A Holy Boldness


Port Hope Free Presbyterian Church

A Holy Boldness

Port Hope Free Presbyterian Church

Before we consider God's word, let us unite again in prayer.

O dear Lord and loving Father, we rejoice that we are in thy house on the Lord's day.

And we pray that we might know thy blessing, that, O Lord, thou wilt come and draw near to each one.

I pray, Lord, thou wilt grant unto me the help, power of the Holy Spirit of God,

that, Lord, I might be enabled to preach the word.

And as always, in preaching the word, I'll always preach Christ.

Endeavor to lift him up and speak well of his finished work at Calvary.

So, Lord, come and abide with us now.

In the Savior's precious name we pray. Amen.

Continuing our study and...

The life of Peter.

The subject this morning is a holy boldness.

We read these verses of chapter 4 of Acts,

and we certainly see the boldness of Peter

as he addressed the enemies of Christ,

those who hated the Lord,

and those who...

And those who...

could not stand the truth

that Christ had been raised from the dead.

Didn't matter to Peter.

He was going to preach Christ anyway

with, indeed, a holy boldness.

For the healing of the lame man,

that man who lay him at the gate beautiful,

and the holy, begging.

That man had been healed

and made whole.

And it caused quite a stir

among the people of Jerusalem.

And Peter and John

then seized the opportunity

to tell the people, the rulers,

the elders,

The Sadducees and others about the one who wrought the miracle and caused the lame man to be able to stand up and jump for joy that he had been healed.

He told them about the person. The person. They're told that when the rulers saw the lame man walk, they marveled. They marveled, verse 12.

And Peter made it clear that the God of our fathers had glorified his son through the healing.

On the lame man. In other words, Peter was telling those gathered there that Christ was the one who had healed this man.

Notice also, not only did he tell them about the person, but he spoke to them and preached about the power.

A man who was unable to walk.

From the day he was born, was able now to walk.

Peter said that through placing his faith, that is the lame man, placing his faith in Christ.

And we read in the verse 16, his name hath made this man strong.

Putting his faith in the name of Christ hath made this man strong.

From the day he was born.

From weakness to strength.

From being helpless to being active.

Look there at the verse 7.

There we read in the verse 7.

And when they had set them in the midst, they asked, by what power or by what name have ye done this?

In verse 8.

And Peter filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, ye rulers of the people.

And elders of Israel.

And he went on to tell them.

The Lord Jesus did it all for this dear helpless man.

So we notice the person and the power and the perfection.

We know that whatever the Savior does.

Whatever the Savior did during his public ministry.

He always did it well.

It was always perfect.

Whatever Christ did.

There was nothing lacking to anything the Lord did.

Peter tells his audience that Christ hath given him this perfect soundness.

In the presence of you all.

That's how.

That's how Peter described what the Lord had done for this lame man.

He has given him perfect soundness.

Think of it.

You consider those words.

It tells us that this lame man was not partially healed.


He was perfectly healed.

Perfect soundness was in his body.


This reminds us that when the Lord saves a soul it is a perfect and complete work.

Paul says and ye are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power.

Colossians 2 and 10.

Ye are complete in him.


Not saved today.

And then being in danger of being lost tomorrow.

Not at all.

It is a perfect salvation.

It is a complete salvation.

Complete in Christ.

Complete in thee.

The work of mine may take dear Lord the place of thine.

Thy blood hath pardoned God from me.

And I am now complete in thee.

Now we see how the bold preaching of Peter stirred up the devil's crowd.

Always does, doesn't it?

And here we see first of all the conversions.

On the day of Pentecost, Peter anointed with the Holy Ghost, stood up and preached

to the people there in Jerusalem.

What was the result?

About three thousand souls were saved that day.

Three thousand souls.

Now a number of days later.

Three thousand souls.

The principal preacher, namely Peter, declared God's word in the temple.

And the result, praise the Lord, the result was the same.

As we see there in verse 4, how many of them which heard the word believed.

And the number of the men was about five.


We may ask, what did Peter preach that brought about such a result?

Well we know, first of all he preached the word.

He preached the word.

And from the moment he opened his mouth to preach,

There in verse 12



or referred to Christ


12 times.

About 12 times.

So his message

was about Christ.

He focused the attention of the people

on God's Son.

That's the way

of course it ought

always to be.

It ought

always to be.

Just as Paul said

we preach Christ


That was Paul's message.

Wherever he was

wherever he went to

in his missionary journey

the message was the same.

We preach Christ.

There's no other message.

Listen there's no other



giving to

poor lost

sinners. No other


But notice also

much of his message

that is the message of Peter that day

was from the Old Testament.

The Old Testament.

Modernistic ministers

today of course

ignore the Old Testament.

Oh it's out of date.

They never make

much reference

to the Old Testament.

Well Peter didn't believe that.

He didn't believe that

for as he preached Christ

he preached him

as he's revealed

in the Old Testament.

Look there

verse 21

chapter 4

verse 21

So when

they had further threatened


they let them go

finding nothing

how they might

punish them


of the people

for all men glorified


that which was done.

Sorry I should have went to chapter 3.

Chapter 3 verse 21


heaven must receive

until the time

of restitution of all things

which God has spoken

by the


of all his holy prophets

since the world began.

Verse 22

For Moses

truly said unto the fathers

A prophet shall the Lord

your God

raise up.

Prophet of course was Christ.

A prophet the Lord

your God

raise up

unto you

of your brethren

like unto me

him shall ye hear

in all things.


he shall say

unto you.

And so here is Peter

and he preached Christ

as he revealed

in the Old Testament

and Moses there

spoke about Christ

and referred to him as

the prophet

who would come

to save

and if he was rejected

those who rejected him

would be lost.

As well as the word

he preached the word.

We notice here the wicket.

Well, of course it was only a matter of time.

Whenever Peter preached the word

and Peter preached Christ

it was only a matter of time

before those who hated the gospel

and indeed hated Christ

made themselves known.

Look at the opening

three verses

and as they speak

as they speak

unto the people

the priests

and the captain of the temple

and the Sadducees

came upon them

being grieved

that they taught the people

and preached through Jesus

the resurrection from the dead

and they laid hands

on them

and put them in hope.

until the next day

for it was now even time.

As they spoke

as they spoke

as they preached Christ

the godless crowd came

and laid hands on them

as they spoke

they came upon them.

What was their message?

The message was

that Jesus

was the Messiah

and that Jesus

the Peter and John


don't hear anymore

they laid hands on them

and put them in prison.

They couldn't bear

to hear about Christ

just as they couldn't bear

to hear Christ himself.

What was their cry then?


In other words

silence him.

He is to be silenced

and the ungodly

today have not changed.

Their attitude is the same.

Stand up for the crown rights

of King Jesus

and proclaim the truth.

The enemies

of the gospel

will seek to silence you.

Take a stand again.


As we know all about it today.

Take your stand

against the things

that God hates

and calls an abomination.

Stand against that

and the godless

are ready to arrest you.

As well as the godless

you see the gathering.

We see here that Satan

mustered as it were

his forces

against Peter and John


of their preaching.

We have noted there

in the opening verse

they laid hands on them.

Who were they?

The priests?

Captain of the temple?

The Sadducees?

Did you look there?

At verse 6

And Annas the high priest

and Caiaphas

and John

and Alexander

and as many as were

of the kindred of the high priest

were gathered together

at Jerusalem.

Oh they all came together.

They all came together.

To silence

the preaching

of the word.

Of course we know

nothing has changed.

The ungodly today

will come together

forget about their own

personal differences.

You see it in the political realm.

They will all come together

to stand against

to speak against

the man who will stand up

for truth

and righteousness

and declare

what the Bible teaches.

Look there

at Luke chapter 22.

Luke 22

verse 52

Then Jesus said unto the chief priests

and captains of the temple

and the elders which were come

to him

Be ye come out against

as against a thief

with swords and staves

when I was daily with you

in the temple

ye stretched forth no hand

against me


this is your hour

and the power of darkness.

The power

of darkness.

The Lord referred to the power

of darkness.

That's the satanic power.

And where there is opposition

to the truth

of God's word

it's the power of darkness

that is behind it.

Paul said in Ephesians 6

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood

but against principalities

against powers

against the rulers of darkness

of this world

against spiritual wickedness

in high places.

The power

of darkness.

And wherever there is an attempt

to silence a preacher of the Gospel

you know it's the power

of darkness behind it.

As well as the godless

and the gathering

we see the grieved.

Verse 2

The Lord said unto the chief priests

and captains of the temple

and the elders which were come

to him

Be ye come out against

as against a thief

with swords and staves

when I was daily with you

and the elders which were come

to him

and the elders which were come

to him

against spiritual wickedness

in high places.

The Lord said unto the chief priests

and captains of the temple

and the elders which were come

to him

being grieved

that they taught the people

and preached through Jesus

the resurrection from the dead.


they were grieved.

The preaching of Christ grieved them.

The preaching of the resurrection

grieved them.

That word grieve

means to vex through and through.

It also means

to be indignant.

In other words

they hated the preaching of the word.

The message Peter preached

inflamed them with great anger.

They were grieved.

Do we know

Satan is grieved

each time Christ is preached

in all its fullness.

Satan is grieved

when a living Christ is preached

a resurrected Christ is preached.

All the more reason then

all the more reason

we should preach him

whenever the opportunity presents itself.

We preach Christ anyway.

So you have the word

in the wicked

you have the wonder.

Such was the opposition

to the preaching of Christ

that the rulers laid hands on them

and put them in hold

until the next day.

Verse 3.

So they lapped up Peter and John

as they sought to silence them.


they may have shut up


and Peter

the preachers of the word

but we praise the Lord.

We praise the Lord

that the enemies of the truth

could not stop them.

They could not stop them.

They couldn't stop them.

They couldn't stop people

they could not stop people.

They wouldn't

they couldn't stop them.

They could not stop

they didn't.

They could not stop them.

So in this most important passage

I want to remind you

we listen to momentarily

of what was said today.

It was Jesus Christ.


through the preaching

of the word

and the preaching

of Christ

this would surely encourage


that no matter how great

the opposition

to the preaching of the word

and the great

opposition of the power of


we keep preaching because

the spirit of God will work anyway

in spite of the enemies

the spirit of God will work

as well as the conversions

we notice then the challenge

having been released

Peter and John

were then challenged

about what had taken


in the life of the lay man

verse 7

and when they had sent them

in the midst they asked

by what power

or by what name

have you done this

referring to the lay man

who was able now to walk

by what power

by what name

have you done this

they challenged them

what I see here

first of all

is their acknowledgement

I find it very


what they said to Peter and John

about the lay man

they wanted to know

by what


and power

and by what name

have you done this

and so they recognised

that there was some power

at work

in the healing of this man

they recognised that


what did Peter and John

preach onto them

the word

there's the power

in Christ

there's the name

and when

a notorious sinner

gets saved

and his life is transformed

and is acknowledged

and is abolished

look at the change in that man

by what power

what power was wrought

to change such a man

and change him in such a way

what power

was used

the power

was divine

the power

was divine

the divine power

Peter preached the word

there's the power

he preached Christ

there's the power

what did Paul say

for I'm not ashamed

of the gospel of Christ


it is

the power

of God



to everyone

that believeth

why would any preacher

be ashamed

of preaching

the gospel of Christ

when it is the power of God

it is the power of God

what do we hold in our hands today

what do we hold today

the power of God

here it is

this book is the power of God

and changes lives

transforms individuals

no wonder Paul

no wonder Paul told Timothy


preached the word

because it's the power of God

onto salvation

as well as the acknowledgement of God

as well as the acknowledgement

there is the anointed

all who were gathered around Peter and John

that day had no love for the word

and had a hatred for Christ

and when challenged about what took place

in the life of this lame man

Peter spoke

verse 8

then Peter filled with the Holy Ghost

said unto them

there is the anointed

Peter was filled

with the Holy Ghost

now remember this

all who were gathered around Peter

and John that day

they were all haters of Christ

they were all enemies

of the truth

and yet

Peter preached with great boldness


because he was filled

of the Holy Ghost


of the Holy Ghost

so with great boldness

Peter preached Christ

with great boldness Peter preached the word

why did he preach with such boldness

none daring to make him afraid

why because he was full

of the Holy Ghost

what does this tell us


it tells us that

we need to be filled with the Holy Ghost

we do

we need to be filled with the Holy Ghost

that we may be bold

and fearless for the Lord

you're in a restaurant

you're sitting at a table

and the waiter or waitress brings your meal

do you bow your head

and give thanks for the meal

are you embarrassed

you wouldn't like people to see you bow your head

and pray

I remember a few years ago

in town here

the big truck had stopped

in one of the restaurants

and there the driver

had got out of his cab

and was kneeling

on the roadside

at the side of his truck

I reckon he must have been a Muslim

he wasn't ashamed

to own his religion

or his God

he didn't care who was driving by

and who saw him

he didn't care who was driving by

and when we are filled with the Holy Ghost

and with power

we'll be bold

and fearless

for the Lord

when Peter and John were threatened

with regard to their preaching of Christ

instead of being intimidated

and fearful


they were bold

and declared

the truth

verse 18

and they called them

and commanded them not to speak

at all

nor teach

in the name

of Jesus

go down to verse 29

and now Lord behold their threatenings

and grant unto thy servants

that with all boldness

they may speak thy word

look at verse 31

and when they had prayed

the place was shaken

where they were assembled together

and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost

and they spake the word of God

with boldness

filled with the Holy Ghost

and they spake the word

with boldness

not ashamed

not afraid

not intimidated

let us then pray for the infilling

of the Holy Spirit

that we also may be bold

for the Lord

no matter where we are

or what company we're in

let us not be afraid to speak up

for Christ

and speak for Him

He wasn't ashamed of us at Calvary


let us never be ashamed

of the Lord

I'm not ashamed to owe my Lord

or to defend His cause

as well as the acknowledgement

and the anointed

you see the importance

of the appearance

that is

we see how the appearance

of the lay man is described

verse 9

if we this day be examined of the good

deed done to the impotent man

by what means he is made whole

that's how it's described

by what means he is made whole

look at the end of the verse 10

God raised from the dead

even by him

doth this man stand here before you whole

what a testimony

to what the Lord does

and how He does it

lay him from the day he was born

made whole

by the power of Christ

wasn't partly healed

he was made whole

and we see him standing there

with Peter and John

and we say

my Jesus

hath done all things well

and we can say

the same

with regard to our own salvation

we know what we were before

God saved us

but then that day came

and the Lord lifted us out of the mire of our sin

washed us in His blood

cleansed us

and made us whole

made us whole

we are able

to say the Lord by His grace and His blood

hath made me whole

no there's no deficiency

in anything that our dear Saviour does

especially in the work of salvation

you look at the Lord

public ministry

go through Matthew

Mark, Luke and John

and the people

that the Lord healed

and all that Christ healed

He made them whole

He made the blind whole

they were able to see

He made the deaf whole

they were able to hear

He made the lame whole

they were able to walk

He made them whole

and we praise His name

the laver

He has made you and I whole

He has made us whole

what a wonderful change

my life has been wrought

since Jesus

came into my heart

and finally and briefly

as well as the convergence and the challenge

you have the confession

Peter had been challenged as to how

the lame man was healed

but Peter wasted no time

in letting them know verse 10

be it known unto you all

and to all the people of Israel

that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth

who have ye crucified

whom God raised from the dead

even by him

did this man stand here

before you whole

in other words Peter

made it clear

that he or John

had no

part to play

in the healing of this man

Christ did it all

and there in the verse 10

he spoke about the master

he made it known unto all

that the Lord Jesus

had healed this lame man

and you notice he told them

about the rejected Christ

he was saying

the person

who made this lame man whole

you crucified

you were among those

who cried out



he is the one

who made this man whole

the rejected

you rejected him

then he told them about the

not only the rejected Christ

but the raised Christ

he wanted them to know

that the one they had crucified

was not in the grave

he was alive

for God had raised him from the dead

and Peter quoted the words of the Psalmist

Psalm 118 verse 22

the stone

that the builders rejected

has now become their own

the head of the corner

and Peter was saying

you rejected him

but he is now the head of the corner


he is the one

who healed this man

as well as the master

you have the message

what was the message

neither is there salvation

than any other

why don't you like that

don't you like what Peter did

neither is there salvation

than any other

for there is none under name

under heaven

given amongst men

whereby you must

be saved

must be saved

and all those who Peter

preached there that day

all the religious leaders

Peter was saying

your religion will not save you

you must be saved

that's a great message

that is a great message

may the Lord

use the Lord's word today

and may we see that Christ

has power

to change

transform the life

of the worst of sinners

may the Lord bless His word to our hearts

let's bow and pray

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