Rolling Stones with Dr. Ed Newton

Dr. Ed Newton

Community Bible Church

Rolling Stones with Dr. Ed Newton

Community Bible Church

The following podcast is from Community Bible Church in San Antonio, Texas.

Thanks for listening.

He's alive.

Defeating sin, death, and hell.

Ruling and reigning forever.

Why don't you grab a seat if you can, and can we just express our gratitude for our

team leading us so well today?

Today, we are so thankful that you're here with us today, but I want to take an opportunity

to greet those of you that are here for the very first time.

We also want to make you feel welcome in this space, so allow this thunderous applause be

a statement of our gratitude.

Thank you so much.

We're grateful that you're here, but I also want to take an opportunity to celebrate.

We are a church in multiple locations now, and we, on this day, celebrate CBCU.

CBCU Southside, meeting at Hangar 9.

I got to look into a camera right now, and I just got to show some love to some people

on the Southside.

Pastor Josh Lopez and your team has done a phenomenal job, and we just want to speak

a word of blessing, and one more time, from this campus to your campus, we want you to

hear from this location.

We are so proud of you.

A lot of love to the Southside.

Look forward to seeing you face-to-face here soon, but we believe what God is doing.

It's significantly a light bright shining to the depths of our state right there in that space

on the Southside.

We're grateful for each and every one of you.

I want to preach a message today simply entitled Rolling Stones.

If you got a Bible, I'd encourage you to take it and turn to Mark chapter 16, and if you've

heard that sermon title today, you're going, Ed, are you talking about the band?

I'm not talking about the band, but I am talking about the blessing.

That the stone was...

Was rolled away.

And as we hear this message today, I want to begin by way of illustration.

There was a elderly woman that was diagnosed with terminal cancer and had about three months

to live, and she was seeking to get her affairs in order.

She called the preacher, and he came up to the house, and here's what she said.

She said, I need to make sure you hear me on a couple of things, preacher.

I need to make sure, number one, when you do my memorial service, my funeral service,

I want you to make sure I got my favorite dress on.

He said, yes, ma'am.

And then he begins to hear this.

I want to make sure that I got my favorite Bible in the casket with me.

I want you to make sure that you read some verses that are very special to me.

Have some people speak a word of encouragement over the people.

Comfort those that are grieving because of the fact I'm gone.

She said, but I want to make sure that you hear me.

Preacher, you listening?

He said, yes, ma'am, I'm listening.

He heard something that he had never heard before, and here's what she said.

She goes, I need you to make sure I have a fork in my right hand.

He said, ma'am, I understand everything you've asked me to do in preparation for this memorial service for you,

but I do not understand the fork, and here's what she said.

She said, my whole life I was raised at church, and I'd go to a lot of potlucks and a lot of socials,

and I'd go to a lot of functions at the church, and we ate a lot at the church I went to,

and I'd always hear this as a little girl, keep your fork because the best is yet to come.

And she said to the preacher, she said,

so when people walk by my casket and ask, preacher, why does she have a fork in her hand?

I want you to preach a message that my whole life I've been living that the best is yet to come,

and I want you to know today because Jesus lives, we've got a fork mentality that we know that the tomb is empty,

the best is yet to come, and because he lives, we can face tomorrow.

Come on, church, can you clap a little bit louder today?

Come on.

The best is yet to come.

So today I want to share a message entitled Rolling Stones.

Our God has a rich history of rolling stones of impossibility away.

He wants to do that today, by the way, because that stone that rolled away speaks of a tomb that's empty,

and it speaks loudly that the best is yet to come.

You may be thinking right now, how do stones speak, Ed?

Well, they don't.

They don't.

Monument speaks of the past.

A memorial speaks of something that's missing, and a marker speaks of what's to come.

I want you to know that the stone of the empty tomb where Jesus walked out that grave,

that stone speaks today past, present, and future as a reminder that the Bible's filled with countless examples

of how God's faithfulness was on display because of a monument or a memorial or a marker.

And the Bible teaches us today in Mark.

Chapter 16, that the history of this stone speaks prophetically to us today and a real live example of how you and I can walk

in a calm confidence because Jesus lives, we can face all things.

In Mark chapter 16, the Bible says this, when the Sabbath was passed, Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James,

and Salome brought spices, which, by the way, let me just say this as an encouragement to somebody in the room

that struggles in doubting.

I need you to know today that these women, even Mary,

the mother of Jesus, were bringing spices to anoint the body of Jesus.

Even though Jesus told them he was going to come back from the dead, they felt as if it was over.

So they come to, in essence, pay respect.

And as they're walking to the tomb, here's the statement I want you to notice.

Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?

And looking up, they saw the stone had been rolled back, and it was very large.

And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe,

and they were alarmed.

And he said to them, don't miss this, he said to them,

he has risen, he is not here, see the place where he is laid, but go tell his disciples,

and let me just pause for dramatic fashion right now, and Peter.

And Peter.

We're going to talk about that today.

That in that going, that he is going before them into Galilee,

and we would see that Jesus would show up there.

But what's interesting about the Bible, and if you're telling this story in regards to how Jesus has come back from the dead,

I love the fact that the Bible does not parade perfect people.

I love the fact that the Bible teaches real raw emotion with people,

that even in their doubt, here's what would happen.

They went out and fled from the tomb, trembling in astonishment because it had seized them,

and they said nothing to anyone for they were afraid.

As we think about this reality of the tomb being empty and the stone speaking today,

the purpose of this sermon is to remind you that if he can roll away the stone,

then whatever stone of impossibility in your life, he's still rolling stones.

The rolling stone today speaks in three dimensions.

This stone speaks historically.

This stone speaks theologically.

This stone speaks practically.

Let me just break this down to you.

Point number one, this stone speaks historically.

The stone that was placed over the grave is actually because Jesus died.

You go, Ed, that's up for debate.

Actually, we live in a world filled with conspiracy theories.

And for thousands of years, the human tendency is to believe a conspiracy theory,

to rabbit hole hours on a good conspiracy.

You know, like things like this.

The NFL is scripted.


Tupac is still alive.

The cabal is running the government.

That is...

There's some faceless individuals that are pulling the strings, leading our government.

The earth is flat.

That the United States did not land on the moon, but actually it was produced in a studio.

Kate Middleton's recent video was AI generated.

It wasn't really her.

Another conspiracy theory.

How about this one?

Birds aren't real.

They're charging on wires, and that's why they are always sitting on wires,

and they are...

in surveillance by the government.

Now, you go, Ed, that's crazy talk.

Oh, you could talk to your teenager after this service, and they'll go, I think that's true.

This is a recent conspiracy theory I just heard recently, just in a few days ago.

Helen Keller wasn't even blind.

But how about this one?

I think some of you think this is real.

Elvis is still alive.

See, the laughter in this room is an indicator that we have heard a few of them.

But what if I were to tell you that the stone at the tomb of Jesus, that it speaks historically,

is because of the fact that there were some moments where conspiracy theories were floating around,

not just for a few weeks or months, but actually for thousands of years,

concerning the resurrection of Jesus, such as theft theory.

After he was placed in the tomb, someone came and stole his body,

and they rolled back the stone and then covered the tomb,

and were able to sneak past the soldiers.

How about the twin theory?

Jesus had an unknown identical twin brother who impersonated Jesus after the crucifixion,

therefore convincing people that he was raised from the dead.

Another conspiracy theory is the wrong tomb theory, that they sealed up the wrong tomb.

That's why it's empty.

Swoon theory, Jesus didn't really die.

He was unconscious.

And while resting in the tomb, he regained strength and escaped outside of the tomb.

Hallucination theory, the disciples hallucinated about the actual resurrection of Jesus Christ,

simply because they wanted the testimony of Jesus to be true.

See, the key to looking at the stone that's empty, by the way,

is the reminder that when scripture speaks about this,

it actually addresses some of the intentionality to secure the stone.

The stone was about a ton and a half in weight,

guarded by 12 men that would...

...sleep in front of the stone,

and four men that would stand active in front of the stone,

watching just to make sure that this did not happen.

We'll see this in Matthew chapter 27, verses 62 through 66.

Listen to this.

It says,

The next day after the day of preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered before Pilate and said,

Sir, remember how the imposter said while he was still alive, after three days, I will rise?

Therefore, order the tomb to be made secure until the third day.

Lest his disciples go and steal.

Tell him away and tell people he has risen from the dead.

And the last fraud will be worse than the first.

And Pilate said to them,

You have a guard of soldiers.

Go and make it as secure as you can.

And so they went and made the tomb secure by sealing the stone and setting a guard.

Sixteen men covered the space in front of the tomb.

There would be a cord that would have covered the tomb with a wax seal with a signet ring,

as to say if that seal was broken, death.

Was there payment?

And Jesus comes back from the dead.

That stone is rolled away.

And those same soldiers, and I love how the Bible addresses this conspiracy theory in Matthew chapter 28.

The Bible says,

While they were going, behold, some of the guard went into the city, told the chief priests all that had taken place.

And when they had assembled with the elders and taken counsel, they had given them a sufficient sum of money.

You know what that's called?

Hush money.

As to say, we got a problem.

We can't let this story get out.

And all of a sudden, here's what happened.

This is the conspiracy theory.

Tell the people his disciples came by night, stole him away.

And while you were asleep, and they said, we'll take your money.

And they did as they were directed.

And the story has been spread amongst the Jews.

Watch how the Bible says this.

To this day.

See, all of us believe in a conspiracy theory.

At some level.

Look, I'll tell you, there's no conspiracy about that stone.

When that stone was rolled away, it speaks historically because the Roman government would have not gone to all that trouble if someone was not in there.

And if he wasn't in there, here's what you need to know.

Then what are we talking about today?

But let me just double down on this and double click on this and remind us of something that Jesus actually died.

The stone was rolled away because it is proof that Jesus actually died.

You go, Ed.

Why is that important?

You may be asking right now.

And here's the reason why.

It's because not only does that stone speak historically, but that stone rolled away speaks theologically.

You go, Ed.

That's a big word.

What does that mean?

It speaks of the doctrine of what you and I are receiving tonight in forgiveness and salvation.

For those of you that are watching on the south side right now, it's embracing the reality that the forgiveness of sin is for all people.

That you and I can stand on the firm foundation of what Jesus did.

That you and I can stand on the firm foundation of what Jesus Christ did for us on that cross.

That the stone was rolled away, not just to let Jesus out, but to let us look in.

So we can find confidence in a great reality that because he has come back from the dead, anything is possible.

We just read this in Mark chapter 16, where the scripture would say, do not be alarmed.

You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified.

But here's what the message reverberates.

Reverberating in that tomb, still reverberating in us today, north side, south side, and overflow spaces, that he has risen.

He is not here.

Come on, church, can we clap to that?

He has risen.

He is not here.

And Good Friday is Good Friday only because of what Good Friday did for us.

The payment of our sins, paid in full.

But it's the resurrection of Jesus that proves the sacrifice of Jesus was successful.

The stone rolled away teaches us that Christ's death on the cross was not in vain.

His death was not wasted.

His sacrifice was the payment for our sin, and it was accepted.

Jesus was sinless.

He did no wrong.

And in his death, what was he fulfilling?

Romans 6.23 says, the wages of sin is death.

But the gift of God is eternal life.

See, we committed the sin, but not Jesus.

But he took the nails for you and for me and for the sins of the world.

And because of that, your sin debt, my sin debt, has been paid for in full.

See, if Jesus doesn't come back from the dead, if that stone stays shut and sealed, we are still in our sins, and we are not forgiven.

1 Corinthians chapter 15 would teach this.

Don't miss this section of scripture.

The apostle Paul is speaking in the hypothetical.

He goes, if Jesus is not alive, here's what he says.

If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile, as to say, you're wasting your time.

And you and I are still in our sins.

Then those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.

And if in Christ we have hope in this life only, and this is the phrase, then we are people to be most pitied if we still trust in Jesus, and he's still in that tomb.

But I love verse 20.

But in fact, the apostle Paul says,

Christ has been raised from the dead, which means our sin has been canceled.

Righteousness has been imputed.

And we also understand that death has been defeated.

It's 1 Corinthians 15 that teaches this.

Oh, death, where is your sting?

Oh, death, where is it in your victory?

But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

And the grave is empty.

So you don't have to live your life that way.

But because of what Jesus did on that Good Friday, he came to be the payment for our sin.

And the resurrection is the proof of that purchase.

Let me say it in another way.

Good Friday is the payment, and the resurrection is the receipt.

That you and I are forgiven.

Sin canceled.

Righteousness is ours.

And death has been defeated.

This is not about...

What about you rolling away a stone, by the way?

When we think about religion, religion is the attempt of you trying to roll away a stone on your own.

When the women at the tomb said, who can roll away the stone?

What they were speaking of is great in implication for today because religion won't roll away that stone.

Your good deeds, your good efforts are not powerful enough to do it.

Your works of goodness, your religious efforts...

Your effort is incapable of moving a stone that only can be moved by a sinless Savior, Jesus Christ himself, in your place.

Jesus is the only one that can move that stone.

And because he does so, he invites you to stop striving.

He invites you to stop trying to do your own human effort, but to walk in because the work of Jesus has done it for you.

So the invitation is to walk into an empty tomb.

The fact that the stone has been rolled away, you don't got to move that stone.

Jesus already did.

And as you and I think about what it means for us that that stone speaks historically, that stone speaks theologically.

Let me see if I can illustrate it this way.

Lionel Richie, got a few records of him.

He grew up in poverty.

Many of you don't know this.

He was an incredible tennis player.

Was on soon-to-be scholarship to play tennis and felt a call in his life.

To potentially go into the ministry.

Was actually going to become a minister in the Episcopalian Church, but actually went in another direction because he was so talented musically.

He sold over 90 million records.

Let's just say he probably made the right choice.

But in that, coming out of poverty, he never forgot where he came from.

Now, obviously as a judge for American Idol, here's what we understand.

He's still significant, quite popular even to this day.

But he did something for his father who did everything he could to raise.


Here's what you need to know is that in the process of seeking to be a blessing to his daddy, he got this big old gift for his dad.

And his dad, you could tell by his countenance, his face began to lift.

He was so excited about this big gift.

And this big gift, he began to pull back the wrapping paper.

And as he pulled back the wrapping paper, there was another box.

And it got to another box and another box.

And it just kept going.

And the way the story is told is that Lionel was blessed.

And his father would begin to speak that his father's face began to go in rejection and dejection as to say that the value of the gift was determined by the size of the gift.

And eventually, it got to a small little envelope.

And all of a sudden, he opened it up.

And this is what it said.

All your debt has been paid.

The father said this.

And he began to itemize this.

He said, you talking about my credit cards?

He said, daddy has paid.

He said, my car?

He said, the debt has been paid.

My medical bills?

Debt has been paid.

Mortgage on the house?

He said, daddy, the debt has been paid.

Every debt you have has been paid.

I don't want you to miss because of the size of this stone may seem insignificant to you.

But that stone that is rolled away speaks theologically.

Because the grave is empty, every sin you've ever committed, when you open up the envelope, this is what it says about you.

Your debt has been paid.

The stone speaks.

Sin is paid.

You have been forgiven.

But there's some of you in this room, some of you watching online, some of you on the south side right now, and you go, what about fill in the blank?

Something you've done that you go, this is unforgivable.

Can I say this to you tonight?


Wherever you're at, wherever you're listening from, here's what I want you to know.

Jesus paid for that, too.

That one thing that you feel as if Jesus couldn't forgive, he did.

And today we have learned that the stone speaks historically.

The stone speaks theologically.

But also I want you to hear today that the stone speaks practically.

See, the place where they laid him is what the scripture would say in chapter 16, verse 7.

It says this.

But tell the disciples.

Remember I paused on this earlier?

And God said.

Go tell Peter.

Why the emphasis?

Go tell the disciples.

But make sure you tell Peter.

Because there was an experience that we have to go back to that Simon Peter would have denied Jesus three times.

Did you hear this?

Three times he denies Jesus at the moment that Jesus needed him the most.

And when Jesus comes back from the dead, here's what he says.

You make sure you go tell Simon Peter.


Because I believe there's somebody in the room that feels as if what they've done has disqualified you.

But you're not done.

I need you to know that the stone speaks practically to you today to get up.

You're not done.

Your story is not over.

Your faith is not finished.

There's a world to change and a life to live.

And this word that you got to receive today is go.

It's so important that you hear this.

That the women at the tomb heard the word go.

Go fulfill the mission that God's got for you.

That purpose is beyond a paycheck.

It is a light for you to shine.

And that stone speaks practically today because the power of the resurrection of Jesus is for you.

For your life in freedom of your past to walk in a power source that allows you to experience the deep peace of God.

The joy of God.

The rest of God.

That he's fighting for you.

He's faithful to you.

That you can live in the abundant life that was destined for you.

That was destined for you in Christ alone.

But this doesn't mean that we don't face challenges.

It doesn't mean that we don't face obstacles.

It doesn't mean that we don't go through the hard times.

But because Jesus has overcome sin, death, and hell, what do we do?

If Jesus walked out that grave, then so do we.

So do we.

Death couldn't hold him down.

And death can't hold you down.

The stone was rolled away because it's a reminder to each and every one of us today.

That whatever opposition you face.

Whatever obstacle you've endured.

That Jesus has the power to change it.

To change you or to change both.

Here's what you need to know.

The stone still speaks today.

It speaks a word over your life that this is for you.

Jesus resurrected allows us to know that heaven is our home.

And when we die, here's what we need to know before we die.

That heaven is here.

So not only am I going to heaven.

But I got heaven.

And the grave closed is a former life for me.

The life that we've lived.

And I want to speak this over you.

Get out the grave closed because Jesus is alive.

That your life can be changed.

You don't got to live like this no more.

There's a newness in Christ in your righteousness that he gives you with destiny and purpose.

Now I know it's the month of March and many of you have been watching all of March Madness.

You predicted a bracket.

You found yourself choosing and picking and selecting your teams.

And if you're like me.

Your bracket is busted.

It is over.

There was a season here in the past couple of days that I began to gloat with a little bit of a smug arrogant look at my wife.

Because we have a friendly wager based upon the fact that we enter into this tournament with a lot on the line with our teams that we choose.

Many of you know this.

We're quite passionate about our sports and our house.

I was bragging and boasting about the fact that in the ESPN tournament bracket according to just how they do this.

I was 97% on Thursday.

I even had a fire emoji.

I mean ESPN gave me a fire emoji.

And my wife was at 57%.

And for the past couple of days I was just reminding her that this wasn't looking good for her and she was going to lose this bet.

However I need you to know something.

That all of a sudden things can change and they can change overnight.

That you can find yourself in particular regions.

That if you get a pick right.

That if you get a pick wrong.

That you can still win in the end based upon who you pick to win.

Here's what I need you to know.

The person that I've picked or the team that I've picked to win has been defeated.

Which means that my wife every game that's being played she's gaming ground.

And based upon the fact that even though I was winning by a significant amount of a point spread it's over for me.

The fire emoji will go away.

My wife even looked at me last night when the team that I chose to win lost.

Here's what she made.

She made a sound effect of a fire being extinguished.

That's what she did last night.

But I want to just use that as an illustration.

Because who you pick in the end determines whether or not you win.

You can feel as if you're down and defeated.

But I need to talk today to somebody that there is a challenge.

A champion that's been hanging banners from the rafters for 2,000 years.

He's the back to back to back.

And I can stand on this stage all day long and keep saying back to back.

And no matter what you face or the uncertainty of the situations that you're going through.

Defeated or devastated.

I need you to know that Jesus as our champion can turn it around.

Come on can we clap to that today?

Would that be alright?

Come on Southside.

You got to clap right now.

And because that stone was rolled away.

Heaven is our future.

According to his great mercy.

Here's what you need to know.

1 Peter chapter 1 verses 3 and 4 would say this.

Born again to a living hope.

Did you hear that?

We ain't got no dead hope.

We got a living hope.

Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

As an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, unfailing.

And here's what the word of God says.

Kept or reserved in heaven.

Reserved in heaven for you.

You ever flown standby?

Sitting there in a state of restlessness not knowing if you got a seat.

But there's something about a confirmed seat.

Where you don't have to wait at the gate in restlessness.

Waiting for your name to be called.

Can I say this?

You got a confirmed seat when you got Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

You got a confirmed seat.

And what confirms that seat?

Because that tomb is empty and that stone has been rolled away.

And so as the stone speaks historically, theologically and practically.

Here's what we also could hear today.

That good can come from bad.

Think about this.

Good Friday felt like a bad Friday.

But the reason why it's a good Friday is because Sunday was coming.

And when you and I think about the truth of Romans 8, 28.

All things work together for good to those who love God and called according to his purpose.

Your failure is not final.

And your pain has purpose.

Also here's what we understand.

He could redeem all things.

That he could roll away the stone and he makes good come from bad.

But here's what we have to embrace is that nothing is impossible.

Because the tomb is empty, the stone has been rolled away.

Nothing is impossible.

Luke chapter 1 verse 37 actually says that nothing is impossible with God.

So whatever stone that you can't lift.

Come on, let me just talk to somebody today.

Whatever stone you can't move.

Whatever stone that you feel is so heavy bearing down upon you like an anvil.

You're tethered to it.

Taking you under.

I need you to know that the answer to that weight you've been carrying is one word.


It's Easter.

The stone has been rolled away.

Anything is possible.

The tomb is empty.

Jesus is alive.

He reigns undefeated.

Every word he has spoken is true.

His teachings were true.

The resurrection proves that.

His claims are true that he's the resurrection and the life.

He's the way, the truth, and the life.

And that ain't true if he's still in that grave.

But because that stone is rolled away, it doubles down on that.

It's a reminder that there's a calling on your life.

There's purpose for you on this earth.

Your life is not meaningless.

And God has got a reason for you to be on this earth with plans not to harm you.

But to give you a hope and a future.

Let me close with this.

July 13th and 14th, 1977 was known as a blackout of all blackouts in New York City.

For two days, New York City, people were losing their ever-loving mind.

This shutting down of a city for two days led to a moment where the city began to experience riots and looting.

And burning.

And crime.

And chaos.

And fear.

And pandemonium.

And the darkness as a city burned.

Time Magazine will report this.

Literally, people were finding themselves in a spirit of desperation.

There was an observation that in the midst of the darkness and the pain and the anguish,

there was a bright shining light coming from Liberty Island.

Lady Liberty shined bright.

Radiating a torch held high.

A beacon of hope.

A message of freedom.

Power and strength.

Lady Liberty radiated like looking at the sun.

She lit up the skyline like a flashlight in a dark attic.

However, one giant question.


All of New York had lost its power.

But how was it that the power to the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island could be right next to Ellis Island?

Somewhere in the vicinity of Battery Park.

Which, by the way, even Battery Park had no batteries.


Remaining in utter darkness.

The answer.

As the New York Times would report that the Statue of Liberty had a different power source.

Her power came not from a power grid in New York.

But her power actually came from the power grid in New Jersey.

Now don't let that be lost on you.

The reason why she was shining bright in the darkness is because Lady Liberty had a different power source.

In a dark world.

In the chaotic and the challenges and the uncertainties.

The complexities and the questions.

The pain.

The anguish.

You've got to have a different power source available to you.

That Jesus has the power of the resurrection.

And the empty tomb.

This stone speaks.

It's an invitation to come on in.

It's an invitation to walk in.

He is not here.

And so as we take this picture off the screen.

And we move into an empty tomb.

It's an invitation for anybody to walk in.

An invitation for us to walk into this space.

And to live in a confidence because Jesus is not there.

We know where he's at.

And one day he's coming again.

He lives as the resurrection.

He lives as the power to sustain you in any situation and season.

And because you've been given that power source.

There is a resurrection power in your life that gives you courage to conquer every fear.

A power that allows you to confront every addiction.

To forgive the person or people that have hurt you so badly.

This power source allows you to become a better dad.

Allows you to become a better mom.

A better child.

A better student.

A better employee.

A better friend.

A better neighbor.

A better person.

This resurrection power.

All for the purpose of knowing that God wants his power to be on display in you.

So others would see it.

And want it.

And give their lives to Jesus because of it.

You exist for him.

Your life surrendered to Jesus.

The ultimate power source is what people need to see.

And what people need to hear.


Come with me.

Look in.

He is risen.

He is not here.

But that stone rolled away.

Is a reminder that he defeated sin, death and hell.

And because of the stone speaking today.

It speaks historically.

He actually died.

And because he was willing to die.

We can live forever more.

Because this stone speaks theologically.

That he is not in the grave.

My sins are forgiven.

Death has been defeated.

Righteousness is mine.

The stone speaks practically today.

That the power that raised Jesus from the dead.

Is the power I got.

It's the power you got.

So if we know he lives.

Then why do we live in defeat today?

I believe there's a reality that many of us have to embrace.

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