D23 Reactions: Goodbye Tom Sawyer, HELLO CARS

Laugh-O-Gram Studios

WDW Today

D23 Reactions: Goodbye Tom Sawyer, HELLO CARS

WDW Today

Bringing the world to your world, this is WDW Today.

It's Monday, August 12th, 2024, and this is episode 1768 of WDW Today.

I'm Logan Sekulow.

I'm Will Haynes.

I'm Terry Weaver.

I'm Dylan Postle.

And we have got a good show lined up for you today.

I do believe there's other people on camera, though, but we'll see if we switch to them.

I'm not sure if that's going to happen, because I'm not getting a switch feed.

Are you guys?

No, that's all good.

Are we switching?

There we go.

All right, I just want to make sure we're good to go.

I'm making sure for all the dozens of people that watch this, don't just listen to it,

that they get to see our beautiful faces.


We are covering, we're here on a Monday.

Obviously, all the big breaking news coming out of D23 Expo.

Dylan Postle, join us.

He has a trip this week.

I got a lot going on, so let's get into it quick.

Look, guys, two episodes in one month.

How about that?

Pretty good.

I feel pretty good about that.

But let's start off with some of the heavy hitters.

Let's start off with what we learned just today, which I feel like is pretty impressive,

which is pretty interesting, which obviously, some of the big announcements, let's kick

it off with what happened to Walt Disney World.

We know one of the big announcements.

One of the big announcements was that Cars is invading Frontierland, and of course, the

breaking news out of this, as of this morning, is that the Rivers of America, we will say

goodbye to, and you'll be saying goodbye to Tom Sawyer Island.

Did they officially?


They are filling that bad boy in.

Say goodbye.

It is all going to be land, as far as the eye can see, through Frontierland.

We'll talk about the attractions and what it is, but of course, there's a few of those

big changes.

So let's get our initial reactions on this.

I will be honest, Tom Sawyer Island, I infrequently visit.

I mean, at this point, almost never.

But Terry gets a lot of planning and work done on Tom Sawyer Island.

I feel like this, for Terry, is a sad day.

It's like they're shut down my office.

Right, exactly.

Now, what are you going to take a midday nap on a bench?

I will say I more so use Disneyland's Tom Sawyer Island hits different.

That's fair.

And so I've spent a whole lot more time there than I have.

And that's part of the problem.

In Orlando versus Anaheim is they do a lot more on the rivers of America.

Yeah, there's the canoe boats.

Not that they're talking about Magic Kingdom.

You're talking about the riverboat ride.

And that's it.

That's it.


And then the floats over to which I'll be honest, the last couple of times I've done

those, they've sort of like we did them at the VIP day after the thing last year, and

it was just.

It was kind of like the rafts that take you across the two Tom Sawyer Island.

Two Tom Sawyer Island.

What was wrong with them?

They're bottom out.

They're just they've lost that love and feeling there.

They're beat up there.

Yeah, you could tell that it's just not they weren't prioritizing this.

I don't think anyone's talked about Tom Sawyer Island in years.

I've never been on.

I've never been over to the island.

I have never been on the boat.

I've never been on the Liberty Bell.

Or is that's what?

That's what it is, right?

The Liberty Bell?

I think that's right.


The Liberty Boat.


I mean, I think it's been for me, it's been I don't think my children have ever been to

Tom Sawyer Island.

I'll be honest.

Like, I just don't think we've ever prioritized it as something in our trip.

So to me, that one makes sense.

Now, the construction, we're going to Magic Kingdom is going to go full blown Epcot.

You're going to talk about we're going to have walls for days.

It's going to be hardcore like walls for the next five big ones.

Yeah, that's really what they announced.

The Detroit Three Expo is.

All of this is going to take five years time really to get done.

Yeah, which is I still can't wrap my head around.

You can build Disneyland in 18 months or less.

Universal builds Epic in a couple of years, a couple of years.

Yeah, but a full park.

Yeah, a full amusement park.

And, you know, I have some friends that are actually working in there right now.

And they're like, it's going to live up to the hype.

Yeah, I'm sure it's going to be great.

You know, they're bringing.

And they're basically hiring right out of Disney's, you know, subcontractor pool and former Imagineers.

A lot of those are the same people who work on both.

Yeah, it's not as territorial as people think.

A lot of people work at Disney and Universal simultaneously.

One, to pay their bills.

And two, because a lot of them aren't full time gigs, especially in the creative world.

Sometimes you're brought on for a one project or however it may be.

Now, the big change to this, obviously, is there'll be no Rivers of America.

What does that mean?

I mean, to me, it's like, OK, the pain is more the not fun part.

I mean, talk about climate change.

They're going to get rid of rivers.

Well, they said it's because people kept jumping in and swimming.


That's not a real thing.

What I was told is that a lot of the thought was they've had a lot of issues with, one, wildlife in the Rivers of America, which makes sense.


And two is people keep using these things as their bathing devices.

And the rivers.

We've been having problems with that.

So they said, let's just get rid of that.

Make it cars.

And we know that cars is coming in with two attractions.

One for the little guys.

I got, I got.

Hey, hey, hey, Terry.

Listen here.

Listen here, Terry Sekulow.

I didn't mean the little guys.

I meant the little.


The small.

All accessible.

The young humans.

That's what you mean.

You're not making it any better.

For all.

Don't worry, we'll get to the Snow White movie in a minute.

For all.

Oh, wait till we get there.


We got to bookmark that for later.

We get to Monsters.

We get to Snow White.

I am going to be fired up.

All right.

We'll get there.

It's going to be a great episode.

I'm ready.

We'll get there.

Because I know, I knew that I thought about the Monsters one.

This is where we're going to, we're going to lose a lot of us.

But let's, let's start with there.


Two new attractions.

Cars related.

One for all ages.

Let's just say it that way.

But they said specifically marketed to younger children because they realize, I don't know,

that Cars is pretty popular with the little kids.

And if you go to something like Cars Land, the big iconic attraction, most little children

could not ride or it was too intense for.

Is there a big height?

Is there a big height for the Radiator Springs races?

It's not nothing.

Let me see what it is.

But it's really just a pretty intense ride.

So I think a lot of little kids don't really want to do it.

It's the same as Test Track.

It's 40 inches.

40 inches.


So what's it average?

I don't know what that is.

Like average age.

Taller than me.


Taller than you?




One of the things.

I got it, Logan.

You're in so much trouble.

I can't even talk.

Why did we put ourselves in this corner?

Yeah, you did.

I don't know if my kids hit 40 inches.

I'm not sure how long ago.

One of the things that's creating kind of this problem they have is there is a ton of

land behind the Magic Kingdom that goes all the way out to what's called Floridian Way,

which is kind of the circle that goes beyond the parks.

And there's really only two ways they can get to it.

One is they can go out through that if you've ever been back in Frontierland where the parade

comes and goes from.


But that's the only way that the parade can actually make a circle is if it comes through


There's a road that runs through your backstage called Caribbean Way, which runs literally,

which is basically how the parade gets back to the beginning again.


So if they don't put it there, they have to go through Tom Sawyer Island because it's

basically the only way they can expand the park.


Well, the other announcement, obviously the big one, which I have a lot of opinions on

because cars, I think, okay, makes sense.

It fits Frontierland.

I got it.

No, I see.

I don't like that, Terry.

I don't like that when it was announced as Frontierland, I was like, I don't know if

I can't agree with it.

I get it.

It's in the canyons and all that crap, but crud.


Crap is okay.

I think we're okay.

Is it okay?

We're good on crap?


Crap is good.

But I just didn't, I thought it was too new and too like, I don't know, I guess with


Well, Frontierland's like the old west.


With Tiana's now, it's still like, that's kind of, I don't know, it just didn't fit

for me.

It was a very odd placement for me, but I get they had to add it somewhere and that

would be the where in that park.


I mean, you put in a Tiana attraction and you've removed the riverboat, a little odd.

But hey, that is what it is.

Two attractions though, one for all the whole family and one that's maybe a little more

intense, maybe looks a little closer to a small Radiator Springs racers, kind of looked

like almost more, maybe even a trackless kind of thing.

I didn't know how to take-


I didn't know how to take those pictures at all.



And they're almost not even cars.

They're almost like-


Mini monster truck looking things.


That's what I thought too.

It is weird concept art because they're pretty images, but you really have no idea what you're

looking at, which makes me think that maybe Imagineering hasn't decided what they're doing

yet, but they're like, it's coming, don't you worry.


I thought it was going to be very odd.

I always say Autotopia.

Is that what it is?


No, it's Autopia, right?


But it's, yeah.

I always, I like thought I was like, oh man, it's going to be another version of that.

Isn't it?

Which is what it is, but I don't know if we need another one of those.


These almost look more like doom buggy.

They've said, okay.

They've said they're called automatic guided all terrain vehicles.

Steep inclines and declines, banking, rapid acceleration, near miss elements.

So the thought process is that these hold roughly six passengers and will be trackless.

So that will be a, they said it will not be like the test track slot car.



This will be more like a trackless system through this.

I don't even say whether it's an interior ride, exterior ride.


As the general rule, the thing that they have doubled down on, if you look at all of these

announcements that we've talked through very heavy on boats.


A lot of boats.

And very heavy.

This is globally.


And then a lot of like trackless ride systems.


There's a few exceptions though.

One of the two of the two Avengers campus ones and monsters, monsters, door coaster.

We'll get there.

All right.

So let's, we don't know enough about cars to really comment more.

The big one out of the magic kingdom.

I think we all have to address, I mean, I like hitting these upfront because you know what,

if you just want to stick around for upfront, that's fine.

You can leave.

You can come back later.

If you don't, if you want to hear like our deep dive on some of the non magic kingdom,

not Disney world related attractions.

The big one that was sort of a, I don't know.


It was sort of the big ending to D 23 and I think you know where we're going here and

I, I, I'm a conflicted soul here.

I'll be honest, but that is that poor, poor conflicted soul.

Is it headed to what we now know is what is, I believe, according to the concept arts that

came out today, the beer and last night beyond the magic beyond a big thunder will be villains

land, which is, which is a all Disney villain show.

Showcase of evil right there in the magic kingdom.

I am.

I'm glad Dylan is excited.

I am somewhere in between.

I think that there is room for this.

I think that people have been wanting this.

I am curious the tone.

Are we coming at this as a, you know, funny kind of villain type view and are we coming

at it more serious?

Obviously this is a direct response to universal monsters land being built at epic universe.


And I have conflict on that as well.

And I'll tell you why.

And then we can go around the horn.

My conflict is to, it's the magic kingdom.

I don't know if we need an area that's like scary, exclusively scary.

Like it's really for small children.

The other part of me is that does it, and I feel this way about universal monsters land,

does it then devalue when you do this for like a Halloween, right?

Does this devalue not so scary or any of the Halloween stuff?

When you have a.

Every day, spooky section of the park.

Well, I think they devalued not so scary themselves on their own, but, uh, it's already happening

right now, but day two or three at this point, I look at this and I see, um, also a reaction

to like the popularity of stuff like despicable me where the bad guy, I mean, it probably

started with wicked, right?

Like if you want to talk in popular culture of the, the archetypal villain being shown

as the hero in some light, I almost wonder if it's a reaction to that.

I would go back to the NWO, but yeah, sure.


That's fine.

Um, but are you saying village land is a heel turn?

Everything starts with wrestling.

Uh, that's where the basis of culture starts and then everyone catches on a decade or so


Dylan knows about this more than anyone.

Well, that's why we'll talk about snow white in a little bit, but, um, the, but to me it

just feels so reactionary, which is, I feel like what Disney has gotten in the habit of

so much lately is like, Hey.


It's cool to have villainy things.

So now let's do a villain's land and because minions are bad guys, yeah, it's so, but they're

one of the hottest thing on the planet.

So that's what I take it as personally.

I immediately, I, so I'm, I'm huge on everything villains.

Everything villains is like my, probably my for merchandise and that is what I love when

it comes to Disney stuff.

I'd never sought as that big universe stuff.

Now that you guys are bringing it up.

I can see it a bit, but man, every, I mean, they put out so much villains merchandise where

I think maybe it is for the, you know, the teenage, uh, the teenagers and the adults

maybe so they have their section of the park, I guess.

That's kind of what I thought.

Um, I, I agree with what will said is, is they've devalued these, these parties being

so special because they keep extending it so far and so far.

So adding days and weekends and that.

But I'm pumped.

I just, I don't know.

I do agree with now you are getting these meet and greets all year compared to just

on these special events, but they're always going to have characters you can do for these

meet and greets on the special events.

I think it's going to be great.

And if I'm pumped, if it lowers the weight for Jack and Sally, when that's a two hour

plus weight, I don't even know.

I think it's going to heighten that because you'll get the villains all year.


Now you won't need to get those.

You'll definitely be able to have to get Jack and Sally.

But I saw that open.

You know, I saw, you know, not so scary open immediately before the gates open 120 minutes

to meet a character.

And there's still part of me that just goes, what are y'all doing for a, for a ticket that

goes well north of 150 bucks at times.


You're doing it.

You're, you're spending half your time waiting in line for a meet and greet.

I saw Sebastian Ben Scalco a few weeks ago and he talked about, he's like, people saw

we were waiting four hours for the Grinch.

I'm like, I'm not waiting four hours to meet this felon in a green suit.

You know, it was great because I did feel that way.

Like it does feel that way.

Let's continue on.

So you've got villains land.

I mean, my only other question would be, yeah, but I'm saying my last thing is not only does

it devalue that, does it also devalue the Haunted Mansion as being the spooky thing

in the park, you know, to be that thing that's just a little different and a little odd,

but I think it is.

It's, but now, and now you're going to have cars land.


And surrounding it.

So who knows?

My, my concern is this new trend of calling something a land.


With two attractions.


All of these lands have two attractions.

I thought that same thing.

And we did it.

We, we, and at most you get three, right?

And it's like, ooh, but there'll be shopping and dining and it'll be a whole new way.

Like Star Wars.

So basically what we're going to get is scary avatar.

We're going to get a spot that's got, cause it looks like it has a lot of glowing and

a lot of there's somebody's I'm assuming that's, is that Maleficent's castle that's in the

concept art?

I mean, I don't know.


How are you going to, how are you going to make all of these villains?

Let's say you have the main five.

How are you going to work them all into this quote unquote land, but yet have, have them

in their own section.

That's kind of what I'm, what I'm worried about.

You know what I mean?

How are you going to?


I mean, today it's pretty widely reported that this is the beyond big thunder.

This is the, the back of big thunder, uh, is what pretty much everyone, which is the

real reason.

Cause I actually went on apple maps last night and looked at all of the buildings and identified

the building so we could talk about it on the show today.

And the only way you can get beyond big thunder is to kill Tom Sawyer Island.


And so, because you've got to get, and there's a good bit of space now, remember we've got

train track back there to deal with and they don't want to have to close it again.

I'm sure like they did for Tron.


But I think, but I think when it comes to a land, they won't care.

I don't think they care.

Terry, do you have a, Terry, do you have an overhead you were talking about earlier in

the show?

Do you have an overhead?

You can send it after the show.

That's fine.

But of that area you were talking about, um, you know, from, from how far they can expand.

I've never seen that.


I've got it.

I just, that, uh, that, how, how much, I'm still wondering how much land is there compared

to, you know, a tomorrow land and that kind of thing where could they, is this going to

be a land expansion or is it going to be a, uh, you know what I mean?

I just, I don't, I don't, I can't, I can't, they said the largest expansion in the history

of the park.

The last time they said that was new fantasy land and that is pretty significant fantasy



I mean, it still throws me off sometimes on the back of my mind.

Where am I going here?

Where, where I get excited potentially about this going, if I was an Imagineering where

I would be arguing for this to go, because the story would actually line up if they were

to put this beyond the castle walls.

So if you would venture beyond beast castle somehow and probably rip out, say potentially

rip out Gaston's and move it.


And go into a village land that way.


It would feel from a story perspective, you're leaving fantasy and entering, because that's

how all of the Disney stories are.

It's all like a quote that was like a world of adventure, fantasy, evil.

I think that this era of Disney, and I think we'll get to that when we get to Galaxy's


I think they realize that most people, most visitors, I'm going to go with 95, 99% of


They don't care about your timelines or your cannon or where it fits or what it is.

They don't care.

They want rides.

They want attractions.

They want villains.

How are all the villains going to interact?

They're just going to.

I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with that.

I think Star Wars got too, too much of that.

And I think they realized that that is not what your vacation experience needs to be.

I mean, there was no reference to what the Gladiator Star Cruiser may become, because

I think truthfully it ain't going to be anything.


I think it'll be.

Mothballed for decades.

And because I think they realize that the mass majority of the audience, as much as

it was my favorite thing they've ever done, don't really care about this level of story.

There is a level of story you want to get into, but for the most part, they're moving

thing to thing to thing.

They're moving to attraction to attraction to attraction.

So it's this, though I love the themings of the lands, I don't think there's this thread

that has to be made anymore.

Or they think there shouldn't be a threat.

Not that there should be.

So, okay.

Because we got a lot to cover and we can't go too, too long.

So let's, let's.

So the other thing that we know is coming to the Magic Kingdom is the Starlight Night

Time Parade, the parade in 2025.

So this is probably the first thing we will get will be a new nighttime parade.

Next summer.

Called Disney Starlight.

Also known as you will never be able to get out of the Magic Kingdom after dark.


First thing I thought too, that the exit's already bad.

That's going to be bad.

It's going to be.

Like we should just all go line up right now and start waiting.

I don't know.

I really.

Before the fireworks, after the fireworks.

When's it going to be?


Cause it's like.

I bet in summer.

I bet twice.

I bet it has.

Cause like we got to the old electrical light nighttime parade.

Electrical light parade.

It was twice.

It was twice often.

Uh, once pre fireworks.

It depends on the season.

Obviously if it's dark enough.

Uh, I will say I miss that parade.

I miss a nighttime light up.


Big old parade.

I also don't mind the idea of something at night.

To where I've already seen it.

I can just get out of there before all of the people who are staying for it.

So much like I don't stay for fireworks that often anymore.

We get out of there before then.

This may be another opportunity to keep people at the park while the regulars sneak out.

I think that's part of the strategy.

You ain't going to be able to sneak out though.

You can't sneak out.

You can't.

They, they, they make sure there are paths.

There's that back.

They'll open up the back.

There will be ways to leave.

Oh, I did miss one other thing.

They kind of slid in there.

I think it was a musical number, which by the way.


Which by the way, the fact, I know the fact that we had to all get like bootleg streams

for this.

It was insane.

It was, it was just absolutely the most ridiculous thing ever.

I mean.

For what?

A three, it was over three hour.

I mean.

Presentation probably.

Anybody that would even care to watch it is probably a, a Disney plus person and probably

has a D23 membership.

So just let us watch the dang thing.

It was sold out.


There was also nothing in it that like some of the, the Marvel, the movies.

These panels, some of those trailers didn't get officially released.

Some of that, nothing that came out of this didn't get it released.



It should be like the one world developers conference.

It should have been the Steve jobs moment for Disney that everyone can watch and get

everyone excited.

They did that during.


They did that during the COVID years and they did it last year.

And this year I think they decided it's a hot ticket.

Let's make it special for the people there.

I also think you probably would have been, um, is w the presentations I'm sure were awesome

in person.

They were pretty extensive in the sense of, uh, they, they took, I mean, there was probably

15 musical performances by acts of, of all types.

And I, I'm sure if you were there live in person, those really did play better now,

30 minutes of it or less than that, maybe 25 minutes was streamed inside a fortnight.

Uh, so that was the only place you could actually see the stream.

And I did think that was interesting because they clearly had full ability to stream it.

Multi-cam flying drone cameras.


Multi-cam cameras.

It looked great.

Uh, and that why they didn't give it to you the whole time.

I'm not sure.

We're not gonna spend too much time with the fortnight announcement by the way, because

they really kind of was not an, they got a million people on fortnight to watch live

and kind of gave us fortnight fans, uh, very little.


They just said, we're developing stuff.

Here's some skins.


Uh, and it starts next week.


I didn't mind it, but it felt like you brought all that you, you brought a million people

at 11 o'clock at night on the east coast for nothing.


So the other thing in the magic kingdom is the pirates of the Caribbean tavern, which

will also open in 2025.


That's already.

So this is the, yeah, I'm confused by this.

All right.

It's a pirate's tavern.

It's it's, it's promoted as a tavern.

Does that mean, are we getting alcohol in magic kingdom fight, you know, or is it still

going to be a, so the rule of thumb right now, you know what I mean?

If it's table service, it's okay.

It's okay.

Right now.

That's kind of our walk up.


There's no bars.


So this could change that.

We'll know soon because this is where a Tortuga tavern was or tattoo, whatever it's called.

Um, you can already see it's been in construction for months.

So magic kingdom, pretty big announcements, two new lands, handful of new attractions,

a new nighttime spectacular parade.

I, I'm pretty, pretty pumped to see this though.

The timeline, it is aggressive.

So I think we can go through the Epcot ones really fast.


Cause there were, yeah.

Uh, Epcot's going to get us a spaceship earth lounge, which looks like it's going to have

some sort of a view of the, uh, nighttime spectacular.


When they say a lounge, is that for everyone or is that a, no, I think it's just a lounge.

It's just a lounge.

You can go.

I bet.

It's going to be a, I bet it's going to be a dessert party kind of thing.

Uh, like a park, a place for perks.



Or you can get viewing.

I think it'll be open for everybody.

But I think there'll be some things that are, that are up, up, up.



Uh, test track will open in 2025.


Um, that seems so long.

That seems so long to me.


Well, you know, it's crazy about these things.

It's like a year.

I mean, a year down.

Disney's so afraid to give it.

It's so long.

Just give me a date.

Cause they don't have a date.

March 9th.

They don't ever have a date.


Because it's three years after.

2025 gives them enough breathing room to get this thing done in December of next year.


So the animal kingdom, which I believe was one of the early places we get is getting,

um, a lot, a lot, nothing that we, nothing really too unexpected, right?

These were all things that these are lasty 23.

I mean, majority of our announcements that we've gotten, we knew, we knew, and that was

kind of the Lord sort of like the surprises.

Well, even though we knew the cars that was like talked, but no one was sure what we were


We didn't have any plans.

We didn't have plans.

We didn't have any, we didn't have any plans.

We didn't have any plans.

We didn't have, we didn't have any plans.

We didn't have any plans.

We thought we had a plan.

We thought we talked about villains has been talked about, but no plans.

I felt like those were real surprises.


So the tropical America's area is basically taking over Dino land.


Um, pretty soon we think, right?

The transformation process will occur in phases between now and 2027, um, 2027.

Oh man.

It's awful.


um 2027 oh man it's awful which is which is i mean legitimately more time than disney

than universal has built epic built apart well yeah and we're talking about one new attraction

and reese that's what i don't say so i get the incanto one somewhat but i also do feel like

again that's of the moment is that gonna last we're gonna find out because i feel like that

had a real big pop and i don't think my kids talk much about incanto and they don't talk about

bruno they don't talk it just doesn't come up that much in conversations anymore uh you know

i feel that way about the monsters we'll get there too uh and then the second one is a re-theme of

dinosaur and the images look to be you're in the same ride vehicle like like indiana jones what i

thought too yes what why is this taking so long why is it taking so long i i doubt they changed

the track

i bet you they'll leave the track the same you oil it because good lord does it hurt to ride it

right now i mean it is it is so new painful there's a new lightning lane for a chiropractor

after you get off the i it hurts it hurts bad like i i we did it for the first time in a couple

years last summer and i left hurting so my son was a little bummed about this he likes dino land

sad that's going but i think overall again it

a necessary change dinosaur has seen better days uh dino land in general has seen better days

i like the idea of a couple new attractions so my concern is what the exciting thing about the

magic kingdom attractions new people eaters they're new things that people are gonna be

waiting in line for and going to experience these we're currently what we're replacing

uh because you're actually getting kind of a third attraction that's kind of a little bit of one yes

dinosaurs indiana jones a brand new indiana jones and then we're taking out the triceratops

spin i think that's what it's called i would assume that dumbo yeah dumbo with triceratops

dumbo dinosaur that's going to be the new carousel carousel oh that's right of animals

they're getting a carousel and and the animals are cool in five years i'll be honest when they

were like the first thing we're getting here a brand new carousel i was like okay what is this

1923 yeah like this is

uh you know yeah same we got your carousel handcrafted animals like you've never seen

before hand carved that's what they talked about pretty much they're like you've never

seen animals like this before they go up and down and up and down the one the one they showed was

basically oh i don't see a gorilla it was a bird it was a jumping gorilla yeah peacock kevin from

uh up oh so it's basically kevin from up yeah yeah can't even go up and down that one just

stationary hope there's good egg chair in there they made they made him the

shape of a horse you could see it it's go look in the area of the horse yeah and then just and

then buried in another musical number uh-huh um replacing one of my favorite theme park musical

numbers oh the pollinators uh zootopia better together is going to replace tough to be tough

to be a bug um which you know again i think that it makes sense to update tough to be a bug we went

last time my kids have never gone before they actually really liked it but they've never seen

a bug's life i don't think they have seen zootopia by the way only once and they are not

big fans of it again i feel like it's similar to maybe because they're about to release a zootopia

too there will be a a new engaged crowd for zootopia but as of right now who cares like i

just feel like it's another i mean yes it's talking animals it makes sense to be there i don't have

any issue with it it just feels like a property that's a decade old now we're close to it yeah

disney's doubled down on we're gonna sequel the heck out of everything yeah

moana 14 is coming yeah you know we're up to toy story 5 which after the perfect period of the

sentence they put on that story arc at toy story 3 i i'm fine with the five because you gotta

because five you gotta redeem it four sucked four was so bad yeah it was so bad you gotta

redeem it i'm fine with redeeming that franchise because i just i i left four throwing things

so i'm fine i'm fine with that uh but there is a new movie yeah there is a new movie announced

it is not a sequel yeah that my son if it um you know comes out before he graduates high school

he's five um is with the rock and it's a monster jam movie yeah which at least they're doing

something a little different they're using someone else's ip feld entertainment getting a huge boost

obviously there's a big relationship between disney and feld because of the disney on ice

how do they not own feld at this i know they probably should but but i do love and i know

dylan has other things to think about this but monster jam is having a renaissance i mean it is

huge so much so that that off-brand monster jams are coming to the arenas wheels has their own

off-brand which we did not go to no uh but i read the reviews

the reviews were literally said my three-year-old who's obsessed with monster trucks asked if we

could leave oh no um but

you love monster jam i've been to multiple events recently we watch it on youtube we have the the

die cast we went to a a collector store in murphy's borough tennessee to try to get some

more die cast it's it's a thing it's big it's a great moment i feel like for disney i think it

could be a really cool movie dylan thinks this is absurd but i'm i'm excited about it and hopefully

like i said it's that they really so little about it i feel like this is just an

idea at this point it's just we got the rocket there's not even a script yeah but but hopefully

it comes out within the next couple years and then we'll be able to see it so i i liked that

sure i like that move from for my own personal sake i'll probably see it 25 times in the theater

if like i said alone if my son's still in the monster trucks when that comes out but it's the

afternoon but i i also love the guy who's uh professional wrestlers like monster trucks nope

yeah with the rock oh no no no no no no

that's not why yeah that's not why it's oh here's what's gonna happen here's what's gonna happen we

get it he's gonna drive gravedigger and then it's gonna break down and then the love of his life

is gonna she can swoop in and drive the the bull one el toro loco or whatever his name is and she's

gonna win and their child is just they're gonna hold a child up like mufasa or like the simba

and the lion king and it's just gonna be a great ending it's dumb that sounds like a heck of a

story i would watch that i don't like it

it's stupid first of all i don't think there is currently a female driver of el toro loco

you gotta go look at lucas stabilizer as a female driver there is a female driver for

gravedigger she's one of the anderson daughters yeah uh and then there is a

female driver of the lucas stabilizer she's incredible love her she's french canadian has

a great accent sparkle smash obviously driven by a girl oh man is there like a reddit for this

they're like a whole oh there has to be i haven't i haven't gone down that but i'm sure there is a

internet monster jam community the imc the imjc that is just tearing it up on there and there's

just a lot of conspiracies there's a lot of backstage drama what if they used to call the

paper who is the dave melzer of the monster we need to get in that business now all right i just

got the monster jam subreddit i'm gonna look it up oh there it is yeah oh what are they were they

called the sheets and wrestling the dirt sheets yeah yeah the dirt sheets yeah the dirt sheets

yeah they didn't like me it's still happening oh man i can imagine logan this is mostly people

customizing their die cast oh yeah yeah well custom mods like dylan and i are in some wrestling

figure groups that that's a good portion of it so i get that it's the same all fan bases it is not

100 it is not oh come on i'm just being like the things are very similar like you said the whiskey

community the disney community yeah the kiss community the they're all like they're doing

the same variations of


obsessive you know there's the similar things where you just i feel like the monster jam

community because unlike professional wrestling monster jam doesn't quite admit whether it's

real or scripted or not right it's like the globetrotters it's exactly like the globetrotters

come on we get it we get it el poyo loco or whatever the horned one he's gonna break down

and then can he come back and he does and he wins every time same as the washington generals

somehow lose every time that's where you hold on gravedigger almost always wins

yeah that's true and didn't you wrestle el toro loco i remember that it was a big moment of your

career we don't need to do this it's the disney podcast and we don't need to do this and which

one won did the bull come back and win yeah we don't need to do this podcast i really enjoy my

time okay i get happy when i do this okay so let's segue speaking of monsters


all right let's rip the band-aid off so i

and i have at least a little bit of time for that just to roll over from here to the next spot on our

texted all of you in the thread the locations of this so we can talk about that too of where

the options are for them these truly are options because the concept art so many options the

concept art would lead you to believe it could be in four different places yeah there's there's

which leads you to believe the first thing i will say about this don't say it the ride vehicle looks

amazing all right let's stop we gotta resettle people who don't know who maybe aren't as nerdy

as we are they announced monstropolis coming to disney's hollywood studios a monster's land

monsters inc you remember that movie from again two decades ago but whatever i think that i think

it holds up i think it holds up big time still it holds up it's a great movie i just don't watch it

a lot in our house okay i just it just i feel we need something and such if this is old at this

point this doesn't feel new if they had done this 20 years ago yeah innovative great how long has

that california adventure ride been open 15 years yeah here's here's the one

thing that's been open 15 years yeah here's the one thing that's been open 15 years yeah here's

the one thing i demand imagineering if you're listening i need this snail from monsters

university as a slow-moving animatronic all the time there's just always if you're not getting

droids it's galaxy's edge you're not getting the snail okay because i there are more droids

running around d23 we've got the droids running around d23 you know and you know i assume they're

gonna eventually gonna be like in eiger's office so old cardigans yeah

all right go go monstropolis they're supposed to be um a suspended coaster and another truck

yeah the suspended coaster looks like you're on uh what's the ride pterodon flyer pterodon flyer

yeah yeah and i'm feeling that's what i was excited about yeah if it if it but but again

the issue is with that is the load capacity yeah so like and this is going to be popular for kids

teenagers and adults yeah so how are you going to battle that yeah and they are

saying coaster but i do feel like it will be a lot more toned down than you're expecting yeah

yeah i think this will be a fairly slow moving once again though that was that is a good concept

i wish they'd done it 15 years ago you're in the wall you're one of the doors the doors yeah

you're one of the doors which is such a cool moment that movie of things moving around real

fast i mean it's the best part in the california venture ride yeah is the is the room of doors if

you look at the you know concept art is concept art there is no over the shoulder

restraint and the concept art i was zoomed in on it right now i thought oh i'm thinking of this

stark thing yeah no i guess there is there is so it's just so you're in baskets you're just

you're gonna have you're gonna have a seat belt or something yeah just laying here we'll see how

it goes don't worry about people jumping in the rivers they're not gonna trust you on that this

ain't no gallenberg this ain't no gallenberg um so let's talk about where they can put this all

i've been saying for years where they should put it is in the animation area when you say that you

mean where star wars launch bay is right now where star wars well there's nothing there there's not

launch that launch bay is open you can go it's opening it's like very small parts the meet and

greet is open meet and greets are open it's open but it's you're saying that area that area where

disney junior not even disney junior if you go behind that area okay um you've got so much space

okay there's a giant cast member parking garage that they can kill there's a rest there's a cast

cafeteria about there yeah they don't need to park i gave you yeah but they can move them

somewhere else they can bus them in so there is a ton of backstage area they could all go and if

you look at if you're if you're going down what is that what's the boulevard that goes to the

tower of terror sunset boulevard sunset boulevard all of that space behind it is is is backstage

area yeah

that's where the that's where the animators used to park when they worked there yeah there's room

back there there's a ton of space back there for a rather big land that it would make sense

in that area and you basically just have to tear out the old animation building

which i thought was gone already yeah and then all of that there's like one or two sound stages

air like they were those buildings that are back there they're back there and one looks like it

could be the shape of this monster's building and it's already in existence oh yeah so there is a

building back there that could be it yeah my hope is that's what it is that we are going to get an

expanded footprint of the park not what i'm afraid of which is what i think this would make the most

sense and add capacity yeah what what i fear is going to happen in the most the next logical

move would be to put it where we know no no um to take because the the most prominent rumor that

have seen on on the interwebs this morning has been indiana jones okay yes get rid of it jones

to star tours no no um what's the the the the quick service next to star tours the back lot

express that's a and then there's a ton of back buildings there's a lot of wasted space there

i like indiana jones stone spectacular i would hate to see it go but i get it yeah especially

somewhere else you're getting another indiana jones ride and look is as heartbreaking to me

as star tours going when you do have galaxy's edge though i actually think star tours is you

know it's up there it's still up through i don't i don't this what i i get why it could go i'll

post these images in the wdw today listener group if you're not in that group on facebook

you should be i'll post the three all of these images um but you don't i don't think you have

to go all the way to star tours

i don't think there's a benefit to doing that yeah um and then that's sort of the problem on

the other side where you start to get to some of these buildings that are interconnected

so like the building where on the other side of like the building where uh the the june disney

junior is in you can't take that building because if you take the disney junior building you're

taking club 33 and you're taking the hollywood brown derby which is pretty iconic i don't think

you care well it's it's full i think club 33 is probably their bigger care yeah you could

rebuild a club three though that's more intentional anywhere yeah although by far that's the coolest

one in my opinion yeah well i've never been to any of them thanks for the invite but you know

other than california i've never been to that one get rid of why can't they put it why can't

they put is there no area be like by that uh the cars the stupid cars show thing that i've the well

that's another area where you could put it i feel like there's a lot of land there yeah there's a

quite a bit back there it's similar to where the other one and i think if you do that you're

probably talking about the end of rock and roller coaster yeah which oh yeah which again 25 years

you know and sometimes there's a good run on something and it needs to aerosmith retires

maybe so does the ride uh all right but let's let's let's get to the silly because it would

be much smarter to just retheme that and not have to spend a ton of money all right but third option

third option let's let dylan i think dylan

i'm telling you now i'm telling you if you put it and you get rid of muppet vision 3d

all three of you i'm coming to nashville and this is on you i'm kicking all of you in the pants

you all did this by not going to it every trip you did this you are the cause of my well i

appreciate you we've i appreciate you but i'm telling you other two you other two deserve a

kick in the pants for not vision well

well then it's just on willy

i'm kicking you in the pants they get rid of muppet vision 3d because i can see it happening

it would is space wise it would make sense get rid of that pixar place i get it but god dang if

they get rid of muppet vision 3d i am gonna be so bad so so mad i i it's i get it it is a

Very past its prime thing.

But great AC for that hot day.


You can get a ton of people in there at a time.

Best free show in the parks.

And it's all that stuff where not even just being a Muppet fan,

I think it's great.

I think it would be very, very forced in that area,

adding such a huge attraction in that area of the park.

I feel can get very, very congested as well.

Any other arguments I would have for this,

I can't think of right now.

The rumor, the reason we got here,

is the concept art that they released,

at least one of the versions of it,

where you see Mike and Sully walking around,

the background does highly suggest

that we are talking about that area of the park.

That we are talking about what was left of Streets of America

and Muppet Vision and all of that.

That feels like, and even from Star Tours,

but it feels like the Muppet Courtyard

does lend itself visually to what they're trying to do.

A cityscape environment, something like that.

I agree with Dylan.

I'd hate to see it go.

Actually, I'd be very disappointed to see

that's where they decide to put this.

But the imagery does match up.

So we can't pretend that it's not an option.

And you have stuff like the Muppet Store

being closed for however long it's been.

So long.

And I don't get it.

They can put whatever they want in there.

And it's another store.

I just don't get why.

You know when it's open is for special events.

Like Star Wars Day, that's the Star Wars Day thing.

And it's so like...

But Dylan, we do have a Muppet Store in the Nashville airport.

If you ever need to come visit,

you can go and get some signed prints.

You know what?

Moving on.

You know what?

Get your signed ukulele.

Look, it's true.

There's a lot of Muppet merch there.

Having a good day today, guys.

The Muppets though, look,

I think that what we can take out of D23,

is that they have no idea

still what to do with the Muppets.

And the Muppets, they're just...

It's awful.

When they even have success with the Muppets,

which I would say creative success,

something like Electric Mayhem,

Muppet Mayhem,

it still just seems like they just go,

we don't know what to do with this.

We're going to put Frank Oz in the Hall of Fame

to shut him up.

And then we're going to move forward.

That's what it is.

I thought the same thing.

I thought the exact same thing.

I was like,

this is literally just to shut him up

and like,

to like,

oh, here's the one Muppet.

And then they did that thing about

the three items going in the archive.

Like we're supposed to care.

I don't care about that.

I'm a Muppet fanatic

and I don't care about items going in the archive.

You know why?

Because that means we're not going to see them ever again.

It's just so like,

it's so...

It's the worst dropping,

ball dropping of an IP

I think Disney's ever done.

I really, really think that.

Yeah, Star Wars is getting pretty close,

but we'll put...

They keep putting stuff out there though.

They keep putting it out.

At least Star Wars.

They're like, we're trying.

They keep merchandising.

We're trying.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

They keep it relevant.

Yeah, Muppets just feels like a sad version.

Like they don't know what to do

or who to trust.

Or it's like someone has it out for the Muppets at Disney.

Like seriously, like,

yay, I can do this.

Remember all that money Jim Henson made

and all the good Jim Henson did?

Ah, we're going to get him.

Although I will say,

I thoroughly have enjoyed

the Jim Henson documentary on Disney+.

Yeah, good.

I thought it was very...

They're premiering it on television.

I thought it was very well done

and very heartfelt.


It was pretty good.

I liked it.


It definitely left me wanting more.

There is a rumor

that they have...

They are working some Muppet fan.

I just assume it's Dylan.

They're working on some sort of like

basically making the Muppet theater

like historic

because it has...

It was Jim Henson's last project.

I've seen like several...

They're selling...

They're selling the official

Jim Henson company studio

which is like...

That's the newest rumor

and that's going to...

Didn't they do a movie about this?

You're saying that Muppet Vision 3D

because it's the last Jim Henson thing,

someone is trying to make it

a historical monument?

Like a landmark, yeah.

Okay, well that will fail miserably.

What are we talking about here, guys?

I'm not saying...

It's a theme park.

Get rid of the whole attraction.

Get rid of everything in it.

But we're going to give you

a little gold plaque.

This is Jim Henson's last thing.

Shove it.

Nope, not doing this.

So, speaking of shoving it...


Let's talk about...

What kind of show are we doing here, guys?

Let's talk about the things

that have been shoehorned...

Billy Guns is showing up.

...into California Adventure.

Let's go through the Disneyland.

That was it for Walt Disney World?

Are we done?


I think we're done.

We can breathe.

Because I think a lot of these...

You should do it in song form

like Darren Criss.

Like do it real fast

and we'll react.

Because I think a lot of these things...

Represent, except for the first one

that I'll cover.


They're going to come to Disney World

in some way, shape, or form.

Avatar is coming to California Adventure.

Yeah, it's the way of Waterland.

The way of Waterland.

Which, you know the Avatar section

of California.

And where is that?

Because it's going to be

in California Adventure?

We don't know.

But it's in California Adventure.

In California Adventure.

Yes, okay.

It doesn't feel like there's enough land

for that either.

That feels like they're tight.

Well, remember they just had

this whole Disneyland forever piece.

Or Disneyland forward.

And so they've got

a whole bunch of land

and if you go to the website

you can find...

I mean they basically

have this space to build

to expand giant areas

and that's where I'm assuming it will go.

Okay, alright.

So these are going to take

some time I assume.



Yeah, Coco Boat Ride.

Coco Boat Ride

which very much looks like a...

It looks like the Mexico Pavilion ride.

Yes, which...

So eventually...

I think you're going to...

That will happen.

You're going to get the same...


You know,

it's a small Coco after all

ride in the Donald ride.

Avengers Campus

continues to get some cool stuff.


A new ride we knew was coming

for the last decade.

Yeah, that they told us years ago.

That we got King Thanos

so be like,

I've heard this before.

Yeah, this was

JPEG's gift to the world.

It's now going to be called

Avengers of...

Infinity Defense.

My kids...

My daughter,

I mean, without even blinking,

she goes,

so you're telling me

there's another ride

where I'm a Marvel character

having to search

for some lost object

by jumping through portals.

We've done this already.

It's called

the Guardians of the Galaxy

Galactic Rewind.

I mean, she was like

full almost mobster

telling me like,

you're telling me

they're doing the same story again.

It was bizarre.

It was pretty funny though.

Jumping through portals


Stark Flight Lab

also coming.

Yes, which is very reminiscent

of the...

Remember that

Wonders of Flight

or whatever it was called

that was in Innoventions?


That crane that you'd ride on

and make you puke?

It looks like everyone's

going to ride on that puke crane.

Oh, dude, this thing looks like

a slingshot

to a barf bag.

I'm down though.

I like it.

It looks cool.

I'm going to do it.

Yeah, it looks super fun.

Right after you've had

your Lavender Lemonade

or whatever.

Are the Plain White Teas

performing this?

I feel like they show up

everywhere now.


The musical, I will say,

they raised the bar

with kind of the production quality

of the shows

to announce this.

Whether you liked it or not,

the fact that they had

Meghan Trainor singing

Feed the Birds.

Yeah, I like Meghan Trainor.

Yeah, she was awesome.

Plain White Teas did a cool version

of Tick Tick,

whatever it is from


which I loved.


But then you got to ruin it

with your Pentatonix.


I mean,

I thought you were going to

bring up John Stamos.

I thought you were going to

hate on John Stamos

because I was going to

play Nashville

My favorite moment by a mile,


was bringing back

the greatest boy band

of the 90s,

All For One.

All For One was a real

weird choice.

To sing I Swear,

which I loved

with every outfit.

I liked it.

I don't know why.

Listen, Pentatonix,

if you're listening,

I got no ill will

towards you as people.

Like, I feel like

you are very talented,

but there is something

when they show up,

I have this,

I don't talk bad

about anything,

but I have a visceral reaction

to the Pentatonix

that I can't control.

It's like me and Jabberwockies.

It is.

It's like there's just

something that feels

not right.

It feels wrong.

I don't like that

they are acapella

like 90%

and then they'll be like,

here's some strings.

I don't want it.

I don't want you

to be acapella.

I just can't take it.

I can't take someone


do that much.

It should have died

with the Carmen

San Diego franchise.

It was perfected.

Rockapella perfected it.

They had one job.

Peak acapella.

They had one job

and that was to sing

Where in the World

is Carmen San Diego.

They nailed it.

We didn't need

to go beyond that.


Instead, we decided

we're going to have


who I don't even think

are the same people anymore.

It's the blonde guy

and others.

Yeah, the girl

that wasn't

It's like the new iteration

of Lynyrd Skynyrd.

It's like the black eyed peas

without Ferg.

It's like they're like,

what is this?

No, it's not.

You're ridiculous.

You're insane.

You know what the blonde guy?

Usually at Christmas

is where I start

to like boil over,

but it happened

earlier this year.

It happened in T23.

You know what it is?

It's that blonde dude

looks like the character

you hate.


At every like

high school themed

television show

you've ever watched.

He's got a villainy look.

And just for you, Logan,

he'll be singing

in Villain World

this December.

At least he's the one

who sings words.

It's the ones that are just like

That guy is the bass sounds.

But it's not even sounds.

You will be getting a cameo.

You will be getting a cameo

every year

from Pentatonix

for every holiday

as long as I live

from this point forward.

I bet they charge a lot.

Man, I don't care.

It'll be so worth it.

Yeah, no overhead Pentatonix.

How dare you make

musical notes with your voice?

No, I don't like you.

I think they're talented.

Look again.

I think they're talented.

They're probably kind people.

But there's something

about them

that bothers me.

You can get former members

of Pentatonix

for about $100.

Because you know why?

There's a lot of them.

Because those guys

burn through people.


How many ex-members?

They're like the blue man group.


How many ex-members?

I bet they have a back

like a B team.

Like you could go see Pentatonix

and you're like,

this wasn't real Pentatonix.


They will soon be coming



eat to the beat.


Yeah, but it's not the ones

that you want to see.

Okay, there's actually

only one former member

of Pentatonix,

so I have to take it back.

They've got a hair color

of Botox though,

so you've confused yourself.

I got no problem with that.

Okay, guys?

I just have a problem.

I don't know what it is,

but it's like my one,

like the one thing

that I can't get behind.

Logan's pet peeve

is Pentatonix.


they have a spinoff group

called Superfruit.



They're the comedy Pentatonix.

Mitch and Scott.

Can guarantee

they are not funny.



Colin does all the merch

for Superfruit.

You do?

Colin does.

Oh, that's awesome.

They have two and a half

million subs on YouTube,

so you know what,

they're doing it right.

It's good for you,


Moving on.


this is the one thing

that they announced

that actually legitimately

got me excited.

I actually,

the way they announced it,

I thought was very,

very well done.

Walt Disney's nephew

was in the audience,

Roy P. Disney.

The Disneyland

is getting a new show


Walt Disney,

A Magical Life

coming to the

Main Street Theater

where Wonderful Moments

with Mr. Lincoln is.

And it'll be a,

it'll just be

kind of a monologue

with Walt talking about

his favorite ideas.

And I think this,

this is perfect.


We, we, we,

we have the technology.

Let's put Walt in it.

And I do think

with the Disney World tie-in,

I do think

that maybe it might be time


as much as I hate it

because I do love the attraction.

I told you this immediately.

I think that this will come

to the Hall of Presidents.

I think so.

After this election cycle.


I don't think anybody

wants to go there

because whoever wins in November.

You're going to be there

with people booing.

People are going to be booing

either way.

It's not fun anymore.

Or they'll be booing

or maybe we'll all

cackle together.

I don't know.

Oh, Terry.

Throwing some shade.

But yes, it's true.

Since George,

I've said this,

since George W. Bush,

I've never walked in there

and not had people

have a reaction

that was unpleasant.

And it was,

even when it was Bush,

it was funny.

But people booed.

But what I'm talking about,

people going into an attraction

and booing a robot.

And they've booed

every robot since then.

And I have felt like

it's as much as I do

really like the attraction.

I appreciate the history of it.

That you're right.

This is it.

Walt Disney replaces it.

I have a lot of

strong feelings about this.

I'm obviously very connected

in the,

not just the Disney World community,

but in the sort of

Walt Disney historian community.

We've had a lot of debates

about this the last couple days.

I am certainly on the side of

as long as it's treated well

and they do a good job with it,

like it's authentic

and the script is good,

then I'm 100% for it.

And I'm 100% for it


though I know that there are people

that are like,

Walt wouldn't have wanted it,

that kind of thing.

Because you are,

we're ahead of you.

We're headed towards

the final generation

of people

that were even alive

when he was alive.

I mean,

we're talking about

the people that are still left.

We're down to basically.


that worked with him.

Very few.

We're down to like Bob Gurr

and Floyd Norman.

I'm talking about

if you were 10 years old

when he died,

you are now 70.


You know,

or close to it.

Not 70,

but like getting close to 70.



you're talking about

a generation away

from being nobody left.

I do want

there to be

the fact that

they've spent so much time

removing Walt

from Disney.

This gave me a bit

of a relief going,


we're embracing this

a little bit more.

We're going to have something

that's fairly permanent.

I do kind of hope

I would love

in a weird way

it to have that AI technology

that we saw

that they did

when they talked with Mickey

and the hologram they showed.



Where you could have

some sort of interaction

with a character.

That to me

would be very cool.

And if you packed it

with Disney,

you know,

information and quotes

and interviews,

I don't see why you couldn't.

You can do it in ChapGBT.

I love,

I loved the

Mickey interactive.

And I don't know

if that's all AI driven

or how that's driven

or if it's driven

like Turtle Talk with Crush.

The Rocket Raccoon one

really impressed me.

The Rocket Raccoon one

is so impressive to me

when I saw that.

We're talking about

there was a thing

this weekend

where you can literally

walk up and have a conversation

with Mickey Mouse.


Animated Mickey Mouse.

It was like a hologram.

And I sent it to,

I thought I put it

in the thread.


They have one

of Jon Bon Jovi right now

in downtown Nashville.

I think it's coming

to the cruise, right?


The Rocket one?


This technology exists.

Like I said,

they have Jon Bon Jovi

right now here.

They have,

if you're at Dallas Cowboys Stadium,

you can go talk to

who owns the Cowboys?

Jerry Jones.

Boy, I'd like to have a go

and have a conversation.

Well, you get to have a sit down.

He's sitting down

and you are talking to him

through this weird window

and it interacts.

Wait, wait, wait.

This isn't someone doing it?

No, I don't believe so.

It is.

I thought it was someone doing it

and like,

and then someone like

something changing your voice.

I think it's AI.

I think it's AI controlled.

So it has answers

to a lot of questions.

But yeah.

We're running a little long time.

I'm going to have to

get going here soon.

So let me bless

Tiana's Bayou Adventure,

November 15th, Disneyland.


This is the other one

that Logan and I

were both very excited about.

And this is a Disney world

that the Mandalorian

and Grogu adventure

is coming to

Millennium Falcon Smuggler's Run.

That is at Hollywood Studios.


I forgot about that.

Now to me,

it was probably my favorite,

which is breaking the timeline

of Star Wars,

finally saying this,

this weird time

between episode two

or episode seven and eight.

Who cares?

Great Mandalorian,

Grogu taking over

the Millennium Falcon ride.

I like that you can update this.

I like it.

It's like Star Tours.


And you'll be flying

alongside Millennium Falcon.

They did this

in the announcement

during the Fortnite announcement

because it's actually using

Fortnite's Unreal technology

to build it.

So very cool.

And that's something

that hopefully

those type of rides,

they do,

start to update

every few years

instead of every 25,

30 years.

But yeah,

I actually like that concept

as well,

is that it's the same technology,

the same ride,

but the story changes more often

that it feels new

every time,

every few years.

And they said that will come out

around when the movie comes out.

They're shooting that now.

So I think you're about

two years away.

The other announcement

that wasn't at this panel,

Steve Davison

made a kind of

a hidden announcement.

And Steve Davison

actually spoke at a conference.

I did in 2014

that Logan was at.

He was one of the,

he's one of the,

he's the director

of Disney Entertainment,

Entertainment and Spectaculars.

And Steve talked about

how the new show at Epcot

is built to expand on.

And he basically said

what we've been doing

at Disney Springs

with the drones,

we're going to see that

come into the parks.


Because, you know,

the other announcements

I'm going to blow through

super fast.

Paris is getting

a new nighttime spectacular.

They're getting,

they're getting,

a new Lion King attraction

at Disneyland Paris.

It just affects

so few of our listeners.

That's the only reason

we're blowing through it.

That's why we're

blowing through it.

And I will say

that park is desperately

needed some love.

And that park is going to be

the expansion area

that where they're getting

Frozen Land is massive.

And they're putting

some shows on that,

that lagoon area.

Shanghai Disneyland

is getting a Spider-Man

roller coaster

that looks super cool.

Hong Kong is getting

a new Spider-Man attraction.

Disney Cruise Line,

and this was a shocker,

announced four new ships,

which will eventually

bring the fleet to 13

new Disney ships.

And these were coming

in 27, 28, 29.

By 31,

there'll be 13 ships.

There you go.

It talked about a new show.

Obviously, we're not,

and we're not going to talk

about the Fortnite,

but there's kind of,

the general.

I mean, we got a lot

to look forward to it

at Walt Disney World.

I think that to me is the key.

Some cool stuff at Disneyland.

The rest of it,

as it develops,

we'll talk about it.

Now, I guess,

let's just say odds

of all of this happening,

very low.

The odds of most of it happening,

I think pretty high.

I think a lot of this

feels a lot more certain

than previous years

where it's been a lot of ideas

and never really came to fruition

or they just abandoned them.

You know, Mary Poppins,


COVID, though,

affected all of that.

So now we have a bit of,


a stronger few years.

I do hope they slip in

and finish something

with the Play Pavilion

and with Mary Poppins.


Because I think,

I don't think it happens.

I think you'll see,

I think you'll see

the Play Pavilion

because the building's already done

and they've already done

a bunch of stuff to get it ready.

I think something will happen there.


But I think that may just be

out of necessity.

They almost need some spaces

that can pop up quickly

because we're talking about

a lot of walls

at the moment.

Magic Kingdom.

Magic Kingdom is the biggest park

in Orlando.

You're going to have to

build things in a way

where people get sucked somewhere.


Well, it seems like you're not,

at least for the Magic Kingdom,

as much as it's going to be Wall City,

you're not going to lose that much

because you're really losing

Tom Sawyer Island.

Which, again,

probably does nothing.

You know,

they probably can't even afford

to staff it.

So, all right.

We got to wrap up

because I got to get out of here.

Let's do some plugs.

Anything you want to promote?

Dylan, we'll let you go first.


check out my two podcasts

other than this one

that I'm having

an awesome, awesome time

being a part of.

It really makes me happy

sitting down

and talking all things Disney

with these guys.

It's always a really,

really good time.

At Affairs Pod,

which is a debate podcast

about pop culture,

food, movies,


and pro wrestling included.


at Going Postal.

At Going Postal Pod

is a podcast

that I do about my life

and various interviews

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that I look up to

like everyone in this world.

Check it out.

Very cool.

Will, what you got?

I'm good this week.

No plugs.

All right.

The Thing.

Go to The Thing,


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9th, and 10th

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Love to have you.


I do another podcast

called Making Elephants Fly.

Got about 14 new episodes

coming your way.

I'm about to start flying out.

14 new ones.

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if you're looking for a place to stay.

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don't fraud me

like the last person just did.

So, you know,

that's a fun story.

We'll get to that another day.

Oh, wow.

Somebody got a vacation

and then,

you know,

it was,

it was nefarious.


The house is in good shape.

No one did anything bad.

They just

maybe stole a credit card,

used that credit card,

had a fun vacation,

and then the real owners

of that credit card

were like,


we didn't stay

in that vacation.

Now we're in a fight.


I think it's actually

the same person.

We're in a whole dispute.

This is a good ad read.

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Okay, that's it.

Until next time,

I'm Logan Sekulow.

I'm Will Haines.

I'm Terry Weaver.

I'm Dylan Potts.

We'll see you

on the next show.

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