Two Cents Radio: Episode #386 – F5 Belching

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Two Cents Radio: Episode #386 – F5 Belching

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Yeah, that's it. Even more.

You're listening to Two Cents Radio with Rob, Nico, and Nick. This is episode 386 for August 31st, 2024. Hi, everybody. I'm Rob.

This is Nico.

Nick here.

Thank God August is over. Holy fuck. What a month.

You excited to get back to work, Rob?

Oh, love it. No, just getting through these first weeks of work.

Oh, I see.

I mean, we've had kids for two and a half weeks already.

You guys start that early?

Yeah, teachers were back like the 5th and the 6th.

What kind of fucking summer break is that?

It's not. It's not.

You might say, Rob, that August has been lost in the memory.

It has.

Slipped away into a moment of time.

Like a bottle of wine.

Don't be burdened by what has been.

It was a Taylor Swift lyric, but I guess you can put it in Kamala's mouth too. It's the same.


It all sounded the same.

I honest to God, I thought you were quoting Kamala there.

It's the significance.

It's the significance of the passage of time, you know?

I really had no idea it was T-Swift.


You know, either way.

A celebrity that did not show up at the DNC, Taylor Swift, has not yet endorsed Kamala Harris.

Do you think at the last second, like, she's going to endorse Trump here?

What do you think?

Do you think she's setting up for it?

The October surprise?

What a plot twist.

You think that's the new unity party with R.M.

FK is also Taylor Swift?


You know, make a super party?

What's going on with Taylor Swift?

Are her and the football guy, are they a thing again now that football season's starting?

I mean, yeah, they're gearing up for another season of high ratings.

I don't know.

High ratings and hurry up offenses.


Because I had heard nothing about them all summer.


They had broken up, I thought, at one point.

Like, they were going their separate ways.

I don't think that's true.

I don't think that.

I don't think that ever happened.


I mean, I don't I don't I didn't hear that.

But I mean, it was a kind of a quiet summer.

So, you know, I imagine that they're going to start ramping things up again as football

gets into high gear.

But I think they're still doing well.

Good for them.

I'm still trying to figure out the deeper conspiracy of what's really going on here.


Go ahead.

What do you think it is?

I think Rob has ideas.

I'm sure.

Well, it's all about ratings.

It's all about ratings.


What does Taylor gain, though?


I get I get why it's good for the NFL.

I don't get why it's good for Taylor.

I'm sure there's a lot of money involved for Taylor Swift.

You think they're just handing her money to date this guy?

That's that's your.

I don't I don't think they're handing her money to date this guy.

I think they're handing her a book of connections for whatever business purposes.

I don't.

I don't see her slowly.

I don't see her slowly converting NFL fans into Taylor Swift fans.

No, no, no.

And I don't think that's the goal.

I think I think there's something that the NFL can offer her that she wants and she's

taking advantage of it.

But I don't think there is more money than.

Well, yeah.

What can you offer?

It's like, yeah, like they're going to be like, oh, you can do our NFL show.

Like, no, they should be begging her to do the NFL.


She does better in the arenas than the football games do.

She sells more tickets in their house.

I don't disagree with that.

But obviously, there is some probably monetary incentive for her.

The NFL is a very powerful organization.


But so is Taylor Swift.


And bear in mind, Taylor Swift has probably equal, if not more power than the entire NFL.



I mean, it's it's almost like saying, like, yeah, Russia and China, what do they have

to gain by, like, getting up with each other, you know?

And I guess so.

Well, OK, I guess that does make sense, doesn't it?

I guess that's happened all throughout history.

Superpowers have gained gained up with one another.

I mean, exactly.

What is that?

The two circles that overlap.

What do they call that?

The Venn diagram.


The Venn diagram.

The population.

Sir Martin Venn.

Is that true?

The population.


Absolutely not.

I have no fucking clue.

It's definitely named after a guy, though.

And that guy is, you know.

Go ahead.


But the overlap of fans between the two is very slim and tiny.


If you if you can move that margin, even, you know, 20 percent, that's a lot of money

in either way for the NFL or for Taylor Swift.

John Venn.

Let's be honest.


Was it John Venn?

John Venn, born 1834, was an English log logician.

Was he a sir?

Was he knighted?

Not a sir.

I'm glad it's not a John diagram.


That would be pretty fucking lame.

Why are you able to just name things after you?

Like, I don't understand, like, why that's just not the overlapping chart.

But, you know, that's a British thing.

You named the show after you.

The two cents radio.

Your name is in the title of the show.

You named this show.

I suppose in a way that's true.

but i don't know if like long after me people will be using the format of two cents radio for

anything useful well no it's almost as like isaac newton just like named gravity after him

do you know what i mean well we do call it newtonian physics like yeah but gravity was

already known before newton came like it was something thought to put two circles on top of

each other before john venn came around wow he just had the evangelist uh listing algorithm

what i do is i like to put a one and then put my first item yeah i put a two and then my second

item and sometimes there are sub items right so a shopping list is called the evangelist

could you imagine honey don't forget the evangelist to list before you go to stop and shop


No t swift she's making a lot of money good for her yeah apparently the home says she's

drawing up plays now of course she is fucking joking right that's what he said i'm looking

at the article right now she's really interested in football and she's got a lot of great questions

she started drawing up plays we might have to put one in oh my god i mean feel free i guess

they they all line up in a ts form out on the field


it reveals the next album she's re-recording right the band has to play a very specific

song when the football players go into that formation

all right on bad blood three two

just waiting for their new uniforms to all include red scarves uh yeah good point good point

didn't we bet on her outfit at the super bowl and it was like underwhelming

i thought it was like underwhelming i thought it was like underwhelming i thought it was like underwhelming

and she was wearing black and everybody was like that's because she's re-recording 1989 or whatever

god this lady can't just wear clothes yeah

don't you hate it when people don't just let you wear clothes

oh man so yeah what else has been going on in life fall is here is it fall it's not really

fall until labor day uh that's monday so we still have two days of summer to ring out here how would

you guys rate your summers this year oh it was fantastic yeah one of the better summers in

recent i wouldn't say i wouldn't say it was just calm and to me to me that's wonderful yeah i want

nice calm no drama right right nick how was your summer a lot it was a lot oh my god my summer was

also a lot i would also describe it the same way a lot a lot of things nick and i are at the point

of our lives now and nick is really feeling the brunt of it more than me because he's in another

state where everyone we know is getting married or having children so we are constantly going to


and showers and weddings and bridal parties and everything it's really great when all of your

vacation days are used up driving 12 hours to go to a wedding yes and spending all the money to go

to the wedding and buying the gift yeah for like a friend of your college roommate or something

yeah and then you come home uh and go right back to work right and it's just

oh boy yeah you were in town i didn't even see you nick

i didn't

yeah we didn't get to see each other god that sucks yeah yeah but it was just there was just

too much to do i'm sure yeah yeah we didn't get to do it and then we were gonna hang out one night

and then i split my lip open and there's a segue for you uh how the fuck did you split your lip

open because the last time you and i had really talked yes on facebook you had pink eye and an

ear in


I ended up getting three illnesses that week it was actually a superfecta or trifecta

yeah i got pink eye and an ear infection so i was like reliving my second grade years who

farted on your face like what

were you just rooting around in some shit and you're just moving it around with your nose and

it got into your eyes and your ears like what the fuck well i took my annual or semi-annual

trip to

rhode island of a couple days in rhode island at the beach and i'm realizing now the rhode island

water i think is getting worse and worse by the year

because the second i got any water in my ear my ear became infected and then the pink eye i imagine

came from a similar source but i got those swimming in the ocean are you swimming yeah in the ocean

sure there must be a lot of just poop floating around rhode island i think that's all it is i

think i'm just swimming in a lot of shit

yeah um so i had both of those and that kind of ruined my vacation i couldn't really swim and

you know the beach kind of sucked well there's nothing worse than a near infection really

especially when it's like your ears feel so fucking full yeah and they just you just want

them to drain out i'm waiting for a certain drop but it's it's not coming i'm waiting for a sound

effect and it's not coming i can't find it no you lost it i mean it's somewhere no

i haven't been able to find it for a while

you're gonna have to uh oh my god is this it reenact it if you don't what

yeah i can't hear you i have an ear inflection bare ass me again thank you um

so i got that and then at the end of the week i got some kind of flu

viral thing what all at once

and i was gonna go see shane gillis at the casino and i had to miss the show

no i had to give my ticket away that sucks yeah so i'm recovering from that and then i decided

you know what it's time to get back out there on the court right time to time to you know

clean some glass or whatever on the basketball court and that's not a term it is a term and

um and

uh well i i got elbowed in the jaw i got elbowed in the jaw and as the jaw sort of closed shut

my lip got caught in between my teeth and my teeth involuntarily bit a hole in my lower lip

and you can't really see it well on the on the stream here how i had like a nice piercing in my

in my uh lower lip how much fucking blood was there uh there was a decent amount decent amount

i almost came back in the game but i didn't get it i didn't get it i didn't get it i didn't get it i

decided you know it's better that i don't honestly because my team really needed my defense that i

was providing that day yeah um and uh yeah a buddy of mine who was sitting on the bench about

30 feet away when he heard it heard the elbow to the jaw he goes i heard that from here oh

boy so it was one of those things uh i should probably start wearing mouth guards to be honest

with you yeah that's crazy yeah

i could maybe start doing the steph curry thing where i play with my mouth guard

why are you playing all the time why are you playing that serious of basketball

um i mean like when you go to war are you supposed to use blanks rob like i don't understand

you're gonna be 30 when we go fight the nazis like am i bringing am i bringing swords it's time

to give it up give it up i'm just getting started it's time to hang it up just getting started here

you're almost 30.

you are yeah way past your midlife crisis at this point somebody who's had a midlife crisis

are you saying like he's gonna die at 50 what are you

well he's the one that admitted that he's gone through his midlife

i'm gonna die on the battlefield that is the basketball court

i'm gonna die on the pavement you're gonna bleed out after you bite your own lip is what's gonna


rob i'm just slowly entering my

athletic prime right now you don't understand i've i've i've passed all of that riffraff the

mid-20s riffraff now i'm fucking locked in for the next 20 years this is it you know

best years are in front of me enjoy your bad knees your bit lips oh i do have bad knees already i'm

not gonna lie with you i do have bad knees and i kind of have a bad back oh you're gonna be

definitely one of those guys who's playing with like all the dads and

in the neighborhood

playing basketball every saturday i'm not kidding you it's gonna be a thing i'm not kidding you i

have a hookup with an over 50 league an over 50 years old league that a buddy of mine already

plays in and dude they're gonna be like drafting you yeah you're gonna be like 45 and they're

gonna be like we need this nico kid i'm thinking about entering pretty soon i'm thinking about

getting in and just seeing you know what's up there's also a jewish league that i might enter

an all jewish league i i don't think you understand how these things work you just

trying to get into the i don't think you're eligible for either of these

evidently i have an in and i'd either uh at either uh spot what does that mean how

i don't know i have an in i got a guy that's like hey you want to play in my jewish league

i don't know what's so confusing about that uh it's invite only the fucking gears in my head are

turning so hard right now i'm trying to find the way to get in i don't know how to get in i don't

joke there's no joke there's no i'm desperately trying to find no i'm trying to there isn't a

joke i'm trying to make the joke i'm trying to craft the joke it's just yeah no listen if you're

not gonna play hard don't play at all you know some guys come to the core and so i want to play

on a on a league with a bunch of 50 year olds or jewish people yeah i want one of the two no i want

to kick their ass but like we're gonna the jews don't play hard and rob is that what you're saying

is that what you're implying

i mean not on saturday yeah

uh yeah no i mean some guys come to the core you know they drank a little bit the night before

they're kind of not gonna play defense and you know i have no time for those people i put my

body in the line of fire specifically my jaw going for a rebound i put it in the line of fire

it's just there's just nothing worse than a bunch of hungover dudes

showing up in the line of fire and they're like oh my god i'm gonna play hard i'm gonna play hard

on a saturday morning to fucking play basketball it's just the saddest sight you're ever gonna see

well that is a fact um we have a friend that smokes well first of all drinks three things

of mountain dew a day three liters of mountain dew a day oh my god and uh and smokes a pack of

those black and mild cigars a day so he'll come to the court i swear and he's you know as you can

imagine kind of an overweight guy is in mountain dew he's kind of an overweight guy but the thing

about him is that he can fucking shoot the ball like the steph curry of the harford county and he

shows up i'm it's one of the the great characters in my life shows up smoking a black and mild

on the court overweight guy comes in the game fucking knocks down like seven out of ten threes

as he did the other day from like 30 fucking feet like he just like chucks that he had one of the

better shooting days of the summer and he's like oh my god i'm gonna play hard i'm gonna play hard

this this week and then after the game we'll go in the quarter and yak up a fucking lung

and and that is the experience that's so funny it reminds my uncle was telling me that uh when

he was younger he used to do track and field and he was a sprinter he's really good yeah and he

would just be doing 100 200 meter dash or whatever and then between races he'd be smoking cigarettes

under the bleachers just like a pack with his buddies sure that would the guy will come in

and be a useful player on offense and then throw up three times because he's exhausted

and then he's got to wash it down with some mountain dew exactly get that throw up taste

out of his mouth this is the this is the group of hooligans i play with every week

oh but three liters of mountain dew a day that's rough yeah and i tell him maybe

you know replace one of those for water he goes nah i can't do it oh he says i can't do it i said

why not i think your body is desperately craving it he says i can't do it

i watched a video yesterday on uh on x formerly known as twitter

now banned in brazil

yeah uh about like a duncan donuts frappe thing has the equivalent of 14 donuts of sugar in it

oh my god yeah that's insane wow that those drinks are dangerous i you know what i was

three liters of mountain dew

well sure i think they've shown i think they've shown like it's like three donuts with the

equivalent sugar of like a can of coke right and mountain dew is that much worse yeah so yeah

so donuts don't have that much sugar in them then i'm i'm learning from all of this yeah i think

we've learned i think we can make room for five in the morning yeah donuts are healthy

it's a grain it's at the bottom of the food pyramid they're practically a vegetable at this

rate yeah this video this video broke down like how many carbs was in this video and i'm like oh

and it's like 220 of what you're supposed to have in a day like so it's almost like two and a half

times more than what you should have in a day and and yeah 14 donuts worth of sugar i don't know

what else is in there it's just like my god and people drink that every day yeah yes i i have a

question though about the daily value thing uh yeah it could be says who yeah it could be who's

be bullshit says fucking who i think it's based on like an average person right yeah they're um

the amount of calories they burn just kind of existing i'm not sure that it is supposed to

be scientific i'm wondering i've always looked at it as like a guideline like it's a stand it's

supposed to just be a standardized way to like reference yeah these foods so you can compare

them right but i mean i don't know anybody who takes care of their own health and make sure

they're eating within their macros and stuff they they know roughly how many calories they should be

eating a day right right yeah if you're getting that scientific about it personally you know what

you're supposed to be doing it and but i think these other nutritional facts are just like a

reference point i mean is this the same group that said that 14 drinks a week of alcohol is healthy

is that

this is the same board of fucking morons they're constantly changing their fucking

tone on how much alcohol they've always said 14 i think when i went to the doctor they said 14 is

still the standard wow i think for men it's different than women too i think for women it's

like five it's like ridiculously different why is it that much different what because women can't

handle their liquor no it's i think it's something with how the liquor interacts after it's broke

female body there's you know it's just different how the body processes that alcohol and so yeah i

think a woman gets more of a punch out of a drink than than a man does so the nhs recommends 14

drinks a week for men seven for women seven okay seven yeah which still feels like i mean i don't

know like i definitely know some women that have seven you know glass of wine a week and i think

ah this lady's fine

you know you do need to find yourself some wine

i think you would be a great wino milfs partner i think you would be a great stepdad to a 22 year

old yes i think he would that's the crazy thing it works it works


like you and the stepson are bros but you're just railing his mom on the regular

can you play point card every now and again

i got it into the jewish league but we need one more guy

uh it doesn't matter if you're circumcised

or not they'll accept

lucky for you i found out that information already

um yeah because i'm fucking your mom

i was talking to an uh older couple recently uh and they were of swingers

no okay they were um they mentioned that it's still okay to like

have like a drink or something like that but i think it's still okay to like have like a drink or

two when you're pregnant right i was like i was like i was like i don't think that's the

recommendation anymore i mean i do remember when i was in high school there was a huge pushback of

drinking while pregnant was just an old wives tale oh my god and i remember i truly that was

that was what i heard on a regular basis now this was 20 some years ago right but even then i'm like

i think you're fucking wrong this is a fun it's a fun game ask your mothers if they ever drank while

they were pregnant with you it's a very fun game yeah the answer is probably it's more yeses than

you think it's probably yes mine is definitely no because my mom does not drink alcohol oh that's

fair all right my mom told me i think she drank once while she was pregnant with me she had like

a drink yeah but your mom was also a very young mom right and

and i and i know that you know maybe it was more drinks with your brother and sister but well but

also you might be right um but also yeah even like right before we were born or around the time we

were born it was like considered okay to have like a drink once in a while while pregnant like just

that recently sure yeah no it's crazy to me they haven't updated the 14 number yet i just feel like

that's so excessive the argument that i remember

20 some years ago too was well think of all these people who don't know they're pregnant and go out

and you know binge drink on the weekends those babies turn out fine and it's like to be fair i

think they i think most people do turn out fine yeah yeah in the grand scheme i think it's not

you know you're not getting fetal alcohol syndrome from uh it's from a mike's hard right it's a

matter of risk right i mean that's all it is it's like things increase and decrease your risk and

like sometimes you know you're taking you're taking a

small risk and amplifying it 20 000 times right by just one drink and it still might be a small

risk at the end of that 20 000 multiplier but you've still multiplied it by a lot yeah yeah

yeah um yeah no it's just like yeah some of these things though

not to sound like rfk or whatever

but it's just like we really haven't updated these regulations like i just feel like there's

glaring omissions

when it comes to like public medical advice oh for sure and and look at there's there's a big

thing now that i'm saying look at all of the the chemicals that are in food that are banned in

other nations but are okay here in america and and it is just because of a regulation hasn't

caught up with it and i don't know if the bureaucracy of government has slowed everything

to a halt at this point right but yeah i i agree there's there's some major glaring

holes somewhere i think it's more that they chose not to address them i think more likely

and that very that very well could be too and that's something that you know we need to look

at perhaps but it it's yeah it's damned if you do and damned if you don't i'm afraid yeah like

the ultra process stuff especially with kids that's the thing about it it's like yeah we're

just getting people addicted to three liters of mountain dew a day you know right right and truly

oh and

and i know michelle obama catches a lot of shit for changing the school lunch program

but before that came along there was a lot of pre-processed food that was being served

in school lunches yeah now i i'm thinking that those those changes that she put into place have

been relaxed in the recent years because i'm seeing it more and more again but you know her

changing that was not all bad people shit on it it's hilarious i get it right but

we got rid of some of the processed foods yeah yeah yeah i mean that's a nationwide problem we

were talking about this recently but like uh literally if you just go to canada and order

the same food from the same restaurant that exists in the u.s it just tastes a thousand times better

yeah it's i mean it's it's ridiculous yeah um it's just a u.s problem it's more like filling

i realize that too like you you're you're hungry less you know so you get better bang for your

buck and i imagine that's that's part of the chemical calculus

there too in terms of what they're putting in it they're they're they're putting stuff in your food

so you crave more of it and other countries it's just not like that it's just like you eat a meal

and you're done i'm gonna take a nap or whatever and like i'm like people go to europe or whatever

for a month at a time and it's like they don't even try to lose weight they're still eating

whatever they're eating multiple times a day big portions of food and they just sort of with all

the carbs in the world yeah and they just sort of lose the weight and it's like okay there's

something more to this than just the

carbs and calories formula you know there's something else in here i feel very fortunate

where i live because a lot of the food i'm not saying all and and i would just argue that it's

maybe more than what you guys have access to you know like this summer i ate a lot of locally grown

beef locally grown tomatoes locally grown corn uh low well semi-local chicken it was just stuff

like that so i feel like i've i i'm fortunate that i'm not eating a lot of the carbs and calories

and i'm fortunate where i live that i don't have that but maybe you guys have that option too i just

coming from this perspective we do we just make fun of those people because they're hipsters

they go farm to table it's farm to table you know those guys but see that's that's the way of life

here right you know farm to table is the way of life your dinner table yeah right yeah right yeah

all of the eggs that i eat are local i mean they're within five miles of me yeah it so yeah

it's it's it's different it's just different i definitely want to start shifting that direction

i've been thinking about getting like chickens or something crazy and yeah oh yeah that'd be fun for

you my sister she i mean she lives sort of pretty fairly remote and she has like a she has a bunch

of chickens she has uh big garden growing a lot of stuff i mean biggest thing that was like

fucking we just try growing like little stuff outside and the fucking like animals just come

by i live in a fucking city and they're coming by and eating all my shit yeah no it like my dad

grows a relatively large garden and he has to fence it in and sometimes put a fence over the

top of or a net or something over the top of it to keep birds out so yeah that's that's a problem

everywhere you're gonna have a real problem with that in unless you get something to guard all your

stuff you're right geese you need geese

geese are good

guards of your garden oh yeah yeah i mean they're the dogs of the bird world they're

vicious motherfuckers really they're like they're like the secret service of fucking birds

pretty much my sister has um they have a rooster as well yeah to guard all the chickens

those motherfuckers oh yeah if you don't keep your guard up they they go for your ankles

oh yeah my mom has a great story of her dad i mean we're talking pioneer my my mom's parents

were pioneer people they were living out on the farm no electricity no indoor plumbing yeah

raised their own chickens and they had a mean rooster that would attack my mom and her sister

and my grandma and their dad would never believe it well one day he went into the chicken house

and got attacked by the the rooster and he came out with a rooster in one hand and the head

he said that son of a bitch ain't gonna do that again


some roosters are really mean and some are a little more tolerant yeah yeah and i love chickens

i i love chickens even we had chickens when we were when i was growing up but the worst part of

it is is butchering when it comes time to butcher the chicken well you don't necessarily have to

right you can just use the eggs you don't have to but if push comes to shove and you need the food

right oh it's an awful experience you know um

you also don't have to be the person who does it no true you can hire somebody to do that for you

and they'll do a much better job of it frankly yes yeah i i think chickens would be a good pet

for you nick i think that'd be good i don't know about a pet well they're kind of your pets some

people keep them as pets that's amazing you just keep them outside i don't know beats kids nick

i don't know

not wrong yeah um

speaking of the heartland of america yeah oh boy uh i watched a motion picture last night

oh boy um it's not about a twister it's about multiple twisters it's called twisters

greatest film of the year i think uh we all saw twisters right we've all saw twisters now

yeah let's do a little twisters talk yeah what'd you guys think of twisters

um i enjoyed it i thought they brought

enough of the corniness of the original i certainly did that yeah into the new one

um so that is the connection that i really liked about it i was impressed that they managed to

bring like the modern social media thing into it without it feeling just oh that's a good point

yeah nine times out of ten it is the worst shit in the world when they bring like youtube or

tiktok when they make it too modern yes

well i actually don't think they made it too too modern because they didn't really show a lot of

the like they didn't show a lot of like on-screen texts or chat rooms or like it didn't really

linger on it it was just like oh these guys are annoying because they have a youtube channel it's

almost like someone's dad wrote a movie about how youtube works and it's like all these kids

and their annoying youtube channel you know yeah no i thought it was a really good modernization

of the original twister film yeah kept the same spirit and it didn't feel like

fucking gen z like it right right although these people do look very young and i was trying to

figure out how old bill paxton and helen hunt were back in the day oh it would be about the

same age i would say that's crazy though i would say it has to be close to the same age i haven't

done the research either but i was very interested in that too i think people used to look older

younger oh yeah like that's the thing we don't i don't know if it's

a good thing or not but i feel like people look younger now yeah yeah because these cast these

cast members look like they're all in their early to mid to late 20s i would say dave edgar jones

looks 16 i mean she looks really i mean even i mean i don't know but she looks really really

young i don't know if it's just that like the hollywood system really just picks like

the most beautiful people they can find no there's like a distorted view or if there's

actually something in the water no there's something

but i think people i think people are just looking younger these days i totally agree

you would see like fucking movie stars from like the 60s and it was like oh the old weathered man

on the other side of the bar smoking his pipe right and he's got scruffy fucking you know facial

hair and he's going bald or whatever and it's like oh this guy must be like in his 50s and you look

at it and he's like 29 and like that's the thing that would happen all the time it's like guys

sean connery just looked old michael larson michael larson there you go look him up he was

like he's like a normal dude though like he's not like an a-list actor that they're pulling out you

know what i mean but you're not gonna see any 39 year old look like that today yeah right you would

have a hard time finding me a 39 year old that looked like michael larson you'd have a hard time

finding a 50 year old today looking like you would yeah people just less stressed i don't know man

i just feel like from the jump they're just like man you know apparently this happens for every

generation they see kids like 10 years younger than them and they're like did we look that young

back then um helen hunt was born in 63 so she was 33 she was 33 when twister came out daisy edgar

jones is 26 so a little bit younger yeah younger but glenn powell is 36 or 35

bill paxton would have been uh five years older than uh he was born in 55 yeah so eight so he's 40

he's in his 40s when when twister comes out well no i was 90 what was that 94 96 six okay so he's

41 so the age gap is about the same but the actors have gotten about five to ten years younger yeah

i still feel like these kids look really really young though they're much younger they're not

five to ten years younger than helen hunt and bill paxton and

twister yeah that i think was my only problem with it is that there weren't enough older people

in the movie yeah but you know chasing tornadoes is a young people's game

it's not for the old person it's just not i guess i mean okay here's another example though

philip seymour hoffman that's a guy that looked 40 when he was 25 right yeah you know right i i

just wish there were more people like now obviously i'm comparing it to philip seymour hoffman

whatever i'm comparing these people and that's not really fair but like i don't know i needed

more of those like what is it just is it just cigarettes is that i think it might just be drugs

yeah i mean you used to fucking smoke a lot might just be hard living cigarettes were rough back

then and like even if you didn't smoke you just smelled it everywhere you went right because

you could smoke everywhere so maybe that's all it was yeah i'm looking at some of these faces

elway's is jonas alan ruck is in that original movie it's just like not enough of those faces

you know what i mean not enough of the weathered sort of oddball faces of a storm hunter in this

one that was my only problem with it um but it was good i liked it i thought it was good i don't

know i liked the characters in the original movie better than any of these characters it wasn't it

but it didn't really take away from the enjoyment of the movie because i really loved the movie

i love glenn powell um he's great yeah i'm glenn pilled i didn't like the the the guy uh who played

javi anthony ramos is horrendous in this movie yeah yeah he is he is a problem in this movie

he fucking every time he comes on screen i'm like this fucking cuck she needs to kick him to the curb

and hang out with glenn some more because he is fucking terrible in this yeah he he sucks he's so

bad in this movie

to be honest so he's a hamilton guy i think that's where he sort of got his start

yeah he has not been good in i don't know if any movie i've seen him in

uh let's see he was also in a star is born yeah he was in that he was actually was okay in in the

heights he did the in the heights thing he was in transformers it he's so bad in this movie dude

like the fact that he survived the the storm at the beginning of this movie spoiler alert it's

like we are off to a bad start yeah the wrong people came out of that fucking f5

that's another thing where a lot of times when you see like technology in movies

it is awful right and uh that's another sort of modernization that they did that i actually

didn't hate as much as i thought i would well i think it was because they went so

like i haven't heard of a movie go this ham into research like they played up that this movie did

I really think that has a lot to do with how much research and time they put

into the science.

And I think it made it more realistic.

The CGI look more realistic at the end of the day.


The CGI was good.

I thought the CGI was pretty good.






the thing is though that this movie is kind of about how modern technology,

although they use a lot of the modern technology for like storytelling or


it's about how modern technology can't beat instinct,

you know?

And I always found that kind of amusing.

When it's like,

we have all these numbers in these readings,

but fucking Daisy Edgar Jones is dropping a dandelion and is like,

all right,

we're going that way.


Just like Bill Paxton picked up the sand and let it run through his hand.



That's also how Aaron Rogers looks at the wind for the,

like to know where he needs to throw the football.

He'll pick up grass and drop it down.

And it's like,

all right guys,

like maybe we could be a little more scientific about it.

I've always hated that aspect.

Of the movies.

Cause it's like,

you don't have an instinct for this,

but it's like now,

don't you think maybe in the nineties when like our,

our understanding of this stuff was a little more arcane,

but like now,

I mean,

come on.


we should,

I think let's trust the numbers on this a little bit.

I mean,

money ball came out 10 years ago.

I think we can rely on the stats some more.


That's part of the charm of a movie like this though.



Of course.

And that's why it's a great heartland movie.


it's a great movie about the men that men and women that built this


you know?


it's good.

I mean,


I love that they use the term F five.

At least that was said out loud and they did encounter an F five,


At the end of this movie.


I think that's an F five.



I was hoping for an F six.

We didn't get enough sex.

We got fire tornado.

We did.

I forgot about fire tornado.


That's a good scene.

What did they like?

The tornado wreaks havoc on a power plant.


I thought it was like an oil refinery or whatever,

but maybe it was a power plant.



Oil refinery.



I feel like that should have been worse for the people involved.

It was also like,

it was only a fire tornado for about like three minutes.

And then it was like,

all right,

that'll set.


That is the problem with this movie is there doesn't seem to be a,

although it's scientifically accurate,

it doesn't seem to be internally logical.



but that's that.

I feel like that's the,

the crap they brought from the old movie into the new one.

And I loved that.


Let's be fully clear.

That fire tornado was just there so they could put it in the trailer.


Oh yeah.



That's the type of thing where you go,

holy shit.

That's sick.


It didn't do anything,

but it's like,

you know,

the characters will be standing right next to each other.

And one guy will get sucked up and the other guy will stay on the ground.

And it's like,

this is,

you know,

this is a plot contrivance,

a tornado or whatever,

like category three only kills people for plot purposes.

You know,

it's one of those things.

What was your favorite seat of the movie?

Because I,

and I do have to give the movie this,

there are a lot of fucking twisters in it.

It does what it says in the fucking poster.

What was your,

what was your favorite twister?

I liked the one where they had to hide in the pool.


that was my answer too.


I liked that whole scene.


Loved that scene.


I don't even know if I came out with a favorite.


I just,

I enjoyed the movie.

The opening was great.

I thought the opening was better than the original.

That was what I liked.




cause the opening really sucked you in right away where the opening in the


but at change,

but I can't watch the opening of the original.

It's just too much like watching the dad gets sucked away.

That's rough.


But not watching her boyfriend and all her friends get sucked away.

That's yeah.

But for some reason I didn't give a fuck about them.

I liked the dad.

There's something about a parent child relationship where you can meet



I would say 99% of people.


I really immediately latch onto that.


But when it's just like some high school boyfriend or whatever,

you're like,




so what do you guys think about,

about this theory that's been going around and the director's denied it,

but that Helen Hunt was supposed to play the mother role in this and it was

supposed to be totally.

That was how this whole thing got started.

You think Helen Hunt?


Helen Hunt was interested in doing the movie.

She wanted to direct the movie apparently.


She wanted to direct the movie and I think they,


I think it was all part of the plan to have her in there.

And then something happened.


I don't buy that bullshit.

Apparently she had a script that was different than this script and she wanted to make it


but then they decided to go in this other direction,

but it does feel like that role.

I mean,

I'm happy that they didn't really link it to the original because I just feel like too

many of those people are dead and the legacy sequel thing is kind of annoying and like

I liked it.

It's kind of its own story.

It's an old story,

but it does feel like that character was sitting right there.


You know,

but the problem is it does feel like it's connected to the old one.

It's not,

but we still have Dorothy.

I mean,


so there's still these connections to the old one that still make it a sequel,

a legacy sequel.


But they can claim that it's not.

I don't know that.

I don't,

I don't really agree with,


but it's not one of those things that we're like,

we're bringing back Alan Ruck.

And we're like,

I remember this iconic character from 1996 is Twister.

And it's like,

but no,

I don't.

He could have been setting at a computer console somewhere at fucking national weather service.


that's the fuck.

I see.

I hate that shit.

That's the annoying thing.

It's like,

you know,

the fans wet their pants,

like the Deadpool thing.

It's like,


Jennifer Garner's back.

It's the same fucking thing.


just give me a unique story.


you know,

let me care about these people.

You don't need to bring back these fucking rando actor.

Carrie Elwes,

doesn't need to show up in this movie.

But how come I like those characters in the original so much better than,

than any of these?


I didn't feel a connection to any of these characters.

I felt more connected to the tornadoes than I did the characters in this movie.




I don't think they picked the best of the best in terms of the supporting cast.

I thought they did the job well,

but you know,

I mean,

they got the Bill Paxton guy,



What's his name?

That we all love.

Glenn Powell.

By the way,

we got a comment on,

on the website that we were being creepy with our love of Glenn Powell.




I saw that.


Because I want to suck a man's dick.

That makes me.


that's not creepy.




I need to find America.

Damn it.



this person was like,

he's fine.

Slow your roll.

Something like that.




give it three years when his face is plastered on every,

every goddamn billboard in the country.

Cause that's where we're headed.


and we're headed there fast.


Glenn Powell is okay.

Your drooling is grossing me out.

That was the comment.

All right.


that was on the website.

It was on the website.

Who's commenting on the website?





What's up,


Jenny from the block.

I'm sure she won't hate that.


I think,

I think he's got a couple more movies and then he's going to be a big star.

Like right now.

He's here.

Don't you think he's a big star?


he's a big star.

I was going to give him B list level.

I mean,


he's not a list yet.

He's just crossed the threshold.

Like he's right there.

I think he needs one more,

one or two more good movies to make it happen.

I feel like,



I feel like he's a minus or B plus level.

I'd say,

I think he's right on.

I'd say,

I'd say B plus for sure.

At the threshold.

Opening the door right now.

Like he's,

he's on his way.

Give it a few.

Here's the thing.

A minor scandal will set him back majorly.


he's big.

He's big enough for a minor scandal to setting back majorly.

He's not big enough for a minor for him to survive or minor.

There's one thing you're not taking into account though.

One major factor,

like probably the most important factor.

Those damn dimples,




Oh my God.

I didn't even know.

I have to see a picture of it.

He has craters on his fucking cheeks,



It looks like a twister just wreaked havoc on his cheek.

He could have an army hammer level,

like cannibalism scandal.

Most people would be like,

please eat me.

I get it.



those dimples.

He also seems like a gentleman,

Glenn Powell.

Give him that.


All reports seem to say he's a good guy,

but no,

as soon as he's selling Rolex watches,

he's in commercials.


I mean,


here's the thing about guys like Glenn Powell,

90% of it is their hair shave his head.

And I want to see how much he's low.

Can he survive a balding?

That's a good test,



Like it's 90% hair.

Like his personality is based on his hair.

What's that?


I'm not saying I'm not saying that's not a part of it.

But the hair is a major part.

He's got good hair.

He's got really good hair.


I like,

I like that.

I like that question though.

Could you survive,

survive going bald?

We know Bruce Willis passed that test,


We know Will Smith could probably pass that test.

Can he purposely go bald?

Like could he,

could he shave it off?

You mean?



I mean for a role,

like can you imagine him in a role where he's intentionally?

Oh yeah.

I'm talking about more when you're walking the red carpet,

can you pull it off?

It's like a heartthrob.

Do you know what I mean?

I see.

Because I,

I think honestly,

George Clooney is fucking done.

If he shows up bald somewhere.

Oh yeah.

I don't agree.

You know,

I don't agree.

I think I'm all fucking heads for some other,

you know,

heads for fucking Matt Damon.


I don't see it.


Could he,

I don't think Damon could do it.

Damon's got a kind of big,

awkward head.


I don't think really could either.

But Leo,

the thing is,

Leo's not,

he doesn't have a heartthrob anymore.

You look at the guy.

That's true.

He's kind of just like a creepy old man though.


And especially if he's,

if he's bald,

he wouldn't be able to get the,

the 23 year old chicks that he likes.




Cause no,



he could though.

That's the problem.

Leo has sort of inherited the Jack Nicholson thing.



Where he can be this fat,

ugly dude and they will still swoon.


I have a question.

Like are,

are teenagers these days,

do they watch movies like Titanic?


Or is that movies?


they watch them in 32nd increments on Tik TOK.


You got me there.


I'm serious.

They don't,

they don't watch movies.

They don't.

I think,

I don't know what percentage of people under 18 have seen Titanic.


what do you think?

30% interesting question.

I would say 5%,


maybe you might be right.

Maybe five.

I feel like Titanic might be one of those.

That's that's still watched.

Bear in mind under 18.

We're talking about people who were born in 2006.

You think,

you think they're watching,

you think they're watching Titanic?


that's my question.

I legitimately don't know.


do they look at a movie like that and go,

I'm not watching that old piece of shit.

Like I would have looked like I would have looked at gone with the wind.

It's not that much of a gap,

but boy,

take it.

What year were you born?




So it's like looking at Annie Hall and being like,

that shit's too old for me.


Something like that.

But I truly,


I've always kind of wondered that like our kids watching movies like that.


I mean,

I really don't think so.

If you're guessing 15%,

then it's worse than I thought because I would have,

I think 15% is high.

So what do you think Leo is coasting on Nick?


What is Leo coasting on?

Just reputation as being Leo.


Oh yeah.


Just reputation.


So do you think that,

that most of Leo's 19 year old girlfriends have not seen a Leo DiCaprio movie?


I don't think,



probably interesting.

I don't,

I don't think people at that age.

So you got to remember people around that age are looking for clout more than

they sure are looking for it.

They're looking for clout more than credentials.



You know,

that's kind of the thing on social media and the internet today is you need


You don't need credentials.

You don't need to actually prove that you know what you're talking about or


that you're an expert.

It's just about followers.

Do you think Wolf of Wall Street extended his prime a little bit?


a little bit.

That was a movie made for a younger audience that he's done.

He hasn't,

a lot of the movies he's made are not really made for Gen Z.

And it was a really big movie.

Wolf of Wall Street too.

Like I was just going to ask,

what is the really big movie that he's been in lately?


I mean,

since Wolf of Wall Street,



That's a good one.


what was that fucking movie with the bear?


the revenant.


the revenant.

When that movie wasn't,

that movie was only big though.

The year it came out.

And then like it,

nobody talks about that movie anymore.

But when did that come out?

That's been a while now.


So that was,

that was nine years ago.


That was after Wolf of Wall Street was like what?

2012 or something.





I had one more question about twisters.

So you heard about this kiss controversy at the end.

So the,

the Daisy Edgar Jones and Glenn Powell,

spoiler alert.

I mean,

it's not really a fucking spoiler alert,

but the two leads of the movie have a romantic connection.



they didn't kiss at the end and everybody's like,

why didn't they kiss?

Even though they'd like meet in the airport.


And apparently they filmed a kiss and they cut it from the final cut of the



And I'm looking at this and I'm just like,

this is fucking malpractice.

I don't know.

I'm like,

what is going on?

What's going on here?

Just kind of leave it open ended.

You don't think that's better.

You mean the way they did it?


So for twisters too,

there's some other young,

you know,

buck of a storm chaser.

Who's first of all,

they're not going to call it twisters too.

Are they?

Oh yeah.

That would be an annoying naming structure.

You go twister twisters and then twister three is actually twisters too.



this wasn't a direct sequel.

Remember when they call it more twisters?


You're kind of,

you're at a corner on this,

this one.



I thought like the way they play,

it's not that they even like played it in like a funny way of like,

they're about to kiss.

And then someone like ran up behind them or something.

It's like,

they heard like a storm alarm and then they,

they kind of walked off,

but like,

it's just fucking kiss.

I mean,

what did we come to the movie for?

What is it with these kids these days?

They're not kissing no more.



maybe it was a bat.

Maybe they filmed it and it just wasn't like,

there was no chemistry.


maybe I could be.


I highly doubt that I could,

I could kill the whole movie.

Maybe the one kiss is like a really bad kiss.

You think Glenn Powell is kissing anyone with bad chemistry?

You think sparks aren't flying anytime his lives make contact with something?

Probably not.


that's what I'm saying.

There's a good 10 year age difference on them.


I suppose.

I don't know.

I just thought they should have kissed at the end.


I bet they're saving some drama for the next one.

Do you really think they're doing another one?


No question.



this is just the new thing.

No fucking question.

What do you mean?

The new thing now when a movie does well,

they make more of them,



This new age concept.

Twister did well.

They never made another one until 30 years later.

that's true.

Here's the thing though.

They have all of this research that they don't have to do again.

So it just makes the next one that much cheaper.

So the executives are going to cream over that.

But do you,

do you,

do you keep Glenn Powell and Daisy Edgar Jones or do you,

you don't just make a new cast and do a new thing?


same cast.


I can see this fucking turning into a fast and furious.

I mean,


I see goddamn 10 twisters movies in our future folks.

It made 250 million.

It's the fifth highest grossing movie of the year.

That is enough for Hollywood to green light 10 more.



That is,

that is enough.


These people are going to be making,

they're going to be chasing fucking F fives and F sixes and F sevens.

They better figure out,

you know,

something to buy a house in Oklahoma because they're going to be there every


Did the first one take place in Oklahoma as well?


I think that was the implication.


Tornado alley,



It's tornado alley.

I think for filming purposes,

it was easy to film tornadoes there.


It was Oklahoma.

So did they film actual tornadoes?

Did they film actual tornadoes in that first movie?

I think they want,

they wanted to have actual storms in the background,

but it was a calm summer that year that they were filming.

And so they had to add in some special effects.

I see.

Cause some of the days that they were filming the storm scenes,

there's sun shining.


I see.



Good movie twisters.


Just funk of a man.

Just fucking absolutely.



Just kiss Jesus.

What did I pay money for the,

you know?


I think they wanted the audience to be able to imagine they were the one

kissing Glenn Powell.

Kissing Glenn Powell.


Those washboard abs.


And that hair bounce right off of them.



like if you're going to make a fucking pay by numbers,


solid blockbuster,

which is what this is.

I don't think we're like arguing that it's,

you know,

fucking revolutionary breaking the wheel.

Just fucking do the cliche blockbuster thing.

We want to see a kiss at the end.

All right.

No need to get cute.

Fucking make out.

You're too hot.

People make out.

I think you need to look up some porn there,



that's why I go to twisters.

Can you imagine if they didn't do the kiss,

but then they had like a blooper reel at the end with like bad takes of the


Jeez Louise.

Oh goodness.


So what else is up?


I've got nothing.


I got to take care of a text.



that was good.

So sorry.

Just realize this is impeding on your conversation.



we'll give them,

we'll give you a moment.

All right.


so Nick,

are you also dropping out of the race and endorsing Trump?

What's going on here?

Oh boy.



Who are you voting for?

We need,

we need a,

a Nick endorsement at some point.


I'm not sure who I'm voting for at this point.


I'm very,




Your guy left.

Who do you think is going to win guys?

What do you actually think is going to win the election?

I have no fucking clue.



let's put our stake down at the beginning of September labor day weekend.

If I like had to put like,

if I had a hundred dollars and I had to put it on a roulette table and pick one

of these two,

then I'd probably,

I'd probably bet.

Kamala right now,



I I'm,

I'm with Nick on that one.

You think I am.


If I had a hundred dollars to bet right now,

it would go to Kamala.


all right.

Well allow me to put my stake in the ground for Trump.




You think so?


Oh yeah.

I think this is all a big overreaction.


I think Trump's going to stop.

I think the RFK thing was big.

It wasn't,

it wasn't as big.


It wasn't as big as what the Trump supporters wanted it to be.



what RFK at one point against fight when Biden was still in the race,

I think they were pinning him at like between one and 5%.


Which is significant.


he peaked at 10% or 9% at one time.

Did he not?




I mean,

really early on when people were really disenfranchised with the two




I kind of like,

I don't think this is,

I don't think this is going to be an enthusiastic Kamala Harris victory,

but I do think it's going to be a begrudging and people will be willing to go out and vote.

Some people have really turned around and start suddenly love her.



But I think the majority of people are just going to kind of be just rationally.

These are my two options.

I'm going to pick the new person.

So I think the RFK thing is maybe a point.

In Trump's direction.


Cause it's like,

he was definitely drawing from Trump more than he was Kamala towards the end.

To be fair though,

a point is significant to race.


that's what I'm saying.

I think a point is very significant,


but I think the Trump team was expecting a 10 plus point swing in the polls.



I think they were expecting that big of a swing and didn't get it.

You know,

I'm not saying that the RFK thing isn't a big thing.

It's just not as big.

It's not as big as the Trump team wanted it to be.


a lot of the RFK voters though,

or people like Nick though,

who's like,

they just wanted a third party candidate and it's because,

and he will choose either to vote for another third party candidate or not show up on election day because RFK is no longer in the race.

And I think when you looked at the polling,

it was like 30%.

I think 50% said Trump or something like that.

And 20% said Kamala and,


and a lot said just,

I'm not coming.

So when you actually look at it,

and it's like,

it's never a clean break either.

You know what I mean?

It's never like I endorse this person.

So I'm voting for them.

Independent third party voters are not swing voters.

They're different.


That's a different group.

And I think people thought they were swing voters.



Which is such a miscalculation.





And you know,


I don't think I,

I think I'm always being pretty smart here.

Not doing interviews.


Not doing interviews.


I'm serious.


I agree with you.

Not doing interviews.

The less debates she does,

the better.


With most of her issues being practically identical to Trump's,

like all of these things benefit her.


Because at the end of the day,

she wins.

If the race is a flat choice between which person do you like better?





I agree with that a hundred percent.


So the more she can keep the race there,

and the less she can keep it on immigration or whatever.


She should not answer a single question about a single issue.

It's true.

She should not debate.

She should not make any public appearances.

I'm serious.


I know it's what a fucking country we live in,

but it's amazing.


I know.


That's her path to victory.


and everybody,


I've talked to a bunch of people who like her and they're like,


she should debate.

She'll crush Trump in the debates.

And I'm like,

you are.


That's not really on that.

Someone skipped over 2020.


Not because she like can't debate or that her answers wouldn't be right.

It's just the,

it's just the raw charisma.


And I still think frankly,

even with Hillary,

like the woman question was a part of it.

And I think there's a lot of voters that just don't,

whether it's consciously or subconsciously don't want a woman in charge.


but I also think that there's something there is,

there is something different about Trump in terms of he is better on his


And he can come up with bullshit faster than anybody else can.


Kamala is not going to take or any,

any other candidate is not going to take that chance of saying something wrong.


that's not prepared.


and that's not because the bullets fly off of Trump.


And in a way that they don't with her,

if she makes a gaffe,

it becomes a story for a month.

If he makes a gaffe,

it's like,



It's one of the 20 weird things he said in that.


So that is where I agree with you,


in terms of she's,

she's just not going to be a strong debater against someone like Trump,

but nobody,

nobody can go up against Trump.

That's the problem.

In a lot of cases too,

women are in a very tough position where if you're a strong woman,

that turns off a lot of people.

Oh yeah.

And if you're a weak woman,

that turns off a lot of people.


There's nothing,

you know what I mean?

So if she comes on really strong in the debate,

a lot of people are just going to hate her for it.


She's also a bad debater.


Just in general.

She just,

she's just a bad debate.

No one is like talking about this,

but like she was awful in those primary debates.

Like she was leading in some of those polls at like October,


like she was actually surging.

And by December she had to drop out because they were afraid she wasn't

going to win her own state.


Like they were,

they didn't want her on the ballot in California because they would draw

too many votes from a person that could actually win.


so she pulled out before,

a single primary vote was cast before the ballots were printed.

So like she's just not good at debating and she's just not good in press


And she's like not likable.



she's not a particularly likable,

charismatic person.

And she's bad at answering questions because she filibusters a lot and she

stumbles a lot.

And it's,


people are underrating that,

you know,

her campaign is not underrating that because they're not putting her in

front of the press.

We live in a world though,

where that is mattering less and less.


because people,

people just,

the vast majority of voters just don't watch debates.

Don't watch interviews.


I disagree with a guy.

I disagree with that.



it will,

it's the 32nd clips that end up on Tik TOK that people see.



and she is so capable of making those quick flubs that are going to fuck




and some reason Trump Trump is immune to that.

And I don't understand it.

I don't get it.

Cause his whole life has been that clown.

That's a clown show.



I suppose you're right.

But I do want to say like,

I know I said,

I think Kamala at this point,

but at the end of the day,

I think we all three of us can acknowledge it's still a 50,


50 completely agree with you.

I just think like,

first of all,

if you look at some of the polls,

he's actually made kind of a comeback post DNC,

which is strange.

A lot of people thought,

she would get a convention bounce.

And it's actually been the opposite.

He's kind of got a little bounce.

And I think that's just because everything is kind of equalizing and people

are looking at the two candidates side by side.


the funny thing too,

is you look at the underlying numbers,

you look at right track,

wrong track,

just on economy,



And like the underlying numbers have not changed since Biden.

And so a lot of pollsters and experts and prognosticators say,

those are the numbers you have to look at.

You know,

it's kind of like looking at like a quarterback's passing yards versus their


Or efficiency.

And it's like,

we're looking at the flashy number,

but we're not looking at what's underneath it.

And what's underneath it is basically the same instincts that were under that

voters had under Biden,

except now it's a face that they can actually get behind,

you know,

but I still think the debate is going to matter.

And I think if Trump beats her,

like Trump fucking beat Biden and Biden,

that's get pushed out by his own party.

You know,

I just think as younger people come out to vote and older people are


There's a trend in that direction.

So I still think from eight years ago,

I don't,

I don't think we could take eight years ago as a perfect example.


I agree with that too.

Here's the thing about that though.

Young people are becoming old people.

And when young people become old people,

old people become more conservative.

It is interesting.

I have seen a lot about how young men in particular,

like 16 year old boys are like increasingly leaning,




It's really interesting.

It's like,

it's very lopsided.

The one poll that I saw was like 72% are leaning right wing.

It's weird.

And I can't quite wrap my head around that.

Maybe it's because I grew up in Connecticut.

I can.

What do you mean?

You grew up with the same people I did,


I mean,


I can see it.


It's a,

it's a rebellion thing though.



It's a,

they see that institutions like schools,

colleges are very left leaning.

And I think that it's a rebellion thing.


I thought it was just,

they thought guns were cool.

Now I,

that was the only thing I could think of.



it's a lot of unchecked aggression.


You know,


it's that,

but it's like,


but it's also that young men are becoming more conservative and young women are

becoming more liberal.


The divide is becoming sharper now.


So I still think we're churning out the same,

you know?


and also I think in general,

like I,


you know,

you look at your grandparents or whatever,

it's like,

I'm sure they voted for,

like in Kennedy,

you know,

like I'm sure that's evolved a lot over the years too.

I think just when people get older,


you know,

they just tend to sort of drift that way.

I wonder also,

I think the answer is not very much,

but I wonder how influential the Trump returning to Twitter and the Elon

Musk stuff is going to be.

He's back on Twitter,


He's back on Twitter.

Oh yeah.

And he did an interview with Elon Musk.


I did see that.



but Twitter is a shell of what it used to be.


And I think,


as much as it might be,

you know,

emboldening the Trump base,

I think it's also further disgusting.


the left.

Oh yeah.

On this,


But it's also,

I'm not sure it makes a difference at all.

If you're fucking disgusted by Trump,

you've been disgusted by Trump for 10 years.


But they also are kind of like over Elon Musk.

It's the,

so the,

I just think the people that he's going to,

that he's going to gain,

are the Trump curious voters that who's curious anymore,

that voted for him in 2016.


that's what I'm saying.


but I think that's,

I like,

I think like there's a certain amount of people that are just like,

they're never going to vote for him.

That's why his number is kind of capped at like 48% of the popular vote.


I don't think he's ever getting over that number.


because like,

there's just enough people that will never vote for him under any circumstances.

But there are some people that voted for him in 2016 and didn't vote for him in 2020.

You know,

there's like suburban moms.

But they're probably not going to vote for him again.

I would imagine.

I don't know.

They're the most wishy-washy fucking populace,

like of the sort of like suburban mom that like,

you know,

drinks a lot of wine and is like,

you know,

kind of like cultural issues.


When they see their wine price increase because of inflation,

that pisses them off.



That are like not thrilled with the way that he talks,

but also like are not totally turned off by it.

And also they saw Joe Biden and they're like,

Oh yeah,

the Obama era was cool.

It's that kind of voter.

That's like not too ideological and like not too like angry about things all the time.


that's going to get swayed one way,

you know,

whereas like the fucking,

I don't know,

the Twitter user that thinks that Trump's a sexist is not going to be swayed by one tweet or another,

you know?


I'm amazed by how many people are still on Twitter that absolutely hate Elon Musk and Trump.

I'm like,

what are you?

You're on the wrong platform.


what are you doing?


because it's still the place to be.

It's still the cool kids club.

That's why the user ship is down like 80% or something.

It's ridiculous.

It's well,

because they got there anymore because I mean,

some of that I would argue is,

is bots,

but the bots are coming back.

I mean,

the biggest flaw that Musk made with it,

the absolute biggest flaw was monetizing the content,


Because it's just created these bot farms.



Where people are just making money off of Twitter,

and not actually like,

there's no real people on there anymore.


you can literally just make something up and get engagement for making something up.

And it's like,


like I see,

like that's because my algorithm is curated to sports news.

It's always like,


this person was traded here and it had like 3 million views.

And it's like,

this is just something a person made up for no reason other than to make money off of it in the short term.

I do like the users added context instead of like trusting like one source.

It kind of lets all of the,

the people tweeting add context to it.

That's kind of an interesting move.

Can we talk a little bit about Kamala's VP pick in terms of the people who want to look at her as a strong administration?


She's almost like a Jimmy Carter folksy kind of guy.



she looks like,


She's crazy.

Why no mom that talks about coconut trees and he's fucking a football coach.


That is my favorite quote by her.

I love that quote.

I love it.

The coconut tree.


It just makes it.

It's just,

it's just trying to figure out what it means.

But it's so innocuous.

It's just so funny.

So you think you fell out of a coconut tree?

I'm like,

what the fuck?


actually I didn't.

I was not assuming that Mrs.



let's see.

Let's see.

Everything is in context.

My mother used to,

she would give us a hard time sometimes.

And she would say to us,

I don't know what's wrong with you young people.

You think you just fell out of a coconut tree in the context of all in which you live and

what came before you,

of course,


So all of this is part of the work of this group,

extraordinary leaders who will help inform and advise how we go from coconut tree to that.

I still have no idea.

I have no idea what any of that means.

I have no idea what she's saying.

The transition is wild.

I think she's explaining history.

I think is that's what she's explaining that you came after something that came before you.


She's she's saying you didn't just pop out of thin air.


But like,

I get like,

I get the essence of it,

I suppose.



I don't,

I don't think what is she saying?

I don't really understand.


I know you have to have respect for what came,

the struggles of those that came before you.

But she didn't say,

you have to have respect for she like there's no actual like message.

She's just saying you didn't come out of thin air.

Things existed before.

I think,


she's defining the word context through metaphor,

which is another one of her things she enjoys doing is like taking a word and then defining it.

Like when she explained what the Ukraine was and she went,

Ukraine is a country next to Russia.

It is a country that was just bombed.

That is not good.

That the country was bombed.

Then she's a legal background.

She is a prosecutor.




So that doesn't totally surprise me that she likes to define things.

That's kind of all they do all day long.

Oh my God.


I don't know why that coconut tree thing gets me every fucking time.

I still like wheels on the bus better.

I still like her wheels on the bus song a lot better.

That's a good one.

All right.

These gaps,

like I don't feel like these gaffes about,

this is another thing about Kamala Joe Biden gaffes,



They were like,

actually they kind of hurt him.

They make him look really,

really bad or dumb.


We're going to kill Medicare.


Or we beat Medicare.


We beat Medicare.

Do you think her gaffes actually like hurt her?

I don't know if they do.

They're just kind of funny.


they're just kind of innocuously funny to me.


we're in a moment where every bad thing becomes a good thing is recontextualized as a good


That's the culture that we're living in now.

It's own it.

You know,

like Trump got caught,


like three months ago or after the debate,

maybe, I guess.

So two months ago on the golf course cursing out Kamala saying,


she's a fucking bitch or whatever.

She's so terrible.




And then everyone was like,


we got him on hidden camera.

And then just Trump took the video and tweeted it.

And it was like,

and it was like,



I was taxing the caddy.

No tax on tips.


So like,

that's the sort of the postmodern fucking gaslighting world we live in now,

where everything that can be seen as a scandal or a gaff is recontextualized as something

good for your side.


so I think that's what the coconut tree thing became for like a certain kind of ironic internet

user was like,


now we're part of the coconut hive.

Isn't Kamala so funny,

you know?

So on this video that I just watched of Kamala,

there's a suggestion for the best and worst midterm campaign videos.

It's two minutes and 22 seconds.

We're going to try it.

My name is Linda Paulson,

Republican and awesome love God and family.

And the constitution.

I tried to get another conservative,



she was rapping.

Holy fuck.

We just stumbled on to something like,

what is this?



I got to start this over.

Service is selling and selling is service.

My name is Linda Paulson,

Republican and awesome.

My name is Linda Paulson.


of god and family and the constitution i tried to get another conservative to run

nobody could do it so i'm getting it done are you a racist

are you gonna share the screen here but we gotta see this oh my god how do i share videos on here

hit present you see present yeah but i gotta get it pulled up on my computer over here

i like that she's the only one that can get it done

she can't fucking hold the tune but it's like i'm finally the one to get it done

no one could beat drake in a rap battle so i got it done

i'm kendrick lamar and i approve this message

so i probably need to share

screen huh yes or no i i think you need to play this video because i'm not going to get

the audio recorded i won't are you recording locally i'm recording locally but i don't

record anything that comes off this computer over here forget about it keep playing all right

here we go do you hate mexicans the media calls us racist for wanting to build trump's wall

they censor us but it doesn't change the truth is this vance joe biden's this is jd fans okay


open border is killing ohioans with more illegal drugs and more democrat voters pouring into this

country in georgia all right here's another one we're done with the establishment twin buddy

systems not margaret taylor green no i believe in jesus guns and babies and i believe in

the constitution

you're not wrong um

yeah i i think the….

i also believe in guns and babies i've seen both of them right so i'm not sure that's really a

a strong stance there uh do you believe in a round earth i'd like to know that

first this is a short barreled rifle it wasn't designed for hunting this is designed to kill

people but if you're not a bad guy i support your right to own one the second amendment is

not about duck hunting it's about protecting your family and your country he literally is like

this is designed to kill people and i'm okay with you having it like yeah i know that's like the i

know that is the stance of the republican party but like to come out and say it like that give

it up for the late great hannibal lecter everybody jesus that was fucking that's being like on the

left being like a fetus isn't a person which is why i believe you should be allowed to collect


store them in your basement and and just burn them for fun just like i have a fucking ski mask

on right now like jesus so menacing crazy it is it's insane that's an insane ad

it's a dc gang

so it's an old west i'll set the scene here is an old west shootout and he said it's the dc gang

and they have

joe biden in a like a belly club like i don't know what you call it yeah one of those yeah

wild bill hill hickok yeah it's old and it says old joe on the screen

shifty kelly is the other one who's kelly who uh i'm guessing that it i don't kelly it could be

kelly is he bald uh no he's got a cowboy hat on older guy can only see his eyes okay it could be

an arizona ad okay go ahead yeah crazy face pelosi

all right a little on the nose there but okay and jim lamon this must be the guy yeah this is his

ad they should have done uh they should have done like i don't know like uh gold rush pelosi or

something oh that's oil baron pelosi something like that like that like the fucking uh that

oh the uh the jerry jones guy and fucking twisters like buying up all the property

after the twisters hit what a fucking scumbag that guy was big blind pelosi or something with

her gamble i don't know i knew that guy was a bad guy i knew that guy was back at the second

he had a fucking badge on his chest it's like oh this guy is fucking this guy is buying up land on

the cheap i'll tell you that right now this guy's guy has some oil properties in his fucking uh


in his uh catalog

we're tired to be a pusher out and open borders and gas prices for good people of arizona

we're tired of gas prices

you just want free gas no more prices dude that fucking guy that's like the cliche like

old guy with no teeth and like the 40s western movies that's like a walter brennan type how did

they find that guy

run for fun what the hell kind of fun is that

it's the guy that spits in the spittoon from like across the the porch and misses

that's that i can't believe they found that guy oh i gotta rewind that just a little bit

and open borders and gas prices the good people of arizona have had enough of you

it's time for a showdown


Oh my god no is he shooting them he's shooting the weapons out of their hand okay oh well that's

a relief yeah i don't want to encourage any political violence these days yeah i wouldn't

want to encourage that uh oh my goodness and i approve this message wow told you kiv was gonna

put lead on that target yep record job creation america's strongest pro-life law k-block biden's

mandate banned critical race.

theory sent troops to the border can't kick so much liberal but i bet her legs tired

oh no step two that's why your legs tired oh that's that old lady that's that uh is she from

georgia who burped in the middle of her fucking press conference i never saw that oh my god well

that's an alabama ad it's got to be okay yeah it's probably alabama k ivy she's the governor

k ivy uh it was after a tornado and here's an eight second clip they um we're getting a

excuse me a slide i love her that's so funny

that's the only state in the whole country where you can burp and when you're like the

vice president dude what the hell she is uh really crazy but she's got some

fucking wild oh it was the no way jose ad that she had oh i do remember that i do remember that

one i think that one here it is i'm k ivy if joe biden keeps shipping illegal immigrants into our

states we're all gonna have to learn spanish my message to biden no way jose that's why i sent

national guard troops to protect the southern border and that's why we banned sanctuary

cities in alabama the left can try to counsel me i don't care here in alabama wow we're gonna

enforce the law oh my god my message to joe biden no los compreendes padre like what are you

fucking doing

el baño por favor

los patos en fuegos

oh my god that's so good

that's so good yeah uh she's hilarious alabama's alabama's a funny state guys

oh okay you've been right nick once once yeah i've never been once i've never been to any of

those states any of the a's alabama or any of the a's arkansas and they're three in a row alabama

arkansas and a third a maybe not in a row yeah i don't know i don't think they're in a row i

thought they were in a row i don't think they're in a row i don't think they're in a row i don't

they're in a row i don't think they're in a row i don't think they're in a row i thought they were

they were

they were looking at a u.s map now

looking at a u.s map now

looking at a u.s map now great this again

i don't think i've ever been uh georgia

i don't think i've ever been uh georgia i've been to

i've been to

i've been to uh missouri

uh missouri

uh missouri never to missouri

never to missouri

never to missouri never to kansas

never to kansas

never to kansas never been to mississippi

never been to mississippi

never been to mississippi oh yeah

oh yeah

oh yeah mississippi is between alabama and arkansas

mississippi is between alabama and arkansas

dude she fucking let it rip dude she did she we just she chugged a six pack of duff beer before

that's how you know she's in an r plus 15 state you know what i mean that's how

your lead is fucking safe for 30 years i can fucking just let out a category five

an f5 burp there's nothing funnier than that like you don't get the same humor in like a

a democrat plus 15 state you know what i mean you don't get those same

gavin newsom's not gonna no gavin newsom's not having that gavin newsom he's not gonna

empty his pocket and pull out a dildo by accident right it's just you don't get the

same shit the same funny humor no god she's hilarious

she is great oh cracks me up all right well does that do it for this week

sure all right let's see there's the button i was looking for i was gonna say we'll be back

soon but we probably won't because i'm traveling for the next two weeks but oh no i'll be back

maybe three oh no when are we gonna do my birthday celebration oh no we missed nico's birthday

oh no this should have been nico's birthday celebration

i thought we did


on purpose i thought that was the gift uh rob happy what is it 41

two oh jesus 42 years old september like six

yep uh happy birthday buddy thank you thank you enjoy happy late birthday to you

thank you appreciate it appreciate it 22 is a great age um yeah it was wasn't it seven years

ago uh yeah we'll be back in two weeks

i'll be out of town but uh yeah have a good one everybody love you bye

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