mediocre 938 (shredded like cheese)

Eric Tomorrow

mediocre show

mediocre 938 (shredded like cheese)

mediocre show

the cubs are ready to go for cubs are up let's start pouring too the rain just started come down

opened up hi frank hi bud we missed you last week well yeah i'm sure you did oh shit back

to back weeks we're recording yeah it's exciting nice to be back you guys did a great job i feel

like there's tongue it's tongue in cheek i'm just i'm i'm worried that pat's gonna be doing a play

by play he's doing color commentary i don't want to interrupt him i'm not doing great job i listened

i'm not doing color commentary i'm sorry what are you talking about okay well okay you guys

turn it off did you hear it i don't care do what you want i'll keep you updated pat

yo yo we're live on facebook can i get a rabbit rabbit in the chat

ray pat pat is pat is my no my favorite is that pat is no he's the

overnight dj at a college radio station at this point because he's not engaged with what what

we're doing here at all yeah i don't know what the fuck he's doing no he's just and then he's

like can i get a what what someone would be so a budge yeah uh he's like i did all the heavy

lifting last week i'm watching the cubs he did all that weight on his shoulders yeah like a

mailbag you know that was good it was good so the the i have so i'm listening to it on the way

home from work uh they'll show you guys you were listening before you signed on don't even don't

like right before yeah you were sending us oh no no you don't hear me do you just want to guess

what i was going to say or go ahead oh you're grumpy today so no i'm not

go ahead come on come on

the way home i have a funny story to tell so pat talked about how he ordered his dinner that

started off with a dessert it consisted of three hamburgers three double cheeseburgers

and and uh and a french fry and i'm and all of a sudden i'm like man i really want mcdonald's

so like on stoplights on the way to take care of mom i'm hitting the app yeah that's what you do

so i hit the app but no listen i i can't

go bananas and i'll talk about that later but i hit the app and i look and i have a free cheeseburger

but did you go did you were you getting something for mom anyway kit kat banana split no i just

also since you had the kick you had the grandma thing or the kit kat thing yeah and then you had

but you had three double cheeseburgers to me that that that's hitting that's hitting me hard

no two double cheeseburgers and a wq double qpc honey that's three double

cheeseburgers just one's bigger than the other two okay and i'm like my favorite is eric tell him

that he's eating three double cheeseburgers just two or smaller than the big one oh and it's a half

it's a half pounder it's not a double quarter it's a half pounder yeah that's true and i'm like

before not at one point did you look up the calories of the double quarter pounder which

no no of course not once no no or the french fries and i'm like three thousand calories

understand but i'll be willing to bet over three thousand calories that meal no we looked them up

didn't we look it up no you didn't do i only looked up the burgers no you only did the two

burgers and the mcflurry the two smalls you never even got to the qpc you never got to the double

double say double qpc yeah and large french fries which you ruined because they went cold

and i'm screaming i'm like yeah fuck the mcflurry eat the french fries right no i i've been in my

car dude i'm literally yelling at you i admitted my mistake i told you what i was wrong i got a

text today from uh from my friend bud and he said uh he said i don't know why but i find pat's

mcdonald's order so fascinating so he's doing going through the same thing that frank is going

through he said he was like tuning the eq to make sure he heard every perfect the guess the guessing

what the what the wild card was at the end pat brilliant because initially i was thinking of

myself what i was thinking of myself what i was thinking of myself what i was thinking of myself

would do right like 10 piece he's getting a 10 piece mcnug he's getting a 10 piece he's gonna

round it out with a chicky and then i go no candy for dinner and i start reeling my thing back i'm

like apple pie no he's gonna go for an ice cream he's gonna go for a hot fudge sundae and i'm like

oh it's definitely an ice cream it's definitely an ice cream what's gonna do and eric's talking

i'm like shut up i paused it for a minute because i really i really wanted to think like what's pat's

wild cards definitely a dessert and i hit play him and eric goes is it a dessert and you're

you go yeah and then i paused it again i'm like man you know what you have to realize i wish you

were there for it you have to realize that like in my day pat my mcdonald's and i worked at mcdonald's

for a long time best job i ever in my life yeah mcflurry's weren't a thing right right i know

they're fairly you had a cone you had a strawberry sundae or you had a hot fudge sundae they used to

know you had an apple pie they used to have they used to have a butterscotch sundae which is which

is always my favorite i remember that butter scotch sundaes always clutch it but the chamois shake

too though back then oh right no no milkshake was out the door because he already had a large diet

he wasn't going to get two straws i it the logic no i'm just saying historically yeah well yeah

they had the shamrock shakes back then well yeah well there was a milkshake idea and then you did

the milkshake adjacent thing which i thought was funny but it's not because it's a hard ice cream

you can turn it upside down um

in west chester pennsylvania there's an anomalous radio show

though silly and strange it's powerful conversations are

a testament to human nature and interaction it is called the mediocre show

um well and my favorite with the mcflurry is that semantics they they stir it with the spoon right

i like the spoon that is attached to this this spoon has that square so

plugs into the machine and that's what actually stirs i've never had one i've never had one of my

life the spoon is my favorite part also like logistically it's really neat understood but

my money like dude i would have i would have bet my house

when i paused it it's gotta be on sunday yeah i mean you're close and then you go mcflurry and i

was like them they're not even my radar right you should try one next time well it bothers me

one day where if like

it's raining and i'm not gonna go anywhere i'm gonna just my face off in my bathroom

yeah i'll eat or it's maybe have a couple bites and get the rest of the day when mcrib is back

you'll do it i don't know about that but yeah my ice cream with my stomach but then the

sherbert talk boy oh boy am i bopching jajji's house when i was a little boy they always had

that big it was probably was a lot smaller than i think but it looked like that was a

five gallon clear plastic drum yeah ribbed white

oh yeah and a handle of that and a handle of that three color sherbert and holy hell man that

was not shepherd have you figured out what what sherbert is yet or no i i mean yes it's oh well

there was in the uh the mediocre show instagram chat yeah it turns out that in new zealand

it sherbert is more of a drink oh well that's interesting so she would my

jordan probably saw it on bluey well yeah okay so australia is bluey the guy that on his friend

no that's blippy that's blippy okay that's blippy yeah blippy's the scat porn guy um

it's a dog it's a blue healer which like by the way frank it's a fantastic show

if you watch just watch one episode of it it's a kid's show i love you and i appreciate that

you're saying that but i i i did it i did the i did all the kids shows all right this is listen

you just understand something it's only like five minutes long yeah they're very short i'll do it

okay it's not charming i'll happily watch it listen to how charming this is disney plus so

you can watch any of them on there yeah i'm listening to how charming this is it's a it's

it's a it's a show about dogs blue healers and the color palette that they created the cartoon in

is all colors that dogs can see i listened to the horrible yeah yeah i heard this already

you don't want to do it two episodes in a row right oh did we talk about that specific thing

last episode yeah jesus christ i don't even know it was so long ago just kidding it was last week

right that's why we got sherbert because that's where where jordan was said said that yeah you

want to share with anyone i love a sherbert and god bless you yeah i'll tell you what the the one

that we got the briars i think was briars it can't be briars they don't make a sure bro briars mr

sherbert oh i'll send you a picture of the one that we i always thought it was some kind of weird

like off you had said turkey hill i was like i don't remember turkey oh it is it is turkey hill

you're right it is turkey oh dude it's like unbelievable i always thought it was like some

kind of like off-brand off-brand that's what i thought when i was a kid sherbert you know what

i mean yeah i thought like john sherbert's sherbert i thought the same thing when i was a

kid but it turns out sherbert it's a it's a it's a high class high class dessert and and that's

it's essentially like a whipped water ice right like that's what it is right there's no dairy

i don't it's that definitely doesn't have um doesn't have the same amount of dairy i don't

think that's anything i don't think it shouldn't have any dairy i think that's the point i don't

know what the deal is but it's that's why i like the sherbert because pat you had said that you

didn't know this learned something about one of my good friends you used to be uh lactose

intolerant which i i have a hard time with ice cream or non-lactate milk yeah and it just makes

me like have terrible diarrhea like yeah it's like it's more stomach cramps than anything but

feels like i have to when i have them so i sit on the toilet and just writhe but the only

problem with cheese or yogurt or or um or cheese or yogurt or yogurt what about gogurt

i've not tried gogurt so i can't say that oh um um a hot tip for any any people who

have kids who have uh gogurt is uh freeze them oh yeah definitely put them in the lunches yeah

100 so i was a gogurt kid um we're not plastic because there's microplastics in them soon

soon so um do we do we know how to get australian slash new zealand

uh sherbert i don't i'm gonna have to lean on you for that i'd be willing to bet it's just

like let's leave our sherbert on the counter for an hour and then pour it into a cup with a straw

it's a good point maybe just that call me crazy throw our sherbert in a blender

call me not so she only wants to know what the sherbert is okay uh to run to run home run for

st louis yeah i just saw it it's

pixie sticks oh the sugar cocaine thing yeah look here's a screen oh you can't see it but

it's like a share your screen i can't um yes you can right do i i might have the ability okay yes

sharing is not turned on you can request to host to allow multiple sharing

i don't know how to do that i didn't know i was doing that hold on no no i hit the wrong thing

there we go


are we going to talk or no no we're just going to watch watch pat try and figure it out stumble

through this yeah yep yep yep nope nope don't know what i'm doing are you doing a vape pen again

eric that is a pen pen oh okay it's a ballpoint old school okay the clicky pen though you guys

can keep uh did you see um do you watch hot ones

eric occasionally i heard that the uh shane gillis one was great uh vince vaughn just did it and it

was great it was fantastic yeah did he do anything wrong like i always wonder when like people i

don't see for a long time in hollywood i'm like man you know like that's the way i'm trained like

a dog i haven't seen him for a long time maybe i should look up and see what do you think yeah

did he did he honk did he honk someone did he honk a boob yeah probably did he

i don't think so don't say that i don't want to say that about i don't think he does oh look

having those garage beers huh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah what what this thing is that a tall one

oh i haven't had the tall ones i just had the shorts yeah it's uh that's for dickie

i'm gonna go get one uh yeah six packs and pie and and uh and um pounders i didn't know

they had pounders fuck me i'm gonna have to go to the store tomorrow yeah

so uh i don't know what how to do this anyway so any so it took a long time to get there yeah i know

well i was waiting um basically it's pixie sticks um they also call it whiz fizz he said

by the way he said basically let's see if we can find uh where to get whiz fizz oh it's called

whiz biz sherbert oh we gotta be oh here we go you can get them in nope that's uh

you gotta be able to get those on amazon somewhere don't you

don't you are you with me still or did you you can share screen i'm right here i'm i'm trying to

burp on mike i figured it out it was my fault you can share a screen now uh whiz fizz sherbert

i don't really want to be um while i'm uh going through you can get uh you don't want us to see

your porn history oh wow what kind of weird shit this pat watch yeah huh huh

huh i'm saying

definitely fun funko funko pop fantasy yeah born yeah it's just one up the it's like but

they're like kissing his asshole yeah funko pop but milking him through the table

we got some dogs too far too what really too far that was too far all right well

made you laugh uh anyway enough about sherbert let's move on yep so yeah i'm here i'll that's

how you make sure that dog is running about do you see him yep

yeah dog madness back there are they talking about milking you dad yes they are do you see

the other ones they obviously saw my videos they're playing yep

the puppy so frank we need an update from frank because we haven't talked to you in a while

i'd rather talk to the dogs all right so frankie how you been buddy oh great

okay well we guys we're gonna end the show yeah right

terrific uh i will say this we went to a uh the kitty cat dirt nap reunion show and uh benefit for

chrysanthemum project um but i want to say this i just got a text from trailer eyes joe yeah and he

said for some reason he still has he still struggles with calling in voicemails okay he's

one of our longest listeners but he still has a problem with it but he wanted to say a huge thank

you to robin and pat and kitty cat dirt nap for the all the love and support that you've given us

the swag that they sent him yeah hey joe kitty cat dirt nap is joe's favorite band i know and he

uh you know when he found out about the show he's like i just can't it was like his his girl just

got surgery so he couldn't come up and stuff like that but he pre-ordered a shirt and then uh robin

went over the top with sending him merch like a bunch of stickers because we didn't we didn't

sell stickers online we were only doing stickers for the show and then we were like okay we're going

to send some pins through too again just doing them for the show and then uh poster robin had a

bunch of uh the show posters made um and the uh the the woman who ran the chrysanthemum project

uh wanted them to sign all the posters and sell them for the charity as well and then robin just

kept them for signs up down the down the joe yeah so there you go so he was he just got the package

a couple days ago and he's just i mean over the moon excited

about it yep yeah he did he sent me a message and he sent uh he sent robin a message too so

it was uh you know we're really glad that someone who would appreciate it's got it you know yeah

and we're pretty psyched that that uh robin is a performer just like you bet yeah just like me

yeah yeah just like it might it just uh not only just like me but like because of me probably yeah

yeah thank god thank god you set that up yep um but yeah dude i had a fucking blast i took uh that

punk rock show nice how many people would you say was there about a about 100 there's at least 100

there's at least 100 people there 150 maybe i i didn't say over that yeah yeah yeah it was it was

pretty it was pretty packed up dude it was awesome um but yeah we came out um i didn't know that frank

was a uh make sure you're there on time for a show dude oh i i was told no with all the respect i was

told to be there at 12. oh okay yeah so like i was told to be there at 12. i was told to be there at 12.

i was like but you were also performing and i thought and i thought it was five minutes late

when i when i showed up i'm like holy fuck you know i didn't know i didn't know what we were

doing you know what i mean like i i was told by robin to be there and i was told by my my my

ghostbuster ghostbusters ghostbuster overlord yeah well yeah brock was uh super excited to see

both of you um but uh he really liked seeing the uh the proton packs and the ghostbusters stuff and

you know he came in and he was listening to the songs and stuff and then at one point he was like

looking kind of like listless and bored and frank had gone back to watch the ghostbusters table

and i looked over and i'm like i just actually typed it out on my phone because music was

happening i said if you want to go hang out with frank you can go hang out with frank

and he was like okay and he just took off i i have to tell you i think i think that you know

i've i'm developing i i i called you that night yeah and uh like i i'm developing a new best

friendship with with

brock and and i'll tell you this because number one he's just cool as a fan he's asked me

questions he's like you know just and he's interacting like yeah dude you know what i mean

like nothing in the fact that like you know hey you're dressed up like a ghostbuster what are you

doing i'm like oh we're a charity organization we're doing this you know because you know you

know robin asked us to come but uh at one point i'm like dude are you all right uh do you need

something to drink something to eat and he goes yeah i don't i don't know and i was like so i

pulled like a 10 spot

out of my wallet and i gave it to him i was like well go get what you need you know get yourself a

drink or whatever and uh didn't think anything else of it and like maybe like 10 minutes later

he comes back with the 10 spot in his hand and he's got a cup of water and i'm like i was like

dude you didn't have to bring this back you keep this he goes no no no no he goes you know the

best water is free water and i'm like you are your your father's son that's great but he didn't

tip though that concerns me yeah

no no i i thought it was and he hung out with us for a long time he tried all the gear he was into

it you know i'm waiting for the high sign you know for eric to be like yes what about this ghost

buster thing what do we have to do yeah oh he's i mean listen build him what he needs not only that

but like he was really into the show too like he really yeah oh dude yeah yeah oh the show was the

show was marvelous it was insane the band is insanely tight it's so good yeah yeah it was

so great i i enjoyed i i couldn't tell you how great it was that really made me miss my youth

yeah being at that show because i mean i've seen that band several times um 20 years ago it's funny

because it did the reverse to me it made me want to pick my guitar when i got home oh me too like

like maybe you want to start playing shows yeah yeah like it just like i'm not necessarily playing

shows but like i have a thousand songs that i've written that are in limbo and like i want to keep

writing and stuff like that like it was it was inspiring and magical and that it was awesome and

and uh and everyone's

it was amazing as good as it was on the floor um i was up there's a balcony as well too i went up to

the balcony that's because that's where my child was to hang out with them for a few minutes and

like they were sitting right next to where the sound guy was like it's always the best spot in

the house and i was dude it would it was perfect right there it was perfect and let me tell you

something it did the opposite

me frank is that um someone from my old band was there too yeah yeah i was there i was there when

he walked by yeah and i was with you um he as we're as i was walking i was talking to him and

he's like after saying that i never want to play music ever again because there's no way i could be

that good there's no way that's horseshit that's horseshit you know i mean what if ed kowalchuk said

that yeah what if ed what would ed what would ed what would ed kowalchuk do he would say uh i alone

can can keep going on this now but but we we all we're all in our own paths you know what i mean

we're not going to be that that tight synth pop punk you know what i mean you know what i mean

we're not we're not we're not all bad i'm i'm certainly not bad bad but but but i i enjoy you

know what i do musically and and uh how much did you watch tommy the bass player that guy has a

good time when he plays yeah he's good i've seen him i have to be like a total

like please forgive me pat like yeah my eyes weren't robbing the entire time

the entire time like it was just like that's my friend she's doing so good she's playing

synthesizer and she's she's singing oh she's singing in harmony here and she's doing two

octaves oh she went up three octaves there you know i'm like clapping like a moron i loved it i

loved it was amazing she did amazing i loved it and she's wearing this adorable like black outfit

which is like 90s as fuck which hits me right in the whole fucking heart you know i'm like i'm

wholehearted you know bam that was late 80s but uh yeah totally totally got me like i'm what i'm

fascinated by is like i'd like to like listen i can hack my way through a guitar i can hack my

way through a bass i can't i can i understand drums i can't really do that i'd want to learn

how to play drums in theory you think you could do it right but like once you said i can play one

beat it's a four four beat like it's the same one that everybody plays their drummer i could

but hold on let me finish my i can say some stuff off mic about about the instrumentalists

about his titties about them fat old titties no no about about about different things

but go ahead i'm sorry i kind of so my my my final of that thought is that um

like we're in this like we're in this as an

right but it's it's precise

that's what it is

it's precise

as they practice you know you're at this point like

you're at this point where you you're getting the family members that need something that's like

you know um i think that that's a a you know it's really it's it's like that it's really interesting

um but it's really not it's not it's like it's it's it's not

i mean like like if you looked if you watched how um who's the uh guitar player with the alpine white

less paul adam uh that was off to the side yeah that was ernie no ernie not the guy singing

no the guy's singing with the opposite thing was adam adam okay if you watch it no well there was

a lot of fun stuff going on here that i noticed okay so just um hold on before you keep going i

should say that if anybody actually wants to watch it i guess we'll share i'll share it on the

facebook page um yeah sometimes so so if you ever want to watch performance there is a full recording

the performance um that we have and i think i'll share it on the facebook page however i'll figure

it out but um the dynamic between the two guitar players so you had to deal with the les paul and

you had to do with the telecaster and their their guitars were wired in stereo and how they

engineered for their call and response

oh and that one yeah that that song yeah the uh the first song they played there's a call

oh no no it wasn't the first song no no no because i didn't hear the first song i ran in

oh well after the first song started and they did this call and response thing where they

was like you know like you could just hear it going back and forth

but um the white les paul guy and and um and robin were in such sync because they were singing

together you know like she knew she knew where to go so you could actually feel the swell and all

that kind of they were they were simpatico it was amazing it was fantastic it was a wonderful

show it was insane it's just a great show it's incre it's insane how good how well like almost

like they didn't lose it like i i didn't see them obviously when they were when they were they

sounded exactly this they sounded better now than even they did back then yeah like it was like so

perfect like i don't know man amazing

i mean i heard i mean eric played me kitty cat turd now before i even knew you pat like you

know i i've heard it you know because robin was you know and and i i always loved it you know

i didn't know that we were going to have this thing and it was fantastic so good so good man

yeah yeah listen i i was happy to see it because i you know i've heard i know my wife listen i know

my wife and i know that whatever she wants to do she's going to excel at um and that's just

something i never got to say about her i don't know what to say about her i don't know what to say

um before we got together and i'm just really happy that she got to do it i hope they do it

some more i don't know i don't know if they are or not but i hope they i hope they do they have

a facebook page that that the show is on yeah i think they put it on the center i think it was

the it was on the instagram uh page it has it up so i'll find it i have videos too i can send you

frank of the first song if you missed it oh no i i've done the videos i'm i'm yeah i'm all set

you know but um but man it was great um i think they should record a new record i i i

thought that but it would have been nice if they had like old school cds like for for that's funny

you know tapes come on why don't you talk about radio because record label loss oh no well tapes

would be great but like when we used to print cds and just give them out at shows yeah yeah yeah you

know yeah boom fun but i i loved it that it was amazing i mean a lot of people a lot of people

didn't know why we were there and i think we probably should have like

figured that out a little bit better because like i was like hey we're a charity group you

know like yeah hey we're doing this you know but uh other than that it was fantastic i love it yeah

yeah it was a good it was a good venue too i really liked that they're like

like the venue everything was good man yeah that venue has fantastic sound

um and i didn't know if you knew this that i know a guy that works for tama and he um

they sponsor that venue so all their back line their drum back line is all

thomas stuff and tama just is able to come there and do photo shoots and video shoots if they need

to for advertising and so that's pretty cool because they're low they're local

yeah you know yeah oh yeah yeah yeah them and i've been asked yeah same companies so anybody

watching now trailer i should actually just put the the um the um the video in the chat

of today of this program but i'll i'll share it to the regular facebook page too thanks realize yeah

is that a trident yeah well yeah yeah from aquaman yeah okay it's been there forever

hasn't it yeah yeah and i for some reason i've never noticed it um what i'm gonna go pp

well we're in the middle of the goddamn show we're in the middle of a show

you should get you just get one of those like a bedpan or one of those sneaky leaker one of those

jar bottles that you get inside the hospital yeah yeah he's just gone he doesn't even give a shot

nope he doesn't give a about the listeners dude didn't we talk about this yeah i mean

the care how can he how could he say that we were mean to him if he just oh yeah i want

to ask him that he has bones yeah he said we were being mean and yet he just proves

proves what we were talking about yeah i mean just gets up and goes

unacceptable dude unacceptable behavior right yeah uh so pat how's your

how's it been since you and i talked last week but yeah how's it been it's been it's been good it's uh

it's been warm it's been warm again so getting a little bit warmer i still have a deck the deck

is still uh working just fine yeah uh yeah we had um we had a visitor in this weekend with uh

with robin show we had somebody come in from uh one of our friends in colorado was in with

uh her very small child who uh four or five years old and uh a lot of swimming yeah sure did yeah

she did she sure did but um yeah that was uh it was a good time i had to work you don't have the

energy for a four or five year old no no no i don't i absolutely don't but uh but i guess uh

robin talked to the the talked to them yesterday and uh the only thing the two the two things that

the child misses is uh betsy a new puppy and me so i'll take that yeah dude because you're a good

you're a good man yeah so um

no i mean the that that show took up a lot of uh a lot of the last couple days it's been a it's

been a nice yeah i mean there's a lot of a lot of moving parts and a lot of stuff going on some

you know i left my shirt at the show forgot about that it was in my car it was in yeah pat's car so

i never got it but someday yeah i'll mail it down to you no no rush um but i hey i wanted to tell

you guys i wanted to give you a little more baseball story this is actually just like a

personal story that i think you guys will like to hear about um but i think it's a little bit

uh like you guys will appreciate as dads update cards cardinals are beating the cubs four to two

right now just yeah yeah yeah um so uh cole's birthday his eighth birthday is this weekend it's

in two days august third in case you wanted to you can get him anything um but so uh earlier this week

um alex miller tattoos his son and brock are really good friends

and they were like, hey, does Brock want to come with us

to a Phillies game?

And he's, hey, say re.

Whenever you say it, I can see your accent when you say it.

I love it so much.

What is he Googling?

What's he having Siri look up?

Hey, say re.

Say I love you to the horses in the field.

I'm pretty sure that's what he said.

Does he know he's on mute and didn't unmute himself?

Do you know that you're on mute?

I know I'm on mute, yeah.


Yeah, yeah.


All right.

So anyway, so Cole's birthday is coming up a couple days here,

and Brock went to a Phillies game, and Brock's not super into baseball,

but Cole is very much into baseball, watches games with me when we watch

and stuff like that.

So he was kind of sad that he didn't get to go to a game,

and I was like, hey, bud, well, for your birthday,

do you want to go to a game just you and me?

And he was like, yeah, I'd really like that.

I was like, okay, cool.

So let's do that.

So let's pick, you know, we picked a game in the Marlins series.


Because it worked out with when he'd be here and stuff like that.

And so I was like, all right.

So I started looking up tickets on the Phillies app, on the MLB app, right?

And I'm looking.

There's like not a lot of great seats left for that game.

And I found seats.

There were seats that were like, is it a weekend game now is a weeknight.


So I was hoping, and it's the day before floppy hat day, man.

I fucked that up bad.


It was the Miller late floppy hat day, and I fucked up.

What's a floppy hat day?

It's like the fucking like bucket hats.


Oh, they give a Philly.

Yeah, they give it out.


Everybody that comes in over 21, he wouldn't have been able to get one anyway.

It says Miller.

It's only the first, like, 10,000 fans, to be fair.


It's very free hat day is pretty much where it is.

That's why.

And that's why.

Free shitty hat day.


And that's why there's not a lot of tickets left, because people want their fucking bucket hat.


For that game.


So anyway, I got tickets for the night before, and so I'm looking at the game, and, like, all I'm seeing is, like, they're decent seats, but they're, like, behind the right field foul pole.

Of course, those are available, right?

Or it's, like, super high seats.

And I was like, it's his first game, man.

I don't want it to be.

And it's his birthday.


Like, I don't want it to be shitty tickets.


But, like, at the same time, like, he's never been to a game, so he doesn't have a frame of reference.

It's all going to be very exciting for him anyway.

So I can get whatever.

And so I show him the view from the seat, and he's like, oh, that's cool.

That'll be exciting.

He's like, can I bring my glove in case home runs come there?

And I was like, yeah.

Then I'm like, there's no.

The seats were high in that section.



I was like, there's nothing coming up there.

So I was like, first game.



Listen to me.

Can't do that.

I'm like, first game.

Very exciting.

He'll remember this forever.


Let's go to StubHub.

Let's see what's going.

Let's see what's cracking on StubHub.

So I find.

Put a little more effort into it.

Put a little more fucking jazz on it.

You know what I mean?

And I find on StubHub tickets in section 143.

Very good.

By the way, 143 left field.

A lot of home run balls go there.


So I get to fucking.

I get the tickets.

Because most batters are right-handed.

That's right.

So I was like, you know what?

Let's just fucking do it.

I spent more money than I wanted to.

But I'm going to give this kid a goddamn experience that he'll fucking remember.

And I'll bring my glove, too.

Yeah, absolutely.

How about that?


Yeah, you don't bring your glove, Dad.

No, no.

Don't bring your glove.


Does that look weird?

Making me look like a weird loser?

Yeah, yeah.

You don't bring your glove.

Bring your glove.

You're fine.

Sorry for my glove.

I don't know.

People will make fun of you, but you should bring your glove.

Yeah, we'll see.

It's hard to hold beers.

If he says, where's your glove?

Then you got to bring it.


You leave it in the car, though.

Yeah, probably.

Oh, I forgot it.


Hey, here's the right little man.

During this whole situation, I was texting back and forth with Howard as I'm selecting

tickets, because he has season tickets, so he kind of knows what the good sections are

and stuff like that.

So I was back and forth with him.

And he's like.

I was like, what do I do, Howard?

It's fucking.

Because I get to the point where I buy it.

I'm like, oh, that's a reasonably priced ticket.

StubHub then cracks an extra 30 bucks per ticket for service fees.

And I'm like, that just became a very expensive ticket.


But I was like, Howard, what do I do?

He's like, this is the first time.

It's first game.

You got to fucking do it, man.

Just fucking do it.


And he's like, by the way, you're not going to be drinking.

You're not going to be clanging back a ton of beers because you're with your fucking


And I was like, well.

I don't.

I don't know, dude.

I don't know if I'll ever go unless some kind of person gives me tickets.

I don't think I'll ever go to another Albelpe game again in my life.


It's just it's too much money.

It's ridiculous.

The food is not good.

I have running fills like 20 miles up the way.

And I can watch a great game with not a bad seat in the house.

Or the Iron Pigs.

And it's.

80 bucks for the whole night for me, Dale and Ben, if we all want to go, you know, all

done, you know, tickets, food and beers, you know, done.

That's spoken like a fan of a team where you could easily go to a game if you really wanted


Like, I'm not I don't I wouldn't go to an MLB game right now because my team doesn't

play here.

Like, I would go to a Phillies game if someone give me Phillies tickets for sure.

But like, it wouldn't be in isn't your you wouldn't be as engaged, right?

I only have.

Three games a year that I could realistically go to.

You have 81.

Do you know what I mean?

No, I think I think I think basically what I'm trying to compare it to.

No, no, I get what you're trying to compare it to is is it an arena show versus a club


OK, I'm never going to sit in those tiny little seats that cost $125 to see the Foo

Fighters again.

I'm not going to do it.

All right.

I'm going to go.

I'm going to go and spend $41 and watch an indie band that I've loved for 30 years.

See Dinosaur Junior.

You can just say Dinosaur Junior.

Hang on.

Let me just.

There it is.

I didn't even know you had that on.

I pulled Chester out on that one.

It's totally worth it.


Anyway, I think it's you're you're shitting on my kids dreams.


No, no, no.

Your kids dreams are awesome.

I'm telling you what my 49 year old dreams are.


I was an adult kid, but you took Benji to.

But so for sure.

For sure.

Your your first response was like, the food's not very good.

Like, I don't know.

I guess it's wildly expensive.

I'm sure it is.

But like, that's not the first thing I think of when I I mean, I guess I go.

I don't know.

Kids are always hungry.

Like, and it's you got to have the first thing you have to do.

They're all fucking die.

My wife and my kid are dying of fucking low blood sugar.

The first place we walk into anywhere we go.

And I'm willing to bet that happens with every other fucking.

Oh, yeah, you know, I'm like, oh, look at what's going on.

I'm hungry.

We need something to eat.

You've got to feed your son.



I mean, let me shovel fucking $18 worth of one hot dog in you.

You know, and what we got French fries that are cold.

What are they?

Oh, they're 12 bucks.



Oh yeah.

I'll spend $27 on one flat 14 ounce.

It was at 14 out.

All right.

Thank you.

How's it?




Oh, we lost.

Oh, it's the bottom of the seventh.

And I haven't sat down yet.


I'm going to kill myself.

Brock's Brock's first game was when he went with with Alex and them just earlier this week.

He's not into fucking baseball.

You know what I mean?

But he had a good time.

He had the game that was went in 12 innings.

That was a super late.

Very exciting.

First game to go to.


But love it.

I love the next training.

Anyway, it's just extra making sense in the fact of like where I'm seeing it.

No, I totally get it.

And I guess part of the part of the thing, it's like I'm going to go for the game.

I don't care about the food.

I'm not going to sit there and eat a bunch of food.

I'm not going with my family because my family doesn't doesn't care.

Nobody in my family.

I'm like, I'm literally going to go to a game by myself later this year because the Cubs

are when the Cubs are in town.

I'll fucking go with you.

And I don't drink.

So it's not like I'm spending whatever it is.

It's not like I'm spending $8 a beer driver.

So I hear.

Let's all go to a company.

My house.


I mean, in my house, I will absolutely go with you.


Dude, Pat, you would love the running fills just for the ball.

Frank, I've been I've been to the running.

I've been to the running fills.

I've been to the Iron Pigs a thousand times.

I love minor league baseball.

And I'll watch a game, whatever the game is.

But like, you know, there was a stretch.

You want MLB?

There was it there.

You want excitement?

And there was one hundred and sixty.

I don't think you understand how much like like baseball is my thing.

I don't think you really get it.

I was there was a there was a stretch of time from when I was five years old

until I was twenty four years old that I saw Cubs game every year of my life.

And that included ten years of living out here.

So like.

That was just it's my favorite sport.

I follow it.

League round league wide.

Not just the Cubs.

I follow league wide.

I could tell you just as much.

As as anybody on TV talking about it, it's it's my favorite.

It's it's my favorite thing.

So like he wears a cubby's hat on his mail route.

Is it your favorite thing above like nerd stuff like that's your top?

Yes, I would take baseball or anything.


Oh, wow.

OK, I understand.

Yeah, I didn't know that.

Yeah, I think baseball over ten years.

I don't know that.

That's fair.

Well, I have cub pops in my Cubs room, though, in my pop room.

Let me say that, Frank, have you been to his house recently?

Not really.


Not for.

He's in the room.

He's in the.

It is staggering.

I never.

It's impressive.

That's what I'm saying.

It's impressive.

When when I went there to help him with the deck.

He took me into the room and I was like, kind of taken aback.

You know what I loved about the show last week?

What's that?

Robin has some notes.

I was.

Dude, I was.

On the deck.

I was listening to it in the laundry room.

When I was like changing my laundry, I was clapping.

I was like, I can't wait to hear.

And how is Eric going to react?

Oh, that's fine.

It's free fucking labor, dude.

You get what you get.

I know.

I think Pat and I did a fantastic job.

And then also the third part of it was like, thank God I didn't go over there with my tools.

Because if I had feedback, I was like, oh, man, I don't know how I'd react.

I'm going to come back.

My tools just tear it apart.

I think we did a fantastic job.

She didn't have notes on the actual construction.

She had notes on the way.

And it was not.

Was there a design?

Was there like.

I just wanted.

I just wanted a long deck that that had enough space.

So I don't have to worry about the dogs.

They're a pool.

And then she wanted to go around the pool a little bit.

I understand.

And that's all.

I don't have that kind of skill set.


It was.


But that's all the wise.

It had nothing.

But what you said, Robin.

It has notes.

I'm waiting for Eric.

And there was a little bit of.

There was a little bit of distortion.

And you'd hear the engine like, you know, like starting.

That's like Eric.

Eric's response.

And he's like, oh, now you know how to do it.

You know.


All right.

Let's ship this back down to first and then restart this.

It was funny as shit.

It was so fucking funny, man.

I mean, he could.

He could add that on.

Yeah, I can't.

You could do it.

If you haven't listened to the last episode, listen to that, man.

It's worth it for the whole episode.

Hey, you had you had bones from the last episode, though.

You said that Pat and I are mean.

No, I don't have bones.

We are mean when you're not around.

We're mean.

I just think that you're mean.

You're mean about me.

You know, you think that I'm like some kind of devil man that will like say that like

you guys aren't funny or whatever.

I mean, you do that every time we do.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Every time.

Except this one.

I have no idea.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I think you guys did really good.

I think we're.

And I'm going to give you.

Hey, you know what?

You know, Eric and Pat, I'm going to give you guys both a gold star.

Oh, thanks, Patrick.

I think, too.

No, you both get a gold star because you got home by yourself, you know, and I think that

me and your mom are going to be really, really, really, really happy about this.

And you know what?

Maybe next week we can pack our own lunches.

We'll see how that goes.


Such a sarcastic dick.

Oh, I'll tell you what we it is.

Yeah, we could stop the voice or the Facebook live.

I need a bird.

We could do.

I mean, hold on before we do.

You need a heater before we do that.

I want to play this.

We have a voicemail.

Hey, guys, it's me.

It's about an hour before we're going to record tonight.

I listen to the show about halfway so far.

Boy, you guys are doing great.

And yeah, I totally said all those things that Eric said that I said.

And I want to know that you guys are just aces.

I think it's time for me to maybe announce my retirement because you guys are doing so good.

And I like it feels like sarcasm, Frank.

Yeah, I don't know what you're saying.

I don't know who this guy is.

Feels like a tie.

Yeah, it does.


We obviously have an impersonator sort of is like a sidekick.

And if Matthias Blinker isn't on a voicemail, I'm going to be sad.

I'm kind of sad.

I didn't put a blinker on this voicemail.

But you guys are.

You're doing great.

A plus.

You guys are winning the podcast of the year.

Great job.

Keep up the great work.

Love you, boys.

It's funny because.

I have no idea.

I think that might have been my tie.

I think that was my tie.

But without.

There's no blinker.

There was no blinker in there.


So that's probably my tie.

So the recap when we're not doing well on the show, he comes on the show when he wasn't originally going to the save the day.

And when we're not.

Doing the good on the show and he doesn't show saving the day.

Just because I'm funny and charming and I carry the show normally doesn't have anything to do with how good you guys did last week.

Do you understand?


Doesn't have anything to do with that.

Everyone loves your cloudy language.

Eric, everyone loves your long, boring stories.

You guys are so good.


And you don't need me.

And you prove that last week.

Between you make it sound like we didn't want you.

You hear last week.

We did.

No, no.

I had to do something else, you know, and then we have for another bonkers show.

But I had when I listened back, I realized there's only one place for me between a boring narrative with a strong male vocal and a squishy, squishy little throat hole that can't get a fucking word in edgewise.

And God damn, I'm happy to be here.

And thank you for having me.

All right.

Well, call me.



We're going to listen to them.

And if it isn't mediocre show dot com.

All right.

Bye, Facebook.

Hi, Matt.

Blinker is not on.

There it is.

It's on now.

I'm not like some kind of weird super criminal that I have a year long plan.

I just maybe I'm like an actual safe driver and I actually signal.

People don't want to have people find weird thing.

I just asked to call me over so on my on my iPhone and Siri says, do you want me to call you Joker?

Sorry, is that even an option that you can call me Joker now instead of my name?

I didn't even realize that was a thing.

I am on tangent here, but it's cold to say hi.

Oh, my back.

But he's in a submarine.

Never know what.

What kind of car?

What kind of car do we think my tie drives?

Subaru Forester Tesla.

No, because you can hear engine noises sometimes.

Yeah, you hear Tesla.

You hear definitely an engine rev.

Sounds like it's going to work.

So there, if you're asking me, that's best.

The mystery not not solved.

No, I want to figure it out.

I'm going to.

Think about it.

We have to get off Facebook Live because speaking of mysteries, I need to figure out the puppy came down here and shit somewhere.

So I have to go figure it out before the smell makes me find the smell.

Oh, you're going to find the smell.

I wish it was the puppy.


No, it's the puppy that shit himself.


All right.

Don't be a dick on the show.


Do we have anything else?

Pat, you're eating a popcorn bucket full of ice cream.


Not the first time we've done this.

This is this is you're watching the Cubs play who Cubs are playing the Cardinals at home.

They just tied the game in about a night.

It's an electric game.

The crowd is going wild.


I'm going to say there's probably about thirty nine forty thousand.

Maybe not that many.

Maybe more like thirty seven thousand.

People are just roughly thirty seven thousand.

Roughly right over said give or take.

Why don't we do this while we're a bunch of people making bad decisions tonight?

That's what they're doing.

They're eating bad.

I'd be there in a second.

They're eating bad.

They're they're mating bad.

You want a fucking voicemail?

I'll give you a fucking voicemail.

Just kidding.

Maybe next time.

All right.



Sorry, Frank.

Please come back.

I promise I won't make any more rude jokes about your dead dad.


Oh, sorry.

This is Austin in Salt Lake.

Did he make rude jokes?

I'm sorry if I ruined the show.

I don't think he did.

Actually, you know what?

No, fuck that.

Well, you did create a beef with Austin in Oregon.

He's mad at a beef.

He's big mad.

Yeah, he's got bones on that bones.

Yeah, we'll get him on his bones.

Not with you.

Oh, just just general bones.

He you know, he's the other office.

He's he's the Austin.

He's the original Austin.

If we're being honest, it's been around quite a while.

So ruining the show was probably the most fun I've ever had.

You guys are the fucking best.

Thank you, Eric, for allowing me to come on and ruin your show.

All that being said, I feel like I need to come up with some sort of conversational safe word.

I tend to just drone on and on and overshare about.

You didn't stop it, dude.

You're on the you're on the show.

You were the center of attention.

Yeah, you did.


That's what we want to do.

We never talked about his band.

I know so much to talk about.

Yeah, his his band, which is Joe Anzig.

Did I?

Did I mention that?

Is it like a dancing?

Then we talk.

We talk.

You've said that to me, but I don't know.

It's a dancing cover band, but it Joanne Fabrics related.

OK, well, I like I like that.

Yeah, it's a fantastic concept.

Or, you know, it did great.

You did.

I've insulted.

Thanks, buddy.

I appreciate that.

Oh, no.

We're talking about me.

No, I'm not.

Oh, sorry.

Somebody's dead.

Dad happens all the time.

Cub just walked off.

I need someone to interrupt me with a quick word or sound or something to keep me from

taking shit off the rails.

I'm thinking chimichanga.

Maybe potato salad.

I don't know.

What do you guys think?

Well, it's got to be by the way that Pat can't say.

So cilantro would work.


Cilantro was good.

Yeah, it was good.

I was very proud of you because it was because it was out of the gate.

Like, you know, I'm not going to say it.

It was fucking up.

It was out of the gate.

And I'm like, why does the guy not have a shirt on?

Every time he said anything, I was like, and you got it.

I'm like, you got it.

You know, it was every.


Every time.

The rest of the team just just ripped it off because he just hit the winning rip.


But like, it's the middle of the season.

It's I mean, it's very exciting.

I get that.

But this is.


But you don't understand that this would be like the Phil's coming back to beat the Braves

in the bottom of the ninth.

It's the same.

It's like a rivalry game.

Well, the Braves aren't a rivalry.

I've viewed the Mets, maybe.

Well, then you have not been watching baseball well enough over the last couple years.

The Braves are the team that beat these.

Well, no, I understand that.

But like, no, I wouldn't call that a rivalry.

You're wrong.

All right.

Well, Braves and who?

Fucking Johnny Baseball.


Braves and Phil's big time.


All right.

Maybe I'm with all due respect.

You're right with the Mets, too.

But the Mets are not a good team right now.

They're terrible right now.


Braves have wrecked us, you know.

But damn near killed them.


Random Ian, you were totally right.

I didn't weigh in on many of my lightning round questions, but Asian food is totally

the right answer for fucking everything.

Anyway, stay fresh, cheese bags.

I love that phrase.

Hey, guys.

Jason Texas here.

Hey, just calling in with a little bit of a list since Frank has decided to no longer

be on the show.

I've tried to put together a small list of who could possibly replace him as host.

Should we decide to continue going with the trio format of the mediocre show?

I figured I might as well throw some names out there.

Number one being the obvious choice of Matt Kittenpark.

Might as well bring him back.

You know.

Bring some of that nostalgia.

Look at he gets so mad.

He gets so Frank's face is red.

He's so mad.

My face is red from sunburn.

I already talked about that.

And drinking.

I understand.

And severe drinking.

Anyway, moving on.

Number two, skipping that.

Number three.

I got to tell you that skipping number two is one of my favorite like tropes of this


Like it makes me laugh so much.

Every time.

Go gag.

It's good.


I think Brock would be a wonderful co-host part of the show.

I think getting some of his stories living in that same household.

I think that would be sooner or later.

I would.


Get some secrets out.

We'll get.

We'll talk about Brock.


Well, we'll talk.

We'll have a show with Brock at some point.

I mean, at some point, it's me.

Brock Hall and Jordan just doing the show.


Yeah, I'm sure.

Number four being Ben.


Wonderful son getting the better, faster, younger version of Frank.

I think that would be a wonderful dynamic to the show.

And then myself being the last one, James in Texas, I think someone who adds a little

bit of a difference to being in Texas and all this stuff and having some wonderful tales

of his own.

I think that would be fun.

Anyway, as long as we can talk about his employment openly.



I guess we'll do James next time I can't do a show or Pat can't do a show or Eric can't

do a show.

Yeah, we'll do James.

All right.


All right.

One more voicemail and we're going to talk about some stuff and then we'll finish.

We got a few more we can do.

But well, I mean, my son does does not tell his friends.

My dad does a podcast.

Oh, I'm sure.




Does Brock know?

Does he?

Does he know that we like we're saying like, fuck, shit, piss balls, big fat.

I'd be surprised if he has a big fat at some point, you know, like all that.


Oh, my word.

And what do we say?

Big fat jugs.


Something we say a lot.

I don't know that we've ever.

I know I have.

I just have my pen.

I love a BFJ.

All right.


I love a BFJ.


Nothing wrong with BFJ.

I'm not.

I love BFJs.


Nothing in your hair.


How you doing?

Give me one.

How you doing?


How are you?

I like how we talk to that person.


Is Vaughn like helping somebody?

Yeah, I think.

He's probably working.

Oh, shit.

I'm sorry.

I think he's a little bit.

I'm sorry.

So one thing, don't ever call a voicemail line when you're delivering mail, because

you never know what the customers are going to be there.

Or citizens.

Are they customers or citizens?

I totally forgot what I was thinking.


Thank you, the guy at 30 Rustic and Fair Haven.

Oh, shit.


I guess.


I don't know.

Love you guys.

I don't know.

I mean, I'll call back.

We love you, Vaughn



I know who it is, honey.


At least Pat understands what I'm going through.

All right.


He's a mailman.

Your union brother.

He's a special little mailman.

All right, Frank.

You had stories for us, I think.

It's not even like stories.

It's just, I've gotten to the point where like...


i'm doing a lot of physical labor uh in in a short stretch of time which you know everyone

knows i'm fat and i'm a fat piece of shit and everyone makes fun of that and they think it's fun

i don't know anyone does anyone make fun i'm pretty confident that everyone thinks that's

funny he's got some bfj's everyone eats he's a human garbage pit he eats all this shit

he's fat and he's gross and he's frank and you know the show doesn't need him anymore

and i'm just kidding emotional trauma we're working through right now then my dad didn't

love me that much you know they was kind of neglected as a kid but uh so i have lots of

stories to tell you number one biggest story to tell you is that i'm mom is moving in with me

okay whoa we're gonna renovate the house and have her move soon well like what's the time frame on


but i don't even know where to fucking start you know i thought maybe i would have like are you

sitting in her new bedroom with all these guitars no no she'll be in the other side other side of

the house the west wing we're the big we're the big i mean you're i mean what you're in would be

calling them in mostly sweet wouldn't it no we have to be one floor so it'll be let me since you

guys know how the house is so the the room downstairs with the

big fireplace yeah all right that'll be her kitchen and living room okay and then that powder

room we would knock out okay and then we would go to where like the hot tub is you know on the patio

outside we'll enclose that and that'll be her bedroom with a big bathroom there so we can right

you know that's a lot hoser hoser down just gonna just get a tent just throw a tent just

gonna easy out down yeah yeah so we decided to do that

bruv bruv which you're living in a single person's apartment right now you're sitting

in it right now yeah but it all has to be a bathroom all has to be one floor but with a

full bathroom there's no shower in that bathroom no but i thought there's a shower no what the

fuck did i take a shower in the sink that was me you and two dogs what so what's the time frame

what are we looking at i don't know i don't know i don't even know how to even start

like uh i thought like people would be bid on it but like it turns out like you have to get people

to look at it and then you have to pay them to put like a cad together and like it's like a thousand

bucks a contractor to like come out and take a look at your property can i ask you this

is there has there been any in this if if we're if this is too deep for the show just let me know

and i'll cut it out sure has there been any conversation about an assisted living place

versus living with you yeah yeah it just makes more sense for her to live with me but believe it

or not and i can i can talk off mic about it look at this i'm just i'm just curious like that was

like it was a tough decision for me with my mom but for my mom it was the right fucking decision

yeah how can i put that she she trusts me right well see my mom it was more medical it was it was

more medically yeah but but my mom's like fucking like a two-year-old you know what i mean like

she's literally like a like a two or three-year-old in her mind right she can't make words but she

knows follow me you know come to come to me uh and it's a drag it sucks i don't want it you know but

like uh you know we're gonna do it you know so what the fuck so that that's that uh the other

thing is that worked a jeep show uh like uh two weeks ago and then

ben ben's apartment was gonna make him not be able to move in like uh

i apparently was something i fucked up like i didn't sign something right or or or uh co-sign

something right or put my credit score in right and uh i didn't get it in on time even though it

was on 726 for a move in an 8-1 and they were like oh yeah well he's not gonna move in so like

had their fucking like trucks ready to like move in to this new place and ben's

shit had to get moved out for like a week and uh all i was like i don't know what to do

so i'm trying to i had to get involved so i wrote and called everybody and uh

ben's stuff was able to stay there for a hot minute but these two kids i didn't have anywhere

for them to put their shit you know they could sleep in ben's apartment and then i was like oh

apartment at that point i didn't have any place for them put their so that i just at 10 30

at night told him to come up to mom to dad's garage because i had an empty bay and at 10 30

at night we just unloaded all of their into dad's garage so now you're a storage facility

yeah and then i got everything figured out the next day and they were ready to move in the next

day so the next night i had to go in and unload all the out of dad's garage

there's only one day yeah yeah but they thought it was 90s but i i i got in touch with people and

fixed it you know the next day and i had to unload all that other like dude so like dude i'm

shredded right now i'm shredded i'm i'm like the best shape i have like i'm eating like crazy but

i'm shredded like cheese dude i'm

losing weight like like uh like uh it's bananas it's bananas

like cheese is probably the show title by the way i wish i would love some cheese right now

yeah but it's it's just it's it's bananas it's just you know i'm so so sore but like i keep

on having to work you know for these past like 21 days so i put my weights out and i'm like all right

started doing my weights again you know oh look at you yep all right okay yep yeah yeah i think

that's and then the boys at work like uh keith and dandan are like you should do calisthenics

you know they're like you have so much and they're so sweet they're like they're not saying like

you're so fat they're like you have so much weight up top that if you point this way if you point

this way i'm like and then i'm like looking without me like even like looking at anything

them talking about it made my phone bring up like male calisthenics so i'm seeing like these giant

like 400 pound fatso's doing like shitty yoga i'm like i don't want to do that i i lifted weights

when i was a kid it did all right by me when i was a kid i'll get some cardio going yeah yeah

i'll go for a hike man yeah you want to go back well my feet are so my feet are so bad

might get some rocks

let's get some rock we can i'm rocking now dude with all this weight on me you know walking

anywhere yeah yeah let me get my stuff in gear i think i think i'm i think i'm uh having a

good idea of where i want to be and i feel good i feel good in a way like where i'm sore as

fuck all the time but i feel like i'm going somewhere you're making progress yeah and also

i'm eating like crazy and i'm eating like shit like i'm eating mcdonald's


blah blah whatever like i'm starving all the time but i lost like fucking 12 pounds like in

in three weeks that's that's impressive dude yeah like i'm just i'm starving like just i'm just

trying to eat you know but i i you know i like i've always said i'm meant to be a laborer i'm

meant to fucking pick this up and put it over there you know what i mean like right look at

me i'm a fucking monster

you know

i meant to fucking do that you know what i mean like i'm a big dude i meant to fucking

do that you know and i just should embrace that

i will fucking do it man career change my dad did that he worked an office job most

of his career and then he retired he's like i need to do stuff started doing outside stuff

yeah but initially but but at first dude i was in such pain in such pain like my hip

was all fucked up i could barely walk i could barely walk i could barely walk i could barely

walk i could barely walk i could barely walk i could barely walk i could barely walk i could

walk i could barely lift my arms but like now that like i'm getting a little bit

getting a little bit more acclimated to it you're going to be rocking you're going to be talking

about hiking soon it feels no it's no it feels good just to yeah all that stuff you on

me for do you have you booked your your trip to the latch yet is that last year i'm not walking

my feet are all up i'm not i'm not doing that when you lose a bunch of weight you're not

going to your favorite disease in my feet eric what disease do you have in your feet what do

you have called disease td yeah yeah i'll let me hey siri hey siri hey stay pretty pttd is

what were you by the way when you when you muted earlier what were you asking siri about

oh to remind me about uh cole's birthday oh

on the third yes why would you need why do you need a reminder of cole's birthday

because you said you wanted to buy him uh something he says he said you wanted something

for cole on the third i did yeah i promise you did yeah he said he's coming out in case you want

to get something oh don't get him i was kidding dude don't worry about that i'm with you


matai no blinker eric i feel your pain i also have i have a five-year-old daughter

i think we both are falling prey to the older daddy having a new younger princess in the house

and we want to get her whatever we can she didn't like one sherbert you got the other

sherbert you got another sherbert i didn't even listen to the rest of the story i'm going to get

story yet it's exhaust it's exhausting man the the the hoops that little girls make you jump

through when you're an older dad exhausting do you remember like i i mean but sherbert when we

were a kid it was just like whatever was sweet that came out of the freezer we ate yeah

yeah for sure i mean but i'm telling you this sherbert is his next level it's really good and

i'm gonna get you something i love it listen i'm sure i'm sure giving jordan pixie sticks

has given me just as good yeah and she'll be into that too i um when i worked at a retirement home

when i was in high school i worked i was a dishwasher at the retirement home

nice we made this thing for old folks that are you know that were dying um

and it was a scoop of sherbert in fruit punch in like essentially a shot glass

it was like a little nice dessert and we used to drink them in the dish room we

would just go get them out of the cooler and drink a bunch we're gonna give them their uh

their uh morphine just a spoonful of sherbert helps the morphine go down yeah the morphine

go down palliative care that's what that is palliative palliative whatever um so what i

have is posterior posterior tibial tendon dysfunction what does that mean look it up prick

or i can send it to you jesus

right he's aggressive and i love it can you say that again when we're actually expecting you know

what i want you i'm going to send a screen crap to a screen crap can you just you just say it again

posterior posterior tibial tendon dysfunction

one more time posterior posterior tendon dysfunction is a painful condition that

can affect the foot and ankle it can affect your ability to walk and perform certain lower body

this is it can be you don't have that you don't have that were you diagnosed with that yeah yeah

that's why i got all the the uh the uh morphine no all the the from my shoes

is this from when is this from the uh the hot tub incident no no the hot tub incident informed me on

it like i thought that i thought that i just twisted my ankles all the time it turns out i

have a disease glass ankles

no no it's not ankles it's it's

if you're interested i'll say the uh the copy yeah please do yeah please do it sounds like

yeah yeah oh okay well like your last episode okay cool ah there it is sometimes you gotta

smack that kid up i know we use full prey to it and we want to get everything for the princess

and if this was our first kid they wouldn't have lasted this long

he definitely wouldn't have gone to the store to go get another one for sure not and i know because

i hear my older ones because my 20 year old tells me that he would never have gotten this treatment

that my five-year-old is getting now so you gotta be tough sometimes you don't want to spoil the kid

and don't fall prey to the princess of the drama nation out yeah i mean he's right i know that he's

right and and i i draw the line sometimes she's been real aggressive and demanding recently so

we're dialing it back a bit on what she gets yeah i mean but also it's fun to give kids what they want

you know like ah let them have it a little bit let me have a little bit for sure like i i remember

like uh fighting danielle and stuff that probably was not healthy for ben like let him have 11 hot

dogs you know what i mean like yeah the sing the individually wrapped hot dogs yeah individually

yeah remember that that's it i'm gonna give you a kiss yeah i'm gonna give you a kiss they don't

exist anymore yeah i wish they did but we've we ripped through a lot of hot dogs in this house

yeah yeah but we ripped dogs they're ripping dogs remember that because pat if you don't know

and eric that's so sweet that you remember it um danielle would leave me voicemails at work

like uh of things that like because i'd be on the phone all the time i'd have to answer calls to make

amy he's turned on and off the radio sometimes so all of that she would leave me in the voicemail

and so uh she would leave me a voicemail but she would leave it really fast

and i don't know if it was like she was worried about like what it would cost or whatever

and she would go one time one time in all of our life she went like for me to like get something at

the market she went individually wrapped hot dogs and i told eric that and the fact that

you remember that that's probably when we first met that i did yeah that was very early yeah jesus christ but listen anything with hot dogs is

But dude so much more than what i've ever waited for!

sweet so sweet that you remember that man god bless you that's so sweet my desk is now covered

in i'm going to tell that i can't wait to tell you all about that yeah oh boy i said a beer

situation here eric just made a mess beer spilled everywhere oh my word all over my desk that i use

for work it's so it's going to smell like alcohol all day 25 years this year you guys been married

25 years this year yeah in october we're gonna be married 25 years congratulations yeah i want

to say this about the the the daughter situation don't come hang on let me get better on hang on

big cubs family oh mean daughter don't look not bad too the picture captain will remind me

how was that it's pretty damn good that better ask it was very better

huge huge huge cubs fan any better

um so it's summer right now it's late summer which means camp is over and i work 100 remote frank

with a as do i camp is over it's only august 1st yeah it goes until august that's so yeah it's

it's unfortunate

um so now i have yeah i'm working from home and i have a four-year-old

an almost eight-year-old and a 12-year-old

it's rough frank it's rough so the shine of like buying them whatever they want is

like we're slowly losing it it's not though i did buy a giant

container of pocky today at the store you gotta get that pocky that's a good

the cookies cookies and cream pocky is oh i know the strawberry one's my favorite one yeah yeah

why let them choose whatever they want chocolate once my second if i have if i have the wherewithal

i'm gonna buy both you know why they went with me to costco the other night and did not ask me

for a giant box of pocky while we were there i don't know why she didn't that's normally a baki

a baki it's a giant box that's normally something that that why they would do so

the uh yeah it was it was just at the giant at the at the regular market but uh you know they wanted

they wanted hamburgers and french fries for dinner tonight and i said i will make

mcdonald's burgers at home for you if that's what you want and i gotta say nailed it dude

oh dried minced onion which is key to a mcdonald's burger brioche bun so it's a little fancier than

but yeah but like a potato roll ain't gonna work and like the roll would work not as good man because

doesn't have the sugar content that a mcdonald's roll has all right you do what you need to do

brioche is fine that's the bad i think it's the best one ribeye burger

love that and uh you know american cheese and you know got the deli pickles sliced them very thin

love that put them on there and then uh ketchup and mustard

nice and they were in salt and pepper of course but yeah they were uh they they declared best

best burgers ever better than mcdonald's i tried to tell the story uh in the beginning of the show

and i think it'd be best if we end the show with it because you guys we were talking

the beginning of listening to the show last week i like how this whole episode is just frank

reaction reacting to the show that is frank's recap of last week's show i enjoyed it so much

did i honestly did it and you know i i i

try to be mean sometimes but i hope you know i don't think it's really mean but pat started with

this initially like out of the gate like i made a mcdonald's order people made fun of me about it

i mean not i mean like as soon as it said yeah yeah recording he went right into it it was great

so like um so let me tell you how bad i fucked up tonight and we will and if you guys don't

want everything else for the show we can end it with this so you're talking about this you know

you're about your double cheeseburgers your double quarter pounder your fries you're gonna

get your fucking mcflurry all the kind of shit and i'm looking at my app i'm at a fucking stoplight

i'm looking at my app and i'm like oh man i got a free cheeseburger on my app and i here's here's

my fat guy move i do the app now because of you guys well i love it i mean is that not the right

way to go now i think it's i think it's the best way to go but uh but it has i'm not gonna say the

for anything but all this instant food ordering thing that came out of it yeah yeah quite good

but i'm looking and i i there's been at least four times i've gotten a free cheeseburger and i'll buy

a frozen coke and if you guys don't know i know pat you love your ice cream if you haven't gotten

a frozen coke at mcdonald's it is not whatever they're doing there is magic chemistry like it is

so far

further than any slurpy or slushy we've ever had where you can have this little frozen coke that

stays cold the entire time you're never slurping anything at the bottom and it tastes carbonated

like it is insane how this little miracle for a dollar 39 can happen in the palm of your hand

it's amazing to me i like do a little mix of uh frozen coke with cherry in there i i would ask

for that if it was on the app but it's not you know

on my app at least it's frozen coke give me a small because i only have so much time to get

the mom this little miracle by the way is the show title dude it is it's it's magnificent like

and they serve them all year long you know like i'll get them in january yeah uh and and if you're

driving like i have a sometimes a 50 minute drive home or to mom's like if you're like lagging and

you're like oh i need a picnic and i'm like oh i need a picnic and i'm like oh i need a picnic and

i'm like oh i need a picnic and i'm like oh i need a picnic and i'm like oh i need a picnic and

up a little bit of sugar yeah it's small one of those little miracles so so frankie just real

quick just so you know you you go in you order it right and then you hit the thing that says

customize and it gives you an option to do uh substitute half frozen wild cherry wow on the app

on the app look yeah wow geez louise thanks bat he was looking he was investigating while we were

talking yeah yeah guy in the chair so let me tell you how i fucked up

so like i had a free cheeseburger i'm like yeah i'll have that i'm trying to do this at lights

because i don't like the text when i drive so like i'm like yeah i'll get my free cheeseburger and

i'm doing small uh you know uh frozen coke and uh and i get that's just for your drive and that's

just for your drive home uh to your mom's house right yeah well literally dude at that point i'm

12 minutes away from my house like i'm just gonna hope this thing and also like i've been doing all


manual labor i was talking about earlier tonight like i'm i'm so hungry i'm eating all the time

and uh so i i hit it i get up to the spot i go to pick it up it tells me i'm in the wrong spot

on the app i'm like oh i must have fucked up and the different store and did my place by my house

so i'm like trying to hit like change and cancel nothing's happening so like fuck it i gotta take

her mom make her do it i'm like i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm

gonna make her dinner so i go over and take care of mom make her dinner i get back in the car it

says it's still waiting for me so i drive up to the one that i assumed it was by my house

but i'm a moron because it just when i get up to one by my house it's like no this one's 11

minutes away from you you have to go back down it just didn't click on my phone so i had to piss

two dollars and 17 cents away and your free cheeseburger and my

free cheeseburger yeah so you just let it you abandon it yeah i abandoned it yeah yeah i just

yeah maybe one of the employees ate it i would hope so i would hope so but i'm about to piss my

pants do we want to uh end this or no yeah we can add a pop-up

dude tiny i'm the oldest dude i'm 49 i know man oh what are we doing for your 50th birthday nothing

nothing we have a long time we have a long time it's not just may i mean it's not that long it's

less than a year

it's you're right it's it's actually exactly uh nine months away from today we're gonna get a

cookie puss no we're gonna invite mom into my house and you guys can fuck with her no i don't

want to mess with your mom no it'll be fine you just give her give her attention that's all she

wants can yeah you definitely have to let her sit in a few times oh a hundred percent on they'll

be a door like where i am right now if if if the way our

idea goes the door that that i go out to smoke cigarettes for there'll be another door that goes

directly into her room i'll be able to be like mom come on in have a seat you know it'll be good

it'll be good having diane on this thing oh it'll be awesome it'll be awesome hot takes yeah yeah

all right well tell them the things pat all right well you could not go there uh

joining to be a scorpion support and you can call and leave us a voice voicemail


we'll do some more of those

that's fun

I love you guys so much

maybe Vaughn will call back with what he wanted to talk about

yeah he never did I just looked

I just looked through the rest of the voicemails he never did call back

that's funny

thank god that I missed a recaller

yes yes please more

mystery callers for sure

for sure

Frank's leaving

just say your thing Frank he can't even hear anything

goodnight Shannon


motherfucking chew

what does he say thank you for your consideration

should we keep talking about him


let's not give him that

real quick I know you're on social media

a little bit

have you seen this

this dude

from Turkey that's shooting guns

the shooting guy

I love it dude

I love this guy

I also like

I also like the woman from South Korea

who looks like she's out of an anime

with like the crazy glasses

and like she has like a hippo

like a plushy hippo

that was very funny too

and the old lady that's playing table tennis

yes yes yes

for Chile too right

not even for

no for China

I thought she was playing for Chile

no I think she's playing for China

but maybe I'm wrong I don't know

don't care that much

but yeah Snoop Dogg

this is like the most bizarre fucking Olympics

dude by the way

yeah it's been very

it's been very

a lot of wonky shit going on


but Snoop Dogg

he's put in the work

that's for sure

I love that

well I just love that Flavus has been sponsoring

a team of I don't even know

what it is

it's water polo

he's a big fan

so he sponsors that team

fucking weird guy man good for him

all right thank you Flavor Flav

I'm gonna you know what that's

thanks okay Frank's back

can we can we do our sign off once again

because I'm I'm changing

I'm getting rid of Choo Choo

yeah yeah yeah

hey you're back

no he's on mute though

I can't unmute him


we waited for you to sign off Frankie

oh what are you still

you're still talking

yeah we're still

I peed like a fuck

did you oh man I should

we're just waiting

you know what I'm gonna do

I'm gonna get myself a wireless Sean

that plugs in

I don't know if you can pee wirelessly

yeah you can pee wirelessly

in this day and age I think he can

okay just get a fucking jar

just get one of those pee jars you get at the hospital

but no what I'm gonna do

sneaky leaker dude


no I'm gonna stand

and I asked Danielle about this

I was gonna talk to you guys all full of mic about this

well now it's on mic

yeah well I was like

well kind of on mic

he's probably not gonna be on mic

he's pretty far away from his mic


you guys are a nightmare

you're a living nightmare

I was like

I was like I lean forward

and I'm drinking beer

like at the edge of this fucking couch

she goes dude

that is squeezing every fucking tube

that has any kind of fluid

that has come out of you

and she goes also

you're old so you have leaky valves

and I'm like

thanks for the support


she's like

she's like so like

you can't like do that

if you want to drink

that but she's like

it hurt the whole thing

it was like

I like how


I like how her

if you're gonna drink that much

you can't sit that way

it's not

no no her

you shouldn't drink that much

her solution was

don't drink if you're gonna

gonna do this show

now that's the wrong answer


100% the wrong answer

I think

I think Danielle's

big big answer is

don't drink Frank


okay good

let me ask

I'm glad

yeah yeah

I think everybody's answer is that

it's not my answer

drink more

no no

and I

I feel you have a grip on it

you know to a certain extent

and you're working out now

it's fine

and now I can lift up a fucking

what you need to do

is just find more kids to move


I mean I've got chores

I've got farm ass chores

over here dude

pop pops moving

pop pops moving company

dude I got

oh my

do it on the weekends

to fund your remodel

I'm sorry

I'm sorry to fucking

extend this show even more

we had a tree

a couple weeks ago

I don't know if we talked about

on the show last week

Frank would know

well so I was

I went back this past weekend

to cut up more of that

with a

I have a chainsaw

and I was cutting up stuff

and there was

there's a

and then I was like

well I've

you know I can

I've got this chainsaw


there was some other shit

I needed to cut

like nearby

like smaller

like trees and shit

that I just didn't need

and I went to cut one

and it was like

right next to a stump

like an old rotten stump

that's behind my house

and I guess I


a wasp nest


since you've not been

around the house at all

he has trees all around his house

just so you know

he's been here twice

oh good job

two times

I think one time

two times


two times

we're not on video anymore Frank

not on my birthday

yeah but

two times


two times

Pat I'll do that

I angered a wasp nest

and I'm running a chainsaw

you angered it

did you



hundreds of wasps came out

and I didn't realize

because I was wearing headphones

because I couldn't hear them

and all of a sudden

like shooting pains in my

or shooting pains in my arm

like what the fuck is this

what the fuck is going on

and I look

and then there's just

I'm swarmed by fucking wasps

why are you wearing headphones

while doing yard work

so it's that I'm running a chainsaw

and they're noise cancelling

it's ear protection

yeah I don't want to

well don't be stupid

don't do that anymore

I can say

I mean I was running a chainsaw anyway

I wouldn't have heard

the fucking wasps

yeah you could have

before they hit your arm

no four or five

I remember one time

my arm dropped the chainsaw

and fucking ran

I was weed whacking

and they all like

we didn't get in my girl situation

were you okay

I survived


no no no

no I'm not

I'm not I'm not allergic to

to that shit

so I'm good

I remember one time

Danielle and I got in a big fight

like big fight

this is like 10 years ago

big fight

not talking to each other

like over and bullshit

I couldn't tell you what it was about

you know but I just remember

we weren't

we were mad

and not talking to each other

and I'm weed whacking

and trying to go around the bar

and I'm like doing all this fucking like

I got a fucking machete out

and I'm fucking doing all this fucking

and I fucking step in a bee's nest

and I thought it was a weed whacker

like throwing something back at my feet

but I always dress so well

like I always have like socks real high

and my jeans low

and I always have like

you know I'll take my gloves

and my sleeves

even if it's August

you know 100 degrees

I'll take myself up

I'm like man I feel like

something's hit me

with dude

a hundred bees

they're stinging me

like going up my pants

like stinging me

and I'm running down

oh I ran like crazy

and I'm like turn on the hose

turn on the hose

and they all just didn't do shit

she was so mad at me

and then she saw all the bees

and she's like oh my god

and she turned on the hose

what did the hose do to the bees

they just get all the bees off you

she just started hosing me down

get all the bees off me

and dude I was so stung

like probably like 50%

I'll tell you this

and I don't know

if this impresses anybody

but I was wearing

chainsaw chaps

not motorcycle chaps

but like legit

like shit that Sawyers wear

like chain mail

no no no

it's like Kevlar shit

I like to get those

and I was wearing

because like

and I was wearing eye protection

and I was wearing

like all the stuff

gloves and stuff

but I was wearing

a short sleeve shirt

regular lumberjack

but because

and here's the reason

with the chaps

my brother gave them to me

because he's safety conscious

when he's chainsawing

but like also

I don't know if you remember

we talked about this

on the show years ago

when Troy was on

Troy's dad


chainsaw through his thigh

into his thigh

and like fucking mangled his thigh

so like I think about that

all the time

whenever I'm chainsawing

I'm like fuck

so I wear the chaps

I've done

I've done like

the dumbest

shit in the world

like I've had a

I've had a ladder

on something

that I'm chainsawing

and then that

like if

say it's a dead tree

next to something

I'm dead


that will fall

as I'm chainsawing

so I have to run up

the ladder

as it's falling down

and I'm not a nimble person

so that's

not yet

thank god

I didn't kill myself

or fucking

chop my fucking

head in half


chainsaws are dangerous

I don't know


super dangerous

but like

into it


I have a lot of

I have a lot of logs

I gotta cut

I'm not going there

chainsaw ever

just saying

yeah you should never

by the way

there was a funny moment

when we were doing the deck


what kind of power tools

was Pat using

he was doing the

he was doing the drills

and the screw gun

the drill

and the driver

that's it


no you did

you did use the fucking

miter saw

oh yeah I did

and it was

it was

it was an easy cut though

it was an easy cut

and I was like

like a radial arm saw

type thing

no no

like a

you know

like a

like a miter saw

compound miter saw

like on

like with a hand


like if you pull it down


by hand

not like

yeah yeah


that's a good start

my favorite

my favorite part is

I was like

Pat just like

can you cut this

to whatever length it was

or no

I even marked it right

yeah you did

and by the way

radial arm saw

is what I cut it with

my finger off on

oh I thought it was

oh I thought it was a table saw

no radial arm


I didn't bring that over

I have

I have one in my house

you shouldn't

there's no reason

in 2024

to own a fucking radial arm saw

by the way


because a miter

compound miter saw

does exactly the same shit

and it's a smaller package

but it's

apparently I have one of those

by the way

it's automated

I mean

yeah I mean

my radial arm saw

and it fucking

and it ruined Pat's life


so we don't use those anymore


never mind

I won't talk about it

it was my grandfather's

I'm not getting rid of it

Robin was

Robin was outside

and I'm like

Pat just cut this thing

and she's like

no no no no no

and I was like

no it's fine

it's just an easy one

and Pat also was like

no I can do it

I can fucking do it

let me do it mom

come back

let me be a man

but it was great

like the immediate reaction

from Robin was like

no we don't use

we don't use saws

in this house


we don't do that


it's been 25 years

jam jams

it's been 25 years

since I've done that

now we're gonna live that though


but it was exhilarating

wasn't it


using the saw

it was fucking great

I've used saws

in the past

I've used circular saws

I've used

miter saws

I've used


I've used saws

I'm okay

he's a saw guy

a saw guy

he's a saw guy

he's a sawyer

so I think I have

when we were

I got some Helios


I think I'm gonna do


you're starving

we put the

I put this plastic fencing

around the pool

a couple years ago

to keep it safe

from anybody

jumping in it

I guess


I had to cut down

the long bars

to a

from a 10

not 10

from a 4 foot

to a 3 foot size


I didn't know


what to do

so I used

a chainsaw

to do that

Jesus Christ

good job


smart move

did not work out

nearly as well

as I'd hoped

I ended up

just using

a good old


like hand

hand saw



it starts


the plastic

all over the place

just shattering

the plastic

all over the place

but you gotta

get you a



like a sawzall

you gotta get that

you might have to use

a Dremel

or something on that

there we go

have you gotten




the multi-tool


the new

like it's

kind of new


it's not really

that new



it's fucking



it's an



you put

sanding pads

on it

and shit








got those


Frank definitely

wants to leave

that's why he's

talking far away

from the microphone

he's already

talking about


oh no

no no

I'm starving

to death

I don't get

to eat


you know

other than

you know


whatever it

was in my


that I










I'm glad

you had

a nice


to our


last week

I think

you guys


I think

you guys

did the



I think

you guys

are setting

I think

he's a little



I think

you guys

are setting


for what


should be

in the


you know

what I


I think

that people



too much

I think

people are


too much



Not from


you know

what I




you guys

on the

other hand




I support


and I'm

glad to

be part

of it









showing them


going to


in the




that is

how many


do you



















































































































what are
































like a


like a


atom bomb




by the

joy and











it all


















an ugly laughing


like a hummingbird in silence

like the blood on my door

it's a generator









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