This Diet Instantly Boosts Metabolism by More Than 10%

Dr. Stephen Cabral

Intermittent Fasting

This Diet Instantly Boosts Metabolism by More Than 10%

Intermittent Fasting

Welcome to The Cabral Concept, where board-certified doctor of naturopathy, Dr. Stephen Cabral,

shares with you exactly how you can reverse aging, take back your health, and live a life

full of energy and passion, with new 20-minute episodes every single day to keep you healthy

and engaged. Now, here's your host, Dr. Stephen Cabral.

All right, everybody, we are back with a brand new Cabral Concept. Today, we're going to

share with you three specific studies, but one in particular I'm going to have linked up at slash 3148 if you want the science behind it as to how to boost your metabolism

by greater than 10% using a specific diet methodology. Now, you've probably heard about

the diet methodology before, but here's the nice thing about it. You don't necessarily have to

change the foods that you eat. That is one of the hallmarks of this particular diet. This diet

It also allows you to do it every single day.

or maybe two days per week. It's called intermittent fasting, but you may not know

the specific methodology to be able to get this 10% boost, why it works, and then how to use it

to your advantage. So let me give you a couple different ways. And then what I want to do is

link up much more in-depth podcasts on each one of these. So the first and the foremost is the

daily intermittent fast. This one, you're actually going to go anywhere between 12 and 16 hours

overnight fasted. So you're going to stop at six o'clock at night, and then you're going to start

eating again somewhere around 8 a.m. That's what a lot of people in our practice do. They go six

at night after dinner, and then they go to 8 a.m. in the morning when their day basically starts.

If you want to go a little bit longer, you can go to 10 a.m. We've been talking about that for

many, many years. Don't skip breakfast. Don't go all the way to noon because there are actually

then long-term detrimental side effects for many individuals. And I'm going to share with you

exactly why in this video, in this podcast as well. All right.

Second one, let's say you don't want to fast every single day.

Well, the other one is just the up-down diet or the 5-2, however you want to call it.

It's essentially two days a week of only 800 calories for those two days.

So I'm going to link up a podcast, if you've never heard about the 5-2 diet, on how to complete the 5-2 diet.

Now, the next one is a once or twice a week, 24-hour fast, and then not the rest of the days.

What does that mean?

Well, it's something kind of like my one-day reset diet.

And again, I'll link to that show as well with a PDF of how to complete it. One day reset diet is basically what I do on three out of four Mondays a month. I don't do it every single week. Usually something comes up where I don't want to do it that particular day, but nothing wrong with doing it once a week.

and what you're doing is you're basically going

from Sunday night, so I finish my dinner,

let's say Sunday night with my family

and then I go all the way until dinner the next night

with my family on Monday night.

So I still have dinner with them Monday night

but I haven't eaten that day.

Now I've consumed liquids, whether it's the DNS

that I talk about, or it's just a black decaf coffee or regular coffee or green tea. All of

those are acceptable, but you're just not consuming anything that's basically going to bump you up

into what's called more mTOR, not autophagy. So all of those matter, and they really do all work,

and it's really based on the individual. But what we're doing during this intermittent fast

is very specific. When the body is fasted, and this is actually a really important point,

it produces more norepinephrine. The norepinephrine is that fight or flight based response. Now,

this is a benefit, but it's also a hindrance. It's why I talk about this all the time in our

practice. We don't have everybody do longer fasts. We just don't. And the reason is, is that

we run the stress mood and metabolism test. So if you've never heard about that before,

it looks at all of your sex hormones, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA.

And then it looks at your cortisol levels all throughout the day.

And then it looks at your thyroid, T4, T3, and TPO antibodies, as well as vitamin D,

insulin, hemoglobin, A1C.

And it's all done at home.

Just a simple finger prick and a little bit of saliva.

And you get the results back and you get a plan according to that.

So it's an amazing lab.

But what happens is when people's bodies are exhausted, TSH levels are starting to rise,

progesterone in women is starting to drop, testosterone in men is starting to drop,

DHA is dropping in both men and women.

And we know that this person, yeah, they can use daily intermittent fasting, but we don't want to push it.

They're not going past 8 a.m. if they're waking up around 6.

So we're never going more than one or two hours after waking without starting to then fuel the body.

So this is really important because we can't push them too far into fight or flight.

It also may be the reason why there's higher cardiovascular issues if someone's on a skipping breakfast-based routine.

So it's important to look at that.

I've talked about circadian rhythm diets, all of this.

So I want to share it both ways, though, because I like to stay unbiased, meaning that a little


Norepinephrine increase, not necessarily a bad thing, especially if it's a little earlier in

the day. But here's the issue, is that taken too far, it's too great a stress on the body.

So the norepinephrine matters because this is what also gives us that boost in metabolism.

It's a big part of it, but it improves focus, it improves energy, all of those things. It's

why people feel so good oftentimes when they are fasting. But this, like I said,

can be taken overboard and not the first week or even a couple of weeks, but eventually the body

begins to become burnt out. All right. Really important to share that. All right. The second

one is this. If you do the longer fast, not the 12 hours, but 24 hours. So after 24 hours of fasting,

like you're on that one day diet fast or our functional medicine detox, which is only seven

days though, every quarter, every 12 weeks, that's a little bit different. That's at

slash detox. Check out the infographic on that if you want to follow along.

But that can increase HGH levels up to 2,000% in men and 1,300% in women.

And I'll link up that study as well.

So really impressive there because even though you're going longer in fasting, you're still preserving muscle because you're boosting HGH, which is human growth hormone.

All right.

Over time, when you do fasting enough, the two low-calorie days, the 12 to 16 hours daily, the one day a week, you're improving insulin sensitivity.

If you improve insulin sensitivity, you get glucose shuttled into the cells where it belongs.

And that means that you are going to improve your body's ability to burn body fat, right?

To store fat and to burn it as needed.

And that's what we want.

We don't want those glucose levels elevated.

Another big part of this is a reduction in inflammation.

If you are inflamed, it's so overlooked.

But typically, if you're inflamed, you have more endogenous production of cortisol and estrogen.

Thank you.

Stress hormone and a specific sex hormone that causes you oftentimes to gain more body fat and certainly increases inflammation.

All of those is the opposite of having a healthy metabolism.

So there's one more I wanted to share with you.

And this is really impressive, I think, as well, is that while you are in this fasted state, your body is doing a tremendous amount of cleanup.

When there's nothing new coming in, its job is to, the best way that I've heard of it, is to recycle old parts. That's basically it. It's breaking down old mitochondria, old cells, old brain cells. It's cleaning up heavy metals, pathogens, anything that may be in the body, it's helping to get rid of. And so over time, what does this do? Well, if you're talking about reduction of senescent cells, zombie cells, we'll be talking more about those. It again decreases inflammation.

What inflammation really is talking about.

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