Business School Movie

Thomas Cassidy

Mandarin Music Mbeds

Business School Movie

Mandarin Music Mbeds

Welcome back to the Money World.

Have you ever thought that someone would give you $100,000

and ask you to do your business within 100 hours?

You don't need to pay for the loss.

You can still earn money and get into your pocket.

What kind of business will you choose?

Let's take a look at this training plan.

These 13 students come from international schools.

They are between 14 and 18 years old.

They took part in a $100,000 business plan

funded by a private investor.

On the first week,

they have to take a series of business courses.

On the second week,

they have to earn $100,000 within 100 hours

to start a business.

What we are doing this week is giving you the chance

to do something with real money

to show how good you really are.

Thank you.

We'll see.

The original $100,000...

100 hours, $100,000 in cash.

How will these inexperienced young people

take the first step?

We have practical experience.

What kind of school would give you $100,000

to actually make money?

It feels good.


It feels good to actually make money for yourself

instead of making virtual money.

I think this course can give us


some ideas and experience

to see what it's like to run a company.

The actual $100,000

becomes the biggest driving force.

If the hard disk goes wrong,

then you lose all your information.

If you put on a CD...

I thought people would want access to it.

Yeah, but they would want access to it online.

In your opinion,

I still...

After talking to most of them,

I found that there are too many things

to worry about in running a business.

And there's a time limit.

As a result,

it seems like there's not much to worry about.

And even at this stage,

we're already running out of ideas,

and that's definitely a problem.

And right now,

we're still not sure if

we can actually overcome the problems.

Some people will pay.

As in, this is the application form.

After two days,

they finally decided to organize a computer game competition,

turning their most familiar business

into a business.

In the end,

they chose two online bars

as their competition venue.

After that,

they tried to bargain with the person in charge.


you asked for a few hours.

We basically lent it to you.

That's how it is.

We didn't need to charge money or anything.

At that time,

it was a PR.


It was a PR company.


It was a PR company.


It was a PR company.


And then,

my boss was concerned about the money.

The money.

The loss.


We can't call it a loss.

Would it be...

For example,

if we chose a different time,

would it be relatively quiet?

Or would it be less busy?

These people are all back to school.

We don't have time for them.

It's summer vacation.

But it's summer vacation now.

But we...

September 4th.


Because you told me before

that it would be one or two weeks.

If you give us more information

or a month or two,

I can give you more information.

I can persuade my boss

with more information.


I can hardly persuade him.

The first time we talked about business,

he found himself not well prepared.

He failed to meet his expectations.

I thought he was my boss.

But he wasn't.

He had another boss.

So I had to call him

and ask him about it.

So we couldn't talk to him

because he wasn't my boss.

When he found out,

he immediately used his handphone

to organize the plan information

to build a more professional image.

He hoped to be able to talk to

another business partner later.

So he went to the bank

and asked to be his partner.

I said,

it's gonna be paid.

I said,

can you tell me

how much it is?

He said,

how much you get?

I said,


I said,

I don't know.

I said,

I don't know,

he's teaching me.

But I told him

he'd give me the money

and I'd go to see my boss.

I said,


you don't have to ask me.

I told him

I'd find something

$6,500 for a day, $3,000 for the next day, and that's it.

What do you think of these young people?

They're great. I don't think they're young enough to be 17 or 18 years old.

They may not be as successful as they used to be,

but they're very enthusiastic.

It doesn't matter if they're a man or a woman.

After discussing the price, the next step is to promote.

To attract attention, they go to Tong Ho Wan to complain,

pretend to be a ghost, and promote their business.

The next step is to promote their business.

Apart from the practical experience,

the mentors also arrange meetings with different business people.

Find out what really a guitar is like when you play it.

So let people know the feel, get some involved.

Their plan is actually very...

very political and very special.

There are a lot of new concepts.

My experience is too old-fashioned, too old-fashioned.

They already have newer ideas.

They can take what I say

and put it into their new ideas.

Young people need to do better now.

Because China has opened up,

their way of doing things is very active.

I hope everyone in Hong Kong, young people,

will be as active as they were before.

I hope everyone will be as active as they were before.

A hundred hours went by very quickly.

The plan was delayed again.

We asked about the progress of the plan again.

In the end, there were not enough people to sign up for the competition.

This is an initiative.

It bloomed, but there was no result.

Tom, who was in charge of this plan,

was originally a teacher.

He and his partner, Ben,

started this course a year ago.

They hope to change the way

of teaching business education in Hong Kong.

Even Harvard Business School,

they don't set up real businesses.

They do case studies.

They study other people's businesses.

Fantastic, and they're all written perfectly.

But it's not their own money.

It's not real money.

It's not real business.

And so that's the difference

between what we do

and what everyone else does.

$100,000 in cash

is basically unchangeable.

But the time and effort spent,

and the money spent,

can be measured.

The purpose of the plan

is to read ten thousand books.

Why don't you walk the ten thousand mile road?

Knowledge without action is worthless.

So the great aim of education is action.

No matter how much knowledge you have,

if you don't do anything with it,

you've wasted the resources you were blessed with.

I've heard of some elders

talking about the story of starting a business.

An entrepreneur with only 30% control

can make decisions.

The time won't be too early,

and it won't be too late.

Once you've made a decision,

you can change it at any time.

Change it, change it, change it,

change it, change it, change it,

change it, change it, change it.

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