HomeShow Radio with Tom Tynan Podcast from 9/1/24 Hour 3

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HomeShow Radio Podcast

HomeShow Radio with Tom Tynan Podcast from 9/1/24 Hour 3

HomeShow Radio Podcast

The Home Show with Tom Tynan podcast is made possible thanks to our partners like Abacus


Finally, professionals you can count on.

I'm a hard-working man.

Good morning, Houston.

It's time for the sport of home improvement.

I can ride rope, hammer and paint, do things with my hands that most men can't.

I'm a hard-working man.

Welcome to Home Show Radio.

Save money, save time with Houston's home improvement leader for 37 years.

Here's Tom Tynan.

And we begin our number three of Home Show Radio.

Call me 281-833-3333.

And we will talk today about your home improvements because we want to.

And that's what we do here.

All right.

Let's see here.

Let's get back to the calls.

Let's talk to Doug.

Doug, you're on Home Show Radio.

Good morning, Tom.

Good morning, Doug.

Trying to help a daughter hire a builder to build a build-on-your-lot home with approximately

a $250,000 home budget.

So my question is, what are the major specifications that we should be asking a builder to adhere

to on this home, such as Energy Star Certified National Electrical Code?

Are there variations?

Are there variations in 10-year warranties, manufacturer specifications?

So kind of a high-level brush before we even get into the details and interior finishes

and appliances and stuff like that.

You don't have any say-so in any of that at all with any of the builders.

They're going to do what they do.

Every electrician that wires a house should be following National Electric Code.

If they don't, they could lose their license.

So that's not an issue for you.

Every plumber that plums a home is going to be following the rules of the state of Texas.

They're licensed with the state of Texas.

They have to do it.

Every air conditioning contractor has the same thing.

If they mess around too much, they lose their license with the state.

So those are the three trades you don't have to worry about at all, and I wouldn't even

bring it up unless you have specifics you want, like variable speeds and stuff.

But for $250,000, she's not going to get a lot of homes.

She's going to get a very basic home at best.

There's not a lot of money there at all.

As far as builders going to the state of Texas, there's no licensing.

There's no requirements.

There's no registration certification whatsoever.

It doesn't exist in the state of Texas.

And quite frankly, if she's building a custom home and she's just going to a builder and say,

hey, build this for me, I'd like to see, and this is what the true contract is, is the construction documents.

That's the set of plans.

The set of plans will be sealed or at least signed off by a licensed home designer in the state of Texas or an architect.

Everything on those plans will be exactly what he has to do.

He has no say-so in it whatsoever.

So the MEP and the architectural teams, are they going to be doing that?

There's no MEPs.

You want to ensure that it's structurally stable, et cetera.


I mean, when you go to foundations, you're going to have a soil report.

You're going to have an engineer.

There's no MEPs.

MEPs are mechanical engineers.

They work on commercial buildings.

You get into structural engineers.

They're going to take care of the slab.

If there's any kind of framing issues that are something extraordinary, then they're going to have to deal with that.

But most of it's all done by FHA framing standards.

They're very simple, very standard, and you follow them.

You don't need any kind of engineer or anything.

It's only on the slab.

And it comes with a soil report.

But the fact of the matter that you would have to even tell a builder any of this stuff, you're using the wrong builder.

He should be telling you this is exactly what they do.

Very good.

Tom, thank you for your time.

That helps.

Yeah, it's a code of the West out here in the state of Texas.

In fact, for those of you that don't realize it, there's no building codes enforcement in counties.

It's actually our state legislators kind of deemed it that way.

There was about four or five builders.

Back in the 70s, things were going pretty well.

And then the bust hit Houston.

And all these bigger companies and these families that were in the home building business started to fail, too.

And some of the big, big names that I'm not going to use here, some of them are alive.

Most of them are all dead now.

And what they did was they got together and they put controls through Austin and spent a lot of money.

We're talking a lot.

Back then, it was millions, hundreds of thousands and millions, not billions and trillions like today.

But the big names that a lot of people know of, these guys were all in cahoots with one another.

There was one, two, three, four.

I can think of four offhand that were big names that controlled the industry.

And I have this conversation a lot with a lot of people because I'm in the training business.

And, for instance, there's a lot of what I call illegal trades.

Illegal trades are trades.

Illegal trades are trades that don't pay taxes, that don't do W-2s, that don't have employees, into framers and concrete people.

Everybody is a subcontractor.

Everybody is paid.

A lot of them are paid under the table in cash.

There's no real rules or regulations showing whether they're paying taxes, any of that stuff.

And you even mention that to anybody and they'll just cringe like, we don't want that.

We don't want that.

And it's unfortunate because what it does is it makes the industry a crooked industry.

And so there's certain things like air conditioning and plumbing and stuff that they're not going to touch because it can cause some real problems.

But the other stuff in the roofing, in the home building business, especially in the production building business, it is not a legal entity at all.

You talk about politicians and stuff going to jail for, he's a criminal, he's a convict.

They're all convicts.

In the way of, as far as tax evasion and under the table money and cash and things like that.

And just, you know, it's just weird.

So you've got to be really careful.

And it's a very hard business to compete in unless you're going to play by their rules.

And those rules are still in effect today.

Nobody has changed them, although a lot of people talk about it.

I'd like to see it changed.

I would be a real proponent for it.

And I just don't see anybody coming to the table because there's, it just changes.

Things too dramatically from the valley up, uh, how we, we treat our workforce in the home building industry, not industrial, not commercial.

That's, that's different stuff.

But in the home building industry, it's, it's a whole different world of everybody's a subcontractor.

Wink, wink.

All right.

Call me two, eight, one, eight, three, three, 33, 33.

And we will talk today.

And the reason I brought that up is that's why I don't push my students into the home building industry.

I always tell them, listen,

stay out of it.

If you can, it's not where you're going to have a good quality career or life in that type of the trades.

You need to move on into more of a controlled area where there are certifications and regulations and, and things of that nature that protect you and protect, uh, society as a whole.

Let's, uh, let's see here.

Let's move on.

And Fred, you're going to be next, but wait one second.

I'm going to tell you about right touch electrical and electrical company that is licensed, insured, follows all the rules and regulations.

Think about it.

If you had electricians that weren't licensed, that didn't go through some kind of training that didn't follow the basic national electric code, you would have homes.

You'd have plumes of smoke all over Houston and homes going down.

The fire department would be very busy, busier than they probably are now.

Uh, it would not be a good thing.

And that's why you want to work on your home.

Uh, it's, it's something that needs to be done.

Uh, and you.

Don't want to ignore it.

You have plugs that are hot breakers that are tripping.

Uh, you're losing appliances because they're getting power surges.

Uh, there's all kinds of things.

And then you can have someone who's just hanging ceiling fans or putting up light fixtures, dimming lights.

That's a big sign right now that there's probably some issues going on.

Uh, the new appliances you come in, you bring in and they're, they're putting a real stress on things.

So right touch electrical is there for you.

And will.

And his crews, they're really, really good at what they do.

So what I would tell you is call an electrician, call right touch electrical.

They'll take good care of you and get the job done, right?

Touch electrical.

You can find them at home show,, but always use the licensed electrician.

And yes, it's a legitimate business that actually, uh, actually they really like servicing people.

So they, they treat you really well and they're trained to do exactly that.

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Time for any project at home show,

Now more home show radio with Tom Tynan.

Let's get back to the calls.

Let's talk to Fred.

Fred, you're on home show radio.

Hey, good morning, Tom.

Hello, Fred.

This is a kind of a voice from the past.

Uh, about 20 years ago, you built a little house in Hempstead.

Fred, I said hello to you the other day because Jeff kept,

kept busting me about it.


I like it.

I know we've been gone on the weekends and I just haven't had the chance to call.

So I told my wife, I said, you know what?


Do it today.

I've got a chance, but, uh, the house is doing great.

It's yeah.

But I hear you're still having trouble with that crazy water you have.

We do.

Oh my gosh.

I'll tell you what.

I know.

I've never seen such a thing.

I had, I, it took me a while.

He said, do you remember Fred?

And I said, Fred, Fred, Fred.

And then he started to tell me about your project.

I said, Oh no, the guy with the crazy.

I said, yes, I remember.

Oh, I felt so sorry for y'all that well, I remember when they dug it,

I just didn't understand it.

It's it's still, I tell you, if,

if we attach the hose to the outside bib and I leave it for about four or

five, six months,

I almost have to cut the hose in order to get it off because they,

those two metals just, just freeze together.


It was the most incredible thing.

And did you ever have the water tested?


Did they find anything?

No, we've got, we've got the color system out here.

We've had it for a long time.

They come out and test the water all the time.

We've talked to a couple of other people and they keep telling me that maybe

it's just the soil content.

There's a lot of iron ore in this.


That's what I was curious.

It has to be a metal.

It has to be some kind of metal in that water.


But it's kind of crazy because we have some neighbors not too far from here

and they're not,

having problems it's yeah we're right over we're right over a spot evidently where i know it's

but hey the reason i called is that yes sir um jeff at trifection has knocked our bathroom

remodeling out of the park i'll tell you what we uh i don't know if you remember the uh the small

bathroom was the whole bathroom and we did the traditional bathtub shower whatever so i do

remember actually after 20 years to go ahead and replace that uh we kind of we did our homework we

had a couple companies come out and you know they just weren't telling us what we wanted so we went

back on your list of home pros and yes sir i remember you talk about about jeff at trifection

we gave him a call they came out and i'll tell you what we just we totally gutted the bathroom

i mean right down to the studs and we actually even moved the commode over about a foot and a

half so we could get a bigger shower and uh man they did a beautiful job where we're totally

finished except for the shower doors okay we're just waiting for those to come in tuesday but

they did uh jeff did a great job man he has redone all the bathrooms and and i have two homes uh two

properties and it's just amazing how much better the bathrooms are maybe maybe because i'm getting

older i appreciate them more but i like my own bathroom my way and the big shower

good yes lots of handles garden tub yeah we have a big garden tub in the in the ensuite bathroom

and uh you know we have older people coming over and we're getting older and uh it's harder getting

out of that big tub and that shower is is going to be so nice but well and that was it we got rid

of our tubs we have all big showers with handles and and spray heads and it's wonderful i don't

know if jeff told you that we ran into a little bit of a termite problem he did when we got

at the back wall we had termites in there he told me we went ahead we went ahead took care of the

termites and um um we we just we just built out from there but his contractors i'll tell you what

uh they did they did they did a fabulous job he uses some really really good contractors so

i'm just you know any of your listeners that really want to do a professional job i mean

um i'm a happy customer and i just uh

you know i think uh i think that his company really really takes care of their customers they

come in it's a personal type thing i mean we get sometimes phone calls every day hey we got this

one coming out we got this coming out did you you know we need to make a choice on this and it's

kind of like a hands-on family deal um we we really enjoyed having to come out and do that

i'm glad to hear that and it's nice to hear too from you fred that's awesome that you're still

out there enjoying it

oh we love it out here it's just too many people moving out this way so

did it is it getting crowded because it was nothing out there when you started

all the younger all the younger people are selling these land off out here this used to be a ranch

country but right i guess the younger generation they don't want to ranch anymore so it's breaking

it up to big subdivisions and places but we're still here on five acres and um uh no matter

what they do around us we're still we still got our five acres

but i remember you used to come out every weekend on your motorcycle to check the house

oh yeah yeah it was hey it was a good excuse for a ride i like that well take a ride out here one

time and we'd be glad to we'd be glad to show you around the only thing we really did is we built

onto the back of the patio we've got a really nice outside kitchen oh well guys that's good

next on the other side of the house we built a garage apartment my mom lived out there after

my dad passed away the

bottom half is my hot rod shop and the top half is a little apartment

it's okay you can build all you want out there that's awesome i appreciate it fred uh i will

give i will and i appreciate y'all calling and i'm going to give jeff a big plug jeff of course

jeff means nothing to y'all listening out there uh to fred and i he does uh but jeff roberts is

the owner of trifection remodeling and he's just you know it was a house i built for fred 20 plus

years ago

a long time ago and uh he had the strangest water just keep eating away all the metal it was very

odd it i lost a lot of sleep over it trying to figure out what we could do but as far as that

goes uh he's getting new bathrooms now and and you know tubs are a thing of the past i'm sorry

they people put hot tubs outside but uh you can control the water and the chemicals and all that

but as far as it goes inside the uh the house it's a big walk-in shower

now i'm we did it even even everywhere i go the first thing to do is remodel the bathrooms my wife

and i because she wants hers i want mine and they're usually just different in looks but we

still get the big showers she has more cubicles to put her stuff i don't need that many and that's

about the only difference all right call me 281-833-3333 concrete raising corporation can help

you if you have any problems with your concrete sinking moving one side up one side down it's

usually the scenario is it's a teeter-totter and i'll see you next time bye-bye

because you get a void under there for some reason it just happens it's nothing where you're

blaming people or doing anything like that but you get a void and you're driving your car on your

driveway or whatever and it's it's starting to go down or trees are moving things around a little

bit and then all of a sudden the water drainage issues start to give you problems because it's

draining water the wrong way you're stepping in puddles you have trip hazards part of the

concrete's up and you're tripping over it you don't want that and so what you want is concrete

raising corporation that can come in with either their foam injection system

or their cement injection system fill the voids and put everything back the way it's supposed to

be so it drains to the street it's usually where it drains drains to the street drains to the

ditches it has no trip hazards kids can ride their big wheels on there and you can walk across

without falling and you don't have to step in puddles when you're going to work in the morning

and it rained the night before it's it's easy it's quick it's a lot easier than getting out

a jackhammer and repouring an entire driveway it's concrete raising corporations you can find

out more about them at home show but they do just an outstanding job when it comes to uh getting that concrete back

to where it was without having to pour all new concrete that's crc concrete raising corporation

go to home show take a look at their website and find out how it might be exactly what

you're looking for to get your concrete back where it's supposed to be

lord have mercy on the working man

now back to home show radio with tom tynan

all right let's get back to the calls let's talk to dennis dennis you're on home show radio

hey tom this is dennis uh yeah thank you for taking my call you're welcome i've got

hopefully two quick questions one's a towel one's an electrical question i got a two-year-old house

upstairs bathroom and the grout is kind of cracking and flaking i just want to get your

suggestion on how to fix that or if that's uh if it's a grout issue it's just i i wait and rip it

up and do it again later just want to get your thoughts probably just needs to be re-grouted

when grout starts to get crumbly it's just getting old and maybe probably wasn't mixed

had too much water and it was mixed so it's prematurely failing eventually all grout will

eventually fail all grout is is just a cosmetic uh filler between tiles so it's kind of a pain i

consuming but you can get out the loose stuff the best you can and then re-grout it okay so okay so

no issue just pouring it right yeah i'm not what i'm getting at yeah there's no likes if the tile

was letting go that would be different but if it's just a grout crumbling it's not a major issue

it's kind of a pain in the neck issue you know to make it look good yeah got it okay then my

electrical question you know i've had some friends uh

back being my brother tell me about the soft start for an ac it is it is a big topic right

now since hurricane barrel yes so what do you recommend i mean like i get it like for i i do

have a generator so i put on a soft start on the ac but my concern is okay when the generator is

not being used how does it affect the ac unit in the long run but it's still a it's a soft start

it's it's not a big deal i i think people jumped at this

to sell a lot of soft start kits i just put a new air conditioner on my air conditioner and then i

mean my house and i talked to the guy and and he said no you really don't need them i mean it it's

a little bit easier on your generator on the when it kicks in but uh for old older units we used to

use hard start kits soft starts a little bit different same thing it just starts the motor

up a little bit more but uh it's not something i would put on unless i was having a real problem

i really think this is getting out of hand because of the generators what happens is you'll

hear a generator kick up a little bit when your air conditioning starts and it freaks people out

so they all think they need to do something about it and it does start it up softer and it's easier

on the generator but if a generator is working right and everything is fine it's not a big deal

gotcha gotcha okay all right yeah i think there's a way for selling a lot of soft start kits

hurricane barrel made a bunch of people i wouldn't call them rich but they moved a lot of product

i mean yeah i think it's a good idea i think it's a good idea i think it's a good idea i think it's a good idea

even on amazon they're you see all over facebook and everything i always get a kick out of it

because i see this stuff kind of come and then three years later nobody says anything again

and you say well what happened to all this stuff well it's that ran its course uh so no i wouldn't

worry about especially on the newer units unless you have a problem and then i'm i was just going

to add a comment uh kind of to your previous caller i guess uh talking about a a

that tub uh my house is two years old uh custom built and i let the builder and architect talk

me into having a tub in my in my son's bathroom and now i wish i just did a shower stall because

we already have a master tub so i don't think it's needed but the builder and architect thought

hey uh you know when i decide to sell it and families with small children will want a separate

tub i don't know you know that that's kind of baloney i mean if you if you if somebody's if

neighborhood with little kids one tub maybe in it by the child's room would be i could actually

understand that but if you take these big soaker tubs and these in these jacuzzi tubs and all this

stuff and you actually in in 10 years count down how many times people use them it's very very rare

and so and if you combine it with a shower it gets really dangerous so the big showers are the

thing now today and i mean everybody showers before you bathe anyway that's the way it is

in asia and everything else i don't know if it's if you want a hot tub pool

outside it's always ready to go right right yes sir well that's it tom well thank you for taking

my call uh it was good oh yeah no problem you got no problems you're you're in good shape uh

and uh there'll be a lot of soft stars sold right now i know that and uh do what i did with my kids

just put a swimming pool in doesn't have to be big and make them swim every night they get lots

of exercise they say skinny and they get so tired they go right to sleep and then you can go ahead

the hot tub without them bothering you at night and you don't have to bathe them because they just

kind of soak in the pool until they're super clean get a salt pool they'll even be cleaner

all right cutting edge tile removal is the company you call when you have to get the tile out

when you want to get the porcelain stone uh just regular tile ceramics and then you have things

like uh epoxy paints on the on the concrete you need to get off or uh glue down wood floors and

you're saying well that sounds great but here's the i mean it doesn't everybody do that right

and they do you start pounding and grinding and doing all this stuff this is the difference

cutting edge tile removal does it with no dirt no debris it's dustless and that is the difference

it sets them way up here as opposed i'm using my hand now way up here as opposed to way down here

the other place they leave you full of there's dust everywhere they try their best i've i've

done jobs like that you try to tape everything off and put plastic up until you you have you

empty chambers and all this stuff getting into the area but it still spreads it still spreads it

gets on the clothes it gets on everything you don't have any of that when it comes to uh cutting

edge tile removal so if you're running a business and you got some projects going on you don't want

that dust throughout in your own home you never want that dust throughout uh it's just a better

way to call and if you're in the business offer your client an upgrade on this and they will love

you for it once it's done they'll say wow and if you're a do-it-yourselfer and you want to get the

floor out so you can put the new floor in call them let them get it out because you know what

it's going to be a job a lot easier done as a do-it-yourselfer if you get a nice clean slate

to work on that's cutting edge tile removal you can find out more about them at

i'm a fool to do your dirty work oh yeah now back to home show radio with tom tynan

let's go back to the calls

let's talk to jamal jamal you're on home show radio

hello jamal

did we lose him all right let's go ahead and move on to jim jim you are on home show radio

are we having phone troubles shall we try george

let's try george george you're on

home show radio let's see what happens hey uh good morning tom how you doing today i am doing

good sir i can hear you thank you okay good good uh yeah i got in on the end of you said

something about january the first being a cutoff date or something for the air condition for the

14a uh for young units what was that all about about being able to install them in people's

homes and being and selling them are you still with me yes i'm here yes good good

yeah and i don't know if it's a drop dead date that's what everybody's kind of up in the air

about but it's happening and all the new units are going to be totally manufactured in a different

way so it's a transition period i can't tell you if it's going to be january 1st or february 15th

but it's going to be right in there and all the companies are gearing up for it right now and

i should know more in about 30 to 60 days when as we get closer what right now right now the

410 units are available

now yes just bought one the other day yes so if i wait till like january february march

then i'm going to have to get the the units with the new freon the propane freon or and and i was

told they even have one that's the non-propane but still uh the chances are yes you'll have to

switch units so the 410a is what every air conditioning contractor i've talked to

sponsor or no sponsor here on the show uh recommending that their client

do is if if you're up for a new unit go ahead and get it before the end of the year which is

december 31st and i can tell you i just dumped a 25 year old r22 and i have an r410a brand new

in my upstairs in my house because right now i have the r22 it's an older unit and um yeah

and r22s will not be able to be serviced with an r22 refrigerant anymore uh they're they're

going to crank down on the contractors for doing that right there's a different

there's a different refrigerator they use besides the r22 uh yeah but i'm told that maybe that's

even gonna a lot of contractors aren't even going to touch those anymore so be careful

uh it's it's time for us r22 people to finally uh shoot them and and kick the bucket i think

we're going down that road pretty quickly i mean there you know i don't i have i very rarely put

if any uh refrigerant in my r22 unit because it doesn't use it uh so it could be you know i i

talked to the

the guy from abacus he said tom it it's it's you know seven or eight years old it was an

off-brand unit and he said until it breaks just keep using it and he was right about that because

i don't want to just go out and buy another whole new system right now but my one system i needed to

it i could have i've could have nursed it along a little longer but i i decided it wasn't a good

thing to do so it's either just just try to keep your r22 if you have one now or just go ahead and

switch over to the new yeah i think for most people it's a good thing to do

if you can i'd switch it now i really would i would switch now because the price of the units

are going to go up a lot the repair costs are going to go up a lot uh there's going to be a

lot of other little offset costs for the homeowner and that's one thing i don't want to deal with so

if you can and if you're if in the next 12 months you've thought about it it's best you just do it

before december 31st and that date could change you'll know more yeah i'll know more of when it

comes down to a drop dead date but then here's the thing i'm going to do is i'm going to do a

the other issue that a lot of people don't realize and if you have a contractor you work

with all the time and you know them really well talk to that person because they might be able to

do some certain things but there's a lot of companies that are just going to say all right

we're done uh we're just going to move on they can't just keep all the parts and pieces and all

this stuff so it depends a lot on who your service person is and so you need to talk to them too they

might say yeah we're going to save some stuff and we'll keep things running it depends on their

attitude and and their

clientele so if you have someone you deal with talk to them uh if you don't then i would start

looking at finding someone you are going to be dealing with regularly including the new unit

and carrier comfort maker i think is a is a carrier there could have you heard with

comfort maker they're connected with carrier makes a great great unit all the units are good

i because of my uh because abacus they're a lennox dealer and i i put a lennox in and i

like the lennox equipment that's the one of the things that i'm going to be dealing with

i just took out my r22 was all lennox but it's it's really not a brand issue anymore it's more

of a company issue who you're who you're going to be using but carrier makes good units so does

train and and lennox and diken they're all good because they have to be made to today's standards

so they're all going to be about the same okay and you'll let us know uh any of the dates as

soon as i get them but right now the date is uh january 1st

okay okay thank you very much okay you're very welcome i know you got to make a decision it was

tough for me too i almost cried getting rid of r22 i was always the r22 guy r22

it was hard it was hard plus it was put in by a very good friend of mine and i didn't want to

even my wife said oh there's david's unit out there yeah i know it's but it 25 years man he

should be he he wouldn't have he would i don't think he would have even expected it so that was

and that's just because equipment wears out like anything it's going to wear out door clearance

center is there for you when your door wears out because you need a new door you can't just say

oh just don't go out the door just nail it shut i guess you could they do that in jails just lock

it up now door clearance center is a company here in town that's a door wholesaler and they buy doors

by huge amounts you know thousands and thousands of all kinds of doors they have a very consistent

line and they also have hidden treasures that come in and out as they find really good stuff

they'll buy a thousand of them and they'll sell across the country 850 and they'll have some

left over and and they're brand new doors and they sell them to their neighbors i guess who

our neighbor i hate to use that word now since all the politics are using it now but they sell

it to the people of houston because they're based in houston and so they have the door clearance

center outlet at uh i-45 north and beltway 8 you can get the specifics by going to the website get the address and everything uh you wouldn't be able to write it down if i

don't even know it i would do the same thing i'd lit and follow my gps and go right to their door

but door clearance center has entry doors uh interior doors patio doors and the prices

are fantastic and they'll set it all up they're full service when it comes to setting it up with

the jams the lock sets everything you need take it as far as you want and then they have people

who can hang them for you they make arrangements or you can call rudy or other people you might

know somebody maybe you want to do it yourself put the

right in the opening and hang it yourself that's door clearance center find out more about them at go to their website take a look at the prices take a look at the styles and it's

all kinds of doors it's not just a wood door you get fiberglass and iron and you have the pivot

doors and all these different types of beautiful doors for you to choose from it's the hardest

in the door so once you choose it the easy part is just telling them you know how to put it

together for you tell them what the jam is and what you want to do with it and then you can

and all that stuff you don't know they'll help you work it out so they'll get the they'll get all

that from you that's door clearance center nobody in town does a better job selling doors at lower

prices and door clearance center now back to home show radio with tom tynan

all right let's continue on with the calls we finish this show up for this

labor day weekend and i'll be on my way and you'll be able

to do things too and listen to some other shows and do some other things

let's talk to con con you're on home show radio hi mr tom long time listener i have a question

about the foundation what's the best way to put foundation it won't crack i'm talking about two

story i did some work and i put like a 36 inch deep foundation and a 16 inch wide beam this

thing is going to hold this i'm talking about three thousand square foot house all right well

i i don't know if you're an engineer in designing the foundation but you say it's a 36

inch deep not the whole the whole pad across isn't is it just the beams uh this whole lot

all around the house is a 36 inch deep and in the middle is a 30 inch deep and 16 inch wide

okay you shouldn't have any span once one way or the other more than 12 feet apart from your

grade beams number one and you're going to use number three rebars on 12 inch centers throughout

both ways through the slab and you're going to use three number fives on the bottom three number

top with the number fives uh corners on the outside 36 uh every 36 inches you're going to

have stirrups in that steel it's all in the steel placement your size of your beams are good i don't

know the soil you're on so it's really hard for me to say what you should have you i don't know

if you need piers or not or if you're bringing in stabilized soil i did the slide test okay you did

so if if that's good and your steel placement is right i think your beam sizes are probably

size so i don't think you're going to have a problem at all and a one-story and two-story

is very little difference when you go into engineering and designing it because the only

thing that is more of a load on a two-story than a one is just the walls which are very lightweight

actually it's not a lot of weight if you have bricks of course the brick ledge will be the same

it'll be fine uh it's all a dead load and a point load so it doesn't put a lot of stress on the

house what puts the stress on a house is a live load and that's people and movement and if you

foundations or framing that ever fails it's because people overload it with people people

start dancing and moving and stuff and there was a issue in sugarland not too long ago where a garage

apartment collapsed because they overloaded it with people it's not the structure it's the people

so it's a live load as opposed to a dead load okay all right okay all right thank you and i will

also say this with a house it doesn't matter how many square feet uh it's going to be spread over

the entire house it's 300 square feet each belong and that's when you slowly get up on your left

foot all of theат mens Elijah had um if you just wait just a meaning i'll give you a little idea

of a point now think about it you take somebody who's listening right now weighs 200 pounds and

you get up on your right foot right on your toe and you stand there and that little area is holding

200 pounds right because that's what you weigh when you have a house it's all spread where you

have all these little points like plywood and and things of that nature now there is some spreading of the load from beams to posts or that kind of

with collapsed structures.

There was a, I think in Kansas City,

there was a walkway and there was a big concert

or something going on in a resort.

And everybody was dancing and swaying.

And the walkway collapsed.

And I think quite a few people died.

I mean, probably less than a dozen,

but it was quite the catastrophe.

And when they did the final engineering investigation,

they found that someone had undersized the washers

and it was all about the washers.

It was an interesting thing that happened.

And it's amazing how every little part and piece

is so important.

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And it has to be detailed right.

You know, it's all in the details.

And so you want somebody really good to detail that Hardy siding for you

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It's really important.

And that's where Home Exterior System comes in because they're proven,

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Now more Home Show Radio with Tom.

Tom Tynan.

And what we're going to do is wrap up this hour for this Labor Day weekend.

It was fun.

Appreciate all of you calling and sharing your questions and comments

and all that good stuff.

It was a fun show yesterday too.

We had a good time and a lot of good questions.

You guys are, this hurricane barrel made a lot of people aware of stuff going on

that they weren't aware of before.

So that's always a good thing.

And I want you to know that next weekend you can come see me

if you want to see me in person.

I don't know if you do have a question for me

because you can always call me on the air on the weekends.

But most importantly, I want you to come out and see other people.

Other people like vacuum cleaner people and spa people and fence people

and windows and home decor and RVs who trees plants hundreds of new home improvement ideas.

And I didn't see this until just now,

but Chad made it very clear that the Montgomery County Home and Outdoor Living show

at the Lone Star Convention Center is going to be air-conditioned.

I don't know why.

It must have been a very hot day when he wrote this.

So it says join me in the air conditioning and it's free.

So you have free air conditioning.

I don't know what he was thinking.

He kills me sometimes.

He puts these little things in here and sees if I,

and wonders if I catch it and I did.

This one I did.

So we will be air-conditioned and you'll have hundreds of home improvement ideas.

Local pros all under one roof.

The newest ideas products for updating your home.


Lori's antique appraisal show plus home show pro boosts like Linda Cresswell

from Shelf Genie will be there and she'll be speaking too.

She likes to get on on stage and talk about organizing your life

and they can help you at Shelf Genie.

That's for sure.

And you'll be able to see all their cabinets set up.

It's pretty impressive how they do it.

And then airline central vacuum systems are always there.

I need to talk to them myself.

So get in line with me because I'm ready to put one in my garage for my shop.

You know, you can do this for all kinds of stuff.

It doesn't just have to be your home.

You can put those vacuums in for all kinds of different reasons.

They do hair cutting salons all the time.

And of course, which I don't relate to and of course system pavers will be there

and they do a fantastic job if you're thinking of pavers because I'm actually

going to talk to them also because I'm thinking of a paver driveway.

On a piece of property.

I have because I think it would be a better choice because of the the soils

and stuff.

So we'll see and then I go see if my home home.

I think they will my homeowners Association when I go through to so

there's all kinds of stuff free parking and free admission next Saturday

and Sunday Saturday from 10 to 6 Sunday 11 to 5 is when they'll be shutting

down and this will probably be the only fall home show.

I know it will be with the Tony.


What I should say, which is Tony would but text would shows and you can visit

them at tech text would for more information at this particular show

and maybe you want to display it's not too late to get a booth or get a table

or a space.

I guess the best way to put it and go on out there and see if you can tell

everybody about what you do to and and get your business cranked up and going

that is next Saturday at the Montgomery County fall home and outdoor living show.

At the air-conditioned Lone Star Convention Center.

Hopefully I'll see you there.

Thanks for making home show radio Houston's trusted source for home improvement tips

and advice Tom Tynan's opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect those

of sports radio 610 sponsors or mojo media.

Remember Tom is always on at home show questions and answers tips

and videos our podcast to all free all for you at home show. the previous program paid for by mojo media at home show radio.

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