Duran Duran - In Review. November 7, 2013


Duran Duran - In review

Duran Duran - In Review. November 7, 2013

Duran Duran - In review

Hello, friends. Welcome once again to Duran Duran In Review, the first Duran Duran podcast. I'm your

host, Derek. And here we are again. I'm back. Didn't take too long this time, which is pretty

good. And I'm even going to do something special. I'm pretty crazy. I've been stockpiling some

packages. I live in Canada, as most of you know. And lots of times when you buy stuff online,

it's cheaper to ship it from the US to the US. So I live close to the border. So I have kind of

have a hookup, let's say. So let's say the the border hookup came through today and came back

with more than 25 packages of Duran Duran goodness for me. And now for you. Because the

last time I made an episode, I wanted to do a collector's corner, but


the time thing kind of got away and I didn't do it so I was like what am I going to do well I'm

going to do something special I don't know how this is going to sound I'm using a slightly

different setup and I normally use a near field mic so the mic's quite close to my face and this

one is set up far away with a screen on it and I'm not sure what the pickup's like I did some tests

and I can talk with my back to the microphone and it still picks up it's muffled but so what I'm

going to do is I'm going to go through this stack of packages and if you want to see it go on the

Facebook page so facebook.com slash Duran Duran podcast like and look I just posted a picture 15

20 minutes ago of the stack of mail before I hit it which is now without further ado I'm going to

just grab for something

big let's just here it's a poster tube so here we'll peel down some tape good and that's a good

sound all right so there you go first thing out of the gate is a massive 1987 strange behavior

tour poster from Spain this is cool


know what it's so big I can't open it it's one of those huge subway size ones that you would see

you know on a wall I just know I obviously I bought all this stuff so I have some idea what

it is right so this is a strange behavior tour poster from Madrid and it is beautiful red

background big yellow star sweet so we're off to a rip-roaring start

Why don't we go for another big one this is a big square flat thing here let's peel back some tape there we go we're into it okay

oh cool this is a massive 12 inches x 12 inches cube display for seven and the Ragged Tiger from Capital USA I've never seen one of these before

this is really sweet holy cow this is gonna if it's never been put together either i wonder

wow this is really sweet so it would make a big cube of um pictures of the band and somewhere in

there there must be a duran logo again this is kind of too big to open uh what a sweet thing

all righty we're just off to a banking start here already so two for two so here let's put that off

to the side let's just grab an envelope here oh this one's got a pull tab on it rip and have a

nice pile of garbage over there okay what's this all right capital records usa 1986

promotional picture 8x10 black and white for notorious gotta love a promo picture slick

now we're booming here what's this

something in cardboard oh and we opened it up oh would you look at that duran duran atlanta

version one huh this is a set list it doesn't have a

date on it but it must be from 2005. the first song's nice then friends of mine then planet

earth union of the snake new religion taste of summer come undone chains something i should know

sound of thunder still breathing view to a kill ordinary world save a prayer sunrise notorious

careless memories wild boys then the break then girls on film in rio this is a stage used set

list it's sweet you can see some footprints on it that's pretty that's pretty slick

it has a little friend oh wow look at this duran duran north america july 2005 memphis 16 july 2005.

this is a show day itinerary page look at that 8 30 in the morning rigging mark out nine o'clock

load in rigging lighting video 10 load in audio 11 back line one o'clock lunch and it just goes on

sound check support band sound check doors

the pre-show the changeover duran and the curfew that's sweet man i love these and it's got some

like the little thing that says memphis has a box drawn around it and the date so everyone on the

road crew and all the band members would all get one of these each day to tell them at the bottom

it says after show overnight to orlando hotel 831 miles arrive at hotel 7 p.m question mark

maybe the person who wrote this doesn't know about duran time i wonder i i wonder how it all

went so that is very very sweet a set list and a day's itinerary so again we're flying

here let's find a nice safe place to put these

like that okay let's find another flat one here i have trusty scissors and exacto knife okay let's

pull it out what is it oh sweet communication sheet music by the power station here's an

interesting thing about communication the sheet music in the united states is very strange there's

three different ones they all look different so if you're a big collector like me i've been

searching for a long time to find this is the third one so i don't know it says columbia pictures

pictures publication includes professional fake book arrangement virgin music inc tri-tech music

inc acci music inc and you open it up and it's communication how about that all right well you

know me everyone i love that sheet music so into the book it goes what's next here another i like

these uh usps priority mail with a zipper on them you just go whoop and you're in so so far everyone's

getting positive feedback from me nice job packing everyone everything's been great so far hey look at that post it live post it live!

overpayment refund. I'm not going to say what it is. Suffice it to say, there's something

nice. Oh, and would you look at that? Oh, I know this person. The seller sold me this

beautiful thing that I hold in my hand right now. It's a handbill from the Kabuki Night

Club in San Francisco for a gig Saturday, July 25th, 1982. Wow, that's wild. It says

Friday, July 23rd, Haircut 100. That's another British band. That's actually the guys that

used to be in the Human League after they got kicked out of their own band. Strange

story, but that's Haircut 100's good band if you've never heard them. And then Duran,

yeah, July 25th. And this is a sweet handbill. So, as I said, sometimes when you buy something

from someone, you write them a little something and, you know, they write back something nice

and you got a little thing going.

Well, this person ended up selling me more stuff. They went through their old stockpile

and found some old and really amazing rare gems. And yeah, let's just say we're going

to keep going because these packages go for maybe a good couple or few months stack, right?

It's not like I get 25 packages every day. I wish. I said to my wife, maybe when things

are really going great.

If I get that much mail every day. So, I just grabbed this box off the top. It's in a record

mailer. Let's open it up. What is it? Oh my, that's a sweet piece. It is a UK test pressing

with a kind of weird yellowy green label. Hungry like the wolf from the UK. Slick. This

is a nice one. And I got a good deal on this. Sometimes it's weird depending on how the

person sets their eBay sale up.

Um, some people get excluded.

From bidding. And when you have a nice piece like this, this was from the UK. So, someone

in the US bought this and then sold it on, uh, to me. So, I'm pretty, uh, I'm pretty

excited because test pressings from the UK of the early stuff, hard to find. They didn't

make too many of them. They're pretty rare and they usually go for pretty high sums of

money. So, when you can get one like this and get a bargain, you jump on it. Onward

and upward.

What's this? This one's flat too. Do not bend. It's interesting. I, I saw a thing the other

day written by, uh, United States postal workers that they take their vengeance out on things

that say fragile. And especially if you're one of those people who writes fragile like

11 times that they said they're the boxes that they go for to smash. Um, that didn't

excite me too much to be honest. So, now I am, I won't be writing fragile on anything


I'll be doing a nice job packing it.

Like I always do and leaving it as it is. Oh, look at this. This is a beautiful poster

from the fan club, 1987. It's that, that really amazing picture of the band where they're

draped in a great big union Jack and Simon and John are both wearing Duran tour shirts,

the red shirt with the black and Duran's kind of written in copper with a star. So, that's

cool. That was actually a piece from the fan club I was missing.

It's rare. Usually when you see fan club stuff, it goes up for sale in a lot. And I always

end up buying things that I don't need because I need one or two odd little pieces like this

poster. Um, so I'm kind of happy that the poster sold on its own. And again, because

of it being in the U S I ended up getting it for one bid because my butts in the U S

for these things. Isn't that great? Oh, something soft and squishy. Let's see. Where do we go


Oh, amazing. It's a t-shirt. Wow. It's an American flag kind of remind, and maybe it's a J is it

Jasper John's American flag, or actually maybe the Duran's did this on their own. It does

definitely remind you of pop art. It's from pop trash tour says pop trash 2000. So this,

it's amazing on the back. It's got all the dates from July and August.

Through the first three days of September, 2000. Cool. I saw this tour. Let's see. There's

Detroit on the 17th and also where's Toronto. It's on here somewhere. Toronto. There we go.

August the 12th. I took willow to that and had photo pass. I have nice pictures from that one.

It was good. That was a good gig. They're all good gigs to me though. That one wasn't especially

exemplary. It didn't stand out as being really amazing.

Like a few signpost gigs, like 88 in Toronto when I've met them for the first time, or, uh, the

show I saw in Adelaide that just floored me, you know, the red carpet massacre, seeing it, everything

close up in the production and the lighting. It was just so nice. Um, yeah, but anyway, moving on,

this isn't about concert memories. This is about collecting stuff. What's this?

Speaker 2

This is a ticket. Oh, let's get the exacto knife. It's cardboard.

There. Got to be careful when you're using the exacto knife friends, lock it in nice and slow.

Having nice collectibles is not worth lopping off a finger.

All right. Ticket stub house of blues concerts, Duran Duran rain or shine


amphitheater, Thursday, August 24th, 2000 Coors amphitheater. I wonder where that is. I have to

look it up. Hey, did you guys know that there's a page on Duran Duran.com that gives every concert

date that Duran ever did. And when you scroll to the bottom, you'll see my name because I helped

put it together. So I'm going to use my own list and it makes me really proud because I refer to

that list quite a lot for research.

And fact checking and things because I put a lot of time into making sure it started out with my

buddy Tom in Texas had, had a list on his page, but he kind of abandoned it. He got busy with

other things. So at one point I sat down with it and I tried to go through and, and fact check

every single date that I could find with my tour books and everything, even the old dates,

Hazel O'Connor, everything I could find. I fact checked the best I could. So, um, if you ever want

to know anything about concert dates duranduran.com and while i'm talking about duranduran.com

hyping it up you could see in the last bunch of months i've been doing along with my friend peter

and also caddy a segment actually called collector's corner so if you go on there you

could see the last one was about the fan club and it has lots of pictures of early fan club stuff

pretty cool uh anyway the second ticket in this one avalon and budweiser present duranduran san

diego sports arena tuesday july 28th 1987 oh cool two ticket stubs very nice okay press on

something else flat another one with a zipper zoop

okay oh neat um you know how before i said sometimes when you get something cool from

someone um you write to them well


it turned out the person that had the itinerary from memphis had one from atlanta

and here it is atlanta 19th of july 2005 well that explains and answers our question of what

was the date on that other one because it said atlanta but had no date so there you go this is

the show day rider and um itinerary for the that goes along with that set list so that's pretty


so the person had a whole bunch of stuff in their archives i think maybe this person even might have

been a roadie or worked you know locally in atlanta and memphis in that area doing gigs and um

yeah cool stuff and that's all like one off like they would they would have basically snagged it

off of a door or the set list you know that gets picked up off the stage lots of times fans ask

sometimes you can ask and someone will get it and give it to you lots sometimes lots i've been to

lots of concerts and i've been to lots of events and i've been to lots of concerts and i've been to

it's a concert. It's not Duran, but other bands where they say no, because if they give it to

one person, it causes a fight or whatever. So anyway, moving right along. Oh, it is a postcard.

Sunday, May the 4th, the Nokia Theater, LA Live, on sale now. Duran Duran's Red Carpet Massacre

2008 tour. This is cool. It's a double-sided, slick, glossy postcard for the Red Carpet Massacre

tour show in Los Angeles, which was on May 4th, which is the day after my birthday.

Okay, let's grab something else. What's this? Oh, wow. Wow, this folds out into lots of stuff.

Oh, what do you know? Oh, I know what this is. I bought a bulk lot, and it's got bumper stickers,

little stickers. Holy cow. People, when you're packing your stuff up to sell on eBay,

I know it seems like a good idea, but you don't have to use too much

time. You don't have to use too much time. You don't have to use too much time.

Tape. The worst packing jobs when they use half a roll of tape. There. No problem. So let's see.

There's little, this is like Arena and Wild Boys era. There's a little sticker of all of them on

the Wild Boys car thing at the end. There's a black and white, another Scavullo picture,

Wild Boys. Oh, there's a Rebecca Blake picture, Seven and the Ragged Tiger,

with a little tiger in the corner. Oh, and a nice Seven Arena. Huh, neat.

So there, four bumper stickers I didn't have, some stickers, and what else is in here?

There's, oh, oh, I hear the rattling of badges. When you guys were young, you know, in the 80s,

if you, if you loved Duran, did you like badges? We used to be collecting, like, little buttons

and pins. That was a big thing where, where I lived. Like, you could, you could get them for

a dollar, and it kind of cut across every genre and style. There was lots of, like, heavy metal.

So there, it was funny that,

as an enterprise, as a biz, holy cow, there's boatloads of badges in here. Two, four, I can't

even pull them out. I gotta leave them till later. There's gotta be at least 20, and it looks like

there's a couple little sets where there's a little, you know, one of each guy with a fancy,

where, you know, kind of arena style or whatever. Sweet. And you know what? Badges have been in my

mind. I've been getting a few nice ones lately. I've been trying to find the earliest ones from

the fan club, because I found in my,

fan club materials, there's mention of badges and buttons, but no pictures of them. So I've been

trying to find out. So anyone out there, if you, if you, oh, geez, I can't believe I just said

anyone out there. That's terrible. People out there in the listening audience, if you're that

old school that you belong to the fan club, right back at the beginning, and you got little buttons,

pins, enamel, metal badges, backing, whatever. If you got anything, shoot me an email,



F I G I T A L at gmail.com, which right now, and I'm really trying to find out,

you know, more about the history of, of all those little buttons. Okay. Pressing on. I've lost count

what number we're at, but we've got a pretty good flow going. So, all right, this is

night versions. You guys are, you guys know about that essential night version.

It's in a slip case. And this is a capital EMI. Actually it's EM. Maybe this is British.

Hmm. Not printed in USA. Anyway, when you, when you open this one, it's got a bonus disc in it

where, oh, wow. It's, oh, this has a DVD-R. I want, ah, interesting. Oh, it's a DVD-R.

It's watermark. Huh? Someone might've sent me a little bonus or they might've had that

in there and it's a Memorex DVD-R, but it's got a watermarking on it. Mystery. But anyway,

this night versions is sweet because lots of copies of this are a single disc and it

has an online component like a CD-ROM where it tries to have the video of new moon on

Monday. But at the time, the technology was so hard trying to make.

Any given disc plan, any given computer was really difficult. So, you know, it was very

hit and miss. Lots of people complain because they had tons of trouble making the, uh, making

these things work. So I'm happy to get the two disc one because I think that must've

been EMI's compromise where they put out some after the fact to kind of placate people that

were mad that they're, they couldn't get their, their version that they had paid hard, their

hard-earned money for to work. So anyway.

Moving on. Oh, it's a t-shirt. Oh, how about that? It's two t-shirts in one bag. Beautiful.

I hold it up. It's black. It's short sleeve. It's the astronaut five guitars. Have you

guys seen that picture? It's super cool. I have that on a mouse pad to an official mouse

pad. Uh, everyone in the band's holding a guitar. Everyone. Yeah, they're all holding


They're all holding guitars. I guess we're going to have to go back to a picture of Roxy

music where they're all holding guitars. So that is, it says Duran Duran astronaut

us and Canada 2005. Right on. So another shirt that's number two. Here's shirt number three

in our wonderful collector's corner.

Oh, this one is a 7803.

US 2003.




so this is from the first leg of the reunion and reunion tour i think huh and these seem

absolutely unworn i always wonder about where things come from when they come to you and i

know sometimes when i bought concert shirts back in the 80s i always used to wear them i never

thought of keeping them i always knew that i would keep them and they were part of my collection

but as a thing where you go to the concert spend 35 or 40 bucks take the thing home and

hang it up um in modern times i've done that but these ones i'm happy they're they look brand new

they i don't think they've been worn they they have the original tags so sometimes you get what's

called dead stock and what that is is there's like a warehouse so imagine after the strange

behavior tour somewhere there's like a graveyard for everything that's left over and that goes for

every artist not just durant so sometimes that stuff they know

now especially there's such a discount market people love factory outlet malls and stuff like

that so once the stuff's done the tour's over a year later whatever they kind of sell it at a

discount get whatever they can get so i wonder that this could be the source of some of these

shirts that i just got that are basically pristine um anyway moving right along this is more flat

stuff what's this oh gotta get the exacto knife again

gently bentley don't cut yourself don't cut your collectibles that's my

my motto for myself and for you all my friends out there listening

especially if you have lovable youngsters now like i do you spend a fair bit of your time

preaching how to be safe because nobody wants a little kid with like a big gash on their head or

anything all right this is nice it is capital records

it's a decade promo picture john taylor simon levon nick rhodes great this one is taken by oh our

old friend dennis o'regan cool all right now this the stack's starting to get a bit out of control

here i don't know what to do i guess i have to move these t-shirts to other ground there we go

okay oh another rip and strip good here we go good i got that one right up to the microphone

you'll you guys will hear it i saw i can see the sound wave on my computer it's good and

you'll hear that nice shredding of paper that i'm sure um y'all must love because who doesn't

like getting a package oh nice oh this is really beautiful this is a 1983 capital records

promotional photo this picture is taken by brian eris this is a quite famous one it's got like a

brown background simon's wearing his uh leather jacket and nick has really really orange hair

and the font on this one's still from

rio so this is sort of the transition between rio and ragged tiger so the kind of is there

something i should know where the record company was still using the typeface from rio because

they never really kind of adopted the graphics for is there something i should know because it

was only a single and that's one thing you got to learn about record companies they're not going to

slap a font on there that means spending money if they know it's only going to be on one single

they'd be like no we'll use the one from their last album no one will care

okay here's a box oh sweet this is a set of postcards from pop trash

i didn't have cash just i'm sure you've everyone who's listening to this has been there at least

once you go to a concert and you see there's so much stuff and you're like oh man what am i going

to buy for me it was always the tour book and then if i had the money i would buy a shirt and

then if i had more i would look and i whatever kind of caught my fancy so the thing is when

when you're not just absolutely flush with cash like who goes to a concert and buys well i want

one of every shirt and give me everything you've got these days you see like hoodies and stuff that

cost 75 80 dollars again not picking on duran there they just go with the flow every band when

you go to a gig the the merch is not cheap um unfortunately and you know you want to support

the band so even when i went to madison square garden to see the all you need is now show i

got the tour book and the postcard set and i didn't get any shirts none of them grabbed me

and they were really expensive and i was like man hopefully they'll sell these on the website maybe

in four years they'll go on sale uh if anyone's listening to this that should care about that i'm

sorry but i'm not flush with the money that's that's the reality oh it's another soft cushy one

how about that what's this oh interesting holy cow what's what the heck is this

oh huh

justin bieber interesting it's a book oh my god a towel

what the heck a bag huh so bizarre more stuff in the bottom too

vip justin bieber

wow and what's that oh it's like a little faux ticket oh look there's a note dear d

it was good seeing you thanks a lot for the week oh whoa better not say that uh anyway it goes on

uh it says uh pass this stuff on to nicholas thanks your pal jb that's pretty cool so yeah

that's funny i didn't expect that to be in the post

office box. Okay, back to business. What's this? Oh, it's another shirt. Oh, cool. This

is heavy duty. K-Rock 106.7 FM. Flashback to the Future. Inland Invasion 3. The Cure

Duran Duran. General Public. Psychedelic Furs. Huh. Lots of cool stuff on there. Decent.

Nice shirt. I always like buying shirts where it's a city and a festival, like a one-off

thing like this. Like this was a radio thing and obviously they've done it a few times.

So Duran's name's on there. Second headlining to the Cure. And that's one of those things.

They would have printed these in one town on one day. And I always managed to find them

for a pretty good price. So I'm happy about that. Let's keep moving on. What else is here?

Oh, here.

Oh, nice. Wow, that pile of trash. You know what, people? I recycle. I separate everything

out nice. All the cardboard, all the little bits of plastic, everything gets recycled

nice, nice. I don't make much waste here. Just in case everyone's wondering what kind

of monster I am having 25 packages in a stack of cardboard and crap. Bubble wrap. I reuse

all the bubble wrap. And if I can't reuse it, I let my kids pop it because, you know,

everyone loves popping bubble wrap.

Seven and the Ragged Tiger badge set. Another thing about the badges. This one's stapled

on a card. And I remember the badges at the gig. I didn't buy them. I remember they cost

five dollars, but I can't remember if they were on this card or not. I suspect that they

were, though. It's stapled like stapled on four spots all all together. And the card

actually says Duran Duran and has logos and the badges are in little.

It's weird. So again, if if you were at a Ragged Tiger gig and you bought yourself a

set of badges and you remember. You know, or you kept them in minty fresh. Drop me a

line because I want to know the more fact based we can be, the better the world is.

Okay. This is a cool thing. There's another big poster. So that's oh, wow. An 11 by 17

double sided.

color promotional poster for greatest from the u.s that is a cool looking piece of art well people

i lament not having video for this because that is sweet maybe i need to take some pictures of

this stuff and put them on facebook i think that'll that'll be the thing to do all right

we're almost to the end it looks like there's only maybe four more oh wow look at this this

is tiny it's a side of size of like a four by six and tucked inside is a shirt and oh

oh dude this is so cute it's a little like 19 what's it say 1984 tri-tech music it's a little

licensed shirt but it's for it's size six eight for kids so this would actually be a good size

for nicholas and it's got like the little little diamond with a moon

and a star and a couple lines like malcolm garrett's very typical ragged tiger style

designs that's sweet i always like when you find little kid sizes they're rare too

you you know in the in the 80s making t-shirts for adults was a big deal making them for kids was

that didn't come until maybe the late 90s or 2000s we're like how how can we sell more

merch to people oh we can make stuff for kids oh perfect all right pressing on what do we go

on it's a little ticket stub how about oh wow rainbow ticket master

coca-cola company presents duran duran reunion arena dallas texas saturday february 11th 1984 8

p.m february 11th that's my mom's birthday and dallas texas reunion arena so i wonder if my

friend tom would have went to that show because he lives in texas somewhere near dallas

perhaps i'll have to ask him all right we're getting down to the good stuff here two tubes left

okay what's the score with this oh wow oh that's a crazy color it's sort of

reddish orangey weird oh this is a companion piece that earlier one from the kabuki

july of 82. this is the 11th

by 17 up on the up on a telephone pole style wow sweet you have to love when artifacts live

from 81 82 because duran wasn't huge and the fact that people would have kept these posters

you know is people collect things that's the funny thing lots of people have stacks

of newspapers and you just never know what people are going to hold on to and what they're

going to be passionate about and it's it's funny because now it's for people it's sort of like it's

for people, it sort of turned into something of a retirement planning. You know, if you can buy

the right collectibles, keep the right collectibles and play your cards, right. You know, you can,

you can sell your stuff for who knows, 20, 30, 50, hundreds of dollars. You know, if you were

into the Beatles at the right time and you happen to have a trunk full of stuff from 1963, right

before the Beatles got massive, like old stuff from their fan club, the kind of stuff that Duran

collectors love, but that, that old, you know, that's extraordinary. And that's, um, you know,

that's the stuff everyone covets. And this, I know what it is. The piece de resistance.

We'll just pull that out. Oh, wow. Huh? This is awesome. There's a poster from 1981. Again,

San Francisco. The club was called I-Beam. And

the only time we'd ever seen this before was a really low res image. And I always thought it

was white, but it's actually powder blue. How about that? That gives you a good indicator about

the way the internet is, because if you take a picture of something that you have in your

collection and send it to me, even if I have the same thing, maybe you got the light, right? Where

it's perfect, where it's like daylight and the two things look the same, but maybe you took it

inside and the light is a little more yellow. It's weird. Just do that.

As an experiment, take something, any object, take, lay it down on the table,

take one picture, take it somewhere else, take another picture, take it outside,

take a picture, take a, take it when it's sunny, take it when it's overcast.

You see one, one object can have so many different faces where it's just crazy. So that's kind of

what I'm up against with my legacy book, because you're, I want to try and reproduce things the

way they're supposed to look. So, you know, the old scan of this made it look white because it

was just whatever.

Someone sent me, oh, this is the best we can do. Well, now I have the real thing. I can reproduce

it perfectly and it's, and it's represented and especially a piece from 1981. That's really the

stuff you want. So, um, anyway, that's it. That's the pile. You might've learned a few things along

the way and cut, cut across the breadth of stuff that you can get in the world of Duran Duran

collecting. Anyway, I'm your host, Derek. Again,

thanks for listening, everyone. I appreciate all the comments and kind words from everyone.

Here we are the end of another show. Take care of everyone. And we'll catch you next time. Bye.

P.S. Um, I was just kidding about Justin. I'm not really trying to implicate him.

Uh, there was a Justin package. I'll say that and it's contents. I did loosely,

he explained to you and I didn't expect it to be in there. Uh, so, but the, the other thing,

listen close, you'll hear there's one thing I didn't want to, I don't want to set Justin Bieber

up. He's a nice guy. So thanks. It had to be said for legal reasons and for the happiness of my kid

when he hears this in like six years.

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