The Scotsman

Marc Gunn, Andrew McKee

Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast

The Scotsman

Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast

Welcome to another edition of a Barabdiknagian Minute.

How long is a Barabdiknagian Minute?

Well, when you're touring all the time, it's as long as the long and winding road.

Touring the never-ending tour, you're like a surfer, right?

Was that a surfer movie?

The never-ending wave or something, I forget what it's called.

Oh, yeah, I keep forgetting how you were a surfer.

No, I wasn't.

I wanted to be, but I wasn't.

There was a brief period where I was like, I've got to learn to surf, and I never did.

Well, you're spending some of your summers in Hawaii, so I think it's kind of like, well, I've got to surf then.

Yeah, true enough.

When you do that, I mean, it's like, well, I'm spending my winters in Colorado.

I need warm clothes.

I mean, it's just that kind of thing.

I know, true.

Today, we are going to talk about the Scotsman,

which you may or may not have heard of.

You may or may not know that song.

It's The Drunken Scotsman, The Scotsman and the Blue Ribbon.

There's lots of different titles for this song.

We're going to talk about that a little bit.

And if you listen to the private feed,

then you're also going to be hearing about our extraordinary time at Gen Con this year.

But right now, we're going to get into some of the upcoming shows

once I let you know that this podcast and our music is funded by people just like you.

Like you over on Patreon.

So sign up on Patreon and you're going to get some cool stuff.

Did you see what I did the other day on Patreon, by the way, for the Bards?

Yes, yes.

Oh, good.

You saw.

Okay, you saw that I put the Renaissance Festival collection in our shop over there, right?

Yes, yes, I did.

You're playing it off really well.

So what I did is I was, you know,


we had talked about putting all of our albums and making them available for patrons, right?

Well, what I decided to do instead for is that instead of doing each individual album,

which, you know, we're going 13 albums, I think we have 12, 13, I don't know, lost track.

But instead of doing that, I'm basically putting a compilation of those albums.

And by compilation, I mean, this compilation features eight, our first eight albums,

almost our first eight albums.

So, yeah.

You can download all of those.

You can buy them through our store over on Patreon, or you can just become a patron and get that compilation for as a part of your membership.

So if you haven't downloaded that, go get those albums.

That includes A Fair to Remember, Marked by Great Size, A Celtic Renaissance, Songs of the Muse, Gullibles, Travels, Real Men Wear Kilts, Songs of Ireland, and our holiday EP, Christmas and Broad Night, all for one low price.


So go check it out.

So if you love music, I mean, who doesn't love music?

Well, there are people, too.

It's weird.

You ask one of the questions at Gen Con, and occasionally people say, I don't listen to music.

And you're like, who are you?

What is wrong with you?

Well, wait a minute.

I mean, do you just turn off the sound when you play video games?

I mean, what the hell?

Well, someone said that they do talk-related games.


Yeah, I know.

Weird, right?


So for those people who don't have inner ear issues.



I mean, that's the thing.

I mean, that's true with any art form.

I mean, you can't please everybody.


This is very true.

You've got to just make something that you're proud of, that you like, and hope that a lot of people like it, too.


This is very true.

So, yeah.

So upcoming shows.

We, the Broadbent Nugget and Bards, will be at Dragon Con performing multiple shows.

I saw that.

The Concourse show is up, right?

Did you see that?

Yes, I did.

I think it's like a Saturday afternoon, Saturday evening.

We have a show.

We have Hobbit drinking songs on Sunday evening.

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.

Hobbit drinking songs.

And then there's a whole bunch of additional things that are happening.

Evening at Bree, we'll be doing that as well.

Yes, we'll be doing that again, yes.

And what are you doing there?

You're doing what?

You have a recording on a budget?

Yeah, I have that panel that I do every year.

You have a show, too.

I left it off the calendar.

I apologize.

Oh, I do have a show.

It's on...

Sunday, right?

Sunday, I think, yes.

Sunday around, I want to say 1230, but I don't remember exactly.

Yeah, I will make sure to get that at Andrew's show to Dragon Con calendar.

Okay, good.

There's a link on our website where you can see everything that we're doing in there.

There's also like Geek C Shanties.

I'm doing a kid's filk and a pub song, Stories Alive.

There's Firefly drinking songs.

So there's lots of things.

And the group's singing, the Muppets.

We'll be singing about Muppet songs or something on that.

That is true.

And that's going to be a definitive challenge because nobody likes Muppets.

Yeah, I know, right?

Gosh, no, it's not like we grew up on them or anything.

I know, right?

I mean, crazy.


But we're just wild and crazy.

We're just too wild and crazy, guys.

We're too wild and crazy.

Okay, but what else do you have coming up for shows?

Well, after that, of course, then I'm doing the Louisiana Ren Faire.

That's going to be in November and December and every weekend there.

And then after that, the middle of December, I'll be doing the Sherwood Celtic Christmas Fest.

Oh, good, good.


So, yeah, fantastic.

You got a bunch of stuff.

Hopefully, I think you're going to be getting more, but we're going to talk about that next

in the next podcast, either both live and other ones.

So, you okay with us holding off on the big news for you?

Oh, okay.

Yes, yes, yes.

I'm very good at restraint.

We'll talk about it for the patron podcast and then in the next edition of this as well.

So, make sure.

Okay, okay.

Does that sound good?


Sounds good.

Okay, okay, good.

Then, what else?

Oh, I have shows, too.

I'm going to be, oh, God, I forgot to look at them.

I'll be at this next weekend, if I get the show up in time, I'm doing a Firefly Drinking

Song show at the Lost Druid.

I'll be doing Multiverse and Conjuration, and I'm doing Irish Fest Atlanta, and that

Irish Fest Atlanta is going to be with my wife.

My daughter, Inara, which is really exciting.

So, those are a couple things that I'm going to be doing, and then, of course, I'll be

going to Scotland at the end of September.

So, a lot's going on as well.

So, Celtic Invasion of Scotland, September 28th to October 5th, and the Multiverse in

Atlanta, Georgia on October 18th to the 20th, and Irish Fest Atlanta in Roswell, Georgia

with Inara on November 8th and 10th.

Are you doing the very obvious thing?

Are you looking at my website and seeing that the shows are all listed there?

Well, I thought some one of us should.

Okay, yeah.

And then Conjuration in Duluth, Georgia on November 15th to 17th.

Fine, whatever.

Show me up on my own show.

Well, I mean, yeah, I'm just trying to help out, man.

Oh, thanks, man.

I appreciate it.

I appreciate it a lot.

But you just burst that bubble.

I was just trying to make it seem like, oh, I know your schedule because I follow you.

That's what I was—

When do I ever not dig my own grave?

Come on.

When do I—

A man of infinite jest.

I just realized that—I was looking at the show notes from last time, and I realized

that we forgot to post a Bard's Bootleg concert last time.

But that's okay.

We'll get to it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We're—you know.

It's been, shall we say, a crazy summer and fall.


And we'll talk more about that in our podcast.

Leave people hanging.

This is actually really exciting news.

I'm just going to say that right now.

I'm excited for you.

So we'll see about it.

But let's get on to talking about The Scotsman, because I feel like that's a big part of our

musical journey, don't you think?

Yeah, yeah.


It's a lot of songs that we did, and also one of the early songs pre-us.

I mean, I remember from you, from college, actually, when I first met you.

That was one of those songs that you were a huge fan of.

See, there were, of course, songs when we started the property and all game barns that

were like, hey, maybe we should try that song.

And then there were songs that we already knew, at least individually, one of us would

bring that in and says, oh, I've always loved this song.

we need to do that and this was one of those for you i you uh we should probably start with you

because i first heard it from you really oh wow yeah maybe you didn't know that yeah yeah when

i i had not heard it before when you uh were you know singing it during lunch in the cafeteria

on a table was that was i on a table for that one yeah you were on a table i was gonna leave

that out standing up on the table oh scotsman clad and kill left yeah yeah i might have gotten

a little bit uh too excited about it so i found we were goofballs so i found uh it's it's funny

because i found the scotsman um i think i i you know i'm drawing a blank now i see i feel like i

actually heard it on the radio but it but uh but it turned out and and that was like not dr

jumento but it was like some just

played randomly at some point in time on some radio morning radio show or something i feel like

well but i do know so that makes sense well i i do know that the song that was made famous by

brian bowers a song was written by uh mike cross mike cross um back in the 60s i believe but

it was brian bowers who made it popular and it started getting i think he put on an album back

in the late 70s and it was all sung a sung acapella and you know

a live clapping sound and and it was just a fun upbeat uh fun funny fun and funny song you know

for those who don't know and you'll hear it after we finish this segment but um you know scotsman

walking down the street runs across two ladies or he's drunk and he ends up passing out two ladies

come by and they see him lying there like what's underneath the kilt so they lift up the kilt and

there and when when they see what's under there they tie a blue ribbon underneath and he wakes

up later and says oh i see you

you know i see i won first prize you know which is which is just a funny funny song um but brian

bowers is the guy who who popularized and apparently it got on dr demento was really

popular there um but my dad had the the lp the vinyl record of this song and it had this song

on it and uh by brian bowers who was an auto harper i like to refer to him as a the auto

harper because he is like the quintessential auto harper out there and i didn't know any of that when

i was uh singing it on that table in the lunchroom in uh at the university of texas at austin um it

was just it was just really cool i just loved loved the song i thought it was hilarious you

know in my younger days when i was a little bit wanting those more risque songs um but yeah so

i used to sing it all the time and i think i am probably embarrassed myself and a lot of people

who are i was hanging out with singing that there so no never and of course when we started playing

music together i think it was one of the first songs that i ended up bringing to the uh to to

the group too yeah yeah um because it was easy enough to to sing and we we both know the lyrics

i think i probably forced it on you enough is that right yeah by then i kind of knew the lyrics and

it wasn't yeah and then i was like oh my god i'm gonna sing it all the time and i was like oh my

to follow along and then i got them pretty quick of course and it was an acapella song which made

it so much easier it was for the longest time it was one of the only acapella songs we did i think

and it uh yeah so we could just bust out with that i mean somebody breaks a string well okay

scott scottsman let's go and it was it turned into a great option and it fit in well with fair

too because we did so many fairs early on especially um it really yeah it really

worked well but you could also do it at a celtic festival if you wanted and it it turned out that

a lot of people were singing at fairs too you know there's we weren't alone so i thought it

was like i was being you know innovative turns out that wasn't yeah yeah yeah yeah but hey i

mean that's you never know with those things um but yeah no that that worked out really well uh

it generally well i suppose it wasn't everybody's favorite um song that we did but it was

yeah i mean people liked it so i think it kind of worked out yeah um generally it always went over

well yeah i and i i think there's a lot of people who truly love the song but i once when i realized

how many people were performing it i started putting in the back burner for myself however

we did record it on a fair to remember uh yes released on there but what i thought was a really

cool was um about that time is back on when we released it back in 2001 and my friend

uh he ended up creating a dance remix of it since it was acapella it was easy enough to do and he

has this great dance remix of it which i truly loved i liked the song as it was but that was

like okay that's fun complete with uh you know remote uh electronic bagpipes or whatever he had

yeah that was pretty messed up as i recall i don't think there were any sheep on it but that

would have been really cool too you know oh that's a different song never mind

but um okay thank you for that imagery you're welcome you're welcome but yeah uh the song was

uh since then we've i think we did it oh we also released i just remember it was also on gullible's

travels yeah i was about to say gullible's travels and then re-released when we uh moved

on to a fair to remember so but the fact that we released it on a fair to remember which was that

cd that was just filled with these are the songs that represent a renfrew

to us right i mean that should say a lot yeah and it it's it was like the perfect song for that

for that uh album and for that theme um it was just a lot of fun it was just it's a fun song

and it might not be a traditional song again written by mike cross but it definitely turned

into uh uh as a as a renaissance festival favorite yeah yeah and it had a it has a different flavor

than a lot of the other songs so i mean it it it just kind of you know it's just kind of a

evened it out a good bit in my opinion yeah exactly all right well let's uh play uh the

scotsman and then we'll be back to uh with a couple final notes so here is the scotsman

from a fair to remember well scotsman clad in kilt left the bar one evening fair and one could

tell by how he walked that he drunk more than his share he fumbled around until he could no longer

keep his feet then he stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street

ring ding dilly dilly i do ring da dilly i go he stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the

street about that time two young and lovely girls just happened by and one says to the other with a

twinkle in her eye see on sleeping scotsmen so strong and handsome built i wonder if it's true

they don't wear beneath the kilt ring ding dilly dilly i do ring da dilly i go

I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath the kilt

They crept up on that sleeping Scotsman, quiet as could be

And lifted up his kilt about an inch so they could see

And there, behold, for them to view beneath the Scottish skirt

Was nothing more than God had graced him with upon his birth

Ring-ding-diddly-a-dee-oh, ring-da-diddly-a-do

Oh, nothing more than God had graced him with upon his birth

Well, they marveled for a moment, then one said, we must be gone

Let's leave a present for our friend before we move along

As a gift they left a blue silk ribbon tied into a bow

Around the Bonnie Star, the Scots kilted lift and show

Ring-ding-diddly-a-dee-oh, ring-da-diddly-a-do

Around the Bonnie Star, the Scots kilted lift and show

Well, the Scotsman woke to nature's call and stumbled towards the trees

Behind a bush he lifts his kilt and gawks at what he sees

And in a startled voice he says to what's before his eyes

Oh, lad, I don't know where you've been, but I see you won first prize

Ring-ding-diddly-a-dee-oh, ring-da-diddly-a-do

Oh, lad, I don't know where you've been, but I see you won first prize

All right.

So we are back.

And just want to let you know really quick that we will be doing a Noggins-only show.

We're going to announce the special information that Andrew's sharing.

Because, again, I think it's like the coolest thing.

I'm excited for you, man.

Well, no pressure now.

I know.

I'm excited.

Well, no.

I mean, it's no pressure.

Well, I mean, it's pressure.

It's changing everything.

But, you know, putting that aside.

How's this for a tease?

Is this going to get people excited?

I think so.

I hope so, because I'm pretty excited.



Well, so the next one will be out really soon.

So stay tuned for that.

And thank you so much for listening.

And thanks for joining me.

My pleasure.

Final notes.

I guess let's do B-flat and C-sharp.

All right.

B-flat and C-sharp.


Those first notes you hit when you're going from the family-friendly key of C.


What he said.

I'm not paper-trained, man.

I'm not paper-trained.

Just roll with it.

Pretend you were.

I was kind of letting you just lean in that and just pretend.


All right.

Next time, we will share Andrew's exciting news.

Stay tuned for that.

In the meantime, the Broadway Night Game Bards podcast was produced by Mark Gunn and Andrew McKee.

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