Jehovah's Witness Secret History


The Underground Christian Network

Jehovah's Witness Secret History

The Underground Christian Network

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. Theo Hickmatt here. Friends call me Jason Zelda, singer-songwriter.

You'll find my music at I'm also the author of the interactive e-book,

The Whistleblower's Lighthouse. You'll find that at The Whistleblower's

Lighthouse is an interactive e-book that you can use if you have friends or family who are trapped

in the Jehovah's Witness cult and you need some ideas on how to get them out. The Whistleblower's

Lighthouse interactive e-book is just the thing that you need. More than 500 pages of a PDF

that can be used on your phone, it can be used on your tablet, your computer, pretty much anything

that can run PDFs. So it's going to play it and you'll be able to use it. It has QR codes in there

as well that'll take you to audio and video and websites and various other things that would help

you get your music out there. So if you're interested in that, I'd love to hear from you.

Even more information about the topics that I'm talking about. So I hope you'll check it out. I've

made it affordable for everybody. You can pay anything you want to pay over $3. So if you want

to pay $3, you can download the PDF and it's yours forever to use however you want to use to reach

people with the gospel. Try to get people out of this cult. If you want to pay 30 bucks, if you

want to pay 300, whatever you want to pay, I got it set up that way where you can pay whatever you

want to pay, whatever you can afford, because I want everybody to be able to get it.

And be able to use it to reach your friends and family and get them out of the Jehovah's Witness

cult. So today our topic is going to be the Jehovah's Witnesses during the Nazi Germany

period and the things they didn't tell you about what they did back then. There was a lot of stuff

that went on back then that the leadership of the Jehovah's Witnesses just simply don't tell

the public because as long as you don't tell the public what you did, you'll get a lot of sympathy

from the public. So if you're a Jehovah's Witness, you're going to get a lot of sympathy from the

public. So if you're a Jehovah's Witness, you're going to get a lot of sympathy from the public.

But if the public realized that part of the reason why you got in trouble was because you

instigated it. If the public found out that part of the reason you got in trouble

was because of self-inflicted wounds

that you blamed on others when you knew you did it yourself.

All of a sudden, a lot of that sympathy will go away.

Now, I want to talk about the Jehovah's Witnesses. I want to talk about the Jehovah's Witnesses.

I want to start off by thanking the Watchtower History Channel, Jeff and Paul.

I've been friends with Jeff for years, and I told him probably a year and a half ago

that I was working on a video dealing with this topic, and he told me that he and Paul

are also working on the same subject. And I know they have way more documentation than I do.

Here's a picture of Jeff, and you see behind him the huge library,

of Watchtower books he has behind him and the same is true for Paul who has been collecting a

whole bunch of these books as well now neither one of these men just like myself neither one of us

have ever been Jehovah's Witnesses but we have this this mission I guess you could say to just

go and try to reach these people and try to get them out of the cult so that's where I am now so

I want to give them credit because I'm going to be using a lot of what they put in their series

and adding it to the stuff that I'd already done and I told Jeff a while back I says I'll hold back

on doing my video series until you finish yours I just didn't know when I said that back then

that it was going to be about a year and a half before I could finally do my video

but I kept my word and I held back on doing my video until they finished theirs

and I recommend you going to their channel Watchtower History channel it's a blue and white


and it says uh WT History and that'll be the one and they have probably a few hundred videos there

exposing the Watchtower and they go through a lot of stuff a lot of different topics and things so I

recommend you go over and check them out subscribe to them show them some love because I'm going to

be utilizing some of their material here in this video to deal with the subject matter we're going

to be dealing with now we're going to start off by dealing with

the main characters in this play who are the people who were involved in this drama that's

going to unfold during the World War II period we're going to start off with Joseph Rutherford

now there's a lot that's been said about Joseph Rutherford a lot that's been written about Joseph

Rutherford and I'm not a psychiatrist and I'm not a psychologist

but I have taken time to take a look at Rutherford's history and his background

with the help of the Watchtower History channel as they went back and looked over his history and

did a deep deep deep deep dive deep dive you see they have way more documentation to me they

have access to books magazines microfilm newspapers videos audios they got way more stuff than me

so I took some time to literally watch hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and

hours and hours and hours and hours of their presentations and learned a whole lot what I'm

doing here by the way is in no wise in any way a summary of what they have over there

I don't even come close these guys do incredibly good work and I give them two thumbs up

for the work that they've done

huge shout out to you Jeff I'm hoping a lot of people go over and subscribe to you and watch

your videos because there's a lot that you guys can learn watching their videos

now with Rutherford what do we know about Rutherford from the psychological background

from his family for instance well one thing that hit me really hard when I began to look

into Rutherford's background is I wanted to know oh by the way see me looking down by the way I have

a lot of papers and stuff

here that I'm uh made copies and try to remember some of this because I got a lot of stuff I got

to try to remember to do this video so uh bear with me please um what I learned a little bit

about his family was very important Rutherford was raised in a Baptist household and he was

raised in the 1800s which means that he would have been raised

on the King James Bible

he would have been raised by his parents being taught the real word of God

but Rutherford didn't like what God's word had to say

he mainly didn't like the doctrine of hell



he had a Baptist minister but sadly his minister said something to Rutherford that was unscriptural

and Rutherford was already on the edge as it was as a young man that when his minister claimed

that his wife that Rutherford's wife was going to go to hell because she hadn't been

immersed or baptized that was the thing according to the

research that ultimately pushed Rutherford over the edge

the issue is Rutherford knew so little about what God's word actually says

that he didn't even catch the fact that his minister had misquoted the Bible

and he got mad over a misquoting of the scripture

the Bible doesn't teach anywhere

that your sins are forgiven through baptism

so that minister was wrong for telling Rutherford

that Rutherford's wife was going to go to hell because she didn't get baptized

that is not scriptural

the King James Bible says it is by grace you're saved

through faith

not of yourselves

it's a gift of God

not of works

lest you be saved by grace

any man should boast

you can't earn your way to heaven

that's true Christianity

the cults will teach you that you have to earn God's favor

true Christianity teaches us

it ain't nothing we can do that's going to impress God

what are you going to do that's going to impress God

I mean please

what am I going to do that's going to impress God


what can we do that's going to top what Jesus did on that cross


so his minister said something to him that ticked him off

and what did Rutherford do

well according to the Silvanere magazine

this was from 1913

it says why Judge Rutherford turned from atheism

he left the faith completely

because of what that minister said

he didn't just turn his back on the King James Bible

it said here

he became an atheist

now that's a pretty big step to go

he turned his back on God altogether

and when you understand

that Rutherford's foundation is not

Christianity. It's atheism.

It'll help you understand why he created

such a self-destructive religion. Because the majority of the

teachings that Jehovah's Witnesses have today didn't come from their founder, Charles Taze

Russell. It came from Rutherford.

Now let's take a look into this and see how the Watchtower organization

dealt with the issue of Rutherford

being raised in a Baptist family and then rejecting the

word of God and becoming an atheist and turning his back on God altogether.

Let's see how they dealt with that. This is from that Sylvainer

magazine. This is from the International

Bible Students Association from 1913. And those of you who know,

know that that's what the Jehovah's Witnesses were calling themselves back then, the International

Bible Students. So this is their

own material telling you that Rutherford

turned from being a Baptist to being an atheist. Let's see

what it says here. Let's put it on the screen. The highlighted part.

He was naturally very devout, yet the logical reasoning of

the successful lawyer all but swept his reverence for religious

things into oblivion.

You see, he believed like atheists believed.

That their brain

is going to get them out of everything. They're just going to

ignore that God exists and go on with their lives as if everything's

okay and everything's fine. They'll just ignore

God and use their intellect to try to

prove that God doesn't exist. The only

problem is we're all going to die one day and you can't

brain your way out of dying.

And it's when you die that you realize,

oops, you made a big mistake because it's then that you

realize there is a god and you're face to

face with him. And you spent your life rejecting

him down here. And you'll get

rejected up there. And even though

Rutherford didn't want to admit there was a hell,

he's not God. God said there is.

He's not God. He's not God.

He's not God.ری And one

thing that I try to tell people. If there's no such thing as hell, then

what did Jesus come and die for us for? He's called

the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Savior from

what? If there is no hell, what's he saving

you from?

You got to think it through.

It says here,

Remember, the future Mrs. Rutherford was a Presbyterian.

The judge was sure she was better than he and more

worthy of the love of God and men and the reward of heaven.

Again, he's thinking like an atheist because the Bible

does not teach that you make it to heaven through your good works.

If you can make it to heaven through your good works, Jesus

would not have had to die for you.

Rutherford didn't know the Bible.

It says here,

Therefore, when his Baptist pastor told him she was going to hell, fire,

because she had not been immersed and that he was going straight to

heaven because he had been, his logical mind revolted

and he became an atheist.

It's right there in black and white.

Right there in black and white.

Written by...

Written by the Jehovah Witnesses themselves about him in 1913.

Now, why is this important?

Watch what happens.

Next highlighted section.

The worthy judge leaned back in his chair and began to elaborate on how his attention

had first been directed to the writings of Pastor Russell and how he had tested and weighed

every statement after he read them before making them his own.

So, when his dad gave him God's word, he said, I don't want that.

I don't like what it says.

But when he got a knock on the door from culpholders, followers of Charles Taze Russell,

and they said,

I hate banging oncipers, whatever,

they was going to become the epitome of ainsiagninous pastor,

people who have never changed yet a had to ..

avoided the right to answer from those questions.

But lost the chance,

so they wrote them back in 1915 by ANNOUNCER.

And that whole debunk of believers,

and because of that,

they sold him books.

Didn't give them away.

Remember I told you, my original video,

the Hidden History of the Juast ro Bible and Tract Society.

They sold their literature back then

halls they cut the grass they pay the bills the whole nine yards and whenever the leadership wants

they'll pull that kingdom hall right out from underneath them send them to another kingdom

hall across town and then the leadership will sell that kingdom hall for a 100 profit because

the leadership didn't have to put a dime toward building it or maintaining it and then tell the

jehovah's go build another kingdom hall and the members never catch on that they're being used

for free labor he was offered the word of god by his dad he didn't want the word of god because he

didn't like what it said so when followers of charles tase russell comes along with their books

he accepts that god's word is not good enough for him he'll take the words of charles tase russell

he likes those words the words of men

and i want you to notice what it says here that last sentence

before making them his own

what i learned about rutherford was this rutherford was the kind of guy

he's not what i would call an original guy he's not a guy that would build a company from the

ground up on his own and if he trips and falls

pulls the ground up on his own he's not a guy that would pull the ground up on his own

he pulls himself up by his bootstraps as they say no no no when i was growing up he'd be called a

copycat he'll let you do all the work and he'll take the credit that's what he did with the watch

tower he let charles tase russell build that group up and as soon as charles tase russell died

before his body could barely get cold rutherford was already making moves to take over the group

even though he knew as a

lawyer that charles tase russell had written a will and rutherford was not supposed to be the next

guy in line and he knew it but he didn't care he didn't build the company but he took it over

didn't he and then what else did he do he stripped it away from charles tase russell by changing the

rules to his rules and then in the 1930s changing the name to the name that he came up with

and as i mentioned in my whistleblowers lighthouse interactive ebook i think he got the name jehovah's

witness by reading one of charles tase russell's studies in the scripture book

where charles tase russell goes to egypt and he's doing measurements on the great pyramid

and there was another guy there who was also doing measurements and this other person says to charles

tase russell that the great pyramid was jehovah's witness it's right there in charles tase russell's


and rutherford would have been very familiar with the writings of charles tase russell

but he was not familiar with the word of god

i think he got the term jehovah's witness from reading charles tase russell's book

but he never gave credit to the guy that came up with the term did he nope

he last highlighted section says this investigation was not made hastily i spent

years on this investigation i spent years on this investigation i spent years on this investigation

at it i applied all kinds of tests i dug up every record i could find

so he was willing to go through all that work to verify charles tase russell

but he was not willing to spend five minutes

to go into the scriptures the king james bible and find out if what his minister said was true

because if he simply had

he would have realized that his minister had misquoted the scriptures

and that could have changed the whole course of history

there would have been no reason to become an atheist

but let me ask you since we understand now that rutherford's foundation is atheism

we have to ask an honest question

is an atheist going to bring you

the true christian religion

is the atheist going to bring you

the true christian religion


they're not going to know what the bible actually teaches

they don't want they don't have any interest in this book

and they certainly don't have any interest in the god of this book

no they're not going to bring you the true christian religion

did rutherford put together the true christian religion because

the jehovah's witnesses today the majority of the teachings they have came from rutherford

did rutherford put together the true christian religion the man whose foundation was atheism

well let's take a look and compare the teachings of christianity with the teachings of the jehovah's

witnesses and again i printed this from my whistleblowers lighthouse interactive ebook

a chart that i made comparing the teachings of the jehovah's witnesses with the teachings of the

teachings of the jehovah's witnesses

to the teaching that we have been teaching as christians for nearly two

thousand years

and let's see if they match

we christians teach that jesus is god

joel winces says he's not god they say he's michael the archangel

we christians teach that jesus created all things joel winces teaches that jesus himself was


it sounded to me like joel winces was being taught the opposite

number three

because jesus is god we worship him

joel winces has refused to worship jesus

number four

you can know that your sins are forgiven through faith in jesus as christians

joel winces

they are told to work for their god

but they are never told when they have done enough

to please their god

that doesnt sound like christianity to me

let's speed it up

number five god reveals himself to us as the godhead

father son and holy spirit

jehovah wins the trinity the doctrine of the devil

That's the opposite of what we teach.

We teach that when Christians die, they go to heaven.

Joel Winterson teaches only 144,000 go to heaven and everybody else has to stay on the paradise earth.

That's not Christianity.

We Christians teach that humans have a soul.

Joel Winterson says they don't have a soul.

They teach the opposite.

Number eight, we teach that the person can understand the Bible by reading it themselves.

They'll be in the external sources.

Read the book and believe it.

Joel Winterson is told they have to trust a group of men in New York to explain the Bible to them through books and magazines and literature.

That's not Christianity.

Number nine, you cannot earn your way to God's favor.

That's what fundamental Christianity has taught for nearly 2,000 years.

It's by grace you're saved, not by your works.

Joel Winterson is told they have to earn their God's favor by going to multiple meetings a week

and following this never-ending list of rules that their leaders tell them that they must do.

Next up.

We teach the Holy Spirit is God and has a personality, a body, the ability to speak and make decisions.

Joel Winterson is told that the Holy Spirit is an act of force.

That's not Christianity, folks.

Number 11, we teach that Jesus died on the cross.

They used to teach the cross.

Then they stopped and started teaching something different.

That's not Christianity.

We teach that if somebody leaves the faith, you don't shun them.

It's a story of the prodigal son who got all his goods and left home.

His dad waited for him day after day after day to come home.

And when he finally did come home, did his dad say, well, now that you're home,

you're going to sit in the back and sit down in the basement and for the next few months until I, you know,

say it's OK for you to come upstairs.

Is that what happened?

No, he didn't tell me to sit in the back of the house for months.

Why? Everybody ignores him and shuns him.


As soon as the father saw the son coming home, he didn't even wait.

He ran out there to his son, wrapped his arms around him.

Told him, put them clean clothes on him and let's have a feast.

Let's have a party.

My son's home.

Is that what Jehovah's Witnesses do when somebody comes back into their group?


That's not Christianity they have over there.

We teach it's OK to vote.

We teach it's OK to join the military.

We don't have some kind of dress code.

They teach you not supposed to vote.

They teach you can't be part of the military.

And they do tend to have a dress code.

We teach there's a hell.

They say there's not.

And we can celebrate holidays and birthdays.

And as of right now, they're told they're not allowed to do that.

Now, since they're a cult, their teachings and beliefs are subject to change.

So all these things that they say,

they believe now overnight, they can change because their religion is not based on the solid word of God that doesn't change.

Their religion is based on the constant changing of their leadership's ideas, mind and imagination.

If the leadership says we have a new way of thinking, they'll go along with a new way of thinking.

So their religion is not Christianity.

And why would a man?

Why would a man?

Who has an atheist background put together the true Christian religion?

He couldn't do it.

He doesn't know the Bible in the first place to do it.

So what did he do?

He created a religion that teaches the opposite of Christianity.

And then convinced the gullible who didn't know the Bible in the first place that it actually was Christianity.

And they fall for it.

It's shameful.

And that's part of why I do what I do.

I do.

There's a lot of people out there who want to become Christians.

But there are cults in the way.

And they're pretending to be us.

And they lure that person in and they put that person to work,

making them think they have to work to earn God's favor.

And they end up wasting that person's life.

And this is not a video game.

This life runs out.

You don't hit the reset button and get to start all over again.

And it breaks my heart when I see people out there wasting their lives.

And a cult.

It breaks my heart when I read and watch videos and things about Jehovah's Witnesses who were willing to be persecuted, tortured, jailed, put into concentration camps, and in some cases killed because they were following the teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses and they thought they were following the teachings of God.

How many of the Jehovah's Witnesses?

Who were going through all that persecution over there in Germany?

How many of them would have still gone through it if they had known about this?

What were American companies doing working with Hitler and his war machine?

How deeply involved were Ford and General Motors in Germany's production of war materiel using slave labor?

How did these companies operate producing war materiel to both the United States, its allies, and Nazi Germany?

After the war, both were subsequently charged...

...with aiding and abetting the Holocaust, in essence playing both sides of the war for profit.

In Germany, General Motors and Ford were critical in building and maintaining Germany's war machine.

In July 1938, following the German annexation of Austria, Henry Ford accepted the Grand Cross of the German Eagle.

This was the highest medal that Nazi Germany could bestow upon a foreigner, and Hitler admired Ford's anti-Semitic outlook and kept an autographed photo of Ford, which he prized.

The major portions of their profit...

...was the use of slave labor by the Third Reich.

Ironically, one of Henry Ford's stipulations for hiring workers were... Negroes or Jews.

This here was released by the Ford Motor Company.

Henry Ford Motor Company.

Investments of U.S. companies in Germany...

...during the Nazi period.

Who was investing in Germany?

Who would have been investing in the Nazis at that time, by the way?

If you're investing in Germany at that time, you were investing into the Nazis, because they were the ones in charge.

Put it on the screen.

How many Jehovah's Witnesses would have been willing to be tortured, arrested, imprisoned, persecuted, put into concentration camps, and in some cases killed...

...if they had known that number 47 on the list...

...of corporations...

...that had invested... Germany...

...during the Nazi period.

Number 47 on the list.

What does it say, highlighted there on your screen?

The Watchtower...

...Bible and Tract Society.

So while Jehovah's Witnesses...

...were told, you can't join...

...the military...

...and many Jehovah's Witnesses ended up... the concentration camps...

...because they wouldn't join the military.

Does this King James Bible...

...say, thou shalt not join the military?


Is this King James Bible...

...against Christians getting in the military?


Isn't one of the titles...

...for God...

...the Lord of Hosts?


What's a host?

The Lord of Hosts.

What's a host?

What is the host?

The Lord of Hosts.

Didn't God... Israel fight many battles... the Old Testament?

Wasn't David a mighty warrior?

And so was Samson?

And many others in the Old Testament?

Yet the Watchtower says... can't be in the military.

And at the same time...

...they're telling their members... can't be in the military.

They invested money... the Nazis.

To the Ford Motor Company...

...that was building...

...the weapons of war...

...for World War II.

They thought they were...

...dying for God.

And Rutherford...

...played them all for fools.

And the leadership... this day...

...still holds up...

...that generation...

...for standing firm...

...against the Nazis.

When if the truth be told...

...the leadership...

...of the Jehovah's Witnesses...

...set them up.

They set them up.

As you're going to see... this series.

They set them up.

That was somebody's mother...

...somebody's dad...

...somebody's son...

...someone's daughter.

The leadership of the group...

...couldn't care less.

They were in America.

They were over at the Watchtower History Channel...

...with Jeff and Paul.

They'll point out to you...

...that a lot of the Jehovah's Witness leaders in Germany...

...they saw what was coming.

And what did they do?

Did they warn the flock?

And say, hey guys...

...Hitler's about to come into power.

It's not going to be very good for us.

If you have the means, you need to get out of Germany.

Did they do that?


Did the leadership... Brooklyn...

...or in Pennsylvania...

...that has tons and tons of money...

...according to this document here... much did they contribute... the Nazis?

Let's see...


That's a half a million.

Half a million dollars.

That's a half a million dollars.

They contributed to the Nazis.

While telling their people... can have nothing to do with the military.

But what do you expect...

...from a religion, whose...

...leader at that time's foundation...

...was atheism?

He doesn't know the Bible.

and doesn't have that respect for life that reading this Bible gives you.

He played them for fools.

And the leadership of the group to this day still benefits from those people out there

who got hurt, persecuted, imprisoned, and in some cases killed.

And they write articles about these people to try to recruit more people into the watchtower

while they hide the fact of the things that they did behind the scenes

that caused the problems in the first place.

So the cover-up of Rutherford's atheism begins in the watchtower publications.

This one here, Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers book.

This is what they write about Rutherford. Let's see what they left out.

Let's see what they left out.


They skipped over the part about him becoming an atheist.

What happened there?

The next highlighted section here.

Matter of fact, let's go ahead and read it down so people don't think I'm trying to skip over anything.

It says, after completing his academy education, Rutherford spent two years,

under the tutelage of Judge E.L. Edwards.

By the time he was 20, he became the official court reporter

for the courts of the 14th Judicial Circuit in Missouri.

On May 5th, 1892, his license to practice law in Missouri was granted.

Rutherford later served for four years as a public prosecutor for Boonesville, Missouri.

Still later, he served on occasion as a special judge in the 18th Circuit Court in Missouri.

That is why he...

He became known as Judge Rutherford.

Interestingly, to help pay his way through school,

Rutherford sold encyclopedias from house to house.

It was not an easy job.

There were many rebuffs.

On one occasion, he almost died when he fell on an icy stream while calling on farms.

He promised himself, when he became a lawyer,

if anyone ever came to his office selling books, he would buy them.

True to his word, he accepted three volumes of Millennial Dawn,

from two co-porters, who appeared at his office early 1894.

Well, this is a very watered-down version of his story.

They left out his atheism.

And they gave the impression that these co-porters just gave him some books from Charles T. Russell.

They didn't just give him those books.

They sold him the books.

But they didn't put that in there.

They sold their literature back then.

They didn't just give it away.

So here, in their Proclaimer's book, which is their own history book,

they leave out the important fact that Rutherford left the Baptist beliefs and became an atheist.

They have him going from home, to college, to the cult.

They left the atheism out.

Rutherford took over the group.

And once he took over the group, he had access to their printing presses.

Once you have access to the printing presses, you can print any kind of publication you want.

Book, magazine, newspaper, pamphlet, brochure, you name it.

If it's a printed page, you own the printing presses.

You can do it.

Well, the Jehovah's Witnesses had access to a...

secret newspaper. There were some people who didn't want to have much to do with Jehovah's Witnesses

or the International Bible Students or whatever name they wanted to use back then.

But no problem. Rutherford had his hands in a newspaper

called the St. Paul Enterprise.

St. Paul Enterprise.

You'll see here. Let me go ahead and show the camera here.

St. Paul Enterprise newspaper. You'll see here.

Big picture of Rutherford.

But over here, a little tiny picture

of the founder, Charles Taze Russell.

Why are you so small, Mr. Russell?

Why did Rutherford make himself so much bigger than you?

Oh, because he took over your group

when he wasn't supposed to.

So you shrink and he gets big.

People say Jehovah's Witnesses, they're not political.

They don't get involved in politics.


They don't put the politics in their watchtower magazine.

The politics will go in their other publications.

And back in those days, the other publications

where they would talk their politics

was the Golden Age magazine

and the St. Paul Enterprise.

Rutherford was heavily involved in politics.

Heavily involved.

And we're about to get into that in a moment.

He was deep into politics.

Let's get into a little bit more about his background here.

This is from the St. Paul Enterprise.

This issue with the big picture of Rutherford on there

and a little tiny picture of Charles Taze Russell over here.

It says here, talking about Rutherford,

reared by Baptist parents as a youth,

he united himself with the Baptist church

and was active and zealous in that denomination.

His fiancee, Miss Mary Malcolm Fetzer of Boonesville, Missouri,

whom he married December 31st, 1891, was a Presbyterian.

Years later, he was a Baptist.

Years later, Mr. Rutherford met the late Pastor Russell

and greatly admired him.

In 1906, acting upon Pastor Russell's requests,

he began the preparation of a book entitled

Man's Salvation from a Lawyer's Viewpoint,

which he afterward published and freely gave away to his clients,

his lawyers, friends, and many others.

And they skipped over the fact that he became an atheist

before he joined the group.

They left that part out again.

Rutherford had control over what they're writing in this paper.

He didn't want people knowing anymore

about his atheism.

He had a plan.

He was going to take this group over when he got a chance.

He didn't want them to know who he really was.

1975 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Rutherford is long dead and gone.

What are they saying about Rutherford?

Let's see what it says here.

1975 Yearbook.

From Sister Ross, the Elder's natural sister of Joseph Franklin Rutherford, A.D.,

Schroeder learned this.

Their father was a staunch Baptist out of Missouri,

where the family lived.

Her younger brother, Joseph, never could accept the Baptist hellfire teachings.

This resulted in many hiccups.

heated debates in the household even before they had heard quote the truth meaning before they

joined the cult her brother always had been one strong convictions with a deep sense of justice

from youth he wanted to be a lawyer and a judge their father wanted them to stay on the farm

rather than go to college and study law joseph had to get a friend who would loan him money

not only to hire a replacement for him on his father's farm but also to finance

his studies in law so once again in the 1975 yearbook they mentioned the fact that he did

not like the teaching of hell they leave out the fact that because he didn't like the teaching of

hell he became an atheist they left the atheist part out again


an atheist going to create the true christian religion

no did rutherford create the true christian religion because the majority of the teachings

they have today came from rutherford when you understand his foundation is atheism

it helps you understand why this group is so destructive

it helps you understand why it's so destructive


rutherford felt that his dad didn't give him enough support

but rutherford was not going to accept the responsibility that his dad wanted him to grow

up to be a christian trying to teach him the king james bible and his son wanted nothing of it

and he wonders why his dad won't go along with him

and according to jeff over at the watchtower history channel he came across a very rare letter

that appears to be an original it was actually found in an old watchtower book

it appears to be a a letter that rutherford wrote

which says ditch smart

exactly what's going on

this guy gets married

a little older

to his old dog

this is clear

this is a dangerous story

no dry


what i love about rutherford is he's searched around the whole life


a rapah




from the family

to his family

where he was talking about the fact that he didn't want to return back home he had two brothers and he had ticked off one of his brothers so much according to the letter he was scared to go back home for fear to his brother to kill him for fear the his brother would kill him checked out the watchtower history channel they got a lot of stuff over there i think you'd be interested in watching all those videos btw what i haven't rebuild your wares download to you

back to back to back to back because they come like in a series you'll be surprised

the stuff you learn about that cult so he felt he didn't have the support of his dad

he felt he didn't have the support of his brother so down inside he's wanting the acceptance

of a man but he wasn't getting it from his dad he felt he wasn't getting it from his

brothers so when he leaves home he goes searching for rich powerful influential men to try to

win their approval his foundation atheism he doesn't know this book he doesn't know

this book so who does he begin to latch on to as we're explaining

now who the characters are that make up this drama

before we get into the first person who rutherford decides that he's going to try to latch on to

a man who had a serious impact on rutherford in a very negative way

i want to take the time to do something for someone who i consider a very dear friend

since i have a friend who i consider a very dear friend

i have you all here you guys are like my family i want to do something nice for a friend at least

i consider this person a friend i made a video already a little commercial for my friend her

name is candace lambert she put together a company called the green ring and i want to

let her talk just for a few minutes just bear with me guys she's an xjw just like you guys

and i'm sure there's a lot of you out there that would love to be able to talk to her

to reach out and support another xjw who's trying to do something good

do you have any friends that are single and they're searching like me

they say the world's filled with single people but we just can't seem to find each other

well candace has come up with a way

of being able to identify people who are single and searching

and just give her a couple of minutes to talk to her and she'll be able to talk to her

and we're going to get right back to this and continue to talk about

the people who influenced rutherford that ended up influencing him to the point

that he created this monster that you all know as the jehovah's witness group

who are the people who influenced him

who are the ones who pushed him in the directions that he created these really weird teachings


the blood transfusion craziness to the torture state craziness. Who led him down that road?

He certainly didn't get it from this King James Bible. I'm going to tell you who did

as soon as Candice gets done. So Candice, go ahead and tell them about your green ring.

My name is Candice Lambert and I'm the founder of The Green Ring. It's the new way to let

love find you. The Green Ring is the company that makes The Seeking Band. Single people

deserve a ring and our ring identifies someone as being single. At first glance, it's easily

spotted and it's just the thing that gets that conversation started. I've been single

for 17 years and I think we can all agree that even the thought of dating can be daunting,

much less the time and money you spend going out to actually find that person. I don't

know anyone who has ever said, I can't wait to online.

Nobody says that because nobody likes to do it. I strongly believe that in-person chemistry

is real and there's actually medical evidence to prove that. Because of that, online dating

profiles don't even scratch the surface of what it really takes to meet someone special.

We absolutely cannot ignore the human aspects like mannerisms and voice and that's how The

Green Ring was founded.

new beginnings love and plus it's my favorite color the seeking band from the

green ring exceeds age language and cultural barriers single people deserve

a ring and the seeking band is for anyone ready to invest in themselves the

seeking band can be worn on any finger it comes in hypoallergenic stainless

steel and currently comes in silver tone or gold tone your seeking band will

outlive you if you do find the one and no longer need your seeking band go

ahead and put it away somewhere safe in case you need it again what are you

waiting for you deserve a ring get out there and let love find you

all right guys welcome back we're going to get right back to it thank you

candace i hope a lot of you out there

will go to her website the original green ring dot com the original green

ring dot com and invest in your sister make her a success and do me a favor

okay when you go over there if you leave a message or something for could you

please tell her jason zelda sent you i've tried to reach her for years i

can't reach her for nothing so go ahead and tell her jason zelda sent you and

show her some love

i'd appreciate it now let's get back to this joseph rutherford leaves home he

feel like he's been rejected by his dad he feel like he's been rejected by his

brother he wants the love of a man he wants a father figure so he latches on

to a politician by the name of william jennings bryan he latches on to this man

and holds him up as being Christian i guess i don't want to cover him up you're

asking for money you're asking for my money because i don't want your money

and you're only going to be able to buy me anything but money and i never want

his father figure even to the point that rutherford as a grown man is dressing like william jennings

bryan following william jennings bryan around speaking for william jennings bryan stumping for

william jennings bryan and writing about william jennings bryan in various publications it's almost

as if he wanted to be william jennings bryan because even in this article here from time

magazine very famous article many of you are familiar with the california cults where they

were talking in time magazine about rutherford putting together a cult called jehovah's witnesses

of a group of people that would obey him which is exactly what he did and here's what they had to say

about rutherford when it comes to william jennings bryan

jennings bryan judge rutherford was born on a missouri farm practiced law at bondville

acquired a circuit judgeship continued practice in st louis kansas city

he accompanied the late william jennings bryan on his first presidential campaign tour

announcing him as appointed by god to straighten out the problems of the world

mr bryan's example inspired judge

rutherford to wear habitually a black bow tie

rutherford long after william jennings bryan was dead and gone is still dressing like him

now william jennings bryan in his day was super famous

this guy was off the charts famous he was running for president of the

united states

his face was appearing in newspapers and magazines and back in those days

god understand there was no cell phones back then didn't exist yet no computers

no high technology like we have today the main way people got information back then

was the printed page newspapers magazines pamphlets brochures and the radio those are the

main ways

here's the rutherford appearance with william jennings bryan tall or short

and abAutMúsica

watchtower history channel listen to what they have to say about william jennings brian and the

clan brian died right after the end of the trial so in the days following the scopes monkey trial

brian was delivering several speeches in tennessee died in the sleep from what is possibly a stroke

brian was so popular that a year after the 1924 democratic national convention

where brian refused to make a hard stance against ku klux klan the clan also wanted to be

a part of the democratic national party brian was a christian fundamentalist the clan

in the 1920s

was also mean to be christian fundamentalists just like brian

so on august 8 1925 the ku klux klan got 30 000 members to washington dc

22 abreast and 14 rows deep and they paraded down pennsylvania avenue

the data in this is interesting because this was august 8 1925 the ku klux klan

not only in washington dc but in south dakota in ohio and other places burned crosses

as a memorial for william jennings brian brian's funeral was july 31st 1925 just a week previous

and so the clan used it as a means to try to promote their ranks

now now here we go once again another tie-in and another irony okay the clan

the ku klux klan is having a ceremony for brian who was rutherford's mentor who admittedly and

even time magazine as we showed from the time magazine r o looked up to emulated dressed like him

the clan is throwing a bash for

for literally for that type of person would the clan honor malcolm x martin luther king no brian

and remember this democratic national party convention in 1924 that we know rutherford

attended because brian was there that's when the democratic party was considering bringing the

kkk onto the the democratic platform and of course they didn't do it

but brian didn't criticize or condemn the clan as he should have

and he was very soft and neither did rutherford and neither did rutherford and rutherford just a

few days later at the watchtower jehovah's witness convention literally having the same exact opinion

and remember that was the same democratic national convention where rutherford tried to

convince brian again of his watchtower theology can you imagine what the two were talking about

so you see there something was going on between william jennings brian and the clan that they

would love him that much now did this rub off on to rutherford who's looking up to william jennings

brian as a father figure

yes it did

we got an article here from rutherford and once again i'm going to hand you off

to the watchtower history channel as they're going to point out to you

that same way william jennings brian

so did rutherford

but the watchtower doesn't tell their members

about this part of their history

they had their own radio station in sas tune saskatchewan

c-h-u-k where the call symbols and that's the radio station there

and some photos from inside the radio station so here's a book on air radio in saskatchewan

by wayne schmaltz and in it it says saskatoon's second station

run by the international bible students association opened in 1924. basically they tried to shut the

radio down and this is a little bit of the stories in this book on air radio in saskatchewan in january

1927 the saskatoon board of trade requested that the bible student station be prohibited from

preaching sermons over the airwaves except on sunday yet this event was not important

a letter in the saskatoon daily star showed that the board of trade did not support its

subcommittee and 10 numerous letters and petitions were signed by non-bible students

indicated that the station sermons were reasonably popular throughout saskatchewan so

they were trying to shut down the station why so in penton's book one of his his first books and

this was written when he was still a jehovah's witness and i've talked to him recently and he

said you know this this could stand a rewrite because he was just trying to defend the society

back at that time and a lot of this also got incorporated into and updated in apocalypse

delayed which is not completely favorable

to the society of course but it tries to be accurate to the history and the documentation

so in in his book penton says on january 7 1927 the radio director for the department of marine

and fishery sent a memorandum to alexander johnston claiming that the radio station

washour radio station chuck was in trouble again he went on to tell his superior about

the ku klux klan programs which he stated had been investigated by the

royal canadian mounted police and reported to the police to the department by them

so basically they were selling time to other people and they were selling

radio time to the ku klux klan in canada and then the ku klux klan broadcast their

programs through watchtower's radio stations this is all new to me yeah i never i never read or heard


this is good


so it's

basically like the neutrality if we can make a buck we don't care who we make or self to or for

yeah and again it's again that change of perspective of when do they watch tower

really become money makers here's a real good example of that it's during that rutherford

regime right well they perfected it in the nazi regime yeah so as we as we've shown

so there you have it rutherford had a radio station in canada

we already knew about the radio station in america wbbr

but how many jehovah's witnesses knew about their radio station in canada

you see as long as the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing

the left hand is going to keep thinking that the right hand

is doing what the left hand's doing

as long as the leadership of the jehovah's witnesses don't tell their members

that in america they wouldn't dare air klu klux klan programs on wbbr

but in canada yeah no problem

you'll be surprised how often nonsense like that happens

in my whistleblowers lighthouse interactive ebook

i talk about or i write about how the leadership of the jehovah's witnesses claim that their group

is unified worldwide they all study the same books they study the same magazines and blah blah blah

and i showed you a case in point where you have two watchtower magazines one's in english

one's in spanish

the covers identical

but the articles on the inside

are different

why do they make identical covers to make it look like it's the same magazine

but the articles on the inside are different

it ain't saying the same thing on the inside

and this particular one i was pointing out in the english version under questions from readers

they were telling the english speaking people we're not going to use johannes grieber the spirit medium

we're not going to use him anymore in support of our views because of his ties to spiritism

but in the spanish version questions from readers

they're not talking about grieber at all

they're talking about a completely different subject

and the jehovah's witnesses are left to think hey it's got the same cover it must be the same book in the other language

and it's not

you're being played for fools

because in english

yeah they stopped using grieber

we haven't been able to find them using grieber recently

but in spanish

i believe they're

what was it uh...

it might have been aid to bible understanding in spanish

they still use grieber

the spirit medium

they still use grieber

so they tell the english speaking people we're not going to use grieber anymore

but in spanish they keep using grieber

they're playing their members for fools

and their members think they're in a christian religion

and they don't realize they're being played for fools

giving their money to the organization

giving their lives to the organization

giving their talents to the organization

and for what

you're not in a christian religion

i've already told you that

i've already pointed that out

you're not in a christian religion

you're in a religion that is anti-christian

it's teaching the opposite of what christians have taught for nearly two thousand years

and in order to back it up

they had to write their own custom-made bible version

and in my interactive ebook the whistleblower's lighthouse

i have a technique in there

to show jehovah's witnesses

that their new world translation is not trustworthy

it's a custom-made translation

and it's an easy way to show them

that their version is custom-made

designed to teach their teachings

and when their teachings change

the leadership just updates their bible

and comes out with a new version of their bible

and they get so excited

hey a new version of the new world translation


and they don't even realize

wait a minute

the leadership claims they get all their teaching from god

so if god's talking to the leaders

when they came out with their bible in 1950

that should have been the end of it

no need for that to happen!

no need for updates!

this king james bible is over 400 years old!

no need to change it!

no need to change this!

the only thing that's been changed in this

is spelling of words

because back in 1611

they spelled words kind of funny back then

a little hard to read it sometimes

when you read it from the old ones

so they updated the spelling

as the language matured

but the doctrines and the verses and everything else stayed the same

you can't say that about the jehovah in his bible

you go to the 1950 edition of their bible

in hebrews chapter 1

jesus was worshipped

you go to the next edition of their new world translation

the worship's gone

they took the worship out

there's a big difference from going from worshipping to not worshipping

far different than updating spelling

which is what they had to do with the king james

that the king james bible had to be updated

to keep up with the spelling of words

as the language was changing over time

but the doctrine has never changed

the verse has never changed

and as many of you know i have a king james bible

that's over 300 years old

and i was able to compare it

with my king james bible i have here

that i have today

and word for word

verse for verse

it says the same thing

it just leaves nothing behind here

these spelt words kind of funny back then it's funny for us it wasn't funny for them they could

read it we can read it just takes a little while to get used to how the words are spelled

but this is the kind of thing that we're up against

as christians i want people to come to jesus for forgiveness of sins

but the cults keep getting in the way

so as a christian i have an obligation to defend my faith

if you want to be a christian there's one way to go about doing it

you pray and you ask jesus christ to forgive you your sins

let them know you're sorry for your sins

because no sin is in heaven you got to have all that sin washed off of you before you get there

and there's only one that can wash it off and that's jesus you can't do it yourself

i can't do it for you either

you can't do it for yourself

jesus said come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden

i will give you rest

jesus said i'll in no wise cast you out

he already knows what you've done you can't hide it from him

he already knows

why don't you pray right now and just ask jesus please forgive me my sins


fill me with your spirit so i won't want to do the things that you don't want me to do

and understand that we cannot earn the things that you don't want me to do

we cannot earn our way to heaven we cannot earn our way to god's grace

this bible never teaches you could earn god's grace

grace is not something you earn anyway a gift is not something you earn

a gift is freely given a wage is something that you earn

so you got rutherford here he's following william jennings brian

william jennings brian the clan loved him

william jennings brian also

hated jewish people

and this was going to begin to rub off

onto rutherford over time it's going to begin to rub off onto him

and rub off onto him and rub off onto him

and he's going to start taking the things that he's learning

from william jennings brian these anti-jewish conspiracy theories

that william jennings brian and others from his data we're going to be talking


was feeding rutherford and rutherford started integrating these things

into the jehovah's witness religion as doctrines

and the watchtower history channel again did an amazing job breaking all this

stuff down and for those of you who are watching i

want you to understand that i'm not going to be talking about the

whole list of things i'm just going to continue working on using the

jubileux and what they've done for my life i've learned to watch the history

channel i've been in the history channel i've watched the history channel

and watched it and watched our history channel they don't do videos like i'm

doing it's two guys who've done the homework they've read all these books

and watch these videos and documentations in a microfilm they've

gone into them the newspaper they've they spent so much time and energy

putting this stuff together and what they try to do they try to put

together what they were classified as a fair and balanced view

because they don't want to come across as bias to the left or bias to the right

that they found you couldn't find unless you had access to things like microfilm not many people

have access to microfilms okay they had to go through the microfilms and find these old rare

newspapers that were talking about rutherford and william jennings brian and these other people

going to be talking about and when they begin to put all the pieces together you sit back and go

whoa that's where all that came from people say jason how do you put together these videos

how do you get all this this information about this i said look the truth when it comes to

these cults and stuff the truth is out there the problem is it's scattered there's a little bit in

this book a little bit in that book a little bit in this video a little bit in this documentary

a little bit over here and you got to take all that stuff over time and be patient


Find it all, bring it together, and then break it down and organize it.

And then sit down in front of the camera and say, okay, here's the story.

Based upon all the pieces that I've been able to find.

And for these guys over here, I commend them.

Because they found a lot of pieces.

Because that's why there's so many videos over there that they have to keep breaking these videos down.

Some of them are over an hour, some are less than an hour, but it's just so much documentation there.

And again, the videos that I put together are made to be watched, not just listened to.

Because I put stuff on the screen that you need to see to back up the things that I'm saying.

And one thing that got my attention about the Watchtower History channel, Jeff and Paul, is that when they say stuff, they put it on the screen so you can see it.

They put it on the screen, they back up their documentation.

They back it up with documentation, they back up their evidence with documentation.

And if you want to get my attention, you want to tell me something new, you want to try to convince me of something,

then back up your evidence with documentation and you'll have my attention.

Rutherford latched on to this man, William Jennings Bryan.

William Jennings Bryan's bad philosophies began to wash off on to Rutherford over time.

Spending more and more time with this guy, his bad influences is washing off on to Rutherford.

And Rutherford, as I mentioned, he's not an original kind of guy.

He is a copycat.

So to copy William Jennings Bryan is no problem.

He's already copying how he dresses.

He's already following the guy around and speaking for the man and pretending.

He is the man.

So copying this guy's bad philosophies is not going to be very hard for him to do.

He's a copycat.

That's what copycats do.

They copy what other people do.

And they take the credit for themselves, of course.

There was somebody else who Rutherford wanted to get the attention of.

Again, father figures he's looking for to replace his dad, who he felt wasn't very supportive,

when in actuality his dad just wanted Rutherford to be responsible.

And being responsible is just not something Rutherford wanted to do.

Did he ever take responsibility for what he did that caused the Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany to be killed in concentration camps?


What did he do?

I'll tell you.

We'll get to it.

One more guy that Rutherford really wanted to get the attention of was one of the richest men in the world.

Again, he's going after rich, influential, powerful men.

He wants their approval.

His atheist background gives him no foundation to stand on.

So he's willing to go with anyone.

He's willing to go with anyone.

There is, by the way, the same wind of doctrine that comes down the path.

It just happens to be that he is now taking into the breeze from people who are anti semites.

People who hate the Jewish people seem to be people that Rutherford was gravitating toward.

You got William NO hit on the one hand.

And now you have Mulan for it.

The Ford Motor Company.

The Ford Motor Company is a popular Ford Motor Company.

Ford in his day he was considered a genius the things he was able to do the cars he was able to

produce and the assembly line and all the stuff that he did he was considered a genius for most

of his life near the end of his life he was shown to be a rather foolish man but sadly by the time

that people figured out that this guy didn't know his head from a hat rack when it came to a lot of

things in history by the time he reached that point he had already done so much damage he was

like the cold front that's coming in and behind the cold front are the tornadoes that's about to

come in and do the damage


I'm finally going to win this guy's attention I'm going to bring him into the cold and make

him one of my servants and it didn't work take it away Jeff and Paul I'll be right back

one of the newspaper articles about this at the time says Rutherford failed to convert

Brian to Russellism opposed to prohibition but comes out in favor of Bob Kerr J.F. Rutherford

president of the Russellites

told the convention today that he had failed in an attempt recently to convert William Jennings

Brian to the belief of Pastor Russell that millions now living will never die Brian is on the wrong

track and is doomed to failure in his efforts to reform the world said Rutherford the world needs

enlightening not reforming I tried to win Brian to our way of thinking while he was in New York

at the Democratic Convention

but I don't think I got very far Rutherford successor to Pastor Russell started a movement against

statutory morality a convention when he declared morals cannot be enforced by law I abhor liquor

myself but I am unequivocally against prohibition it is certain to increase the rate of liquor

rather than to decrease it I am against anything that interests me I am against the fact that I am

an old man I am a doctor but I am against all the right of the world which is the law

this is not a full threat I am a person with all the rights that no other country can have

and I am a person of the West with the right to a life of freedom and to serve and to do

what I please should do and I am a person who will serve now and I have a fundamental

right to my right.

I am a person of the West and I am the state's president.

I am a president.

was well documented and he did the documentations because back in those

days when you purchased a Ford vehicle you didn't just get a car truck no no no

no you're dealing with Henry Ford you didn't just get a car truck you got a

free subscription to Henry Ford's newspaper the Dearborn Independent just

for buying his car you got a free subscription and the people who were

selling the Ford cars were told by Henry Ford basically you have a quota you're

going to get these newspapers out there and you're going to get everybody

subscribed to this newspaper and what was he promoting in the newspaper anti

Jewish conspiracy theories among other things turning people against the Jewish


you see the thing that really gets me about haters if you want to hate

somebody that's on you but what is it about haters that they're not satisfied

with them just hating the person they want others to hate the person they hate

so they're willing to lie about the person that they hate to make people who

like that person

Hate that person.

I've had it happen to me.

Somebody who I really liked, cared about, used to talk on the phone all the time,

cutting up, having a great old time,

and somebody comes along and tells my friend a lie that was so over the top,

I didn't think my friend would actually believe it.

Knowing my personality, my friendship of known,

there's no way Jason Zod would do that.

But this hater, who has popped up many times in social media,

and I've had to block this person over and over and over and over and over,

and they keep popping up,

cost me my friend, who used to call me all the time,

has never called me again since that person did that.

And I'm like, really?

That's messed up.

I still hear from my friend from time to time,

but I never again got a phone call

to hear my friend's voice,

to hear my friend's laughter,

because we used to cut up on the phone and have a great time.

Why can't haters just hate by themselves?

Why do they got to get other people involved?

Henry Ford,

Henry Ford hated the Jewish people.

So in his Dearborn Independent newspaper,

he is trying to get others to hate the Jewish people too.

And if that wasn't enough,

he owned a printing press.

You own a printing press, you can print anything.

Books, magazines, newspapers, brochures,

you can print it all.

So he also is printing this other book called

The International Jew,

attacking the Jewish people.

And if that wasn't enough,

he is also publishing another book.

This book came out of Russia in the early 1900s.

I actually think it came from the pit of hell itself

and surfaced in Russia

and then was distributed out to the rest of the world.

That's my idea.

The name of the book was called The Protocols of the Elders of the World.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

It was cleverly written in a way to make it appear

that the things that are written in this book,

to make it appear it was true.

And it made the Jewish people look really, really bad.

It was designed in such a way

that when certain world events happen,

people who had read that book would go,

wait a minute, that book said that this thing would happen.

That book must be true.

When it was all lies.

And this protocols book was responsible for so much death and persecution of the Jewish people.

And the book was lies.

It was lies.

But it was so clever.

The way they put it together.

They made it appear to be true.

And the haters read the book.

And they spread the book.

They began to push it out to others.

To get others to hate the Jewish people.

And Henry Ford was one of them.

And one of the things that really gets me about haters.

Is when you show.

You show them.

That the person who they're hating didn't really do the things that they're accused of.

They will find an excuse to still hate the person.

I guarantee you right now.

I can say two words.

And some of you are going to cringe.

You're going to cringe.


Ten years ago.

If I said the exact same two words.

You would not have had anything bad to say about the person.

But I'm not going to say the two words.

Because I don't want to distract you from.


I know if I say the two words.

People's minds are going to be distracted from that point forward.

So I'm not going to bother.

But just do me a favor.

If you hate somebody.

Keep it to yourself.

I think you'll understand.

When you realize what happened with Henry Ford.

This man that so many people looked up to.

Is using his influence to turn people against Jewish people.

And he's printing this protocols book that's filled with lies.

And when he was told that it was a forgery.

He was told that it was lies.

What was his reaction?

His reaction was.

It's not up to me to prove that what's in that book is true.

It's up to the Jewish people to prove that what's in that book is false.


That's the same upside down logic.

That Jehovah's Witness leaders use when it comes to the cross.

In my interactive e-book.

The Whistleblower's Lighthouse.

I have a nice section on the cross.

Where I get into the history of the cross.

Even recent archaeology.

That has been found of people who had been crucified.

Verifying that yes it was cross.

Not a stake.

But in my interactive e-book.

I go into this issue of the cross.

And I deal with it.

And I show you.

That the Jehovah's Witnesses.

In their watchtower.

In their watchtower magazine.

And I point out which one it is.

The leadership actually admitted.

They have no proof.

For the torture stake.

They actually came out and admitted it.

They said they hope someday.

Archaeologists will prove them right.

And then they turn around.

And they do the Henry Ford dance.

It's not up to us to prove that Jesus didn't die on the cross.

It's up to Christians to prove that he didn't die on the cross.

And that's the whole mistake.


You come up with a weird teaching.

And it's up to us to prove?

No it's up to you to prove that your weird teaching is right.

And they admitted in the article.

They don't have any proof.

So why do they teach it?

Because their foundation.

Came from a man.

Whose foundation.

Was atheism.

That's why.

He created an anti-Christian religion.

That's why.

They're not going to turn their back on the anti-Christian religion.

Because they're making too much money up there.

They're making billions of dollars teaching false religion.

You think they're going to stop?

We'll see how much that money helps them.

When they breathe their last.

One on this earth.

Because we're all going to die one of these days.

And we'll see how much that money helps them.

When they stand before the Jesus they rejected.

We'll see what happens then.

Because there's a judgment day for all of us.

That we're all going to stand before the Lord.

Henry Ford.

Is spreading all this anti-Jewish hatred.

Publishing all these anti-Jewish books.

And we're all going to die one of these days.

And little did he know.

That on the other side of the world.

There was a young man.

In Germany.

Who held him up as a father figure.

See I tell people when you post stuff online.

Please be careful what you post.

That person cost me.

A very dear friend.

Not just one.



That person my hater cost me.

Two people who I love dearly.

Still love them dearly.

But they won't speak to me.

Because this person lied about me.

I tell people.

You're going to post something online.

Please be careful what you post.

Meaning if it's against somebody.

Because you never know who's watching.

You never know who's listening.

You never know.

You never know who looks up to you.

As a father or mother figure.

And you don't even know it.

And you post something online.

And they're going to believe what you posted.

They're going to believe you're telling the truth.

And here's Henry Ford.

Piping out all this anti-Jewish nonsense.

Onto the world.

Using his power.

His money.

His influence.

Instead of building people up.

Tearing down the Jews.

The Jewish people.

On the other side of the world.

In Germany.

There's a young man who holds up Henry Ford.

As a father figure.

He would get Henry Ford's publications.

Translated into German.

So that he could read them.

He idolized Ford.

And he believed Ford.

When Ford was pushing all this anti-Jewish nonsense.

And there came a point in this kid's life.

That he grew up.

And he's been being told by Henry Ford.

That the Jewish people were the problem.

The Jewish people were the problem.

So he decided.

If they're the problem.

Then whenever he gets the power to do so.

He'll be the final solution.

And I'm sure you know who I'm talking about.

That young man in Germany.

Who was feasting on the vomit.

Of Henry Ford.

Was Adolf Hitler.

How the world would have been a different place.

If Henry Ford would have just kept his hate to himself.

But he influenced Adolf.

Here's a picture of Adolf.

And I want you to notice.

In this picture.

Whenever he has pictures taken.

They have to be staged.

And in this picture here.

As you're going to see.

He is sitting there.

And notice behind him.

Is a huge portrait of who?

Henry Ford.


Henry Ford is doing a pose.

As he's sitting.

And Adolf.

Is doing the exact same pose.

The picture was staged.

Because Adolf wanted it staged.

Because he was sending a message to Henry Ford.

That just like he's duplicating.

Henry Ford's pose.

He's letting Henry Ford know.

they're on the same page

he's sending a message

there's another picture again

of Adolf

a different picture

this time he's standing up

in the background

the powers that be blurred out the picture

they didn't want you to see

what's in that picture in the background

notice this is a color picture

they didn't want you to see

what's in the background

but over the Watchtower

History channel

they were able to get a hold of software

that would remove the blur and find out

what's the picture behind them

and lo and behold

when you remove the blur

looks like it's Henry Ford again


idolized Henry Ford


and Henry Ford

poisoned the mind of Adolf

with his anti-Jewish nonsense

and because of Ford you ended up with Adolf

and because of Adolf you ended up with millions and millions and millions and


and millions

of Jewish people


here's Henry Ford sitting next to William Jennings Bryan

birds of a feather flock together

ain't no Joseph Rutherford there though

but he's sitting there following these men

listening to these men

believing these men

they were withdrawing and always giving life

believing these men

and allowing these men

to fill his mind

with lies


the Jewish people.

Lies that were going to turn

into doctrines


Jehovah's Witnesses today



Whether it's the blood

transfusion rule,

that ain't come from

the Bible.

That ain't come from the Bible

at all. I've already done a video

on my YouTube page, The Bible and

Blood Transfusions. I show you it didn't come

from the Bible.

I show what the Bible would say about blood transfusions.

And I show you how wicked

the Jehovah's Witness leadership is because

they came out with the Elder's Handbook

and in the Elder's Handbook

they have written in there that if a Jehovah's

Witness gets a blood transfusion,

if they are repentant afterward,

then the

Elder is not to issue any

heavy penalties on them. They're not to

kick them out. They're not to shun them. They're not

to disfellowship them. They're to counsel

them and they are to take away some

of their privileges for a while. They can't have

the microphone. They can't do the little small things

around the hall just for

a period of time, but they'll get it back down the road.

But you see, the

members of the group are never shown that

book. So they

don't know that when they need a blood transfusion

that they have an option to actually


because they're never shown the book.

The Elder knows

what's in the book,

but he's under orders

from the leadership that you're not to tell

the members what's in the book.

And on top of that, some of these

Elders are part of what they call the liaison

committee, that when they

hear about a Jehovah's Witness that needs a blood

transfusion, even though they know

in their handbook there's no penalty

for getting a blood transfusion,

if the person is repentant afterward,

they're still not going to go and tell that

person, go ahead and get the blood transfusion and

just repent afterward and you're cool. No,

they're not going to do that. They will go to that

hospital and they will obstruct and they'll

do everything in their power to make sure

that Jehovah's Witness does not get a blood transfusion

even if it means that Jehovah's

Witness dies.

And that

in my book

is evil.

Do the Elders love their

power so much

that they will look their so-called

brother or sister in the face and tell

them they love them?

And then when that brother is dying

on the hospital bed because they need a blood

transfusion and that Elder knows

that in his handbook, it says

there's no real penalty for getting

a blood transfusion. They'll just lose

a few privileges for a period of time.

Yet they refuse to tell that Jehovah's

Witness you can get the blood transfusion and save your

own life. They refuse to tell

them. And they'll obstruct and allow that

brother or sister to die.

That's evil.

That ain't


And that's one of the reasons why myself, who've never

been a Jehovah's Witness, is trying to do all

that's in my power to stop people from

joining this group.

This is evil. And they're trying to

pass that off as being Christian.

No, that ain't Christian.

That's not my faith.

That ain't from this book.

Ain't from

this book.

These are the players

in the drama.

Rutherford, William Jennings



Henry Ford.

There are some more minor characters.

But we're dealing with the major characters.

This is just the beginning.

Of a video series, hidden from Jehovah's Witnesses.

The hidden history of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

I hope you'll come back for the next video.

As we get into what ended up happening.

William Jennings Bryan is dead.

Henry Ford has been discredited.

But Rutherford

has been taking in

all of their garbage

for years and years

and years.

He has no foundation.

His foundation is atheism.

There's no foundation there.

He's taken in all this bad information.

And he doesn't have the word of God

to filter it out.

He doesn't know the Bible.

So what's going to end up happening now?

What happened in Germany?

Why did it happen?

And what role did the Jehovah's Witness leaders

and members play

in getting themselves in trouble?

Because they were following Rutherford.

When they thought they were going to die.

When they thought they were following God.

They thought they were

God's witnesses.

Jehovah's witnesses.

But they were actually



The atheist who's going to pretend

to be a Christian.

And take over a group.

And turn it into one of the most

anti-Christian religions

this world has ever seen.

But it looks so pretty on the outside.

But those of you who've been on the inside

and have managed to make your way

out of the maze, you know.

Don't you?

You know what it really is.

Some of you went in as a family

and you came out by yourself

and your family is still trapped in the maze.

If you have friends or family

that are still trapped in that cult.

Get a hold of my interactive e-book

The Whistleblower's Lighthouse.

It's located at

available for any price you want to pay

over three dollars.

Get it.

Get the information.

Use it.

I put a year of work into it.

I put a year of my life,

all my free time for the most part

for a year to put together

this more than 500 page interactive e-book

for you.

And I'm wanting you to use it.

That's why I've taken the time

to put it as a PDF

so that anybody can use it

on pretty much any platform.

Now for those who've asked me

to put my book on Kindle,

I've gone through the process

of scanning my book

and making a Kindle version

and it's up on Amazon right now.

Now I don't have the ability

on Amazon to set the price

to whatever I want to set it to.

I would love to be able to set it

just like I have on my site

that you can pay whatever you want

to pay over three dollars

but they don't allow that on Amazon.

They have so many fees

that they want you to pay

when you sell a book

that I have to have the price

at a certain rate

just to make anything of a profit.

And I don't like

having the price like that

but again,

if you don't want to pay

anything like that

and I don't want you to have to,

just go to my website

In some case,

you've got to type

Either way,

go to your search engine,

type in

Whistleblower's Lighthouse

if you have to,

if you're having trouble

getting to the site

and go ahead and get it

and use it to try to win

your friends,

your family,

people you meet on the street

who are involved in the call,

use the information

that's in there

to try to get them out.

There's a lot of documentation in there,

a lot of information in there

that can be used

to help get people

out of this cult.

I don't want your friends

or your family members

to be the next ones

to become the victims

of the leaders of this group

that have used their members

as pawns

as you're going to see

in the upcoming videos

using their members like pawns

because the leadership of the group


Every time a Jehovah's Witness

goes down,

they benefit

every time

a Jehovah's Witness goes down.

They benefit

every time a Jehovah's Witness

is arrested.

They benefit

every time a Jehovah's Witness

gets persecuted.

They benefit

every time a Jehovah's Witness

gets killed

doing what their leadership

tells them to do.

And I'll explain all that

in the upcoming videos.

before i leave out i want to say thank you to those of you who've been praying for me

i spent the last three years or so in and out of hospitals a lot of surgeries and stuff and a ton

of hospital bills but by god's grace by the grace of jesus i sit here before you making videos again

my uh test that came back day before yesterday i used to be at this level up here which meant

that i had cancer i've had the haifu surgery if you're out there and you are a man or and you have

been diagnosed with prostate cancer look into haifu h-i-f-u we're not talking about something

some fringe medical nonsense this was done by vanderbilt they're the ones who did the work on me

they're not clowns they know their stuff we're not talking

some way off

the wall watchtower you know miracle wheat nonsense

they did a operation on me that required no radiation and no side effects

and my levels used to be four plus which meant i was in the cancer range because anything above three

would mean you have cancer when my source came back my results came back a couple of days ago

my number is now 2.4


i would say the cancer surgery was a success i still have another uh result and i'm waiting to get back

and that'll be the final one but it looks like right now i am well on the road to recovery

and i want to thank those of you out there who prayed for me

who took the time to have me in your prayers you don't know how much that means to me

i want to thank you for your love and for the support you guys have given me

as a single guy living here by myself lots of bills to pay rents outrageous and i gotta do it all by myself

and i'm working 50 55 hours 60 hour weeks just to pay bills

but i'm making no excuses someday a lady will come in my life it'll be great

but until then i gotta do it by myself

so i hope y'all continue to stand with me

i hope you all continue to stand with me and i'll see you next time

see you next time

with me continue to keep praying for me and know that i love you guys from the heart i care about

you guys check out my music site i put up some new music where i'm using ai

you'll be shocked by how good this music is it's really good stuff

it's really good stuff so i'm gonna let you guys go it's been a long video

but there's more to come there's more to come

so until next we meet folks i'll see you guys

down the road and if you guys enjoy the work that i do here i thank you guys for coming if

y'all want to donate a link will be provided down in the description section please just click on

the link it'll take you right there every bit's appreciated i put a lot of work into these videos

and i'm really hoping these videos helps a lot of people out so i look forward to hearing from you

guys down the road


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