Show intended for September 22nd (but foiled by file corruption) right here! from Sep 23, 2016

Clay Pigeon and WFMU

The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon | WFMU

Show intended for September 22nd (but foiled by file corruption) right here! from Sep 23, 2016

The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon | WFMU

What's your first name? Peter. Peter, will you vote this fall? I will. Do you have a candidate in mind?

I am still sifting through the candidates, all four of them. Really undecided. I haven't focused

on it enough yet. Did you like Bernie in the beginning? I liked Bernie. I mean, I wouldn't

say he would be my final choice, but I liked his passion and a lot of the ideas he raised.

It just sounded like you're giving Jill Stein and Gary Johnson serious consideration. Absolutely.

I'm not a Hillary person. I just don't trust her. You know, she seems to be caught up in

all the special interests. Do you think that's justified, or have you maybe bought into kind

of a concentrated effort to brand her that way? Look how much money they have. That's

the full end of the story. I mean, you don't get, they got hundreds of millions of bucks.

What about Trump, though? Obviously, I'm not impressed by him either. That's why I'm looking

at the four candidates. So you think you'll go for one of the alternative candidates?

Quite probably. Quite probably. So I'm going to study them a little more carefully.

Are you optimistic about the future of the country? Not particularly.

What are you most worried about?

Uh, I think our political system is stuck.

Do you think the media is complicit in this, too?

I don't think they're doing their job. I don't think they're doing their job. I don't think

the reporting has great depth to it.

What's your message to all our listeners? The message of peace and love as this summer

comes to an end.

Do your homework. That's what I'm going to do. I'm waiting until November. I'm keeping

my gunpowder dry, and I'm going to make my decision close to election day.

Here's my card, man. Thanks for taking the time to speak with me.

My pleasure. My pleasure. My pleasure. Absolutely.

Thank you.

You are listening to The Dusty Show on today's WFMU.

This is Sugarloaf and a song written by the late Jerry Corbetta.

Green-eyed leaning on Dusty, Dusty, Dusty, Dusty, Dusty, Dusty.

Green-eyed lady, lovely lady.

Scrolling slowly towards the sun.

Green-eyed lady, ocean lady.

Soothing every raging wind.

The wave that comes.

Green-eyed lady, passions lady.

Dressed in love, she lives for life to be.

Green-eyed lady feels life I never see.

Setting suns and lonely lovers free.

Scrolling slow while the world is on a feels.

Bonus is free.

I always love to put in what comes on my mind.

I try to put it down.

I know my стends onanishes.

Green-eyed lady.

Green-eyed lady feels life I never see.

And lonely lovers free

You're from Brazil.

That's correct.

Are you an American living in Brazil or a Brazilian?

I'm Brazilian.

Were you happy with the way the Olympics turned out?

Yeah, I thought they actually did very well.

Yeah, a little misadventure with the American athletes.

Well, yeah.


Do you pay attention?

I asked you before we started recording if you pay attention to U.S. politics,

and you said they are paying attention down in Brazil.

Yeah, sure, of course.

Are people talking about Donald Trump?

I imagine they are.

Yes, they are, of course.

What are you hearing?

I kind of don't understand how he actually became a candidate.

It surprises you that a good portion...

A good portion of Americans are behind him?

Yeah, very surprising, actually.

What about Hillary Clinton? Do they like her in Brazil?

Yeah, I mean, she's, you know, she may not be the most trustworthy person,

but seems like a better option than Donald Trump.

Have you been pleased with President Obama?

Do they like him in Brazil?

Yeah, he seems to be okay.

How about your own politics?

You've had some upheaval in Brazil recently.

A lot, yeah, a lot.

Are you optimistic about the future?

Oh, yeah, definitely. Definitely.

I think we've reached the bottom.

You love Brazil? You're proud to be a Brazilian?

Yeah, definitely.

And optimistic about the future?

Of course.

What about the United States?

Do you think we're on the way up, on the way down?

What do they say down there?

Are they really worried about America?


It could very well be, you know, not a good thing.

If Trump was elected, what do you fear most?

What do you think might happen?

I think there's definitely a lot of closing the borders,

not allowing for the free flow of immigration

from one country to another.

I think the foreign policy is definitely going to be very, very questionable.

Overall, I just think it's a bad thing.

I appreciate the time you took.

Do you speak Portuguese?

Yes, I do.

Can you say something to the people back home?

Uma boa noite para todos vocês.

Thanks for your time.

What is thank you in Portuguese?




Obrigado, my friend.

Thank you. I'll give you a card.

My show airs tomorrow night at 6.

I hope you can listen.

All right.

Thank you for your time today.

Bye-bye, bye-bye.

window was up. So how could he be reaching into the car if the window is up and there's blood on

the glass? You're from Baltimore. I am. Yeah. Yeah. I think he's absolutely crazy. Trump. You

said you're a Republican. I am. I actually think both are unelectable, but somebody's got to be

elected. Right. And I don't want to put it in Hillary's hands. You don't trust her. No, I don't

trust her. It's a tremendous pattern of and it's documented in the Wall Street Journal today that

you can't trust her. You're not crazy about Trump, though. No, because I don't think he has a plan

for anything. Who would you have preferred out of the 17 that were on stage at one point? I wanted

Paul Ryan to run. Paul Ryan. Yeah. Do you see him four years from now? I do. Yeah. With Scott

Walker, who would his running mate be? Actually, I like Scott Walker a lot. You got that Wisconsin

state of mind. No, but I think he's physically responsible.

Trump just doesn't have a plan. But Hillary, it's the same politics. You think Pence might be running

the show if Trump gets elected? Well, he's a solid voice behind a guy that just doesn't have a plan.

What about Obama? What about Obama? I don't think he was a good president. What was the worst thing

he did? He backed toward every policy that he got passed. He got a lot of obstruction. Well, the

obstruction was for good cause. So I'm not going to hold him accountable. I'm not going to hold him

I'm not a political guy, but every major policy he had, he backdoored everything.

So he's a tactician.

Are you hopeful for the future of the country?

Probably not, given both candidates.

You've got to elect one.

It's going to be a rough four years.

Well, I stalked you all the way through the park, Mr. Baltimore.

I hope you have a nice trip.

Thanks for talking to me.

Here's my card.

Tomorrow night at 6, I'll give you a head shake.

Nice talking to you.

But anyway, that's sort of how I feel.

There is no evidence at this point of a terror connection to this incident.

Based on what we know at this hour, there is no specific connection to the incident in New Jersey.

There is no specific and credible threat against New York City at this point in time from any terror organization.

The early indications, the initial indications is this was an intentional act.

This is Don Henley with Mike Campbell from Tom Petty's band, the Boys of Summer on the Dusty Show.

For 1984, Making the Perfect Beast, I think the album was called.

It's a great song.

It really captures the feeling.

The end of summer.


Nobody on the road.

Nobody on the beach.

I feel it.

In the air.

The summer's out of reach.

Empty lake.

Empty streets.

The sun goes down alone.

I'm driving by your house.

Oh, no, you're not home.

But I can see you.

Your breath's getting shiny in the sun.

You got your hair combed out and sunglasses on, baby.

I can tell you my love for you.

You will still be strong.

After the boys of summer have gone.

I know there's some sour pusses out there hating on Henley.

So predictable.

Give him a chance.

Reappraise him.

Accept him.

Take him into your bosom and love him.

This song is so great.

Bruce Lee's a man.

He's a man.

I think he's a man.

He's a man.

I think he's a man.

He's a man.

Heart and speed probably

Out on the road today

I saw a dead head sticker on a Cadillac

A little voice inside my head said

Don't look back, you can never look back

I thought I knew what love was

What did I know?

Those days are gone forever

I should just let them go

But I can see you

Your broad skin shining in the sun

You've got the top pulled out

Radio on

I can tell you my love for you

Will still be strong

And in the poison

Some will have gone


Do you pay attention to politics?

I can't help it

It's in your face?

Yeah, it's in my face, right

I'd like to ignore it, but I can't

Will you vote, though, despite that?


As you always have, I imagine


Which way do you generally lean?

A little blue, a little red?

To the left

You supported President Obama

I did, yes

You think he's done a good job?

Yes, I do

I think he's a great person

I just talked to a Republican man from Baltimore

Who said, I don't like him

He tried to sneak in everything through the back door

I don't know what that guy is talking about

He couldn't get anything passed

So he had to use whatever was available

Guantanamo is still open

So he did not sneak everything in through the back door

You and I have seen a few elections in our lifetime

Are things different this time around?

Do they feel different to you?

If I listen to the commentators, yes

And yes, they are different

Not only because we have a first woman

And we have a man running

Who doesn't know anything about running a country

He's very good at making stories up

And entertaining the public

But he's not good at it

You will vote for Hillary this fall?

I will

Do you feel like you're settling for her?

Or are you happy to vote for her?

I think she is an honest person

I can't understand how everything has been twisted

To say, don't trust her

I trust her

You're in the public eye

You have to make things look good

We understand that

She has a record

Years of record

Of course people can find flaws in that

I can't remember what your question is

So I'm a little...

I can't, don't worry about it

I'm a little off the topic

No, you're great

You're really...

But I think I can trust her, yes

She might not always tell the truth

But neither do I

I mean, I want to make things look good

I'm not lying to steal, to rob, to trick, to anything else

And I don't think she is either

If she has to make things look good

So that they'll pass the Republicans

We had a bomb

Blow up in New York last weekend

I could hear it

Down where my wife and I live

Do you think those kind of things play into Trump's hands?

Do you worry it might get him elected?


I have to be hopeful

And my answer is no

We see him sneaking up in the polls

Do you think he can do it?


I admire your resoluteness and your belief

I mean, I don't know

I might be dumb

I might have a cloud over me

Giving people more credit

Than a lot of other folks are

They can see and hear the lies

The inexperience

He can't run a country

He can only run

Run out of town is what I would suggest

Are you hopeful for the future of the United States?

Yes, I have to be


You have been so honest so far

And I wanted to ask you

But it's kind of touchy

Oh, no

I thought you were going to ask me how old I am

It kind of is

I was going to say

Who's the first president you voted for?


John F. Kennedy

What's your message of peace and love to our listeners in Jersey City

Where this show emanates here in New York City

Around the world on the internet on WFMU

Here as we see the summer of 2016 come to an end?

Well, keep the faith is too easy

So I'm not saying that

You ask for peace and love

We're good people

And we're going to continue to do that

We're going to continue to be good people

See the good in our candidates

And vote your conscience

We are good, aren't we?

Do you think sometimes we're pitted against each other?

And the media?

I thought that was the last question

I lied

I see I lied

That's not a lie

It's just things happen

And that's what's happened with Clinton

What was the question, do you think?

Do you think the media plays this against each other?

Makes us enemies in a sense?

I'm speaking to the media

I like small potatoes

Yeah, by all media

In a sense, yeah

But again, we have to be smart

We can't just accept what somebody says

Whether it's in print, on television

We have to think

And put things together

I really enjoyed talking to you

Here's my card

My show airs tomorrow at 6 o'clock

I hope you can listen

Thank you

Bye bye now, all the best to you ma'am

100 years of delay have passed

Since President Lincoln

Freed the slaves

Yet their heirs, their grandsons

Are not fully free

They are not yet freed

From the bonds of injustice

They are not yet freed

From social and economic oppression

And this nation

For all its hopes

And all its boasts

Will not be fully free

Until all its citizens are free

This is one country

It has become one country

Because all of us

And all the people who came here

Had an equal chance to develop their talents

We cannot say to 10% of the population

That you can't have that right

That your children can't have the chance

To develop whatever talents they have

That the only way that they are going to get their rights

Is to go in the street and demonstrate

I think we owe them

And we owe ourselves

A better country than that

Leave almost all our years

There is nothing better

Than the two of us

It's the reason why

By size and age

We can grow

I can endure

What all of us

Always caused

Our Shaul

Thank you

And sing Khacdi

For all this

I hope that

Each and every one of us

As a man who has always had the wandering ways

Now I'm reaching back for yesterday's

Till a long forgotten love appears

And I find that I'm sighing softly

As I near September

The warm September of my year

As a man who has never paused

At wishing wells

Now I'm watching children's carousels

And their laughter's music to my ears

And I find that I'm smiling gently

As I near September

The warm September of my year

Isn't this Sinatra?

Fantastic with Gordon Jenkins

The golden warm September of my year

Titled track from the September of my year's album

My favorite, Frank, from 65

On the Dusty Show

I'm glad you're listening

Stay with me now

So what's my favorite?

What's going on here today?

You wrote me into a group photo

What is it?

Today is World Peace Day

And what we're doing is giving out roses to other New Yorkers

Just showing love and peace

And spreading it to everyone that's around

We get our inspiration from a man named Hussein Abdi Ali

He was a...

Is Hussein one of those hot button names here in the U.S.?

We know Barack Hussein Obama

But then in Iraq

So, you know, some people here are uneasy with the Hussein name

Not me personally, but...

You know what I'm talking about

Yeah, absolutely

And that's what we're trying to break in a way

Because this Hussein lived 1400 years ago

This Hussein actually...

Was he a religious figure?

He was


And he stood up against the tyrants of his time

He stood up for social justice, racial equality, human rights

All the things that we talk about now

Which are pretty non-existent at that time

And he stood up to the point where he ended up having to sacrifice his friends and his

family members

As well as himself

Because the enemy forces actually came and killed him

And slaughtered them in the middle of the desert

And what we are really inspired by

Is the fact that he was willing to give his life

For such a cause that most people weren't even aware of at the time

Can I ask you just straight out

Are you hoping to interest people ultimately in the religion?


So what we're doing is we're just influencing people to do a positive deal

This isn't to convert anyone

The vision of our organization is basically a world

Where every individual is inspired by Hussein Ibn Ali

To implement positive change

Now as a present day kind of news guy, wannabe

Of course I want to talk to you about Muslim faith

About immigration, about Trump and the whole thing

Would you speak to me a little bit about your feelings about Trump?

I would stay away from the politics because that's...

Do you generally stay away?

Yeah because this organization isn't about the politics of the world

Or you know necessarily about getting people to come to a particular religion or something

Or religion

This organization is really focused on just humanitarian efforts

How can we find out more about you?

We have a website

It's called

Will you vote this fall?

I will vote this year, yeah

You got a candidate in mind?

I will stay away from that question again

Thank you

Alright buddy, here's my card


Good luck, it seems like you're doing a good thing

Thank you


I'd forgotten about this show

Yeah we're done

Alright buddy, let's go

Good luck

I'll be back

Alright, so what are the results of this one?

Michael Jackson from the dangerous album 1991, Jail

Nation, the nation, all the worlds come together

Face the problems that we see them in

Somehow we can work it

I ask my neighbor for help, she said later when it has come

Of all the people that we lost love but what's about us

I have to find my peace, cause no one seems to let me be

But promise, try your due when all the parts of it fail

Everyone says, when it comes, when it's done

But I'm trying to find my peace, cause no one seems to let me be

But promise, try your due when all the parts of it fail

Everyone says, when it comes, when it's done

But I'm trying to find my peace, cause no one seems to let me be

Some of all the people have lost love, but what's about us?

I have to find my peace, cause no one seems to let me be

For promise, try your doom, and all the possibilities

I told my brother, there'll be problems, times, and tears for this

We must live each day like it's good, and go with it, go with it

Damn, it ain't too much

It ain't true, I'm back for me

Damn, it ain't, it ain't too much

It ain't, don't do, it ain't true, I'm not supposed to

The world keeps changing, re-arranging my device predictions

Fly up to the baby boomers, come on, they do work it

I told my brothers, don't you ask me for no favors

I'm conditioned by the system, don't you talk to me, don't scream and shout

She prays to God to move us, then she sings a time of song

Confusion, confusion, confusion, confusion

Confusion, confusion, confusion, confusion, confusion

Confusion, confusion, confusion, confusion

It ain't, it ain't too much

It ain't, don't do

It ain't too much for me

It ain't, uh-huh

It ain't too much

It ain't too much for me

It ain't, it ain't too much

It ain't, don't do

It ain't too much for me

Get it to me

will you vote this fall i'm gonna vote this fall and i'm and uh i'm a criminal and hillary's a

criminal so i'm voting for trump now do you really have some type of criminal past you've recovered

from obviously it looks like you're doing well i refuse to answer that question on the grounds

it might incriminate me trump trump trump you're gonna vote for trump yep he's coming back in the

polls you think he can go all the way yep what do you like about trump make us understand his

father gave him millions he turned it into billions and that's what i'm hoping he does

for the country what don't you like about hillary everybody just says can't trust her she lies but

really try to go a layer deeper than that what is it you don't like about her no that's about it

she she lies and you can't trust her that's that's it that's that's the

bottom line

you can't trust it that's what they've been drumming into us over and over

seem to be pretty effective listen this is new york i gotta i'm in a rush i gotta go thanks man

you got it now you know that guy ain't sorry his mother got nothing on me right nothing

turn up yeah this is new future from future yeah yeah yeah yeah ain't no time

kicking flavors


you and chuck you'd immediately hear you ain't know time

it ain't no time it ain't no time it ain't no time it ain't no time it ain't no time it ain't no time

ho it ain't no time it ain't no time it ain't no time

hey you're dropping him down you driving him downdy soort


im done like held up hold up hold up you listen how you feel its clearly what to say no meh

ive been watching him the whole time im done watching him the whole time i'm.. gonna be fucked off emoji

You look like you lyin', you look like you lyin', you look like you lyin'

We do the sign at the sign day, sign up to the sign down

Look like I stood on the runway, they tryna tell me to calm down

Your eyes came in the game, and I start rockin' that Tom Ford

We don't know what we be sayin', we just be yellin' our buns, yo

I like to play with the bands, right before I do the encore

I like to play with the cats, go on the run and dance

I like to play with the cats, go to Chanel and dance

I like to go to the jeweler, tell him to make me some glass

I like to play with the cats, go to Chanel and spend

Kicking paper, Saint Laurent, watch how I walk

Let this paper be the reason why we talk

Ain't no papers, they gon' outline you and Chuck

You the biggest, biggest hater of them all

It ain't no time, it ain't no time, it ain't no time

It ain't no time, it ain't no years, it ain't no mine

It ain't no time, it ain't no time, it ain't no like

it ain't no time

It ain't no time, it ain't no time, it ain't no time

You slingin' that eye, you slingin' that eye, you turn that eye

You pressin' the itch and you pushin' the gas, you makin' them violate

I drop on the top of the fart and I zig and I zag, I'm all on the grass

I did what I had to pass, you better go back to your stash

I did what I had to do, I ran in that and I didn't have a mask

I did what I should've did, survived through the trenches and look like a man

I sit at the throne, I sit at the throne, you niggas and I'm with some clones

I'm sippin' that Dom Perignon when I'm at the store and they ringin' me up

My bitch on her bitch got her meat in it up

I done gained all the weight and I'm keepin' it up

Steppin' in Christians, I came out the mud

I flexin' on purpose when I'm in the club

You look like somebody, Howie Long, did they tell you that?

I actually have been told that numerous times

That's not such a bad thing

No, it's a pretty good compliment, I like that comparison

Do you pay attention to politics?


Last time around, did you support Obama? Who got your vote?

Did Romney get my vote last time?

Uh, did Romney get my vote last time?

So you're generally maybe a little more conservative?

Uh, financially, yeah

Are you excited about the Trump campaign? Will you vote for him or is he not your cup of tea?

He's not my cup of tea, can't really do it

Are you gonna cross the aisle and vote for Hillary?

Um, remains to be seen

I'm not in love with a lot of her policies either, I think she's immensely qualified


I'm way more so than Donald Trump

It'll be down to the wire

They're so, they're all close now, aren't they?

They are, yeah, everything's close, no real blowouts anymore

I feel like the media's just manipulating us sometimes

Getting us all outraged and excited

I think the media plays a big role in that

You know, they have their own agendas, they want to get certain items across

They want to emphasize certain items, so yeah, I think absolutely the media gets people

Either really excited about it or really not excited about it, I guess in some cases

Is New York your hometown?

It is, yeah

Yeah, born and raised

Uh, are you optimistic about the future of the country?

Yeah, I mean, I think it's gonna be good

It's hard not to be.

I think there is a lot of good going on still,

even though the media doesn't really necessarily cover that a lot.

They cover most of the negatives because that's what gets viewers.

But, yeah, I think the future of the country is going to be just fine.

You look like you're doing pretty good.

What's your biggest concern in life?

I get student loans like you wouldn't believe,

so honestly any candidate that plays up to that policy a little bit might have my vote.

Well, I appreciate your time, man.

Here's my card.

My show airs tomorrow night at 6.

I hope you have a chance to listen online or on the radio.

Cool, thank you.

All right, good luck.

Thank you, buddy.

From Washington Week.

Now, not to mention her in the same breath, but Hillary Clinton

and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy.

I finished it.

You know what I mean.

President Barack Obama was born in the United States

and he was born in the United States.


Now, we all want to get back to making America strong and great again.

What's your first name?


Nyjah, you were nice enough to speak to me about the election.

Will you vote this fall?

Yes, I will.

Do you have a candidate that you'd like?


Have you been with her all the way?

Did you like Bernie for a while?

I do like Bernie, too, but I want to go for Hillary.

I want to see what a woman can do.

Yeah, yeah, that sounds interesting, doesn't it?

What about Trump?

What are your thoughts about Donald Trump?

Oh, he's just doing too much.

I'm not voting for him.

He's been coming back in the polls.

Do you worry that he might win?

Kind of, but hopefully a Hillary pull-through.

Or Bernie.

Have you supported Obama in the past eight years?


I even met him.

No, you didn't.


What was that like?

It was amazing.

Tell us about meeting President Barack Obama.

I met him when he had went to Barusa

because I used to work for them.

Where was that?

Red Rooster on 125th.


And I served him.

And I had to meet him and his wife and his kids.

And he's so, he has so much respect.

And you would think the type of person that he is,

that you, like, no, he has the bodyguards, you know.

He had them sit at a whole different table

and he was talking to everybody, customers, everybody.

Nice guy.

Very nice guy.

And Michelle, did she speak to you?


What did she say?

She said hello.

She complimented my eyes.

You have blue eyes.


She was very nice.

Did Secret Service talk to you ahead of time

before you served him?

You think they might check you out a little bit

to make sure you're not...

I guess they probably spoke to the big bosses,

but they didn't say nothing to us.


What did he have?

He had the lobster entree

and then he tried our menu, the appetizer menu.

And for that date, we were serving play starty at 800.

That must have been so fun.

I'd be so excited.

I was excited.

I couldn't, like, I felt like he was like a celebrity.

He's a celebrity.

I was too excited.


How did he pay?

Did they pay for him?

How did it work?

I'm not sure because they didn't pay, like, right then and there.

I don't know if they did it ahead of time,

so I'm really not even sure.

Did you get a tip?

Nice tip.

He tipped all of us.

It's a story you can tell the rest of your life?

Yeah, I'm excited.

What's your message of peace and love to our listeners

and our listening audience?

Summer's done now.

Everybody's looking at the fall ahead.

I just say stay focused.

Stay positive.


Everybody do what they got to do.

Everybody be fine.

I guess I'm done with you.

Thank you.

I'll give you a card.

You can hear my show tomorrow at 6.


It's on the internet.

It's on the radio.

It's archived if you miss it and you want to listen in the future.

All right.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Yeah, that was really, what a story.

I can't wait to put that in there.

From CNN.

I believe the person the Republicans have nominated for president

cannot do the job.

Donald Trump's ideas aren't just different.

They are dangerously incoherent.

They're not even really ideas, just a series of bizarre

rants, personal feuds, and outright lies.

He is not just unprepared.

He is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires.

Knowledge, stability, and immense responsibility.

This is horrible.

And the sky was made of amethyst.

And all the stars are just like little fish.

You should learn when to go.

You should learn how to say no.

My last day.

Mine is forever.

My last day.

Mine is forever.

They get what they want.

They never want it again.

They get what they want.

But they never want it again.

Go on, take everything!

Take everything I want you to.

Go on, take everything!

Take everything I want you to.

Courtney kinda reminds me of Hilary.

The sky was all violent.

Did we treat Courtney the same way?

One again, but violent, more violent.

Assuming that Kurt wrote this album not our own.

I'm the one with no soul.

accusing her of killing her husband

she scared the hell out of us

my last day


my last day

mine is forever

you're not gonna vote

no I'm not gonna vote

what's keeping you out of the polls

this year

the fact that everything's so negative

everything's negative about Hillary

everything's negative about Trump

so I don't see a positive of me voting for either one

you seem pretty young

have you voted before

I have I voted for Obama

last time around


but not Hillary

no no I'm not voting for anyone

I don't see it working out for me either way

what happens happens the way I see it now

you're gonna let the chips fall where they may

that's exactly it

and your friend here you're not voting either

I don't vote either

have you ever voted

yes I vote for

for Obama when it was Obama's turn

for right now no

what do you think about Trump

well I'm Mexican so

but you voted for Obama's

are you a dual citizen


so you you legally came through

and you're a citizen the United States now



why not Hillary

well like my friend says

it's negative stuff for both of them

so I haven't used any one

I don't know I'm thinking but I don't know if I vote on it

I'm thinking I'm taking them I'm not sure

yet you're you know

You know, you can do whatever you want. It's a free country.

I guess when I'm thinking about it, everything Trump said about sending undocumented immigrants back to Mexico,

that you still wouldn't vote for Hillary to stop them from doing that?

Or do you think they should go back to Mexico?

I was an undocumented immigrant. I came from Russia many, many years ago.

I got my citizenship when I was like 14.

The fact that it's not just the Mexicans, it's also people who came from Europe, who came from Asia.

You know, it's not just the Mexicans who can affect, it can affect all of them.

I mean, some of the policies are good, most of them are not.

But, you know, Hillary, Hillary too.

But the one thing that really did turn me off on Trump was the fact that, like, they're not all bad.

You know, and especially the Mexican people.

Think of where America would be without them.

Because they work in the restaurants and they're hardworking citizens.

You know, they may not be here legally, but they do work hard.

They earn their keep, the way I see it.

Why wouldn't you vote for Hillary?

I haven't followed much on it.

It's not just to stop Trump from what he wants to do.

And honestly, that would probably be the only reason I would vote for Hillary.

If I was going to vote, it would just be to stop Trump from hurting the immigrants.

Because America is a country of immigrants.

Basically, this country is built off of all immigrants.

My family is immigrants.

My family, oh.

This country is built off of immigrants, so it doesn't make any sense what he's saying.

And like my friend says, it's not all people are bad.

There's a lot of good people here that work hard.

Like he says, I work hard.

But the one thing I would want to know.

What they need to answer is, you know, a lot of my family are senior citizens.

I haven't heard much about the policies on senior citizens.

I haven't heard much about school.

Bernie was going, you know, free education.

That's great and all, but how is that going to be possible?

Despite all these problems we hear, do you guys, do you like the United States?

Of course I love the United States.

I've been living my whole life here, basically.

I came when I was 14 years old.

I'm 38 right now.

My daughter is born here.

You have deep roots here.

How about you?

I came to America.

When I was three, I was adopted.

I wasn't documented.

And then I got my green card and then I got it.

But again, my family, they're from Italy.

They came over in 1912 during the huge immigration rush.

So, you know, we have deep roots here too.

And we're very, very proud that we came from an immigrant family.

Are you hopeful for the future of the country?

Pardon me?

Are you hopeful for the future of the country?

I'd say yes.

It's scary.

The future is scary right now, I think.

It's scary.

It's so, like, in the air.

That's what scares me.

Especially with the younger generation.


Because I notice, like, why younger people aren't voting.

It's much more the older generation.

And that's what worries me.

It's like, the younger population is not connecting.

They're not connecting so much with the...

And you too?

You're not even...

No, I'm not.

Which is why I'm not voting.

What's your final word, man?

My final word is, let's hope and pray for God and everything will be fine.

And United States will be freedom for everybody.

I really do.

I really enjoyed talking to you two.

Thanks for your time.

Here's my card.

Thank you.

My show airs tomorrow at 6 p.m.

And I hope you can tune in.

Nice to meet you.

My name is Milton Rodriguez.

Good luck, Milton.

Thank you, sir.

Jellica Perato.


Thank you.

Thank you so much, sir.

You bet.

Good luck to you.

From Fox News.

It was mid-morning as surveillance cameras spot the New York region's most wanted man,

Ahmed Khan Rahami.

On the run, gun in hand, police in hot pursuit.

There's a guy shooting a gun.

Shots fired.

Two Linden police officers confronted Rahami.

They did exchange gunfire.

One officer was struck in the admin, but into his bulletproof vest.

Moments later, Rahami on a gurney, conscious,

after allegedly terrorizing an entire region for 48 hours

in a string of bombings that gripped the New York metropolitan area.

What's your first name?



Are you working?

Are you on the clock right now?


I'm taking your time.

Ernie, do you pay attention to politics?

Not really.

Did you vote last time around for Obama?

I was living in Jersey.

I was living in Jersey at the time, and no, I wasn't registered there,

and I'm not registered now, so no.

Where are you from in Jersey?


Highlands, New Jersey.

Our station is right across in Jersey City there.


Ernie, are you going to sit out this election, just totally sit it out?


Do you have any thoughts on the candidates?

What do you think about Donald Trump?

He's got things stirred up this year.

I think Donald Trump is going to win.

I don't think Hillary Clinton's health is not good,

and, well, they may want to make history with a woman president,

so that's a possibility, but I really don't, like I said, I don't really follow him.

Trump, no thoughts one way or the other?

Not really, no.

If you were all set up to vote and you could pull the lever right now,

which one would you vote for?

I'd probably vote for Trump.

I would probably vote for Trump.

You think Hillary's too sickly?

She's a little sickly, but I also, I don't think a woman should run the country,

to be honest with you, and that's maybe chauvinistic, but...

You know, I was thinking last night, it's been a while since I've talked to a guy

who told me I don't think a woman should be the president.

Why do you feel that way?

You like women.

I love women.

You respect them?

Of course.

But just some fundamental thing, you think men should be in charge of the show?

Kind of.

I guess maybe I'm old-fashioned in that way.

Yeah, I guess so.

Explain a little.

They're going to want an explanation, I'm telling you.

I thought this was anonymous, you know, it doesn't really matter.

I don't really know.

I don't really, like I said, that's why I'm bailing, I'm not, I'm not voting.

You're just keeping your nose to the grindstone and let the chips fall where they may.

Yeah, wherever they may.

What's your message of peace in all of that?

Not just to men, Ernie, but those women too.

Everybody should just get along, I think.

I mean, we have trouble with, there's trouble with these terrorists and everything else.

I think everybody should just get along.

I mean, I don't care race, creed, color.

It doesn't matter.

I just love everybody.

What about these terrorists?

I live right down there by where that bomb went off.

I heard that thing.

Trump saying, oh boy, if I get in there, I'm going to really hit him.

I'm going to bomb the hell out of him.

See, that's why I can't lean towards him too much either, because he's a little over-aggressive, I think.

I don't know.

Like I said, I...

You think you've got to be a little measured in your response to those things?

Yes, of course.

I mean, you can't, you just can't go build walls and do all kinds of...

A lot of crazy stuff.

You can't do that.

Other than your family, who's your hero?

If you think about your life, who's been a big hero in your life?

You're not going to want to like my answer.

My hero is my dog.

Your dog?


What kind of dog is it?

I got a live shepherd.

She's a mutt.

She's 10 years old, and she's my best friend.

We've got a couple of cats, and we're crazy about them.

Their little pets get under your skin, don't they?

They sure do.

They're always there when you get home at night?

I can't wait to go home.

I'm just about off the clock now.

In fact, I'm going to cut this for you.

No matter who else is mad at you, the dog's going to be wagging its tail.

Wagging its tail.

Wagging its tail, waiting for me to feed her, take her out, and then just chill out and watch TV.

Now, Ernie, you said you don't think a woman should be president.

Say something nice to the women in our audience.

Let them know that you're there.

Oh, I think women are beautiful.

I love women more than I love men, I mean, obviously, but not in that respect either.

I mean, of course in that respect, but they're just beautiful, beautiful people.


But I don't know if I want a woman running the country.

I'm not sure about that.

Thanks, Ernie.

Nice talking to you, man.

Here's my card.

Tomorrow at 6.

All the best to you.

6 in the morning?

6 in the evening.

6 in the evening?

I'm not up at 6 in the morning.


6 in the evening.

All right, man.

I'll be working, but I'll see which stations are here.

WFMU 91.1, 91.1, 91.1.

From WCBS.

Batting a third down.

Firing downfield for Cruz.

And Victor Cruz.

Makes the catch.

38-yard attempt for the left pass.

And he's blocked.

And on the recovery, it's Janoris Jenkins.

And Jenkins will take it all the way for a Giants touchdown.

I love the sound of a ball game on the television, droning in the background.

Something comforting about it.

Like the voice of Bobby Goldsboro.

Blue autumn.

Falling leaves of red and gold.

Pretty colors, I am told.

But I see only shades of blue.

Because I'm losing you.

Blue autumn.

There's a rainbow in the sky.

Blue autumn.

But no matter how.

I try.

I still see only shades of blue.

Because I'm losing you.

Such pretty colors, I am told.

There for all to see.

But falling leaves of red and gold.

Blue autumn.

Because there's only days,


Blue autumn.

Have all too blue to be.

Blue autumn.

But a love like you, I'll never know.

Other girls may come and go.

But I'll see only shades of you.

And all my arms will beihat the love you are wearing.

Blue autumn.

Like the sarmilly absurd.

Blue autumn.

Be blue

Blue autumn

A love like yours

I'll never know

Other girls may come and go

But I'll see only shades of you

And all my autumns

Will be blue

That's Bobby Goldsboro from the Honey LP 1968

Blue Autumn of the Dusty Show.

Clay Pidgeon with you.

Thanks for joining me.

Do you pay attention to politics?

I have been recently, yes.

Last time around, who got your vote?

Was it Romney or Obama?


So you're generally more conservative.


Have you ever crossed the aisle

and voted for a Democrat?


Never in your life.

Do you like Trump?

Did you have a candidate before him

that you preferred more?

I liked Trump from the beginning.

Just something fresh about him,

something exciting?

I related him to Reagan

and I thought we were in good hands for a change.

Were you surprised the way he ended up your nominee?

Absolutely, yeah.

It was interesting.

I predicted Jeb.

I'm interested.

I predicted Jeb.

I'm interested.

I predicted Jeb.

I would have thought I predicted Jeb earlier on.

I thought he would be the nominee from the Republican side.

It was interesting.

I think a lot of guys that I thought were going to perform better didn't.

And I think he swallowed them up in the whole campaign.

Especially Bush and Rubio.

He took them out early.

You know, and Cruz couldn't hang in there.

I was surprised to see Walker leave so early.

No, he wasn't.

He left.

Not going anywhere?


What about Paul Ryan now?

He doesn't seem to...

He doesn't seem to have the best relationship with Trump.

Do you still like Ryan?

I think he's just trying to find a balance between the traditional conservatives and where the party went.

And the voters from the right in this election are kind of rejecting the old Washington ways.

In both the Democratic side and the Republican side.

Yeah, Bernie got a big response on the left.

Yeah, definitely.

Do you think Hillary's as bad as they say she is?

They've been beating it into her head for a long time.

You can't trust her.

She lies.

Is it?

It might not be as bad as what they think it is, but I think absolutely she is covering something up that's much bigger than what we're seeing in the media.

You think it might be an October surprise?

Oh, absolutely.

I think it's going to be a very big October surprise.

She's been around a long time.

She's stayed on her feet.

She's certainly the most qualified from a political perspective, but I just think it'll be the same old, same old.

And I think it's absolutely subject to the suspicion.

I think it's subject to the suspicion about everything that she's gotten herself involved with, and there's a lot of suspicion around it.

A couple of months ago, they were kind of voting Trump out, and now we've seen him claw back.

It's neck and neck.

Do you think he can do it in the end?

Do you see him?

Well, typically a lot of things fall into his hands, and he always finds a way to mess them up.

Do you ever wince a little bit at the things he says and wish he hadn't said them?


But you laugh at them, too.

But it's a good comic.

I love watching Saturday Night Live.

Just to look at their bits on the Trump.

Bits, and even Hillary bits.

But, yeah, if he would have been able to contain some of that, I think it would have been a no-brainer.

Here's one I've never thought of.

You're a smart guy.

If you were Hillary's campaign manager now, what would you tell her to do?

Trump's getting some help.

He seems to be doing well with his new campaign manager.

If I was Hillary's campaign manager, what would I tell him?

That's a great question.

I don't have an answer for that.

I think she's kind of been keeping her head down, hoping that he would implode on it.

I think that's great.

I think that's great advice.

I think the more they keep their head down, the better they do.

The more things come out about both of them, the worse they do.

It's an exciting election, isn't it?

Yeah, it's very exciting.

Are you optimistic about the future of the country?

Well, listen, America is the greatest country in the world.

It will always be the greatest country in the world.

I think our government has enough controls around it that not one person could really screw it up that much.

I have complete confidence in our system, and I think we'll always be great.

And we'll always have the best time.

We'll always have the best times ahead of us.

Do you like Mike Pence?

I think he's qualifying and he's good.

Yeah, I like him.

I think he's a very tethered type of guy.

I appreciate all the time you've given me.

All the best to you, sir.

I'll give you a card.

Take care.

And any message you want to give our listening audience in Jersey City?

Oh, in Jersey City, I hope you all have been safe.

There's a lot of problems that happened in New Jersey recently.

Yeah, we saw that, yeah.

And just stay safe, you know?

All the shout-outs to everybody in Jersey City.

Thanks for your time.

All the best to you.

Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence on C-SPAN.

And now that we've recognized evolution as a theory, I would simply and humbly ask, can we teach it as such?

And can we also consider teaching other theories of the origin of species?

Like the theory that was believed in by every signer of the Declaration of Independence.


Every signer of the Declaration of Independence believed that men and women were created and were endowed by that same creator with certain unalienable rights.

The Bible tells us that God created man in his own image.

Male and female, he created them.

And I believe that, Mr. Speaker.

I believe that God created the known universe, the earth and everything in it, including man.

And I also believe that someday scientists will come to see that only the theory of intelligence...

that only intelligent design provides even a remotely rational explanation for the known universe.

Let us demand that educators around America teach evolution not as fact, but as theory.

We'll go to the sound of pouring rain.

Here's Sebastian Bach.

When we whisper and I think of you.

And Skid Row.

But all the tears you cry, they call my name.

And when you're near to me, I keep through.

I paint a picture of the days gone by.

When love went blind and you would make me see.

I'd stare a lifetime into your eyes.

So then I knew that you were there for me.

Time after time you were there for me.

So then I knew that you were there for me.

Remember yesterday.

Won't you hand in hand.

The love that I've seen to say.

I remember you.

Through the sleepless nights.

Through every endless day.

I wanna be safe.

I remember you.

I wanna be safe.

Enjoying from above.

We spent the summer with the top rolled down.

Wish the rest to be like valence.

You said I love you babe without a doubt.

I said I'd give my life for just one gold crown.

Kiss, live for your smile, and die for your kiss

Remember yesterday, we walked hand in hand

The love that I've seen the same

I remember you

What's your first name?


Barbara, do you pay attention to politics?

Somewhat, yes.

You probably weren't expecting some guy to come up right here in the park and ask you about it.

Do you have a candidate that you're going to vote for this fall?

Yes, I do.

Can I ask who?

Sure, Hillary.

Have you been with Hillary since the beginning?

Are you happy with her? Are you settling for her?

I'm happy with her.

I wasn't a Bernie supporter, so I'm happy to be voting for Hillary.

Were you surprised at how well Bernie...

Bernie did?

No, a little bit, just because I think he wasn't offering very concrete explanations

for things that he was going to be providing, like free college education and things like that.

But it doesn't surprise me in that he inspired people with his views,

and a lot of the young people got very excited about him.

Trump's been coming back strong in the polls.

Some are saying there's a real chance he could win this thing.

What do you think about Donald Trump?

As a person who lived in New York during the 80s and 90s,

I find it very, very hard to take him past the tabloid fodder that he is.

It doesn't surprise me that he gained such popularity,

because I think people want something different.

I come from Ohio. I have Pete Relatisan.

Were you from Lima, Milan?

Not Lima. Near Cleveland.

Near Cleveland? Youngstown?

The Michael Stanley Band?

Yeah, no. I have Relatisan.

Boom, boom, man.

I have relatives in Ohio, too. Most definitely will be voting for Trump.

I love Ohio. I spent a lot of time in the Queen City, Cincinnati.

Oh, okay.

It's a great state and an important political state.

Who's going to win Ohio?

I don't know. I was hoping it was going to be no way Trump,

but I think it's going to be an extraordinarily tight.

Are you hopeful for the future of the country?

Yeah, I am, if he doesn't get in.

What's your message to our listeners in Jersey City, back in Ohio,

around the world on the internet?

On today's WFMU?

I think everybody should get out and vote.

Don't be lazy about it. Don't be complacent.

And really think hard about who you want to have speaking for this country over the next four years.

Really good stuff. Nice talking to you. I saved my last card for you.


Tomorrow night at 6 p.m. I hope you can tune in.

It's online on the radio and it's archived if you miss it.

Okay. Thanks so much.

Good luck.

From ABC.

Blockbuster breakup. Blockbuster breakup.

Angelina Jolie filing for divorce.

From Brad Pitt.

Anybody who's married or in a long-term relationship knows this,

is that you cannot just keep things in and you can't play it safe.

You think this story's going to have a happy ending?

Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet.

Angel, where will it lead us from here?

With no loving in our souls and no money in our courts.

You can't say we're satisfied.


You can't say we never tried.


You're beautiful, yeah.

But ain't it time we said goodbye?


I still love you.

Remember all those nights we cried.

All the dreams we held so close seemed to all go up in smoke.

Let me whisper in your ear.


Where will it lead us from here?

Thanks for listening to this episode of The Dusty Show.

We'll see you again next Thursday evening at 6 p.m. Eastern

for another edition of the program.

Take care.

And always remember...

... the things you've learned.

Thank you.


Bye-bye, everybody.


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