Ode To The Night Owls
Ben Courson
Hope Generation: Video Podcast
Ode To The Night Owls
I don't know about you, but I feel most creative at night. It is true the trope that creative
people oftentimes are night owls. When the world is still, bathed in moonlight and shuddering
starlight, when the sands and mists of time seem to be frozen in the moment, that's when the muses
seem to sing. You know, Steven Pressfield talks about how resistance with a capital R is if
anthropomorphizing or personifying it is constantly waging war against the cigar smoking muse that
stands at your corner and the only time the muse will sing is if you show up to the war of art
if you show up to the battle and you do your work you become not an amateur amateur is the french
word which means to love a more an amateur only does the work when he or she loves it but the
professional shows up no matter what and that's what steven pressfield wrote about and i want to
tell you like when the night is upon you and the muse is singing
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