What Would YOU Say To A Naked Alien - The Paranormal Podcast 847

Jim Harold

The Paranormal Podcast

What Would YOU Say To A Naked Alien - The Paranormal Podcast 847

The Paranormal Podcast

What would you say to a naked space alien?

Well, Paul Seaburn will offer some suggestions on this edition of the Paranormal Podcast.

This is the Paranormal Podcast with Jim Harreld.

Welcome to the Paranormal Podcast. I am Jim Harreld, and we are going to answer a very

important question today. And that question is, what would you say to a naked space alien?

And we've got just the person on to answer that question. I am talking about Paul Seaburn,

and he is the author of the new book by that title. It is called,

What Would You Say to a Naked Space Alien? And Paul has been a longtime editor and writer at

Mysterious Universe. Of course, those guys have been podcasting for years on the paranormal and

have their great site with stories. And, uh,

also as host of What in the World Podcast. And, uh, you know, Paul has an interesting background,

a career in tech support management and sales for two successful computer industry startups,

but he's always been a lifelong comedy fan and it led him to try standup and his talent for

writing resulted in a second career penning jokes for The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,

Comic Strip Live, and many top comedians. And eventually,

his career found its way to the top of the world. And, uh, I'm going to ask you a question.

I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question.

I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question.

I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question.

to the paranormal and the strange with some humor mixed in kind of a cross between

Robert Ripley and Johnny Carson. And we're so glad to have him with us once again,

Paul Seaburn. Welcome to the show. Good to talk to you again.

Good to talk to you, Jim. And, uh, thanks so much for having me on. Um,

and thanks for that wonderful introduction. That was, uh, almost all true. I guess, I guess

you looked down and I was like, did I do all that?

that's right we'll take it we'll take it so i guess a natural place to start is how does that

happen how do you go from you know being kind of a sales computer guy to being uh you know a writer

for jay leno and then taking your talents to the paranormal and the supernatural i mean it is kind

of a unique career path how did that happen for you it's um always a good question jim and i i

i blame it on the supermarkets um the uh when i was a kid and just like all kids you know your mom

my mom took me to the supermarket and uh you're shopping with her and you know you're a little

kid so so you're on the if you're big enough to be out of the basket you're on the ground and you

can't wait to check out already because that's where all the candy is in the checkout line

so while all the other kids are looking at the candy i happen to look across the aisle

that's all the candy they buy so i can't wait to go to the supermarket to buy candy but the

candy is right up on the read길 there's a big slogan too that says aliens meet the president

uh against the and i think you know the the netflix and the news media had headlines in

the rednecks and the newsend magazines and and newspapers and they had headlines on them like uh

ufo lands in uh on the white house meets the aliens meet the president and um elvis meets bigfoot marries his daughter you know the in other words the uh the the weekly world news and the national inquirer or the old tablet uh so that piqued my interest in at an early age in strange news stories i i i i took a broad view of jay leno um and then you had the

news that came out that said well the definition of a

tv's is not so much about farnsworth but i can't believe it's ten thousandths of an inch and this was a very striking

at an early age in strange news stories i i i took a broad category um what my parents knew

it they they tolerated it one of the earliest books i read was a collection of ripley believe

it or not um tales and robert i love robert ripley you know uh you know the 40 and it's all the

publicity but really robert ripley was a very interesting unusual news guy who we all

encountered at least in my age group in the sunday comics uh because he would have he was

a cartoonist and an adventurer and he would draw these great pictures of all the stuff that he

found around the world and and a little blurb about each one of them so that's how i got hooked

on it uh unfortunately i went to a catholic school and the nuns

frowned upon you know talking about aliens and and monsters and things like that in school so

i stuck with math which was what i was good at and uh ended up going to college in in the

northeast ohio area to a college that happened to uh have a computer and was focused in the early

days on uh in computer programming and and things of that nature long before anybody else was uh and

and that result

resulted in me uh starting out in a career in um uh the computer business and as as jim pointed out

i ended up working for a couple of really great startups um that that that gave me a nice career

um the uh it it resulted in my moving from the northeast ohio area where i had lived down to

houston texas and that's where i started dabbling in comedy comedy was always a

um a hobby of mine uh i'd

hang out at the comedy clubs i'd go to to the shows and um i took a class in uh it was called

comedy writing it turned up to be a class in stand-up comedy where you wrote i wrote five

minutes material for myself got up on stage and presented it got a few laughs um i got some

encouragement from comedy club owners and from other comedians so i i tried that out but um

remember i'm i'm still working in the computer industry i've got two expensive cars a

and all kind of other people that i have to pay and stand-up comedy just does not at that at the

early stages doesn't pay well so luckily uh a couple of comedians offered to buy material from

me and i had no idea that comedians did that so uh um i i started to do that that gave me a way

to be in the business and still sell computers and and make enough money to pay my bills and

that allowed me to meet a number of really great comedians and i've been doing that for a long time

top comedians i worked for joan rivers for a while for rich little and that led me to an

introduction with uh jay leno jay leno had just uh been made the permanent guest host of the

tonight show which meant he was he filled in for johnny carson on monday nights and he was looking

for some part-time writers that he only needed one night a week and contacted me um and i said

sure i sent him a bunch of material he loved it uh

contract and i worked for him for for the monday night show i think i was four or five years before

he took over as uh wow the permanent host yeah and uh um i was not in the union at the time so

uh it was not good for me you know a right time for me to move to la so he kept me on his staff

in houston which was really nice so i continued to work for him uh as a monologue writer uh at

that so so coincidentally i was a part-time writer and i was a part-time writer for the

comedians for the comedians so i was a part-time writer in the comedy business at that time uh

so i was doing uh that a lot of the work and that's how i ended up getting into it and incidentally

the computer business started going downhill at least for my company about that time so it it

offered me a um uh you know a career opportunity to possibly you know see if i could be a comedy

writer full-time and that's how i ended up doing that my my lovely wife had a good job with

insurance you know how that works


the comedy business i ended up working for as i mentioned a number of uh comedians um

when things things went a different direction with the tonight show i worked for comic strip

live caroline's comedy hour worked for a uh i created a children's show with a partner of mine

uh you name it i've done it in in the comedy writing world but i always i always had a knack

and an interest in weird news that taking us all the way back to the paranormal world so uh

i kept my eye on on strange news stories i always like to write about strange news stories and uh

i moved back to the northeast ohio area and was was looking for some new opportunities at that

time so you know how but we're freelancers so that means that uh you have 10 part-time jobs

exactly right

the wayside i needed to fill in the gap and um i i happened to be doing some things that

were of interest to mysterious universe um some weird uh uh a pod not a podcast but a video show

a weird news video show i was working on and uh things look you know things look like we

might have a match and and i thought i'll try this for a little while i figured i'd do it for

a few months until i found something else and that was nine years ago

isn't that amazing isn't that amazing

i tell people i i wish i had known that there would well really no you've been in it uh longer

than i have um back when you started this didn't look like it was an industry it looked like

something that was fun to do um right it slowly became an industry and and had i known that it was

such a lucrative and such an interesting industry for me i would have um you know

thought about getting involved with it earlier but as such i i love the the paranormal world

i especially love being a news writer because that opens up

uh bigfoot and and monsters and ghosts and and uh all the every everything that

that is covered in the paranormal world i've had a chance to write about

with mysterious universe i always appreciate those guys uh they've been good for me um so i'll i'll

them a plug i'm not associated with the uh with their podcast i have my own podcast as you mentioned

jim what in the world which is more of the more of my fun news stories um so so i've been doing

this for nine years and um mysterious universe allowed me to show my sense of humor uh in my

articles without picking on anybody without you know without being derogatory without uh so so my

my humor tended to be more self-deprecating um you know what what what what would i do in a

situation like this and um i collected some of the the stranger and more fun stories i i had a big

pile a big box of stories that i should do something with one of these days maybe if i

time on my hands and i thought well this is the perfect opportunity to either make write a book

or throw all that stuff away and of course we know you know in this business we don't throw

anything away right so i went i went back through yeah you can relate to that i went back through

my my box and found you know right up at the top um the story that became the the the title of the

book well what would you say to a naked space alien uh one of my favorite

stories in the in the ufo world and i and i focused on the ufo world because

um for a number of reasons you know this was this was right about the time that we're talking about

the tic-tac ufos and you know we we probably went through a period of of uh alien movies

where aliens attack and are trying to destroy the universe and blah blah blah and and i had

all these stories of really fun cool aliens that weren't coming to destroy us

they were coming to have fun well you know it's interesting that you say that because i have heard

uh people say that you know we come up with all these different explanations maybe it's um

they're scientists maybe they are looking to take us over but other people have said

maybe they're tourists oh i love that yeah i think that i think that's a category um and that

is uh i have a couple of stories in the book

book uh what would you say to a naked space alien that that relate to that there was a there was a

uh uh the first lady story i have which was the the one of the first ladies um of japan

uh the wife of the prime minister uh she was visited by aliens and and and was taken you know

her story is she was taken to venus um she had a number of experiences and and uh even wrote about

them before she became prime minister and and and and and and and and and and and and and and

minister so talk about unusual to be able to um um be be part of a a ufo experience and not lose

your job as a result of it um especially in politics so i believe that entirely uh the um

uh the one i always liked was um um the guy he was up in wisconsin a farmer and um uh

a spaceship landed in one of his fields and he goes out to visit them and

aliens i i believe they were just standard gray aliens came out and and either telepathically or

verbally i don't remember which ask him for a bucket of water you know completely unexpected

a bucket of water so he brings them a bucket of water they go back into the um spaceship he smells

something very familiar while they're while they're up there they came back out with a plate

of waffles freshly made waffles

and they handed them to the farmer now i mean what would you say if an alien handed you a plate

of waffles um do you have any sir i don't know yeah i've got some eggs although you know i'm

not sure if i would offer them eggs because they might not understand the concept of eating uh

embryos i think on their planet but uh so he ate them he took them again you gotta say yes he took

them and um then they left that was it they left they brought him food um you know a gift from from

from some other planet and then they left he actually gave one of the um waffles to nasa

when he reported the uh encounter and nasa investigated it and decided that it would

there was nothing in it that was from another planet so they couldn't say yes or no whether

he was whether they were uh made by aliens uh

but i thought well you know that's the kind of alien i want to visit somebody yeah absolutely

was the was the waffle good was the waffle good no they said he did he said it was thin and dry

uh so they obviously didn't have a good recipe it's too bad they didn't come and pick up a

a book of recipes and come back and visit again with better waffles yeah that reminds me the old

twilight zone where they left the book of recipes to serve man you know it's a

book it's a cookbook exactly exactly so to me and and that's a that's an episode everybody knows

um you know i remember when it was on but it was it's a very negative um portrayal of aliens

visiting us and to me i like the idea of them just bringing us food and and feeding us with

a real cookbook so so those are the kind of stories i looked for um the the uh one of the

one of another

theory i have along the lines of uh what you were saying you know maybe they're tourists

is that they're looking for good music and uh as a result many rock musicians have had alien

encounters now the first thing john lennon the perfect one you know the uh the first thing

everybody says is oh well they were high and i well maybe they were i bet that doesn't mean that

they weren't visited by aliens and john lennon's my favorite because um it fits in

with with uh the the voyager uh spaceships that we sent out and before that the pioneer

because those those spaceships that were sent with the sole purpose of going away from earth

to other planets and now even now out of the solar system had a recording on them a recording

of chuck berry singing um uh don't um shoot no i can't remember the song he'd say i was

gonna say blue suede johnny be good johnny be good

much jim there you go you get the prize this week um hey i'm from cleveland i'm a good like

you i'm northeast ohio rock and roll hall of fame but go ahead and also a picture of a naked man and

a naked woman uh on a platter on the spaceship so you know my idea is that uh this ship the

spaceship was found by aliens and they they liked the song they said we got to find the who did this

more music from him or from them and had the naked man and woman in their head so they went

looking for someone with johnny be good in their head who was naked and they went to new york city

where john lennon claims this was around 1974 i think it might have been uh that he heard he's in

he's in his apartment with may pang this was when he was away from yoko for his medical and uh he

outside he goes out on the porch naked naked and sees a ufo floating outside of his window

and he says hey may come on out here you got to see this so may comes out and of course you know

she's john lennon's girlfriend so she's naked as well uh because you know you're he's you're a rock

star he's a rock star that's what you do that's why you become a rock star uh so there's these

two naked people i see the the aliens in the you in the ship scanning their brains

and john lennon you know john lennon has played johnny be good many many many times they did the

scan they take a look we found the guy on the spaceship and they're they're obviously they're

all excited i'm sure they they scan him again got as much music as they could out of his head

wave goodbye and off they went now john tells the story that uh this was 74 so he had a a regular

camera with film in it uh you know it could have been

insta in what it was instinct right instamatics or whatever yeah and he took pictures of the

spaceship and then took them to took them to get them developed you know back in the old days where

he went to one of those little photo maps and of course younger younger people be going a photo

what what what went so far but go ahead so so yeah so he couldn't uh so so he had no proof

but he did tell the world um uh the album that he did

wallace and bridget i believe was the the title um the the uh the the liner uh that that you put

the lp and had the drawings of the aliens and i think maybe even on the back there may have been a

drawing of the spaceship so that so so john lennon i did the research john lennon was the only

member of the beatles um to have any type of alien encounter but the rolling stones every

one of the original rolling stones

had some sort of ufo or alien encounter uh which i thought was uh more than a coincidence to me

much more than a coincidence one thing i wanted to mention um before we go on to the stones with

john lennon actually in the song strange i think it's strange days if i remember correctly there's

a line about ufos over new york city which obviously i'm sure ties back to that that

sighting but but but anyhow beatles fan here so i i

tend to know this kind of minutiae but you were saying about the stones now uh i i mean keith

richards you know uh one wonders what he was on uh when he was seeing this but um you know they

just played cleveland and they're still rocking and rolling the surviving members of course

and uh it's amazing so maybe the the ets imbued them with some special uh special longevity and

and ability to continue to rock into old age entirely possible

or the alternative is that maybe they're aliens themselves uh always always an option i don't

know um you know i i haven't had the opportunity to interview any of them and ask them that

question but um yeah mick uh mick jagger had um um equipment installed in one of his mansions

to monitor because he believed that aliens were landing um in his uh property on his property

while he wasn't

there or maybe while he was there so he claimed he had uh ufo detecting a security equipment

installed there um um mick taylor had um ufo encounters the the one that's the most well

known is ron wood because uh ron had a number of encounters that his wife um jan i believe her name

was is that his former wife um it's about uh one

in brazil that she said they were walking on the beach and they they saw uh a ufo over the water

and there were other witnesses besides them so to to uh corroborate the the the uh uh the eyewitness

account um the only one was the drummer charlie watts uh he was too cool i guess to uh

i couldn't find any any alien encounters by charlie but uh and then you go to jimmy hendrix

and then you go to jimmy hendrix and then you go to jimmy hendrix and then you go to jimmy hendrix

about jimmy hendrix multiple multiple um alien experiences my favorite the one that's most well

known was i believe he was doing a concert in um hawaii near the end of his life and uh a multi

many concerts in in one day outdoor concert and while he was in a tent in between shows

he came out with a number of people and they witnessed ufos flying over

the the venue but long before that jimmy claimed even before he was jimmy hendrix when he was james

um and he had started his first band before the experience they were in new york coming home from

a gig and they were hit by a massive snowstorm massive blizzard they were feared for their lives

that but they continued to drive obviously because they had to get home and he claimed that they saw

a spaceship appear

in front of their car and the spaceship not didn't just lead them to new york where they were living

but actually cleared the um the freeway or the road whatever they were on cleared it of snow

so they could drive without fear yeah without fear sliding off the road or plowing through

so again as you mentioned jim um you know they if they not only did they come because they

appreciated the music but they're helping

us out um they they may have had an impact on rock and roll as we know it today um uh as a result

of their their work with jimmy hendrick and then i know you're already thinking and then there's

elvis yeah of course elvis presley's father um has said had said that um that the the the night

that elvis was born he was born at home in um mississippi

he went outside his father went outside to smoke a cigarette and looked up and saw a spaceship

hovering over the house so you can take that any way you want um if if uh elvis was chosen by the

aliens to be the you know the founding father of rock and roll or if he could have been um um you

know a child of aliens who knows who right you know i i throw that out there the the point is is

um right in the midst of of rock and roll we've got all of these alien encounters that i just

thought were super interesting we'll be right back after this message the paranormal podcast

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slash podcast thanks grammarly you know that brings up a good point

it seems to me that um sometimes it's a case where people seem to be chosen for this maybe

they get repeat visits maybe people believe they have some kind of message the aliens have some

kind of message for them do you think that that's the case that people are perhaps it's not just

something that happens by happenstance but sometimes they are specifically chosen to

to have an experience oh i i yes

good good uh good observation jim i think i think uh you know we have this this term that we always

like to use take me to your leader or take us to your leader um obviously that's one where they

have someone in mind although they may not know who our leader is and i always like to say when

somebody brings that up uh you know have you met that's what the first thing i would say to the

aliens is have you met our leader do you have a second choice um

but but yeah go for most of the leaders in my lifetime but i'll say no more go ahead

it could apply yeah i want to make sure everybody understands that could apply to just about any

president exactly that's right throughout history um but sure that the the title character i wanted

to get back to that and that there's a perfect lead into that what would you say to a naked

space alien this was a young guy he was 17 years old lived in in georgia he again lived on a farm

and a um spaceship landed in the field door opened up and a female alien came out he knew she was

female because she had a body like a a human female but the head of a uh you know a large

alien head with the almond eyes and and the large um you know forehead and i don't know if she had

hair i know she didn't have hair and i know that because i saw the paintings uh and she came down

and um you know

looked at him and immediately uh or maybe she had him chosen fell in love with him and he fell

in love with her they took their clothes off and the next thing you know he is the father of 50

alien uh hybrid human babies wow good good father he took care of them on his farm he also went up

to the spaceship he uh and went to their planet i don't remember off the top of my head which

which planet it was

but um the uh and they were they were naked a lot um according to his story not just making babies

uh because he wanted to tell the world about this this encounter and and the male aliens who were

there who did not participate in the in the making of the babies uh but but approved of it said no

you can't take any pictures but you can paint them because he was a painter so he painted these

beautiful paintings of um and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and

and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and

looking for someone to, to be the father, a good father for her babies and, um, uh, found him.

And that's the end. And he's still alive. Um, you can look, look it up and I've got his name

in the book. Um, you can look it up and, and, um, he's, he's swears by the story. So.

Well, the question is what happened to those babies? Where, where did they end up?

They're, I think they're back on the other planet. As far as I know, they're not on earth

anymore because, uh, have you heard about them? I have it. Um, in, in my research, there was

nothing in the documentary that they stayed and they're now playing, uh, football for the Miami

dolphins or, or some doing something or, or in the Olympics in the, in the, uh, semi-human aquatic

division. Um, I, who knows? So, uh, unfortunately, as you know, a lot of these stories don't have an

ending because.

That information is we could get, uh, well, I gotta say that that's why I say in my show

campfire, I've been doing for a long time. People call him with their stories and I say

many campfire stories and with a question mark, not with a period.

And I think that's, uh, that's, uh, that's a fair thing to say. And I just want to do one

thing real quick before we continue on. I want to make sure I get the title, right? Cause I think

I missed a word there. It's what would you say to a naked space alien? I don't think I included space.

In there. What would you say to a naked space alien? I want to make sure that we, we get that

right. Now in the book, you talk about Fidel Castro's revolutionary alien.

There's another one.

Did he smoke cigars? No, go ahead.

He had, this was, this was before he was a premier of, of, uh, Cuba. Uh, and again,

similar to the, uh, the rock stars, it's entirely possible that,

Fidel Castro was influenced to become the, the, the Fidel that we all knew

as a result of an alien encounter. He was, um, um, heading towards Havana with his

merry band of revolutionaries, uh, to, to start the road, to do something, to start the revolution

or to, to, to overthrow whatever it was that was a government that was in charge there.

And on the way he re he wrote in his diary that they were camping one night,

and they saw bright lights in the sky hovering over them. And he and his people, I don't remember

if Shea Guevara was, uh, was, was part of his group at that time. I'd be, I, I didn't find any,

uh, accounts from him, but according to Fidel's diary, they went outside and there were these

bright lights shining down on them. Um, and kind of, kind of, uh, he he's communicating in some

way. Um, there wasn't much more than that. They, he didn't, they,

he didn't lead him to Havana. I think he already knew how to get there, but he, he said that he

was moved and influenced by that, um, uh, encounter to the point where when he became premier and as

we all know, he, it was a communist country, uh, which was under the jurisdiction of the Soviet

union. He must've mentioned something to the Soviets because they took him to Moscow. And in

another, uh, entry in his diary,

Fidel Castro talks about going to Moscow and seeing a crashed spaceship. I don't remember

if he saw living aliens or alien bodies, but he, again, another one who said, um, you know,

this is another reason to be a communist, another reason to follow the Soviet union.

They're far ahead of the United States and collecting debris from UFO crashes and dead

aliens. So, uh, he would be so sure about that though. We'll talk about, I know what you're


I know where you're going, but finish your thought.

No, I don't think I was going to say he was, he was very open about it, um, about his encounter

as a, I'll tell you a local story, a real quick one, be someone who was affected negatively by

his story. And this is not in the book, but I was at a, uh, uh, Nick, um, uh, fucking up to me

while I'm sitting eating my hot dog and it, it triggered the six, his handout. Now you look


And it was Dennis Kucinich.

Oh, yes.

You'll remember him. He was the mayor of Cleveland for a number of years.


He's in Congress. And then he ran for president twice, ran for president twice. And during his

first, maybe it was his second run. Um, he was in a, he was in a debate and he was asked a question

about his alien encounter and how the reporter knew about it. Shirley McClain had just come out

with a, um, uh, autobiography. And she mentioned in the autobiography that Dennis Kucinich had stayed

with her while he was in California and told her about seeing a UFO in Washington state, uh, near

Mount Rainier. Uh, and this came out in the debate. He was so embarrassed and, and got so much

negative publicity as a result of that, you know, being another, one of these goofy, goofy

politicians that sees UFOs. We can't have him running our country. We can't have him running our

country. So he was immediately swept out of the competition for, for president now.

But the, but the thing is Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan both had UFO experiences,

if I'm remembering correct.

I talk about Jimmy Carter in the book. Also Richard Nixon, uh, was another one. Yes. And

Ronald Reagan. So I asked Dennis, um, I, I, I pulled him over. I said, you know, I, in case

you don't want the public to know about this, I asked him about the encounter and he says,

oh, it definitely happened. Um, he said it was a large flying saucer style, uh, UFO affected him.

He's, he taught, he still is open to talking about it. Um, and vote for me. So, you know, I,

yeah, I, I, so, so you're right. We we've had an, I have an entire chapter on Dwight Eisenhower

because Dwight Eisenhower also talked about a number of, um, uh, experiences that he had where

he went to, uh, an air force base in California and saw a crashed UFO and both living and dead

aliens, uh, while he was president. Um, and that story, I think has been carried on by his

granddaughter. If I'm not a great grand. Yeah. I've interviewed her before. Yes.

Yeah. Yeah. I figured that he, she's, she's pretty well known. Uh, so, uh, you know,

do we have photos? No, we don't. I'm sorry. I hate to say it, but we have,

many, many, many stories like that. Uh, you know, the Jimmy Carter story, the Richard Nixon

taking Jackie Gleason to Florida. Yes, yes, yes. That's a great story. Yeah. Um,

Jackie Gleason was a, was a, uh, uh, quite a, uh, alien and UFO believer. Um,

had a, had a, a wonderful collection of, uh, uh, books and studies long before, you know,

you could buy them at any bookstore. Right. Right. And his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his,

his house, he had a house built in the shape of a UFO too, didn't he?

That's exactly right. Yeah. It was, he bought Frank Sinatra there,

free Frank Sinatra out. Uh, if I remember the story.

This is too kooky, Jack.


So, yeah, he, now Jackie Gleason actually asked his wife, uh, he came home from,

from his encounter. Now, Richard Nixon, after playing golf,

took him to an air force base, showed him, uh, the, a crashed spaceship and dead alien,

uh, and then told him, you know, you're sworn to secrecy. You can't tell anyone. And Jackie says,

yeah, yeah. Okay. No, no, no problem. And when he went home, his wife noticed that he was,

you know, not the jovial Jackie that everyone knows, but he was very upset to the point where

she asked him, you know, why, what are you all so upset about? And of course he says,

now you can't tell anybody about this, but president Nixon,

just took me to an air force base and showed me a UFO and dead alien. Remember, you can't tell

anybody. So she didn't for a while until he started cheating on her. And at that point,

all bets are off. All bets were off. And Jim, the thing about this, yeah, just to show how

the world has changed from those, this was in the sixties. They got divorced. She went to,

I think the national inquirer or one of the national inquirer,

uh, competitors at the time with the story. And they said, nobody's going to believe this.

No, one's going to believe this. So she found someone, some small obscure publication that,

that was willing to publish it. It went nowhere. Uh, and luckily there's people,

um, in, in our business who dig through those things and found it. Um, and you can, you can,

uh, I don't know if I have a reference. I think I have a reference to it in the book.

Um, but, but yeah, she said he swore by it. Um, he had his UFO shaped, um, uh, house in New York

city. I believe it was in open New York and, uh, you can find pictures of that. It looks kind of

like one of those futuro houses, but yeah, much more because he could afford a lot more than a

futuro house. Um, yeah. You know, what do you say to that? And away we go. That's what,

straight to the moon, Alice.

Straight to the moon and straight to your local browser bookstore to get, what would you say to a

naked space alien? And Paul Seaborn answers that question and much more. So Paul, where can people

get the book? I think we all know, but you tell people where you can get the book and connect to

all of your work about the strange and the hilarious. That's right. I have a website

that www.paulseaborn.com. I have a link to Amazon.

Which is where the book is. So you can, you can search on Amazon for it. You can just put my name

and end in your favorite search engine and you'll come up with all kinds of strange things. But if

you just want to get to some more information about me and more of my stories and to the book,

go to www.paulseaborn.com. Excellent. Well, it's been a real, real pleasure. It's been a lot of fun

talking about aliens and humor and, uh,

I wish you great success with the book and stay in touch. And I hope we can do this again soon.

Sounds good. Thank you so much for the time, Jim, and good seeing you again. And thanks for the

invitation. And thank you for tuning in to the paranormal podcast. We've got a lot of exciting

announcements coming up, or maybe by the time you watch and read this, maybe we've already made some

of them, but it's a busy time at the spooky studio. Thank you so much. We'll talk to you next time.

Have a great week, everybody.

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