GoNintendo Podcast 940


Go Nintendo Podcast

GoNintendo Podcast 940

Go Nintendo Podcast

Thank you for watching.

Go Nintendo Podcast.

Hang on, hold on.

Wait a minute.

I wasn't ready yet.

Episode 3, 9, or 3, 9, 40.

See, none of us were ready yet.

Numbers are hard.

Episode 9, 40.

9, 40.

The Watch Roll Podcast.

Oh, I could go for a good watch roll right now.

No, wait.

Spring roll.

Swiss roll.

It just eats up time.

Get it?


I was waiting for someone to rim shot, but.

You've got to do it.

Mom brain, tell us about watch roll, please.

I would say it's my pleasure, but I make it a point not to lie.

Oh, wow.

I'm just kidding.

It's going to be one of those shows.

9, 40.

The episode, it all falls apart.

Listen, it's one of those days where just like nothing feels right on my insides or my outsides.

That's called puberty.

Are you finding hair where there was no hair?

I think it's reverse puberty.

Oh, is that what it is?

We call that death.

For me, it's just like an existential dread.

There's that too.


Everything just feels wrong.

But by the end of this podcast, it won't.

I'll be dead.

God willing.

Watch roll.

All right, here we go.

I'm going to call it watch trail, actually, because it's W.A.T.T.


When its wings catch the wind, the bones within produce electricity.

This Pokemon dives into the ocean.

Catching prey wind by electrocuting them.

They're a foot tall.

There's just about eight pounds, male or female.

And the category is storm petrol.

It's coming down out there.

Good, because I put some plants out.

Abilities include volt absorb.

If hit by an electric type move, the Pokemon has its HP restored instead of taking damage.

And wind power where the Pokemon becomes charged when it is hit by a wind move.

Boosting the power of the next electric type move the Pokemon uses.

And this is end of Pokemon section.

Thank you, Mom Brain.

It's very much appreciated.

Mom Brain is here.

She is.

How are you doing?

Well, we know how you're doing, I guess.



Why so melancholy, Mom Brain?

Something happened?

Oh, look in the chat.

There's Paddington.

So what more could you need?

You know, just my body feels weird.

My body is ready.

You know, everything's fine.

Nikki Hill is here.


How are you doing?

I guess I'm whelmed.


Feeling whelmed.

Dew is not here.

He is helping out a friend today.

Dew Michaels.

He's being a server or a bringer, if you will.

We speak your name.

But Josh Grobot is here, my friend from College Stage.

Josh, how's it going?

I am the world's best singer.


You know, Josh and I performed that on stage many years ago at your college talent show.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

We were the opening act, yeah.

Hell yeah.

See, Josh, it was a good memory, not a bad memory.

That was a really great story.

And George is here.

George, how are you doing, my friend?

Well, George, no.

Are you feeling...

Probably not melancholy, because it's melon-related.

Feeling melimes.

Feeling melime-colly.


It doesn't quite roll off the tongue.

Hello, Solomon, Mr. Link, NSD, and Tentavision, and Giant Reggie, and Styster, RLM.

Did I say Tentavision already?

I'm losing my mind.

Tentavision, if I didn't.

Radical Defect, Drake, Axel, Iced Dilbert.

Hey, Iced Dilbert.

I see you posted a Rugrats thing.

I'd love to talk more about that, but I can't.

I'll talk a little bit about it very quickly later on.

Hello, Gekko Kitsune and Malak Halo.

Alternist Liz.


Popple from earlier, E17.

Ooh, I see that Clark bar, Iced Dilbert.

Very jealous.

Thanks to all of you who decide on Saturday.

Hello, Roth and JBug.

And NoBladesNoBows.

Man, I disappeared for a second.

Hylian Tom, hello, guys.


I want to give a...

I don't feel I do this.

I don't feel I do this enough.

I want to give an extra special thanks to those of you who join us for the actual live show

and decide to hop in Discord.

The number of people who join live is minuscule compared to the amount of people who listen,

you know, at a time that's more convenient for them.

So I completely understand it.

But if you are here when we are live, hello, Nicodronia, it's very much appreciated.

As I always say in the little blurb on the site, if you are here watching live and you

join in in the Discord, thank you.

Because I think the show is always better when you guys are here.

So JBug says, flipping burgers and watching pod.

Who says you can't multitask at work?

Are you actually at work or are you working at home?

That'd be great if they're at, like, McDonald's flipping burgers in the back and watching

the podcast.

Hey, whatever works for you is fine with me.

It's International Bacon Day, says Roth.

So if there's a time to be flipping burgers, this is it.

Well, they also said it's Beer Day.


World Beer Day.

Not just international.

The whole world.

Are you saying beer?


Beer or beard?


Oh, that's good.

Oh, JBug says it's a restaurant called Burgers and Beer.

There you go.

Hello, Super Sanchez.

Good to see you.

Yesterday was Pizza Day?

Oh, man.

I know.

I don't.

I think it might have been.

I mean, it's silly.

Governor Phil Murphy.

There's, like, multiple holidays for every day there of the calendar.

But I always like to check those.

Like, when I go to work, start the day.

Start the day off with pushing everybody a happy sound, like, whatever.

Especially because there's times when I want to, like, really push and be like,

Hey, everybody.

Happy Chocolate Milkshake Day.

It'd be a great idea if, you know, somebody picked up some chocolate milkshakes for the crew.

By the way, Vanilla Frosties are back.

Wendy's is back.

Also, also, hello, Curt Dogg and hello, Rascal.

Also, also, also, Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey.

I was talking about how it was Pizza Day, and he was making fun of the people in Connecticut

for eating their pizza with a fork and a knife.

As someone with a giant beard, I appreciate eating it with a fork and knife.

I would rather eat it by hand.

But, Phil, I don't know if that's the route you want to go.

I don't know if that's the road you want to go down.


Why has he got to spend his time yucking yums?

He's playing up the, we're from Jersey, baby, which is great.

I'd go for it.

But you don't need to put somebody else down.

Just say, we're from Jersey, baby.

It's not a, hey, I'm from Jersey.

You over there.

You suck.

Like, that's not, well, it is kind of Jersey, but.

Well, we're from Jersey, and you're not.

That's fine.

But you don't need to be like, look at these jamokes over here cutting up their pizza with

a fork and a knife.

But I kind of feel like that's Jersey.

Yeah, but you know what's real Jersey?

Not saying it.

Saying it without saying it.

Telling your family you have behind closed doors.


So you'd be like, hey, the people from Connecticut, they eat their pizza with fork and a knife.

Well, we're from Jersey, baby, and you're not.

Then you take a bite of the pizza.

Everybody gets.

That's the message.

You don't need to outright say it.

One thing that I kind of questioned in Connecticut, like when I've gotten pizza there, one of

the things they do is like a loaded potato pizza.

It's like mashed potatoes and stuff, like loaded mashed potatoes.

So there's like bacon and stuff.

You know, it's not the weirdest thing.




And it's not that bad.

Well, how about that tomato pie I sent from Panko?

I looked at that.

And that came up organically.

And I kind of just wanted cheese on it.

But yes, their sauce.

They got good sauce.

They made a good sauce, Bobby.

I mean, we loved their sauce.

So, yeah, that's what I was thinking.


We got some things to get to.

No, wait.

I had something to tell my brain.

Go right ahead.


Thursday, I went to pick up some breakfast from Taco Bell.

Sorry, we're not serving breakfast.

And I'm like, I'm sorry, what?

And I'm like, well, that sucks.

But hey, lucky me.

I live in an area.

There's a Taco Bell like a mile and a half away from the other Taco Bell.

So I drove to the second Taco Bell and it's actually open.

The first one wasn't even open.

The screen was blank.

I pull up.

I start giving my order.

They're like, yeah, we don't have breakfast.

I'm like, what?

Thinking like, oh, you don't have the cruncher, like the California cruncher.

And I'm like the ultimate supreme breakfast.

And I'm like, oh, sorry, what was that?

And they're like, we don't have any breakfast.

And I'm like, any?

You don't have any breakfast?

And then I was like, well, the other one didn't.

You don't.

Do any Taco Bells have breakfast right now?

And they said no.


Because I have a third Taco Bell that's not that far away from the other two.

I'm like, wait, wait, wait.

They didn't really have a reason.

But no Taco Bells have breakfast currently.

And I don't know if and when they're reinstating it.

Two weeks ago.


Bye-bye, Bacon Egg Burrito.

Some Taco Bells will stop serving breakfast.

Taco Bell ends breakfast in some locations.

Taco Bell is moving away from breakfast at some locations.

That is horrible.

It's true.

That's true.

Well, maybe the third time's a charm at the other place.

But I guess I got to start.

The restaurant chain gave franchisees a choice to streamline their menus by opting out of breakfast in order to, quote,

have the flexibility to focus on key drivers of growth and growth.

I mean, yeah, not everybody goes there for breakfast.

I can.

I can imagine most people don't.

I'm not knocking them, but I imagine most people go for lunch.

But you know what?

If most people got that taste in their mouth once, they'd be returned customers.

Most people don't once start their day out with diarrhea.

At lunch, at dinner, they're fine with that.

Listen, Taco Bell is not the Taco Bell of our younger years.

The meat is now slightly better.

Hi, Steister, if I didn't say that.

The flavors are probably just the same.

Taco Bell isn't the Taco Bell of old.

It's slightly better.

No, it's I mean, listen, I don't have trying to think.

No, I don't think Taco Bell gives me diarrhea.

No, me either.

Well, you know what it does give me?



Very active salivary glands because it's delicious.

Jay Buck says nothing more devastating than when you roll up at a McDonald's drive-thru at 1030 and that menu flips.

Yeah, I mean, I've missed their hash browns by like five minutes.

And it's so frustrating.

I don't want to be mean to the employee and I never am.

But I'm like, it was five minutes.

You don't have like one sitting there that's ready to go.

I'm sure they do.

And they're just going to throw them away.

They're going to eat it.

That's not their policy.

They're going to eat it.

But like, and I, I understand that that was the whole Michael Douglas falling down movie directed by Joel Schumacher, which I do not support that behavior at all.

But at the same time, I understand the frustration.

A lot of people do.

That's why it's very relatable.

Hey, Freddie Froh.

Thanks for saying that.

And Taco Bell.

Listen up.

Freddie Froh says every time Taco Bell is mentioned on the podcast, we always get the craving and go get some.

Let's see if it happens again.

There you hear that Taco Bell.

You don't.

But maybe I'll sponsor us.

Oh, my God.

Can you imagine?

Can you can you imagine?

Yeah, it would be nothing but farts all the time.

I would.

I mean, listen.

They put the power in their franchise owners hands.

They didn't just say everybody get rid of breakfast.

So I don't know.

I think the goal now is to make friends with the owner of a franchise and convince them otherwise.

Freddie Froh says it also works with pizza.

Talk by our own Taco Bell and make a podcast from Taco Bell, which we're planning to get tonight anyways.

So it works out.

Well, you're having a that's a weekend.

My you're planning for Pizza Hut tonight.

No, they were playing.

Nope, nope, nope.


It says no.

It said it also works with pizza talk, which we're planning to get tonight anyways.

No Pizza Hut.

OK, no, you were still reading.

Mom brain mentioned Pizza Hut.

You I thought you said Pizza Hut.

I don't know.

You were tested to remember my brain.

No working.

All right.

We have things to get to this episode.

We have a big we're talking regular story.

We have a big like Nintendo related story, which we will go to first.

We have a big non.

Tenor related story, which I'm going to let my brain tackle, hopefully in while you go to the full story.

What are you looking at me weird for?

You know exactly what story it is.


OK, but first things first, before we get to the Nintendo related story, I'm going to do this very quickly.

Hello, Red Suza.

Good to see you.

Hello, TKO.

I don't want to keep waiting for this.

I've been waiting for it and I'm very excited.

Nikki Hill brought over the brand new Oreo Coca-Cola and I waited for the podcast.

And we were lucky.

Drink it.

The only ones in the refrigerator were zero sugar.

So we we made out like bandits.

You have one, don't you?

I don't want one.

OK, I think you don't want to sit.

I might have a sip of yours if it's.

I definitely smell chocolate.

This expires November 25th, 2024.

Year of our Lord.

Again, this is the Oreo Coca-Cola.

I find it unappealing.

Chocolate is there.

Here we go.

Wait, before you do this, have you ever eaten Oreos while drinking a soda?

Yeah, you have.


I don't know if I've done that.

I have.


I'm not proud of it, but I have.



Bottoms up and a devil laughs.

Oh, you definitely get a chocolate.

I taste the cream.

A little bit.

You guys touch tongues.

It'll be like tasting an Oreo.

Hi, Tony.

I'm shocked that we got to let it air in a little bit.

They got the Oreo flavor.

I mean, I'm not.

These people are.


Mom, great chemists at the top of their game.

I give that an eight out of 10.

I hate it, but it's better than I thought it would be.

I'm starting to lose it.

I don't know if I'm just getting.

You become numb to it.

No, I'm getting it.

It's definitely there.

Somebody says Dunkin.

All right.

Not somebody.

I can say their name.

As he says, Dunkin.

Dunkin Oreo in this is in the soda.


That's a win.

I would drink that regularly.

I think that works like like color theory stuff like the color red in a red light will


So the Oreo will just dislike.

You'll dunk it in and you'll come.

And we'll get this one out of the way as well.

Nikki Hill also brought the brand new M&M's pumpkin pie flavor.

Mom brain.

It is share size.

Oh, my goodness gracious.

You take two of those.

The I think the first sip of the Oreo drink did it for me.

Now it's just a Coca-Cola drink.

All right.

Pumpkin pie.




Oh, I'm not really getting any pumpkin pie.

I got I got some pumpkin spice at the end.

I got you.

Mm hmm.

But it's almost like it's almost like, well, like crumble.

Tentavision says y'all are making me so jealous.

Like like a crunchy sugar crystal pie crumble.

I don't know that I'd call it pie.

But I would say you get the pumpkin.

It wasn't there at first.


And it's just chocolate.

I mean, it's not offensive.

It's not.

It's it.

Sorry, Sicer.

It's going to all go downhill from here.

If you ate that, you definitely and didn't know.

And you thought it was just a regular M&M.

You'd be like, oh, this is a little different.

Yeah, you would definitely know.

It's crazy that the instant you swallow, you get an aftertaste.

That's like.

Yeah, you know, with M&M's, too.

You know, I thought it was nothing there.

And then I take it back.


Oh, I've never had that.

Kurt Dogg says they miss Diet Dr. Pepper.

Cherry chocolate.

I miss Barnaby's sweet face is what I miss.

SD, that is something for the patron.

That's a great patron idea.

Get all the weird Kit Kat flavors from Japan and try them.

That would be great.

That Dr. Pepper.

Creamy coconut.

Oh, my God.

I love it.

You can probably still get it now, but it's got to be going away.

I highly recommend you try that.

Man, was that good.

You're right, Freddy.

Fred, we should do an H-Mart trip and get some weird Kit Kats.

Not weird.


Oh, my God.

He's just.

There is something about him that is so cute.

Like, he's just.

That's why I'm saying being a discord people, you're missing dog pictures.

He's like.

Sleek, but scrappy.

Brandon says Baja Blast.

Is a terrible Mountain Dew flavor.

Kick him out.

You have that power.

You're entitled to your opinion.

I will respectfully disagree with that.

I like Baja Blast.

It's not my favorite, but I do like it.

Also, Kurt Dog, I need to know in this picture if Barnaby's feet are touching something or

they're just floating in the air because it's it looks like they're just like dangling.

He's a broad chested boy.

Let's get to the things that are important.

Last week, we talked about this.

A little bit and said that we couldn't talk about it.

And I said, we can talk about it next week.

And now it is next week.

So we can talk about it.

Nikki Hill and I went to Nintendo was nice enough to invite us to their.

Let's say their East Coast.

I don't know what to call it.

They invited us to their offices to go play.

The Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom, as well as Super Mario Party Jamboree.

We cannot talk about Super Mario Party Jamboree yet.

We can talk about it.

Eventually, I can't tell you when we can talk about it, but stay tuned for that.

But we can talk about our time with Echoes of Wisdom.

So I played, I'd say probably about 15 minutes of it.

But Nikki Hill and I were sitting right next to each other.

So we experienced it together.

Nikki Hill, I'll let you take the floor.

May I be excused for a moment?

May you please repeat the question.

May I be excused for a moment?


May you use it in a sentence.

So, yes, Nikki Hill.

Go right ahead.


I mean, I don't know how to talk about things, but I'm excited.

I enjoyed the game.


The Discord.

I'm looking at a cat.


10 Divisions got the perfect question for you right off the bat.

What was it?

It says, how many beds will they let you stack at once?

I don't know the answer.

Was it three?

So, Tri is the new character that Zelda works with.

And Tri has a tail on them.

I don't know if it's a him or her.

I don't know if you can enhance that tail, like, you know, level up the tail.

But would it have three?

I want to say four?

We saw a picture with four.

So, it's got four little blips hanging off of it.

And the little blips indicate, like, how many echoes you can do.

But each echo that you make is worth a different amount.

So, as Nikki Hill is saying, I think a bed was one.


Some enemies are two.


There was a...

And if you try to...

Try to...

Create more echoes, the first one that you made will disappear.


So, it's whatever...

However many little blips Tri has, you can't just keep spamming beds.

So, you'll...

Let's say a bed does cost one.

And let's say Tri has four little blips.

That means when you go to do a fifth bed, your original first bed will disappear.

So, and again, that's different between all echoes.

Echoes are different values.


You can make a bunk bed.


You can put a bed on top of a bed on top of a bed on top of a bed.


But you won't be able to go on top.

But if you do another bed, then, yeah, you won't be able to jump high enough to get onto that bed.

Unless you're putting them down below you, then you can walk onto them.

But things we found out, beds float.


Water beds.


So, basically, you know, it's not physics-based.

So, if you set the bed...

Hold on a second.

I want to...

This is for you specifically.

We're not allowed to say...

We're not allowed to say solutions to specific puzzles.

I just wanted to make sure I said that.

Well, lucky for us, I don't remember the puzzles.


Like, specifically in the dungeon, they were like, do not say how you solved puzzles in the dungeon.

So, just...

Were there puzzles?

I don't know.

There were.


And you solved them?

Well, stop me quickly if I say the wrong...

I will, yeah.

But basically, like, all I was going to say is, like, it's not really...

And correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't think it's physics-based.

So, basically, you know, you have the head...

Of the bed and the headboard and the footboard.

You can put something...

You can put the bed from, like, the footboard over a gap.

And it's not going to just collapse into the gap.

Like, it's basically going to create a ledge.

Yeah, there's no...

Like, you know, Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild have, quote-unquote, realistic physics when you're balancing things and things.

This is just as long as...

It's like an old-school Zelda.

As long as they're touching one part, you're fine.

One piece is going to be touching the ledge.


You're good.

Oh, well...

So, there's that.

So, that gives you...

Gives you, you know, the distance or whatever to do, you know, a bed-only run if you can.

Although beds don't inflict damage.

Yeah, when beds drop to the ground, they break.

But it was...

I mean, I think we had fun.

It was, you know...

Well, I had a lot of fun.

It felt like just getting to just play around here where, you know...

Where, you know...

Rummy's watching me and we're doing...

You know, I'm trying to do silly things and we're laughing and having a good time.

While we were playing, I was like, man, they always ask me to go to these events.

Are you going to do recordings?

And I never do because I'm like, I don't need to hassle.

I'm not really video-focused, whatever.

But when we were there playing, I was like, I was like, I think this is fun and funny.

I wish we were recording this.

Yeah, I think the other people in the room were laughing with us.


A couple times they may have been laughing at us.


TKO, amazing.

And we had a moment where we were both shocked and delighted that we were not shy about it.

Like, other people are playing at other stations and they're like, you know, in their space.

And Rummy and I, something happened.

We were like, whoa!

Like, we're not, you know, small with our responses.

We're from Jersey, baby.

I don't know.

I've always been like that when I'm at press events.

You know, if you follow GoNintendo and especially you listen to the podcast, you know how I am.

I'm not shy about sharing how I feel when I'm excited or interested in something.

Like, I don't, I'm not very demure, to use a TikTok term nowadays.

You know, if I'm happy, I let it out.

If I'm excited, I let it out.

Like, I make noise.

As you should.

So we were at a giant table with TVs set up and there were, what, four other groups of two?

Or three other groups of two playing the game.

Or were there three total?

One down there, one over here.

There were four televisions, but we were on the same television.

There was one group.

So there were four other people, two, two, and us.

And we're each on different sides of the table.

It's a pretty big room, pretty big table.

But they're all, like, you know, playing and, like, talking quietly to each other.

And we are, like, laughing and, like, making big noises about everything.

Not to be obnoxious, but to let, like, our genuine feelings out.

And I was like, man, we're having fun.

Is nobody else here having fun?

I mean, it's...

No surprise...

It's no secret that I have confidence issues.

And I have...

That comes out when I play games.

And I'm like, oh, boy, here we go.

And so, you know, we're talking through, like, talking about the puzzles and just joking, doing silly things.

Solomon Sterling says, is it hard to place things in a specific place without...


Being able to move one tile space at a time.

Don't think of it really as tile spaces.

It's not like, you know, it's not like moving one...

Like, it's open.

You can twist and turn in whatever way you want.

It's not like the bed goes in this space or the bed goes in the space next to it.

It's like the bed just goes wherever you drop it.

I had spatial issues with, like, the platforming element, which I tend to do in a 3D space.

Or even the...

What's the term?

What kind of game is that?

Isometric space?


I did not...

I may have had a little bit of trouble just because my coordination is a little off with dropping something where I wanted it to be.

The only thing you really had trouble with was that one spider, the rock spider, whatever they're called.

I don't know if it's a rock skulltale or whatever.

Well, I really had trouble with that.

You were trying...

Nikki Hill was trying to kill a rock spider.

Again, I don't remember.

It's a skulltale, but I don't know if it's called a rocktale or whatever.

But he was trying to kill it in a very specific way by throwing another rock at it.

And he kept missing.

And eventually, which was probably my favorite part of the whole demo, he threw the rocks in the perfect place to corner the rock spider in a corner.

So the rock spider could not go anywhere.

It was trapped there.

And Nikki Hill was trying to kill it, but he managed to throw one on top of it and one in front of it.

And it was a 2D.

It was a 2D section of the game.

So it was stuck in the corner of a wall.

It couldn't go anywhere.

And that's when one of the reps there was like, you know, you can...

Like, they said something else you can use.

And you're like, no, no.

Well, that's the other thing that I have a problem with is, like, I can learn a new task or I can learn something or I can...

Oh, look, a new ability.

Or, oh, I can create this new echo.

And rather than just remember that I can go to...

It takes me back.

Like, what?

We were playing...

I think I even mentioned it there.

I was playing Portal here.

And I was in the middle of a puzzle.

And I'm like, I don't know how to get out of this area.

And you're like, oh, maybe you can try, I don't know, a portal?

It's the same thing where it's like, you know, you learn stuff.

That did come up for Nikki Hill during the demo session with Zelda.

It wasn't portals, obviously.

But it was like, you can recall your echoes.

Or you have, you know, an echo for a bed or a boulder or a box or a keys or whatever.

Like, you know.

You have a lot to choose from.

But again, so now this is the only thing I have an issue with.

It's the menu system.

I can talk about this?


It's the same sort of menu selection as in Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom.

Where, like, you have all of these things that you're...

Hi, Vachi.

In your inventory.

But you have to go into your inventory and then scroll all the way to the right, however far you have to go to get that item.

I feel like there's probably another way.

Maybe if there's a grid.

Something so that, you know, you have four across and then you scroll down so that you can get to things quicker or whatever.


Yeah, and like I said to you, I don't know if there's an option to sort by favorites or most used or least used.

I don't...

We didn't look at that.

I don't know if it's there.

But my whole visual, spatial, whatever thing is if I don't see it, I don't remember I have it.

And so if, like, my inventory is really big and I have to scroll all the way through every single thing to remember this one item.

That I have, I'm not...

I'm never going to use it.

To be fair, also, we played the demo and I had, like, part one of the demo set us up in the prison when you're escaping a Zelda.

And part two of the demo basically takes you to a dungeon.

And those were things Nintendo set up before we got there.

So your inventory already has a whole bunch of echoes in it that you, you know, they're just there.

Obviously, if you were playing the game, you would have had to go through the process of collecting the echo yourself.

But you're playing a demo.

So it's filled with echoes that Nintendo...

And they'll put in there already.

So you aren't aware what's in there until you scroll through everything.

Regardless of that, I'm still going to have the trouble, even if I'm the one that acquired them.

There you go.

Sound Master Link says you can sort by most used or most recently used.

There you go.

All right.

But another thing that we didn't do, I didn't do, is, like, you can...

When you get a new echo, you can look at its attributes and you can know, like, oh, this will catch fire.

This will float.


So, you know, it gives you a better understanding.

I didn't do that.

So we were just throwing things into the water to see if it would work.

But, so, you know, they give you plenty of information to kind of...

Well, plus, it's a demo session, you know.

You only have a limited amount of time.

Yeah, but I never go through and, like, oh, let me learn everything there is to learn about, you know, this new enemy that I just captured or copied.

Also, Raw Meat.

Made fun of me.

Rightfully so.

I've been playing video games the majority of my life.

40 some...

No, not 40 years.

39, 38 years.

And I don't know the button layout of the Switch Pro controller.

That was surprising.

I don't know the button layouts of any controller without looking at it.

So, like, I've always had trouble with QuickTime game inputs and stuff like that because I...


I don't know why.

I don't know which one is X and which one is Y, which one is B, which one is A.

They were telling us...

They were saying, like, oh, use the R button.

And I'm like, well, is the R button the shoulder button or the trigger button?

I can't...

I don't know.

I gotta look.

I said to him, no, it's the R button.

And I was like, it's the...

I said, the Switch is seven years old.

You don't know...

So, now I've had a little insight and I appreciate where you're coming from more.

We'll paint further conversations in a much better light for you.

And now...

Now I know.

So, I just...

I did not know that.

I have trouble with a lot of things and button layouts is one of them.

You could tell that when you were getting into fights with enemies when you would, like...

I'd hit the wrong button all the time.


You would constantly, like, throw out of bed or recall everything you put out.

And it was very, very funny.

Take that.

Oh, no, wait.

No, no.

No, no, no.

Also, another favorite part of the demo session was when you were fighting somebody and you

accidentally threw out of bed and you decided to get in the bed to lay down and heal yourself

because you were hurt.

And surprisingly enough, it was just far away enough from the enemy that they let you sleep

for a little while.

So, that was good.


So, that's that.

Had a lot of fun.

Oh, the other thing that I had a really freaking hard time with was the...

What is it?

The latching.

The, um...

Bind and reverse bond.

If I had to name most painful section of the demo session watching you, that would be it

because there's a section where there's these platforms moving around and it's another 2D


Oh, yes.

And you have to bind yourself to one of them to go along with it.

But you can also reverse bond so that you control it and you have to climb, like, up

a vertical section of this place.

Was that the way?

I thought that was the opposite.

Reverse bond is letting it control you, right?

Bind means you bind yourself to it and I believe you just move however it moves.

And reverse bond is you do whatever you want to.

You control it.

I mean, it doesn't matter.

It's one or the other.

But Nikki Hill got through the first part just fine, but then there was a part where you

had to basically grab onto a platform and hold it so it would move you across, but you

were also riding another moving one.

Squad of love!

It was not going well.

He managed to stop the one above him in the perfect amount of distance to not be able

to reach the platform he needed to, and then he fell down and had to climb back up.

I believe he fell twice and had to go through the section twice.

Well, the binding, in the two-dimensional space, it's a straight line.

You can't shoot in a diagonal or something.

I kept trying.

I kept trying to get it.

I get a little restless, too, and I don't want to wait for something to get to me.

Well, you can do an angle if you are above it and then you stand somewhere and wait and

it continues to move.

Then you can stretch the line out.

That's why you were having some issues.

Oh, I guess.

But yeah.

You made it, though.

Yes, we can't talk about puzzle solutions, but Granimus, there are very much proper Legend

of Zelda puzzles.

Yes, if you are looking for something that is more classic Zelda in terms of puzzles,

then yes.

You will be very happy here.

If you like the dungeons of previous games and how they made you think and press buttons

and move things and figure out conundrums, then you should be very pleased with what

you see here.

But this permeates the whole game.

It's way more open than ever.

There may be a puzzle that's like, push the buttons to open the door.

But in previous Zelda games, it would be push a couple blocks over here and you open a door.

Now, in this Zelda, you can do whatever you want.

Depending on the echoes that you have, because you have bind and reverse bond.

You have echoes that could maybe get the job done.

Even echoes that aren't supposed to be used in that way or wouldn't even consider to be

used in that way.

You can use them to solve puzzles like that.

So it's the open-ended puzzle solving of Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom married

with classic 2D Zelda dungeon stuff.

And it's great.

It made everything feel so new and fresh.

And I even said to you, Nikki Hill, when you were playing, you were doing things that I

would have never even considered to get through sections.

And it was awesome to see.

Oh, really?

Because I was going to say, we saw an example of a puzzle, I guess.

No solutions.

With a solution.

My solution.

And when I did it, I thought that's what you had said.

You were like, that's what I would have done.

I wouldn't be doing what they did.

There was one that we did similarly.

And there was one that you did in a way I would have never done.

Right off the bat, you did one where you're getting out of the prison and the guards are


You traversed.

Things in a way, I won't say how, that I was like, I would have never done it like that.

He did a completely opposite of what I, not even opposite, just in a completely different

way that I would have done it.

And it shows like right off the bat.

It's like, depending on what echoes you got, you got a whole bunch of options here getting

through this situation.

It's not just like classic Zelda where it's like, I got to get past the guards, wait for

them to go around the wall.

And then I sneak by.

Yes, you can do it that way.

But there's a whole bunch of other things that you can do.

Like, oh, I won't say those things.

But yeah, depending on what you have.

There's plenty of ways to get around things, which makes a classic Zelda game feel so open

and interesting because whatever you can dream up really is the solution.

And Nikki Hill found, there's a spot that you were looking at where you were like, I

wonder if I can get over that.

And I was like, I don't think you could.

And you proved me wrong.

You got over that section by building trampolines and beds.

And there was a treasure chest back there waiting for you.

So I was like, holy crap.

I would have never even considered that.

It just looked like a piece of scenery that was meant to be like, this is a wall.

You can't go here.

But Nikki Hill saw it differently.

So I had my eyes open.

And now I'm going to be looking more for that stuff.

But I was like, I love that kind of stuff.

When you are like, maybe there's something there.

I'm probably going to waste my time building this weird contraption to get there.

And then you're like, oh, my God, the treasure chest is back here.

It makes games much longer for me because of what happened before that.

We're in a space.

And you and I were like.

Do we go left or do we go right?

And I went one way and it took me a different place.

You went the way I went and we both went the wrong way.

As far as like, we should have gone the other way first because there's like another room over and you were done.

And you got like a treasure chest or whatever.

And then the other way.

So we both would have done the same thing.

But yeah, because of that, I have that like that issue of not wanting to miss anything.

So I end up having to.

You didn't talk about the pot.

Not the.


Our biggest.

Our loudest moment.


It was our loudest moment in the event.

And the other people playing were just laughing at us.

What rules, you sons of bitches.

I don't follow any rules, Jordan.

I went to jump onto a pot and I fell into it.

And what like you see like Zelda's eyes or something.


It's like it's like a.

Yeah, I think like a little head poked out eventually.


So you can jump into.

And I think when you're in it, you can hop around.

Oh, you definitely can.

Because you jumped in the pot and we were like, oh, and then you went to move and you were

hopping around in the pot.

We were like, oh, my God.


So like a very loud reaction.

We were very surprised by it.

And then for like a good couple of minutes, Nicky Hill was trying to hop around in a pot

as far as he could take it.

What purpose does it serve?

That's another one.

I mean, maybe it's a hiding thing.

But the thing is, is like, I don't.

Goodbye, Granimus.

Enjoy your tacos.

Did the Nintendo folks there even like.

Did we teach them something with that or they knew about it?

I guess they probably know.

They know someone there knew for sure, but maybe not everybody.

Maybe I'm just our reaction was so big that I feel like more people reacted.

But like we.

That was I completely forgot.

I feel like we were getting.

Everybody was getting the demo, but I feel like we were really getting the point of like

this is a Zelda where you can really explore.

And even though it looks like a classic Zelda, there's a whole bunch of stuff you can do

that you wouldn't ever.

And we.

I feel like we were really.

Doing that.

A solid master link says that strange.

I can at least talked about the prison escape in more detail and even a boss.

I wonder if they have a different embargo to agree to.

I'll tell you this much.

We played it before I played it.

I don't know.

It's possible, but I'm going to be honest.

Sometimes the bigger outlets play a little fast and loose with the rules because they

know they're not going to get barred from saying it.

I'm not saying they're doing anything wrong.

Maybe in a different embargo, but.

We read the embargo a couple of times before today's podcast.

It said specifically.

Do not.

Do not give solutions to puzzles.

So I guess it could depend on what your definition of a puzzle is.

But hey, grant to misenjoy those tacos.

Be safe.

You know, we're being safe.

Obviously, I'm very appreciative all these years later still to be invited to Nintendo's

events like this to get to play stuff.

I mean, they told us when we walked in.

I've never heard them say it.

They said we are among the first in the world to play.

And we I know we played it before I jammed it.

I'm positive we played it before me.

Moto, you think?


He doesn't even know it's the game.

He's got no idea.

He hasn't walked to that floor of the office yet.

He's like, what are you guys doing up here?

But yeah.

So if you haven't heard it anywhere before, which I doubt it because we're we're the true

investigators here.

What is it?

Echoes of echoes of wisdom.

Echoes of wisdom.

I keep saying echoes of cooler.

I know what it is.


But I keep saying echoes of time.

And I don't know.

Well, because of Ocarina of Time.

But I keep saying echoes of time and it's driving me nuts.

Also, I want to talk about this was this has been in the trailer.

So it's not a spoiler.

But if you haven't watched the most recent trailer, you might want to dip out for a minute

or two.

You play.

It was shocking.

So we found out before the trailer was shown to the public.

Nintendo was like, you guys are going to see a new ability that hasn't been shared anywhere


And we're not going to show this yet.

They were like, it's going to be in a trailer a little bit later.

So they were like, you're going to get to see something totally new.

We're not going to spoil it for you.

The rep.

The rep went through their explanation of the game and the echoes and everything.

And they said, there's one more ability.

And we're like, and, you know, cut the video like didn't show us.

And they're like, you'll see it for yourself.

The other people playing.

I didn't hear a reaction when we got there.

We were like, they are dead.


So we're playing again.

If you want to avoid some spoilers that were in the most recent trailer.

Now is your time to jump out.

I was actually surprised that they just released a trailer.

We walked into a room and there was like a shrouded figure that was in there and it turned

around and it was Link, but he had red eyes and we were like, what's going on here?

And then you have to fight Link, which is in and of itself a puzzle.

I won't say how you solve it because we're not allowed to.

But after that, you see, I'll tell you, I had a hard time solving it.

You see, if it wasn't for you being there, you threw out a lot of beds at first, but

you got there.

Go to sleep.

That's what I tell Romney every time he complains about something.

I'm like, just go to sleep.

We don't know.

This Link is just cranky.

We don't know the details of this Link.

Obviously, it's not regular Link.

It's a shadow of Link.

Something's going on weird with Link.

I'll also tell you, the trick was not putting him in a pot.

But you get, it's not the Master Sword.

They kept saying like a sword.


Some sword.

You get a sword and this sword gives Zelda the ability.

I don't remember what it's called.

I can't remember.

It's something.

Some kind of like hero fighter or something, whatever.

But Zelda gets a sword, but she can't use it all the time because it's filled by a blue meter.

You activate the meter and it gives basically Zelda Link's core abilities, which is use a shield and slash with a sword.

So when you transform into that mode, the meter's ticking down pretty quickly.

But say you get into a situation where like you're in a lot of danger and you can't think of the right echo to pull out or you're nervous.

You could turn on this meter, slash around with the sword.

And then that's that.

You can also get these little blue pieces of energy to refill that meter.

I'm sure there will be a potion or something later on.

Well, that's the thing.

So like you get this ability, but it actually creates like a different element of gameplay completely because you have a time frame, like a time limit.

And then you also have to collect these things, which like I think, did you just say it?

Like they're kind of floating energy that float around.


A mystical sword.

They say in the trailer says solid Master Link.

It is clearly not the Master Sword.

It does not look like the Master Sword.

SD says Tri-Sword.

Is that the game?

I could just be guessing.

They're not slight.

But yes, it does not look like the Master Sword in any way, shape, or form.

It looks very different.

But when we gained that ability, we were in a room with like there was like a wall of windows almost shattered, I think, the way we reacted to that.

You mean in real life?


That room was all windows.

It was a conference room.

We were very excited.

We were so excited.

We were so excited about it.

What's going on?

You know, it was like, you know, we're in the audience of a Marvel movie.

There was a huge like cameo or something.

I'm not saying anyone's wrong for reacting how you react.

I think a lot of people there are like, you know, I'm going to say more demure.

I'm going to say more reserved.

Very cutesy.

I want to be respectful.

And it's not because like I've been doing this for 20 years.

I'm going to, you know, I know these people.

From day one to day now, I will give you my genuine reaction when I'm playing these games.

Like if I'm excited, you're going to see it.

If I'm happy or I think something's funny, you're going to see it like that.

And I'm glad Nikki Hill is the same way.

We were very like, I, you would have to think like people would be there when we left.

They'd be like either, boy, those guys are noisy or boy, they really liked it.

So, you know what?

I, especially in that environment, like if you were in like a seat, like a serious environment

and like, you know, like laughing and being rowdy, I could see people getting annoyed,

but it's very sad to me when you're somewhere and you clearly see people of any age just

having fun.

It makes me so sad when people get mad at that.

Like I love to, to see, like I teach in a middle school and to watch like the kids just

be like stupid and have fun is so lovely.

Are we done talking?

Are we done talking about that spoiler stuff?



I want to put it in the chat.

So, you know, I hope that everyone who saw you having that much fun was like, I don't

think nobody had an issue with us.

And it's very possible that they were, they had similar reactions, but like we were just,

it's not like we were in a little booth or something.

We were just at a conference table in front of a television, but we were in our own world.

And I want to say like, we were not being obnoxious or like they were our genuine reactions.

It was not like we were playing things up or being loud.

Just be loud.

They were genuine reactions.

I want to say this.

Um, I want to give a shout out to, I know, uh, you know, I've worked, I've been doing

a site for 20 years.

I've come to know some Nintendo people, JC Rodrigo, who you've seen on a tree house a

whole bunch of times.

I've come to know him really well at the switch.

One of the switch events before the switch came out.

We were playing, he was at the event and it was just a big free for all.

I think I was there.

And we, I thought so.

We had the chance to play, uh, whatever the bomber man game is that launched on switch

and played with us, right?


JC was like, Oh, come play bomber man with me.

And I like bomber man.

So we were playing bomber man and we were like screaming and yelling and laughing cause

we were having that much fun.

And then like somebody came, it was, we were doing it for like 10 minutes and then somebody

came over to JC and then they left.

And JC was like, Oh,

Oh, we, we gotta be quiet.

We're having too much fun.

And he was laughing about it.

He's like, man, we're having a good time.

But you know, that's, I don't know if it was the other people playing, um, at their screens,

but with some of our reactions, I'm pretty sure the reps that were with them were laughing

at us.

Not like in a mean way.

They were just, they were like enjoying that.

We were having such a good time.

Well, you got to a section where we heard a very specific noise.

And then that same noise happened like two seconds later on the other TV.

And we looked over at them.

We were like, Oh, and they didn't even notice.

And one of the other reps did.

And then it was like, you guys got to the same part at almost exactly the same time.

We were laughing about that.

And then they started laughing too.

But super bomber man are, thank you.

10 division.


Play that with JC Rodrigo had a, one of my favorite memories with Nintendo ever.

JC's just fantastic in general, but it was like a genuine, like we are having fun playing

video games.

We love Nintendo.

We love playing these multiplayer games.

We're just having, it was like we were sitting in the living room and just having fun.

It was, it was great.

So that's how we are when we play.

Uh, mom brain at the Wii U event before the Wii U launched and we were playing a Nintendo

land and we were playing that Donkey Kong one where it's the one on the wheels and you

have to get, like, we were like really getting into that.

And, uh, uh, one of the Nintendo reps there was like laughing with us and have fun.

I was like, this is what this, like, this is what sells the system.


This is what, um, this is what makes.

These things fun, but we had a great time.

We had a really, really great time.

Anything else you want to say about Zelda?

That's not spoiler related.

Um, well, one thing that the rep had mentioned, which might be common.

A girl is, uh, I guess the game is linear, but you can do it in whichever way you like

any Zelda game.

Is it?

I mean, they made it a big point.

I don't know.

No, it's like any of them.

Oh, I guess it's in.

In more particular, like breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom, there's very much

a main line story you go through, but you are free to wander around.

I don't know if areas will be gated off or not.

And you need certain abilities, but you don't have to finish one, uh, what dungeon before

going to another one.

Specifically, you can chart your own path depending on what I know.

Well, that's like the first Zelda too.

You know, you could go into a dungeon and wander back out if you want to.

They were stressing very much that there's a lot of side quests that can help.

You, uh, again, not anything crazy for Zelda, but they were making it seem like you're going

to come across a lot of these and you can take them on and they may get you things that

help you out in some way or for customization purposes or whatever.

But yeah, the, the, which is very, that, so when they were mentioning that, it reminded

me of both breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom where you like to, I know you

like to and do, and then I did as well, um, open the whole world, blood ocean, if I didn't

say hi, hi, before, before advancing the story.

But then once you started advancing the story, you earned abilities where you're like, well,

that would have made that easier.

And so like, who knows a, if I'm going to, like, I'm probably going to buy the game.

Will I ever play it?

Who knows with my track record, but if I play it, I, I don't know how I'm going to want

to play it because it's like, again, it does just make sense.

I don't know how much of it will be like, you'll get the spots that you literally cannot

go to because you don't have what you need.

You know?

And old Zelda, it's no, I'm saying, I don't know.

And older Zelda, there was a lot of that.

You'd be like, you just can't get in there because you haven't progressed the story enough.

I don't know how much of this is going to be more tears of the kingdom versus classic

from what they were saying.

I feel like it's more like tears of the kingdom where like, you'll have more, you can get

around, but it'll just make it a little bit easier if you play the right echoes.

It seems like you'll be able to get quite a few places.


Maybe before, I don't want to say before it, you might not expecting you to, you might

not encounter a specific type of enemy.


Or echo or object until a different place.

If you follow the story.

I don't know.

So thank you to Nintendo for inviting us.

We had an excellent time.

It was a lot of fun.

Again, we do have thoughts to share on Super Mario Party Jamboree, but we are not allowed

to yet.

I'm allowed to tell you we played it.

Just can't tell you when we can talk about it or write about it.

So stay tuned for that.

But it was great.

It was a really fun time.

I love having people there with me.

So it's great to have Nikki Hill.

And we had...

I think when one of us is playing and one of us is watching, we jive like really well.

Like we just had fun and it was a lot of fun to see and watch.

And I was laughing a lot and I learned a lot.

It was a good time.

It was a very good time.

And thank you for carting my ass in there.

I appreciate it.

Thank you, Nintendo.

All right, Mom Brain.

Now it's your turn.

The Nintendo Talk is over for now.

Asking me to.

Oh, of course.

Nintendo Talk is over for now.

Oh, I have something else before we get into news.

SD, I don't want to get in any trouble.

Well, I'm not going to say anything related to our Mario Party sessions.

I look forward to being able to talk to you about it.

I'll say that.

Yes, Nikki Hill.

I had something to give you.

Oh, I already got soda and M&M's.

It's not food, but it smells like food.


Oh, I got something to tell you.

So he showed it to me and was like, don't tell Rami.

And I was like, OK.

And then I thought to myself, I have something that I can't tell him.

Hold on, I'll tell you.

As soon as I opened his Ziploc,

I smelled it.

That's why I brought me the Dr.

Squatch Cowabunga Cleanse Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle soap,

basil leaves and tomato extract.

Holy moly.

I mean, it still smells like soap.

If you don't want to work at a pizza place, but smell like you do.

You would never use this.

You can't use that.

You could use it.

I think it smells great.

You would use that as a soap?

Yeah, it smells like oregano.

But you'd smell like a pizza.

Wait, what's the?

Is it?

Is it zero?

Is it zero grit?

Where does it say that?

On the bottom.

No, on the.

Right here.

Basil leaves and tomato extract.

Zero grit.

You are correct.

There you go.

Ninja Turtle.

Man, I can't believe it smells.

It smells strong.

They were going for a pizza smell.

It doesn't smell of Teenage Turtle.

No, it smells of pizza.


But it's very.

Thank you.

Is this for me?


Oh, my God.

Like, I have the other ones you gave me in my office to make them smell nice.

I don't know that I could.

I'll put it on display, but maybe in the back.

It's very funny.

You bring that up.

I swear to God, Mom Brain, you'll be able to tell your story in a second.


Perfect segue.

And you didn't even know it.

Let me get into my email here.

Sorry, this was not planned.

So give me a second.



Overwatch people got in touch to see if we wanted to get a sample of the Minecraft-inspired

diamond scrub infused with real diamond powder.

Oh, that was limited.

And I think it sold out pretty.

They are sending it over.

So it's on its way.

And I said we would talk about it on the podcast.

So get ready.

Can we talk about that?

Minecraft real quick.

The movie?



Go ahead.

Well, the only thing.

The only thing I want to talk about is how.

Sorry, Mom Brain, you had something to say.

No, go ahead.

You had a story?

It's a whole thing.

It's going to take a bit.

You know how our reaction to Seth.

Seth Rogen was like, oh, you know.

Yeah, I'll be Donkey Kong, but I'm not going to act.

I'm just going to.

It's just going to be my voice or whatever.

Jack Black is like that now in live action.

Like, I was watching that trailer for the Minecraft movie.

And I was like.

I was like, damn, he didn't even like he just rolled out of bed and showed up to work.

His beard is like the same.

Like, you know, two is a two or three colors.

Well, I would imagine storyline wise, he's going to tell a story about how he got stuck in the Minecraft world.

And I know.

But like, he's just it is.

He's Jack.

It's Jack Black from Jack Black's like tick tock in real life.

Basically, just showed up to work and was like, hey, I would imagine.

Yeah, that's what they want for the movie.

Because, you know, little kids will be like, oh, you know.

I love bearded men.

Well, you know, like they're getting like Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards.

Jack Black.


They're getting the guy that they know was the voice of.


Of Bowser.

Like, by the way, people went nuts crapping on that trailer.

It's whatever.

It's fine.

Like, I wasn't offended by it.

It doesn't look like it's going to be for me.

But that's it's not meant for me anyway.

So it's.

It's not exact.

Like, it's a it's a weird digital real life hybrid thing.

Like the the animals and the character, not the characters, but the animals and stuff are not what you see in the game.

Like, they're weird.


I don't even know what to say.

One ocean says maybe it's like Tron where he's a real guy stuck in a video game.

I would imagine.

But it's a style.

Like, it's just a style.

And when I saw it, I was thinking to myself, like, oh, this is basically like probably like Jumanji.

The new Jumanji in new Jumanji, new Jumanji, you know, just swap out the name.

But, you know, it I'm not angry about it because they're not trying to force it to be exactly the way like the game is like they're taking creative liberties and whatever, like the people are real.

So other things can be like weirdish.

So 10 Division says I also have nothing invested in in Minecraft.

Vision says the trailer was fine.

People massively exaggerated how bad it was.

I agree.

I don't think it's bad at all.

It's just not for.

It's it's going to be a kid's movie and that's fine.

That's totally fine.

I think it looks fine.

You know, I'd love to see another trailer to see more of it.

But, yeah, I, you know, maybe because my expectations were it's just going to be a weird, goofy movie and it'll be colorful.

And whatever.

Well, we'll all find out together.

Kurt Dogg says kids deserve better.

Mom brain.

I don't think it's I honestly don't think it's a bad thing.

Like, it's I think because sorry, because of because of things like Jumanji, it opens me up to it.

It's not like I said, it's not sticking to like an art style in a fully animated system.

It's it's blurring real light, like, you know, live action and with computer.

Animated stuff.

It's not trying to make everything look hyper real with terrible graphics or type terrible computer animation.

So, like, sure, let's go for it.

Here's the thing.

It's a hugely popular franchise.

So opinions are going to be very strong.

And it is what it is.

Mom brain, please.

Without further ado, your non Nintendo story that I promise is worth everyone's time.

You have.

I really want you to start from the beginning.

I'll do the best I can.


But I'm sure that you will disagree.

Radical defect.

It is related to people.

It's related to people.

She OK.

She's fine.


She's more than fine.

This is the story of people.

The hero.

Make sure you speak loudly and clearly.


I will speak loudly and clearly.

So for the ages.

Let's say.

Monday night or Tuesday night.

I think it was Tuesday night.

It doesn't matter the day.

I'm curious why you're talking about night.


Tuesday night.

We notice.

Rami tells me.

I think people is like tracking a bug in my office.


She's like hanging out.

What is this story?

I'm so confused.

It's already off the rails.

Let her speak.

Go on.

Yeah, go ahead.

I guess.

Would you like to tell?


Go ahead.


So I go in and I get my phone out and I get my flashlight out and I look underneath the couch and I don't see much of anything.


So I am going to jump in.

You're missing the whole part of the story from the beginning of that day.

Remember, the cat woke me up.

That was the next day.

No, no.

That was the same day.


So the morning before Mom Brain's part of the story, the cat woke me up.

I was asleep and the cat woke me up because she's like screaming, whatever.

And I'm like, what do you want?

I was like, maybe something.

She's done it before when like something falls into her bed or something falls somewhere that she hangs out and she needs it fixed.

So I went to my office to see if something was wrong with her bed because that's where she spends a lot of her time and there was nothing there.

So I was like, what's going on?

And then I went to go lay back down and she's still screaming.

So I went back.

I'm like, people, I don't see what's happening.

And I walked past her food bowl.

And I noticed her food bowl was empty.

And I was like, oh.

So I gave her dry food and she ran right over to it and she sniffed it and then like stopped meowing and walked away.

And I was like, she's mad that I'm not giving her wet food.

I get it.

And then I went to sleep and she stopped doing what she was doing.

Then the night came.

I'm looking around and I don't see anything.

So I but she's like looking with me and she's like purring and she's like, yeah, yeah.

Like, come on.

So I lift the couch up.

And there's nothing under the couch except one of her spring toys that she loves her beowing.

So I'm like, oh, it was your beowing that you wanted.

Like, that's stupid and sweet and lovely.

So let me get you your beowing.

And I put it out into the living room and she chased it around running around after it.

And that was that.

She's happy as a clam.


I go to bed at like nine thirty because it's a school night.

And I do not go to bed until like five in the morning.

So I'm up.

You want me to tell this person that I was the one that was awake and then it'll get to you eventually.


So I'm in my office working and I am just doing whatever, listening to music, get my work done.

And I hear something and I'm like, what is that noise?

And I'm like.

The cat's in my office, but she's just like sitting up against the wall, like looking, staring off into space.

And I'm like, that noise.

I was like, whatever that noise is that maybe that's what was driving the cat nuts.

And I'm like, is there something like outside the window?

So I go look at the window.

At first I thought it was raining.

I was like, and it's not raining.

So I'm looking at the window right in my office and I don't see anything.

And I'm like, maybe there's a tree branch brushing up against the house or something.

I don't see anything.

I go downstairs and I look.

I don't see anything.

I look out the window downstairs because that's right at ground level.

And I got my I open the window, put the flashlight out.


I don't see anything.

And I'm like, I don't know what's going on.

I was like, I guess during the daytime, I'll go outside and look and see what's out there.

If something's causing a problem.

So I go back to my desk and I sit down to go do more work.

And the noise starts again.

And I'm like, what the hell is going on?

And the cat's like looking under the sofa in my office.

And I'm like, people, we've done this so many times.

And I lifted up my desk.

I'm like, there's nothing there.

And there's like a couple of boxes.

And she's walking around looking at the boxes.

I'm like, people, what do you want?

There's nothing here.

I put it back down.

I go to do more work.

I hear another noise.

She's still looking at the couch.

And I'm like, what?

What do you want?

So like I take the couch and I'm going to flip it all the way up against the wall.

So it's literally not on the floor.

And then I was like, did I just see something?

Am I losing my mind?

And I'm looking.

Was it the tall man?

And I go like, I go look around the corner of the couch.

I'm like, I think I just saw something.

Now you go ahead.

So it's like 1215 in the morning.

And I am awakened by raw meat.

I'm in some other alternate dimension.

I've never seen anybody.

But he looks so, you know, that kid that falls on the bike in that video.

And he's like, I'm dying.

Help me.

That's what mom brain was like.

Her eyes were like, I don't know what planet she was on, but she could not process anything that was happening.

I was talking to her.

You ran upstairs and woke her up.


And, you know, I have blackout curtains.

Anything that has like a charger that has a light I have covered.

Like I have it pitch black in the bedroom.

And I have.

I have it on like my stories in the background at just the right.

Like everything's just right.

He's got the whole light on outside the bedroom, opens the door and comes in.

She knows if the lights on something serious.

So he wakes me up and immediately.

I'm are my parents OK?

Did someone die?

Is everyone OK?

Now, I want to preface.

As soon as I woke her up, I said everything is fine.

I promise everything is fine.

I know she wasn't hearing or processing, but I kept saying over and over again.

I'm like, everybody's OK.

But that's very horrified.

I'm horrified.

And he says to me, Peepa has been right all along.

There's a mouse in my office.

I when I when I lifted the couch the last time I was like, I swear to God, I just saw a mouse.

I think I saw a mouse.

And when I looked around the corner, I thought I saw something scurry away.

And I was like, Peepa, hold on.

And I was like, oh, God, I was thinking to myself.

I'm like, there's no way I can get this on my own.

I don't want it in my office.

I'm like, I don't want to miss my chance of like.

Like catching it.

I don't want it running around the whole.

So let me run upstairs.

Well, I let the door close.


So I was like, Mom, bring it under the door.

Mom, brain's going to kill me.

But I got to wake her up like this is important.

So I woke her up and I know she's going to be mad at me.

So I'm like.



And now I'm.

Exceedingly pissed off because I have to get up.

It's the first week of school.

Things are insane.

I know.

I've got a teaching assistant out and, you know, things are just nuts in my classroom.

And I am now awakened in the middle of the night after, you know, half the night has gone by.

So I'm laying there.

He like walks away.

He like goes downstairs.

He's like, are you mad at me?

And he goes.

I was like, I don't know what I am.

And he goes, we have a mouse in the house.

What do we do?

I said, it's midnight.

And I just woke up.

I don't let it go to sleep.

It's probably tired.

So she acts like that's a crazy question for some reason.

I come down.

I'm in a T-shirt and underpants.

I am like, my eyes aren't even open all the way.

And I'm like, nauseous because I'm awake.

We go in the office.

And it's updating the site.

And it's typing away.

So we go in the office, which is very small, but has lots of things in it.

And nooks and crannies.

He's got like rubber made plastic buckets, like shoebox sized clear plastic buckets.

And he's like, what do we do?

Not shoebox size.

Come on.

Oh, my gosh.

At least double.

So I'm like, and he's like scared.

I'm not scared.

There's a difference between scared and nervous.

I don't want the mouse.

I can't do my work skitter over my feet.

Like, I'm not.

It's like, I'm not like, oh, my God, I'm horrified.

There's a mouse.

I'm like, this is uncomfortable.

I understand.


It's like, I don't want to say skeeved out feeling.

Yes, but it's also like it happens.

It's not something to be like too concerned or like nervous or embarrassed or whatever about.

But the initial shock.


I can understand it.

And it's in the office and I want to get it while it's there before it runs throughout the house.

Who got it in the end?

Well, hold on.

Keep going.


I'm like in it.

Like, I'm not messing around.

I'm not scared.


Also, I just want to go the fart back to bed as quickly as humanly possible.

So we love cheese.

Might get after your cheese.



So I said to Rami, I was like, shut your door to the office.

So it's Piper and me and him in the office.

Shut the door.

And then we like stuffed a blanket underneath the door so that we're definitely.

You don't even know if it's still in there.

Oh, it's there.

Peep is on it.

So she knows.

And I'm going flush it out, girl.

Flush it out for us because we can't.

You know, it's it was very small.

So finally, we get it kind of like cornered.

And it's like behind Rami's computer.

And I'm like, go get a big plastic cup because maybe I can.

Also, my computer is open.


So it went inside the computer for a second.

Oh, so it got in the fan and started running around.


For the future.

Make sure you have a Santa jacket and a hammer.

Well, I was like, catch it with a coat, smack it with a hammer.

So I am like crouched and like bent.

And I'm like, go get a plastic.

Get a cup and bring it in.

The man takes like three minutes as I'm just staring at this.

He's like, well, do I want to use this cup?

Oh, that's I drink that one a lot.

I knew exactly what cup I was getting.

It was just above the fridge and I had to move stuff to get it.

I knew exactly the perfect cup.


And there's like, you know, a couple of times where I'm like, listen, I'm going to move.

I need you to keep your eyes peeled because if we lose it, I don't want to wait.

I don't want to waste time trying to find it again.

So like, excuse me, we're like, you know, trying to finagle it.

We never lost it.

It finally is like really like it would like go somewhere and sit there for a little while.

And then so we finally get it like on the run.

It was good.

He is like his voice is like seven octaves higher.

And he's like, oh, my God, it's right here.

Oh, my God, it's right.

It's oh, my God.

And finally, like two or three times, he's dropping the container upside.

Down to like try to trap it, trap it.

And he goes, oh, my God, I got it.

Wait, are these clear containers?


He skipped a whole bunch here.

There was a point.

I said I was nervous about the mouse like running across my feet.

There was a point where it literally ran across my feet.

And she's like hysterical laughing because he is just so like, I wasn't like blood turtling

screen, but I'm also like, it's on my feet and I'm trying to watch where it goes.

And everything we chased it like from the front of the room.

Again, as my brain said, the room is really small from the entertainment center to my

desk, entertainment center to my desk.

Like it kept and people.

It's like the whole time chasing it.

But by the end, she's just laying on her side, exhausted from like 24 hours of like being

on vigil.

She's like laying in a corner, like up against the wall, like watching like where it is.

Like you guys take it from here.

So he finally gets it.

But now.

We've got it underneath.



So again, for the record.

I caught the mouse.


Point that out.

And he's he rips off a piece of cardboard from like a Lego set box and I slide it underneath.

But first, we set up this like vapor lock situation so that if it were to escape, it

couldn't really go anywhere else so we could recatch it.

And I'm so scared that I'm going to like hurt the poor mouse as I'm putting the cardboard.

Under I don't want to catch any of it's like paws or anything.


We finally get the piece of cardboard underneath and then I'm like.

Okay, so I'm going to flip it over.

I mean, it's like, hold on.

Wait, hold on.

And I'm like, why don't why don't why don't you go get some tape?

And we'll tape the cardboard and that way, you know, we because, you know, at this point,

I'm like, we're so close to me being able to go back to sleep.

The big difference here is all I'm asking is for my brain to just.

I just want to be on the same page.

What are we doing?

Because she's going to like flip this box and I'm like, what are you doing?

Just tell me what you're doing.


So I'm like, go get tape.

And he's like, well, where is tape?

And I was like, you know what?

Just hold the box.

I'll go get the tape.

So I go get the tape.

Hello, my life.

The mouse was push back hard, but I managed to keep the.

I open the sliding glass door in preparation for bringing it outside.

Oh, and 14 other mice came in.

We tape everything up.

I flip.

The container over.

We have a picture of, I said, we should get a picture just for posterity.

Picture coming to the discord momentarily.

And I say, okay, I open the sliding glass door.

If you could just help me by opening the, Oh God, it was so cute.

If you could just help me by opening a big snout and big ears, huh?

I know the, the screen door.

That'd be great.

And he says to me,

we can't let it out in the backyard.

And I say, why can't we let it out in the backyard?

And he says, because it will come right back inside.

And I said, number one, and I said at one o'clock in the morning, I said, well, what

if we put it just like way in the corner, kind of towards the neighbor's house?

And Rami says, I don't think that's far enough.

And then this is right.

And then I said, it's one 30 in the morning.

You want me to take this effing?

Thing for a ride in the car.

And he says, yes, I think so.

I agree.

What do you want to finish?

And I said, how, where am I taking it?

And he goes, well, how far should we go?

Take it to Nikki Hill's house.

He's far enough.

It is one 30 in the morning.

I don't know what the rule is about how far.

Giant Reggie.


One must take a mouth.

In order for it to not come back.

So he says, well, let's take it to this place here.

You could have just taken to the stream and held it underwater.

And I said, OK, it's terrible.

I said, get me my bag.

Get me my purse.

And I said, do you have your phone?

Because I didn't have mine.

Mine was upstairs on the charger.

And he goes, yeah, I got my phone.

I said, all right, go unlock the car.

Grab my bag.

And he's like trying to find my bag.

And I'm just standing in the kitchen.

I'm just standing in the kitchen holding a mouse in a bucket at one 30 in the morning,

thinking about lesson plans for the next day.

Well, hold on.

I do want to say this since you're getting since you're getting into the weeds here.

She says, get my purse.

Would you think that a purse looks like a fanny pack?

Because I would not.

But that's what her purse is.

A fanny pack.

It's not.

It's a crossbody.

I never seen you wear it like that.

I mean, I have never wanted around my stomach ever in my life.

I know, but it looks like a fanny pack.

Go get it.

You've seen me wear it.

It's crossbody.

So that I when I hear purse, I have an image in my head of purse.

However, I have purse.

I do not live with mom brain 24 seven.

If I did, I'd have a better idea of the bag that she uses to go places.

So that is true.

But she has multiple bags.

Go get it.

I'm not.

Oh, she does.

The show that it looks like a fanny pack.

She does.

But you're very you're very attentive with many things.

And I would assume that the recent one things of mine.

He doesn't know what they look like either, but we won't go there.

Even if even if there was two or three.

I don't know how many bags you you alternate with, but very few.

I just grab all two or three.

I just get whatever I need.

Look at that thing.

It's full.

It looks like it's ready to go.

It's not a fanny pack.

Hold it by the strap.

Oh, it does kind of look like a fan.

Oh, no.

No, but the zipper is the place that would go against the body.

I've never worn it as a fanny pack is worn.


I have only ever worn it as a crossbody.

And I've had it for over a year and used it almost every day.

No, I don't have any other purse that is a regular purse that it would have been confused with.

You have other bags, but like that they're seasonal.

You change them out.

I might change, you know, anyway.



So how far did we go with this?

Like a mile.

Did we check the mileage, though?

Did we like we went right down like to call the sacks?


We went to the little bridge over there.

So it's like not even a two minute drive.

Did you like when you were driving back?

Did you like dust the ground and make sure it couldn't follow the trail?

So I he's holding it on his lap.

Because he's like, well, I could just walk it if you want.

I was like, I'm not sending you at one thirty in the morning with a container to walk down.

And it's like you didn't.

And you I mean, I understand the man doesn't like driving.

It's it's it's a good time of night to be on the road.

Also, I'm a little surprised you didn't give it a little bit of cheese just to help it calm down.

And I'm opening up that box.

Are you crazy?

I think ran across my feet.

You can cut a little hole.

But yeah, my I think I.

I don't know.

Maybe I just go back to sleep and deal with it another time.

Or multiple times.

If I was successful with capturing it.

I might just poke a couple holes.

I mean, you don't even need to poke a couple holes.

It's good.

It's getting air bites through the holes and runs away now.

And you I would leave it out on the on the on the porch for the morning.

Crazy, crazy.

Or you put something heavy on top of it so we can't just tear through the top, you know,

and just and drive it someplace when when timing is.

Is a little bit better.

Multiple times during this whole escapade.

He's like, are you mad at me?

Please don't be mad at me.

Are you mad at me?

Please don't be mad at me.

And I kept just reiterating.

I'm not mad at you.

I'm mad that I'm awake.

She did say that.

I'm mad that this is happening to me in my life right now.

And I'm also.

Worst things have happened to better people.

Also, I'm a I'm a little mad at you.


The truth.

By the way, sorry to interrupt.

I just.


I just have to say this real quick.

I went back.

I haven't drank the Oreo drink in a little bit.

Went back.

I got a strong Oreo flavor.

So it's a weird thing.

I've been drinking it the whole time.



Take pauses.

Continue, though, please.

So thank you.

I get a little little sentimental when I go to drop it off.

I'm like, I'm really sorry about this.

We've been through a lot together.

That happened to you, little dude.

But here's your new home.

And I feel bad because I'm like.

You know, where did you live?

Where where is your family?

And I lived in our house.

I, you know, I kind of feel bad after all it's been through.

But we did leave it right next to the community garden.

So I thought, you know, tomatoes.


You got all kinds of.


And we get I get back in the car and Romney's like, I did the right thing waking you up.

And I was like, yes, that's right.


You did the right thing waking me up.

I'm glad that we saved the mouse.

I woke up the next morning.

I was in bed with me.

I was asked by one of my colleagues who is a very good friend of mine if I was, in fact,

high because my eyes were bloodshot and I looked like crap because, you know, after

all that, you don't just like close your eyes and fall back to sleep again.

It was it was a little bit of a rough.

Day yesterday.

But it did make for an excellent story.

It was just.

It just really was very sad to be awake.

I think it goes to show how good of a relationship we are.

We got the job done.

You were laughing at me while it was happening.

So, I mean, it was.

Do I want to do it?


Was it fun?


But it was something and we did it.

And that's it.

And that's that.

And now I live inside of the couch.

That's where I hide my cheese.

And I like looked at him and I was like.

Oh, it was up inside.

Is there like a hole in the couch?

No, there's not a hole in the couch.

But the bottom is, you know, it has those upholstery staples for the bottom of the couch

and they're loose enough to the point that you could sneak in there.

So I would imagine that's where it was.

That's oddly enough where people went when she when we first got her, she crawled inside

the bottom of the couch.

So I also.

Was like, I like and his office was like trashed from us just trying to like get to it.

And I just like and as I'm like underneath the couch, I'm like, oh, well, there's some

turds like, you know, they remind us.

So I just said to him, I was like.

I can trust you to like clean up what needs to be cleaned up.

Like I'm going I'm going to bed now.

Like I was like, I can't I'm not doing this.


I mean, of course, I'm going to clean my office.

I work in pretty much live in there.




But we did it.

We did it.

What did you name the mouse?


That was it.


Fudge the mouse.

So long story.

Very long story.

Very short.

People was right.

And it's people the hero.

So we named because it happened after midnight.

So yesterday we have now dedicated as people the hero day.

Forgot to say that when we came home, I gave her a whole can of wet slop.


And we just gave, you know, we kept telling her she's the hero.

And she's like, yeah.

But I.

I mean, thanks for the slop.

But I really wanted to eat that mouse.

The best part is she did.

The best part is she was all over that mouse.

Every zigzag.

It went.

She was on top of it like a kitten.

Then when we caught it, she could not see that it was right in front of her face.

I'm like, people, it's right here.

You're looking right at it.

I'm like, it's right in there.

And she's like looking around for.

I'm like, how do you not know?

It's right.

That's not how cats see.

But yeah.

And then like for the rest of that night, she was in the office with me while I was


And she was sitting like up against the wall, like looking.

And at the couch, I was like, girl, we got it.

It's gone.

And then eventually she was like, all right.

And she went and laid in her bed, went back to sleep.

So now we're just terrified that just like babies or something that she's going to start

like acting like that again.

And we're going to have to like, you know, we have to believe her because she was right.

And that's the other thing, like where you where you live.

It doesn't take.

You know, like a big things happen.


You know, no matter where you live.



Can get into the smallest of cracks.


And, you know, our homes are not air and watertight or whatever.

And we're also not the kind of people who would use like any kind of like poison or

like pesticides or herbicides like we don't do any of that.

So I think it probably leaves us like we don't have like exterminators or whatever.

So I guess it does leave us more open to like the outside.

Coming in.

So I was looking at the picture of the peep of bed, the back, the thing behind her is

literally the couch where the mouse was.

So like she was laying in her bed trying to sleep with the thing running around right

next to her head.


So there you go.

That's our story.


Got Zelda impressions.

I have.

I've had.

I've noticed some existence.

Of mice in my basement and I've gotten like the have a heart traps or like whatever.

Put a little bit of peanut butter in there and either they've left before I they're like,

you know, this guy's got nothing for me here or Nikki Hill eats the peanut butter in his

sleep, but they they never like I'm not I'm not good at this.

He wakes up with have a heart traps on his hands.

So I.

I don't know.

They don't seem to.

Jump in there.

But that's also a good thing.

Because I don't go and check the traps regular like every day.

So they would probably just go in there and then starve anyway.

So maybe they know that they're like, this guy's lazy.

He's not going to check up on us.

Let's just leave.

They're also very light and small.

So like they might be able to like get the peanut butter without.


The peanut butter goes.

Like on the far side.

So they have to.

The trap is like a lever like a lever or whatever.

Like a seesaw.

And so it goes up.

And when it goes up, it tips it down.

And when it gets off, it tips back.

And that's how it has to get around the corner to get the thing.

So it shouldn't work that way unless they have a team working together.


Yeah, I don't know.

All that being said, I should probably finish these M&M.

So there's no open food containers around.

Let's get to some other stuff.

Mom brain.

Did you know that you could join the go Nintendo Patreon?

For a dollar dollar.

That's right.

One dollar.

We'll get you access to everything we do there.

What did I write about this week?

Let me tell you.

I wrote about how actually before the Minecraft trailer came out, we didn't even know it was coming out.

But I was getting the urge to play Minecraft and how I haven't played it in so long.

And I've been feeling like I want to get back into it.

So I talked about that.

We did our new Nintendo World Championships NES edition challenge.

This is week seven of our challenges.

I believe we're going to have one more week of challenges.

I forgot to log in and I don't know my login.

So I can't tell you the exact name of the challenge we're doing.

But it's the Kirby one where Kirby's Adventure one where you fight the tree boss, whatever his name, Wispy.

That's the one that we're doing.

So you can get in on that.

I wrote about the Elusive Samurai, which is an anime that is a mix of 2D animation and CG animation.

And I am not a fan of CG animation, mostly when it comes to anything.

But there are instances.

Where it's nice and I would say the Elusive Samurai does it expertly and it's made for a really gorgeous, really interesting visual experience.

Again, it is 2D and it is CG, but they mix both.

And it's not just action is CG and other stuff is 2D traditional.

They mix it all up the whole time.

So it's absolutely gorgeous.

And they use the medium of animation to help tell the story, not just because it's animated.

So a really, really interesting show.

Very visually appealing.

And it's a show that while I liked in the beginning of the season, now I'm like, it's really come into its own.

I'm really appreciating it.

So it's on Crunchyroll if you want to watch it.

The Elusive Samurai.

Look up a trailer.

It's an unbelievably beautiful anime.

I wrote about the impending season of Wheel of Fortune as it will be Ryan Seacrest's debut.

September 9th is the first episode with Seacrest.

And I talked about him.

And not being excited for him and him being rather milk toast and Wheel of Fortune in general and all that.

And I'm a big game show freak.

So I wrote about that.

And people have some interesting thoughts to share.

So that was that spurred on more conversation than I thought.

I also wrote about the Killer Cuts CD, which some people didn't even know existed.

Back in the day when you got Killer Instinct on the Super Nintendo.

If you got it.

I want to say.

At launch, it also came with the Killer Cuts CD, an audio CD.

I got Killer Instinct for a Christmas present for the Super Nintendo.

And it came with the Killer Cuts CD.

And while I didn't really care about it at first, when I eventually got around to listening to it, I was like, oh, my God, this is really good.

It is cheesy.

It's very dance-ish of that era.

So think about like Venga Boys and Aqua and stuff like that.

It fits in with that kind of stuff.

But it's Killer Instinct related songs.

And I say it stood the test of time.

As long as you're down with that kind of cheesy dance, straightforward music, I think it's still pretty darn good.

You can listen to the whole thing on YouTube and other places, too.

But I wrote about that and how that soundtrack has been a part of my life pretty much since I first listened to it.

I remember putting the CD in my car on the way to college.

It's just kept popping up throughout the years.

And just recently, YouTube, like a couple of weeks ago, was like, hey, would you like to listen to this album?

And I was like, oh, my God, I haven't heard this in forever.

And now I'm listening to it again.

I wrote about Visions of Mana, which is the new Mana game that's out on PS5 and PS4, I believe, Xbox Series, whatever.

And I haven't played it yet, but I desperately want to.

And there's a demo available.

And it looks so darn good.

It's an action RPG.

So, you know, it looks very akin to Zelda.

It'll be more detailed in as far as combat goes.

But that's what it looks like.

And I really want to check it out.

It's just I haven't had time.

And there's so.

So much stuff to play right now.

Not a complaint by any means.

Just there's a lot going on.

There's a lot to look forward to.

There's a lot of stuff that just came out recently.

Every week is bringing out some really interesting, fun, exciting games.

So Visions of Mana is on my backlog.

But I want to get to the demo at least so I can be like, yeah, this is something I definitely want to play.

But, man, it looks awesome.

It looks really gorgeous.

And that's the most recent post.

I haven't had a time.

I haven't gone in to look at the comments on that yet.

But that's what we're talking about on Patreon.

So you could join in the fun for a dollar.

Also, we had our latest Go Nintendo for a dollar.

It's the thin candy shell.

Our latest Go Nintendo expansion pack feature.

If you don't remember, Go Nintendo expansion pack is a weekly Friday feature on Go Nintendo where I write about something that might be game related, but not necessarily Nintendo related.

Or it could be about anime or TV shows or movies or music or wrestling or comic.

Or comic books or whatever.

And this week's expansion pack feature is called Visual Novel Fans Welcome to the Book Club.

And I talk about how within the group of people who call themselves readers, there's a lot of judgmental gatekeeping that goes on for people who are like, oh, I don't read on the Kindle.

I read actual books like a paperback.

And other people are like, oh, I don't.

I don't read paperbacks.

I only get hardcover.

And there's other people who are like, oh, you listen to audio books.

Those don't count.

That's not actually how you read a book.

You have to sit down with the book to read it.

And then there's other people who are like, oh, you listen at double the speed.

That doesn't count.

You have to listen at the regular speed.

And there's other people that are like, I told you I can't read.

And I.

I wrote about how I have not been interested in reading because of school from when I was a kid.

I was just like, they assign you books.

I thought books were supposed to be fun.

They're making me read books like that they choose.

And I got to do reports and take tests on them.

This sucks.

So it ruined reading for me.

And eventually I took on reading traditionally as a New Year's resolution.

And I've stuck with it.


I also talked about how one of my other New Year's resolutions was reading comic or getting into the MCU, which led to me reading comic books.

And I was excited to talk about that with people who traditionally read.

And some of them welcomed it.

And other ones were very much gatekeepers and were scoffing at the idea that I would even consider things like comic books or manga.

So are you looking at reading?


So that was very disappointing.

And then I eventually got to where I am now with reading.

And I was like, that is not correct.

That led me to seeing the gatekeeping that goes on with audio books and how you read your physical books, whether they're digital or physical, or if you get them from the library or purchase them.

Are you doing audio books?


I read on my iPhone through the Kindle app.

That's not.

No, that's not reading.

Yeah, that's how I was going to say.

I am not part of any of that group at all.

Which was why I wrote.

I wrote this article because it's about visual novels.

And I am so sick of gatekeeping and everything.

But I am putting the olive branch out there for those who read or play visual novels, whatever you want to call it, because they get the bad from both sides.

Gamers, some groups of gamers are like, those aren't games.

That doesn't count as a video game.

And the other side are readers who are like, that doesn't count as reading.

That's not a book.

And I'm like, man, they're getting it from both sides here.

So I extended the olive branch being like, if you are a visual novel fan.

You are a reader.

You are very much part of the book club situation.

Do not let people make you feel bad about it.

You count.

You are involved.

So that's the whole gist of the piece.

It's a very long piece, actually.

It's much longer than I expected to write.

But it just flowed and I was feeling it.

And there have been comments and people have reached out in other ways where they're saying they have experienced that gatekeeping.

And they're really happy that I put something together like this because it makes them feel not so alienated.

And I said, well, that's why I wrote this, because I felt and still feel alienated by some people.

There are readers in my life who, again, scoff or laugh at the idea of visual novels being a form of reading.

And they just, you know, they just can't even fathom that being something that people do and that people would consider reading.

And it's just shocking to me because, yes, while visual novels may have sound or they may have.

They may have visuals to go along with them.

They are, first and foremost, stories that are told through thousands upon thousands upon thousands of words.

It's just a book in another form.

That's all that it is.

You know, with comparing it to traditional literature, it's like a build your own adventure kind of, you know.

Did you say that?

I did not say that in this piece, but I did think that.

But other ones aren't.

They're just the stories.

They're just stories told and you don't make choices.

You just read through the story.

Well, I mean, the choices that you make don't really alter too much all the time.

It's just that the chronology or like the way it's told changes a little bit.

Yeah, but I do want to be clear.

There are visual novels where you don't make any choices at all.

You just read.

But then, yeah, on top of that, it also if there are ones where you do make choices, even if they don't alter things a little bit,

it makes you feel like more of a participant in the story.

Like you are some small way directing how the story goes, which, again, there are choose your own adventure traditional books as well.

So but yeah, no more gatekeeping.

I hate gatekeeping in general.

I'm a gatekeeper on gatekeeping and I want to push back on it hard.

And this was an area where I felt that I could.

So thank you for the very positive feedback on this.

I really appreciate it.

And I'm glad it made some people feel so strongly enough that they reached out to me through multiple ways to tell me that they appreciated a piece.


I really like doing these expansion pack features.

This one felt like probably the strongest so far.

I'm I'm proud of all of them, but I'm I'm really proud of this one.

And the message, because that kind of stuff is important to me.

And I'm sure if you listen to the podcast, you know that about me.

So thanks to those who read it.

I'm glad the message resonated with people and it seemed to do well on social media, too.

So thank you.

You might remember last week I said this coming week's expansion pack is going to be written by Nintendo.

And I said, oh, probably because I'm saying that it won't happen.

Well, here we are.

She was not around to write the piece she was expecting to.

My understanding is this coming week she will be able to write it and it will be about the Brian Jordan Alvarez TV show English Teacher.

She will be sharing her thoughts on that show.

Now, Mom Brain and I have both watched the first two episodes because that's all available.

And I think it's fantastic.

Very funny.

Very topical.

Very meaningful.

Very heartfelt.

Very interesting.

Very important.

Important to people now today.

Very mindful.


Did you watch the second episode of Only Murders?

Yes, I did.

There are things about that show I love.

I watched this episode and I was like, I've liked this show every season.

But something about this season, I feel like there's only two episodes.

But I'm like, they're firing on all cylinders with this one.

So they got into like, oh, play a card game.

And I was just like, I was watching and I'm like.

I can't grasp storytelling or like creative writing or something because I would never include this as part of a story.

Like they get, you know, like they get involved in whatever.

And but everything plays into each other.

Like everything plays into something else.

And I don't know if it's always been like that.

But there's something about this that seems so textbook.

Where it's just like.

Like you're getting pieces of a bigger story and there's a payoff where everything relates.

And then over the full arc, you're getting pieces where everything pays off.

You're getting like multiple payoffs for every little bit of information that you get.

And it works.

And that's like creative writing or screenwriting 101 where like every single thing has a purpose.

And they're really showing it here.

There are all the seasons have their threads that tie together.

But I will completely agree that this season it feels like.

And we're only in two episodes.

But it feels really tight and really rewarding and really like just.

It's like they have like by season four drilled down into the core elements of what make the show work and how to go about spreading that or telling that story.

And yeah, it's at that point where it's so good where I'm like, I hope the rest of the season.

Keeps it up because this is like the best of this show so far.

And I've been a fan of the show from just the dynamic of the main characters in general.

I also love Richard kind.

So I'm happy he's in the season.

I looked up that card game, by the way.

I was like, I want to read more about this card.

Is it real?

Yeah, it's a real card game.

I want to.

I want to give it a go.

You just need a standard deck of cards.

I need to watch a video to better understand how to play.

But it's a real card game.


Great season.

Love it.

So there's all that jazz.

We did it all.

Let's get into top stories.

There really wasn't too much this week outside of the usual.

But we'll cover.

You're right, George.

It is finally.


Charles Martinet, former voice of Mario, current Mario ambassador.

He'd probably love this soap.

He has revealed his favorite Mario games.

According to Mr. Martinet, who did a question and answer session at Nintendo Live.




That is Sydney, Australia.

He was asked, what are your favorite Mario games?

And he said he likes the more sandbox style Mario games.

So his favorites are Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario 3D World, Super Mario 64, Super Mario

Sunshine, and Super Mario Odyssey.

So he just picked pretty much every 3D Mario game.

Sorry, Super Mario Galaxy 2.

You were left out.

Probably he's including that with Galaxy anyway.

Very diplomatic.

Dramatic answer.

My favorite Mario games are all the ones I've done the voices for.

So, you know, it is what it is.

I wish they were like, yeah, but if you had to pick one, what one would it be?

But they weren't.

It's not like you can go wrong with a Mario game.

Do you think he plays them, though?

I feel like he probably doesn't.

Great question.

He probably plays all of them somewhat.

Like he fires them up for a bit.

He's getting them from Nintendo.

So I'm sure he puts on.

He's like.

I want to hear my voice.

And, you know, does whatever.

But is he getting all 120 whatever's?

And no, he's probably not.

If I was at the event, I would have asked them, but I wasn't.

Hey, anybody who gets the opportunity to ask him, I'm really curious to know.

And like, you're never really going to get a real answer, right?

He's probably just going to say, of course I do.

Oh, thank you so much.

Yeah, of course.

I like it to play my game to you.

Tumnal Blake had the chance because they say it was so cool to be here for this.

I even got a photo with him.

I'll tell you, Blake.

I wish you put the link to the photo.

I'd love to see it.

But that is awesome.

Mom Brain and I.

Oh, I've met him multiple times.

Nikki Hill has met him just the once.

I think Mom Brain met him at a Nintendo event and Nintendo NY and got a picture and got something autographed.

And he said great things about teachers and everything.

It was a great meeting.

He's been nothing but a lovely man.

Thank you so much for teaching my youth.

Teaching my youth.

We also have more updated rumors.

About the Switch's successor.

A lot of that stuff came out this week.

A lot of talk from insiders of different levels saying, speculating, discussing when we might hear or see about the Switch successor officially.

Obviously, there's nothing official out there.

But I'm going to lump in all this stuff into one story.

Nate the Hate is an industry insider who has a proven track record.

So take that as you will.

They have doubled down.

On the claims that the Switch's successor will be backwards compatible.

And their new evidence points to, yes, that once again being the case.

So if you are very hopeful that the Switch's successor is backwards compatible with the Switch, then it seems like that will be the case.

We don't know if that will be through physical methods, as in you put in the game card or through a Nintendo account or whatever.

But backwards compatibility would lead me to believe you can actually take your physical game card and put it in.

So there you go.

We've also heard speculation from multiple sources that.

September will be the month where we will see some sort of reveal for the Switch's successor.

That's just speculation.

We don't know for sure.

I know.

Because they squeezed those two other Directs into August.

September is traditionally the time for Directs.

So maybe they will show something this month.

I don't know.

We also had some analysis of Nintendo's spending.

And they had a record level of spending on research and development for this past fiscal year.

Also on their landscaping, they spent a lot.

That's where it all went.

So research and development goes towards everything that the company does in general, like experiments that don't even see the release or see the light of day, but also goes towards successors of hardware, too.

So it makes sense for the spend being so high because that's what's going on.

And two companies that Nintendo works with also have talked about basically their amusement divisions have been seeing a lot of revenue because they're working with partners that are making big orders and making big deals.

So obviously, we know these companies work with Nintendo.

So all the pieces are aligning.

We all know something's going on.

The big question is, when are we going to see it?

According to two industry insiders in particular, we can expect to see something this month, whether that's like, I don't know what it would be, but we'll see something.

One insider is claiming that they're not right.

That insider is also saying that we will get a Switch OLED bundle this year, which makes perfect sense.

Apparently, it will be a Super Mario Brothers.

Wonder bundle.

So it's the game as a code, a white Switch OLED and a three month subscription to Switch online.

That'll be in a bundle that is apparently confirmed by this insider for Europe.

Not official for North America.

They can't get confirmation on there being a bundle that includes Super Mario Brothers.

Wonder, but they do say there will be a Switch OLED bundle for sure.

So that, you know, as far as speculation goes, that's, you know, that's definitely going to happen as we lead into the holiday season, whether it's another Mario Kart bundle or they do.

Wonder here as well.

We'll find out.

But as far as.

As far as Switch successor speculation, two people stand by what they said, say something's coming in September.

One person is doubling down on their backwards compatibility rumors and one person is saying no successor stuff this month, but Switch OLED bundles coming.

So you got a little bit of everything in there and we're at the beginning of the month.

We'll see what happens.

You know what?

I'll tell you what's going to happen.

We're going to get Zelda Echoes of Wisdom this month.

I can guarantee it on the 26th Market Town.

First comment because I updated a story comes from King Broly says better include Switch one carts.

They're called game cards.

King Broly, you're better than that.


Like I said, if it's backwards compatible, I would imagine that would be the case.

You actually put your game card in there.

North America.

What do we got?

This week?

Let me tell you.

So sorry to take you away from paying for ad.

What are you playing?


It was recommended to me.

See ads for that all the time.

North America.

What do we get this week?

I'll be happy to tell you.

NBA 2K25.

Ace Attorney Investigations Collection.

We have an excellent review on the site of that.

I highly recommend you read it.

I didn't write.

Adrenaline Collection Pack.

Arrow the Acrobat 2.

Yes, that is Arrow the Acrobat from the Super Nintendo days.

Come back to the Switch.

Animal Water Pang.

Arcade Archives Finalizer.

Super Transformation.

Badminton Time.

It's a Switch exclusive.

Crossy Road Castle.

Crypt Custodian.

Heard great things about that game.


Egg Console.


The MSX version.


I've been curious about that game.

Fitness Boxing featuring Hatsune Miku.

Flick Erasers Battle Royale.

Gimmick 2.

Yes, that is the sequel to Gimmick, the classic NES game with a soundtrack by David Wise.

Gold Digger the Simulator.

Hard Time 3.



Simulation for gold digging?

I would imagine it's actual gold digging and not stealing money.

Hard Time 3.

Kiki, a vibrant 3D platformer.

Lost Balloons.

Airy Mates.

Maximum Entertainment RPG Bundle.

Ninja Girls.

Kunoichi Puzzle.


Play with your food.

Pixel Boy 2.

The Castle Revenge.

Powered Platformer Bundle.

Scotland Yard.

Hunting Mr. X.


Learn Japanese with photography.

We will have a review of that.

Shield King.

Shogun Showdown.

Sugoi Girls.

Sassy Heroine.

Sunsoft is back.

Retro Game Collection.

Yes, that is the Sunsoft for old gamers like myself and Nikki Hill.

Some of their games in one package for the Switch.

Super Shaking Girl.

The 257th Element.

They made a lot of sequels to that movie.

The Meeting.

That is M-E-A-T.

And that is also coming out on the NES.

Physical Cartridge.

Think or Die.

Collection Package.

Think or die.

V Hunter.



What Happened.

Through Worlds.

Yars Rising.

A brand new entry in the Yars franchise made by WayForward.

It's a Metroidvania.

They're taking a Yars classic game and turning it into a Metroidvania.

Very interesting.

And then finally, Zero Uno Games Collection Pack 1.

No comment on this one.

Josh, if you could please take us to the Land of Sweetness.

What are the next European masterpieces?

Let us know.

Let us find out with Nicky's Sweet Releases.

Thank you, Josh.

I've got good news.

I've got great news.

Europe is getting games this week.

Sorry, I'm going to go pee again.

It's okay.

It's a list.

We've got a long list.

Europe is getting games this week.

Coming to the Switch eShop the week of September the 5th, the year of our Lord 2024.

It's quite a list.

Let's do this.

Ace Attorney Investigations Collection.

Right off the bat, number two.

I don't know how to read.




Why would I read it like that?

Romney had so much adrenaline.

It's like the name.

It's like the name of a character who got pumped full of some special thing.

It's like, watch out for adrenaline.


Collection pack.

Dear Lord.

Any mile water pang or animal water pang.

Bad minton time or bad minton time.

I'm going to move on and try to read these properly.


Maybe Bakaroo.

I don't know.



That's the one made by Goodfield that is the spiritual successor to Mystical Ninja.


And that's the one that I say looks like he's got a Game Boy camera on his head.

That's right.

You don't think so.

But other people who are fans of the site and share their opinions in the chat.

I didn't say you were wrong.

They said that they agree.

Billy's Game Show.

Date Z.

Dex and Akane?

That's how I'd say it.

How would you say that?



I would read it normally.

Egg Console.






Finger Cuts.

Fitness Boxing featuring Hatsune Miku.

Flick Erasers Battle Royale.

Flip Book.

Forests, Fields, and Fortresses.

Fruit Attack.

Hentai Girls Lovely Lieutenant.

Hole I.O. and Helix Jump.

Holy Hunt.

Island Survival.

Craft, Build, Grow.

Paper Ghost Stories.

Third Eye Open.

There might be a joke.

There might be a joke in there for Third Eye Blind.

I'm not feeling it.

I was thinking...

Arms Wide Open?

Arms Wide Open.

That's what it was.


With Third Eye Open.

You can do that thing?

All right.

Ruthless Carnage Hotline.


Is this the Ruthless Carnage Hotline?

Yes, I'm Ruth Carnage.

Scotland Yard hunting Mr. X.

Meister X?

Mr. Shield King.

Super Dark Deception.

Super Shaking Girl.

Survival Heroes.

The 257th Element.

Man, they really made a lot of sequels about that one.

About that movie.

The fifth one was Love.

What's 257?

You don't want to know.

The Back Rooms Survival.

Oh, is that like a walking simulator of walking through liminal spaces?

I mean, I'm sure you're avoiding some sort of monster back there.

The Night's Path.

Think or Die Collection Pack.

Tohu, Danmaku, Kagura, Fantasia Lost.

That is a music-based game, and it has music from Toby Fox, the creator of Undertale and Delta Room.

Tetsaggy's Adventure?




I don't know.


Ubo Attack?

Ubout Attack?


What are we getting here?

I don't know.

Ubout Day?

I would say Ubout.





Oh my gosh.

Umamu Sume?

Umama Sume.

Pretty Derby.

Party Dash.

V Hunter Puzzler DX.


It's for Vampire.

Oh, the DX made me think it might be something else.




Is there a comment there, Nick?

Yeah, there is a comment from Steister.

Let's all give a rousing round of applause for the one and only Nicky Hill.

Thanks, Nicky Hill.

Well, thank you, Steister.

Oh, wow.

You got the double applause.

The applause, applause.

And I believe that's your top stories for the week, my friends.


Yeah, that's it.

I told you it was a light week, light work.

um mom brain what have you been playing penny and flow and uh home sense which i downloaded

at the suggestion of i forget who today i'm sorry remind me i put out a request for some cozy

uh chill puzzle games for me to play while i listen to lectures hi outlaws that kirby glass

art is amazing i love me some waddle d so here we are and uh that's it okay nikki hill what

have you been playing thank you mom brain my pleasure um no we played we played mousetrap

oh crazy contraption oh that would have been awesome if you did build like a whole thing

it kind of was he dropped the bucket don't don't move it's just when the marble goes down the

stairs and the guy backflips into the cup and that's when we'll get him um


the only thing i don't even think i played solitaire just a little bit of tetris and not

even for the weekend challenge uh i was going for like the second or third week probably second

i was going to play detective m.e.o in the bag of truth or whatever and uh

uh somebody write that down detective m.e.o in the bag of truth and i um i started i when i opened

when i turned around i was like oh my god i'm gonna play detective m.e.o in the bag of truth

and i turned on the switch tetris was there and it was like you know in sleep mode so i was like

yeah i'll play a round or two and i ended up playing for over an hour and then that was it

so i never got to play detective m.e.o oh my god i could have had my feet up on this chair the whole

time what am i on the table the chair is on the far side i know you want it over here no i can do

this i know so that's all i played um how about you raw meat thanks for asking um i played a little

bit of fortnight i'm not playing as much fortnight as i want as i said there's someone um

playing that i don't mesh with their play style so it means i'm not playing as often it makes me

very sad but i have still been playing with family and i love it and it's always fun so that's good

um i played more bakaru uh which i am i don't want to say slowly but

modestly pacing myself to go through because i'm clearing everything in every level before i go to the game

to the next step before i write my review i'm gonna interrupt for a second sure this oreo coke

i mean i'm still enjoying it this is uh you know you take a little pause you step away for a second

you take a sip and you're like what am i drinking oreo coke here well yes i am go ahead curious to

see uh what the sugar version tastes like it's what i was just about to say too i mean it's good

um you know i don't think i ever tried this the full sugar spiced version

but i'm not going to go to the next step before i write my review i'm going to interrupt for a second

um i don't remember i i'm very curious to know what the oreo coke blood ocean yes the full oreo

comes out september 9th but nikki hill managed to find it at a local uh convenience store

and we are enjoying it oh that's good i walked in and i said i know you have it uh yeah so i'm

playing bakaru um man it's fun it's just a good throwback platformer level design is really fun

it's such a colorful game the moves are fun you do a double uh i want i don't remember what the

sticks are you hit the drums with tom toms um you can do a double charge up move where you slam

the ground and there's so many enemies to do to and they all explode into coins it's just very

satisfying um the level design in some levels is like particularly fun there's one that was like

a festival stage where you like walk through like it's kind of like an amusement park but kind of

not and you walk through like the gates in the beginning and there's a little roller coaster

and then you work walk your way up like through these floors of like a lot of stuff and then you

festival lights and like enemies swinging around and then there's a big top floor where there's

like a dance music festival going on it was a really cool level i really liked it um the game

it's not mold breaking by any means but it's a kind of game we don't really see too much of

anymore and i think it's a ton of fun my only complaint so far is that i wish the special

powers that you got were used more often but i guess that's my fault um there's one that makes

you very tiny

to sneak through doors and there's not too many opportunities to do it there's one that makes you

like it gives you like this big suit of armor that you wear that you basically like fists you

like show tape punch everybody and i really like that and i've been making a point to use it

because it's a lot of fun to use and then there's a third one that's uh uh i don't have the fourth

one yet but the third one is um you have fishing rods that you like throw out to attack enemies

with from far away and that one's fun too so i'm making a lot of fun with it and i'm making a lot

of fun with it and i'm making a point of like i'm playing it how i wouldn't normally play a game

so like they give you things to use and i'm using them and i'm like oh this is this is fun i just

wish there were more opportunities specifically where it's like the game is like you should be

using those things here but that's my only complaint really i love it wait sorry situations

of like you specifically use that tool for like a puzzle like a yeah like it's very clear like

you're supposed to be using that thing here like in zelda games but so like there's like a

a door that needs to be unlocked or something and like you would throw out the fishing line

and then like reel it in or something to pull something like that right is that what you're

saying uh yeah exactly but uh it's not necessary uh but it's still fun that the things are there

it's just the one that makes you shrink there's no benefit other than you shrink and you need to

do that to fit into certain spaces and i wish there were more of that um but it's a it's a

great game it's a lot of fun i'm really enjoying it like i said i'm making a point

each level has three items to collect and five uh like points of information to find you don't

need to do that to get through the stage but i am because i enjoy doing that and as i said a couple

weeks ago you find these little things and they tell you they mostly tell you things about japan

and japanese things but there are some other things that are just overall information and i

don't know that there's ever been a time where i had a collectible in the game

where i looked forward to getting the

collectible like in games i want to get the collectibles because they unlock other things

and i like that but here you're just get i don't know maybe getting enough of the things will

unlock something at the end of the game but if that's the case i don't know right now but here

i'm like oh another little tidbit i'm excited to read what this is and it's like uh one of them

was like green tea gargling green tea is uh it has uh medicinal properties for this that and the

other thing i was like i never knew that so much so then i told mom brain about it it's true

and i was like i like these little things they're just fun little tidbits of trivia to learn it's

interesting and like i said most of them teach you about japan and there's a lot of stuff i didn't

know so just cool little things love the game awesome i know it's not going to sell well i know

it's not going to have a far reach but boy am i happy it got localized and it deserves your love

and praise and play time if you're a fan of good feels work through nintendo games and you liked

those nintendo games made by good feel you're going to love it and i'm going to love it and i'm

you will get that same good feel ing from bakaru so there's a demo available go play the demo

uh so i played that uh i played

i played oh i downloaded meo like the full thing but i haven't started the next chapter yet because

i want to do it on the treadmill and i was behind in what i was watching but now i am caught up so

tonight my plan is to play a chapter of meo whatever you called it

detective uh detective meo and the bag of truth so i'll play chapter four and detective me on the

bag of truth tonight uh very much looking forward to it um i said i was going to talk about this

earlier in a way that i can't talk about it i'm gonna go read the email again because it's making

me so mad rugrats adventures in gameland is a brand new game coming out on september 10th it

is coming out on switch

and other platforms it is also coming out on the nes if you want to get an nes copy you can do that

the switch version lets you switch between modes so you can play nes mode or you can play hd mode

hd mode looks like the cartoon it is all hand-drawn hand-drawn characters just as they were in the tv

show hand-drawn backgrounds much like they were in the tv show or again you can play nes version

which looks like an nes game

um or you can just get it on the nes which only has the nes version obviously it doesn't have the

hd version let me read this to you out loud embargo details please refrain from posting

any type of coverage written live stream gameplay video or social media posts until monday september

9th at a time i won't say the time please refrain from written live stream technically this is a

live stream gameplay video or social media so i'm going to read this to you out loud and i'm going to

the way i read it is i can't tell you about it is this silly i think it's silly but i agree to the

embargo and it's their rules and i don't have to like them i just have to follow them the only

reason i will say it's silly twofold the game comes out threefold the game comes out in a

couple days i don't think a ton of people are going to go crazy for this game especially when

it comes to spoilers and the third reason is

i really want to talk about it like i really want to talk about it

why i'll say in a good way i really want to talk about it i can't elaborate i'm very disappointed

can i just ask a question this week you'll read my review next week i'll talk about it on the

podcast not you don't think a lot of people are going to go crazy about it do you think they should

or can you not say i don't think they should go crazy about it i mean like

to have what i'm saying is to have such a restrictive embargo for a game like rugrats

it's like

this isn't going to be a million seller i i'm not saying i don't argue it would hurt them i'm not

saying i don't want it to be i'm just saying it's not going to be a million seller yeah like let me

talk about the game yeah uh but i'm not complaining as in like i'm not one to be like i sign the

embargo i'm going to do what i want i'm not going to do what i want but i feel i can still like

share my dismay with the embargo because i'm eager to talk about the game like the game comes

out in two days i want to talk to you guys about it before it comes out and my voice lets me impart

more than a written thing does i can still show my passion through a written piece and you will

have that oh god so many things i can't talk about can i there's other things that i'm writing about

that have an embargo that are going up against that embargo so i'm sorry but rugrats has to

take the back seat um i'm sorry if you already explained this because i i'm sure you're aware

i wasn't paying attention for a minute but what are rugrats

um does this have anything to do with the animal that was in your office

what are you talking about now i'm confused it was a couch mouse couch mouse rugrat no

anyway um what style of game can you talk about this is it like a 2d that's the other thing

there was like a demo that's out that i played that i can talk about it's months ago so i could

talk about basically the game but i can't

you can talk about the demo impressions um it's a 2d platformer but it is um

not a straightforward 2d platformer where it's just like go through the level and fight the boss

each level has uh three or four reptar coins and you have to find you you don't have to find them

but you should find them and each level also has a screwdriver that you use to break on open the

lock and you can use it to break open the lock and you can use it to break open the lock and you can

knock at the end of the level to fight the boss which is seen in the demo um

so levels are a little bit open-ended like you'll have multiple paths to go you eventually have to

take them all but when you'll go into like the demo level which is a tree and you can go like

climb a vine that's outside the tree or you can go inside the tree and climb up through the tree

and there's things to find throughout all of it and then you fight a boss at the end so it's not

as straightforward as just going to level linear through and you're out

and in the demo i really liked that um

oh by the way hd they call it hd audio so like there's an 8-bit soundtrack as you hear it on the

nes and then there's an enhanced soundtrack as you hear it in the hd version of the game too

and you can you can't flip through them uh on the fly is this a remake no it's a brand new game

brand new game okay uh you can't flip through them on the fly you have to go to the pause menu

and switch that way so there's no like hit a shoulder button and you can't flip through them

and hd audio 8-bit audio it's a shoulder button it's it's not a it's uh you know it's not as

graceful as i would like but it's one more button it's not a big deal but i it's only if you want to

change the soundtrack and the visuals right yeah and you can mix and match so you can have old

school visuals with new audio or new hd visuals with old school audio i mean the only game that

i played that was like that was i think wonder boy there are multiple games where you can just

and it does it would swipe yeah it's not like it takes a long time or anything like it's instant

but they took that i believe see it doesn't make much sense to me because i don't know why you

would do it like that because on the nes you're not swapping the hd anything because you can't

so like on the switch why wouldn't you just have a shoulder button be dedicated to swapping between

those things it's not a big deal it's not a big deal it's a nitpick but uh that's the case so

i'll talk more about how often are you switching i feel like you'd switch it to to leave it that

way right

so they have it set up as like a an option in the menu not if i was someone who were playing the

game and i was like i prefer 8-bit visuals and audio but i am curious what this would sound like

in hd audio and look like in hd then i would switch between multiple times in a level to be

like let's see how different this looks because i'm nosy so that's what i would do if i played

the game

but i'll tell you more in my review this week but there's no actual benefit to switching back

it's not like that's a game feature or like you have to i mean it is a game feature but you know

but like you don't get anything for it no that makes it essential but i think it's fun to see

what it looks like yeah um and i would imagine there's very big differences but again like the

hd version does look exactly like the cartoon they are drawn to spec for the cartoon uh just

the hd listen which regrets wasn't maybe you can't say this but they're the pockets i can say

whatever i want maybe i'm just gonna ask it you you don't have to answer but is it better than

the like the ren and stimpy games from the game boy and stuff like that

i as far as the demo goes i will say it's much better i would say the demo level was indicative

of a game that

was very high quality and if it were made back in the day it would be fondly remembered today

as one of the great licensed games of the nes that's what i would say based on the demo level

okay just the demo level i'll talk to you more afterwards uh and then uh i last night i

downloaded astrobot because as do and i have said many times we don't often use our

ps5s to play in anything exclusive because we don't feel there's all that much exclusive there

uh i am a huge fan of platformers i'm a nintendo fan so of course i like platformers i literally

just got finished talking about a platformer i loved astrobot i played everything astrobot

there's been the vr game the game that's installed on your ps5 so a brand new astrobot game with 80

plus levels however many it is yes day one i'm there to support something like that i know this

game's not going to sell well i know it's not going to sell anywhere near what it needs to sell

to like make a dent i would love to be wrong we don't know i uh if the game just came out so i

don't know what sales are going to be i would say uh you know if the game reaches five million in

sales i would be shocked i think the ceiling for a game like this is going to be if i'm being really

generous three million i think that's really generous and i hope i'm wrong is that game

meta or is it just like tied into pop culture like i don't know nothing

about astrobot let me tell you they just did they announce this recently or they just showed

it off recently yeah because it's not nintendo announces things very quickly and then they come

out because that works for nintendo and their fans operate a certain way sony does not operate that

operate that way so when they announce a game and it comes out shortly after it's because they know

it's not really gonna it's not like a big title for them but there are certain people are all

about reviews for this game have been stellar it is the highest reviewed game of the entire year

this is a game that is

exclusive to playstation it is a sony game exclusive to ps5 yes it will never be on anything

else other than a sony system down the line maybe and they're sony the brand sony is and they just

don't they don't expect that it's going to it's a 3d platformer on a system where people do not

play those games that's not what those people buy uh but again they spent the money to make it i

want to stress it astrobot is the best game reviewed

of 2024 so far highest reviewed out of all systems out of everything it's all countries all systems

everything every system every game every company for 2024 i want to say it's a 94 last i looked

so i've played i mean astrobot on vr was fantastic the thing built into ps5 was fantastic

um astrobot so far of the four plus or five levels i've played is stellar it's made by people who

understand what makes 3d games so far it's a 94 so far it's a 94 so far it's a 94 so far it's a 94

platformer is fun it's inventive it's whimsical it's a joy to control it's just exciting to see

what's around every corner it's not a fully 3d open world platformer it's like um it's more like

galaxy um so you get dropped down you know each planet is its own thing and you don't go into it

multiple times you go into a stage it's got seven little characters to collect and maybe three puzzle

pieces but it's a linear path

mostly through these worlds but they're 3d environments but they're not like open world 3d

um it is fantastic just like the experience that's built into the ps5 the uh the features

of the ps5 controller are used extensively you feel everything you feel grass when you walk

through it you feel metal platforms beneath you you feel water when it rushes around you they

the developers like they are very much using everything

the ps5 controller can do there's motion controlled things there's everything everything

about it you use and it feels so good the feeling of walking on a metal platform is

unbelievable it's one of the coolest sensations i've ever felt in a game you feel the grass when

you're walking by and you're like oh yeah that's really cool it's nice but there's something about

the combination of the sound effect for walking on a metal platform mixed with whatever they got

going on in a controller you're like wow that feels spot on it just feels awesome

but uh the levels are so inventive um there it's just it's exactly what you want from the 3d

platformer it feels great it's just fun it makes you smile little things to collect all over the

place uh little animations and characters it's like it's sony's best attempt at doing what

nintendo does and it's at least as good as what nintendo does i would say nintendo overall like

a mario platformer has a little

has bells and whistles uh that make it better um and there's a thing that i think makes astro games

astrobot games worse not you know negligible i one is a big gripe for me but it's a me thing

um but yeah it's a stellar experience so far and i have no reason to believe that it's going to

fall apart as the game goes on it's just expertly made it's a it's a 3d platformer that's wonderful

it's just so much fun and it's got no real reason for anybody to

uh what is the rating bombing what is it what do they call it review bomb review bomb it

not that i know of other than it being a 3d platformer i feel like that might contribute

to why it's the highest rated game of the year because like so many other guys rated

by critics i don't know what the user review is um here's a question do you think

legend of zelda echoes of wisdom is going to bump it from that i guess the wisdom will be up there

but if i had to guess uh i'd say echoes of wisdom i think it's going to bump it from that position

i think it's going to bump it from that positiongescholine it's going to bump it from that position

because you have a little thing on your list and that's why this is so interesting i guess if i go into

the world health but i'll be bad at the boss i'm going to go into like the boss

i'd say echoes of wisdom will get like a 90 91 i can't see it getting like a 96 or 97 not like

breath of the wilder tears of the kingdom it'll be there's there's a chance but i think astrobot

will be above it um rightfully so or not that's for you to decide i don't even know what else

came out this year we're in september we are in september a lot of stuff came out this year i feel

like it's still february except it's warmer so you ask is it pop culture related it is not pop

culture related but it is very sony related it's like a your spaceship in the game is a ps5 right

and there are little playstation related things everywhere and uh each level has like hidden

astrobots in it and some of them are dressed as playstation characters like there's the bloodborne

guy and i should say characters playstation fans are familiar with so there's like one of them

looks like solid snake he's not a playstation character but obviously the

history of a playstation or had one um there's uh uh ratchet and clank characters they you know

they look like astrobot but it's you know so if you are very much crash bandicoot crash bandicoot

is in there so they had to talk to microsoft about that one but i just saw crash bandicoot

last night there was a whole bunch of crates that had what looked like fruit in them and i was like

i bet crash bandicoot's here and you break one of them and crash was there so yes and it doesn't

seem like it's a crash bandicoot it's a crash bandicoot it's a crash bandicoot it's a crash bandicoot

say the character's name outright for any of them it gives like a playful name on them and

like a little text blurb that's like oh that's a little cheeky joke so um

i personally think astrobot the whole franchise is done a disservice because of those things because


seeing like

you know you fly in on a playstation 5 controller and your your spaceship is a ps5 controller and

here's all these characters that look like playstation characters and i'm like

i don't like it it makes the whole experience you'd like it i would not like it i don't even

like when nintendo's like in breath of the wild it's like here's a tablet and it looks like i hate

like uh trace memory yeah you had the ds and you're like come on like i liked it it's like

okay it's nice i get it but i'd rather it wasn't there um so astrobot is like that but

that always bugged me i'm like man this game is so whimsical and inventive that it would be even

more so if we didn't have to have all these remember these playstation things and if anything

i don't know how deeply people look into it it's even more disappointing because you're like

look at all these great characters from games that sony does not do it's like it's like it's

so you're like oh yeah i remember parappa i remember jumping flash i remember uh whatever

crash bandicoot now crash is not even related to playstation anymore we don't we haven't had

jumping flashing in years parappa 2 was the last parappa game we got like you look back and you're

like man look at how strong early years of playstation were now look at where we are

like you got god of war and you got

bloodborne i guess i mean you can throw uncharted in there but we haven't seen

oh just last night i found out that i was in a war and i was in a war and i was in a war

jack and daxter character i'm like oh that's great boy i wish we had a new one of those it's

been it's like a it's like a a graveyard of playstation characters where you're like

we get 10 of these characters and 90 you haven't seen anymore or now they're multi-platform i'm

like do you really want to remind people what they used to get i'm sure sack boys in there

somewhere do you really want to remind them of how much they used to get through playstation

and now they don't get that i can't be the only one that feels this way there has to be somebody

else saying this in the review but

i don't know

i wouldn't if i was reviewing the game i would never knock it for that like i wouldn't that's

not a detractor as far as how the game plays and the experience that is something i could tell you

i don't like but i wouldn't be like the game's bad because there's too much dead playstation

stuff in there it's i can remove myself thematically from that thematical element

because i know it's not right to review the game based on that merits or that merit um it's just

something that irks me so i i would imagine well it takes the focus away from the game it's like

people are only going to play it for these inside jokes when i see that stuff i think about boy this

would be so much better if they didn't have to have this stuff there because then they would

have thought of something on their own that they would put in so but outside of that great that's

a personal gripe loving the game feels just like i feel when i play a nintendo game where i'm like

i put it down and i'm only putting it down because i got to go to bed and i'm like i can't wait to

get back in there like last night i unlocked a new level i'm like oh i'm really excited to see

what's in that level um it it's like i'm like i'm like i'm like i'm like i'm like i'm like i'm like

it's uh it's the best facsimile of a nintendo game you're gonna get and that's meant as the

highest form of praise uh from me as far as nintendo games go when it comes to platformers

that's what i'm talking about if you like a nintendo platformer i don't see why you wouldn't

like this it's really it's great so far what came out on like nintendo stuff this year

i've had plenty you're asking me questions that take a lot of research i don't remember

what happened yesterday yeah don't worry about it then switch games

2024 yeah i mean it's a nintendo podcast let's let's take a look

you know what came up echoes of wisdom not yet oh i'm just trying to think

uh are you talking just in general or first party um i guess first party okay first

party there's been a lot of games in general games 2024

uh princess peach showtime luigi's mansion 2hd

uh mario versus donkey kong uh a lot of these are not this year paper mario the thousand year door

i mean those wouldn't i guess that yeah paper mario wouldn't get

a great rating oh did super mario rpg come out this year super mario rpg

this was in may there had been a lot of remakes and remasters i guess

two and three side order another code recollection uh endless ocean luminous

uh all right you know i'm just trying to see like and like in general any blockbuster games

that came out that would bump it from the echoes of wisdom is coming uh um uh mario and luigi

the uh the new mario and luigi rpg is coming out that uh i don't think it'll be that high

but it'll be very well reviewed um super mario party art uh jamboree which i can't say anything

about um

hogwarts legacy was last year that kind of was that early this year on switch it came out on

switch this year but it came out last year on other systems i'm just trying to think of like

what other things could be higher rated still really selling well though and there's a lot

of things that come out for microsoft or playstation that i don't know what's that

other one people are people are actually liking it despite all of the controversy right sorry

sorry radical defects i see this i should have come in here sooner uh meo came out yes detective

what'd you just say i'm sorry the uh the game that's getting a lot of controversy because of

the company right that game is is do people really like it though i really apologize what game i

don't know i was reading the game focused the game that's based on the the monkey king right

uh yes uh uh wukong whatever we said yeah yeah i we talked about it last week so that is

um doing well for them that's doing crazy well yeah the last update i saw was 18 million copies

sold and it's been two weeks wow that i mean it's very chinese centric and there's a huge market in

china for people who are looking for that kind of stuff i don't know how much is sold here but

18 million plus in two weeks for a brand new ip that's staggering that's incredible can you call

it a day

a brand new ip it's based on a legend that like we all know it's a brand new ip it's not a game

that exists anywhere else it's a brand new ip for that company and yeah i like i said i really want

to play it but i have my issues with the company so i don't know what i'm gonna do i haven't felt

right getting it yet but we'll see what happens but that's still not rated as high as astrobot

there's nothing rated as high as astrobot yeah nothing like it um also um we were talking about

uh concord and

thank you uh there was some good discussion last week after the podcast from you guys about concord

and um the negativity that the developers have been getting and the backlash and the

craziness that they were they were being attacked with and i saw some people were bringing up um

some people were bringing up uh or were questioning if there were uh

if the developers were getting any kind of negativity or pushback or how strong it was

and i saw other people were

out there saying like no there's stuff going on here's examples of what's been happening and

lots of uh yeah they they were getting raked over to coals in more ways than one um but

that's very funny tent division that's very toilet oh um but uh concord uh 11 days after

it came out concord is removed from sale done uh sony cut the cord and the developers said like

we're going to try and look at ways to reconfigure this game and maybe it will return in the future

but we said last week it was a disaster uh as far as the the pushback from players and consumers

went um and we heard it wasn't selling well and we heard there were issues uh for the company and

now we know it's true the game man 11 days they spent eight years working on that game and 11

days after it's out they have pulled the plug and it may never return it could but

may never return uh tent division says can we talk about that they shut it down after two weeks

i feel so bad for developers yeah spent eight years working on that game to be shut down in 11

days uh gamers pushed back really hard on that saying they did not like what it was and they did

not want to spend their money on it and i don't think there's anything wrong with someone saying

this isn't for me or i'm uninterested and i don't want to buy it that is your right 100 i i agree

i do not agree again with the mistreatment of the developers or the uh the harassment online

uh of the developers or even just the in general dead game and all that stuff i think that's gross

i think that's rude mean i think that's horrible people saying dead game and l game and all that

stuff i really don't like that but fine whatever be like that the people who were attacking the

developers and

uh specific developers in general no hard line no on that one i am against that if you want to

be a piece of garbage and go like shoot your hot takes at the development team and you know get

internet points for being snarky not my cup of tea i'm gonna look down on you but go ahead and

do it you're fine but threatening people and uh searching out their personal information

and sending death threats and all that stuff no like you're getting major pushback from me

on that one so crazy stuff happening with those developers i feel terribly for those developers

uh management at sony and the developer uh misjudged what the what gamers were looking for

and it may have been a different case eight years ago and you know the game took a while so

it is what it is i hope that those developers well honestly i hope they've updated their resumes

because i'm i'm guessing they're going to be out of a job soon but i hope that's not the case i

hope the game gets rejiggered in some way and i hope that the developers are going to be able to

and comes back out and whatever i hope there's a path to success for them honestly i've heard some

and seen some uh content from creators that i thought i enjoyed and i've been this really

disheartened with their path that they've taken with this to basically you know do what a lot of

people are doing and dog pile on the game and the developers and using them to like hit them

with zingers and you know get like i said internet points and i'm like ah you know

it's very disappointing i'm not going to name creators in particular but there's

one very much in particular who i really enjoyed and i watched a video they did about the game

recently i was like oh this is really upsetting to see them going this route they weren't horrible

but they were going in on it more than i thought they would and i was like i don't i don't like

that so call me too sensitive call me the boy who doesn't want the mouse to run across his feet but

that's who i am so um

there you go that's that we got questions i need to know if we're doing music this week

we have to did you already do it i didn't that's why then don't do it you're okay

do's not here it's okay take it take it easy do your garden scapes it's okay i mean i'm happy

hey okay you're like a million degrees what's going on over here welcome to my life oh a lady

um enjoy your garden scapes i'll take all the heat for it

we'll do it next week it's okay i'm happy to do it i i i am saying this out loud i'm saying this

out loud it is not mom brain's fault that we are not doing music i am taking the heat for it

whatever works mom brain said she would do it i am saying we will not do it this week it's okay

do is not here we'll hold off for when do's here also we could use more regular questions

in the questions email also also we have a great backlog of music

we really do we have a great backlog of music we really do we have a great backlog of music we really do

but we could always use more so if you enjoy the questions section and the music section of the

podcast send all of that to goninpod at gmail.com where goninpod at gmail.com send it all there

uh i promise you next week mom brain i'm letting you know this now we will do more

music than usual let's do 15 songs are you okay with that i don't think i'm gonna be here next

week sorry oh for real yeah

well i already committed to next week i can't do two weeks okay

15 songs next week you got it and if you if you guys

trying to think of what to say here if you guys really amp up the questions in the music

i have an internal i have a number in my mind if we reach this number i promise i will be honest

about it i'll even whisper at the mom brain later if we reach that number i'll give you

something special we'll do something special

that's all i'll say but let's get to this week's questions we have a question from jovial jeffer

oh did you guys ever have king vitamin cereal it was basically just a healthier version of

captain crunch which is weird because it was also owned by quaker it had the strangest mascot

mascot of all just a weird actual human king guy i think he could kick his trash because he's just

an infirm old human'll

man uh the back of the box has always had one of the four weird royal masks you could cut out i've

never heard of this cereal me either quaker they said quaker uh yes so they must be remembering an

older box because they said it had a actual human king as the mascot well i mean he's a human king

no come on yeah that you just said that it's a cartoon what did i say the name of the cereal

oh there you go oh my god is that no king vitamin cereal oh i don't like it

sorry reminds me of like the uh that one actor like the not the is the eight is enough actor

i know who you're talking about a corn and oat multivitamin and iron supplement

oh look at those shapes you know what that looks like the inspiration for


with like the razor oh i sent it just i didn't even look ice stilbert you and i did the same

picture i'm so sorry ice stilbert was on top of it um that that the crusty like one box has like a

metal crusty or whatever and it looks like a razor blade or whatever that's what i do not

hate you i hate none of you here i don't really hate anyone to tell you the truth um king vitamin

uh never saw it this is the kind of cereal cover that if

i was a young child i would have been scared of uh but i do want to try it it's not vitamin

it's vitamin vitamin vitamin right oh yeah king vitamin vitamin

he's the vitamin i'm sorry i love that his uh you're all right you're all right just double

checking yes it's king vitamin it's not vitamin it's vitamin they're trying to do something there

he's got like a picnic tablecloth wrapped around his neck like a thick collar it's it's not really

an ascot but uh tony de la mancha says tear down the vitamin vitamin oh my god vitaminarchy yeah

that is great um never heard it never seen it king vitamin but bring back that shape i'm down

with the shape

i want to see if it still exists it does that's what i showed you but everywhere that says it

still exists also shows it as out of stock which sometimes means it's discontinued

uh king vitamin cereal vitamin cereal was discontinued in 2019

there you go just missed it just barely missed it but you can get it off of uh ebay yep i'm sure

i'm sure it'll be expired somebody

somewhere just an expired box of cereal and had to go to the hospital i'll send i'll try to how do

i say have you guys been getting the tiktoks that are like legendary grandpa grandparent fridge

pulls yes they're so good time and you know who else i've been getting no i don't know who

yap dollar oh that's right what does he say i don't remember king all right

or something like that uh i'm going to find yap dollar okay

this one for a dollar for a yap dollar i guess it's the same guy just a different angle

look at how delicately he holds the spoon and you can get it's a really tiny spoon and you

can get a royal racing coach inside coach look at his crown look at his crown it's all spoons

that's really nice that's a halloween costume oh you don't really see it in the other one

because it's covered by the vitamin logo wow yes you can do that that's

look up yap dollar on tiktok and get ready to go down as a rabbit hole you're either

gonna hate or you're gonna love i love it i want to see king vitamin cosplay let's

come on halloween's right around the corner my friend you're a big halloween guy

i'm finding a big vitamin

guy by the way uh matthew lesko the old money guy the crazy guy with the question mark suits

uh as i've said before he is on tiktok but he did like one of my comments because i was so

happy to see him uh thank you for the question jovial jeffer you let us down an interesting

rabbit hole it's about food which we love on this podcast it's about cereal which we doubly

love on this and now we learned about a new cereal we've never heard of and it's about kings which

we want to abolish them all rummy king boy uh we also have a

patreon question my brain did you know that you can join the patreon for a dollar for a dollar for

a dollar for a dollar where for yap for a dollar uh knock on wood says let's say next mario kart is

a celebration of nintendo called mario kart and company what characters and courses from across

nintendo do you want to see well i guess that makes uh everybody open to it and as i've said

before i don't want that um i wouldn't be mad about it but personally i'd be like we've money

the water's all over the place

but as open as smash brothers because i mean we already have a celebration of nintendo yes

link is in there and there is a hyrule castle course animal crossing is in there and there

is an animal crossing course uh f-zero is in there samus is not no samus

let samus race in her uh her pod now there's two ways of looking at it it's nintendo

so much like everybody i could just be like just put everybody in i don't care

who do i want based on who i think would fit well

throw kirby in there you could ride his little star thing just like kirby air ride

well kirby's got their own uh racing game right well he had kirby air ride but that was one and

done um like fire emblem characters don't make sense to me uh

like i'm trying to think of what i actually like

legit would want in there i love everything starfox so put fox and the gang in there little

r wings and i would love that no you wouldn't even need that you're gonna have the uh the tank

whatever it's called the r tank i don't know what it was called i love starfox so much i wish more

people liked it i know miyamoto likes it but didn't somebody say did we talk about that last

week somebody said that they expect that there's going to be more starfox the artist who drew the

original characters for starfox said uh between f0 and starfox he would imagine miyamoto would do

another starfox he doesn't think we've seen the last of it because he said starfox is very near

and dear to miyamoto's heart which i think is very obvious based on the things you've seen him say

and the things he's done like the puppets and the special animated features and the two wii u games

like it's clear miyamoto a really loves starfox and b also recognizes that it's not a big seller

and i'm sure that hurt

him so you know maybe with the switch's successor since we haven't seen anything

switch starfox related they could be like now let's really do something if you

if they ever have a virtual another another virtual reality game for an like a nintendo

system like a virtual reality system or add-on whatever i think at that point you might see a

starfox game i don't see


i'll take it also they could already do a starfox thing just like uh the mario kart

um thing with like a drone why not i knowing nintendo they would never do that because

it'd be too afraid of people getting hurt by crashing in this stuff uh how about you throw

uh some pilot wing characters in mario kart i'd like to see nester return and i i like all that

weird uh pilot wings lore so i'm all about that uh yeah i'm not really one that's going to be a

i'm more

put tingle anywhere i'll take tingle anywhere you want them put them in a metroid game put

them in a fire emblem game i don't care i'll take her i'll take tingle anywhere

anywhere more tingle or um of what you might call it right give me

any one of those in there any one of those uh like the other um


creatures, whatever, from any one of the lands

from, you know...

What the hell are they called?

What are the rock people called?



It sounds racist.

Well, that's what I was going to say.

Any of the other races that exist

in Hyrule, but like...

The Zora.

That's the one I'm thinking of.

The, uh...

The winged people.

I can't remember.

I can't think of anything, so...

Why can't I think of them?

I don't know.

That's terrible.

I run a Nintendo site.

Did you see that there...

It was a TikTok, but it's an old video, I think,

of, like, the little kid running around.

You're right, Tony DeLauncha.

A little boy running, and...

He says,

I'm Zelda!

And the mom goes,


You mean the boy Link?

And he goes...

Or no, he's like,

You know Zelda's the girl?

And he goes,


Radical defect.

Thank you.

The land...

The Landmaster is the name of the tank from Star Fox,

not the R tank.

Uh, Pikmin.

Yeah, put Olimar in there.

That's great, Tentavision.

I agree with that.

Um, and as Tony DeLauncha said,

Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

are motorcycles, so put them in there.

You play as Olimar,

but the items you get are Pikmin,

and you throw them out at characters.


That's great, too.

Yeah, they, like...

Like they're an object.

Tear apart your cart.


Yeah, they knock stuff off,

or just slow you down,

because they're beating you up.

How about Banjo-Kazooie, then?

They know all about driving.

That's not Nintendo.

Yeah, you're right.

They do know all about driving,

because they drove that franchise into the ground!


Drove it to an early grave.

Uh, carts that made of Pikmin.

Sure, why not?

Uh, so there you go.

That's our choices for that.

Uh, and that's it.

I'm so sorry.

Spiders and flies.

Take the week off.

Do Michaels, we speak your name.

The Rito.

Spiders and flies, we speak your name.

The Rito are the flying race in Zelda.

The Rito.

Like, Borrito.

That's right.


Who's hungry?

I am.


We had...

I guess it's after show kind of stuff.

I'll save it for two seconds from now.


I'm sorry we don't have a real spiders and flies for you.

No rumor this week.

We do.

We speak your name.

I mean, it's not really a rumor.

It's not a trumer, but I think after this podcast,

we can probably look forward to a King Vitaman game

or tie-in somewhere.

Yeah, where we just had a question a couple weeks ago

about which serial mascot do you think you could take?

I think King Vitaman could take them all.


Because he's real.


Take him out.

I mean, you don't go up against...

I play that game.

You don't go up against...

I don't think he's got a game.

Why can't King Vitaman...

I'm looking at it right there.

Big Bumpin' is one of them.

They have three games.

Sneak King.

Wait, is Big Bumpin'?

Big Bumpin'.

And I don't remember the other one.

Sneak King?

That's what I said.

I only remember Big Bumpin' because I'm looking at it.

I have all three.

Isn't there a motorcycle one?

I think that's Big Bumpin'.

Like a pocket bike?

We're not going to leave you guys hanging.

We're going to look this up.

What was Big Bumpin'?

Mom Brain, can you grab that right now?


It's like right behind you.

The Big Bumpin' game.

It's right under Knights right there on top of Pinry.


Oh, boy.

Yeah, bring them all.

Play it safe.

Pocket Bike Racer, Mom Brain.

Big Bumpin', which is like carts and then Sneak King.

So Pocket Bike Racer?

Pocket Bike Racer.

Was different than Big Bumpin'.

Look at that.

I know, right?

Mom Brain just pulled out, as the internet would say, a mythic pull.

The Netflix Wii disc is sitting on this shelf over here.

Oh, it's in here, too.

Of course.

Of course, it's the king.

Everything should be where it is because I went through all those games.

Nothing terrible.

Nothing terrible, everyone.

Everything's fine.

Big Bumpin'.

All right, everybody.

That's what we got.

I'm sorry the end of the show is so lackluster because of no do, but that's how everything

is without do.

It just doesn't end as well.

But that's all we got.

Thanks for watching.

Thanks for listening.

We will be back next week.

We'll be back next week without Nikki Hill, I guess, but with do.

And that's it.

Goodbye, everybody.


Everybody, have a great week.

Be safe.

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