A Savage Chicken (Airdate 9/6/2024)

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A Savage Chicken (Airdate 9/6/2024)

Bob & Sheri

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Thank God it's Friday!

And now, from the Bob and Sherry Studios on this fabulous Friday,

it's Bob and Sherry.

Oh, welcome to The Weekend.

We got the People's Movie Critic coming up in one hour right here.

He's reviewing Blink Twice, which is Channing Tatum and Zoe Kravitz.

And speaking of movies,

I don't know what went on with J-Lo and Ben Affleck.

I don't know how we went from love, love, love, love, love, love, love,

and then we broke up, and then we couldn't be apart,

and now love, love, love, love, love, and now we're married, and now we're divorced.

But I can tell you this.

There must be so much bad blood there,

because they did a movie together, which is about to be released,

and that movie is called Unstoppable.


And he, yeah, it's a basketball or wrestling movie.

It's some kind of sports-y movie.

Max might know.

It's about some sort of athlete thing.

Anywho, he called all the promotion back

and had her removed from the posters.



That is so stupid.

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

She's going to be in the movie.

She's a name.

What went on here?

Just this is, I know you don't know,

but what is your best guess for what went on here that it's so ugly?

This breakup is so ugly.

Because she looks happy.

She looks happy.

She's out doing stuff, and she's smiling, and he's not smiling,

and I think he's ticked because she's moving on over this.

I mean, you know what I'm saying?

Whether she's faking it or not, she looks happy.

I'll tell you what I think.

I think that they were always attracted to each other.

They got back together.

He assured her that he was a changed man, and it turned out he wasn't,

and she is not happy about that because he's made a fool out of her.

Well, I think you're exactly right,

and then it's extended a little bit more because he did not change enough,

and she brings it up, so now he is saying,

I don't want to hear your nagging.

I don't want to hear your nagging, and now you've got some problems.

The reason that I agree with Max is he's the one who moved out.

I don't think this divorce was her idea.

I don't feel like she initiated or wanted,

so here we have a guy who's like, I don't want you.

I don't want to be here, and I'm also going to make a great big scene about it.

I don't understand this guy.

Could it be just that he's a hot mess, Max?

Yeah, he's a hot mess in some kind of way.

Yeah, I don't know what it is,

but he certainly has had his share of personal struggles through the course of time.

A year ago in March, he's on CBS Sunday Morning,

saying, what a joy to do something with her, with Jennifer Lopez,

to see her be great, to go to work with your wife, your best friend.

This is when they were shooting this movie, this Unstoppable movie.

He's not in the movie. She is, but he's not.

Yeah, he's not in the movie.

He's the producer.

Yeah, along with Matt Damon.

But she's just off the poster now?

Like, what are we doing?

Yeah, who's up?

Yeah, what are we doing here?

I don't understand.

Here's the thing.

We've seen this.

You know you've seen this in your own life.

Maybe it was a family member or a friend or somebody you work with

where the divorce goes from zero to 100, seemingly, the breakup, seemingly overnight.

And one of the people is just so, you can tell they need revenge or something, right?

They want to humiliate and torture the other person for some reason.

Why does it feel that way with Ben Affleck?

I think she was speaking up saying, I am disappointed in your behavior here.

I thought things were going to be different.

And after you hear that a few times, if you're the person who has not changed, you don't want to hear it anymore.

And things escalate.

Oh, yeah?

You're going to do this?

I'm going to do this.

All right, you're doing that.

I'll do this.

Well, all I can say is...

It's interesting that Matt Damon is still...

They're still working together.

Oh, yeah.

The other...

They're besties.


Listen, all I can say is, given Ben Affleck's track record with Jennifer's, somebody needs

to do a drive past Jennifer Aniston's house to make sure she's safe.

Because she doesn't need any more heartbreak or drama from a man.

She does not need one more dude.

Because, you know, her ex, Justin Theroux, is engaged.

Oh, really?

I haven't heard that.


So, Ben, you've ruined all the Hollywood Jennifers.

You are allowed to have...

You leave our girl, Jennifer Aniston, alone.

We got morons in the news coming up for you.

Comedian Reggie Conquest and the People's Movie Critic.

Happy Friday.

It's Bob and Sherry.

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I was sitting in a restaurant the other day with my lovely wife, my smoking hot wife,


In fact, it was one or two Sundays ago.

We left church.

We go to this place.

It's a meat and three vegetable place, and it's fantastic.

It's awesome.

The food is just...

It's unbelievable.

So, I've got some fried chicken and some turnip greens and some coleslaw,

and, you know, everything's great.

We're sitting down, and we're sitting there, and it's on the lake.

And so, we're overlooking the lake, and it's beautiful.

So, I'm wearing that chicken breast out.

Now, I got to be honest with you.

I'm knowing that thing as hard as I can go.

And Carla looks at me, and she goes,

You look like a savage.

I said, What?

She goes, You look like a savage eating that.

She said, You're not supposed to eat it that way.

I said, What are you talking about?

She said, You're supposed to get a fork, and you're supposed to get it.

I said, What?

I said, I've been eating chicken for a long time.

I've been eating fried chicken for a long time.

And I said, Now, if we were somewhere like some wide, you know, fancy place,

and blah, blah, blah.

I might, you know, pull a few pieces off with the fork.

I said, But I got to get the crust.

I got to get the chicken.

I got to get it all in one bite.

I can't be playing around with a fork.

She goes, You look like a savage.

I said, We're in a meat and three vegetable place.

I said, I'm not in a job interview or nothing.

I'm eating my chicken like I like to eat chicken.

She said, What?

Look around and you see if you see.

I said, I ain't got to look around.

I don't care.

Whatever they're doing is their business.

I've been eating chicken like this for as long as when I was old enough to hold a chicken leg.

This is how I've been eating chicken.

And she goes, Look it up.

Look at it.

I said, Look at it.

She says, Google it.

Google it.

And it will say, You shouldn't eat chicken like that.

Did you look it up?

I did look it up.

And it said, It's optional.

It's optional.

Some people choose.


She had chicken fingers and they are homemade.


They're really good.

She's eating chicken fingers with a fork and a knife.

I said, Do you know why they created chicken fingers?

So you could pick it up and dip it in the honey mustard.

What are you talking about?

I said, I'm not need to turn up greens with my hands.

Now that's savage.

If I'm eating the turnip greens and the green beans with my hands.

Now that's savage.

And so she looked it up.

She says, Well, it says right here.

This is not the finest etiquette.

I said.

We're not sitting in the finest etiquette place.

We're in a meat and three vegetable place.

I said, We're lucky people wearing shirts in here.

What are you talking about?

I said, Come on.

I said, Don't be messing with me and my chicken.

And I looked it up three or four other places.

And I'm like, No.

I mean, am I wrong here?

Am I wrong?

I ate chicken with my hands when we were on vacation.

And it just.


In order to really be satisfied, I had to do it that way.

But I'm going to go ahead.


I got something else for you to look up.

The proper way to eat bacon is with a fork and knife.

Oh, no, that's insane.

Especially if it's crispy.

Just shatters.


I just want to make sure I understand.

This was a bone in fried chicken breast or a bone.


Chicken breast.

No, this is a bone in.

So you got to really pick it up.

If you want to get.

You got to get in them crevices to get.

All that good chicken and all that crispy stuff out of it.

No, no, no, no.


I'm on your side.

Bone in chick bone in fried chicken.

You can eat with your hands.

If it had been a boneless chicken breast.

No, no, no, no, no.

I need to get off the boat.

I mean, no, I understand that.

But the other thing is I'm looking at her and I go.

So we've been eating chicken across the table from each other for 20 years.

And today I'm a savage.

Maybe that first time I picked up that.

Well, maybe the first time I picked up that chicken breast,

you might've mentioned to me, you look like a savage.

I didn't hear nothing for 20 years.

I mean, you know, if you let it go for 20 years,

let's don't even bring it up.

I'd start eating the bacon with a fork and knife if I were you.

Yeah, that's not, that's not happening.

You know how I eat bacon?

With two hands, both hands.

I eat it with both hands.

One in each hand.

That's how I eat bacon.

Maybe I'm a savage.

I don't know.

I don't care.

I'm happy.

There you go.

There's the full quote.

Morons in the News is next.

It's Bob and Sherry.

Morons in the News is sponsored by State Farm.

Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.

Let's go.

Harvesting idiots from around the globe.

You stupid moron.

It's Morons in the News with Bob and Sherry.

Don't you just love wildflowers?

You know, you're driving along somewhere and you look over

and there's a whole field or a row of wild.

I just love them so much.

Well, there's one guy in Toledo, Ohio who does not.

The Native Prairie Project is going on right outside of Toledo

and it's on a highway.

It's the dividing area between a highway

and they have just planted hundreds and thousands of wildflowers

and they're doing great.

They're attracting pollinators like monarch butterflies.

And it's a fantastic thing.

Well, somebody with the city decided that it, quote,

looked untidy and had them all mowed down.


Had them all mowed down.

There is nothing left.

Now, they may, you know, come back next year.

They don't know yet.

But I'm looking at the before and after and this is,

it's just such a shame.

The wildflowers were beautiful, but they're wildflowers, you know?

And it's not like, you know,

an entrance to a hotel or something like that.

I don't know who that person was, but he needs some more training.


No doubt.

TikTok was reporting a new way to get free money from Chase Bank in New York.

Supposedly, there was a glitch that allowed you to deposit fake checks

for large sums of money.

When that money showed up in your account,

you immediately withdrew it from the ATM and you're good to go.

Now, there's a word for this and it's called check fraud.

They were vicious.

Videos of people lined up outside of Chase locations in New York City

looking to get free money through the glitch.

Chase quickly fixed the bug and started clawing back the money

that people had gotten illegally.

A spokesperson for Chase Bank said,

we are aware of this incident and it has been addressed.

Regardless of what you see online,

depositing a fraudulent check and withdrawing the funds from your account

is fraud, plain and simple.

The people who took the money soon found their accounts were locked,

blocked, and hit with massive negative balances.

TikTok users were posting ATM deposit errors,

leaving them with negative balances with as much as $40,000.

And they will be charged with check fraud,

which will have fines and could result in jail time,

depending on the circumstances.

You know, guys, maybe you should not get your financial advice

from the same people that encourage you to eat Tide Pods.


They're not really good.

Not really good.

Let's go to today's Moron of the Day.

So he was wanted by Tennessee police on charges of first-degree murder

and reckless endangerment with a deadly weapon.

And the U.S. Marshals got involved in searching for this man.

And the Marshals said that they got a tip and they tracked him to a home,

a private home in Tennessee, and they surrounded the building.

And the U.S. Marshal Task Force that looks for,

fugitives in that part of Tennessee,

they're all outside the building.

And they're like, Wilkinson, we know you're in there.

Come out with your hands up.

But Mr. Wilkinson had a really good hiding spot.

He was up in the attic.

And he figured, you coppers will never find me here.

And they might not have if he hadn't fallen through the ceiling

and landed in the kitchen between the wire rack and the microwave.

Wow, what an entrance.

Very, very dramatic.

What an entrance.

There's just, like, once the Marshals,

I have a little experience with criminals, y'all,

and let me just tell you, once the Marshals have the house surrounded,

unless you can evaporate yourself into another dimension,

they will find you.

Attic, basement, crawl space, linen closet.


Clothes dryer.

Eventually, they're going to look in all of those spaces.

Now, here's the good news.

He did get caught and was arrested and charged with murder.

But he was uninjured when he fell through the attic and landed in the kitchen.

And that's no small thing,

because there was a sharp corner on the edge of that counter where the microwave was

that could have really done some damage if he'd hit it the wrong way.

That is more on some of the news.

Oh, he was horrified.

That is more on some of the news coming up for you.

We have the People's Movie Critic and his review of Channing Tatum and Zoe Kravitz in Blink Twice.


It's Bob and Sherry.

Leave us a talkback.

Talkback with the free Bob and Sherry app.

Okay, we're going to play a new game.

Is Bob whipped or is he smart?

So, it is pumpkin spice season.

What did you say?

He's whipped.

I didn't quite.

I'm sorry.

He's whipped.

Well, you have to listen.

Listen to what I'm going to set up here for you to see.

I'm sorry.

It's pumpkin spice season.

It's everywhere.

You know, you can get at 7-Eleven a pumpkin spice Slurpee.

Does that not sound so disgusting?

And they've got pumpkin cream cold brew and pumpkin spice coffee and pumpkin spice lattes.

And they're just everywhere.

And my wife loves every one of them.

And she wants to have her creamer.

Her special creamer that does have pumpkin spice.

She wants it right now.

And I'm over at the store and I get a text and she says, you know, the type of creamer I use.

And I text back, yeah, get the pumpkin spice one.

It's out.


And I went over to the creamer area and I am looking.

I walked.

Have you ever done this?

I know.

There's guys that have done this.

I went over and walked back and forth like 10 times just to be sure.

I looked at the empty slots.

Was that pumpkin spice?

Have they delivered it yet?

Is it so popular that it's been sold out already?

I could not find it.

But I know that my wife is certainly going to be there tomorrow and maybe later in the day also.

And she will be going right to that area.

And checking to see if I have husband blindness.

You know what I did?

I got my phone out and I videoed the entire area.

So my question to you is, is that a man who is whipped or is that a man who is smart?

I think it's smart.

I've done this with Kevin.

I'll be like, do you want anything from the store?

And he'll say to me, he'll look me right in my face and go, I'd like a beef stick summer sausage.

Well, baby, I was going to Publix, not Hickory Farms.

They sell them at the Publix.

Do you know in what part of the Publix?

At the bottom of an aisle.

Oh, okay.

That's super helpful.

Yeah, it's impossible.

So thank you.

I've done the same thing, Bob.

I don't think you're whipped at all.

Thank you very much.

All right.

It's Bob and Sherry.

Get 15% off a set of Brake Mess Select, Select Pro, or Import Direct Brake Pads and Two Rotors now at O'Reilly Auto Parts.

Oh, oh, oh, O'Reilly Auto Parts.

The People's Movie Critic's Review is sponsored by Dr. Marty's.

DrMartyPets.com slash Bob.

It is time now for The People's Movie Critic and his review of Blink Twice.

This is another movie that I went into absolutely cold.

I had no expectations, wasn't sure what was going on.

All I could tell was Channing Tatum does not look great in a beard, and it marks him as the villain of the movie.

That's got to be it, because the beard was not good.

The film is the directorial debut of Tatum's fiancée, Zoe Kravitz, who started writing this movie in 2017.

And she has come out of the gate strong as far as the writing and directing.

Thank you.

Channing Tatum plays Slater King, a tech tycoon who was forced to leave the helm of his company

because he was accused of behavior unbecoming of a CEO and creating a hostile work environment.

He did the standard I'm sorry video and the apology circuit on all the morning shows and the afternoon talk shows.

And then he bought a private island so that he could get away and do the therapy so that he could come back and be a changed man.

Now, he generously...

started as a foundation, and at the annual gala, he meets Frida, who's played by Naomi Ackie.

Frida is obsessed with meeting Slater, so she gets a job as a waitress at the gala, along with her best friend and roommate, Jess, who's played by Aaliyah Shawkat.

Frida has bought everything they need.

She's got evening gowns and high heels and all this stuff for her and Jess so that they can sneak into the VIP section.

And she manages...

to meet Slater.

And he spends the evening talking to her and being really sweet and nice.

And Frida manages to get an invite for both her and Jess to fly on the private jet to his island with his friends.

Now, those friends include Slater's right-hand man, Vic, who's played by Christian Slater,

a professional chef who's played by Simon Rex,

an okay actor played by Haley Joel Osment,

Tech Whiz, Lucas, who's played by LaVon Hawk,

and a few more beautiful women.

And so they get to the island, and it is truly a paradise,

except for the huge yellow snakes that they are constantly trying to kill.

And once everyone arrives, all cell phones are confiscated.

Now, for me, that's a pretty big red flag right there.

That says something is not quite right.

All the women find perfect-fitting clothes in their rooms.

They're all dressed.

They're all dressed exactly alike.

Another red flag.

They spend the days lounging out at the pool.

They're sipping cocktails.

And in evenings, they're having these Michelin-starred dinners.

And then the late nights are partying hard with every drug you can imagine.

Then the mornings are for hangover brunches.

Rinse and repeat over and over.

This is what's going on.

Something's not right.

The movie is one hour, 42 minutes.

It's rated R.

For strong, violent content, sexual assault, drug use, and language with some sexual references.

Zoe Kravitz does a great job building up the tension while holding all her cards close to her vest.

We know something is wrong, but we're just not sure what it is.

One small clue at a time brings us closer and closer to the answer.

And, buddy, when it hits, it hits.

Channing Tatum is a remarkably good villain.

Christian Slater has some really funny moments at the most inappropriate times.

This is a psychological mystery thriller that has lots of twists and lots of turns.

Can't tell you nothing else, but my score on this was five ice-cold Budweiser's.

It kept you hooked the entire time.

It's really something to see.

Christian Slater is an interesting character.

And, you know, you've heard things.

There's a lot of stories about him.

He's very difficult on the set and blah, blah, blah.

But I tell you what, he doesn't get involved with a movie that's a dog very often.

No, he's...

He brings it.


He's very good in this.

This is a very different movie, but I gotta say this.

Zoe Kravitz, she may have a pretty good career ahead of her because she did a great job.

Good for her.

And there's a lot of violence in it.

Did you say there's a lot of violence?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Bloody, bloody violence.

It's the kind of stuff that would turn your stomach, Bob.

It would have you running out of the theater screaming.

Yeah, it's not what you want.

It's not what you want.

Well, don't make yourself...

He just did you a favor.

I'm just helping you, man.

I'm just helping you.

All right.

You know you don't want to see anything like that.

That would be so upsetting.


It's true.

But I want to see it.

Five ice pods.

All right, coming up, comedian Reggie Conquest.

It's Bob and Sherry.

Leave us a talkback.


It's a free Bob and Sherry app.

Hi, everyone.

I was just listening to one of the best of Bob and Sherry podcasts from earlier this week.

And it featured the lady who was informing Lamar about some of the extracurricular activities that happen in the camper and RV community.

And I just have a little story.

One of my coworkers showed me a photo that she took when she was camping in Coralville, Iowa.

And I was like, oh, my gosh, that's so cool.

Outside of a nearby camper, the owners displayed one of those large decorative painted boards that some people have outside their houses.

And on the board was painted a giant upside-down pineapple, a giant pink flamingo.

In one corner, there were several cute little clouds with smiley faces on them.

And they were all painted in different flesh tones.

And then the best thing of all, there was a cute little smiley face done up in the sky with a ball gag in its mouth.

So, Lamar, I hope that you're having as much fun as these people.

And also, do you guys know about the loofahs from the retirement villages down in Florida?

I don't.

I do now.

I do.

Oh, wow.

I do.

What's going on with that?

What's going on with the loofahs?

What's happening with the loofahs?

I mean, I'm glad that everyone's exfoliating, but what's happening with the loofahs?

It's important.

At the retirement communities, I do a little research on this.

Because one of these days, I might be in one of these communities.

I need to know what the deal is.

You have different colored loofahs, and you put them on top of your car.

Now, some people say that they do it so they can find their car in the parking lot.

But the big deal here is each colored loofah describes what your deal is.

Like, this is how it goes.

This is how the loofahs go.

The white loofah is a novice.

I mean, sorry, novice.

A beginner.

Just really experimenting with it.

The purple.

The purple loofah is a voyeur and people who like to watch.

The pink loofah is soft swap.

People who like to do it with other people in the room, but maybe those people are not participating.


The blue loofah is the lowest level of full swap.

These people can play well with others.

The yellow loofah is a mid-level swap.

For those who want to have fun, but they're still a little nervous about it.

The black loofah.

The black loofah is the full swap.

These people say, whatever it is, let it go.

We're ready.


And the teal loofah is bisexual for those who want to increase their dating chances.

That's the loofah code for the retirement community.

So, choose your loofah wisely is all I'm saying.

What are these?

This is so confusing because my loofah would be sort of beige.

That's what most loofahs are.

What does that say about me that I have a beige?

A taupe loofah, yeah.

If you've got a taupe loofah, it's sort of a loser.

That's a loser loofah.

A loser loofah.

Or maybe it says, I don't like anybody and I don't like to be touched.

So, if you don't like to be touched.

And you don't like anybody involved with those spots.

You get that taupe loofah.

Yeah, taupe.

That's what you need.

It's a taupe.

Is this why all the people in those Centrum Silver vitamin ads look so happy?

What is in Centrum Silver that is provoking this activity?

Do they have to dye the loofahs?

I've never seen loofahs.


No, you buy them at the store.

You know, the plastic ones, Bob.

The plastic bath scrubbies, like from Bed Bath & Beyond.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.



Bob isn't environmentally.

So, his is a natural loofah, like from a sea sponge or whatever.

Yeah, that's why I said beige.

Because, you know, that's when I think of a loofah.

Bob's natural beige loofah on his golf cart signals that if you come too close, he's going

to talk to you about recycling.

And that's why you have so much privacy and space.



So, that's on golf carts at retirement?

No, it's on cars.

It's on top of cars.

Cars, yeah.

Oh, on top of cars.

They tie them on the little luggage rack on the car.

So, how does it work?

You got to follow them home?

How weird is that?

I know it's a good question.

Well, you're into that.

I see the black loofah.

I'm following you home.


Well, I'm just saying.

I didn't make up the rules here, Max.

I don't know anything about this.

I'm like, you know.

Who doesn't want this kind of.

A lot more going on at Sun City than I thought.

This is like that TV commercial where the lady looks at the camera.

I can't remember if it was a laxative or what, where she goes, I've got, I'm retired and

I've got big plans.

Oh, Doris, who knew?

She does.

She's got a black loofah.

Oh, yeah, she does.

In her future.

Girl, if I ever retire, I'm cleaning out the closets.

I wasn't going to get all loofahed up with the neighbors.


Well, thank you for that.

Straight ahead.

Everyone Needs a Laugh with Reggie Conquest.

It's Bob and Sherry.

Everyone Needs a Laugh is sponsored by.

And William.

It's time for Everyone Needs a Laugh.

Here is comedian Reggie Conquest.

What up?

How y'all doing?

Wow, man.

I'm super excited.

I'm celebrating.

My brother just came home from serving.

I only say serving because it sounds patriotic.

He was in jail.

He served his time a little differently.

I'm jealous of him, though.

I am jealous of him.

He came home.

He looks great.

Clear skin, abs.

His beard connect.

It's like he was locked up in a Whole Foods for five years.

It's annoying, though.

He's annoying.

It's tough, you know, just coming home.

It's tough.

He didn't have anything.

I got him a phone.

And me, my mom, and my brother are in a group chat together.

But me and my mom.

We're in a separate group chat.

And we both agreed he needed to go back to jail sometimes.

My mom didn't say that.

I texted, and she liked it.

She was like, yeah.

He do need to go back sometimes.

I'm happy for her, though, you know?

She can stop hyping up every little thing he did in jail, you know?

She'll call me.

She'll go, Donald's reading.

He's gone.

He's going to the gym, and he's going to church.

And she'll go, why don't you go to church?

It's like, duh, I'm not in jail.

I'm out here free, man.

I don't care about my brother's prison church.

I even tried to keep it going when he first came home, you know?

I don't go to church.

He first came home.

I was like, yo, bro, you want to go to church?

He's like, dude, I'm free.

I was like.

It's like, you're right, man.

Let's go.

Let's go sell some drugs, get you back home.

He did sound more enthused when he was locked up, though.

I don't know if you guys ever talk to someone in prison from the looks of it.


They haven't.

He did sound more enthused, though, you know?

If you talk to someone in prison, it's a part where they're supposed to say their name,

you know, on a recorder.

My brother would call me and go, you got a CFCF call from my brother.

Go, it's your boy.

Pick up, man.

I don't know.

I'm trying to do things with him, helping with his mental health, do self-care things,

you know?

But I don't do anything, really, for my own mental health or self-care.

Like, I tried.

Like, I joined a book club for self-care.

I joined a book club for self-care, but then I left it because I didn't know they'd check

on you to see if you're reading a book.

After, like, the third email.

I was like, man, I got to get out of this group.

I did not join this book club to read.

I joined this book club to tell people I'm in a book club.

The book club did inspire me, though.

I'm inspired.

Like, I want to start my own book club now.


It's for people like me.

It's called the back of the book club.

It's exactly what it sounds like.

Like, we meet up, read back of books.

Then we sit and talk about what we think the rest of the books are about.

It's mad shit.

We're eating back of chips, sodas, juice.

I don't need therapy, you know?

I've noticed, though, ladies love a man in therapy.


That's, like, super hot.

A guy working on himself.

That's why I don't know if I really need it or not.

Trying to figure out if I want to go because I actually need help or I want to, you know,


You know what I mean?

Because you can manipulate it.

You don't actually have to go.

You just got no therapy words.

Overused words in conversation.




If you say transparency in a sentence, she'll think you read.

She'll tell her group chat, I think I got one.

No, you don't.

I've been practicing this word all day.

And it don't work the other way around.

You can't use overused words on me.

I don't read enough.

My girl tried it.

Said I was gaslighting her.

I looked that word up.

I still don't know what it means.

I read that definition four times.

Still don't have a clue.

It's one of those words that make you admit what you're actually doing.

My girl was like, you're gaslighting?

I was like, no, I'm a liar, okay?

Ladies, I'm trying to get where y'all at, though,

with the self-care and, you know, therapy.

Y'all support each other no matter what.

Y'all support each other no matter what

when it comes to self-care.


No matter, you can do anything.

My friend, she went to Disney World by herself.

Posted pictures on Instagram.

I chose me, y'all.

Y'all, it's me season.

All her friends was in the comments.

I love this for you.

I'm so proud of you.

It's giving growth, girl.

She went to Disney World by herself.

She went to Disney World by herself

and she has a son, okay?

You guys have been fun.

My name is Reggie Conkless.

Thank you so much.

How do you get so much?

That is one of the most.

That is one of the most honest sets

that I've heard in a long time.

He's great.

But to be Reggie Conkless,

that's like something out of a Saturday morning cartoon

from back in the day.

All right, we'll get that posted up

at B-O-B-A-N-D-S-H-E-R-I.com.

If you missed that People's Movie Critics Review

of Don't Blink,

that's up there now, too.

It's Bob and Sherry.

Instant access to the podcast,

podcast, and fun side.

Just download the free Bob and Sherry app.

So Mary and I were on vacation

and we were on vacation.

And it was over a week

because we had to travel

to where we were going,

which was Maui.

And I got my daughter, Allie,

and her husband, Tim,

to take Finn.

And they have two cats.

One of them looks like she would kill you

if you did anything negative.

That's Yanni.

And the other one's just kind of a regular cat,


And Finn is very good with cats.

And so I wasn't worried about it.


they took Finn to work with them

one or the other every day.

And people were coming in and out of their offices.

Finn had a little place on a couch

at Tim's office.

And people would come in.

Oh, we have a dog here.

We have a dog here.

Every day, people were coming to see Finn.

Every night, he was sleeping with them.

Every day, the cats would come up

and he'd look at the cats.

He was having a really good vacation.

So I pick him up after we get back

and he has changed.

And he comes into the house

and he doesn't have an attitude.

But he is not the Finn that I know.

He was depressed

because he was not with them.

And it went on for like three days.

And I'm going,

hey, here's a greenie.

You love greenie.

I'm making you dinner again.

All of my tricks,

were not working.

He was bummed out.

And it took like three days

for him to kind of get his groove back

with Mary and me.

And it was so disturbing.

Have you ever been in that situation?

He was used to being a superstar.

He was.

He was the center of attention.

Everybody, like he was doing meet and greets.

Now he's just back home.



And his little,

and his summertime kitty cat visitors

are probably,

they're probably gone if they're not leaving soon, right?

Yeah, that's right.

So now it's just,

now he doesn't have his cat friends.

Now it's just him and you and Mary.

I know.

It just shows you

that they go wherever the action is,

wherever the love is.


thank God he's coming out of it now.

But it was,

it was me out of it.

We don't deserve them.

We love them.

It's Bob and Sherry.

The Bob and Sherry Show

wants to help expand your regional business.

Plus, you can save time and effort

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without having to travel to another fair or festival.

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Leave us a talkback.

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Okay, I had to leave a talkback.

This is Kelsey from Jackson, Tennessee.

You guys are talking about French fries

and how, you know, steak fries suck

and beer-battered fries and all that are yucky.

And, I mean, I don't like a steak fry.

I do like a beer-battered if you do it right.

The extra crunch is nice.

But there's this place in town here in Jackson.

It's called The Blacksmith.

It's a local joint.

But they have these French fries

that are like a curly fry and a potato wedge.

Had a baby.

They are amazing.

Curly fries, hands down, my favorite French fry.

No, no question about it.

Love a potato wedge.

These are the most perfect French fry

I've ever had in my life.

And I think I would fight someone to keep that.

I think that they would be wrong

if they disagreed with me.

You guys, if you ever see a French fry

that's like a potato wedge and a curly fry

had a baby, you order them and you eat them.

And sometimes, I'll get them loaded with cheese on top.

Ranch, bacon bits, green onions.

Oh, love it.

All right, have a good day.

You ain't scared.

What you're talking about is an illegitimate fry.

That's an illegitimate fry.

Once you said the word curly fry,

I was done.

I heard nothing else past curly fry.

I thought that she was one of the most

sensuous women I've ever heard.

Are you kidding?

Everything about her.

Well, and two, she said curly fry.

She said curly fry.

I'm going to overlook that.

I'm overlooking that too.

Lamar, curly fry.

Curly fry.

You know what got me with her?

Any woman that calls a local restaurant

or a dive, whatever, a joint,

right away, I like her.

Because I like eating in joints.

You know what I mean?

And she gets it.

She totally gets it.

And she's so passionate.

No, no, no.

Listen to me.

Don't be.

She's tricked by that.

She's talking about a curly fry,

which is second worst only to a steak fry.

And then she's talking about a potato wedge

that is just barely above a curly fry.

These are the illegitimate.

Oh, God, please.


You're saying don't let her trick me.

It's too late.

They've been tricking me all my life.


How's that working out for you, Bob?

How's that working out for you?

It's been a rough ride.

He's broken.

I'm so tired to marry now.

I'm so tired.

A curly fry and a potato wedge had a baby.

I can't believe that you're going to make this sort of a judgment on this

without ever having one.

She seems pretty passionate.

I can't stand men who do that.

So narrow-minded.

All right.

Got another one here.

Hi, Bob, Sherry, Max, Lamar, Doc.

This is Andrea from Lexington, Kentucky.

I was calling about Bob going through the airport and getting pulled out and being patted

down his wrist.

Same thing happened to my husband and I yesterday in Louisville, Kentucky, and it's a hot crotch


So Bob has a hot crotch.


I just don't like to know.

Love listening to you all.



I don't understand.

I think there's a, hey, there's a compliment in there somewhere.

It means your boys radiate more heat than the average man.

Are you just making that up?

Are you just making this up?

You don't agree with that?

That that could be a-

That when you went through the scanner, that biometric scanner thing, that your nether

regions were hotter than a volcano getting ready to blow?

I didn't make that up.

That was not me making that up.

I got that thermo thing and it tells temperature and everything, so.

Hey, Bob, listen, you need to trust me.

It makes sense.


You need to trust me.

When a woman says Bob's got a hot crotch, go ahead and take that win.

You go ahead and take that W.

You're right.

Well, another woman said that she believes that there was another problem is the reason

why you got pulled in that line.

Hey, guys.

This is Michelle from West Virginia, and I was calling concerning Bob getting his junkyard

plowed by the TSA, and I just wanted to let you know that, Bob, this happens to my husband

every time we travel, and we thought it was because of his metal shoulder.

He's had a shoulder replacement, but the last time we traveled, when we walked, I walked

through first, and I saw on the screen as he walked through, there was a triangle

right over the family jewels.

So, I asked the TSA guy what it could possibly be, and he said if the pants are too loose

in that area, that that could be what sets it off.

So, the next time that you travel, Bob, you might want to get your tight pants on.

You know, get your tight pants, get your tight pants on.


I just thought that was pretty funny.


I'm going to go with the first explanation.

Everyone in town loves my tight pants.

I got my tight pants.

I got my tight pants on.

People wouldn't lie about my tight pants.

I got my tight pants on.

I'm going to go with the first explanation.

The first lady there.

I like that one a little bit better.

Oh, my God.

It's Bob and Sherry.

Leave us a talkback.

Talk back with the free Bob and Sherry app.

Hey, y'all.

I was just listening to this.

I was listening to the Friday show and Sherry had this little tidbit right at the end about

albino animals and why their eyes are red.

And I happen to know this fact immediately.

And so, as soon as she started teasing everybody, I was like, do you know, Lamar?

Do you know?

I was like, it's blood.

It's blood.

And I totally understand if this is not appropriate to put on the actual show because the following

story is going to be a teensy weensy bit gruesome.

However, I do feel that Sherry needs to hear this because I think she would be fascinated

by it.

When I was in college, I was part of a lab that...

Did research on traumatic brain injury.

And so, unfortunately, we gave these little white lab rats, albino lab rats, little traumatic

brain injuries, and then allowed them to heal and fed them and gave them water and then

did these little tests on their memory.

Ultimately, after doing all the tests on their memory, we did have to sacrifice them.

And there are only two accepted ways in laboratory medicine to...

Humanely euthanize animals in the lab.

And one of them is a guillotine.

And so, because we were doing traumatic brain injury, you can't do the normal chemical process

that euthanizes the animal.

We had to guillotine them in order to preserve their brain tissue in order to do the amount

of research that we need to do on traumatic brain injury.


So, what's fascinating is that you bring in these little albino lab rats with red eyes,

you guillotine them, and all the blood goes right into the drain.

From the body and from the head.

So, from both sides.

And their little red eyes go from being red to looking like translucent little white clear


It's disgusting.

Oh, my goodness gracious.

And so, yeah, the blood is just going straight into their little eyeballs.

And when you chop off their heads, they are no longer red because all the blood drains


Oh, my goodness.



It's good to be alive.

It really is.

It's just good to be alive.

No other radio show is covering this.

I just want to say.

Well, I just want to say, because that was, you know, a little bit horrifying, as she


But think about, like, all of the people who've suffered from TBIs, traumatic brain injuries,

who've benefited from this research.

And we thank those laboratory mice for their sacrifice, because a lot of people have gone

on to, like, recover.

And this is me trying to clean.

I'm trying to clean up from the blood dripping out.

Can I tell you something?

And almost everybody, I don't think Max has been there, but most of the people on the

show have been to Bar Harbor, Maine at one time or another because, well, everybody knows

the reason why.

And there is a place called the Jackson Laboratory that is on a hill that kind of overlooks downtown

Bar Harbor, Maine, which is one of the most charming towns in the world.

And all they do is research on mice.

And I took a tour of it.

And there are thousands and thousands of mice.

And they've been bred to all be identical with DNA, or as close as you can get, so that

tests can be done on them, and they'll always get a certain outcome, because they're all

the same.

They're all the same.

It looks like something that a Bond villain would live in.

It's very, very modern.

The Jackson Laboratory, you can look it up.

They've got a website.

And that's what people, they research diseases there with these mice.

I don't know about the guillotine.

That was kind of awful.

But it's humane, I guess.

You know what?

We just have to be thankful for the brilliant minds.

And the people that work really hard at that.

There's not a day that I'm not thinking about the research that's being done right now for

Angelman's syndrome, which a lot of people, and I want to thank everyone that has sent

me all these different links since Colin Farrell came forward on Good Morning America and talked

about his son, who has Angelman's.

There's so much incredible, groundbreaking research that's being done.

And people's lives have the potential to be changed.

So it's horrible.

But at the same time...

It's incredibly important, and there was a lot of detail in that story that...

Quite a bit, yeah.

Quite a lot of detail in that story.

But you know what?

Now we know.

And we all know a little bit more than we did 10 minutes ago.

That's a good thing.

Be a lifelong learner, is what I always say.


It's Bob and Sherry.

Can you believe this is sponsored by Easy Cater?

Easy Cater has everything.

Everything you need to make food for work, work.

You read it once.

I don't believe that.

And then you read it again.

I can't believe this.

It's Bob and Sherry's.

I believe this s***.

I can't believe this s***.

Mmm, mmm.

It's the weekend.

And there are a couple different kinds of Friday people.

There are the Friday people that can't wait to get out of work and get the party started.

And then there are the Friday people who can't wait to get out of work

so they can get some sleep.

And your whole life, what have you been told?

You can't catch up on sleep.

You should wake up at the same time every single day of the week.

If your alarm goes off at 4 a.m. on Monday, it should go off at 4 a.m. on Saturday.

Is that not what you've been told and heard your whole freaking life?

We have been lied to in that.

Yes, I've always heard that.

We have been lied to.

As many as one in three American grown-ups is sleep-deprived.

And between 50 and 70...

70 million people in America live with chronic sleep issues, insomnia, whatever it is.

So when you don't get enough sleep, you don't feel well.

And it takes a toll on your body, like it puts a whooping on your body.

And for my entire life, we've been told,

sleep debt, mm-mm, can't make it up, no point in even trying.

Well, that was a freaking lie.

It turns out that it is possible to catch up on your lost sleep.

When people...

When people catch up on the sleep they missed, when they sleep in on the weekends,

they can cut their risk of heart disease by like 20% or more.


So all that nonsense that you were fed your whole life about how you might as well get up,

uh-uh, girl, you stay in bed.

You stay in bed as long as you want because it turns out you can make up that lost sleep.

I think that was started by a mother.


Decades ago.

Who just wanted those kids to go to damn sleep.

And they're making noise and this and that.

And she said, you can never catch up on it.

And you're going to have a hard time tomorrow in school.

So you better go to sleep.

Is this the same mama that said you couldn't swim until two hours after you ate?

You think it's the same woman?

She's a troublemaker.

Same woman.

She's a troublemaker.

That's exactly right.

This applies to people of all ages.

It applies to men and women.

You are sleep-deprived.

And here's how they measure sleep deprivation.

Are you getting less than seven hours a night?

Oh, please do not make me laugh.

If you're getting less than seven hours of sleep a night,

you can make that up on the weekend and it can change your life and your health.

I am so tired of this week you can't have coffee.

Next week you can't have wine.

Now it's get up at the same time.



I know.

There are some times.

You need to just listen to your own body.

If your body tells you it feels better after you catch up on that lost sleep,

then what are you doing listening to some so-called expert?

Lamar has never believed that nonsense about you can't catch up on sleep,

which I didn't know.

He told me that while we were away in Washington for a job thing.

He casually mentioned, oh, that's a bunch of bull.

Yeah, I don't believe that.

I'm catching up my sleep.

I catch up.

No problem.


People who don't, people who are chronically sleep deprived, the reason that you have like

health issues and heart disease and stuff is because when you don't get enough sleep,

cortisol, which is the stress hormone, gets amped up, but it also jacks up your blood

pressure and sleeping, they call it compensatory sleep.

You're compensating for the sleep you missed, can help like normalize and bring all of that

stuff back to baseline.

It helps your body fight off infections.

And sicknesses, it reduces inflammation and they said it can even impact your risk of

like diabetes if you are making up for the sleep that you lost.

I am so excited by this and I saved it till today because a lot of people cruising into

the weekend are made to feel any kind of way about go ahead and you stay in bed as long

as you want to, if you can get away with it.

So this weekend you go ahead and you stay in bed as long as you want to, if you can get

away with it.

I have, I've given up on not ever not feeling sleepy as an adult.

I've just given up on it.

I'm going to be sleepy my entire adult life.

Somebody said the other day they were sleepy.

They were in their twenties and I said, welcome to adulthood.

You will feel this way the entire time and it will never get better.

Years ago, I went to have my hair cut and I sat down in the chair.

It was after we finished, of course.

It was like two or three, maybe four in the afternoon.

And the hairstylist, the guy named Jay said, how's it going?

I said, oh God, I am just exhausted.

He said, you know, you've said that the last two times you've been in here.

So that's, you know, I go what once a month.

So I understand what Max is saying.

You look around sometimes in your life and say, I'm always tired.

It's a terrible way to go through life.

And don't let anybody boss.

You around any kind of way you go ahead and you sleep in.

It's Bob and Sherry.

It's the stuff we wouldn't, couldn't, shouldn't do on the regular show, the

odd cast, I cast on the free Bob and Sherry app, you know, most of us grab a

cup of coffee when we wake up to get ready for work, some like it black, some

with cream and sugar, some hot, some over ice or even frozen studies go back and


Some saying it's beneficial as in possibly protecting us against maybe Parkinson's

disease and others.

Others are saying that the caffeine could increase heart disease, but now thank goodness

the British heart association in their new study has suggested that drinking coffee,

even up to 25 cups a day will not harm your heart.

The study included over 8,000 people who drank anywhere from less than one cup of coffee

up to 25 cups of coffee to see if it was related to increased stiffening of the arteries after

undergoing MRI, heart scans and infrared.

The pulse wave test, they found no increased stiffening of arteries for the ones who drank

up to the high limit compared with those who drank less than one cup a day.

Now, this study is only for your heart.

The Mayo Clinic says four cups of brewed coffee a day is considered safe.

Over consumption of caffeine has possible negative side effects.

Now, I'm not sure what they mean by cup of coffee.

I drank five 20 ounce cups from the time I get up at 4 a.m.

until we finish the show.

So then that's about probably six hours.

And before I go to bed, I will probably have another one or two of those.

So now the side effects that the Mayo Clinic talks about is insomnia, headaches, nervousness,

upset stomach, muscle tremors, restlessness, and inability to control urination.

If you mix caffeine with certain medications like ephedrine, which is found in decongestants,

you're looking at an elevated risk of heart attack.

And if you mix caffeine with other medications, you're looking at an elevated risk of heart

and lung diseases.

Now, there are some other things that can lead to a heart attack, like a stroke, or even


Now, to tell you the truth, I sleep like a baby.

I have no tremors, no upset stomach.

I guess if I start wetting my pants, I'll know it's time to cut back.

But up until then, I'm still drinking coffee, okay?

As long as I can hold myself and not pee in my pants, I'm going to keep drinking coffee.

I'm good to go.

This is Bob and Sherry.

The Bob and Sherry Show wants to help expand your regional business.

Plus, you can save time and effort by adding exposure without having to travel.

All right.

See you next time.


Have a great day.

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go to bob and sherry.com according to an article that i just read september is when people cheat

more than any other month take it take a guess

as to why

it's september got any ideas about that does it have anything with children going back to school

it does not no it does not um uh does it have anything to do with like a summer relationship

no no leaves turn it no pumpkin spice is pumpkin spice making people unfaithful

it is you know i think that maybe

if you

forget to bring it back when she asks for it at the store that could be the end of you football

football season no it's not it's just people take vacations in the summer and a lot of people take

them especially toward the end of august because they want that last you know so you're on top of

each other a lot more you might be traveling and traveling can be really irritating like i forgot

to take a picture of where we parked the car when we went to hawaii and we couldn't find her car

and that became you know quite irritating and i don't blame her i screwed up because i parked the

car it's because we're on top of each other you're not in your usual space some of the time

you know go to your usual gym you are together and um sometimes

um let's

sort of thing can get irritating for some people it's just too much of you too much of uh

too much i hear how could you have too much of me well i agree with you on that but evidently that's

to me i hear this bob and all i can think is why do we why do we couple off why do we get i know why

because you would think that having some time together away and a little adventure would be

a good thing and not

something that would drive you into infidelity i know i know and this article did not say it was

a certain amount of years it's not not they didn't say well this is the you know this is

going to happen with a seven-year itch where you know after seven years you're no longer you know

a new thing and now you know you're starting to get irritated with little things and then you're

traveling together or away on vacay even it could be you know a staycation but evidently that kind

together where you're not at work it's just the two of you god what does that say about us i know i

have never i mean i've come home from a vacation or two going that's the last time i go to the

beach with five-year-olds right i mean i've definitely come home and said that but i've

never come home from a vacation and went you know what as soon as i get this car unpacked i'm going

out and having me in a fair because you got on my nerves while we were at the beach i just can't i

don't understand how your brain does that i don't understand how your brain does that

i i don't i don't think that people have a direct connection to being on vacation and then saying i

am just so i think it's just cumulative and then the pressure of being you know on top of each other

for whatever the period is seven days becomes uh the trigger i think it's an interesting question

that you pose i mean i'm in a wonderful marriage and i'm very very lucky took me a while to find

the right one so i'm very fortunate

but you do wonder especially if you look at people that are in show business why would you bother

the likelihood that you are going to stay married if you're in los angeles california working in the

entertainment industry and you're both very attractive it's got to be low and you see just

one divorce after another with famous people you're you're shocked when you have a tom hanks

situation i just i mean if if getting some time together is so bad you're not going to be able to

that you are that miserable that you want to cheat what does that say and none of us are going to be

honest like if i said have you ever been in that situation there's not one person here that's going

to go oh yeah yeah i have let me tell you about that nobody's going to be truthful

listen uh i had a previous relationship and things were best when i was traveling a lot

oh and she wasn't with you

and then it changed and i wasn't traveling a lot i was doing the bob and sherry show

and that meant i'm going to be home every afternoon around two o'clock

i love my little uh road trips that kevin and i do now i have to confess that i was i did have a

husband once that you know like we'd go to the beach and he would do something really stupid

you know he would try to surf for example he doesn't know how and he gashes leg open there'd

be blood everywhere and i would

say stuff like you know what once you get back in that ocean that salt water will purify it as

i'm scanning for fins yeah anybody see a swim out a little further where the water has more uh salt

there you go yeah yeah and just wait there just kind of hold still and wait there yeah

but no i don't as a matter of fact eat a couple of sandwiches before you go go ahead yeah

that shocks me that that's that's cheating is the highest in september it's bob and sherry

she's done it

and again sherry lynch named one of the most influential women in radio it's bob and sherry

sherry your cat can stay cozy with a hide and scratch cat scratching box that you can win

at bob and sherry.com hide and scratch is the perfect amount of coverage for both hiding and

keeping a lookout visit hide and scratch.com you might have seen this in your news feed this is one

of those stories where you have to make a choice and these are your three choices there's no other


this person is evil this person is stupid or this person is insane okay those are your three

choices okay evil stupidity or insanity there's nothing else so if you didn't see it an american

airlines flight that took off from dallas heading for milwaukee had to be diverted to tulsa for an

emergency landing due to a first class passenger who pulled out his vape and was hitting his

pen and wouldn't stop even when a flight attendant told him you are violating federal regulations

and the guy hit his pen and said i'm not vaping and the flight attendant is like i've got eyes

and then he jumped out of his seat and he chased the flight attendant before other passengers

stepped in to protect the flight attendant from the the vaping the tulsa airport did confirm that

after the flight landed the individual was met by airport police and uh taken to tulsa county jail

and was described as quote smelling like alcohol so the flight had 103 passengers and five crew

members on board trying to get from dallas to milwaukee and thanks to this guy they got um they

got put down in tulsa uh vaping is prohibited it's like smoking vaping is prohibited on the plane and

in case you're wondering like if you're on a plane and you're on a plane and you're on a plane and you're

yeah what's the punishment if i just hit my pen once or twice um it's a fine of up to two thousand

dollars and it's a felony you can be charged with a federal offense with the felony yes i know flying

stressful i do um and i i understand wanting to take whatever steps you can to be calm on the

flight but come on all right evil stupid or insane evil stupid or insane go well let me go

first he obviously was drunk so maybe i'm eliminating the evil and insane i'm gonna say he's

he's just stupid all right lamar evil stupid or insane stupid is what stupid does yeah i'm gonna

have to give him stupid he he smelled of alcohol he wasn't necessarily drunk i mean he was clearly

sipping on a complimentary cocktail in first class while hitting his pen so first class and

he was drinking yeah he's evil yeah he's evil he's evil he's evil he's evil he's evil he's evil

yeah max doc what do you think evil drunk or stupid i'm sorry evil stupid stupid evil insane

person very creative i like that um we didn't used to have this like we we really until and

honestly i think until about 2020 i can't remember very many instances where a plane

made an emergency landing because a passenger was out of control can you

i hate this i've been in i've been in airports waiting because of storms uh in the last month

when we did uh maine to visit our listeners and then when mary and i went on vacation so i've been

a lot of time in uh in airports and uh at one point i was in reagan for seven hours trying to

get to boston to drive to maine and that was really irritating if i'm flying somewhere and

all of a sudden because of a jerk because that's what he is he's a jerk

i find my butt in tulsa oklahoma i am so those those 128 people i hope they booed that bomb when

they took him off um the here's the thing like you just don't know why a person is flying do you

remember when you and i were together at logan airport in boston trying to get your flight

changed and the woman cut the line she was sobbing hysterically trying to get onto a different flight

and they wouldn't

there was no other flight to put her on because of the weather and stuff

and she lost her mind and everybody was staring and i thought you don't know there may be she may

have just gotten the worst news of her life or someone she loves may be dying and she's trying

to get home to them like you don't know what the other people on that plane you don't know why

they're there so i'm with you bob getting diverted just because some first class yahoo needed to hit

his vape with his scotch come on yeah and then he chased the flight attendant

how do you chase anybody in an airplane charge for that you can't chase somebody in a plane

i wonder if they did they did they put the ties around his wrist to calm him down i mean if if if

this guy and i'm next to the guy i gotta sit next to him till we get to tulsa and he's taken off the

plane what did they do with him i'm always curious about that well i mean they let this guy they

locked him up because it's a federal crime

you don't just get it talking to you get your butt handed to you it's bob and sherry now let's

open up the bob and sherry archive vault all right you know i used to be an exterminator but i'm

telling you right now i do not like being around animals that need to be removed from anywhere i

just don't like vermin like vermin okay like raccoons like raccoons are precious yeah well i

had an encounter with one yesterday afternoon with a raccoon and i was like oh my god i'm gonna get

a raccoon i don't understand raccoons i've got three trash bins at my house i've got the green

one for the recycling which is which fills up so fast i need like two of those because i am a good

recycler and then i have the two trash ones now they're up against the a brick wall uh where where

you can walk there's there's a tree and and land and then it falls off into my driveway with a brick

wall okay so

like a retaining wall right exactly so i go over to take the trash out yesterday after creating a

raccoon buffet zone though it sounds like well kind of i mean it sounds like the raccoons can

sit on that brick retaining wall open the lid to your trash can and the only thing missing are the

big fat yeast rolls and the chocolate wonderful i think that happened okay because there i am all

alone having a good day everything's fine i open it up lying on the trash is a wreck a

big raccoon alive it wasn't moving uh and it was halfway down there like four bags of trash

there was a raccoon in the trash and and he's lying on top on his he was lying on his side

like i sleep exactly like i said god that's how i sleep and then i put it down like a girl i just

i just i went because it just freaked me out he didn't look up he didn't do nothing so i'm going

what am i going to do now this is probably a dead raccoon and i don't want to pick up

oh they're nocturnal he was sleeping the first thing that you do is get your phone out get the

camera on because this is a this is twitter gold max is this not twitter gold twitter gold why

didn't i do that i i didn't ever think i don't know i was freaked out so what did you do i kicked

it oh to wake him up to wake him up to see nothing i kicked it again i kicked it again

nothing i'm going oh what am i going to do now and so now i'm thinking well i'll just leave him

yeah because he's and then the trash i hate to do it

say this but this is how evil i am the uh the trash guys will come it'll go up and he goes

into the trash but that's a week away all right so if he is dead somehow he ate something i don't

know what it was and he went in there and then i started thinking then you have to think about

the fact that you've got a raccoon tune every day i would never be able to sleep

raccoon funeral time let me ask you let me ask you this how did he get in the lids are closed

they open them they have little hands do they have thumbs i don't know i don't know does a

raccoon have a thumb

but they are they're very dexterous they have little hands so he could have gotten on one of

them actually lifted it up and gone in it and and see now he couldn't get out because he's halfway

down he can't it's slippery on the side he could not get out and that's why he i thought that he

died well either he died or you should be envious of that raccoon's ability to get some shut eye

oh yeah that's true sleeping on trash what's his sleep number i know it exactly


well he couldn't get out and i'm kicking it so i'm going all right did you not hear him starting

to scrabble around nothing nothing totally silent and i'm thinking you know why he died

he needed water he he had no water in there you don't take a picture i didn't i'm sorry

because you know why i thought if i lifted it up again his head would have grown 10 times

this opportunity real scary this opportunity is going to come back i know i know the trash

cam bob looks in that's exactly what i thought would happen this

second time all right so what have you done so here's what i did i i i was going to go back in

the house and say well i'm not dealing with this you know and then i went now you got to deal with

it because you just because then madison comes home opens the trash can and a raccoon comes

flying out at her oh a 13 year old girl taking out the trash now that's a good one oh you're good

oh you're you should write fantasy novels what are you kidding me there's nobody that goes out

there but me i'm a dreamer all right so i took i took the trash can and i'm like oh my god i'm

and i rolled it and i rolled it down the driveway in the back of the house over to the wood area

i turned it around and i put it with the lid facing the woods and i put the lid down no i

left the lid up i left the lid up but it would fall down if the raccoon was alive and it came

out and i kicked it and kicked it and kicked it bang it goes down the lid goes down and

out it walks so you finally woke it up i woke it up and it it it turned around i went get out of

here go away so now i'm screaming in the woods in the afternoon go away and my hands are flailing

it turned around i swear i don't know if it has a thumb but it's got a middle finger because i

think it gave it to me instant access to the podcast oddcast fun size and more with the free

bob and sherry app i saw the

best greatest comeback on social media and it was from your new favorite actor lamar glenn powell

so he's the man and yeah and here it was the tweet was something along the lines of um

ryan ryan gosling wishes he could do what glenn powell does and glenn powell

grabbed that tweet quote tweeted it and said gosling's a legend i'm just glenn

and it was so perfect it was that is

it was the greatest thing ever and a play on the i'm just ken song and all of that from the barbie

movie it was so good but here's what i read about your favorite new actor i read that um

they're putting him into every movie because people are actually going to movie theaters

to see movies he's in for him yes i mean you know that as the movie that's a powerful position to

be in yeah it is i mean he's he's he's just like he's that guy right now he's that guy he can't do

any wrong and you know they're talking about doing a uh a third um top gun and he's up for it if they

do it and i mean can we really bring maverick back again again

tom cruise said tom cruise said he said he would only do it if if it made sense and he said the

the script that they've showed him makes sense and if they do it it won't be here till like

2027 but they're talking about it because he said it he said because it would be crazy to

try to force it but he said the script that they've got makes sense now that's scary to me

hard to do this three times hard to do it it's uh it totally makes sense

that a 63 year old man would be a uh top gun and and still up there fire pilot yeah

if he looks 63 that might be different but he don't yeah that's true wow so there you go he's

just glenn it's bob and sherry thank you so much for listening to the bob and sherry podcast

the odd cast and talking lamar we would love it if you would subscribe rate and review

and maybe share it with a friend on facebook instagram wherever you go and thank you again

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