Radio Vaticana - Vatican News

The Pope's Voice


The Pope's Voice

Dear brothers and sisters,

Before concluding this celebration,

we turn to the Virgin Mary with the prayer of the Angelus.

To her I entrust the path of the Church in Papua New Guinea and in the Isis Salomone.

Mary, help of the Christian,

Maria, help him,

Dear brothers and sisters,

Before concluding this celebration,

let us turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary with the Angelus prayer.

I entrust to her the journey of the Church in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands.

May Mary, help of Christians,

Maria, help him,

accompany you and protect you always.

May she strengthen the unity of families,

make young people's dreams beautiful and courageous,

support and console the elderly,

comfort the sick and the suffering.


And to this blessed Creator of this earth,

so blessed,

I would like to invoke with you,

by the intercession of Mary Most Holy,

the gift of peace for all peoples.

In particular, I ask for it for this great region of the world,

Asia, Oceania and Pacific Ocean.

Peace, peace for the nations,

and also for the Creator,

not for the rearmament and the exploitation of the common home,

but for the meeting between peoples and cultures,

but for the harmony of man with the creature.

Mary Helping, Queen of Peace,

help us to become the signs of God,

which are signs of peace,

of justice for the great human family.

On this Sunday,

when the liturgical feast of the Nativity of Mary is held,

we turn our thoughts to the Sanctuary of Lourdes,

which, unfortunately, has been hit by a flood.

From this land, blessed by the Creator,

I would like to ask, together with you,

through the intercession of Mary,

Mary Most Holy,

for the gift of peace for all peoples.

I ask this in particular for this great region of the world,

Asia, Oceania and the Pacific Ocean.

Peace, peace for the nations and also for creation,

no to rearmament and exploitation of our common home,

yes to the encounter between peoples and cultures,

yes to the harmony of men and women,

men and women with creatures.

Mary Helping, Queen of Peace,

help us to be converted to God's plans,

which are plans of peace and justice

for the great human family.

And today, which is on the liturgical calendar,

the feast of the birth of Mary,

our thoughts turn to the Sanctuary of Lourdes,

which has been flooded due to recent heavy rains.

May God's peace and 이� acknowledges us.

Only as the Holy Virgin was who ordained for her.

Let us pray aойus,

O are you she who is,

吃�� positioned here under the Luquid Sea.

That is to say,

which of which will lead to the observance of theryings

before us.

Let us pray to God,

the One who is behind us,

Ave Maria, Gratia plena Dominus Tecum, benedicta tui mulieribus e benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus.

Grazie a Tua, in Que sumo Domine, Mente vos nostri s'infunde,

Ucchia ince annunziante, Christi Filii Tui, in Canansione cognome.

Per Passione meius et Crucem, per Ressurrezionis Gloriam, per Ducamum, per Christum Dominum Norum.


Gloria Patti et Filio et Spiritui Sancti.

Pro Fidelibus Tefunctis, Rechiam Eterna Dona Eriquita.

The Lord be with you.

In the name of the Lord.

Our help is in the name of the Lord.

May Almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


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