DNDS-1093 - 17 Years Later..

Dawn Miceli & Drew Domkus

The Dawn and Drew Show!

DNDS-1093 - 17 Years Later..

The Dawn and Drew Show!

Dawn and Drew Show 1093! Holy shit, that's like a lot.

Get ready, baby. Yeah. Yeah. The Dawn and Drew Show!

Hello, everybody! This is Dawn Maselli.

And this is Drew Domkus. Welcome.

Welcome back to the Dawn and Drew Show. If this is your first time, you're probably like,

what's all the hype? And then we'll explain to you. We don't know.

Is there hype?

No, there's no hype.

Is there hype? Is there hype?

I have not heard any hype.

I've been hyping myself. Just now. Hold on. You're doing great.

Thanks, girl. How are you lately?

I'm all right. What's new with you?

Drew's cool.

Is this the Dawn and Dawn and Drew Show?

It's the Dawn and Dawn Hype Show. I was hyping myself.

Get it.

Do you know that you have to do that, Drew?

I do it all the time.

I know you do.


So today is a special day, not only because we're recording a show for you guys,

because we do miss you. There's been so many things going on. And I thought,

what a lovely day to catch up, because it is a day of many important anniversaries.

Today is September 23rd, 2021, which sounds like the distant future, but it is current.

It'll be the past when somebody hears this.

Okay. But I mean, the fact is like 2021.

Can you believe we're living in 2021?


You're here.

We're here. I'm right now.

Drew's very good at living in the now.

What would you say I am good at living in the past, present, or future?

The dream world. Future dream world is where I think you thrive.

The future dream? My future dreams?

Yeah. You're always daydreaming of stuff that seems mostly out of reach.

You want things we don't have.

Doesn't everyone?

You could also just enjoy what you have.

I do totally enjoy what I have.

All right.

But I do want a lap swimming pool in a dome.


I don't think that's too much to ask. Like a beautiful glass dome with a perfectly...

You didn't ask if I thought it was too much you were asking for.

What do you ask for?

That doesn't have...

More love from you. Eternal.

Oh, jeez.


Honest anniversary. Celebrating. Knowing each other's 27 years today.

More love. That's what you're asking.

Please give me love. Love me.

That's all I want. Just love from you. That's it.

Aww. That's very sweet and sad.

It's like sweet and sour sauce, but sweet and sad sauce.

Aww. Sweet and sad sack.

Sweet and sad sack.

So congratulations if you're listening to this.

You are alive and you have survived thus far.

The Global Shit Show.

Of the past, what would it be, 18 months? I don't even know.

I thought we weren't talking about that.

We're going to mention it briefly, but we're not going to...


Yes. You know what? Everyone has done a good job.

There you go. I thought when we did our last show we were going to do a lot of pandemic shows.

And we did not.

We didn't. And you know what? I felt like there was so much stuff going on.

And I just wanted... I just became like a little cocoon.

A little cocoon of a...

What would that be? A caterpillar that turns into a pupa?

Have you come out of your cocoon yet?


So what are you?

Oh, come on now. I'm a butterfly, bitch.

I'm a fucking... Actually, I thought I was a butterfly, but I'm just like a moth here to eat your sweaters.

What is that, cashmere, motherfucker? That's delicious.

Aren't they all just species of moth?


I think even a butterfly.

Or is it the other way around?

And I believe that there are... One time, unless I totally was drunk and I imagined this,

I had a long in-depth conversation with an entomologist on an airplane heading towards the jungle.

And he had written his thesis for his doctorate on the bot fly.

And I was like...


It was charming to me because I have had, not personally, in my body, bot flies.

But I have been present and have removed the bot fly larva.

And I will have to say...

Super gross?

It is super fucking gross.

Not a lot of people can say that they have that much.

So I think he was really excited.

But he told me that there were only a certain amount of butterflies and then the rest were moths.

But true butterflies, and I can't remember what was the differential, but...

So you weren't really paying attention.

I was, but I was like...

I'm back to the bot flies.

I don't know.

Well, he's secretly like injecting bot fly eggs.

Into my skin?

Yeah, into your skin.

Because you're sitting next to you.

I'd be like, dude, what the fuck are you doing?

Did you just put a bot fly in me?

You're like, this segues perfectly into that time I got a bot fly.

On the airplane next to an ant.

It's all making sense now.

It does.

Drew, you're brilliant.

I know.

So September 23rd is many things.

It was the first time...

It was the first time that I met Drew Domkus.

Yeah, 1994 circa.


Back in the day.


I know.

I skate with a lot of kids that probably weren't born then.

A lot of them.

Their grandparents weren't even born then.


Yeah, so that was a while ago.


Congratulations on meeting me.

Oh, thank you.

So I did say...

That I saw you and I thought you were hot stuffs.


But I wasn't sure.

Well, I will always see you as the 20-something-year-old boy

that I tried to have sex with.

I was only...

Man, I was just about 23.

Just about.

I thought you were.

No, it was October.

No, you were 22?

Yeah, because it was September.

Oh, yeah, that's right.

I was about to turn 23.

And now I'm about to turn 50.

God, I was 18 years old in one month.


That's crazy.

Just barely 18.

I could have been doing so much porn.

You could have been doing so many more things.

First of all, I would like to take a moment to say,

if OnlyFans existed when I was 18...

Oh, my goodness.

...with my huge, luscious, perky tits,

I would have been making so much money.

And you probably wouldn't have even wanted to talk to me

because I'd be like, who are you?

I'd be on your website.

I know.

I'd be like, you can subscribe with these options.

For $5, you get some clothed bikini top pictures.

But for $25, you get the full...


For $45, you can buy my period underwear.

The paywall was a new thing.

There wasn't even the internet.

It was there, barely.

It was barely there.

It was.

You had to go to the library to check out a book

that was the size of a phone book to look for websites.

An FTP site.


So that's...

I was not OnlyFanning it when I was 18.

But I would like to say, girls and boys,

if you want to do that, absolutely do it.

Make the money.

But perhaps make an alias.


Maybe go neck down.

Or always wear wigs.


People will never recognize...

That stuff is on there forever.

Some people just don't care.

I don't think you should care.

It's none of your business.

But I do like the stories of these girls that are like,

I made $65,000 last month.


And you're like, what?

Doing what?

And they're like, I do whatever someone asks me to do.

I'm like, like what?

Do my dishes.

Make me a sandwich.

That's what you'd have a girl do?


Your dishes?

Yeah, that's all I'm in.

I have so many OnlyFans sites.

That's why I keep getting all this stuff done around here.

That's not how OnlyFans works.

You don't even...

What website am I at?

I think you're just hiring maids.


We do not do sex stuff.

Only chores.


It's just really bad, sullen teenagers that other people send over here.


Yeah, it's a service that we could be providing.

For horrible teens.

As they come over and get in trouble because they were busted doing their OnlyFans.

Oh, boy.

So, there's been a lot of stuff going on.

September 23rd is also the anniversary of starting the Donna Drew Show.

Ten years later.

No, more than...

No, from when we met, it was ten years later.

That's why it was so weird.

Because we did it on...

We started the very first show the same day, but 2004.

Which makes me...

Like, almost 18 again.

I was 18 when I started this.

I'm 18 today.

And then I turned 18 ten years ago.

No, today makes the 17th anniversary of doing this podcast.

Even though we don't do it as often, 17 years ago was the first.

I think by now I should have a tiara.

Why don't you?

Oh, like a tiara headphones.

That would be good.


I would like that.

Like how Snoop Dogg's got the chalice mic.

Stuff like that.

You need a tiara headphone.

He has a chalice mic?


Does it actually fill with liquid?

I think so.

And I think it's like...

I think you put your hand through...

I don't know.

He's got a bunch of fancy stuff.

A pimp...

You're talking about a pimp cup.

Oh, yeah.

A pimp cup.


Slash microphone.

I believe so.

Is it Bluetooth?


It's probably gold tooth.

Is this gold tooth?

But yeah, you need a tiara headphone.

Come on.

Get with it.

Podcasting world.


I feel like...

Only when I die will they make one and put it on my grave.

She always wanted this.


So yeah, congratulations again.

Happy anniversary.


Happy anniversary.

And then what else?

That's about it.

That was all?

I think that was it.

It was like three things, wasn't it?

Meeting, podcasting.

The most important thing...

Your bangs.

I have bangs now.

And that's actually the whole reason why I decided to do the show today.

Because now you can see the microphone?

No, because now you can see me and tell me how cute I am.

That's why we're doing this video.

Oh, wait.

I forgot to hit record on the video.

That's on my OnlyFans.


That's a totally different site.


I wonder what the weirdest thing, like non-sexual, because I understand there's like tons of


Like people are like, put a corncob in your butt.

And you're like, $5.

That's what you got?

It would cost more than that.

What would be your price?

At least $6.

No, I'm totally serious.

For what?

On video?


Who's going to watch that?

I don't know, but I'm saying...

They better have a lot of money.

I'm asking you, what would your price be?

You're sitting down.

You're doing your Drew Domkiss OnlyFans website.

And you're saying, okay, well, these are the prices for putting a corncob in my butt.


And what would that price be?

Because you have to have a price list.

I don't know.

I'd want a lot of money for that.

Not on video.

How much is a lot of money?

I don't know.

That seems so silly.

Like, I don't want to say a stupid number and have you be like, can I get five bucks worth?

I'm not going to.

I want to know.

This is a question of...

On video, it's got to be like a million.

A million?

Because I don't want that kind of stuff just sitting out on video.

All of a sudden, there's just like, everybody would love it.

They'd all share it.

It'd go viral.

Oh, yeah.

You really think?

Halfway, man.

No, because I don't want to do it.

So if you got a million, I'll think about it.

A million dollars.

Yeah, why not?


I don't think your butthole's worth a million.

Exactly, because I don't want to do it.

What would you do it for?

20 bucks?

Oh, Drew.

I am your wife.


I feel like it's buy one, get one tonight.

So you can have two corn cobs or I can put the corn cob up your butt and then we could

go on the video together or...

Bogo my eggo.

Bogo my corn hole.

All right.

I don't know.

Oh, man.

We're off the rails.

That's why we don't do this show anymore.

This is about a anniversary and our love.


Oh, that's sweet.

This is about love, Drew.

It is sweet.

So I'm asking you, what would the price be without the face, without an unknown, like

totally be honest.



You don't really have a ton attached.

It's on my OnlyFans.

I think you'd know.


We're going to make a...

Just a random...

It's called secret dude random corn cob account.

Check the who is.

You figure out who owns it.

You have to pay the extra $2 to have privacy.

Oh, now we're talking.


So let's say I paid the extra money.

It's under your secret corn cob.

But you're going to see my weird birthmark.

Do you have it?

No, but I'm saying...


Let's say it's a tight shot.


It's just butthole.


Did you know that you're...

Why is it got to be me?

I'm asking a personal question.

You're asking me?

Let me ask you a question.

Hey, did you know your lips and your butthole are made of the same material?


Well, not you.

I mean, everyone.


Same material.

Like, they used one piece and cut it in half.

Wow, you know what?

It kind of was like when you buy a car and you're like, oh, this part fits in here, too.

It's a similar sound.

I'm not joking.

The skin of your lips and the skin of your butthole is like the same.

So you could get...



So let's get back to focus, okay?


It's just a tight shot on your butthole.




Who's filming?

I mean, I could film it, but, like, you could film it yourself.


I mean, it depends.

Selfie mode?




You're going to make art.

So, you have to put a corn cob in your butt.

Wait, how far?


Like, baby corn?



A regular sweet corn, like, from the fair.

Buttered up?

You can put butter on it if you want.

Be better.

I mean, wait.

Are you picturing with the kernels on or off?

I don't know.

What's going on here?

Just the cob?

That's what I said.

I originally just said the cob.

Oh, damn.

But now I'm wondering if you're having, like, a full-on...

Well, how do you take the corn off?

What if you fucking pulled it out and all the corn was off?

I'd be like...




What's it called when the...

Remember when we used to live in the Latino neighborhood and the man would come with the...


What's that called?

That corn?

It's still corn cob.

What is it called?

I don't know.

Oh, is it something with, like, a lote?


I forgot.

The guy with the mayo and the chili powder?


What's it called?

Chili powder.

I don't think you want to do that part, Drew.



So, let's say.

You can choose the style of the corn.

Well, if it's a super close tight shot and it's buttered up, eh, 50 bucks.

No, Drew.

You would not.

You're so full of it.

I bet you, as the man that I love...

And as chosen to be my husband, I bet you would not do it for less than $5,000.

That sounds more realistic.

I think at $5,000, you'd be like, hmm.

How many skateboards can I get with that?

Yeah, you'd be like, hmm.

It's not a lot of money.

I mean, it's a significant amount of money.

And two of those dollars will cover that privacy.

Well, I forgot to get it.

So, I watermarked the video with DrewDomkus.com.

And we got all these webcams.

And I monetized it because I learned how to do that.

There's no nipple.

Right, so you can monetize it.

It's just a tight butthole shot.

I'd be like, well, you can't tell if it's his mouth.

And they're like, we can tell it's his mouth.

This is like an impromptu theater like we've done before.

Long ago.

Was I right?



Would you do it for $1,000?

What would it look like with that girl with the starfish tattoo with the cornhole going in there?

I don't know, Drew.

Don't be disgusting.

You know, you just always take it too far.

Here I'm like talking about serious things on this very hollow day.

It was just a-

Kettle corn here.

Oh, I do like ding, ding, ding, ding.

Get your kettle corn here.

Drew, please.

So, it's been a long time that we've been locked in this house together.

As you can tell.

But we do get out occasionally.

I think I get out more than you do.

You do?


You have been skateboarding a lot.

A lot.

So, I've been doing stuff too.

So, why don't you tell us a little bit about what's going on with you?

Because obviously you didn't make that money because I think you're being very highfalutin.

You're right.

I have definitely not been only fanning corn cobs in my butt.

Definitely not.

But I have been skateboarding a lot.

You are correct about that.

I still do a skateboarding podcast and we are just about to hit 200 episodes with that.


You guys are like fetal.

It's so young.

It's five years.


Five years?

Five years.

It's crazy.

We've been at it for a while.

So, if you haven't heard about it, where have you been?

I don't even listen to the show because it's all about, you know.


We're not super stressed on a schedule.

So, we definitely skip weeks here and there because we'd rather skate than record.

And so, if we can do them both in the same day, that's pretty cool.

But it doesn't always happen.

But yeah.


I'm skateboarding a lot.

And for some weird reason, I'm in the middle of a streak.

A personal streak.

Not in my head.

Not in my pants.

And today, we'll make 44 days in a row for this old man.


Speaking of.


How many days until you are over the hill?

Let's ask my watch since you gave me a watch.


Hang on.

How many days until October 19?

It's 26 days until then.


26 days.

26 days until my husband.

Until you're getting some 50-year-old dong.

Let's hold.

Let's hold, girls.

50-year-old dick.


Remember when you turned 40 and I was like, ew, 40-year-old dick.

Now I'm thinking back on that.

I'm like, remember that young 40-year-old dick?

That Prime's tube steak back then?

What is the most cringy word for penis that you think exists?

Like when you hear somebody say it, it instantly turns you like, ugh.

Corn cob?


Nobody says corn cob.

I don't think I've gotten many.

I don't know.

The word penis is pretty weird.


It's a little clinical.

You know what I don't like?


If some guy was like, lean down and suck my pee-pee, I'd be like, what the?

Get out of here.

I'm okay.

Just because you're very dominant.

Your pee-pee's huge.

I would never.

I mean, I won't say never because I'll find myself somehow saying that and you'll punch

me in my face.


With it.

Stop punching me in your...

You know what word I don't like?





That's a weird one.

I don't think...

That's like a part of a hammer.

Or like, I really don't think it's hot when guys are like, what you gonna do to my wiener?

Wiener's a little weird.


There's no good name.

Dick, cock, that's about it.

Dick and cock.

But like, yeah, peen for some reason.


Sounds like it's gonna smell.

Like you're like, wanna go down on this junk?

Male organ, tube steak, those are my favorites.

Male organ.

Would you like to touch my male organ?

I'd be like, no.


That was horrible.

I'd rather touch a peen.

Yeah, so 50-year-old peen coming your way.

Don't say that.

Coming your way.

26 days.


I'll have a big check mark on the calendar.

Tattoo on your back.


For each decade.

I would like to talk about tattoos for one second.


In the last few years, it has become incredibly common for everyone to have sleeves of tattoos,

tattoos on their hands, tattoos on their faces and necks.

It's like, it used to be like that you were radical and that you were pretty much-

I'm gonna get one on my wiener for my 50th that says I love Dawn and an arrow pointing

at you.

I hope it says I love Dawn.


You're gonna fucking get so molested.


Yeah, don't talk about that.

That project's not ready.

It's not ready for consumption yet, Drew.

But so what I would like to say to everyone that's getting all the tattoos, all of your

hands and your face and your neck, I would say please don't.

It looks-

Too late if they're already doing it.


Then slow down.

And if they're gonna go get one, they're probably not listening to this.

They should be listening to me.

I don't know why they're not.

I just keep seeing them and it's like, I saw a do-it-yourself tattoo pen and I thought-


Yeah, like it's like a USB rechargeable-

For your face?

No, not for your- well, I mean, you could put it on your face.

It's just a- it's like a USB rechargeable tattoo pen.

Then they're like, have tattoo parties with your friends.

And I'm thinking, what?

People are just gonna casually go over to, let's permanently draw hideous things on ourselves

and we have no art skill and tattooing is very challenging and difficult.

What do you do with a pen?

A pen though, a little pen and ink, people do it anyways.

Why not make it USB and maybe make it those stupid little scratchy tattoos that look better?

Would you let me give you a tattoo?


Would you?


And of what?

I don't know.

On your face?

Then yes.

What would be the only tattoo you would think was okay on my face?

Oh, I hear a cat.

I hear that too.

Whiskers on your face.

Oh my God.

That would look kind of cute, actually.

Oh my God, that would actually kind of look cute.


Because I would be like, unless...

Unless they got infected.

Unless they weren't even and it was like all janky looking and infected whisker tattoos on my face.

People are like, are you really into cats?

I'm like, no, I mean, I like cats.

But my husband decided...

You could just say a cat scratched you.

Not in a whisker shape.

Yeah, they're creative.

A cat's not gonna give you a tattoo.

Give me a whisker.



What if you got a mustache tattooed?


But it was...


I need some eyebrows.

Just one brow.

Would you ever get a...

Just one wiggly brow?

One unibrow.

Would you ever do it?

Probably not.


Although I'm almost 50, you never know.

Might be time to get a unibrow tattoo.

That's why I'm seeing a lot of people that are old and they're like, I'm getting a tattoo for the first time.

Cover up that chicken pox scar.


Is that what that was?


Chicken pox?

Right there.

I see it.

How many scars do you think you have?

I got a vaccine, though, for that.

You did not.

Didn't I?


Oh, no.

Everybody's got it.

You just spread it around.


There was no vaccine until now.

And now I get to tell the story to the Miss Ellie children.

I say, gather around, children.

I'm going to tell you a story about chicken pox.

They all put their earbuds in.

They're like, auntie, so I'm telling us the story.

I'll be like, it was a hot summer.

Your mother had just recovered.

She was one of the last children.

She was one of the last children in town to have chicken pox.

Summer was just about to start.

School was letting out.

We were at the laundromat, and I felt it, the bump.

I popped it, and I knew it was about to happen.

So I wiped it on my sister, Christy, so that she would also have chicken pox.

And we suffered for two weeks, and we were covered head to toe in the worst poxy pain you can imagine.

It was even on our vulva.

On the insides of our eyes, in between our toes, wiping your arse was incredibly painful.

Under your unibrow.

I didn't have a unibrow then.

I was only a child.

Did I?

I don't have a guy with a unibrow at all, at any time.

And who is meowing?

That sounds like Ollie.

He wants to be on the show.

Hold on a second.

I got to talk.

He's outside.



Good pod.

Well, I can't help it.

The cat's bothering me.

I don't think anybody can hear it except us.

Oh, okay.

Well, in the background, it's meow, meow, meow, meow.

I don't know.

It's somewhat distracting.

Last time I checked, they don't really bring cats into recording studios, probably for

those reasons.

Yeah, probably.

So, anyway.

Because they're so cute.

So I'm going to get whiskers.

What if you got chicken pox as a tattoo?

No, I saw someone getting fractured.

Freckles tattooed, and it looked disgusting and gross and bad.

Like during or after or always?


I mean, I just saw them get-

I've seen some people that have gotten it, too.

It's like a trend.

I think Adam Curry's daughter got freckles tattooed.


They want freckles.

Is that just a rumor, though?


That you're just saying people got freckle tattoos?

I don't know.

Every single instance?

I don't think so.

I'm sure there's some people that have actually gotten it, and it's not a rumor.

No, I saw.

I saw a video where it was this girl getting it done, and she was like, I love freckles.

I love the way it looked.

My skin is so pale, and it doesn't have anything.

And so she got some, but they were not-

They didn't look appropriate on her face.

It was like there was too many, and it was the wrong shade, and I-

And that was after they were healed?

Yeah, like they showed later on, but I mean like-

Yeah, that's a weird one.

It's a weird thing.

You're just messing your face up.

Just go behind a screen, right?

What was the thing you always said?

You threw a pile of crap against a screen?

I'm sure that people getting freckles, wanting tattoo freckles are not-

It's temporary.

It's just try it out to see if you really like it.

It's that you go, you stand on the other side of the screen door while someone throws a bag of shit at you.


You could see what it looks like.

Temporary freckle tattoo.

That was actually like a redheaded step son joke, I think.

Something like that.

I don't know.

I have more horrible jokes when I was a child than is allowed now.

Than is allowed, yeah.

On a podcast.

You'll get canceled these days.

They'll go back and hear all the things you've said.

Oh, whatever.

I have a thought on that.


Don't go back in time and be like, in 1997, you said this, and we believe that now you

should lose everything that you've ever worked for.

I'm like, okay, well, this is the thing about growth.

You're like blood from a turnip.

You are.

Everyone has to figure their own shit out.

Preach, sister.


I have been writing a manifesto, and Drew is-

You always say you have been, but have you actually started?



Don't you-

It's not like in the rough draft in your mind phase?

What do you mean?

Is it actually on paper?

Yes, but when I actually do commit my things to paper, I sound like a Unabomber.

A Unabromber?

I'm going to murder you.

You know what?


This is what I've been putting up with, you guys.

It never stops.

You guys.

It doesn't stop, does it?


It can't stop, won't stop.


My skateboarding streak?

You're right.

Enough with the streak.


Oh, yeah.

So, back to my manifesto.


Kill all boys.

Wait, we're only going to keep-

I'm a man now.

We're only going to keep a couple.

Oh, hi, boys.

Yeah, you're a man.

50 and up?


Oh, yeah.

That's what we'll do.

We'll just keep 50-year-old white guys.

Wait, 49 and up.

I'm almost 50.

If I had to pick the demographic of the men that get to remain, like let's say that would

happen, it would not be 50 and up.

Wait a second.

Here's a good question for you.

You've known me since I was 22.


And now I'm 49.


What year version of me is your favorite?

What year version?


When I was 22, 23, 24, 48.

Well, I love-

Pick one now.

Well, not now.

Not this 49 because it's a fucking dick hole.

You want to see my what?

You want to put a corncob in your hoo-ha?

I can't pick that, Drew, because I love you.

Oh, that was a trick question.

Good answer.

I knew it was a trick.

Good answer.

That was my good answer.

I know, trick baby.

Oh, I love that freeway.

So, I think that's-

Oh, wait.

The Sirius satellite window closed.

We missed it.

Oh, damn.

And bye.

Sorry, P-Dub.

Well, you guys, thanks so much for listening to the Dawn and Drew show.

I will say that once we're getting-

We got a lot of stuff going on.

We didn't even get to really tip the top of the iceberg.

No, that's in the very next show.

It'll be all about icebergs.

Because I've been listening to a lot of audio books on non-fiction subjects, so my brain

is filled with useless information, unless-

Oh, that is Ollie trying to get in.

Somebody's trying to get in.

Oh, and that's our studio cat telling us it's time to go.

Hey, don't forget Adam and Eve.

Thanks for all these years of support.

Use the code Dawn.

Oh, yeah.

You know what?

Still out there.

There's a little machine that I want to get, and I went to go put my code in, and it said

I was only allowed to use it.

I was only allowed 15% off, because it's such a deluxe thing.

Oh, it must be massive.

It's not by weight.

The biggest dong.

It's like I have to get freight delivered.

It looks like a 50-year-old dong.

Back that up.

Where should I deliver this gigantic dong?

And I'll be like, right up Dom Kiss's ass.

You're like, let me bend over.

Let's get the OnlyFans cam, and here we go.

So, yeah.

Thanks, Adam and Eve.

Love you.

No, I love you.

Good night, Inkernet.

When I'm in the kitchen.


Or taking a bath.


Or news and easy listening.


Or making me laugh.


Morning, noon, and night.

Good night, Inkernet.

It's just right.

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