorry.


things just myth see.



Take some more brandies.


It took two seasons for me to have an episode with Dee on that kidshow.

Oh, that's cool.

That's okay.

I met you

at Truman Capote's


it's gonna be

my new

way to greet people



that's the way

you endear yourself


I met you

at Truman Capote's


and when

Mrs. Kissel

passes gas

we beat the dog

you guys

D is drunk

he's gonna put out

I haven't seen her

this drunk

since we did that

film pics episode

oh jeez

I don't know

if that would have

felt very good

on her neck

yeah no

that was

that was a

controlled fall

Dudley was

it was

it looked like

he got it

over on his shoulder

like a stage slap



was this actually

D's first

big movie

I don't know

it might be


well when was


wasn't E.T.

wasn't she the mom

in E.T.

yeah but that was

in the 80s



and when was

the howling


I always mix her up

with Terry Gar

was that before

or after 79

that's my question

well you can look it up

I'm not gonna

look it up

Jesus Christ

for those of you


go ahead and look it up


I wanna know though


it's not you D

Dudley is consumed

a lethal amount

of brandy today

oh D

she has a problem

with men not being

able to get erections

it's probably

because she hangs

out with a lot of

drunk guys


I didn't feel comfortable

watching it

I wouldn't imagine

you did

it's very cold in here


that was a great

sequence though

of her like

gathering her clothes

and like would

would crawl around

the bed

and then just

clonk her head

on the floor

to look under the bed

gather a piece

and then move around

the camera going

that was a really

great bit

that was a great bit

because that's actually

pretty good

that's real


you wouldn't normally

write that in

but that's great


she was on

some TV shows

before this

she played

Nettie the Maid

and the Stepford Wives

in 75

a lot of TV

guest stars


The Hills Have Eyes


although that wasn't

a big movie

but I would say

that's her

first kind of



you made D. Wallace

cry Dudley

nice fucking job


oh wait

here comes the


the famous

when he runs across

oh well her running

yeah towards


yeah the howling

was after this

I feel like this was

her big


breakout movie

she was on an episode

of Taxi

shut up

oh my gosh

now I gotta go back

and watch all the Taxi


she was on Chips

oh god

that was good

that was great

just that hangover

oh god

the little stumble

that very

she's sweating

when it's

beer hot

this is hilarious

the howling

was 81



Jimmy the Kid

was 82

I don't know

what that is

good but thanks

for letting us know

I'm just gonna start


years of movies

that D. Wallace

is in

I'm just gonna start

with a little

it's a little Mr. Bean



I like it

I can't get enough

of that Mr. Bean


you actually cracked

me up

all right

she's the mom

in Critters

oh wow

I forgot about that

oh shit

you're right

I like how they

don't connect

in all this


she came down

now he's down there

yeah she's just

getting through

her hangover

in the morning

he's just in the


doing towel bits

in the background



he's now again drenched in sweat he's wet sprinted for that

oh somewhat of mexican brandy a quarter brandy

all the alcoholics like that

yeah you really he really could have said just about anything that contained alcohol

yeah it would have been okay she's having a bloody mary too

and there's flash oh god she said i'm god again

stumbling away that's awesome that's so good oh we got sandy the classic bully second second

i think this is when he fantasizes about the running on the beach oh right the famous running

on the beach she really is uh taking her time massaging that oil well you got to make sure

with the oil yeah she's going real slow yeah you don't want to you don't want to skimp on the oil

yeah yeah oh my god i mean you don't really know a lot about uh skin care on the beach do you i don't

go out there i don't go out you burst into flame under direct sunlight i have certain problems

the eclipse gave you like four minutes of peace

yeah in oregon you can come out okay go back in

this is a very accommodating waiter yeah he's really

helping out rather than once taking him to the wall oh this is the guys this is hilarious oh my god

are they talking about him being british oh god okay

he's a shirt look at this guy he's a classic like movie tourist yeah

he's got a kitten on his t-shirt yeah and he's he got his camera slung over his shoulder in the water

yeah is he drunk or mental


look at that hat look at the other guy's drink

it's a great idea

yeah again just like one wide shot yeah yeah of three old guys drinking in the ocean

i'm doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor god i'm not sick

is cameron yeah

rad what was the biggest part you had in a movie when you were a kid oh god is this yeah

i got cut out of a i had a huge part in a movie called north dallas 40 and they cut

like literally everything out of it and ending up having like three lines oh man that's a football

football football shot yeah yeah it was the owner's son or something the same thing happened

the camera just went in the water is it waterproof they have not acknowledged it

you're an english fella huh

that's all right look at the hair on my guy's back you're an english fella they don't like

english people that's a flash garden is he asleep on the surfboard yeah he goes and saves his life

right this is the whole he rescues him he gets a boat or something and he gets eaten does he get

eaten by a shark or something no he like drifts off in the current oh oh then there's a shark

chasing the boat or i don't know hello that is quite she made a one piece look yeah rocking well

that's a pretty scandalous one piece cut yeah yeah it's farrah fosset esh the red

farrah fosset

he couldn't be creepier every time this is a movie about a rich drunk creep yeah he's stalking

this nice young lady i'm assuming my daughter is her age right now

did you ever see that episode of it's always sunny in philadelphia where they go to like a

ski resort and it's it's very hot a hot tub time machine you know it's okay it's an 80s thing

and they even have a movie about it it's like a movie about it it's like a movie about it it's

going to have all these actors like they have the guy who played malachi from children withPaul

they did a lot of and uh kevin farley was in it and uh the guy whoever the i don't know the actor's

name but he played the lead in hot dog the movie oh my gosh and he's sort of the main guy that they

hang out with and he's always wanting to do things like the porky's thing look through a hole into a

shower and every time he wants to do one of these things the rest of the it's always sunny people

like what no that's creepy no that's the main story that's the main movie about a rich drunk

guy that's creepy i don't need to make that extreme e digitized now that's such a great thing to make that

illegal oh work is being done I guess every all the staff at this resort get

uncomfortably close to you yeah it's not just Brian's any it's also yeah 200

millimeter lens it's hotel policy to get in your personal space a bunch of

American guys working

he's drunk design him aha he made an assumption he was wrong actually one of

the the gardening guys came to the door this morning with his phone and he had

translated something on the phone nice and it just said need stairs and I was

like stairs


and I pointed at these stairs I'd like stairs and he's like yeah well Bill's

guys bilingual and he said he needs he's it's a ladder thanks Google yeah right

Siri need stairs I was like who doesn't you can use my stairs I don't know you

see aGG

now explanation of the sweat where those

now explanation of business

beyond 넘o



no explanation of what rep why you wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt


investing a value


why taking with go go I already

touched but I'm gonna stay







Probably, yeah, which causes

organ failure.

His pants are like too big

too. Of course.

Was that thing, because that was true in the movies

like going all the way back

up until like the 80s.

Oh, there it is.

There we go.

That's the slow-mo run.

That's the proto-Baywatch.

Yeah, this was the

based off that forever.

This was the Oscar clip.

I mean, just

goodness gracious.

Every time they clip this movie for whatever

it was always this.

It's always this.

God bless her.

She's commentary

just got very sad.

She's also never run a day in her life

based on the stride.

And it's her first time smiling as well.

They put that in after.

It was a very early, by the way,

this is the first time I've noticed her, her mouth.

It's the same computers they used for Tron.

Yeah, she's got teeth.

Now, did you get to meet her?

I only saw her from a distance at the screening.

Oh, I wonder what she is.

I tell people I slept with her, but nobody buys it

because I was 11.

Happens all the time.

But I did sleep with Julie Andrews.

Oh, fantastic.

Mary Poppins.

She was popping.

I got a picture of her and Hillary together, actually.


Yeah, it's cute.

Anybody want that?

So, wait, Flash Gordon...

Not Hillary Clinton, Hillary, my wife.


I see.

I've suddenly realized the confusion.

My bad.

No worries.

So, did Flash Gordon just paddle out on a surfboard

and then fall asleep?

Yes, the guys were saying that the current takes you

if you're not careful and so you're like,

oh, God, I've got to go rescue the damn guy.

But he just fell asleep?

Yep, fell asleep on the surfboard.

There's a shark, I think, involved in this.

Yeah, and...

This does look like a clip from Jaws 3.

Oh, he's going to run the guy over.

Good Lord.


I'm all figured out.

He fell off the boat.

This is a garbage rescue.

I love the sunglasses.

To be honest, this is perfect.

Oh, here comes a shark!

Oh, crap, there's a shark.

No, it's a plastic fin.

He's pulling his hair.

That's funny.

Do you know how hard it is to climb back aboard a...

A moving...


Oh, yeah, that's...

It looks genuine.

Yeah, it looks so realistic.

It's amazing what you can do, though, when a shark is coming at you.

Is that the, like, evil dolphin fin from One Crazy Summer?

No, that's...

No, that's the one from Batman and Robin.

The shark repellent?

You know, it was just a shark.

It's one of those...

It looks like one of those fake shark fins that, like, you, like, tie to the back of a dachshund.

Yeah, it's so good.

It's like every year, like, a FIFA player would trap or another person or anything and

then, uh, I would still get seperated from everybody and get rabble.

I think that might be true in Fallout 7 or something like that.

Or, I don't know.

Do you know...

I imagine it might be true in Fallout 7 if it's Baldum, and if it'selaire.

Yeah, and I wonder why அத dieser is...

What does it say?

What the heck?

I don't know.

I don't know, dude.


Denny has just given up

and is also now

pounding Brandy


what the hell is it

with the Brandy

and he's now

like acting as

Dudley Moore's

like PR guy


at least he used

the word in Spanish



clever girl

you can't say

those two words

together without me

thinking of Jurassic Park

clever girl

what's he carrying

is that like a

like a tape recorder

must be for his


for his writing

for his pianoing

for his writing partner


see this is what he

played for me

when we were at the house

ah okay

which as an 11 year old

I was like

this is great

love the beat



it's very special

I'm sure he didn't

shut down production

to play the piano

for Kirk Cameron

in Like Father Like Son

not a chance

something tells me

he just wanted to be

done every day

as quickly as possible

I gotta hear about

Jesus one more time

from this kid

I ran into

Kirk Cameron

in a parking lot

in Agora

with a buddy of mine

I go hey

Kirk Cameron

and he goes

hey Ralph

what's going on

I hadn't seen him

in years

and he goes

you guys doing well

yeah yeah


he goes

hey hey hey

take these

and there

I thought he was

handing me dollar bills

and it was a dollar bill

fake dollar bill

with his picture on it

and then


there's things written on it

about Christ

and said

take this

I'm like


please say you kept it

I was hoping

please say you kept it

oh I wish you had

actually sold it on eBay

I would have

framed that sucker

it was bizarro



nice guy



he's very passionate

yeah that's true

certainly is

it's too bad

that passion

doesn't translate

to his Christian

propaganda films

as far as

skill set

is concerned

however I'd like to think

that he knows

exactly what he's doing

because he's making

a lot of money

that's true

he found an angle

because acting

wasn't exactly




that's a wildly


I'm going to play

this Jesus

I mean but

I always wonder that

about evangelists

and people of that ilk

like Joel Osteen

I don't know how

anybody can buy

a word that guy says


because he lives

in a bajillion dollar

yeah and it's just

it's like

you know that guy's

having weird drug parties

and orgies

but that's that whole

that's that whole

that particular

niche of


well whatever

you call it

it's the


but like the



yeah if you donate

money to me




it'll come to you

and it's that kind of

the earnest angel

it's a pyramid scheme


it's you know

it's couched in religion

it's like hey

you give money to God

and God will make you rich


and you can be as rich

as me then

that's right

that's actually

exactly what the

Republican Party

is selling



no now they're just



well that's true

but they got elected

on that



well they ain't

gonna throw the trickle down

yeah if we cut taxes

then we're gonna make jobs

come on

you guys

we're gonna make jobs

you don't have to vote for us

we got the college

we got the electoral college

don't worry about it

he's really good

he's going at it

with this piano


this is when you ran to the bathroom

at the theater



Dee's gonna cry

she's so

yeah he keeps banging her

how hard was that

for her to do

when clearly nothing

was going on off camera

she is a

she can cry on cue

is she one of those people

she is one of those people

oh wow

she's pretty incredible

with that stuff

and she can do it for anything

whether it's good or not good

boom pull it

she can do it


that's amazing

my thing whenever I've had to do crying

I'm always great on the first take

and then it gets harder after that


I'm the same way

because it's exhausting


I could cry for four hours


good luck

turning black

I wouldn't have come today

that's awesome

what a nice background

you were right in front of you


here comes the water works

here he comes

he's going to be crying for the next four hours


roll cameras

we're going to get everything we need

it is hard too

when you have one of those scenes where

it's some dialogue that's happening to you

that you're supposed to cry about

and doing that

over and over again

because you have to not be

right there

just are crying anyway that's the state here comes the revels bolero magic scene

which is why they made an entire film called bolero yeah my car just hit a water buffalo

i'll have a uh steak sandwich a bloody mary and a steak sandwich charged to the underhills

she's very free yeah with her body or she just doesn't know how to operate towels

yeah actually the latter is probably more likely well how does this work

you're doing great sweetie i like an all-white casual i was just gonna say high-waisted pain

i want that suit yeah like that i would look so stupid


i want it i mean just think about it for a second imagine how stupid i'd look in that

you would look stupid i think i'd look and i'd love every second of it yeah with that huge collar

yeah even the lapel on the robe is big yeah the 70s it's like it's like dracula's bathrobe

she never could have put that towel on herself on her head no well not judging how she was using

the towel earlier she could do that well what's weird is she thinks she wrapped that towel around

her waist that's right i'm still cold and she just tripped into the road

oops the robe was an accident happy one

cue cards on the table is that what she's looking down at yeah i gotta say i mean he's only been

i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know

in mexico for like a couple of days lots happened the swelling has really gone down from his dental

work yeah he looks great and his nose is yeah yeah the bee sting is fine all he needed to do

is drink a shitload of brandy a gallon of brandy and he was fixed it right up she's never smoked

anything in her life yeah everyone's eyes are bloodshot in this movie though have you noticed

him everybody was just drinking probably yeah i think more definitely was

was he like a big real life job no not that i was ever aware of well he had a big problem later in

life yeah yeah i think it was later than yeah a drinking problem drinking and drugs yeah yeah

that's probably more like arthur was that more like around arthur and maybe that that period yeah

well at his piece right yeah what happens to everybody yeah

he was oh you can't wait to peak yeah drink a lot of brandy go to orgies yeah

that's that's it i just that's all i want on my google calendar brandy orgy brandon

get reminders time for brandy traffic is light it will take you 15 minutes to get to the orgy

you are still on the fastest route

three calculators

special ways app for orders ways orgies

hey did that waiter just look at the camera yep there he did yeah yeah how'd that do it was a

was that all right he looked happy about it yeah I wonder if he was just an

actual waiter I'll bet he was so we're bronze not invented till like the 90s

apparently well no time no no they had been but from 1975 through 1979 brawls

were outlawed in the United States which I think is great I mean why like

why wine bras anyway profound thought from Todd Robert Anderson I mean why

bras anyway no I'm saying well yeah I realize this is a support system they

can help the back

this looks like one of those day for night yeah we're gonna shoot day for

night and then tomorrow we're shooting that's right

what but don't you know why don't we just flip the schedule no I can't fit no

we can't because a turnaround this is this related to that bra thing

we're gonna shoot night for day and then but but then also then four night

again why don't we just you're doing night and day for day we're doing day

for night for day so it should all just look like its day but it's not put for

death yeah at night I can't remember just remember everybody this takes place

during the night but we want to play it like it did at night but when I got out

dark I got off that bomb so we're just inn Skins enough hearts and just we want

to play some good. Our souls lied to that. We don't get warned so don't let the rich

still be having a night that little fucking underdogということで, we're gonna let it

in post we're going to make it look like

it's day but play it like

it's night

okay does everyone understand

you guys get it

and action it's very simple

look at that awesome

credenza with a record player

oh that's nice look at that

that's fabulous

I know I'm old because the other day when I was trying to

set up Colby's damn video game thing

I couldn't get that going but I had no problem

setting up the record player

here just listen to

records here's some records

I think I know

why he wasn't expecting for Colby


rolls a hella tight joint

for someone who looks like

she doesn't understand how to

light one

and by her I mean the crew guy

who rolled that joint

who is clearly just his joint

yeah Blake I got a joint

how many you need


uh oh


it like

that just made him go out of focus





that's a good script

I could use that

maybe later

I always struggle to find a script

and I don't want to

you know

I'm like

that's just

what I want

and there's that

is that


what did she she said yeah but still it's like a family not by blood

it's just the uncle uncle like you know it's even worse when you have to qualify with but

not by blood he wasn't really our uncle my sister was adopted woody allen had no problem

yeah well that's that's my that's my case case uh study number one there's nothing grosser

that's the word i like never could get people you know have gotten by that quite well no i can't get

by no i cannot yeah it's a shame when brilliantly talented people creep me out this is exactly how

every single one of my dates always goes with uh you start revels bo derrick or the procopia

bo derrick comes out of a room with no clothes on yeah and the problem is that it usually like

makes you know my date upset and then the whole night ends yeah so i gotta go


for the last time oh damn it bo you're always ruining my evenings yeah come on put on a towel

for christ's sake how darn it not that again see the i i there's something seriously wrong with me

because when i do hear this piece of music just not watching a movie but when i hear it i don't

think of this movie oh i do i think of bolero and i think of the climactic sex scene where she's

fucking on a table yeah

and there's like fog everywhere and there's neon signs that say ecstasy but it's misspelled

she didn't know well she didn't make the neon signs her dumb ass husband did but it's

weird what and you know like the like the whatever joint was contracted to make those signs

got the thing like they do they know this is misspelled it's like what they want it's like

the napkin yeah uh in spinal tap

18 inches

are we doing stonehenge tomorrow

i don't think the problem was with the band's energy

i think the problem was

the mighty stonehenge was in danger of being trampled on by a dwarf

oh that movie i remember introducing that movie to my son when he was about to die

14 and as i put it on oh yeah that's one of those please don't let me this is the funniest movie i

ever seen okay you're missing all right good i don't have to kick you out of the house well

when you start introducing your kids to movies that you think are great and you wonder how

they're gonna it's gonna go over with them you never know how they play like i don't know if

they've seen this yeah like it made me super sad when i watched weird science with colby and he

wasn't into it ah see but then we watched the breakfast club and he loves it well to be fair

though like weird science is a very weirdly paced movie yeah it's slow it's very like a lot of the

jokes don't translate yeah and colby's super sensitive to racism


in movies he'd be like i think this is too racist

yes well of course it is yeah it is too racist now laugh at it yeah now but it's hilarious racism

did he at least like chet yeah i like chet because that's classic that's classic paxton

yeah chet's great fucking paxton is dead yeah it's weird how much like since he died

i realized that he's dead and he's dead and he's dead and he's dead and he's dead and he's dead and

i realize how often i think of bill paxton like before he died like i would think of yeah i would

quote him yeah no something would come up and all right it's just so weird

well it's like we said because we did the podcast yeah it's like we said it's like

every time paxton shows up you're always happy to see him yeah it's never a bummer

it's not like when julia roberts shows up in a cameo you're like oh fuck there goes that movie

i really wanted to see i saw the trailer for uh what's it called it's it's it's a wonder is that

the name of it it's a it's coming out in november famous like young person's novel about like a kid

with a messed up face oh i don't know and he goes to school and he has to fit in oh i vaguely i

think i've seen that trailer yeah and i the trailer started and no no but it's like i can't

it's akin to that um but colby had just read the book and i was like and he liked it a lot and i was

like oh cool the movies and the trailer starred and i was like oh cool it's a movie yeah and then

julia roberts showed up and i was like we're not going though yeah but important question

do you own a copy of mary riley gee yeah it's part of this like one i got one of those like

it's like eight crappy thriller oh you had no choice but to get yeah it's in

you have it but it's under duress no actually it it is a that is a go-to movie for me when i can't

sleep because within 10 minutes i'll be asleep it's so it sucks the energy out of everything

that sees it it's cinematic melatonin or valerian if you will

it's a good night yeah

yeah like who's the who's the cinematographer on this good question because they you know they

also did a good job with this kind of scene and hard and the lighting and like making it like

sexy but not gratuitous right this is what i'm saying this is part of what makes it a really

classy essentially a sexploitation comedy it's a classy movie show like a porno yeah yeah if it

was overlaid or like most of the booby movies that came out yeah these are

yeah yeah yeah because those are all pretty but those were all like kind of like

omni-lit low budget right you know stuff this is hard there's some money spent this was expensive

film this is the 52 70 yeah yeah it's something like screwballs is low budge and they're shooting

it all during the day because they can't afford lights yeah and they're shooting they're shooting

it for night yeah day for night day for night it's on expired film they got cheap they get

loose and it's so it's oversaturated like the first act of spielberg's war of the worlds but

it's not on purpose

now is there was is there ever been an explanation as to like why beau derrick's head is like tasseled

up in kind of like like native american ripoff no accoutrement she just has that

beads that was just you know whoever the hairstylist was

was like hey let's do this yeah maybe the idea is this is what you get when you go down to mexico

to mexico oh yeah touristy yeah kind of yeah

why is he so pissy he's blowing it not only is he a creep but he's kind of a dick yeah

no it is it's kind of like it's no there isn't i disagree with you that's all there is to

that's all i want to do is have sex with beau derrick to bolero after chugging a gallon of

brandy being approved by flash gordon come on you speak for yourself mister

yeah you're an idiot

also if you're gonna have sex take your watch i was gonna say the cardia watch

i mean that's gonna scratch yeah yeah if you're gonna have sex take your watch i was gonna say the

you're doing it right anyway well he's the way i do it

he needs to watch the times he's got an appointment

oh what a jerk yeah

i mean it's this is a star this is a typical stalker he finally gets what he's stalking

and he's a dick about it yeah well yeah because the stockings normally at this point he'd kill her

well if he's a stalker murderer yeah that's still couldn't perform so kills her

so because he got mad at her does that mean he's come to the end of his midlife crisis

i think he goes back to sam and he's going back to julie and julie andrews which really you

shouldn't leave her in the first place yeah which at this point you know

if it was in any way realistic she would have already packed up and left yeah no

shit but it makes their relationship really edgy and hot now if this is like

if this is like david fincher's 10 then he would have murdered

but julie andrews is fucking gorgeous yeah in person spectacular yeah

well derrick's pretty and all that but oh yeah

i mean it makes a little more sense

than say michael douglas cheating on ann archer with glenn close hello yeah but it's a stretch

but still

i can feel the uh clapping is this like uh this is like 1979's hamilton

yeah doesn't she have like a new kid show on netflix or something i don't know julianne

she's like 81. i don't know there's like so much shit on netflix now i have no idea

there's like so much shit on netflix now i have no idea there's like so much shit on netflix now i have no idea


when there's something new shows up there is like a i know i read about you don't i don't know

because you know she writes children's books and yeah yeah so i don't know maybe if it's

it's on one of the streaming services yeah i don't know if she's singing again though that's what i'm

hey if you want to save some time on the streaming services well you could just

not watch the defenders at all oh or or way ahead of you yeah or just start with episodes

four because there's literally

no information in the first three episodes

that is critical to the rest

of them. Yeah, I just heard

Extra Hot Great talking about that.

They're ripping it to shreds.

But I don't

want to watch comic book TV

shows because they don't have the money

that comic book movies have. And that's

the only reason I watch those things.

It's to watch the money. The Jessica Jones

one is good. I think you'd like that.

That's the best one out of

all of them. But it's also more like

a noir detective

style show with a little bit

of superhero stuff.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

You know, we've got

to watch The End of Orphan Black.

Oh, I already did that.

Well, this movie fucked it. I haven't watched

Claws either. I know.

I want to watch Claws. It's my favorite.

Yeah, no, I couldn't wait

on that. No, I get it. Well, we'll probably

just watch it.

Hold on.

For what?

Piss off, George.


Jesus, Rad. You've got some serious attitude

with your feathered hair.

Yeah, I love the

Brady Bunch cut you got going.

How long did it take him to do that?



That's another thing about the 70s.

Sheer yellow shirt so you can really

see the chest hair.

You can literally see individual hairs

through that shirt.

You need the Italian horn.

And look at the collar.

Unbelievable. Like, undershirt, man.

Undershirt. He is gross.

He is disgusting.

You'll never sweat through that.

Get out of here, you gross.

You grossy.

It's like that shirt is made out of

tissue paper.

Oh, more brandy.

It's like you wrap gifts in that.

You don't wear it.

More brandy.

More comedy.


Oh, my God. Is he going to kill himself?

This is like a slow phone conversation.

Jesus Christ.

But luckily, they both have enormous glasses of brown liquor.


These 1970s comedies, I do love how they meander.

But at this point, I have no sense of where the climax is.

Yeah, no.

I don't know what, like, where it's going.


I mean, it feels like we're kind of now slowly wrapping up.

But are we?

I don't know.

He's having serious drama.


Well, his young buck left him.

Look at how much alcohol is in that snifter now.

It's the same glass.

He's been sipping on it all day.

No, that's fresh.

That's a ludicrous amount of brandy.

It's like half the snifter is full.

It's ridiculous.

How much money do you think he spends on brandy on a weekly basis?

It's why he has to write so many songs.

It's like Johnny Depp and his wine.

$30,000 worth of brandy a month.

She can hear him from there.

I really like the power saw ambiance.

That's really adding to this commentary.

It's going to really.

Yeah, I didn't know that was going to be happening until last night.

Bill came by and he's like, yeah, I'll do this for you.

Bill did our roof.

And he's like, yeah, I'll do this for you.

I got to start tomorrow though.

And I was like, OK.

I like this shot a lot too.

We got the inside of the piano.

I do love it.

It's really.

I mean, yeah.

Look up.

Look up who the cinematographer is.

Because it's a great.

I mean, this movie's shot wonderfully.

But it's so minimal.

Yeah, but that's the thing.

That's what is.

Now there's just so much cutting.

It's very, very.

It's so carefully composed.


Oh, there you go.

Oh, yeah.


Oh, man.

I like that shot.

I like the scene.


It's good.

I liked that one.


Let's see.

It was fun.

What was your first film?


Thunderbolt Lightfoot

So he did some Eastwood stuff

Iger Sanction

Car Wash

Holy smokes

Here Ain't Nothin' But A Sandwich

Corvette Summer

The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh


Was Mark Hamill in Corvette Summer?


Grease 2

That was Spielberg

Corvette Summer

Wasn't there some old movie

That Spielberg did that's kind of like that?

With Goldie Hawn

Well there's Lucas' American Graffiti

Oh yeah

I can't remember who did Corvette Summer

Wasn't that a Corman movie?

Might have been yeah

I mean I can look

Gotta look

I gotta know

Yeah well yeah let's

Yeah you can't leave that thread dangling

Oh my god

Corvette Summer

Who directed you?

Matthew Robbins

Matthew Robbins?

I don't know

I don't know what that's about

Also known as Corvette


Just Corvette?

Just Corvette

When they were marketing it to

Areas of the world that did not have summers


Like Antarctica

Or Corvette

Well they just called it Summer

That's right


Who's looking

Now his orgy neighbors are looking at him

Through his telescope again

Look at what he's wearing

He's got a

Yeah he's got a

He's got a

Yeah he's got a

he's so mad

that guy's great


of course every time

he appears on screen

I just want to watch

Weekend at Bro's again


you never get sick

of that movie

you know they take him

water skiing

and by accident

he falls off the bottom

he hits buoys

he's got good form

well your silverman

is spot on

oh he put on

a Rebels balloon

oh yeah

oh the one time

they're going to do it

and he's not watching

are we about to see

Julie Andrews make it

no he's going to tell

her the story

and she's going to

think it's sexy

so she had braids

and he's going to

think it's sexy

because he

couldn't get it up

I think it's amazing

he was married

to Susan Anton

and he had to

go up on her


if this was a

Hitchcock movie

one or more of them

would be getting

strangled right now

yeah exactly

and Jimmy Stewart

would be panicked


I don't know

oh they're just


oh Jesus

call 911

he's got to take off

40 layers

where's the brandy

it must be kind of weird

is that a boot

oh the credits

it must be kind of weird

to like

make out

with the director's wife

which he had just

called for


and action

okay Blake

whatever you say

and to get notes

from him


you know she likes it

I don't think that's

appropriate Blake

I was on the

now these are all

these are all the orgy

people right


I was on the lot


I want to see

the MGM lot

MGM lot

and I was about


something like that

and I was auditioning

for something

and I walked by

and I saw

Blake Edwards

parking sign


and I walked

right into the office

and it was one of those

little cottages


and I said

I was in

send him back

went in

sat down

and chatted with him


oh wow

yeah just kind of


just walked right in


that's great

that's crazy

that's awesome

yeah that's funny

that's awesome

well and that like

that years later

he was like

oh yeah get in here


which normally

he'd be like

yeah sure

well tell him he said


yeah really


who are you

get out

that was really nice

that's cool

well it sounds like

it was a good experience

for you

indeed it was

it got me hooked

on acting

and I worked a ton

after that

boy you got to

give shit to Dudley Moore

I did

that's come on

that's a good thing

yeah you threw

some shade

cussed on camera


pretty nice

yeah that's a kid's dream


I remember my dad

was just

what you're gonna say shit

and I said


oh well

make your money

sometimes you gotta

dance with the devil

if you want to put food

on the table

oh there's

Julie Andrews

such a good boy


quite possibly

the slowest credits

yeah what the hell

and it's already

a long movie

well no because

this isn't like

Master of Disguise

where they need to

stretch out the running time

well but it's also

it's because it's like

they don't have

as many

people on the credits

no because they do

Gaffer Key Grip

and where's all their

best boys

and all the

it's nothing

you just get the main people

and today there's


a non-comic book movie

there's also a ton

of like

CG people

oh my gosh

and they have to list


and then all the babies


all the babies they had

while they were

in post-production


and the residents

of Beverly Hills

for their splendid


I don't think it was

probably splendid

bunch of

that's sarcasm

if ever there was


that's shade

that's 1979



end credits


well that's 10

that was 10

thanks Rad for coming

oh very exciting

thanks for even watching

how did it hold up for you

actually I loved it

I mean I forget

how funny it was

it was funny

really funny stuff

such an old movie

pretty funny

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