Episode # 2501

Ask The Professor

Ask The Professor

Episode # 2501

Ask The Professor

The University Tower chimes, bringing another session of Ask the Professor, the show on which you match wits with University of Detroit Mercy professors in an unrehearsed session of questions and answers.

I'm your host, Matt Maio, and let me introduce to you our panel for today. To my left, from the Department of Philosophy, is Professor Beth Oljar.

Great to be here, Matt.

And how was your first week, Professor?

Uh, not bad, actually. Pretty good. Students seem pretty good. Classes are full, so.

Magic. That's all beautiful, beautiful stuff.

Symbolic logic keeps filling, no matter how many times I offer it. I'm going to have to do something to make it harder.

I'm not taking all the credit for that, but I did put a hefty number of advisees in that symbolic logic class.

Biology and chemistry are my two biggest sources of students.

That's awesome. That is awesome. Well, it's a great class that, frankly, we've had this discussion before.

They probably should be taking even before they get into the scientific method in a lot of ways.

They can do it in high school.

Yeah, exactly. So, very, very cool. So, you have a bunch of intro and some symbolic.

Intro, ethics, and symbolic logic. You know, one of those semesters where all you have to do is change the dates on the syllabus.

Like, yes, these are the ones we love.

Continuing around the table, Professor Dan Maggio of the FIRST organization has on the ENS shirt.

Yeah, I wanted to show my spirit the first day back.


It's not even a Titan Tuesday.

Is that a Titan Tuesday when you wear your vests?


Only if you told the president what size you wear.

I know, I know.

If you've got one.

This is as close as I get to a vest.

I think it's pretty solid, actually.

Well, we cut off the sleeves.

Dan used to be one of our best math teachers here.

That's right.

He used to be.

And then he left, and then I couldn't put students in his classes anymore. It was really annoying.

Oh, geez.

So, IT stopped by the other day, and they were fooling with the computer in the chair's office.

And I got up, and I started wandering around.

But the person who sat there was approximately my height, glasses, beard, and was wearing a red polo.

And so everybody just kept walking in going, Matt, I've got to talk to you about this.

It just happened a bunch of times.

I'm like, do I wear red polos that much?

It's very remarkable, in a good way.

So, anyway, thanks, Katie Snyder.

Yeah, exactly.

You've just got to have some friends in high places.


Speaking of...

Speaking of friends in high places, Professor Dave Chow is here.

Pleasure to be here, as always.

I'm going to say you're from the department of where I live.

Yes, I'm down your street.

The department of right across the street from me.

Dave is watching over.

We've got these three houses just within a stone's throw of where we live.

They're all for sale, including the one that is now no longer for sale, but apparently being majorly renovated.

Which one?

There you go.


Yeah, exactly.

And you know I have two houses behind me that are also vacant.

That's right.

There are correlations.

Is there a difference between people selling houses that are close to where you two live?

It's body odor.

It's our pheromones and body odor.

Oh, my gosh.

It's the radiation dump that I have in my backyard.

It's just funny to me.

I know it's all a matter of personal timing, considering I once put my house up at what was described as the worst time of year to sell a home.

But it's interesting that it was end of summer.

It's a little out of ordinary to put houses up at that time.

And the thing is, I've heard every house that was sold...

They got more than what they asked for, too.

Well, Berkeley's a really popular place, I think.

Yeah, I'm like, I keep on going, what is it?

I mean, because the houses aren't cheap.

Nice neighborhoods, nice businesses.

Despite us.

Great neighbors.

I wouldn't go that far.

That's right.

Despite the fact that you guys live there, it's still nice.

Well, somebody's got to run it down, right?

I mean...

They're hoping they'll move, too.

Right, exactly.

They're trying to chase us out.

There we go.

There it is.

Spoken like the retired political science professor that he is.

That's Professor...

Professor Stephen Manning.

Hello, Matt.

Why do we do this all the time?

We do this all the time.

It's like, what's the counter move?

Tell folks on the air as much, keeping the names of the innocent a secret about your jar of Hershey Kisses here.

It's a good story.

Olivia's Wedding Shower.

Is that what it was?

Olivia's Wedding Shower.

We went to.

And the theme of the wedding and the whole thing, so far as we can tell, all these events, is green.

So they had a...

And they had a lot of...

Apple things.

Puzzles and prizes and games and stuff.

And one of these things was a raffle.

How many green kisses are in the jar?


And so, you know, you write your name down.

I wrote down 172.

And later in the festivities, they said, we're going to announce the thing.

And the actual number was 174.

So I was closest to it.

This makes Stephen Dustin Hoffman's character in Right Man.

That's right.


It's time for Judge Walker.

I spent the good summer making sure it was in a cool...

In a cool place in the house, away from the dog.

Two different things.

So it's been in the basement, but I figured I would bring it in and donate it to ATP.

Oh, my God.

For the season.

That's wonderful.

We appreciate it.


That's wonderful.



And that, of course, we just heard the voice of our newest, at least for now, guest panelist,

but you never know, it could turn into a lifetime job, is Professor Danielle Maxwell from the

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Thanks for having me here today.

Thanks for coming over.

You thank us now.

How does it feel?

To be on the other side of the podium for a week here?

It's very surreal, to say the least.

It's been a long time since I've been here.

Long time being five years, but it feels very surreal being back in my Calc 1 class, but

now standing on the other side.

Did you do your undergrad here?

I did do my undergrad here.

Standing, what, as opposed to prone?

I mean, what are your choices?

As opposed to sitting and regretting being in Calc 1.


I wasn't sure if you were passed out in the corner or something.

Well, and now you can't.

You can't take Calc 3 from Dan like Matt did.


Where'd you spend those five years away?

University of Michigan.

I probably shouldn't.

So I've stayed in southeastern Michigan my entire life.

Got it.

Good for you.

I was going to say that we have to point out the fact that considering I took Calc 3 with

Dan, and Danielle took Organic 1 and 2 from me, it's the circle of life.

It's the beginnings of a family tree.

Oh, great.

It's the circle of academic life.

Dan, are we going to pick you up and hoist you into the clouds?

It's like Simba or whatever.

Am I the smallest one here?

I don't know.

We have lots of treats.

We've got fresh, brand new stories from the beginning of a new semester.

And I think you all know that this is a program where you can send us questions regarding


If you stump the panel, you win one of these kind of prizes.

If you don't stump the panel, you're going to win those kind of prizes.

You can send us the questions in a number of ways.

Email us at atp at udmercy.edu.

Find us on Facebook and Instagram.

Or listen on your favorite smart speaker by asking it to play Ask the Professor at University

of Detroit Mercy.

Here is our new set of questions for a new semester.

Dear Matt and profs, our sincere apologies for not writing new questions in a while.

We've taken a goodly chunk of our summer renting an RV and traveling to the Pacific Northwest.

So writing questions for your show has sadly not been a priority.

That's okay.

You're excused.



It's not to say that your show hasn't been on our mind as we recorded several hours for

the trip.

Oh, that's wonderful.

It's always fun to hear some of the classics and some of the shows where previous questions

made the cut.

Well, we're back home now and below are 25 questions.

We are sitting on the home hard drive for your show's usage.

Please enjoy.

We hope your summer has been restful, fruitful, and as always, we wish you the warmest greetings

from Valencia, California.


And Frank Burroughs.

Yes, Frank and the family Burroughs.

That's what we've been saying.

Okay, these are pretty much all over the map and just the kind of thing to get your brain


In surfer slang, what is a man in a gray suit?

What is a man in a gray suit?


Yeah, lifeguard.


Surfer slang.

A wetsuit?

No, it doesn't say anything about a wetsuit here.

A shark?

It's a shark is a man in a gray suit.

Yeah, absolutely.

This is what happens when you watch a show.

This is what happens when you watch like Sharks Beware and Final Affliction all the

time on YouTube.

That's awesome.

All those episodes of Baywatch never come in handy.

Oh my gosh.

That's the man in a gray suit.

Man in a gray suit is a shark.

I actually have seen someone, I never thought I would actually see this on video, but I

actually have seen someone being completely eaten.


You told me about that.

Oh, a shark.

You told me.

It was just.



Can't leave your mind.


I'm never going to unsee it.

That's exactly right.

Stuck there forever kind of thing.

Let's switch gears, shall we?

Who wrote a song called Funk Machine at the ripe old age of seven?

This is a pretty good piece of music lore.

George Clinton?

No, George Clinton's a good guess.

Stevie Wonder.

Michael Jackson.


That's an even better guess.

I'm going in a decidedly Minnesotan direction on this one.

Bob Dylan.


It was Prince.

It was Prince, yes.

Seven years old.

Funk Machine.

Yeah, he's from Minnesota.

Oh, he's from Minnesota?


I didn't think he wrote the song, but.

He doesn't have a twang.


He doesn't have the funk either, so.


That's for sure.


Who was the first person?

I mean, this is a popularization.

We can't confirm whether this is absolutely, utterly true, but in popular parlance, who

was the first person to drop the F-bomb on live American television?

George Carlin.

That would be a really good guess.

I mean, you're playing to what you know, but that's not what it says here.

Richard Pryor?


Richard Pryor said it was in 1969 on the Dick Cabot Show.

It was a musical guest.

Janis Joplin?

It was Janis Joplin.

Oh, good for Janis.

Oh, no, no.

It wasn't Janis Joplin.

I'm so bad.


Was it John Lennon?


I'm so sorry.

It was or wasn't Janis?

It was not Joplin.

That's a good guess is what I meant to say.

It's not Joplin, then.

Jim Morrison.

No, no.

Was it a woman?

It was a woman.


Grace Slick?

Grace Slick is who it was.

Good guess.


I just jumped.

I just jumped all over that one.


Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane.

Dick Cabot, 1969.


That's a big deal.

What American politician once mistakenly said,

we need to stand with our North Korean allies?

Sounds like W.


You need to dial it down a little bit more.

Dan Quayle?


We need to stand with our North Korean allies.

Is it a president in my lifetime?

No, it is not a president.


Okay, so it's a vice president.

No, it wasn't a vice president.


Almost became vice president.


So my Dan Quayle idea's out.

Almost became vice president.


I'm really surprised about this.


I'm sorry?


Give us a party.

Oh, definitely a Republican.

I shouldn't have said that either.


Not Nixon, isn't it?


A little bit closer to the modern era.

Closer than Nixon.


So like Bob Dole?

No, no, no.

So it was a vice?

Someone that almost became vice president.

Oh, I can't, I don't know the ones that almost became.

I mean, these are the people who were on the ash pile of history, right?

People who almost make vice president.

You know what I mean?

But this one sticks out for a lot of reasons and none of them are good, unfortunately.

Not Romney.

I'm sort of surprised.

So it's Sarah Palin.


Oh my goodness.

All right.

Okay, it makes sense.

Of course.

I was going to go up and look at the map and see if I could see Russia from my front.

Oh, yeah.


I thought this was a president.

Sorry, vice president.

So obviously I didn't have her on the radar.

Jim Tubbs would have nailed it.

Of course it's her.

That's his thing.

Professors, I'm looking in a decidedly Dan and Dave direction when I ask, what was the

first movie that had a McDonald's Happy Meal tie-in?

It's a very well-known fact that this is true.

So it's going to be Star Trek?

No, it's Star Wars.

No, it was Star Trek, the motion picture.

Come on, Dan.

That's what we're known for, sort of.

Yeah, yeah.

Star Trek, the motion picture.

The motion picture, though?

I want to say that it was 1978.

The motion picture?


The 70s, maybe?


They don't even have an agreement with Lego.

You can't get Star Trek Lego, which is really sad.

That is sad.

Because you would love that.

I would like to build that.

You would love that.

You want to build the Enterprise out of Legos?

Of course.

Is that what you're telling me?

Or Spock.

Do you not want to?

Not particularly, but...

As long as we're talking the original Star Trek, which is the only real one.

Oh, here we go.

You're certainly the best.

It's starting.

In what fictional TV show would one find the character Sam Franklin?

This feels too general, unfortunately.

Oh, Alice's Boyfriend from Brady Bunch.

Yes, that was Sam the Butcher on the Brady Bunch.

I was going to say my sister's name.

You had a last name.


Played by Alan Melvin.

Oh, my.

I first thought of Sam on Cheers, but that wasn't a Franklin movie.

That's Frank Malone.

Sam Malone.

Yeah, that's right.

Actress Susan Backlany played the character Chrissy Watkins in a very famous movie.

She just died.

Yes, she did.

That's right, she did.

She was the woman who swam out of the surf and was the first victim at the start of the movie Jaws.

You ever seen Jaws?

I have not seen Jaws.

Why do you keep asking me, have I ever seen Blank?

You know the answer is no.

Scariest opening sequence ever in a movie.

That's why I don't remember.

She didn't last long.

She did not last very long.

She even had a name.

But she also came back, though.

She was gone after the first five minutes of the movie.

She came back.

Do you guys remember the movie 1941?


She was in that?

She was the one who was swimming when the periscope came up and caught her on the periscope.

Oh, my gosh.

How do you know this?

And the Japanese, you know, naval, you know, people even know this.

Hollywood, you know?

That's incredible.

In what movie?



John Belushi, Slim Pickens.

I think Aykroyd.

In Jaws, they basically had her hooked to this machine underwater that was going back

and forth, so it would look like the shark was, yeah.

Another shark ripping a human body apart reference.

Yeah, the man in the gray suit.

Oh, my gosh.

I thought you said we were moving on from the shark.

I know.

Matthew, you're like our shark ringer.

I mean.

Shark week.

Not as bad as the Alex Kintner death scene in Jaws.

Who was the last U.S. president who belonged to the Whig Party?



That's not what it says here.

Was it Nixon?

It was.

It wasn't.

No, no, but didn't he?

Buchanan's the right era, though.

He is the right era.

That is the right era.


We have a political scientist, so I'm hoping that that will help us.




They became Republicans, right?

Isn't this where?


Basically, they did.

This president is often made fun of for their name.

I mean, their name is unique.

That's all I'm going to say.

We make fun of all of them.


Same last name as the rebrand.

Of the, what used to be called the State Theater, downtown next to the Fox.

State Theater.

That's the best I can do.

Oh, that's it.

The Fillmore.

It was Millard Fillmore.


Or Mallard.

Can you say all the presidents in order?


I mean, political scientists don't do this.

Historians might.

That's right.

Historians might.

This is not.

Oh, it's so true.

Historians and geeks.

So true.

I know about the presidency as an institution.

I could maybe get up to the first ten, but not.

That's impressive.

I'm not even sure I could get that far.

I might not remember the last ten.

Yeah, exactly.

This one's just for you, Professor Maxwell.

Who did Annie Potts' voice in the Toy Story movies, although not Toy Story 3?


Oh, my goodness.

Did you watch the Toy Story?

I have watched the Toy Story.

You have watched the Toy Story movies.

I am a big Disney fan.

I just don't know who that person is.

So I figured that's the issue.

Annie Potts was.

Is it Jessie?

Yeah, she was from Designing.

No, she wasn't Jessie.


That was, what's her face?

Bo Peep?

Bo Peep.

She was Bo Peep.

Bo Peep, okay.

She was Bo Peep.

You got that one.

Jessie was, oh gosh, what's her name?

The Cowgirl?

Joan Cusack.

Oh, she's hysterical.

That's the voice of Jessie the Cowgirl.

Okay, what highly acclaimed American movie was rebranded, the title was changed to Flying

High in Australia?

Top Gun?

A broad comedy.



Oh, not a good guess.

Yes, that's classic.

Now, I've always wanted to do this, like, do you remember, you know, like, watching

a movie, you know, I don't know.

I've always wanted to watch that movie on a flight.

Or is that too meta?

I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.

But would that be a fun movie to watch on a flight?

Yes, fine fun.

If any passengers ever, like, try to, like, speak on one of those lines to the attendants

and see whether they actually get it.


Oh my gosh.

I'm totally serious and don't call me Shirley.

They probably have and they're like, please don't do that again.


Michiganders in the room, have you ever driven north on I-75?

All the time.

Unfortunately, yes.

Have you crossed the 45th parallel?


The halfway point between the equator and the North Pole?


Do you think that Montreal is north or south of that line?


That's a trick question.

You want to say north, I will.

I'm going to go south.

I'm going to say north.

I will say nothing.

I'm going to go south.

It is north.


Montreal is north of the 45th parallel.


It's pretty far up there.

That's a weird diagram.

Well, there is a map behind it.

I know that.

Sometimes we can cheat a little bit.

But only of America.

Well, we have a little bit of Canada, but.

The occupied Canadian provinces are there.

What's the town in Michigan where it crosses?

Oh, gosh.

I should know that too.

Gaylord or Grayling?

It's close to those.

Isn't it Suns Bay?


Is it?

That's further north, isn't it?

We're lucky.

Michigan is, the lower peninsula is bisected by the 45th parallel.

I can't cheat.

2024, we could do this scientifically.

Who is the oldest justice on the Supreme Court of the United States?

Clarence Thomas.

It is Clarence Thomas.


75 years old.

Can we age him a little faster?

That would be effective.

The best mic drop at the DNC was Bill Clinton.

I just had my 78th birthday.

I was president 32 years ago.

I'm still two years younger than this guy.

Oh, no.

I love that.

That was so great.

I love that.

That was so great.

Bill was good.

I mean, the whole DNC was good.

They had zingers.

I mean, you know, whoever wrote some of their speeches, I mean, they had some very poignant



Simply put, they are out of their minds.

I'm like, yes.

Has anybody at the table ever heard of the Madsberg unicorn?


Do you know what it is?

It's the first reconstruction, you know, after they found, like, fossils.

They didn't know what to do with them.

So, I think they got, like, the Tusk from Narwhal was a horn, and they had two legs.

It was a three-legged unicorn thing.


It was a poor thing.

Can you draw us a picture?

Yes, I can.

Of course he can, because he's an artist.

He has Sharpie.

We'll travel.

I have been noticing that.

I have multiple Sharpies.


Yes, that's right.

So, they put the bones together the wrong way, because they didn't know what to do with


And as a result of that, it gave a three-legged unicorn.

Yeah, that's messed up.


My professional opinion is, that ain't right.

They need to watch Jurassic Park and see how it's done.

What is the name, by now you've probably seen, or at least you've seen, what's the name of

the unicorn?

You've probably seen in clip mode on TV, a New England Patriots game.

They're an NFL franchise out of Boston.

They have a mascot that is a sort of big, sort of colonial American-looking guy.

With a big head.

What's his name?

What's the name of that mascot?



You are so, both of you, just push those two things together.

His name is Pat.

That's the dumbest name I've ever heard in my entire life.

I knew it was a P.


Pat Patriot.

Does he cheat, too?


At football?

What's that?

Does he cheat, too?

Under inflated footballs?



Yeah, exactly.

Tom Brady.


What a mess.

As though his status as a great quarterback was somehow or other in question.


What singer and actress had Nobel Prize winning physicist Max Born for her maternal grandfather?

That's a great piece of trivia right there.

Ingrid Bergman.


Even closer to where we're sitting right now, just in terms of timeline.

Very popular.

Another pop music artist in the 80s.


Well, I'm thinking like Nora Jones or somebody-ish.

Too new?

And her grandfather was Max Born.

Cyndi Lauper?

Cyndi Lauper.

I mean, you're getting really close with Cyndi Lauper.

It's not Cyndi Lauper, but it's...

I'm trying to think of a movie this person was in, too.

It's a movie.

Oh, jeez.

Olivia Newton-John.

It is Olivia Newton-John.




Isn't that weird?

As soon as you said movie, I'm thinking...

Okay, what singer was in a bunch of movies?


Who was older?

Queen Elizabeth II or Marilyn Monroe?

Well, we know who lived longer.


We definitely know that.


We definitely know.

So if both of them were alive right now, which of them would be older?


Both were born in 1926, for reference.

That was almost 100 years ago.

Pretty wild.

So they're pretty close.

Marilyn Monroe.

Yeah, very close.

It's actually the queen.

40 days older.

About 40.

40 days older.


I'm just going to throw this one to Dave because I don't even know where to start.

I'm crying.

What famous NHL hockey player had the nickname, the Chicka-teamy Cucumber?

I've never even heard that before in my entire life.


Chicka-teamy Cucumber.

Like a Marcel Dion?


Sounds like someplace in Canada.

Played for the Canadien is what it says here.

Maurice Richard.

One of the Belvots?

Larry Robinson?

Kenny Dryden?

Has a big award named after him.

I want to say it's the goalie trophy.

Oh, the...

George Vesna.

Yes, yes.



Vesna, yes.

You got it.

George Vesna.

I knew you could get there.

You just need a little push.

A nudge.


Cash incentive.

Collectively, who are Peter Ostrom, Michael Bolner, Julia Dawn Cole, Denise Nickerson,

and Paris Thamen?


Oh, um...

They were the kids.

The kids, obviously.

I'm going to do it for the first time this season.

Partial credit.

Oh, right.

The new kids in the block.


They were in a band.

There's girls and boys, so...

Dan, help me out.


Gene Wilder movie.

Oh, from Willy Wonka.

Willy Wonka.


Are they the golden ticket winners?


They were the golden ticket winners, and those were their names.

Those were the actresses.

You were very close.

In the order...

You got there.

See, this is why I have to count on Dan to supplement my brain.

That's all.

In the order that I originally said them, they were Charlie, Augustus, Veruca, Violet,

and Mike.


Mike TV.

Charlie Buckner.

Mike TV.

Veruca Salt.

Augustus Gloop.

Charlie Bucket.

And Violet...


That's right.

She turned blue.

She got de-juiced.

She needed to be juiced.


Such a good book.

Such a good...

I mean, I didn't even have a problem with the Tim Burton reimagining.

It's just...

It's kind of goofy.

You know, Johnny Depp.

I don't know.

He's in everything, so...

They're nice.

Well, they've reimagined it yet again, right?

Yes, they have.

The Chalet, or whatever his name is.

The Chalet.

Did you see that?

It was very good.

Oh, you did see it.

I did see it.

I see the new movies.


The new movies.


You might need to know this, but I also worked with him on a Cadillac commercial.

That's right.

Oh, very cool.


He and Wynonna Ryder.

Haven't we seen that commercial?

Have we seen that commercial for years?

That was a Super Bowl.


That's really cool.

One of my Super Bowls.

What did she do in the commercial?

She was Edgar Scissorhands' mom.


Edward Scissorhands.

No, no.

Edgar was...

The son of Edward.


Oh, man.

I don't even want to touch that.

You don't even want to know the other side jokes that we proposed that didn't fly.

Oh, my gosh.


One more question here, and then I think we're set.

Thanks again for these questions, Frank.

They've been pretty much all over the map, and that's the way we likes it.

Who was the first Detroit sports team to have their uniform draped over the Spirit of Detroit

statue, and in what year?

I think this is a good one.

It should be the red...

No, maybe the top.

I don't think it's the red.

No, maybe the top.

Red Wings.

Red Wings?


Tigers in 84, or Red Wings in 95?

Or Tigers way, way back?

I'm going to go with the Pistons, because your face looks funny.

Wait a minute.

So, at this point, we've mentioned everybody but the Lions, so we got that going for us.

We know it was wearing a Lions jersey last year.

Nothing yet.


It was wearing a Lions jersey last year, though.

It was.


Oh, big deal.

But that's a little too recent, so let's take the Lions off the table.

So, it's the 95 Wings?

You know, Beth had it right.

It's the Wings.

It was 97.

So, now you kind of came out of nowhere and won the cup.

That's right.

I remember, because that was our second year in Detroit.

I was chuckling to myself, because I was thinking, it makes a lot of sense for folks from our

generation to go, oh, what about the 84 Tigers?

That was really big.

Yeah, that's right.

And then I laughed inside, because I'm like, someone's going to say, we didn't have the

technology back then to make oversize shirts.

Make oversize.

You know?

I think that was the year, too, that they played so many games, it went so long, that

the program...

The parade.

The parade downtown, the temperature was about 92.

That's right.

And this is hockey, you know, a winter sport.


Everyone was in shorts.


It's brutally hot.


NHL is very well known for finishing their actual six-month-long regular season, and

then having two solid months of playoffs, and it goes all the way deep.

And if I remember those playoffs very well, they won every single game that they played.


Well, they allow half the teams in to the playoffs.


Even teams with 500 records.

See, this guy, Daniel is a pretty big Tigers fan, just revealing that.

And this guy knows his baseball, too, but he's more on the Red Sox side-ish.

Are you the Yankees guy?


Did you see the look on his face?

He grew up in Boston.

That was an insult there.

I've never seen so many Daggers thrown.

I was just thinking that it was at least a veiled shot over the bow on this year, basically

50% of the teams make it into the baseball playoffs, right?

We did go, of course, to Fenway on our trip.

Oh, that's cool.

And who'd you see play the Sox?



All right.


So they won.

Red Sox won, yes.

So, Matt, I learned, working for an organization based in New Hampshire, that you do not mention

the Yankees.

Yeah, that is true.

And if you do, you're going to get a reaction like that.

Like that.

Or worse, usually.

Whenever I glance at the map, I know it's Boston and everything north.

I have a bunch of ACS buddies who grew up in Maine, and they're all Patriots, Red Sox,

you know, Bruins, all that stuff.



Well, Heather was brought up in New Hampshire anyway, so.


She's got that thing going, too.

I thought it was Vermont.

Got to be careful of that.

You know, she was.

It's all the same.

She was born in one of the places and brought up in the other one.

And we were there, and we were right visiting her brother, and it's right on the border.

So I never knew really where we were, either New Hampshire or Vermont, because they're,

they look identical.

I never really knew where we were.

I mean, between the two states.

Got it.

I was on the road.

Well, the one that's V-shaped is Vermont.

That's the way I always remember.

Oh, that's so smart.

I've never heard of that.


Well, I mean, it fits, you know.

That's how you learn.

And, need I say, with our waning seconds here, boy, this should get a lot of people who only

listen to us every once in a while going, a new campus of University of Detroit Mercy

will be opening in the great state of Vermont in just a few months.



With the support of Bernie Sanders, right?


Yes, I saw that.

Let's talk about that offline.

That's enough to keep everybody going for right now.

I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today.

So, the time has come to say goodbye, Beth.





See ya.



And, Devin.


And now these words.

You can email Ask the Professor at atp at udmercy.edu or visit the Ask the Professor Facebook page.

Ask the Professor is produced and directed by Michael Jason and Brian Masonville.

And our executive producer is Professor Jason Roach.

Until next week, I'm your host, Matt Maio.


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