OtakuGeneration.net :: (Show #1004) Sasaki and Peeps

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OtakuGeneration.net :: (Show #1004) Sasaki and Peeps

otakugeneration's Podcast

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Welcome to Otaku Generation. Next generation radio for Otaku.

Our podcast brings all the Otaku to the yard.

Welcome to show 1004. Hi, hello everyone. I am Alan.

And I am Paul.

All right, so we don't have a sweeper.

What's free anymore? What have I been doing? I got COVID after I came back from

Otakon. I've been surviving that. You guys kind of know this. I wouldn't normally say this

otherwise, but come Monday morning, I got laid off. So that's not a fun thing. So I'm on the

search for a new job. So that's kind of what's new with me immediately. Because we had sort of

a long weekend, I had an opportunity, and now that I have so much free time, opportunity to

start going through the Otakon stuff. And so I was able to make a 23-minute,

quick cut of something that I sent up late last night to a couple people. So we'll see where that

goes. So this is the history of Otakon video you're working on, right?

Yeah. So when I started this whole thing, the idea was we make some kind of a feature. I mean,

I said this before, but the problem with that kind of thing is you got to create, cultivate a couple

storylines, and you only highlight like a few things, right? Or a few people. You can't do the

history and stories and all that stuff together in one sort of two-hour thing. It's just not,

it's not feasible. It's not possible. And it's a lot of work for one individual, which is just me.

I've been doing a lot of somewhat random, but also obviously a little bit more calculated now,

you know, a few years of what I've been filming, where, you know, at this point,

no one has really seen anything. Internally, some people have seen some stuff, stuff that

showed up in the museum, but the larger group of the world has not.

Seen anything from me. So I'm coming in the blind asking, hey, I want to follow you around. I'll be

in your room for a little bit. I want to sort of feature your department. That kind of thing is

really the target of my focuses right now for, you know, obviously it was for this year and

obviously for next year. So what's the target date for getting it out there to the public?

So this stuff is going to, I think at this point, it's going to show up in self-contained clips.

Gotcha. And YouTube.

Yeah, because this was the big anniversary year for Otakano, right?

Yep. It was a 30.

So this was a big year. We, you know, we had a big museum, a big room that it was typically our

photo suite. For some reason, photo suite didn't come together for this year and it drew a fair

amount of attention. So one of the key things I did, definitely a lot of past convention chairs

roaming around that are at the event. Sometimes they're still staff. A lot of times there are

cases where they're not staff. So they have a lot more freedom with their time. I was able to take

two past con chairs, ask them to walk through the museum together and talk to each other

about what they were seeing as they were going from each sort of set of years. So we didn't have

30 cabinets. We had cases where it's like 1994 to 95, 96 to 97. So we had a bunch of those. And then

as you get, you know, closer, sort of as you get farther down the line in the years, we started,

had some cabinets where it was like 2000,

2015, Baltimore, 2015, Vegas, right together as one cabinet. So, you know, we had a lot of that

going on, but we, we definitely had 15 or more cabinets that you could go look at and see stats

and specifics and boards on an easel to read and look at details and see some of the, the things

from that, you know, from those years. So I had them walk through and I mic'd them up. I let them

walk through and, um, all one take, I did like a 40 minute recording.

With them. And I cut it down to 23 minutes and made an edit. And I, um, put all the lower thirds

and stuff and double checked everything last night. So I was editing to like 1 AM last night.

So that was the thing I did. Um, so we got to get it sort of checked with other people to make sure

that they feel comfortable with like putting this up on YouTube. Not all of these are going to be

23 minutes that I may at most, they're going to be a feature of a department with people of note

for that department. Um, a lot of B roll.

You know, highlighting what they're talking about. Um, and those things, I don't know how long they're

going to cut, but they're going to be under 10 minutes probably at most. So anyhow, that's just

sort of the active project I've been working on. Um, and I'm doing a lot throughout the year. Yeah.

So those are things that were, what was hot with me. What about you, Paul?

What about me? Yeah, I guess it's been a while since we've checked in as we don't normally

do what's free during season impressions and man season impressions just seem to be getting

longer and longer. Yeah.

Um, so I got, I got to say it, it, it, this was still the standard, what we've been doing six series a week for six weeks, but between Otakon and some, you know, various personal stuff going on with the cast, it got kicked out a couple, but that means we just have a month to discuss other stuff here before it's back to the grind and back to the grind is going to be autumn and autumn is traditionally like one of the heaviest seasons. So we'll see how that actually, uh, actually pans out.


But let's see. So what have I been doing? So, uh, so I think last time we checked in, I had been watching my way through MCU and had stalled out on the Eternals and I started watching the Eternals and I didn't hate it, but I still stalled out anyway. So, so no more MCU progress.

Yeah, the internals was okay. Um, I was expecting way more from it and, um, it, it wasn't, it was disappointing.

Yeah, I mean, I've been hearing, so, so, I mean, I think the biggest problem with it is going to be that it's three fucking hours long or whatever.

It is. I mean, that's just too much. I mean, chop into the two movies, do something. I mean, find, find that story in here, right?

It doesn't even.

Or, you know, do a prestige series.

Even for all that time, it doesn't really add supplement that's going to find, well, maybe. I know there's a new Avengers movie that's in process or going to be coming. Um, it doesn't really, it didn't really add much value to the other mainstay products that they're spitting out.

So, um.

You know, there's definitely a couple movies that I want to see. I want to see the new Beetlejuice movie. Um, and I definitely want to see the Deadpool and Wolverine movie, but I'm okay not to, to wait for them to come out of theater and show up on Disney Plus. So, um, I don't know about Beetlejuice. I don't know who owns that. So, I don't know where that will show up.

Probably Disney because Disney owns freaking everything at this point. Uh, but what I did watch was I went back and rewatched the Tron movies.


Oh, okay. This is a, you watched the classic one from the seventies?

The classic one from the seventies, as well as Tron Legacy, as well as, um, most of the Disney, uh, TV series that was released. There was a, a Disney animated Tron series, actually.

Interesting. I didn't know that.

Yeah. Tron Uprising. And it's kind of set, uh, in the period between the two movies and it's not terrible. Uh, it's got kind of an interesting style to it.

Um, yeah. So, so the reason for that was I had, uh, sort of agreed to run a Tron role-playing game session and, uh, it went okay. Um, I, I was using a fan made system for a, uh, for a system called Genesis that I've talked about a fair amount and the fan system's great. Uh, but it was my usual problem where, uh, it's difficult to fit an entire story into, you know, a single three hour session.

So, so we'll see if we, we get another session of that to wrap up the story we were doing. So I, I was happy with, uh, like the backstory I came up with, but man, when you're trying to get like new people up to speed on a new system and, you know, it's just, it's just hard to sort of cram everything into the narrow confines of a one shot.

So there's some people out there who are really good at that. And I've managed to pull it off a couple of times, but in general, yeah, I,

I need to learn how to do it.

I need to learn my lesson and just like not try to run one shots.

Um, other than that, uh, the role-playing game front, I've got a, uh, sort of a short campaign of wild sea coming up.

I've talked about that system before.

This is one of my absolute favorite systems.

It is some of the weirdest stuff going.

It's set in a world which, you know, centuries ago was overrun by trees, just like this thrashing,

miles deep mass of vegetation, uh, running with, uh, with, uh, mutagenic sap.

Uh, and it's just this brilliantly, uh, creative, uh, imaginative world, um, fantastic art, fantastic sort of story prompts.

And it's really set up for, uh, sort of improvisational driven storytelling.

So it's not so much about here's this.

World here's some modules you can run.

It's very much about here are some really cool ideas for characters.

These are things they might want.

And in response to what, like the actual people around your table choose to want, here are some really awesome things you can throw at them as scenarios.

And that's like kind of my sweet spot for running games.

So I actually, this is a labor day as we're recording here and I spent the day rereading.


the source books and sort of getting just everything jammed into my brain.

I'm super, super hyped about this.

So we've got our, what we call session zero coming up on Wednesday where we get all the players together and they create characters and they're going to create their ship in this world.

Like the ship sailing, the wild sea are, are, uh, they have like chainsaws for prows that like cut their way through the, through the vegetation and so on.

So, so yeah, looking forward to that.

Uh, what else on the anime front?

I've been checking in on a few shows this season.

Uh, I think probably my favorite one is quality assurance in another world, uh, that I've watched a number of episodes of, uh, that's the one where it's kind of an isekai.

It's kind of a, you know, it's the trapped in a video game one, but the people trapped in this VR video game are, uh, are, are basically bug testers from various countries.

Uh, are, are basically bug testers from various countries.

And they've been trapped there for a long time.

So some of them have gone feral and they're just amusing themselves by torturing NPCs.

Um, and, and, but there's this one guy who's like, he just continues to send in bug reports and they've done a really interesting job coming up with like new twists on the concept each time.

So, you know, not like a top tier series, but definitely fun.

Um, yeah, so I, I'm definitely going to be finishing out this season.

We're what?

Eight, nine episodes.


Eight episodes in at this point.

And it's continued to me remain really solid.

So, uh, so it'll be, it'll be dropping on the schedule, uh, sometime, uh, sometime next, uh, next season here.

I guess, I guess the reason I don't remember is because in isekai I'm, I'm out.

I mean, really starting out.

It's kind of technically an isekai.

I mean, it's, the thing is it, it doesn't have most of the isekai tropes going for it.


It's not the, the, all of the, oh yeah, he's killed by a, uh, by a truck and he's super powerful and everybody's in love with him.

They'd like has none of that stuff, uh, which is in fact somewhat refreshing.

So this is, this is the kind of show I want to see more of, you know, everything doesn't have to be like top tier, completely original, but it has to find a new angle.

It has to like come up with interesting characters who are not just like those same flat stereotypes and a quality assurance.

And another world is, uh, doing that enough to keep it watchable for sure.

Uh, the other front, let's see, uh, um, makain, uh, that's the, um, it's a sort of a harem-y show.

Uh, not exactly.

It's, it's a guy who's ends up in a literature club.

He's never had any friends, but there's all these girls he ends up, uh, friends with who are actually not interested in him at all.

They are all sort of hopelessly in love.

With, uh, with some, some guy, uh, frequently a childhood friend or a senpai, you know, some, one of these, these classic scenarios, and they are on the losing end of all of these relationships.

Uh, I think the, uh, English translation of the title is too many losing heroines.

And again, I, I actually stuck with this one so far, it's not as good as quality assurance.

So this one, I, I, I'm a bit mixed on recommending.

It's not terrible.

By any stretch.

Uh, it's not falling into the, this is like a backdoor harem.

Uh, so, like, there's all these, you know, cute girls who sort of have, uh, aspects of various tropes associated with them.

But, you know, this far in, they are not actually ending up in relationships with the protagonist.

The protagonist is, like, not actually pursuing any of them.

You know, there might be a core relationship that ends up being, uh, the thrust of the, uh, story.

But, you know.

Even this far in, he's saying, date her?

No way, man.

I mean, she's cute, she likes to eat, but so are otters.

And you don't want to date an otter, man.


So kind of amusing.

Uh, not terrible.

Um, if you want that kind of light romance and don't have, uh, too high of standards, it's, uh, worth checking out.

Uh, also on that front, the pseudo-harem one.

That's about the, uh, the guy in a drama club.

And there's, uh, his, uh, junior in the class below.

Also in the drama club.

Who starts doing voices for various, uh, various, uh, character types.

So the, uh, the tsundere character, the, the cool character, and so on.

Uh, so it's, it's sort of this four-coma, uh, gag, uh, romance.

And, as feared, you know, after, like, three or four episodes, it had pretty much worked through the material it had available to it.



Didn't stick with that one.


Another one.

So this one is also not an isekai.

Uh, we talked about it fairly early in the impressions, uh, uh, stretch there.

That was the newbie adventurer trained to death by the most powerful party one.

Uh, it's like this, this 30-year-old guy.

Uh, he's, uh, you know, he's been working in the adventurer's guild.

And he decides he's finally going to, you know, take the plunge and become an adventurer himself.

And he's been massively overtrained by, you know, these hyper-powerful, um, uh, adventurers who, you know, train him so hard that he dies repeatedly.

But they're strong enough that they can resurrect him.

And for, like, the first episode and a half, he doesn't really understand that he's massively overpowered.

And that is the only interesting period in this show.

And after that, it transitions into just straight-up power fantasy.

So I, I flipped that one off.

I flipped that one off super fast after that.

Uh, anything else?

Uh, Shoshimin series.

That's the one by the author of, oh, no.

Uh, the, the name's eluding me.

It's the, uh, Kyoto, Kyoto Animation series.

Uh, anyway, it's the, uh, sort of light, um, light high school mystery.

And when I say light, it's very light.

It's like, you know, who, you know, how did my friend manage to make three cups

of cocoa while only getting, you know, three cups dirty or something like that?

That's one of the, actually, the literal plot of an episode.

And it annoys me, uh, Hyouka.

That's the name of the, uh, the, uh, the, uh, previously animated series.

It annoys me just as much of Hyouka as Hyouka and possibly even slightly more.

So, again, despite the very good animation and, you know, the, the thing is,

the thing that's so frustrating about these is there's that promise there

that they're going to do something interesting,

but the entire point is they're going to make it look interesting

and it isn't going to be.

It is going to be the most mundane thing possible.

It's like slapping you across the face as you try to watch it, so.

Yeah, but you and I have watched so much anime,

don't you, I, I, the fact that you still have hope

that these shows are going to do something different.

Yeah, you know, that's, that's, that's why I'm still on the podcast, man.

You know, every so often, there's that show.

It comes up.

But yeah, Shoshime series is not that one.


I mean, that being said, you know, in the many, many, many nines,

you know, nine, 99.9, I don't know, go, go to a trillion nines.

Every once in a while, we'll get something.

But we have to watch, I don't know, 400 terrible shows a year

to, to find out that one of them is, it's going to suggest it will do something.

But it won't.

Well, but, you know, I mean, for me, you know, also,

as long as I get, like, a couple good quips out of it for the show, that's enough.

I mean, I, I actually, you know, despite the fact, so I, I gotta say, you know,

despite the fact that, like, the Impressions shows are just massively terrible.

I mean, like, 85% of these shows are almost unwatchably bad.

Despite that, you know, I still enjoy the process of, you know,

just doing this unprogrammed, you know,

go through everything, see what's going on.

But I have to admit that over, like, the last five years,

the, the charm has started to wear off a bit

because we aren't getting quite as many of those, those variant shows.

You know, Isekai has, has really been a, just like a,

a soul-crushing change to the shows we've been getting.

And I've been heartened.

And I've been heartened that over the last couple seasons,

we've at least had a slight drop in the number of Isekai shows.

They're changing them up.

So, still terrible, but not terrible in, like, literally exactly the same way.

They're, they're walking a fine line of trying not to be an Isekai,

but it still is an Isekai.

Yeah, that's, but at least they're, they've, they've taken the fig leaf off.

Like, you know, there's these, so many of the Isekai shows, they're like,

oh yeah, I was killed by a truck.

Okay, we will never talk about it again.


It's, you know, like, they, at least they've stopped that portion.

Now, if they get rid of the, this character is massively overpowered,

and the game interfaces, and like all the other trips,

that would be great.

You know, just keep, keep it moving.


And I mean, we see a couple shows lately where they kind of, you know,

hang a lampshade on it.

So, you know, like we had the one this season with like the truck of selection

that selected the wrong person who actually was not suitable for,

for reincarnation.

But the problem is, you know, it's that usual anime parody problem.

It's not actually a parody.

It's just doing the thing while saying you're doing it.

That is not parody.

Not to cut things too short, but we're going to jump in our topic this week,

which is...

Which is Sasaki To P-chan, or Sasaki and Peeps,

as it is known in the, in the local market as localized.


All right.

What do we, what do we need to know about the show?

What do we need to know?


So Sasaki and Peeps.

So it's a, a light novel series.

It's kind of an alternate world series.

It's not exactly isekai.

It's got a few elements of that.

We have our main character, Sasaki.

He is a salary man, probably in his thirties, I'd say, from the look of it.

He has kind of a, not exactly a miserable job.

It's okay.

But, you know, it's kind of just this ground down, completely mundane existence.

And, you know, he hears his coworkers talking about, you know, their cute cats.

And he, he's like, oh my God, that is so cute.

I'm going to get a pet.

I'm going to get a cat.

And so he decides to stop at a pet store on the way home and ends up, not with a cat,

but with a bird.

A, a, a java finch or a java spider.

Or a java sparrow.

With, with a star, stars in its eyes.

And it turns out that this, this bird is in fact a reincarnated star sage from a parallel world.

And, and Sasaki and this bird, who he names Piercarlo, aka Peeps or P-chan.

They start traveling back and forth.

Between his regular world and the alternate world.

And this is where we start to diverge from the usual isekai formula.

So, so it starts asking questions like, well, can we set up like a trade route here?

So, so he starts taking small items back and forth like walkie talkies and, you know, unusual food items.

And selling them.

And starting to establish relationships.

Starting to establish relations with the, the local nobles.

Except it turns out it's, it's actually hard to stay under the radar.

And it turns out there are a lot of psychics operating in Japan.

And he catches the attention of the organization that sort of tracks and monitors them.

It turns out, so this is where we start to sort of branch out.

So psychics have like one power.

So they have like one thing they can do.

Except Sasaki, you know, he's got magic.

So he can actually do a bunch of things.

So he has to then try to stay under the radar.

Not let anybody know that he's actually a magician.

He's just like a perfectly ordinary psychic with water magic.

And, you know, we start getting additional people with powers dropped in.

You know, there's magical girls.

And so on.

So, so yeah.

I'm trying to think if we had any other factions that were introduced.

I don't think so in this, in this season.

There's the magical girl.

And she doesn't like psychics.


And, you know, at this, up, up until that point, everyone is basically, if you had powers, you, you were a psychic of some sort.

Oh, okay.

Actually, there's another faction who's introduced in the very final episode.

Which I won't spoil.

So, but they didn't actually feature.

So they're clearly setting up for another season.

This is a light novel adaptation.

And, like, this is one that I kind of liked.

This has a lot going for it.

So there's a, a series of novels by Charles Strauss called The Family Trade.

And the entire premise of these books is more or less that there's a future.

More or less that there's a few people who can jump back and forth between alternate worlds.

And this person discovers that she is a member of one of these families who can do that.

But this is big business.

And so you have these extremely powerful forces who are basically maintaining sort of this, you know, this, this top-down control over their massive fortunes by monopolizing interdimensional trade routes.

And this show hints at that a little bit.

But it doesn't really go that far into it.


So it kind of cheats its way.

It's not, it's not technically an isekai.

The main character doesn't die.

And isn't reincarnated.

Instead they sort of, they slip it in.

They cheat it through a pet.

And we don't spend a lot of time on the pet.

He's just looking for a pet.



All of a sudden, okay, now powers and alternate worlds.

And then it gives you a whole, whole premise.

The main character just feels out of place all the time.

In his own world and in any other dimension.


So his whole shtick is he's been in business for a while.

So he knows how to deal with difficult clients.

And it turns out that dealing with like an obstreperous nobleman.

Or the head of a trading company.

Isn't that different than the stuff he did at his everyday job.

And most of the problems are resolved.

Either by, by peeps.

By P-chan.

You know, doing some massive act of excessively overpowered magic.

Or by Sasaki coming up with a clever plan.

And the clever plan aspect, you know, I kind of like that.

That's often, you know, some fairly good twist.

He's trying to stay under the radar.

He's trying to smooth everything over.

Keep people happy.

And that aspect I think works pretty well.

Which brings us to the bit that doesn't work quite as well.

Which is that the only female characters in this show are about 15 or 16 years old.

And they are all basically doting on Sasaki.

Or interested in him in some way.


And, you know, like his neighbor, for example.



It just feels inappropriate.

We definitely know that this guy is, you know, he's well into his age.

He's not a teenager.

And not fitting in is basically how you can describe the character.


So, I mean, so you've got what?

So you've got his neighbor who's, you know, always sitting out on her doorstep.

She's probably like 14, I'd say.

And it's presumably.

And she's.

Apparently can't go into her house because presumably her mother is entertaining gentleman callers.

You've got his, his senpai at the psychic bureau who turns out to be a high schooler.

Who is, you know, extremely ambitious and combat oriented.

You've got the exceptionally young daughter of the Duke or Viscount, I guess, in the other world.

You've got the sort of vampire girl.

And so.

So there's all these characters.

And the show doesn't actually.

So he's not actually, like, perving on them.

But the show is perving on them.


He's perfectly appropriate.

He's like.

He's just made.

Just like an ordinary 30 year old guy.

But, like, the show is setting this up.

So this is weird and creepy.

And once you know that the author of the light novel uses the name Mooncoat Loadley.

That kind of tells you, you know.


And that kind of tells you.

This is not an accident.

I mean, it wasn't going to be an accident.

But these are the only women who exist in this world.

And that's.

That's really disappointing.


You know, it's really clear with, like, the neighbor, for example, it's clear she's inappropriately

interested in him.

She is very...

Interrogates him quite often because obviously she's jealous or she just wants to know what

her what her options are.

But, you know.

ever comes from it. And as you said, he is always appropriated the whole time. He doesn't really

have any real response to it. It just is. He's just there and they're just doing what they do.

Yeah. But this show would, again, it would have a totally different resonance if like these were

actual like adult women, not, you know, extremely immature high school age girls or younger.

And so I, I enjoyed this show well enough, but it just didn't quite live up to what I felt the

potential was. Yeah. I would, I'm never into magical girl shows. I, it doesn't, it doesn't

appeal to me. The inappropriate relationship stuff never appeals to me. I didn't, I didn't

hate this show, but I, nothing about the show is, is naturally


It engages my interests.

So, so I did like how they, how they kept changing things up. Right. So it isn't like,

here's our concept. We're going to do this for the next 12 episodes. Oh, you like this? We're

going to do 24 episodes. We're going to do 36 of exactly the same thing. It never goes more than

an episode or two without, you know, Sasaki, who's just trying to settle into things being,

you know, perfectly predictable, conventional, make a little extra money on the side,

transferring goods back.

And forth, but there's something that comes up that changes things. He's having to sort

of weave and dance in response to these external pressures and all these new factions coming

in that aspect. I think that's good, right? That is how you continue to add interest to

a show like this. He's not excessively overpowered. Now we do have the excessively overpowered

character of star sage peeps, which means that he's never in any actual threat. And

the thing is, you know, it's okay for characters to be an actual threat, right? That is, that is

an okay thing to have in, in a, a piece of entertainment. And I wish we had a little

more of it. This show doesn't quite manage it. Yeah. The one thing is his, his life isn't

overdramatic or uninteresting. You know, they start us out with saying, you know,

they start us out by implying that his life is incredibly boring and by getting a pet,

his life would be more interesting. So I'm going to,

go get a pet. And then, you know, he gets the wrong pet. Um, and now his life is,

I don't know if he thinks it's interesting, but, but certainly it's way more,

more going on than his day job. Yeah. I mean, he, I think he's engaged by it. I think he,

he's enjoying what he's doing. He's enjoying, um, you know, he, he starts, uh, um, he,

he starts funding a restaurant in the other world. He's expanding, uh, his trade,

infrastructure, uh, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,

and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,

even as he's trying to lie low, he, he can't quite settle and he keeps, uh,

keeps trying new things. And so, so I, that,

that sort of internal tension I think is, is interesting. But overall, um, you know,

this is an okay show, um, not a strong recommend, but I enjoyed it well enough.

And, you know, if you, with those caveats, you know, if you're an anime viewer,

you know, much of the, uh, sort of, uh, the, the more,

dubious sexual politics

aspect are probably something that you're

able to gloss over.

Yeah, this isn't one to show to your

non-anime watching friends,

I guess, is kind of the takeaway there.

It doesn't fall on something

I would watch more of.

It wasn't poorly animated. I didn't pay any

attention to music, so that didn't

catch anything.

So Silverlink did the

production for this. They were the main

studio. They generally

do a pretty good job

with stuff. And this

was pretty good. It wasn't

brilliant. It wasn't terrible.

Yeah, the music

I think was completely


The final

had like a 3D CG

sort of super-deformed


for the ending.

I found that super annoying.

I did not enjoy that aspect.

Um, look, if there's

a show that you feel compelled

that you have to watch anime, but you don't

really care what's going on,

I mean, this is a show you could watch.

I'm not

sure I would recommend it, though.

Right, I watched it. I'll probably

watch the second season

because it's enjoyable enough.

It has enough of those

things where it's like, man, I just

wish it would do better.

And I gotta say, I might not make it through a second

season because these

shows tend not to improve

in that respect over time.

They tend to

start circling around

the tropes, the pool of

tropes that they've assembled. There's a point

where that stops growing.


Yeah. So I have three links.

One to Crunchyroll, one to the wiki,

and one to A&N.

oglink.com slash 776

778 and 779.

Alright, Paul, is there anything else

we need to talk about? Nope, I don't think so.

I mean, this is kind of a

middle-of-the-road show on the

watchable side thereof.

Yep, if you need something to watch,

it's fine.

So, I mean, from this

point forward, we're gonna watch

things, review things, at least through the

month of September until

a new season starts. So, for

all the things we've mentioned, please visit our website


or ognetworks.tv

You want to come and hang out with us in

discord, oglink.com slash discord.

There's a feedback channel in there. If you want to leave feedback,

people have been doing that.

You want to become a supporter, oglink.com

slash patreon or patron or slash


People have been signing up. That's good.

It's a good, healthy thing, and we're gonna keep encouraging

that until we get to show

1040, which will

make our 20th year. I think

we're gonna go Patreon only.

I think that's something we're

gonna do, and

I don't know. We'll see if we

continue to produce other shows

probably. It's always

the use case in my

brain. We'll see. We'll see

how things go in the future

because people trying

to commit to a podcast and be

consistent about it is a hard

thing, and most people don't

even make it through their first year

or their first three months

unless they're already famous. For 20 years, it's a hell of a run.

Yeah. You can email us at

ataka.generation at gmail.com

if you want to.

Um, okay. So

I want mug before I go cup

this time. Okay. What's in the

cup? Let's see what's

in the cup.

A lot of failures,

I suspect. Um, okay.

This side has less words on it.

You will discover your hidden

talent. Wow.

Okay. So, you know,

we don't get this very often, but

you know, that second word there, it's will.

Right? So what you're looking for

from a fortune, I've said this a lot,

is a statement about the

future. It's a prediction. And the

future tense is a strong way

to do that. And

so you will discover your hidden

talent. Um, you know, it's

not making major promises,

but, you know, statement about the

future, confidently

expressed, I gotta say,

you know, much to my

surprise, this is a fortune.

Okay. Well, there you go.

Alright. Well, thank you everyone for joining us this

week. Um, we will likely have a

mat next week. Uh, you just happen to

have people on. They were still hanging around on

a recording night. So, um,

so yeah. So thank you everyone.

And until next time, have a good one.

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